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Gospel in Russian. Gospel in Russian. Epistles of the Apostle Paul

The holy book of the Christian religion, a record of God's revelations to man received over many millennia. This is a book of divine guidance. It gives us comfort in grief, the solution of life's problems, the condemnation of sin and spiritual maturity, so necessary to overcome our worries.

The Bible cannot be called one book. This is a whole collection of books, a library written under the guidance of God by people who have lived in different ages. The Bible has history, philosophy, and science. It also includes poetry and drama, biographical information, and prophecies. Reading the Bible gives us inspiration It is not surprising that the Bible, in whole or in part, has been translated into more than 1,200 languages. Every year, the number of copies of the Bible sold worldwide exceeds the number of copies sold of any other book.

The Bible truthfully answers questions that have worried people from time immemorial "How did man come about?" "What happens to people after death?"; "Why are we here on earth?"; "Can we know the meaning and meaning of life?" Only the Bible reveals the truth about God, points the way to eternal life, and explains the eternal problems of sin and suffering.

The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament, which tells about the participation of God in the life of the Jewish people before the coming of Jesus Christ, and the New Testament, which gives information about the life and teachings of Christ in all His truth and beauty.

  (Greek - “good news”) - the biography of Jesus Christ; books revered as sacred in Christianity, which describe the divine nature of Jesus Christ, his birth, life, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension.

The translation of the Bible into Russian was started by the Russian Bible Society at the Highest Command of the Sovereign Emperor Alexander I in 1816, renewed by the Highest Order of the Sovereign Emperor Alexander II in 1858, and completed and published with the blessing of the Holy Synod in 1876. This edition contains the text A synodal translation of 1876, reconciled with the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and the Greek text of the New Testament.

The commentary on the Old and New Testaments and the supplement “The Holy Land in the Times of Our Lord Jesus Christ” were reprinted from the Bible published in the Life with God publishing house in Brussels (1989).

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  Listen mp3 Gospel of John

1 Beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
  2 as it is written by the prophets: behold, I send my angel before your face, who will prepare your way before you.
  3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness: prepare the way of the Lord, make straight paths to Him.
  4 John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins ....

1 Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.
  2 Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac begat Jacob; Jacob begat Judah and his brothers;
  3 Judah begat Pharez and Zara from Tamar; Pharez gave birth to Esrom; Yeshrom begat Aram;
  4 Aram begat Aminadawa; Aminadab begat Naasson; Naasson gave birth to Salmon; ....

  1. As many have already begun compiling narratives of the events perfectly known between us,
  2. as the witnesses and ministers of the Word, who were from the very beginning, told us,
  3. then I judged it, after a careful study of everything at first, in order to describe to you, Hon. Theophilus,
  4. so that you recognize the solid foundation of the teaching in which you were instructed ....
Evangelist Luke

Introduction to the New Testament Books

The scriptures of the New Testament were written in Greek, with the exception of the Gospel of Matthew, which, according to tradition, was written in Hebrew or Aramaic. But since this Hebrew text has not been preserved, the Greek text is considered the original for the Gospel of Matthew. Thus, only the Greek text of the New Testament is the original, and numerous editions in various modern languages \u200b\u200bof the whole world are translations from the Greek original, the Greek language in which the New Testament was written was no longer the classical ancient Greek language and was not, as it was thought before, special New Testament language. This is spoken everyday language of the 1st century. according to P. X., which has spread throughout the world and known in science under the name “common dialect”, nevertheless, both the style and speed of speech, and the way of thinking of the holy writers of the New Testament show Hebrew or Aramaic influence.

The original text of the New Testament has come down to us in a large number of ancient manuscripts, more or less complete, numbering about 5,000 (from II to XVI century). Until recent years, the most ancient of them did not go back to the fourth century. by P. X. But lately, many fragments of ancient New Testament manuscripts on papyrus have been discovered (III and even II century). For example, the Bodmer manuscripts: In, Lk, 1 and 2 Pet, Jude - were found and published in the bo-x years of XX century. In addition to Greek manuscripts, we have ancient translations or versions in Latin, Syriac, Coptic and other languages \u200b\u200b(Vetus Itala, Peshitto, Vulgata, etc.), of which the most ancient ones already existed from the 2nd century to P. X.

Finally, numerous quotes of the Church Fathers in Greek and other languages \u200b\u200bwere preserved in such numbers that if the text of the New Testament were lost and all the ancient manuscripts were destroyed, then experts could restore this text from quotes from the creations of the Holy Fathers. All this abundant material makes it possible to check and refine the text of the New Testament and classify its various forms (the so-called textual criticism). Compared to any ancient author (Homer, Euripides. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Cornelius Nepos, Julius Caesar, Horace, Vergil, etc.), our modern - printed - Greek text of the New Testament is in an extremely favorable position. And by the number of manuscripts, and by a short time. separating the oldest of them from the original, and in the number of translations, and in their antiquity, and in the severity and volume of critical works performed on the text, he surpasses all other texts (for details, see: “Hidden treasures and new life”, archaeological discoveries and the Gospel , Bruges, 1959, p. 34 f.).

The text of the New Testament as a whole is fixed completely irrefutably.

The New Testament consists of 27 books. They are divided by publishers into 260 chapters of unequal length to facilitate links and citations. There is no such unit in the original text. The modern division into chapters in the New Testament, as throughout the Bible, was often attributed to the Dominican Cardinal Hugo (1263), who developed it by composing a symphony for the Latin Vulgate, but now think with good reason, the unit goes back to the Archbishop of Canterbury Stefan Langton, who died in 1228. As for the division into verses, now accepted in all editions of the New Testament, it goes back to the publisher of the Greek New Testament text, Robert Stefan, and was introduced by him in his edition in 1551.

The holy books of the New Testament are usually divided into lawful (Four Gospels), historical (Acts of the Apostles), educational (seven conciliar epistles and fourteen epistles of the Apostle Paul) and prophetic: Apocalypse, or Revelation of St. St. John the Evangelist (see The Extensive Catechism of Metropolitan Filater)

However, modern experts consider this distribution obsolete: in fact, all the books of the New Testament are both legislative and historical, and the prophecy is not only in the Apocalypse. New Testament science pays great attention to the exact establishment of the chronology of the gospels and other New Testament events. Scientific chronology allows the reader to follow with sufficient accuracy the New Testament life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles and the original Church (see Appendices).

The books of the New Testament can be distributed as follows.

  • Three so-called synoptic Gospels: from Matthew, Mark, Luke and separately, the fourth - the Gospel of John. New Testament science pays much attention to the study of the relationship of the first three Gospels and their relationship to the Gospel of John (synoptic problem).
  • The Book of Acts and the Epistle of the Apostle Paul ("Corpus Paulinum"), which are usually divided into:
      - Early Epistles: 1 and 2 to the Thessalonians;
      - Great Epistles: to the Galatians, 1 and 2 to the Corinthians, to the Romans;
      - Messages from bonds, i.e., written from Rome, where ap. Paul was imprisoned: to the Philippians, to the Colossians, to the Ephesians, to Filimoiu;
      - Pastoral Epistles: 1 to Timothy, to Titus, 2 to Timothy;
      - Epistle to the Hebrews;
  • Cathedral Messages ("Corpus Catholicum")
  • Revelation of John the Evangelist. (Sometimes, in the New Testament, “Corpus Joannicum” is distinguished, that is, everything that St. John wrote for a comparative study of his gospel in connection with his epistles and Rev.)

The Four Gospels

  1. The word "gospel" in Greek means "good news." That is what our Lord Jesus Christ called his teaching (Matthew 24:14; 26:13; Mark 1:15; 13:10; 19 :; 16:15). Therefore, for us, the "gospel" is inextricably linked with Him: it is the "good news" of salvation granted to the world through the incarnate Son of God. Christ and His apostles preached the gospel without writing it down. By the middle of the 1st century, this sermon was fixed by the Church in a stable oral tradition. The Eastern custom of memorizing sayings, stories, and even large texts helped Christians of the apostolic era accurately preserve the unwritten First Gospel. After the 1950s, when eyewitnesses of Christ's earthly ministry began to pass away one after another, the need arose to write down the gospel (Luke 1: 1). Thus, the “gospel" began to denote the narrative recorded by the apostles of the teaching of the Savior. It was read in prayer meetings and in preparing people for baptism.
  2. The most important Christian centers of the 1st century (Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Ephesus, etc.) had their own gospels. Of these, only four (Matthew, Mark, Lk, John) are recognized by the Church as inspired, i.e., written under the direct influence of the Holy Spirit. They are called “from Matthew”, “from Mark”, etc. (Greek kata corresponds to Russian “according to Matthew”, “according to Mark, etc.), for the life and teachings of Christ are set forth in these books by these four priests. Their gospels were not compiled into one book, which allowed us to see the gospel story from various points of view. In the second century St. Irenaeus of Lyons names evangelists by name and points to their gospels as the only canonical ones (Against heresies, 2, 28, 2). Contemporary St. Irenaeus Tatian made the first attempt to create a single gospel narrative, composed of various texts of the four gospels, "Diatessaron", that is, the "gospel of four."
  3. The apostles did not set themselves the goal of creating historical work in the modern sense of the word. They sought to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ, helped people to believe in Him, correctly understand and obey His commandments. Evangelical testimonies do not coincide in all details, which proves their independence from each other: eyewitness accounts always bear an individual coloring. The Holy Spirit does not certify the accuracy of the details of the facts described in the gospel, but the spiritual meaning contained in them.
      The insignificant contradictions encountered in the presentation of the evangelists are explained by the fact that God provided the clergy with complete freedom in conveying certain specific facts in relation to different categories of listeners, which further emphasizes the unity of meaning and direction of all four gospels.

New Testament Books

  • Matthew
  • Gospel of Mark
  • Luke's Gospel
  • Gospel of john

Acts of the Holy Apostles

Cathedral Messages

  • James's Epistle
  • First Epistle of Peter
  • Second Epistle of Peter
  • First Epistle of John
  • Second epistle of John
  • Third epistle of John
  • Jude

Epistles of the Apostle Paul

  • Romans
  • First Corinthians
  • Second Corinthians
  • Galatians
  • Ephesians
  • Philippians
  • Colossians
  • First Thessalonians
  • Second Thessalonians
  • First Epistle to Timothy
  • Second Epistle to Timothy
  • Titus
  • Message to Philemon
  • Hebrews
  Revelation of John the Theologian

Bible. Gospel. New Testament. Download the Bible. Download Gospel from: Luke, Mark, Matthew, John. Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse). Act of the Apostles. Epistle of the Apostles. Download in format: fb2, doc, docx, pdf, lit, isilo.pdb, rb

How to study the bible

  Suggested Tips to Make Your Bible Study More Productive
  1. Read the Bible daily, in a quiet and peaceful place where no one bothers you. Daily reading, even if you read not so much every day, is more useful than any irregular reading. You can start from 15 minutes a day and then gradually increase the time allotted to bible reading
  2. Set a goal to better know God and achieve deep love for God in your fellowship with Him. God speaks to us through His Word, and we speak with Him in prayers.
  3. Begin reading the Bible with prayer. Ask God to reveal to Himself and His will. Confess before Him sins that may hinder your approach to God.
  4. As you read the Bible, take short notes. Write down your notes in a notebook or keep a spiritual diary to record your thoughts and inner experiences.
  5. Read one chapter slowly, or maybe two or three chapters. You can read only one paragraph, but be sure to re-read at least once everything that you read before that in one sitting
  6. As a rule, it is very useful in understanding the true meaning of a chapter or paragraph to give written answers to the following questions: What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text read? What is its meaning?
  7. In which verse of the text is the main idea expressed? (Such “key verses” should be memorized by reading them aloud several times. Knowing the verses by heart will allow you to reflect on important spiritual truths during the day, when you, for example, stand in line or go in public transport, etc. in Whether there is a read text an instruction to which I must obey? Is there a promise I can claim to fulfill? d What will be the benefit of accepting the truth stated in the text? e. How should I use this truth in my own life, in accordance with the will of God? ( Avoid common and asplyvchatyh allegations Try to be clear and specific as possible in your notebook write down how and when you will use your life in the teaching of a particular paragraph or chapter)
  8. End your prayer classes. Ask God to give you inner spiritual strength to draw closer to Him on this day. Continue talking with God throughout the day. His presence will help you to be strong in any situation.

The word Gospel in modern language has two meanings: the Christian gospel of the coming of the Kingdom of God and the salvation of the human race from sin and death, and the book expounding this message in the form of a narrative of incarnation, earthly life, saving suffering, God’s death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Initially, in the Greek language of the classical period, the word gospel had the meaning of “reward (reward) for the good news”, “a thankful sacrifice for the good news”. Later, the good news itself began to be called. Later, the word gospel acquired a religious meaning. In the New Testament, it began to be used in a specific sense. In several places, the gospel refers to the sermon of Jesus Christ himself (Matthew 4:23; Mark 1:14-15), but most often the gospel is a Christian proclamation, the message of salvation in Christ and a sermon on this message. prot. Cyril Kopeikin Gospel - books of the New Testament, which contain a description of the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is four books named after the names of the compilation authors — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Among the 27 books of the New Testament, the Gospels are considered legal. This name shows that the Gospels have the same meaning for Christians as the Law of Moses - the Pentateuch, had for Jews. “THE GOSPEL (Mark 1: 1, etc.) is a Greek word meaning: the gospel, i.e. good, joyful news ... These books are called the Gospel because for man there can be no better and more joyful news, like the message of the Divine Savior and eternal salvation. Therefore, reading the Gospel in the church is each time accompanied by a joyful exclamation: Glory to you, Lord, glory to you! ”Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus

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Description: Gospel of Matthew. For those who love the Lord but cannot read. Brothers and sisters in Christ. God bless you!
28 chapters:
Chapter 1: 1 Genealogy of Jesus; 18 His birth
Chapter 2: 1 Magi from the east; 13 flight to Egypt. 16 Beating of babies. 19 Return from Egypt.
Chapter 3: 1 Sermon of John the Baptist. 13 The baptism of Jesus.
Chapter 4: 1 Temptation of Jesus. 12 Jesus in the Galilee. 18 The calling of Simon, Andrew, James and John.
  23 Sermon and Healings in Galilee.
Chapter 5: 1 Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes; 13 "you are the salt"; "you are the light." 17 "Do not break, but
  fulfill. "21 About anger and murder;" your brother is against you "; 27 look with lust;
  31 about divorce; 33 of the oath. 38 "An eye for an eye, but I tell you .." 43 "Love your enemies."
Chapter 6: 1 The doctrine of alms; 5 about prayer; 9 "Our Father ..."; 16 about the post; 19 about the treasure; 22 eye -
  lamp; 24 service to the two masters; 25 about worries.
Chapter 7: 1 Soucek Ibrevno; 6 pearls in front of pigs; 7 prayer for the good gifts of God. 12 Do to others
  what I would like them to do to you. 13 The close door to life. 15 False prophets; "By fruit
  them ... "21" Not everyone who says: Lord! Lord! ... "24 Prudent and reckless
  builder. 28 Jesus teaches how he has authority.

Type: audiobook
Audio: MP3
  Recording options: MPEG-1 Layer-3 128 Kbps, 16 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo


Gospel of Timothy (Yuri Brider, Nikolai Chadovich)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Yuri Brider, Nikolay Chadovich
Release year: 2013
Genre fiction
Publisher: do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Serregey
Duration: 10:39:52
Description: “The Gospel of Timothy” is the first novel of the “Path” cycle, which tells about man, by the will of supernatural beings - the Masters of Time, Phoenixes and the Space of the Invisible - who found himself in a mysterious world unfolded perpendicular to all other worlds existing in the Universe. Passing from one world to another, he gradually changes his physical and spiritual essence, striving for a certain, still unknown to ...


The Gospel of the Executioner (Weiner Arkady; Weiner George)

Author: Weiner Arkady; Weiner George
Release year: 2015
Genre: Crime Story
Publisher: Nowhere to Buy
Artist: Gerasimov Vyacheslav
Duration: 21:17:45
Description: The novel “The Gospel of the Executioner” is the second part of the dilogy (the first is the novel “The Loop and the Stone ...” was published at the end of 1990), written in 1976-1980. Written and securely hidden from the watchful "sovereign's eye" until better times. The second part of the dilogy about the criminal activity of the state security organs of the USSR. The novel takes place in the late 70s, interspersed with memories ...


The Gospel of Magdalene (Valery Popov)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Valery Popov
Release year: 2013
Genre: Modern prose, novel
Publisher: Nowhere to Buy
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 10:37:27
Description: The Gospel of Magdalene is a fun, adventurous modern myth of the meeting of the present Magdalene with the Savior, which is very similar to us today. Sentimental - “Tetrada Fallot” draws the story of a young mother who lost her baby and worked a miracle to regain her child. One of the heroines has a mysterious journey to Egypt, the other - to modern America. Passing by ...


The Gospel of Jesus (Saramago Jose)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Posted by: Saramago Jose
Release Year: 2012
Genre: Roman
Publisher: Nowhere to Buy
Artist: Eugene Ternovsky
Duration: 20:23:15
Description: Jose Saramago - one of the largest writers of modern Portugal, Nobel laureate in literature (1998). In the novel “The Gospel of Jesus,” he gives his own - deep and original - interpretation of the New Testament episodes and tries to find the real reasons for the suffering that Jesus and his father Joseph suffered. The figure of Jesus is devoid of heroism: this is a man with all the troubles and doubts inherent in people, he is desired ...


The Gospel of the Master (Mikhail Bulgakov)

Release year: 2007
Author: Mikhail Bulgakov
Format: mp3, 256 kbps
Genre: One-man show
Publisher: Empire of Sound
Artist: Mikhail Kozakov
Duration: 03:30:00
Description: Solo performance by Mikhail Kozakov based on "novel in the novel" "The Master and Margarita". For a person professing the Christian religion and philosophy, brought up mainly on Christian culture, the chapters on Yeshua Ga-Nozri, Pontius Pilate, Levi Matvey are the most important topic in literature. The wonderful music of the composer Sandor Kallash, composed especially for this performance, sounds. In music, Aramaic, Jewish, Roman and ...


The Gospel of Satan (Patrick Graham)

ISBN: 978-5-227-05805-8
Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Posted by: Patrick Graham
Release year: 2015
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Tsentrpoligraf
Russian language
Number of Pages: 496
Description: FBI Special Agent Maria Parks, a specialist in psychological portraiture, tirelessly follows the trail of serial killers. Maria has the gift of a medium, every night she sees in a dream a murder, like live broadcasts, not being able to prevent a terrible action. Thanks to her gift, she has already tracked down several murderers. This time, Sheriff’s assistant Rachel disappeared, who was investigating ...


Gospel of Artyom (From the collection "The Last Refuge"). Universe Metro 2033 (Dmitry Glukhovsky)

Format: Audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky
Release Year: 2012
Genre fiction
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: beckham48
Duration: 00:43:04
Description: For the first time in seven years (!) Dmitry Glukhovsky decided to continue the story of Artyom, the protagonist of the novel METRO 2033. An exclusive story will be included in the collection "The Last Refuge" as part of the series "Universe Metro 2033". What happened to Artyom after the rockets destroyed the black nest? Details inside! From the performer There is only one story in the distribution! In the near future, start nothing else from this collection ...


Gospel of Mark in retelling for children

Genre: Recommended as a primary school textbook
Author: With the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy
Artist: A. Bordukov
Publisher: "SOYUZ" ORTHODOX PILGRIM magazine
Release year: 2007
Description: The gospel is the most important holy book for a Christian. It reveals that our God is the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father sent His beloved Son to save the sinful world. The Son of God died for us on the cross, and then resurrected and granted salvation to all believers. In the gospel we will find the commandments of Jesus Christ, fulfilling which we become ...


Lamb. Gospel of Shmyak, childhood friend of Jesus Christ (Christopher Moore)

Release year: 2007
Posted by: Christopher Moore
Genre: Fantasy
Artist: Maxim Doronin
Publisher: Open Book
Duration: 14:03:20
Description: Most people have childhood friends. Jesus Christ was also once a man, and he had a childhood friend - nicknamed Shmyak. Which is very helpful, for the childhood and youth of the Son of God are shrouded in darkness. More precisely, they were shrouded - until the moment when the heavenly forces decided to return Shmyak to the earth, so that he wrote the true story of the first thirty-three years of the life of his divine friend. “The Lamb” is an upbringing novel, a clever satire, but first of all it is a fairy tale ...


Dilogy “A Loop and a Stone in the Green Grass” and “The Gospel of the Executioner” A. and G. Weiners

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: A. and G. Weiners
Release year: 1991-2011
Genre: Contemporary Prose
Publisher: IKPA, Polygraphizdat, Astrel
Russian language
Number of books: 2
Description: The book was conceived and written in 1975-1977, when the short Khrushchev thaw was far behind - in the midst of the Brezhnev "stagnation", under the conditions in which to make any kind of political forecasts was at least an adventurous frivolity . The rampant omnipotent administrative machine, a new cult of personality, an ocean of demagogic lies, in which our society has drowned, is growing economically ...


The Eternal Gospel (Mikhail Stroganov)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Mikhail Stroganov
Release Year: 2016
Genre: Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Essay
Publisher: SAMIZDAT
Russian language
Number of Pages: 49
Description: The Eternal Gospel is a book that reveals the influence of the person of Jesus Christ on the formation of self-awareness and the development of the culture of Russian civilization. The study traces the spiritual and moral tradition from Vladimir Monomakh to Vasily Shukshin. Year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium, people do not stop reading the Gospel, which for Christians is more than a book that provides answers to all questions ...

Religious texts enrich the soul and enlighten the mind; they should be studied by every believer. The Holy Gospel becomes a source of knowledge about the life of Jesus Christ. Readers will be able to learn about his birth and all the important moments of his life, about miracles that happened, about his death. And then they will be able to observe how he rose and how his ascension happened.

The book presents the canonical text of the Gospel in the presentation of the four apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each of them speaks of Jesus in his own words, in his own way tells the story of his life. These texts are not just a narrative, they are filled with warmth and love for the whole world, for all living things, for every person.

The book tells stories that reflect how it is worth doing. They teach good qualities, help show mercy, treat people with understanding. Reading, one comes to realize how important even a piece of light is in the life of every person, and these texts can become it. They are well suited for study even for beginners who want to learn about the life and ascension of Jesus Christ.

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