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She dreams of hearing male singing. Dream about Singing. What did you perform

Female dream book

Why does a woman dream of Singing, what is this dream about?

Singing - Hearing singing in a dream - to joy and happy companionship. It is also possible to receive a welcome letter from a distant friend. If there are sad notes in the singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs. Rough, swanky singing in a dream portends exorbitant, unjustified spending.

Old Russian dream book

Why is Singing dreaming, interpretation according to the dream book:

Singing - Hearing birds is a sign of love, joy and pleasure.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea

Why dream and how to interpret Singing?

Singing - A symbol of support, promising that help will come from a strong person. Singing yourself is joy, approval. To sing inaudibly - to accept someone's criticism. Hearing the chorus means getting support, as the interpreter informs about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of Singing in night dreams?

Singing - Singing an aria in a dream - to receive a letter. Singing with a bass is in trouble. The singing of birds in a dream is a quarrel, the singing of a man is a sign that you are overcome by fear; a woman's very high voice - to tears. Church singing means hope for inheritance, choral singing means hope for success; the choral singing of women is dreamed of for pleasant pleasure; fake, dissonant singing - to gossip. To hear singing at a concert is a sign that romantic experiences await you, to listen to songs - you will have to listen to complaints about relatives or friends. If in a dream you hear a pleasant singing voice - it means that you have a happy day, bass - to a quarrel, a hoarse voice - to trouble. If in a dream you hear or see a singer - happiness awaits you not only in the family circle, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream.

French dream book

Why dream and how to interpret Singing from a dream book?

Singing - Hearing singing in a dream is a harbinger of deep suffering due to unhappy love. However, birdsong promises love, joy and a calm, happy life.

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller

What is the dream of Singing from a dream book:

Singing - Singing heard in a dream promises you joy and happy fellowship. It is possible that you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend. You have a dream: you are singing, and in the meantime everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness. As a result of this dream, you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness. If sad notes sound in singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs. Rough, fluffy singing in a dream means a terrible and wasteful waste.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Dreaming of Singing, why?

Singing - Hearing or singing is fun.

Dream interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why dream of Singing from a dream book?

Singing - Intimate Friendship

Dream interpretation of spiritual seekers

Why is Singing in a dream dreaming?

Nightingale singing (to hear) - In this form, the dream-creator often conveys the joy of spiritual love as a result of prayer practice - great joy and spiritual delight necessarily occur in the daytime consciousness of a practitioner.

Esoteric dream book

What is dreaming about singing, interpretation:

Singing (hearing) - Sad singing You have committed many negative transgressions, and you will pay back. Delicate to disappointment. A period of mild depression awaits you. The fun you will find your place in the sun. Do not miss the opportunities, this is how the dream that you dream is interpreted ambiguously.

Modern dream book

What is the dream and what does Singing mean in our time?

Singing Listen - Intimate Friendship

If in a dream you see singers at a pop concert, it means that in reality you will be generous and write off the debt from a good friend who is unable to pay you, despite the fact that the amount he borrowed from you is insignificant.

Hearing opera singing in a dream is a nuisance, singing in the opera itself is a joy. Hearing a solemn cantata performed by a chorus is a meeting with a person who should be feared and avoided, for from him comes a great evil for you.

Singing in the church on the kliros - in reality you will gain a useful acquaintance. Hearing a tenor singing - in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles, bass - great joy will come to your house, contralto - you are in danger of an accident or illness.

Singing psalms foreshadows good business in finance and commerce. Solemn singing accompanied by an organ promises good harvest and successful preparation by the next season, everyone employed in agriculture... Hearing the fluffy singing of a drunken company - to sad news.

A dream in which you hear the effervescent singing of birds, which in reality are incapable of such a thing, that is, the trills of a sparrow or a crow's knee, - this means that soon you will have problems with a trip on duty, which you will want to use at the same time and for personal purposes.

Hear the rooster crowing - good sign, foreshadowing youth a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. Singing siskin - hear the most contradictory judgments and gossip about yourself; canaries - strengthening friendships and a life of luxury; a lark singing in the sky foreshadows that you will be happy in your second marriage, and a lark singing in a cage - to unpleasant news.

Interpretation of dreams from

From a distant friend. You have a dream: you are singing, and in the meantime everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness. As a result of this dream, you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness.

If, in the singing, sad notes will sound- you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turnover of your affairs.

Rough swanky singing in a dream- means terrible and wasteful waste.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Singing- a symbol of support, promising that help will come from a strong person.

Sing it yourself- joy, approval.

Sing inaudibly- to accept someone's criticism.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn out linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The singing heard in a dream promises you joy and happy companionship. It is possible that you will soon receive the promised letter from a distant friend.

You have a dream: you are singing, and in the meantime everything that surrounds you beckons with the expectation of happiness. As a result of this dream, you will jealously dispute the truth of your happiness. If sad notes sound in the singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs.

Rough, fluffy singing in a dream means a terrible and wasteful waste.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream of Singing

This dream is prophetic, it always gives rise to crying and lamentation. Sleep has a very dark meaning if you see yourself singing or hear others sing. The merchant will incur losses, the merchant will not profit from those goods that he sent by sea for sale; a sailor will survive a difficult voyage with storm and winds, his ship will be shipwrecked. If you are in love, this dream foreshadows the suffering that the one you love will cause you. If in a dream you listen to someone singing - a dream means grief that will visit the house of your friends; You will share the grief with people dear to you and nobly take part of their hardships on your shoulders.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What Dreams Mean Singing

If in a dream you see singers at a pop concert, it means that in reality you will be generous and write off the debt from a good friend who is unable to pay you, despite the fact that the amount he borrowed from you is insignificant.

Hearing opera singing in a dream is a nuisance, singing in the opera itself is a joy. Hearing a solemn cantata performed by a chorus is a meeting with a person who should be feared and avoided, for from him comes a great evil for you.

Singing in the church on the kliros - in reality you will gain a useful acquaintance. Hearing a tenor singing - in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles, bass - great joy will come to your house, contralto - you are in danger of an accident or illness.

Singing psalms foreshadows good business in finance and commerce. Solemn singing accompanied by an organ promises a good harvest and successful preparation for the next season for everyone involved in agriculture. Hearing the fluffy singing of a drunken company - to sad news.

A dream in which you hear the effervescent singing of birds, which in reality are incapable of such a thing, that is, the trills of a sparrow or a crow's knee, - this means that soon you will have problems with a trip on duty, which you will want to use at the same time and for personal purposes.

Hearing a rooster crowing is a good sign that heralds a successful marriage and prosperity for young people in the house. Singing siskin - hear the most contradictory judgments and gossip about yourself; canaries - strengthening friendships and a life of luxury; a lark singing in the sky foreshadows that you will be happy in your second marriage, and a lark singing in a cage - to unpleasant news.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

Singing Dream

Hearing singing in a dream - to joy and happy companionship. It is also possible to receive a welcome letter from a distant friend. If there are sad notes in the singing, you will be unpleasantly surprised by the turn of your affairs. Rough, swanky singing in a dream portends exorbitant, unjustified spending.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What does singing mean in a dream

it is false and useless speech, as well as misfortune and loss. And this is in the event that singing in a dream is unpleasant to the ear, and singing caressing the ear is profitable. Sing yourself to the intrigues of the deceitful envious. Hearing singing in a bazaar in a dream is insane for the poor and inevitable scandals for the rich.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Meaning of Dreams Singing

Hearing pleasant melodic singing in a dream is good news. If you sing yourself, a dream portends joy only if you are not out of tune.

Try humming the song you hear. If you don't remember the melody, then imagine that you have composed your own beautiful song.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does Singing mean in a dream

The singing heard in a dream promises you joy and strong friendship. Perhaps you will soon hear from a distant friend.

If in a dream you sing yourself, then you will have to dispute the truth of your happiness. Sad notes in the melody heard in a dream sound to surprise.

Singing harshly is a big waste.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

The meaning of sleep singing

Singing aria - to receive a letter.

Singing with a bass is in trouble.

Singing birds - to a quarrel.

Singing a man is a sign that you are overwhelmed by fear.

Church singing - hope for an inheritance.

Choral singing - portends hope for success.

Choral singing of women - dreams for pleasant pleasure.

Fake, dissonant singing - to gossip.

To hear singing at a concert is a sign that romantic experiences await you, to listen to songs.

Hear or see the singer - happiness awaits you not only in the family circle.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

Dream interpretation Singing

To hear singing at a concert is a romantic experience.

Hear songs - listen to complaints about family or friends.

Listen to the chorus - illnesses will pass after a while.

The male choir is happiness.

Feminine and very tall - tears.

Bass is a family quarrel.

A hoarse one is a nuisance.

Singing is praise, something good / heart will hurt.

Singing arias is a joy.

Romances are gossip about your friends.

Singing in the choir is the praise of the authorities.

Interpretation of dreams from