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Film and audiobook Boy from Christ on the tree. II boy in christ on the Christmas tree

Shortly before the new 1876, he visited her daughter on the Christmas tree in the club of artists, and then visited the children's colony. At about the same time, the writer often met on the street of a beggar boy. New weather impressions soon appeared in the form of stories in the "writer's" diary. " One of them is called "The boy of Christ on the Christmas tree".

A small work of criticism took enthusiasm, some even called him a masterpiece. He loved this story and the author himself, more than once read it on literary evenings. The tragic story about the six-year-old boy and readers had to do. From 1885 to 1901, the story was published on a separate publication.

Genre Works can be defined as a "saint story", characteristic of Russian literature. His main signs: a description of a kind and wonderful event that has changed life for the better, presence among heroes little boy - Reminder of the newborn Jesus. Time actions - Christmas or shints. The story should have a happy end.

All conditions in the work were observed, except for a good finale. Here Dostoevsky did not consider it necessary to take validity. After all, in his other stories about children, small beggars begging on the streets, and then often get into the colony. It is likely that such fate was waiting for the hero of this story if he was not frozen on the street.

According to tradition, people build a vertel who symbolizes the cave, where Jesus was born. After all, the Mother of God did not find places in the city. Dostoevsky thickens paints, but the parallel is traced clearly: on one of the streets before Christmas there is a Vertil-Basement with a dead woman who came to the city and did not find himself a place or her child here.

In Christmas days in Russia, it is customary to help the poor and disadvantaged. This tradition holds representatives of all sectors of society. But the freezing kid on the streets of a big city does not meet sympathy.

The death of a six-year-old child from hunger and cold is the crime of the whole society. The guilty of the old woman in the basement, and the policeman, and the saleswomen in the pastry shop, and another boy who hit our hero and threw the Kartuz from him. Dostoevsky emphasizes several times that this fiction is quite real. In addition, the case is not one. On the Christmas tree in Christ little hero Many boys and girls, whose fates are ruined by indifference adults.

Dostoevsky does not call the city where it is a tragic event, although the descriptions of the St. Petersburg flavor are easily guessed. With the same purpose, he does not report the name of the boy, emphasizing what happens like this can with each and everywhere.

Dostoevsky helps us look at the world through the eyes of a child, feel his experiences. For more immersion in children's World The writer uses words in a diminutive form: "Case", "Violin", "Kopechka", "Kaltik" etc.

sensei - 01.07.2017

FM Dostoevsky - the Holy Story "Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree." In this story, Dostoevsky conveys the sad story of a little boy who came with his mother to Petersburg from a small town. His mother suddenly died, and the child remained alone on the eve of Christmas. He wandered alone in the city, hungry, poorly dressed, but everyone was left indifferent to his fate. Urban residents have fun at Christmas trees. Here Dostoevsky uses the principle of antithesis. Festive Christmas tree, her funny lights, having fun, careless people - all this is opposed to lonely, forgotten by all the child. In the soul of this boy lives fear, longing, he is feeling hunger, trembling in the cold. However, the surrounding is not affected by an unfortunate child. Christmas should carry people joy, unity. However, the hero of Dostoevsky this ... The holiday brings death. The child freezes in one of the convinced. And then the plot develops in a fantastic plan: the boy hits the Christmas tree to Christ. And only here it enters the atmosphere of love, participation, warmth, acquires a house where it loves. Thus, a miracle happens in the story final.

The author's position is clearly expressed in this story. "If there are no love and compassion in the world, children inevitably suffer," says Dostoevsky. Children's tears are perceived by the reader as a result of the unrighteous, sinful life of adults. And only the genre of a batch story allows us to rise over commonplace, look into the world of wonderful, remind of good and mercy.


  • boy from Christ on the Christmas tree Summary
  • brief content Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree
  • boy in Christ on the Christmas tree

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Boy with handle

Children are a strange people, they will dream and merry. Before the Christmas tree and in the very Christmas tree, before Christmas, I met on the street, on the famous corner, one boy, no more than seven years old. In a terrible frost, he was dressed almost in a summer, but his neck he was lined with some kind of old, "he means it is still someone equipped, sending. He walked "with a handle"; This is a technical term, it means to ask alms. The term invented these boys themselves. Such as he, many, they spread on your road and overstate something learned; But this did not overtightened and spoke somehow innocently and unusual and trustfully looked into my eyes, "it became only that I started a profession. My asked, he said that he had a sister, sits without work, patient; Maybe it's true, but only I learned that these boys are darkness-dirty: they are sent "with a hand" at least in the most terrible frost, and if nothing is gaining, they probably wait for their beatings. Having gained kopecks, the boy returns to the red, in the ridiculous hands in some basement, where any chayka galanikov drinks, from those most that, "I am angry at the factory on Sunday on Saturday, come back to work not earlier as on Wednesday in the evening. . There, in the basements, they are drunk with them hungry and bied wives, immediately naked chest children are singing. Vodka, and dirt, and debauchery, and most importantly, vodka. With scored penny, the boy immediately sent to the Kabak, and he brings more wines. In the fun and sometimes they climb a mouth in his mouth and laugh when he, with breathing, falls almost without memory to the floor.
... And in my mouth, I was pouring a vodka ruthlessly ...

When he grows up, he is quickly taken away somewhere at the factory, but everything he will earn, he again is obliged to bring to bachens, and they again suede. But even before the factory, these children become perfect criminals. They stand in the city and know such places in different basements, which can be crawled and where you can spend the night. One of them spent the night several nights in a single janitor in some basket, and he did not notice him. Self, become thieves. Theft draws to passion even in eight-year-old children, sometimes even without any consciousness of crime action. Under the end, all - hunger, cold, beatings, - only for one, for freedom, and run away from their bachers to straighten up from themselves. This wild creature does not understand anything or where he lives, nor he is a nation, whether God is whether there is a sovereign; Even these transmit things about them, which is incredibly hearing, and, onek, all the facts.

Christ boy on the Christmas tree

But I am a novelist, and, it seems, one "story" composed himself. Why am I writing: "It seems", because I myself know probably that I composed, but I will have everything that it happens somewhere and once it happened, that's what happened just on the eve of Christmas, in some kind of huge city and terrible frost.

I will see me, the boy was in the basement, but still very small, six or even less. This boy woke up in the morning in the cheese and cold basement. He was dressed in some kind

Children are a strange people, they will dream and merry. Before the Christmas tree and in the very Christmas tree, before Christmas, I met on the street, on the famous corner, one boy, no more than seven years old. In a terrible frost, he was dressed almost in a summer, but his neck he was lined with some kind of old, "he means it is still someone equipped, sending. He walked "with a handle"; This is a technical term, it means to ask alms. The term invented these boys themselves. Such as he, many, they spread on your road and overstate something learned; But this did not overtightened and spoke somehow innocently and unusual and trustfully looked into my eyes, "it became only that I started a profession. My asked, he said that he had a sister, sits without work, patient; Maybe it's true, but only I learned that these boys are darkness-dirty: they are sent "with a hand" at least in the most terrible frost, and if nothing is gaining, they probably wait for their beatings. Having gained kopecks, the boy returns to the red, in the ridiculous hands in some basement, where any chayka galanikov drinks, from those most that, "I am angry at the factory on Sunday on Saturday, come back to work not earlier as on Wednesday in the evening. . There, in the basements, they are drunk with them hungry and broken wives, they immediately have hungry chest their children. Vodka, and dirt, and debauchery, and most importantly, vodka. With scored penny, the boy immediately sent to the Kabak, and he brings more wines. In the fun and sometimes they climb a mouth in his mouth and laugh when he, with breathing, falls almost without memory to the floor.

... and in my mouth I have a vodka

Ruthlessly poured ...

When he grows up, he is quickly taken away somewhere at the factory, but everything he will earn, he again is obliged to bring to bachens, and they again suede. But even before the factory, these children become perfect criminals. They stand in the city and know such places in different basements, which can be crawled and where you can spend the night. One of them spent the night several nights in a single janitor in some basket, and he did not notice him. Self, become thieves. Theft draws to passion even in eight-year-old children, sometimes even without any consciousness of crime action. Under the end, all - hunger, cold, beatings, - only for one, for freedom, and run away from their bachers to straighten up from themselves. This wild creature does not understand anything or where he lives, nor he is a nation, whether God is whether there is a sovereign; Even these transmit things about them, which is incredibly hearing, and, onek, all the facts.

Christ boy on the Christmas tree

But I am a novelist, and, it seems, one "story" composed himself. Why am I writing: "It seems", because I myself know probably that I composed, but I will all see that it happened somewhere and once it happened that this happened just on the eve of Christmas, in some A huge city and terrible frost.

I will see me, the boy was in the basement, but still very small, six or even less. This boy woke up in the morning in the cheese and cold basement. He was dressed in some robe and trembled. His breath was flying out with a white ferry, and he, sitting in the corner on the chest, from boredom, deliberately allowed this couple from his mouth and amused, depending on how he crashes. But he really wanted to eat. He set up several times in the morning to Naram, where on a thin, like a damn, litter and on some node under his head instead of a pillow lay a sick mother. How did she find himself here? It must have arrived with his boy from someone else's city and suddenly stunned. The hostess of the corners seized two more days to the police; The tenants dispersed, the case is a festive, and the remaining one bachelor has already stayed dead drunk, without waiting for the holiday. In another corner of the room groaned from rheumatism, some kind of eighty old old woman, who had ever lived somewhere in the nannies, and now surrounding the lonely, Owai, grumbling and grumbling on the boy, so he has already been afraid of approaching her corner. He got drunk somewhere in the Seine, but I didn't find your crusts and once in the tenth had already approached wake up my mother. It became terrible to him, finally, in the dark: it was long ago the evening began, and the fire was not lit. Fit the face of Mom, he mowed that she did not move at all and became the same cold as the wall. "It's very cold here," he thought, stood a little, unconsciously forgetting his hand on the shoulder of the deceased, then drove her fingers to her fingers, so as not to heat them, and suddenly, naughting her Kartusishko, Slowly, Pretty, went from the basement. He would still go before, and everything was afraid at the top, on the stairs, a big dog, which took the whole day at the neighboring doors. But the dogs were no longer, and he suddenly went outside.

Lord, what city! He has never seen anything like that. There, he came, he arrived, at night such a black darkness, one lantern on the whole street. Wooden low houses are locked with shutters; On the street, a little frown - no one, everyone is indulging in the houses, and only overstate the whole flocks of dogs, hundreds and thousands of them, spend and nourish all night. But there it was so warm and he was given to eat, and here - Lord, cassi to eat! And what is the knock and thunder, what light and people, horses and carriages, and frost, frost! Frustrated couples valit from driving horses, from hot breathable muids; Through loose snow links about the horseshoe stones, and everyone is so pushed, and, Lord, so I want to eat, even if some kind of piece, and so hurts it was suddenly with fingers. The guardian of the order passed by and turned away, so as not to notice the boy.

So again the street, - Oh, what's wider! Here they will probably distribute so; How they scream all, run and ride, and light, light, then! And what's that? Wow, what a big glass, and the room is the room, and in the room tree to the ceiling; This is a Christmas tree, but on the Christmas tree how many lights, how many gold paper and apples, and around there are pupa, small horses; And the room runs children, elegant, clean, laugh and play, and eat, and drink something. Here is this girl started dancing with a boy, what a pretty girl! That's music, through the glass heard. She looks like a boy, is divided, it really laughs, and he already hurts fingers and on the legs, and they have become very red on their hands, they do not bend and painfully move. And suddenly I remembered the boy about the fact that his fingers hurt, I cried and ran down, and now he sees it through another glass room, again there are trees, but on the tables pies, all sorts of almonds, red, yellow, and sit there four Rich Baryni, and who will come, they give the pies, and the door will be remembered, he enters them a lot of gentlemen. The boy burst up, he glanced suddenly the door and entered. Wow, how they shouted and sniffed! One lady approached as soon as possible and put a penny in his hand, and herself reacted the door to the street. How he was frightened! And the penny immediately rolled out and ran around the steps: he could not bend his red fingers and hold it. The boy ran out and went to the estimated as soon as possible, and where he himself did not know. I want to cry again, it's already afraid, and runs, runs and blows on the handles. And Tosca takes him, because it was suddenly so lonely and terribly, and suddenly, Lord! Why is it again? People stand in the crowd and missed: on the window behind the glass three dolls, small, smashed into the red and green dress and very-all like alive! Some old man sits and as if he played on a big violin, two others stand right there and playing small violins, and they swing in the beat, and they look at each other, and they move their lips, they say, they say completely, - only here Because of the glass is not heard. And first the boy thought, that they were alive, and how they guessed at all that these are dolls, - suddenly laughed. He never seen such dolls and did not know that there are such! And he wants to cry something, but so funny funny on the pupa. Suddenly it came to him that someone grabbed him behind a robe: a big evil boy stood beyond and suddenly he cracked him on his head, threw the cards, and he himself led him with a leg. The boy rolled around, they shouted here, he, he jumped up and run-run, and suddenly he walked himself, he did not know where, in the doorway, on someone else's courtyard, - and sat down for firewood: "They will not be suited, and even dark."

In the first part, which is called a boy with a handle describes the difficult life of homeless children. Shaka Chalatnikov Alcoholics send children to a terrible frost, practically undressed, ask for alms, in order to get money to another portion of drinking. Children after work return to dirty basements, with extracted pennies, where they drink, suffer, suffer hunger and cold. Such a terrible childhood makes them wild creatures, makes you step on the crime path, dropping to the very bottom.

The second part of the story is called, the boy has Christ on the tree

The author describes a small boy of six years old, woken on Christmas Eve in the cellary cheese, trembling from the cold. Nearby is HIS died Mother, twisting near her and making unsuccessful attempts to wake it up, languishing from hunger and boredom, a lonely child goes to wander around the Christmas streets.

The boy goes along the loose white snow, easily dressed, feeling how his fingers sick from the cold. He is surprised at the beautiful and elegant city. Where he comes from where the lantern is burning at night, running whole samples run dogs, Low houses, however, it was at least fed there. Mim is the guardians of order, pretending to not notice it.

Stone around the winter streets, looks at how big windows, clean, full and beautifully dressed babies laugh, dancing and playing around some trees. She sees how rich ladies are sitting behind the covers, there are decorated trees in the room, there are many gentlemen to them in the house, which they treat various pie.

The boy is solved to go into the house, but people shout and drive him away. No one is doing to the poor unfortunate boy, and all the stronger and harder the fingers on the legs.

The child becomes scary and lonely and in one of the convinced he falls asleep and freezes.

Next, the plot is developing a fantastic manner, the boy is resurrected already in heaven and hits the paradise tree to Christ. Here he observes bright kids flying around him, and he himself flies. Luxury elegant chips please his eyes. Babies hug, kiss him, he sees his loving mom. The boy is happy, here he feels a warm friendly atmosphere, here he acquires a house where he loves and take care of him.
The author wants to remind people of mercy to his story. Indifference - a terrible thing. After all, children's tears and suffering is the result of the sinful life of adults.

Picture or drawing boy in christ on the Christmas tree

The work is written in the diary genre from the face of a decade girl. For the birthday, Masha receives a gift - a book in Safyan's binding, where he writes everything that happens to her during the day.

  • Marshak

    Tales of Marshak good, interesting and very much like children.