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Everything about holidays in the Maldives with children. Is the Maldives suitable for families with children?


November. Family with children


In November, we rested with two children in the Maldives. Why did you choose the Maldives? Because there are very comfortable air temperatures of + 27 + 28 degrees. Due to the proximity to the equator, there are no sharp changes in day and night temperatures. Secondly, the absence dangerous insects and infections. And besides, fine sand, on which it is useful and pleasant to walk barefoot, shallow lagoons with turquoise sea ​​water... For the youngest son, they took with them baby food in jars and diapers. Chose a hotel focused on family holiday with the "All inclusive" system. We and the eldest daughter ate at the hotel restaurant. Overeat seafood, fish and fruit. Since the hotel was located on an island, they bought essential medicines from home for the first-aid kit just in case, they were not useful. The eldest daughter attended a mini-club, played on the playground, danced in the evenings at a mini-disco. We watched the huge turtles, and in the evenings for the glowing plankton.

October. Family with children


We went to the Maldives for the first time with our five-year-old daughter. There were many experiences, first of all how to keep the child busy, but everything turned out to be even better than we would like. There is a special atmosphere in the Maldives, I absolutely do not want to spend time actively, even for energetic children. We had a playground at the hotel, but for some reason it was always empty, although the main contingent of vacationers was just married couples. There was also a mini-club where my daughter was given for a couple of hours every day. Evening entertainment: crab jogging on the beach, contests, live music concerts. They swam all day in the lagoon, there is no such clear water anywhere else in the world. Ate at the hotel restaurant, the cuisine is very European-oriented. Served: soups, french fries and boiled, fried or grilled fish, pasta, casseroles. They themselves picked coconuts on the beach and drank milk. It is great to relax with children in the Maldives, the main rule is to choose family hotels.

The Maldives is a resort primarily focused on a relaxing type of vacation. Therefore, when deciding whether to fly here with your children, you need to understand whether you can entertain them yourself. There are hotels that have a small playground, but you shouldn't wait for a mini disco and animation. This is not here, at least on the scale of Turkey or Egypt. It is worth noting that the locals themselves are very fond of children and with great pleasure make signs of attention to them, this applies to the hotel staff.

So, now I'll tell you about the advantages of this resort in terms of family holidays with children. The Maldives have excellent nature, beautiful white sand that does not heat up in the sun, shallow transparent sea, you do not have to worry about your child, you just need to look after him from a sun lounger or take part in joint games in the water or with sand.

Beach in the Maldives.

At this resort, the All Inclusive system is widely developed, which is certainly very convenient with children. In addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, tourists are offered all kinds of snacks, desserts, ice cream between main meals. Water is provided in unlimited quantities. Most hotels have a children's menu, when booking a tour, you should pay attention to this if there is such a service.

If you are tired and want to relax a little alone, the hotel can always provide a nanny, as a rule, she does not speak Russian, but she will keep the child busy with all kinds of games for the amount of time you need. Average cost is $ 15 per hour.

In terms of security, the Maldives can be considered a leader in this category. The criminal situation in the country is zero. The same is the case with all kinds of poisonous snakes, insects, reptiles - a child can safely run barefoot on the grass, without fear that someone might bite. Here, on the contrary, your child will expect pleasant encounters with parrots of bright colors, small fish that usually swim near the shore, with crabs, and there is also a chance to see a real flying dog.

Fish near the shore.

Due to its location, the Maldives are rich in exotic fruits, a child will receive a supply of vitamins for a year in advance for one such trip, most likely he will try something new that can rarely be found on store shelves in his homeland (papaya, passion fruit, mango and many others).

Fruit platter in the Maldives.

In conclusion, I will say that the climate here is very comfortable, the sun is very active because of the equator, but the water temperature in the ocean is always 27 degrees. And the air temperature in winter is about 28 degrees, which is ideal for families with children. Not every tropical destination boasts this mild-hot winter weather.

Hotels that can be ideal for families with children: Hudhuranfushi Island Resort 4 *, BANDOS ISLAND RESORT 5 *, SUN ISLAND RESORT & SPA 5 *, ROYAL ISLAND RESORT & SPA 5 *, PARADISE ISLAND RESORT & SPA 5 *, HOLIDAY ISLAND 4 *, IRU FUSHI 5 *, Club Rannalhi 4 *.

There are plenty of places on the islands that will be of interest to your children. True, there are neither ancient cities nor majestic architectural structures... But children do not need them! Give little travelers something different, something more exotic. And this is enough in the Maldives. Each atoll is a unique place where your little explorers can find a lot of fun. Holidays in the Maldives with children makes it possible to feel like the heroes of adventure. And this applies not only to boys and girls, but also to adults. The beauty of these places is simply mesmerizing. The feeling that you are in a fairy tale does not leave throughout the rest. Make sure to visit Ari Atoll with your kids. There are excellent conditions for practicing, perhaps, all types of water sports. What a family vacation in the Maldives without riding water bananas or catamarans, without extreme trips on scooters and water skiing? If your child no longer walks under the table, do not deprive him of the pleasure of trying out water sports. Dhaalu Atoll is known as "Turtle Island". This is where you need to visit with your children, it's here. With your own eyes, you will see giant sea turtles peacefully resting on the shore. Do not forget to take your camera to capture the background of these wonderful creatures. Laviani Atoll boasts the most picturesque underwater landscapes. In the Maldives, family vacations include an introduction to diving - the art of diving. Both adults and children can learn it. Master scuba diving and explore the ocean with the whole family! Definitely, you will remember your vacation in the Maldives with children as the brightest, most unusual and touching moment of your life. The luxurious Maldives is the dream of almost every tourist who has not yet had time to visit the fabulously beautiful islands of this country. However, those who are already familiar with this amazing island state amuse themselves with the hope of returning here more than once. Absolutely all categories of travelers are comfortable here, so trips to the Maldives with children are quite common. Going with a child to the Maldives, you have nothing to worry about, because absolutely everything is provided here for young travelers: excellent living conditions, and high-quality food, and a stunning coastline. The Maldives for children is a real paradise, both preschoolers and older children feel great here, due to the fact that leisure is thought out for all categories. You can always book a tour to the Maldives with a child at the best prices in our company!


Holidays in the Maldives are associated with romance and honeymoon. However, there are resorts where the emphasis is on recreation with children.

Meet mom Julia and little traveler Oleg from Moscow

We answer tourists' questions: Maldives with children hotels. Hotels in the Maldives for families with children. Maldives with children reviews.

So, six entertainment in the Maldives for the little ones:

1. Planting corals

The ability to build with your own hands real home for turtles and fish children perceive with delight. Together with a marine biologist, you can attach corals to the frame, which will soon turn into a reef where marine life will live. These corals are personalized, and every six months the biologist will send a photo of the growing "fish house" to your e-mail.

Amazing fact: corals are animals, or rather colonies of the smallest organisms - coral polyps

2. Master class on cooking for children

The chef of the restaurant will have fun with a master class on cooking yummy for kids. It's easy to make your favorite pizza or cakes with your own hands! And then you can eat the prepared treats with your parents, washed down with coconut water. The hotel staff will specially climb the palm tree and choose a coconut that the baby will like.

In the meantime, fresh coconuts are already being harvested for dinner.

3. Feeding the fish

I ate it myself - now you can feed the fish too. For example, in has its own artificial pond where huge freshwater fish live. They are very fond of bread and come to feast on, jumping out and raising splashes of water around them.

4. Meeting with dolphins

Be sure to take a boat trip to see the dolphins of the Indian Ocean. The child will definitely be delighted! Going on a boat trip, you will definitely see dolphins, because the hotel staff know where and when they like to sail. Dolphins love noise motor boat and they start jumping and tumbling right at your feet!

Dolphins will cheer up both children and adults!

5. Snorkeling in the Maldives (snorkeling) for the little ones

In the Maldives, even a four-year-old boy can see the underwater world of the Indian Ocean. Experienced instructors work with both adults and kids. They will teach your child to float and help him see marine life.

The underwater world of the Maldives is open to everyone!

6. Kids club

Most hotels Maldives there are children's clubs offering a wide variety of entertainment for children: animation, educational and adventure programs (for example, you can go on a treasure hunt or get acquainted with sea turtles with a biologist).

For those who are younger, there are open and closed areas for games on the territory of the children's clubs. Parents can leave the child with a professional teacher, and they themselves can be a little alone with themselves.

A post shared by Maldives and Us (@ site) on Apr 11, 2016 at 11:02 pm PDT

Compare actual prices for individual tours to the island-hotels of the Maldives (accommodation with meals, air travel, transfer from the airport to the hotel, medical insurance) for any dates online without extra charges directly from tour operators:

A post shared by Maldives and Us (@ site) on Jul 21, 2016 at 11:32 pm PDT

Photo: Ali Bey, photojournalist of the online magazine Maldives and Us.

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The Maldives is one of the unique island states of the planet.

Travelers from all over the world are happy to write about their holidays on these blessed islands! The brightness of the landscapes seen here is imprinted on the retina, charging with the sun for the whole year, and the emotions experienced in the Maldives are kept in memory for a long time, returning in our dreams and daytime dreams.

A trip to the Maldives is a kind of Robinsonade, because, perhaps, nowhere else do we manage to merge so much with the magnificent nature, almost dissolve in the whisper of sunset waves, the tenderness of the sand and contemplation of the amazing, flexible and colorful underwater creatures that accompany the amateur swimmer here with mask, now approaching him, then rushing away.

These islands are extraordinary. Travelers keen on exotic countries, and just everyone who has already been here, will definitely strive here. A vacation spent here leaves a wonderful room of happy memories in everyone's heart. The Maldives are half-forgotten memories of Paradise, our dreams are the golden childhood of mankind!

The purest sand, round the clock summer weather, complete safety - no poisonous insects and predatory mammals, absolute protection from the costs of a noisy civilization ... The nature of the Maldives has taken care of us in accordance with our desires and ideas about the best rest... Some landscapes here can be covered with lush tropical vegetation, others - consist only of white sand surrounded by azure water.

A trip to the Maldives with a child: holiday features

A big plus of resting in the Maldives with children is the absence of a significant change of time zones relative to our capitals. Thanks to this, the regime of even the smallest traveler does not need to be rebuilt, the kid will not be capricious and "confuse day with night."

They take care of the safety of tourists, provide excellent living conditions, offer many SPA procedures, organize excursions that are interesting for adults and children, and in good hotels you can always find food suitable for European children (yoghurts, muesli, omelets, fish, vegetables and etc.)

True, the animators do not keep the kids busy from morning to evening, but the local residents have a reverent attitude towards children: they love children here very much and try to make them feel good and comfortable. As soon as you ask for something, saying that it is for a child, they will immediately try to fulfill your request.

Problems can be when there is a need for medical care: although first aid is always ready to provide medical assistants who are at each hotel, serious treatment may require the involvement of a boat or plane to visit the neighboring island.

We fly to the Maldives with a small child: flight with or without landing

Our company will organize a flight to the Maldives from Moscow and St. Petersburg. But what flight should tourists traveling to the Maldives with a small child choose?

From the point of view of health, a non-stop flight is less harmful to humans, because the main load on the body falls on takeoff and landing, when pressure changes. But still, many parents prefer a flight with a landing, because it is very difficult to keep a child busy for 8 hours in a row.

A transfer at a foreign airport gives the child new impressions, allows you to diversify the trip to the place of rest. It is optimal if the interval between flights is about 2-3 hours.

Flight with landing is suitable for children from 5 years old (for kids it is still better to choose non-stop flights), as well as for those who tolerate takeoff and landing well and who do not get rocked on the plane.