Repairs Design Furniture

Lion thick warm bread read. Konstantin Powesty. Warm bread

When the cavalrymen took place through the village of Berezhka, the German shell broke out on the sidelice and wounded in the leg of the crow. The commander left the wounded horse in the village, and the detachment went on, dust and calling in the rivy, - left, rolled behind the groves, for the hills, where the wind swung ripe.

Horse took Melnik Pankrat. The mill has not worked for a long time, but the flour dust forever entered Pankrat. She lay a gray crust on his vitro and the Kartuze. From under the map, I looked at all the rapid eyes of the Melnik. Pankrat was a quick job, an angry old man, and the guys considered him a sorcerer.

Pankrat cured horse. The horse remained at the mill and patiently drove the clay, manure and rheri - helped Pankrat to repair the dam.

Pankrat was difficult to feed the horse, and the horse began to walk through the courtyards. Will standing, he swatkens, he knocks the muzzle to the gate, and, you look, he will be made beet trees, or a smooth bread, or, even a sweet carrot happened. According to the village, they said that the horse is nothing, or rather - public, and everyone considered it his duty to feed him. In addition, the horse is injured, suffered from the enemy.

He lived in babe with his grandmother, a boy filing, on nicknamed "Well, you." The filler was silent, incredulous, and his beloved expression was: "Yes, you!". Whether he offered him a neighbor boy to resemble in stilts or search for greened cartridges, the filler answered an angry bass: "Yes, you! Search for yourself! " When the grandmother copied him for the unquestion, the filter turned away and muttered: "Yes, well! Tired! "

Winter in this year stood warm. In the air hung smoke. Snow fell out and immediately melted. Wet crows sat down on chimney to dry, pushed, rank on each other. Near the mill tray, water did not freeze, but stood black, quiet, and ice was spinning in it.

Pankrat repaired the mill to the time and was going to grind bread, "the mistress complained that the flour ends, it remained at each to three or three days, and the grain is non-beam.

In one of these warm gray days, the wounded horse knocked the muzzle to the gate to the filter grandmother. The grandmothers were not at home, and the filler was sitting at the table and chewed a piece of bread, steeply sprinkled with salt.

The filler reluctantly got up, went out for the gate. The horse crossed out his foot and reached for bread. "Yah you! Devil!" - Filming shouted and noodle hit the horse on her lips. Horse stepping out, shook his head, and the film threw the bread far into the loose snow and shouted:

- You will not be attacked, on Christ therapists! Won your bread! Go digging his face from under the snow! Go back!

And after this, the evil round and happened in Berezhkov those amazing affairs, about what and now people say, shaking their heads, because they themselves do not know whether it was or nothing.

The tear rolled away from the horse out of the eyes. The horse called plaintively, broken, waved, and immediately in naked trees, in the hedge and chimney pipes Oversized, whistled the shrill wind, sweat the snow, taped her throat. The film rushed back into the house, but could not find the porch - it's already a chalk and whipped into the eyes. The murzable straw from the roofs flew around the wind, broke the denunciation, clapped torn shutters. And all the chambers of the snow dust with the surrounding fields were mounted above, rushed to the village, a rustle, turning, distilling each other.

Filming finally jumped into the hut, the door is the door, said: "Yes, you!" - and listened. He was roaring, distrait, blizzard, but through her roar of the film heard a thin and short whistle - so the horse tail whistles when the angry horse hits them on the sides.

The blizzard began to calm down by the evening, and only then was able to get to the hut from the neighbor of Filkina Grandma. And by the night, the sky ranged like a lot, the stars were squeezed to the heavenly straw, and the prickly frost was held in the village. No one saw him, but everyone heard the creaking of his boots on solid snow, heard the frost, Ozoroi, staring thick brices in the walls, and they crackled and burst.

Grandmother, crying, said the film that certainly already frozen the wells and now they are waiting for an inevitful death. There is no water, everyone has come to the flour, and the mill will now not be able to work, because the river froze until the bottom.

The filler also sharpened from fear when mice began to run out of the sample and be buried under the stove in straw, where there was still a little heat. "Yah you! Cursed! " He shouted on mice, but the mice were all climbed from the sample. The film climbed onto the oven, shelled to the Tulupply, all shaking and listened to the balance of grandmother.

"A hundred years ago fell on our district the same Lyut Frost," said grandmother. - frozen wells, broke the birds, dried to the root of the forest and gardens. Ten years after neither trees nor herbs bloomed. Seeds in the ground were faded and disappeared. Naked was our land. He ran away by her side every beast - feared the desert.

- Why did that frost shake? - asked Filk.

"From the Evil of Human," the grandmother replied. - She walked through our village the old soldier, asked for a bread of bread, and the owner, an evil man, sleeved, shouting, take and give one alternate crust. And that did not give in his hands, but threw on the floor and says: "So you! Foot! ". "I am impossible to raise bread from the floor," says soldiers. - I have a wooden tree instead of my feet. " - "And where did the leg of the deval?" - asks a man. "I lost my leg in the Balkan mountains in the Turkish battle," the soldiers answers. "Nothing. Once in a duke of hungry - raise, - the man laughed. "There is no chamenery here." The soldier of the pectochitel, I was illuminated, raised his crust and sees - it is not bread, but one green mold. One poison! Then the soldier went to the courtyard, whistled - and the gaze was broken down by the blizzard, the blizzard, the storm skidded the village, the roofs drowned, and then hit the frost. And the peasant that died.

- Why is he died? - hoarsely asked Filk.

"From the cooling of the heart," answered grandmother, was packed and added: "Know, and now I got a bad man, offender, and created an evil business. From the frost.

- Why now do, grandma? - asked Filk from Toulup. - Surely remove?

- Why remove? Hope it is necessary.

- For what?

- That will correct the bad man with his evil.

- And how to fix it? - asked, sobbing, filter.

- And about this Pankrat knows Melnik. He is an old man cunning, scientist. It is necessary to ask him. Does it really give to such a sharp to the mill? Immediately blood will stop.

- Oh him, Pankrat! - said Filk and Safety.

At night he tears from the oven. Grandma slept, sitting on a bench. Over the windows, the air was blue, thick, scary.

In the clean heaven, the moon was standing over the coolers, cleaned as the bride, pink crowns.

The filler smeared the Toulip, jumped into the street and ran to the mill. Snow sang under his feet, as if the artel of funny pins sawed under the root of the birch grove behind the river. It seemed that the air was frozen and between the earth and the moon remained one emptiness burning and so clear that if it raised the dust a kilometer from the ground, then it would be visible and she would have shone and flicker as a small star.

Black willows near the Mill Damasted from the journey. The branches were wound as glass. Air colole simulation breasts. He could no longer flee, but he was heavily, raking snow by boots.

The film knocked in the pankratovaya hub window. Immediately in Saraj, I woken up and scored a wounded horse with hoof. Filming hurried, sat down from fear squatting, hid. Pankrat challenged the door, grabbed the shape of the collar and dragged into the hut.

"Sit down to the stove," he said. - Tell me, not yet frozen.

Filming, crying, told Pankrat, how he offended the wounded horse and how because of this fell to the village of Frost.

"Yes," Pankrat sighed, "Your business is bad!" It turns out that because of you to disappear. Why did the horse offended? For what? Meaningless you are a citizen!

Filming nozzles, wiped his eyes with a sleeve.

- You throw root! - Strictly said Pankrat. - You are all wizard. Slightly found - now in Ryv. But only in this I do not mean. My mill is standing, as a frost called frost, but there are no flour, and there is no water, and that we have to come up - unknown.

- What should I do now, grandfather Pankrat? - asked Filk.

- Invent salvation from the journey. Then the people will not be your guilt. And before the wounded horse - too. You will be a clean man, cheerful. Each shoulder on your shoulder and forgive. Clear?

- Well, so invent. I give you a deadline for an hour with a quarter.

In Seine, Pankrat lived forty. She did not sleep from the cold, sat on the clamp everable. Then she sideways, looking around, rushed to the gap under the door. I jumped out, jumped on the perilts and flew straight to the south. Soroka was experienced, old and deliberately flew from the earth itself, because from the villages and forests still pulled warm and forty was not afraid to climb. Nobody saw her, only a fox in Osin Yar taped the face out of the hole, led his nose, noticed how dark shadow Fucked across the sky of forty, shook back to Noura and sat for a long time, soaked and thinking: where is it forth in such a terrible night?

And the filler was sitting on the shop at this time, rushed, invented.

"Well," said Pankrat finally, hopping a furry cygar, "your time happened. Put! There will be no preferential period.

"I, grandfather Pankrat," said the filter, "as will break, collect from the entire village guys." We take crowbars, walking, axes, we will cut the ice from the tray near the mill, the depression will not reach the water and she will not flow on the wheel. How water will go, you let the mill! Turn the wheel twenty times, it will warm up and start grinding. It will, it means that the flour, and water, and universal salvation.

- What are you, somehow what! - said Melnik, - in the ice, of course there is water. And if the led is thick in your height, what will you do?

- Yes, well! - Filk said. - We guys guys, and such a lot!

- And if you wipe off?

- Bonfires will burn.

- And if they do not agree guys for your fool to pay to his hump? If they say: "Yes, he! He himself is to blame - let the ice and rocks himself. "

- Agree! I am implied them. Our guys are good.

- Well, Valya collect guys. And I with old people ceiling. Maybe the old men stretch the mittens, let them take a breakdown.

In frosty days the sun rises by the crimson, in a hard smoke. And this morning climbed into the morning. On the river there was a frequent knock of the lamps. Clear bonfires. The guys and old people worked from the very dawn, they were lying from the mill. And no one has noticed the sorry that after noon the sky was dragged into low clouds and blew a smooth and warm wind in the gray whale. And when they noticed that the weather was changed, the branches of IV were already eliminated, and having fun, Gulko slammed behind the river wet birch grove. In the air smelled in spring, manure.

The wind blew from the south. Every hour I got all the warmer. I fell from the roofs and icicles were broken with the ringing.

Ravens got out from under the stools and again they were sorted by pipes, pushed, karkali.

There was only old forties. She flew to the evening when the warmth of the ice began to settle, the work at the mill went quickly and seemed the first shelf with dark water.

The boys graded trephies and shouted "Hurray." Pankrat said that if it were not for a warm wind, then, perhaps, not to whip away the guys and old people. And Soroka sat on Rakit over the dam, crackled, shaking his tail, bowed to all the sides and told something, but no one, besides Raven, did not understand her. And Soroka told that she flew to the warm sea, where the summer wind slept in the mountains, woke him up, sank him about Lita Moroz and thus stunned to drive this frost, help people.

The wind as if he did not dare to refuse to her, forty, and blew, endured over the fields, having missed and laughing over the frost. And if you listen to a good, then you can already hear how the ravines under the snow are boil-rush warm water, the roots of the lingonberry, breaks the ice on the river.

Everyone knows that forty - the most talkative bird in the world, and therefore the crows were not believed to her - they blocked only among themselves: that, they say, the old one again lasted.

So still no one knows whether the truth spoke to forty, or she felt all this from boasting. Only it is known that by the evening I cracked, the guys and old people were swayed - and water hung up to the milling tray with noise.

The old wheel creaked - icicles were sprinkled - and slowly turned. Gold up the millstone, then the wheel turned faster, and suddenly the whole old mill was shook, went in a letter and went to knock, creak, grind grain.

Pankrat Sypal grain, and from under the millstone flowed into the bags of hot flour. Women dipped into her in her hands and laughed.

For all the yards of the prison call birch firewood. The huts glowed from hot furnace fire. Women kneaded tight sweet dough. And all that was living in the outbreaks - guys, cats, even mice, - all this slept near the owners, and the hostess slammed the guys on the back of white from the flour with her hand, so as not to climb into the quasch and did not interfere.

At night, in the village there was such a smell of warm bread with a ruddy crust, with a burntable cabbage leaves, that even the foxes got out of the holes, sat on the snow, trembled and quietly sculptured, thinking, how to solve to pull in people at least a piece of this wonderful bread.

The next morning the film came along with the guys to the mill. The wind drove through the blue sky loose clouds and did not give them a moment to translate the Spirit, and therefore then cold shadows were traveled on the ground, then hot sunny spots.

Filming dragged a loaf of fresh bread, and at all a little boy Nikolka kept a wooden straw with a large yellow salt. Pankrat came out on the threshold, asked:

- What is the phenomenon? Do me, do you, Bread-salt? For what such merits?

- Well no! - shouted guys. - You will be especially. And this is a wounded horse. From filters. We want to reconcile them.

"Well," said Pankrat, "not only a person apologies required. Now I will imagine a horse in kind.

Pankrat challenged the gate of the barn, released a horse. The horse went out, pulled his head, called - I learned the smell of fresh bread. The film broke up loaf, sat down his bread from Salon and extended a horse. But she did not take a horse, he began finely sorting out his legs, backed into the barn. Filk scared. Then the filler in front of the whole village rolled loudly.

The guys whispered and swept, and Pankrat pulled a horse around her neck and said:

- Do not let, boy! Filk Ne. evil person. Why to offend him? Take bread, Morning!

The horse stroked his head, thought, then carefully pulled out the neck and finally took the bread from the hands of a soft lip. Ate one piece, sniffed the filter and took the second piece. The filler grinned through the tears, and the horse chewed bread, snorted. And when I ate all the bread, I put my head at my shoulder, sighed and closed my eyes from satiety and pleasure.

Everyone smiled, rejoiced. Only the old forty sat on Rakita and angrily crackled: it must have been brazed again that it was one of one managed to pick a horse with a filter. But no one listened to her and did not understand, and forty from this was angry more and cracked like a machine gun.

When the cavalrymen took place through the village of Berezhka, the German shell broke out on the sidelice and wounded in the leg of the crow. The commander left the wounded horse in the village, and the detachment went on, dust and calling in the rivy, - left, rolled behind the groves, for the hills, where the wind swung ripe.

Horse took Melnik Pankrat. The mill has not worked for a long time, but the flour dust forever entered Pankrat. She lay a gray crust on his vitro and the Kartuze. From under the map, I looked at all the rapid eyes of the Melnik. Pankrat was a quick job, an angry old man, and the guys considered him a sorcerer.

Pankrat cured horse. The horse remained at the mill and patiently drove the clay, manure and rheri - helped Pankrat to repair the dam.

Pankrat was difficult to feed the horse, and the horse began to walk through the courtyards. Will standing, he swatkens, he knocks the muzzle to the gate, and, you look, he will be made beet trees, or a smooth bread, or, even a sweet carrot happened. According to the village, they said that the horse is nothing, or rather - public, and everyone considered it his duty to feed him. In addition, the horse is injured, suffered from the enemy.

He lived in babe with his grandmother, a boy filing, on nicknamed "Well, you." The filler was silent, incredulous, and his beloved expression was: "Yes, you!". Whether he offered him a neighbor boy to resemble in stilts or search for greened cartridges, the filler answered an angry bass: "Yes, you! Search for yourself! " When the grandmother copied him for the unquestion, the filter turned away and muttered: "Yes, well! Tired! "

Winter in this year stood warm. In the air hung smoke. Snow fell out and immediately melted. Wet crows sat down on chimney to dry, pushed, rank on each other. Near the mill tray, water did not freeze, but stood black, quiet, and ice was spinning in it.

Pankrat repaired the mill to the time and was going to grind bread, "the mistress complained that the flour ends, it remained at each to three or three days, and the grain is non-beam.

In one of these warm gray days, the wounded horse knocked the muzzle to the gate to the filter grandmother. The grandmothers were not at home, and the filler was sitting at the table and chewed a piece of bread, steeply sprinkled with salt.

The filler reluctantly got up, went out for the gate. The horse crossed out his foot and reached for bread. "Yah you! Devil!" - Filming shouted and noodle hit the horse on the lips. Horse stepping out, shook his head, and the film threw the bread far into the loose snow and shouted:
- You will not be attacked, on Christ therapists! Won your bread! Go digging his face from under the snow! Go back!

And after this, the evil round and happened in Berezhkov those amazing affairs, about what and now people say, shaking their heads, because they themselves do not know whether it was or nothing.

The tear rolled away from the horse out of the eyes. The horse was called complaints about, long, waved his tail, and immediately in naked trees, in the hedge and chimney, dried up, whistled the piercing wind, sweat the snow, fed the throat. The film rushed back into the house, but could not find the porch - it's already a chalk and whipped into the eyes. The murzable straw from the roofs flew around the wind, broke the denunciation, clapped torn shutters. And all the chambers of the snow dust with the surrounding fields were mounted above, rushed to the village, a rustle, turning, distilling each other.

Filming finally jumped into the hut, the door is the door, said: "Yes, you!" - and listened. He was roaring, distrait, blizzard, but through her roar of the film heard a thin and short whistle - so the horse tail whistles when the angry horse hits them on the sides.

The blizzard began to calm down by the evening, and only then was able to get to the hut from the neighbor of Filkina Grandma. And by the night, the sky ranged like a lot, the stars were squeezed to the heavenly straw, and the prickly frost was held in the village. No one saw him, but everyone heard the creaking of his boots on solid snow, heard the frost, Ozoroi, staring thick brices in the walls, and they crackled and burst.

Grandmother, crying, said the film that certainly already frozen the wells and now they are waiting for an inevitful death. There is no water, everyone has come to the flour, and the mill will now not be able to work, because the river froze until the bottom.

The filler also sharpened from fear when mice began to run out of the sample and be buried under the stove in straw, where there was still a little heat. "Yah you! Cursed! " He shouted on mice, but the mice were all climbed from the sample. The film climbed onto the oven, shelled to the Tulupply, all shaking and listened to the balance of grandmother.

"A hundred years ago fell on our district the same Lyut Frost," said grandmother. - frozen wells, broke the birds, dried to the root of the forest and gardens. Ten years after neither trees nor herbs bloomed. Seeds in the ground were faded and disappeared. Naked was our land. He ran away by her side every beast - feared the desert.
- Why did that frost shake? - asked Filk.
"From the Evil of Human," the grandmother replied. - She walked through our village the old soldier, asked for a bread of bread, and the owner, an evil man, sleeved, shouting, take and give one alternate crust. And that did not give in his hands, but threw on the floor and says: "So you! Foot! ". "I am impossible to raise bread from the floor," says soldiers. - I have a wooden tree instead of my feet. " - "And where did the leg of the deval?" - asks a man. "I lost my leg in the Balkan mountains in the Turkish battle," the soldiers answers. "Nothing. Once in a duke of hungry - raise, - the man laughed. "There is no chamenery here." The soldier of the pectochitel, I was illuminated, raised his crust and sees - it is not bread, but one green mold. One poison! Then the soldier went to the courtyard, whistled - and the gaze was broken down by the blizzard, the blizzard, the storm skidded the village, the roofs drowned, and then hit the frost. And the peasant that died.
- Why is he died? - hoarsely asked Filk.
"From the cooling of the heart," answered grandmother, was packed and added: "Know, and now I got a bad man, offender, and created an evil business. From the frost.
- Why now do, grandma? - asked Filk from Toulup. - Surely remove?
- Why remove? Hope it is necessary.
- What?
- That will correct the bad man with his evil.
- And how to fix it? - asked, sobbing, filter.
- And about this Pankrat knows Melnik. He is an old man cunning, scientist. It is necessary to ask him. Does it really give to such a sharp to the mill? Immediately blood will stop.
- Oh him, Pankrat! - said Filk and Safety.

At night he tears from the oven. Grandma slept, sitting on a bench. Over the windows, the air was blue, thick, scary. In the clean heaven, the moon was standing over the coolers, cleaned as the bride, pink crowns. The filler smeared the Toulip, jumped into the street and ran to the mill. Snow sang under his feet, as if the artel of funny pins sawed under the root of the birch grove behind the river. It seemed that the air was frozen and between the earth and the moon remained one emptiness burning and so clear that if it raised the dust a kilometer from the ground, then it would be visible and she would have shone and flicker as a small star.

Black willows near the Mill Damasted from the journey. The branches were wound as glass. Air colole simulation breasts. He could no longer flee, but he was heavily, raking snow by boots.

The film knocked in the pankratovaya hub window. Immediately in Saraj, I woken up and scored a wounded horse with hoof. Filming hurried, sat down from fear squatting, hid. Pankrat challenged the door, grabbed the shape of the collar and dragged into the hut.
"Sit down to the stove," he said. - Tell me, not yet frozen.

Filming, crying, told Pankrat, how he offended the wounded horse and how because of this fell to the village of Frost.
"Yes," Pankrat sighed, "Your business is bad!" It turns out that because of you to disappear. Why did the horse offended? For what? Meaningless you are a citizen!

Filming nozzles, wiped his eyes with a sleeve.
- You throw root! - Strictly said Pankrat. - You are all wizard. Slightly found - now in Ryv. But only in this I do not mean. My mill is standing, as a frost called frost, but there are no flour, and there is no water, and that we have to come up - unknown.
- What should I do now, grandfather Pankrat? - asked Filk.
- Invent salvation from the journey. Then the people will not be your guilt. And before the wounded horse - too. You will be a clean man, cheerful. Each shoulder on your shoulder and forgive. Clear?
"I see," the filler replied the fallen voice.
- Well, so invent. I give you a deadline for an hour with a quarter.

In Seine, Pankrat lived forty. She did not sleep from the cold, sat on the clamp everable. Then she sideways, looking around, rushed to the gap under the door. I jumped out, jumped on the perilts and flew straight to the south. Soroka was experienced, old and deliberately flew from the earth itself, because from the villages and forests still pulled warm and forty was not afraid to climb. Nobody saw her, only the fox in the Osinner taped the face out of the hole, led his nose, noticed how the dark shadow swept over the sky of forty, it shouted back to Noura and was sitting for a long time, soaked and thinking: where is the forty?

And the filler was sitting on the shop at this time, rushed, invented.
"Well," said Pankrat finally, hopping a furry cygar, "your time happened. Put! There will be no preferential period.
"I, grandfather Pankrat," said the filter, "as will break, collect from the entire village guys." We take crowbars, walking, axes, we will cut the ice from the tray near the mill, the depression will not reach the water and she will not flow on the wheel. How water will go, you let the mill! Turn the wheel twenty times, it will warm up and start grinding. It will, it means that the flour, and water, and universal salvation.
- What are you, somehow what! - said Melnik, - in the ice, of course there is water. And if the led is thick in your height, what will you do?
- Yes, well! - Filk said. - We guys guys, and such a lot!
- And if you wipe off?
- Bonfires will burn.
- And if they do not agree guys for your fool to pay to his hump? If they say: "Yes, he! He himself is to blame - let the ice and rocks himself. "
- Agree! I am implied them. Our guys are good.
- Well, Valya collect guys. And I with old people ceiling. Maybe the old men stretch the mittens, let them take a breakdown.

In frosty days the sun rises by the crimson, in a hard smoke. And this morning climbed into the morning. On the river there was a frequent knock of the lamps. Clear bonfires. The guys and old people worked from the very dawn, they were lying from the mill. And no one has noticed the sorry that after noon the sky was dragged into low clouds and blew a smooth and warm wind in the gray whale. And when they noticed that the weather was changed, the branches of IV were already eliminated, and having fun, Gulko slammed behind the river wet birch grove. In the air smelled in spring, manure.

The wind blew from the south. Every hour I got all the warmer. I fell from the roofs and icicles were broken with the ringing. Ravens got out from under the stools and again they were sorted by pipes, pushed, karkali. There was only old forties. She flew to the evening when the warmth of the ice began to settle, the work at the mill went quickly and seemed the first shelf with dark water.

The boys graded trephies and shouted "Hurray." Pankrat said that if it were not for a warm wind, then, perhaps, not to whip away the guys and old people. And Soroka sat on Rakit over the dam, crackled, shaking his tail, bowed to all the sides and told something, but no one, besides Raven, did not understand her. And Soroka told that she flew to the warm sea, where the summer wind slept in the mountains, woke him up, sank him about Lita Moroz and thus stunned to drive this frost, help people.

The wind as if he did not dare to refuse to her, forty, and blew, endured over the fields, having missed and laughing over the frost. And if you listen to a good, then you can already hear how the ravines under the snow are boil-rush warm water, the roots of the lingonberry, breaks the ice on the river.

Everyone knows that forty - the most talkative bird in the world, and therefore the crows were not believed to her - they blocked only among themselves: that, they say, the old one again lasted.

So still no one knows whether the truth spoke to forty, or she felt all this from boasting. Only it is known that by the evening I cracked, the guys and old people were swayed - and water hung up to the milling tray with noise.

The old wheel creaked - icicles were sprinkled - and slowly turned. Gold up the millstone, then the wheel turned faster, and suddenly the whole old mill was shook, went in a letter and went to knock, creak, grind grain.

Pankrat Sypal grain, and from under the millstone flowed into the bags of hot flour. Women dipped into her in her hands and laughed.

For all the yards, the colole bearing birch firewood. The huts glowed from hot furnace fire. Women kneaded tight sweet dough. And all that was living in the outbreaks - guys, cats, even mice, - all this slept near the owners, and the hostess slammed the guys on the back of white from the flour with her hand, so as not to climb into the quasch and did not interfere.

At night, in the village there was such a smell of warm bread with a ruddy crust, with a burntable cabbage leaves, that even the foxes got out of the holes, sat on the snow, trembled and quietly sculptured, thinking, how to solve to pull in people at least a piece of this wonderful bread.

The next morning the film came along with the guys to the mill. The wind drove through the blue sky loose clouds and did not give them a moment to translate the Spirit, and therefore then cold shadows were traveled on the ground, then hot sunny spots.

The filler dragged a loaf of fresh bread, and a very little nicolka boy kept a wooden strale with a large yellow salt. Pankrat came out on the threshold, asked:
- What is the phenomenon? Do me, do you, Bread-salt? For what such merits?
- No! - shouted the guys. - It will be especially. And this is a wounded horse. From filters. We want to reconcile them.
"Well," said Pankrat, "not only a person apologies required. Now I will imagine a horse in kind.

Pankrat challenged the gate of the barn, released a horse. The horse went out, pulled his head, called - I learned the smell of fresh bread. The film broke up loaf, sat down his bread from Salon and extended a horse. But she did not take a horse, he began finely sorting out his legs, backed into the barn. Filk scared. Then the filler in front of the whole village rolled loudly.

The guys whispered and swept, and Pankrat pulled a horse around her neck and said:
- Do not let, boy! Filming is not an evil person. Why to offend him? Take bread, Morning!

The horse stroked his head, thought, then carefully pulled out the neck and finally took the bread from the hands of a soft lip. Ate one piece, sniffed the filter and took the second piece. The filler grinned through the tears, and the horse chewed bread, snorted. And when I ate all the bread, I put my head at my shoulder, sighed and closed my eyes from satiety and pleasure.

Everyone smiled, rejoiced. Only the old forty sat on Rakita and angrily crackled: it must have been brazed again that it was one of one managed to pick a horse with a filter. But no one listened to her and did not understand, and forty from this was angry more and cracked like a machine gun.

Konstantin Georgievich Powesty

Additional reading

Answers to page 53 - 55

1. Exact word
Think why the tale is entitled "Warm bread." Select the answer √.

Because the filler brought a horse fresh bread.

2. Search
How did the village treat the wounded horse? Find the answer and emphasize.

Pankrat was difficult to feed the horse, and the horse began to walk through the courtyards. Will standing, he swatkens, he knocks the muzzle to the gate, and, you look, he will be made beet trees, or a smooth bread, or, even a sweet carrot happened. On the village they said that the horse is nothing, or rather - public, and everyone considered him to feed him. In addition, the horse is injured, suffered from the enemy.

3. Comparison
Fill in the table "The trouble in Berezhka". What did the strong frost begin? Write down.

First case Second case
From the Emirates of Human: "The old soldier" went through our village, asked for a bread of bread, and the owner, an evil man, sleeved, shouting, take and give alone alive crust. And that did not give in his hands, but threw on the floor and says: "So you! Foot! " "I am impossible to raise bread from the floor," says soldiers. I have a rustier instead of my leg. " Filming offended by the wounded horse and because of this fell to the village of Frost: "The horse crossed off his leg and stretched to the bread:" Yes, well! Devil!" - Filming shouted and noodle hit the horse on the lips. The horse was accustomed, shouted his head, and the film threw the bread away into the loose snow and shouted: - You will not be disappeared, thumbnails! Won your bread! Go, corrupt his face from - under the snow! Go, corop! "

4. Exact word
How the grandmother explained to the filter, why did the strong frost come? Write down.

Know and now walked in babe A bad man, offender, and created an evil business. From the frost.

5. Exact word
Read the passage. How does the author describe a scene of reconciliation horse with a filter? What words do the feelings of heroes transmit? Stress.

Do not let, boy! Filming is not an evil person. Why to offend him? Take bread, Morning!
The horse stroked his head, thought, then carefully pulled out the neck and finally took the bread from the hands of a soft lip. Ate one piece, sniffed the filter and took the second piece. Filler grinned through tears, And the horse chewed bread, snorted. And when I ate all bread, i put my head at my shoulder, sighed and closed my eyes from satiety and pleasure.
Everyone smiled, rejoiced.

Paust Konstantin

Warm bread

Konstantin Georgievich Powesty

Warm bread

When the cavalrymen took place through the village of Berezhka, the German shell broke out on the sidelice and wounded in the leg of the crow. The commander left the wounded horse in the village, and the detachment went on, dust and calling in the rivy, - left, rolled behind the groves, for the hills, where the wind swung ripe.

Horse took Melnik Pankrat. The mill has not worked for a long time, but the flour dust forever entered Pankrat. She lay a gray crust on his vitro and the Kartuze. From under the map, I looked at all the rapid eyes of the Melnik. Pankrat was a quick job, an angry old man, and the guys considered him a sorcerer.

Pankrat cured horse. The horse remained at the mill and patiently drove the clay, manure and rheri - helped Pankrat to repair the dam.

Pankrat was difficult to feed the horse, and the horse began to walk through the courtyards. Will standing, he swatkens, he knocks the muzzle to the gate, and, you look, he will be made beet trees, or a smooth bread, or, even a sweet carrot happened. According to the village, they said that the horse is nothing, or rather - public, and everyone considered it his duty to feed him. In addition, the horse is injured, suffered from the enemy.

He lived in Berezhkov with his grandmother Boy Filming, nicknamed "Well, you." The filler was silent, incredulous, and his beloved expression was: "Yes, you!". Whether he suggested a neighbor boy to get on the stilts or search for green chucks, the film was answered by an angry bass: "Yes, you! Look for yourself!" When the grandmother copied him for the unquestion, the film turned out and muttered: "Yes, well! Tired!".

Winter in this year stood warm. In the air hung smoke. Snow fell out and immediately melted. Wet crows sat down on chimney to dry, pushed, rank on each other. Near the mill tray, water did not freeze, but stood black, quiet, and ice was spinning in it.

Pankrat repaired the mill to the time and was going to grind bread, "the mistress complained that the flour ends, it remained at each to three or three days, and the grain is non-beam.

In one of these warm gray days, the wounded horse knocked the muzzle to the gate to the filter grandmother. The grandmothers were not at home, and the filler was sitting at the table and chewed a piece of bread, steeply sprinkled with salt.

The filler reluctantly got up, went out for the gate. The horse crossed out his foot and reached for bread. "Yes, you! Devil!" - Filming shouted and noodle hit the horse on her lips. Horse stepping out, shook his head, and the film threw the bread far into the loose snow and shouted:

You will not be confused, on Christ therapists! Won your bread! Go digging his face from under the snow! Go back!

And after this, the evil round and happened in Berezhkov those amazing affairs, about what and now people say, shaking their heads, because they themselves do not know whether it was or nothing.

The tear rolled away from the horse out of the eyes. The horse was called complaints about, long, waved his tail, and immediately in naked trees, in the hedge and chimney, dried up, whistled the piercing wind, sweat the snow, fed the throat. The film rushed back into the house, but could not find the porch - it's already a chalk and whipped into the eyes. The murzable straw from the roofs flew around the wind, broke the denunciation, clapped torn shutters. And all the chambers of the snow dust with the surrounding fields were mounted above, rushed to the village, a rustle, turning, distilling each other.

Filming finally jumped into the hut, the door is the door, said: "Yes, you!" - and listened. He was roaring, distrait, blizzard, but through her roar of the film heard a thin and short whistle - so the horse tail whistles when the angry horse hits them on the sides.

The blizzard began to calm down by the evening, and only then was able to get to the hut from the neighbor of Filkina Grandma. And by the night, the sky ranged like a lot, the stars were squeezed to the heavenly straw, and the prickly frost was held in the village. No one saw him, but everyone heard the creaking of his boots on solid snow, heard the frost, Ozoroi, staring thick brices in the walls, and they crackled and burst.

Warm bread

When the cavalrymen took place through the village of Berezhka, the German shell broke out on the sidelice and wounded in the leg of the crow. The commander left the wounded horse in the village, and the detachment went on, dust and calling in the rivy, - left, rolled behind the groves, for the hills, where the wind swung ripe.

Horse took Melnik Pankrat. The mill has not worked for a long time, but the flour dust forever entered Pankrat. She lay a gray crust on his vitro and the Kartuze. From under the map, I looked at all the rapid eyes of the Melnik. Pankrat was a quick job, an angry old man, and the guys considered him a sorcerer.

Pankrat cured horse. The horse remained at the mill and patiently drove the clay, manure and rheri - helped Pankrat to repair the dam.

Pankrat was difficult to feed the horse, and the horse began to walk through the courtyards. Will standing, he swatkens, he knocks the muzzle to the gate, and, you look, he will be made beet trees, or a smooth bread, or, even a sweet carrot happened. According to the village, they said that the horse is nothing, or rather - public, and everyone considered it his duty to feed him. In addition, the horse is injured, suffered from the enemy.

He lived in Berezhkov with his grandmother Boy Filming, nicknamed "Well, you." The filler was silent, incredulous, and his beloved expression was: "Yes, you!". Whether he suggested a neighbor boy to get on the stilts or search for green chucks, the film was answered by an angry bass: "Yes, you! Look for yourself!" When the grandmother copied him for the unquestion, the film turned out and muttered: "Yes, well! Tired!".

Winter in this year stood warm. In the air hung smoke. Snow fell out and immediately melted. Wet crows sat down on chimney to dry, pushed, rank on each other. Near the mill tray, water did not freeze, but stood black, quiet, and ice was spinning in it.

Pankrat repaired the mill to the time and was going to grind bread, "the mistress complained that the flour ends, it remained at each to three or three days, and the grain is non-beam.

In one of these warm gray days, the wounded horse knocked the muzzle to the gate to the filter grandmother. The grandmothers were not at home, and the filler was sitting at the table and chewed a piece of bread, steeply sprinkled with salt.

The filler reluctantly got up, went out for the gate. The horse crossed out his foot and reached for bread. "Yes, you! Devil!" - Filming shouted and noodle hit the horse on her lips. Horse stepping out, shook his head, and the film threw the bread far into the loose snow and shouted:

You will not be confused, on Christ therapists! Won your bread! Go digging his face from under the snow! Go back!

And after this, the evil round and happened in Berezhkov those amazing affairs, about what and now people say, shaking their heads, because they themselves do not know whether it was or nothing.

The tear rolled away from the horse out of the eyes. The horse was called complaints about, long, waved his tail, and immediately in naked trees, in the hedge and chimney, dried up, whistled the piercing wind, sweat the snow, fed the throat. The film rushed back into the house, but could not find the porch - it's already a chalk and whipped into the eyes. The murzable straw from the roofs flew around the wind, broke the denunciation, clapped torn shutters. And all the chambers of the snow dust with the surrounding fields were mounted above, rushed to the village, a rustle, turning, distilling each other.

Filming finally jumped into the hut, the door is the door, said: "Yes, you!" - and listened. He was roaring, distrait, blizzard, but through her roar of the film heard a thin and short whistle - so the horse tail whistles when the angry horse hits them on the sides.

The blizzard began to calm down by the evening, and only then was able to get to the hut from the neighbor of Filkina Grandma. And by the night, the sky ranged like a lot, the stars were squeezed to the heavenly straw, and the prickly frost was held in the village. No one saw him, but everyone heard the creaking of his boots on solid snow, heard the frost, Ozoroi, staring thick brices in the walls, and they crackled and burst.

Grandmother, crying, said the film that certainly already frozen the wells and now they are waiting for an inevitful death. There is no water, everyone has come to the flour, and the mill will now not be able to work, because the river froze until the bottom.

The filler also sharpened from fear when mice began to run out of the sample and be buried under the stove in straw, where there was still a little heat. "Yes, well! Cursed!" He shouted on mice, but the mice were all climbed from the sample. The film climbed onto the oven, shelled to the Tulupply, all shaking and listened to the balance of grandmother.

A hundred years ago fell on our district the same Lyut Frost, "said grandmother. - frozen wells, broke the birds, dried to the root of the forest and gardens. Ten years after neither trees nor herbs bloomed. Seeds in the ground were faded and disappeared. Naked was our land. He ran away by her side every beast - feared the desert.

Why did that frost sharpen? - asked Filk.

From the Emirates of Human, - answered grandmother. - She walked through our village the old soldier, asked for a bread of bread, and the owner, an evil man, sleeved, shouting, take and give one alternate crust. And that did not give in his hands, but threw on the floor and says: "Here you are! Foot!" "" I cannot raise bread with the floor, "the soldier says." I have a tree instead of my feet. " - "And where did the leg of the deval?" - asks a man. "I lost my leg in the Balkan mountains in the Turkish battle," the soldier answers. "Nothing. Once in a duct is hungry - raise," the man laughed. "There is no valet to you." The soldier of the pectochitel, I was illuminated, raised his crust and sees - it is not bread, but one green mold. One poison! Then the soldier went to the courtyard, whistled - and the gaze was broken down by the blizzard, the blizzard, the storm skidded the village, the roofs drowned, and then hit the frost. And the peasant that died.

Why is he died? - hoarsely asked Filk.

From cooling the heart, - answered grandmother, was silent and added: - Know, and now I got a bad man, offender, and created an evil business. From the frost.

Why now do, grandma? - asked Filk from Toulup. - Surely remove?

Why remove? Hope it is necessary.

For the fact that the bad man will correct his villain.

And how to fix it? - asked, sobbing, filter.

And about this Pankrat knows Melnik. He is an old man cunning, scientist. It is necessary to ask him. Does it really give to such a sharp to the mill? Immediately blood will stop.

Well, his, Pankrat! - said Filk and Safety.

At night he tears from the oven. Grandma slept, sitting on a bench. Over the windows, the air was blue, thick, scary.

In the clean heaven, the moon was standing over the coolers, cleaned as the bride, pink crowns.

The filler smeared the Toulip, jumped into the street and ran to the mill. Snow sang under his feet, as if the artel of funny pins sawed under the root of the birch grove behind the river. It seemed that the air was frozen and between the earth and the moon remained one emptiness burning and so clear that if it raised the dust a kilometer from the ground, then it would be visible and she would have shone and flicker as a small star.

Black willows near the Mill Damasted from the journey. The branches were wound as glass. Air colole simulation breasts. He could no longer flee, but he was heavily, raking snow by boots.

The film knocked in the pankratovaya hub window. Immediately in Saraj, I woken up and scored a wounded horse with hoof. Filming hurried, sat down from fear squatting, hid. Pankrat challenged the door, grabbed the shape of the collar and dragged into the hut.

Sit down to the stove, "he said. - Tell me, until a frost.

Filming, crying, told Pankrat, how he offended the wounded horse and how because of this fell to the village of Frost.

Yes, "Pankrat sighed," Your business is bad! It turns out that because of you to disappear. Why did the horse offended? For what? Meaningless you are a citizen!

Filming nozzles, wiped his eyes with a sleeve.

You throw root! - Strictly said Pankrat. - You are all wizard. Slightly found - now in Ryv. But only in this I do not mean. My mill is standing, as a frost called frost, but there are no flour, and there is no water, and that we have to come up - unknown.