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How to plant Clematis in spring from packages. Landing Clematis in open soil in spring: tips for flowers. Where to plant Clematis

How to put Clematis. Where and how to plant Clematis

Do you know that the general development and condition of the plant depends on the proper landing of Clematis? Planted Nastech Liana, nor when will not please you with lush flowering. From your chosen place for planting a seedling, the future well-being of plants also depends. The choice of varieties and knowledge of his biological features will also affect the final result. Plant cultivation begins always with the preparation of landing pit and landing. Let's first find out how to plant Clematis.

For Clematis, sites on the place protected from the wind.

With high standing groundwater (80-100 cm) They are planted on artificial hollys, and at the bottom of the landing holes are arranged drainage from pebbles, gravel, broken bricks. On heavy soils, the size of the landing holes - 70 x 70 x 70, on the lungs - 50 x 50 x 50.

The best time for dividing and transplanting Clematis in the open soil - April - the beginning of May, when the earth was already eliminated, but the plants have not started germinate. Acceptable and autumn time - the end of August - September. In the summer, Clematis are transplanted when the shoots were wounded. Plants in containers can be transplanted from spring to autumn.

Clematis with a rod root system poorly tolerate transplant. They are better to sit at a permanent place right away.

The planting hole is filled with a mixture of peat, humoring (compost), garden land, sand (1: 2: 2: 1), 2-3 cup of ash, 100-150 g of mineral fertilizers, 150-200 g of dolomite flour. The pit makes a cooked mixture in the pit, gently lay the roots on it, pumped with a small amount of the mixture and moisturize.

Clematis when landing must be plugged. It protects roots from freezing in winter and overheating in the summer. In this case, nodes for young plants should be lower than the edges of the pits by 5-8 cm, for adults - by 8-10 cm. The nodes of the body is sprinkled with clean sand with the addition of wood ash and poured charcoal. Filling the pit completely, make a hole for watering at 15-20 cm from the saplings and wipes again.

The soil is mounted peat or humus. To reduce the overheating of the soil, the seedlings can be attached to the tagtess, calendula, lavender, bread-shaped phlox.

Supports for Lian need to be installed before boarding or immediately after it, otherwise you can damage the root system. The diameter of the support, for which Clematis will be cling, should not exceed 2 cm. In the following messages, you will learn about the features of the pruning of Liana, about its diseases and pests. In the meantime, watch the video!

Useful materials about Clematis - about varieties, on the features of the variety, landing

Clematis - beautiful lianaCoated with hundreds of multicolored colors. This plant is very popular in our territories. Such a colorful and lush garland will become the most amazing decoration for arbors, fences or walls of houses. But most importantly, this plant is unpretentious in care and even the most inexperienced gardener will be able to grow.

Clematis cultivation in open ground with photos and video

Spring landing

Choosing a place and soil preparation

In the spring, in mid-May, landing Clematis should be done in open sad. The plant loves the plots with a small shadow (on the bright salz the flowers of saturated painting flashes) and protection against wind and draft. Therefore, before disembarking, you should choose and cook the place.

First you need to prepare the ground for landing. It must absorb water well and be loose - the flower loves light and nutritious soil. For Clematis, loamy or fertile soils are suitable.

Do not land bushes into heavy and acidic soils. Since he will lead to the death of the plant. As for fertilizers in the form of fresh manure and peat, they will only bring harm to the bush.

When choosing a landing site, special attention should be paid to the humidity of the soil. Since Clematis does not tolerate groundwater, it will be right to put it on a small hill made by personally. It will save the long roots of the plant from rotting. It is worth noting that Clematis has a rhizome reaches 1 meter in length.

If in the garden, where it is planned to plant the coat of the soil clay, then you can make a small groove and fall asleep with its sand to remove all unwanted water from the flower.

Clematis can cover the fence or building

Pita for landing

The next stage, the preparation of the pit for landing. It follows no more than 70 cm deep into the depth. Then put a small layer of rubble on the bottom. All soil, which was obtained when digging pit, should be replaced with a cooked substrate. It is done in the following way:

  1. take a bucket of land
  2. add to Shee 0., 5 buckets upholstered,
  3. then pour 100gr hawed lime and mix well.

Before planting the plant, you need to take care of supports that can support Clematis garlands.


When everything is prepared, you can start landing. Initially, it is necessary to inspect Clematis's root if it is drying, then a plant should be put for a couple of hours into the water.

Then in the dug hole, on top of the rubble, pour a small layer of the Earth, and to put a seedlove from above.

Landing Clematis in spring and autumn almost the same

The roots need to be distributed evenly in the width of the pit, covered with a substrate with a substrate by 12 cm.

It is very important that the fossa in which Clematis is planted is not completely covered. The remaining substrate is unominted evenly until the autumn.

Important: If you plan to plant Clematis near the wall of the house, then the distance must be at least 40 cm between the bush and the wall. It is impossible for water that flows from the roof after the rain falls on a flower, it can destroy it.

In the case when several Clematis bushes are planned, the distance between them should be at least 25 cm.

Clematis sapling and landing: video

Landing in autumn

Many gardeners try to plant Clematis in the fall. And if the seedlock was purchased in the summer, then waiting for the offensive of spring is stupid. The plant should land along the autumn.

The most optimal time for such manipulation September. If you plant Clematis later, he will not have time to root and can perish. And if you land up before, the plant will go to the winter growth, as the result - the death is inevitable.

The landing method is exactly the same as spring. The only difference is the filling of the pit of the substrate, it must be filled with completely.

With the approximation of the cold pore, you need to take care of the preservation of Clematis. The planted bush, it will be necessary to hone well for the winter, when choosing a time for this procedure, always focus on.

In the spring you need to remove the shelter from the bush in time. Otherwise, he may die due to high humidity. And to determine the correct time to clean the insulation, you can navigate the weather conditions. In this case, the forecast to help. The most important thing is that all frosts remain behind.

IMPORTANT: Clematis lives and glances bloom on average 30 years. Therefore, when choosing a place to land, you need to take into account this feature.

Care for Clematis

After landing Clematis, he needs regular care. There is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is to pay attention to the flower.

For good development it will be necessary:

  • watering;
  • fertilizer;
  • deleting weeds.


When watering, it is always worth remembering that the plant does not tolerate excess water. In the spring, it can be watered not more than once a week. On one bush requires 0.5 buckets of water.

When summer comes, and a severe heat comes with it, watering increases to two times a week. The volume of water remains the same. You need to water the bushes only in the evenings.


As for the fertilizer of the soil, it must be made during the growth period. And when the first flowers appear on Clematis, the entire feeding stops until autumn. One month will be enough. This technique operates for an adult plant.

In the first year after planting the plant, it does not fertilize at all. Since in the first year, the bush received all the required feeding when landing.

Good fertilizer for this plant, concentrate intended for strawberries. You can use conventional water in which raw salted meat washed. Or purchase in a flower shop, a special means.

In the spring, when Clematis wakes up from the winter hibernation, it must be watered with a chalk solution with the addition of copper mood. It will save him from many diseases.

It is not difficult to prepare such a mixture, on 15 liters of water you need to add 500 grams of chalk and 200 grams of copper sulfate. All pretty wash and pour plants at the rate of one bush ½ bucket of the solution.

Deleting weeds

Regularly with the flower beds, where Clematis grows, all weeds are required. Since this plant takes all moisture and nutritious elements. Best option It will fall on special grass all the flower beds where Clematis grows. Such a procedure will help protect the bush from harmful plants, and will also save it from the strong sun.

Here is such a beauty, it is possible to grow at your home

The reproduction of Clematis

Clematis can be multiplied by both in spring and autumn. There are several breeding methods:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • air chains.


To grow clematis from seeds, you need to use seeds from a new crop. They should be sorted. Large swaying back in January, as they germinate very long. And those that smallest sow in March, from such seeds, the first sunrises appear in two weeks.

For sowing, a special substrate is preparing, you can make it yourself, for this you need sand, peat and earth with equal parts. Everything is mixed and the soil for landing is ready.


Clematis needed in the fall. One of the main conditions is the age of the bush, it must be at least five years old. With shoots, cuttings are cut off, on which there must be two developed kidneys. Then, each process is treated with phytogormon (you can phytosporin).

After this procedure, the cuttings are burying into the container with the ground and lowered to the basement. Thus, they are stored until spring. During storage, you need to follow the state of the Earth, it must be constantly wet. And the temperature is desirable about 0 ° C. At the end of February, tolerate the room with a temperature of 10-15 ° C.

You can breed Clematis in summer - green cuttings

In March, the first small sprouts will appear. Containers with cuttings are put in greenhouse. When shootouts have been reached 10 cm, the bottom leaves are plugged to give an impetus for root growth. In the open soil, seedlings are planted in mid-May.


This method of reproduction is the easiest.

  1. To begin with, it will take to switch the soil around the bush.
  2. Then align the soil and make a groove in it with a depth of 6 cm.
  3. Put in the groove selected to remove the escape and press it in several places by the usual wire.
  4. Next, take a little hubby mixed with wet soil and sprinkle the escape from above.
  5. The top must remain on the surface.

This method must be used in autumn. Therefore, in front of the winter, the place where there is a vacuum, you need to warm up well.

In the spring, the insulation is removed. When the sprout appears, it will be necessary to inspire the entire soil, which is around the gag. When September comes, already a stupid seedling can be digging and planted at a permanent place.

Escape stacked in the grooves, watering and falling asleep


Conduct Clematis, it is necessary to fall in the fall, when the plant has dropped away and dropped its leaves. In the south of Russia, in Ukraine this procedure is performed in early November. In the suburbs, the middle strip, in the Urals, in Siberia no later than the middle of October. For trim chosen dry and cloudless day.

How to cut a young bush

If the plant is the first year of life, then all shoots are cut into 25 cm. When trimming is needed at each shoot, try to leave the kidney pair. This will help create additional Lians when growing, and next year the whole bush, it will be much more beautiful and more lure.

Trimming the old bush

If Clematis grows for many years, then all sick, dry and broken shoots are removed from the bush. And the remaining shocked by 10 cm.

There are a large number of Clematis varieties. And if the flower is growing a bush, which for the season blooms twice, then the pruning will be a little different. In this case, healthy shoots are shortened by half. And dry, sick and extra cut under the root.

Universal way

There is a universal way to trim. All bushes are cut on the principle through one.

One escape is shortened by half.

The second is cut into such a way that only 2 kidneys remain on it.

So do all over the plant.

Thanks to this method, the bush will be lush and well maintained on the next bloom.

IMPORTANT: Clematis trimming is necessary to give it a beautiful form and that blooming lasted as long as possible. The haircut should be performed only before wintering or early spring.

Crossing Clematis Blossoming on Escapes of this year

Diseases and pests

Clematis, like other plants, is subject to disease. One of the most common diseases is wilt "Wilt". See him easy, the first signs of defeat the tagged sheets on the tops of the shoots. And if it does not start the fight on time, Clematis may die.

Clematis Disease - Wilt

In the case when this disease was revealed, it should be immediately trimmed under the root of all infected shoots. And the bush himself, plenty weak mortar Manganese.

Very often at the end of flowering on the leaves of Clematis, appears Gray necrosis. To defeat this disease, it is enough to spray with 1% copper sulfate solution.

Very dangerous for this plant and illness called rust. Her first sign is the leaves covered with brown raids. From rust with time, leaves dry, and the escape itself is very deformed.

To cure a bush to help, a solution of mangalling of the middle fortress will come. They carefully spray all the plant, and before that, each infected sheet is cleaned.

And the place where the bush grew should be treated to destroy all eggs of this pest. Processing boiling water, the most suitable method.

Crossing and shelter for the winter of Clematis

- The brightest, unforgettable liana in Russian sites. If the dacket is only to "tame" Clematis, landing and care in open soil behind them - the key to success.

If everything is done correctly, plants are developing more than 20 years and bloom in one place, decorating the house every year and the household plots with hundreds of simple and terry flowers of different color and shape.

Choosing a place and preparation for landing Clematis to open ground

Preparation for landing begins with a choice of a suitable place. Light-loving, but under the right rays of the sun of Liana feels oppressively, the flowers fade and minor.

Extremely negative plants belong to the wind, close to the location of groundwater. Although for active growth, plants need a lot of moisture, its stagnation threatens at the roots.

Beginner flower products are mistaken when Clematis is put into the ground at the wall at home, where Liana regularly falls under the drainage or due to lack of access fresh air Subjected to attacks of pests and pathogenic fungi.

It is best to find a place at a distance of at least 70 cm from the wall, and for supporting a solid grid, an arch or a sleeper. Such a removal from the capital will simplify the care of Clematis after planting in the open ground and protects from the streams of rain and melt water. Since the lianas should grow strongly, without experiencing a lack of food and moisture, there are no less than 1-1.5 meters between individual bushes.

If a multi-row landing is planned, landing trenches are located from north to south. So all the plants will be uniformly and safely lit throughout the day.

For a single bush, it is better to choose a place with good morning lighting.

When is Clematis plant in the ground?

Clematis transfer time to open soil depends on the selected planting material. Saplings with open or packed in peat root system can not wait long. When in the spring to plant Clematis in open ground?

They are planted in the spring, in April or in the first decade of May, before the shoots go to growth. Sendance or summer landing threatens the fact that Clematis will fall into the soil weakened, its acclimatization will last longer, and sometimes the plant is dying.

Early purchased seedling of Clematis is often fought at home, so the landing time has already has young shoots. If you take it into the garden in April, when the main landing of Clematis is going to open ground in the suburbs, the greens will suffer from frosts. Such plants plant in the second half of May, by this time all natural threats will be afraid.

Clematis seedlings with a closed root system without problems transfer landing throughout the warm period. Shading on hot days will simplify and speed up acclimatization.

In the fall, landing Clematis in open ground is conducted from August and until October. For the remaining on the onset of cold weather, the plant is rooted and adapts to life in the garden. Specific dates of landing depend on the weather and climatic conditions of the region. Development leads to freezing did not have time to bother Lian. For the winter, the soil, and the plants themselves are covered with foliage, sweetheart or dense nonwoven material.

Landing Clematis in Soil

The right choice of a place for Clematis, a long-growing non-transplantation, is very important. More importantly, the competent organization of the pit for landing Clematis into open soil in spring or autumn.

In areas with closed-running groundwater, the danger of flooding or simply dense heavy soil at the bottom of the trench or pits of 60 cm deep, make a high drainage from the crumbs, the brick red brick, stone crumbs and sand. Additionally equip drainage ditches, along which excess water can be able to easily leave the flower bed.

Prepare support for Clematis. In order not to disturb the root system, arch, grid, the grid or other types of supports are swinging simultaneously with the landing.

The landing point for a single Clematis makes a depth and width of 60 cm. Group landing requires the preparation of a single trench at the rate of a single rowing meter on the bush.

At the bottom, they make a drainage pillow, and the soil chosen from the pit is purified, purified from weeds and in equal parts are mixed with humus. In the sandy soil it is useful to add fertile gardening fertile land. In the clay, dense soil for Clematis, on the contrary, mix the bursting sand. As a fertilizer on each bucket of soil, 100 grams of mineral comprehensive feeding are made, as well as near the liter of purified wood ash. The increased acidity of the soil is neutralized by dolomite flour, haired lime or another similar means.

The planting pit is half, in the form of an equilateral holly, in the middle, fill in the prepared substrate. At its top there is a seedling with pre-straightened rhizomes. Root neck, or venue, should be below the alleged level of the earth, and the depth depends on the size and age of decorative lianas.

For seedlings for 2-3 years, it is equal to 6-12 cm, that is, it will take away not only the base of the plant, but also the first couple of kidney leaves. 3-4 Summer Clematis Blowing another 5-10 cm more. Such a measure will help the plant to survive winter frost and summer heat, and also stimulates the formation of several strong shoots.

After landing, the soil near Clematis is watered, compacted and mulched, and overflow protection from the sun and wind over the young plant.

Care for Clematis in the open soil

The first year after landing is the time of acclimatization and active growth. Therefore, the soil under Clematis as needed loose and is stolen. Watering should be regular, but not excessive. Strong seedlings for the first summer form buds, but experienced flowers advise to break the future flowers that risk seriously loosen another plant. If minerals with an organica were introduced into the landing jam, the first feeding is carried out only in a year, in spring.

Smart shoots gently attach to the installed support and follow the state of the greenery. At the beginning of the summer, the risk of a lesion of a young rigorous sucking insects. Closer to autumn, with increasing moisture and difference between day and night temperatures, the danger of fungal diseases increases. Therefore, in the care of Clematis in the open soil, preventive and urgent treatment by plant protection by means of plant protection are maintained.

If the seedlock gave only one strong escape, it can be connected to a brute, spending the sepure of a gentle top. Subsequently, deep watering and feeding can be used to activate growth. You can make them;

  • as a solution of wet soil;
  • in dry form with mandatory loosening and irrigation;
  • as an extra-root feeding, spraying.

In acidic soil, the root system of Clematis is developing extremely slow. Discaling the soil under the landings will help the spring watering with limescale at the rate of 200 grams of lime on the water bucket.

3-4 years after the landing of Clematis in the open ground in the care of him, the dacket may face unexpected difficulties. Under the observance of agrotechnology, the flowers are minced, and Liana grows noticeably slower than before. Most often, the problem is in the lack of moisture. Sealing soil does not pass water to roots, and loosening at such a depth is impossible. In this case, the system of intravenous irrigation will help, allowing to saturate the deep layers of the soil, and then does not give them to rear. At removal of 30-40 cm from Clematis open neck, several plastic bottles are bought down. During watering, they are filled with water, gradually incoming to the roots of blooming lianas.

Perennial Clematis needs in regular trimming, which helps plants get rid of damaged, old, dried shoots. And the summer house, which mastered the features of the haircut of different types of Clematis, will receive the most magnificent and early flowering of their wards.

Video about landing Clematis

Good afternoon, dear friends!

Clematis is an amazing perennial with pleasure, who is happy to grow in the garden and in the homeland site many dacities. It is actively used in landscaping and landscape design, decorating outdoor territory Country possessions and entering elegant color accents in a common landscape. About how to put Clematis on the plot I will tell today.

Since culture in one place is growing, develops and blooms up to 30 years, the future decorativeness of Liana depends on the correct planting of the seedlings.

Where to plant Clematis

Clematis forms the maximum number of buds in well-lit places with a small shading at the hottest time (from 12 to 15 hours). Since the plant reacts poorly to drafts, the bush is best attached from the south, southwestern or south-fleet side of the house, household buildings, fences. Thanks to this location, Liana will be protected by a wall of the structure from the gusts of the wind at any time of the year.

The best period for planting young seedlings is spring. Experienced gardeners are engaged in breeding Clematis from the end of April to mid-May. Immediately, it is worth thinking about the installation of an elegant, decorative, sufficiently stable support, whining the plant will grow rapidly up. The distance between the bushes should be withstanding at least one and a half meters.

Soil preparation for Clematis

The size of the landing pit under each bush depends on the fertility of the soil on the site. Thus, on anchored, well-structured lands, it is enough to divert hole 0.6x0.6x0.6 m, while on the poor soils require a large area for food - 0.7x0.7x0.7 m. The pits are laid out with a ten-grant metering drainage layer of broken bricks, clay shards small pebbles, crumple or vermiculite.

To provide a plant with all necessary meals for the next year, garden The land is mixed with a qualitatively affected by a compost or a rewind cow (approximately 1: 1). The less fertile land on your site, the greater the amount of these organic, is required to add to the landing hole.

The soil with an acidic reaction follows by making ash (up to 0.2 kg per plant, depending on the source indicators of the pH) or hawed lime (from 50 to 100 gr in each pit).

Since Clematis develops quickly and makes large doses of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other mineral salts from Earth, then about 20 Gy of carbamide, 20 grams of granulated superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium sulfate or bucket with a solution of complex fertilizer with microelements are additionally added to the landing ground.

Suitable for Clematis and complex Nitroammofoska (NPK 16:16:16). All mineral fertilizers, ashes (lime) and the organic are thoroughly mixed with the upper layer of fertile garden land or universal soil acquired in the horticultural market.

Right landing Clematis

The roots of the seedling in pruning do not need. The plant is immersed in the pit and fall asleep with a prepared nutrient mixture, blocking the root neck in young bushes to a depth of 5 to 10 cm, and in more adult copies - up to 20 cm. After planting, the propelled circle is spilled with warm clean water.

The following feeder is carried out for the future after planting a year, using complex mineral or organoineral compositions for flowering crops, universal mineral fertilizers (azophoska, ammonophos) or mono-compounds with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Clematis and denunciation of the traditional organicaoy - a solution of grooves, a grocery, gardens, breadd, ash, etc., responds well.

Now you know how to put Clematis in the garden! Beauty to you in the country area every season!