Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation step by step. Do-it-yourself kitchen renovation: recommendations from professionals on how to make a kitchen renovation yourself. Do-it-yourself budget kitchen renovation: an example with a photo

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

And especially the kitchens - this is the beginning of a new stage and the creation of an updated interior. For many, the kitchen is associated with an atmosphere of comfort and a pleasant smell of homemade food. Deciding to transform this room, you should make sure that aesthetics and functionality are in harmony with each other. Repair is associated by many with cardinal changes and causes a feeling of fear and doubt whether it will be possible to do what was planned. Not all ideas and ideas can be fully implemented, as the parameters of the room and the features of the layout dictate their conditions. However, with a competent approach and a well-thought-out strategic plan, you can achieve a gorgeous result.

Repair features

Repairs are often associated with a lot of inconvenience, dirt and dust, financial costs and long work. To achieve a high-quality result, you will have to delve into all the intricacies of the repair process and create a detailed project plan. After all, you can create an original interior and bring any idea to life, while transforming the kitchen beyond recognition. The room can be combined with an office, living room or loggia, while dividing the space into different zones. Before starting repairs, it is worth considering some features of the kitchen:


To get an idea of ​​how the kitchen will look like in the end, it is worth taking the time to create a clearly traced drawing. Here you can visually depict the arrangement of furniture and household appliances in the apartment, put down the exact dimensions of all objects and decorative elements.

Why make a detailed plan:

How to prepare a project plan:

  1. Take accurate measurements of the sink, stove and furniture. When doing this, be sure to consider the location of all pipes, ventilation holes, windows and doors, radiators, as well as the presence of niches or ledges.
  2. You also need to know the dimensions of the microwave oven, refrigerator, dishwasher and other appliances.
  3. Decide on the location, this will also affect the sequence of repairs. If you plan to install drawers, it is worth considering their number, size and direction. The location of the handles on the doors is also very important.
  4. It is worth deciding on the location of lighting fixtures, lighting and additional light sources. At the same time, consider where the sockets will be mounted, and also measure the distance from the socket groups to the floor.
  5. Take length, width and height measurements from window and door openings. Measure the distance from them to the walls, ceiling and floor. All these parameters are very important and will affect the result.
  6. Consider all the niches, ledges, decorative moldings and architectural structures present.

Material selection

It is worth making a detailed list of all building materials and their quantity. It can be paint for surface cladding, decorative plaster, wallpaper of all kinds, cement-sand mixtures for floor screed, putty, primer and other finishing materials. In order not to get lost in a wide range, it is also important to determine the type of repair:

Sequence of work

Repair work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Planning and replacement of electrical wiring.
  2. Extraction system
  3. Replacing an old sink and drain.
  4. Checking the condition of sewerage and water supply.
  5. Installation of a kitchen apron, equipment of the working area.
  6. Facing the ceiling, walls, and then the floor.
  7. Arrangement of lighting devices.
  8. Installation of household appliances (stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machines, etc.),

Following the correct sequence, you can repair the kitchen with your own hands and get the desired result:

When thinking about repairs, discard all doubts and do not be afraid of difficulties. Having well planned and thought through all the nuances, you can get a gorgeous result that will delight all household members.

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How to make a kitchen renovation with your own hands: step by step instructions, design options

It takes ~6 minutes to read

Sooner or later, any person comes to the conclusion that a kitchen renovation is necessary. To be satisfied with the quality of the work done, you need to think carefully about everything before you start acting. For example, you can see a photo of a kitchen renovation with your own hands on the net, ask experienced relatives, seek help from specialists, or read this article.

The most important points in the repair can be identified the choice of material, costs, the possibility of independent work. And, of course, the main plus of self-repair is its budget.


Where to begin?

Arranging a kitchen space is not an easy task. Probably, when the thought of reorganizing the premises arises, many questions pour in. For example, how to properly make repairs in the kitchen, how to make beautiful repairs in the kitchen, etc. No need to headlong buy building materials and demolish walls. You need to start with a detailed plan. We will talk about this in more detail in the next paragraph.

The procedure for performing work during the overhaul

Let's make a consistent plan. It can be taken as the basis for a budget do-it-yourself kitchen renovation. To achieve the main goal, you will have to complete several small ones. Here is a possible course of action:

  1. We make the most of the space. The more furniture you carry out, the easier it is to take measurements.
  2. We assess the condition of walls, communications, windows, doors, floors and ceilings.
  3. We take accurate measurements.
  4. The next step is to plan where large household appliances will be placed.
  5. The primary choice of furniture for the kitchen: size, functionality, installation location.
  6. Thorough cleaning of the room, cleaning all surfaces from dirt, dust, mold treatment (if necessary).
  7. Repair the base floor surface (refresh).
  8. Similar to the previous paragraph, only now the ceiling needs to be repaired.
  9. Repair of old or installation of new communications.
  10. Checking ventilation.
  11. Replacement or restoration of windows, doors.
  12. Finishing the room "from top to bottom": starting from the ceiling and ending with the floor and installing the plinth.
  13. Installation of equipment, installation of a headset, lighting fixtures.
  14. Connecting all systems and checking their performance.

We examined where to start do-it-yourself kitchen renovation and its sequence. Now let's look at each point in more detail.

Floor replacement

Old flooring needs to be replaced. They dismantle the floor, take out construction debris and carefully inspect the surface. Often you have to beat off an ancient screed to get to good floor slabs. The dismantled floor does not have a flat surface, so you need to immediately deal with its screed. After this manipulation, further work with the floor can be carried out after about a week if ordinary concrete was used, or earlier if special mixtures were used.

Water pipes are laid to the installation site of the sink. Now they are usually built into the walls, leaving only water outlets and branch pipes outside. Mounted lines are installed in the cavities (strobes) made in the wall. There is also a sewer pipe leading to the kitchen sink. It is important to observe a special slope so that the water flows into the riser.

Under no circumstances should gas pipes be hidden in the wall. The maximum that can be done is to cover it with some decorative element (for example, a retractable apron). The main thing is that the controllers can have access to any section of the pipe.

Much attention should be paid to the laying of electrical communications. Aluminum wiring of old Khrushchev houses is unlikely to cope with a large number of household appliances that a modern kitchen is equipped with. Therefore, we change it to good quality copper wires. In addition, you will need to wire several lines, since each device must have its own connection point, depending on its power.


Leveling walls and ceilings

First of all, we level the ceiling. Repairs begin immediately after the repair of the floor. It is cleaned, removing all irregularities on the surface. Very often, during work, one has to deal with cracks, joints between floor slabs, cracks in the corner of the ceiling and wall. All these shortcomings must be repaired with a spatula. Material for this: cement, primer, latex elastic putty, compacted polyethylene foam rollers, plaster.

Replacing doors and finishing doorways

Before proceeding with the finishing work, you should either finish the doorway or install the door. Let's consider the first option. First, it's inexpensive. Secondly, it's convenient. Slopes can be decorated with various means: plastic, MDF or natural wood panels, plaster. Remember to level the surface first before decorating with drywall.

Now let's talk about the door. Oddly enough, the choice here is quite large: swing doors, compartments, accordions, double doors, folding, swinging. Choosing the type of door follows the features of the layout and personal preferences. If you are not sure about the ability to install the door - contact the manufacturer.


The stages of cosmetic repairs are similar to the last steps of a classic overhaul. In the same way, all work is carried out "from top to bottom", that is, first of all, the ceiling is finished, then the walls are plastered and then the flooring is installed. At the end, the walls are decorated with wallpaper and furniture and decor items are installed.

If, after removing the old finish, large surface defects are found, they are corrected with a cement-sand mixture. Further leveling is carried out with gypsum plaster.

After leveling the walls, before finishing, cover them with a special primer. It will play the role of adhesion to the material and eliminate the mycotic component, thereby preventing the development of mold.

The choice of finishing materials

The kitchen is characterized by high humidity and temperature changes. For this reason, materials must be chosen to be moisture and heat resistant. Equally important is the hygiene of the room - it is desirable that all work surfaces are easy to clean. It is best to trim them with tiles or plastic panels. Then the kitchen apron can be pasted over with wallpaper, provided that it is protected by glass.

Wallpaper for the kitchen should be well washed. Suitable:

  • acrylic;
  • vinyl;
  • cullet;
  • silkscreen.

For flooring, a wear-resistant laminate, linoleum, rough tile would be a good option. In no case should the color of the floor merge with the furniture. You can choose 3D coverage. The main thing is that the drawing should not be too bright, otherwise it will get bored over time.


We draw up an approximate lighting plan even before the start of the repair, so as not to be mistaken in the number of outlets.

As an option, 2-3 ceiling lights and spotlights in each functional area (for cooking, dining). You should not choose one lamp, because when performing some action in different parts of the kitchen, you can stand with your back to it. You can hang the following lamps on the ceiling:

  • halogen;
  • suspended;
  • invoices;
  • LED (they have low power consumption, deliver light in only one direction, so they are used as point).

It is even better to put lamps with a rheostat so that it is possible to adjust the degree of illumination. For the main light on the ceiling, make some switches. During family meals, the light can be kept to a minimum to create a more inviting atmosphere.

Selection of furniture and equipment

Come up with several variations of furniture arrangement. It does not have to be furniture in one line. At the moment, kitchen sets of P- (along 2 walls) or L-shaped (along 3 walls) are more in demand.

To make the design of the kitchen as harmonious as possible, use built-in appliances. In addition, it looks more aesthetically pleasing, neater, because dirt does not accumulate between furniture.

The size of the countertop should be at least 50 cm. Even if you don’t really like to cook, this is a necessary minimum. The material of the countertop is strong, durable (special plastic, stone). If you have small children, the absence of sharp corners will make life much easier.

Hanging cabinets are hung to a height depending on the height of a person:

  • ~175cm - for people of average height;
  • ~190cm - for tall people.

Facades with a glossy surface look very impressive. If you are not embarrassed by fingerprints that quickly appear when used, then feel free to choose this type of facade. If the prospect of wiping down your cabinets every day doesn't make you happy, it's best to choose materials such as stone, tile, or a plastic panel.

Drawers in the kitchen are more convenient, because you can find the right dishes much faster in them. It is worth noting that they are very attractive when they are empty in the store. But having filled them with things, it becomes not very handy to put forward.

Arrangement of kitchen appliances

It is necessary to think over the arrangement of all household kitchen appliances (even small ones) to the smallest detail. Microwave, kettle, toaster, bread maker, coffee maker and other frequently used household appliances should not be placed too high. Technique for regular use needs to find a place at eye level or slightly lower. Rarely used electrical appliances can be placed on the lower shelves. Do-it-yourself budget kitchen renovation involves acquiring the most necessary devices and abstaining from additional ones.

The location of the refrigerator is especially important. It should not be near heating objects: radiators, stoves, ovens, because it can fail in a very short time. The optimal distance is from 15 cm. Their same beliefs do not install the refrigerator in direct sunlight.

The subtleties of repairing a small kitchen

How to make repairs in the kitchen with your own hands without spending almost the entire family budget? Probably, you can save on materials or household appliances. But this is not necessary if you are the owner of a small area kitchen. At the stages of repair, this will not affect in any way, everything is done using the same technology. There are design restrictions here. To be more precise, it is not allowed to use decorative elements and color schemes that will physically or visually narrow the room. These include laying walls and ceilings with plasterboard. In this case, there is a real decrease in the room by several centimeters.

Stretch ceilings will visually expand the space due to the mirror reflection of surrounding objects. A good addition to stretch ceilings is spotlights.

To save on materials, use the interior zoning method. Folding furniture, an abundance of vertical cabinets on the walls will help save space. For visual expansion, illuminate the room as intensely as possible, and decorate the interior in light pastel colors.

Now you know how to make inexpensive repairs in the kitchen, photos and videos on this topic can be found on our website. Self-confidence and careful planning of the process will be the basis for creating the kitchen of your dreams.

Video: repair options for a small kitchen

When buying an apartment in the secondary market, most often people face problems caused by the small footage of the kitchen. In standard houses built in the last century, kitchens, as a rule, did not exceed 6 square meters. m. In some houses, even in three-room apartments, kitchen rooms were 4 square meters each. meters. It is not realistic to place modern furniture and household appliances in such a volume clamped by walls. Starting a kitchen renovation, many new owners simply break the partition and make a kind of dining room. But a less expensive option for renovating a kitchen space is to precisely optimize this small space.

Renovation of a small kitchen - saving kitchen space

Rational use of square meters allows you to place all the necessary set of items and devices for homework. For example, the organization of washing in place of the window sill will add almost half a square meter to the free area. You can also simply lengthen the window sill and turn it into a semi-circular table. Sharp corners in such small rooms should not be made, since all the inhabitants of the apartment will constantly stumble upon them.

Starting a do-it-yourself kitchen renovation, you need to consider the placement of hanging shelves for storing containers with bulk products for permanent use. Salt, sugar and other products should be constantly at hand. Under the windowsill - table or sink, you can organize a small cabinet for storing tall bottles of oil or other food liquids.

Hinged blank cabinets in the kitchen visually reduce the space, and designers recommend making them with transparent doors. To hide various kitchen utensils, you can make cabinets with slightly frosted glass.

When renovating a small kitchen, some replacement of existing furniture should also be provided. For example, uncomfortable and bulky stools can be replaced with folding chairs. The modern furniture market offers a large selection of essential items such as folding chairs. You can choose a model made in any style that satisfies even the most demanding taste. Such chairs, as a rule, are equipped with folding backs and retractable legs, which makes it possible, if necessary, to put them in a closet or drawer.

Kitchen ceiling and features of its repair

When planning a kitchen renovation, not every owner knows where to start. Experts recommend first repairing ceilings. It is in the kitchen and, especially with frequently operating gas burners, that a greasy brownish coating forms on the ceiling, furniture and walls. Cleaning up this unpleasant sediment on the ceiling is a rather difficult task. Therefore, the ceiling covering should try to make it smooth and easy to clean. The organization of a ceiling covering made of plastic lining is best suited for this purpose. But often in small rooms, ordinary concrete slab putty is used. Subsequent regular whitewashing hides all the consequences of the resulting soot. , professionals do not recommend the installation of plasterboard suspended ceilings, as the already small volume of the room is lost.

Wall decoration in the kitchen

Naturally, the walls in the six-meter kitchen will not allow the design ideas to unfold. But even this small room can be decorated with original and beautiful wall decoration.

In practice, when decorating small kitchen premises, several design options for interior walls are used. These are such types of work as:

  1. Puttying and painting in the color chosen by the owners of the dwelling.
  2. It is possible to paste such walls with washable wallpaper.
  3. Decoration of all walls or only single specially allocated places with tiles.

Puttying the walls, making repairs to the kitchen in Khrushchev, must be carried out in any case, except for preparing the wall for tiling. Puttying is also required when painting the walls in the chosen color and in preparation for wallpapering. The surface of the walls in such small kitchens is usually very uneven.

When laying tiles only above the surface of the tables, it is not necessary to putty and paint the location of the tiles. Only a panel of 3-4 rows of tiles is laid out, and a sufficient number of electrical outlets are organized on this panel. You can also tile the entire surface of the kitchen walls, from floor to ceiling or to eye level. But such kitchen renovation ideas are not very approved by designers. Since in a room whose walls are tiled from top to bottom, it is difficult to create a trusting atmosphere of comfort and coziness. With any repair of the walls in the kitchen, you should take care of a sufficient number of outlets. For each kitchen stationary appliance, electricians recommend installing a separate electrical outlet.

Floor repair in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, the requirements for the functional qualities of any floor in such rooms are the same. The specific purpose of the kitchen involves the presence of:

  • not slippery floor;
  • waterproof;
  • heat-resistant;
  • resistant to mechanical stress.

These basic basic requirements may well be combined in one type of coating. The availability of materials such as laminate, linoleum and tile flooring on the market gives you the freedom to choose the color, size and durability of the flooring.

Laminate flooring is usually laid on pre-cast concrete screed or on old floorboards. This modern material perfectly withstands the fall of heavy or hot objects and is highly resistant to moisture. But when arranging a warm floor in the kitchen, the laminate does not let heat through from below. The specificity of the kitchen presupposes the formation of scratches and scuffs, so experts do not recommend laying laminate in the kitchen.

Thinking about how to make repairs in the kitchen more durable and cost-effective, many consumers opt for the most durable flooring - tiles. Full compliance with all requirements and excellent thermal conductivity make this coating the most convenient.

Linoleum is used not only in kitchens, it is one of the cheapest flooring options. Excellent moisture retention and easy to clean. One of the additional requirements for organizing a linoleum floor is a perfectly flat base surface. Since linoleum can quickly tear on bumps and potholes.

Sometimes in large kitchens, wood parquet is laid or wooden floorboards are left. Such a coating does not meet the above requirements and can be in the kitchen for a very short time.

Balance of light and color in a small kitchen

When receiving or buying an apartment, you can easily get confused in the hassle and forget about the need to create a cozy and comfortable design. Words such as kitchen, renovation, ideas, furniture do not go out of my head and create a certain tension. But even in such a troublesome time, one should not forget about the correct organization of the ratio of dark light colors in the design of one of the main rooms in the apartment.

Considering that in small kitchens there are as many household items as in large ones, you should unload the kitchen space from the dark color. The walls in such a room must be light with a predominantly small pattern. Large ornaments and patterns will visually narrow the space and give the kitchen the look of a small box. But visual expansion can also be achieved by using bright colors.

If you really like dark-colored furniture, then you can completely achieve color balance by painting walls and ceilings in light colors. The proportional ratio and all kinds of combinations of colors of different saturation will create a visual increase in space. Designers consider it acceptable to combine dark and light colors in the following proportion:

  • dark color - 60%
  • light color - 40%

With the predominance of a dark color, it should be diluted with various kitchen accessories made in light colors. It can be all kinds of kitchen decor elements. Wall plates, cutting boards and similar kitchen utensils. Thus, it is possible to balance the visual perception of colors.

Traditionally, it is customary to illuminate a small kitchen with one light bulb placed in the middle of the ceiling covering. With such lighting, many objects cast dark shadows and visually create a clutter effect. Equipment with additional zonal light sources in a small kitchen will make it possible to avoid this problem.

Placing a lamp over the dining table and light bulbs over the stove will help create coziness and comfortable lighting. Lamps above the stove can be mounted in the hood. For a kitchen of minimal size, there is no need to buy a three-dimensional structure. It is enough to place a small cabinet with an extractor hood and additional lighting directly above the stove.

Kitchen curtains and curtains

You always want, after finishing the renovation of the kitchen, to show your friends and acquaintances a photo of the work done. Here you can see on these photo frames all the flaws and shortcomings that arose during the design of this small room. The first thing that catches your eye in such pictures is curtains or curtains that interfere with the penetration of outdoor natural light. All these decorations take up a useful place in the kitchen and block access to clean air flows. Therefore, designers recommend using blinds in the kitchen. They do not require constant maintenance and, if necessary, completely open the window space. Some models of blinds are sold already treated with special grease-repellent compounds. Most often, metal or plastic blinds are installed in kitchens. If you really want to decorate the kitchen window with textiles, then you can successfully use one of the varieties of fiberglass. It will create the illusion of ordinary fabric, but will have good dirt and water repellency.

Techniques for visually increasing the space of the kitchen 6 sq. m.

1) Rational use of the window sill. Installation of a sink in the window sill space and installation of a niche under the window sill to hide communication elements. A niche equipped with doors will make it possible to place detergents there as well. This option allows you to diversify the monotonous work of washing dishes.

2) Organization of an additional area under the extended window sill for installing a washing machine.

3) Installation of a bar counter instead of a bulky dining table. Kitchen furniture with this design option is placed L-shaped. The bar counter is located along the free wall and under it are organized closed cabinets for storing food and utensils. You can also put a small washing machine there.

4) The bar counter can be installed instead of the dismantled wall between the kitchen and the room. You can use the formed surface from two sides. From the side of the room, it will be a dining table, and from the kitchen - an area for cooking and cutting food.

5) Installation of a folding table on a free kitchen wall.

6) Increasing the kitchen space by adding a corridor or completely combining it with the living room.

7) Organization of a place for eating on the windowsill. Replacing a window sill with a countertop. It can serve as a dining and cutting table.

8) Reducing the depth of the lower cabinets will make it possible to organize free space in the middle of the kitchen.

9) Use of small household appliances. Above a low refrigerator, you can install a microwave oven and organize an additional wall cabinet. Cabinets for such kitchens must be made as high as the ceiling.

Frequently asked questions about kitchen remodeling:

How to start a kitchen renovation with your own hands?

The first thing to decide when wondering how to make repairs in the kitchen with your own hands or with the help of specialists is to draw up an action plan. Do not immediately start painting, dragging furniture and washing off plaster from ceilings. A preliminary plan of the kitchen room with possible changes and additions will always help to correctly draw up a preliminary estimate for repairs and reduce the time for repair work.

At the preparatory stage, it is worth working out all the details, up to opening the doors of kitchen cabinets. A detailed discussion at the family council of the required amount of furniture and space for household appliances will help to avoid disputes and unnecessary labor costs.

Do you need doors in the kitchen?

Of course, doors are needed in almost every room, but if you need to increase the interior space of the kitchen and visually expand the volume, you can stop using standard doors. You can replace the design of the doors with a curtain or a curtain. They do not require additional space and do not occupy a separate place. But smells, drafts and sounds will flow directly into the living area of ​​the apartment.

Is it possible to make a sliding partition in the kitchen?

Thinking over repairs, kitchen design and final arrangement, each owner thinks about the installation of sliding doors or partitions. Most suitable for such small kitchens is a folding door or a partition between the kitchen and the living room, made in the form of a folding accordion. It occupies a very small space and reliably protects the living room from kitchen smells and sounds.

Is it possible to install an arch in the kitchen?

Instead of a door cluttering up space, you can make a beautiful arch at the entrance to the kitchen. Installing a well-functioning hood over the stove will protect the apartment from the smells of cooking food. The manufacture of the arch can be entrusted to professional craftsmen. As a rule, interior arches are made of aluminum profiles and drywall. In the modern construction market, you can sometimes see ready-made structures for arranging a standard arch on sale.

Does the kitchen need an extractor hood?

Installing an exhaust system above the stove will help delay cosmetic repairs in the kitchen and increase the time interval between them. The industry produces three types of hoods: in the form of a dome, suspended and built-in. The exhaust of polluted air enters the kitchen ventilation ducts. For regular ventilation and fresh air supply to the kitchen, natural ventilation devices should be used, such as a window, a transom and an ajar window.

In the modern world, kitchen spaces often combine the functions of a kitchen and a dining room. It is in these rooms that the whole family gathers for breakfast and dinner. In addition, recreation areas are often arranged in the kitchens, where you can have a cup of coffee and chat with a friend or girlfriend.

In this regard, the question of where to start renovating the kitchen is very relevant. Indeed, in this multifunctional room it is necessary to rationally place a lot of useful things and at the same time maintain the comfort of the atmosphere.

To make all your dreams come true and imagine what the future kitchen will look like, you need to make a three-dimensional drawing. It should display all furniture, kitchen accessories and necessary household appliances with dimensions. Since the kitchen is a multifunctional room, a large number of electrical appliances are always installed in it.

Almost every room has:

  • Stove for cooking;
  • Hood;
  • Microwave;
  • Refrigerator;
  • TV set.

In addition, in the working area, it is necessary to provide lighting and connection of various household appliances, for example, a mixer, blender, meat grinder. To increase comfort, it is recommended to zone the kitchen room, and this, as a rule, is done using various lighting fixtures. In this regard, kitchen renovation should always begin with the organization of electrical communications, while the location of all outlets must be thought out very carefully. In parallel with the arrangement of electrical communications, it is possible to install double-glazed windows. It is also important to consider the location of the hood and how it is connected.

Can be used:

  • Convector, when the air purified by the device will return back to the room;
  • Connecting the device directly to ventilation.

Features of kitchen renovation

Having decided on the design of the kitchen and providing for the situation to the smallest detail, you can make a list of the necessary materials. Of course, it is important that the planned expenses correspond to your financial capabilities. It is advisable to purchase all the materials at once, and, if necessary, make adjustments to the design before the repair begins.

If you are planning to overhaul the kitchen, then it is necessary to completely empty the room before carrying out any repair activities. In addition, you need to remove all the old finishing layers. For example, whitewash must be washed off, and the old paint on the walls must be removed mechanically or using a special remover. We should not forget that, most likely, it will be necessary to replace the door or equip an arched opening instead. Therefore, it is also necessary to dismantle the old door.

You should prepare for the fact that with this approach to repair, there will be a lot of garbage. But you can’t do without it, and it is the process of preparing the kitchen for repair activities that can be considered the answer to the question of where to start repairing the kitchen.

Finishing work

Upon completion of the arrangement of the electrical part and the organization of ventilation, you can proceed to the finishing work. They always need to start with the repair of the ceiling.

For this you can:

  • Align the ceiling surface with special solutions and subsequently paint it;
  • Install a special structure on the ceiling, on which drywall sheets are fixed, which are subsequently finished using any of the modern methods.

Both methods are quite laborious and require certain building skills. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to involve specialists. After the ceiling decoration is completed, it is necessary to proceed with the design of the walls. This event does not require high qualifications and all work can be done independently.

The most common finishes are:

  • Wallpapering;
  • Laying ceramic tiles;
  • Painting of the plastered surface.

You can combine different types of finishes and thus zone the space of the room. Moreover, to finish the working kitchen area, it is better to use tiling or paint wall surfaces. But the dining area is better to accentuate with wallpaper. The best option is for painting, which can be coated with durable alkyd and acrylic paints. These materials are environmentally friendly and guarantee ease of maintenance of wall surfaces during operation.

Laying the floor is carried out at the final stage of the design of the kitchen. The floor in the kitchen should be practical and, in addition, fully comply with the interior being created.

The most common materials for flooring in the kitchen are:

  • Laminate;
  • Linoleum;
  • Parquet board;
  • Ceramic.

The choice of building materials depends entirely on taste preferences and financial capabilities. Arrangement of the floor is a complex process, therefore, if possible, work should be entrusted to specialists who will perform them efficiently and in a short time. Upon completion of the finishing work, the repair in the kitchen can be considered complete. After that, you can proceed to the arrangement of furniture, filling the kitchen with household appliances and various useful accessories.

Of course, it is optimal to order built-in kitchen furniture, during the development of which the designers will take into account all your requirements and wishes. But since this is an expensive pleasure, much more often, ready-made kitchen sets are purchased that are easy to install on your own. We should not forget about competent lighting, in the kitchen room there should be several separate lamps, lighting of the working area and overhead light. It is equally important to provide for the presence of beautiful curtains and other decorative elements.

If you know where to start your kitchen renovation and how to finish it, then you will be able to create a surprisingly comfortable room that fully meets your taste preferences.

It's time to make repairs, but afraid to start? It's scary to even imagine how much effort and money it will take? Down and Out trouble started!

To help you, we have developed a plan for the repair of the kitchen. And it doesn’t matter if you have a new building or a “Khrushchev”: the procedure is almost the same.

But first things first.

So, you need to start by thinking about what we want from the repair, in which house we want to live.

1. Estimate the amount of work

Do you want to make a complete renovation of the apartment or do you need cosmetic repairs?

A major overhaul will require more effort and money, but you will feel the effect of it for 10-15 years. If you have to finish a new building, then this is definitely work from scratch. For some reason, the builders are limited only by the erection of walls.

At the same stage, decide on the design of the kitchen. The ideal option is a ready-made design project, compiled by yourself or even better - with the help of a professional.

You should already have an idea where and what equipment will stand. This information will be needed in the next step.

2. We assess the state of communications: electrical wiring, water, gas, sewerage

We determine whether any communications need to be changed.

If the house is new, communications do not need to be changed. They are new. But to make the wiring of water pipes, install sockets (with grounding!) - these are mandatory works.

If repairs have not been made in your apartment for twenty years, then the situation is more serious: heating, sewerage and plumbing pipes in houses aged 15 years and older require your attention.

Pay special attention to the electrics. There are a lot of household appliances in our homes. Wiring must be modern, withstand high loads. Sockets should be installed so that it is convenient to work with kitchen appliances.

Do not regret working with communications of forces and means: your safety is more important than money! Invite qualified specialists to these works.

3. We evaluate the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling, windows

In the new apartment, we make the floor, walls and ceiling from scratch. In an old apartment, you first need to determine the condition of the floor, walls, ceiling and window. Write down what from this list you will dismantle and change to new ones.

Think about and decide what finishing materials you will use for the floor, walls and ceiling.

The floor can be either tile or laminate, parquet, linoleum. The walls can be plastered and painted, or you can paste over the wallpaper after plastering. Ceiling - what will it be? Stretch, drywall or just whitewash? The choice is yours.

4. We draw up the final order of work

  • Laying new electrical wiring, installing sockets;
  • We change water and sewer pipes, install meters;
  • We put new windows;
  • I put the screed on the floor;
  • Plastering and leveling the walls;
  • We plaster and paint the ceiling or install a stretch ceiling;
  • We put the coating on the floor (linoleum, laminate, linoleum);
  • Installing furniture and doors

This is a complete list of works, it can be reduced, unnecessary steps can be removed. For example, if the windows are in good condition, why change them?

Important! Call in a measurer from the kitchen area immediately after the walls have been plastered. The specialist will make an accurate measurement and check the location of the sockets. If you have to move the outlet to another place, it is at this stage that you will do it without any extra expenses.

In order not to miss anything important and not to regret the missed step, we advise you to develop your own repair map. Mind mapping programs will help you with this.

Take advantage of our help, come to us at , we will make a design project for you. It will help to correctly plan the wiring and all communications. After plastering the walls - call our specialist for a professional measurement.

After measuring, you can immediately order the kitchen: while we are making it, you are finishing the repair in the kitchen. And on day X - you have a stylish comfortable kitchen. Now your meals will be even tastier!