Repair Design Furniture

Cross stitch patterns for icons of saints. Is it possible to embroider icons with a cross according to the scheme? Patterns for cross stitch icons

This topic contains diagrams of Orthodox icons. Color schemes and black and white, symbolic, schemes in good quality, a key for schemes and tips for embroidering icons.
For someone with an embroidered icon, a bright road to the temple, to God begins. Before starting work, you need to ask the priest to take a blessing for the execution of the icon chosen for embroidery.
Good luck with your choice, and God's help in your work!

Prayer before starting work on the icon.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, He is not described by the nature of the Divine, and for the sake of the salvation of man in the last days from the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, indescribably incarnate, and well-willed, we will describe being in the flesh, even the holy image of Your most pure face on the holy ubrus is printed on the holy ubrus, and by it Thou healed the illness of Prince Avgar, Thou enlightened his soul in the hedgehog to know our true God, Even with the Holy Spirit instructed Thy divine Apostle and Evangelist Luke to write the image of the Most Pure Mother of Thy, holding You, like a baby, in His arms, and saying: "Grace from Me, Rodshagosya, for My sake, let it be with this way "himself, Master, God of all, enlighten and enlighten the soul, heart and mind of your servant (the name of the embroiderer), and direct his hands, in a hedgehog sinlessly and fairly depict Your residence, Most Pure Thy Mother, and all the Saints, to Thy glory, for the sake of adornment and splendor, the saints of Thy Church, and for the remission of sins to all who spiritually bow to the holy icons, and reverently kiss them, and reading relating to the Prototype.
Deliver her from all devilish obsession, when she succeeds in Your commandments, with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother, the Holy Glorious Apostle and Evangelist Luke, and all the Saints. Amen.

The icon embroidered with a cross will be a great gift for an anniversary or an angel's day. For many people, this will be a pleasant gift that is sure to be remembered for a long time. To embroider personalized icons, you need to put a lot of patience and attention. First you need to choose the threads and shades of future work.

Many of us are wondering how to protect ourselves and loved ones, especially in our young student years, or what to give Tatyana for the holiday. In this case, the art of cross-stitching according to the scheme may come in handy for us.

Embroidery materials

To embroider an icon with a cross, you will need to prepare all the necessary materials and accessories. Today there are various schemes according to which the work will be performed. Also for embroidery you will need:

  • canvas white. This is a fabric that is specifically designed for cross stitching;
  • embroidery needle;
  • hoop. Some needlewomen use them during work, but you can do without a hoop;
  • scheme;
  • floss threads.

Before work, you need to look at the schemes of icons in order to choose the one you like the most. The colors in the scheme can be slightly changed at your own discretion, so that the needlewoman likes the embroidered icons.

Scheme icons for cross stitch

Icons that are embroidered with a cross require attention and great desire from the craftswoman. It is worth noting that such pictures should be made exclusively in a good mood. More experienced needlewomen adhere to the following tips and tricks:

How to embroider icons with a cross

In order for embroidered icons to have an attractive back and front side, you must adhere to the following technique:

  • cross stitching starts from the lower right corner. For example, you need to embroider five crosses. Then it is necessary to embroider halves of crosses, which look like stripes at an angle;
  • then the cross should close in the opposite direction. Below is a diagram that will clearly show the technique of such embroidery;
  • the needle is driven from top to bottom. Thus, five embroidered crosses are obtained;
  • when the row ends, then you can move on to the next one.

Embroidered icons using this technique will look the most attractive. In this case, all the crosses will have one direction and look aesthetically beautiful. Personalized embroidered icons will be a great gift for many people, because the person who gives such a present puts a piece of his love.

Combined embroidered icons are not inferior in their appearance and elegance: cross and beads. Visually, they have a 3D effect, which gives them splendor.

Patterns for cross stitch icons

Embroidery icons for the name day on Tatyana's day

We all know that on the twenty-fifth of January such a holiday as Tatyana's Day is celebrated. This holiday is dedicated to the famous holy martyr, Tatyana of Rome. If the owners of all other names may not know when their holy day is celebrated, then all our birthday girls are well aware of this holiday. This is because the Tatyana's Day holiday has gained national fame and national significance.

Many of us are wondering what is original to give this or that Tatyana for the holiday. In this case, the art of cross-stitching according to the scheme may come in handy for us. If you decide to embroider a picture as a gift to your friend Tatyana, then you will have to think about the subject and pattern of needlework.

The motif for such needlework as cross-stitch is easy to invent on your own. Such a scheme is suitable for a gift, where twisted vines with flowers and leaves are embroidered around the perimeter, and in the center a name, or a congratulation for her. Letters for embroidering words are easy to find among a variety of schemes on the Internet. They can be printed and ornate capitals, it all depends on your taste. Then remember what are the interests of the very hero of the occasion, who should become the happy owner of the gift, and choose a motive in connection with these interests. This all concerns only your personal imagination and the taste of the person to whom this gift is intended. And the most magnificent gift will be the embroidery of the icon of the Holy Martyr Tatyana.

Today I have chosen a topic for review.

The topic is quite controversial, because there are embroiderers who will never work embroidery icons(it is difficult to explain why, but many simply prefer not to embroider faces, and even more so faces, and perhaps the attitude to religion plays some role).

And there are those who do it according to all the rules, and as a result, illuminate the icon in the Church and receive a real family heirloom.

And in order to better reveal the topic, I would very much like to dwell on rules of embroidery icons, which should be observed if you decide to embroider it.

Icon embroidery rules

1. First of all, it is advisable to take a blessing in the Church from a priest on embroidery icons. And, of course, at the same time, be a sincere believer (it would be nice to confess and take communion in advance). It is also advisable to show the priest the cover of the kit you are going to embroider before starting to embroider, in order to be sure that after finishing the work he will consecrate it.

2. Embroidery should be started only with pure and good thoughts, and before embroidery icons read a special prayer (if anyone is interested, I can write it).

3. It is believed that during embroidery icons you need to fast (I believe that especially believing people should observe this rule), so the best time to embroider an icon is, of course, an Orthodox fast.

4. You can not sit down embroider icon in a bad mood, after a quarrel, holding anger, resentment or envy in your heart, after drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as on critical days. It is believed that while embroidering icons, the embroiderer is spiritually cleansed, so it is recommended to embroider icons not only for pregnant women, but also for those who cannot get pregnant for a long time (there were cases when women who embroidered icons successfully became pregnant and gave birth to healthy children).

And you can’t sit down to embroider an icon on the days of Orthodox holidays and Sundays. I even checked this rule on myself (I believe that embroidery is not a job, but a hobby, so I calmly embroider on Sunday, but the embroidery of an icon is a completely different matter, I tried a couple of times, but each time I managed to get so confused that I had to dismiss part of the work - and this usually almost never happens to me)

5. It is forbidden to use black in the embroidery of an Orthodox icon, except for the eyes, where it symbolizes infinity.

6. The face of the icon should be as well “written” in embroidery as in a real Orthodox icon made in oil (that is, the most accurate image of the face, and not a conditional image that develops from a certain distance)

7. And at the end of the work, the embroidered icon must be consecrated in the Church. When I took my icon to the temple to consecrate, they didn’t even ask me if I received a blessing for its embroidery. While I was waiting for the priest, the servant of the Church praised my embroidery so much that I think they would not refuse to have one in their church.

Now let's look at what Cross stitch icons will satisfy those rules that apply directly to it.

In my opinion (perhaps someone will want to challenge my opinion, I am ready to consider other options) these requirements are met by the schemes developed by the designer Ivanova parking lot (Solaria gallery)(I wrote about her developments).

I embroidered a designed Stoyanka Ivanova icon

My next icon, which I have already begun to embroider, having received the blessing of the priest, is Blessing Christ design Parking Ivanova

It is possible that I will embroider to her in a pair and Golden Tikhvin Holy Mother of God

There are also ICOs in her developments on the Nicholas the Wonderworker

AND Holy Mother of God Tenderness

And a relatively recently developed design yin Serafimo-Diveevo Tenderness

And many, many others that you can see on her website

I hope that all the icons you see will only increase your desire to embroider an icon, and the rules will not scare you away, because an icon embroidered with a soul and good intentions will be filled with powerful energy and serve as a talisman for your home, can heal from diseases and protect from misfortunes!

And if you want to find an icon depicting the face of a saint whose memory the Orthodox Church honors on this day, welcome to the site "The Origins of Russia". The site is interesting because it briefly talks about the saints; about historical places in Russia; about the traditions and rituals of ancient Russia. And for the soul there is the love lyrics of Russian poets.

Until communication and new meetings in rubric!

Cross stitch icons: schemes of holy images

Cross stitch icons: schemes of holy images

The icon, or image of a saint, has always been and will be in demand and holy in all Christian countries. They are made in various ways, one of which is cross-stitch. Embroidered icons are in great demand among various age and social groups of people.

personalized icons

Very often people are interested in buying personalized icons. The definition of the concept of what nominal icons are sounds approximately like this: “This is an icon that depicts a saint, in whose honor a person was named at baptism.” Cross-stitching icons is done in the same way as other works, where it is necessary to adhere to a specific pattern.
The indisputable beauty and magic that embroidered icons radiate can successfully compete even with those works that are written by the artist's brilliant hand. Each embroiderer puts her spirituality into her work, thanks to which the embroidered icons acquire a special, unique spirit.

Icons embroidery kits

In order to make cross-stitch embroidered icons, it is advisable to purchase a standard embroidery kit. It is also necessary to have a schema. Each set contains a fabric called canvas. On the canvas there are special cells that are needed for the convenience of embroidery. The canvas is especially convenient for cross-stitching. The kit also contains threads, instructions, as well as patterns for specific embroidery. It is very good for the convenience of work to designate each thread color with a specific icon that corresponds to the pattern icon. In this case, it will be much easier for you to find the thread color you need in a given place in the diagram and make embroidered icons.

Next, it is desirable to mark the canvas into squares ten by ten cells, so that it is more convenient to embroider. This must be done with a special marker that can be washed off with water. When making embroidered icons, it is most convenient to mark the canvas from its center. In the event that you do not have such a marker, do not do it with a pencil or pen, because such markings may remain on the canvas. The embroidered canvas should be put in cold water, this will be enough to remove the markup.

A needle for cross stitch is called a tapestry needle, it has a non-sharp tip and a large eye. When making embroidered icons with a cross, you can start work both from below and from above. You just need to figure out what colors are used in this area of ​​​​embroidery. To do this, the scheme has all the necessary instructions. The colors of the thread are indicated there, as well as the types of stitches and the number of thread additions that correspond to each specific section of the embroidery. But the best option is to start embroidery from the center of the canvas. To do this, fold the canvas in half, then in half again. So you determine its center. So the embroidery will be located proportionally, and there will be no cases of lack of canvas size.
Embroidered icons, like any other kind of embroidered work, require a hoop. Before starting work, the canvas is placed in the hoop, fixing it well there with the help of a special device. For those embroiderers who do not have much experience, it is advisable to choose small canvases. Embroidered icons are beautiful regardless of their size. But when they are large, then there is a chance that you will simply leave them unfinished, since for you it will be backbreaking work. It is very important to buy a quality embroidery kit.
The quality of the work performed and the beauty of your cross-stitch depend on this. Follow the direction of the crosses. All upper half-crosses should always face the same direction. You choose this direction yourself, but then follow it throughout the work.

Making an icon in a frame

To complete the work, you need to properly frame your cross-stitched icon in a suitable frame. To do this, we need a frame with glass, and a cardboard back wall, an adhesive pencil and a sheet of drawing paper. Let's prepare our embroidery and heat up the iron. We measure whatman paper on the back of the cardboard, and cut it to size. On the finished embroidery from the wrong side we put the cut-out whatman paper with the white side down. We coat the paper under the canvas with an adhesive pencil. We iron the places with glue with a hot iron.
After that, we put the resulting embroidery into a frame, on glass, and fix it with a cardboard back wall. Then we attach the hook and clamp the clamps. Instead of a hook, you can use a strong lace, fixing it well.

Icon schemes