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Caucasian captive in thick brief content. A brief retelling of the Caucasian prisoner in the reduction (Tolstoy Lion N.)

Served in the Caucasus officer Zhilin. He came to his letter from the mother, and decided to go home on vacation. But on the way it and another Russian officer Kostlin Grabbed the Tatars. It happened by the fault of Kostilina. He had to cover the hill, but saw the Tatars, scared and ran from them. Kostilin turned out to be a traitor. Tatar, who captured Russian officers, sold them to another Tatarin. The prisoners challenged into the shackles and kept in one shed.

Tatars forced the officers to write native letters with the requirement of redemption. Kostylin listened, and Zhilin specially wrote another address, because he knew: to buy it no one, the old woman-mother Zilina lived very poorly. Silin was sitting with a crutch in Sarah for a whole month. The master's daughter Dina was attached to the housing. She wore him secret cakes and milk, and he did for her pupa. Zhillin began to inflate how they were with a crutch run from captivity. Soon he began to do a dope in the barn.

One night, they ran away. When they entered the forest, Kostylin began to lag behind and whining the legs of the legs sank. Because of the crutin, they did not leave, they noticed by Tatar, who drove through the forest. He told the hostages to the hostages, they took dogs and quickly caught up with prisoners. They were put on the shacks again and did not remove them even at night. Instead of the barn, the hostages were planted in the pit of Arshin five depth. Zhill is still not desperate. Everything thought how to run away. Saved him Dina. At night, she brought a long stick, lowered her to a hole, and in her hill got up. And Kostylin remained, did not want to run away: scared, and there was no strength.

Zhilin departed away from the village and tried to shoot a block, but he did not succeed. Dina gave him on the road of cakes, and cried, saying goodbye to the housing. He was kind to the girl, and she was very attached to him. Zhilli went farther and further, even though the shoe was very prevented. When the forces are over, he will crawl and additional to the field, for whom their own, Russians. Zhilli was afraid that his Tatars would notice when he would cross the field. Just thought about it, look: to the left, on the bug, the tenths in two from it, there are three Tatars. They saw Zilina and rushed to him. So the heart was cut off. Ishilin turned his hands, shouted what was his spirit: "Brothers! Clear! Brothers! ". Hilina Cossacks were assisted and rushed by Tatars. Tatars were frightened, without reaching the hilina began to stop. So saved the Cossacks of Zilina. He told them the hill about their adventures, and then he says: "So I went home, married! No, it is clear not the fate of mine. " Gilin remained to serve in the Caucasus. And the Kostlin only bought in five thousand in a month. Barely alive brought.

Talst stories are no less rich in content than his novels, so they are also important to properly outline, so as not to miss any important detail From the plot and remember all the main events. So a brief retelling of the "Caucasian captive" from the "Liesel" is an indispensable help in learning, as well as.

In the Caucasus served one barin on the name of Zhilin. One day he comes a letter from the mother in which she asks her son to return home, she feels bad and wants to finally see the son. She also reports that she looked like a bride for him.

In the Caucasus, at that time the war went, and the roads were unsafe. Zilin, together with the maintenance of the soldier goes down. In the road often there were breakdowns, and the hill decides to go on one, hoping on his faithful horse. Together with him, another officer went - Kostylin.

As soon as two drove off the escort, they are immediately overtaken by Tatars. Kostylin in the frightened launched ones, Zilin did not want to be given alive, because he knew how the Tatars are treated with the prisoners. His horse shot himself, the man himself was brought to Aul, put the block and threw in the barn.

II Head

Zilin did not sleep all night, the Tatars came to the morning, they did not understand Russian, and the man with gestures asked to bring water. Little girl with a jug entered, she looked frightened on the prisoner until he drank.

Zilina led to the house, there the translator explained to the officer that he would not let him go for him until the ransom would be given. Tatars demanded three thousand, but the hero, remembering his poor mother, said he was ready to give only five hundred.

The second prisoner led to the house, they were Kostylin, he could not hide from the Tatar. Zhilina was told that he had already sent a letter asking for a redemption. Zhilin wrote a note, but in such a way that she did not reach the recipient. He was firmly intended to escape.

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Kostylin was waiting for a redemption for him. Zhilin did not lose time with the gift: he examined the surroundings of Aul, in the evenings he was engaged in needlework.

Many Tatars spoke well about the prisoner Russian: Zhilin fixed the watch one of the villagers, cured the patient, did the girls beautiful dolls. A slender girl that on the first day brought a jug with water, began to wear him milk. The name of her dina.

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For a whole month, the hill lived so much. Dina wore him cakes and milk, some of the Tatars became dangerously looked at the prisoner, rumors appeared that the soldiers want to kill, and without waiting for a redemption.

Zhilin made a small subcople in Saraj, during the day he persuaded the boy who had to look after him, climb the mountain. He inspected the surroundings of Aulu and simply presented to which of the parties to move.

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Kostylin scared escape, but still agreed. The courtyard flashed when the prisoners got out from under the barn, but Zhill had long focused on the PSA, and that quickly silent.

For a long time, prisoners were wrapped in the night forest, Kostlin completely disused, he sank his legs into the blood and could not move. Zhilin was not ready to throw his friend and brought him on his back.

The soldiers of Topot hoofs heard, and in an instant they were overtaken by their Tatars, tied up and taken back to Aul. There they beat the prisoners, one of the Tatars told Zhilin that if the redemption would not come in a week, he would kill him with his friend. The prisoners were planted into a deep pit and fed like dogs.

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The last hope of Zilina was a kind girl Dina. He made her new beautiful dolls, but the girl was afraid to take them, she gestures showed a man that they want to kill. Then he asked to bring him a long stick, the heroine shook his head and ran away.

Zhillin thought that the girl was aged, but a long pole descended into one nights in the pit. Kostylin punished Zhilin to get out one, he was not able to cope. The officer with difficulty with a heavy pad on his leg rose up on the sixth. Dina gave the housing of food and long crying. "Who can you do dolls without me?" - the captive told her, stroked the girl on his head and disappeared into the forest.

Zilin got out of the forest and saw in the distance of Cossacks, Russian soldiers. The hero turned around, and behind him, the Tatars were already racing. From the last forces, a man rushed to his shout: "Brothers! Brothers! ". Tatars were afraid to run into Russian cordon and stopped. The Cossacks immediately removed the block with the hilina, fed and drank. After that, he decided to stay in the Caucasus: "I went home, married! No, it is clear not the fate of mine. " A month later, Kostylin returned hardly alive, they still sent a redemption for him.

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The story L. N. Tolstoy was written in 1872 and belongs to literary direction realism. The name of the work refers to the reader to the poem A. S. Pushkin " Prisoner of the Caucasus" However, in contrast to the predecessor, Tolstoy in his story depicted a non-romantic, idealized character, and the usual Russian officer of Zilina - a brave, hardworking and humane hero, which can always find a way out of a difficult situation.

main characters

Zhilin - Barin from a poor family, officer, served in the Caucasus. Going home, I was captured to the Tatars, from which I fled only from the second time.

Kostylin - The officer with whom Zhilin was captured to Tatars.

Other characters

Dina - Daughter Abdul-Murat, "thin, slender, thirteen years old." I wore food Zhigin, when he was in captivity, helped him to escape.

Abdul Murat - "Host", Tatar, who bought off the dynamy and Kostlin, Dina's father.

Chapter 1

Zhill serves in the Caucasus officer. Once he receives a letter from his mother with a request to come home. Thinking, Zilin "straightened his vacation," said goodbye to friends and gathered to go.

"In the Caucasus, then the war was" - Tatars attacked lonely travelers, so Zilina's accidents accompanied soldiers. Wanting to go faster, the officer decides to break away from the accompanying, Kostylin joins it.

However, on the way they met Tatars. According to the fault of Kostilina, who was frightened and escaped, unarmed zilina grabbed and taken away to Aul (Tatar village). On the captive put on the block and locked in the barn.

Chapter 2.

After some time, Zhilina was told that the tatar climbing him also caught Kostlin and sold Prisoners Abdul Murata, which was now the "master". Tatar forced the prisoners to write letters home asking for a redemption. Zilin understood that his mother had no money, so I wrote a letter with the wrong address so that it did not come.

Chapter 3.

Well with a crutch for a whole month lived in Saraj. In the afternoon they put on the pads and filmed at night. Zilin "On any handicraft, the master was", so the sake of entertainment began to sculpt fools from clay for Dina's master's daughter. The girl, thankful man for the toys, secretly brought him food - milk and pellets.

Chapter 4.

Planning escape, Zhilin began to dig in Saraj Laz. In one of the nights, when the Tatars left Aula, the captives ran away.

Chapter 5.

The officers were unhindered left Aul. Soon, Kostlin began to complain that the feet. Almost all night, they walked in the forest, Kostlin lagged behind and when his companion could no longer go, Zhilin suffered him on himself. Other Tatars caught them on the road and taken to Abdul Muratu.

In the village of Russians wanted to kill, but Abdul Murat decided to wait for the redemption. Again on the fugitives put on the pads and this time was lowered in a piano in five Arshin.

Chapter 6.

"They have become completely bad." The officers gave raw food, "like dogs", in the pit itself it was wet and stuffy. Kostylin is very ill - "everything is moaning or sleeping", "and Zhilin Anglas." Somehow the pit appeared Dina - the girl brought them food. Another time she reported that Zilina is going to kill. The officer asked the girl to bring him a long stick, and at night Dina dropped a long pole into the pit.

Zhilin was going to take crutin with himself, but he was too weak and refused himself. With the help of Dina, the officer got out of the pit. He was very disturbed by the block, but he did not work off the castle, he had to run like that. Saying goodbye, Dina crushed and gave a man on the side of the lepte.

The officer passed the forest and, coming to the field, saw the left of the Cossacks sitting by the fires. Zhilin hurried to cross the field, afraid to meet Tatars on the way. So it happened - he did not have time to reach his own, as three Tatars noticed him. Then Zhilin waved his hands and shouted: "Brothers! Clear! Brothers! " . The Cossacks heard him, they were embarrassed by Tatars and rescued a fugitive.

Having learned Zilina, the officers took him to the fortress. Zhilin realized that he was not destiny to go home and marry, so it remained to serve in the Caucasus. "And the Kostlin only acupunged in a month in five thousand. Barely brought the living. "


In the story, the "Caucasian captive" Tolstoy on the example of the images of Russian officers, Zilina and Kostilina reveals important moral questions - loyalty, friendship, friendly debt, responsiveness, kindness, durability and courage. Developing parallel line Friendship of Hill and Dean, the author shows that true kindness and tolerance are able to reduce any evil, even the confrontation of peoples and war.

Short retelling "Caucasian captive" helps to get acquainted with the main events and brief description The story, however, for a better understanding of the story, we advise you to read his full option.

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  1. Ivan Zhilin - Officer who served in the Caucasus. He climbed to visit the mother, but he caught captivated to the Tatars. Good in inventiveness, first time he was very loved by Tatars and treated him well.
  2. Kostylin - A friend of Zilina, an officer who also caught captivated to Tatars. He was a culprit that they were caught twice. A cargo person, a coward, cannot take care of himself and ready to become a traitor to save himself.

Other heroes

Officer Zhilin received a letter from the mother, asking to return home. At that time he served in the Caucasus. Waiting for the accompanying Ivan did not want and decided to go ahead with Kostilin, who had a gun. However, the colleague was frightened and escaped when he saw Tatars, throwing a zilin.

Kazi Mugmett took the Russian officer and twisted him to Aul, where he sold Abdul Muratu. It turned out that Kostlin also could not escape, he was brought to the same owner. The officers gave paper and demanded that they wrote letters home asking for a redemption.

Zhilin quickly became known as a master. He did toys, revenge the clock and guns. I went to him even from other auls for help. However, Ivan wanted to return home. He constantly looked out for much better go to return to the fortress.

First escape

Ivan during this time became friends with the Dinah - Master's daughter. The girl wore him cakes and poured milk. She strongly attached to the officer. I wanted to escape the hill, while the moon was not, but it did not work out. One day, when the subcode was already ready, Tatars returned asleep and began to bury their warrior. Ivan had to wait until they start to leave Aula again.

Kostylin also went after a colleague, but constantly sucked and complained. He was a very heavy man and quickly tired. Because of his instructions, Tatars heard refugees and sent dogs for them. The officers returned to Aul, but now they turned badly with them. Put in the pit and fed only tough and descended down the jug of water.

Second escape

Zhilin could not sit without a case, he tried to dull another dope, but there was no place to hide the earth, and he was noticed. Once Ivan heard the Tatars not far from the pit swear. Dina told that they want to kill them. Russians are too closely selected and soon can enter Aul, and after the death of one of the warriors, attitudes changed to the prisoners. The old men were categorically against the prisoners, and Dee is sorry for Ivan, she wanted to help him.

Dina brought the sick pole and helped the Zhilina to get out of the pit. Kostylin refused to leave. He strongly swollen, lubrics appeared in the body. Ivan said goodbye to the girl and went through the forest. When it was developed, he saw the Russian fortress from the other side of the field. But the Tatars, standing nearby, noticed him.

Zilin called for help, and the Cossacks heard him, managed to pick up. There they recognized colleagues and asked about the adventures. So Ivan was left to serve in the Caucasus, and Kostilina was still bought in a month. Just arrived at all unhappy and hardly alive.

Test on the story Caucasian prisoner

War in the Caucasus. Officer Zhilina comes a letter that his elderly mother writes him. He says that he already feels the approaching death, and asks the Son to come to say goodbye to her and bury her. He says that I found him the bride - good girl. Zhilin, thinking long, decided that he really needs to go to spend the old woman and went to take a vacation. I said goodbye to comrades, put them four buckets of vodka and left.

Because of the war in that area, there was a road off-road, and therefore there was no passage there, and the enemies could kill at any time. And it was started that two times a week from the fortress went to the fortress wondered soldiers. The case was in the summer, to go to the right place was distant.

Not only is hot, so everyone who rode, will stop, because the horse has become, then someone is bad. In general, Zhilin thought, and not to go to him without escort. I thought, I thought, and here it jumped onto the horse one more officer Kostylin and suggested going to go. Zhilin make sure that the rifle of this officer is charged, agreed. After some kind of distance, they left the mountains. Zhilin speaks Kostilin, let's see if there is no mountain of the Tatars, i.e. enemies of them. Kostylin did not want. And Zhilin ride riding, but before it said Kostilin, so that he waited for him down. And Zilin is not in vain decided to make sure, since there was a man of Tatars 30.

They saw Zilina and ran after him. He was on a good horse. Having bought it with a foal, he went out well. But the enemy had horses even better. He began to scream Kostilin, so that the gun was given, but it was too late, since this officer as soon as he saw that the Tatars had to chase immediately. In general, he chased him for a long time, eventually shot a horse and she fell together with him, and he began to bind him. Hook everything from him, the money was taken, things broke. And the horse suffered so much. While one of the Tatars did not fit and did not cut her throat. They planted him linked to the horse, and so as not fell, tied his belt to Tatarin. And the hilina baked blood in his eyes, he could not remember the road.

They brought an officer. The children began to throw them into him with stones, and Tatarore moved them and called an employee who took him to the barn. Zhill fell into manure, then found a place and lay there. Zhilin did not sleep at all. As soon as it began to brighten it, he found a crack in the barn, squandered her a little and began to observe. I saw the mountains, local inhabitants there, a woman with a jug on the head, the boys shaved who took the wand and began to poke into a slit shed. Hill them frightened and they ran away. And he saw Tatarin, who was brought here yesterday. He had a red beard, all dressed in the traditions of Dagestan, and a silver knife was blocked on the belt. After two Tatarin came, one is that with a red beard, and the second little black. They began to say something on their own teeth. And the hill only said that he wanted to drink - they did not understand, then he showed that he wants to drink gestures, and only after that a little black called some kind of Dina. Girl came in thirteen, beautiful, black-haired. Looks like a little and black. Daughter apparently. She brought a jug with water, drove the officer and then went and brought him a bread. And they all gone.

A little later went to Zhilina Nogaen. The second spoke to go somewhere to an officer. In general, he led him to the street. And there is a bunch different houses. And there are 3 horses near one of them. From this house jumped black, and told this worker to start a hill in the house. In the house they had very pure and beautiful. There were sitting, drose little and black, the one with a red beard and three guests. Zilina was put into the corner, and the worker sat down closer to the owners, but also not on the carpet. When the owners agreed, one of the guests began to speak Russian. He said that the black and the one who is called Abdul Murat and Kaza Mugmet. It turned out that Kazi Mugamet gave Zilina Abdul for debts. And Abdul is now the owner of Zilina. Now Abdul demands that the officer wrote a letter home to bought it for 3 thousand coins. But Zhilli could only give 500 rubles, which Abdul began to swear to Kazi Mughette and said Zhilin, that this is not enough, since he himself, count, I bought it for 200 rubles. Zhillin began to shout that if they want to kill him, then let them kill, he will not give money more than 500 rubles. Abdul praised him and said something in his own language to the employee. He came out and after some time led another prisoner. And it was Kostlin. He also took him Abdul. And now they are together belonging to him. The owner began to say that the crutch will send 5 thousand coins, and the hill let at least a thousand coins give, but he stood on his. Only 500, and if they still bargain, there will be no letter to write, and he will not give any money. I could not stand Abdul, jumped, gave a pen and paper Zhilina, said to write a letter, he agreed 500 rubles, but the hill also score good food Both clothes, and so that Kostlin lived with him. He agreed and was delighted even. Posted by the hill letter so that it did not reach the house.

They lived with the crutch together, they fed them badly, they gave them clothes apparently from the dead soldiers, the hands were unleashed at the night. They lived so a month. Kostlin everyone considered the days when they send money from home, letters repeatedly. And Zhilin was not waiting for, as he knew that he would not reach. And hoped he would choose himself. Zhilin did not let himself be bored, then walks, then the needlework is engaged. One day, the clay was blinded with a doll with a nose, hands, legs, in the Tatar shirt. Blinded and put on the roof. And Dina's girl saw her and called other girls. They began to laugh, look at her. Zhilin took her in his hands and wanted to give it to them, they laughed, but could not take. He put it back, and he went to the barn. And looks at the slot, what will happen next. Dina approached, took a doll and ran away. The next morning sees that she came out with her, knit her with flap. Nurse as a baby. Her mother came out, cut off Dina, grabbed the doll and broke, after which the girl sent to work. Zhilin made another doll and presented her Deine. Dina brought like a jug with water housing, sits and smiles, he did not understand what's the matter, but it turned out not water, and milk. Zhilin said well, Dina jumped on joy. And since then, every day I wore him milk, raw pellets, or lamb. And then, as the hill, it smeared a lot of dolls and made them twisted on the wheel. The wheel is spinning, and the dolls jump. Girls brought him loskutkov, so he dressed these dolls, and one doll turned out to be a girl, and the other boy. Everyone with great delight was watched by this. Later he became famous throughout the district. Then someone can fix something, then something else. So, since his owner, he repaired the clock, and then cured at all, without knowing how. All his praised. Only the one with a red beard did not love him. As soon as he sees the hill, it turns away. Zilina was released, and walking and walking the mosque. There he saw one old man who did not live in that village in which he lived.

Once the hill went to see how old man lives. He saw the house, near which there was a lot of evidence, and the old man kneeling was standing next to him. He saw Zilina, and shouted into him, and he managed to hide behind the stone. I went to this old man to complain the owner of the officer. He laughs, asks Zilina, why did he go to the house that the officer said that he just wanted to see. The old man said to kill everyone Russians and left. Zhilin asked Abdul, what is it for the man that. It turned out that it is very influential person, I used to be the main jigita, many Russians killed. He had 3 wives and 8 sons. The sons were killed, and one Russians took, he found him and killed himself, and went home. He stopped to fight and since then does not like Russians, and besides, God constantly prays. But Abdul reassured Zilina. Having said that he would not kill, since he paid for money for him, and he loved the officer, he didn't want to kill, he does not want to let him go, although he gave the word.

So passed another month. Day in Zhilin either walked around the terrain or needleconer. And at night, when everything sits down, I dig in a barn. It was difficult, as there are many stones, so he is their focal. But it was necessary to learn in which direction to dig further, so he tricks the mountain climbed, under the pretext, that the grass must be tear to treat. And behind him always placed the boy. So that he watched him. So Zhilin persuaded him, promising to make him onions and arrows. He climbed on the mountain, although it was difficult. But I saw everything he needed. And in addition, also enjoyed the beautiful scenery. And he saw smoke from the pipe. He thought that this was the Russian home. He knows now where to run. The sun began to come, Mullah shouted. Cows are already drunk. And the boy calls the Zilina home, although I don't want to the second.

I thought Zhilin running on the same night, but to his bad luck, Tatars returned. Yes, they arrived, not as usual fun, and evil and brought a dead brother that with a red beard. They put it under the tree on the grass, called Mulu, sat down, and began to sit silently, only periodically referring to God. Then they buried him at the head and put a monument. Redhead distributed money to old men, took the whip and hit my forehead three times. Then he went home. The next morning, the redhead led the horse, killed her. Women inside treated. Then everyone gathered at him at home and began to remember. Three days the mare ate, on the fourth everything went somewhere on horseback. Only Abdul remained.

The night has come. Zhilli decided to run. He offered Kostilin, and he began to break. Okamazhki invented different, then they do not know something else. But Zhilin was still persuaded. They began to climb, and Kostlin hooked the stone, the dogs heard began to bark, but Zhill had pronounced her long and therefore managed to calm her. We sat down the fugitives around the corner, waited until everything subsides. All subsided. Zhillin for commanded to go, but only they got up, as he heard that Mullah shouts all in a mosque calls, they had to sit still at the wall, wait. Stretch and went. They went through rivers, stones. Kostylin Nather feet boots, and when I went barefoot, I cut them. And therefore lagged behind the pain. They didn't go there a little, but the hill understood this in time. They went on the right path, but Kostlin still lagged behind. They were alarmed by the topot of hoofs. They crawled off and saw something strange. It was a deer that frightened fugitives and ran into the forest. Kostlin began to say that he would not go further, but when Zhilin rigged him and said that he would leave then, he jumped up and went. They heard the sound of clinging about the stones of the horseshoes. Hid. This was driving a Tatar on the horse and drove the cow. Zhilin Kostlina raise, and how he shouts that he was hurt. Zhilin Obomlel, because Tatarina is still near, and he could hear. I did not want to throw a friend, I had to carry it on my back. I dragged, dragged, suddenly heard the Topot again, apparently Tatarore still heard and returned. And indeed, Tatar began to shoot, but they managed to hide and dodge. Well thought that you need to run, because he could call his. Kostylin said that the hill was walking alone, but, according to Zilina, it is impossible to leave yours. Dragged him further. Curled to the road. Zhilin decided to break, eat and drink. Just stopped, how he hears the topot. Hid. See, Tatars came up. In general, Tatar dogs found them and gotten with a crutch again. Tied them. And lucky. Stopped. I met them Abdul. They transplanted on his horses and back to the place where they were lucky. When they brought, their children began to beat stones and wars. Long decide what to do with them. One old man said to kill, and Abdul insisted that he gave money for them, and wants to get acquainted. In general, I put the conditions fugitives, let let letters write, and then after 2 weeks they will be killed. And put them in the pit.

Life was very bad, fed with disbuits like dogs, did not unleashed, did not let go on the will. Kostylin completely painted. Yes, and Zhilin somehow lost hope. I wanted to do the breadth, so the owner saw, threatened to kill.

As Dina dropped him with pellets, water and sweet cherries. And the hill thought if she would help him? Skalked a little, and began to make clay dolls. Yes, only Dean, the next day, was not. He heard that the Tatars stood near the mosque and decide something about Russians. Then they drove. Suddenly Dina came, but she did not take puppet. He said only that he wants to kill him, and his dinet sorry. Zhilin asked her to bring a clay stick. But she said that it was impossible. The evening came, and the hill began to grieve. Desperate at all. And then Dina nevertheless brought him a long clay pole. And she said that he was quietly led. He got out outside, from the pit. Kostylin refused to go, they said goodbye before that. Ran the hill to the mountain. His devoted Dina, gave him a tortilla and wanted to help the chain to remove from him, but did not work out. They said goodbye and he ran away. He wanted to go to the forest to the forest. I'dned to the forest, snapped, there was little strength, I decided to run so far, I met two Tatars on the way, but I managed to hide in time, they did not notice him. Tried to get rid of the shackles, but only his hands beat a stone.

And finally, he got to the fortress, where then went smoke. He saw the Cossacks. And he thinks only that Tatars have not seen it in the field. Just thought, turns and sees three such. They saw him and began to run. And the hill is that there are strength, fled to the Cossacks and shouted "brothers help." The Cossacks were unwound, there were 15 people, the Tatars were frightened and retreated. Zhilin ran to the Cossacks, those were surrounded and began to ask who he was, from. He told everything, he learned him, took it to the fortress, fed, drank, the shackles were broken. It didn't work around him go home. So he stayed to serve in the Caucasus. And the Kostlin bought a month in 5,000, barely brought.

Updated: 2014-01-17

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