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I am involved in a girl without consequences. The best way, how to shim the girl to the girl

If you think that only women resort to magic in order for a loved man to cause retaliatory feelings, then you are mistaken. Men are also worried about unrequited love and resort to magic love spells. Therefore, they also wonder how to shock a girl?

How does a spell act?

But unlike girls, guys often do not fully represent that she lies behind the magic spell, and so no less, it is very important to realize what you go.

If the question arose how to shook the girl at home, it means that I really want to get some specific girl in the relationship, with all its character features. And here you need to be ridiculous. The fact is that the magic love spell is a violent intervention in the human energy field. In which the character of a person is violated including. And after all, the young man then receives a girl with a changed character, with a bewitched. And it does not always like it. Women's psyche and so more sensitive than men, and after the love spell, wait from women even more frequent differences in the mood.

Walking a girl at home is not so difficult, but then these relationships will be psychologically healthy, that's the question.

But in any case, this is the case of everyone. And if you wondered how to shock your favorite girl, then we will give the answer. Moreover, the spell is a great set, the main thing is to choose the one that will cause it to cause the feelings that you need.

What situations do you need a spell?

How to shim the girl on his own, and in what situations it will be appropriate:

  • Methods, as the reasons for the shimarion, a favorite girl can be different. You may have a timid and shy guy who does not know how to show your interest in the girl. Then the help of white magic is what you need. In this case, the love spell will help you to regret in the girl to you interest, as a result, it can be shifted to you. And then you will have to try to keep her interest in yourself.
  • Is it possible to shock your favorite girl if you are already in a relationship? Can. Perhaps the guy is already in a relationship with a girl, but she applies to him as not so trequently as he is to her. Then, with the help of magic, you make your favorite even more fall in love with you. So she even more appreciated the guy and relationship with him.
  • The answer to the question: how to shim the girl in the photo is also a wonderful way to strengthen relationships at a distance. For example, a favorite girl was sent to a long trip, and you are worried about the safety of your feelings. Who knows what is happening with the feelings of people who are not near every day. With the help of magic, you will support degrees of feelings. With the right spell it will be easy.
  • Walking your favorite girl in the photo is possible, and if she is married. On a married woman, you can also bring a spell on your own, but it is important to understand that this will already be the use of black magic. The rite of black magic will actually help you, but there may be negative consequences. Who tried to do so can know about it. It will be love built on the blood of the last marriage, and not always it brings happiness and joy. Especially carefully to this spell you need to treat if you want to chase a married woman forever.
  • You can shock your favorite girl, if the guy fell quarreled, and no one can find strength in themselves to make the first conciliatory step, then this step will be with the help of magic. The percussion will be mainly here to return to the girl's heart passion with a magical way. So that she missed her very much and herself took the first step in reconciliation.
  • You can chase the former girl too, if she left you to another. You can make a lamp on the fact that she went to another, but you can simply be wary of it to you, the conspiracy of love will also help in this.

Love spell in photo and candy

Walking your girlfriend can be made in a different way, here is one of them. You will need it: photo girls, chocolate candies, candle and pipette with holy water.

The ritual must be done during the growing moon. This ritual from those who spend on food. It must be said that this is one of the most effective rituals that can be held at home. If you manage to make the girl ate conspired food, then the rite is triggered by almost one hundred percent of cases. The girl almost immediately after the ritual behaves a little differently in relation to the guy.

Stay alone with you so that no one can interfere. You need to tune in to the wave of relaxation. It is necessary to believe very much that the rite will bring the desired result. I must say that if you spend this ritual also in Christmas, it will have even greater strength.

You can wander your favorite girl, if you tune in to the desired wave of consciousness will help you prayer. She is candy in front of them, look at them and read the following conspiracy:

"The slave of God (the name of the girl) is one of the Lord. I want to take care of her, I want her heart to take myself under the custody. So that all the symptoms of love in it have woke up to me, so that the matter of magic helped the cause of love. Without me, the slave of God can not sleep, without me it can not, without me, her life itself is not a joy. I ask Magic, I ask the Lord, give her will in the will. How I can't do without it, even if she could not be so without me. I will come to her way my son, let her feel all love for me. And the maternal and female, so that I couldn't think with me next to me, I could not think about anyone. In magic, love found, in magic to her love came. As she tastes my delicacy, so forever I'm in her heart and settle. I myself will come to me, myself will love me, myself will want to want. "

After that, take a pipette with holy water and drip it into several candies. Then take the photo of the girl, look at it and tell me:

"We are with you for love."

Such candy needs for a day to hand the girlfriend. If you suddenly want to remove this spell, it will not be difficult. But, most likely, it will not be needed, because this love spell is valid for a maximum of three months. So easily with the help of candies, you can be perished your girlfriend at home.

Love spell on wine and photo

Here is another love spell in magic to food, namely on wine. Photo of the girl in it also takes part. This rite is suitable for those cases when the guy with a girl is in relationships and need to warm them.

Cook for a girl a romantic dinner with candlelight. Buy a delicious bottle of red wine. At the first stage, everything you need is just nice to spend the evening. Just enjoy the evening. Then wait for the girl for a few minutes will come out for a few minutes. It is necessary that by this moment the wine in the glasses has already been spread. Remove the photo of the girl Put it on the top on the glass and say such a plot:

"Neither to me for you to walk, nor me all look at you. And take you to yourself with the help of magic. I did everything for you, and now you will do everything for me and you will experience joy. I want to know you. I want to understand you, and you are my love to understand and come. Words: No, I will not hear from you, you will agree with me. You are important to my heart, and I simply need yours. I sat on your love for you, now you love too much like me. I can without you, and you can not do without me. "

It is necessary to do it quickly and energetically so that the girl does not suspect anything. After the woman returns at the table, say the toast for love and immediately after the toast passionately kiss a woman. It is desirable that this evening end up at night of love. Then the magic love ritual will work for you even better.

Love spell in photos and church candle

To carry out this ritual, you will need three church candles, photos of your beloved woman, her personal thing, a pin, your photos. This ritual is very suitable if you need to bring a love spell on your favorite woman, which is far from you for some circumstances.

You need to stay alone with you so that no one can prevent you. Light candles. Remember the image of the beloved woman. Remember her image in the smallest details. Spread her photos in front of him, at that moment it is important to cause the brightest feelings towards her. Note that those feelings that you experience to her during the ritual and then return from her after the ritual.

When, look at her photos, take your photos and it together. And imagine your overall happiness. Imagine how you will be happy together, as between you will reign, the most beautiful and passionate feelings. When you emphasize the soul with these images, you can go to the next step.

Take the pin and the personal thing to your beloved girl. Perhaps this is a jacket. With the help of the jacket and bring the spell. Plot pose the jacket where she used to go to heart, and tell me such a plot:

"I appeal to magic, I take your heart to myself. That is not the edge of the pin in the jacket, then the love of your love to me in my heart looked. As you wake up tomorrow morning, you will feel that by the insane in the heart. This is what is your zanoz, it's my love. Wherever you go everywhere I have before your eyes. Wherever you sleep, everywhere my image is dreaming. "

Read this text is very passionate. With such a passion you want, the girl experienced in relation to you. After that, a jacket with a pin should be hidden away from the eyes of others. This love magic spell will begin to act about one week. After about this time, the girl will give actively about himself. She will either be asked for your courtship, or it will actively actively manifest them.

The consequences of the love spell on a married woman

All these previews can be held on a married woman. But a man must understand that in this case the love spell is already from black magic, so it can have negative consequences:

  • The most unpleasant consequences may be if in the marriage of a married woman that love you want to shit. If love is strong, then all the power of the love spell can turn against the customer. The customer can be spoiled with their relatives, with colleagues, sometimes it turns out to be a frank failure period.
  • If a man with the help of magic managed to beat off a woman in her husband, then there may be much more difficulties in such respects. There may be protracted crisis periods. It is possible that there will be more negative feelings in this relationship than positive. At the same time, the will of the customer, nor the more victim, will not be enough in order to break these relationships.
  • Often after black attractions, dependent relations are obtained, where the victim is fully subject to the customer. Men, like women, love confident and autonomous women, and they are unlikely to enjoy the woman who conquers them in everything, especially if she was independent before the attitude.
  • In the awesome women, the psyche is more loosened than that of ordinary women. Therefore, therefore, with such a woman, it is not always just in a relationship. She often nerves, requires constantly attention. The man is sooner or late begins to annoy it, he gets tired of such communication.
  • After the love spell, a woman can show a tendency to dependence. It may be alcohol addiction, drugs. Especially the chances are rising if the woman fought with these dependencies earlier.

Light a candle, and all the electrical appliances in the room will turn off on the contrary. Put the wooden board in front of you, and lay out a piece of raw meat and a new knife. A few minutes just look at the candle flame to relax consciousness. Then you can proceed to the ritual. There is nothing difficult in it. You just need to cut meat into small pieces and you need to read such text:

"My heart is in blood from love for you. It is scattered into pieces. It is confused on the slices of your appearance. I can not suffer more, I want you to love me also strongly, as I love you, I pray about it. I'm not a raw meat cut, I have your love my love. From now on to torment you without me, and the rest you find, just if you are next to me. "

This text needs to be read until the meat is cut to the smallest pieces. You can read it several times. After that, the meat must be buried under the nearest tree with respect to your home. Then go to bed, make sure you have your favorite woman. The ritual will make himself felt signs of passion from her side in about a couple of days. Of course, this ritual does not fit on the topic, how to shock your favorite girl without consequences, because for a married woman.

Consider in detail how to shock the girl at home yourself - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual did not have negative consequences.

How to attract the attention of the girl? Favorite, the only one, the most wonderful, the one about which you dream about? Especially if she does not want to see you?

Or, even worse, perceives as a friend? From hatred sometimes there is a passion, but to make a loved one of the girlfriend - much more difficult.

And then many guys are wondering how to shit a girl? It is rather unusual, men rarely resort to a burning or witchcraft at the behest of the heart, but what can you do for love?

Love spell on the love of the girl - the process is delicate, here you need to be careful, and comply with some rules. First, all magical actions in order to get a loved one should be taken on Friday - the so-called "Venus Day". The strongest spell of the girl is exactly Friday.

Do not confuse love with sex - formulate your desires accurately and choose the appropriate rite - otherwise you can not avoid problems! Making a love spell in the photo, select a snapshot on which it is captured alone, without her friends - also to avoid unexpected and not always pleasant consequences.

You need to read the words provided for this or that type of attitude, you need quietly, but firmly and confidently, concentrating thoughts on the girl, presenting the situation in which the purpose of the attitude is achieved. Words are better to learn by heart, and read them to read.

Love spell for the love of the girl is to be extreme measures, a way for a desperate guy.

If you can approach it and speak (a psychologist helps to find self-confidence) - has already been done. If you have something to talk about - consider you are ready for the conquest of the maiden heart. Girls are not so important as a fan looks like, men take their charm, brutality, internal strength and confidence, the psychologists of the whole world are not tired about. It is especially important in our progressive age when a stern macho change came the image of a refined female young man. At the same time, the need for women in defense is not doing anywhere.

In any case, if a person does not represent himself and can not even speak with the girl you like - the spell will not help. She will not be able to leave, but there will be no happiness in it. To be near a hateful person who can not leave - the most terrible sentence. Think about whether you are ready to dream about your favorite? And is it love?

How to make a love spell on a girl - a rare request in the search engine, but folk wisdom in the questions of Pristorot took care of the guys. There are many ways to make such a rite - many, and it is only necessary to choose the right one - based on the availability of the necessary items, the compliance of the method to your moral and aesthetic principles and other criteria.

Love spell in the photo is a very common way to produce love in the modern world. Social networks and color printer will help you in this matter. Before dawn, put nine candles in a circle, ignite them clockwise and put in the center of the circle a photo of your beloved.

The right heel need to step on the face of the girl, and to read three times the words of the attitude.

Conducting such a ritual for three nights in a row, you can achieve a significant establishment of relationships with a girl - in every sense. Love spell in the photo - lightweight, so-called "white" love spell.

If you see the girl quite often and familiar with it personally - you can try to make a spell on the hair. For this you need a girl's hair, your hair and wax candle. At midnight, mix the hair together (it is necessary to do it in silence and loneliness, with a candle light). Fill them with wax, roll the ball, and keep pouring the wax until your hair is hidden. At the same time, read continuously the words of the attitude.

The ball carries a day next to the body, and after - throw it into the fire, representing how the smoke driven into the sky transmits your feelings to her beloved. If the spell has succeeded - you yourself will understand this by the changed behavior of the object.

In the end, you can just buy buns with cream (or open cakes), add to the cream or glaze your sperm, read the conspiracy and treat your favorite girl - the result is guaranteed!

Experts in the field of esoteric are arguing about the method of adding sperm - collect it in advance and after add, or ejaculate directly to the confectionery. The case of taste, but it is precisely in taste that there should be no problem. If a girl learns about your extravagant manifestation of tenderness - the spell will not work. And you will acquire a reputation of the pervert.

Any spell (including the girl) - evil, and its consequences are always crying. There is no separation for love spells black and white - it is conditional, but it will not be possible to avoid responsibility. White is called those love spells that weaker act on the sacrifice, but also according to the artist, the love spell is not so powerful as black. Privors with any biomaterials are definitely black, they are very much suppressed by the will of a person, it is difficult to fight with them, and, therefore, the payroll for the use of such a way to attract the favorite will be scoring and disproportionate.

Negative consequences arise for all sides of the lability - even if the man was afraid to read the scary words himself and ordered a love spell Magu.

Such a coward is responsible as a "Customer of Lithuanote" and can lose sleep, acquire alcohol, narcotic, toxic dependence, chronic depression. Depending on the method of infection, it can turn into a customer and artist in one person and victims of nightmares, loss of appetite, a variety of health problems.

Think a thousand times - is it worth the game of the candle? Is it not better to try to earn a real love, and not be content with the "surrogate" of feelings?

How to shit a girl quickly and efficiently

Five practical councils

Making a ritual at home, you must carefully prepare for the ritual and observe all the conditions, only in this case you can count on an effective result.

For a spell to be safe for your beloved, use white magic rituals. It is easy to distinguish from black in the text, in which you will not meet the words that the girl should die without you, to dry, dry.

The rite should be done on the growing moon so that your chosen of your chosen grew along with the night luminaries.

Effectiveness is often directly related to the selected ritual, so you have a reason to choose the most suitable conspiracy, after studying at least a dozen love spells for love.

Do not use cemetery love spells. In inexperienced hands, death becomes very dangerous for both the object and for the author.

The most soft and enough effective are energy attractions and rustic magic. Neither the first nor the second require special knowledge and specific inventory. The simplest and most popular love spells on the photo and personal belongings. In addition, it is very effective.

The main thing, after you make a ritual, do not sit and do not wait for alms from nature. Act! Show the initiative! Find your eyes! Start in public places nose to the nose. You are in general companies or in some places. As they say: "Under the lying stone - water does not flow." So the girl herself will not come to you, because her feelings should wake up, and for this it must be woken. And to do it to you.

To begin with, it will be enough to just be in sight of her like that your image is imprinted in its subconscious, which you have already processed. Incidentally, in the near future it identifies you as a potential beloved person.

This is a very strong spell. Read on midnight, four times, one time on each side of the world. Before you proceed to the ritual, you should take a shower and get into clean clothes. The probitive words are better to learn by heart. If for some reason you can't do this - rewrite them on a piece of paper. The printed text does not fit!

How to shit a girl quickly and efficiently

So, taking a photo of the girl, turn left and say:

"On the Basurman and Russian lands, the flame prince drained the sea, rivers, streams, so that you would dry the slave of God (name) in the slave of God (name) so that it could not live without him, in 70 joints, in 77 veins. In the pure field, the Black Pershest Falcon. I will fly to him in a clean field, in the dark forests, in the blue sea, in the high mountains, and ask the prince to give him strength to get to the slaves, the girls in Tereme. To sit on her white chest, on the rifle heart, on the hot liver and put the maiden (name) Love for the slave of God (name), without which she could not live, nor, nor drink. Amen, Amen, Amen.

With these words, turn right. And so on all four sides of the world. When you read a plot, think about the one that lives in your heart and thoughts. Try to most clearly imagine a girl, even feel its smell and warmth.

Love spell by photo number 2

This spell is easier the first, but for him again you need to have a photo, and this should be a portrait. Put a photo on the floor, stand on it with a heel and tell three times three times:

"Like my heel, you will give you a slave (name) greatly, so your heart will be hard to pull you to me, Slava God (name). Amen".

This girl spell should repeat three days in a row.

Many men, surviving for their loved ones, ask the question: What consequences can a love spell? Different. From the most minor to serious. Together with love for you, numerous diseases can come to the girl, unwillingness to enjoy the life of its charms, the absence of appetite, etc.

However, it is not surprising, because any spell breaks the power of the will of the person, imposing an unplanned scenario of life. It is very hard as emotionally and physically.

Easy way to achieve a woman

Many men recently begin to be interested in love magic - to conquer the sympathy of a modern girl or a woman is not so simple, and you have to contact such ways as a spell. If you open the appropriate Internet articles, you will see that most specialists advise reading conspiracies. However, there are other ways how to shock your favorite girl, including the traditional used ancestors.

It is always better to think over the consequences in advance - remember that even at home can be used by very strong methods that will completely change the will of a person. The result will be an endless relationship without love, which will lead to torment for both participants in the pair - it is better not to imagine in terrible dreams.

Tested methods

Use trees

The ancient Slavs believed that the soul of a person is in a tree, and used such material to shock the representative of another sex. Cut in the forest or landing a small twist of female tree - linden, birch, rowan, willow, and finish it with a male branch - maple, ash, oak, nut. It is better to put the collected branches in the headboard - there you can also determine your photo and a picture of a girl who really likes.

Before bed, read a plot:

"They are behind the division of the diva two, the tree is two. One of the solid gilded sun, the second is silver, lit by the moon. Bake, Vikhori-Batyushka, Moon with a sun of the sun. Give me, the slave of God, in a friend (the name of the beloved). Amen!"

Repeat the rite of three days, which will allow you to be reliably to permanently choose the twigs next to the woman's house, having dragging them before red thread. If the spell is starting to weaken, it is also imperceptible to pour the land in which the items lie.

Darite gifts

In the old days, the parents of the girl banned her to take gifts from strangers - this was done because of the possible application of witchcraft, which allowed to achieve reciprocity.

The spell on the gift is as easy to spend at home - packaging the present, look at the photos of the beloved and imagine her voice in the smallest details. If you give flowers, select the object of magic a separate stem, if a different object is a ribbon, pulling the packaging. Refine them with your hair, and put yourself on the bed - a gift should spend the night with you.

Waking up in the morning, once again look at the photo of the girl, and then take the present and say the words:

"Dove not live without a dove, without a squorter squorter, and the servant of the Lord (the name of the woman) without me, good, well. Key, mouth, castle »

It is possible to shock with the help of sweet treats - such an action is also easy to produce at home, and and there is hard to refuse a delicacy. Put the table three candles at a high distance, and between them two plates - one should be a cake or a piece of cake, and in the second - a big peach. Tell me loud and distinctly, not mumbeling under your nose:

"Flowers a paradise tree in the edge of a far, there are ripe fruits on it. In each two halves. Together they are golden fruit, apart they are black fruit. Amen!"

Cut the peach and eat one of its half, and the second place on the plate and hide in the kitchen - until it remains fresh and juicy, the spell will be effective. Bone carries in his pocket as a talisman.

The consequences of using such methods are insignificant - occasionally arises excessively strong attachment, however, the appeal to a qualified specialist is able to save you from such an unpleasant effect.

To know how to shook the girl on their own, you must understand that the best amplifier of the spell action will be a permanent maintenance of its image - for this it is better to use high-quality photos as you need to place in the house.

In addition, the spell is better at home - you need to be as calm and balanced as possible so that the magic does not hit back for you. It is also better to imagine what purpose you want to achieve - a simple dating, long love, sex - it helps to high-quality and unmistakably wander the person without far-reaching consequences.

Powerful techniques

It has already been said above that modern specialists are advised to burn in the photo - a similar way helps to achieve significant performance, but its consequences can be very serious.

To wander your favorite girl you need to find ten candles (better than church), light them and put in the center of the photos of the beloved - at home it is better to do on the floor to ensure maximum convenience. Light the candles, lift the top photo, Kiss it and put back, ensuring free access to the image of the girl's face.

Then step on it with the heel, and make several rotational movements, as if you press something, saying:

"How my heel presses you strongly, so let you pull you strongly. It's hard without me, with me gratifying. Words sim castle, and the key in the mouth of the fish "

You can shock on the photo your favorite girl using a small blood drip. It is better to get blood at home so as not to apply additional damage, as well as not to make an infection that can cause severe consequences.

To learn how to make a spell, just drip the blood in the photo of the girl in the place where her heart should be - it is better to put it in the frame and place on the desktop, followed by most of the time of the day. After the lover pays attention to you, it is worth getting rid of the photo - it is better to burn it.

If you decide to shim the girl, the consequences can be quite serious.

In addition, unpleasant consequences include marriage without love - girls often turn out to be very inventive and find a way to marry unlucky lead.

How to shock a girl in a photo without consequences

It is common that all sorts of love spells are truly feminine. Meanwhile, among men, there are quite often those who do not mind sometimes take advantage of magical rites to achieve their goals.

Most often, representatives of strong sex turn to the spell of their favorite girls in the photo. To resort to such a way of influencing the consciousness and the heart of the girl they may die for certain reasons.

The most popular causes of the girl's incidence is:

  • unrequited love, causing a desire to achieve the location of his beloved, change her anger to mercy;
  • parting with a girl and, as a result, the desire to return the former lover or wife.

Today, I will tell you the most popular and effective ways to wander the girls in the photo and what the consequences of these rituals can be.

How to avoid the consequences when the girl's cap

One of the most sought-after love spellors is a magic rite using a photo of a beloved. There are quite a few varieties of this type of burning. However, it is possible to allocate among them a few simpler, but no less effective ways that beginners will also be cope with (after all, it is unlikely that one of the young people can boast of great experience in handling, unless he is a professional magician).

The commission of any love ritual, as in photography and without, requires compliance with certain conditions, without which one should not count on the positive outcome of the attitude.

Moreover, the incorrectly fulfilled rite can turn into negative consequences for both the most susceptible, and for the awesome. So that the love plot turned out to be effective do not:

  • Resort to rituals from curiosity, if there is no confidence in your feelings to the victim of the love spell;
  • Use love spells of black magic - They are dangerous and fraught with a negative, can lead to tragedy.
  • Spell if the welcome girl loves another. The spell may be ineffective, and it is unlikely to be able to build its happiness at the cost of misfortune of other people.
  • Take a girl if more than a year has passed since parting. Large duration of separation significantly reduces the effectiveness of the love ritual.
  • Either (even the closest) about their intentions. Magic does not tolerate publicity.

The safest ways to shit a favorite girl are methods of rustic magic and energy magic. They will not require any special knowledge, inventory and magical gift.

Love rituals better spend on a growing moon - her growth will lead to an increase in feelings from the beloved. It is very desirable to refrain from the cemetery rites - one minor error can stick a big trouble on both participants in the love spell.

After a love spell on your favorite girl is made, it is not necessary to inactivate and rely only on magic. It is necessary as often as possible to try to get a welcome girl on the eyes, try to be with her next to wakes her interest and feelings, make her see her potentially narrowed.

Three ways of perching girl in the photo

What photo to choose?

For the love spell of the girl in the photo you need to choose a suitable photo. Criterias of choice:

  • high quality photos;
  • in the photo, the girl is only one, without unauthorized persons;
  • only the printed photo is suitable;
  • the snapshot should be made close-up (face or to the belt), while the eyes should be clearly visible;
  • the snapshot should be solid - cropped photos of magic does not tolerate;
  • the image of the girl should be emotionally neutral (something like pictures of documents);
  • the photo should be fresh (no more than a year ago).

Method first - for candles

It will take 9 church thin candles and a photo of the beloved. A circle is made before dawn from the candles, then the candles are lit and the center put face up a photo. The right heel is coming in the photo and plot is pronounced three times:

"How my heel presses you strongly, so let him pull to me. It is gratifying with me, hard without me. Sim say the castle, and the key is fish in the mouth. Amen".

The rite takes 3 nights in a row.

The second way - we look into the eyes

Midnight ritual. A man takes a photo of his beloved photo, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the lability 7 times:

"As I love you, God's slave (the name of the girl), so you can't do without me, God's slave (your name). So be it. My words are the law. Amen".

After a conspiracy, the snapshot should be hidden in an unavailable place for others.

The third way is at midnight

The rite is carried out after midnight. The man needs to be comfortable to stay on the chair or chair, to put a photo of your loved one. Loop the candle, look through her flame on a picture of a girl and take a plot 7 times, looking at the candle light at the same time, and on the face of beloved. The conspiracy is better to memorize by heart, so as not to get back in the process of reading:

"Dusty and hot flame flames, longing for God's slave (the girl's name) imposes. As a golden wax, her heart melts. God's slave (his name) let your thoughts. As it does not happen without a wick of fire, so do not live without me. How soft wax from the fire candles, so you do not have urine without me. Heart moaning, shower thanks. Slave (girl's name) understands than her life is not good. Flowers do not bloom without sun heat. Dress God's slave (girl's name) without body and caress of God's slave (your name). Amen".

After the ritual, it is necessary to try the next morning to see with the desired girl, so that the plot began to act. If this did not come out - repeat the rite next night.

Another strong way is considered in the video:

The consequences of love spell

You need to try your favorite girl in the photo only in case of acute necessity. Love spell is a magical impact that imposes an unplanned scenario of life to its object, and therefore it is physically and emotionally suffered.

The consequences of it can be different - disease, loss of appetite, vital interest, and so on. It is necessary to think about it before performing the ritual and take the right decision.

What are the conspiracies to be awesome a favorite girl?

Contrary to the opinion that the magic is the prerogative of the beautiful half of humanity, men also show a considerable interest in this topic. After all, not only girls, but the guys face unrequited love. Although the strong floor is not so happy with its experiences as ladies, they are also ready to apply any funds at home to win attention and conquer the heart of the person you like. Therefore, today we will tell how to shock the girl on their own, if the guy does not represent his future without it.

Faced with magic, it is necessary to know not only the effect of the action that it provides. It is also desirable to be aware of what consequences have one or another spell, so as not to break the lives and the victim.

What you need to know about the conduct of news-speaking rituals?

Before applying a spell and make a rite to attract a beloved girl (by photo or without a photo), you need to know the highlights. During preparation for the fulfillment of the ritual and throughout the prescribed actions, it is necessary to think only about good. It is important to represent a happy collaborative future with a girl who wish to shock. Even a minor dubious thought or negative attitude will have consequences.

You need to choose among many love rituals exactly the one that best suits. If you need to shock a girl who does not meet reciprocity, a strong spell at home is useful. In other cases there will be enough easy energy messages to attract the attention of the girl.

And remember that the spell on the girl whose consequences will be exactly how you imagine and imagine, subject to faith. Sincere faith and complete confidentiality are the best concomitant factors of magical news agency rites.

Strong informant action with a photo

If you want to know how to shit your favorite girl, get her photo. The picture should be an image of only the person you are interested in. In order for the spell to affect quickly and efficiently, the card should not be distracted objects (nature, home furnishings, etc.). The snapshot should be a good quality so that the eyes of the beloved eyes were clearly visible.

Having waited for midnight, sit on the bed. Take a snapshot with the image of the beloved. Looking exactly in the eyes of her image, read the defense text:

"As I can not, the slave of God (his name) without you, and you, the slave of God (her name), love me. To the light you do not nice without me. From now on, my words will be fulfilled. Amen".

After reading the words these seven times in a row, hide the snapshot. Photo can not be shown after the love spell. Otherwise, the magical action may not work. If you are all done correctly, you will have a loved one at home, it turns out quite quickly. As a rule, the effect of informative messages by photography is noticeable after a couple of weeks.

Powerful guidance ritual

This ritual also assumes the presence of a photo. However, in contrast to the previous one, this spell is more powerful. With it, you can quickly be able to shock like a girl at home. To do this, it will take not only her photo, but also:

First, on paper, you need to write the text of the attitude. It should look like this:

"On the Russian Earth, not Buksurmansky, the prince of Fiery dried all the sources, rates, rivers and the sea. So let the slave of God (the girl's name) will dry for me. So that in all the joints and the veins there were thoughts only about me, the servant of God (his name). In the field Pure Stone stands, on it black falcon sits. I will order him to flew through the fields, forests, steep shores to the prince and asked him to help him. Let him fly in the Terem of the Red Maiden (her name) hesitate her head, heart and liver, to put her love for the slave of God (his name). Let not drink, do not eat, not walking and does not rejoice without him. Amen".

It is worth starting at midnight to perform the most promotional action. You need to take a shower in advance and get dressed in clean clothes. After that, you need to take a photo of your favorite in one hand. To another - a leaf with a spell. Becoming in the room face to the east, read once the words of the text of the magical. Turning through the right shoulder to the south, repeat the procedure. Thus, words will need to read four times in a row to each side of the light. After that, the photo is beloved need to hide away, so that soon it was able to conquer her heart and not cause adverse effects.

Valid Spell on Wine

As well as the ritual in photography, the rite with wine is considered very strong. At home, it can even carry out those men who have not previously encountered magic. To wander your favorite through this method, it is enough to treat the girl wine.

The sweetheart should drink from Fozera, in which you share wine from your gland. This action must be performed very carefully and imperceptibly for the victim. At the same time, these words should be pronounced:

"Pey and remember me, and how old, you will be!".

It is the wine that is considered a drink of gods. And if you are interested in how to shit your favorite girl, use wine. On other types of alcohol, magic may not work or cause adverse effects.

Answar gift

The trigger is best working if it is transmitted to the victim through some thing. For these purposes, a surprise is well suited, a gift. The present girl is the thing that she dreamed about (pre-conspired), you are guaranteed to be wary of it. Act a spell in this case will be through the subject endowed with magic. And, the more time the sacrifice will spend with a gift, the greater the chances to conquer her heart forever.

To wrapping to your favorite start to work, say on home over the word purchased word:

"Like the SwanDushka does not live without swan, and the servant of God (the name of the victim) does not live without the slave of God (his name). The door and the lock is the key, and the key is to the river. Amen".

After that you can hand the gift of the beloved.

How to attract the attention of the girl? Favorite, the only one, the most wonderful, the one about which you dream about? Especially if she does not want to see you?

Or, even worse, perceives as a friend? From hatred sometimes there is a passion, but to make a loved one of the girlfriend - much more difficult.

And then many guys are wondering how to shit a girl? It is rather unusual, men rarely resort to a burning or witchcraft at the behest of the heart, but what can you do for love?

Subtlety of the process

Love spell on the love of the girl - the process is delicate, here you need to be careful, and comply with some rules. First, all magical actions in order to get a loved one should be taken on Friday - the so-called "Venus Day". The strongest spell of the girl is exactly Friday.

Do not confuse love with sex - formulate your desires accurately and choose the appropriate rite - otherwise you can not avoid problems! Making a love spell in the photo, select a snapshot on which it is captured alone, without her friends - also to avoid unexpected and not always pleasant consequences.

You need to read the words provided for this or that type of attitude, you need quietly, but firmly and confidently, concentrating thoughts on the girl, presenting the situation in which the purpose of the attitude is achieved. Words are better to learn by heart, and read them to read.

Love spell for the love of the girl is to be extreme measures, a way for a desperate guy.

If you can approach it and speak (a psychologist helps to find self-confidence) - has already been done. If you have something to talk about - consider you are ready for the conquest of the maiden heart. Girls are not so important as a fan looks like, men take their charm, brutality, internal strength and confidence, the psychologists of the whole world are not tired about. It is especially important in our progressive age when a stern macho change came the image of a refined female young man. At the same time, the need for women in defense is not doing anywhere.

In any case, if a person does not represent himself and can not even speak with the girl you like - the spell will not help. She will not be able to leave, but there will be no happiness in it. To be near a hateful person who can not leave - the most terrible sentence. Think about whether you are ready to dream about your favorite? And is it love?

How to burn?

How to make a love spell on a girl - a rare request in the search engine, but folk wisdom in the questions of Pristorot took care of the guys. There are many ways to make such a rite - many, and it is only necessary to choose the right one - based on the availability of the necessary items, the compliance of the method to your moral and aesthetic principles and other criteria.

Love spell in the photo is a very common way to produce love in the modern world. Social networks and color printer will help you in this matter. Before dawn, put nine candles in a circle, ignite them clockwise and put in the center of the circle a photo of your beloved.

The right heel need to step on the face of the girl, and to read three times the words of the attitude.

Love spell "On the girl" by photography

"How my heel gives you greatly, so let you pull you very much. It's hard without me, with me gratifying. Words sim castle, and the key of fish in the mouth. "

Conducting such a ritual for three nights in a row, you can achieve a significant establishment of relationships with a girl - in every sense. Love spell in the photo - lightweight, so-called "white" love spell.

If you see the girl quite often and familiar with it personally - you can try to make a spell on the hair. For this you need a girl's hair, your hair and wax candle. At midnight, mix the hair together (it is necessary to do it in silence and loneliness, with a candle light). Fill them with wax, roll the ball, and keep pouring the wax until your hair is hidden. At the same time, read continuously the words of the attitude.

Love spell "For love" on the hair

"That's not a hair binding, then the fate with the" name of his beloved "is intertwined. That is not the hair tie, then you, the "name", tie to yourself. As a hairs to the hairs to go to bed, so the favorite "name" to me stretches. "

The ball carries a day next to the body, and after - throw it into the fire, representing how the smoke driven into the sky transmits your feelings to her beloved. If the spell has succeeded - you yourself will understand this by the changed behavior of the object.

In the end, you can just buy buns with cream (or open cakes), add to the cream or glaze your sperm, read the conspiracy and treat your favorite girl - the result is guaranteed!

Experts in the field of esoteric are arguing about the method of adding sperm - collect it in advance and after add, or ejaculate directly to the confectionery. The case of taste, but it is precisely in taste that there should be no problem. If a girl learns about your extravagant manifestation of tenderness - the spell will not work. And you will acquire a reputation of the pervert.

The consequences of Pristigor

Any spell (including the girl) - evil, and its consequences are always crying. There is no separation for love spells black and white - it is conditional, but it will not be possible to avoid responsibility. White is called those love spells that weaker act on the sacrifice, but also according to the artist, the love spell is not so powerful as black. Privors with any biomaterials are definitely black, they are very much suppressed by the will of a person, it is difficult to fight with them, and, therefore, the payroll for the use of such a way to attract the favorite will be scoring and disproportionate.

Negative consequences arise for all sides of the lability - even if the man was afraid to read the scary words himself and ordered a love spell Magu.

Such a coward is responsible as a "Customer of Lithuanote" and can lose sleep, acquire alcohol, narcotic, toxic dependence, chronic depression. Depending on the method of infection, it can turn into a customer and artist in one person and victims of nightmares, loss of appetite, a variety of health problems.

Think a thousand times - is it worth the game of the candle? Is it not better to try to earn a real love, and not be content with the "surrogate" of feelings?

Video: Love spell on the girl

Faced with unrequited and unhappy love, people from hopelessness resort to help of magic. Increasingly, among them, you can meet guys who want to shock the girl who likes, but does not meet the reciprocity of their feelings. "Incated" men who are tired of indifferently or change the second half, seek to make a spell of his wife or are trying to spend a ritual at home.

To learn how to return your favorite with the help of a love spell or to draw her attention to it is not necessary to leave the house and pay a unthinkable money. Who can better understand your feelings? The spell on love of the girl will work especially strongly if he performed his hands in love.

Need an unused handkerchief of a light shade. Write a few phrases on it that I would like to tell your beloved when meeting. From how sincere will be words, the power of the ritual performed is dependent. Claws wrap in roll and burn on a porcelain dish. In the process of burning it is necessary to read a special conspiracy:

"Crawling in the desert of the snake-rapida to the girl (full name), horrid her in the heart with a scorching sting. Heart will overtake, burn fire. Only I, kind well done (full name) I can put the flame to zagu off. Will my strong. "

All the action is performed at night, in full silence. The ashes remaining after the procedure to breed in the wind. For several days wait for the first signs of attention from your beloved.

Simple ritual with photo

At home, you can organize a love spell, using her photo. The snapshot should be at least an annual limitation, good quality. Eyes beloved should be well visible. Do not try to trim the photo with scissors, in this case the spell does not work. The entire picture where the girl who you like is captured by one, without unauthorized persons and items - the perfect option in order to make the magic of love play entirely in your favor.

The rite acts at a distance, which gives you undeniable advantages. So, looking at the photograph and thinking only about how you meet your favorite and you will be happy together, start reading such a magical prayer:

"As I can't live without you, the slave of God (name), so you are not a mound without me, the slave of God (your name). May it be so, for my word is the law. Amen!"

The photo used when making a rite, hide into a secluded place. Love spell on love girl will act within 1-2 weeks.

Wake feelings of legitimate spouses

Not all husbands run from the cooled and indifferent wives into warm hugs of mistresses. The most faithful of them go to a more serious step - a love spell. If you are tormented from the fact that the spouse ceased to show delicate feelings to you, take one of the tricky way to melt her heart. The consequences will be only positive.

The procedure is carried out at home. It will take a feather pigeon or crows. Wrap a feather into any fabric to which the wife touched the last time. Hide the bundle on three days, let the pen charge the energy of a brought out of a woman.

After the specified period, proceed to the next magical stage. Early in the morning, when sunrise, take your wedding ring and thread it through the charged bird feather exactly 9 times. And, without distracting, a calm and even voice, read the spell on the spell of my wife:

"I'll go, the slave of God (name) in a clean field and catch the free bird there. The bird will volatile: "Let me, well done! I will execute any of yours! " I will let it go into the sky pure, ordering before that strictly-setting: "You fly to my only love and remind her about the abandoned slope! Let it be back and shown, I will fall into my feet, the house will be asked! My word is stronger than flint. Amen!"

Enchanted feather hide under the threshold of your home and do not throw away before you noticate the first signs of the action of the perfect rite.

Are unpredictable results possible?

In theory, any love spell or guy carry some consequences. From how difficult the procedure was, if the personal photo or blood was used, the result of the result and seriousness of the consequences depends. The rites conducted at home, with the unquestioning fulfillment of all necessary rules and the most serious attitude to the process, bring the same strong (if no more) results, as in specialized magic salons.

About the consequences need to think in advance, because their strength depends on how powerful the spell itself was and what attributes were used in the process. For example, a photograph or personal thing is carrying a person's energy, which by default increases the significance of the process. In order to have a small magic impact (for the awakening of sympathy, for example), it is enough to make a light rite at home without the use of photos or other personal items of the girl.

It is common that all sorts of love spells are truly feminine. Meanwhile, among men, there are quite often those who do not mind sometimes take advantage of magical rites to achieve their goals.

Most often, representatives of strong sex turn to the spell of their favorite girls in the photo. To resort to such a way of influencing the consciousness and the heart of the girl they may die for certain reasons.

The most popular causes of the girl's incidence is:

  • unrequited love, causing a desire to achieve the location of his beloved, change her anger to mercy;
  • parting with a girl and, as a result, the desire to return the former lover or wife.

Today I will tell you the most popular and efficient ways of the wrapping of girls in the photo and what can be.

One of the most sought-after love spellors is a magic rite using a photo of a beloved. There are quite a few varieties of this type of burning. However, it is possible to allocate among them a few simpler, but no less effective ways that beginners will also be cope with (after all, it is unlikely that one of the young people can boast of great experience in handling, unless he is a professional magician).

The commission of any love ritual, as in photography and without, requires compliance with certain conditions, without which one should not count on the positive outcome of the attitude.

Moreover, the incorrectly fulfilled rite can turn into negative consequences for both the most susceptible, and for the awesome. So that the love plot turned out to be effective do not:

  • Resort to rituals from curiosity, if there is no confidence in your feelings to the victim of the love spell;
  • Use love spells of black magic - They are dangerous and fraught with a negative, can lead to tragedy.
  • Spell if the welcome girl loves another. The spell may be ineffective, and it is unlikely to be able to build its happiness at the cost of misfortune of other people.
  • Take a girl if more than a year has passed since parting. Large duration of separation significantly reduces the effectiveness of the love ritual.
  • Either (even the closest) about their intentions. Magic does not tolerate publicity.

The safest ways to shit a favorite girl are methods of rustic magic and energy magic. They will not require any special knowledge, inventory and magical gift.

Love rituals better spend on a growing moon - her growth will lead to an increase in feelings from the beloved. It is very desirable to refrain from the cemetery rites - one minor error can stick a big trouble on both participants in the love spell.

After a love spell on your favorite girl is made, it is not necessary to inactivate and rely only on magic. It is necessary as often as possible to try to get a welcome girl on the eyes, try to be with her next to wakes her interest and feelings, make her see her potentially narrowed.

Three ways of perching girl in the photo

What photo to choose?

For the love spell of the girl in the photo you need to choose a suitable photo. Criterias of choice:

  • high quality photos;
  • in the photo, the girl is only one, without unauthorized persons;
  • only the printed photo is suitable;
  • the snapshot should be made close-up (face or to the belt), while the eyes should be clearly visible;
  • the snapshot should be solid - cropped photos of magic does not tolerate;
  • the image of the girl should be emotionally neutral (something like pictures of documents);
  • the photo should be fresh (no more than a year ago).

Method first - for candles

It will take 9 church thin and photograph of the beloved. A circle is made before dawn from the candles, then the candles are lit and the center put face up a photo. The right heel is coming in the photo and plot is pronounced three times:

"How my heel presses you strongly, so let him pull to me. It is gratifying with me, hard without me. Sim say the castle, and the key is fish in the mouth. Amen".

The rite takes 3 nights in a row.

The second way - we look into the eyes

Midnight ritual. A man takes a photo of his beloved photo, looks into her eyes and reads the text of the lability 7 times:

"As I love you, God's slave (the name of the girl), so you can't do without me, God's slave (your name). So be it. My words are the law. Amen".

After a conspiracy, the snapshot should be hidden in an unavailable place for others.

The third way is at midnight

The rite is carried out after midnight. The man needs to be comfortable to stay on the chair or chair, to put a photo of your loved one. Loop the candle, look through her flame on a picture of a girl and take a plot 7 times, looking at the candle light at the same time, and on the face of beloved. The conspiracy is better to memorize by heart, so as not to get back in the process of reading:

"Dusty and hot flame flames, longing for God's slave (the girl's name) imposes. As a golden wax, her heart melts. God's slave (his name) let your thoughts. As it does not happen without a wick of fire, so do not live without me. How soft wax from the fire candles, so you do not have urine without me. Heart moaning, shower thanks. Slave (girl's name) understands than her life is not good. Flowers do not bloom without sun heat. Dress God's slave (girl's name) without body and caress of God's slave (your name). Amen".

After the ritual, it is necessary to try the next morning to see with the desired girl, so that the plot began to act. If this did not come out - repeat the rite next night.

Another strong way is considered in the video:

The consequences of love spell

You need to try your favorite girl in the photo only in case of acute necessity. Love spell is a magical impact that imposes an unplanned scenario of life to its object, and therefore it is physically and emotionally suffered.

The consequences of it can be different - disease, loss of appetite, vital interest, and so on. It is necessary to think about it before performing the ritual and take the right decision.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map: