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Remedy for bee stings. What to do if a bee stings. What to do if bitten by a bee or wasp

In folk medicine, it is believed that bee stings are good for health, there is a whole section of medicine - apitherapy, which is dedicated to the treatment of various diseases with bee venom. However, a bee sting, in addition to being very painful, can cause an allergic reaction - that is why it is necessary to be able to provide first aid.

Essential information about bee stings

To understand how to act correctly, you need to know the following. The bee stinger is connected to a special reservoir in the bee's abdomen that contains poison. When bitten, the serrated stinger usually gets stuck in the skin and breaks off. Often, a pouch of venom attached to the sting remains with the sting, and the venom continues to flow into the bloodstream even after direct contact with the bee has been interrupted. That is why it is imperative to remove the sting from the wound, do it quickly and very carefully so as not to inject poison from the sac into the bite site.

Bee venom has an acidic reaction (unlike wasp venom, which has an alkaline reaction), so alkalis help to neutralize it - liquid soap, soap solution, baking soda solution.

First aid for a bee sting

So, after a person has felt a sharp burning pain from a bee sting, you must do the following:

As a rule, these actions are enough to relieve pain and prevent possible unpleasant consequences of a bite.

When medical attention is needed

2% of people have an allergic reaction to bee stings. This means that under certain conditions, the ingestion of bee venom into their body can cause a severe reaction, even death. In this case, first aid measures are not enough and emergency medical care is indispensable. Also, bites in some especially vulnerable parts of the body are distinguished by increased danger.

Urgent medical attention is needed in the following situations:

  • Multiple bites. In this case, a high dose of bee venom can lead to the most serious consequences, up to respiratory arrest;
  • Bites in the neck, mouth, eyes. In the first two cases, suffocation is possible due to swelling of the tissues of the upper respiratory tract, bee stings in the eye area can cause severe inflammation;
  • Having an allergic reaction to the bite. The following symptoms should alert: the appearance of shortness of breath, soreness and / or spasms in the throat, feelings of pressure in the chest, as well as massive swelling, rash, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness.

In all of these cases, you should call an ambulance, or take the victim to the hospital as soon as possible. You also need to see a doctor if pain, swelling and redness at the bite site do not decrease within three days.

Folk first aid

The most effective first aid is provided in the first minutes after the bite. But bees often sting people who are away from home or a pharmacy. In this case, you can resort to one of the popular methods:

  1. Treat the bite site with dandelion milky juice or a crushed leaf of one of the medicinal plants: thyme, sage, pharmaceutical chamomile;
  2. If none of the above is at hand, you can urinate on the wound. Fresh urine has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties.

What not to do when helping with a bee sting

It is widely believed that bee venom is easily neutralized by alcohol taken orally, so it is not uncommon to find advice to drink 30-50 g of vodka or cognac if you are stung by a bee. For obvious reasons, such a "treatment" is not suitable for children, however, adults should not do it either. The fact is that alcohol does not remove or neutralize toxins, but, on the contrary, facilitates their penetration into the body and makes it difficult to remove.

Also, when providing first aid, you do not need to do the following:

  • Rub the bite site and press on it (an exception is squeezing the poison out of the wound, i.e. pressing in a special way);
  • Apply earth, clay to the wound, wash and cool it with river, lake or puddle water. This is highly likely to lead to infection, up to tetanus;
  • Kill the bee. Firstly, a bee left without a sting dies itself. Secondly, if it is crushed, special volatile substances are released that notify bees in the neighborhood of danger. This may attract many other bees to you, angry and ready to attack.

Which bring people not only benefits in the form of tasty and healthy honey, but can also cause serious trouble.

So, bee and wasp stings can provoke the development of various diseases and even lead to death. How to act correctly when bitten by these insects and how to protect yourself from their bites will be discussed further.

Stung by a bee or wasp?

Many of us in childhood could not distinguish a bee from a wasp, and this is very important, since the first aid for their bites is somewhat different. Well, let's fill this gap and highlight main differences these insects.

· bees attack only when they feel danger from a person, in other words, they defend themselves. And here wasps are annoying: She doesn't need any reason to sting.

· A bee stings only once in its entire life, as its serrated sting gets stuck in the skin and comes off, which provokes the death of the bee. A wasp can sting many times, because it has a smooth sting that does not break and easily comes out of the human skin.

· Wasps sting harder bees.

The rounded bee body is covered with villi and has a muted color, while the body of wasps is smooth, elongated and has a bright color.

· Bees only eat pollen, while the diet of wasps is very diverse.

Bite symptoms

Sharp pain and burning at the bite site

The appearance of edema, which can progress

Redness of the affected area

The formation of a white dot at the site of penetration of a bee or wasp sting

Development of an allergic reaction, manifested by urticaria, cough, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, chills, swelling of soft tissues, a sharp drop in pressure, fever, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

Bitten by a bee (wasp): first aid

Most often, bee and wasp stings do not pose a serious danger to human life. But if an insect has stung a child or a person suffering from allergies, then in order to exclude serious negative consequences, it is necessary to competently provide first aid to the victim.

1. Gently remove the sting without squeezing it out. It is best to use tweezers for these purposes, while the bite site and the tool itself should be pre-disinfected with any alcohol solution, in the absence of which, the affected area should be washed with clean water. If you are stung by a bee, then in the process of pulling out the sting, it is advisable not to damage the small bag of poison attached to the stinger shaft.

2. After removing the sting disinfect the wound using alcohol, iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide or ordinary soap.

3. Relieve pain by treating the affected area with a saline solution, for the preparation of which you will need 1 tsp. spoon and a glass of boiled water. You can also resort to the help of painkillers and antipruritic drugs.

4. To eliminate or alleviate the manifestations of allergies, it is recommended take any antihistamine.

5. Drink a lot of liquid, and it is desirable that it contains glucose.

6. With the rapid development of allergy symptoms, you can use an auto-injector with adrenaline.

7. To prevent a drop in pressure, you need to drink 25 drops of cordiamine.

8. In case of cardiac arrest or when breathing stops, the victim is given artificial respiration, as well as closed heart massage.

Important! If the condition of the victim of a bee or wasp sting worsens, you should immediately seek qualified medical help!

How to relieve swelling if bitten by a bee

To cope with puffiness provoked by a bee or wasp sting, the usual cold compress, because the low temperature not only reduces nerve endings, but also dulls pain receptors, bringing a slight, but still relief.

Puffiness can be overcome with the help of special ointments and creams, which pharmacies abound. If there is no opportunity to purchase such a tool, then you can use recipes of traditional medicine.

Yes, you can cook soda gruel: soda, diluted with water to a mushy consistency, is applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Significantly reduces swelling taking activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

Can be applied to the bite alcohol compress(The main thing is that the alcohol content does not exceed 70%). Also relieves swelling mint or onion juice compress. Of the folk methods, one can note the application of pounded plantain, celandine or parsley to the sore spot.

Important! Often, swelling after a bee or wasp sting quickly passes. If this does not happen within two days, then you should immediately consult a doctor!

How to remove a tumor if bitten by a bee

Redness and swelling appear at the site of a bee or wasp sting instantly. This is especially dangerous if the bee was swallowed, and the bite itself fell into the pharynx. In this case, the resulting tumor will block the airways, which will cause respiratory arrest.

Helps remove swelling rafinated sugar applied to the bite site and neutralizes the effect of the poison.

No less effective compresses with ice, ammonia and potassium permanganate solution.

You can also reduce the swelling by rubbing the sore spot with lemon juice or ordinary table vinegar (you can use sliced ​​fresh cucumber as a coolant).

What not to do with a sting of bees and wasps

1. Kill or injure a stinging bee, which in such a situation releases substances that cause aggression of the entire swarm. And this threatens with a massive bee attack.

2. Rub or comb the bite site, otherwise the poison may enter neighboring tissues, which significantly increases the risk of infection.

3. Press on the bite trying to remove the stinger (this will help to avoid spreading the infection).

4. Drink alcohol, dilating blood vessels and opening the way for the spread of poison.

5. Take sleeping pills that enhance the effect of the poison.

bee sting on the head

Bee or wasp sting in the face can cause pain, and can lead to severe swelling, an allergic reaction, and suffocation. Moreover, if you are stung by more than three individuals, it may develop toxic reaction. The fact is that bee venom in such quantities is very toxic and can lead to a noticeable deterioration in health.

The most dangerous bites on the lip, tongue, or throat: in these cases, the resulting edema can spread to the entire larynx, which can provoke suffocation. Therefore, in such cases, you should immediately call an ambulance.

bee sting on the lip

If bee or wasp stung on the lip, then you need to urgently seek help from a doctor.

In order to alleviate the condition of the victim, it is necessary, first of all, to treat the damaged area soap solution. You can also use an alcohol-free facial toner because alcohol increases tissue swelling.

A stung lip will quickly swell, which should not be scared. The swelling will go down in a day or two. But still compresses with chamomile, green tea or aloe vera will not interfere as a sedative, analgesic and decongestant.

bee sting in the eye

The eye is a very sensitive organ that reacts to any external influence with a pronounced reaction. And the sting of a bee or wasp is no exception.

Eye bite hazard It also consists in the fact that it is located close to the main mucous membranes, as a result of which the swelling of the eyelid can affect other parts of the face and neck, thereby provoking not only visual impairment, but also suffocation.

Eye bite symptoms:

sharp pain

eyelid redness

burning sensation

Profuse lacrimation

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelid (up to the development of panophthalmitis)

closing of the eye.

The peak of swelling of the eyelid is observed the next day after the bite. In addition, there are swelling, itching and pain in the eyes, difficulty in lacrimation, vision deteriorates. The listed symptoms can be observed within 2 to 10 days.

In severe cases, mucopurulent discharge and even destruction of the sclera can be observed, not to mention the development of such serious diseases as cataract and glaucoma.

First aid for a bite in the eye is no different from the measures taken if a wasp or bee has stung at any other point of the body.

But! If you are bitten in the eye, you need to act very carefully, and after removing the sting, you must definitely seek the advice of a doctor, which will help eliminate the development of complications.

bee sting on the neck

A bite in the neck area is characterized by severe swelling and inflammation of nearby lymph nodes, as well as the appearance of pulling pains not only at the site of the bite, but also directly in the lymph nodes.

Swelling, like redness, lasts from one to ten days on the skin.

The main danger of a bite in the neck- the possibility of swelling of the larynx, which can lead to respiratory arrest and death. Therefore, it is extremely important to competently provide first aid and deliver the victim to the hospital.

At home, traditional medicine recipes will help relieve swelling.

Onion: the bulb is cut in half and applied with a cut to the site of edema.

Collection of herbs plantain, dandelion and parsley, which are taken in equal proportions and passed through a juicer, after which cotton swabs are soaked with the resulting juice, which are frozen, and then applied to the edematous areas of the skin.

raw potatoes , which should be rubbed on a grater, and apply the resulting slurry for 10 minutes to the bite site.

Bee sting on the leg or arm

A bee sting in the upper or lower extremity does not pose a serious danger to people who do not suffer from allergies. Therefore, it is enough for them to remove the sting and treat the bite site. Swelling, redness and itching usually disappear within a day.

Bee stings are the most common anaphylaxis triggers for insect stings. How to treat a bee sting, we will tell in this article.

Only one or two people out of 1,000 are allergic or hypersensitive to bee stings. The bee sting is incredibly common and causes incredible pain. Death from bee stings occurs 3 or 4 times more often than from.

The African bee, or killer bee, is the most aggressive and attacks in swarms, causing a stronger reaction.

The bee stinger is a modified egg-laying apparatus and is only found in females.

Bees live in colonies, their task is to strongly protect the nest.

The main chemical element defiant pain if bitten by bees, is an melittin. It stimulates the nerve endings of pain receptors in the skin.

The result is very painful sensation such as a sharp pain that lasts a few minutes and becomes a dull ache. The tissue around the affected area remains sensitive several days later.


The human body reacts by releasing fluid from the blood to flush out the components of the poison. It causes redness and swelling.

If the bee sting is not the first time, then it is likely that the immune system will recognize the poison and improve the “healing” procedure. This can lead to itching, very big edema around the site of the lesion or an entire part of the body.

Try not to rub or scratch this area, because germs from the surface of the skin will get into the wound and lead to infection.

When stung by a bee, the poison continues to be pumped from the sting for 45-60 seconds, the wound will be pulsating.

Relieve the pain

You will want to relieve the pain as quickly as possible. So what is the treatment for a bee sting? - you ask.

Some substances have proven effective, but you must act quickly for these methods to work.

Cold- An ice pack, or even just an ice cube, placed over the bite can reduce swelling and keep the venom from spreading.

Bee stings are painful and can cause allergies. The sting is able to go deep under the skin and inject poison even after the bee drops it. Due to the injected poison, redness and swelling form at the site of the bite. Knowing the symptoms and first aid rules will help to avoid the consequences of an allergy.

If you're not exactly sure who bit you, check out.

Bee venom is secreted by special glands of the insect and is designed to protect against enemies. Poison is formed as a result of the consumption of pollen by insects. It is bitter in taste and has a pungent odor that can be felt with a bee sting.

Most of the composition of bee venom is represented by protein substances, which are divided into enzymes and peptides. Enzymes provide sensitivity to venom enzymes. These protein substances are dangerous for allergy sufferers. Peptides, on the contrary, stimulate hormonal, protein, fat, mineral and water metabolism in the body.

Bee venom contains acids - hydrochloric and formic, which dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

  • phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and copper - 33.1%;
  • carbon - 43.6%;
  • hydrogen - 7.1%;
  • phospholipids - 52%;
  • glucose - 2%;

Harm of a bee sting

Bee venom enzymes are 30 times more active than snake venom enzymes. Bee venom harms the body in the form of allergic reactions - anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

One bee sting causes short-term pain and burning, then redness and swelling appear at the site of the sting. Edema subsides after 3 days, redness - after a day. On the face, especially around the eyes and on the lips, the swelling lasts up to 10 days.

Benefits of a bee sting

Treatment with bee venom has been known since the time of Hippocrates - 460-377 BC. In 1864, Professor Lukosmsky M.I. published methods for the treatment of rheumatism and neuralgia by bee stinging.

In Europe, in 1914, R. Langer, a pediatrician at the University of Paris, conducted research on bee venom and published the first positive results of the treatment of rheumatism with bee venom. The method of treatment is called apitherapy. In the USA, apitherapy devoted a whole section in medicine, thanks to which the first specialists in the field appeared.

Another benefit of bee venom is its antiseptic properties. In 1922, the scientist Physicalis discovered the antiseptic property of bee venom to 17 types of bacteria.

Allergy to bee sting


People who are allergic to bees should be careful and seek medical attention immediately if they have signs of an allergy. A severe allergy to a bee sting manifests itself:

  • in the form of redness on the body and at the site of the bite. Redness is accompanied by itching, the symptoms resemble hives;
  • increased heart rate;
  • headache, pain in the joints and lower back;
  • swelling of the face;
  • rise in temperature;
  • chills;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • convulsions and loss of consciousness.

After a bee sting, allergy symptoms may appear within 1-3 days.

What to take

To prevent allergy symptoms, you should take an antihistamine:

  • Suprastin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Claritin;
  • Dimedrol.

Follow the dosage of the drug strictly according to the instructions.

  1. If the insect has left a sting at the bite site, remove it with tweezers, or carefully pull it out by hooking it with your nails. Do not squeeze the sting with your fingers, otherwise the spread of poison throughout the body will increase.
  2. Apply a cotton pad moistened with any antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, to the bite site.
  3. Apply cold to the bite. This will muffle the pain and reduce swelling.
  4. Give the victim more liquids - sweet tea or plain water. The liquid quickly removes the poison from the body.
  5. To prevent allergies, give an antihistamine - Tavegil, Claritin. The dosage is indicated in the instructions.
  6. If symptoms of severe allergy appear, cover the victim with a blanket, cover him with heating pads with warm water, give 2 Tavegil tablets and 20 drops of Cordiamin. Call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital.
  7. In case of cardiac arrest in extremely severe cases, call an ambulance and, before arrival, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation - artificial respiration and heart massage.

The stings of bees, wasps and other hymenoptera insects cause discomfort, pain, itching, swelling, and can also provoke a severe allergic reaction, which often ends tragically. According to statistics, the number of deaths from bee stings is 3 times more than from rattlesnake bites. For humans, the lethal dose is about 500-1000 bee stings. However, sometimes even one bite can cause a fatal allergic reaction.

Who bit? Description:
  • Bee
Aggressiveness– medium
The sting- stays in the skin (stinger with notches)
  • Melittin - the main toxin of the poison, has a direct destructive effect on red blood cells, releases substances that stimulate inflammation, increases vascular permeability, causes contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, disrupts metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Apamin - affects nerve cells, especially cells of the spinal cord and cells of the vital centers of the brain, has a stimulating effect on nerve structures, causes an increase in motor activity.
  • Protein that releases histamine from a special type of cell (mast cell) the main substance of allergic reactions.
  • Histamine- dilates blood vessels, causes swelling, pain, redness.
  • Hyaluronidase- promotes the spread of poison from the bite site.
  • Phospholipase A– indirect damaging effect on erythrocytes, enhances the process of inflammation
  • Minimin- inhibits the development of Drosophila.
Aggressiveness- high
The sting
Poison, components and their properties:
  • Aspen kinin - dilates blood vessels, reduces smooth muscles, determines pain, actively participates in the inflammatory reaction.
  • Phospholoipase A and B - contributes to the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Hyaluronidase - promotes the spread of poison from the bite site.
  • Hornet
Aggressiveness– low
The sting- does not remain in the skin (the sting is smooth)
Poison, components and their properties:
  • Histamine - dilates blood vessels, causes swelling, pain, redness.
  • Hornet kinin - dilates blood vessels, reduces smooth muscles, determines pain, actively participates in the inflammatory reaction.
  • Acetylcholine - dilates blood vessels, slows down the heartbeat, reduces the muscles of the bronchi, increases the secretion of glands, etc.
  • Phospholoipase A and B - contributes to the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Hyaluronidase - promotes the spread of poison from the bite site.

Bite symptoms

Despite the fact that there is a difference in the composition of the poison, bees, wasps and hornets, the symptoms that occur after a bite are similar.

The severity of symptoms depends on the number of bites (dose of venom), the site of the bite, and the individual's sensitivity to the venom.

1-2 bites usually cause only a local reaction.

Symptoms of a local reaction

  • burning pain
  • The appearance of a pale dense elevation above the skin surface (papule), which is surrounded by a belt of edema and redness of various lengths
  • Bite in the face, neck accompanied by more pronounced edema, as well as inflammation of nearby lymph nodes, there are pulling pains both throughout the edema and in the lymph nodes.
  • Bite in the eye proceeds especially hard, severe pain occurs, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, inflammation of the eyelid occurs, inflammation of all tissues and membranes of the eye (panophthalmitis) may develop. All this is accompanied by strong lacrimation, closure of the palpebral fissure, mucopurulent discharge, destruction of the sclera are possible.
  • Bites in the mucous membranes of the mouth, sky, lips. The swelling that occurs with such a bite can be so pronounced that it makes it difficult to breathe or even cause death by suffocation. More often, bites to the mouth, lips occur during meals, especially when a bee, wasp or hornet gets into jam or other sweets.
Swelling and redness on average stay from 1-5 days. On the face, neck, in the eye area, it can last up to 8 days.

General symptoms of intoxication with poisons of bees, wasps, hornets:
The state of intoxication usually occurs with multiple bites.

  • Chills
  • Temperature increase
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Increased heart rate
  • Heartache
  • Dyspnea
  • Sometimes, nausea, vomiting, fainting.
  • With bee stings, the same thing happens: the destruction of red blood cells, a decrease in blood pressure, the occurrence of seizures, and the development of paralysis is possible.
Death from wasp or hornet stings is extremely rare and occurs as a result of cardiac arrest or suffocation.
Death from bee stings is more often associated with stopping the work of the respiratory center.

Allergic reaction to the sting of a bee, wasp, hornet

Allergic reaction- This is an excessive response of the body's immune system to the ingress of a foreign substance.

The symptoms of an allergic reaction and the symptoms of bee venom intoxication are similar. However, the severe consequences caused by multiple bee stings can be caused by only one sting in the development of a general allergic reaction. Thus, for the development of a severe allergic reaction, sometimes only one bite is enough.

With a bee sting, allergic reactions of various types can occur from ordinary urticaria to anaphylactic shock. Allergic reactions are observed in 0.5-2% of cases.

Urticaria symptoms:

  • severe itching
  • Appearance of pale pink blisters
  • The location of the rash can be very different.
Severe and dangerous manifestations of an allergic reaction include angioedema. During such an allergic reaction, the swelling spreads to the deeper layers of the skin and can persist for up to several days. A favorite place for such edema is the neck, face and, most dangerously, edema of the upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea) edema in this area often leads to death from suffocation.

Swelling of the larynx symptoms: difficulty breathing, hoarseness of voice, blue, and then pallor of the face, loss of consciousness is possible.

Anaphylactic shock- the most severe manifestation of an allergic reaction, occurring with a violation of vital functions.

Shock develops seconds to minutes after the bite. The earlier the onset, the more severe the course.

Symptoms at the onset of the disease:

  • feeling hot
  • Redness of the skin
  • swelling of the face
  • Itchy rash all over body
  • Chills
  • Nausea
  • dyspnea
  • Decreased blood pressure (dizziness, weakness)
  • Cardiopalmus
  • Loss of consciousness
There are various forms of anaphylactic shock:
  • Cutaneous form - urticaria plus bleeding
  • Cardiovascular form - a violation of cardiac activity, spasm of the coronary arteries, the development of angina, heart attack.
  • Pulmonary form - bronchospasm, pneumonia.
  • Brain form - cerebral edema, the development of seizures, coma.
  • Renal form - impaired renal function
Death can occur from a violation of the cardiovascular or respiratory activity.

First aid for the bite of a bee, wasp, hornet

Do I need to call an ambulance?
Not really Why?
  • Bites are multiple;
  • Bites in the eyes, mouth, neck;
  • You have an allergic reaction to the bite;
  • You have the following symptoms:
- Cramping in the throat or chest
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Nausea or vomiting
- Loss of consciousness, fainting
- Urticaria
- Massive edema
- Pain and swelling lasts more than 3 days
  • Multiple bites are a large dose of poison, which can cause serious consequences such as respiratory and cardiac arrest.
  • Bites to the eyes may be accompanied by severe impairment of eye function requiring immediate treatment.
  • Bites in the area of ​​the mouth, tongue, can cause massive swelling, which will cause suffocation.
  • A general allergic reaction is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention.

What can not be done?

  • Take alcohol, as it only accelerates the absorption and spread of the poison.
  • Do not cool the wound with water from reservoirs, clay soil, as you can bring another infection, such as tetanus, which is much worse than a bee sting.
  • You can not rub the bite or put pressure on it, by doing this you contribute to the spread of poison into neighboring tissues.
  • You should not kill the bitten insect, since when a bee is injured, a special substance is released that signals other bees about the danger. And if there is their hive nearby, you can be subjected to their mass attack.

Step by step guide what to do?

What to do? How? What for?
If the sting is visible above the skin:
  • Tweezers or pick up with fingernails
Try not to touch or put pressure on the sting pouch, as all the poison in the vial can instantly enter your body.

If gone byd skin:

  • can be squeezed out, but should be squeezed until blood appears
  • disinfect the wound and remove the sting with a needle (before the procedure, hold the needle over the flame or wipe it with alcohol)

The sting for some time, being in the skin of the victim, still continues to secrete poison.
  1. Neutralize, draw out the sting or squeeze out the poison
  1. Put a piece of moistened sugar on the bite site
  2. Apply a bandage, cotton wool, a piece of cloth moistened with a soda solution (1 tsp per 200 ml of water), hold for 15-20 minutes.
  3. In extreme conditions, urine can be used, it draws out poison just as well. Moisten a cloth and apply to the bite site.
Wipe the bite site and nails with which you are going to carry out the procedure with alcohol. Press until blood appears. This procedure is associated with some dangers: 1) it can contribute to a large spread of poison 2) there is a possibility of introducing a secondary infection. In this regard, some experts do not approve of this method of extracting poison.

Considering such a feature that bee venom has an acidic pH, and wasp venom is alkaline. Bee venom neutralizes alkali, you can use ordinary soap or a soapy solution. Wasp venom neutralizes acid, you can use lemon juice, vinegar.

Early removal of poison from the body significantly reduces the severity of the manifestation of the disease.

  • Alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Alcohol tincture of calendula, propolis, etc.
  • Potassium permanganate solution;
  • ammonia solution
Reduces the risk of infection and the development of suppuration of the wound.
For example: As soon as possible, something cold should be applied to the bite site, ice is better. The ice must be wrapped in a towel or other cloth to avoid damaging the skin.
You can use a cloth soaked in cold water.
  • moisten the bite site with ammonia
  • lubricate with Antihistamine ointment (Soventol, Fenistil gel, etc.)
Folk remedies will also help:
  • dandelion juice
  • Squeeze garlic juice on a bandage and apply to the wound
  • slurry of soda and water
  • tomato
  • cut a cucumber to attach to the wound
  • onion slice
  • cut apple
  • plantain leaf
  • chopped parsley root
Special balms:
  • Balm after bites INSECTLINE
  • GARDEX Family balm
  • Mosquitol gel-balm
  • Balm Picnic Family
Reduces pain, delays the development of edema and intoxication.

Balms quickly relieve discomfort (pain, itching, irritation, redness, swelling) and protect the skin from further damage and infection. The main components of the balms are natural oils and extracts (tea tree oil, aloe, calendula, etc.).

  • Drink more liquid 3-4 liters per day
  • It is recommended to drink strong tea with sugar
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and vitamin P
  • Antihistamines:
- Suprastin: 1-2 tablets. 3-4 p. per day
-Loratadin: 1 tab. 1 time per day
- Levocetirizine: 1 tab. 1 time per day
  • Calcium chloride solution 5-10%
Inside, 10-15 ml, 2-3 times a day.
  • Glucocorticoid drugs:
Prednisolone (20-30 mg - 4-6 tablets per day), dexamethasone (2-4 mg), hydrocortisone, etc.
These drugs are used only in case of emergency (acute conditions that threaten life).
Drinking large amounts of fluid helps to quickly remove the poison from the body. Vitamins speed up the process of neutralizing the poison.

Antihistamines directly block histamine receptors, thereby stopping the development of all symptoms of inflammation and allergies (itching, swelling, pain, redness).
Glucocorticoid drugs have a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, but they have a number of severe side effects and many contraindications.

  1. Ensure airway patency
(For extreme edema of the upper respiratory tract)
Conicotomy - an incision in the conical ligament located between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage, which opens access to the trachea. A transverse incision is made and a tube is inserted or the ligament is pierced with a wide hollow needle through which air is supplied. Temporary supply of oxygen.
This manipulation in emergency situations saves lives.
Treatment of allergic reactions

If symptoms of a severe allergic reaction occur, the patient must be covered, overlaid with warm heating pads, given 2 tab. diphenhydramine, cordiamine 25-30 drops and urgently call an ambulance.
If it is not possible to deliver the victim to a medical facility, there are the following recommendations for providing medical care in the event of an allergic reaction:

Mild cases, local reaction
  • Prick the bite site with a solution of adrenaline 0.1% -0.2 ml, intradermally.
  • Drink diphenhydramine 50-100 mg, tavegil 1-2 mg or suprastin 25-50 mg, claritin 10 mg
  • Observation of the victim during the day
Adrenaline - increases pressure, eliminates swelling of the bronchi, larynx.

Diphenhydramine, Suprastin Claritin - block the action of histamine, eliminate the symptoms of inflammation and allergies.

Prednisolone is a hormonal drug that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect.

Eufillin - improves airway patency.

Moderate reactions
(urticaria, angioedema)
Prick the bite site with a solution of adrenaline 0.1% - 0.3-0.5 ml, inject 0.2-0.3 ml of 0.15 adrenaline into the opposite hand (in / in or / m).
Antihistamines 2-3 times a day;
Corticosteroid drugs 15-30 mg;
Anaphylactic shock
  • At the site of the bite under the skin 0.5 ml of 0.1% adrenaline solution
  • Intravenous drip 5-10 mcg / min adrenaline
  • Corticosteroid drugs (prednisolone 120-180 mg intravenously), then 20-30 mg orally for tech. 2-7 days.
  • Antihistamines: suprastin solution 2% - 2-4 ml, diphenhydramine 1% - 2-3 ml in tech. 1-2 days.
  • For respiratory disorders, use aminophylline 6 mg / kg bolus, then 0.5 mg / (kg per hour)

Bite Prevention

  • Do not provoke an insect to attack, do not make sudden movements. Calmness and composure will allow you to avoid being bitten.
  • Do not eat sweets and fruits on the street.
  • Clothing in bright colors often attracts wasps, bees, hornets and increases the risk of stings, so wear something less flashy when going on a picnic.
  • Try to cover your arms and legs completely, wear a hat.
  • The pungent smell of perfume, gasoline, alcohol can cause insect aggression.
  • Be very careful if you walk barefoot on the grass, often bees, wasps sit on grasses, flowers located near the ground.
  • Do not brush off bees, wasps, etc. this will only increase their aggression.
  • Do not disturb the hives and other places where the bees stay.
  • Use insect repellants (Aries Anti Wasp, Etisso, etc.).
  • When caring for an apiary, follow all precautions, use personal protective equipment.
But if you are still bitten by a bee, and you do not have an allergic reaction, and the bites are single, then enjoy the healing properties of bee venom, because there are plenty of them.

Useful properties of bee venom
Bee venom:

  • increases the overall tone of the body and performance;
  • increases the amount of hemoglobin;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • reduces viscosity and blood clotting;
  • increases urination;
  • increases blood flow to the diseased organ;
  • improves sleep and appetite.