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The visiting card of South Africa. Presentation on the theme "South African Republic". Sights of South Africa: what else to visit in South Africa

summaries of other presentations

"Resources of the World Ocean" Grade 10 "- Biological resources. Energetic resources. The main resource. Fish. Mineral resources. Resources of the World Ocean. Salt mining source. Sea water. Country. Productive seas.

“OSCE” - Status of “Partners for Co-operation”. OSCE. Austria. Summit meetings. OSCE Participants. The world's largest regional organization. Structure. Organization. OSCE Consolidated Budget. Membership.

"Oil and Gas of Western Siberia" - Lyantorskoye oil and gas condensate field. Bystrinskoye oil and gas condensate field. A huge amount of oil and gas. Vysokokostrovskoe. Semakovskoe. What is oil. Sutorminskoe. The largest oil and gas fields in Western Siberia. The origin of the names of some oil and gas fields. Jubilee. West Surgutskoye oil field. History reference. Mamontovskoye oil field.

"Country of Moldova" - Population. Egp. Foreign economic relations. Natural resource potential. Moldova is an agrarian-industrial state. Machine building, chemical industry, metallurgy, woodworking, light industry will develop. There is an exit to the Danube. Transport. Presentation on the topic “Characteristics of Moldova”. The largest cities are Kishinev, Tiraspol, Balti, Bender. Meet the needs of the country. A total of 4,458,000 people.

"Snowflakes" - Air beauties. Snowflake. Snowflakes have become a subject of study. Photos by W. Bentley. Twelve rays. Looking for the perfect snowflake. Types of snowflakes. Why is the snowflake flat. Snow Queen diamonds. Wilson Bentley. Snowflake white. The formation of snowflakes. Wilson Alvin Bentley. Hollow columns.

"Urbanization" - The level of urban population. The largest metropolitan areas in the world. Modern growth processes. Urbanization. Urban agglomerations. Rapid growth of urban population. Growth in the number of cities. Levels and rates of urbanization. Population growth. The pace of urbanization. Accommodation of the population. Highly urbanized countries. Number of storeys of buildings. Maximum performance.

Western Cape. Cave drawings

South Africa is known as one of the most cultural countries in Africa, however, this area of \u200b\u200blocal life is divided into colorful halves. Even the earliest South Africans possessed artistic talents, as evidenced by the rock paintings on the walls of the caves. In literature, theater and cinema, the white minority has achieved great success. World famous writers Nadine Gordimer (Nobel laureate 1991), Alan Payton and John Coetzee (2003 Nobel Prize and two more Booker), playwright Aetol Fugard, filmmakers Jamie Weiss, Neil Blomkamp and Gavin Huth, not to mention movie star Charlize Theron. The luminary of adventure prose Wilbur Smith is no less closely associated with South Africa, although he does not belong to its natives. Black citizens are strong in music: they have had their say in a variety of genres, from spirituals to hip-hop, and have won prestigious awards many times.

The history of science includes the names of microsurgeon Christian Barnard - the author of the first human heart transplant - and a whole galaxy of paleoanthropologists.

For over 100 years, the natives of South Africa have successfully competed in world-class sporting events. Their greatest successes so far have been achieved in athletics, swimming and rugby. The country hosts Formula 1 races, and in 2010 hosted the world football championship.


Each of the local peoples took part in the setting of the national table. Aboriginal people offer exotics like fried grasshoppers or penguin legs, as well as nutritious corn and millet dishes. English cuisine is represented by steaks, which are cooked in South Africa not only from beef: ostrich and crocodile meat are ordinary meat here. Runaway Huguenots back in the 17th century. brought the traditions of French cuisine to South Africa, and the port cities of the country smell of Asian spices. Once the Dutch brought slaves here from Indonesia, then Indian and Chinese coolies appeared on the Cape. Asians could not live without rice, curry and assorted noodles - now all this can be found in restaurants in Cape Town and Durban. The Boer Kitchen preserves the memory of the Great Trek. Constant movement in hot climates required supplies that were not afraid of long storage. This is how the biltong was invented (Biltong) - jerky, flavored with spices. Now it is considered the same symbol of South Africa as Table Mountain or Kruger Park. Having settled on a farm, the boer paid tribute to fresh food, but preferred to cook outdoors. This is why South Africa is so famous for its barbecue - Brawlace (Braaivleis, or Braai)... In addition to tenderloin, burvars are fried on charcoal (Boerwors), something like our "hunting sausages". The third of the whales on which the Boer cuisine stands is called potiecos. (Potjekos) - this thick concoction of meat, potatoes and vegetables is cooked in a pot directly on hot coals or on a three-legged stand over the fire.


Twenty years have passed since the fall of apartheid, but the country is still divided along racial lines, and many whites have generally chosen to move abroad. Although N. Mandela, an icon of resistance and a convict with 25 years of experience, was a supporter of reconciliation of the nation, his presidency in South Africa became an analogue of our "dashing 90s". The degree of social tension increases the presence in the country of poor migrants from neighboring states, who took advantage of the weakening of the border regime under the same Mandela. "Natural apartheid" is most visible in cities. And if Cape Town, as a port city, has been cosmopolitan from time immemorial, then Johannesburg is clearly divided into the "white" north and "black" south. The danger of acquaintance with crime in South Africa is greatly exaggerated, but, alas, it exists. Do not walk alone in the evening. If you are modestly dressed, not hung with gold, and not waving your iPad, then the chances of surviving are dramatically increased.

South Africa is a multinational country: there are 11 official languages \u200b\u200bonly! South Africans and their guests are helped by the fact that all residents of the country (except for the very primitive) speak english.

South African National Park Service

The first nature reserve was established in Boer South Africa in 1898. The decree was signed by President Paul Kruger, whose name is now the oldest and largest national park in South Africa. The legal status of protected areas was finalized in 1926, and at the same time a department appeared in the country responsible for the protection and use of national parks. Now administered by the South African National Park Service (South African National Parks, SANParks, + 27-012-4265000; there are 20 parks with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3 million hectares - from the southernmost African Cape Agulhas to Mapungubwe on the border with Zimbabwe. The oldest conservation organization on the continent is headquartered in Pretoria with offices throughout the country. In some provinces of South Africa, reserves are run by their own services. Thus, the parks Shlushluve-Umfolozi and Isimangalizo are the patrimony of the KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife Service (KwaZulu Natal Nature Conservation Service, + 27-033-845-1000 / 1002; Cape Nature is in charge of the Western Cape.

North South Africa

The best natural spots of the North-East of South Africa are located within the provinces of Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal. Transport in this part of the country is well established and geared towards travelers from Johannesburg or Pretoria. Nelspruit is well suited as a base for the Kruger Park, and it is more convenient to get to Shlushluwe-Umfolozi and Isimangalizo from Durban. Northern section of the Drakensberg ridge (Drakensberg Mountains) equally well accessible from both Joburg and Durban, while the center of the massif is closer to Durban.

The abbreviation "p." Is used to denote the South African currency - rand. - do not confuse with rubles.

Long and narrow (360 x 65 km) Kruger Park occupies the northeastern corner of South Africa on the border with Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 50 km from the southwest corner of the park is the large city of Nelspruit (Nelspruit)connected to Joburg by highway no. 4. This motorway runs along the entire southern border of the park and ends at the border crossing point Resano Garcia (Ressano Garcia)... In 2009 Nelspruit was renamed Mbombela (Mbombela), but this name does not take root well. Near Joburg Park Station (from King George St.) you can easily find a bus that goes to Nelspruit. Flights are operated as large carriers (Intercape - 2 flights a day from 240 rubles; Greyhound - 3 flights a day, all morning, 260 rubles; Citiliner - from 185 rubles)as well as local companies - for example, CityBug (; departure from Melville, 4 pm, 360 p.)... The journey takes about 6 hours, so morning flights are preferred. You can also get to Kruger by train: Shosholoza Meyl departs from Joburg three times a week (Mon. Wed, Fri; 18.10, only seats), goes through Pretoria and arrives at Nelspruit at 4 a.m. the next morning (70 p.)... Destination - the town of Komatiport (Komatipoort, 150 rubles, arrives 6.38) on the southern border of the Kruger. It is right next to the Crocodile Bridge park gate (Crocodile Bridge Gate) and two campgrounds. North of Nelspruit is Kruger-Mpumalanga Airport (Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport, MQP)where flights fly from Joburg and other major cities in South Africa. South African Airways flies 4 times a day, tickets from 1279 rub.

There are many hotels and travel agencies in Nelspruit offering daily trips to the Kruger. It will be even more convenient to spend the night in Hazyview (Hazyview) 50 km to the north: in this town there are no less opportunities to organize a safari, but to the two nearest park gates Pabeni and Numbi (Phabeni Gate, Numbi Gate) only 12-15 km. Main gate Kruger (Kruger Gate) located 47 km east of Hazyview. It will also serve as a base for your trip to the High Veld border. (Drakensberg Escarpment)... Minibuses to Hazyview depart from the bus station, which in Nelspruit is located between the railway station and the Nelspruit Plaza shopping center (corner of Henshall St. and Andrew St.; 1 hour en route, about 20 p.).

South African Airways fly from Kruger Mpumalanga Airport to Durban daily (1-2 trips per day, 1 h. 15 min. On the way, from 1895 rubles)... There are no direct large buses between Nelspruit and Durban, but CityBug has a shuttle twice a week (; Sonpark BP, Thu and Sun, departures 7:00, arrives 16:00, RUB 560)... There are many buses from Joburg to Durban daily (approx. 5 hours on the way, 400 rubles)and Shosholoza Meyl has three weekly trains in this direction (Mon, Tue and Thu, 6 pm, 8 pm on the way, from 130 rubles)... From 6.00 to midnight from the airport. O. Tambo, planes of different airlines fly to Durban (a total of about 30 flights, 1 hour 10 minutes on the way, from 630 rubles)... Huge Durban is located about 200 km from the Drakensberg Mountains (west of it) and 270 km from Isimangalizo / Shlushluve-Umfolozi (northeast)... To visit these places it is better to use intermediate bases - in the first case it will be Winterton (Winterton, 195 km), in the second - Mtubatuba (Mtubatuba, 250 km)... You can also get to Shlushluve-Umfolozi from Ulundi (Ulundi, 240 km from Durban)where is the airport (Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi Airport, ULD, Federal Air operates from Pietermaritzburg, + 27-011-3959000;, Mon-Fri, 2 flights, RUB 1200)... Ulundi is located 36 km west of the nearest gate of the Umfolozi reserve (Cengeni Gate)... Have Baz Bus (www. there is a route Pretoria / Joburg - Durban - Joburg / Pretoria with stops in Pietermaritzburg (Pietermaritzburg, southern Drakensberg), Winterton (center of Drakensberg) and Bergville (array north)... Baza buses start at 7.30 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, collecting passengers from budget hotels in Pretoria and Johannesburg. At 9:15 am, the car leaves for the southeast and reaches the Drakensberg Mountains by noon. The trip ends in Durban at about 19.00 and costs 290 rubles. Buses return on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays (also at 7.30)... You can leave at any point on the route - the price does not change.

East South Africa

The eastern edge of South Africa, from the Elephant Coast in the north to Sunny Beach in the south, is a chain of wide white beaches interrupted by rivers and forests approaching the ocean. Freeways stretch along the sea, to which the centers of civilization - Durban, East London and Port Elizabeth are tied (this is not counting small settlements)... Durban is as well suited as the starting point of the route, as Cape Town is for the role of the finish. Just remember that there are many people who want to relax on the coast, and the peak season falls on the second half of December and the first half of January. The warmest of all is from October to April, while our summer on the coast of South Africa reigns southern winter: the water temperature on the South Coast drops below + 19 ° C, south of East London becomes even colder. Rains, alas, are possible at any time of the year.

Cape Town and surroundings

The inhabited land ends here, but such a “end of the world” cannot be called sad: a blue sea, a bright sun, and under it a beautiful city surrounded by harsh, but no less beautiful mountains.

In South Africa, Cape Town is respectfully called "Mother" (Mother City)... The country's oldest city was founded in 1652 by Jan van Riebeck, the first governor of the Dutch colony at the Cape of Good Hope. At first, the town was called Kapstadt and little by little it was overgrown with suburbs. Every Cape Dutchman wanted land, but working on it himself was difficult. Therefore, for the first 150 years of its history, Kapstadt grew at the expense of Asian and African slaves, whose blood was mixed with the blood of the masters and European sailors who dropped anchors at the Table Bay. When Kapstadt became Cape Town (this happened in 1806), the British abolished slavery, after which the merger of races went even faster. By the end of the XIX century. a special type of inhabitant of the Cape colony was formed - a southern, hot and swarthy man. The British recollected themselves began to settle the townspeople by skin color, justifying these measures by sanitary necessity - in fact, this is how apartheid was invented. Even now, the city is considered the capital of the country's white minority, but Cape Towns seem to be unwilling to do so. The South African parliament is sitting in Cape Town, culture is flourishing, and the main event of recent years has been the games of the 2010 World Cup.

The change of seasons on the Cape is the same as elsewhere in South Africa - from May to August it is cool, from September to April it is warm, and in our winter months it is simply hot. The difference between the coastline is that the ocean prevents the air from cooling and heating up too much. Spring is very pleasant - the eve of local winter (not more than +23 ° С and not lower than -15 ° С).

Cape Town is considered more prosperous and safer than all other cities in South Africa, however, it is not recommended to open your mouth on the streets here, especially in the evenings.

The tourist information center operates a couple of blocks from the train station (Cape Town Tourist Information Center, Pinnacle Building, corner of Burg St. and Castle St., 0 + 27-021-4876800; 8.00-18.00, Sat to 14.00, closes 1 hour earlier in Apr-Sep).


To visit South Africa, Russians need a visa, which, alas, cannot be opened when crossing the border. The South African Embassy is located in Moscow (Granatny lane, 1, bld. 9, 495-9261177;, Mon-Fri 9.00-12.00) and for a single entry tourist visa requires the following:

  • Application form completed in English in black ballpoint pen.
  • Two passport-size color photographs (3.4 x 4.5 cm) on matte paper.
  • A passport that expires at least 30 days after the end of your planned visit. At least 2 pages of the passport must be free of marks.
  • Copies of the completed pages of the civil passport.
  • An invitation from a South African travel agency with a detailed description of the route or confirmation of payment for the hotel for the entire duration of the trip.
  • A certificate from work indicating the position, salary and proof of vacation for the duration of the trip.
  • Confirmation of solvency: a statement from the bank detailing account transactions (map) for the last 3 months.
  • Paid air ticket (There and back again).
  • Payment of the consular fee in the amount of 1800 rubles.

If you are planning to enter South Africa from other African countries, you will also need a yellow fever vaccination certificate.

The processing time for a South African visa is 5 working days, it is issued for the duration of the trip.

No special vaccinations are required, but you must be vaccinated against yellow fever if you enter South Africa after visiting one of the outbreaks of yellow fever. These include Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. South Africa's closest neighbors are Angola and Zambia. Even if you just went to see Victoria Falls from the Zambian coast, but received a stamp in your passport, South Africans will require a certificate.


South Africa is the only African country where transport reaches the level of the best world standards. Main local airports:

  • International airport. Oliver Tambo (OR Tambo International Airport, JNB, inquiries + 27-011-9216262, + 27-086-7277888, in Johannesburg.
  • Cape Town International Airport, CPT, inquiries + 27-086-7277888; in the extreme south of the country.
  • King Shaka International Airport, DUR, inquiries + 27-032-4366585, + 27-0867277888; Also known as La Mercy Airport. Opened in 2010, located 35 km north of Durban, and named after the Zulu king Shaki (Chucky)... Serves domestic lines, as well as flights to Mozambique, Zambia and about. Mauritius. Emirates fly from major international airlines to Durban (from Dubai).
  • There are a great many local airports, airfields and landing sites in the country. South African Airways is the most famous local flyer. (+ 27-011-9785313 6:00 am - 10:00 pm South African time; It is a national airline with a solid fleet and worldwide geography of flights. Getting from Cape Town to Joburg costs from 1667 rubles. with all fees. This is the highest price, so it makes sense to turn to low-cost airlines;
  • (+ 27-0861585-852; The first airline of its kind in South Africa, established in 2001, Connects Johannesburg (OR Tambo and Lanseria), Cape Town, Durban, George (George) and Port Elizabeth. The flight from Joburg to Cape Town costs from 722 rubles.
  • Mango (+ 27-01 1-0866100; "Daughter" of SA Airways, flies between Joburg (OR Tambo and Lanseria), Bloemfontein, Cape Town and Durban. The flight from Joburg to Cape Town costs from 997 rubles.

The first rails in African history were laid in 1860 in the Cape Colony. South Africa's main railway line connects Cape Town and Johannesburg, minor lines go from Joburg to Durban, Port Elizabeth, East London, Comatiport (Komatipoort) and Musin (Musina)... The choice of trains is small, but sufficient, for example:

  • Shosholoza Meyl and Premier Classe (as well as the Metroraif trains) owned by the state-owned Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)... Shosholoza Meyl Trains (+ 27-011-7744555, + 27-0860008888, comfortable, safe and popular. Rates change throughout the year: cheaper in summer, more expensive in winter. The amount and schedule must be specified upon purchase. Train classes vary - Tourist ("tourist") allows sleeping in a compartment, a Economy ("economic") equipped with seating only. Children are transported for half the price of an adult ticket (in the tourist, the discount is given for children under 10 years old, in the economic one - under 5 years old)... Smoking is prohibited on the trains, luggage is limited to 50 kg. Premier Classe Trains (in Joburg + 27-011-773878, in Cape Town + 27-021-4492252; more comfortable and expensive.

A separate South African theme is luxury "hotels on wheels":

  • Blue train (in Pretoria + 27-012-3348459, + 27-012-3348460; Cape Town + 27-021-4492672; - regularly runs between Cape Town and Pretoria. Departure four times a month (Mon and Wed, 8.50 from Cape Town and 12.30 from Pretoria), 27 hours on the way, including a stop and excursions to Kimberley. Double compartments of 2 categories with bathrooms, two salons for smokers and nonsmokers. In low season (Jan-Aug, mid Nov-Dec) travel from 12,280 p. Blue Train serves special tours to Durban and Nelspruit (from Pretoria)as well as in Port Elizabeth (from the Cape).

  • Rovos rail (+ 27-012-315-8242; Carries tourists from Pretoria to Cape Town via Kimberley and the museum town of Matisfontein in the Western Cape (48 hours, including excursions)... Another tour lasts 6 days, including the whole of South Africa and Zimbabwe with Victoria Falls. A trip from the Cape to Pretoria costs from 12,950 rubles. (1 passenger in a compartment + 50%).
  • Shongololo express (+ 27-011-4864357, + 27-0861777014, Very expensive tours on 5 routes from 9360 r. (with two meals a day, dinner separately)... The longest journey lasts 16 days and includes visits to South Africa Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana (from 45 293 p.).
  • South Africa has a network of commuter rail lines served by cheap Metrorail electric trains ( Cape Town and Johannesburg, and to a lesser extent Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London, are enmeshed in a rail web. Metrorail is also divided into classes: there are "superior" trains (MetroPlus) and "business express" (morning and evening)... Conditions on commuter trains vary from city to city - they are relatively safe in Cape Town and other southern cities, while in Durban and especially in Joburg they are notorious. The authorities are working on this problem, but in the meantime, you can use the new Gautrain in Joburg.

    The busiest way to travel in South Africa is by bus, but the quality of the roads makes the passenger's lot easier. Leaders are:

    The listed companies operate regular flights between the cities of South Africa. In contrast, Baz Bus (+ 27-021-4392323, specializes in serving budget tourists. "In-out" ticket (Hop-on Hop-off) gives the right to go in one direction or another with any number of stops. At the same time, you are dropped off and picked up at the door of a temporary dwelling - among Baz's partners there are 180 cheap hotels in 40 cities of South Africa. "Stopped in and out" from Cape Town to Pretoria costs 2900 rubles. (one way, with a refund 4400 rubles)... You can also buy a travel card (Travel pass) for 7, 14 and 21 days - it costs 1200, 2100 and 2600 rubles, respectively.


    The national currency of South Africa is called the rand (Rand, ZAR) - just not "rand", because the word is not English. The name comes from the Witwatersrand mountains: from gold mined in their depths in the 19th century. the first coins of the Boer republics were minted. The modern rand was put into circulation in 1961, and money issued since 2005 will surely fall into your hands - they depict the animals of the Big Five (10 rubles - rhinoceros, 20 rubles - elephant, 50 rubles - lion, 100 rubles - buffalo, 200 rubles - leopard).

    There are also 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent coins in circulation, as well as 1, 2 and 5 rand. Due to inflation, coins of 1 and 2 cents have already disappeared, and the next step is 5 cents. There are 5 randoviki depicting Nelson Mandela, released on the 10th anniversary of the first free elections. In South Africa, this is the first case of the appearance of a state official on the money since 1994. In 2012, Mandela's face appeared on "pieces of paper" (animals remained on the reverse of the banknotes).

    South Africa is one of the few countries in the world that continues to mint gold coins. They are called Krugerrands (Krugerrand) and are available in 4 denominations of different weights. The most common is 1 troy ounce (33.93 g), there are still 1/2, 1/4 and 1/10 oz. The obverse of the coins depicts the Boer President P. Kruger, after whom they are named. Krugerrands are more expensive souvenirs and a way of investing money than money itself. You can buy coins in special shops SCOINShop (South African Gold Coin Exchange; + 27-0861724653;, the cost is set in US dollars and depends on the world prices for the "yellow metal".

    Regular rand is officially accepted in Swaziland and Lesotho (they form a single currency area with South Africa), and behind the scenes - in Namibia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.


    Mobile communications are excellently developed. Major cellular service providers in South Africa are Vodacom (, MTN ( and Cell C ( the GSM-900/1800 standard. The tariffs for international calls are about the same for everyone, they do not take money for incoming calls. If you call infrequently, then 100 rubles. on the account may well be enough for 10 days. International SMS costs from 1.60-1.74 rubles. You can find SIM sales points everywhere, starting from the airport (on a prepaid system from 10 rubles, you can immediately put money into the account and register the number)... If you don't have a phone, you can rent it from an operator (or buy a contract that includes a cheap "pipe"), A foreign phone in South Africa is subject to registration - for this you need to know its IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity, dial * # 06 # and the desired number will appear on the screen).

    You can also call abroad from South Africa from an ordinary street payphone (green - using a card purchased in a supermarket, blue with the words "Coin" - using coins)... To go abroad, dial 00 and the country code.

    There are many internet cafes in the country (from 25-30 rubles / 1 hour, you can find the point on the website, where you can transfer a photo from a USB flash drive to a disc and print the necessary web page. In addition to hotels, there are free Wi-Fi hotspots in restaurants and shopping centers, so you can make Skype calls from your own phone.


    The Russian Embassy in South Africa is located in Pretoria, 50 km from Joburg Pretoria 0102, Brooks St., 316, MenloPark; + 27-012-3621337;; closed on Russian holidays). Reception is conducted on weekdays from 8.30 to 11.30, if necessary, you can call the consul on duty: + 27-0761514598.

    Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Cape Town (Norton Rose House, 8 Riebeek St., 12th Floor, + 27-021-4183656 / 57; Duty Consul + 27-082-3740518; Represents the interests of the Russian Federation and its citizens in the three Cape provinces of South Africa - Western, Eastern and Northern. Located in the city center, reception from 9:00 to 12:00, except weekends and holidays.

    Emergency telephone numbers: police - 1011, from mobile 0 112, medical assistance - 10177, + 27-0831999 (air), + 27-080-0111990. In cities: Johannesburg (Centre) + 27-011-3755911, Pretoria (24h.) + 27-012-3582111, 012-4277111; Durban + 27-031-3372200 (sea rescuers); Cape Town - + 27-021-4182852 (police), +27-021-4493500 (sea rescuers), +27-021-9489900 (mountain rescuers).

    There are about 600 nature reserves in South Africa, but the country is rather big and there is also enough space for hunters. The hunting of large animals has never been prohibited here; moreover, it has been lovingly cultivated. Hunting concessions (Game farms) border on reserves, but their territory is not encroached upon. With a license, you can hunt any wild animals, but there are some restrictions. So, rhinos, large predators and some other species are inaccessible when it comes to healthy animals that are in their natural habitat and do not belong to specially bred in hunting farms. Even if the predator is a threat, it must be shot by authorized persons. It is allowed to walk on a large animal only with non-automatic rifled weapons with a caliber of at least 22, and smooth-bore weapons are allowed only when hunting birds. Pistols, automatic and pneumatic weapons are prohibited. During the hunt, a car can only be used to deliver shooters to the concession border, to track animals, and also in cases where the hunter is sick or over 65 years old. Aircraft, searchlights, dogs, baits, paddocks, traps, poisons and tranquilizers are prohibited. You can shoot from a crossbow in South Africa, but not at animals prohibited for prey. A foreigner wishing to hunt in South Africa must have a license - the organizing company is engaged in its registration in advance (Hunting outfitter)... You will be able to get only those animals and only in the amount indicated in the license. The weapon is allowed to be used again according to the license. The document must be with you during the hunt. Only citizens of South Africa can organize safari for guests of the country, and during the fishing they must be accompanied by a local professional hunter.

    Hunting in South Africa is carried out by many companies that are well represented on the Web. The price of the issue is on average about $ 600 per day, excluding the cost of exporting trophies (Trophy fee, from $ 200 per head - this is how much it costs, for example, a baboon or a jackal)... Clients are divided into hunters and observers (Observer)that don't shoot. For the latter, participation in the hunt is half the price.

    South Africa is one of the richest countries on the African continent, a country of contrasts, combining primitiveness and modernity. present to the guests of the country all the most interesting and beautiful in this country - stunning beaches, magnificent mountains, deposits of precious stones and metals, wildlife monuments and other unique sights of South Africa. Millions of tourists know what to see in South Africa , coming here for new experiences, where they are warmly welcomed by locals and modern hotels in South Africa are thrown open . Each of the 9 provinces of the republic has a unique landscape, the best attractions , nature, interesting places and its ethnic composition, which attracts a huge number of tourists, educational events are held.

    What to see in South Africa first of all

    Of course, a trip to South Africa, like any other trip, should be well planned so that you know in advance, say, what to see in South Africa in 1 day . To this end, we recommend reading the rating of the country's main attractions worthy of attention. Where to go in South Africa first?

    1. Johannesburg

    One of the districts of the city of Johannesburg

    Johannesburg is the largest population center in South Africa, home to about 4 million people today. The ethnic composition of the city's population is diverse, but nevertheless, 73% of the population is black. It is the richest city, providing about a third of the republic's gross product. Johannesburg owes such achievements mainly to the richest gold deposits located in the surrounding areas. Today Johannesburg is the business center of South Africa and is divided into a comfortable north, a center with a lot of attractions, and an unsafe, extreme south.

    2. Museum of apartheid

    Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg Francisco Anzola

    At one time, racial discrimination was a serious political problem in South Africa. Apartheid Museum - a landmark of South Africa , testifying to these sad milestones in the country's history up to the 1990s. Today, there are 22 rooms inside the museum, of which the most unpleasantly impressive is the Political Execution Hall, filled with many gallows loops, testifying to the difficult fate of the fighters against apartheid. Other rooms feature photographs and temporary exhibitions. Externally, the museum building resembles a prison, making a strong contrast to the nearby Gold Reef City theme park.

    3. Cape Town

    Cape Town city panorama

    Cape Town is the second largest city in South Africa, with a population of about 3.5 million. It is located right on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, where wildlife peacefully coexist with ultra-modern shopping centers and Dutch mansions. The oldest building in the city, as in all of South Africa, is the Fortress of Good Hope - it was around it that the city began to be built once. In 1936, a museum was organized in the premises of the fortress, which today is in demand among tourists. In addition to the museum, the South African National Gallery, which exhibits works by French and Dutch artists, is worth a look.

    4. Victoria and Alfred Waterfront

    A bird's eye view of Victoria and Alfred Waterfront

    Today, this promenade is one of the most popular attractions in South Africa in Cape Town. The old port was restored and improved in the early 1990s, and since then a whole tourist complex has been organized on this territory. Today, the promenade is a lively place with an abundance of restaurants, bars, shops and entertainment venues. Various performances are organized right along the embankment, live music and African drums are played. And old historical buildings side by side with the most modern shopping and entertainment centers and other structures, externally sustained in the same "antique" style.

    5. Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden

    A small area of \u200b\u200bthe Kirstenbosch botanical garden

    It turns out that one of the largest botanical gardens in the world is located in South Africa - this is Kirstenbosch, and we can safely say that you should definitely see this attraction in South Africa. A rich world of extraordinary flora and fauna is located at the foot of Table Mountain. The history of the botanical garden dates back to the 15th century, when the first conquerors of these lands decided to settle here. After that, the land survived many owners, when in the 19th century they were acquired by Cecile Rhodes, who became the founder of the botanical garden. Today, there are about 7 thousand species of plants alone, as well as a well-developed infrastructure, there are cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops.

    Check out the wonderful views of South Africa in this fun video!

    6. Kalahari Desert

    Reddish sand dunes in the Kalahari Desert

    There is something to visit in South Africa and among the sultry deserts. The Kalahari is located in the hollow of the same name with an area of \u200b\u200babout 600 square kilometers, which, in addition to South Africa, covers the territories of the states of Botswana and Namibia. The Kalahari is distinguished by an especially hot arid climate with a maximum daily average temperature of + 40 ° C. The presence of iron oxides in the Kalahari sands gives the desert landscapes incredibly beautiful pink, brown, red, brown and orange hues. The Okavango River flows through the desert, in the delta of which most of the fauna of the desert lives - giraffes, gazelles, zebras, lions, cheetahs, hyenas, as well as many rodents and birds.

    7. Kruger National Park

    Elephant in the Kruger National Park

    Kruger Park is one of the key attractions in South Africa, as it is one of the largest nature reserves in the world. The vastness of its territories defies description - about 20 thousand square kilometers located in the northeastern part of South Africa. The park is crossed by many roads that are attractive for tourism - from here you can observe representatives of various flora and fauna. Large animals include leopards, lions, hippos, elephants, buffaloes and antelopes. Everyone can choose different ways to get to know the world of the park - on a rented SUV, with stops for the night in campsites, and a lot of other options.

    8. Tsitsikamma Marine National Park

    Suspension bridge over the mouth of the Storm River in Tsitsikamma National Park

    There is something to see in South Africa and among other national parks - for example, Tsitsikamma is unique in that it is the first marine national park on the mainland. It is an 80-kilometer stretch of beautiful coastline with turbulent rivers, ravines, bays, waterfalls, relict forests and a variety of animals. It is also the largest tourism center with excellent opportunities for diving, river rafting, rock climbing, rope descents over gorges, hiking and other outdoor activities.

    9. Pilanesberg National Park

    Landscape in Pilanesberg National Park

    About 2 hours from Johannesburg, right in the crater of a former volcano, is another natural attraction of South Africa pilanesberg nature reserve. The uniqueness of this park is that more than 1 million years ago there was an active volcano; today, the rings of hills radiating from the crater remind of this. Today, on the site of the former natural element, several dozen large mammals, more than three hundred species of birds and more than 60 species of amphibians have found their home. Today, the park has many picnic areas as well as viewing platforms and walking trails.

    10. Drakensberg Mountains

    The natural beauty of the Drakensberg Mountains

    The Drakensberg Mountains is the highest mountain range in South Africa and has become a favorite trekking destination for mountain beauty enthusiasts. It is not surprising, because this place can be called one of the most beautiful places on the whole earth: the mountain range, entirely consisting of basalt, stretches for a distance of about a thousand kilometers. The western and eastern slopes of the mountain range have a different climate: if drought prevails in the west, then a large amount of precipitation falls over the eastern slopes. More than 2 million tourists visit these regions annually, equipping themselves with tents or staying in hotels intended for recreation.

    11. Table Mountain

    Table Mountain and Cape Town Harbor

    A recognizable landmark of South Africa and a visiting card of the republic is Table Mountain. It towers over Cape Town, is its symbol and is depicted on the flag of the city. The height of the mountain is 1,087 km, and its top is a gentle plateau, surrounded by rocks, which are often shrouded in fog. Table Mountain National Park, on the territory of which the mountain itself is located, was recently recognized as one of the 7 new wonders of the world. Tourists flock here to admire the extraordinary local landscapes.

    12. Lions Head Rock

    Stunning views of Cape Town from the top of Lions Head

    Translated from English, the name of the Lions Head rock literally sounds like "lion's head". The fact is that, together with the Signal Hill, located nearby, the rock forms a figure somewhat reminiscent of the figure of a lion. This small cliff rises 670 meters above the sea, and an excellent view opens from the observation deck organized at its top. That is why the cliff has become a favorite spot for visitors looking to take photos with the panoramic backdrop of Cape Town and the magnificent African sunset, as well as for paragliders flying from here.

    13. The Big Hole Kimberlite Pipe

    Kimberlite pipe "Big hole" filled with water

    The South African town of Kimberley is known for the Big Hole kimberlite pipe, which is a depleted diamond deposit. This place for the extraction of precious stones is recognized as the world's largest open-pit mine, worked by hand - for about 40 years, about 50 thousand workers worked at the mine, extracting earth from the quarry with simple shovels, picks and crowbars. Over the years, about 22 tons of land and about 2.7 tons of precious stones have been extracted, which is 14.5 million carats.

    14. Blyde River Canyon

    Blyde River Canyon is covered in lush subtropical vegetation

    Part of the Drakensberg Mountains, Blyde River Canyon is a unique nature reserve. It was formed as a result of the carving of a deep gorge by the waters of the Blyde River in the rock. The depth of the gorge reaches 1.4 km, and the length is about 25 km. Unlike other canyons, Blyde River has rich flora and fauna. A notable place in the canyon is the Three Sisters mountain range, which consists of three rounded twin rocks. Another interesting place is the observation deck "God's Window", which offers a beautiful panorama of the mountains of the Kruger National Park.

    15. Cradle of Humanity

    Building of the information center "Cradle of Humanity" flowcomm

    The Cradle of Mankind is an archaeological site consisting of limestone caves with a total area of \u200b\u200balmost 500 square kilometers. In total, there are about 3 dozen caves, each of which is of great historical value - it is assumed that it was here that the first African tribes originated. So, in the process of excavations in the caves, the remains of human ancestors - Australopithecus, dating from 2 million years BC, as well as fragments of various tools used by ancient people were discovered.

    16. Garden Route (Garden Route)

    Oceanfront view from Gardens Road

    Garden Route National Park is a popular South African attraction for wildlife enthusiasts. The Path of Gardens, 200 km long, leads along the most picturesque South African coast and is notable for the beauty and variety of local landscapes: along the way there are mountain peaks, and azure beaches, and quiet bays, and dense forests, and mountain rivers. The Garden Route offers a huge range of opportunities for relaxation in the bosom of nature - for example, here you can go fishing, go diving or mountaineering.

    17. Cape of Good Hope

    Beach and observation deck at the Cape of Good Hope

    The Cape of Good Hope is the famous southern tip of the African continent, which has its own unique history. To open the way to India across the ocean, since the 15th century, sailors set sail many times, repeatedly suffered crashes and failures, but continued to search. The cause of the crashes was a natural element - the waters of two oceans, the Indian and the Atlantic, collide exactly in the place of the southernmost tip of the continent, forming frequent storms. The weather on the cape is inhospitable, strong winds constantly blow here, but nevertheless, streams of tourists invariably rush here to see the legendary place with their own eyes.

    18. Cango Caves

    Tourists in the "Organ Hall" formed by stalactites

    The Cango Caves are several grottoes with a total length of about 4 km. Especially striking is the age of the caves, which is about 20 million years. There are many very narrow passages and difficult sections, which are very difficult to overcome. Inside, visitors can see a real magical land - a complex of halls decorated with natural limestone formations. Together with the successful lighting, all this looks truly fabulous. Some halls are striking in their size: some are 30 meters high, 100 meters long, and the largest stalagmite is 9.5 meters long.

    19. Winery Franschhoek

    Franschhoek vineyards and wineries

    It is worth noting that South Africa ranks third in the world for the supply of wine to the world market. And one of the best local wines is produced on the farms of the village of Franschhoek. This place is in great demand among wine connoisseurs - grapes grow here in sandy soils, and the ideal natural conditions allow it to acquire an unsurpassed taste. Up to 8 thousand tons of excellent wine is supplied annually from the Franschhoek farms. A number of wineries operate here, with their own centuries-old winemaking traditions dating back to the 17th century.

    20. Robben Island

    View of Robben Island and Cape Town from the mountain

    Robben Island, an open-air prison museum, is located 12 km from Cape Town. For 400 years, this island was a place of imprisonment - since the 17th century, madmen and patients with leprosy, political and social outcasts of society were exiled here, and in the 20th century the famous fighter for the rights of blacks - Nelson Mandela spent 18 years in prison here. Today, the prison is a national monument and heritage listed by UNESCO. On the territory of the former prison, there is now a museum, where the conditions of stay of prisoners are clearly demonstrated.

    Sights of South Africa: what else to visit in South Africa

    Every attraction in South Africa is worthy of attention, and even after traveling to the main interesting places that form the first impression of the country, there is always something to see in South Africa, in addition to that. To do this, we offer an overview based on positive feedback from tourists and including recommendations for other equally interesting attractions.

    21. Sun City Resort City

    The fairytale city of the Sun among the rainforests

    What to visit in South Africa for a comfortable rest and entertainment? In the north-eastern part of the republic, in the very center of a dormant volcano, today there is an entertainment tourist complex, which has all the possibilities for a good rest. Its territory of 150 square kilometers is occupied by comfortable hotels, tropical gardens with a rich collection of flora and fauna, an artificial lagoon, as well as all kinds of casinos and restaurants. Recreation opportunities here are incredibly diverse - from gambling and spa treatments, to active water skiing, golf and windsurfing.

    22. Waterfall Augrabis

    The streams of the Augrabis waterfall, directed into the rocky gorge

    Augrabis can rightfully be called one of the wonders of nature: from high cliffs, a strong water stream at a speed of about 1000 cubic meters per second falls into the abyss. Admiring the waterfall with your own eyes is not so easy: this place is surrounded by the sands of the Kalahari Desert. The Orange River, which originates among the Drakensberg Mountains, merging with the Vaal River on its way, first splits into many streams, the main of which falls into a narrow stone crevice and falls down onto the granite foot. The magnificent sight is complemented by a rainbow sparkling in the spray of water as the sun appears.

    23. Tugela waterfall

    Cascading narrow ribbon of Tugela Falls from the Drakensberg cliff

    Surprisingly, on the hottest and driest African continent, there is something to see in South Africa among the waterfalls - for example, one of the highest waterfalls in the world, Tugela, located in the Natal National Park. This waterfall is cascading, and its waters, falling down, pass through five ledges. There are two ways to get to the waterfall. The extreme path to the top leads from a nearby parking lot and on the last stretch ends with high suspended stairs, while another path, about 8 km long, leads through the forest of the national park and a suspension bridge.

    24. Boulders Beach

    Boulders beach - famous penguin beach

    On the territory of the Table Mountain National Park, there is an amazingly beautiful Boulders Beach, which has become home to thousands of penguins that have lived here for about 30 years. I must say that penguins get along peacefully with numerous tourists who come here to look at these charming inhabitants of the beach. In addition to the penguins, Boulders is famous for its magnificent natural landscapes and views of the sea. Another notable feature is the huge stone boulders that protect the beach from strong winds and sea waves.

    25. Golden Mile Beach

    Golden Mile beach - coastline in Durban city

    One of the popular attractions in South Africa in the Durban area is the Golden Mile Beach, which is a wide edge of golden sands near the sea coast, where you can enjoy the soft sun of the subtropics and the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. At the northern end of the beach is the Sunny Beach Casino for all gambling fans. It so happened that during the holiday season, various bright events are constantly held on the beach.

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    Business card

    Territory: 1,219,912 km² Population: 48,601,098 Capital: Cape Town Official language: English, Afrikaans, Venda, Zulu, Kosa, South Ndebele, Swati, North Soto, Sesotho, Tswana, Tsonga Government: Democratic Republic President: Jacob Zuma GDP: $ 505.2 billion Currency: South African rand

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    State symbols

    Flag of South Africa Coat of arms of South Africa

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    Geographical position

    South Africa is located in southern Africa. It borders Mozambique in the northeast, and Zimbabwe and Botswana in the north. In the northwest lies the border with Namibia. On the territory of South Africa there are two small enclave states - the mountain kingdoms of Lesotho and Swaziland.

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    The territory of the country is dominated by landscapes of natural zones of savannas and woodlands, semi-deserts and deserts. In the east there is a coastal lowland, and in the south there is a depression. This location of the country predetermines the presence of various natural landscapes.

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    Tropical in the north and subtropical in the south. The western coast of the country is washed by the cold Bengal Current, and the eastern coast is washed by the warm Mozambican Current, which, along with the elevated relief and coastal mountain ranges, contribute to the formation of the country's special climate. The average temperature in January is from +18 C to +27 C, in July - from +7 C to +10 C, while, depending on the terrain, even neighboring areas may differ significantly from each other in air temperature. Precipitation falls from 30-150 mm. on the west coast, up to 650 mm. on the central plateaus and up to 2000 mm. on the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains. Average monthly daytime air temperature in Pretoria

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    The first representatives on the territory of the South African lands were the Khoisan and San peoples. In the 6th century AD, the peoples of the Kosa, Zulu and also Sesotho began to appear. thanks to Dutch sailors in 1652 a city called Cape Town was founded. In the 19th century, Cape Town became a British colony, and numerous wars ensued to own all the land between the Dutch, the British and the local Zulu population. And at the end of the 19th century, South Africans lost their sovereignty. In African lands, the Boers founded the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Independent State. After the defeat in the Anglo-Boer War of 1899, these republics came under British rule. And in 1910 they were attached to the British colony and became part of the Union of South Africa. In 1961, the Union of South Africa became an independent South African Republic, which seceded from the Commonwealth of Nations, led by Great Britain. The withdrawal was due to the rejection of the apartheid policy in South Africa by other members of the Commonwealth (South Africa's membership in the Commonwealth was restored in June 1994).

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    The population of South Africa exceeds 49 million people (25th in the world). South Africa is characterized by a very large diversity among the people inhabiting the country, both by race and by nationality. The majority of the population, about 80%, are blacks belonging to various ethnic groups (Zulus, Kosa, Ndebele, Tswana, Soto and others). Also included in this group are immigrants from other African countries (notably Zimbabwe and Nigeria). White population makes up 10% and is mainly composed of the descendants of Dutch, French, British and German settlers who began to settle in South Africa in the late 17th century.

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    The distribution of the black population in South Africa The distribution of the white population in South Africa The majority of the white population in South Africa lives in large cities - Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. The percentage of the white population in South Africa is the highest among all African states. The Colored "population is about 8% and is a mixed race, primarily descendants of the early settlers, their slaves and the indigenous peoples of South Africa. The remaining 2% are predominantly" Indians "(Asians), including the descendants of Indian workers and traders who migrated to South Africa in the middle of the 19th century.

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    Afrikaans Tswana Venda Kosa Zulu Others Northern Sotho Sesotho Swati Tsonga The very diverse ethnic composition of the population of South Africa has led to an amazing multilingualism in the country. There are 11 official languages \u200b\u200bin South Africa: English, Afrikaans, Venda, Zulu, Kosa, Ndebele, Swati, North Soto, Sesotho, Tswana and Tsonga. Before the fall of the apartheid regime, only English and Afrikaans were the official languages \u200b\u200bof the country. English today remains the main language of international communication and trade. Afrikaans is spoken by the vast majority of the white and colored population of South Africa. Black residents of the country prefer to communicate in their native languages, belonging to the Bantu language group, but almost all of them, especially urban residents, understand and speak English.

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    Almost 80 percent of the inhabitants of South Africa are Christians. Other major religious groups are Hindus, Muslims and Jews. About 5 million people adhere to traditional African tribal beliefs. A relatively small proportion of citizens do not profess any religion. The country has complete freedom of religion. The state adheres to a policy of non-interference in religious affairs.

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    Administrative division

    South Africa is now a unitary state. The country's territory is divided into 9 provinces (administrative centers): 2 1. Western Cape province (Cape Town) 2. North Cape province (Kimberley) 3. Eastern Cape province (Bisho) 4. KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg) 5. Free -State (Bloemfontein) 6. Northwest Province (Mafeking) 7. Gauteng (Johannesburg) 8. Mpumalanga (Nelspruit) 9. Limpopo (Polokwane)

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    South Africa is the most economically developed country on the African continent. According to the UN classification, South Africa is a middle-income country (South Africa's GDP in 2008 was $ 491 billion, 26th in the world). South Africa has a well-developed industry, primarily processing; agriculture, there is a well-developed transport infrastructure and powerful energy. The regions located near the largest economic centers of the country - Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Pretoria and Johannesburg are developing especially rapidly.

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    Industry of South Africa

    South Africa is one of the richest countries in minerals in the world. That is why mining and processing industries are the backbone of the country's economy. Gold mining is a leading industry. South Africa provides about 15% of the world's gold production. In South Africa, diamonds are mined in very large volumes. Platinum is mined in large quantities in South Africa (according to some sources - 85% of world production), palladium (30% of world production), manganese, chromium, vanadium, zirconium, nickel, lead, uranium and other valuable minerals. South Africa is one of the leading countries in the extraction of hard coal. The mined Kimberley diamond mine, which mined 2,722 kg of diamonds from 1866 to 1914

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    The chemical industry is developed in the country, in particular the production of gasoline from coal. This invention of South African scientists is forced, because there are no oil reserves in the country. The light industry (textile, clothing, leather, footwear) is operating, cement, cellulose, and paper are produced. The food industry is very well developed in South Africa. Olive oil, sugar, vegetables and fruits are processed here.

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    Agriculture South Africa

    South Africa has a very well developed modern and highly productive agriculture. The climate and geographic features of South Africa are not very conducive to agriculture, only 12% of the territory is suitable for cultivation, but despite this, the country is a large exporter of food products, primarily wine, corn, tobacco, peanuts and other products. Agriculture in South Africa employs about 10% of workers, its products account for about 3% of GDP and 8% of the country's exports.

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    Livestock in South Africa

    Livestock breeding is also well developed in the country, both cattle and goats, sheep, horses and pigs. South Africa is the world's largest producer of mohair from the wool of angora goats; South African mohair is considered the best in the world. South Africa ranks first in Africa in terms of catching fish, crustaceans and molluscs (about 1 million tons per year). Fishermen in South Africa catch sardines, herring, hake, anchovies, sea bass, mackerel, cod, mackerel, shrimp, lobster, tuna fish, lobster, octopus, sharks.

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    Thanks for attention

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    The former colonial pearl of the British Empire, and today the independent state of South Africa is one of the richest countries in Africa. There are deposits of precious stones, gold and platinum, the extraction of which provides South Africa with considerable income.

    The tourism industry is well developed - dozens of upscale hotels welcome guests. The best beaches in East London and Port Elizabeth are well equipped. Tours in Colonial Pretoria or Cape Town are well organized.

    In South Africa, people travel for breathtaking views of the Drakensberg Mountains, the legendary Cape of Good Hope, for the atmosphere of numerous festivals and holidays, for an unimaginable mixture of traditional African lifestyle, colonial times and modernity. The country is very popular with Europeans and American tourists.

    The best hotels and hotels at affordable prices.

    from 500 rubles / day

    What to see in South Africa?

    The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a short description.

    A beautiful city located at the very edge of the continent - the Cape of Good Hope. The old quarters of the city are filled with mansions, villas, former administrative buildings, which can be considered as monuments of Dutch architecture and the building traditions of the Victorian era. Capetian people are descendants of Afrikaans-speaking Boers, English-speaking whites, black immigrants from the interior of South Africa.

    A modern vibrant city, the financial heart of the country. All major events in the business world take place here, major contracts are concluded and negotiations are underway on multi-billion dollar investments. Johannesburg emerged at the dawn of the African "gold rush" and immediately began to develop as a business center of the country. There is also a dark side - for the past 20 years, the city has been considered the crime capital of South Africa.

    Located in Johannesburg in the Gold Reef City Park. The museum's expositions are dedicated to the history of oppression and oppression of black peoples since the time of the arrival of European colonialists (first the Dutch, then the British) to this land. The policy of apartheid was carried out until 1994 and was part of the official state ideology. The museum is dedicated to the memory of the victims of unjust racial segregation.

    One of Cape Town's landmarks, Victorian Harbor, rebuilt in the 1990s. In addition to the restored historical buildings, there are trendy restaurants and bars, museums and shopping centers. The harbor is a popular destination for walks and exciting sailing trips. From the embankment, you can go on a sea excursion or just enjoy a walk along the well-groomed pavements.

    An ever-growing desert in southern Africa. Its red-orange sands have already invaded the territory of its neighbors - Zambia, Angola and Zimbabwe. The Kalahari occupies almost 8% of the entire continent and its area is steadily increasing. This area is home to the indigenous tribe of Bushmen, which, like thousands of years ago, lived by hunting and primitive trades. Excursions to Bushmen settlements are popular with tourists.

    Located in the vicinity of Cape Town near Table Mountain. The garden covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 530 hectares and is considered one of the largest in the world. More than 7000 species of unique plants grow here, typical only for the southern part of Africa. The territory of the park is very well-groomed, paths are laid through the thickets. The garden was created over a hundred years ago in 1913 with the aim of saving the unique ecological system from destruction by man.

    A nature reserve in South Africa, where representatives of the typical African fauna live in their natural environment: rhinos, elephants, buffaloes, lions, giraffes, leopards and other animal species. The famous rivers Krokodilovaya and Limpopo flow through the park. The area occupied by the reserve can accommodate a small state. Since 2002, Kruger has become a part of the interstate nature reserve Transnational Park Velikie Limpopo.

    It is located a couple of hours drive from Johannesburg, thanks to which it has become very popular with tourists. It is a small park in the crater of an ancient volcano with an area of \u200b\u200babout 600 km². It is home to the so-called "Big Five" African animals: rhino, lion, buffalo, leopard and elephant. The term comes from a hunting safari because these animals are regarded as the most significant trophies and are extremely difficult to get.

    It represents several tens of kilometers of coastal territory along with a five-kilometer coastline. A third of the park is occupied by dense forests growing in river gorges. The fauna is represented by a wide variety of species: African weasel, Dominican gull, ostrich, olive woodpecker, dolphin, whale, killer whale, otter and many others. A laboratory for the study of endangered fish species is based in the reserve.

    A mountain range passing through the territory of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. In the language of the local tribe, the name of the chain sounds like "Kwathlamba", which means "rocky place". Part of the system is part of the UNESCO-protected Drakensberg National Park. The Drakensberg Mountains contain large reserves of platinum, gold and other less valuable but useful ores. In the rocks, there are caves with ancient rock paintings, which are more than 8000 years old.

    Located south-west of Cape Town on the shore of the bay of the same name, it is considered the hallmark of this city (even its image is present on the city flag). Many archaeological artifacts have been found in the dining area. According to them, scientists concluded that people have been living in this area for tens of thousands of years. A cable car leads up the mountain, hiking trails are equipped on the slopes.

    The name of the mountain is translated from English as "lion's head", originally the English colonialists called the rock "sugar head". This small summit rises above Cape Town by just 670 meters. The observation deck offers a panoramic view. Numerous tourists love to take photographs with Cape Town “soaring” in the background or against the backdrop of a mesmerizing African sunset.

    The site where important evidence of human origins was found as a result of excavations. On this territory are the caves of Svartkransa, Makapan, Sterkfontein, Taung, Kromdraaya (more than 200 caves in total). Excavations are continuing as not all caves have been explored. Archaeologists constantly find ancient fossilized remains of humans and relic animals, as well as the remains of tools and household items. The area is under the protection of UNESCO.

    Former diamond quarry near the town of Kimberley. It is interesting that people dug this huge hole without the use of technology. The development of diamonds was carried out here from 1866 to 1914. For several decades, miners have mined about three tons of precious stones. The famous 287-carat Tiffany, 153.5-carat Porter Rhodes and some large specimens of the De Beers diamond giant came out of the quarry.

    One of the main natural attractions in South Africa. This is a green river gorge with many viewing platforms for tourists, from where a very beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding landscape opens up. Unlike other canyons with rocky and poor vegetation slopes, there is a rich fauna here. Tourists can book a hang-glider flight and look at the natural beauty from an unusual angle.

    The Garden Route is a famous hiking trail along the Indian Ocean coastline from St. Francis Bay to Mussel Cove. The trail runs through the towns of Albertina, Steelby, Knysna, George and the coastal strip of Tsitsikamma National Park. Garden Route has secluded beaches, wild thickets of bright colors, bays, picturesque meadows. The route is one of the main destinations for travelers.

    On the southern tip of Africa, warm and cold currents meet; the Atlantic Ocean mixes waters with the Pacific. This happens in a place called the Cape of Good Hope. During the period of active development of African lands, this was a bad place for sailors, since the unpredictability of sea currents often led to ship wrecks. The legendary Vasco da Gama visited here, the legend of the Flying Dutchman is associated with the cape.

    The formations are located in the Black Mountains of Swartberg. This is a vast underground complex with a total length of 5 km. Only the first 2 km are accessible for visiting. The cave entrance is located 50 meters deep from the surface of the earth. The Cango complex has several underground halls of various sizes with poetic names: Wedding Hall, Rainbow Hall, Throne Hall, Devil's Workshop, Crystal Forest Hall. You can go down to the cave with an organized excursion.

    The island where the “father of the nation” Nelson Mandela spent 27 years of his life. The prison, which has existed on Robben Island for almost 400 years, was formerly owned by the East India Company and was used to contain exiles. During the heyday of the apartheid regime, a maximum security prison was established here. The tourist route includes a bus trip around the island, a walk in the prison and a visit to N. Mandela's cell.

    20. Winery Franschhoek

    Grape plantations and wineries in South Africa, where high-quality wine is produced according to old recipes. Many of these recipes have not changed since the 17th century. The farms were cultivated by French Huguenot settlers. South African wines are considered unique in terms of taste, they have no analogues, as the grapes grow on sandy soil. Interesting excursions into the history of winemaking are organized for visitors.

    A resort town, a major tourist center in South Africa. It is considered a world masterpiece of landscape architecture. The resort was established in 1979. It has been visited by many world stars from Frank Sinatra to "Boney M". It hosted Miss World beauty contests, boxing championships, and business conferences. In Sun City, guests are welcomed by upscale five-star hotels, where famous public figures often stay.

    Natural landmark located in the Natal National Park. This waterfall is considered the second largest in the world after Angel. Water streams fall from almost a kilometer in height in the form of five cascades. Several tourist routes are organized around the waterfall, it is possible to book a guided tour or explore the surroundings on your own.

    "Small" waterfall 146 meters high near the border with Namibia. Located 500 km. from the mouth of the Orange River. Powerful streams flow into a narrow gorge; during large floods of the river, thousands of cubic meters of water pass through this gorge in a few seconds. Below the water is collected in a natural floodplain, which is called the "giant cauldron". During the fall of water jets, large waves are created and abundant splashes fly around.

    Popular beach in Durban. In the north, the territory rests on the business district of the city, where the Sunny Beach casino is located. Swimming areas are fenced with a reliable protective net from sharks, which live in large numbers in this part of the ocean. During the high season, the Golden Mile is often the venue for various events, festivals and celebrations. There are numerous hotels and private apartments around.

    This beach is located near Cape Town. It is famous for the fact that a large population of penguins has settled here. They began to arrive in 1982, over a few years the colony has grown to an impressive size of almost 3000 individuals. It is believed that the closure of the fish factory contributed to this and the penguins had enough food. People swim against the background of birds resting on the stones, but it is forbidden to approach them.