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What the story is Evgeny Onegin. Evgeny Onegin (Roman). Influence on other works

In Evgenia Onegin, the whole life of Russian society began the beginning of the XIX century was reflected. However, two centuries later this work is interesting not only in the historical and literary plan, but also in terms of the relevance of the issues that Pushkin put before the reading public. Each, opening the novel, found his own something in it, empathized heroes, noted the ease and skill of the style. And the quotes from this work have long become aphorism, they are even pronounced by those who did not read the book itself.

A.S. Pushkin created this work for about 8 years (1823-1831). The history of the creation of Evgenia Onegin began in Chisinau in 1823. It reflected the experience of "Ruslana and Lyudmila", but the subject of the image was not historical and folklore characters, but the author's modern heroes. Also, the poet begins to work in line with realism, gradually refusing romanticism. In the period of the Mikhailovskoye reference, he continued to work on the book, and completed it already during the forced imprisonment in the village of Boldino (Pushkin detained cholera). Thus, the creative history of the work has absorbed the most "fertile" years of the Creator, when his skill evolved with a mad speed. So in his novel, everything was reflected in what he learned during this time, all he knew and felt. Perhaps this circumstance is obliged to their depth.

The author himself calls his romance "collected the motley chapters", each of the 8 chapters has relative independence, because writing "Eugene Onegin" lasted for a long time, and every episode opened a certain stage in Pushkin's life. In parts of the book and went out, the release of each became an event in the world of literature. Full edition saw the light only in 1837.

Genre and composition

A.S. Pushkin determined his work as a novel in verses, emphasizing that it is a lyrol-epic: the storyline, a pronounced love story of the heroes (epic beginning), adjacent to retreats and copyrighted reflections (lyrical beginning). That's why the genre of "Eugene Onegin" is called "Roman".

Evgeny Onegin consists of 8 chapters. In the first chapters, readers get acquainted with the Central Character Evgeny, move along with him to the village and meet the future friend - Vladimir Lensky. Next, the drama of the narrative increases by the appearance of the Larina family, especially Tatiana. The sixth chapter is the culmination of the relationship of Lensky and Onegin and the flight of the main character. And in the final of the work there is a junction of the storyline Eugene and Tatiana.

Lyrical retreats are associated with a narrative, but it is also a dialogue with the reader, they emphasize the "free" form, proximity to the sincere conversation. The same factor can explain the incompleteness, the openness of the final of each chapter and the novel as a whole.

About what?

The young, but already disappointed in the life of the nobleman gets in the inheritance estate in the village, go there, hoping to dispel his Handra. It begins with the fact that he was forced to sit with a sick uncle, who left the nephew his generic nest. However, the village life will soon bore the hero, its existence would be unbearable, if not for acquaintance with the poet Vladimir Lensky. Predi - "ice and a flame", but the differences did not interfere with friendly relations. It will help to figure it out.

Lensky introduces a friend with the Larina family: the old woman, Mother, Sisters Olga and Tatiana. The poet has long been in love with Olga, windy coquette. Much more serious and one hundred times of Tatiana, who herself falls in love with Eugene. Her imagination has long drawn the hero, it remains only to appear to someone. The girl suffers, torments, writes a romantic letter. Onegin is flattered, but understands that he cannot answer such a passionate feeling, so gives a tough reward of heroin. This circumstance turns her depressed, she will fight trouble. And the trouble really came. Onegin decides to take revenge on Lensky due to a random breakdown, but chooses a terrible means: flies with Olga. The poet is offended, calls yesterday to a duel. But the culprit kills the "nonstime of honor" and leaving forever. The essence of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is not even in showing all this. The main thing is to pay attention to, this is a description of the Russian life and psychologism of characters, which develops under the influence of the depicted atmosphere.

However, Tatiana and Eugene relations are not over. They meet in a secular evening, where the hero sees a naive girl, but a mature woman in full brilliance. And falls in love itself. Also tormented and writes a message. And meets the same reward. Yes, the beauty has not forgotten anything, but late, she is "different" :. The failed lover remains with anything.

Main characters and their characteristics

Images of heroes "Evgenia Onegin" is not a random selection of actors. This is a miniature of the Russian society of that time, where all the well-known types of noble people are scrupulously listed: a poor landowner Larin, his secular, but sank in the village of the spouse, an exalted and untenable Poet Lensky, his windy and frivolous passion, etc. All of them represent the imperial Russia of their heyday. No less interesting and original. Below is the characteristics of the main characters:

  1. Evgeny Onegin is the protagonist of the novel. He carries the dissatisfaction with life, fatigue from her. Pushkin tells in detail about the environment in which the young man rose, about how the environment has formed its character. Education of Onegin is typically for the nobles of those years: superficial education aimed at being successful in a decent society. He prepared not for the present case, but exclusively for secular entertainment. Therefore, the Smoles is tired of the empty gloss of balls. He possesses the "soul by direct nobility" (feels a friendly attachment to Lensky, does not seduce Tatiana, using her love). The hero is capable of deep feeling, but it is afraid to lose freedom. But, despite the nobility, he is an egoist, and self-confidence is based on all his feelings. The written characteristic of the character is written in the composition.
  2. It is very different from Tatyana Larina, this image appears perfect: one-piece, wise, loyal natural, ready for everything for love. She grew up in a healthy environment, in nature, and not in the world, therefore, real feelings are strong: kindness, faith, dignity. The girl loves to read, in the books she has learned the image of a special, romantic, washed secret. It was this image that was embodied in Eugene. And Tatiana with all passionship, truthfulness and purity gave himself to this feeling. She did not seduce, did not flirt, but took the courage to admit. This brave and honest act did not find a response in the heart of Onegin. He loved her for seven years later, when she shone in the world. Glory and wealth did not bring happiness to a woman, she came out for the unloved, but the courting of Eugene is impossible, family oaths for her holy. Read more about this in the composition.
  3. Tatiana Olga's sister does not represent much interest, there is not a single acute angle in it, everything rounded, not in vain Onegin compares it with the Moon. Girl takes a courting of Lensky. And any other person, because, why not accept, she is flirting and empty. There is a huge difference between Larina's sisters. The youngest daughter went to the mother, windy secular art, which was forcibly sharpened in the village.
  4. However, it was in the coquetful Olga that Poet Vladimir Lensky fell in love. Probably because the void is easy to fill with its own content in dreams. The hero was still burning with hidden fire, felt fine and analyzed little. There are high moral concepts, so he is alien to the light and not poisoned by him. If Onegin talked and danced with Olga only from boredom, Lensky saw a betrayal in this, a former friend became a cunning temptress of a sinless girl. In the maximalist perception of Vladimir, this is immediately rupture of relationships and a duel. In it, the poet lost. The author puts the question, what could wait for the character with a favorable outcome? Conclusion is disappointing: Lensky would marry Olga, would become an ordinary landowner and walked in routine stagnation. You may also need.
  5. Topics

  • The main topic of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is extensive - this is Russian life. The book shows life and upbringing in the light, in the capital, rustic life, morals and classes, are drawn typical and unique portraits of characters. After almost two centuries, there are devices inherent in both modern people in the heroes, these images are deeply national.
  • The topic of friendship is also reflected in Evgenia Onegin. The main hero and Vladimir Lensky were in close friendship. But is it possible to consider it real? They agreed on the occasion, from boredom. Evgeny was sincerely attached to Vladimir, who he warmed the cold heart of the hero with his soul flame. However, as quickly he is ready to insult a friend, flirting with his beloved, who is glad to it. Eugene thinks only about himself, he is absolutely unimportant to other people, so he could not save the comrade.
  • Love is also an important topic of work. Almost all writers speak about it. Pushkin did not exception. In the image of Tatyana, true love is expressed. It can develop in spite of everything and stay for life. Onegin nobody loved and will not love as the main heroine. After missing this, you remain unhappy for life. Unlike the sacrificial, all-friendly feelings of the girl, the emotions of Onegin - this is a pride. He was afraid of a timid girl who fell in love for the first time, for which it would be necessary to quit the contrary, but the usual light. But Evgeny was conquered by a cold secular beauty, which is already honored, not what to love her.
  • Theme of an extra person. The trend of realism appears in the work of Pushkin. It was the environment that brought up the Onegin so disappointed. It was it that preferred to see the surfaces in the nobles, the focus of all their efforts to create a secular glitter. And nothing more needs. On the contrary, education in folk traditions, society of ordinary people made a soul healthy, and Nature is whole, like Tatiana.
  • The topic of devotion. Verne to his first and most severe love Tatiana, and frivolous, changeable and ordinary Olga. Larina's sisters are completely opposite. In Olga, a typical secular girl is reflected, for which the main thing is she herself, the attitude towards it is, therefore you can change, if there is a better option. It was worth the Onegin to say a couple of nice words, she forgot about Lensky, the attachment of which is much stronger. The heart of Tatiana is true Evgeny all his life. Even when he trampled her feelings, she waited a long time and could not find another (again, unlike Olga, who quickly comforted after the death of Lensky). The heroine had to marry, but in his soul she continued to be faithful to Onegin, although love stopped being possible.


There is very significant problem in the novel "Eugene Onegin". It opens not only psychological and social, but also political shortcomings and even whole tragedies of the system. For example, stunning outdated, but this is no less terrible, the drama of Mother Tatiana. A woman was married subwayed, and she broke down under the onslaught of circumstances, becoming an evil and despotic mistress of hateful estates. But what actual problems raised

  • The main problem that rises throughout the realism as a whole, and Pushkin in Evgenia Onegin in particular, - the destruction of a secular society per soul of a person. A hypocritical and alcoholic environment poisoning personality. It makes external requirements of decency: a young man should know a little in French, a little read fashionable literature, be decent and expensive, that is, it seems to be impressed, and not to be. And all the feelings here are also false, they just seem. That is why the secular society takes the best in humans, it cools the brightest flame with its cold deception.
  • Handra Evgenia is another problematic question. Why does the main character fall into depression? Not only because of the fact that his spoiled society. The main reason - he does not find the answer to the question: why all this? Why does he live? To ride theaters on balls and techniques? Lack of vector, direction of movement, the awareness of the meaninglessness of existence is the feelings that cover Onegin. Here we faces the eternal problem of the meaning of life, which is so difficult to find.
  • The problem of egoism is reflected in the image of the main character. Realizing that no one would love him in the cold and indifferent world, Eugene began to love himself most of all in the world. Therefore, he spit on Lensky (he only flies boredom), on Tatyana (she can take away freedom), he thinks only about himself, but for it he has been punished: it remains completely alone and rejected by Tatiana.


The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Eugene Onegin" is the criticism of the existing life order, which is circumscribed by more or less outstanding nature on loneliness and death. After all, how much potential in Eugene, and there are no cases, only secular intrigues. How many soulful fire in Vladimir, and besides death, it can only be waiting for the wreck in a serf, suffocating. How many mental beauty and mind in Tatiana, and she can only be the mistress of secular evenings, dress up and lead empty conversations.

People who do not think do not reflect, do not suffer - here those who are suitable for the existing reality. This is a consumption society that lives at the expense of others, which shines at the time while those "others" are styled in poverty and dirt. The thoughts over which Pushkin thought, deserve attention and so on, remain important and urgent.

Another meaning of Evgenia Onegin, who laid Pushkin in his work, is to show how it is important to preserve individuality and virtue when the temptations and mods are rapid around, which are subordinate to themselves more than one generation of people. While Evgeny chased new trends, he played a cold and disappointed hero of Bairon, Tatiana listened to the voice of the heart and remained faithful to himself. Therefore, she finds happiness in love, although unrequited, and he is only boredom in all and everyone.

Features of the novel

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" is a fundamentally new phenomenon in the literature of the beginning of the XIX century. He has a special composition - this is a "novel in verse", the lyrol-epic work of a large volume. In lyric deviations, the image of the author, his thoughts, feelings and ideas, which he wants to convey to readers.

Pushkin striking ease, singer his tongue. His literary style is deprived of heavyness, didacticity, the author knows how to talk about complex and important things simply and understandable. Of course, you need to read a lot between the lines, as harsh censorship was ruthless and to the genius, but the poet also sews, therefore, he managed to tell the elegance of verse about the socio-political problems of his state, which were successfully silent in the press. It is important to understand that Alexander Sergeyevich, Russian poetry was different, he made a kind of coupling game.

The feature is also enclosed in the image system. Evgeny Onegin is the first in the gallery of "extra people", in which the huge potential is not able to find incarnations. Tatyana Larina "Raised" women's images from the scene "You need to love someone to love someone" to an independent and solid portrait of a Russian woman. Tatiana is one of the first heroines, which looks stronger and more considerable main character, and does not hide in his shadows. So the directions of the novel "Eugene Onegin" manifests itself - realism, which will reveal the topic of an extra person else and will affect heavy women's fate. By the way, we also described this feature in the composition "".

Realism in the novel "Evgeny Onegin"

Evgeny Onegin marks the transition of Pushkin to the realism. In this novel, the author first raises the topic of man and society. Personality is not perceived separately, it is part of the society that brings up, imposes a certain imprint or fully forms people.

The main characters are typical, but are unique. Evgeny is an authentic secular nobleman: disappointed, superficially formed, but does not look like others - noble, smart, observant. Tatiana is an ordinary provincial lady: It is raised in French novels, filled with sweet dreams of these works, but at the same time she is "Russian soul", wise, virtuous, loving, harmonious nature.

It is in the fact that readers for two centuries see themselves in the heroes of themselves, their friends, it is in the inevitable relevance of the novel and its realistic orientation is expressed.


Roman "Evgeny Onegin" caused a big response from readers and critics. According to E.A. Baratyansky: "Everyone is pushing about them: Some praise, others are wound and read everything." Contemporaries scolded Pushkin for the "Maze of Retreats", for the insufficiently prescribed character of the main character, the negligence of the language. The reviewer of Faddey Bulgarian, who supported the government and conservative literature was especially distinguished.

However, the best novel understood V.G. Belinsky, who called him the "encyclopedia of Russian life", the work of historical, despite the lack of historical characters. Indeed, the modern amateur of elegant literature can learn the "Eugene Onegin" and from this point of view to learn more about the noble society of the beginning of the XIX century.

And after a century, the understanding of the novel in verses continued. Yu.M.lotman saw in the work difficulty, paradoxicity. This is not just a collection of quotes familiar from childhood, this is the "Organic World". All this proves the relevance of the work and its importance for the Russian national culture.

What does it take?

Pushkin showed the life of young people how her fate could be. Of course, fate depends not only on the medium, but also from the heroes themselves, but the influence of society is indisputable. The poet showed the chief enemy, which amazes young nobles: idleness, the aimlessness of existence. Alexander Sergeevich's conclusion is simple: the Creator urges not to limit himself with secular conventions, stupid rules, and live a full life, guided by moral and spiritual constituents.

These ideas remain relevant and understood, in front of modern people it is often a choice: to live in harmony with you or break ourselves for some benefits or public recognition. Choosing the second way, chasing the illusory dreams, you can lose yourself and find out with horror that life is finished, and nothing has been done. This is what you need to be afraid most.

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According to V. G. Belinsky, the Roman Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" can be safely called the "Encyclopedia of Russian Life". From this work, it is possible, as from a reliable source, to know in fact everything that concerns that era, up to the fact that people dressed up and how people dressed. It reflects the life and life of the Russian people, the atmosphere of the time. We offer to get acquainted with a brief analysis of the work according to the plan "Eugene Onegin". This material can be used to work in literature lessons in grade 9, as well as when preparing for the USE.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1823 - 1830

History of creation - Work on the novel lasted more than seven years, as the poet himself said, he was created on the basis of his reflection and evaluation of the events in his native state.

Subject- The main theme "Eugene Onegin" is an undivided love. Here are also involved and all the accompanying life of a person themes - friendship, love, loyalty and disappointment.

Composition- Pooh novel, consisting of eight chapters.

Genre - A. S. Pushkin himself, Genre "Evgenia Onegin" identified a novel in verses, highlighting Laro - epic content.

Direction- Realism, but in the initial chapters there is still a direction of romanticism.

History of creation

The history of the creation of Evgeny Onegin began in 1823, when the poet was in the link. At this time, the writer already refuses romanticism as from the leading way to transmit the meaning of works, and begins to work in the realistic direction.

The events of the novel cover the period of the reign of Alexander the first, the development of Russian society during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. The creation of the work is devoted to the dramatic fate of the noble estate.

Against the background of all the events, the love plot of the novel is developing, the experiences of the main characters, the influence of the environment on their fate and the worldview. The completion of the novel fell to the "golden" course of the flourishing of creativity of the poet, when the epidemic cholera detained him in the estate of Boldino. In the novel, his ingenious skill is clearly reflected, the creative rise, which attached an essay the unique depth of the content.

The creation of individual chapters corresponded to a certain period of the author's life, and each of them can serve as an independent product and be part of the whole novel. For many years, writing fell for the period from 1823 to 1830, the book was published as the parts were writing, completely the novel saw the light in 1837.


The main idea of \u200b\u200bRomana is the unrequited love of Tatiana to Onegin. In the book of Pushkin, all areas of the life of society of Russia of the period are full and colorfully displayed. The author showed the life and life of the Russian village, the secular capital society, typical portraits of heroes, fashion and tastes of the people of that time.

The main character of the novel, Young nobleman Evgeny Onegin, disappointed in life. His uncle left him the estate. With a secular life, Eugene leaves for the village. Here he meets Lensky, they communicate a lot. Lensky introduced Yevgeny with the family of Larina. Lensky himself in love with Olga, a young windy beauty that has a sister Tatiana, its full opposite. This is an educated young girl brought up on novels. Her clean, the romantic soul is eager for light love, sincere and faithful. A young girl is solved on a strong act: it is explained in love with the hero of his dreams embodied in the image of Onegin. Young nobleman rejects girl's love. It is difficult to imagine what feelings cover the girl after the words of Onegin. This is pain, shame, disappointment. This is a huge stress for a girl who has grown in complete confidence about the real feelings of book heroes.

Lensky is ready to fight for his love, he causes Onegin on a duel after Onegin began to openly care for Olga. Young man dies. A few years later, having met with an already married Tatiana, he understands, he understands that he missed real love. He is explained by Tatiana, but now she rejects his love. The girl is highly moral, and she will never go on treason. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is to show the problems of love relationships. Feelings of heroes, their experiences, reflected the essence of the society of that time. The problem of man is that he is subordinated to the opinion of people. Tatyana rejects the love of Eugene, as the conviction of the highest society is afraid, in the circles of which she is now rotating.

Summing up the output in the "Eugene Onegin" analysis of the work, you can allocate the main essence of the novel - The man, spiritually devastated, falls under the influence of society, not seeking self-affirmation. Conflict man and society Subordinates one, the fact that the total force suppresses and destroys one individual, if it does not go to resistance to the system.

It always remains relevant what this work teaches - the ability to make your own choice, and live a full life.


The work of Pushkin, the features of the composition of which emphasize the deep meaning of the content. The poetic novel consists of eight parts.

The first head of the novel introduces the main character, illuminates its metropolitan life. In the second chapter, the tie of the storyline of the second theme of the novel is acquainted - the acquaintance of the young, life poet Lensky with Onegin. In the third chapter, the lattice of the main topic of the work is traced, where Eugene meets Tatiana. The action is developing: the girl writes a letter, takes her conversation with Onegin. Eugene cares for a friend's bride, he calls him a duel. Greeting the prophetic dream Tatiana.

The climax of the novel - Vladimir dies on a duel, Olga marries another, Tatiana is married to a solid general.

An isolation is a meeting of Tatiana with Onegin, their explanation, where the girl who continues to love Eugene rejects him. The final itself has openness, there is no specific certainty.

In the chapters of the poem, there are lyrical excursions, and not separating from the main plot, but, at the same time, the author's appeal to the reader. Initially, the poet thought 9 chapters, but the tough framework of censorship forced the poet to remove one of the chapters, and all their thoughts and feelings conclude between the lines, and use lyrical deviations. Therefore, all chapters and poem as a whole, have an incomplete view, some kind of inactiveness.

main characters


The Roman's Plot Love line is an epic beginning, the action is developed in it. Reflections of the author and his retreat - the beginning of the lyrical, and the poet gives the definition of its work as "Laro-epic" novel in verse.

During the creation of the novel, the poet had already abandoned romanticism, starting a new round of creativity, and the novel "Eugene Onegin" received a realistic direction.

Despite the fact that the finale of the novel is not too optimistic, it is written by such a living and sonorous language that the reader with optimism looks to the future, sincerely believes in noble impulses and real feelings. Evgeny Onegin is a truly expression of the power and power of the talent of the unsurpassed Russian poet and writer, the great genius of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

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The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin" - the "fetus of the mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful notice" - an outstanding Russian classic Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin does not resemble Blitzkrieg. The work was created by the poet evolutionary, marking his formation on the path of realism. Roman in verses as an event in art was a unique phenomenon. Prior to that, in the world literature, only one analogue was written in the same genre - the romantic work of George Gordon Bairon Don Juan.

The author is solved on the brainstorming

Pushkin went on the Great Englishman - to the realism. This time, the poet set himself an overflow - show a person able to serve as a catalyst for the further development of Russia. Alexander Sergeevich, sharing the ideas of the Decembrists, understood that a huge country should be shifted as a locomotive, from a deadlock route that led the society to the systemic crisis.

The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin" is determined by titanic poetic labor from May 1823 to September 1830, the creative rethinking of the Russian reality of the first quarter of the XIX century. Roman in verses was afraid for four stages of the work of Alexander Sergeevich: Southern Links (1820 - 1824), staying "without the right of unauthorized leaving of the estate Mikhailovskoye" (1824-1826), period after reference (1826 - 1830), Boldin Autumn (1830)

A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin": the history of creation

Young Pushkin, a graduate, according to Emperor Alexander I, "Introducing Russia with outrageous verses," began to write his novel, staying in the link in Chisinau (thanks to the intercession of the feeding friends to Siberia managed to avoid). By this time, he was already a cumier of Russian educated youth.

The poet sought to create the image of the hero of his time. In the work, he painfully looking for an answer to the question of what the carrier of new ideas should be, the Creator of New Russia.

Socio-economic situation in the country

Consider the social environment in which the novel was created. Russia won in the war of 1812. This gave a tangible impulse to public aspirations for exemption from feudal shackles. First of all, the people have eager such his liberation inevitably affected the restriction of the authority of the monarch. Formed immediately after the war of the community of Guards officers in 1816 in St. Petersburg form the Decembrist "Union of Salvation". In 1818, the "Union of Benencies" is organized in Moscow. These Decembrist organizations actively contributed to the formation of a liberal public opinion and waited for a convenient moment for the public coup. There were many Friends of Pushkin among the Decembrists. He shared their views.

Russia by that time has already become a recognized European power with a population of about 40 million people, the sprouts of state capitalism were matured inside it. However, her economic life was still determined by the rudiments of feudalism, noble land tenure and merchants. These social groups gradually lose public weight were still powerful and enjoyed the influence on the life of the state, extending feudal relations in the country. They were commemors of the Company built on outdated Ekaterininsky noble principles inherent in Russia of the XVIII century.

There were characteristic signs of social and all society. There were many educated people who understand that development interests require large changes and reforms. The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin" began with a personal rejection by the poet of the surrounding, speaking by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, "Dark Kingdom"

Rose after a powerful acceleration, given and dynamic during the reign of Empress Catherine II, Russia at the beginning of the XIX century slowed down the pace of development. At the time of writing the Pushkin of the famous novel in the country, there were still no railways, the steamers, thousands and thousands of her hardworking and talented citizens were associated with her hands and feet of serfdom, did not float.

The story of Evgenia Onegin is inextricably linked with the history of Russia of the beginning of the XIX century.

Onegin Stanfa

With special attention Alexander Sergeevich, "Russian Mozart from Poetry", reacted to his work. He developed a new poetic a number specifically for writing a novel in verse.

The words of the poet are poured not a free stream, but structured. Each fourteen rows are connected to a specific Onegin Stroof. At the same time, the rhyming is invariably throughout the novel and has the following form: CCDDEFFEGG (where capital letters denote female endings, and lowercase - men's).

Undoubtedly, the history of the creation of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is the history of the creation of Onegin Strafs. It was with the help of varying the stanf by the author manages to create an analogue of prosaic sections and chapters: to move from one topic to another, change the style of presentation from reflection before the dynamic development of the plot. Thus, the author creates an impression of a relaxed conversation with his reader.

Roman - "Collection of Pestry Chapters"

What makes people write works about your generation and their native land? Why at the same time they are given to this work completely, working as if obsessed?

The history of the novel "Eugene Onegin" was initially subordinate to the author's design: to create a novel in verse, consisting of 9 separate chapters. Specialists in the work of Alexander Sergeevich call him "open in time" due to the fact that every chapter is independent, and can complete the work on its inner logic, although it is a continuation in the next chapter. His contemporary is a professor of Russian literature Nikolai Ivanovich Nadezhdin - gave a classic description of "Eugene Onegin" not as works with a rigid logical structure, but rather as a certain poetic notebook filled with immediate rainbow overflows of bright talent.

About heads of novel

Heads "Eugene Onegin" were published from 1825 to 1832. As they spell and printed in literary almanacs and magazines. They were waiting for them, each of them became a real event in the cultural life of Russia.

However, one of them, dedicated to the journey of the main character in the Odessa Pier, which contained critical judgments, the official author chose to avoid repression against himself, and then destroyed her the only manuscript.

Also, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, later worked on his "Dr. Zhivago", also wrote about his generation Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. Pushkin himself called his more than seven-year work on this novel in verses feat.

The main character

Description Evgenia Onegin, according to literature, resembles the identity of Peter Yakovlevich Chaadaeva - the author of "philosophical letters". This is a character with a powerful energy, around which the plot of the novel is unfolded and other characters show themselves. Pushkin wrote about him as a "good friend." Eugene received the classic nobility education, completely deprived of "RUSSIAN". And although it burns sharp, but the cold mind, he is a man of light, next to certain opinions and prejudices. The life of Evgeny Onegin is scuba. On the one hand, he is alien to the lag, he criticizes them sharply; And on the other, it is affected by its influence. The hero can not be called active, rather, this is a smart observer.

Features of the image of Onegin

His image is tragic. First, he could not stand the test of love. Evgeny listened to the mind, but not to his heart. At the same time, he did no longer, respectfully dwelling to Tatiana, giving her to understand that he was not able to love.

Secondly, he could not stand the trial of friendship. Calling for a duel of his friend, the 18-year-old romantic young man Lensky, he blindly follows the concepts of light. It seems to him that it is better not to provoke the evil-taps of the old note of the duelist Zarezka, than to stop a completely stupid quarrel with Vladimir. By the way, Pushkin scientists consider the young Kyhehelbecker with the prototype of Lensky.

Tatyana Larina

Using the name of Tatiana in the novel Yevgeny Onegin was the know-how from Pushkin. Indeed, at the beginning of the XIX century, this name was considered common and irrelevant. Moreover, the dark-haired and non-ruddy, thoughtful, low-cost, she did not fit the ideals of the beauty of the world. Tatiana (like the author of the novel) loved folk tales, which she generously told the nanny. However, her special passion was reading books.

Heroes of Romana

In addition to the aforementioned plot-forming main characters, in front of the reader are secondary. These images of the novel "Eugene Onegin" do not form a plot, but complement it. This is a sister of Tatiana Olga, an empty secular young lady, in which Vladimir Lensky was in love. The image of Nannies Tatiana, a connoisseur of folk fairy tales, has an obvious prototype - the Nanny of Alexander Sergeevich himself, Arina Rodionovna. Another nameless hero of the novel is the Husband - "important general" by Tatiana Larina after heating with Evgeny Onegin.

Songs of the landowners seemed to be imported into the novel Pushkin from other Russian classic works. These are cattleins ("inexpensive" phonvizin), and Buyanov ("Dangerous Neighbor" V. L. Pushkin).

Work of people

The highest praise for Alexander Sergeyevich was the assessment, given by the first chapter of Evgenia Onegin, whom the poet considered his teacher, - Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky. The opinion was extremely concise: "You are the first in Russian Parnass ..."

The novel in verses encyclopedically faithfully reflected the Russian reality of the beginning of the XIX century, showed a lifestyle, characteristic features, social role of various sectors of society: St. Petersburg Supreme Light, the nobility of Moscow, landowners-landowners, peasants. Perhaps, therefore, as well as due to the comprehensive and fine mapping of Pushkin in its work of values, morals, views, mods of that time, the literary critic has given him such an exhaustive characteristic: "The work is highly popular" and "Encyclopedia of Russian Life".

Pushkin wanted to change the plot

The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin" is the evolution of the young poet, who took the global work at 23 years. Moreover, if such sprouts have already been in prose (let's remember the incognito published book by Alexander Radishchev "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow"), then realism in poetry at that time was undoubted innovation.

The final idea of \u200b\u200bthe work was formed by the author only in 1830. He was clumsy and worried. To give a traditional solid view to your creation, Alexander Sergeevich decided or send Yevgeny Onegin to fight in the Caucasus, or turn it into the Decembrist. But Eugene Onegin - the Hero of the Roman in verses - created by Pushkin on one inspiration, as the "Collection of Pestry Heads", and in this is his charm.


The work of "Eugene Onegin" is the first realistic novel in the Russian history in verses. It is a sign for the XIX century. Roman was recognized by society as deeply popular. Encyclopedic description of the Russian life is adjacent to it with high art.

However, according to critics, the main character of this novel is still not Onegin, but the author of the work. This character does not have a certain appearance. This is a kind of white spot for the reader.

Alexander Sergeevich in the text of the work hints at his reference, saying that he is "harmful north", etc. Pushkin is invisibly present in all actions, summarizes, mix the reader, revives the plot. His quotes beat not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

The will of Fate Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin disadvantaged the second full edition of his novel in verses in 1937 (first was in 1833), being already mortally wounded on a black river near the Commandant Dacha. A circulation of 5,000 copies planned to sell throughout the year. However, readers reigned him in a week. In the future, the classics of Russian literature, each for their time, continued to be a creative search for Alexander Sergeevich. They all tried to create a hero of their time. And Mikhail Lermontov in the image of Gregory Alexandrovich Pechorin ("Hero of our time"), and Ivan Goncharov in the image of Ilya Oblomov ...

Roman in verses "Eugene Onegin became a real coup in Russian literature. And from the point of view of the plot, and from the point of view of the language, and as a way of self-expression of the author "Eugene Onegin" analogues in Russian literature has no. It is enough to read the poetic works created by Pushkin's predecessors to understand that all theses about the development of Russian literature, tremendous Soviet, primarily criticism, no more than a predetermined evidence under a predetermined result.

Written - not without reservations, of course - a lively language, the work was sharply different from the examples already existed. Criticism, who perceived the "Eugene Onegin" is rather ambiguous, Prenal Pushkin, including for such things, as a combination of the words "peasant" and "triumph" - a common word on the concepts of the then poetry could not be combined with a high verb "triumph". Turnover "Frosty dust silver his beaver collar" could not be used in verses at all, because the beaver collar is a thing that neither Orest or Zeus nor Achilles was worn.

Five rubles for chapters + 80 kopecks shipment. If Stephen King carefully studied the history of Russian literature, he would be richer than all

Evgeny Onegin became a breakthrough and plot and his tongue, and the fact that the author, describing the heroes, is not frightened by the statements of his opinion. Pushkin not only outlined a plot, but also substantiated his development, psychologically explained the actions of heroes. And the entire design of the author is based on a powerful basis for the knowledge of everyday life, the hard rules of which were little promoted by the independent behavior of heroes. Here and the need for Onegin to go to the village, and "I am completely given", and "love was held, the muse appeared." And at the same time Pushkin wanted to show that the will of a person means something. Especially good is visible in lines, as if epitaphy Lensky.

Here are some facts that may allow one of the greatest works of Russian literature and the history of its creation:

1. There was no single plot idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin. In one of the letters, he complains that Tatyana "Draal" with him a keen joke - married. However, the poet's talent is so great that the work looks solid as a monolith. The characteristic of Pushkin "Consuming Penter Heads" refers to the chronology of the publication, because each chapter came out separately.

2. Gorar A. S. Pushkin for the novel in verses amounted to 12,000 rubles. That is, for each line (their just over 7,500), the poet received about 1.5 rubles. Calculate the exact equivalent of Pushkin's earnings in the current rubles is quite difficult - there were other and prices, and costs. If you proceed from prices for simple food, now Pushkin would get about 11 - 12 million rubles. For writing a novel from the poet for more than 7 years.

3. You can often find a statement that Pushkin described very well the household side of the noble life of those years. Belinsky and generally wrote about the novel as the encyclopedia of Russian life. The descriptions of the life of the life in Evgenia Onegin is really enough, but after half a century after the reversion of the novel, many features of life became the readers are incomprehensible.

4. The psychological accuracy of the description of the characters "Eugene Onegin" is evidenced by memoirs and correspondence of contemporaries. Literally dozens people believed that Alexander Sergeevich "prescribed" in the novel is them. But further than all, Kyhehelbecker would have walked. According to Kuhli, in the image of Tatyana Pushkin depicted himself.

5. Despite the obvious controversy of the conclusion of Kyhehelbecker, Pushkin is one of the main characters of his own novel. And this consists of a special charm of the work. The author constantly climbs with his remarks, explanations and explanations even there, where it is not required at all. Running Pushkin has time and ridiculous noble morals, and clarify the actions of heroes, and inform your attitude towards them. And all these escapades look very natural and do not tear the tissue of the narrative.

6. Self-mentioned in the novel debts, pledges, etc. were due to the years of the novel by the nobility of the nobles not only the middle hand, but also the rich. It was indirectly guilty of this and the state: the nobles took money in the State Bank secured by the places and serfs. Credited loan - they took a new one, under the next estate or the following "souls". In the go there were private loans under 10 - 12% per annum.

7. Onegin has not served anywhere and the day that was possible only theoretically. As usual, the nobles went to the military. The staff of the service, with the exception of a number of areas like diplomacy, was valued less, but they served at least somewhere almost everything. On the nobility who fired after several years of service, they watched Kosos in society and hostile to power. And at the postal stations they provided at least horses and in the latter order.

8. The head of the XXXIX in the seventh part is not missed and not extinguished by Censure - Pushkin introduced it to strengthen the impression of the duration of the ride of Larina in Moscow.

9. About transport: ride "on your" - use your horses and crews. Long, but cheap. "On postal" - to change horses in special postal stations, where they could not be, and the rules were rather harsh. More expensive, but, in general, faster. "Episitive crew" is the then foreign car. "Boyarsky War" - Careat on Sanya. Arriving to Moscow, the craft was hidden and hired "civilized" crews.

Eakov snow is not afraid. Immediately seen ...

10. Onegin walks along the embankment at an hour of the day it is not by chance. It was at that time that the emperor Alexander I did his constant walk, which attracted hundreds of world representatives to the embankment.

11. "Retriever there is no place for recognition ..." than the ball. Indeed, almost the only place where young people could talk without supervision and other people's ears were a ballroom. Balley and the behavior of participants was strictly regulated (in the 1st chapter of Onegin is on the ball in the midst of Mazurka, that is, it is unable to be late), but the dance gave the opportunity to retire among the noisy crowd.

12. Analysis of the Duele of Onegin with Lensky and the circumstances preceding it shows that the Tessensky's Duelover Manager was for some reason interested in a bloody outcome. The rules were charged to the administrator to torture to achieve a peaceful outcome at each of the several stages preceding the actual duel. Even in the place of the fight, after the lateness of Onegin for an hour, Zaretsky could cancel the duel (the rules allowed no more than 15 minutes of delay). And the shooting itself was ruled - to converge up to 10 steps - were the most cruel. In such fights, both participants suffered often.

13. With regard to Onegin to Lensky, which the author characterizes as love, we are incomprehensible to us why Onegin did not shoot demonstratively by? Evgeny did not have such a right. A shot into the air was already a reason for a duel, since the enemy was deprived of the enemy - in those days the thing is unacceptable. Well, before the shooting of Onegin, the duelists passed 9 steps (first 4, then another 5), that is, there were only 14 steps between them - a slaughter distance, if the wrath of Lensky is too strong.

10 steps ...

14. Young Onegin, barely arrived in St. Petersburg, squeezed "at the last fashion." Then it was a short haircut in the English manner, for which the French hairdressers took 5 rubles. For comparison: the landowner family, moving to the winter from Nizhny Novgorod to St. Petersburg on its transport, laid in expenditures of 20 rubles, traveling on two dozen carriages and wagons. Middle lifts from a serf peasant was 20 - 25 rubles per year.

15. In x stanza of the 2nd chapter of Pushkin, masterfully ridicules the rhyme-clear "moon" rhyme poets, "obedient - simple", "serene - gentle", "color - years", etc.

16. Books mentioned in the novel just three times, and this is the works of 17 authors without any systematization.

17. ignorance of the nobles of the XIX century of the Russian language is now considered to be a common place. Here and Pushkinskaya Tatyana "in Russian well knew." But not everything is so simple. The literary Russian language was then very poor in terms of the number of works. Contemporaries mention the "history" of Karamzin and several literary works, while literature in foreign languages \u200b\u200bwas very diverse.

18. An innocent line about the stars of the check box on the crosses of the Moscow churches caused the anger of Metropolitan Filaret who had unsovered about Tom A. Kh. Benkendorf, the head of the censorship. "Pushkin's persecutor." Corrected by Chef III compartment censor said Benkendorf, that the dwarf sitting on the crosses is more likely to be within the competence of the policeman than a poet or censor. Benkendorf did not tease Philaret and simply wrote that it was not worth the attention of such a high hierarch.

A. H. Benkendorf Infinitely neutral Pushkin, paying his debts and defending in front of the church or censorship

19. Despite the requests of the public and the indignation of critics (later Belinsky, in a critical article asked 9 rhetorical issues in a row), Pushkin did not complete the plot of "Eugene Onegin". And not because I wondered to write "Eugene Onegin-2". Already in lines dedicated to the death of Lensky, the author refuses the predetermination of any life. For each reader, the ending "Eugene Onegin" was supposed to become an individual in moderation of his understanding of the work.

History of creation

He began working on Onegin Pushkin in 1823, during his southern link. The author refused romanticism as a leading creative method and began writing a realistic novel in verses, although the influence of romanticism is still noticeable in the first chapters. Initially it was assumed that the novel in verses would consist of 9 chapters, but later Pushkin reworked his structure, leaving only 8 chapters. He excluded from the work chapter "Journey Onegin", which included as an application. After that, the tenth head of the novel was written, which is an encrypted chronicle from the life of future Decembrists.

Announced a novel in verses with individual chapters, and the release of each chapter became a big event in modern literature. In 1831, the novel in verse was over and in 1833 he was published. It covers events from 1819 to 1825: from foreign trips of the Russian army after the defeat of Napoleon to the uprising of the Decembrists. These were the years of the development of Russian society, the reign of Tsar Alexander I. The plot of the novel is simple and well known. In the center of Roman - love intrigue. And the main problem is the eternal problem of feeling and debt. In the novel, Evgeny Onegin, the events of the first quarter of the XIX century reflected, that is, the creation time, and the time of the novel roughly coincide. Reading a book, we (readers) understand that the novel is unique, because there was no novel in verses in the world literature. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin created a novel in verses like the poem of Byron "Don Juan". Having defined the novel as "collected the mothers of chapters", Pushkin emphasizes one of the features of this work: the novel seek "open" in time, each chapter could become the last, but may also have a continuation. And thus the reader draws attention to the independence of each chapter of the novel. The novel became the encyclopedia of the Russian life of the 20s of the beginning of the century, as the latitude of Roman's coverage shows the readers all reality of Russian life, as well as multi-way and description of different eras. It was this that gave the basis of V. G. Belinsky in his article "Eugene Onegin" conclude:

"Onegin" can be called the encyclopedia of Russian life and highly by the people's work. "

In the novel, as in the encyclopedia, you can find out everything about the epoch: about how dressed up, and what was in fashion that people were valued most about what they were talking about what interests they lived. In Evgenia Onegin, all Russian life has reflected. Briefly, but rather clearly, the author showed a fortress village, Barskaya Moscow, St. Petersburg. Pushkin tried truthfully by the Wednesday in which the main characters of his novel - Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin. The author reproduced the atmosphere of urban noble salons in which youth of Onegin.


The novel begins the obese speech of the young nobleman Evgeny Onegin, dedicated to the illness of his uncle, who forced him to leave Petersburg and go to Audru's patient in the hope of becoming the heir to the dying. The narrative itself is conducted on behalf of a nameless author, who submitted to the good friend of Onegin. Drawing this way, the author dedicates the first chapter the story of the origin, family, his hero's life before receiving the news of the disease of the relative.


Evgeny Onegin is a difficult work. The easiest of the verses, the usability of the content, familiar with childhood reader and underlined simple, paradoxically creates additional difficulties in the understanding of the Pushkin novel in verses. The illusory idea of \u200b\u200bthe "clearness" of the work hides a huge number of words of words, expressions, phraseologism, hints, quotes from the consciousness of the modern reader. To think over the verse that you know from childhood, it seems unnewned pedantry. However, it is necessary to overcome this naive optimism of an inexperienced reader to become obviously, as far we are even from a simple textual understanding of the novel. The specific structure of the Pushkin novel in verses, in which any positive statement of the author immediately can be turned into an ironic, and the verbal fabric as it should slide, transmitting from one speech carrier to another, makes the method of violent extraction of quotation especially dangerous. In order to avoid this threat, the novel should be considered not as a mechanical amount of the author's statements on various issues, a peculiarity of the quotation, and as an organic artistic world, the parts of which live and receive meaning only in correlation with the whole. A simple list of problems that Pushkin puts in its work will not introduce us to the world of "Onegin". An artistic idea implies a special type of life transformation in art. It is known that Pushkin was the "Devil's difference" between poetic and prosaic modeling of the same reality, even while maintaining the same subjects and problematics.

Comments to the novel

One of the first comments to the novel was a small book by A. Volsky, who came out in 1877. The comments of Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolai Brodsky, Yuri Lotman, S. M. Bondi.

Psychologists about the work

Influence on other works

  • The type of "excess person", introduced by Pushkin in the form of Onegin, influenced the entire further Russian literature. From the nearest visual examples - last name "Pechorin" In the Lermontov "Hero of our time", as well as the name of Onegin is formed from the name of the Russian River. Many psychological characteristics are close.
  • In modern Russian novel "Ongina code"written under the pseudonym Branin DownIt is about the search for the missing head of the manuscript of Pushkin.
  • In the poem Yesenin "Anna Snegina".



  • Pushkin A. S. Evgeny Onegin: Roman in verses // Pushkin A. S. Full Collection of Works: In 10 T. - L.: Science. Leningr. Deposit, 1977-1979. (FES)
  • Evgeny Onegin with full comments Nabokov, Lotman and Tomashevsky on the site "Secrets of Crafts"
  • Lotman Yu. M. Roman in verses Pushkin "Eugene Onegin": Speccurs. Introductory lectures in the study of text // Lotman Yu. M. Pushkin: the biography of the writer; Articles and notes, 1960-1990; Evgeny Onegin: Comment. - SPb.: Art-SPb, 1995. - P. 393-462. (FES)
  • Lotman Yu. M. Roman A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin": Comment: Teacher's manual // Lotman Yu. M. Pushkin: Writer's biography; Articles and notes, 1960-1990; Evgeny Onegin: Comment. - SPb.: Art-SPb, 1995. - P. 472-762. (FES)
  • Onegin Encyclopedia: in 2 tons. - M.: Russian Way, 1999-2004.
  • Zakharov N. V. Onegin Encyclopedia: Thesaurus Roman (Onegin Encyclopedia. T. 2. / Under the general edition of N. I. Mikhailova. M., 2004) // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - № 4. - P. 180-188.
  • Fomichev S. A. "Evgeny Onegin": the movement of the plan. - M.: Russian Way, 2005.
  • White A.A. "Génie Ou Neige" Questions of Literature No. 1 ,. P.115.

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