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How to get a lot of energy from lava. How to make a lava lamp at home? Making a chemical lava lamp

This type of blocks, like liquid, in the game has the main property - fluidity. There are also additional properties. In lava, this is the ability, when combined with red dust, to turn into obsidian, very useful for creating many things.

With the help of this burning liquid, you can destroy unnecessary things, inflict damage on the enemy and mobs, and heat the furnace. Let's figure out how to make an endless source of lava and other important resources in Minecraft.

Lava source

Previously, the developers made it possible to create a lava generator by surrounding a free block with its four sources - buckets. This was available in Beta 1.9 (Prerelease 5). If you do this in later versions, the current appears, but not the source.

Now, in order to make an endless source of lava, Minecraft offers an option with a string tension near it. When touched, a source appears.

Lava is not so easy to find - you have to go down to the lower world to find the source. There are special portals for the transition. The fiery liquid can also be found on the surface. You should take a bucket with you. If you cannot find it, then you can create it in the kiln for firing according to a separate instruction.

When creating a generator, you need to observe safety measures so that the hero does not get there. You should not dig under you. To surround the source and the safety of the surrounding world, you need to find blocks of fire-resistant material (cobblestone).

How to make an endless source of water

With the help of water in Minecraft, you can perform many actions.

The second type of blocks in the upper world is water. It is used for:

  • irrigation of beds;
  • extinguishing fire;
  • flushing of some blocks;
  • reed growth;
  • the creation of certain rocks and liquids (stone, obsidian, lava);
  • harming some mobs (Efreet, Endermen).

To make an endless source of water in Minecraft - that is, a well with an inexhaustible supply, you should surround an empty block with water on both sides. It is usually filled with a bucket or flask.

You can build a hole or make a source in the wall. This will require one block deep and one to create a pressure plate. In this case, the source can be taken, and the water will not spread.

Source of stone

A stone is a very necessary thing for construction. It is mined with a pickaxe in the mountains and underground, transforming it into cobblestone or stone brick.

In order not to constantly search, it is easier to make a source of stone in Minecraft - to create your own generator. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare 10 blocks of refractory durable material, each bucket of water and lava, 7 blocks of red dust, 4 repeaters and a piston.
  2. Dig a hole and install the piston in it.
  3. Pour the water.
  4. Surround the place with 4 blocks.
  5. Pour lava into the center.
  6. Install a stone removal system connected to the piston (observe the location of the first repeater at the last delay).

Such a generator cannot be made with an ordinary pickaxe - it needs to be under the influence of the “silk touch”.

Solid rock sources can be built in several ways for different purposes. The simplest of these is a generator that produces cobblestones that can be crafted into bricks.

Video: How to make sources of lava and water in Minecraft.

Remember - this lamp should be made under adult supervision. The alcohol and oil used in the lamp are highly flammable and care must be taken when heating them to propel the lava. If you are a child, you should not try to make a lamp yourself - show this manual to an adult and ask them for help.

  • The factory lava lamps use a proprietary blend of liquid waxes. It is impossible to achieve the same effect in a homemade lamp, but with a successful design, your "lava" will flow almost as beautifully from bottom to top and back.

Take a glass container. Any clean glass container that can be closed and shaken a little will do. Glass withstands heat much better than plastic, so it is more suitable for a lava lamp.

Pour a small cup of mineral oil or baby oil into the container. This will serve as material for the rising and falling lava bubbles. The amount of oil does not matter as it can always be topped up in the lamp.

  • It is best to start with regular oil, but if you want colored lava, you can use oil paints. Be aware that over time, the colorant can separate from the oil, accumulating at the top or bottom of the container.
  • Add a mixture of 70% rubbing alcohol, 90% isopropyl alcohol, and water. Both types of alcohol can be purchased at the pharmacy. If the correct proportions are observed, the density of the mixture will be close to that of mineral oil. For this:

    Place the jar on a secure, thin stand. Close the lid tightly before moving the jar. Place the jar on a stable, heat-resistant surface, such as an upside-down flowerpot. There should be enough space under the surface to accommodate a small lamp.

  • Install a heat source. After you have almost equalized the density of the oil and alcohol mixture, all you need to do is add a heat source under the lava lamp. When heated, substances expand, and the oil expands slightly more than the alcohol surrounding it. As a result, the oil floats up, cools there, contracting, and again sinks to the bottom. So let's get started:

    • Choose your incandescent bulb carefully. For a can of no more than 350 milliliters, use a 15-watt sewing machine light bulb. Use a 30- or 40-watt light bulb to heat a larger jar; do not use more powerful bulbs, as the glass jar may overheat and melt.
    • Screw your chosen bulb into a small spotlight bulb so that it shines upward.
    • For better control of the light intensity and heat generated by the light bulb, connect a rheostat to it.
  • Wait for the lava lamp to warm up. Some bulbs take a couple of hours to warm up, but homemade bulbs usually take less time to warm up. Every 15 minutes, touch the jar with your palm wrapped in cloth. The sides of the jar should be warm, but not scalding hot. If the jar gets too hot, immediately turn off the light bulb and replace it with a less powerful one.

    • Try to gently rotate the warming jar by wrapping your hands in a cloth or wearing oven mitts.
    • When going away, do not leave the light on; after several hours of operation, turn off the light bulb, letting it cool down.
  • How to make lava in Minecraft?

    Lava is not a rare element, but its mining is fraught with risk. However, it is justified, since this resource is involved in the crafting of fairly rare materials. Below you can find out how to make lava in Minecraft.

    Making lava in Minecraft

    First of all, what players need to know is that it is impossible to make lava in Minecraft, you will have to look for it. As a rule, this element is found in caves at an altitude of 1 to 12. You can also search for this element on the surface, in the form of lava lakes. If you create a portal to Hell, you will be able to find a real vein, because in this dimension it is found everywhere, so there will be no shortage of it.

    To get lava, you will need to craft a bucket in which this material will be taken out of Hell or a cave. You just have to be careful, because the lava can cause serious damage to the player's character. This is a huge minus, but at the same time a plus, because by pouring a bucket of lava on the evil mob, it will be possible to neutralize the enemy. But the mobs of Hell will remain unharmed, which will also need to be taken into account when descending into this dimension.

    It is also important to remember that lava burns objects and vehicles, moreover, it melts nearby ice. Lava is mainly used to obtain obsidian - the hardest substance in the world of Minecraft. To do this, you need to find a source of lava and fill it with water. When water is poured into the flowing lava, a cobblestone is obtained.

    If you are interested in this material, then our articles and

    In this project, I will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself lava lamp from a wine bottle.

    Step 1: Materials

    • Plywood 2.5 * 20 * 30 cm. All wooden elements will be cut from this piece of plywood. When calculating, keep in mind that the parameters of your wood will differ from mine.
    • Nails and a nail gun. You can use any method of holding the pieces together, but be prepared to work with planks that don't fit a little together. I originally used wood glue, but found it was not strong enough to hold such gaps together.
    • 75 watt soft light bulb
    • Lamp holder with a diameter not exceeding 10 cm
    • Scotch
    • Two-core wire (you have to cut it)
    • Regular 750ml Wine Bottle
    • Bottle cap
    • Anything to seal the cracks - I found a few spots in the lava lamp where the light was coming from - you will need to seal a couple of the cracks.
    • Baby / mineral oil
    • 70% isopropyl alcohol
    • Antifreeze
    • Oil art paints or pastels
    • Food coloring (optional)
    • Spray paint (optional)
    • Furniture varnish (optional)

    Step 2: create a plate for the lamp base

    It is important to remember that although the design creates a truncated pyramid base, you can create any base shape. The main thing is that a cartridge with a lamp is placed inside, and the bottle can stand on top. The foundation that I made at home involves the ability to work with wood.

    Start by cutting out a 15 cm square base. Then cut off the wire that will carry the electricity. Separate the strands of these wires and fasten them firmly in the holder. Since we are working with a light bulb, we do not need to know which wire is connected to which terminal. If necessary, insulate the wires additionally with electrical tape.

    Step 3: creating the sides of the base

    Creating the sides of the base is the most difficult part of the project. The attached pictures show the number of cuts that allow you to make a base in the form of a truncated pyramid. Below I will describe each cut, but the pictures will be more illustrative. You will need both a regular saw and an angle circular saw.

    Using a saw, cut the wood at a 15-degree angle on both sides of the board. Make two cuts in the piece of wood that will be connected to the base.

    Using your miter saw, set the chamfer angle to 33 degrees and the bevel angle to 15 degrees. Make the appropriate cuts.

    Make 4 equal sides (they should be about 18 cm at the base and about 11 cm on the top edge), which will be connected to the 15 cm bottom. On one side, you need to make a hole for the wire.

    Step 4: create the wine bottle pedestal

    This part of the very post is a square with a side length of about 10 cm and an angle of 15 degrees. Cut a hole with the appropriate drill bit and create a depression for the base of the bottle.

    Step 5: assembly

    Bring the four trapezoidal pieces together. I used wood glue for this, and then secured everything with nails. Fit the base with the chuck to the size of our truncated pyramid. Make sure the wire is not pinched between the wood connections. I pre-drilled holes in the square base and pushed the screws through them. This way, if necessary, I can unscrew the bottom and replace the bulb.

    Lastly, glue the top (the one that will hold the bottle).

    Step 6: chemicals

    To create a really good lava lamp, you need to understand how it works. The "lava" in a lamp usually consists of oil, and the clear liquid is usually a solution of alcohol. These two substances do not mix. The magic begins when the light bulb starts heating the oil. Since the densities of oil and alcohol are very close, there is enough heat from the light bulb to make a difference in which substance will be denser. When oil becomes less dense than alcohol, it rises to the top, then cools, becomes denser and sinks.

    The precision with which you create the mixture is very important. It took many hours trying to find the right ratios of various chemicals, including antifreeze, turpentine, vegetable oil, baby oil, isopropyl alcohol, water, paint, pastels and food colors, and I still haven't found the perfect solution. However, I have created several working lamps, so I will try to summarize some of the most effective mixtures I have created.

    The procedure is standard: mix all oils and oil paints together, mix all aqueous and water-soluble liquids separately. Adding chemicals in the wrong order or too quickly can lead to "haze" and other unwanted effects.


    • 15 ml of antifreeze
    • 830 ml 70% isopropyl alcohol
    • 20 ml soy wax
    • 30 ml baby / mineral oil
    1. Stir in the soy wax and oil. Add oil paint if desired. This mixture will be called "lava".
    2. Place the lava (along with the container) in a pot of boiling water. Stir continuously until you get a homogeneous liquid. Gently remove the lava from the pan and let cool.
    3. In another container, mix the alcohol antifreeze.
    4. Pour the alcoholic mixture into a wine bottle. It is very important to do this before you pour the wax mixture in there - if the wax is poured first, it will cover the walls of the bottle and the lamp will not create the correct effect.
    5. Pour the lava into the wine bottle as slowly as you can. This will reduce the "nebula" effect.
    6. Insert the cork into the bottle and place the bottle on the base of the lamp. Let the liquid sit for about an hour to become ready.

    If the liquid in the lamp becomes "hazy", place the lamp on a heat source until the liquid returns to normal. Then put the bottle in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and return it to the heat source.

    After a hard day's work, every person wants to relax, thereby forgetting about the accumulated problems at work. To do this, you should observe something soothing and pleasant. Some people prefer to watch the dancing flames, but not everyone has such an opportunity. It is even more difficult to contemplate the waterfall. A similar effect has a design that can be purchased at any supermarket. It is called a lava lamp. Many are confused by the cost of such a product, and therefore the question becomes: how to make a lava lamp at home.

    The principle of operation of a device called a lava lamp is based on the interaction of liquids with each other, which, due to different densities, do not mix when heated. By adding a special dye, the visual effect can be significantly enhanced.

    The lava lamp consists of the following elements:

    • special composition;
    • a flask of any shape, but always transparent;
    • incandescent lamp.

    Lava lamp device

    An incandescent lamp is placed under the glass container, which is responsible for heating the surrounding liquid, and thereby highlighting individual drops that can move in any order, often creating bizarre figures. After turning on the lava lamp, the temperature difference between the lower and upper parts will be several degrees, due to which the oily bubbles will start to move. When raised, the ball cools down, after which it tends to the bottom. After lowering, the bubble begins to heat up again and gradually rises upward.

    How lava lamps work

    Thus, the bubbles will move continuously in a chaotic manner. Such designs have been produced for many years, there are more than enough brand names. Products of this type can also be purchased on various Internet resources. Industrial manufacturers use a special type of glass that is also capable of reacting to changes in temperature.

    How to make a lava lamp at home

    Before you start assembling a lava lamp at home, you should prepare all the necessary materials.

    We will need:

    • pencil;
    • drill and hole drills;
    • protractor with a ruler;
    • furniture varnish that will be used for finishing work;
    • black paint in a spray can;
    • any food coloring;
    • saw;
    • turpentine;
    • whole cork;
    • wine bottle;
    • plug with wire;
    • insulating tape;
    • 75W light bulb;
    • cartridge with a porcelain base;
    • board 25 mm thick.
    • oil art paints;
    • mineral oil (baby can be used);
    • antifreeze;
    • soy wax;
    • 70% isopropyl alcohol.


    Do not forget about polarity. The light bulb used is pre-tested for operability. Only after these manipulations can the screws be tightened. This will help secure the structure securely.

    1. The board is sawn into separate elements, from which the square is then assembled. Thus, the base for the future lamp is made. The cartridge will be placed in it. A hole is made into the base for the wire. The side of the square should be 20 cm.
    2. You will need to make four trapezoidal blanks, with a side of 20 cm, all elements are ground, the edges of the cuts are cut off. A fit is made to the base. Care should be taken to have a groove to help connect the wire.
    3. Another square is made from the board, each side of which will be 10 cm. A hole is made in the center, the diameter of which is equal to the size of the bottle. The hole drill is used for drilling. This is how the bottle holder is made, which will be installed on the stand.
    4. All elements of the stand are fastened together with wood glue. In shape, the finished product will resemble a truncated pyramid. The lower part is not attached to glue, as it will act as a cover, which will need to be removed in order to replace the light bulb.
    5. The stand is painted in some color (black works well) and set aside until it dries completely. The surface is opened with varnish.

      Ready-made lamp stand

    6. The bottle is washed out from the remnants of glue and labels.
    7. The construction is being assembled.
    8. It is very important to observe the exact proportions in the manufacture of liquid for the lamp, for a liter bottle they will be as follows:
    9. It is recommended to prepare the "lava" first, as this is the most time consuming process. Wax, oil and dyes are mixed - the ingredients are poured into some small saucepan, heated a little, slowly stirred until smooth and then cooled to room temperature. Antifreeze and alcohol are mixed in a separate container and poured into the lamp container, be sure to BEFORE there is "lava". Further, the lava itself is poured neatly and as slowly as possible, the bottle is tightly closed.

      Finished lava lamp. It remains only to plug it in and enjoy the effect

    In almost every case, an alcohol-based solution is used to make the composition. Lava bubbles are made from oil. Due to the different density index, the compositions do not mix. They will move inside the container due to the heating of liquids.

    The method described above for creating a lava lamp is rather complicated and time-consuming, it requires certain knowledge and skills. However, the manufacturing process for these devices can be much simpler. Below we have described a few more simple methods for creating lava lamps.

    To make such a lamp, you will need very few materials:

    • Clear plastic bottle
    • Vegetable oil
    • Dye
    • Alka Seltzer Tablet or Salt

    The manufacturing method is quite simple and will only take a few minutes:

    1. You will need a clean plastic bottle of any soda water. However, any clear plastic container that can be tightly closed is possible. The volume must be at least 500 ml in order to clearly see what is happening when turned on. This manufacturing method is suitable for children., as it is recognized as safer than permanent lava lamp models. For very small adults, the solution is made.
    2. Oil, food coloring and clean water are poured into the container. The bottle is filled ¾ with oil, then water and 10-15 drops of dye are added. The solution should take on a darkish tint.
    3. An alka-seltzer tablet or salt is added to the solution (no more than a tablespoon). The tablet will help the solution to sizzle more intensely, but it is applied in parts. In fact, any effervescent can be used, including vitamin C.
    4. The container is tightly closed and shaken several times. Droplets of moisture will appear in the oil, which can combine to form whimsical silhouettes. The spectacle will turn out amazing. After the end of the formation of new bubbles, a little more salt and a tablet are added to the bottle.
    5. Any light source is brought to the bottom of the plastic container. The floating droplets will be highlighted, making the effect even more beautiful. but plastic should not be left on a heated surface as the container may melt. It is difficult to wash off the oil, regardless of the type of contaminated surface.
    6. After the principle of the lava lamp has become clear, you should enjoy the result for a while. Water and oil can never mix, so new bubbles will appear after shaking again. Tablets and salt are used to speed up the movement of fancy "lava" figures. The salt will gradually sink to the bottom of the container, clinging to the oil. After it dissolves, the oil will return to the surface. The effervescent will react with the liquid and release a small amount of carbon dioxide. The colored water will be picked up by them and delivered to the top of the bottle. After reaching the maximum mark, they will burst, and the water droplets will go down.

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