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Caloric content of fat per 100 grams. Learn to count calories and lose weight wisely! Bread, cereals, pasta and bakery products

The frequency of food intake is optimally three to four meals a day. Recommended by some nutritionists five to six meals a day is permissible only with a sufficiently "active" and effective digestive system, when by the next meal the stomach has already been freed from the digested and has had time to rest and recover. Before a meal and immediately after a meal - leisurely walks in the fresh air (exercise), which is good for digestion and will teach you not to overeat. The average (in weight and height) adult needs about 1500-2000 kilocalories per day, plus energy consumption for walking (200-300 kcal per hour, at an average speed of movement on a horizontal road) or running (500-700 kcal / h, on flat terrain). If you live on a diet, from hand to mouth, trying to lose weight at a minimum of calories in food, respectively, the total calorie intake will be less.

Calorie portions of food:

A portion of ice cream - 150-200 kilocalories
Borsch, 500g - 200
Piece of bread - 50-100
Boiled potato portion - 150
Lean / fatty meat (100g) - 200/400
Instant porridge (bag) - 140
A glass of whole milk, 3.2% (percentage of fat) - 120.
Chocolate bar Mars - 160
Butter sandwich - 200-300
Portion of pasta (150g) - 250
Candy - 50
Sugar (1 teaspoon) - 25.
Ham sandwich - 200
Sandwich with cheese - 150-200
Fish - 150-200
Compote - 120
Piece of cake - 300 (in fatty varieties - more calories)
A cup of coffee with milk (no sugar) - 50.
Apple, medium size (about 150 grams), red / green - 80/40
// apples are green and yellow - generally healthier than red apples, they contain fewer calories
Banana - 80
A glass of grape juice - 100 kilocalories

A varied diet, balanced in terms of quantity and quality composition of products, taking into account the individual living conditions of a person, physical activity - contributes to the natural normalization of weight. The body needs a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

The proportions of food intake during the day: the calorie content of breakfast should be 35% of the daily value, in terms of the number of calories, lunch - 40%, dinner - 25%.

After meals, you can take fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E, as well as supplements containing potassium, sodium, iron.

Food grain bran (in the form of cereals, granules or flakes), rich in fiber, vitamins and trace elements - should be included in the daily diet, with dietary nutrition, but they must be taken in strictly limited quantities (this is "heavy for the stomach", difficult to digest food, which, moreover, increases in volume due to swelling in water). The bran should not contain coarse husks. Contraindications to taking bran: exacerbation of gastric ulcer, gastritis (consultation with a doctor is needed). Limits on the amount - two tablespoons per meal, in total - up to 70 grams (6 tablespoons) during the day (depending on the percentage of fiber, that is, dietary fiber). Low-carbohydrate wheat bran - has a caloric value of about 170 kilocalories per 100 g of dry weight.

Many nutritional problems can be avoided by reducing the amount of refined concentrate foods (sugar, fatty cottage cheese), which are "hit" by the food, causing overload in the form of sharp jumps in the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, etc. It is enough, at least, to remember caries, pancreatitis and excess weight from obesity, the development of which is facilitated by refined carbohydrates and fatty foods, in order to appreciate their overall negative impact on the human body.

Sweet foods in their natural form, thanks to fiber, "give up" sugar gradually, so after eating them, the blood sugar level does not rise as quickly as after a glass of freshly made pineapple or grape juice, where there is no fiber anymore. Therefore, even those with diabetes mellitus can eat fruits and vegetables in moderation. Interestingly, if you feast on honey with honeycomb, the sugar jump will not occur, because wax prevents the rapid absorption of fructose and glucose into the blood, although not to the same extent as the fiber found in vegetables and fruits.

Foods that cause a rapid jump in blood sugar levels: chocolate, condensed milk, ice cream, marshmallows, caramel, marmalade, halva, waffles, sherbet, pastries, cakes, preserves, jam, jam, fruit compotes, honey, sugar, sweet wines, carbonated drinks with sugar syrup (they contain large amounts of easily digestible, "fast" carbohydrates). It is relatively safe to consume sugar in the amount of one teaspoon per meal (better - "in a bite" or in the form of 1 candy). It is preferable to eat cane ("brown") unrefined Sahara. With compensated diabetes, natural sweeteners (xylitol or sorbitol) can be used, but their use should be limited - no more than 30 grams per day.

Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, acesulfame and other "chemistry") are toxic in large doses. When heated strongly, they become carcinogenic. It is believed that their use at the rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day is safe, but there is still not enough research on them.

Modern dietetics suggests using the calorie counting method for weight loss, thanks to which a person gets the opportunity to expend more energy than consume. Calorie table for weight loss - a list of foods or ready-made meals with the number of calories calculated for them per 100 grams. They are formulated for all kinds of food, from apples to baked goods.

What is a calorie table

Excess weight is a scourge of modern women and men; every year this problem becomes more and more urgent. The calorie table of products for weight loss, which indicates the energy value of products, is designed to prevent the problem. This indicator is determined using the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZHU), during the oxidation of which a certain amount of energy is released. The data is stored in a table of food calories, and they are used to calculate the kilocalories of food eaten during a diet.

Calorie Counting for Weight Loss

Calorie tables for foods and ready-made meals will help you lose weight when you know the daily rate, a person's need for energy. Nutritionists offer different methods to determine the exact figure. To lose weight by 1 kilogram of weight, you need to eat 7700 kcal less than burn. The food calorie table helps you create an optimal diet for weight loss.

Calorie table of products

On the Internet, there is more than one table of calories for weight loss, containing information on the energy value of vegetables, meat, fruits and other things. For successful weight loss, keep a food diary, enter everything you eat per day, use the calorie table for weight loss for this. For the convenience of users, products are divided into groups.

Calorie table for cereals, flour


oat flakes

durum wheat flour

premium flour

Rye flour

durum wheat pasta

premium pasta


Milk products

milk 2.5%

milk 3.2

yogurt 1.5%

yogurt 3.2%

sour cream 10%

sour cream 20%

Dutch cheese

fat cottage cheese

fat-free cottage cheese

Fruits, berries




Calorie table for ready meals

When a recipe includes many products at once, it can be difficult to calculate the energy value yourself. By combining ingredients, we add oils and sauces to them, which further complicates the calculation task. To find out the amount of energy in a plate, use the calorie table of food for weight loss, which contains the numbers for the finished recipe.

First meal

This table includes the most popular soups that are most often on our table. Please note that the data may be inaccurate due to the nature of the preparation and the vegetables, meat and cereals used in the recipe:

chicken broth

vegetable broth

beef broth

pork broth

bean soup

pickle in meat broth

pea soup

meat hodgepodge

meatball soup

lean borscht

borscht with beef

cabbage soup

Second courses

The calorie table contains options for main courses. With independent calculations, one should take into account the increase or decrease in volume that occurs during cooking. The final energy value is calculated by multiplying the kcal of the raw product by the coefficient of reduction (increase) of the portion. Here's the bottom line:

beef goulash

steamed chicken cutlets

fried chicken cutlets

steamed fish cakes

steamed pork cutlets

chicken chop

pork chop

cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat

liver stewed in sour cream

steam salmon

pilaf with pork

fried potatoes with mushrooms

dumplings with cottage cheese

homemade dumplings

meatballs with rice

The nutritional value of a salad depends on the ingredients it contains. Before cooking, study the content, conduct an "analysis" of the future treat. For weight loss, it is important that there are no high-calorie foods in the list of components of the salad. Your figure will benefit from salads on the menu that contain low-calorie ingredients such as vegetables, eggs, lean meats and cheeses. To make it easier to calculate the calorie content of weight loss products, use a calorie table. It is difficult to calculate the total calorie content, because the numbers depend on the type and amount of dressing.

Porridge and side dishes

All information from the calorie table for ready meals is relative. The content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats can differ from the type of product, the characteristics of its preparation, the nuances of the recipe, and the methods of technological processing. If you add 10 grams of butter to a portion of porridge, then its calorie content will double:

Calorie table of drinks

Drinks are an integral part of the diet, so it is important to consider their energy value, which will be shown by the calorie table for weight loss. Many do not attach importance to the amount of juice or tea drunk per day and it is completely in vain. Each glass or cup can contain a lot of energy that you won't include in your calorie counter. The only drink that has zero calories is water, the rest of the liquids have a certain energy value.

Calorie table for alcoholic beverages

Calorie table for soft drinks

Video: how to count food calories

Let's get straight to practice.

scales it is best to choose electronic. This will help you know the exact weight. It is easy to check the scale before buying: take a small item (or several items) that you know the weight of and put it on the scale several times. Restart the balance and check again. If the figure does not change, the scales are not lying. Many manufacturers allow +/- 5 grams to be in error. Tables of weights and measures for determining the weight of products are not helpers here: After cooking, the dish will need to be weighed in order to calculate its total calorie content, and then one of your portions.

It is best to choose electronic scales

Calorie tables collection can be found in any bookstore and will always be at your fingertips. Also, the calorie content of the product is indicated on the package. In different tables, the numbers may vary slightly. Pick one table for yourself and use only that table.

All kitchen utensils it is advisable to weigh in advance, so that later you can easily subtract the weight of the dish or plate.

When preparing meals, it is important to remember: calorie content of water, salt- 0 (zero) kcal. But water adds weight and thereby changes the total calorie content of the dish.

The more water you add, the more weight and the fewer calories per 100 grams

The dish you counted once is bigger no need to recount if its composition does not change. Just write down the amount of ingredients you need in your notebook.

And the most important thing - formula to calculate the calorie content in 100 grams of a finished dish:

How to understand the notation in this formula?

A (grams) - the total weight of the finished dish in grams;

B (kcal) - the total calorie content of the food in the finished dish.

How do I use this formula?

We multiply two digits diagonally by each other and divide by the digit that is located diagonally with X:

B × 100: A= the number of calories per 100 g of your cooked meal.

The formula is not very clear? Let's take a closer look at how to put it into practice with detailed examples.

Simple dishes: porridge

Let's start with a simple dish and calculate the calorie content of ordinary rice porridge.

100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal

... Rice - 300 g
... Water
... Salt

1. 100 grams of dry rice contains 330 kcal.
2. For our porridge, we took 300 g of cereal: 330 kcal × 3 = 990 kcal.
3. The entire volume of cooked rice porridge will have calories 990 kcal: except for water and salt, which, as we already know, have no calories, we did not add anything else.
4. From 300 g of dry rice, about 900 g of ready-made porridge is obtained.
5. We calculate the calorie content of rice porridge in 100 grams by the formula:

900 g rice porridge = 990 kcal

100 g rice porridge= X kcal

990 × 100: 900 = 110 kcal (990 multiplied by 100 and divided by 900)

So, our result: 100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal.

According to a similar scheme, we calculate the calorie content of boiled pasta, beans, lentils. Before cooking, we weigh dry pasta, calculate the calorie content of the dry weight. We boil the pasta, drain the water and weigh the finished pasta: the weight will be greater, since the pasta has absorbed water. Then we calculate the calorie content in 100 g. ((WIDGET-6490))

Complex dishes: puree soup and apple sambuc

The calorie content of a multicomponent dish is not much more difficult to calculate than the calorie content of a simple porridge. Let's cook a hearty pumpkin puree soup.

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal For your convenience, all data are given in the table.


Product weight

Calorie content in 100 grams

Milk 3.5%

1 l (1000 ml)



Butter 82.5%


1630.5 kcal

1. The total weight of products that are needed to make pumpkin puree soup - 2675 g.
2. The total calorie content of foods - 1630.5 kcal.
3. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion in butter, then add carrots, potatoes and pumpkin cut into small pieces, pour milk, add salt. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 30-40 minutes. After that, grind the vegetables together with milk in a blender in mashed potatoes.
4. The weight of the finished dish is 2562 g and contains all the same 1630.5 kcal (I remind you that water evaporates, not calories).
5. According to the formula, we calculate the calorie content of pumpkin soup in 100 g:

2562 g of soup = 1630.5 kcal

100 grams of soup = X kcal

1630.5 × 100: 2562 = 63.6 kcal (round up to 64 kcal)

100 g of pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal.

And let's not forget about a light dessert. Today we have on the menu airy apple sambuc with an amazing aroma of cinnamon.


Product weight

Calorie content in 100 grams

Caloric content of the prescription product weight

Apples (seeded and peeled)

Egg white


479.4 kcal

1. The total weight of the products that we need to make apple cinnamon dessert - 790 g.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 479.4 kcal.
3. Prepare apple sambuc.

Sambuc is a jellied dessert based on whipped egg whites. Cut the apples into quarters, peel and remove the seeds. Fold into a mold, pour a couple of tablespoons of water on the bottom, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for about 25-30 minutes (until soft). Cool the finished apples, and in the meantime, dissolve the gelatin as indicated on the package, and heat it to 40-50 ° C, after which we also cool it. Grind the apples with a blender in mashed potatoes, add sugar and beat with a whisk (attachment) or mixer for about 1 minute. Then add egg whites to the apples, beat for at least 5 minutes: the mass will turn white and increase in volume. Then pour in the gelatin and beat for about 1 minute more. Pour the mass into bowls and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before serving, sprinkle with cinnamon, decorate with apple slices and a sprig of mint.
4. The weight of the finished dessert is about 675 g and contains 479.4 kcal.
5. Let's calculate the calorie content of apple sambuca in 100 g:

675 g dessert = 479.4 kcal

100 g of dessert = X kcal

479.4 × 100: 675 = 71 kcal

100 g of apple sambuca contains 71 kcal.

We fry cutlets, chops and meat in batter

When calculating the calorie content of fried foods, there is one key point to consider: 20% the amount of oil you put in the pan is absorbed into the food (cutlets, chops). However, if you fry potatoes, other vegetables, flour products, do not lose sight of the fact that these dishes absorb almost 100% oil... This is especially true of zucchini, eggplant, pancakes, pancakes: they absorb oil like a sponge and all the time require additional "feeding". When you sauté vegetables with the addition of oil, all the oil ends up in your stew. In this case, you need to take into account all the fats used in cooking.

Eggplant absorbs oil like a sponge

I suggest you have a hearty lunch fried chicken fillet with sour cream and garlic sauce.


Product weight

Calorie content in 100 grams

Caloric content of the prescription product weight

Chicken breast fillet

Lemon juice

Vegetable oil

900 kcal - 20% *

Salt pepper


768 kcal

* 20% of the indicated calorie content of the oil is 180 kcal, which will be absorbed into chicken meat. The rest of the oil will remain in the pan.

1. To prepare fried chicken fillet, we need 650 g products.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 768 kcal.
3. Let's start preparing dinner. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into two parts and beat off slightly. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Then fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Let's prepare the chicken fillet sauce. Ingredients to taste in the quantities you need: sour cream, garlic, herbs, salt. Squeeze the garlic through a press, chop the herbs finely, combine with sour cream, add salt and mix. Or grind all the ingredients with a hand blender. The calorie content of sour cream sauce will be equal to the calorie content of your sour cream: herbs and garlic are very low calorie foods.
4. The weight of the chicken fillet after cooking is about 400 g and contains all the same 768 kcal.
5. Now let's calculate the weight of fried chicken fillet in 100 g according to the formula:

400 g Fried Chicken = 768 Calories

100 g fried chicken = X kcal

768 × 100: 400 = 192 kcal

In 100 g of fried chicken fillet, we have 192 kcal (excluding the calorie content of sour cream sauce).

If you want to cook meat in batter, then you need to add the calorie content of batter (flour, milk, egg) to the calorie content of meat and vegetable oil.

How many calories are in broth and compote?

When cooking, part of the calories is transferred from the products to the broth: from fish - 15%, from meat - 20%, fruits - 30%, dumplings, manti and khinkali - 20%. These numbers can fluctuate: it all depends on the preparation time of the products.

Let's calculate the calorie content of salmon fish broth. Take a 300 g salmon steak and 1 liter of water. The calorie content of salmon in 100 g = 142 kcal, in 300 g of this fish = 426 kcal (142 × 3).

426 kcal - 15% = 63.9 kcal (round up to 64 kcal).

In 1 liter of salmon broth 64 kcal... There are only 6.4 kcal in 100 ml of broth!

Boiled meat and vegetables

Today we have dinner boiled beef, a glass of kefir and salad. The calorie content of kefir is written on the package, and we will calculate the calorie content of meat and salad ourselves. With a salad, everything is simple: add up the calorie content of all its components. We count meat.

When cooking meat, about 20% of its calorie content goes into broth.

... Beef shoulder (boneless meat) - 1 kg
... Salt

1. 100 g of beef shoulder contains 208 kcal.
2. In 1 kg of scapula: 208 kcal × 10 = 2080 kcal.
3. After cooking, the weight of boiled meat is about 700 g: boiled meat has decreased in volume and weight.
4. When cooking meat, about 20% of its calorie content goes into broth, thus 2080 kcal - 20% = 416 kcal, this is how much was boiled into broth from a piece of meat weighing 1 kg, and there are 1664 kcal left in the meat itself.
5. Now let's calculate the calorie content of boiled beef in 100 g:

700 g of boiled meat = 1664 kcal

100 g of boiled meat = X kcal

1664 × 100: 700 = 237.7 kcal

In 100 grams of boiled beef shoulder 237.7 kcal (round up to 238 kcal).

And in conclusion, I want to give you some useful advice: the calorie content of fruit compote (without sugar), broths, coffee and tea (also without sugar), garlic, herbs, many dry spices is so small that you shouldn't focus on it. You will not be able to drink that much broth in a day to catastrophically go over your calorie intake. And, moreover, you are unlikely to overpower so much garlic. But if you cook with fats, then you can reduce the calorie content of the first or second courses as follows: after cooking, remove the oily film from the surface of the dish with a spoon.

Calorie counting may seem daunting at first glance. For the second or third time, you will do better, and after a while you will do it automatically.

Now spring is the most beautiful time of the year when nature awakens. I sincerely wish you to be imbued with a fresh mood and walk briskly towards your goal.

Best regards, Natalie Lissy

What could be better than a beautiful toned body and well-being? For a healthy lifestyle and a slim figure, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with rigid diets, it is enough to correctly calculate the amount of calories consumed, for this there are tables of calorie content of products.

In this article, its calorie content is written for each product, but it is not difficult to independently calculate the number of calories in a finished dish. It would be like this in life: you come to the store, and there is a sticker about calories on every apple. However, you need to take into account not only the number of calories, but also the content of proteins, fats, etc. in the dish. After all, proper nutrition and a reasonable calculation according to the table of calorie content of food products will help to achieve good results in striving for an ideal figure.

For example, for a girl, you need to consume 1500 to 2000 calories per day per day. At the same time, the ratio of BJU: proteins 25%, fats 15%, carbohydrates 60%. To easily navigate these figures, a table of calorie content of products and ready-made meals for a conditional 100 grams is useful, which can be easily downloaded with the right mouse button right now.

Okay, this is an example for a girl. Some average blonde. But after all, all people are different and each has its own individual rate of consumed calories, depending on lifestyle, sports and other physical activity. To gain the desired figure, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

The basis of proper weight loss, without harm to health, is to spend 300 - 500 calories per day more than consumed. Or another option: increase physical activity, taking into account the necessary fat burning, by 300 - 500 calories per day. The second option is preferable, since not only excess weight goes away, but the figure as a whole improves, acquiring the cherished outlines.

If you are a supporter of an active lifestyle, then your food should be complete and balanced. It is for this purpose that the calorie content of products in the table is calculated per 100 grams in relation to ready-made meals. The figures are approximate, it all depends on the characteristics of the preparation. The food calorie table will tell you not only about the calorie content of the dish, but also about the percentage of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

It is not recommended to completely exclude any food group; for a slim figure, you need to increase your protein intake and reduce fats and carbohydrates.

It is worth remembering that a piece of butter in porridge doubles its calorie content. You also need to avoid mayonnaise sauces, they make a rather high-calorie and heavy dish from a light vegetable salad.

Don't Miss the Important Heart Rate and Cardio Load

To achieve a quick effect, cardio and other physical exercises must be included in the daily routine. Intense physical activity, such as: jumping, cycling; help to lose weight and strengthen the cardiovascular system. It's important to keep track of your frequency during cardio workouts. For this, there are special fitness trackers that show the heart rate and calorie consumption in accordance with the ratio of weight and height.

Each has individual aerobic heart rate limits. Do not exceed the indicators and exercise within your aerobic heart rate limits, which are calculated by the formula: 220 minus age, multiply by 0.6 is the minimum limit and 220 minus age, multiply by 0.8 is the maximum limit. These are permissible norms, exercises in this mode quickly burn excess weight. And the calorie table of foods is useful for choosing the right diet.

  • (220 is your age) * 0.8 is the upper heart rate limit;
  • (220 is your age) * 0.6 is the upper heart rate limit.

Note! The maximum heart rate of any (living) person should not exceed 220 beats per minute. Greater value makes the heart work excessively and can lead to dire consequences. Remember: to find out your own maximum, you need to subtract your age from 220.

For example, the pulse of a person at the age of 40 should never exceed (220 minus 40) 180 beats per minute.

Go! Our calorie tables

In our, honestly taken from the Internet, supplemented with alcohol, caviar and eggs, and conducted through a dietitian, the calorie table of food products indicates all the most important: calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates per 100 grams. product.

Sweets calorie table

Everyone knows that to lose weight, you need to exclude sweets and confectionery from the diet. But it is not worth cleaning at all, and with moderate consumption, you can afford a little tasty. The table of calorie content of sweets will help to correctly calculate your rate.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Jam 0,4 0,2 74,5 286
Waffles 8,2 19,8 53,1 425
Hematogen 6,2 2,8 75,5 352
Dragee fruit 3,7 10,3 73,4 388
0,7 77,3 295
Iris 3,1 7,7 81,2 384
Caramel 0,2 77,3 291
Chocolate sweets 3,9 39,7 54,6 576
Marmalade 0,2 77,1 289
Honey 0,6 80,5 312
cream 3,6 15,1 20,5 223
Ice cream creamy 3,6 10 19,5 182
Popsicle ice cream 3,6 20 19,5 278
Paste 0,6 80,1 301
Oatmeal cookies 6,5 14,1 71,4 430
Butter cookies 10,5 5,2 76 447
Puff pastry 5,7 38,3 46,8 543
Biscuit cake 4,9 9,1 84,1 338
Gingerbread 4,4 2,9 77,1 333
White sugar 99,98 387
Brown sugar 97,33 377
Sunflower halva 11,4 29,3 54,6 519
Dark chocolate 5,2 35,6 52,4 546
Milk chocolate 6,7 35,6 52,4 552

Calorie table of vegetables

Fresh vegetables are indispensable for losing weight. Light salads will help tame hunger and saturate the body with essential vitamins. It is not recommended to season salads with mayonnaise and a lot of oil, you can only sprinkle it with olive oil, and it is better to use lemon or unsweetened yogurt. The vegetable calorie table will help you eat right.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Eggplant 0,6 0,1 7,5 22
Beans 6,1 0,1 8,1 59
Swede 1,2 0,1 8,4 38
Green peas 5,4 0,2 13,6 75
Zucchini 0,8 0,3 5,9 30
White cabbage 1,9 5,7 31
Red cabbage 1,9 6,3 34
Cauliflower 2,7 5,2 30
Boiled potatoes 2 0,3 16,5 80
Fried potato 2,6 9,7 23,5 198
Potatoes young 2,2 0,3 12,5 57
Green onion (feather) 1,4 4,2 21
Leek 3,2 7,1 38
Onion 1,6 9,3 41
Carrot 1,3 0,1 6,3 29
Ground cucumbers 0,7 3,1 15
Greenhouse cucumbers 0,7 1,6 9
Olives 0,6 10,2 6,7 111
Sweet green pepper 1,2 4,8 24
Sweet red pepper 1,2 5,5 26
Parsley (greens) 3,8 8 45
Parsley (root) 1,6 11,2 48
Radish 1,5 4,2 22
Radish 1,7 7,1 33
Turnip 1,6 5,8 27
Salad 1,6 2,1 15
Beet 1,7 10,5 46
Tomatoes (ground) 0,7 4,1 19
Tomatoes (greenhouse) 0,7 2,6 12
Beans 4,4 4,4 36
Horseradish 2,6 16,1 70
Garlic 6,6 21,1 103
Spinach 2,5 2,6 22
Sorrel 1,6 5,5 29

Calorie table fruit and berry

For a balanced diet, fruits should also be included in the diet. But due to the fact that fruits and berries contain sugar and whet the appetite, it is better to eat them in the morning or replace one meal. The table of calorie content of fruits and berries will help to calculate your norm.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Apricots 0,7 10,1 44
Avocado 1,6-2,1 25-30 g 160
Quince 0,6 8,7 37
Cherry plum 0,3 7,6 35
A pineapple 0,3 11,9 49
Orange 0,8 8,6 38
Bananas 1,7 22,1 87
Cowberry 0,6 8,8 42
Grape 0,5 17,8 73
Cherry 0,9 11,1 46
Garnet 0,9 11,9 53
Grapefruit 0,8 7,5 37
0,5 10,6 41
Blueberry 1,1 7,4 35
Melon 0,8 0,3 7,3 34
Blackberry 1,9 5,1 31
Strawberry 1,9 7,1 40
Fig 0,9 13,7 57
Kiwi 1 0,7 9,7 46
Dogwood 1,1 9,4 42
Strawberry 0,6 0,4 7 30
Cranberry 0,7 4,9 27
Gooseberry 0,8 9,7 43
Lemon 0,9 3,3 30
Raspberries 0,7 9,2 43
Mandarin 0,9 8,8 39
Mango 0,6 0,4 11,8 69
Cloudberry 0,9 6,9 33
Sea buckthorn 0,8 5,6 31
Peaches 0,9 10,1 42
Pamelo 0,6 0,1 6,1 29
Rowan 1,6 12,2 57
Plum 0,8 9,7 41
White currant 0,4 8,5 37
Red currants 0,6 8,7 39
Black currant 1,0 8,0 38
Persimmon 0,7 15,7 61
Cherries 1,3 12,5 54
Blueberry 1,2 8,8 41
Mulberry 0,6 12,5 50
Rosehip fresh 1,5 24,2 106
Dried rosehip 4,5 60,1 259
0,5 11,4 48

Calorie table of tasty and not very porridge

For good nutrition, porridge cannot be excluded from the diet, but all cereals contain a lot of carbohydrates and in order not to harm the figure they need to be eaten for breakfast. It is better to cook the side dish in milk or water, without oil. The table of calorie content of cereals will allow you to choose a suitable breakfast for yourself.

Calorie table of flour products

To lose weight, you need to reduce the consumption of flour products. But not all baked goods are bad. The calorie table for flour products shows that a little needs to be left in the diet.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Bagels 16,4 1,1 69,7 342
Sliced ​​loaf 9,4 2,7 50,7 261
Bagels 16,4 1,1 69,7 342
Bun 7,4 1,8 43,7 218
Armenian lavash 7,7 1,1 47,8 239
Wheat flour of the highest grade 10,4 0,8 74,5 324
Wheat flour I grade 10,6 1,4 73,6 329
Wheat flour, grade II 11,6 1,9 70,7 328
Rye flour 6,8 1,2 76,8 321
Drying 11,1 1 73,2 335
Wheat crackers 11,6 1,8 72,1 327
Rye bread 4,7 0,6 49,5 210
Wheat bread from 1st grade flour 7,4 2,2 53 246

Calorie table of milk and derivatives

Do not forget about dairy products - this is an indispensable product for building muscles. To find your norm without harming your figure, the calorie table of dairy products will help.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Yogurt 1.5% 4,3 1,5 8,4 65
Yogurt 3.2% 5 3,2 8,9 87
Kefir 0% 2,8 3,8 29
Kefir 1% 2,8 1 4,0 37
Kefir 2.5% 3 2,5 4,0 51
Kefir 3.2% 3,2 3,2 4,1 57
Milk 0% 2,8 4,6 34
Milk 1% 2,8 1 4,6 43
Milk 2.5% 2,8 2,5 4,6 53
Milk 3.2% 2,8 3,2 4,6 58
Raw goat milk 3,1 4,2 4,7 71
Raw cow's milk 3,2 3,6 4,7 63
Skim milk 2,1 0,1 4,5 30
Whole milk powder 25,2 25 39,6 477
Condensed milk 7,3 7,7 9,7 139
Sour milk 3.2% 2,9 3,2 4,0 57
Ryazhenka 2.5% 2,9 2,5 4,1 53
Ryazhenka 4.0% 2,9 4 4,1 68
Cream 10% 2,8 10 4,1 121
Cream 20% 2,8 20 3,9 209
Sour cream 10% 3 10 2,9 118
Sour cream 15% 3 15 2,9 163
Sour cream 20% 3 20 2,9 208
Curd cheese curds 7,3 23 27,6 344
Dutch cheese 26,4 26,5 352
Poshekhonsky cheese 26,4 26,3 348
Russian cheese 24,1 29,8 0,4 366
Sulguni cheese 20 24,2 293
Fat cottage cheese 14 18 1,9 236
Low-fat cottage cheese 18,2 0,6 1,8 89
Bold cottage cheese 16,5 9 1,9 156

Calorie table of butter, margarine, fats

Fatty foods are harmful to the figure and the use of dishes with oil should be limited and such food can be eaten only in the first half of the day. Calorie table for butter, fats and margarine.

Calorie table of nuts and dried fruits

Nuts and dried fruits will satisfy your sweet tooth and make a great snack. They contain a lot of calories, so measure is important. Calorie table for nuts and dried fruits.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Peanut 26,2 45,3 9,9 555
Walnut 13,5 61,5 10,6 662
Raisins with pits 1,7 70,7 273
Raisins raisins 2,5 71,4 285
Cashew nuts 25,8 54,3 13,3 647
Dried apricots 5,7 65,3 270
Almond 18,3 57,9 13,4 643
Sunflower seed 20,9 52,5 5,4 582
Dried apricots 5,3 67,9 279
2,5 0,4 69,6 277
Pistachios 20 50,5 7,3 555
Hazelnut 16,3 66,7 9,8 701
Prunes 2,7 65,3 262
Dried apples 3,1 68,3 275

Mushroom calorie table

For those who are losing weight, mushrooms will be an ideal option to satisfy hunger. Regardless of the cooking method, there will be no harm to the figure, but it is better boiled. Mushroom calorie table.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
White fresh 3,3 1,5 2,4 32
White dried 23,8 6,8 30,2 277
Fresh oyster mushrooms 2,5 0,5 6,2 34
Chanterelles fresh 1,5 1 2,4 22
Dried chanterelles 22 7,2 25,4 268
Fresh butter 2,5 0,7 1,5 12
Honey mushrooms fresh 2,4 1 2,5 25
Fresh boletus 2,1 1,2 3,4 30
Dried boletus 23,3 9,5 14,4 231
Boletus fresh 3,3 0,4 3,5 31
Dried boletus 35,2 5,4 33 325
Fresh mushrooms 1,9 0,7 2,3 16
Russula fresh 1,6 0,8 1,7 15
Fresh champignons 4,3 0,9 1,4 29

Calorie table of eggs, including ostrich

Eggs for weight loss are a very important product, they contain vitamins, amino acids and trace elements necessary for the body, which are completely preserved during cooking. The egg calorie table will help you balance your diet.

Calorie table of fish, mussels, crab sticks and even octopus

Seafood also contains a large amount of vitamins, while providing the body with saturation and improving health. Calorie table of fish and seafood.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Gobies 12,7 8,2 5,1 147
Pink salmon 21,2 7,1 151
Squid 18,2 0,2 77
Flounder 16 2,5 86
Carp 17,5 1,6 84
Carp 16 3,5 95
Chum 22,1 5,8 138
Sprat 14,3 9,2 142
Smelt 15,3 3,3 93
Crab meat 16 0,9 67
Crab sticks 17,9 2,1 73
Rudd 18,5 3,1 106
Shrimp 18 0,9 85
Icy 15,6 1,3 76
Bream 17,2 4,2 109
Salmon 19,2 13,8 200
Mackerel 20,2 3,6 111
Boiled mussels 9,7 1,6 53
Pollock 15,7 0,6 67
Capelin 13,1 11,7 159
Navaga 16,71 1,3 78
Burbot 18,6 0,8 85
Perch 17,4 5,5 123
River perch 18,3 0,7 80
Sturgeon 16,5 10,5 161
Octopus 18,5 74
Halibut 18,5 3,2 106
Roach 18,5 0,4 108
Boiled crayfish 20,3 1,2 1,1 96
Carp 18,1 5,2 119
Saury 18,3 20,5 257
Baltic herring 17,1 5,8 124
Herring 17,3 19,9 248
Salmon 20,9 15,3 222
Whitefish 19 7,3 141
Mackerel 18 9,5 158
Catfish 16,7 8,4 141
Horse mackerel 18 5,3 119
Sterlet 17,3 6,3 126
Zander 19 0,7 81
Cod 17,7 0,5 76
Tuna 21,7 1,3 95
Coal fish 13,3 11,4 153
Sea eel 14,2 30,7 331
Oysters 14,4 0,3 6,2 91
Trout 19,6 2,1 99
Hake 16,4 2,3 84
Pike 18,2 0,8 83
Language of the sea 10,3 5,3 89

Calorie table of smoked, salted, dried fish

When processing fish, useful substances are stored in it. Therefore, those who are losing weight can eat salted, smoked and dried fish, and the calorie table will tell the norm.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Sun-dried roach 46,4 5,5 235
Hot smoked pink salmon 23,2 7,6 161
Dried squid 62 2 5 286
Hot smoked sprat 21,3 8,5 162
Sprat sprat 14,8 10,5 154
Crab sticks 6,2-7 0,38-0,7 10-16,2 70-95
Salted salmon 21 20,5 269
Dried bream 42 5,9 221
Hot smoked bream 32,8 4,5 172
Cold smoked bream 29,7 4,6 160
Butter fish smoked 18 12 180
Smoked capelin 18 22 270
Hot smoked sea bass 23,5 9 175
Smoked Baltic herring 25,4 5,6 152
Hot smoked herring 21,8 14,3 215
Salted herring 19,8 15,4 217
Smoked salmon 22,5 12,5 202
Hot smoked mackerel 22,1 23,8 4,1 317
Smoked trout 26 3,1 0,5 132
Lightly salted trout 20,6 10,1 186
Lightly salted fat trout 23 15 227
Salted hamsa 21,2 9 166

Calorie table of canned fish and seafood

To reduce weight, you can also eat canned food, while avoiding products in oil. The calorie table of canned fish and seafood will help you choose a diet.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Gobies in tomato sauce 17,5 2 88
Squid 15-15,5 1-1,4 1,7-3,1 76-92
Sprat in tomato sauce 14 12 4,5 182
Crabs 18,7 1,1 0,1 85
Salmon 20,6 6,3 144
Mussels 17,5 2 88
Seaweed 0,8 5,1 49
Pollock liver 6 50 474
Cod liver 4,2 67,5 1,2 613
Saury blanched in oil 18,3 23,3 283
Sardines with added oil 19 18 238
Sardines in oil 24,1 13,9 221
Sardines in tomato sauce 17 9,9 1,4 162
Herring 17,5 2 88
Herring in vegetable oil 16,4 26,5 301
Mackerel in oil 13,1 25,1 278
Horse mackerel in oil 15,6 27,4 309
Horse mackerel in tomato sauce 14,8 2,3 73 110
Tuna in its own juice 20,2 0,4 88
Tuna in oil 27,1 9 190
Sprats 17,4 32,4 0,4 363
Sprat pate 12 14 5,3 195

Calorie table of caviar

Fish caviar contains many essential microelements; for weight loss, you can eat a couple of teaspoons with vegetables a day. The caviar calorie table will tell you how to balance your diet.

Calorie table of beef, pork, lamb, poultry and other meat

It is imperative to leave meat and poultry in the diet, this is a source of energy. It is better to cook in the oven, slow cooker or cook. Calorie table for meat and poultry.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Mutton 16,2 15,3 201
Lamb Kidneys 13,4 2,6 78
Lamb Liver 18,9 2,8 102
Lamb Heart 13,6 2,7 85
Beef 18,7 12,6 191
Beef Brains 9,3 9,6 126
Beef liver 17,6 3,2 100
Beef Kidney 12,4 1,9 67
Beef Udder 12,1 13,8 176
Beef Heart 15,2 3,1 89
Beef Tongue 13,4 12,1 160
horsemeat 20,3 7,1 149
Rabbit 20,6 12,8 197
Lean pork 16,3 27,9 318
Fatty pork 11,6 49,1 484
Pork kidney 13,2 3,2 84
Pork liver 18,6 3,5 105
Pork heart 15,2 3,1 87
Pig tongue 14,4 16,5 203
Veal 19,9 1,1 91
Geese 16,4 33,1 359
Turkey 20 12,3 0,6 192
Chicken carcass of the 1st category not less than 17 no more than 20 250
Chicken carcass with skin of the 2nd category not less than 19 no more than 11 175
Nutritional value of chicken parts.
1st grade broiler chickens not less than 16 no more than 14 190
Broiler chickens 2nd grade not less than 18 no more than 7 135
Ducks 16,4 61,3 348

Calorie table of sausages, sausages and wieners

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Cooked sausage Doctor's 13,4 22,9 257
Cooked sausage Amateur 12,5 28,3 311
Cooked sausage Milk 11,1 22,5 243
Semi-smoked sausage Amateur 17,6 39,1 428
Moscow semi-smoked sausage 19,1 36,1 402
Semi-smoked sausage Cervelat 16,1 40,2 423
Raw smoked sausage Amateur 20,6 47,8 511
Uncooked smoked sausage Moscow 24,3 41,6 476
Raw smoked sausage Cervelat 24,1 40,2 453
Hunting sausages 27,1 24,6 325
Bloodworm 10,6 17,8 14,5 261
Salami 21,3 53,6 1,1 576
Sausages Beef 11,1 18,2 1,6 215
Pork sausages 10,1 31,8 1,7 330
Sausages Beef 10,3 20,3 0,9 229
Chicken sausages 10,6 22,1 3,3 242
Sausages Amateur 9,8 30,1 0,4 318
Sausages Dairy 11,3 23,9 1,1 260
Sausages Pork 9,2 23,2 4,5 284

Alcohol calorie table (wine, vodka, beer and others)

It is better to abstain from alcoholic products, since it contains a lot of sugar and is absorbed very quickly. If you wish, you can afford a glass of quality product. Calorie table of alcoholic beverages.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Brandy 1 225
Vermouth 15,9 155
Dry wine 66
Semi-dry wine 0,3 2,5 78
Dessert wine 0,5 20 175
Semi-sweet wine 0,2 5 88
Table wine 0,2 0,2 67
Whiskey 222
Vodka 0,1 234
Gin 223
Cognac 0,1 240
Liquor 53 344
Beer 3.0% 0,6 3,5 37
Beer 4.5% 0,8 4,5 45
Beer dark 0,2 4 39
Port wine 13,8 167
Rum 217
Champagne 0,3 5,2 88

Calorie table for juices, coffee, tea, cocoa and other drinks

Drinks, no less than food, are dangerous for the figure, the calorie content of each glass you drink should be taken into account. Calorie table of soft drinks will help with calculations.

Product Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates kcal
Apricot juice 0,9 0,2 9,2 39
Pineapple juice 0,2 0,2 11,4 48
Orange juice 0,9 0,1 8,4 36
Grape juice 0,3 14,5 56
Cherry juice 0,5 10,6 49
Pomegranate juice 0,2 14 58
Cocoa in milk 24 17 33,1 377
Bread kvass 0,2 5 26
Cola 10 40
Coffee with milk 0,8 1 11 56
Lemonade 6,1 24
Lemon juice 1 0,1 3,2 18
Carrot juice 1 0,1 6,5 31
Peach juice 0,8 0,1 9,1 37
Non-alcoholic beer 4,1 22
Green tea
Sugar-free black tea
Black tea with lemon and sugar (2 tsp) 0,8 0,7 8,3 41
Black tea with condensed milk (2 tsp) 2,4 2,9 19,1 112
Energy drink 11,4 47
Apple juice 0,5 0,4 9,7 42

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Nature is arranged so that a person does not gain extra pounds, even if he eats more than is allowed. With constant overeating, these foundations collapse, which leads to obesity. A person cannot further control his appetite and becomes fat over time. It is possible to prevent such transformations by using the energy table for food and ready-made meals.

What are calories?

Calories are the amount of energy a person gets from a meal. To maintain normal body weight, you should utilize the energy received during meals completely. When the balance of energy "income" and "consumption" is violated, extra pounds appear, which negatively affect not only the appearance of a person, but also his health.

Today, the number of calories in food is determined using a special technique that involves the use of a device such as a calorimeter. With its help, the calorie content of products and already prepared dishes is measured by burning in an isolated chamber. The obtained data is combined by a table of the energy value of dishes and individual products. After the experiments, the data obtained fully correspond to the procedure that takes place in the human digestive tract after eating. The energy received after eating is spent on physical activity, heat production and metabolic processes in the body.

Calculation of energy value using the example of oat flakes "Hercules"

To get a better idea of ​​calories, consider the energy value of Hercules oatmeal. To calculate the calorie content, you need to know exactly how many nutrients are in the food. All food contains different amounts of mineral and vitamin substances, so you should include in your diet food that has a balanced composition.

Every day, a person needs to replenish the body's needs for substances such as nutrients. The most low-calorie and useful product is Hercules oat flakes.

Vitamin composition of Hercules flakes, (mg):

  • PP - 4.6.
  • E - 3.2.
  • Thiamine - 0.45.
  • Pyridoxine - 0.24.
  • Folic acid - 0.23.
  • Riboflavin - 0.1.

Mineral composition of Hercules flakes, (mg):

  • Potassium - 330.
  • Phosphorus - 328.
  • Magnesium - 129.
  • Sulfur - 88.
  • Chlorine - 73.
  • Calcium - 52.
  • Sodium - 20.
  • Iron - 3.6.
  • Zinc - 3.1.

Nutritional value of Hercules flakes per 100 grams of product:

  • Caloric content - 352 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates - 61.8 grams.
  • Starch - 60.1 grams.
  • Protein - 12.3 grams
  • Fat - 6.2 grams.
  • Dietary fiber - 6 grams.
  • Ash - 1.7 grams.
  • Fatty Acids - 1.4 grams.
  • Disaccharides, monosaccharides - 1.2 gr.

250 ml of Hercules oatmeal contains 316.8 kcal, 200 ml - 246.4 kcal. A tablespoon of Hercules flakes contains 42.2 kcal, and a teaspoon of 10.6 kcal. Thus, using the example of Hercules flakes, it is clear how the energy value of food products is calculated.

Calorie tables for food

Using the calorie table, each person can calculate the amount of energy received from food. Such nutritional principles help prevent obesity and related diseases. Calories are not 100% absorbed. Experts say that 85% of proteins are absorbed and 94% of fats. The best absorption of fast carbohydrates occurs - 96%. The highest calorie content is found in fats. There are approximately 90 calories in 100 grams of fat. When broken down, 40 calories are released from a given amount of fat.

Energy value of dairy products

Energy value of cereals

Energy value of berries and fruits

Energy value of vegetables and mushrooms

Energy value of meat and offal

Energy value of seafood and fish

Calorie calculation per 100 grams. products
Shrimps 85
Crab 69
Squid 78
Trepang 41
Seaweed 5
Gobies 160
Pink salmon 153
Carp 100
Smelt 72
Bream 99
Lamprey 156
Salmon 219
Capelin 157
Pollock 70
Perch 89
Halibut 98
Herring 242
Baltic herring 92
Catfish 139
Mackerel 158
Horse mackerel 122
Acne 333
Tuna 98
Hake 86
Pike 76

Energy value of sweets

Energy value of bakery products

Calorie table of finished products

You can calculate the calorie content of food not only before cooking, but also after. During culinary processing, the energy value of products changes significantly. When boiling, the calories go into the soup, and some of them evaporate altogether when boiling. During the preparation of fried foods, an increase in the energy value of the food is observed.

To calculate the energy value of ready-made meals, you need to know the initial amount of food before cooking. Next, you should multiply the calories of the product by this amount, and then add up all the indicators among themselves. Water has no calories, so this indicator is not taken into account. As a result, the result obtained should be divided by the number of servings.