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Guessing if he is your destiny. Fortune telling are the most truthful ways. Fortune telling on cards

Many people want to know their future in order to understand what to prepare for, what will be good and bad events, and much more. You can slightly open the curtain of secrecy with the help of simple, but at the same time effective fortune-telling, which are carried out with cards, fire and other objects.

Fortune telling on fate and future

Candlestick predictions are simple yet effective methods to find out information on certain questions concerning the future. For this, the behavior of the flame must be taken into account. Fortune-telling on the fate of a woman is carried out using a church candle. It is best to spend it on Christmastide, which will help to get the most truthful result. Light a candle in front of you at midnight, and then interpret:

  1. A bright red flame is a sign of change that will bring good luck.
  2. If the flame was dark, then you should expect problems, but do not be afraid, since you will be able to cope with them.
  3. A dark, almost black flame promises serious illness and work problems.
  4. Fortune telling indicates that if the flame is high and even, then you should expect success in life.
  5. A small and weak flame indicates a negative influence from the outside.
  6. The wavering flame warns that many different controversial issues will have to be resolved.

Fortune telling on cards

Predictions with charts are the most popular as they give you a chance to get more information. You can use Tarot or a regular deck, which should not have been previously used for the game, since it loses its power. Fortune-telling for love and fate should be carried out alone, so that nothing interferes and allows you to concentrate on the process.

Fortune telling "Is he my destiny?"

While in a relationship, many women thought about whether the man who is next to them is a soul mate, and what future should be expected with him. To get answers to troubling questions, you can make a simple Tarot layout. To conduct fortune-telling on the fate of a relationship, mix the major arcana and lay out the cards, the meaning of which can be found:

  1. No. 1 - describes the present state of a woman.
  2. No. 2 - speaks of the real situation in the relationship.
  3. №3 - indicates what unites with a loved one.
  4. No. 4 - describes the chosen one.
  5. # 5 - helps to understand whether a man is destiny or not.
  6. # 6 - describes a joint future.
  7. # 7 is a helpful tip for keeping your feelings in check.

Ancient gypsy fortune telling on cards

The predictions given by the gypsies have always been considered true, therefore they are very popular. To make a deal, you need to take a regular deck that has not been previously used for the game, otherwise, the answer may not be true. To divine the fate of the "Gypsy prediction", you need to take a deck and take off some of the cards, and then arrange them in four rows of four. It is important to lay out the cards, taking one from the top of the deck and the other from the bottom. The values ​​can be found:

  1. The first row - events of the distant future.
  2. Second row - what will happen in the near future.
  3. The third row is a description of the current situation.
  4. The fourth row is the events of the past.

Fortune telling on tarot cards

A lot of information can be obtained thanks to the Tarot layouts, the main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the resulting meaning. There are many different layouts, but one of the simpler options is to use only three cards. To conduct a tarot divination on fate, mix the major arcana and put three cards in front of you:

  1. The first is used to judge the events of the past that led to the current situation in the present.
  2. Thanks to the second, you can learn about the present, which becomes the basis for the future.
  3. The third describes impending events, but they can be changed if you perform certain actions in the present. To finish the fortune-telling of fate, you must try to combine all three cards into one picture in order to better understand the situation.

Fortune telling Lenormand

For predictions, you must use a special Tarot deck, the meaning of which can be found. You can find out about the events of the future with the help of the layout "What will be, that cannot be avoided." He gives a detailed description of events, and some moments can be changed, while others are a fact. Truthful fortune-telling must be carried out alone, laying out the cards as shown in the figure and carrying out the interpretation:

  1. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 are near-term events and cannot be prevented.
  2. Nos. 4 and 5 are things that will happen under the influence of a fortuneteller.
  3. Nos. 6, 7 and 8 are a distant future that cannot be influenced.
  4. Nos. 9 and 10 - events of the future, depending on the fortuneteller.
  5. No. 11 - predestination.

Fortune telling on the runes

The proposed layout of the "Witchcraft wheel" helps to understand and disassemble the chain of events that drag from the past and lead to events of the future. Even accurate fortune-telling on the runes helps to understand what lesson can be learned from the current situation, thanks to which the fortuneteller will be able to build a strategy to avoid problems. Take a bag of runes and first ask a question, and then make a layout. The meaning of the runes can be found:

  1. Rune number 1 is a symbol of the East. Describes past events and practices that have led to problems.
  2. Rune number 2 is a symbol of the West. Provides information about the current situation. In this rune, you can also find a vector indicating the development of the situation in the near future.
  3. Rune number 3 is a symbol of the South. Describes the events of the future, if you change the attitude towards the current situation.
  4. Rune number 4 is a symbol of the North. Allows you to understand what lesson can be learned from the current situation.
  5. Rune number 5 - center. Gives a chance to understand what needs to be done to normalize the situation.

Fortune telling by Pythagoras

The proposed technique makes it possible to obtain a lot of important information that can influence the future. She describes in detail the nine qualities of a fortuneteller. Thanks to this, it will be possible to understand in which direction to develop, what problems may arise, existing talents, and so on. Divination by Pythagoras is carried out in several stages:

  1. First add up all the numbers from your date of birth. Let's take a date as an example. 11/08/1989: 0 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 37 - this is the first working number.
  2. To get the second working number, add the digits of the first, that is, 3 + 7 = 10.
  3. For the third working number, you need to multiply the first digit of the birthday (in the example - 0) by 2, and then, subtract from the first working number (in the example - 37), you get 37-0 = 37.
  4. The fourth working number is obtained by adding the digits from the third: 3 + 7 = 10.
  5. Write down in a row the numbers included in the date of birth: 08111989. Also write down a series of working numbers: 37103710.
  6. Draw a table where you enter the number of digits from both rows, excluding zeros. After that, interpret the meanings.

Some believe in fortune-telling, others prefer to remain skeptics, but absolutely anyone would like to know their fate. What awaits him in life: luck and success, wealth, love, of course everyone would like all this.

But how to look beyond the curtain of time, is there a one hundred percent way?

Of course, there is no such way, because everything depends on our actions and yet there are events that do not depend on us in any way, the weather (it started raining) or an accident (the bus broke down), all this is fate or fortune. It is precisely such accidents that can be seen, as well as determine the paths that should be followed or not (for example, will you be happy with this person, will you go to this job). It is especially good to guess on Christmas night, they say that higher powers take their power over the world of the living in a ring and begin to revive.

Simple ways of fortune telling

Method one. Fortune telling on the water.

This method will help you decide on your betrothed. And for this we need three candles, a mirror and a glass plate. Pour water into a bowl and let it sit for three days, the water should be energized. After that, put the candles on the table in a triangle, opposite the mirror, and in the center a plate of water. Close your eyes and mentally transmitting energy, ask a question. In the reflection of the mirror in the water, you will see the answer to your question.

Method 2: Yes or No

The easiest way to learn about destiny. Ask a question about the future, for example, I will find my soul mate this year. Then look out the window.

Pay attention to the first one going:

  • If the man is YES, the goal will materialize.
  • Woman - NO, let go of desire.
  • Child - will be executed with a delay or according to another scenario.
  • Deserted on the street - postpone divination for another time.

Method three. Fortune telling on a gold ring.

For this ritual, we need four plates and pieces of cloth, a wedding ring and candles. The ritual is performed together, preferably on Christmas night.

One of you will hide the ring in a bowl of water and cover it with a cloth. The second going in should guess where it is. If you guessed right the first time, then the wish will come true. Do not forget to meditate before starting your fortune-telling. You should feel vibration or warmth from the plate with the ring, do not poke at random.

Method four. Fortune telling with wax.

To do this, we only need a candle, a container of water and a spoon. The candle is melted into a spoon, then the resulting wax is poured into a container of water. Focus, you should see clear silhouettes of wax in the water. Look closely, meditate and you will see the answer to the question that torments you.

Divination by tarot cards.

One of the surest ways of fortune-telling is, of course, fortune-telling on cards. Who among us has not tried to take an ordinary deck of 36 cards and say “magic” words to spread it out? It is best to guess with tarot cards, but this method has many nuances, each alignment has many meanings, so it would be more correct to turn to a knowledgeable person.

But do not believe in any online fortune telling, the cards should definitely be recharged with your energy. To do this, just hold them in your hands and mentally redirect warmth and your energy into them, thinking about the problem that interests you. After that, give the cards to the fortuneteller and he will explain the alignment to you.

An easy way to predict

Concentrate on the question. For example, what to expect tomorrow in your destiny. Now randomly choose one card from the deck and carry out its interpretation. This card will tell you what to focus on that will have an impact on your life.

The gypsy way to discover fate

Tune in to fortune-telling, shuffle the deck (better tarot) and turn to higher powers to help you tell fortunes truthfully. Draw 7 cards and interpret them.

Here is the interpretation of the tarot in detail.

  1. Personal situation. Your I.
  2. Relationships with people, their opinion of you
  3. Fears. What you need to know to warn yourself.
  4. Aspirations. What to expect.
  5. What will you gain in life for sure.
  6. Near future.
  7. Your destiny. The card says what will stay with you.

The gypsy method of predicting fate is very effective, try it.

English fortune telling

It is held on his birthday. You will need:

  • ring (any will do, the main thing is not an engagement ring)
  • sweetness
  • slice of bread
  • ace of spades
  • willow twig
  • ace of diamonds
  • 10 clubs

It is important to prepare all things in advance, put them in a white towel. The cards are necessarily new. All attributes folded in a towel be sure to place under your pillow overnight.

Now go to sleep, dreams will reveal your destiny to you. It is only important to have a rest with an open window. It is necessary.

In the morning, remember what you saw in the Embrace of Morpheus:

  • The key is a great offer, a career.
  • Ring - love achievements, marriage is possible.
  • Bread - material income, wealth.
  • Sweetness is prosperity, creative expression.
  • Willow branch - good news
  • Ace of Diamonds - luck, win.
  • 10 clubs - trip, journey, moving.
  • Ace of spades is a negative prediction that speaks of bad news, illness, health problems.

If you did not see these things in a dream, then there will be a smooth, calm year, without any abrupt changes or shocks.


You can try such fortune-telling on the magical night before Christmas and remember wishes come true! You can guess any other day.)

Fortune telling on cards is one of the most ambitious layouts on playing cards. This method is very beautiful and interesting. To find out your fate, you do not need to go to fortune tellers, you can independently make the alignment at home.

To find out your fate, it is enough to independently make the alignment on the cards

But one cannot very often guess fortune, otherwise it can be miscalculated. If the value was not complete, it means that the cards do not want to talk about it. Any interpretation of the result obtained should be based not on logic, but on intuition. Therefore, during fortune-telling, one cannot be distracted, all attention is paid only to the process.

Basic layout

You can tell fortunes on ordinary playing cards.

For this, it is advisable to purchase a new deck. For fortune-telling, only 36 cards are required. The deck is well mixed, part of the deck is removed with the left hand to the heart and placed under the bottom.

How to guess fortune correctly? First you need to find your card. Unmarried people must choose the king of diamonds or the queen. If a person has a legalized relationship, then a king of hearts or a queen is chosen. Elderly people should opt for the club suit.

From the prepared deck, we begin to shoot three cards, and we are looking for our own. As soon as the corresponding card fell out, it is placed on the table. It is worth looking at the value of the cards dropped together. After that, you need to mentally ask a question about the future and begin a full alignment.

The first card is removed and laid on its own. It means what a person is worried about, what worries his heart.

After that, the deck is laid over the head of the main card and part of the deck. Thus, the entire deck is laid out on four sides. Further, two cards are removed from each pile from above, and the remainders are removed to the side and folded into one pile. The main thing is to observe the sequence of the alignment: top-bottom-right-left.

From the resulting deck, we begin to take two cards and lay them in the corners. The layout is carried out in the following order: top left, bottom right, top right and bottom left. In total, there should be 16 cards around the main card.

At the end of the layout, a few more simple movements are made. The rest of the deck is shuffled, and 3 cards are removed from the top towards the side, and 4 is placed in the center. This card action is repeated three more times. In total, there should be 1 main card in the center, 1 face up and 4 face down cards.

Explanation of the cards

Each card has its own designation depending on the location. The most significant are the five cards located in the center. They talk about the future, which will come any minute. Other divination cards in the layout say the following:

  • overhead - the future, which is not so close;
  • top left - events taking place at the present time, but not concerning you;
  • on the left - the past;
  • bottom left - events that have passed a long time ago;
  • below - circumstances that will not affect in any way;
  • bottom right - recent events;
  • on the right - what awaits in the future;
  • top right - events that will happen, but not touch.

During fortune-telling, all 9 cards of the same suit may fall out for the future.

  • heart set - a very happy deal;
  • set of diamonds - monetary well-being;
  • peak set - great grief;
  • a set of clubs is a big trouble.

Clubs set? Unfortunately, you are in for big trouble!

And also when fortune-telling for the future, 4 cards of the same value can fall out on fate:

  1. Four of aces - a cherished dream will come true, a surprise awaits. In combination with a square, a dozen promises incredible happiness.
  2. Four of kings is a success in any endeavors.
  3. Four of a kind - there are unpleasant gossips. If a lady is in the center of the alignment, then a very close person is gossiping.
  4. Four of jacks - a lot of trouble is expected.
  5. Four of a dozen - career advancement, good luck in business.
  6. Four of nines - receiving news.
  7. Four of eights or sevens - lack of funds, failure in business.
  8. A square of six is ​​the road leading to the fulfillment of the plan.

The meaning of the cards

Consider the meaning of cards in fortune telling, which have the same interpretation for the present, future and past alignment.


  • ace - good news, fulfillment of a plan, receiving an award or a gift;
  • king - gaining calmness and confidence, as well as gaining masculinity;
  • lady - the presence of peace and harmony, strong feelings are possible;
  • jack - you will have to solve important issues, getting a new position, good luck in business;
  • a dozen - getting rid of a serious illness or ailment associated with mental anguish;
  • nine - attracting great interest of others to a fortuneteller;
  • eight - cooperation, new acquaintance, marriage;
  • seven - an increase in material condition;
  • six is ​​a journey that will have a beneficial effect on health.

Six of Hearts promises a journey that will positively affect your health

Diamonds suit:

  • ace - successful start, victory;
  • the king is a stupid solution to problems;
  • the lady is a young girl, will offer her help;
  • jack - physical stress, blockage with important matters;
  • ten - improvement of the general condition;
  • nine - a secret business will turn up;
  • eight is a noble cause;
  • seven - it will take a lot of effort to get what you want;
  • six is ​​an unplanned trip.

Tref cards:

  • ace - bad news, problem solving;
  • king - due to circumstances, you will have to take tough measures;
  • lady - the appearance on the horizon of a deceiver, a cheater;
  • jack - there is a person who uses you, it is worth stopping it;
  • ten - difficulties with finances, troubles;
  • nine - any deception will be revealed, it is better to conduct business honestly;
  • eight - the result does not get the expected estimate, because of this, an unpleasant aftertaste will remain;
  • seven - you should not start anything new;
  • six - a business trip is possible, money will come with a delay.

Spades suit:

  • ace - terrible news will knock your legs down;
  • king - there is a person competing with you and ready to remove you from his path;
  • lady - deception is approaching;
  • jack - disagreement, conflict;
  • a dozen - a serious illness, financial difficulties;
  • nine - you should not take up serious business;
  • eight - treason, spitting in the back, talking behind the back;
  • seven - it is worth going to the conceived, even if everything falls out of hand;
  • six - change of job, fine.

A six of spades can mean a job change

If there are a large number of large cards in the layout, this indicates good material well-being.

Anyone can perform fortune telling. In addition, on the cards, a person will see all his past actions, present and what is yet to come. The main thing is not to get confused in the predictions. This layout is the simplest, but the results are very accurate.

This free online fortune telling reveals a great secret that every person has thought about at least once in his life. Does our existence make sense? Many religious and esoteric teachings say that in the life of every person there is a special mission, only his role assigned to him by the Universe. This Tarot spread will allow you to find out your own purpose and understand how you can realize it. He will also talk about the strengths and weaknesses of your character. The cards will tell you which direction to go in order to feel truly fulfilled as a person.

Make an alignment

Why did he come to this Earth?

First position "Why did he come to this Earth?" will tell about the main mission of this person. The dropped card characterizes his purpose, how he should behave with others, what he should do.

What kind of person should he become

The second position "What kind of person he should become" will more specifically reveal his personality. This map tells how the universe intended it. The second position of this alignment, as it were, explains the first, reveals its essence.

His strengths

The third position "His strengths" speaks about the positive traits of a person's character. It is with the help of them that he is able to realize himself and achieve the greatest success.

His weaknesses

The fourth position "His weaknesses" will indicate possible weaknesses in a person's nature. Do not take them as flaws. Rather, as those parts of the personality that require the most careful attitude.

What should he beware of

The fifth position “What should he beware of” tells about what can distract him from his own mission, somehow hinder it. It can be both your own weaknesses and the influence of other people, some circumstances.

What can help him realize his purpose

The sixth position "What can help him realize his mission" gives advice on how he should act in order to realize his mission. This card says what you can rely on: on some of your abilities, help from loved ones, training, etc.

Fortune-telling on the cards is strictly forbidden to be carried out often. Since you can miscalculate your fate. It is also forbidden to ask cards about the same thing twice. If the cards are hiding something from you, then there are reasons for this. Card fortune-telling is not subject to logical understanding, they need to be felt intuitively.

Remember that for fortune telling you must use a deck that has never been played. Since the cards that participated in gambling will lie, or even worse, will negatively affect the fate of the one to whom they are guessing. It is better not to take risks with what is not fully understood.

Fortune telling on playing cards is very diverse. There are fortune-telling that can tell about the near future, help find a way out of a difficult situation, suggest which choice to make.

1. Fortune-telling on the fate of the Lady or the King

For this fortune-telling, you need a deck of 36 cards. They need to be well shuffled, removed with the left hand towards you. After that, one card is drawn at random from the deck. According to her suit, a Queen or a King is chosen (depending on whether they are guessing at a woman or a man).

The king or queen of a given suit is placed in the center of the table and begins to surround with cards. You need to count six cards from the deck, and put the seventh on the table. And so on until there are 10 cards on the table. According to them, the interpretation of fortune-telling is made.

The value of the suits:

Worms: friendship, loyalty, love, truth, virtue, honor.

Tambourines: prosperity, wealth, contentment and fun.

Clubs: troubles, scandals, boredom, dishonor, loss.

Spades: success in society, happiness and hope in the business started.

The meaning of the cards:


Ace is a love message.

The king is a passionate lover.

The lady is the bride.

Jack is a welcome guest.

10 is love news.

9 - love confession.

8 - pleasure.

7 - fun.

6 is a good fun road.


Ace is a letter, a message.

The king is the groom, the young man, the unhappy lover.

The lady is a young woman, a windy girl.

Jack - monetary chores.

10 - a gift.

9 - obstacle.

8 - anger, hatred.

7 - treason.

6 - fun road.


Ace is gossip, false rumor.

The king is a friend, a married man.

The lady is a married woman.

Jack - success in business.

10 - significant money.

9 - insignificant money.

8 - disappointed hopes.

7 - news from the government house.

6 - an empty road.


Ace - the news of death, a sad letter.

The king is the enemy.

The lady is a gossip, an evil, insidious woman.

Jack - unpleasant deeds, gossip.

10 - disease.

9 - loss of a friend.

8 - betrayal, sadness.

6 - late, unhappy road.

2. Popular fortune telling

For this fortune-telling, you need a new deck of 36 playing cards. They are well shuffled and removed with the left hand. 3 cards are taken from the deck, in search of their own.

The king is chosen as his card - for a man, a lady - for a woman. Young and unmarried people choose cards of the tambourine suit, married people - hearts, and the elderly - clubs.

The meaning of two cards that are in the top three with the desired card give a preliminary interpretation, but you should not focus on them.

The card is placed on the table and the deck is carefully shuffled. Try to abandon everything that may bother you and mentally ask the question: "What will happen?" Now remove the deck onto your card, which means "at heart". This will be the most important map that will give you an idea of ​​the things and people that are closest to your heart.

If the first card is in the heart:

King, Lady - someone is thinking of you.

Jack - chores and worries. If there is a King of the same suit next to him, then Jack is his thoughts.

Queen of Spades - longing, boredom.

10 or 8 peak - disease.

7 peak - trouble.

An unfavorable sign if there is a spades or clubs card with one point in the middle on the heart, or cards lying with the edge up.

7 or 9 peak - tears.

Ace of clubs is a failure in business.

Ace of spades is a nuisance, an unexpected blow, an insult.

Ace of tambourine - letter.

Ace of Hearts - In Pack

9 or 10 tambourines - getting money.

9 or 10 worms - you can rejoice, you will be satisfied.

Now again take the deck and do not shuffle, put it face down over the head of the main (your) card. About a quarter of the cards remain in place, the rest of the deck is transferred to the feet of your card. There you leave another quarter of the deck. The remaining 2 quarters alternately remain behind the back and in front of the face of the card.

Now reveal your cards. From the top pack, remove the top two cards one at a time. They are laid open side by side above the head of the main card. Remove and open the top two cards from the pack at your feet, put the remaining pack on top of the first pack remaining in your hands. Repeat with the packs from the back and face.

In total, you got two cards on four sides of the main card and a pack in your hands. Now you need to remove the top two cards, place them in the upper corner behind the back of the card. The next two are in the lower corner in front, in the upper corner in front and in the lower corner behind. A total of 16 cards should be placed around the main card.

The remaining cards are shuffled, the first three are discarded, and the fourth is placed on the heart. The next 3 are also discarded, and the fourth is at the heart. There should be 4 hole cards in total on the heart.

Now the interpretation begins. Take the four hole cards that were on your heart. It is they who describe the possible future that affects your inner life. If peaks prevail among them, then this is a sign of troubles, and if there are figures, then they will tell you who will be the cause of these troubles.

If the cards are in front of the figure, then everything bad refers to it, and you will simply be affected. If the cards are behind the figure's back, then everything that they portend is yours. If hearts prevail in the cards, then this is a sign of happiness and joy.

The cards that lie directly over your head describe the immediate future (for a week or two). The transitory lies beneath our feet. This is what was or will come and will definitely go away. If there is a figure in your legs, then this person will leave your life.

Two cards behind the back indicate what was or is now. Two cards from the upper corner behind the card tell about what is happening now far from you. Two cards from the bottom corner behind - a very distant future.

In addition, if in fortune-telling dropped out immediately:

9 cards of the suit of hearts - you will be very happy.

9 cards of the tambourine suit - money is waiting for you.

9 spades cards - grief awaits ahead.

4 Aces - mean the fulfillment of desire, surprise. In combination with 4 Tens, they say that boundless joy awaits you soon. This is one of the happiest card combinations.

4 Kings - success in business. They can also talk about a person from a good society.

4 Ladies mean gossip for a woman. If one of the Ladies is close to the main card, then a close woman spreads the gossip. A black card next to it indicates an enemy, and a red card indicates a friend. But for a man, 4 Ladies say that he is a favorite of ladies' society.

4 Jacks - talk about troubles, and if one of them is in the heart, then about serious worries. The degree of severity will tell whether red or black cards prevail in front of the main one. Hearts and tambourines are capable of destroying a bad meaning with a king of the same suit. A jack will mean his intentions and thoughts. If there is a King with a Jack with Ten or Nine of Hearts, then this indicates a strong desire to see you. Many Jacks say that the person for whom the fortune-telling is made communicates in a simple environment.

4 Dozens - they talk about the fulfillment of wishes. In general, they talk about business. The closer they are to each other, the better your business will be.

4 Nines - predict surprise. Whether it is pleasant or not - it depends on whether you are closer to the red or black nine.

4 Eights or Sevens are practically irrelevant. The predominance of small cards speaks of a bleak time, possible lack of money.

4 Sixes - talk about the fulfillment of desire. In general, the Six stands for the road. Peak - dark, night; of clubs - evening; tambourine - short, close; heart - a walk.

The Ace of Clubs at Six of Spades speaks of the railroad.

The more large cards fall out in fortune-telling, the more interesting your future.

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