Repair Design Furniture

Refine the outside of the house. How to sheathe a house outside is a reasonable choice of material. How to combine fantasy with lack of money

The appearance of the house speaks about the status of the house and the taste of the owners. To create something exclusive and presentable, a lot of building finishing materials are called upon. However, the choice must be conscious and correct, beauty is supported by quality - this is an axiom. Let's take a look at the popular types of cladding and cladding for a suburban facility to combine these two factors.

Requirements for facing material

Based on the factors that determine the comfort of the house, it is required to find a cladding material that can protect the object from external and internal manifestations.

The raw material should have the following advantages:

  • The ability to keep warm at home is the main condition for comfort, especially in the climate of our country. For example, if the object is composed of cement blocks, then the stone cladding will require a considerable number of layers of insulation. On the contrary, a frame house made of a wooden bar is considered the most heat-consuming, which is why there is no need for a large thickness of insulation. Therefore, lighter cladding is applicable to it.
  • The ability to keep walls from the effects of natural factors. To a greater extent, this is moisture - it is detrimental to any building material, be it brick, concrete or wood. The biological threat is also important - all types of wood paneling are a treat for rodents and insects, and are also an excellent breeding ground for mold spores.
  • Non-flammability. Fires are not uncommon for a private house. Therefore, when choosing a facing material, you should carefully consider options in terms of safety. Or you will have to spend money on a certain number of special impregnations, which do not give a 100% guarantee of surface preservation.

The price and appearance stand apart. Fortunately, today the construction industry is rich in budget types of cladding and a variety of imitations. They are able to emphasize the individuality of the house or make it completely different from the building material.

Review of popular skins

Conventionally, we will divide all known claddings according to the material of manufacture. They are classified precisely for this quality in the first place.

Wood cladding

The list includes: lining, block house - imitation of a bar, it is also an imitation of a log, wooden siding. Two main advantages make the listed types popular - ecological cleanliness and beauty. A house faced with one of the materials, even created from different raw materials, will create a primordially traditional look of Russian housing. In addition, these skins are heat-intensive in and of themselves, compared to stone, brick or plastic.

However, wood is a moody material. Its disadvantages include: shrinkage, susceptibility to burning, decay, and rodents. Temperature changes can change the original surface beyond recognition - cracking, cracks. The cladding requires constant prophylaxis in the form of impregnation, painting, varnishing. The service life of wood sheathing is several times less than the others. The price of valuable breeds is significant.

Plastic cladding

This includes: siding - wall and basement, block house imitation, PVC and vinyl panels, soffits, thermal panels. The pluses include: a decent appearance - a rich palette and beautiful styling, not susceptibility to temperature changes and weather manifestations, a democratic price and the ability to work independently.

On the downside: when burning, a caustic poisonous gas is released, light shades can fade, a violation of the laying technology will lead to a fracture of a panel or other building unit.


This is the familiar profiled sheet, metal or aluminum siding. Unfortunately, such materials are popular only with commercial real estate owners - the view of a residential building will become similar to a roadside kiosk.

In addition, the metal is devoid of any sound insulation - the rain cannonade will lead even unperturbed owners out of patience. Iron is susceptible to corrosion, even if an appropriate protective layer is applied to it - the installation must be accompanied by gaskets in the fastening holes.

The material is cold and for cladding a residential building requires multilayer insulation. In a word, it can only be purchased for a seasonal dacha - after all, metal is durable, unlike wood or plastic.

Cement cladding

Traditional plaster - ready-made mixtures can turn a house into a fashionable object, however, they require meticulous preliminary preparation. Clinker and ceramic tiles are expensive, such claddings weigh impressively - before work, the ability of the walls to load should be assessed.

They also need preparation. Fiber cement panels are good for their heat capacity, however, they are heavy, fragile with mechanical damage and expensive for a budget pocket. Facade brick is a beautiful stone cladding that requires not only the preparation of the walls, but also participation in a large amount of earthwork.

So, as you can see, there is plenty to choose from. If the priority for the owners is the solution of the issue in favor of the budget, then of all the listed skins, the most popular is PVC siding. It completely balances the sought-after factors - price and quality.

Installation of PVC siding

For independent work, you will need tools: a laser level, a square, a plumb line - it can be replaced with a cord with a load, a grinder, a screwdriver, a stepladder of sufficient height. It is better to work with an assistant, since the length of one bar is impressive and without a simultaneous lining, the unit can be shifted. Inconsistency will lead to a skew of the entire surface.

In addition to external siding strips, components are purchased:

  • corners - outside and inside;
  • starting bar;
  • h- and j-profile;
  • drain;
  • window;
  • sloping elements.

Self-tapping screws in a special anti-corrosion design act as fasteners. A beam is required for laying the lathing. The thickness varies depending on the parameters of the insulation. Wind and water protection must be purchased.

Preparing the walls

All protruding parts - shutters, window sills - are removed from the walls of a wooden house. The wood is impregnated with protective compounds and the caulk is renewed - this is no longer expected. Old plaster is removed from brick and concrete walls, bald spots are putty, impregnated with soil compounds.

Installation of the lathing

What is it for?

  • Firstly, it creates an ideal plane for even laying the cladding.
  • Secondly, ventilation ducts are required under the siding. This is especially important for a timber house.
  • Thirdly, insulation is placed in the boxes formed by the timber, which lasts longer than simply fixed on the wall.

The timber is cut to the full height of the house. An important condition is that the lathing is performed strictly perpendicular to the siding strips.

The installation step is slightly less than the width of the insulation - usually cotton mats are used for this purpose. Then they will fit into the boxes tightly, without bumpiness and gaps.
The level is strictly enforced.

Cladding installation

Work begins with the installation strip, placing it at the bottom of the wall. It is important to bring it out in accordance with the level - the entire surface depends on it. The bar is fastened into special grooves with self-tapping screws, without sinking their caps by 3 mm. Thus, an expansion gap is created - temperature drops can deform the bar, and tight fixation will break it.

Each siding strip has a locking mechanism - a thorn-groove. It is important to install them with the groove down. Thus, the cladding will protect itself from moisture accumulation during the period of rains and melting snow. The plank should be inserted until a characteristic click and then proceed with the installation of a new one, leading the installation to the under-roof space.

After the entire surface of the walls is covered with siding, they begin to install special profiles on top and bottom, closing the technological gaps. Then they fix the corners - internal and external, mount the slopes and ebb. Choosing a contrasting color of the components with the general background, an interesting combination of the palette is obtained.

The bottom line: DIY siding installation is simple. The material itself deserves its own popularity in all respects. Therefore, it is not worth putting off the cladding of the house - it's time to get to work and provide your own home with a decent look.

When developing a project for a private house, you should decide on the methods of its outer cladding. Thanks to the correct finishing of the facade, it is possible to achieve not only the presentable appearance of the building, but also to make the house warm and comfortable to live in.

For this, it is necessary to carefully select insulation materials. To get acquainted in detail with what to sheathe a house outside cheaply and beautifully, the photos presented in the article will help. It is important to form an idea of ​​high-quality finishing methods that will protect the house from destruction under the influence of moisture, active solar radiation, winds and thermal extremes.

The modern construction market is filled with a fairly large assortment of finishing products, which also includes insulation and decorative materials. It is easy to choose the most suitable option from various types, regardless of taste preferences and financial capabilities.

Moreover, each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, differing in terms of quality and durability. In this regard, the most important consumer characteristic is the cost, which affects the criteria for choosing a particular finishing material.

Lining, block house and other wood materials

The lining or wagon board is a thin sheathing board for the manufacture of which natural wood is used. This material is considered the most environmentally friendly option for cladding private and other types of buildings. For connoisseurs of naturalness and naturalness, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of this material, but also its disadvantages.

Pros of wood-based materials:

  • the lightness of such facing coatings allows you to save money when designing and pouring the foundation of buildings;
  • due to the naturalness of wood, it does not contain any admixture of toxic substances;
  • the walls of the house can breathe and do not accumulate condensation, prevents the appearance of mold and fungal formations;
  • has excellent heat-shielding and noise-absorbing properties;
  • can be easily painted, which is necessary to give the facade of the house any color shades and various design solutions.

Disadvantages of lining for exterior decoration:

  • has a high flammability, like other sawn timber;
  • accumulates excess moisture, quickly damp and collapses;
  • has a high number of natural structural defects;
  • easily deteriorates under the influence of external factors and insects.

Yes, indeed, clapboard is considered the cheapest solution for exterior cladding of a house. However, the serious disadvantages that are inherent in wood do not allow it to be used for a long period. To give better performance to wood, various special compounds are used that are applied to the surface of the material (antiseptics, impregnations, stains and varnishes) to prevent rotting and destruction. Most often, lining and block house (siding made of wood under a log) is used for finishing wooden buildings.

The cost of this material is at a democratic level. On average, you can buy a block house from a Ukrainian or Russian manufacturer in the range of 350-700 rubles per square meter. And the cost of lining for outdoor work ranges from 400 to 1000 rubles.

Giving preference to imported materials, of course, you need to be prepared for a higher price. Speaking about the cheaper it is to sheathe a wooden house from the outside, it is worth considering other budget options. The methods below are suitable for buildings made of various materials (brick, concrete and other building materials).

Facade thermal panels

Usually, the choice of what is cheap to sheathe a house outside is influenced by the material from which the building itself is built and the requirements of the house owners for sound and heat insulation. So, if buildings made of wood have the characteristics of good heat conservation, then houses made of brick or concrete are distinguished by cold walls and floors. Therefore, in such cases, it is still better to give preference to external materials with good thermal insulation.

One of the best options would be polyurethane and ceramic thermal panels. This is a very budget but profitable option. Today, Russian manufacturers produce thermal panels at an absolutely affordable cost. On average, it is about 900-1300 rubles per square meter. While the price of cladding from foreign manufacturers reaches 1600-2.5 thousand rubles per square meter.

It is worth noting that clinker thermal panels are a modern method of cladding, which appeared relatively recently in the field of construction. Among the positive qualities of this method are:

  • the material has excellent thermal insulation and perfectly serves as a decorative sheathing;
  • excellent imitation of brickwork, while there are options in different colors, which makes it possible to choose panels for every taste;
  • aesthetic and neat appearance;
  • easy installation and ease of use;
  • the possibility of covering any surface;
  • light weight, which allows you not to strengthen the foundation of the building additionally;
  • low percentage of moisture absorption, which makes it possible to wash the facade of the building from a hose with a high water pressure;
  • because of the dense masonry, cold air does not penetrate the walls of the house.

This is one of the most optimal options, which makes it possible to simultaneously insulate the building and make it beautiful.

Fiber cement panels

Another great option for cheap exterior cladding of a brick house is fiber cement panels. This is a safe bet for stone buildings. Today, fiber cement panels are a relatively new material for cladding, which is already being produced by domestic manufacturers.

This material is durable, easy to install and attractive. The average price for fiber cement panels from foreign manufacturers reaches 1600-2000 rubles per square. A domestic analogue can cost from 700 to 900 rubles, while the quality is on the same level as imported goods.

Fiber cement panels have the following advantages:

  • high strength;
  • reliability;
  • resistance to weather conditions.

The coating with fiber cement boards consists of several layers. These are wood fiber, quartz, mica, cement, and in some cases, chlorine and asbestos may be included. All of these materials form cladding sheets, which are produced according to a specific technology. After that, a protective and decorative coating is applied to the surface.

Depending on the coating, both the quality of the boards and the price may vary. So, one of the cheapest, but resistant to fading is acrylic coating. In second place is the hydrofilter ceramic coating, which is highly resistant to abrasion and fading, can look like new for 30 years, and has a low percentage of water absorption. In third place is the photoceramic coating, which retains its appearance for many years, it is easy to clean, and the cost is at an average level.

A huge advantage is the many variations in the coating. It can be either glossy or imitating brickwork, wood flooring or other materials. The connection between the tiles is very tight, so moisture and cold do not penetrate the walls of the building.

Vinyl or metal siding

If you are still wondering why it is cheaper to sheathe a house outside, then another option would be siding, which is suitable for both brick and concrete buildings. In addition, the low weight of this building material allows this type of cladding to be used for wooden buildings.

Both types of siding have several advantages and disadvantages. For example, metal siding copes well with large temperature fluctuations, is more durable and reliable. But at the same time, this type of cladding helps to remove heat from the walls of the building.

The vinyl material is not particularly distinguished by thermal insulation, but at the same time it does not cool the building. Therefore, which of the options to choose, how to cheaply sheathe a house, is up to you.

If we talk about the cost, then depending on the types, it does not differ much. The price for metal siding ranges from 100 to 195 rubles, and for vinyl siding - from 190 to 250 rubles per running meter. However, when cladding a large building, this seemingly small difference in cost can result in a rather large amount.

There are also other types of facade cladding siding. For example, aluminum, thin steel, cement-cellulose pulp, wood raw materials. Aluminum siding is most often used for cladding industrial facilities, but it can also be used for finishing private houses. Thanks to a variety of colors, it can be used to decorate any facade of the house.

Wood fibers are perfect for cladding the facades of private houses. It is made using high pressure pressing technology, after which it is covered with a layer of protective paint. Cement-cellulose mass as a facing material is suitable for basement areas of buildings.

Sheathing with profiled sheet

This is another option, the cheaper it is to sheathe the outside of the house. This is perhaps the most inexpensive and budget option for finishing the facade of a building. The cost can vary between 160-350 rubles per running meter, which depends on the brand of sheet, manufacturer and region.

Usually a material with small stiffeners is chosen. Among the disadvantages of this finishing method, one can single out poor thermal conductivity, which is compensated for by an additional layer of thermal insulation.

Like siding, profiled sheets are attached to frames, and a huge advantage of this type of sheathing is the speed of finishing. The process is much faster due to the large area of ​​the attached canvases. The installation of professional sheets does not require special skills and abilities, therefore, you can cope with the cladding of a house with this material on your own, without the help of professionals. This makes it possible to save not only on material, but also on the involvement of professional builders.

Both profiled sheets and siding can be used for cladding the facades of buildings made of timber or logs, and it will also be an excellent option for finishing panel houses.

Summing up

When choosing a material for cladding a building, you should not focus on cost and arithmetic calculations. And in addition to the material itself, do not forget about the cost of installation work that will be performed when arranging the frame. For example, the price of wood siding is absolutely budgetary, but at the same time it is periodically necessary to impregnate such a cladding with the help of special compounds in order to preserve antiseptic properties.

Do not forget that the finishing should be done not for one year or even for 10 years. Therefore, when choosing a material, pay attention to its strength, resistance to weather conditions, moisture and the possibility of processing. If you cannot make the right choice on your own, contact the professionals for help. And be sure to take into account the moisture and vapor permeability of the material, so that later all your life you will not fight mold and dampness in the house.

Video "How to insulate walls with foam with your own hands"

Despite the development of construction technologies and the introduction of innovative materials, wood is not inferior to its position as a material for the construction of low-rise buildings. Statistics claim that the share of new wooden buildings in private housing construction is about 23%, second only in percentage terms to brick low-rise buildings and houses made of concrete blocks of various modifications. With such popularity of residential wooden houses, cladding of a wooden house outside is in demand, which can give a new building an archaic look of a Russian hut and, conversely, turn old buildings into a modern "teremok".

Why do I need wooden wall cladding, requirements for finishing materials

The centuries-old practice of using wooden residential buildings on the territory of Russia shows their quite acceptable performance characteristics. In modern conditions, decorating the outside of a house with wooden walls has several goals:

  • Protection of walls from unfavorable climatic factors - precipitation, wind, icing, sudden temperature changes. The outer layers of the cladding material should not be saturated with sedimentary moisture and condensation.
  • Creation of reliable thermal insulation and waterproofing of residential premises. The lower the thermal conductivity and vapor permeability of the material, the better.
  • Protection of walls from mechanical damage such as cracks, chips.
  • Additional soundproofing of the interior of the house.
  • Protection of the wooden part of the house from dampness, rot, fungi.
  • Decorating the facade of a building in a specific architectural and artistic style. In order for the appearance of the structure to remain unchanged for as long as possible, it is advisable to select the material that is resistant to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. This reduces the likelihood of skin fading / discoloration.
  • Protection of the house from open fire, ensuring the fire safety of the building.

The surface can be protected and reinforced in various directions

An important requirement for cladding is considered to be the ease of installation when covering walls, which minimizes the need for the use of special equipment

As a result, the optimal solution than to sheathe a wooden house from the outside is to use facing materials adapted to fulfill utilitarian (protective) and aesthetic functions. Not all of them have such properties to the same extent, so sometimes you have to choose between beauty and reliability.

How finishing affects the heat and sound insulation of the house

Even if cladding materials protect the outer walls of a wooden house from moisture, sun and mechanical damage, this does not guarantee a significant increase in the heat and sound insulation of the building. The energy efficiency of the cladding will be higher if a layer of insulation (mineral wool, penoplex, polystyrene) is placed under the cladding, which is placed in voids that are left between the wall and the cladding during installation. In some cases, the insulation is already on the installed components - most often this is done by sandwich panels.

Two in one - beauty and insulation in one bottle

Most popular exterior cladding materials

When choosing how to sheathe a wooden house outside it is cheap, but with maximum heat protection and a beautiful decorative effect, there are always several options. The most popular materials for external cladding are materials based on stone, wood and plastic. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of using these materials when sheathing the outside of the house.

Clapboard and block house cladding

Clapboard (or wagon board) is a thin sheathing board made of natural wood. From the point of view of environmental friendliness, lining is an ideal material for cladding a house with wooden walls, since the house is made entirely of natural wood.

Additional Information. The term "lining" has firmly taken root in everyday speech to denote cladding boards with a thorn-groove connection, manufactured by the industry in accordance with GOST 8242-88. The original purpose of the carriage boards was the sheathing of cars, which then "migrated" to the construction industry.

The advantages of lining

The main advantages of external wall cladding with clapboard are:

    relatively low weight of the cladding, which allows you to save on strengthening the foundation;

Lining is essentially a thin board

  • natural wood lining does not contain toxic substances and has a beneficial effect on the human body;
  • the wall of the house "breathes" and does not accumulate condensation, thereby preventing the formation of mold and mildew;
  • excellent heat-shielding and noise-absorbing properties;
  • the lining of the lining is endowed with high performance properties, resistant to temperature extremes, high humidity and mechanical damage.
  • the outer surface of the wagon board is easily painted, allowing you to give the facade of the house color shades of any design style;
  • good ventilation of the walls finished with clapboard thanks to special air ducts in the solid wood board.

Disadvantages of lining and how to deal with them

Among the disadvantages of wood cladding, the following factors should be noted:

  • flammability inherent in natural wood;
  • excess moisture contained in the damp skin;
  • the presence of natural structural defects;
  • susceptibility to destruction by insects.

To increase the period of trouble-free operation of a wagon board, it is treated with special compounds applied to the outer surface of the board:

    antiseptics - to protect wood from decay, bacteria and insects, from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;

    impregnations - for imparting fire-fighting properties;

    stains and varnishes - to create color shades and protect against moisture, sunlight and pests.

The installation of the lining is carried out only after preliminary processing

What type of lining to choose for external cladding

The cladding board is divided into four quality classes, depending on the type and location of defects and the presence of knots:

    the "Extra" class is assigned to a board with a flat surface, devoid of any defects, knots and cracks;

    class A - the board has separate knots in the absence of potholes or holes from fallen knots;

    class B - there are cracks, knots or holes from them, indentations and dents on the board, which were removed directly at the factory with putty;

    class C - a complete analogue of defects like those of class B boards, but not eliminated.

Such a detailed classification of the carriage board allows the developer to determine for himself that budget cladding option that corresponds to the selected facade design while minimizing costs and ensuring the required quality. An elite "teremok" is unthinkable without a clapboard of the "extra" class, while for an unbiased suburban residential extension, a board of class B and C is enough.

Where and when the block house is applied

A modern version of flat cladding is a block house with a convex front surface that imitates a segment of a rounded log, and a flat back surface. The wall sheathed with a block house looks colorful, not inferior in attractiveness to traditional Russian huts.

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Illustratively about the use of a block house in home decoration in the video:

Being, in its essence, an improved clapboard, the block house is endowed with the same pros and cons of a wagon board.

Cladding with bricks, decorative stones and tiles

The use of brick, decorative stone or tiles for cladding will make it possible to wall the house from the outside cheaply and in the shortest possible time. Even an old nondescript wooden structure, clad in brick or artificial imitation of natural stone, cannot be distinguished from brick mansions or stone castles.

The transformation of a wooden house into a brick one has two main goals:

    If the house looks unpresentable, it was built from wood of dubious quality, with violations of the architectural geometry of the building, then the brickwork will be able to correct the facade and hide the flaws.

    Brickwork is necessary not so much for ennobling the facade as for increasing the strength and stiffness of the wall structure. The renovated house becomes heat-resistant and will be able to serve its owners for a long time.

With proper cladding, a gap is left between the brick and the tree

Pros and cons of using bricks for decoration

The use of bricks for the external cladding of a wooden house has significant advantages over the use of other materials:

    material availability;

    low water absorption, providing excellent resistance to sedimentary moisture;

    resistance to cyclical and sudden temperature changes;

    good sound-absorbing and heat-insulating properties;

    long service life exceeding 20 years.

    Brick cladding is a good budget option in terms of price / quality criterion against the background of the cost of cladding with decorative coatings.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the large weight of the facing masonry, which creates an additional load on the foundation. It is advisable to calculate before starting work whether it is worth strengthening it.

Video description

Additional nuances of decorating a house with bricks in the video:

Porcelain stoneware and clinker

Of artificial stones, porcelain stoneware has gained wide popularity, the cladding of which gives a truly "stone" solidity to the entire residential complex. The purchase and installation of porcelain stoneware slabs is more expensive than other cladding methods, however, many years of operation, which does not require repair, and the always fashionable architectural style, more than pay off all costs.

Along with porcelain stoneware tiles, other modifications of facing tiles are produced that imitate bricks and natural stones (like granite, basalt or marble), capable of giving an individual flavor to a simple wooden building.

Clinker tiles obtained by extrusion with subsequent firing at a temperature of 1250 ° C have a particularly high strength and wear resistance. Clinker tiles are characterized by minimal water absorption, since technological firing gives the tiles an almost glassy structure with water-repellent properties.


In the Russian building materials market, cladding panels are called siding, which have a perforated edge in the structure on one side for attaching to the frame, on the other - an edge with a slight protrusion to cover the fastenings of the underlying elements.

Siding panels for stone

This gives the sheathing integrity and an attractive appearance.

Additional Information! The term "siding" often refers only to wall cladding panels of certain sizes. This approach is very incorrect, since siding in translation from English means "outer cladding". So in the 19th century in the USA and Canada they called planed painted wooden boards, nailed to the wall in such a way that the lower edge of the board slightly overhangs the upper edge of the board installed lower. With this "overflow", sedimentary moisture rolled straight down the cladding, not penetrating the wall. In the general case, even a lining or block house can be called siding, since they also refer to the outer cladding.

Varieties of siding

Siding panels are made by pressing, followed by applying the texture of wood, stone and other materials. There are several types of siding panels:

  • Wooden siding. Obtained by pressing wood pulp at high temperature. He has increased environmental friendliness, attractiveness, low thermal conductivity. The disadvantage is poor resistance to moisture.
  • PVC siding. This material is also called vinyl siding. It is represented by lightweight PVC panels of a cellular structure, used as an independent heat-insulating layer due to a rather low thermal conductivity.

Video description

About the nuances and order of finishing the house with siding in the video:

Vinyl siding is the most demanded budget facing material, which compares favorably with other types of siding in the following indicators:

  1. does not increase the weight load on the foundation;
  2. has no tendency to corrosion and decay;
  3. tolerates temperature drops from -50. up to +60 ° С;
  4. retains an attractive fresh look for over 20 years;
  5. easy to clean, easy to clean.

    Metal siding. For its production, aluminum, zinc or steel are used. The thickness of the plates is 5 mm, installation is much easier than other types of cladding.

    Fiber cement panels. Siding made from a mixture of polymer fibers and cement. Differs in durability and high degree of fire safety.

Facade paint

Painting your walls is one of the most inexpensive ways to make your walls more attractive. Also, well-chosen paint is an additional protection of wooden walls from ultraviolet radiation and moisture. Proceeding from this, the requirements for paint and varnish coatings were formed:

    Resistant to weather conditions. In addition to weathering, this includes the sun's rays, sudden changes in air temperature and other negative effects.

The manufacturer marks his products in accordance with their purpose.

    Biosecurity. Correctly selected and applied paint is not eaten by any insect, and in addition, it prevents the appearance of mold, fungi and the development of the decay process.

    Security. After drying, the paint layer should not release toxic substances.

    Durability. The paint must retain all its properties throughout the entire service life - usually 5-7 years.

Types of paints

In order not to get confused in other characteristics, it is enough to learn for what purposes one or another basis is better suited.

    Oil. An old-timer on the market, inferior to newcomers in quality, but gaining in price. Of the minuses: it dries for a long time, fade quickly, smells unpleasant. For work, it requires dilution with linseed oil.

    Acrylic. They dry quickly and are well absorbed into the surface, do not react to ultraviolet light, vapor permeable and environmentally friendly.

    Alkyd. According to the result of staining, they are divided into matte and glossy. Thanks to the resins contained in the composition, the painted surface becomes moisture resistant. No strong odor.

    Silicone. In addition to all other advantages, silicone paint additionally increases the mechanical strength of the painted surface.

The type of paint is also indicated on the package.

The nuances of using paints and varnishes

Saving and a good staining result depend on the correct use of paints and varnishes.

    In addition to the cost, you must also look at the paint consumption ml / m²

    Choosing a paint from a foreign manufacturer, one must understand that there are no serious frosts in Spain, unlike Finland, for example. Therefore, for hot regions it is better to take Spanish paint, and for frosty regions - Finnish products.

    It is equally bad for painting when it is done in wet or hot weather. In the first case, the adhesion of the paint to the surface deteriorates, and in the second, it can crack due to too fast drying. If painting takes place in the morning, then first of all you need to check if dew has fallen out. The ideal option is a dry, slightly cloudy day, with an air humidity of up to 50% and a temperature of + 5 / + 20 ° С.

Painting is a very simple process, but before starting it, do not forget to study the instructions on the paint can, if only because it indicates how many layers must be applied for a good result.

How is the installation of the external cladding of a wooden house

Regardless of the type of material used for cladding wooden walls, the activities for facing the outer wall are reduced to a unified algorithm.

Installation of all types of cladding is done in approximately the same way.

    Treatment of the outer surface of wooden walls with antiseptic compounds. The purpose of processing is to prevent possible destruction of wood from various kinds of biological factors. After installing the cladding panels, the walls will no longer be available for processing.

    Arrangement of a vapor barrier for natural air circulation in the wood of the wall using films, foil or special vapor barriers.

    Construction of a frame (lathing) for a heat-insulating layer.

    Installation of thermal insulation. For placement between the panels and the wall, foam plastic, polystyrene foam or mineral wool are used

    Arrangement of waterproofing.

    Installation of facing materials.

Prices for finishing materials for facing wooden houses

Choosing the best way to sheathe a wooden house outside, reviews and prices become the main guidelines. To choose a budgetary and, if possible, high-quality option for facing the outer walls of a wooden house, you need to navigate at least the average prices for the line of cladding materials. On the websites of organizations offering cladding materials, the following price ranges are indicated:

    lining - from 150-250 rubles / m² for coniferous wood to 300-700 rubles / m² for valuable wood species;

    block house - from 200 to 600 rubles / m²;

    artificial stone - from 600 to 3000 rubles / m²;

There is always a wide selection in specialized stores - in terms of quality and prices.

  • brick - within 800-1600 rubles / m²;
  • wood siding - from 60 to 200 rubles / m²;
  • PVC siding - from 100 to 300 rubles / m²;
  • metal siding - from 200 to 700 rubles / m²;
  • fiber cement siding - from 1000 to 3000 rubles / m².

In addition to the price, it is worth evaluating the availability of material purchase and delivery. If the material is difficult to find, then if the quantity is incorrectly calculated, then there is a risk of buying the missing cladding at exorbitant prices or finishing part of the work with another cladding.

It is important! When choosing an inexpensive cladding material, one should pay attention not only to the prices for cladding, but also the prices of component parts, as well as consumables.

In this case, the facing of a wooden house will be inexpensive for the developer and will allow building a new house or reconstructing an old one with minimal costs.

Video description

About a non-standard solution in the exterior decoration of a house in the video:

Also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects wooden houses with various options for facade finishes, from construction companies presented at the exhibition of low-rise country houses.


In our reality, finishing the facade of a wooden house, at least at the initial stage, often becomes a search for a solution to how to sheathe a house from the outside cheaply and beautifully. But the choice of a budget cladding option should not be reduced to a simple arithmetic operation showing where the least money will be spent on purchasing material.

It is also necessary to take into account the cost of installation work, during which it becomes necessary to equip the frame and lathing for thermal insulation, as well as the resource of trouble-free operation of the house. For example, the cost of wood siding is not high, but wood cladding must be periodically impregnated with special compounds to maintain antiseptic properties. Practice has shown that the most budgetary options are PVC siding and lining of middle quality class.

October 24, 2016
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of summer cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

The facade is the hallmark of any building, in addition, the exterior of the house, as you know, serves to protect the walls from rain and other negative environmental influences. Therefore, the choice of finishing materials must be approached competently and responsibly.

Currently, the market is replete with various offers, which on the one hand, of course, is good, but on the other hand, because of this, it is not easy for a beginner to decide what is the best way to decorate a house. To help in this matter, below I will introduce you to the most common technologies for exterior decoration and their features, as well as modern facade materials.

Exterior finishing options

So, the following facade finishing options are currently popular:

  1. dry (curtain facade)- implies the installation of the frame, which is subsequently sheathed with panels;
  2. wet (plaster)- carried out using all kinds of plaster solutions that can be applied to the walls in different ways;
  3. cladding with piece materials- means pasting walls with tiles, natural stone or other similar materials;
  4. brick cladding- in this case, walls of facing bricks are erected around the perimeter of the house;
  5. thermal panels Is a relatively new material that is dry-attached to walls.

Each of these finishes has its own characteristics, as well as pros and cons, which we will talk about below.

Option 1: curtain wall

Technology features

Finishing using the ventilated or hinged facade technology is very popular, since it has a number of advantages:

  • the facade is quick and easy to install, and you can do the finishing at any temperature;
  • the finish is quite strong and durable;
  • a large selection of materials, which allows you to implement any facade design to your taste;
  • it is possible to place thermal insulation under the cladding, as well as hide communications.

Due to the absence of wet works, this finish is an excellent option for wooden buildings. Also, in a similar way, you can decorate a house from blocks, such as aerated concrete or wood concrete. Truth, in this case, it is necessary to use special fasteners for mounting the frame.

The disadvantages include a higher cost compared to plaster.

Curtain wall materials

As mentioned above, the frame serves as the basis for the curtain facade. It is assembled from metal profiles or wooden beams. In addition, of course, you will need some other materials for the exterior decoration of the house in this way:

  • heat-insulating material for wall insulation. On our resource you can find detailed information on the choice of thermal insulation. The only thing I will note is that it is best to use board materials, for example, expanded polystyrene boards or mineral mats;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • if the house is wooden, you will also need protective impregnation and mezhventsovy insulation;

Particular attention must be paid to the finishing material on which the design of the facade depends., as well as how durable the exterior of the house will be. The assortment of all kinds of panels is simply huge, and all of them cannot be enumerated. Therefore, further we will get acquainted with only the most common materials:

  • wooden finishing boards - these include a block house, lining, imitation of a bar, planken, etc. All of them differ only in size and profile.

Among the advantages of these coatings are environmental friendliness, attractive appearance and relatively low cost - from 300-350 rubles. for 1m2. The disadvantages include the need for periodic maintenance, namely treatment with protective compounds.

As a rule, such materials are used for finishing wooden buildings. For example, a log house, even after finishing, can retain its natural beauty if it is sheathed with a block house;

  • vinyl siding - plastic panels in the form of several interconnected boards. Vinyl siding is a good alternative to wooden materials, as it costs less (from 200 rubles per 1m2) and does not require any maintenance;

  • metal siding - looks like vinyl siding, however, it is made of galvanized steel or aluminum. Outwardly, this material faithfully imitates a wooden covering, but at the same time it has some disadvantages:
    • high cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1m2;
    • noisy thief during precipitation and strong winds;
    • high thermal conductivity.

Therefore, metal siding is rarely used for finishing residential buildings.

  • front panels - in fact, this is an analogue of vinyl. The only difference is in appearance - this coating can imitate natural stone, masonry, and other materials.

Often, home craftsmen are interested in how to decorate the bottom of the house in order to highlight it and ensure sufficient strength for the basement? Special plinth panels are an excellent solution. Outwardly, they resemble facade panels, but they are more durable.

Everyone should choose what material is better to decorate the house from the outside, depending on the desired design of the facade and, of course, financial capabilities.

Option 2: plaster

Technology features

Plaster is no less popular than, for example, a curtain facade, as it has some advantages:

  • is much cheaper than other finishes. Therefore, if you are looking for how to decorate a house from the outside cheaper, then plaster is an excellent solution;
  • allows you to achieve a presentable appearance of the structure - there is a large selection of decorative plasters on sale that can highlight even the most ordinary-looking structure;
  • in a similar way, not only the decoration of a private house from the outside can be performed, but also the decoration of the facade of the apartment. True, for this it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities;
  • it is possible to insulate the facade - in this case, the plaster is applied over the insulation using a special technology, which has already been described on our resource several times.

If you decorate a plastered and painted facade with decorative slats and beams, it can be decorated in a half-timbered or Japanese style.

At the same time, the plaster also has some disadvantages:

  • plastering is a seasonal job, since it cannot be engaged in at sub-zero temperatures;
  • durability is much lower than other finishes. As a rule, it does not exceed 10-15 years, subject to strict adherence to technology and the use of the most expensive and high-quality materials. Otherwise, the facade will have to be repaired even earlier;
  • strength is much lower than with other types of finishes, especially if plaster is applied over insulation... In this case, it is protected by a thin layer of cement based glue and fiberglass mesh. As a result, even minor mechanical loads can damage the facade surface;
  • plastering is a rather laborious work.

If the house is made of wood concrete or aerated concrete, plastering it over the insulation is not recommended, since the walls will have much greater vapor permeability than the finish, which will lead to their constant dampness with all the ensuing consequences.

Types of plaster

It should be noted that there are several types of plastering:

Plastering type Peculiarities
Rough The task of such plastering is to level the outer walls and prepare them for further finishing, for example, applying decorative plaster, tiling, painting, etc.

To perform rough plaster, cement mortars are used. It is best to use special plaster mixes that contain additives that improve the quality of the coating. Their cost starts from 180-200 rubles. per bag 25kg.

With such plastering, a liquid solution is applied to the wall manually or mechanically, after which it is leveled according to the rule of lighthouses. True, if the unevenness of the wall is insignificant, plastering can be performed without beacons.

Decorative Forms the texture of the facade, respectively, performs an exclusively decorative function. As a rule, decorative plastering is carried out with special mixtures, which are applied in a thin layer. They may contain marble chips or other filler that forms the texture of the coating.

The cost of the cheapest mineral plasters starts from 300-400 rubles. per bag weighing 20kg. The cost of more expensive polymer compounds can reach 2500-3000 rubles.

I must say that there is a technology for decorative plastering with ordinary cement mortar. Its essence lies in spraying the composition on the walls, as a result of which a texture resembling a fur coat is obtained. Therefore, this technology is called a fur coat.

Wet facade With this plastering, the walls are pre-pasted over with insulation, for example, foam or mineral mats. In addition, the insulation is additionally fixed with special dowels.

Then the surface is reinforced with fiberglass mesh, which is glued with Ceresit CT 85 glue. Thus, it acts as a rough plaster.

Any decorative plaster is applied on top of the surface finished in this way, which is subsequently painted.

If you want to insulate the house using the hinged facade technology, but at the same time decorate it with decorative plaster, you can sheathe the LSU frame with plates, then putty them and apply a decorative composition on top.

Option 3: cladding with piece materials

Exterior decoration of the house can be done with piece materials. Among the advantages of this solution are the following points:

  • reliable protection of walls from atmospheric influences;
  • the facade acquires a presentable appearance;
  • durability.

Of course, along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages:

  • walls under such cladding cannot be insulated from the outside;
  • the cost of piece facing materials is much higher than the coatings described above.

Therefore, the combined external finishing of the facade is very popular. In this case, piece materials are used only for finishing the basement or corners, and the main part of the walls is plastered or finished in other ways, as in the photo below.

The most popular are the following types of piece materials:

  • stones;
  • clinker tiles;
  • ceramic tile.

Below we will take a closer look at the features of all these coatings.

Facing stones

Natural stone is a common finishing material that always looks stylish and fashionable.... In addition, this finish is durable and very durable.

True, it should be borne in mind that the stone is not the same. Therefore, further we will consider the most common types of stones that are used to decorate facades:

Stone type Peculiarities
Limestone and sandstone They are beautiful stones that are found in a variety of shades. Of course, in addition to visual appeal, their other advantages can be distinguished:
  • low cost - from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;
  • relatively light weight.

The disadvantages include low strength and porosity.

Shell rock It is also an inexpensive, but beautiful stone. It has the same disadvantages as the above described limestone and sandstone.
Slate Beautiful and at the same time durable material, therefore it is very popular. It is often used when decorating a Provence style facade.

The cost of oil shale also starts from 400-500 rubles. for 1 m2;

Marble This stone is one of the most famous and widespread. It has a beautiful texture and a rich selection of shades. In addition, this stone can be called eternal due to its high strength and hardness.

The only serious disadvantage of marble is its high cost - the price starts from 3500-4000 rubles. for 1m2.

Granite It has practically the same performance characteristics as marble. True, its cost is somewhat lower - from 2,500 rubles per square meter.

To prevent the porous stone from getting wet and clogged with dirt, it should be covered with a special varnish.

The installation of the stone is carried out using ordinary tile adhesive. Since when laying this material, you do not need to perform even seams and strictly maintain the level, even a beginner can cope with this task.

Clinker tiles are a beautiful and durable material for exterior wall decoration, which is made on the basis of slate clays. Thanks to a special manufacturing technology, it has the following qualities:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to weathering;
  • durability - many manufacturers of clinker tiles give a 100-year guarantee;
  • light weight compared to natural stone.

Externally, the tile resembles a brick, so a wall trimmed with this material is almost impossible to distinguish from brickwork. True, the installation process itself is quite complicated, since the tiles must be located in the same plane and have the same seams.

In addition, the grouting process is quite difficult. Therefore, if you decide to tile the house with tiles, you will have to seek help from specialists.

As for the cost of clinker tiles, the price for products of domestic manufacturers starts at 600 rubles per square meter. European tiles are several times more expensive.

Ceramic tile

A good alternative to clinker tiles is ceramic and porcelain stoneware. It can be smooth and structured. The latter resembles natural stone, therefore it is very popular.

Sometimes even a photo printing is applied to the glazed surface. As a result, the material can have any texture or pattern. Accordingly, such a coating looks very impressive.

It should be noted that not only tiles are made of ceramics, but also large facade panels, the width of which can reach 60 cm, and the length -180 cm. The panels are easier to mount, however, the design of the facade in this case turns out to be rather peculiar. Therefore, tiles are still more popular.

The cost of ceramic facade tiles starts at 400 rubles. for 1m2.

Option 4: brick cladding

Considering modern types of exterior decoration, one cannot fail to mention brick cladding. This is perhaps the best protection of walls from negative environmental influences and mechanical influences.

Therefore, if you are interested in decorating an old house, brick cladding is an excellent solution. Indeed, in this way you will not only protect the walls from negative influences, but also give the structure a presentable appearance.

True, for objectivity, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some of the disadvantages of such a solution:

  • the brick has a lot of weight, as a result of which the facing walls need a foundation even if you are planning to decorate a one-story house. Therefore, if such a cladding was not planned at the design stage of the house, it is necessary to perform an additional strip foundation around the perimeter of the building;
  • the cost is quite high - it starts from 10-15 rubles apiece;
  • facing masonry requires high qualifications of a bricklayer, therefore, it will not work to save money by finishing it yourself.

Option 5: cladding with thermal panels

Finally, we will consider modern outdoor finishing materials that belong to the category of thermal insulation boards. Their main feature is the presence of two layers:

  • base - is a heat-insulating material. It can be polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, or even polyurethane foam;
  • front layer - serves as protection for the insulation from environmental influences, and is also a decorative element. Clinker tiles, marble chips, porcelain stoneware tiles and other materials are usually used as the front covering.

It should be noted that these panels do not require the installation of the frame, as they are fixed directly to the wall using special fasteners. At the same time, they are connected to each other in a lock, which provides a continuous surface without cold bridges.

The disadvantages of this finishing method are:

  • high cost - the price of thermal panels starts from 1000 rubles. for 1m2;
  • the vapor permeability of such a coating leaves much to be desired, so you should not decorate a house made of gas silicate or other materials that have a high vapor permeability in this way.

Here, in fact, are all types of exterior wall finishes that I would like to introduce you to in this article.


Exterior decoration of a house can be done in different ways and materials. Moreover, it is impossible to say unequivocally that some option is better, and some worse, since they all have their own pros and cons. Therefore, everyone must make their own choice, depending on their own wishes, financial capabilities and other factors.

If you have any questions regarding the decoration of the facade, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

October 24, 2016

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As soon as we have a country house, we are looking for options for how to inexpensively decorate the facade of the house. There is a huge variety of materials on the modern market, so the owners of private buildings have the opportunity to choose what suits them best in terms of financial capabilities. It is not worth choosing completely budgetary options, since, after all, a residential object must be reliably protected.

We choose wisely!

Finishing materials for the home are aimed at giving the exterior a special look and protecting it from various external influences. To make the facade presentable, you need to take into account a lot of little things:

Many are looking for solutions on how to decorate the facade of a house cheaply. But it is worth remembering that the total cost of finishing is made up of several components - the price of material, components, equipment and the price of installation itself.

We work with a wooden house

It is important to choose materials for decoration, taking into account the characteristics of the house and the material from which it is built. So, the owners of wooden houses strive to emphasize its naturalness, naturalness, therefore, most often they refuse to finish. But in some cases you cannot do without it, since wood is a material that is not resistant to various atmospheric influences. How to decorate the facade of a wooden house to emphasize its natural beauty? Before answering this question, it should be noted that the cladding process is not an easy one, since a number of the following works are required:

Material for a wooden house: brick or plaster?

Experts say that any log or log cottage looks very beautiful in itself. But if you still want to give it a completely different look, then we suggest evaluating a number of materials. Before finishing the facade of a wooden house, you need to competently approach the process itself, not forgetting about such an important stage as insulation. Not the easiest way to finish a wooden structure - plaster, which fits only on the crate. The use of plaster is good because you can give the facade a spectacular appearance. Experts say that this method is too laborious, and therefore it is not often used. In addition, plaster cannot boast of a variety of colors.

Among the popular materials is brick: it can significantly transform the appearance of a building, ensure its high fire hazard, and increase the resistance of walls to frost and moisture. But work is carried out only after the structure has completely shrunk, the bricks are fastened to special metal fixtures, besides, the load on the foundation with this choice will become much higher, so you need to think about strengthening it at the design stage. Since decorating the facade of a private house with brick is not an easy task, you should entrust all calculations to competent specialists.

Siding, PVC panels or tiles?

Very often, wooden houses are finished with siding. The popularity of the material is due to its affordable cost and ease of installation. Experts say that such a finish will be a reliable and practical home protection. The advantage of choosing this solution is the variety of colors, that is, your wooden house may look different. So if you are looking for an inexpensive way to decorate the facade of a house, choose siding: it is easy to care for it, it is durable and does not deteriorate under the influence of natural factors. In addition, the installation of siding is carried out on the frame, which means that it will be possible to insulate the building.

PVC panels are rarely used in decoration, but their advantage is in imitation of different surfaces. In addition, they are resistant to mechanical stress. Tiles, which are attractive with practicality, look interesting on a wooden surface. But, as experts say, working with this material is not so easy.

House of foam blocks

Many modern cottages are built on the basis of foam blocks and aerated concrete. The popularity of materials is explained by the ease of working with them, and long-term operation. True, there are several nuances that should be taken into account before finishing the facade of a house from foam blocks:

To put the facade in order, experts advise using the following methods:

  • ventilated facade: it can be built using siding, lining, decorative panels;
  • facing brick: its use allows you to think over ventilation openings, due to which natural air circulation between the wall and the finishing material will be ensured;
  • plaster mixes;
  • simple staining using which have good vapor permeability.

These are the best solutions for those who are looking for an option than to decorate the facade of a house from aerated concrete.

Frame house

Such structures attract attention because they are economical to build. But with finishing you need to be careful, as there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account:

How to finish taking into account the above? Many experts recommend installing any curtain wall structures based on a vinyl block house, siding. Such a coating attracts with an affordable price, simple installation, reliability and durability, therefore this system is in high demand today.

A frame house looks beautiful when cladding with clapboard, wooden siding, block house - in general, materials that emphasize the naturalness of wood. Such designs look solid, presentable and fit beautifully into the surrounding landscape. To give some effect to the facade, you can use facade decorative plaster. Tiling, natural or artificial stone will help to express the individuality and solidity of the cottage.

Thus, we see that there are many options for how you can decorate the facade of a house. But in order for your choice to be truly deliberate, you should pay attention to the merits of each material and its approximate cost.


This material is liked by both buyers and experts for its safety, ease of installation, ease of maintenance and beautiful appearance. For example, in most European countries, this material is most often used for decorating houses. And if you consider that manufacturers guarantee a service life of about 40 years, you can protect your home for many, many years. As for the price, the material costs on average about 200 rubles per 1 sq. m., if we talk about vinyl siding, the basement is more expensive - about 500 rubles sq. m. But still, for those who are looking for how to inexpensively decorate the facade of a house, this material is best suited.


This coating can make the facade of any house beautiful and worthy of attention. In terms of structure, we have a moisture-resistant and breathable material. There are many varieties of it - acrylic, mineral, silicate and silicone plaster. But in terms of texture and color scheme, the material is very limited, moreover, before cladding, it is required to additionally paint the facade. Experts note that this coating will last for 10 years, while it is not resistant to mechanical stress.

The process itself is not the easiest one - for finishing a house with an area of ​​up to 150-200 sq. m will take at least 6-8 weeks. A surface primer will be required in advance to protect it from atmospheric influences. The cost of a kilogram of plaster from 40 rubles. per 1 kg - this is the simplest variety, the expensive ones include silicate and silicone plaster - they cost from 100 rubles per kilogram. On average, about 3 kg of material is consumed per square meter.

Block house

How to inexpensively decorate the facade of a house if it is made of wood and you want to emphasize its natural beauty? Experts suggest paying attention to a type of lining - a block house, the front surface of which imitates a rounded log. With environmental friendliness and naturalness, the material does not differ in durability, and the appearance of the surface can be spoiled by cracks and other defects that are inherent in wood. In addition, it will be necessary to constantly update the surface of the block house with protective equipment. The cost of one square meter of material varies between 400-1000 rubles.

Ceramic brick

If the appearance of your home is more important to you than the cost of finishing, choose facing ceramic bricks. It attracts attention with its ecological cleanliness and natural composition, frost resistance and durability and good sound insulation. It is necessary to decide in advance on the color and texture solution before finishing the facade of the house. A photo of such houses shows that a more luxurious coating cannot be imagined. In addition, it will last for more than a dozen years. True, in terms of cost, this material cannot be attributed to the budget - after all, high quality and durability cannot be cheap. One square meter of cladding will cost from 1200 to 3000 rubles.

Facade tiles

Facade tiles are a modern and reliable building material. It is durable, moisture-resistant, durable and ideal if you are looking for a beautiful solution to the question of how to decorate the facade of a house. The photo of the finished surface emphasizes all its beauty, however, the installation itself is not simple. In addition, careful preliminary surface preparation is required, as well as control over the straightness of the seam. In terms of quality and aesthetics, facade tiles are not inferior to brick, and at a price they are much cheaper - 1000-1500 rubles per square meter.