Repair Design Furniture

How to make smart plasticine or handgum at home (video). Hand gum or hand ghost - how to make a slime yourself How to make hand gum a long-lasting recipe

Hand gum or handgam (neogam) is one of the modern popular anti-stress toys. Due to the massage of the nerve endings located on the palms, tension disappears.

It was invented in 1943. By its appearance, the toy is similar to ordinary plasticine, but, unlike it, it does not stick to the hands and does not keep the shape that was given to it. Not toxic or poisonous.

Although considered by many to be a useless toy, handgam also has a number of beneficial properties besides being anti-stress. Hand chewing gum promotes the development of creativity not only in children, but also in adults.

The polymer mass makes it possible to create any figurines, be they animals, people or other objects. Due to the fact that the plasticity and hardness of the hand gum changes depending on the action, the game becomes even more fun.

Also handgam is a great simulator for those who need to restore the hand after any injury. Thanks to the development of fine motor skills, it helps to improve handwriting.

You can use hand gum if you have a bad habit, such as biting your nails, and want to get rid of it.

Housewives found such an unusual use of the handgam as collecting the hair of shedding pets around the apartment.

There are many varieties of hand gum that can be purchased at the store. It differs not only in colors, but also in properties. Some chewing gum can magnetise, change color, others glow, and still others have a 3D effect.

Also, handgs can not only be bought, but also made by hand.

How to make chewing gum at home: the main way

Before you start creating an antistress toy, you need to purchase PVA glue (you can buy it at any office supply store), sodium tetraborate (sold in pharmacies for a small price), dye (you can also use gouache).

You can add glitter or a drop of fragrance if desired. Also, for the process of preparing handgam, you will need a mixing bowl and a spatula.

Let's start the process of creating a toy:

  1. First, pour the PVA glue into a dry container. The size of the hand gum depends on the amount of glue used;
  2. Then we add food coloring to the glue for a more saturated shade, or ordinary paints. If it is decided to make a shiny or flavored chewing gum, then add the desired component to the resulting mixture;
  3. Next, you need to add a few drops of sodium tetraborate, after which you need to start actively stirring the mixture, since the substance begins to actively thicken;
  4. The toy is ready!

Store this hand gum in a resealable container in a cool place. It is also important to remember that the life of a homemade toy will differ from the purchased one, and even if you store it correctly, it may become unusable after a few weeks. The shelf life of commercially available hand gum is about a year.

If you could not find some of the ingredients, then it is possible to make handgam in other ways.

How to make gum-free hand gum

There are several ways to create a toy without PVA glue.

The first way

For him, we need gelatin, plasticine, water, a container for mixing ingredients.

  1. Make a gelatin solution as directed on the package;
  2. While the solution is cooling, bring a little water to a boil;
  3. Add a small piece of plasticine to the mass, let it melt completely;
  4. Place diluted gelatin in a vessel and start kneading the dough;
  5. The toy is ready!

This manufacturing method does not require a lot of time.

Second way

This method will require significantly more free time and the number of components.

For manufacturing you will need: sodium tetraborate (boron), bandage, water, polyvinyl alcohol, glycerin, dye and container.

The algorithm for creating a toy is as follows:

  1. Dilute alcohol with water (according to special instructions for PVA);
  2. Boil the resulting solution over low heat for 30-40 minutes;
  3. Dilute boron in a prepared vessel;
  4. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth, getting rid of excess liquid;
  5. Combine the mixtures in one bowl and mix carefully;
  6. For a softer toy, add a drop of glycerin;
  7. Stir the gum with the dye;
  8. The toy is ready!

This method is of higher quality.

How to make tetraborate-free hand gum

You will need the following ingredients: PVA glue, liquid starch, dye, acrylic paints, container.

The algorithm for creating a toy is as follows:

  1. Add the required amount of liquid starch (1/3 part) to the container;
  2. Add the selected dye;
  3. Add PVA glue;
  4. Stir the mixture, bringing it to a homogeneous consistency;
  5. Place the resulting mass in a cold place for 3-4 hours;
  6. The toy is ready!

How to play with hand gum

Handgum is an amazing polymer. With a quick impact on it, it becomes hard - it is possible to break it into several parts with a hammer, break it with a sharp movement of the hands. With slow action, it takes on a soft form - if you leave the gum on the table, it will begin to smoothly spread over the surface.

What can be done with the handgam:

  • stretch - due to its plasticity, it can stretch, but will not tear;
  • make them jump - form a ball of gum and throw it on something solid, for example, on the floor. Handgum will jump like a ball;
  • mold various figures - using your imagination, you can give the toy the desired shape;
  • break - place the gum on a hard surface and hit with a hammer, it will break into several small fragments;
  • break - by pulling the toy sharply in different directions, you will see that it can be divided into several parts.

Storage and precautions

Before purchasing hand gum, you should read the following precautions:

  • age limit up to three years;
  • cannot be used as food;
  • flammable;
  • should not be left on clothes or upholstered furniture;
  • cannot be stuck to hair;
  • can not be washed using chemicals;
  • cannot be used as an adhesive base;
  • Do not cover the respiratory organs with a toy.

You should also store the toy in its original packaging so that it does not lose its properties and does not collect all small debris, such as wool, hair, dust. If garbage does get into the handgam, then you can gently rinse it with water without using chemicals.

It is advisable to wash your hand gum as little as possible so that it lasts longer. Under no circumstances should it be left within the reach of pets or small children. In a sealed package, the antistress toy can be stored for up to 5 years or more.


Hand chewing gum is a great gift idea not only for children, but also for adults. The main purpose of the handgam is to develop motor skills and imagination, as well as to calm the nerves. Thanks to its characteristics such as bright color and pleasant aroma, it gives a positive mood.

The following video very clearly shows how to make hand gum using two recipes.

Clever plasticine, handgum or hand gum is a rubber object similar in properties to a regular slime that adults and children love to play with. Handgam differs from ordinary plasticine in that it can be thrown into walls without fear, rolled on the floor and glued to furniture - it does not leave traces. In addition, such a toy perfectly develops motor skills, allows you to relieve stress and calm the nerves. Hand gum is sold in stationery and toy stores, packed in small plastic containers. But why buy this toy when you can make it yourself?

Classic handgum

This is the best recipe for making a viscous mass for a shiny and elastic toy.

  1. To prepare this toy, we need PVA glue, sodium tetraborate and paints. In addition, you will need a plastic bag and a container for mixing the mass.
  2. Take PVA glue and pour it into a plastic container. When buying, pay attention to the fact that the product should not be expired - choose only fresh tubes.
  3. Add paint to the glue. It can be ordinary gouache, which gives rich shades and colors. It is not at all necessary to choose one color - you can add paint from two cans to the mass to get a new shade. For example, if you mix red and green, the handgam will turn out to be brown; if you mix yellow and red, you will get an orange toy.
  4. The next ingredient is sodium tetraborate. In everyday life, it can be found in a pharmacy called borax. Usually the solution is made on the basis of glycerin and contains about 20% pure borax. You need to drop a few drops of this sodium tetraborate into a container with glue and knead the dough. The mass will begin to thicken, after which you need to collect it in a heap and mix well (stir).
  5. After that, the mass must be transferred to a plastic bag and thoroughly kneaded through the film. Leave the handgam to cool down a bit, then remove the bag and play for fun.

This is the most common way to make hand gum. But if you can't find some of the ingredients, don't despair. The toy can be made from other components.

How else to make handgam

You can make this exciting toy yourself, and you don't have to leave the house to buy some of the ingredients - they are always at hand.

  1. Silicate glue. Handgam can also be made from silicate stationery glue. Mix it in equal proportions with alcohol and knead the dough. Over time, the mass will begin to thicken. Use the paint before you mix the alcohol and glue. Before the toy is ready, it will need to be rinsed with water.
  2. Starch. Handgam can be prepared without glue. To do this, mix water with starch and add a little food coloring or gouache to the mixture. From the prepared dough, you need to mold a bun - the toy is ready. Of course, it will not be so elastic, but on the other hand, it is an absolutely harmless and natural product.
  3. Starch and glue. For a thinner plasticine, add some glue, starch, and dye to warm water. The resulting mass is perfectly molded, you can make beautiful figures from it. The downside is that such figures do not last long, they quickly melt in the heat.
  4. Plasticine and gelatin. Prepare the gelatin solution as directed on the package. While the hot solution cools, bring a small amount of water to a boil. Add a piece of plasticine to the mass and wait for it to melt. After that, pour the diluted gelatin into a container and knead the dough. In terms of elasticity, the mass is similar to a natural toy.

These are simple methods of making handgam that do not require much time and effort.

The first thing that comes to mind of a person who picks up chewing gum is "What to do with it?" The only answer is to play! But how to play with this incomprehensible subject? In fact, it is a very useful thing that can be used in many different ways.

  1. Hand chewing gum develops fine motor skills, strengthens the muscles of the hands, affects the nerve endings, which are very abundant on the pads of the fingers. Playing with such a gum is very useful for young children who love to touch and touch everything. However, be extremely careful not to put the object in your baby's mouth.
  2. Hand gum is an anti-stress item that can be wrinkled, torn, joined, and rolled at will. Such manipulations calm the nerves.
  3. In a warm room, the gum gradually melts. If left on the table, it will turn into a puddle, but will not stain the surface. And if you stick such a gum on the underside of the table, it will gradually drain to the floor, like a spoonful of thick honey.
  4. If you play with the toy constantly, it affects the muscles and tendons, training your arms no worse than an expander.
  5. Hand chewing gum can wean a person off other habits - for example, biting nails, grinding on the table, or smoking.
  6. If the handgum becomes liquid, then you have been playing for a long time. Leave it on for a while and it will harden again.
  7. Make and play with a toy only with clean hands. This will protect the elastic surface from dirt, debris and dust. In addition, store the gum only in a plastic container so that the mass does not get dirty.
  8. Handgam can be used not only at home, but also wherever you need to while away the time. For example, in a queue or transport.
  9. Any figures can be sculpted from this plastic material - animals, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. Gum can be used to make a phone case or make fun desk accessories.

In shops you can find handgam of various types and colors. Some are made with the addition of phosphorus and glow in the dark, others are magnetic, and others generally delight with fruity aromas and change color.

The modern toy industry amazes adults with new trends and modern entertainment. Chewing gum for hands will not leave indifferent any adult, and children are simply delighted with such a toy. In between games, keep the handgam in a sealed container to increase its shelf life and enjoy the elastic properties of this product for a long time.

Video: how to make lizuna hendgam

Hand gum (handgum) is a popular toy that helps develop fine motor skills and relieve stress, similar to plasticine, which is why it is often called "smart plasticine". Under the influence of heat, it begins to change its properties, becomes soft and pliable, which resembles modeling dough. But there are also several differences between hand gum and ordinary plasticine: the plastic mass quickly loses its shape, but does not dry out and does not stick to the hands, and also does not stain clothes. It can be crumpled, torn into pieces and stretched.

Properties of "smart plasticine"

When rolling into a ball, the handgum can be used as a bouncer, because it easily bounces off hard surfaces. If you leave the toy on a vertical surface, it begins to slide down, stretching like a slime. Hand gum comes in a variety of shades, including metallic colors. Some species glow in the dark, but these options require “charging” in direct sunlight. There are chameleon colors that change tone depending on the temperature of the hands.

The smell of this plastic mass can be neutral or fruity. "Smart plasticine" hardly gets dirty if it is not rolled on the floor. It is stored for a long time in a metal container that comes with the kit, and does not lose its properties. Hand gum is used to relieve stress, develop imagination, and relieve fatigue. It helps to strengthen the muscles in the palms and pass the time during long waiting times.

Features of magnetic chewing gum

One of the new products is the magnetic hand gum. It contains special particles that work like a magnet. A set with a toy usually comes with a special magnet, with which you can pull out the mass, giving it a different shape. If you place the handgum and the magnet at a short distance from each other, after a while the mass will absorb the metal cube. And if you put the toy inside and hit it lightly with a hammer, the surface of the "smart plasticine" will spring back, and there will be no pain. The fact is that the material retains its plasticity during smooth deformation. But if you hit it sharply with a hammer, the "clever plasticine" will be shattered into small pieces.

for hands with your own hands

There are several ways to do hendgam yourself.

For the first option, it is enough to stock up on a few ingredients:

  • PVA glue;
  • watercolors;
  • sodium tetraborate;
  • a container for stirring the solution;
  • wooden stick.

Pour PVA glue into the container, add a little paint and start adding sodium tetraborate little by little, stirring the mixture with a wooden stick until the mass becomes thick enough. Then the hand gum is transferred into a bag and crumpled with your fingers. It can be used for at least 3 weeks. Sodium tetraborate is sold at drug stores and radio stores. For coloring, you can also use gouache, food coloring. If desired, flavor the plastic mass by adding a few drops of perfume or essential oil to the composition. Such a gum for hands, as in the photo, is indistinguishable from the purchased "smart plasticine".

Gelatin hendgum

Sodium tetraborate is unsafe for babies who like to taste all toys, because for children under 3 years old, there is another recipe for creating a handgum, which does not include this component.

You need to prepare the following materials and ingredients:

  • distilled water;
  • a wooden stirring stick;
  • containers made of plastic and aluminum;
  • greenery;
  • plastic bag;
  • food gelatin;
  • plasticine.

Hand gum making process:

Now you can give your child "smart plasticine" to play and develop fine motor skills.

Hand gum is plasticine that can take any shape. Various recipes for this toy allow you to achieve a variety of its consistency: from thick to liquid. The advantage is that the prepared mass does not stain clothes. There are various recipes for how to make hand gum.

Hand gum - plasticine that can take any shape

How to make DIY hand gum at home: a traditional recipe

The elastic slime toy can be prepared according to the traditional recipe.

The accessory is prepared from the following materials:

  • 1 glass of PVA;
  • 2 vials of sodium tetraborate;
  • a small amount of food coloring.

How to make smart plasticine:

  1. The glue is poured into a plastic container.
  2. The adhesive mass is mixed with the dye.
  3. Sodium tetraborate is gradually poured into the mass. At this point, the mixture will begin to thicken.
  4. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it can be used for its intended purpose.

In order for the prepared toy to be elastic and retain all its qualities and functions, it is necessary to use PVA, the production period of which is no more than 3 months. Store this gum in a resealable container or plastic bag.

DIY hand gum (video)

Glowing hendgum

In addition to ordinary toys, you can also cook those that glow in the dark.

To make them you will need:

  • 240 milliliters of PVA;
  • sodium tetraborate - 1 teaspoon;
  • half a glass of water;
  • fluorescent marker.

In addition to ordinary toys, you can also cook those that glow in the dark.

How to prepare a glowing handgum:

  1. Water is poured into the container, borax is poured. Everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  2. The glowing marker opens, its rod is lowered into the liquid.
  3. Everything mixes well to distribute the fluorescent pigment throughout the composition.
  4. Then the rod is removed, and PVA is poured into the mixture.
  5. The mass is thoroughly mixed. At this time, it will begin to thicken.
  6. When smart plasticine becomes difficult to interfere, you need to place it in a plastic bag and knead it with your hands.
  7. Then the toy is removed from the bag and used for its intended purpose.

If the handgam prepared in this way begins to dry out, it can be immersed in a container of warm water for a few minutes.

DIY PVA glue at home

If there is no PVA in the house, you can cook it yourself.

This will require:

  • 100 grams of sifted wheat flour;
  • 25 grams of ethyl alcohol;
  • 7 grams of fine gelatin;
  • 70 grams of water;
  • 7 grams of glycerin.

If there is no PVA in the house, you can cook it yourself

How PVA is prepared:

  1. Gelatin is soaked in water for 1 day.
  2. Then a water bath is built. A container with a gelatin solution is installed on it.
  3. The mass is brought to a boil, and then gradually mixed with flour. During this time, the mixture must be constantly stirred. Usually, the mass acquires a homogeneous structure after 1 hour after adding all the flour.
  4. Then glycerin and alcohol are poured into the mass, everything is mixed and left in a water bath for another 30 minutes.
  5. The mixture is removed from the heat and cooled.

Such glue has excellent adhesive characteristics, so it can be used not only for making handgam, but also in repair work.

How to make hand gum without sodium tetraborate?

To manufacture a safe ecological accessory, it is necessary to abandon the use of sodium tetraborate, PVA, and dyes.

For cooking you need:

  • container made of plastic, aluminum - 1 piece;
  • plastic bag;
  • food gelatin packaging;
  • water - 250 milliliters;
  • plasticine;
  • wooden stick;
  • brilliant green.

How to do:

  1. 150 milliliters of water is poured into an aluminum container. The container is placed on the burner, the liquid is brought to a boil.
  2. Gelatin is gradually introduced into the hot water. At this time, the mass should be constantly stirred with a stick.
  3. When the gelatinous mass begins to thicken, the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  4. After 7 minutes, the container is removed from the heat.
  5. After cooling, the liquid is poured into a plastic container.
  6. 100 milliliters of water is poured into a metal container. Then it is brought to a boil.
  7. Small balls are molded from white plasticine.
  8. Plasticine is gradually thrown into the boiling liquid. The fire is reduced, the mass is stirred until the balls are completely dissolved.
  9. The gelatinous mixture is transferred to a hot liquid.
  10. Everything is mixed, and then a small amount of brilliant green is added.
  11. The slightly cooled mass is transferred to a plastic bag and kneaded by hands.

Store the prepared toy in a cool place.

Handgam from starch and water

You can also make a toy for hands from starch. It is worth considering that such an accessory is quite liquid and requires storage in a cool place.

In the cooking process, the following components are needed:

  • starch;
  • water;

You can also make a toy for hands from starch.

Cooking starchy hand gum:

  1. Water and starch are mixed in a separate container. These ingredients should be taken in equal amounts.
  2. The resulting starch liquid is gradually introduced into a bowl with PVA glue.
  3. The mass is mixed until the desired consistency is obtained.

Additionally, food coloring may be added to this mixture. It must be diluted in water before mixing with starch.

Gelatin Handgum

For children under 3 years old, it is necessary to make toys based on materials that are safe for their health. This is due to the fact that babies often lick or eat foreign objects.

To exclude poisoning, the following ingredients must be used to make smart plasticine:

  • water;
  • food gelatin;
  • children's plasticine.

For children under 3 years old, it is necessary to make toys based on materials that are safe for their health.

Cooking at home:

  1. 150 milliliters of water is poured into an aluminum container.
  2. Gelatin is poured into the liquid, everything is mixed and left for 25 minutes to swell the gelatin grains.
  3. The mass is placed on the burner and brought to a boil.
  4. Then the heat is reduced and the mixture is cooked until it thickens.
  5. The toy is boiled for another 5 minutes, removed from the stove and cooled down at room temperature.
  6. Children's plasticine of any color is melted in a water bath.
  7. 100 milliliters of boiling water is poured into the plasticine mass, everything is mixed.
  8. A gelatinous mixture is poured into the resulting colored mass in small portions.
  9. Everything is mixed, cooled and transferred to cling film.
  10. After the mass is kneaded, it can be removed from the film and given to the child.

No additional dyes should be used in this recipe as they can be hazardous to children's health.

How to make bouncy clay or rubber band for hands?

How to soften hand gum? To make a bouncing handgum out of chewing gum at home, PVA must be replaced with silicate glue, and borax must be discarded.


  • silicate glue;
  • alcohol or vodka;
  • food coloring.

How to make a toy with your own hands:

  1. Silicate glue is poured into a clean container.
  2. Alcohol is poured into the glue mass in a thin stream. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Pour alcohol until the gum acquires a firm, springy structure.
  3. The lump is taken in the hand and actively wrinkled. After acquiring a homogeneous structure, the toy can be used for its intended purpose.

If you want to get a colored toy, you need to add food coloring before pouring alcohol into the glue. It is worth considering that the prepared silicate bouncing handgam ages very quickly and needs to be updated regularly.

Hand chewing gum is a relatively new invention, it has absorbed the properties of plasticine, bouncing, slime - all the favorite children's toys in one. Such an interesting mass attracts even adults, because it can be made in different colors and smells, which instantly reduces stress and cheers up. Learn more about how to make handgams at home.

What is hand gum made of?

In order for the handgam to retain all its properties and be no worse than the store, which costs quite a lot, you need to responsibly choose the ingredients. Check out all the recommendations regarding them.

  • PVA glue. The same glue that is familiar to everyone. It is white in color and has a specific odor that gradually disappears. Take a full jar and check the expiration date.
  • Dye. You can use anything: food coloring, acrylic, some put green stuff. You can add glitter to this point.
  • Sodium tetraborate. You need two jars, in the future, you yourself will adjust the amount of components.
  • A glass jar to mix.

Add literally a few drops of aromatic oils or perfumes to make your clever plasticine replace aromatherapy for you.
With all the components assembled, you are ready to create your handgam. The main thing is not to rush.

The process of making hand gum at home

Open all the ingredients, stock up on wooden sticks to mix them inside the jar.

  • First, pour all the PVA glue into a jar, scrape off the rest with a stick.
  • Now add your dye, measure the amount by eye until you get the desired color. Stir constantly. At this stage, add perfume, glitter, and other decorative elements.
  • Add tetraborate carefully, a little bit at a time. Stir the mixture for a long time until it thickens and becomes smooth.

Your handgam has been received. Take it out of the jar and enjoy the game.

How to handle hand gum

Do not forget that a mass with such a composition is afraid of the sun. If you leave it in the sun, or play outside on a sunny day, it will just float and spread. It will be impossible to thicken it back.

Handgum gets dirty easily, it has such a consistency. Do not sculpt shapes out of it on a dirty or dusty table. Do not place it on fabric - the gum will deteriorate.

Store smart play dough in a plastic container away from sunlight. Make sure the container is tightly closed and free of moisture.

Of course, if your hand gum goes bad, you can always make another one.

Using chewing gum on your hands

This multifunctional composition has many uses, for example, you can use it as a relaxation agent. Some people calm down when they pop balls on cellophane packaging, handgam has a similar effect: make it your favorite color, add mother of pearl and glitter, and your favorite perfume. As you touch the gum in your hands, think of something pleasant.

Children can sculpt different crafts from gum, like from plasticine. The more the handgam is crumpled, the denser it becomes. If you leave the gum alone, then after a couple of minutes it will begin to flow.

Such clay is ideal for developing finger motor skills. It will appeal not only to children, but also to adults who have experienced any kind of ailment.