Repair Design Furniture

How to set the formwork for the foundation under the fence. Assembling the formwork for the fence. How to make a formwork for a fence - installation instructions

How to make the formwork for the foundation under the fence yourself

Do you need a foundation for a fence? - the question is by no means rhetorical, especially when it comes to a protective structure. The fence can only perform decorative functions, but it is still better if it serves as a durable protective structure. Indeed, a reliable foundation is required for every capital building, including fences.

All the subtleties and pitfalls in the manufacture of formwork, how to avoid wasting time, what types of materials are better to use - this and much more will be told in this article from a theoretical and practical point of view.

What is the formwork for?

Any concrete worker will answer the question that the most important thing is the correct formwork. First of all, it is worth mentioning the need for a foundation for the fence. At the same time, it does not matter what material it will be made of - the main task is not to let the enemy into the master's possessions. As you know, there are three main ways to overcome the fence:

  • jump over, climb over;
  • break the fence itself, make a hole in it;
  • make a dig.

Many animals: dogs, cats, chickens, rats and others are capable of doing the last of the "feats", not to mention wild animals in the countryside - these are martens, ferrets and weasels. That is why the foundation is so necessary, and in order for the building to look aesthetically pleasing and even, it should be made protruding above the ground.

Usually, the height is no more than 25 cm, which makes it possible to exclude the destruction of the fence material, protect it from destructive "earth" moisture and other harmful environmental factors. There are also higher plinths with significant differences in the level of the landscape. In any case, formwork will be required to save effort, time and materials. You just can't do without it.

What formwork can be made from?

Formwork is usually built from wood., knocking boards into solid and strong shields. However, in recent years, the abundance of building materials has made it possible to expand the arsenal for its manufacture. In principle, you can use any plates and sheets, various waste materials - everything that is at hand. In combination with load-bearing elements, they will cope with their task perfectly. Supporting materials include:

  • slate;
  • a metal sheet;
  • plywood.

Laminated chipboard copes with this task perfectly. The smooth surface favorably distinguishes it from others, because. concrete does not cling to the walls of the formwork, effectively filling voids.

However, in the absence of another or in order to save money, unlaminated chipboard can also be used. The value of the plate itself lies in the ease of installation, the availability of the material, and it is especially worth noting its main advantage - this is the bearing capacity. It largely depends on the thickness of the sheet, however, even with a standard 16 mm, the strength of the structure is quite high, and therefore is able to withstand significant loads.

Formwork made of glass-magnesite sheets

Formwork installation for one, two, three!

This section will be useful as a practical guide to action or a cheat sheet for experienced craftsmen. It outlines the main practical techniques and methods of work. So, the manufacture of formwork for a strip foundation for a fence using a shield method from wood materials is carried out in several steps:

  1. Training. This stage includes marking and digging a trench for the foundation, procurement of materials, checking tools and fixtures. Before proceeding with earthworks, it is necessary to make markings for the entire length of the fence. It will help to identify possible obstacles and obstacles during excavation - they may be an inconspicuous at first glance stump or ditch, tree or communications pipe. Next, prepare materials and tools. Total for the case you will need: a bayonet and pick-up shovel, a hacksaw or a jigsaw, a screwdriver, a hammer, a level, a plumb line, timber, plywood, a board, nails and self-tapping screws. Additionally, you may need a crowbar, a mount, an ax to remove roots and other work, and reinforcement, which will give strength to concrete and significantly extend the life of the fence.
  2. Manufacturing of formwork elements. Shields, as the basis of formwork, can be easily made from chipboard by sawing the slab into strips of the desired size, or from boards knocked together into a single canvas. The number of such panels depends on individual needs: either it is a formwork for the entire length of the foundation for one-time pouring, or only for individual sections 3-9 meters long.
  3. Mounting. Before installing the surfaces of the shields, it is better to waterproof them in order to prevent the rapid removal of moisture from the concrete, which leads to drying and cracking of the monolith. This technique is especially relevant in hot and dry weather. So, for example, with the help of liquefied tar or used oil, this issue can be resolved. Or you can simply cover the surface of wood panels with plastic wrap or use a special water repellent.
    So, the shields are ready, the ditch is dug, backfilling is done with sand and gravel in layers of 5 cm - like a pillow for concrete. This is followed by the installation of vertical stakes from a bar at an equal distance from 0.5 meters to 1 meter, depending on the bearing capacity of the web material. Shields are attached to stakes with screws or nails.

When making formwork fasteners, it is better to leave the self-tapping screws on the outside. This will ensure a simple and neat disassembly in the future.

Then, through the drilled holes, the shields should be fastened transversely to each other with reinforcement or thick wire. For additional strength, side braces are placed, and kerchiefs are also transversely fastened at the top with scraps of timber. Don't forget the armature. The work is done and the formwork is ready!

The nuances of the formwork device on the slope

Everyone knows that there are no perfectly flat areas - the ground level strives to "escape" a couple of degrees up or down. Moreover, if a small slope does not create any special problems, then a slope of more than 10 degrees requires a special approach when installing a fence and installing formwork.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here. There are only two options:

  • Arrange the fence and foundation in one straight parallel line with the landscape relief. This is the simplest, but less aesthetic and "correct" method.
  • The second more correct and aesthetic option is a kind of falling ladder from support to support. The foundation also forms a step after each column. All horizontal lines are strictly level. Beautiful! Aesthetically! But impractical. Formwork for such a foundation has its own specifics.

As mentioned above, many people, for reasons of correct manufacturing, choose a “cascading” fence on a slope. Consider the manufacture of such formwork in more detail:

  • The formwork device is complicated precisely by uneven terrain. When pouring concrete at one time, it must be borne in mind that it is better to start it from the bottom up. Boards for formwork, respectively, are similarly "oblique". They must match the slope. Naturally, such improvements create additional difficulties in manufacturing. Also, do not forget that you still need to close the protruding ends of the future step with transverse sections of the board.
  • Another rule for the construction of a stepped foundation is the correct excavation of the soil. It should be carried out in such a way that the bottom of the trench is also level and runs in steps parallel to the line of the future basement. This technique will increase the resistance of the foundation to slipping and minimize premature destruction of the structure.

Practice confirms that sometimes there are nuances that the theory is silent about:

  • In the manufacture of formwork, care should be taken to ensure that there are no nails or self-tapping screws that have come out inside the structure. Such oversights can lead to problems when removing the shields.
  • A fiberboard sheet, for example, needs to be nailed for reliability not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
  • Concrete loves cloudy weather, since the presence of moisture in it after the first phase of curing will allow you to get the rest of the strength, and this is about 30%. Pretty significant, right? If the weather is dry and hot, you can sprinkle the surface of the solution with wood shavings, which will retain moisture and give the desired coolness.

A well-made formwork can last for many years and be the basis for hundreds of pours, so you should pay attention to the quality of its assembly. Dismantling should also be careful. For convenience, it is possible and even necessary to use the so-called clips for the transverse screed of the shields with the help of reinforcement.

Formwork making video

In the following video you will see how to properly mount it and pour concrete into it:

The basis of a reliable enclosing structure is the foundation. A special frame will help extend its service life, increase strength and service life. How to make a formwork for a fence so that the fence lasts for several decades? Making a frame for a fence with your own hands is quite simple. Theoretical knowledge, desire and availability of free time will help to build a real masterpiece of the barrier element.

The main functions of the formwork

Fence formwork is a removable frame made of wooden boards, which provides the design characteristics of the future structure, and satisfies the following requirements:

  • preventing the appearance of bends and irregularities;
  • not deform under the mass of the foundation;
  • provide straight lines of the frame.

The form for laying the concrete mix for the fence can be made from improvised materials - plywood, metal or wood, which must correspond to the height of the foundation above ground level. The main thing is that the structure can be easily assembled and disassembled.

Varieties of concrete borders

A solid foundation for concrete structures is represented by several types:

  • horizontal formwork is intended for the construction of ceilings with concrete slabs, pierced with reinforcement - steel guides;
  • vertical - used for buildings of non-standard forms. Its inherent slight thickness does not affect the strength of the base;
  • architectural and sloping frames will help to give a unique design to concrete structures.

The set of elements and details of the base is intended for the construction of monolithic structures. The thickness of the frame is determined by the nature of the concrete structure, the desired geometric shape and climatic conditions.

Formwork construction

How to build a formwork for a fence with your own hands? The design of the object requires a preliminary calculation and procurement of building materials. When choosing raw materials, be guided by your budget. Plywood or chipboard is most often used, and wooden blocks are used for props.

Calculations and marking of the territory

Before building the frame, you should set the parameters of the fence. The height of the fence will determine the depth of the pit, at least 1 m. The length of the fence sets the amount of materials. The type of fence structure implies the height of the frame: brick and stone need high formwork, metal products do not provide for it.
After determining the dimensions according to the plan sketched on paper, mark the area with pegs and rope. Focus on the length of the fence. Dig holes, deepening them by 50 cm, at the same time clear the soil of debris.

Procurement of materials

If you have already worked with a bayonet shovel, stakes and rope, you will additionally need a hacksaw, a plumb line, a hammer, a level, a pry bar, a house, formwork material and fasteners. An ax, fittings and a welding machine will not be superfluous.

Work algorithm

The construction of formwork for the foundation for the fence provides for a clear sequence of actions:

  1. To make the fence even, we mark the frame with twine, pulling the rope from one corner to the opposite.
  2. We retreat from the edge of the pit half a meter, and install the bars into the soil every 50 cm.
  3. The wood is tightly joined together without gaps in order to achieve the stability of the fence.
  4. We apply the base of the building material to one side of the trench, and press it all the way to the surface of the moat. We do the same with the other end of the chipboard.
  5. To a sheet of wood shavings, we nail incised bars - horizontal screeds, which we place above the soil level.
  6. We mount the props into the ground and into the upper edge of the chipboard at an angle of 45 degrees, which contributes to the preservation of clear formwork lines when filled with concrete.

The formwork can be assembled both for individual fencing elements and for monolithic structures.

Foundation pouring

The construction of the shaping base begins with digging a hole. If the product provides for brickwork, the parameters of the ditch must correspond to the dimensions of the fence. For other structures, you can limit yourself to the grounds for fixing concrete pillars, the depth of which reaches one meter. With the help of sand, we fill the pits, periodically tamping the layers, until we get a solid dense overlap.

Materials needed for the base

For kneading you will need:

  • capacity;
  • drill;
  • water;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • plasticizer not more than 1% of the total volume.

We combine the above building materials, mix with a special nozzle for a drill until smooth.

How to prepare the concrete composition?

Having compiled a list of the above materials, select fine-grained sand, crushed stone with medium fractions, water and cement grade M300 from it. Concrete is prepared in the ratio of 1 part of cement to 3 parts of sand and 4 parts of crushed stone. Water is added to the state of sour cream. The plasticizer must be introduced according to the manufacturer's requirements. Builders advise replacing synthetic compounds with liquid soap - this way the mixture spreads evenly over the formwork and prevents it from shrinking.

Reinforcing frame preparation

Formwork for the fence in accordance with the scheme is a guarantee of the reliability of the foundation and the quality of work. Formation is needed to enhance the strength of the foundation, especially if the groundwater is close to the soil or on loam. It is carried out in several technological steps:

  1. We take reinforcement bars with a section diameter of 10 mm and fix them 5 cm above the level of the bottom of the pit.
  2. We mount a support under each pin.
  3. We make an indent from the trench by 10 cm, and begin to fix the reinforcing bars, alternating horizontal pins with vertical ones after 40 cm.
  4. Using a welding machine, we connect lines of different directions to obtain a single reliable frame.

When the work on mounting the reinforcement is completed, we proceed to the preparation of the cement mortar.

The subtleties of working with concrete mortar

It is not recommended to fill the base for the fence with cement mortar in one go. It is necessary to fill the form gradually, making holes with an iron rod in each layer. This will help prevent the appearance of swelling and relief of the surface.
We cover the concreted plane with a film to protect it from the effects of natural phenomena and other debris. We spray the surface with water every three days. At the end of the two-week period, we dismantle the formwork for the fence in the following order:

  • remove the clamps between the bars;
  • we begin to disassemble the load-bearing elements to the edge of the trench;
  • lastly, we dismantle the forming sheets of chipboard.

It will take a month for the cement to completely harden, but in hot conditions it is recommended to remove the frame after 15 days. The foundation requires periodic moistening with water.

Casting fixed formwork

The principle of using the formwork determines the collapsible and fixed structures for the fence. When erecting a fence, the question arises of how to properly install a fixed frame. The construction scheme is based on the connection of the grooves of the parts into a single whole according to the type of constructor.
Fixed formwork is made of various materials:

  • expanded polystyrene (polystyrene);
  • cement mortar and chipped wood plates;
  • fibrolite (sawdust).

The pouring of a fixed structure for the foundation of the fence covers several technological points:

  1. We connect the blocks to each other with reinforced concrete floors in such a way that the groove of one part forms a closed space with the connector of the other part.
  2. We carry out reinforcement of the concrete floor with the help of rods with a section radius of 8 mm.
  3. Pour the concrete mix in layers 0.2 meters thick.
  4. We pierce each level with a metal rod.

The non-removable base for the foundation allows you to achieve tightness of the structure at a high speed of work and ease of installation.

Formwork on a slope

How to make a formwork for a fence on a slope? The scheme of sequential actions, where there are horizontal level differences, is different, because. the height of the lowest point of the frame will be higher than on the rise of the relief. The construction of the formwork on the slope takes place in stages:

  1. Reinforcement. To do this, you need metal rods of large cross section. It is possible to give reliability to the support by increasing the number of iron pins.
  2. We make a cement mortar, and fill the foundation in several layers.
  3. We cover with polyethylene and leave the concrete to dry for a month.

The foundation for formwork on a slope holds the soil, prevents its erosion and shedding.

Nuances when constructing formwork

To build a formwork for fencing with your own hands, you need to have minimal building skills. To facilitate your task in building a solid foundation, the recommendations of experts will help:

  • so that when dismantling the chipboard not to damage the shape of the frame, screw in the screws and nails until they stop so that the pins do not stick out;
  • it is necessary to fix plywood or chipboard sheets on both sides: external and internal. This helps create a solid structure;
  • so that the concrete does not dry out and does not crack in the summer, use sawdust when laying the foundation. The presence of the top layer of chips helps to retain moisture.

If dismantling work is carried out, the formwork is removed in reverse - starting with vertical piles and ending with shields.
The technique of self-construction of formwork is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Using professional advice and recommendations, you will receive a reliable and stable foundation for future fencing.

When concreting the base, supporting pillars, ceilings, as well as decorative elements, a formwork for the fence is assumed. Without the device of such structures, it will not be possible to correctly pour the concrete mixture.

Foundation formwork

And in order to understand the features and types of enclosing devices, it is worth considering all types of formwork, with the help of which the foundation is installed under fences made of corrugated board, brick, concrete slabs, and stone.

Main types of structures

There are several types of enclosing structures that are used in fence construction as a "form" for pouring the foundation. The main types of formwork include:

  • Architectural and inclined. Are used for the device of non-standard design designs from a concrete mix;
  • Horizontal. Used to assemble floor slabs. At the same time, they have a significant thickness and necessarily involve the reinforcement of the foundation;
  • vertical. They are mounted for laying the base under fairly light structures made of corrugated board and metal poles, as well as fences made of tin and other light materials.

If you want to install the base yourself, you need to decide on the appropriate type of formwork. At the same time, the choice of a “prefabricated form” for pouring concrete directly depends on the design features of the installed barrier.

The formwork device may be different. In some situations, it is more expedient to install a collapsible or, conversely, a fixed structure. Removable fixtures can be used repeatedly. At the same time, they are assembled with their own hands from improvised materials.

Fixed products are long blocks that consist of side limiter shields. Parts of the "forms" are interconnected with the help of special metal ties, as well as plastic brackets.

What to make formwork?

You can make a “form” for pouring concrete with your own hands from wood-shaving materials. In this case, the boards must be thick enough to withstand the onslaught of the solution.

They are knocked down into monolithic shields that prevent the mixture from flowing out of the mold. By and large, it is possible to make formwork for the base from any load-bearing building materials, which include:

  • flat slate;
  • tin sheets;
  • thick plywood;

The device of the foundation of the fence

The device of the "form" from non-laminated chipboard is undesirable, since this material is able to get wet very quickly, which will lead to depressurization of the formwork. In addition, to make a building envelope with your own hands, you need to take into account such nuances:

  • The thickness of the boards and fiberboard should be at least 15-20 cm;
  • There should be no deep cracks and knots on the surface of the materials;
  • When assembling the “form”, nails should be hammered from the front side of the structure and bent outward;
  • Wood chips should be well dried.

Formwork for a corrugated fence

As a rule, either a tape or a tape-pillar foundation is used for the installation of a fence made of corrugated board. In the first case, the structure is a concrete tape of small width, on which the barrier is subsequently mounted. In the variant with a strip-and-pillar foundation, the concrete masonry is performed with the preliminary installation of the pillars in a trench surrounded by a formwork block.

Formwork for a corrugated fence

For laying the foundation for a fence made of corrugated board, it is the tape-pillar base that is most often used. Firstly, the process of pouring the base is quite simple, and secondly, even when laying the foundation, the support pillars are installed at the same time, on which then it is simply necessary to hang sheets of corrugated board.

To make a "form" for pouring the solution with your own hands, you should adhere to the following stages of work:

  • Territory marking;
  • trench excavation;
  • Installation of vertical bars;
  • Shield installation.

Formwork device

Foundation pouring

Formwork for a new corrugated fence must be assembled according to technology, only in this case the foundation will be of high quality and durable. So, to make the form under the base, you need to clearly follow these stages of work:

  • Territory marking. First you need to mark the perimeter of the future fence, and only then proceed to the next stage of work. In addition, along the marked line, it is necessary to make marks for the installation of support pillars. Usually they are mounted at a distance of 2-2.5 m from each other.
  • Digging a trench. The trench for the corrugated fencing should not be too wide, ranging from 30 to 40 cm, while the depth usually does not exceed 60 cm. However, in the places marked for the installation of pillars, holes must be made in the finished ditch, their depth should be approximately 15-20 cm.
  • Installation of vertical bars. Now you need to install the vertical crossbars with your own hands, which is done along the inside of the trench. To do this, holes are pulled out in the walls of the ditch clearly according to the size of the bars. The interval between the installed "piles" should be approximately 100-120 cm. The upper parts of the beams should rise about 25-30 cm above the ground.
  • Shield installation. Now the formwork itself is being assembled under the fence of wooden shields. According to the previously installed piles, it is necessary to assemble a monolithic wall on both sides of the trench. It is important that the walls are strictly vertical. When installing the "form" for pouring the foundation, be sure to check the structure for strength. If it seems flimsy to you, reinforce it with self-tapping screws and metal corners from the outside.

As you can see, the construction device is quite complicated, so if you need to install the formwork with your own hands, strictly follow the recommendations of specialists. Only then will the installation and filling of the mixture be carried out correctly. After completing the last stage of preparatory work, it remains only to pour the solution into the finished form. For more details on the video editing process:


It is quite difficult to make a solid and high-quality “form” for a base device with your own hands, especially if a person has not dealt with construction work before. This should take into account the depth of the future trench and, as a result, the thickness of the foundation, as well as the reliability of the wall materials from which the formwork will be assembled.

Concrete is an invariable companion of any construction work of a capital orientation. Do-it-yourself fence formwork is one of the simplest types of restrictive structures when pouring concrete.

There are several types of formwork used in construction as a solid and reliable basis for concrete (or reinforced concrete) structures:

  • Horizontal formwork is used for the construction of floor slabs, they are of considerable thickness and are necessarily reinforced with steel rods;
  • Vertical formwork is used in the construction of thin, but at the same time strong walls of a non-standard configuration;
  • Inclined and architectural formwork serve as a means of design expression in the creation of unique concrete structures.

The formwork for the fence is distinguished by the greatest ease of manufacture and the smallest dimensions among all other "concrete borders". With minimal carpentry skills, it is easy to do it yourself, which is especially important when building a fence.

The fact is that a typical fence is a structure that is quite long and at the same time of the same type. There is no need to spend a lot of effort to equip the entire formwork line at once - you can and should prepare the pour in separate sections. When the formwork can be removed without compromising the strength of fresh concrete, the removed boards are reassembled at another location. So you can significantly save on raw materials in the manufacture of home-made formwork. And the installation of ready-made structures in a new place is easier and faster.

Do-it-yourself formwork for a fence: choose a material

Usually boards serve as material for the manufacture of "fence" formwork. Chipboard and fiberboard boards are not suitable for this purpose, due to their swelling under the influence of moisture. Particle boards can be used in small formwork structures, but only once, after dismantling they will have to be thrown away. Of course, very high-quality and even formwork is obtained from special steel plates, but they are not produced for fences, metal formwork is used when pouring floor slabs, bridges, overpasses and other critical structures during capital construction.

Any formwork for concrete pouring must meet the following requirements:

  • Precise and tight fitting of boards to each other;
  • Margin of safety - the weight of even a small concrete structure is very large, the boards must withstand the mass of concrete without deflections and deformations;
  • The possibility of easy dismantling without serious damage to the integrity of the boards.

If after each “moving” to a new installation site, the formwork needs a long restoration, it means that it was incorrectly assembled or irresponsibly dismantled. A high-quality formwork design easily tolerates a dozen movements along the line of the future fence.

The formwork is mounted from durable and dry boards with a thickness of 20 mm or more, without cracks, large knots, rottenness and other obvious defects. Standard shields are knocked together from the boards with approximate dimensions of 100-200 cm in length to 50-60 cm in height. Each shield has several rear mounting brackets. Nails are driven into the front (concrete) part of the formwork and bent from the opposite side on the fastening strips.

REMOSKOP.RU site masters have prepared a special calculator for you Formwork calculator. You can easily calculate the formwork.

In addition, you will need external reinforcement bars with a cross section of 50x50 mm and a length of at least a meter. For joining narrow gaps between the panels, it is permissible to use sheets of durable multilayer plywood. The same plywood will be required for the visible (top) part of the fill.

How to make a formwork for a fence - installation instructions

The peculiarity of the strip foundation for the fence is its recessed position. Let us consider in detail how to make a formwork for a fence, taking into account the need for excavation and the movement of our structure as the concrete solidifies.

How to make a formwork for a fence - a step by step diagram

Step 1: Marking

The importance of this stage of the “fence building business” is often underestimated. The future fence is drawn on the ground with a slight movement of a tarpaulin boot, after which the digging of a trench begins, the formwork is hammered together and the concrete mixture is kneaded - the desire to advance towards the construction goal runs ahead of sanity. First you need to completely mark the entire perimeter of the future fence. Surely, its length will be tens (or even hundreds) of meters.

There may be stumps and other heavy "surprises", ditches and other utilities. It is better to go around the barrier than to heroically uproot stumps and drill tunnels for drainage in the way of the future fence. A significant elevation difference along the intake line is quite likely. If at the starting point the deepening of the formwork into the ground is 15 cm, then on the other side of the site it is quite possible to reach a half-meter depth of pouring. Or vice versa - all this should be taken into account at the marking stage, before the installation of the first restrictive shield of our formwork.

Step 2: Digging

The ditch for the fence is dug with a significant margin in width. For example, if the thickness of the fill is determined at 30 cm, then the width of the ditch should be 50-60 cm. This is due to the need to fasten the panels with side bars, which are dug into the ground 30-40 cm deeper than the formwork panels. Like markings, excavation is carried out along the entire line of the future fence. The total depth of excavation work should be 10-15 cm higher than the buried part of the formwork. As we remember, concrete cannot be poured directly onto the soil layer; a gravel-sand cushion under the concrete layer will be required.

Step 3: Installing the vertical bars

Inside the ditch along its edges, a double row of holes is dug for bars with a section of 50x50 mm. It is permissible to loosen the earth a little with a shovel and drive in the bars with due strength and strictly vertically. The distance between the improvised piles should be 100 cm when pouring 30 cm wide, 120-130 cm with a 20 cm foundation thickness, etc. The upper part of the bars should protrude significantly above the dug ditch. For example, if the visible part of the fill is 20 cm, then the bars should rise 20-25 cm above it. This will be required for further fixing the formwork, for its rigidity and strength.

Step 4: Installing the boards and plywood

A double line of wooden shields is assembled along the exposed vertical bars. It is very important that they are located strictly vertically and at the same distance from each other. It may be necessary to adjust the position of the bearing bars for the required accuracy of the position of the shields. When all available shields are vertically mounted in a ditch, gravel with a layer of 5-7 cm and sand of a similar thickness are poured onto its bottom. This creates the necessary “cushion” for concrete pouring and further strengthens the formwork panels.

We securely fasten the vertical bars to each other with the help of horizontal bars. Be sure to use long self-tapping screws, not forgetting to control the accuracy of the formwork panels during fastening. After the opposing formwork panels are connected into a single structure, they can be reinforced with earth or gravel from the outside of the ditch.

Step 5: Mounting the plywood

It remains to install the cutting of plywood sheets between the shields and the poured sand. The width of the plywood corresponds to the depth of the pour; it is enough to push it tightly into the gap between the sand and the boards. Under the weight of concrete, the plywood sheet will press against the tree and give the entire pour the necessary smoothness. Mount the necessary reinforcement elements between the formwork boards - to reinforce the concrete or fasten the fence structure. Now you can start pouring concrete into the finished tape "tank".

Step 6: Linear Continuation

Dismantling the formwork after the concrete mixture has hardened is carried out in the reverse order. First, the horizontal strips between the bars are removed, then the vertical piles are pulled out, then the formwork panels are moved to the edge of the ditch. Lastly, plywood inserts are removed. All the details of our formwork kit are transferred to a new place - and the work is repeated, starting from step No. 3.

Do you need a foundation for a fence? - the question is by no means rhetorical, especially when it comes to a protective structure. The fence can only perform decorative functions, but it is still better if it serves as a durable protective structure. Indeed, a reliable foundation is required for every capital building, including fences.

All the subtleties and pitfalls in the manufacture of formwork, how to avoid wasting time, what types of materials are better to use - this and much more will be told in this article from a theoretical and practical point of view.

What is the formwork for?

Any concrete worker will answer the question that the most important thing is the correct formwork. First of all, it is worth mentioning the need for a foundation for the fence. At the same time, it does not matter what material it will be made of - the main task is not to let the enemy into the master's possessions. As you know, there are three main ways to overcome the fence:

  • jump over, climb over;
  • break the fence itself, make a hole in it;
  • make a dig.

Many animals: dogs, cats, chickens, rats and others are capable of doing the last of the "feats", not to mention wild animals in the countryside - these are martens, ferrets and weasels. That is why the foundation is so necessary, and in order for the building to look aesthetically pleasing and even, it should be made protruding above the ground.

Usually, the height is no more than 25 cm, which makes it possible to exclude the destruction of the fence material, protect it from destructive "earth" moisture and other harmful environmental factors. There are also higher plinths with significant differences in the level of the landscape. In any case, formwork will be required to save effort, time and materials. You just can't do without it.

How and by what formulas the calculation of cubes of concrete for the foundation is performed - read here.

From this article you will learn how to correctly calculate the amount of reinforcement for the foundation.

You can see an illustrative example of calculating the loads on the foundation in this material.

What formwork can be made from?

Formwork is usually built from wood., knocking boards into solid and strong shields. However, in recent years, the abundance of building materials has made it possible to expand the arsenal for its manufacture. In principle, you can use any plates and sheets, various waste materials - everything that is at hand. In combination with load-bearing elements, they will cope with their task perfectly. Supporting materials include:

  • slate;
  • a metal sheet;
  • plywood.

Laminated chipboard copes with this task perfectly. The smooth surface favorably distinguishes it from others, because. concrete does not cling to the walls of the formwork, effectively filling voids.

However, in the absence of another or in order to save money, unlaminated chipboard can also be used. The value of the plate itself lies in the ease of installation, the availability of the material, and it is especially worth noting its main advantage - this is the bearing capacity. It largely depends on the thickness of the sheet, however, even with a standard 16 mm, the strength of the structure is quite high, and therefore is able to withstand significant loads.

Formwork made of glass-magnesite sheets

Formwork installation for one, two, three!

This section will be useful as a practical guide to action or a cheat sheet for experienced craftsmen. It outlines the main practical techniques and methods of work. So, the manufacture of formwork for a strip foundation for a fence using a shield method from wood materials is carried out in several steps:

  1. Training. This stage includes marking and digging a trench for the foundation, procurement of materials, checking tools and fixtures. Before proceeding with earthworks, it is necessary to make markings for the entire length of the fence. It will help to identify possible obstacles and obstacles during excavation - they may be an inconspicuous at first glance stump or ditch, tree or communications pipe. Next, prepare materials and tools. Total for the case you will need: a bayonet and pick-up shovel, a hacksaw or a jigsaw, a screwdriver, a hammer, a level, a plumb line, timber, plywood, a board, nails and self-tapping screws. Additionally, you may need a crowbar, a mount, an ax to remove roots and other work, and reinforcement, which will give strength to concrete and significantly extend the life of the fence.
  2. Manufacturing of formwork elements. Shields, as the basis of formwork, can be easily made from chipboard by sawing the slab into strips of the desired size, or from boards knocked together into a single canvas. The number of such panels depends on individual needs: either it is a formwork for the entire length of the foundation for one-time pouring, or only for individual sections 3-9 meters long.
  3. Mounting. Before installing the surfaces of the shields, it is better to waterproof them in order to prevent the rapid removal of moisture from the concrete, which leads to drying and cracking of the monolith. This technique is especially relevant in hot and dry weather. So, for example, with the help of liquefied tar or used oil, this issue can be resolved. Or you can simply cover the surface of wood panels with plastic wrap or use a special water repellent.
    So, the shields are ready, the ditch is dug, backfilling is done with sand and gravel in layers of 5 cm - like a pillow for concrete. This is followed by the installation of vertical stakes from a bar at an equal distance from 0.5 meters to 1 meter, depending on the bearing capacity of the web material. Shields are attached to stakes with screws or nails.

When making formwork fasteners, it is better to leave the self-tapping screws on the outside. This will ensure a simple and neat disassembly in the future.

Then, through the drilled holes, the shields should be fastened transversely to each other with reinforcement or thick wire. For additional strength, side braces are placed, and kerchiefs are also transversely fastened at the top with scraps of timber. Don't forget the armature. The work is done and the formwork is ready!

The nuances of the formwork device on the slope

Everyone knows that there are no perfectly flat areas - the ground level strives to "escape" a couple of degrees up or down. Moreover, if a small slope does not create any special problems, then a slope of more than 10 degrees requires a special approach when installing a fence and installing formwork.

In fact, there is nothing complicated here. There are only two options:

  • Arrange the fence and foundation in one straight parallel line with the landscape relief. This is the simplest, but less aesthetic and "correct" method.
  • The second more correct and aesthetic option is a kind of falling ladder from support to support. The foundation also forms a step after each column. All horizontal lines are strictly level. Beautiful! Aesthetically! But impractical. Formwork for such a foundation has its own specifics.

As mentioned above, many people, for reasons of correct manufacturing, choose a “cascading” fence on a slope. Consider the manufacture of such formwork in more detail:

  • The formwork device is complicated precisely by uneven terrain. When pouring concrete at one time, it must be borne in mind that it is better to start it from the bottom up. Boards for formwork, respectively, are similarly "oblique". They must match the slope. Naturally, such improvements create additional difficulties in manufacturing. Also, do not forget that you still need to close the protruding ends of the future step with transverse sections of the board.
  • Another rule for the construction of a stepped foundation is the correct excavation of the soil. It should be carried out in such a way that the bottom of the trench is also level and runs in steps parallel to the line of the future basement. This technique will increase the resistance of the foundation to slipping and minimize premature destruction of the structure.

Practice confirms that sometimes there are nuances that the theory is silent about:

  • In the manufacture of formwork, care should be taken to ensure that there are no nails or self-tapping screws that have come out inside the structure. Such oversights can lead to problems when removing the shields.
  • A fiberboard sheet, for example, needs to be nailed for reliability not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
  • Concrete loves cloudy weather, since the presence of moisture in it after the first phase of curing will allow you to get the rest of the strength, and this is about 30%. Pretty significant, right? If the weather is dry and hot, you can sprinkle the surface of the solution with wood shavings, which will retain moisture and give the desired coolness.

A well-made formwork can last for many years and be the basis for hundreds of pours, so you should pay attention to the quality of its assembly. Dismantling should also be careful. For convenience, it is possible and even necessary to use the so-called clips for the transverse screed of the shields with the help of reinforcement.

Formwork making video

In the following video you will see how to properly mount it and pour concrete into it:

The construction of a fence in a summer cottage begins with formwork. The quality and strength of the structure depends on the design. The answer to the question of how to properly fill the formwork under the fence lies in its reinforcing joints. The more of them, the better.

Formwork requirements and foundation preparation

The construction of formwork is a prerequisite for the construction of a fence, regardless of its type. The design forms a fixed frame. Do-it-yourself formwork must meet the following conditions:

  • prevent possible bends;
  • withstand the masses of the foundation;
  • maintain and provide straight lines of the future foundation.

You can make a formwork for the foundation of a fence under construction from plywood, metal or simple boards. The design should be easy to install and dismantle. The material is selected taking into account the height of the foundation above ground level.

Formwork construction is a prerequisite for the construction of a fence

The process of erecting formwork, built under the foundation with your own hands, begins with digging a hole. For a brick fence, the pit breaks out around the entire perimeter; for other structures, it is enough to form ditches where the pillars will be installed.

The depth of the ditch is a meter, in places where there are no poles, a distance of 50 cm is allowed. The width depends on the fence.

The prepared pits are covered with a sand cushion from 10 to 15 cm and rammed until the cushion becomes a solid, solid foundation.

Formwork construction

Materials for the construction are prepared in advance. More often, plywood panels or chipboard (wood chipboard) are used, props are wooden bars.

In order for the self-made formwork to be even, a string is stretched along the edges of the ditch from one corner to another (marking). Every 50 cm, bars are driven into the soil, stepping back from the edge of the ditch about half a meter. Boards are installed carefully so that they do not succumb to buildup.

Plywood or chipboard is lowered from one side of the pit and pressed against the sand cushion closely. The same work is done from the other end of the trench. Notched bars are nailed to plywood - horizontal screeds. They are mounted slightly above ground level.

Supports are installed at an angle of 45 °. The supports are driven into the ground and to the top edge of the plywood. Supports mounted at an angle will not allow concrete to disturb the straight line of the formwork.

Pouring a structure

Following the sequence of work, a solid formwork for the fence is being built. It is easy to make it with your own hands. Before filling with cement, reinforcement under the foundation is performed.

  1. Reinforcement bars are being prepared. Thickness 10 mm. They are mounted from the bottom of the pit by 5 cm. A support is installed under the pins.
  2. 10 cm recedes from the ditch wall, and the first two rows of reinforcement are installed. Horizontal pins are attached to the vertical at a distance of 40 cm between them.
  3. By welding, vertical lines are connected to horizontal rods to form a single solid structure.

foundation for a fence

After installing the reinforcement, a cement mortar is prepared.

  1. In a large container, cement and water are mixed with a drill with a special nozzle. Ratio: 0.7 cement is added to part of the water.
  2. Sand is mixed into the resulting mixture, a little more than 3: 1. Crushed stone is added, the proportions are the same.
  3. Lastly, there is a plasticizer no more than 1% of the total mass of the solution. The composition is mixed until homogeneous.
  4. Cement is poured into the formwork in layers to prevent the formation of air bags and is pierced with an iron rod.
  5. After completion of work, the channels are covered with a film, sprayed with water twice a week.

Solidification of cement completely occurs within 28 days. The formwork is removed on the 15th day in reverse order:

  • strips between the bars are removed;
  • piles and shields of the structure are dismantled to the edge of the pit;
  • plywood is dismantled.

Casting fixed formwork

When erecting a fence, the question may arise how to make a fixed formwork for a fence with your own hands. To do this, all components are fastened together as in the constructor.

Fixed formwork for the foundation is assembled from various materials:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • a solution of cement and wood chips;
  • fibrolite - small sawdust with magnesite.

The selected blocks are interconnected by jumpers. This prevents the concrete from leaking. The tenon groove fastens the top row with the first line. When using blocks, props are not installed. Only reinforcement with rods is carried out, the circumference is 8 mm.

The cement mortar is poured in layers of 20 cm, with piercing. In order not to damage the formwork, the solution is poured from a height of no more than a meter.

Fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene.

The fixed system provides:

  • less work;
  • durability and corrosion resistance of the foundation;
  • correct line geometry.

Formwork on a slope

Building a formwork for a foundation on a slope requires slightly different steps. There are horizontal level differences in different parts of the dug hole. Therefore, at the lowest point of the ditch, the formwork is built higher than at the high point of the trench.

Reinforcement comes from rods of large diameter or the number of iron pins doubles. After reinforcement, concrete is continuously poured. By pouring the formwork on a slope in several stages, this will lead to a rupture of the cement at the boundary of the layers.

The foundation is carefully compacted to prevent the formation of air bubbles. The filled solution hardens for about a month.

Nuances when constructing formwork

During the construction of the formwork, self-tapping screws and nails should not stick out inside the building. This leads to problems when removing plywood panels.

Plywood and chipboard sheets are nailed from the outside and inside: the strength of the structure is ensured.

When pouring the formwork in hot, dry weather, the concrete is sprinkled with fine sawdust - preserving moisture and coolness for cement.

High-quality self-built formwork is a guarantee of the strength of the future building. The fixed system serves as an additional layer of waterproofing under the foundation. Detachable design allows it to be used repeatedly and move parts along the fence line.

Fence formwork is the simplest restrictive structure for pouring concrete foundations. It is easy to do it yourself. For the construction of formwork for the fence, the simplest skills of a carpenter are enough. Do-it-yourself fence formwork should create straight foundation lines, support its weight and be easily dismantled.

Formwork material

Chipboard suitable for foundation installation

The most preferred material for erecting formwork under the fence are boards. For a structure such as fence formwork, you need good boards without defects.

Chipboard boards get wet and are not suitable for reassembly, while boards can withstand the weight of concrete without deflection. Chipboard boards can be used for mounting the foundation formwork only if they are covered with a layer of waterproofing on the inside.

Boards are made of boards 2 meters long and 60 centimeters high. We also need rear fastening strips, into which nails are driven in from the concrete side and bent onto the strips. In addition, sheets of strong, thick plywood are needed to join the gaps between the shields and cover the upper visible part of the fence.

If formwork is needed for free-standing fence posts, then it is made by hand from polystyrene molds.


Trench for laying the tape

Most often, the fence has a significant length. The formwork for the fence is made in separate parts, but the ditch for the fence is dug at once in full length. This can be done with a rented mini-tractor. For the installation of a fence, consisting of separate pillars, dig separate holes 1 meter deep.

If there are stumps and other obstacles, then the ditch bypasses them. It is necessary to take into account the elevation difference in the area, and make adjustments to the depth of the ditch.

The depth of the trench is measured from the lowest point of the area on which the fence is placed. If the area of ​​​​the site is uneven, you need to make a fence with steps.

The most appropriate width of the foundation is 30 centimeters, the ditch must be made twice as wide. The depth of the foundation is half a meter, the ditch should be 20-30 centimeters deeper.

If pits for poles are dug with their own hands, their depth should be at least a meter. The dug holes for the pillars are covered with sand by 15 centimeters, the sand is heavily tamped, wetting the sand with water for density.

With an uneven terrain of the site, when the fence is built with a ladder, the bottom of the trench should also be stepped. You need to do the filling with your own hands from the bottom up and do not forget to close the ends of the next step with a transverse board.

Installation of wooden structures

Inside the trench, at a distance of 1 meter from each other, bars are driven strictly vertically close to the wall. They should hold on very tightly and protrude 35 centimeters above the dug ditch. Wooden shields are assembled along these bars. Vertical bars are correctly fastened with transverse slats using long self-tapping screws. For reliability, vertical bars can be supported with bars located obliquely.

Expanded clay is great for backfilling pillows

At the bottom of the ditch between the installed shields, 7-8 centimeters of gravel or expanded clay are poured and the same amount of sand to create a cushion for concrete. A properly made gravel-sand pillow increases the strength of the foundation. In order to make a pillow, the mixture is compacted by constantly pouring water over it. The resulting dense bottom is covered with a waterproofing material to prevent the concrete liquid from soaking into the ground, thereby enhancing the hydration of the concrete. Then plywood is pushed between the sand and the boards to cover the gaps between the shields.

Horizontal reinforcement is installed between the boards with their own hands, then vertical rods are welded to it every half a meter. On horizontal rods, short transverse rods are welded every meter. It is necessary to make concrete reinforcement, because. strong gusts of wind put huge loads on the fence. For mounting a three-dimensional frame, metal bars 10 millimeters thick are needed. The shape of the frame under the pillars is made even tougher.

Watch the video on how to properly carry out the entire installation process of the base.

After that, the structure is poured with concrete mixture. Supports under the gate are cast simultaneously with the foundation. The flooded base of the fence will dry after 20 days. According to the construction theory, the time for complete solidification of concrete is 28 days, but some experts argue that the formwork for the fence can be removed after 10 days.

Concrete needs to be watered frequently. In hot weather, the concrete surface can be covered with wet sawdust and constantly moistened.

Dismantling of a wooden structure

After the concrete has completely hardened, the formwork is dismantled in the reverse order. First, the horizontal cross bars are dismantled. Then the bars are pulled out and the formwork panels are pushed to the edges of the ditch. After that, the plywood inserts are removed and everything is transferred to a new place. The demolition process can take several days.

It is necessary to make a formwork for a fence of the correct form in order to get a strong fence, the foundation of which will stand for a long time and reliably protect your yard.

A fence is one of the most important parts of every home. Therefore, its production must be approached with all responsibility. The first thing you need to start is the manufacture of concrete. The process of pouring concrete must begin with the organization of the formwork. If you want to save money on construction, then the formwork for the strip foundation is done independently.

This article will discuss how to make a formwork for a fence with your own hands, without spending a lot of effort and nerves.

There are several types of forms that are used to create the basis for concrete structures:

  1. Removable. It is used in cases where it is necessary to achieve perfectly even edges of the foundation. If all the rules and technologies for pouring mortar are applied during the process of pouring concrete, then additional costs for leveling the surface after its dismantling can be avoided. The main requirement for such a design is the ease of its installation and dismantling, since with a large length it will be transferred to another place;
  2. Fixed formwork. Such a structure, after pouring concrete, is not removed, but becomes part of the entire structure, protecting it from moisture. The main advantage of fixed formwork for the fence is its low cost. If you choose the right consumables for fixed formwork, the design will acquire an aesthetic appearance.

Regardless of the type of formwork for the foundation, all structures must meet the following requirements:

  1. Ensure the stability and clarity of the form of the foundation;
  2. Withstand foundation pressure;
  3. Maintain the given shape;
  4. Assembly and dismantling should not take much time.

Material selection

In most cases, boards are used to make formwork for a fence. It is not recommended to use chipboard, as it swells when exposed to moisture. For single use, particle board can be used. After dismantling the structure, such plates should be discarded. Boards are organized from the boards with dimensions of 100-150 cm in length and 50 cm in height. To ensure maximum evenness and quality, metal sheets can be used.

Depending on the chosen material for creating formwork for pillars, the set of necessary tools may differ.

To perform the work, you will definitely need a tape measure, a shovel, a screwdriver and a hammer. In some cases, you will also need a crowbar or an ax. In order to guarantee accuracy, it is recommended to use a level.

Preparatory work

From the very beginning, you need to decide on the following fence parameters:

  1. Height. It depends on the depth of the foundation. For large fences, the minimum depth is 1 meter;
  2. Long. Knowing this parameter, it will be much easier to correctly calculate the amount of building materials that will be needed for the work;
  3. The material from which the fence will be erected. In the event that it is made of stone or brick, high formwork will be required. If the fence is based on metal poles, the formwork for the fence is practically not required.

Form base

Sleep class="western"chala needed to dig a hole. If the trench is long, it is recommended to use special equipment to save time. The depth of the trench, first of all, depends on the height and materials of the future fence. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in places with a minimum load on the fence there is no need to dig a deep foundation. After that, the bottom of the pit must be covered with sand, approximately 150 mm. The layer of sand must be compacted, do this until it stops settling and becomes solid. To speed up the process, you can wet the sand with water.

Form installation process

In order for the construction to be of high quality, it must be supported with poles, which must be buried approximately to the depth of soil freezing. When installing large fences, such poles must be used. After carrying out all the land work, shields must be made from the selected materials. All shields must be combined into a single canvas, which will contain the concrete until it hardens. Important: so that the concrete does not lose moisture too quickly, it is necessary to waterproof the shields. To do this, you can use roofing material or film.

Pouring concrete

When the formwork for the fence with your own hands is completed, you can start pouring the foundation. To do this, in the trench you need to install a lattice of reinforcement, the bars of which must be fixed together by welding.

After that, you need to prepare a solution. This can be done both manually and with a concrete mixer. It is very important to strictly follow the instructions for preparing concrete, which is indicated on the package. It is necessary to knead the concrete until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After completing all of the above steps, you can pour the concrete mixture, and then proceed directly to the construction of the fence.

How to install formwork on a slope

When erecting a fence, in almost all cases there are slight slopes up or down. If slopes of a few degrees do not create any problems, then with a bevel of more than 10 degrees, a special approach is needed.

There are two ways to install a fence on a slope:

  1. The fence is placed on one straight line with the relief. It is an easier, but less aesthetic method;
  2. The second option is to organize a falling ladder from support to support. This method is quite difficult to implement, so it is not always optimal.

How to dismantle the formwork system?

Disassembly of the formwork system must be carried out with care, as during the removal of the panels, the structure can be damaged. This can significantly spoil the appearance of the foundation, as well as cause the destruction of the entire foundation. The dismantling process must be carried out in the following order:

  1. Remove elements that were used to increase the strength of the structure;
  2. Dismantle all fasteners;
  3. Remove all shields;

After that, all elements must be cleaned and inspected. If no damage is seen, they can be used in the next section.

  1. It is necessary to ensure that there are no protruding nails inside the formwork for the foundation. Otherwise, there may be problems with dismantling the shields;
  2. It is not recommended to carry out work on pouring the foundation in hot weather, as a lot of moisture will evaporate from the concrete;
  3. If it is not possible to transfer the work to another day, then you need to sprinkle the surface with wood chips, which will prevent the evaporation of moisture;
  4. All stages of work must be carried out sequentially, without haste.

Following these recommendations will help with high strength. If, before performing the installation, you carefully study the theory and use the recommendations of specialists, as a result, you can build the formwork yourself, and the foundation can stand for more than one year.