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Japan and the USSR in World War II. The role and place of Japan in World War II. From military victories to total damage

Japan in World War II

In the autumn of 1939, when war and Western European countries began, one after another began to tolerate defeats and become an object of occupation from Hitler's Germany, Japan decided that her hour struck. Togo twisting all the nuts inside the country (parties and trade unions were eliminated, in return to the Association of Association of Trone as a militarized organization of a fascist type, designed to introduce a total political education system of hard control in the country), the highest military circles led by generals who headed the Cabinet of Ministers, received unlimited Powers for warfare. Military actions in China, accompanied, as usual, cruelty against civilians. But the main thing is that Japan waited, is the surrender of European powers, in particular France and Holland, in front of Hitler. As soon as it became a fact, the Japanese began to occupy Indonesia and Indochina, and then Malaya, Burma, Thailand and the Philippines. Having assigned to creating a giant subordinate to Japan to the colonial empire, the Japanese declared the desire to "East Asian Mathematization".

After the bombardment of the American base, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in December 1941, Japan was in a state of war with the United States and England, which, despite some first successes, with time he led the country to the protracted crisis. Although the Japanese monopolies have fallen a lot, having received uncontrolled access to the operation of the riches of almost all Southeast Asia, the situation of them, like the Japanese occupation troops, was fragile. The population of the occupied countries opposed, often with arms in hand, against Japanese occupying troops. The content of troops at the same time in many countries, the maintenance of the continued and increasingly becoming an unprospective war in China required considerable funds. All this led to the deterioration of the economic balance and to the exacerbation of the internal situation in Japan itself. This was a special force manifested in early 1944, when a certain fracture was planned in the Far East. American troops landed in one, then in another of the island areas and were suppressed from there by the Japanese. Japan's relationships with the USSR changed. In April 1945, the USSR denounced the neutrality pact with Japan in 1941, and in August of the same year, soon after the atomic bombing of Japan, the Soviet troops joined the territory of Manchuria and forced to surrender the Quantong Army, which meant not only defeat Japan, but also the beginning of revolutionary transformations in Manchuria, and then on the rest of China.

The capitulation of Japan in August 1945 led to the collapse of the Japanese military planners, the collapse of the aggressive foreign policy of Japan, who for several decades relying on the economic development and expansion of Japanese capital, on the Samurai Spirit of the past. Like samurai at the end of the last century, the Militarists of the first half of the XX century. We suffered bankruptcy and were forced to go off the historical scene. Japan lost all its colonial possessions and conquered territories. The question arose about the status of post-war Japan. And here they told their word the Americans occupied the country.

The meaning of the transformations that were conducted by the Allied Council created by the Allied Council for Japan, reduced to the radical restructuring of the entire structure of this country. A series of democratic reforms was carried out, including the revival of parties, convening parliament and the adoption of a new constitution, who left very limited rights to the emperor and cutting off the possibility of the revival of Japanese militarism in the future. An indicative process was conducted with the condemnation of Japanese war criminals, not to mention the thorough cleaning of the state apparatus, the police, etc. The education system in Japan has been revised. Special measures provided for limiting the possibilities of the largest Japanese monopolies. Finally, a radical agrarian reform of 1948-1949 was carried out in the country, liquidated major land tenure and the finally undermining the economic positions of the residues of the samuracy.

The whole series of reforms and radical transformations meant another important jerk of Japan from the world of yesterday in new conditions of existence that correspond to the current level. In combination with the skills of capitalist development developed for the current, these new measures turned out to be a powerful impulse that contributed to the rapid economic revival of Japan defeated in the war. And not only the revival, but also to the further development of the country, its energetic prosperity. Wounds of World War II were heard quickly enough. Japanese capital has become in the new and very favorable conditions for him when the external forces did not have its impact on the development of him (such as the "young officers filled with the warlike spirit"), increase the growth rates, which laid the foundation of the most phenomenon of Japan, which is so good Known today. Like paradoxically, but it is the defeat of Japan in the war, its occupation and the associated radical transformations in its structure finally opened the doors to develop this country. All obstacles were removed for such a development - and the result was striking ...

It is important to note another essential circumstance. In his successful advancing along the path of capitalism, Japan fully took advantage of all that can provide for such a development democratization of the European-American sample. However, she did not refuse from much from what goes back to her own fundamental traditions and that also played its positive role in her success. About this fruitful synthesis will be discussed in the next chapter. For the time being - a few words about Korea.

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On August 23, 1939, a misconception of the Molotov - Ribbentrop was concluded between Germany and the Soviet Union. Less than a year, April 13, 1941, another treaty was signed in Moscow, now neutrality between the USSR and Japan. The purpose of the conclusion of this Pact was the same as when concluding a contract with Germany: at least for a while, to delay the involvement of the Soviet Union into the second world war in both the West and the East.

At that time, for the Japanese, it was also important to prevent the beginning of the war from the USSR until the moment they (the Japanese) would be considered favorable. This is the essence of the so-called "ripe persimmon" strategy. That is, the Japanese always wanted to attack the Soviet Union, but feared. They needed a situation where the USSR will be involved in the war in the West, will weaken, will lead their mainforces in order to save the situation in the European part of the country. And this will allow the Japanese with small blood as they said, grab everything that they target back in 1918, when they had intervention.

The neutrality pact with Japan was signed in no coincidence

Japanese logic actually worked: Germany attacked the Soviet Union, a collision occurred, but the Japanese did not fulfill their aggressive plans. Why?

On July 2, 1941, an imperial meeting was held, at which the question was resolved: what to do next in the conditions of the beginning of war in Germany with the Soviet Union? To hit north, help Germany and have time to capture what was planned, that is, the Far East and Eastern Siberia? Or go south, for Americans, as you know, have announced an embargo, and the Japanese are before the prospect of oil hunger?

Japanese marins on march during the offensive on Hong Kong, December 1941

The fleet performed for the fact that it is necessary to go south, because without oil to continue the war of Japan would be extremely difficult. The army, traditionally aimed at the Soviet Union, insisted on one of the thousand chances, as she called it, - to take advantage of the Soviet-German war in order to achieve its goals against the USSR.

Why could not? Everything has already been prepared. The Kwantung Army, which was located on the border with the Soviet Union, was enhanced, brought to 750 thousand. A schedule of warfare was drawn up, the date was determined on August 29, 1941, when Japan had to trust the USSR treacherously.

But, as they say, did not happen. The Japanese themselves admit it. Two factors prevented ...

Japan was afraid to attack the USSR, remembering the lessons of Hasan and Khalkhin-goal

Yes! Why did the day of August 29, was defined as the deadline? Because then autumn, Rasputle. Japan had experience in conducting hostilities in winter, which ended in extremely unfavorable for her.

So, the first - Hitler did not fulfill his promise to implement Blitzkrieg and seize Moscow in 2 - 3 months, as planned. That is, "persimmon is not ripe." And the second, most importantly, is the fact that Stalin still showed excerpt and did not reduce the number of troops in the Far East and in Siberia as much as the Japanese wanted. (The Japanese planned that the Soviet leader reduced the troops to 2/3, but he reduced about half. And it did not allow him to remember Hasan's lessons and Khalkhin-goal Japanese to hit the Soviet Union in the back from the East).

Large Troika leaders of the Antihytler Coalition at the Potsdam Conference: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Harry Truman, Chairman of the USSR SNK and Chairman of the USSR USSR Joseph Stalin, July - August 1945

Note that by the allies, that is, from the side of the Third Reich, pressure turned to Japan. When Matsocoon, Japanese Foreign Minister, in April 1941 visited Berlin, Hitler believed that he could easily cope with the Soviet Union and he would not need the help of the Japanese. He directed the Japanese to the south, at Singapore, on Malaya. For what? In order to sow the forces of the Americans and the British so that they do not use them in Europe.

And yet in February 1945, during the Yalta conference, Stalin violated the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact: the USSR joined the war with Militarist Japan at the most important requests of his allies.

Interesting fact. The day after Pearl Harbor Roosevelt turned to Stalin with a request to help in the war with Japan, open the second front in the Far East. Naturally, Stalin then could not do this. He very politely explained that after all the main opponent for the USSR at that time is Germany, made it clear that let's at first Rih spread, and then return to this issue. And, indeed, returned. In 1943, in Tehran Stalin promised after the victory over Germany to join the war with Japan. And it was very inspired by Americans. By the way, they have ceased to plan serious land operations, expecting that this role will be fulfilled by the Soviet Union.

But then the situation began to change when the Americans felt that they were about to appear atomic bomb. If Roosevelt was completely "for" the second front and repeatedly asked Stalin about this, then Truman, coming to power, was configured by anti-Soviet. After all, it is his phrase that said after Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union: "Let them kill each other as much as possible ...".

But Truman, becoming president, was in a very serious position. On the one hand, the entry of the Soviet Union in the war with Japan for political reasons was extremely unprofitable, since it gave Stalin the right to vote in the settlement of cases in East Asia. And this is not only Japan. This is a huge China, the countries of Southeast Asia. On the other hand, the military, although they counted on the effect of the atomic bomb, but were not sure that the Japanese would give up. So it happened.

The soldiers of the Imperial Army of Japan are prisonered. Ivodzima, April 5, 1945

It is worth noting that Stalin did not know the date of a nuclear strike on Hiroshima. In Potsdam Truman outside, let's say, the conference framework, somewhere during a coffee break, in coordination with Churchill approached Stalin and said that the United States created a bomb of huge power. Stalin, to the surprise of the American president, did not respond in any way. Truman with Churchill even thought that he did not understand what was about. But Stalin understood everything perfectly.

But the Americans about the date of entry into the Soviet Army in the war against Japan knew perfectly well. In mid-May 1945, Truman sent his assistant to Gopkins in the USSR, instructed the ambassador Harriman to find out this question. And Stalin opened openly: "By August 8, we will be ready to start action in Manchuria."

The date of a nuclear strike on Hiroshima Stalin did not know

A few words about the Kwantung Army. Often politicians, historians use the term "Million Cancer Quantong Army". Was it really? The fact is that under the word "Millionna" means, actually, the Kwantongian army, plus 250 thousand military personnel of the manzhou-go regime, created on the territory of the occupied manchuria, plus a few tens of thousands of Mongolian prince DE WANA troops, plus a pretty strong grouping in Korea, Forces on Sakhalin and in the Kuril Islands. Now, if all this is united, then we will get a millionth army.

In this regard, the question arises: "Why did the Japanese lose? After all, they are not the worst warriors? " It must be said that the victory of the USSR over Japan was the highest manifestation of operational art and strategies that were accumulated by the Soviet Union over the war years with Hitler's Germany. Here you need to pay tribute to the Soviet command, Marshal Vasilevsky, who brilliantly spent this operation. The Japanese simply did not have time to do anything. Everything was lightning. It was a real Soviet blitzkrieg.

The defeat of the Japanese troops in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Hasan in 1938 and in Mongolia in 1939 inflicted a serious blow to the propaganda myth on the "invincibility of the Imperial Army", about the "exclusivity of the Japanese Corolot." American historian J. Maksherry wrote:

"The demonstration of Soviet power in Hassan and Halchin-goal had its consequences, she showed the Japanese that a big war against the USSR would be for them a catastrophe" (778).

Probably, the understanding of this was for Japan the main deterrent factor in the period 1941-1945. And one of the main reasons for the fact that with the beginning of the Great Patriotic Soviet Union was delivered from the war on two fronts.

However, this does not mean that after his defeat in the Nomonkhan Incident, Japan was not prepared for a new attack on the USSR. Even signed on April 13 and ratified on April 25, 1941. The neutrality pact between the two countries was, according to the Japanese leadership, a temporary nature, which makes it possible to protect its northern borders, "follow the development of the situation" and quietly "gaining strength" to "in The right moment "Apply a sudden strike to the Soviet Union (779). All foreign policy of Japan during this period, in particular, active cooperation with the allies on the tripled Covenant - Germany and Italy, indicates that it simply waited the most favorable moment. So, Military Minister Todzio repeatedly emphasized that the invasion should happen when the Soviet Union "will become ripe persimmon, ready to fall on Earth," that is, leading the war with Hitler, will weaken so much that in the Far East will not be able to have a serious resistance (780 ). However, arrived in early July 1941 from Europe and convinced of the superiority of the forces of Germany and its inevitable victory over the USSR, General Yamasita was more determined.

"The time of the theory of" Ripe Persimma "has already passed ... - he stated. - Even if the persimmon is very sad, it is better to raise it from the tree" (781).

He feared that Germany would win too fast, and then cautious Japan could be late for the section "Pie": an insatiable ally, not believing the interests of the country of the rising sun, the Siberia itself will capture Siberia and the Far East, previously promised Asian Empire as the opening fee " Front.

However, the war on the Soviet-German Front took a protracted character, and Japan did not decide to take direct hostilities against the USSR, although in violation of the neutrality Covenant constantly detained the Soviet steamers. In this regard, in the period from 1941 to 1945, the Soviet Government responded to 80 times with statements and warnings about Japanese provocations (782). According to the experience of knowing the neighbor's cunning, in the Far Eastern rounds of the country had to keep several armies in full combat readiness, while in the West was needed every fresh division.

In November 1943, in Tehran at the Conference of Heads of State of the Anti-Hitler Coalition, a number of others decided to eliminate the Far East Flood. The Soviet delegation gave allies to consent to join the war against Japan immediately after the defeat of Hitler's Germany. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, this consent was enshrined by the secret agreement, according to which the USSR returned to himself South Sakhalin and adjacent to him, restored the rights to rent a port Arthur and the operation of the Sino-Eastern and South Manchu Railway, received Kuril Islands (783). Thus, the Portsmouth Peaceful Treaty of 1905 completely lost its strength.

On April 5, 1945, the Government of the USSR denounced the Soviet-Japanese neutrality pact of April 13, 1941 after the surrender of Germany, on July 26 at the Potsdam Conference on behalf of the United States, England and China, an appeal was published in which Japan also called for unconditional surrender. The requirement was rejected. At the same time, Prime Minister Suzuki said:

"We will continue to continue moving forward for the successful completion of the war" (784).

On August 8, 1945, fulfilling allied obligations, the Soviet Union announced his accession to the Potsdam Declaration and told the Japanese government that from August 9 would consider himself in a state of war with Japan. The Manchurian offensive operation began.

In total, the Soviet Union put on the battlefield of one and a half million troops, which was opposed by the half-and-half-million kwantung army. By the way, he commanded her General Rodzo Yamada, who had experience of war 1904-1905. As a squadron commander (785). Contrary to the forecasts of Western strategists that the collapse of the USSR will require at least six months, and even the year, the Soviet troops committed themselves in two weeks (786).

On September 2, 1945, an act on the unconditional surrender of Japan was signed on the American battle of Missouri. World War II ended.

In his speech, at the same evening spoken on the radio, I. V. Stalin reminded the history of the difficult relationships of our country with Japan from the beginning of the 20th century, emphasizing that the Soviet people have "their special account" to it.

"... The defeat of the Russian troops in 1904 during the Russian-Japanese war left heavy memories in the consciousness of the people," said the Supreme Commander. - It fell on our country a black spot. Our people believed and waited that the day would come when Japan would come A broken and stain will be liquidated. Forty years waited for us, the people of the old generation, of this day. And now, this day has come "(787).

This assessment given by the leader of the Soviet state in the conditions of its highest military-political triumph and largely painted in state-nationalist tones, at that moment was completely consonant with the sentiments of the country in which the "proletarian internationalism" was proclaimed by the official ideology. This ideology was formally preserved, but the practice of World War II showed that the "proletariat" of hostile countries (fascist Germany and all its satellites, including Japan), are not ready to help her "class alto". And in the official propaganda, and in mass moods of the defense ideas and the celebration of the national-state interests of the USSR as the successor of the millennial Russian state were dominant. And this circumstance should be considered as the most important part of the overall situation of opponent's perception in the last century of the Russian-Japanese war.

In general, this situation is characterized by several important features characterizing both the condition of the subject and the object of perception and its circumstances. First of all, the entire contingent who participated in hostilities in the Far East, was clearly divided into two main categories: participants in fighting against fascist Germany, and the "Far Eastern Sidellers" a large grouping, all four years old in the case of a Japanese attack. For most part, most of them did not have combat experience, but were witnessing numerous Japanese provocations, were better informed about the potential opponent and its real strength, experience and cunning. They were better understood in the natural and climatic conditions, the peculiarities of the area, etc. Veterans of hostilities in the West, on the contrary, had a great practice of battles, but did not understand the local characteristics. They had the highest martial spirit, but he often passed into the "Shapkozakidate" moods. After all, the Soviet soldier came out the winner of the hardest multi-year war at the European Theater of Military Action. After such a mighty opponent, like fascist Germany, the Japanese, whom, by the way, were "broken" in Hassan and Chalchin-goal, in mass army performances and were not considered as a serious enemy. Probably the latter circumstance more than once had a negative impact during the Far Eastern campaign. In particular, the peculiarities of the desert terrain were not sufficiently taken into account, and as a result, in a number of areas, the poor water supply of the army affected the efficiency of movement and combat capability of individual parts.

In general, in the ratio of forces (although it was quantitatively approximately equal) the superiority of the Soviet side turned out to be unconditional. This was especially manifested in technical support, combat experience and moral spirit of troops. The army at the Far East came the experienced, unmobilized, with the mood of the winner and the desire to return to peaceful life as soon as possible. However, her battles had to lead in the depths of someone else's territory, to overcome the decades created fortifications, to move in an unfamiliar area with adverse climatic conditions. Yes, and the enemy was significantly more experienced than in the late 1930s: for many years, the Japanese army led successful fighting at sea, on land and in the air against American, British and other armed forces. So the "two-week" military campaign was by no means for our army a light walk, as today often try to present in Western historiography.

The fierce of this war and its danger to Soviet soldiers also testifies to such a fact as widespread in this stage of hostilities phenomenon "Kamikadze". It is not by chance that it is best that he was best imprinted in the memory of the participants of those events and most often noted by Soviet memoirs.

In our and Japanese interpretation, this phenomenon has a different interpretation. We understood under the "Kamikadze" of any Japanese "suicide bombers", regardless of the kind of troops, to which they belonged, and the Japanese are only a completely defined part of them. And "Kamikadze" in the official, narrower sense (as pilots, tavering enemy's warships, following the slogan "One plane for a warship!"), And in wider (like all suicide bombers) - a purely Japanese phenomenon, which goes deeply In history, the national and religious features of the country. According to the legend, at the end of the XIII century, the grandson of Genghis Khan Khubilay tried to conquer Japan, but his ships destroyed Typhoon - "Holy Wind" ("Divine Wind"), "Kamikadze". After seven years, an attempt was repeated - and again Typhoon stood Mongolian ships. Thus, this term arose, and from him in the 20th century - the movement of suicide bombers (788).

In fact, it was subdivided into a number of categories. The Elite suicide pilots, designed to trammed the fighting vehicles of the enemy, belonged to the Kamikadze itself. The first departure of Kamikadze was produced on October 21, 1944 in the Philippines. The spread of the phenomenon is evidenced by the fact that for the period of the war in the Pacific, their efforts were carried out 474 direct hits of the US Navy or close explosions from their sides. However, no more than 20% of Kamikadze departures were effective. According to American data, they dried up 45 warships, and damaged about 260 (789).

At the end of the war, the Taisintai movement was widespread and movement), to which human-torpedoes "Kaitean" belonged to manually, stuffed by explosives of the boat "blue", suicide-bombers, man-mines for undermining tanks, machine gunners I have made yourself a chain in Dotha and Zotch, etc. (790) and our troops faced mainly with the "land" categories of Japanese suicide bonuses.

However, for the first time, Soviet soldiers encountered this phenomenon for the first time on July 3, 1939 in the battles for the fence of Bain-Tsagan on Halchin-goal. The Japanese rushed to the red rigs with mines, grenade bundles, set fire to their bottles with a fuel liquid. Then, from the fire of enemy artillery and suicide soldiers in the hardest battle, the Soviet tank brigade lost almost half of the combat vehicles and about half of the personnel killed and injured (791).

The new, even more severe meeting with the "shock detachments" was to have for our troops in August 1945 in Manchuria during the fights with the Kwantung army. This is how the participant of fights in Hingane A. M. Krivel recalls about it:

"In the battle were thrown into battle - Japanese" Kamikadze ". They occupied on both sides of the Hingansk highway ranks of round trench-holes. Their new yellow uniforms have dramatically stand out on a shared green background. Bottle with sake [rice vodka - E.S.] and Mina At the Bamboo Six, too, were the mandatory attributes of Kamikadze. We have heard something about them, these fanatics, twisted the idea of \u200b\u200b"Great Japan" ... but did not see the living "Kamikadze". And here they are. Young people, a little older than us . A half-colored collar, from under which pure underwear peeks. Matte, wax face, bright white teeth, hard hedgehog of black hair and glasses. And they look at all, they are not very good. Not knowing that it is "Kamikazy", for nothing You will not believe. But Mina, a large, magnetic mine, which even the dead continue to keep tightly in their hands, disperses all doubts "(792).

It should be noted that the feats of "Kamikaze" were glorified by all means of Japanese propaganda, and the number of such suicide bonuses rapidly grew. In the Kwantung Army from Kamikadze, a special brigade was formed, in addition, their detachments were in every shelf and battalion. The task of suicide came to explode along with the tank, self-propelled gun, kill the general or senior officer. During the retreat, the Japanese troops often left them in the rear of the enemy to sow panic there.

How are the Japanese themselves describe the actions of "Kamikazy" in Manchuria?

"One tank flashed," recalls a former Japanese officer Hattori. Others, unfolding in a combat order, stubbornly moving forward. This was the very "T-34" who sheed themselves with glory in battles against the German army. They, using the folds of the terrain, They took the defense. Several Japanese soldiers jumped out of the shelter next door and ran toward tanks. They immediately struck machine-gun queues. But instead of the dead, new "Kamikadze" appeared. With the cries of "Banzai!" They came to meet their death. On his back and chest, they were tied with an explosive, with the help of which it was necessary to destroy the goal. Soon their corpses were highlighted height. Three registered Russian tank burned in the hollow ... "(793)

It is impossible to say that the actions of Kamikadze brought serious results. They never managed to keep the upcoming avalanche of Soviet troops. And the method of combating the "sacred wind" was quickly and turned out to be simple and effective: paratroopers were silded on the armor, paratroopers were shot and shot from the guns rising with mineers (794).

I wonder how the phenomenon "Kamikadze" was rated retrospectively, after the war, in his memoirs the Soviet military:

"Thousands of Japanese became suicide bonuses. Summermen - a purely Japanese invention generated by the weakness of Japan's technique. Where metal and the car is weaker than foreign, Japan pushed into this metal of a person, a soldier, whether the sea torpedo, intended for the explosion at the board of an enemy vessel, or Magnetic mine, with which the soldier rushes on a tank, or a wedge loaded with an explosive, or soldier, chained to the machine gun, or soldier, remaining in the arrangement of the enemy, so that by killing one enemy, commit suicide. Summer bomb. Due to his destination can only produce Some one act, to which all his life is being prepared. His feat becomes an end in itself, and not a means of achieving a goal ... "(795)

Comparing the actions of "Kamikadze" with the exploits of Soviet soldiers who deliberately sacrificed in a difficult moment of battle for the save comrades, the memoirists emphasize that for the Soviet warrior it was important "not only killing the enemy, but also to destroy them as much as possible," and, be he At least some chance to save life "in the name of future fighting," he would certainly try to survive. And here is the output that is made from this comparison:

"Japanese suicide suicide. Hero sacrificing Soviet soldier. If you consider that the Japanese Sungunting team is gaining an increased content, it turns out that his death payment of consumption made on him during life. So fucking halo who tried to create around This phenomena is the Japanese propaganda. This is a bullet, it can work only once. Dovenastication evidence of adventureness, defectiveness of the Japanese Military Thought "(796).

But such an assessment of the phenomenon phenomenon is somewhat simplified: this phenomenon is associated with the specifics of national traditions, culture, mentality, religious installations of the Japanese, not quite understandable representatives of Russian culture, especially in the Soviet, the atheistic period. A mixture of Buddhism and Sintoism, the cult of warrior in the samurai tradition, reverence of the emperor, ideas about the chosenness of the country of the Rising Sun, - all this created the prerequisites for the special kind of fanaticism, which is erected into the rank of state policy and military practice.

Only volunteers who were collected in certain detachments and specially prepared were suicide. Before the fight, they usually wrote the wills, putting into the envelope to nail and strand of hair, - in case there is no dust of the soldier to bury him with the Military Humans. What did these people moving? In one of the wills of suicide bombers: "The spirit of a high sacrifice wins death. Warring over life and death, must fulfill military debt. Must give all the strength of the soul and body for the celebration of eternal justice." Another "Kamikaze" appeals to his parents with the words:

"High father and mother! Yes, it is imposing the joy of news that your son fell on the battlefield in the glory of the emperor. Let my twenty-year-old life cut off, I still preducal in the eternal justice ..." (797)

So this phenomenon cannot be explained by mercantile considerations, although it is known that "Kamikadze" received an increased army contentment, and after his death, the company where he used to work before, was obliged to pay the family of a thirty-seater complaint (798). The "material encouragement" was just a tool for state "social" policy, manifestation of "care" on national heroes, stimulating the spread of this phenomenon, but it was born, it was the features of Japanese civilization and was possible only on this national-cultural soil.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsacrifice, up to the preferences of voluntary death, suicide adopting the defeat of their country and, moreover, the shame of captivity, acquired a mass distribution at the end of the war due to the collapse of the Japanese Empire and its armed forces. Having learned about the hopeless position of the Kwantung Army, Japanese Military Minister Anami said:

"If we are not able to stop the enemy, 100 million Japanese will prefer the death of shameful surrender."

"... bring to the end of a sacred war in defense of the earth of the gods ... to fight unshakable, even if you have to gnaw clay, there is grass and sleep on bare earth. Life has been imprisoned in death - this teaches us the Spirit of the Great Nanko [Hero of Japanese Mythology. . With.], Who died seven times, but every time he was reborn to serve his homeland ... "(799)

However, the end was already predetermined. And on September 2, 1945, an act on the unconditional surrender of Japan was signed on the American battle of Missouri.

Hundreds of people on the Palace Square in Tokyo sobbed and beat their heads about stones. We ride a wave of suicide. Among those who "executed covenant Anami" were more than a thousand officers, not counting hundreds of military sailors and civilians. The Military Minister itself committed suicide, and several other major government officials.

Even after the announcement of the surrender, certain foci of resistance of Japanese fanatics remained for a long time. Cases are known when Japanese soldiers in the abandoned islands continued to preserve the faithfulness of their emperor for many post-war years (and even decades), sometimes not knowing about the end of the war, and sometimes refusing to admit and accept defeat.

Here, probably, it is worth comparing the understanding of the heroism in the European, including in the Soviet consciousness, with the Japanese phenomenon of suicide bombs, including Kamikadze. And in that, in other cases, the kernel of heroism is the sacrifice, a conscious choice by a person's readiness to give his life in the name of his country. However, in Japanese culture, this concept has been expanded. It also includes meaningless, from the point of view of the rationalistic European mind, death by suicide, which from the position of the Japanese was a demonstration of loyalty to their emperor and contempt for death. Thus, if life for Europeans is a sampling that sacrifices for other, more significant social values, then for Japanese military traditions, the "correct", honorable death. From these positions and should evaluate the phenomenon "Kamikaze".

If the European soldier goes to death, obeying the order or committing a conscious choice at the moment of action, the motivational field of its choice is very broad. It may be an emotional impulse, and a sober calculation in assessing the situation, taking into account the feasibility of its own death to achieve any significant goal (salvation by the comrades for the cost of their own life, the destruction of the maximum possible number of enemies, defense of important objects, etc.). Japanese suicide team commits in advance, long before the realization of the decision made. It ranks itself to a certain category of voluntarily doomed to death, from now on depriving itself the choice and actually turning into a living machine, looking for a reason to die. At the same time, the real feasibility and price of their own death becomes insignificant for him: the very fact of death in battle is honorable, corresponding to the implementation of top debt. Moreover, the hero is equally the one who undermined the tank, rushing under him with mine, and one who before that tank did not end up. It is not by chance that Soviet soldiers hit the meaningless stubbornness of climbing under the automatic and machine-gun queues "Kamikadze". They acted template as souseless machines, while ordinary troops could take much more efficient actions with significantly smaller losses. Voluntary doom seemed to have deprived suicide bonuses of ability to figure out.

In general, when a collision with the Japanese armed forces, the Soviet soldiers perceived the same enemy, which in the late 1930s twice was defeated from them. The new ones were the magnitude of the fighting, the number of troops involved in them, the depth of penetration into the enemy territory, the fierce of its resistance in the situation of political and strategic doors. So, at that time, the features of the behavior of the Japanese, about which, in particular, are stated in the secret memorandum of the Allied Forces: "It was repeatedly observed that in an unforeseen or new situation, many Japanese show such uncertainty, which is almost abnormal to most Europeans. Their behavior in These conditions may vary from extreme apathy and physical prostration to unrestrained frenzy, directed against themselves or any object of their surroundings "(800). Military-political collapse and capitulation were just a situation to which the Japanese, with decades raised by the militarist propaganda, were not ready in the mass.

The situation of the defeat was especially dramatic for the Japanese mass consciousness also because for this national culture, ancient times was characterized by self-perception as exceptional, and its states and people - as "chosen". Under the conditions of the first half of the 20th century, when imperial ambitions were constantly increasing, and racial theories were distributed in the world, these cultural and ideological settings fell on a favorable soil. It is not by chance that the ally of the Militarist Japan became fascist Germany: not only the proximity of geopolitical and strategic interests were important, but also the ideas of exclusivity and national superiority. Japan's leaders are stolen that the Nazis called the Japanese "Aryans of the Far East", that is, the highest racial of Asia (801).

It is these racist and hegemonic attitudes of Japan leaders who were the basis of neglecting international legal norms that have passed the crime against humanity. The introduction of Soviet troops to the extensive territories of the Far East occupied by the Japanese occupied, including Manchuria, North China and Korea, made it possible to reveal many such crimes, from the preparation of bacteriological war to actually the magnitude of prisoners of war. In May 1946, the International Tribunal for the consideration of Japanese war criminals was held in Tokyo. The defendants were accused of violating international law, contracts and obligations, laws and customs of war. Thus, at the captured Chinese territory, 20 km from Harbin for ten years, the secret research center of the Kwantung Army, who developed bacteriological weapons of mass destruction, which was going to be used in the war against the USSR were acted. Experiments were conducted on living people, including women and children (802).

During the process, the monstrous details of the disappeared, which were arranged in the Japanese army over the prisoners:

"People were beheaded, quartered, poured gasoline and burned alive; the prisoners of war were poured up with the stomachs, they pulled the liver and eaten her, which was supposedly a manifestation of a special samurai spirit" (803).

The Secret Directive of the Japanese Command dated August 1, 1944 required the total destruction of all prisoners who fell into Japanese dungeons. "It doesn't matter how elimination will occur: individually or groups - it was said in it, it doesn't matter what methods will be used: explosives, poisoning gases, poisons, sleeping drugs, beading or anything else - in any case, the goal is, In order for no one to be saved. Everyone must be destroyed, and no traces should remain "(804).

All this, including the facts of Japanese military whirlures in the occupied territories, became the famous Soviet troops already during the offensive, affecting the overall perception and assessment of the Japanese as an opponent.

In general, the final campaign of the Second World War, conducted by the Soviet Army in the Far East, not only brought the completion of the war, accelerating the final defeat of the last satellite of fascist Germany, not only provided a fundamentally different alignment of strategic forces in the post-war world, but also contributed to the final congestion of the defeated country complex who still persist in the historical memory of Soviet people, being inherited from Tsarist Russia and to some extent supported during the Japanese occupation of the Far East during the Civil War and Intervention. At this complex, a blow was made in the late 1930s, but the fact of conservation for Japan was rejected at the beginning of the century of Russian lands, as well as constantly hanging the threat of impact of the back in the most severe moments of the Great Patriotic War, preserved the image of this country in the mass consciousness As the main thing after Germany is a potential, insidious and strong enemy. And this image was quite adequate to the real position of things: Japanese strategists were actively preparing for war and did not decide to attack only because due to the ratio of forces, the risk was too large. And the above assessment of Stalin on the importance of the defeat of the Militarist Japan was absolutely accurate politically and consonant sentiment of the Soviet society.

The perception of other peoples and countries is always reflected in the mass culture. One of its manifestations is the song creativity and the existence of a song in the folk medium. In this regard, it is probably worth noting three songs, very popular or at least widely known until the present. All of them arose in the footsteps of historical events, dramatic for popular consciousness, and fully expressed his condition. That is why they are preserved in the historical and cultural memory of the people. The first song is "Varyag", dedicated to the feat of Russian sailors in the Russian-Japanese war. It reflects not only the dramatic moments of the battle, but also the attitude towards the enemy, and, with a clear hint of his racial affiliation:

"From the pier, we go to the battle,

Towards the death threatening to us

For their homeland in the sea open,

Where are the yellow tires waiting! "(805)

It is noteworthy that in the performance of "Varyaga", in Soviet times, it is precisely this quatrain of the song "Dropped": internationalism - one of the key components of the official communist ideology - did not allow the use of such "racist" characteristics, even in relation to the enemy, and the omnipresent censorship "Further lines are even from folk songs.

Indirectly in this series of works that fix Russian-Japanese conflict relationships, it is possible to include a revolutionary and romantic song about the civil war "on valleys and on the swamp", which had a national origin and born in the Far East. In one of its folklore options, not only the release of Primorye, but also directly about the expulsion of the interventory (806). For the listener, it was quite clear that it comes first of all about the Japanese, and its prophetic final lines "and in the Pacific Ocean finished their campaign" became especially popular in 1945. There is already a different dominant tonality: the whole song is a peculiar epic story about a powerful human stream that displaces the enemy from the native land.

Finally, the third famous song about three tankers from the film of the late 1930s. "TRAKTORIST". The opponent is constantly mentioned in it, which is insidiously, at night crossed "border near the river". This enemy, of course, samurai, whom the valiant Red Army defeated:

"Rushed tanks, raising wind,

There was terrible armor.

And flew the ground samurai

Under the head of steel and fire. "

This song has become the result of a direct social order, as well as the film itself for which it was written. Director I.A. Piriev instructed the poet Boris Laskina to write a work that would reflect the topic of defense of our borders, the feat of glorious heroes-tankers, participants in the fights in Hassan "(807). And the song really turned out to be relevant: the appearance of the film on the screens coincided with new complications in the southeastern borders of the country, with the events on Halchin-goal. That is why militant words and the Movie Music "Three Tankers" used so popular. Here, unlike previous songs, an offensive, victorious power of the modern army was approved.

During the Great Patriotic War, this song has more often existed in a changed form: the fighters at the front reworked her words in accordance with the new situation and the new opponent. And only parts stood in the Far East continued to sing her as she sounded in the film. But in August-September 1945, the song gained a "second life": her traditional, Athiaponian version was relevant again. It is worth noting the fact that the 1945 Far Eastern Campaign itself, despite all its historical significance, did not cause such a popular work as the above-mentioned songs: probably, on the tragic and large-scale background of the Great Patriotic Russian-Japanese collision turned out to be at the periphery of the people's Consciousness.

It is necessary to say about such a factor that affects the existence of works of mass culture as a form of manifestation of public consciousness as foreign policy and interstate relations. For example, in the 1970s, the same song about three tankers often sounded quite often in concerts and on the radio, however, censorship included characteristic amendments to the text. Now it appeared not completely specific enemies-samurai, and the abstract "action enemy". Replacing the image of the enemy to a more generalized, obviously, had a number of reasons. First of all, there were considerations of a diplomatic nature: the USSR was interested in the normalization of relations with his Eastern neighbor, whose scientific and technical and economic achievements became increasingly significant in world politics. In the conditions of the preserved problem of the so-called "northern territories" (peace treaty with Japan, after the end of World War I was not concluded), any factor that could aggravate tensions was undesirable. Moreover, propaganda stamps were inappropriate in the 1930s and penetrating the work of the mass culture: everyone knew that both artistic creativity, and the media were controlled by the Soviet state, and therefore the preservation of these old clichés could be perceived as sign of ill-advantage in interstate relations. Yes, and the image of Japan as the enemy did not respond to the tasks of propaganda.

It should also be noted that in the people's memory of the event 1938-1939. It turned out to be firmly "blocked" by more large-scale events of the Great Patriotic War, where Japan was not the main enemy, but Germany. So the very concept of "samurai" for young generations has already demanded clarification.

Texts of books belong to their authors and posted to familiarize

Japan in World War II .

Japan in World War II

In the autumn of 1939, when war and Western European countries began, one after another began to tolerate defeats and become an object of occupation from Hitler's Germany, Japan decided that her hour struck. Togo twisting all the nuts inside the country (parties and trade unions were eliminated, in return to the Association of Association of Trone as a militarized organization of a fascist type, designed to introduce a total political education system of hard control in the country), the highest military circles led by generals who headed the Cabinet of Ministers, received unlimited Powers for warfare. Military actions in China, accompanied, as usual, cruelty against civilians. But the main thing is that Japan waited, is the surrender of European powers, in particular France and Holland, in front of Hitler. As soon as it became a fact, the Japanese began to occupy Indonesia and Indochina, and then Malaya, Burma, Thailand and the Philippines. Having assigned to creating a giant subordinate to Japan to the colonial empire, the Japanese declared the desire to "East Asian Mathematization".

After the bombardment of the American base, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in December 1941, Japan was in a state of war with the United States and England, which, despite some first successes, with time he led the country to the protracted crisis. Although the Japanese monopolies have fallen a lot, having received uncontrolled access to the operation of the riches of almost all Southeast Asia, the situation of them, like the Japanese occupation troops, was fragile. The population of the occupied countries opposed, often with arms in hand, against Japanese occupying troops. The content of troops at the same time in many countries, the maintenance of the continued and increasingly becoming an unprospective war in China required considerable funds. All this led to the deterioration of the economic balance and to the exacerbation of the internal situation in Japan itself. This was a special force manifested in early 1944, when a certain fracture was planned in the Far East. American troops landed in one, then in another of the island areas and were suppressed from there by the Japanese. Japan's relationships with the USSR changed. In April 1945, the USSR denounced the neutrality pact with Japan in 1941, and in August of the same year, soon after the atomic bombing of Japan, the Soviet troops joined the territory of Manchuria and forced to surrender the Quantong Army, which meant not only defeat Japan, but also the beginning of revolutionary transformations in Manchuria, and then on the rest of China.

The capitulation of Japan in August 1945 led to the collapse of the Japanese military planners, the collapse of the aggressive foreign policy of Japan, who for several decades relying on the economic development and expansion of Japanese capital, on the Samurai Spirit of the past. Like samurai at the end of the last century, the Militarists of the first half of the XX century. We suffered bankruptcy and were forced to go off the historical scene. Japan lost all its colonial possessions and conquered territories. The question arose about the status of post-war Japan. And here they told their word the Americans occupied the country.

The meaning of the transformations that were conducted by the Allied Council created by the Allied Council for Japan, reduced to the radical restructuring of the entire structure of this country. A series of democratic reforms was carried out, including the revival of the party, convening parliament and the adoption of a new constitution, who left very limited rights to the emperor in the possibility of the revival of Japanese militarism in the future. An indicative process was conducted with the condemnation of Japanese war criminals, not to mention the thorough cleaning of the state apparatus, the police, etc. The education system was revised in Japan. Special measures provided for limiting the possibilities of the largest Japanese monopolies. Finally, a radical agrarian reform of 1948-1949 was carried out in the country, liquidated major land tenure and the finally undermining the economic positions of the residues of the samuracy.

The whole series of reforms and radical transformations meant another important jerk of Japan from the world of yesterday in new conditions of existence that correspond to the current level. In combination with the skills of capitalist development developed for the current, these new measures turned out to be a powerful impulse that contributed to the rapid economic revival of Japan defeated in the war. And not, only the revival, but also to the further development of the country, its energetic prosperity. Wounds of World War II were heard quickly enough. Japanese capital has become in the new and very favorable conditions for him when the external forces did not have its impact on the development of him (such as the "young officers filled with the warlike spirit"), increase the growth rates, which laid the foundation of the most phenomenon of Japan, which is so good Known today. Like paradoxically, but it is the defeat of Japan in the war, its occupation and the associated radical transformations in its structure finally opened the doors to develop this country. All obstacles were removed for such a development - and the result was striking ...

It is important to note another essential circumstance. In his successful advancing along the path of capitalism, Japan fully took advantage of all that can provide for such a development democratization of the European-American sample. However, she did not refuse from much from what goes back to her own fundamental traditions and that also played its positive role in her success. About this fruitful synthesis will be discussed in the next chapter. For the time being - a few words about Korea.

2.2 Japan during World War II

After the occupation of Germany in 1940. France and Holland, Japan took advantage of the situation and captured their colony - Indonesia and Indochina.

On September 27, 1940, Japan entered into a military union (three-minded pact) with Germany and Italy, directed against the USSR. England and USA. At the same time in April 1941, a neutrality agreement with the USSR was concluded.

After the German attack on the USSR in June 1941, the Japanese repeatedly strengthened their military potential on the border in the area - the Kwantung Army. However, the Hermansk4 Blitzkrig and defeat near Moscow, as well as the fact that the Soviet Union was constantly holding combat-effective divisions on the eastern borders - did not allow the Japanese leadership to begin hostilities here. They were forced to direct their war efforts in other directions.

Applying the troops of England, the Japanese in a short time captured many territories and countries of Southeast Asia and approached the borders of India. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese army without the announcement of the war suddenly attacked the Base of the US Navy Pearl Harbor (Hawaiian Islands).

A sudden attack on US naval facilities, located at a distance of more than 6 minutes from the Japanese islands, caused a huge damage to the American armed forces. At the same time, the Japanese troops invaded Thailand, began military operations on the seizure of Burma, Malaya and the Philippines. The first stage of the war was deployed successfully for Japanese militarists. After five months of the war, Malaya, Singapore, Philippines, the main and islands of Indonesia, Burma, Hong Kong, New Britain, Solomon Islands were captured by Malaya. In a short time, Japan captured the territory of 7 million square meters. km with a population of about 500 million people .. The combination of suddenness factors and numerical superiority provided by the Japanese armed forces success and initiative at the first stages of the war.

Playing on the desire of these peoples to free themselves from colonial dependence and presenting itself to a similar "liberator", the Japanese leadership imposed puppet governments in the occupied countries. However, these maneuvers of Japan, mercilessly robbed occupied countries, establishing the police regimes here, could not deceive the wide masses of these countries.

The main reasons who kept Japan from the attack on the USSR were his military power - dozens of divisions in the Far East, the serious position of the Japanese troops, hopelessly stuck in the exhaust war in China, whose people led the heroic struggle against the invaders; The victories of the Red Army in the War with Hitler Germany.

However, soon the situation began to change. The command of Japan underestimated the importance of using submarines and large aircraft carriers and soon the American and English parts began to apply significant defeats. In 1944, after losing the Philippines, the massive bombings of the Japan itself of US Aviation began. Tokyo was destroyed almost completely. The same fate suffered most major cities. However, even in 1945, Japan was not going to give up and the troops resisted very hard. Therefore, the United States and the United Kingdom were forced to refuse plans to landow their troops directly into the territory of Japan and America produced atomic bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 6 and 9 August 1945

The situation has changed dramatically only after the USSR joined the war. The Soviet Union on August 9, 1945 began military actions against the Kwantung Army. It was crushed in a short time and already on August 14, 1945, the exeter was forced to declare the surrender. The act was signed on September 2, 1945. On board the American Linkar "Missouri" ... / The newest history of Asia and Africa, part 1, 2003, p. 51-70 /.

On August 14, 1945, the Government and Military Command unconditionally adopted the terms of the Potsdam Declaration and capitulated to the Union states represented by China, the United States, England and the Soviet Union. It was a long and unfair war. She lasted 14 years since the start of aggression in Manchuria, since aggression in China is 8 years old, from the beginning of hostilities against other peoples - four years. During this war, millions of people in China were destroyed, in the Philippines, Vietnam, Siame, Burma, Malaya and in Indonesia.

By preparation for the war, the ruling classes of Japan gradually deprived their people of his rights and, in the end, they took all freedom from him. Initially, the Communists, advanced workers and peasants were subjected to the incident in Manchuria, illegal arrests, torture, imprisonment and executions. Then, after 1933, the repression was spread to liberals and democrats. Freedom of speech, meetings, unions were destroyed. People who are up to 1936-1937. They thought that only "red" were being subjected to persecutions that these repressions would not touch them that the revival of the economy caused by the war, savingly, during the war they understood their misconception. Many of them were forced to change their profession and forcibly sent to work in the military industry.

All economic life was governed by military, officials and major capitalists. The unemployed really did not. Nor it happened because several million people were doomed to slave labor at military enterprises. More than 3.5 million young people, including students and 12-year-old schoolchildren (boys and girls), were mobilized to military industry and agriculture. In short, 80 million Japanese proceeded for sub-minced labor in a huge military prison / Inoue Kiessi et al., 1955, p. 257, 258 /.

By the end of the war, the overwhelming part of the Japanese territory was completely in the destroyed state. Allied bombers were almost destroyed by major city centers, including many cities that did not have military or strategic destination. An even more tragic was the fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, who were actually erased from the face of the earth. During the years of hostilities, the Japanese army lost more than 2 million people / there, with. 259, 260 /.

This led to the fact that the next sharp rise in oil prices in the late 70s did not have a significant impact on the economy of Japan. The second half of the 70s and the 80s is the transition to the model of moderate economic development rates, the most important features of which was the creation of high-tech production. The main focus was to be given to the industries working for export ...

Contradictions. As a result of this, the Far Eastern outskirts of Russia becomes the classy struggle is a venue, a place of aging the driving forces of the bourgeois-democratic revolution. International situation in the Far East in the second half of the XIX century. Despite the high rates of economic development in the pureformal period, Russia continued to lag behind such capitalist states as England, France, ...

Capitalistic development of Japan, and capture about. Taiwan and Penghouageo Islands were the beginning of the creation of a Japanese colonial empire. 6. Foreign policy at the beginning of the 20th century. Japan's preparation for world war The international influence of Japan increased. Japan has achieved non-equivance contracts from European powers and the United States. England refused such a contract first-July 16, 1894 at the end ...

Man. The process started in Helsinki was continued at subsequent meetings of representatives of the OSCE participating States. However, the further actions of the Soviet and American leadership led to the fact that in the second half of the 70s. The process of discharge of the Caucan and resumed the "Cold War". The USSR decided to replace the obsolete missiles of the SS-4 and CC-4 new, more powerful MC-20 missiles. New rockets were ...