Repairs Design Furniture

Align the floor on the balcony with a dry tie. Floor alignment on the balcony. Leveling dry tie

Balconies and loggia

How to align the floor on the balcony and loggia do it yourself?

From the author:hello, dear reader. Not so long ago, I had a chance to move to a new apartment in a standard nine-storey house built at the end of the neon 1980s. So this apartment was new only for me, and not in general. And, apparently, repairing in it since the time was made only once. So, as a full-fledged owner of the apartment, I had to proceed to the repair work on my own.

Special attention was paid to the balcony, since his condition was far from the perfect. And since he was large enough - my plans came to turn it into a full-fledged living space to organize a workplace with PC. The whole set of works on the reconstruction of the balcony This article is not able to accommodate, so today we will analyze only one topic: like on the balcony with your own hands.

All floor alignment procedures on the balcony / loggia are reduced to two ways:

  • alignment with a cement screed;
  • alignment with wooden lag.

We will analyze these two options for the development of events in detail, point out the specific points in the work, as well as find out which flooring is worth choosing for a loggia or balcony. In addition, you will learn what work to level the base should be conducted if you decide to leave your balcony unflounted. So, proceed.

Floor alignment tie

If you decide to align the floor with a tie, "you should" figure out "with an old coating for starters. There may be the old tile, and just a unlocked screed, which already in places (or completely) has become unusable. If this is so, then from the old tile / screed should be rid of. To do this, use a perforator or a jackhammer. Only work should be careful not to damage the slab itself. Everything can happen, and the collapse of the balcony in our plans is not included, right?

If the screed on the balcony is in relatively in good condition, and not particularly curve, then maybe you can do without fill. Although, if you want to achieve an ideally smooth surface, there is a bulk sex. But now we are not talking about bulk floors, namely, a full-fledged cement-sand tie.

So, we got rid of the old screed. Now with the help of a brush to the working surface, a layer of primer should be applied. Penetrating primer provides a reliable clutch of the solution with the surface, and in addition - it has an antiseptic effect. Simply put, she protects.

Since we need to achieve perfectly level, it should use a building level. You can bubble, but better laser. First, it is more convenient to work with it, and secondly, it will give a more accurate result. If you do not have such specific equipment (as, however, and happened in my case), it is not necessary to take it, because it is not cheap. You can take it into temporary use in the construction supermarket, where there is a service "Rental tools". Or ask friends / neighbors.

So, suppose you already have a laser level. Now we need to set the zero mark. Here is what to do:

  • set the level in the highest corner or at the highest point in the center;
  • turn on the laser;
  • with the help of the pencil, mark on the wall of the point that the laser "painted". By the way, some laser levels are discarded to the surface not a point, but a line, which is much more convenient;
  • rotate the level holding the tripod to move horizontally to all the walls.

If you have never used such a tool before, you will definitely familiarize yourself with the instructions, since because of one, it would seem, a minor error, the entire floor may be curved after completing the work. And this certainly does not go into our plans.

After the height level of the screed is defined, it can be started to install beacons for which the surface alignment will be performed. The step between them should, as a rule, ranges from 30 to 50 cm. By the way, I would like to remind you of the existence of warm floors. Although, if you decide to warmly warm, you probably know about this technology. But for the sake of justice, I would like to note that the warm floor is laid at this stage, - before (!) Fill the screed.

Also, in some cases, reinforcement is performed before the fill. But most often laying the reinforcement in cases where the balcony will not be glazed in the future. And about the beacons: before the start of the fill, it is necessary to wait until the solution that fixes them will grab. At a temperature of 20-25 ° C, several hours are enough. On if work is performed at temperatures below, it may be necessary to 12 hours, and then the day. In general, see circumstances.

Preparation of the Floor Filling

Be prepared for the fact that the fill of the floor is pretty dirty and hard work. Even if it comes to such, it would seem a small area like a loggia / balcony area. Floor screed preparation proportions can be expressed by a simple formula: 1: 2: 1.2. I.e:

  • 1 - cement;
  • 2 - sand;
  • 1.2 - water.

Of course, these proportions can be adjusted at their discretion. For example, determine exactly how much water will need - quite difficult. H2O should be added in such a quantity so that the consistency of the mixture reminds the thick sour cream by its structure. That is, it should not be too liquid and not too dry. For greater strength, the amount of sand also increases. This is usually happening in cases where the floor is exposed to extensive loads during operation.

For additional thermal insulation, you can add clamzit to the clip. This is a universal, reliable insulation, which is successfully used in construction for more than a hundred years. It can be added in arbitrary proportions, but, as a rule, it is added in proportions from four to eight for reliable insulation. Consequently, the formula for preparing a screed with the addition of clay will look like this: 1: 2: 1.2: 4-8, where 4-8 is a clay.

In addition to the ceramisite, a reinforcing fiber fiber can be contained in the composition of the screed solution. As a rule, this component is added in the proportions of 0.6-0.9 kg per 1 m³.

Special gypsum ties are used to fill the floor. They are used to eliminate minor working surface flaws. But in the use of a gypsum screed there are limitations: it is not suitable for rooms, with high humidity. The main advantage of this method of alignment is relatively rapid drying (up to three days) and relative ease when working.

Both gypsum and cement mixtures you can purchase in a construction store. All necessary components have already been added to such compounds, so you will not have to think about what proportions are to prepare a screed. It is logical that the ready mix will cost you more than the acquisition of all components of the components separately.

Important! When purchasing cement (or ready-made composition), pay attention to the brand. The higher this indicator, the better it will be your screed.

The calculation of the required amount of solution is typically occur as follows: multiplying the floor area on the thickness of the fill layer. For example, the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is 5 m², and the estimated thickness of the screed is 7 cm. Consequently, 5 × 0.07 \u003d 0.35 m³.

After you have completed the necessary calculations and purchased the necessary building materials, it's time to start cooking. This is how to do:

  • mix cement and sand carefully in accordance with the proportions that we have chosen. For mixing, it is better to use a drill mixer, as you knead the solution manually - the occupation is complex and ineffective;
  • mix the plasticizer with water - in another container. The proportions in which this material is added are indicated in the instructions on the package. But, as a rule, 380-400 is used per 100 kg of cement. In addition, you can add reinforcing fiber;
  • gradually add dry components to the container with water. But (!) Not the opposite - otherwise the solution will be heterogeneous;
  • mix the resulting composition thoroughly.

Ready. Now you can proceed to the fill. The mixture should be pouring between beacons, and then dissolve with the help of the rule. Here, as in the preparation of the mixture, we need a snarling, so if you did not do this did not do earlier, "you may not have exactly what you expected. So it is better to perform these works not alone, but with a more enlightened in the repair and construction issue of a comrades. In addition, to perform work on the fill alone - quite problematic. In any case, you will need an assistant.

After complete drying of the screed (and it will dry for quite a long time - up to several weeks), - you can enjoy laying outdoor coverage. What to choose the floor covering on the balcony / loggia, we will talk in the following sections of the article. But keep in mind that the laying should be made only (!) After complete drying.

To check whether the screed dried, "it's enough to take a small piece of the loaf, put it on the screed, lock the scotch after the perimeter and leave for about 12 hours. If during this time a wet plot was formed under the glue, "it means that the screed is raw and put the outdoor coating early. If the glue is dry, it's time to start laying.

So we learned how to fill the screed on the balcony or loggia. Keep in mind that this section of the article is designed for people already have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe fill. So, if you really have a novice in this matter, - you should contact the advice not to Yandex or Google, but to a more experienced master than you.

Lag alignment

With the screed, we were safely understood. Now align the floor on the loggia or the balcony with the help of wooden lag. Physically, this type alignment is easier, so you may not need the help of third parties. But this is only if you have a specific idea of \u200b\u200bthis process. From building materials we need:

  • plywood or OSB (preferably a thickness of at least 20 mm);
  • dry timber (preferably of pine) with a cross section of 60 × 40 mm. But, in principle, 40 × 40 mm or 30 × 40 mm are suitable.

In addition, we will need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • electric disk saw;
  • drill Perforceor;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction level (preferable laser);
  • roulette;
  • dowels / screws.

Now it's time to start the installation of Lag. First of all, it should be removed all the fine garbage from the surface, and then perform the layout of the floor level. In order to further protect the basis of negative impacts, it can be applied to it. Usually the floor in the room above the floor level of the loggia or balcony. Of course, the finish coating and frame should not exceed the floor level of the room. To mark the horizontal floor plane, use a laser or water level. Preferably, of course, laser. In this case, the procedure for marking the working surfaces with a level is completely identical to the way we marked the surfaces in the case of pouring the screed. To mount wooden lags, measure the distance from the floor of the balcony to the zero level, while noting the lowest and highest point.

Before laying a frame, you should lay a ruberoid as waterproofing. As a rule, it is placed on the vents of 15 cm. Attacking on the walls should be at least 5 cm. However, a special mastic can be used as a waterproofing, which is evenly applied on the surface, and the usual oil tape, which is fastened with a conventional wide scotch.

The balcony or loggia are rooms that are subject to adverse effects of temperature drop, as well as an increased level of humidity. It is these factors that affect the integrity and life of structural elements that carry parts and other parts of the room. Over time, under the influence of the aforementioned conditions, the floors of the loggia begin to deform and collapse, cracks are formed, resulting in the need to carry out restoration work and repair floors and other surfaces.

There are several ways to align the floor of the loggia with their own hands, to select one of them, it is necessary to determine in advance the further purpose of this room, calculate the presence or absence of furniture or other interior parts. These include:

  • Alignment of the floor of the loggia with the help of wooden logs and arrangement of the coating of plywood, wooden boards or parquet;
  • Alignment with a screed (dry or wet);
  • Laying by floor loggia ceramic tiles.

Important! All of the above methods of alignment of the floor of the loggia or balcony provide for weighting of the structure, which must be taken into account when calculating the subsequent maximum load.

Preparatory work

Before aligning the floor on the balcony or loggia, it is necessary to clean this room as much as possible, dismantle the various design elements and structural details, knock off the floor surface sections that save or crumble, clean the floor from dust and other garbage with the help of an industrial vacuum cleaner. With the proper approach and fulfill all the conditions, such a job can be performed with your own hands.

In some cases, when the work surface has a tendency to clarinity, it is necessary to additionally treat special primers for concrete surfaces, for example, adhesive primer Ceresit CT19 "Concrete-contact" or primer Silicate Eskaro Monolit for concrete floors.

Depending on the selected method of alignment of floors, a specific set of tools will be required.

When aligning the floor of the loggia with their own hands with the help of wooden lags will be required:

  • Manual, tracing saw and electrolybiz;
  • Electric choke;
  • Level, measuring roulette and construction marker;
  • Electric screwdriver and shock drill;
  • Hammer, chisel.

To equalize the floor using dry or wet screed, such tools are needed as:

  • Level and measuring roulette;
  • Rule;
  • Spatula and trowel;
  • Construction mixer or electrical hand drill with a special nozzle for mixing cement solutions.

When laying ceramic tiles, you must have at hand:

  • Rubber hammer;
  • Electric or manual stoves;
  • Auxiliary elements for alignment of the seam width when laying tiles;
  • Level and rule;
  • Toothed spatula;
  • Electric drill with nozzle or building mixer.

Floor alignment on the balcony or loggia requires the presence of the necessary building materials and parts depending on the selected method of achieving the result.

When installing the floor with their own hands when using wooden lags need:

  • Wooden vehicles with a cross section of 50x70;
  • Batten;
  • Nails 6-9 cm;
  • Mineral wool for insulation of the gaps between lags;
  • Waterproofing film.

When laying ceramic tiles, there will be such materials as:

  • Glue for laying ceramic tiles;
  • Ceramic tile;
  • Grout for seams.

Floor alignment by the formation of dry or wet screed involves the presence of such materials as:

  • Metallic beacons;
  • Dowel for concrete;
  • Sand-cement mortar;
  • Reinforcement grid;
  • Waterproofing film;
  • Ceramizite shallow fraction;
  • Hypus fiber plates with connections locks (when aligning with a dry tie).

After the preparatory stage of work is completed, and the surface treated with the primer dried, you need to move to the main stage of the work - align the floor on the balcony with your own hands.

Basic work on alignment of the floor of the loggia do it yourself

Floor alignment in the way of laying a lag and wooden or plywood flooring the simplest and unemployed method of conducting such works. Wooden bars that perform the role of lags are located across a balcony or loggia at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other. The main task in aligning the base with your own hands in this way is that the upper surfaces of the bars are on one horizontal level. For this, the lower part of the lag is processed in such a way as to compensate for the irregularities of the original floor. Lags are attached to the concrete base of the floor with the help of anchors. After all the lags are laid in one level, it is necessary to begin the formation of a final working surface from boards or plywood, which is attached to lags with nails or self-tapping screws.

Floor alignment with ceramic tiles is possible without forming a finishing screed. This is allowed in the case when the old floor has a solid structure. In this case, the alignment occurs due to the use of a greater or smaller amount of glue for the tile, forming a perfectly smooth surface. In the case of an inhomogeneous structure of the foundation, the crumbling of the concrete basis and the appearance of new cracks, it is recommended to equip a wet tie for subsequent laying onto the ceramic tile. The screed must be reinforced for which a special metal mesh is used.

Alignment with a wet or dry tie is considered one of the most time-consuming and long ways to align the floor. For both methods, installation of beacons, which form the horizon for the future screed. The wet method involves the use of a cement mortar, which is poured throughout the perimeter of the loggia, after which, with the help of the rule, the mass is aligned into a single surface.

Dry screed involves the use of dry components. The most popular is the grainzit of a small fraction. The mass is also scattered throughout the perimeter of the room and is taught to reduce the number of air pockets. With the help of a rule that moves through beacons, a smooth surface is formed, and the drying plates are stacked on top of the finished base.

Important! It should be noted that with the arrangement of both dry and wet screed, after the formation of a smooth surface should be removed beacon racks.

The problem, how to align the floor on the balcony, often occurs when an attempt is made to translate a balcony or loggia into the category of residential area. In principle, such an operation differs little from a similar event in any other room, but some important specific features need to be taken into account. Such work can be carried out in different ways. And what is the most important thing - do it yourself. At the same time, with a lack of experience, it is better to consult with a specialist.

What specific problems

What is the distinguished by a balcony from other rooms in the apartment? It is originally implied as a living area, and therefore does not have the necessary heat insulation. Its floor is nothing but a reinforced concrete plate, which only one side has a connection with the bearing wall, while the entire area outside the apartment forms a console. Of course, the calculation of the strength of the balcony provides for the possibility of people and storage of things on it and storing things, but still the mechanical strength of the floor plate cannot be equated to the parameters of the floor overlap. In other words, large volumes of heavy building materials, such as concrete, can create excessive and dangerous overloads.

The floor on the balcony is equipped with their own hands, taking into account the purpose of the architectural detail. If the entire complex of measures is taken to insulate and transform into a full-fledged living room, then the floor must have all the necessary heat and, appropriate design and smoothness. When the balcony remains a place with a periodic output of a person on it (for example, for a break), floor alignment is just the repair of the coating that has come into disrepair. In such conditions, it can be about lower quality requirements, but more serious - to the affecting factors: temperature difference, increased humidity (up to water flow), exposure to low temperature, high.

The specific parameter is the floor level itself on the balcony. It is often a little connected with the floor in the adjacent residential room, and therefore is often significantly lower than its level. Taking into account such specifics before leveling the balcony floor, it is necessary to decide whether it is necessary to raise it. The elevation of the flooring largely depends the choice of design.

Example of balcony floor scheme

How to use the material and material, we must decide with a number of parameters. Thus, the concrete screed has a large proportion and significantly weights the design, therefore it is believed that with a lifting height of more than 5-6 cm, it is dangerous to apply it. Taking into account this, the concrete screed is used where the layer thickness is 4-5 cm. At high height of the floor lift, the lag system is often used. The concrete screed does not provide quality and with a layer thickness less than 3 cm, because High risk cracking. With small thicknesses, self-leveling (self-deed) mixtures are recommended.

On open balconies, where precipitation is possible, the use of plywood or chipboard is inappropriate. Preference is given to various screeds, ceramic tiles, tiled wood materials with moisture-resistant filling (OSB). Finally, the choice of material for floor alignment depends on the type of finish coating:, carpet ,.

How to make a concrete screed

To perform a concrete screed, it is desirable to have your own tool. You will need:

  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • master OK;
  • metal rule;
  • painting brush;
  • construction mixer for mixing solution;
  • a container for the solution;
  • measuring bucket;
  • construction level;
  • roulette;
  • metal line;
  • roller

The simplest and most common method of floor alignment is a concrete screed, i.e. Pour a sandy cement mortar throughout the floor area. Initially, the height of the floor is marked, and the first label is set in the highest corner. Then, with the help of the level, horizontal lines are conducted throughout the perimeter of the balcony. If the floor is placed on a balcony of an open type, then a small bias is ensured towards the street - for outflow of sedimentary water (a slope of about 8-10 mm is considered sufficient for each meter of floor width).

Works begin with careful cleaning of the concrete slab. In the presence of cracks, they use putty for their closeup. Then the thin layer of primer is applied, which will improve the adhesion of the concrete solution and the base.

Quite often the balcony owners of apartments adapt as an extra room. Naturally, in this case, it is necessary to carry out a number of operations to give the loggia a more residential look. In addition to insulation and finishes, it is necessary to carry out both floor alignment. As a rule, the base in such premises is far from an ideal state, so rarely when you can do without this operation.

You can align the floor on the balcony in two ways - using a concrete screed or using a lag device. Consider both methods in more detail.

For floor alignment on the balcony using a tie device The primer, construction level, roulette, pencil, guides), rule or rack, wide metal spatula, dry mix for alignment, tank for mixing the solution.

After preparing all the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed to work.

Preparation of the foundation

Initially, it is necessary to remove all things from the balcony, clean the base from dirt and dust. You should also check the condition of the floor. If there are weak sections, destruction materials, then they should be cleaned. Strong cracks and chips are closed with cement mortar.

The composition should be applied to the entire surface of the floor using a brush. Using primer will provide a more reliable adhesion of other materials with the surface, protects from various negative environmental impacts. The surface is left to the complete drying of the composition (the drying time is indicated on the package).

So that the base is smooth, it is necessary to determine the so-called "zero mark". According to it, the height of the fill of the concrete screed will be determined. To determine the height, choose the highest place on the floor. According to the obtained value throughout the perimeter, appropriate points are postponed. For even their marks, it is necessary to use a laser or bubble construction level. This stage is very important, since the smoothness of the resulting screed largely depends on the correct markup.

Installation of Mayakov

After determining the level of the head of the screed, you should install guides (or lighthouses). There will be alignment in the future. Guides are attached to the solution. Lighthouses need to be placed in the transverse direction (in width) in about 50-60 cm increments.

Before proceeding to further work, it is worth waiting until the solution on which the guides are attached will grab.

For the pouring, a cement-sand or concrete solution can be used. The mixture is poured between the beacons, and then aligned with the help of the rule or rail. Thus, the entire surface is poured. Align you need short movements, keeping a working tool with a small pressure. It is necessary to work until the screed is completely in short with beacons. To obtain an ideal surface, it is recommended to use a large metal spatula.

After that, the screed is left to complete drying. It may take up to several weeks.

Alignment of concrete floor by lagas

Also for alignment of the floor on the balcony, you can use the lag device. This method is fairly easy to perform independently, and the production time is much shorter compared to the creation of a concrete or cement-sand tie. For the process, a plywood will be required (thickness is better to take 20 mm), drill or screwdriver, perforator, wooden bar with a cross section of 40x40 mm or 30x40 mm, tree hacksaw or manual circular saw, construction level, roulette, pencil, tape and dowel screw .

Step by step guide. Alignment of floor on loggias

  1. Preparation of the foundation. You should remove all dirt and dust. The surface can be additionally handled by primer, which will protect the surface from the destruction and influence of negative environmental factors.
  2. Determining the level of aligned base. The process is carried out similarly to the above algorithm: the highest point is determined, according to which the levels of construction are made.
  3. Laying waterproofing. It is recommended between lags to lay waterproofing. It can be films or liquid mastic. Mastic is applied to the surface with a brush. The film is attached using adhesive tape.
  4. Installation lag. Lagges are installed in 50 cm increments. The height of the crate must match the marks made. For an even location in low places under lags, lumps are put on. The accuracy of the installation must be constantly checked using a construction level. The doomle is attached to the base with the help of a dowel. Moreover, the deeper the fasteners will be installed, the larger than the bars will hold. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a dowel with a length of 80 mm. So that the lamp served for a long time, it is recommended to pre-process bars with a special protective impregnation. It will ensure reliable protection against negative environmental impacts.
  5. Laying plywood. Plywood stacked on the crate and attached to it using wood screws (it is recommended to choose a 65 mm fastener). Hats should be dried into the thickness of the material. As a rule, sheets need to trim. This is measured by the width of the balcony, which is then postponed on the plywood. After that, the sheets are trimmed according to the marks made using a tree or circular saws. When laying, it is necessary to provide a technological gap of 3 cm. Paneur can be replaced with chipboard or OSB (thickness also 20 mm). OSB and plywood are better and reliable, so it is recommended to choose them.

In some cases, the balcony is required to inspire. In this case, it is necessary to provide styling of the heat insulating material. Various materials can be used as insulation: foam, mineral wool, bulk materials (ceramzite), foamed polyethylene, etc. It is best to choose a foam. It has excellent sound and thermal insulation properties, resistant to different environmental impacts, including moisture, is durable, it is inexpensive, the laying is characterized by simplicity.

When the floor insulation, it is necessary to provide a waterproofing layer device. (film or special mastic). In this case, it is necessary to provide an occasion of the material on the wall to a height of approximately 7-10 cm.

Next mounted insulation. The method of fixing depends on the type of thermal insulation material. The insulation must be placed tightly to each other and to lags (with the second method of floor alignment). Shakes are recommended to treat mastic. Next, the vapor insulation layer is envisaged. This stage depends on the type of insulation. For example, when using foam, the vapor barrier device is optional.

The final stage is an alignment layer device: screeds or plywood. Next, the floor on the balcony can be separated by decorative material.

Also for the insulation of the balcony, you can envisage the installation of the "Warm floor" system. This procedure is carried out if the loggia will be used as a room for permanent residence.

Thus, to align the floor on the balcony in two ways. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of a concrete screed is to obtain a solid and durable base. Such a floor will serve a very long time. However, this will be ensured if the technology is correct. In addition, the arrangement of a cement-sand or concrete screed may require a long time on drying. It is not recommended to use this method of alignment with wooden inter-storey floors. Pouring screed can not be done at a negative ambient temperature.

Lagam alignment is characterized by simplicity and fast speed of the process. And even if something was performed not quite correctly, the defect is easy to fix. When the flooring device on the lags provides normal air circulation, and under the base, various communications can be laid. However, compared with the screed, such a base may not be too long. In addition, the strength is an order of magnitude lower than the screed.

The balcony stove is constantly under the influence of destructive factors: the sun, rain, wind. Because of this, its gradual destruction occurs. One way to protect the balcony slab is the fill of the screed. In addition, the screed is needed to align the stove when insulating the balcony. The quality of the floor covering depends on its state. As the filling technology is simple, work is most often performed with their own hands. Initially, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the existing ways to fill the screed.

Balcony Requirements

Some requirements are presented to the balcony screed:

  • small weight. The balcony plate has a limited bearing capacity, so additional weight can destroy it;
  • durability. Because of the poor quality base, the floor covering is rapidly destroyed. Perform frequent repairs on the bounded space of the balcony very problematic;
  • alignment of the surface of the balcony plate;
  • strengthening the plate;
  • additional thermal and sound insulation;
  • the available cost of the mixture for filling the plate. The mixture should be inexpensive, but high quality.

Types of hardware

The finishing floor covering is laid on a flooded screed. There are three ways to fill:

  1. Wet

The solution is prepared from cement with sand or rubble, and then poured onto the prepared surface of the balcony plate. The drying process lasts about a month. For crystallization of the solution, the surface is regularly wetted with water.

  1. Dry

The balcony plate is covered with a layer of clay or other bulk material. Special materials are stacked on top. Such a screed is quickly mounted, but has a drawback - low moisture resistance. It limits its use for uncrowned balconies.

  1. Self-leveling

There are special mixtures divorced by water. Alignment of the plate surface occurs due to the spreading of the liquid composition of the mixture. In such a mass limited time, therefore, the laying is performed at an accelerated pace. The mixture can not be laid on the absorbed balcony slab. A week later, you can apply finish coating.

Self-leveling formulations are issued several types:

  • cement mixes with adding plasticizers. The composition is designed for roughing, when a large height difference or a plate of large defects;
  • mixes with plaster create the basis for finishing styling. They are distinguished by low resistance to moisture, therefore are not recommended for use in unknown balconies.
  • finish mixtures. Created a transparent or colored floor covering. These are epoxy and polyurethane compositions. Single attractiveness use bulk 3D coatings.

The balcony stove is withstanding not every tie. Because of its weight for the first floor balcony, wet, dry and self-leveling screed. Serious weight does not have a dry and self-leveling screed, so they are suitable for balconies on any floor.

Preparation for Pouring Balcony Plate

Technologies for the preparation of the base for any screed is almost no different. Due to the great effect on the balcony plate of the surrounding temperature and humidity, it takes reliable isolation of the finish coating. Only a high-quality screed guarantees its safety for a long time.

In order to save time, sometimes the screed is poured directly to the existing coating if it is in a satisfactory condition. It is incorrect, firstly, the height of the balcony is reduced, secondly, the strength of the screed is greatly reduced. Only the purified stove will provide a decent state of the screed.

The first thing all things are made from the balcony, and then the plinths and door swaps are removed.

During dismantling work, there is a lot of dust and garbage, it became better to work in the respirator, and the walls are sprinkled with water from the pulverizer to protect against dust.

The method of cleaning the balcony plate depends on the existing coating.

After examining the peeled stove, it prepares for the fill with the screed:

  • squares and loose surface areas are removed;
  • the curtain places of tightening fittings of the balcony plate are covered with primer or paint to protect against corrosion;
  • slip locations are close to cement or glue.

Preparatory work is completed by cleaning garbage and dust with a vacuum cleaner. It is known that with a dusty base, the wet screed is bonded in unreliable.

At the final stage, the stove is ground. The primer not only removes dust, but also creates an insulating layer. Most often, the soil is applied in two layers. Drying period usually takes up to 8 hours.

Pouring wet tie

Most balconies are poured by a wet tie. By choosing this option, it is necessary to take into account that a layer of more than 5 centimeters thick can destroy the balcony plate. Such a fill has a disadvantage - a great time of drying. For example, a layer of 3 centimeter thick breathes through three days at normal temperature. In addition, the fill is made under certain conditions, since at low temperatures the solution loses strength.

Prepare a solution is easy: cement, crushed stone and river sand mixed with water to a concentration of thick sour cream.

Screed poured stages:

Video instruction:

Floating dry screed

Thanks to the dry screed, the owners of balconies in old houses are not devoid of opportunities to equip the floor in a lightweight version. Only one day will need to make such a tie on its own.

Dry screed gives such advantages:

  • fast laying. Immediately mounted finish coating;
  • the heat insulation of the plate increases.

There are disadvantages:

  • the balcony stove does not become stronger;
  • requires the use of certain backfills that are quite expensive.

Most often, non-combustible ceramic materials with high thermal insulation qualities are used for swelling: crushed stone, sand, gravel. If you use ordinary sand, it does not exclude its freezing. In a construction store you can choose a ready-made dry backfill.

Laying is performed in such a sequence:

Useful video instruction:

Pouring self-leveling tie

There are requirements for the basis of the basis for a self-leveling screed. It should be clean, dry and durable. Fat stains and chemicals adversely affect the quality of the coating. Before the fill, the concrete plate is covered with epoxy primer, which closes all the pores.

Pouring is performed in stages:

During work, it is important not to violate security measures. The mixture should not fall on open areas of the body. When pouring the floor, the balcony necessarily is well ventilated, since the mixture has a sharp smell.

So, it is easy to pour a balcony floor. In this regard, a great experience and a special tool is required. In any case, it will be enough to choose the material correctly, and comply with the sequence of work.