Repairs Design Furniture

Walls under the big TV. Walls under the TV in a modern style: choose the best model for the interior. Types of slides - what to choose

The living room is the center of all your housing. But the center of the living room becomes a hill wall. The modern interior involves accommodation in the living room of a small number of furniture. Modern walls of the slides are no longer the sets of bulky cabinets, but quite interesting and various kits.

Options for furniture slur

Before you start your choice of a hill wall, you must think about what you are waiting for this furniture .. If you need a place to store clothes, then there must be a wardrobe or chest.

To set up a beautiful living room, you can not do without photos of finished solutions, there are many options on this site:

If you have a lot of dishes, you need a secret for dishes. Selection of the furniture wall occurs under individual queries and requirements.

Choosing a wall for the living room, you need to understand that they differ in form and sizes. There are three types of walls, by type of location:

  • Along the entire length of the wall. This composition takes the length of the whole wall, or part of it. If the wall occupies part of the wall, then it is preferable to position it in the middle, leaving an equal distance on both sides.
  • For a small room, the angular wall is perfect.
  • In a spacious living room, it is better to place a p-shaped furniture ensemble.

Little wall

In the modest living room, large-sized furniture is not at all relevant. It will take everything free space, and the room will look hard and not cozy. In such premises, a mini wall becomes salvation. This kit may include only a few items.

A pair of Tumba under TV and other equipment, a small locker and a few mounted shelves - that's all that can enter the mini slide.

Selecting such a furniture ensemble for their housing, do not forget about both functionality. The furniture is needed not only to create beauty, but also for storing things.

Linear or angular

A happy greeting room owner of a large size can be chosen a linear or angular wall.

The final set of components of such walls depends on the number of things you have.

When the cabinets are very difficult to choose light shades of the facade. This will give ease with the room.

The doors from the matte slightly transparent glass and the built-in backlight will also get rid of the room from "gravity".

The distribution of furniture in the wall is also subject to certain rules. Cabinets are located on the sides, leaving in the center a place under the end for technology.

The angular walls suggest a more diverse location of the furniture. They can take the whole wall, and in the other only a small part. Either evenly distributed on two walls. Only an angular option makes it possible to use the room more rationally.

Standard walls

Made to order furniture is expensive pleasure, the manufacture of which is a long process.

Standard wall is also sometimes not suitable.

Modern furniture factories began to produce whole collections of furniture made in a single style and color. From such components, modular slides are collected.

So your wall will consist only of those modules that you need. Modular slide is a good option for a non-standard room.

Choose color and material

Another not a little important point is the choice of material and coloring your wall. Gorki for the living room is made of wood, MDF and chipboard.

Natural wood furniture is very expensive. MDF is a medium price furniture. Chipboard Material is most often used and most accessible to most buyers.

The wall of the hill in the interior must be fully combined with the style of the entire apartment. The color of the wall must be harmonized with other interior items. The living room is a place where the whole family is going to relax, the place where guests receive, which means it should be comfortable to everyone.

Give a cozy room atmosphere is possible with the help of classic shades of furniture. The classics are considered colors close to natural.

The use of several colors allows you to create stylish compositions. You can choose the most combined colors by photo wall slides in the living room.

White color gives the easiest room. White is often used as basic. It is perfectly combined with many colors.

Pastel tones are suitable for creative natures. Such walls do not attract unnecessary attention.

Bright colors are well suited for people with active life set. Choosing furniture such shades, the main thing is to remember that the color is not too aggressive.

Hill wall in the living room Necessary interior object!

Stock Foto Wall hill in living room

Modern stylistic furnishings are simple and unobtrusive. Items - ergonomic, colors - neutral, space - free. The furniture does not conflict with either floor, nor with walls, nor with textiles, nor with window frames, nor with doors. Something one of this can attract attention, but everything else is nothing more than a background.

Where to start the choice of furniture under TV

Of course, from its location. You need to estimate where there will be a TV, and if it is already hanging - maybe you want to make a permutation? If so, make sure that the TV does not turn out to be opposite the window, otherwise there will be dense curtains for daytime film.

We measure the wall, pretend to which dimensions there should be a cabinet and the modules associated with it so that the whole design does not interfere with the passage and looked appropriate. The averaged rule: the greater the room, the more massive furniture, and vice versa.

Do not forget to take into account the size of the niche under the TV, as well as its weight to choose the way to choose the material of the couch. In some homes there are still heavy lamp rarities, which at the same time can become an excellent highlight of the situation. Just they should stand on a good standard. LCD or "Plasma" is not so capricious to the strength of the base.

If the TV will be on the brackets, make sure the wall is strong enough.


It received its name because of a smooth increase in height. She has already been known for several decades, only during the time of the USSR, of course, had a completely different design. Then it was a bulky furniture in all senses, which is now suitable only as a retro-raisin in some interiors.

Modern slides are easier, concisely, while they are roomy and are suitable even for. Cowing a combination of closed, open, glazed shelves look interesting and not "pressure".

There may be a direct, M-shaped and P-shaped.

Wall-hill "Bali", 11 690 rubles. Photo:


Near the TV hosts, apartments put both familiar bulbies and impressive models of the model. The appointment is no different from ordinary cabinets: they are used for clothes, dishes or other things.

If the space allows you to, then a large wall or around the TV is quite valid. But keep in mind that such furniture is best suited for square rooms: already stretched rectangle it will make a visually even longer, and the finished look can not really like it.

Living room "Madeira", 39 990 rub. Photo:

If you make a cabinet to order, the features of your home take into account easier. It can become one whole with the whole room, adding light and accompany so many things as needed.

Very often, the cabinets and coupons under TV are a single combination. So that this harmony is not broken, manufacturers decorated the wall behind the TV large panel to the cabinets. So it turns out a visually monolithic TV group.

Walls can be performed in one color, and can - in two close or contrasting shades.

Mini bar

And this is a very convenient solution for the living room or where the recreation area is equipped. Bar is usually done under the TV, but in a nearby locker.


The space next to the TV is played with shelves - open or closed. The first can look more interesting - counted unusual design and decor.

Varieties of walls under tv with photo

Modular walls

All items can be immediately buyed, but you can choose yourself. The latter is real if the furniture consists of separate modules. Headsets composed from different strict modules in the outlines look very modern.

The beauty of this idea is that it is possible to hang them on the wall or put on the floor as you like - the room design does not suffer, and the composition will delight the eye. In addition, lockers and couch are multifunctional. For example, retractable stands are suitable for seating or use in quality.

Cabinet walls

In this case, they will not succeed in buying the lockers and shelves separately. Initially, the whole design is securely bonded and fixed by the wall. This is a single system, the center of which is television and niche under it. But the fantasy still has where to roast: you can play with asymmetry forms, the presence or absence of facades, backlight. The latter also performs a utilitarian function if you decide to equip the writing desk in the transformer wall.

Materials for walls under TV


Of course, it is better not yet invented by the tree. Durable, unpretentious in operation, having a respectable view, allowing to play with form and color. But at the same time, it is not cheap.

For walls are used as valuable rocks (red wood, rosewood, nut, oak, beech), and more affordable alder, birch, pine.

In addition to the high cost, wooden furniture has a few more features:

  • she is heavy
  • afraid of high humidity
  • poor tolerates high temperature.

Chipboard and mdf

These alternative materials are good if the manufacturer complies with all quality standards. The price is much lower than on the products from the array, and the possibilities of creating interesting things are more interesting.

DSP is usually used to make cabinet framework. It may be isolated formaldehyde, so it is carefully treated, covered with a film that imitating different types of wood surfaces. Despite the defense, in children's furniture from chipboard is not recommended, or you need to request security certificates from the seller.

The facades are better to choose from MDF, even though they are more expensive than "dusk". Such furniture is environmentally friendly and is little inferior in durability. Like the chipboard, the MDF is made of wood sawdust, but harmful resins do not apply for gluing.

Also in the walls there is a DVP material (fiberboard) - in the bottoms of the boxes, on the rear walls of the cabinets, in the panels for hanging the TV.

Manufacturers love to combine materials. Thus, the case is often made from chipboard, and the doors hang wooden or with inserts from glass, plastic, metal or plastic, laminated with textured film under the tree.

On average and high price segments, you can find furniture with mdf frame and wood facades. It weighs less than the headset from the massif, care for her easier, but there are no problems with the durability.

How to choose wall design

First of all, repel from the appointment of the room. In the bedroom it is better to focus on bright, quiet colors and simple forms to better relax and relax.

Any variations with color and design will fit the living room, because it is an entertainment zone. Although it is not worth cling to it, of course. Yes, and about the overall stylist of the room do not need to forget.

In the studio apartment or in a combined kitchen-living room, the wall under TV will help divide the room, performing as small, but.

Since such a priori rooms are either small, or "stuck" things, it should be as modest as possible. It is permissible to supplement the inserts from the mirror or glass to reflect the light and expand the scope.

In the example below, the cabinet is just not only a stand for technology, but also at the same time partition. Standing in the middle of the room, but at the same time - opposite the entrance to the apartment. Designers decided not to make her deaf so that the look did not rest in the wall. But thanks to the lateral fake glasses and the embossed text, the TV is covered, the light is refracted, and the part of the room opens.

Choose the wall depending on the style of the room

When planning, you need to come from family needs. If these are large parents, they definitely need a convenient area for mass view of cartoons. So, the furniture for the seating should be soft, pleasant for a child coloring. The TV wall, respectively, is harmonious and decorated without unnecessary restraint, which lovers would have chosen a strict classic.

We have already told about basic requirements for modern style.

Popular now its subspecies - minimalism - must coherent with a clear geometry of forms, a small spectrum of shades, simple accessories.

The loft is characterized by coarseness, brutality, and it can be very colorful: this direction of modern style is not afraid of screaming colors. It is favored by natural materials, and therefore the TV-tamba is better to choose from the tree. And in general, the cabinet or minimalistic shelves are more appropriate than the cabinet. And the best rear "panel" under the TV will be brickwork or pure concrete.

The most progressive of all modern styles - High-tech. Glitter and light brought to extreme minimalism, clarity forms, industrial materials (concrete, glass) - Here is a brief set of its characteristics. Very simple furniture, with glossy facades, glass and backlight inserts are suitable.

If the Spartan decor does not like you, you can pay attention to other styles. For example, "Eternal Classic" is a wooden furniture that has glass inserts, carved legs, filigree patterns, as well as servants, sets, gilding, many suitive patterns. In large rooms, you can use dark shades, and in small - only bright.

The wall in the classic style can be antique or stylized under ancient. It is not collapsible for it, it always consists of a closet and a large number of additional compartments. Here there is a place and bar, and mezzanine, and TV. In the historical interior, the technique ideally is worth placing in the cabinets with the doors, otherwise it looks foreign.

Does not lose relevance and cozy Provence. He is romantic, opens up the owners of apartments. Spaciousness for creativity, allowing you to decoupage to decoupage and add numerous accessories. Furniture is usually pastel tones, with curved legs and threads by the facade.

How to choose the color of the wall

And back to the color again, since it is one of the key points in creating a modern interior and selection of furniture. Main mantra, which you need to learn: simplicity and game in contrast. The background colors are unacmountainable, monochrome, often pale. But almost always there is one or more details in focus: they are bright as flashes.

Choosing the wall, think, is there any details in your room? If so, then the headset for the TV should not be another stain. Better, if it is, but it is no matter how it is: coincides in color with the main interior, and even dissolves in it.

The hill walls for the hall can now be found in almost every apartment, they came to replace the old Soviet servants, look modern and quite spacious.

The main feature of such furniture is universality: you can combine various options for components, achieving maximum attractiveness and large capacity for storage of things.

The name of the slide walls was obtained due to the modular structure, which is installed in an increasing combination height. They consist of the following elements:

  • cabinets and;
  • bedside tables;
  • glass showcases and servants;
  • racks for books;
  • drawers;
  • tubes for televisions, players and music centers;
  • racks.

The photo below presents a variety of furniture slides for the living rooms:

Color selection

When choosing the color of the hill wall, first of all, focus on the interior of the room so that the new furniture in harmoniously fit into the living room. Another important factor is, of course, the personal preferences of the owner.

Also take into account the psychological effect of color per person.

  • Universal option - white. Suitable for any room, regardless of design, but will quickly fight.
  • Universal standard furniture colors of wood: alder, walnut, beech, oak, wenge and others. But when using dark shades, there is a risk of getting a gloomy room, so it is important to balance at the expense of other light elements.
  • Blue shades help focus on, suitable for children's rooms.
  • Black - adds rigor and significance, the optimal solution for the office or office.
  • Gentle and pastel shades are well suitable for the room of creative people, they will not distract attention while working.
  • Light gray and warm shades improve brain activity.

Forms of the hollows

The hill wall for the living room can be of various shapes:

  • mini;
  • ordinary straight;
  • angular;
  • P-shaped.

The process of assembling the wall can be traced on this video:

For small rooms, it is better to use standard direct options, the angular furniture is well suitable for square rooms. A spacious P-shaped wall fit into the large room.

Mini Gorki

Separately, it is worth telling about mini hill walls. As a rule, they have a complete set of several cabinets and shelves between them. Such options are great for small rooms, as they do not occupy a lot of space. Most options have a low price and minimalistic design, designed for economy class.

But still, such cabinets cannot be placed a lot of things. For example, to save space instead of a standard rod for hangers, a retractable perpendicular rod is used. It will not be possible to hang more than four hangers.

When choosing furniture, it is also important to pay attention to the edge finishing used: for example, a poor-quality melamine edge will reduce the service life of the furniture. Read more about this in our article about.
For some coverage, it will be difficult to care for (for example, matte glass or sandblasts). One of our readers has encountered such a problem, which we answered.

Materials for the manufacture of slides

Cabinet furniture and, in particular, slides for the living room are made from LDSP and wood. To decorate furniture and enhance design, manufacturers use additional materials: MDF, glass, metal and plastic. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of these materials for furniture slides.

Furniture slide from LDSP
    • Furniture slide from LDSP is the most popular type of furniture for the hall. Laminated wood-chip plate is much cheaper than wood, so the furniture produced from it has an affordable price. But, in terms of quality and duration of operation, LDP loses its main competitor - wood. Therefore, furniture from LDSP is considered a budget option for the living room.

Furniture hill
    • Furniture slide of wood - a much more prestigious option. With proper care, it is capable of persistent with centuries without losing a beautiful view. But wooden furniture has one big drawback - the price. Furniture made of natural wood stands at times more expensive than their fellows from LDSP, so few can afford it.

Furniture hill in the style of high-tech
  • There is a third type of furniture hill, where in equal parts combined wood, metal, plastic, MDF and glass. Such slides are usually performed in the style of High-tech and are popular, mostly in young people.

Choosing a manufacturer

Buying a furniture slide for the hall, you need to decide which manufacturer to give your preference.

Gorka domestic production
    • The ride of Russian production is most often affordable price, but the poor design and secondary quality. In general, Russian and Belarusian manufacturers make good furniture at reasonable prices. And if you do not possess wide financial capabilities, then the option with the domestic slide is suitable as it is impossible. It is only important to consider that for long-term operation of domestic furniture, careful appeal is required.

Hill Italian production
    • The hill of foreign production is a stylish design, good quality, but very high price. Importing good quality furniture is produced only in Europe. Do not buy furniture of Chinese, Pakistani or Turkish production, sometimes it is inferior as even Russian counterparts. Therefore, if there are free money to buy a slide, it is better not to skip and take Italian or Spanish furniture.

Hill to order
  • The hill is individually ordered is a unique design, the necessary dimensions, but handicraft production. The opportunity to order a slide to its taste is always pleased. But this is the problem: high-class masters working in small private shops, very little. By ordering furniture from the shist, you risk getting at all what they expected. Therefore, turning to private traders, try to deal with already proven firms.

So, we propose to choose one of the many options for finished walls. The price of them is greatly different: the minimum plank on the model from LDSP - from 7000 rubles, and more high-quality types from the wood massif cost 50 thousand rubles. and more.

It is properly equipped with a hill cabinet to the hall and a slide multi-tier optimizes space in the room. Depending on the configuration, they are several species. Each of them is used in a strictly defined stylistic direction. In this regard, you should not hurry with the purchase. The analysis of the interior of the hall and the qualities of a particular product will help not grieve about in vain.

We select furniture in the hall: walls and slides, their photos and manufacturers characteristics

Hazardous delusion is confidence in the infallibility of certain trademarks. In order for the living room from time to time to carry out the restoration repair of individual components of the slide, it is worth learn as much as possible about the manufacturer. It should be relying on customer feedback and concrete results. If the buyer has not come across with the products of a company, then you should visit the corporate store.

Here are various types of finished products. Attentive inspection will help to make a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat advantages and disadvantages can have a potential purchase.

The following factors are important:

  1. Excessive amounts of small fasteners - reason to draw attention to the products of another company. Similarly, it is necessary to do if the finished furniture "Pottit".
  2. Simplicity of opening and closing doors and boxes.
  3. The presence of a specific smell of paint or varnish is a reason to abandon the purchase.
  4. The percentage of artificial and natural materials.
  5. The quality of the coating of various elements.

No less important is the overall production of the walls of the hill.

Photo Wall-Hall in the Hall: Parameters for selection

The process of choice does not happen, so it is necessary to give it a sufficient amount of time. It all starts with awareness of their own needs. Color, shape, number of shelves, height - All this must be thought out to the store in the store. Designers recommend to stick to the rules capable of simplifying the selection procedure. If we are talking about classics, then in this case the hill wall must be made of natural wood.

Minimalism, constructivism, "techno" - Experiments are allowed here, both with a form and with a colors. Due to the fact that the furniture stores of Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the CIS are now offering a wide range of products, the final consumer has the ability to select price and high-quality factor.

Pouring directories should evaluate the following parameters:

  • Available color solutions;
  • The presence of special surface treatment;
  • The quality of the fittings used;
  • Whether the possibility of partial change in the wall picking is allowed;
  • As far as the dimensions of the product fit into the hall.

Suspended slides in the hall: Advantages and types

Minimalists and those who simply do not want to fill the room with an overpressure of furniture, can "kill 2 hares at once." In the hall there is a necessary wall with a plurality of lockers, while the feeling of lightness remains. Implement a project of this kind is not difficult if you fulfill several recommendations of designers. Opens a list of such neutral color combination.

For example, the white wall complements the black design. The explanation for this is quite simple. The eye is used to the combination of the mentioned colors, so they will not seem unusual.

In addition to the mentioned combination, the list of beautiful combinations includes black and kept red, beige and sand, others. Once the choice in favor of the specific color of the hill cabinet is made, it is necessary to determine the installation option.

Each of them has positive and negative sides, to take into account that you need to purchase:

  1. M-shaped mount is represented by three separate segments, not connected by each other. If you look at such a design from the side, 2 listers "g" are visible, between which there is a middle part with a TV and shelves. The upper and lower section is used to store things.
  2. The minimalistic option is a fashionable cabinet shelf, which occupies the entire bottom of the structure. Depending on the stylistic solution, it is from 4 to 8 retractable sections. The TV is placed on top, next to which free space remains. Warves the entire composition near the lockers fixed at the ceiling level.

"Zero option" - in many ways it is similar to those mentioned above, but there is one significant difference. The first level is represented by a small podium on which the TV and audio system stands

Slides under the TV in the Hall: Colors and varieties

Quite often you can hear from buyers discontent with the acquired furniture. It would seem that everything in the wall is perfect. Books, decorative elements, plasma TV and so on perfectly placed, but still something is missing. The reason for this feeling is to search in the wrong color and even the shade.

Coming to stores, citizens pay more attention to the length, width and a number of other strictly functional parameters.

In order for the apartment a truly functional element of the interior, the same vigilance must be shown in relation to its aesthetic characteristics.


  • The black color of the wall complements the red or burgundy design;
  • It looks neutrally a combination of pastel wallpapers and beige hormones;
  • In the hall made in the canons of classical style it is better to use a design of a natural tree.

Regardless of the chosen color solution, it is necessary to eliminate even the slightest probability of the appearance of too contrast or "screaming" color combinations.

Create a slide into the hall with your own hands

The assortment presented in the trading network does not always satisfy customer requests. If in some models leaves much to be desired, it is impossible to fit into the room due to non-standard dimensions of the latter. As a result, many prefer to abandon the previously scheduled purchase. It is not worth a hurry with it, because always the situation can literally take into your hands.

For work, it is necessary to purchase materials in the required quantity in advance. It is better to take newcomers with a margin so that possible errors make no time to stop working for a long time.

Regardless of the parameters of the future slide for the hall, you need to buy the following:

  • Racks and coasts of wood;
  • Roof and shelves from plywood;
  • Wooden linings for shelves and roofs;
  • Side, support and rear walls;
  • Reference, rear, lower and side planks;
  • Screws, screws, nuts, lock nuts, nails and selflessness;
  • Roller guides for glass panels;
  • Pens for boxes and doors.

If you plan to create a hill, equipped with backlight, then in this case the design is complemented by a downstream transformer, control unit and necessary wires. During installation it is worth paying attention to the correctness of the insulation of the wiring. This will help avoid short circuit. The direct assembly is based on the diagram.

How to choose a slide in the hall (video)

Newbies should not be afraid of possible errors, because there is always the opportunity to unscrew the wrong detail. The Functional Wall-Gorka will become a reward for the works of the ride, which meets the demands of the owner of the residential premises. In contrast to the store, which does not always fit into the current interior, the hand-made frame will deliver the following refinement.

Slide design in the hall (photo in the interior)