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The worst fairy tales. Scary Originals of Children's Tales What were the children's stories like before they were properly trimmed and retouched for anthologies? Bad Tales

The picture on the cover belongs to Ivanova Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Maleev Alexander Mikhailovich



Cypress, the flight of the bee,
Tigers jumping in a cage
Nostradamus, eternity, dreams,
We fall, we rarely fly.
The clouds are passing by
The sun shines in muddy puddles
Ice, frozen river
And the December cold.
Smell, first flowers,
Forest, endless spaces,
The connection of times, there is me, there is you,
Directed gazes in the distance ...
The world is ruled by vanity -
Devil, gods, collapse, luck,
Craving for money, power, trouble ...
Man is the crown of creation ...
One moment decides everything
Turning the world into facelessness
You lived, and now you are quiet ...
The stupidity of the universe. Wildness!
Planks, rot, peace and stench,
Rotten flesh ...
Misty paradise, eternal hell
There is a lack of movement.
There is no darkness here. And there is no light.
Everything has disappeared, cannot be returned -
Whiskey, money, high society ...
You have already gone your way.
Sun, star round dance,
The rainbow over the river is low ...
Everything will float in fog
Somewhere, not far away, not close ...
That is a mirage. But, mirages,
Here, and those melt with fear.
Only rolls of silence
In the realm of the dead, they rumble.


Ivan lived in one country.
He is not a king or a sultan,
I won't say that the guy is prominent,
I tell the truth, harmless.
He lived as in fairy tales,
What Vanya does not undertake,
Everything is out of hand and everything is wrong
The people called him - a fool.
And a fool would live in peace,
But it happened like this.
In the city, from where, God knows not,
The following message came:
Say, the king, the daughter has disappeared,
To help grief,
He calls good fellows,
And as a reward he calls
My kingdom, together with the palace,
And daughter, under the wedding crown.
As soon as our Vanya heard,
So immediately left the inn
And, to the house, he rushed to run.
"Where are you, Vanya?" "Hurry
I need. Did you hear, I suppose?
My kingdom and the princess ... "" Give it up!
Why do you need half a kingdom, Wan? "
“Yes, at least look at my trousers.
Everything is in patches. Well, what about the caftan?
Yes, and a wife is needed ... "" Ivan ... "
“I know your words in advance:
Work hard, don't drink in taverns ... "" Here! "
“And I go to work anyway,
I am going to fight with terrible evil.
Well, and the reward, according to work.
You said so yourself. I'm going. "
He quickly got ready for the road,
He stood for a minute, hesitated,
I put it in my bosom,
He took the staff, blew his nose, spat,
Locked the door, bowed low
And he walked, neither far nor close.
How much time has passed or not,
I don’t know, the white light is great.
Met our old woman Vanya on the way,
He told her everything and go on,
He got ready. And the old woman: “I can,
Vanya, help you. Yes, I will.
It just so happened, for thousands of years,
That I have to give you the right advice.
The princess was kidnapped by a three-headed dragon,
And he took it to the castle of Koschei.
Koschey is going to marry her,
The villain dreams of becoming related to the king.
That's just why, I can't understand
After all, gold and pearls cannot be counted
In his pantries ... Yes, I don’t need that.
And you, Vanya, listen to me and the reward,
What the king promised will be true of yours.
Remember where Koschey hides his death ... "
“And what is there to remember? I know myself.
There is a needle in the egg ... "" That's right. That's right, Ivan.
Well, and with the dragon, how will you fight?
Weapons, where are you, Vanyusha, will you get? "
“We need weapons. Yes, where can I get it? "
“Come on, Vanyusha, try to raise
That pebble. " "A pebble? It's a rock! "
“That's right, rock. Only, weighing, is small. "
"Well, okay, I'll try." I took it by the edges
He picked it up and threw it away. “Oh, my mother!
After all, it's a sword! He was lying under a stone! "
“This sword won many different kinds of evil.
He will serve you well.
And there, you see, the horse. Make a friendship with him.
Rather, smarter than that black,
You can't find it. Well, rest for me,
It's time to go. After all, I'm so tired
Three days and three nights, I've been waiting for you here. "
Having said, I got up, and here you are,
Disappeared, became invisible to the eyes.
As soon as Vanya holds the weight of damask steel
I felt, immediately new armor,
Boots with bent toe, steel helmet
They appeared on it. "Well, oh my god,
There are still miracles in the world!
Look there! Well, well, heaven!
The horse gallops to me and is already under the saddle!
Everything gleams with gold on it with silver!
I'm ready for a fight, and I can't stand evil either,
I am the Serpent, Koshcheya, I will crush the aphids. "
He jumped into the saddle, proudly straightened his camp,
I look and don't know - Ivan, not Ivan.
The horse reared up and rushed forward,
We will also see what awaits Ivanushka.
And how long, short was his path,
That is not what my story is about, and that is not its essence.
Finally, Vanya reached the kingdom of Koshchei.
Enters the courtyard and under the snake tree
He sees, lies, stretched out in the shadows,
He sniffs so sweetly, it’s even a pity to wake up.
But, Vanya did not hesitate for a long time.
He drew his sword: "Your hour of death has come!"
He also said about the Snake. The sword was burning with the sun.
The serpent's eye opened slightly: “Vanya? What you? Are you crazy? "
But, Vanya swung, the Serpent barely jumped away,
He waved again, the Serpent moistened the grass.
The three-headed one jumped off: "Think it over, Wan!"
In response, he hears only choice abuse.
Then the Serpent flies up to the roof like an arrow.
"Get down to battle!" "Yes, what am I, sick?"
Suddenly a voice rang out: “Why, to the battle?
Why, answer, would the Snake fight you? "
"And who are you? Come in and don't go.
Otherwise I will knock you off your arrogance in an instant. "
“I, Vanya, Koschey. Don't you recognize me? "
“Are you young and slender? Straight, became a fine fellow.
Look - an oak tree, a chest, there is an egg and a needle in it ...
Eternal darkness will envelop you in a moment. "
“I know, Ivan, you save the princess
Came here. Maybe it's better to call
Her to us? Let Nastenka go out into the yard.
Let her say that I am not a thief at all.
“I wanted to spit. What she says
Empty sound and nonsense. To me, by the whole world, is given
The great mission is to crush you into the mud.
And there, all the same, you are Koschey or a prince. "
“What does the people have to do with it? He sings love.
We love each other. That, everyone here knows. "
“And me, what's the matter? I have chosen my path.
As you know, you cannot turn off the path.
Life, goals, outcome - not heads or tails,
I have to kill, and I am a king, not a pawn. "
"So, be king!" “This is, in fact, the case.
Who will give me the kingdom? Well, at least this, "-
He spread his hands. “I'll give it back!
Let, only, love be forever mine. "
“Who will give a wife? To feed with dinner,
She washed, weaved and repaired clothes.
And not just what a girl,
And the royal daughter! " "That is, Nastya, the queen?"
“I don’t know the other, but this one is just.
It is not in vain that you have your eyes on her. "
“I didn’t lay my eyes down. I love the king's daughter. "
"So, hid her behind the seas?"
“I didn’t hide it. The world is evil and sick around.
I was just looking for peace and quiet.
I dreamed - to live, to love, but, apparently, all in vain.
You galloped here, not looking at the seas. "
“Yes, I galloped over and I’ll get mine.
It should be like this. And I myself want it.
And enough of this, empty talk,
I love, I don’t. You are a common thief. "
“I, Vanya, am trying to reason with you,
After all, happiness is easy, very easy to break. "
"I am tired of you. You are Koschey, I am Ivan,
A sword-kladenets in the hands of the old is given to me.
I have to rid this world of you
And all your speech does not bother me. "
Vanya waved, chopped down the oak in one fell swoop,
He broke the chest and broke the testicle.
"Well? What are you, Koschey? What are you standing? Where is your sword? "
“I, Vanya, want to save your strength.
You are right, hundreds of fairy tales, the end is one,
You will kill me, you yourself are the king, lord.
Why wave the pieces of iron to us in vain?
Break the needle and save the king's daughter. "
"Of course I will." And he took it and broke it.
Koschey staggered and immediately fell.
Fell down like a cropped ear of corn
Nastenka's quiet voice came from the porch:
"Oh my God! For what? Have you thought about me? "
"What? There is one! Even easier than I thought!
I'll get the second one now. Ooh, bastard! "
Said he shook his fist at random
And he rushed, it was, to chase the Serpent,
But, stop, suddenly froze, stopped smiling,
Hearing a drawn-out and plaintive groan.
"How is it?" - he says
To the princess. She's on her knees and moans
And squeezes the dead hand in the palms.
Vanya drove up closer to her: “What? Tears?"
Flowers suddenly withered, and even birches
They bowed down, and the birds were all silent at once,
Only somewhere in the forest do wild wolves howl.
"What does all this mean? Blush, where is yours? "
In response, the howl only grows stronger.
The princess rose from her knees: “Ivan,
Why did you kill Koschei? " “For the caftan.
Now all the tsar's reward is mine,
My kingdom, and you are mine too.
Now I'll turn around, you just hold on
Now I will have a new life. "
The princess nodded her head in response,
She moved her hand, and the wolf howl died down.
“I don’t know how the king's reward is,
But know, Vanya, you won't get me.
You, Vanya, did not just kill Koshchei.
You, Vanya, have ruined me, my soul.
And since I, Vanya, did not get him,
Then, know, I will not get to anyone now. "
She said and, drawing out a narrow dagger,
I dug it under my chest. Here is the ending.
Alas, in our life, Ivanov is full,
And the victims are us, everyone. Here is a movie.

F or - there were two good words. They loved to play with each other and, of course, with the rest of the good words. Each word gave people something good and pleasant. I liked to say them.

Once words went on a journey - to look at other words, to show oneself. They walked and then they saw a hole, and there are full of branches and thorns. What to do? The pit cannot be bypassed, there is mud and swamp all around. Thought, thought, and decided that it was necessary to jump. The first word was longer, so it jumped to that edge. And the second word is short - right into the hole and hit. Now the second word has become unpleasant - branches and thorns have been drunk into it so that they cannot be pulled out.

Let the words go on. Near the river, bear cubs play, frolic. We saw the cubs new words for themselves. They said one thing - it is pleasant, easy, sounds beautiful. And the second they said - they scratched each other, as if the cubs had fought. The bears understood then that a word can hurt, hurt. They promised that they would no longer speak "prickly" words.

And what are our friends words?

The "thorny" word decided that he needed to go into the dense forest, because now it can hurt. His friend, a kind word promised that she would find a cure for him.

A pleasant word has gone to the sorceress. She told him the secret of the pit - this pit turned out to be enchanted. She has already turned many good words into "prickly". Now all over the world there are words that can hurt, offend, hurt.

There is a way to disenchant them - the sorceress delighted, - "Thorny" words will again become pleasant if you do not say them. After all, every time they are pronounced, the thorns only dig deeper into the word. If no one uses them, then, slowly, the thorns will fall off by themselves.

Since then, parents began to prohibit saying “bad” words to their children - they hurt both the one who says them and the one to whom they say them. Saying them, children and adults begin to feel bad, sometimes even get sick. And those who hear them feel beaten, offended, unhappy.

If every person in the world stops pronouncing "prickly" words, then soon all words will again become pleasant and kind.

Comments for parents:

In fact, not all parents are interested in this topic. There are families in which it is customary to communicate. Whether this is an expression of emotions, or whether these are linking words, it is no longer important. The child simply repeats after the adults according to the principle "They can, so I can."

It's another matter if curses are not used in the family and the immediate environment. The child does not understand the true meaning of these words. He simply repeats, for example, after children in kindergarten or school. In no case should you be punished for this. It is worth explaining to the child what the “badness” of these words is and, preferably, to give a clear idea of ​​what these words do to the one who pronounces them and to those who hears them. That is, to give feedback on how what the child does affects the world.

In the tale of prickly words, I tried to give a complete picture of the world of “bad” words, so that the child would join the game of “disenchanting” initially good words, but, by coincidence, “turned” into those that are not worth speaking.

You can take my metaphor about thorns, you can come up with your own. But when you explain this topic to your preschooler or younger student, be sure to tell the background, as you understand it.

This tale was written with love for children and their parents. Sometimes it can be so difficult to explain something or teach something to your children. And sometimes it's not easy to find the strength to continue to love, protect, care. A fairy tale comes to the rescue with its metaphorical language, magical heroes, and exciting adventures.

Write your opinion in the comments about the fairy tale. Ask questions. And share on social networks!

Best regards, Alexandra Bondarenko.

A TALE ABOUT A BAD BOY WHO DIDN'T LISTEN TO MOTHER Once upon a time there was a Bad Boy. One day he went with his mother to the market and to the store to shop. In the store, Bad Boy saw a beautiful red car and asked his mother to buy it. “I’ll buy you a typewriter,” my mother said, “but tomorrow, and today, I have to buy washing powder. - And I want a car today! said Bad Boy. “I won’t buy it for you today.” -- And I want! - Bad Boy cried loudly to the whole store, so the sellers and buyers began to turn to him. Mom felt ashamed, she took the Bad Boy out into the street and quietly said in his ear: - You are behaving very badly, you cannot behave like that. And Bad Boy burst into tears even louder, hit his mom with his fist, and said: - You are a bad mom! Then Mom took Bad Boy by the hand and led him home. Meanwhile, high in the sky, Baba Yaga flew in a mortar, holding a broom in one hand, and a large bag in the other, where she collected the Bad Boys. She heard a boy shouting at his mother, dropped down, looked closely, and realized that this boy was bad, and began to follow him. She flew in the sky, followed mom and her son, and found out the number of the house where Bad Boy lived and recognized the windows of his apartment. At home, Mom said to Bad Boy: “If you don’t ask for forgiveness, I’ll punish you - I’ll lock you in the room, and I’ll go buy some powder myself.” And Bad Boy shouted: - You are a bad mother, go away! And mom left. I locked Bad Boy in the bedroom and went to buy some powder. Only Baba Yaga saw that my mother left the entrance and went to the store, she immediately flew up to the bedroom window where the Bad Boy was sitting, tapped her dirty finger on the glass and said hoarsely: - Come on, I came for you! The boy got scared and wanted to run away, but the bedroom door was closed! Then he began to knock on the door and shout loudly so that his mother would forgive him that he would not be like this anymore. And mom went to the store! Bad Boy didn't let her buy laundry detergent! And Baba Yaga had already thrust her hand through the window and was already opening the window to fly into the bedroom, grab the Bad Boy, put him in her bag and carry him into the forest. It's good that mom forgot her wallet at home! She returned home and heard her son knocking on the bedroom door and asking for forgiveness. She opened the door, the boy went out, asked for forgiveness and his mother immediately forgave him. And Baba Yaga, as soon as she heard that his mother had forgiven him, immediately got scared and flew away, because when Bad Boy asked his mother for forgiveness, he turned into a Good Boy, and evil Baba Yaga is afraid of good boys. Since then, the boy realized his mistake and never fought with his mother again.


Once upon a time there was a Bad Boy. He was not just a Bad Boy, but a Very Bad Boy. He called his mother "fool", spat, did not brush his teeth and ate very poorly. And his mother was very good, and tolerated all his antics. She endured, endured, and finally she got tired of it. Mom bought a newspaper and wrote an ad in it:

"I'll give Baba Yaga a bad boy"

A day or two passes and one evening the phone rang. Mom picked up the phone and a hoarse voice told her: - This is Baba Yaga speaking. Do you want to give away Bad Boy? - I ... - Mom answered sadly, because, despite the fact that her son was bad, she was sorry to give him up, but she understood that he would not be able to improve, and said to Baba Yaga: - Yes, this is I am. This is what I want to give Bad Boy. “I'll pick him up tomorrow,” Baba Yaga said and hung up. When Bad Boy went to bed, Mom slowly collected his little things and toys and put them in a bundle. And early in the morning she was awakened by the doorbell. Mom got up and went to open it. Baba Yaga stood on the threshold with a large sack. “I came for the Bad Boy,” Baba Yaga said. “Come in,” Mom said. And Bad Boy was still asleep. Mom came into the bedroom and began to wake him up. - Get up, Bad Boy, they've come for you. -- I will not get up! - shouted Bad Boy, called Mom "stupid", spat and fell back to sleep. Then Baba Yaga entered the bedroom, grabbed the Bad Boy and put him in her bag, and then took his little bundle with little things and toys and left, and my mother was left alone. Mom grieved and gave birth to a Good Boy, and everything became good with her. And she never thought of Bad Boy again.


Once upon a time there was a Bad Boy. One day he went for a walk with his mother. And when they went out into the street, my mother strictly forbade him to go far away alone. - Walk around all the time, - said my mother, - otherwise evil sorcerers walk the streets with sacks, digging in trash bins, looking for scraps and empty bottles there, and catching Bad Boys. Here they are walking down the street, and the boy thinks: "Mom told a lie. There are no evil sorcerers. Let me walk alone!" And as soon as my mother began to talk with a familiar aunt, he quietly ran away and hid behind a bush. Mom talked with a familiar aunt, she looks - there is no her boy. She began to call him: - Boy, boy! And Bad Boy sits behind a bush, watches his mother and chuckles. Mom looked for him and went to look further. As soon as Mom left, Bad Boy came out from behind a bush and went for a walk alone. Here he walks down the street and passes by the trash can. And an evil sorcerer was digging in the scraps in the trash can. So he saw the boy, looked closer and realized that it was a Bad Boy, that he had run away from his mother. The sorcerer looked around - there was no one nearby. And he says to the boy: - Boy, do you want some candy? “I do,” said Bad Boy, and walked over to the sorcerer. And the sorcerer opened the bag and said: - And the candy is in my bag. The boy bent over the bag to get the candy, and the evil sorcerer grabbed him by the legs, threw him into the bag, tied the bag with a rope, put it on his shoulders and carried the Bad Boy into the forest, to his hut. In the hut, the sorcerer shook Bad Boy out of the bag, hit him on the forehead with his finger, and Bad Boy turned into a Little Sorcerer. His claws grew, his nose became crocheted, and his ears were pointed and covered with hair. So Bad Boy stayed with the evil sorcerer. Then one day they went back to the city - to look for bottles and leftovers in the trash cans. And suddenly the boy saw his mother. She walked down the street and asked everyone if anyone had seen her boy. And Bad Boy felt ashamed, he realized his bad deed, ran to his mother and asked for forgiveness. And immediately he turned into a Good Boy. And the evil sorcerer saw that the boy had turned into a Good Boy, got scared and ran away, and no one else saw him.


There was a boy. Once my mother went to the store, and the boy said: -Boy, I went to the store, do not open the door to anyone. Otherwise, Baba Yaga will come and take you away. As soon as my mother left the house, Baba Yaga, who hid in the bushes near the entrance, saw this and quickly went to the boy. She went upstairs and rang the doorbell. The boy opened the door, thinking that it was his mother who had returned, and suddenly he saw Baba Yaga. He got scared and hid in the closet, and Baba Yaga went into the apartment, found the closet, opened it, grabbed the boy and put it in her bag. And carried it away. Mom came home, and the door was open ... She understood everything, sat down on the sofa and began to cry. Baba Yaga brought the boy to her hut in the thicket of the forest and put him in an iron cage, while she herself began to boil water in a boiler to cook the boy. A mouse was running past the cage. The boy saw her and said to her in a whisper: - Mouse, run to the city, tell the police that Baba Yaga dragged me away. The mouse ran into the city and told the police that Baba Yaga had taken the boy away. The police immediately came to the forest, arrested Baba Yaga and put him in prison, and the boy was returned to his mother. The boy was delighted to see his mother again, and he never opened the door again without asking "who" and without looking through the peephole.


Once upon a time there was a boy. Mom says to him: - Here you go for a walk on the street, do not get into other people's cars. The boy did not obey. A black car drove up to him, and Barmaley was sitting at the wheel in a black shirt. Barmaley opened the car door and said: - Boy, how to get to the red house? - And so, - the boy answers, - to the left and then to the right. - I don’t understand, - says Barmaley, - sit in my car, show me. The boy got into the car with Barmaley, and he took him to his cave. He put him in an iron cage, and he began to boil water in a boiler. The boy waited, waited for the mouse to run up and help, but the mouse did not run up. The water in the cauldron boiled, Barmaley took the boy out of the cage, threw it into the cauldron, cooked it and ate it. And then he rolled around the yard on his bones. Mom did not wait for her boy that day ...

And again I return to the fairy tale,
To one of those that I heard
From an old man, from a forest hut,
When we wandered with him at the edge.
He began his story in low words,
The beginning may be old:
“A mother and her sons lived in the same village.
The old woman had three sons,
The merchant's daughter married the eldest on herself,
The middle son got into the son-in-law of the witch doctor,
And the youngest son suddenly disappeared from home.
Nobody, in that village, knew where Vanyusha had disappeared.
At first there were rumors, but soon he was forgotten.
And Vanya walked through the mountains and swamps,
Where he himself did not know, the soul was waiting for something.
One evening he went to the hut,
He lit a fire, warmed and treated the old woman,
The one who lived here waiting for death.
Having drunk the water from the spring, sighing,
The old woman said: “Listen, traveler,
Take a ball, and it will become your faithful companion.
He will run forward, - waved her hand into the distance.
- And you follow him, and beyond the seventh river,
You will find yourself in a distant kingdom,
There you will find your happiness. "
He repulsed the bow to the earth and released a ball,
He ran forward, crushing a leaf of grass,
And Vanya followed him quickly.
The ball ran forward, short dear.
And then there was everything that the old woman said,
And mountains, and forests, and rivers, and edges,
Roads, crossings ... Well, about that
We will not speak, but stand under the palace,
Under the one to which the tangle
I was carried away by Vanyusha.
And now our traveler is here, knocking on the door with his hand.
And the door opened, but the guards looked at him longingly
And they said: "Good traveler, go away from here,
We have the whole city in grief. After all, tonight the Tsar's daughter,
The Evil Serpent will run away, beyond the distant, black mountains. "
“And if you don’t give up, you won’t avoid quarrels with him ...”
“And we cannot quarrel with him.
To live in the neighborhood with the Serpent, one must live carefully. "
"And you go away, run to another kingdom,
Forget the road forever, you are in a distant state. "
“But how to leave? Where to go guys?
I was told to be happy here. Once upon a time
You will see for yourself. Only,
Don't close the door and tell me plainly
What kind of trouble happened here?
How is everything, and how did it turn out? "
“Well, well ... Listen to us, seeker of happiness.
In this city that misfortune has long been happening.
Three-headed Serpent, once a month, arrives
And he takes the best of the best. "
“So the princess, quietly, grew up
And she herself, she became the most beautiful.
A beauty that the world has not seen
She is seventeen years old. "
"Well, and the soul ... Listen, my dear,
Modest, kind, gentle ... Well, heavenly angel. "
“Everyone in the city, young and old,
Day and night, they mourn famously.
But, after all, tears cannot help grief.
Well, what can you, stranger, do? "
“Are you silent? Well, well, we did not expect a different answer,
It is not solvable, apparently, for people, this is the task. "
“No, brothers, it is not good for me to retreat.
There is only one plan, if it comes true,
I will save the city from trouble
And I will bring joy to the inhabitants.
There can be no such thing that the Serpent
He was above our spirit, stronger. "
"Beautiful words. Is there courage in your heart?
Remember, man, if you are a simple vagabond,
And all your words are just empty sounds
Then you will accept your death from these hands. "
"I agree. And now, take me to the palace.
Talk to the king. Well? What are you standing for? "
One of his guards leads him to the king
And he thinks: "Maybe you're lucky?"
On the street. And the royal house is already close.
A girl sits next to him, bowing low.
And tears run down her cheeks,
Wherever they fall, roses bloom.
"Well, isn't this a princess?" "And there is".
"Oh, good God, you can't avert your eyes."
"Well? What have you become? The sun is already setting.
Wait a minute though. Look, the king is coming here. "
Vanyusha took a step towards the king,
He took off his cap and said the following speech:
“Listen, king, mighty and great,
You must lose your daughter with the sun,
And it brings sadness to you,
And the bitter thought, your eyebrows, reduces.
You cannot save your daughter
I, the king, want to help you.
You order to the city square
Remove firewood, light bonfires. Big,
Thus, you will help me.
Well, now, you will show the weapon. "
“Who are you guy? Order to the king! "
“You better listen, king, to all that I say.
This is not the time to pose, king,
Like, I am like that, lord, sir,
And put the snot in a handkerchief.
You don't have enough daughters, king.
Understand, the ball brought me here for a reason.
I'm here. And I will save not only the daughter of the king. "
“You are cocky. I would cut off your head. "
“You will be in time, king. Now I need a sword. "
The king nodded his head: “Well, well, let it be so.
But, know, the savior of the virgins, the Serpent is also not a fool.
You can't approach him, like this, with a sword in hand,
He will burn you at once, in a river of fire. "
"I know. Your daughter will help me. "
“I, dad, will help. And I want to help. "
The princess came up and stood next to them:
“I don’t want to go to the mountains. I'd rather drink the poison. "
“What are you talking about, daughter? Think about it, child.
Why do you say that? Why are you scaring me? "
“How can I say? I say there is.
You, papa, know yourself that it is better to eat poison.
You are my father and king, and there is pain in your heart,
But I will follow him, you are not unwilling to me.
It's time to return peace, freedom, honor ...
You remember everything that was and that is.
The serpent rules the world, not you the father.
Do you remember how you dreamed of me and down the aisle ... "
The king opened his mouth, but he did not argue,
And immediately, somehow, wilted and with a gesture of servants called,
I ordered big fires,
A light shone in the eyes of hope.
I personally opened the door to the rifle chambers,
He showed bows, arrows, spears, armor ...
“Not that, not that, not that. Lead quickly to the swords.
After all, time is precious now, it works for the Serpent. "
And so, to the swords, the tsar brings Vanyusha,
He examines them and drives them with a fingernail on the sting,
Twirls in his hands, sparkling with evil steel,
Then, suddenly, throws away the sword, takes another ...
Here is the choice. The night is already coming.
Bonfires are burning, darkness is dispersed with light.
In the square, in the lights, two girls are standing,
In cloaks thrown over, up to the heels.
And here, over the city, and an evil shadow flashed,
Closing the moon and stars with myself.
And here, and thunder, in the sky, broke out,
All the townspeople hid in fear.
The Serpent slowly sits on the square,
Rotating his middle head.
The crowd gathered, he looked round,
Trembling and crying in unison
He clumsily approaches the princess,
Rotates his head, moves his wing
And he says: "Oh, dear queen,
You, I see, are not alone. Is there still a girl with you? "
"Yes. This girl, my friend,
I did not want to part with her.
You, my sir, take both of us,
And to your kingdom, together, take it away. "
“So I have a double prize today?
Yes, it would be boring to live without girlish whims.
But why is she standing with her back to me?
Doesn't turn around, doesn't speak to me? "
The serpent laughed, showing a triple grin,
He took the cloak with his teeth and, suddenly, tore it off:
"What?!" Things took an unexpected turn
But, our Vanya is ready, a step towards the Serpent, a turn ...
Bonfires flashed in the mirror of the sword,
Then Vanya slashed from the shoulder.
Two heads separated from the neck,
And puddles of black blood spilled.
A wild roar broke the silence,
The serpent spewed fire from its mouth.
Everything around was smoky, smoldering ...
Heat. The ground underfoot was on fire.
Vanya rushed to the Serpent rather ...
Sword, hand, shout, fire and from the neck
The third chapter was also separated,
Fell in the mud. And the victory of the word
Very loudly, in the silence of the night,
Vanya whispered, sword in hand, raised to the moon.
And in the eyes the light of bonfires and the moon was reflected,
Near the feet, the Snake's tail fought in mortal convulsions.
And the princess is happy, the king is next to her.
"No, viper, we are still stronger in spirit."
Vanyusha laughed, touched his tail with his foot,
He trembled, bent over, as if alive.
“Why are you trembling? Did not like? Is Al angry? "
The tail jumped in response and fell on Vanya.
And fell silent forever, he did an evil deed,
Vanya crushed, crushed, buried under him.
But no one noticed, the crowd cheered.
Laughter at the city, only the princess screamed.
The king froze at first, and then turned away,
And, covering his face with his hand, he smiled:
The snake is gone, this one, too, is no longer a tenant,
This means that he will send his daughter to the desired crown.
And then something princess ... Aren't you really in love?
Well, at least the snake fell on him.
Did the job, die and don't go under your feet,
Without you, the suitors were, will be and are.
The king coughed slightly, removed his smile from his lips,
He knitted his eyebrows sternly, almost shouted:
“What are you standing for? Hurry here! Help.
Where is the doctor? He is not here? Well, then, call me. "
Those who were standing next to each other got down to business,
The tail was thrown to the side, the body was raised.
Vanya was motionless, pale and quiet,
The noise that rose over the square died down.
Everyone moved closer, the people huddled together,
Vanya is in the center, looking ahead with resentment.
Lips whisper: “You too, old woman,
Are you in the crowd? Have you been here too?
Hurry up to listen to me,
While there is still life in me.

If I follow the ball.
You said you were happy, I will
You said that I would find happiness.
But what a happiness it is
To leave people forever?
Stop seeing cute faces
And children frolicking in the field.
Not having time to do anything, more
I can't raise these hands
And from this the heart is all bitter,
And agony is added to the chest.
I would plant gardens,
To give joy to people
And I would know the real love.
I would love the princess,
I would raise kids
Giving life that leaves me.
I saw happiness in a dream and dreamed by the moon,
I thought so: you will do a lot ...
Didn't have time for anything, didn't have time for anything ...
Now what? Or, what, they say, can you do?
You answer the old woman, and do not hide your gaze,
I did not suddenly become a king, and I did not become rich.
What is happiness then? Tell me now.
Just tell me the truth, you will me in my hour of death. "
“Well, Vanyusha, listen to me,
After all, there is great happiness
What have you done today, Vanyusha,
By committing this right revenge.
You have delivered this city from grief.
From trouble and from the sea of ​​tears.
You are lucky. You could do that
What was dreamed of. You helped people. "
“I understood everything, my happiness is
That at least I lived a little, but by fire.
That I did not smolder in the wilderness, slowly burning,
Slowly living, quietly waiting for death.
I understood everything, my happiness is
That I did not step back before the enemy.
That I could turn my face
To the three chapters of the merciless Serpent.
What kind of peaceful people, not sparing their belly,
I took a sharp sword in my hands and went to the Serpent.
I understood everything, immortal - I became,
I gave my life for happiness.
So there is no need to be afraid of death,
I will stay in the hearts, then the reward,
The highest happiness it is
Not everyone is given it. "
A glance went over the standing people,
He smiled: "I will live forever."
And fell silent, forever. Forever.
In the cry of the princess, she clung to,
Head to the breathless chest:
"My savior, tell me, tell me, what's the matter with you?"
“Don't bother,” said the king and raised his daughter.
- May he quietly leave us this night.
Let him be comforted by the fact that now he is a hero,
We, on the other hand, would have to go to the castle with you. "
The king takes the princess by the hand,
Embraces, leads to the wards. "
The elder then turned to me:
“This is how the fairy tale ended, but for me
My great-great-grandfather told her,
Many winters, many springs and years
Has flown by since then unnoticed.
Well, our Vanya will live forever.
He lives in fairy tales, stories, legends,
And the guslar sings a song about him.
And the king has long been forgotten ...
However, no. After all, he was in this one too.
Well, come on, the sun is already setting,
It is time. Tomorrow I, at sunrise,
I'll tell you another story
About the peoples in our land. "

To the question Question about bad fairy tales and harmful children's books. given by the author rostrum the best answer is It's not about fairy tales, but how we, different people, relate to them.
Children see the world differently than adults. That woman simply forgot herself in childhood, this happens with adults.
Bad tales are tales with a bad ending. For young children, Russian folk tales are good, such as "Chicken-Ryaba", "Turnip", "Fox with a rolling pin" and others. For younger schoolchildren, the fabulous stories of Eduard Uspensky "25 profession of Masha Filipenko", "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat", "Fur boarding school" and others are good.
For teenagers, there are good works by Tamara Kryukova "Kostya + Nika", "Repetition of the past" and others.
By the way, "Repetition of the past" is a very interesting book about how children from our time got to the conscience in which their parents lived.
My mother is a primary school teacher, so I write about what I know. When I was younger I was introduced to reading and I can assume that I was taught to understand children's literature.

Answer from Raspberryk[guru]
disgust was caused by a Russian folk tale Boy with a finger. Teaches dishonesty and deceit.
An old man and an old woman lived. Once the old woman was chopping up a cabbage and accidentally chopping off her finger. She wrapped it in a rag and put it on the bench.
Suddenly I heard someone crying on the bench. She unfolded a rag, and in it lay a boy the size of a finger.
The old woman was surprised, frightened:
- Who are you?
- I am your son, born from your little finger.
The old woman took him, looks - the boy is tiny, tiny, barely visible from the ground. And she called him Little Thumb.
He began to grow with them. The boy did not grow in height, but he turned out to be smarter than the big one.
So he says once:
- Where is my father?
- I went to arable land.
- I will go to him, I will help.
- Go, child.
Came to arable land:
- Hello, father!
The old man looked around:
- What a miracle! I hear a voice, but I don't see anyone. Who speaks to me like that?
- I am your son. I came to help you plow. Sit down, father, have a snack and rest a little!
The old man was delighted and sat down to dinner. And the Boy with a finger climbed into the horse's ear and began to plow, and punished his father:
- If anyone is going to trade me, sell boldly: I suppose I won't be lost, I'll come back home.
Here the master is driving past, looks and marvels: the horse is walking, the plow is yelling, but there is no man!
- This has not yet been seen by sight, never heard of a horse plowing by itself!
The old man says to the master:
- What are you, are you blind? Then my son plows.
- Sell it to me!
- No, I will not sell: we only have joy with the old woman, only joy, that a Boy with a thumb.
- Sell it, grandfather!
- Well, give me a thousand rubles.
- What's so expensive?
- You can see for yourself: the boy is small, but smart, quick on his feet, easy to send!
The master paid a thousand rubles, took the boy, put it in his pocket and drove home.
And the Boy with a finger gnawed a hole in his pocket and walked away from the master.

Answer from European[guru]
Agree)) if you think about it. ... in this work)
you have to call your grandmother-grandmother, it's a name-calling))
do not even know)
The main fun!)

Answer from Adaptability[guru]
For example, when I tell my daughter a fairy tale about 3 pigs, I do not say that the pigs substituted a pot of boiling water and the wolf was boiled there. Yes, we still have a lot of very "humane" fairy tales ...))

Answer from My lady[expert]
I don't know about the well-known ones, but just last week I wanted to buy my daughter a book of fairy tales in the Book World. In one I read something like: "And the Dog said to the Wolf: I'll drink more vodka, but don't bite me ..."

Answer from Imofey[active]
the tale about the white bull is also contraindicated for adults =))

Answer from Natalia Pavlishina[guru]
all our fairy tales are good and tell aunt something to her imagination in a brothel

Answer from QUAD[master]
I believe that there are whole writers, the so-called "children", who are so miserable and disgusting, their world is so disgusting, and they project their worldview through their writings that they need to be replicated less and generally taken out of the circulation of books. These authors are very famous, but I will not name them here. So go with your taste.

Answer from Nina Sirazh[guru]
I can only say one thing: even well-known works are often subjected to terrible processing! I recently came across Lagerlöf "Niels's Journey with the Wild Geese" - in a retelling !!! Whoever didn't like the translation - I don't understand. Read the book, at least half a page, before you buy, do not injure children.

Answer from Olga[guru]
"Carlson from the Roof, or the Best Carlson in the World" in the translation of Eduard Uspensky, and indeed Ouspensky's creations in the last 10-15 years, cause disappointment.
Tamara Kryukova - all works are not literature at all.
Valentin Postnikov is a pathetic imitation of his father.

Answer from Ѕartist Tender[guru]
I don’t remember the name of the tale, where the main character was chopped to pieces with a sword, and then "glued" with the help of living water. it's just awful! and about Koshchei Bessmertny and about the grandmother-yaga - you can't read that to children!

Answer from Nadezhda Ivina[guru]
Fairy tales are normal, just some adults have a strange or vulgar perception. Children have a different perception of life. Of course, a fairy tale must be age-appropriate, and before reading fairy tales to a child, you must read them yourself and think about whether the children will like it or not, whether it is suitable for them or not.
They said in vain about Tamara Kryukov that her works are not literature at all. She writes for teenagers, mostly and she has very good and wise works. She has interesting stories "The Maker of Destinies", "Once He Lied". "Witch" and others. Such works direct the thoughts of adolescents.
A very good fairy tale "Crystal Key". Tamara Kryukova has very good works. This is me as a teacher, I say.
For preschool children, Russian folk tales about animals are suitable, but so that they have a good ending.
Only that fairy tale can be bad for a small child with a bad ending.