Repairs Design Furniture

Which side cuts plasterboard. How and how to properly cut drywall at home. Non-standard cutting and curly cutting of drywall

Plasterboard can be called in the most popular material for alignment of walls and ceilings under their further finish. It is very widely used when, erecting complex decorative designs, becoming an interior decoration. Such popularity is not accidental, as the plasterboard has all the qualities that are necessary for use in residential premises. It is very convenient in work, and technology with its use is quickly mastered even newcomers. There is another important point - this is a fairly affordable price of plasterboard sheets, compared with other building materials.

For the first time purchasing this material for certain purposes, many beginner masters are involuntarily asked about how to cut drywall at home, so as not to spoil or do not break the sheet so that the workpieces with smooth edges and the required dimensions are obtained. There is nothing particularly difficult in this - then various options for cutting, processing and fitting plasterboard sheets will be considered for a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork.

A few words about the structure of plasterboard

For a start, a couple of minutes of attention should be paid to the structure of plasterboard, since this moment immediately makes clarity into the process of its cutting. And the "device" of GLC is very simple.

Prices for plasterboard


The structural structure of the sheet of this material is a three-layer "Sandwich". The outer layers are made of dense cardboard, and the core from the pressed gypsum mixture. Side long sides of the drywall usually have a edge with rounded or converging to the corners and also protected by cardboard. From the end sides, the edge is not provided.

Cardboard is performed in several species - this is the usual (GLC) gray material, moisture-resistant (G CLEB) has green shades of the front side, fire-resistant (GKLO) - pink or light purple color, and moisture-shaped (Glevo) - a dark green shade. In addition, innovative plasterboard appeared on sale, intended for sound insulation of walls. It manufactured In blue color.

Most often there are standard dimensions of sheets of 2500 × 1200 mm, that is, having an area of \u200b\u200b3 m². Other options are manufactured, but they are less common: 2000 × 1200 mm (2.4 m²) and 3000 × 1200 mm (3.6 m²). The thickness of the sheets can be 12.5 mm (for walls), as well as 9.5 mm and 6 mm, which are commonly used to create structures.

The table below shows the main standard dimensions of plasterboard with an approximate mass of sheets. This is in order to estimate - the sheets are very cumbersome and pretty heavy. That is, it is necessary to work with them: the load on the break in carelessly, they may not withstand - break.

Type of plasterboardDimensions of sheets (Length × Width × Thickness), mmLeaf Square, m²Approximate sheet weight, kg
2000 × 1200 × 62,4 12
2000 × 1200 × 9.52,4 18
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 23
2500 × 1200 × 63,0 15
2500 × 1200 × 9.53,0 23
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 29
3000 × 1200 × 63,6 18
3000 × 1200 × 9.53,6 27
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 35
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 24
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 30
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 35
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 26
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 31
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 37
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 27
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 32
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 38

However, whatever used for construction or, it cuts it equally.

Basic tools for cutting drywall

To cut the sheets of plasterboard for certain sizes, some simple tools will be required, the list of which includes the following names:

  • Electric jigsaw. This tool is convenient to make long-cuts, and in particular it becomes necessary if a sharp curvilinear form is required. As a rule, in our electrolovik, it is included in the instrumental "arsenal" of any private house, since without it in the farm it is difficult to do.
  • Special knife for cutting drywall or a regular stationery knife with a replaceable blade. More information about this tool group will be provided below.
  • Narrow steadworking woodcuttered with a small divorce of teeth, or a special hand serving on plasterboard.
  • Electric drill with a set of large feathers drills, as well as crowns - for cutting large round holes for wiring communications, sockets for installing electrical outlets and switches.
  • Plazovok on plasterboard or ordinary planer on wood. This tool will be required to process edges during material cutting.
  • The needle roller will be required if it is necessary to form an arched opening of a gypsum coat or a different curvilinear surface, for example, for complex
  • For measuring and marking sheets, a simple pencil or marker, roulette, a construction kit, a metering metal ruler, if there is no line, the replacement can be a smooth metal profile used to arrange a frame crate. In addition, it is necessary to have a construction rule at hand to perform long smooth cuts "for a ruler".

Knives for cutting drywall

Due to the fact that the main tool for cutting plasterboard is a knife, its characteristics should be considered in more detail.

Prices for popular electric jigsaws

Knives for cutting plasterboard can be divided into three categories. About them detailed information is presented in this table:

Knife categoriesCharacteristic features of the tool
Standard knivesSuch knives are the most affordable tool, and this is the main advantage.
The design is quite simple, since it consists of four elements - this is a housing-handle, a fixer cover, a knob fixer and a replaceable blade itself.
The reliability of such knives is quite low, especially when applying them for cutting drywall. They are more and more suitable for cutting paper. When laying drywall blades, the blades are quickly stupid.
Stressed models of knifeThese are more expensive comparison options with standard models.
They differ from the first presence of a metal guide installed in the housing, which fixes the blade more reliably and provides the rigidity of the position during the cut.
Professional knivesSuch tools use masters that are constantly working with plasterboard.
There are many professional knives options. They differ from each other ergonomic case, the principle of work of the clamp and some other nuances of the structure.
The price of such models is many times different from those mentioned above, and sometimes reaches 1000 rubles.

In principle, plasterboard can be chicted with any of the named knives models. However, to determine the choice of this tool worth considering all the options in more detail.

It is necessary to immediately note that the knives with the blade of 9 mm do not even be considered, since they are not suitable for cutting plasterboard. Such a blade may not withstand push and break. It is not enough that this will strongly slow down work - a breakdown of a thin blade is often accompanied by a rather serious injury.

Knucking drywall are used knives with a blade having a width of 18 or 25 mm.

Exterior of the productTypes of knives and cutters and their features
The wallpaper or stationery knife can be called the most simple and affordable option.
This tool is popular among non-professional builders, as it is easy to operate and can be used not only for cutting plasterboard, but also for many other operations.
The thickness of the blades can vary from 0.3 to 0.6 mm - in this case, the more this indicator, the better.
This type of knife is made in different versions, but their operational characteristics are mainly identical.
A knife having a trapezoid blade is considered an optimal option for working with plasterboard, as it is designed precisely for cutting this material.
The advantages of this tool can be called an ergonomic handle shape, thanks to which the tool is comfortable to work, since the hand force is perfectly transmitted to the material being processed.
The blade having a trapezoidal shape is characterized by rigidity, due to this it does not bend and cuts high quality plaster sheets.
Knives of this type have a sufficiently large variation in terms of value, which mainly depends on the brand of the product. But even the most inexpensive options well shown themselves in operation.
Another version of the knife with a trapezoid blade, designed for cutting drywall, is a product with folding design.
It is very convenient, as a folded instrument is safe, and it can be worn in your pocket, without fear of getting injured.
The remaining characteristics correspond to the previous option.
Knives with a disk blade are designed for cutting drywall, and many masters prefer to use in their work, since the tool perfectly divides sheets, making perfectly smooth cuts, including curvilinear.
The disk is installed next to the metal line of the cutting line, pressed and move along it. In the course of the movement of the knife is formed smooth cut of the same depth.
If necessary, on a round blade can be pressed, the accompanying is quite large force, as it has sufficient stiffness and withstand such loads without any problems.
There are also folding knives with a disk blade. In such models, the disk comes out of the housing when pressed on the movable part of the handle.
Raysmus or plasterboard cutter differs from previous options with its appearance and construction. This tool is made of two disks located horizontally parallel to each other at a certain distance.
The cutter is installed on a sheet of drywall and moves along it, cutting at once both layers of cardboard. Round cutting parts are removable, so if necessary, they can be replaced with new ones.
This tool can be cut, separating from a whole sheet of perfectly smooth stripes up to 120 mm wide, which is often needed when using drywall for the formation of multi-level ceilings and other structures where narrow bands are perfectly smooth and identical.
The instrument's handle simultaneously serves as a guide - the required width of the cut is displayed from it. Next, the cutter is installed on the shear end, and move from beginning to end along its entire length.
Cutter for plasterboard "Blade Runne" - a tool that is known mainly among professional masters. This is not a completely ordinary tool that is able to speed up the cutting process twice. From which it can be concluded that such a device is necessary if you have to study constantly with a large number of plasterboard sheets.
The tool consists of two detachable parts, which are held between themselves during operation using magnetic clamps. Blades are located in small blocks located in two parts of the housing. If necessary, cutting elements can be replaced.
The cuts with this tool are enough to produce quite easily - the tool is separated and installed on both sides of the sheet on the line in advance on it. Then, the cutter moves along a specified guideline, cutting the cardboard layer at once from both sides.
Thanks to this tool, you can do both perfectly smooth and complex curvilinear cuts. The main thing is that the markup lines applied to the sheet were clear and accurate.

Now, having understood which knife designs are most often used for cutting drywall, you can decide on the choice of the main tool for work. This takes into account the scope of the material, the required forms and dimensions of the billets, the required level of accuracy. Well, of course, the value of the tool is compared with the scale of upcoming tasks, with the intensity of its use.

Basic technological techniques for cutting plasterboard and processing of blanks

Himself cutting plasterboard is completely simple. But in order to It was convenient to work, and the markup and the cuts were accurate, it is necessary to make the room where the cutting passes was well light and fairly free.

The main technological methods of cutting plasterboard sheets and processing of blanks are shown in the table-instructions below:

IllustrationBrief description of operations performed
The plasterboard sheet has a sufficiently large size, and it is necessary to put it horizontally on a solid base for marking and cutting it.
It is clear that such a spacious workbench is far from everyone. Someone has a sheet on the floor, others adapt for this purpose tables or stools.
If the recesses are used for the stand, then it is necessary to have them close to each other, at a distance of no more than 300 mm, otherwise, when pressed onto a sheet, it can break.
On the sheet laid on a solid base, markup is made on the necessary dimensions. For this purpose, a roulette and a pencil, a ruler, and the like are used.
A metal ruler or a long rule is applied to the pop labels and the line is stuck along which the cut will be made.
Often for the beat of strictly perpendicular lines can not do without a square.
Further, the blade of the knife is installed close to the battery on the battered line and is carried out along the entire length of the guide.
Using the rule as a ruler is more convenient in cases if the sheet must be cut along the entire length or width.
A small pressure is made on the blade, so that only the outer layer of cardboard is cut.
If one of the types of knives discussed above is used to cut the sheet, the evenness of the cut is largely depends on the hardness of the master's hand.
However, in any case, you should not try to cut drywall to all its thickness, as if it is even possible to do it, the cut will be inactive.
And in vain to pull the blade - nothing.
Then the sheet of drywall must be moved closer to the edge of the base on which it lies, and gently catch up with the reverse side of the sheet.
As a result of the awake, the plaster layer over the line will lose its integrity.
Next, it is necessary to grasp for the sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the sheet and sharply bend it down, so that the gypsum layer will break exactly over the line.
It remains to take a knife, bend the sheet along the cut line and finally divide it into two parts.
Make it will be quite simple, since only one layer of cardboard will be held, which is cut along the broom. To do this, do not even have to turn the sheet.
After the sheet is divided, the edges of the cut can be cleaned with the help of a special or ordinary planer, since it may remain non-accurant notes, which will interfere with the docking of sheets on the wall.
Fackery processing must be made without a strong pressure, as the material can start crumble.
However, it is not necessary to seek the perfect form of the edge, it is enough to remove the strongly protruding parts and the irregularities of the cardboard, if they were formed during cutting.
And the mowed chamfer - for high-quality reinforcement of the joints between sheets of drywall on the wall, it will be possible to cut forward after their installation - otherwise, in the process of work, it is easy to destroy the edge of the sheet specified and unprotected by cardboard.
It is somewhat more complicated to cut a curly hole, for example, a semicircle, as you have to constantly monitor the curved line.
This process can be produced using a narrow hacksaw or electric jigsaw. Lobzik makes more accurate cut, but it is convenient for those masters who have experience with this tool.
It is very important to gently start the cut, without recking the edge of the sheet, especially if there is no cardboard edge on it.
Next, while holding the hacksaw in the direction of the battered line, the extra part of the drywall is neatly, not hurry, cut down.
Cell-cutting openings of arbitrary shape are also cut with a hacksaw or jigsaw.
First, on the surface of the sheet, the location of this window is made, then the lines are precisely determined by its edges.
In the middle of each side, closer to the inner, cut part, the hole is drilled - its diameter must correspond to the width of the peel installed in the electrical jig. Usually grabs diameter 8 ÷ 10 mm.
Next, the jigsawlet is inserted into the hole (be sure to turn off!), And the line cuts up to one of their corners.
Then the jigscription will turn off, after a complete stop, the pubesy turns into the other side, and is inserted into the same hole again, after which the cut is made to the opposite corner.
In the same way, the cuts and other parties are made, and the carved fragment is easily removed.
A round window-socket for a socket or switch is cut with a drill with a crown-crown of the required diameter, narrow hacksaw or jigsaw.
The easiest way to make this operation using a crown drill, and will take this procedure literally a few seconds.
Any openings are cut most often already at the place, that is, after fixing the sheet on the crate, since the strength of the sheet is disturbed, and often even a small skew when carrying or installed leads to a resolution.
And the round opening is very simple - it is not necessary to produce any accurate buildings - it is enough to determine the center of the circle.
If it is planned to cut a hole with a hacksaw or jigsaw, then the center is defined, and with the help of a conventional circuit, the cut line is drawn.
Then, two holes are drilled on the drill line, as closer to each other.
Next, the hole must be accurately combined with a pink and continue the cut along the contour line.
But, you see, the crown is much more convenient, and it is worth it - not at all expensive.
If necessary, hesitate gypsum curvelinear surfaces, the material can be bent, after conducting some preparatory operations.
For example, if it is supposed to make a small bend for the plating arches with a large radius, then two ways to give the desired form of plasterboard are suitable.
You can make punctures on it using a needle roller, then moisten the sheet with a spray gun.
Material, glowing, will become more supplied to bend.
Without waiting for the burr, it is made of an arched frame that you need to do very carefully.
Some masters prefer to bend the punctured and moistened drywall on a template made according to the parameters of the arched opening.
For this, the trained sheet is placed on top of the template, slightly pressed its edge by cargo. In this position, the sheet succumbes, and then mounted on the framework of the arched opening.
Another option that will help give the desired form to make cuts along the entire length of the sheet needed for the skin. The cuts must be perfectly smooth.
If it is necessary to form a column from a plasterboard sheet or to sew an arched opening of a small bend radius, then the cuts are also produced along the entire length of the sheet, but two counter passage at an angle at the top of 100 ÷ 110 degrees.
That is, a small portion of the material is removed from such cuts, and the resulting groove itself must have a form close to the triangle in cross section. Otherwise, the leaf will not be able to bend.

In conclusion, I would like to give several tips to help cope with the task, not bypass incorrigible errors.

  • It is not worth cutting drywall "Bulgarian", as there will be not only a lot of noise, but also a cloud of plaster dust, which will add problems with room cleaning. And no sense at all is not seen in this approach, to be honest.
  • If you need to use with a cutting material of the hammer, you can only use rubber-inquiry, since the metal tool can be seriously damaged by plasterboard. And, of course, to carefully measure the strength of inflated strikes.
  • In order for the cut line on the edges of the sheet, there was less jar, it was recommended to have a hacksaw or a knife at right angles - the lower the slope of the blade, the larrright the cardboard rahes are.
  • All major cuts are made before fixing the material to the crate, as if the cut will be failed, then the sheet will have to be replaced with a new one, and the spoiled can be used on the insertion. The exceptions make up the windows and openings - from it is better to cut on the place installations, after fixing on the frame.
  • It is not recommended to cut complex patterns with thin partitions in drywall, for example, openwork grids, as the material is quite fragile.
  • If a whole sheet is cut, then most often this process is made on the floor. After the cut will be made, a timber is placed on its line under drywall. Then you need to click on both parts of the web that will easily burst on the cut line.

Prices for a knife for drywall

knife for plasterboard

Of the above information, it is suggested by a legitimate conclusion that there is nothing particularly difficult in the process of cutting of plasterboard sheets. And with this work can easily handle anything that has no experience in the construction of the amateur. If some doubts arose, then you can try your hand on a small piece of material and make sure how easy it is, if you follow the technological recommendations and wrapping a high-quality tool.

Find out with a step-by-step instruction, from our new article on our portal.

At the end of the publication - a video in which the masters clearly demonstrate the receptions of the cutting of drywall.

Video: How fast and high quality cut drywall

Cut the plasterboard during repair accounts for almost every 5-10 minutes. Why? Because the sheet of this material will be at least 2 square meters and without residues it is impossible to place commonness, ceiling, or any other design. The smaller the construction, the more you have to cut, and it is not always necessary to cut off smoothly (the angles, uneven walls and ceilings either also canceled). What to do? Exit only one - learn how to cut drywall quickly and efficiently.

You will need to perform not only the cuts "for a ruler" across the sheet, but also cut triangles, rectangular pieces, ovals or circles (for example, for lighting elements). It is advisable to consider several options for cutting of plasterboard, from the usual stationery knife to the electric jig. Now we will look at the simplest and qualitative methods of cutting and processing edges of drywall.

How to cut the plasterboard with a mounting knife "Without noise and dust"

Hand tool perform this action much easier and faster. The most interesting thing - the quality of the cut will also be much better if you need to dissolve the sheet along or cut off a flat piece from it. The theory here is superfluous, go to practice and immediately cut drywall:

  1. We make the necessary measurements and blacks in the line. It is advisable to stock marker to be comfortable to look at the "fatty" label from any side.

    2. On the edge of the line, you can apply a long metal ruler or profile that is used to fasten the plasterboard.

    3. We will put the edge of the knife to the edge of the line, begin to lead, putting a pressure of 2-3 kg to the mounting knife for drywall.

    4. After the line is cut, you need to bend the sheet so that the place of the cut is from the outside. You can put a sheet on the floor, hold hands over the edges and lightly bought the knee at the scene of the cut, but from the opposite side, the sheet will crack and bend.

    5. You will get an angle of drywall, now you need to take a mounting knife and cut the paper on the other side of the angle. We put the knife from above and stretch to the bottom of the nose, we get high-quality cut.

This method is ideal for cutting only long strips, since it is necessary to obtain a large pressure shoulder for a high-quality fault line. If the lines do oval or cut off a piece of just 5-10 cm from the edge of the sheet, it can fill unevenly, and the edge crumble. After the cut, it is necessary to use the plasterboard plasterboard to "ride the edges and remove the angle for subsequent plaster (then there will be no" rods ").

It is convenient to cut on the table, either on the floor, putting a leaf of plasterboard on 2 wooden bar nearby near the cut line. Note that after the rifle of the plasterboard, the plaster often lifted, so it will be better to put something under it if the cut occurs on a clean surface.

Features of cutting drywall with hacksaw - option for hardworking

The hacksaw is better to use when necessary cutting when you need to cut the plasterboard with a semicircle or make openings of different shape inside it. With the help of a mounting knife, it is impossible to do, at least with good quality. Now let's look at how to cut a sheet of drywall with hacksaw and make holes inside it.

Step 1: Marking. It is necessary to draw a sheet of drywall on the reverse side, in the corners to make holes of this size so that the knife can be placed in them (you can use a sharp knife or drill).

Step 2: Singing. Insert a tool for drywall (hacksaw) into a hole and saws to another extreme point, turns better to avoid.

Step 3: When the cut is made in all drawn parties, and the figure inside the sheet "fell", the edges can be processed. Use the plans, or a file if the hole is very small and another tool is not placed there.

We looked at how to cut drywall and cut the hole in it of the desired rectangular shape, but there is a task even more complicated - non-standard or oval figures inside the sheet. Here it is necessary to work with thin canvas on the hacksaw, which will be conveniently rotated with the inner pickle. In such cases, it is better to abandon the hacksaw and use the jigsaw, since the quality of the edges of the cut-off opening will be much higher.

Cut the plasterboard with an electrolovik - option for the lazy

If you do not know how to cut drywall at home and are afraid to experiment, then it is better to trust the processing of the material by an electrical instrument. The jigsik is the optimal tool for cutting drywall, because it allows you to make a canvas of any form and can do the holes inside the plasterboard sheet. Curved lines will turn out as accurate as possible, and the edge to handle will be much easier with the plasterboard plaster.

Consider the step-by-step instructions how to cut drywall with an electric q.
1. Blacks in which it will be necessary to cut the material. It is better to use a black marker to make it clearly visible.

2. Install a sheet of drywall for several bricks or stools so so that there are no objects under the cut line (they can hook saw). The sheet should lie balanced, be not tense at the dots of the cut - the quality of the cut will improve significantly.

3. Install the padzik at the beginning of the line, turn on the laser sight (if there is such a tool) and we lead exactly along the desired trajectory. Or bring plasterboard to a tripod with an electric bike.

4. The edges demolish under 45 degrees, for plastering the surface. You can do even using sandpaper, if the processing area is not too big.

5. If you do not have a ruble or poorly obtain angles, then the actual tool will be the cutter for drywall. It can be put on a screwdriver or drill, install the cone between the sheets and spend on the junction. The cutting knives will remove the edges of each sheet at the same angle - very convenient for large volumes of work, where you need to quickly and efficiently treat many sheets.

Perhaps you wanted to ask how to cut drywall M-shaped under the door or window opening? There is no universal tool here, it is necessary to use both hacksaws, and a jigsaw, because with one jigsaw or hacksaw, it is impossible to get an inner angle of 90 degrees.

The electrolovka will be the perfect tool for you, if not what to cut a profile for drywall, because it is suitable for metal. You need to buy several files "for all occasions" and it will be possible to cut not only plasterboard, but also metal, wood, stone and other materials. Now let's see video cutting of drywall with a painted knife without noise and dust:

Successful repair and pleasant difficulty with your own hands!

Each of us has ever been repaired in his life. And many make it every couple of years. For insulation of your home or creating beautiful shapes on the ceiling, in the bathroom or any other rooms, we often use such material such as plasterboard. And many of those who prefer to make repairs with their own hands, wondered, and whether it is possible to make a cut of the plasterboard on their own at home, and how difficult it is.

Most often, the owners resort to the help of foreign people (specialists), spending big money at the same time. This article will help you to cope with this process, do not spend time on the search for specialists, and will help you get exactly the result you want.


Plasterboard is a relatively young material used when performing construction work. He acquired wide popularity due to its harmlessness, versatility, good sound insulation. Helk himself, how can I understand the name, consists of two sheets of dense cardboard and gypsum placed between them. The standard width of one sheet is one hundred twenty centimeters. Since the plasterboard has large sizes, when conducting construction work, you have to resort to its cutting.

For cutting on plasterboard, we will need a roulette to get the desired dimensions (a ruler can also be used), a pencil, a pen (or any other similar tool), with which we will apply the figures you need to leaf, tool for the very cut itself (hacksaw, Bulgarian, Lobzik, cutter), ripping planer (for processing edges after cut), saw (may be circular or ring), or the drill with the crown. The slice-carcarton section does not represent any difficulties, but its incorrect cutting leads to a large overflow of the material, and, accordingly, to the excessive waste of cash.

The incision of G Clac is not a labor-intensive work, any newbie with a proper desire is able to make a cut itself without resorting to the help of professionals.

A brief process of cutting drywall is as follows. First, there is a cutting of plasterboard, after a dun. Also, the simple composition of the drywall is easily drilling, which is necessary to do various holes.

This type of material is divided into various species depending on the functions endowed:

  • moisture-resistant;
  • standard;
  • fire-resistant;
  • acoustic;
  • increased strength.

Moisture-resistant plasterboard is needed when used in rooms with an increased number of vapors in the air. Fire-resistant plasterboard is used where there are fireplaces, and near places with sources of open fire.

Initially, plasterboard was used only for aligning surfaces.

There are three standard sheet types:

  • 3000x1200 millimeters;
  • 2500x1200 millimeters;
  • 2000x1200 millimeters.

Depending on the type of drywall, their thickness differs, which affects the complexity of cutting.

Ceiling plasterboard has a thickness of 9.5 millimeters, wall - 12.5 millimeters, arched - 6.5 millimeters.

Consider several features when cutting drywall:

  • It is necessary to have a sheet of drywall on a flat and stable surface, as it is very flexible.
  • If the drywall sheet has a large size, then the cutting must be performed gradually.
  • Before laying the sheet on the working surface, make sure that it is dry. The wet sheet will be unsuitable for work.
  • Cutting is recommended from the other side that will be located at the wall. This will subsequently hide the possible shortcomings formed during cutting.
  • It is necessary to protect with the means of individual protection of the eye and respiratory organs.

When cutting drywall, it is not allowed to use a circular saw due to its ability to create a large amount of harmful dust.

What is better to cut?

The cutting of plasterboard is made by various types of tools, one of them are:

  • mounted knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw is a manual power tool, with which the various types of materials are carried out when using the reciprocating movement of the saw blade.

Consider separately each of them.

Mounting knife

In this way, we will need a drill and, in fact, a mounting knife.

To cut the plasterboard with a mounting knife, it is necessary to measure the required size of the drywall in length or width. We also need a metal ruler. We apply it to the cut line. After that, a section of this material is made. The process itself is quite simple, it will not take a large amount of time. The neakkurat region, left after the cut, can be corrected using the plane. It is recommended when dummary of drywall on the table so that the edge spoke on one or two centimeters, and with cutting on the floor, to put any item resembling a bar for it.

When cutting drywall, one person is quite convenient way is a cut of the part on one side, after which the plasterboard neatly turns over to the other side and continues to cut on the other side. This method allows, if necessary, cut into thin strips of plasterboard with minimal damage.


This tool will allow us to cut only small figures, such as a circle, square, rectangle, rhombus and others. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to use a hacksaw with a thin blade.

The figures of the appropriate size we need, after which, with the help of a drill, we do a hole corresponding to the size of the blade of our hacksaw. After that, cut out the figures you need. Just as in the previous method, it is possible to use a planer to achieve neat edges or a file, if the size of your parts is too small. It is recommended to use the metal hacksaw, but when it is absent, it is possible to use hacksaws and wood.

This process can be described in more detail as follows.A sheet of drywall is placed on a flat surface (you can use a stack of plasterboard sheets). Next, the necessary measurements are made, and the dimensions are applied with a pencil (or any other subject) onto the sheet. Marks are applied on both sides of the sheet, starting with the edge of the sheet. Next, they are connected to each other, forming the desired line or the shape. In some cases, use a marking thread. Lines are placed on both sides of the plasterboard.

The next step is carried out directly cutting plasterboard. The length of the blade of our tool should not exceed the sheet thickness. A leaf is cut with a knife (preferably several times to achieve the best effect), the sheet turn over the other side. Next, several times knocking along the cut line, and cut the remaining part of the plasterboard with the same knife.


Cutting electric jigsaw is the most fast of all, but at the same time quite costly. Its price varies from 1500 to 10,000 rubles. The price depends on the quality of this product. But the costs absolutely justify themselves. Our possibilities are significantly expanding. There is an opportunity to cut lines and figures of various forms, including curved, the amount of waste is also significantly reduced. When working with the jigsaw, it is necessary to follow safety. And before starting work, check the integrity of the wires and the serviceability of the tool.

To achieve the desired effect, we apply properly necessary forms or drawings on the garcoton sheet.Next, place it on two stools (or any other supports) placed on both sides of the sheet. After that, with the help of an electric batch, cut out the figures we cut.

When cutting round holes, it is recommended to draw them with a circulation, and when cutting, drill a hole inside the circle. The edges after cutting drywall need minimal processing, which also saves our time and strength, being a significant plus.

When cut, it is not recommended for a long time to linger in one place, as well as pressing onto the sheet, applying great power, to avoid breakdowns of the electrolovka and leaf. It is necessary to carefully process the edges of the GCC before hanging, for example, a point lamp or a socket.

Subtlety of the process

When cutting plasterboard, it is customary to comply with some rules, such as:

  • placing a sheet on a flat and stable surface;
  • the surface must be dry and without excess garbage;
  • use personal protective equipment for eyes and respiratory organs, as a large amount of fine garbage and dust remains with cutting.

When carrying out a cutting profile, various types of tools are used:

  • Hacksaw. This type of tool, regardless of whether it is narrow or wide, has a high flexibility of the cutting blade, which allows it to deviate from the specified direction. This reduces the quality of work, and also increases the time spent on cutting.
  • Bulgarian. The tool is one of the best in the construction of construction works, including when cutting drywall.

  • Metal scissors
  • Lobzik.

Also in our life, the moments in which it is necessary to make a cut on the already installed sheet of plasterboard under the luminaire, paintings or any other things. This case also has its own way.

First you need to make sure of the reliability of the plasterboard mount, after which the fine holes we need are neatly cut with a jigsaw, a drill with a nozzle or an electric drill. Large holes are recommended to be cut into a knife on the applied markup. Upon receipt of uneven edges, they can be removed by the emery or hacksaw.

When cutting circles there are a number of nuances. The simplest way to cut in the drywall of the circle is to apply the desired size to the sheet, and then carefully cut in a circle with a blade, and knock the core to the hammer (with small efforts with any similar subject). There is also the easiest way to save time and power - the use of a drill with a special cylindrical nozzle. This type of nozzle is usually used when embedded in the door of the locking mechanism with a snatch.

There is also a so-called double-sided incision, which is carried out when there is a sheet of different obstacles on the path, be it door, opening, beam or any other. If such a situation has occurred, it has to make a cutout (or a cut) from the right side and the necessary form. This manipulation is performed simply enough, but requires concentration, accuracy and care. One side of the sheet must be powered with a hacksaw, and the other side is neatly cut through with a knife. After completing the work, making a dormant and processing the edge of the plane.

When cutting drywall - it develops. It is advisable to do it carefully without damaging the sheet. There are three possible ways of flexing drywall. To the easiest way, the method of applying the desired workpiece to the profile and fixes it in the desired position by self-draws. This method is used with small sheets of 20-30 centimeters and a slight arc size.

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How to cut drywall: Overview of the 3 most popular tools

Do not know how to cut a plasterboard sheet? Based on the experience gained, I can offer for this three options for a suitable tool. A detailed description of each of them will help you make the final choice.

Option number 1: Mounting knife

Plasterboard, in fact, is a plaster plate wrapped in cardboard. It is enough to cut a paper shell so that the plaster can be broken with their own hands. With this task easily copes the mounting knife.

If your workshop does not lie in the workshop, then it is not necessary to run at it to the store. For small volumes, it is quite acceptable to use any sharp blade, which is suitable, for example, a well-sharpened kitchen knife.

Pros and cons

Positive sides:

  • Low price.On the family budget, the purchase of an assembly knife will practically be affected;
  • Simple instructional operation.It is enough to walk the blade applied in advance, cutting the cardboard and making a groove in the gypsum, after which the sheet is simply reheated;

  • Multifunctionality. A sharp knife is always useful in the farm.

Negative side:

  • Limited opportunities. The fact is that with the help of the tool under consideration, the plasterboard sheet can only be divided into stripes. More complex figures cut will not work.

Option number 2: Special hacksaw

Handling for drywall makes it possible to create in a plasterboard sheet of the loot of various shapes.

The already a hacksaw canvas, the more accurate and the exact cut will be more accurate.

Pros and cons

Saw for drywall has obvious dignity:

  • Allows curly cutting.

But the disadvantages are also immediately striking:

  • Narrow sphere of using tool. The canvas created for the sawing gypsum is not very convenient to work with other materials;
  • Low speed. If you need to divide the GLC into two parts, it will be better to take on the knife, since it will be slow and tiring.

Option number 3: Electric jigsaw

How to cut a GWL or GLK is best? Of course, the electrolovka. This is seen from the description of its advantages:

Pros and minus

The power tool always prevails on its operational indicators over the usual. This case is no exception, and the electric jigsaw boasts the following advantages:

  • Universality. With it, you can cut out the figure of any complexity. In addition, by installing the appropriate file, you can use the device to work with any other building material;

  • High speed. The electric motor quickly copes with the task and allows you to save you your own forces.

The only drawback:

  • Relatively high cost. But we should not forget that such a tool will always be useful in the economy.

Offers from manufacturers

Here are visual examples of some electroloviks that will help you cope with cutting drywall of any complexity:

  • Model Bosch PST 700 E:

Prices are relevant for spring 2017

  • Model Makita 4329.:

Sheets of plasterboard are used for the manufacture of interior partitions, ceilings and shelves. In order to install these structures, you need to know how to cut drywall. You can do this in different ways.

Tool for marking and cutting drywall will help get the right and smooth cuts

What tool to use for cutting drywall

Even if you have not worked with plasterboard, you probably know that this material is produced in the form of large rectangular plates. Therefore, whatever design you do, without cutting drywall you can not do. Large plates are convenient only for embedding a large area.

The cutting tool is useful both to create complex structures and to give a sheet of drywall of the desired dimensions.

For cutting of plasterboard, the wizard most often use the mounting knife, hacksaw and electric jigsaw. But if these tools are not at hand, you can cut drywall and cutting machine, and a drill in Bulgarian mode.

How to cut drywall mounting knife

The mounting knife is suitable for cutting with large longitudinal pieces of drywall. Having made the necessary measurements and spending the line on which you will cut off, attach a metal ruler to this line, and, tightly holding it with a hand-free from the mounting knife, put a knife on line. It is not necessary to use a metal ruler, any of its substitute with an acute edge will suit. Observing accuracy, keep cardboard exactly along the line.

An ordinary mounting knife is suitable for cutting long longitudinal stripes.

Crack leaf bends and cuts finally at the place of fault

If you cut the material on the table, slide the slab so that the incision across the edge of the countertops is 1-2 cm. Dump the core with light tapping, then flip the stove and supervise the plasterboard at the place of fault. If you cut on the floor, you can put a wooden timber under the plasterboard plate to grasp it. When the core is broken, the bar is retracted from under the sheet, the sheet turns over and inclusted. In order for the resulting edge to be smooth, it can be treated with its plane.

So that the edge was smooth, you can additionally process it with its plane

How to cut drywall with hacksaw

Hoven is necessary for cutting in plasterboard square and rectangular openings. The thinner of the blade of the hand used, the better. For cutting opening, plasterboard is first drawn on the reverse side. Then, in one of the corners of the future, the drill is made a hole of this diameter so that the hacksaw can be loose into it. It is more convenient to cut if drill holes over all drawn parties. When the opening in the drywall will be cut, align the edge of the plane, and if you do not allow the size, use the file. When cutting drywall with knife, remember: the tool can be perpendicular to the sheet plane. Then the edges are obtained as even as possible.

The hacksaw expands the capabilities when cutting the sheet of plasterboard - with its help you can cut small holes

Cutting plasterboard electrolovka

The fastest is the method of cutting of plasterboard with an electric jig. Of course, you will have to spend money on the purchase of this tool (if you have no it yet), but the jigscription is worth this money. After all, with it, you can cut not only the opening of the strict shape, but and make curved lines. Just draw the slab as you need, and then put a sheet into two stools, leaving the distance between them so that the cut line is in this space.

Electrolovik perfectly cuts drywall, coping with complex lines and saving time and strength

By installing the Lobzik cloth to the top of this line, start smoothly cutting parts from the drywall of the required form. Round holes should be drawn with a circulation. To cut the drywall inside the circle, drill a hole and skip the jigsaw blade into it. Cut the desired circle along the drawn line.

The cutting of plasterboard with an electric bike does not require serious physical effort, takes less time and produces less waste

If you cut drywall using an electric jigneling, the obtained edges will need minimal processing, since from all the tools for cutting drywall only the electrolovik can be kept strictly perpendicular to the surface of the sheet. To do this, its design provides a special sole.

Sometimes it is necessary to cut drywall in the form of the letter G (for example, for the doorway). Then you need to use several types of plasterboard tools. The short part is dressed up with the help of a hacksaw, and the long cutting with the mounting knife. The stove is prevailed and is renewed on the reverse side. This work can be done on the already installed sheet.

How to cut the plasterboard with a knife without a table: video