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One-storey houses from the slag block. Construction of a house of slag blocks with their own hands: quickly, economical and exciting! Types of blocks, their fillers and binding elements

The slag block is the integral name of the artificial stone manufactured in a special form by the method of vibratingressing or casting a concrete solution. Wall blocks are an excellent alternative to brick, surpassing it in operational characteristics and significantly inferior in price. Their use allows you to simplify the technology of building buildings, facilitate the burden on the supporting structures and reduce the construction time.

A little about the history of the question

Previously, a domain slag was used in the manufacture of blocks - a by-product of the metallurgical industry. Despite the popularity of the material, among consumers there were one significant drawback - industrial waste could not boast ecology. Therefore, ready-made blocks were kept outdoors for about a year and only then stood in construction.

To date, thanks to the development of technologies, slag blocks meet all safety requirements and still attract both individual developers and large construction companies.

Build a house from the slagoblock

It is difficult to imagine low-rise construction without the use of slag block. Private houses, cottages, garages and utility rooms from this material distinguishes the speed of building and attractive price. And the manufacture of slag blocks with your own hands at home is even more sufficient building.

Types of blocks, their fillers and binding elements

Full-time or hollow wall blocks are made with their own hands of any suitable shape and practically from any girlfriend:

  • keramzita
  • rubble
  • sawdust
  • fragments of bricks
  • sand as aggregate,
  • cement and plaster as binding elements.

The composition of both slagoblock and foam block is truly unique.

For the production of material you will need special equipment - vibrotole and form for filling the blocks. The equipment can also be tried to make independently, following the advice and instructions of the masters.

What to pay attention to when buying a slag block

Before building a house from the slagoblock, weigh all "for" and "against".

If you decide to build a house from a slagoblock with your own hands, but do not want to make production, several tips will help you not make a mistake in choosing a material:

  • When buying blocks, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer - a factory or private man (it is believed that in the factory conditions it is better to carry out the production technology and is used better raw materials) and what filler in blocks. The most safe fillers are: a seven, crushed stone, sawdust and clay;
  • Feel free to ask the seller about the characteristics of the material - the thermal conductivity, frost resistance, strength and density of the slag block directly depends on the properties of the filler.

So, sand, pebbles or crushed stone are used in the production of full-scale blocks. They are distinguished by high thermal conductivity, density and solid weight. Perlite and clayzit, on the contrary, "facilitate" the finished product and slightly reduce its thermal insulation properties;

  • To check the strength, the finished product should be lifted by one and a half meters and release. Little small chips - evidence of the strength of the block, cracks and faults - are not allowed.

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Features of construction from slag blocks

The construction of the house from the slag blocks with their own hands does not differ from the brickwork, but takes less time, does not require special skills and skills, however, has a number of features:

  • The slag block is afraid of water, so the construction of the house with their own hands from the slag block should be started in dry weather and try to finish it until the rainy season;
  • The "Valoboyazin" of the building material dictates the need to build a high foundation and its good waterproofing;
  • Experts recommend well to flash the finished walls on both sides (inner and outer), while the layer of plaster can reach 2 cm.

Stages of the construction of walls from blocks

  • Preparing the tool.

You need: hacksaw or disk saw, respirator (needed during sawing), construction level, civeca, cullem, spitting and plumbing, scams for collecting forests.

  • Preparatory work with the foundation.

As already mentioned, a high and well-insulated foundation is needed to build a slag-block house, preferably with the basement.

  • Laying of walls.

To achieve a correct rectangle and subsequently smooth walls, the angles are first set. Four blocks are placed in the top of the corners and aligned with the level. Next stretches the line, which will be laid out the walls.

A solution is applied to the foundation, and the first rows of blocks are stacked. The first 3-4 rows must more often check the level, both in the vertical and in the horizontal plane - focusing on them, the smooth surface of the walls is laid out.

The cement solution is applied with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm, a thicker layer creates additional cold bridges and reduces the thermal insulation of the building as a whole. The blocks are tightly pressed to each other and closed with a rubber hammer, the surplus of the solution is removed by culma. The pro is advised to improve the viscosity of the solution to add red clay to it at the rate 1/3 clay buckets for 4 buckets of the solution.

Note! If you have already thought out how to build a house with your hands from the slagoblock, do not forget to take into account the construction of forests. Even one-storey low buildings of their wall blocks are cast from the forests, after all, the stepladers are unstable, they need to be constantly moving, and a bucket with a solution and building material to keep a canopy. All this can not not affect the quality of the masonry.

  • Completion of construction.

After the design is completely dried, either the erection of the second floor, or the roof. If your home is assumed to be two-storey, the top number of blocks should be strengthened with an iron zone. When the roof device is desirable for overlapping and rafted to use a tree.

Many of those who want to build a durable and reliable house are chosen as the main material of the shlakoblock walls. Such raw materials are famous for strength characteristics and support in work. Today we will get acquainted with the peculiarities, advantages and disadvantages of houses erected from the slag block.


It is not a secret for anyone that the current range of building materials is Pedit by their diversity. To build a residential building, it is possible to use not only a tree or brick, but also practical block elements. They are manufactured by different technologies and have different performance. From a number of such goods should be highlighted by slag blocks.

This material is a special building stone.

Its manufacturing is made in special forms. The binding component of slag blocks is concrete. For filling, various components are applied - it can be environmentally friendly grains, slag, bricks and other similar elements.

Houses from slagoblocks are distinguished by a long service life. Such buildings will easily preserve for many years. At the same time, behind a similar housing does not have to regularly care for, as, for example, for buildings from a natural tree.

Slag block houses are often built by the owners themselves, without attracting experienced masters.Experts argue that even an inexperienceful user who has not yet encountered such processes can cope with such works. Of course, if a person doubts his strength or is afraid to allow serious mistakes, he is better to call professionals.

Some people make slag blocks at home. This is usually used inexpensive and affordable raw materials. As a result of the manufacture, high-quality and strong materials turned out, it is very important to adhere to all required proportions. Note that it is impossible to build a house from fragile and low-grade blocks because it will affect the durability and quality of the construction as a whole.

This material is distinguished by universality.It is often treated for the manufacture of a variety of components of a plot, such as a gazebo, a small extension, flower bed or fence. Also from the slagoblock make various supervisory buildings of economic purposes. This designs are made easily and quickly, so it will not be done with any difficulty.

Pros and cons

Slag block houses are encountered with an enviable frequency. They are difficult to confuse with any other buildings, since they are distinguished by a good view speaking about their durability and reliability. However, if you decide to build a housing from slag blocks, you need to familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Nowadays, many users stop their choice on slag blocks, as they are recognized as fireproof, which is very important for any private house. The slag blocks not only do not provoke the appearance of the flame, but also do not support the burning.

Buildings from slag blocks can boast a long service life.They do not suffer from severe wind loads, nor from hurricanes. Of course, such useful characteristics should be supported by high-quality reinforcement of materials.

Typically, in this case, turn to steel bar, which are capable of making the structure more wear-resistant.

Shlaklocked houses are fragilely repaired, as evidenced by the reviews of owners of such structures. For example, you can easily close the unexpectedly formed cracks. For such work it is not necessary to spend a lot of strength, time and money.

Houses from slag blocks are built very quickly.This is explained by the fact that such building materials are distinguished by impressive sizes. As mentioned above, even an inexperienced master who has no special education will be able to build a house from such blocks. The main thing, follow the instructions and not neglected by any of the steps of work.

It should not be thought that only the same type and template buildings that have no highlights can be erected from the slag block. In fact, you can build a very original structure of non-standard configuration. To do this, you only need to show a little fantasy and turn to the experienced people in these issues.

Conducting construction work with the use of slag blocks will not cost the masters expensive. This fact is celebrated by many consumers who have been safely saved by choosing this material as a basis. Few people know that slag blocks are manufactured not only with the use of slags. Today there are products, which contain different components. Due to this, it will be possible to choose a suitable raw material for any conditions.

The masters argue that during the construction of a slag block house, quite a bit of cement leaves, which also reduces the process.

Despite its sizes, slagoblock, as a rule, has a very small weight. This is explained by the fact that in terms of density, such material is inferior to brick. Thanks to this property, blocks can be used if you build a house on the foundation of a lightweight type.

The slag unit is a product that does not attract either rodents or insects. Such structures are not necessary to process protective and antiseptic solutions, since they are not subject to mold or fungus. Such residential buildings are not afraid of low temperature values, which indicates the frost resistance of slag blocks.

Transportation of blocks can be carried out not only with the use of pallets.These materials are permissible to just be stored in the cargo / trailer.

Houses of them boast good noise insulating characteristics. They usually do not hear annoying sounds from the street.

Slag blocks are heat-insulated materials.

Unfortunately, some minuses have built from slag blocks.For example, some varieties of slag blocks have a lot of weight. Today it is sold and heavy options, which are difficult to contact. In many cases, they work with such materials, resorting to the use of special equipment.

Before starting the construction of the house, it is important to remember that the incommitted block structures look not very attractive. If you did not acquire a special decorative material, then you will have to separate the dwelling so that it looks more aesthetically.

If you have chosen a slag block for the construction of the house, then you need to be ready for the installation of pipes and cables will not be easier. For this reason, masters often have to use special devices that facilitate such a task.

If you use the hollow slag when construction, then you will subsequently fall asleep to it to ensure high thermal insulation characteristics. Conducting such works is considered difficult. In addition, over time, such a frustration can settle, and emptiness will appear in the materials again.

From such a material it will not be possible to build a multi-storey dwelling. This is explained by the fact that too heavy heavy structures can reduce the density and strength of materials.

Separate slag block walls should not be placed. Appeal to such design can lead to the fact that the material simply loses the density of the upper layer, and it will fall off.

Like a foam block, slag blocks have not the most faithful geometry.Because of this, during construction, they have to be supported and grinding to form smooth surfaces.

Minuses at slag block houses are still less than pluses. Many problems will be able to avoid if adhere to the appropriate technology, as well as use quality (and suitable) materials / tools.

Types of material

As mentioned earlier, such a material, like a slag block, has several varieties, each of which has its own characteristics and rules of application. We will get acquainted closer with such products.

Hollow and full-length

Both specified blocks are in great demand. For example, common full-scale varieties are most often used in the erection of foundation structures, columns of different modifications and carrier basics. Moreover, the hollow blocks are perfectly suitable for the formation of basement floors.

These materials are characterized by remarkable strength characteristics and withstand more serious loads than hollow options.

As for hollow blocks, they are usually acquired to build partitions and walls. They have a modest weight, so completely do not lose weight the general basis of the dwelling.


Such facing materials occupied their niche on the market quite recently. They are complemented by a special decorative coating, which can be located as soon as on one and both sides of the block. This additional layer can repeat a different kind of texture (for example, stone or plaster). In addition, the blocks themselves will be able to protect themselves from such negative factors as moisture and dampness. If you have chosen decorative materials to build, then you can refuse the exterior decoration.


If you have moved to the construction of septum structures in a block house, then you need to apply the specified varieties of materials. Such copies are distinguished by the fact that some of them can be built with smooth and neat walls, saving at the same time on the solution. It should also be noted that partitioning slag blocks are small, and their laying is performed quickly and easily.


Bound-type blocks in a different way with a building stone. These materials have high strength and durability. Over time, such blocks do not give a serious shrinkage, and also do not destroy, which speaks of their increased reliability. If you are laying slag blocks on a sufficiently strong and stable base, then you should remember the need to use reinforced concrete tape. Its layer should be at least 1.5 cm.

Experts advise to pay attention to the fact that the walls of slag block foundation structures are mandatory need to heat and vaporize special materials.

Cheerful and ripped

Not so long ago, the building materials market was replenished with original slag blocks having a decorative surface with imitation of ribbon / bricks. Such options most often appeal when finishing various buildings and fences.


It is found in the market and color version of the slag concrete. From such material, fences, frontones or pillars are most often built. The required shade of this material is achieved at the stage of its manufacture.

Usually, for this purpose, mix the red brick crumb or chalk of different colors.

Slag blocks differ from each other and their main components.

Based on slag

Properties and characteristics of such blocks, first of all, depend on the properties of the feedstock. Mainly, this refers to the ecological safety of materials (refers to the presence in their composition of toxic substances). The specified parameter should be taken into account by choosing slag blocks.

These materials feature high thermal insulation qualities. As for the service life, it is the same as the brick. But here you need to repel from the fact that the filler is present. The slag-based blocks will serve for a very long time and will not deliver problems if they are competent and separate them.


In greatest demand today enjoy bonds based on arbolit. Such materials are in great demand, since they have wonderful thermal insulation characteristics. However, such products have one serious drawback - it cannot boast enough long service life. Of course, in the manufacturing process, arbolite blocks can be made more durable, but it usually suffers from their environmental friendliness. Such negative changes are due to the fact that special substances are added to the usual composition, which cannot boast of natural origins.


The most secure and environmentally friendly blocks are based on clamps at the heart. Such products are famous for excellent thermal insulation qualities and durability.

It is necessary to take into account that the popularity of such blocks is explained not only by their environmentally friendly basis.These varieties are lightweight, and there are multiple emptiness in their structure. Most experts recommend using such varieties of slag blocks to build a house. Currently, more than 50% of housing in Europe are made of similar elements.


It is no secret to anyone that competent compilation of the project of the house is a very important stage, which will not be able to exclude. To do this, it is recommended to contact specialists. If you are limited in the budget, you can try to spend such work yourself.

The project must reflect:

  • dimensional parameters of the future housing;
  • the number and dimensions of the windows / doors and other similar components.

Unfortunately, the presence of such a project will not allow you to make changes regarding the planning to which the owners of the future dwelling are often treated.


It is impossible to move to the construction of the house without making calculations of the required volume of materials.

To determine how much you need them, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • you need to take the size parameters of the height and length of the wall and multiply them;
  • take the area of \u200b\u200bwindow and door openings from the resulting value;
  • identical calculations are performed for the remaining walls of the slag-block housing.

Next you will need to correctly determine the thickness of the walls. This value will be due to the specific way of laying blocks and climate in the region where work will be carried out. In areas where enough harsh winters take place, the wall thickness should not be less than 60 cm. And in those regions where moderate temperature prevails, the walls are permissible and less thick.

After that, you need to move to the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe used slag block (the external line of elements is implied).

Building material produced at the factory has such dimensions (standard):

  • width - 190 mm;
  • length - 390 mm;
  • height - 188 mm.

If you are going to lay slap blocks with a wider half outward, then the area of \u200b\u200bindividual elements will be 0.0741 square meters. m (you need to multiply 190 at 390). If the materials are planned to put a narrow side, then the required value should be calculated differently - multiplious 190 to 188. As a result, the required construction area is obtained - 0.03572 sq. m.

Next, determine how many blocks you need to install 1 m2 walls. To do this, it is necessary to divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe site to the previously calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe block. As a result, the greatest value will be necessary. The final calculations will be light, since you will know absolutely all the values \u200b\u200bof the structure and the number of slag blocks for the walls of the walls.


The slag-block house can be built with your own hands. For this, it is not necessary to be an experienced master. The main thing is to adhere to step-by-step instructions. Consider gradually how to build such a dwelling.

Before moving to construction work, you will need to stock number of necessary tools:

  • workshop;
  • level;
  • plumbing;
  • baud;
  • sovkov's shovel;
  • kirk;
  • bucket;
  • special stretchers;
  • protective equipment (respirator, gloves, etc.).

If you have acquired all the necessary devices, you can safely begin the construction of a slag block.

Main steps:

  • The first will be earthworks. You will need to disperse the site where the house is planned.
  • You will need to make a foundation. In most cases, people build a belt version, since it is made easy, but it turns out to be strong and reliable.
  • After the fill you need to give concrete to fix it. It usually takes about 4 weeks. After this period, you can continue construction work.
  • When the foundation drops the required strength level, you can lay slag blocks on it. Starting the masonry follows from the corners - only so the walls will turn out to be smooth.

Slagoblocks are a popular wall material. It is often used in the construction sector to build residential, office, economic premises. Despite some disadvantages, it is considered one of the best options for building a house.

Benefits and disadvantages of material

Slagoblocks produce the method of volumetric vibratingressing from concrete and various fillers: a domain slag, ash, gravel, perlite, clay. The properties of the last component depend on the technical characteristics of the material, in particular, its density (500 to 2000 kg / m³), \u200b\u200bthermal conductivity (0.3 to 0.65 W / m · ° C), frost resistance (15-35 cycles of frost-defrost) .

This material is chosen for erection of the house due to its affordable price, lightness, volume, fast masonry. You can even build without attracting professionals. The walls of this material are poorly burning and well kept warm due to the special design of the blocks (inside there is cavities and the structure of the porous block). But at the same time do not forget about some minuses:

  • high hygroscopicity, so the house needs high-quality heat, waterproofing;
  • uneven surface that requires a mandatory finish;
  • there may be harmful substances, it is necessary to choose a supplier very carefully and require a quality certificate (in handicraft conditions is unacceptable);
  • monolithic blocks are heavy, which can increase transport costs.

Each will determine for himself a slag block, but its shortcomings are easy to eliminate the competent approach to the construction of the house.

Council Proraba: For the decoration of the housing walls from the slag block, it is better to use a traditional cement solution, but a special with increased strength. It has a more reliable clutch with the surface, and conduct internal work (painting, sticking wallpaper) will be much easier.

TECHNOLOGY Building a house of slagoblock

The house from the slagoblock can be built with their own hands. If we compete to the question of the insulation of walls and waterproofing, then the owner will almost not feel possible flaws. Ribbon, columnar foundation is desirable to erect on the rocky sandy soil and be sure to apply a layer of water repellent material on it. The masonry of the walls is carried out on the same principle as brick: first we form corners, we mark window, doorways and under the level of the ranks. The house from the slagoblock can not be built without reinforcement. Each 3-4 row be sure to strengthen the iron grid, use iron bars. The minimum wall thickness of the slag block is 0.9 m.

The air layer between the wall and the outer cladding is filled with insulation with a thickness of at least 100 mm (foam, expanded polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam). The inner surface can be placed in their own hands with a water-repellent solution, sometimes put an additional layer of insulation and only then fasten the lining, paint, glue wallpaper.

Council Proraba: When building a house from a slag block to use reinforced concrete floors risky (except to install an iron belt over wall blocks), it is better to stop your choice on wooden or plates.

Price issue

Many stop their choice on this material precisely thanks to its basic advantages: affordable price, lightness, masonry speed. The cost is lower than that of the brick. Full covered slag block dimensions 400 * 200 * 200 can be bought for 35-60 p. Popple, hollow - approximately 40 r. Partitions will cost even cheaper. While one piece of brick costs about 12 p.

To build a house, for example, 10 × 10 m with 3 rooms and an attic, you will need about 2,200 blocks. If you take the average price per piece - 50 r., We will spend 110 thousand rubles. on the purchase of wall material. But when laying a brick wall with a thickness of 2 stone on 1 m² will leave 204 pcs. bricks. We will multiply the area for this quantity and get a general figure - 20,400 bricks. Now we take the average price per piece - 12 p. And make the same arithmetic action. It turns out that the house of 100 m² we will need to spend 244,800 rubles, and this is excluding the spending on the solution, which is more than when using the first material.

House from the slagoblock with their own hands - a reliable and advantageous solution. Separate cons of the material is easy to eliminate the competent installation of heat and waterproofing materials. They will provide good performance properties of the dwelling, and the blocks guarantee its strength.


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If you are faced with the task of quickly and cheap to build your own housing - pay attention to the slag blocks. This inexpensive building material enjoys well-deservedly popular with private developers. Its technical characteristics allow you to create comfortable and reliable housing .. The pros and cons of such construction, varieties of blocks and their appointment, the work algorithm - in our article.

Slob concrete houses - an example of cheap and fast construction

Slagoblock is a building stone prepared by pressing from cement and filler. Mass production of slag blocks is developed in regions with metallurgical production. It is there that blast furnaces are actively used in the manufacture of building materials. The first part of the name, slag, may have a non-open value. Under it they understand the stone rubble, chopped glass or, crumbs, chips and sawdust, ashes, ashes, sand.

What is better to choose for construction site: brick or slag block

The slag concrete house has its pros and cons, but, compared to the brick, he, oddly enough, wins. The sllacobal has a porous structure and is much better keeping heat than brick. Brick also has excellent thermal insulation qualities, but in order to protrude a cold house from this material, a lot of time will need.

The wall of the slag concrete weighs less brick, which means there is no need for a strengthened foundation. The construction of brick walls will require more time, and the cost of work will be much higher. Again, the cost of the slag block is lower than the cost of the brick.


Increasingly, for the construction of modern houses, such material is used as a sllacobal. And the secret of such popularity lies not only in its low cost. It has many advantages. It is no worse than modern building materials, which are manufactured by the latest technologies. It is ideal for the construction of residential buildings.

The slagoblock is a building stone. It is obtained by shrinking cement mortar in different forms. Manufacturing technology is not particularly difficult, does not require special equipment and installations. The solution is made up of a variety of components, but it does not strongly affect the final characteristics. Consequently, it is possible to make such a building material yourself. To do this, you need to make a form in which a mixture of solution will be poured.


As a rule, the industrial production slag always has large sizes than red or silicate brick. Making it yourself, you can give it the size and shape at your discretion. You can make the form from ordinary wooden boards. The solution is made of ash, which can be replaced by slag waste boilers. Cement also adds to it. All of these components allow you to get building materials of high strength. For even greater strength to solution, you can add sand, rubble from dolomite, brick crumb, exploded from limestone. Of course, all this must be poured with water. This solution is obtained by concrete slag blocks that have a significant weight. In order to obtain a lightweight solution, the solution is mixed on the basis of cement, crumples, slag and ash.

Use such elements not only for the construction of residential buildings. Of these, other types of buildings are built. Due to the relative ease of material, you can easily build a house yourself in the shortest period of time. The house of the slagoblock is warm and comfortable.

Advantages of construction

The sllacobal is in its essence is a concrete block. In the quality of the filler, a slag is used for it, which determines the basic properties of the material. Slag is a vitreous mass. It consists of the smallest particles of a blank breed, which is mixed with flux. This substance removes impurities that are formed in the process of melting metal.

What advantages can boast of buildings built from such a material?

  1. First of all, this is the cost. This type of block material is inexpensive. In addition, it can be made altogether.
  2. Minor weight. This allows not to focus on the strength of the foundation, and saves on construction.
  3. High strength. Blocks are made on the basis of cement, slag, sand and wood sawdust. As a result, the material is solid. After his surface is plastered, it will not differ from silicate bricks.
  4. Resistance to ignition. It is simply no components that could light up. Under the influence of high temperatures, they can melt, but not to light up.
  5. The building is not terrible insects and small rodents. Therefore, residents may not be afraid of such a neighborhood. But it is worth noting, such not love is caused by the fact that some components carry certain harm.
  6. Technological simplicity. Build a house from the slagoblock yourself, you can even with the complete absence of experience in construction.

If we talk about the insulation properties, then the prospects look quite sad. The slagoblock has a porous structure that absorbs moisture. This leads to the freezing of walls in the winter season. Therefore, not a warmed building will serve as a bad protection for you from cold and frost.

Disadvantages of construction

Knowing all the shortcomings of building materials you can more accurately understand whether this material matches your requests. Unfortunately, the slagoblock also has them.

  • High thermal conductivity. The house requires mandatory insulation. If you do not complete this condition, the fuel costs will be thrown into shock.
  • Increased hygroscopicity, that is, the material is too porous. This means that the walls will disastrously absorb any moisture. This will lead to dampness and cold indoors in winter. To avoid this, you will need plaster for external work and a means for waterproofing walls. The latter should be used even when the facade of the building will be insulated outside the wet technology.
  • Low level of environmental friendliness. Of course, manufacturers are convinced that this building material does not contain anything bad. However, no one can ensure that the radioactive slag has not been used in its production.

The list can be continued for a very long time. You can add separate nuances that make the process more complicated. But in reality, all this is not important if the builder arm it in advance with modern and reliable high-quality tools.

Construction features

The technology of the construction of buildings from slag block material is practically no different from construction, for example, from a brick. The foundation is also done, the walls are erected, the roof is set and communications are laid. Differences are noticeable only at certain stages.

  • Protection of the foundation from water. Due to the fact that this type of building material is hygroscopic, it simply needs to be protected from moisture, which will come from everywhere, considering the foundation. Therefore, the waterproofing works of the foundation must be performed with special care.
  • Masonry Stacked slagoblock almost the same as the brick. The way of dressing blocks is the same and has not changed for many years. The difference lies in the fact that the slag block has emptiness. They are used depending on what the goal is persecuted. If the house is low, then the voids are simply filled with cement. This allows you to achieve additional construction strengthening. If the building will have several floors, then the framework of the reinforcement is inserted into the cavity. This allows the material to withstand the load emanating from the upper floors.
  • The slag block house can not do without armopoyas. Of course, it uses it in the construction of all buildings from blocks. It is intended for the load distribution, which comes from the slab overlap, on all walls. If the house is erected from the slag block, then Aropoyas is especially important. It is even done a little more than usual.

Start of construction

Before starting the construction process, it is necessary to determine the size of the budget. Money should be enough for the purchase of a ready-made material or on components for its subsequent manufacture. In addition, the construction process will also require funds from you, as well as the repair process.

So, if you acquire everything you need to build a foundation, and build walls on it, and it is not enough to continue the construction of funds, then all work will go to the Nammark. After all, we have already written earlier that the slag block absorbs moisture, which means that he will quickly come to unsuitability, and everything will eventually have to redo it. If you can not produce all counts yourself, then contact a construction company that specializes in planned developments and calculates the amount of necessary material with the preparation of the estimate.

You should also put in order all the documentation proving your right to property and so on.

Creation of foundation

When the documentation is put in order, and all the materials will be purchased, it can be taken for digging the pit for the foundation. For the construction of the latter you will need cement, foundation blocks from reinforced concrete, crushed stone, gravel and sand. If you are planning to create a basement or want to build a garage under the house, then the pit should be more and deeper than usual.

The foundation itself, as a rule, has a ribbon design. Especially if we are talking about a low-rise building. On how the foundation will look like, the quality of the soil is also affected on which the house is erected. Its height should have a height of not lower than 70 centimeters above the ground level. This will protect blocks from possible wetting.

When the foundation is ready, it should stand at least one month. But laying the base is an exception. Its layer should be at least five rows if the building is built out of concrete blocks. The lower part of the base must be fully isolated from the surface of the foundation itself. The upper part of the base is covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Construction of walls and roofs

When the foundation is disappeared, you can start laying the walls of the house. To do this, you need to prepare the slagoblock itself and, of course, the solution. It is prepared from cement and plasticizer. The latter will not give cement very quickly. Therefore, it can be missed by large quantities. So, for the construction process, the following tools will be useful to you.

  • Hacksaw. It will be needed to saw blocks to give them the desired size.
  • Respirator. When sawing a lot of dust is formed.
  • Building level.
  • HydroWore.
  • A hammer.
  • Trowel.
  • Plumb.
  • Order.

Stages of construction

As with the construction of a brick house, it is necessary to thoroughly align all the corners. As a result, the perfect form of a rectangle should turn out. Then four slag blocks are exhibited on the surface of the foundation. They are equalized by the construction level and stretched cord. After that, a layer of cement solution is applied to the surface. It is on him that the first row of slag blocks is set. If necessary, it is added to the viscosity solution, a conventional ash is added to it. If there is a red clay, it will fit the same.

The blocks are stacked very simple. Differences from brick masonry quite a bit. The solution is applied to cells. Stone attach to the surface at an angle, unfold so that it becomes parallel to the surface of the wall, and tightly pressed to the stone, which was previously laid. At the same time, you need to slightly tap the hammer along the concrete block. Excessive residues of the solution are removed by paint tricks.

The very first rows must be postponed as accurately as possible. When they are erected, using the construction level and the plumb to check how smooth surface is obtained. The more often you will hold such an inspection, the faster work will go. In addition, you do not have to correct the mistakes made.

Methods of laying

Laying of walls from slag block material is possible in several ways.

1) in two stone blocks.

2) in a block.

3) in one slagoblock.

4) half of the stone.

The solution must be stacked with no more than one and a half centimeters. If the layer is thicker, the properties of the heat insulation of the finished structure can decrease. To increase these properties, emptiness inside the blocks is better to leave empty. The solution is placed only on the joints of the blocks and where it is needed. When the wall is ready, the emptiness in it falls asleep very small slag, which is then thoroughly tamped.

In any case, the construction process is much faster than if you used the usual brick. This is due to the size of the material and the ease of its use. So, the brick has smaller sizes, so it will be needed twice as much. Therefore, the movements will have to do more. Yes, and the cement will go a lot. This means that the slagoblock allows you to save money. When the process of the construction of the walls is completed, it is necessary to be taken for their hydraulic and thermal insulation. It is necessary that the moisture does not fall on the surface of the material. This is especially important to make before mounting the roof.

When the walls are fully isolated from the effects of weather conditions, the roof frame is installed. It is designed after all work related to the building box will be finished. A condensate is not formed between the ceiling and the roof of the house, the moisture was not collected, steam and waterproofing materials should be laid between them.
When the roof mounting is fully completed, you need to perform the ceiling vaporizion. It, like the whole roof, inside need to be insulated with basalt or mineral wool.

Video. Build a house from the slagoblock

Video. Slagoblock his pros and cons