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When 2 Patriotic War began 1941 1945. The Great Patriotic War. USSR and antihytler coalition

On June 22, 1941 at 4 o'clock in the morning, fascist Germany without declaring the war treacherously invaded the USSR. This attack ended the chain of aggressive actions of Hitler's Germany, which, thanks to the connivance and incitement of the Western powers, grossly violated elementary norms of international law, resorted to the robber seizures and monstrous atrocities in occupied countries.

In accordance with the Barbaross plan, the fascist offensive began on a wide front with several groups in various directions. Army was stationed in the north "Norway"coming to Murmansk and Kandalaksha; A group of army came from East Prussia to the Baltic States and Leningrad "North"; The most powerful grouping of armies "Centre" It was aimed at split parts of the Red Army in Belarus, to master Vitebsk - Smolensky and take Moscow with the go; Army Group "South" It was focused from Lublin to the mouth of the Danube and led an offensive to Kiev - Donbass. The plans of the Nazis were reduced to the application of a sudden strike in these directions, the destruction of the border and military units, a breakthrough into a deep rear, the seizure of Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and the most important industrial centers of the southern regions of the country.

The command of the German army extended to complete the war for 6-8 weeks.

In the offensive against the Soviet Union, 190 enemy divisions were thrown, about 5.5 million soldiers, up to 50 thousand guns and mortars, 4,300 tanks, almost 5 thousand aircraft and about 200 warships.

War began in exceptionally favorable conditions for Germany. Before attacking the USSR, Germany seized almost all Western Europe, whose economy worked on the fascists. Therefore, Germany had a powerful material and technical base.

The military products of Germany supplied 6,500 largest enterprises of Western European countries. More than 3 million foreign workers were involved in the military industry. In the Western European countries, fascists awarded a lot of weapons, military property, trucks, cars and steam locomotives. Germanic resources of Germany, its allies significantly exceeded the resources of the USSR. Germany fully mobilized his army, as well as the army of its allies. Most of the German army focused on the borders of the Soviet Union. In addition, imperialist Japan threatened with an attack from the East, which distracted a significant part of the Soviet Armed Forces for the defense of the country's eastern borders. In theses of the Central Committee of the CPSU "50 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution" An analysis of the causes of the temporary failures of the Red Army in the initial period of war is given. They are related to the fact that the Nazis used temporary advantages:

  • militarization of the economy and the whole life of Germany;
  • long-term preparation for the celestial war and more than two years of experience in conducting hostilities in the West;
  • superiority in the arms and number of troops, concentrated in the border zones in advance.

Economic and military resources of almost all Western Europe were at their disposal. The allowed miscalculations in determining the possible deadlines for the attack of Hitler's Germany to our country and the associated omissions in preparation for the reflection of the first blows were played. There were reliable data on the concentration of German troops at the borders of the USSR and the preparation of Germany to attack our country. However, the troops of Western military districts were not given in a state of complete combat readiness.

All these reasons set the Soviet country into a difficult situation. However, the enormous difficulties of the initial period of war did not break the morale of the Red Army, did not lay the persistence of the Soviet people. From the first days of the attack, it became clear that the plan of the lightning war was collapsed. Having used to easy victories over Western countries, whose governments treacherously gave their people to the ripples of the occupiers, the fascists met stubborn resistance from the Soviet Armed Forces, border guards and the entire Soviet people. War lasted 1418 days. On the border courageously fought groups of border guards. The garrison of the Brest Fortress was covered with disadvantaged glory. The defense fortress was led by Captain I. N. Zubachev, the regimental commissioner E. M. Fomin, Major P. M. Gavrilov, and others. June 22, 1941 at 4 am 25 minutes, the fighter pilot I. Ivanov made the first ram. (In total during the war years, about 200 Taranians were committed). On June 26, the crew of Captain N. F. Gastello (A. A. Burdenyuk, G. N. Sneorobogted, A. A. Kalinin) - on a burning plane crashed into a column of enemy troops. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers from the first days of the war showed samples of courage and heroism.

Two months lanced Smolensk Battle. Here under Smolensk born soviet Guard. The battle in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk delayed the offensive of the enemy until mid-September 1941
During the Smolensk battle, the Red Army threw the plans of the enemy. The delay of enemy occurrence in the central direction was the first strategic success of the Soviet troops.

The communist party has become the leading and guiding power of the defense of the country and the preparation of the destruction of the Hitler's troops. From the first days of the war, the party was made emergency measures to organize the aggressor, a huge work was carried out on the restructuring of all work on a military manner, the transformation of the country into a single military camp.

"For warring war, I wrote V. I. Lenin," a strong organized rear is needed. The best army, the most devoted revolution, people will be immediately exterminated by the enemy, if they are not sufficiently armed, equipped with food, trained "(Lenin V.I. Full. Coll. Op., Vol. 35, p. 408).

These Lenin instructions were based on the organization of the fight against the enemy. On June 22, 1941, on behalf of the Soviet government, with a report on the "robbery" attack of fascist Germany and a call to combat the enemy, acted on Radio Peace of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov. On the same day, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was adopted on the introduction of military situation in the European territory of the USSR, as well as a decree on the mobilization of a number of ages in 14 military districts. On June 23, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the Council of Sciences of the USSR adopted a decree on the tasks of party and Soviet organizations in the conditions of war. On June 24, the Evacuation Council was formed, and on June 27 by Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and SCA of the USSR "On the procedure for the export and placement of human contingents and valuable property", the procedure for evacuation of productive forces and the population to the eastern regions was determined. In the Directive of the Central Committee of the CCP (b) and SCSR of the USSR, from June 29, 1941, the party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions were set forth the most important tasks for the mobilization of all forces and funds in the defeat of the enemy.

"... In the war imposed on us with fascist Germany," said this document, "the question of the life and death of the Soviet state decides, to be the peoples of the Soviet Union free or fall into enslave." The Central Committee and the Soviet government encouraged to realize the depth of danger, rebuild all the work on a military way, to organize comprehensive assistance to the front, to enlarge the production of weapons, ammunition, tanks, aircraft, with a forced departure of the Red Army to export all valuable property, and what can not be removed - destroy In the area occupied by the enemy, organize partisan detachments. On July 3, the main provisions of the Directive were set forth in the speech of I. V. Stalin on Radio. The directive determined the nature of war, the degree of threat and danger, the tasks of the transformation of the country into a single combat camp, the full strengthening of the armed forces, restructuring the work of the rear to the Military Pad, mobilizing all the forces to resist the enemy. On June 30, 1941, an emergency authority was created for the rapid mobilization of all forces and means of the country to rebuff and defeat the enemy State Defense Committee (GKO) headed by I. V. Stalin. In the hands of GKO, the entire fullness of power in the country, state, military and economic leadership was concentrated. He united the activities of all state and military institutions, party, trade union and Komsomol organizations.

In the context of the war, the restructuring of the entire economy was of paramount importance. At the end of June was approved "Mobilization People's Plan for III quarter of 1941", and on August 16 "Military Economic Plan for the IV quarter of 1941 and in 1942 by the districts of the Volga region, Urals, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia" Over the five months of 1941, over 1360 major military enterprises were relocated and about 10 million people were evacuated. Even on the recognition of bourgeois specialists evacuation industry In the second half of 1941 and the beginning of 1942 and its placement in the East should be attributed to the number of the most striking feats of the peoples of the Soviet Union during the war. The evacuated Kramatorsky plant was launched 12 days after arrival at the place, Zaporizhia - after 20. Already by the end of 1941, the Ural gave 62% cast iron and 50% of steel. In terms of wise and meaning, it was equal to the largest battles of wartime. Perestroika of the national economy on the military field was completed by mid-1942

The party conducted a large organizational work in the army. In accordance with the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on July 16, 1941 issued a decree "On the reorganization of the political propaganda bodies and the introduction of the Institute of Military Commissars". From July 16 in the army, and from July 20, at the Navy, the Institute of Military Commissars was introduced. For the second half of 1941, up to 1.5 million communists and more than 2 million Komsomolov residents were mobilized to the army (up to 40% of the entire composition of the party sent to the existing army). Venidaya party leaders L. I. Brezhnev, A. A. Zhdanov, A. S. Shcherbakov, M. A. Suslov and others were aimed at party work in the existing army.

On August 8, 1941, the Supreme Commander of All Armed Forces of the USSR was appointed I. V. Stalin. In order to concentrate all the functions of managing military actions, the Supreme Commander-in-chief rate was formed. Hundreds of thousands of Communists and Komsomol residents went to the front. About 300 thousand. The best representatives of the working class and the intelligentsia of Moscow and Leningrad entered into the ranks of the national militia.

Meanwhile, the enemy stubbornly rushed to Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol and other essential industrial centers of the country. An important place in the plans of fascist Germany occupied the calculation of the international isolation of the USSR. However, from the first days of the war, an anti-Hitler coalition began to develop. On June 22, 1941, the Government of Great Britain announced the support of the USSR in the fight against fascism, and on July 12, he signed an agreement on joint actions against fascist Germany. On August 2, 1941, US President F. Roosevelt declared economic support for the Soviet Union. September 29, 1941 in Moscow gathered conference of representatives of the three powers (USSR, USA and England), which developed a plan for Anglo-American assistance in the fight against the enemy. The calculation of Hitler for international insulation of the USSR failed. On January 1, 1942, a declaration of 26 states was signed in Washington antihytler coalition On the use of all resources of these countries to fight against the German bloc. However, the allies were in no hurry with the implementation of effective assistance aimed at the defeat of fascism, seeking to weaken the warring parties.

By October, German-fascist invaders, despite the heroic resistance of our troops, managed to approach Moscow on three sides, while turning off the offensive on Don, in the Crimea, near Leningrad. Odessa and Sevastopol were harvested heroically. On September 30, 1941, the German command begins first, and in November - the second general attack on Moscow. The fascists managed to take Wedge, Yahroma, Naro-Fominsk, Istra and other cities of the Moscow region. Soviet troops led the heroic defense of the capital, showing samples of courage and heroism. In fierce battles, the rifle 316th division of General Panfilov was to death. A partisan movement unfolded in the rear of the enemy. Only near Moscow, about 10 thousand partisans fought. On December 5-6, 1941, Soviet troops were transferred to a counteroffensive near Moscow. At the same time, offensive operations on Western, Kalininsky and south-western fronts unfolded. The powerful offensive of the Soviet troops in the winter of 1941/42 was discarded the fascists in a number of places to 400 km from the capital and was their first major defeat in World War II.

Chief result Moscow battle It was that the strategic initiative was broken from the hands of the enemy and the plan of the lightning war was failed. The defeat of the Germans near Moscow was a decisive turn in the military actions of the Red Army and had a great influence on the entire further course of the war.

By the spring of 1942, the production of military products was established in the eastern regions of the country. By the middle of the year, most evacuated enterprises unfolded in new places. The translation of the country's economy to military rails was mainly completed. In the deep rear - in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, in the Urals - there were over 10 thousand industrial buildings.

Instead of the men who went to the front, women and young people came to the machines. Despite the very difficult domestic conditions, Soviet people worked selflessly, providing victory on the front. Worked on a half - two shifts to restore industry and supply the front with everything necessary. All-Union Socialist Competition, whose winners were awarded Red banner GK.. The workers of agriculture were organized in 1942. Superplant crops to the Defense Fund. The collective farm peasantry supplied the front and rear of food and industrial raw materials.

An exceptionally difficult situation in the temporary occupied regions of the country was. The fascists robbed the city and sat down, mocked over the civilian population. German officials who are supervised at work were appointed at the enterprises. The best lands were selected under the farms for German soldiers. In all occupied settlements, German garrisons were held at the expense of the population. However, the economic and social policy of the fascists, which they tried to conduct in the occupied territories, immediately suffered a failure. Soviet people brought up on the ideas of the Communist Party, believed in the victory of the Soviet country, were not amenable to Hitler's provocations and demagogy.

Winter offensive of the Red Army in 1941/42 It caused a powerful blow to fascist Germany, according to her military car, but the Hitler's army was still strong. Soviet troops led stubborn defensive battles.

In this situation, the National Fight of Soviet people in the rear of the enemy played a big role, especially partisan traffic.

Thousands of Soviet people went to the partisan detachments. The partisan war in Ukraine, in Belarus and Smolensk region, in Crimea and in a number of other places, widely unfolded. In cities and villages temporarily occupied by the enemy, underground party and Komsomol organizations operated. In accordance with the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of July 18, 1941 "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops" 3,500 partisan detachments and groups, 32 underground committees, 805 public utilities and district participants, 5429 primary party organizations, 10 regional, 210 interdistrict city and 45 thousand primary Komsomol organizations were created. To coordinate the actions of partisan detachments and underground groups with the units of the Red Army by decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) on May 30, 1942, at the expense of the Supreme Command central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement. Headquarters in the leadership of the partisan movement were formed in Belarus, in Ukraine and in other republics and regions occupied by the enemy.

After the defeat near Moscow and the winter offensive of our troops, the Hitler's command was preparing a new major offensive with the aim of capturing all southern regions of the country (Crimea, the North Caucasus, Don) up to the Volga, the capture of Stalingrad and rejection of the Transcaucasus from the center of the country. This was an extremely serious threat to our country.

By the summer of 1942, an international situation was changed, characterized by the strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition. In May - June 1942, agreements were concluded between the USSR, England and the United States on the Union in the war against Germany and the post-war collaboration. In particular, an agreement was reached on the opening in 1942 in Europe second Front against Germany, which would significantly speed up the defeat of fascism. But the allies in every way tightened his discovery. Using this, the fascist command moved the division from the Western Front to the Eastern. By the spring of 1942, the Hitler's army had 237 divisions, massive aircraft, tanks, artillery and other types of technology for a new offensive.

Intensified leningrad blockadeAlmost daily exposed to artillery shelling. The Kerch Strait was captured in May. On July 3, the Supreme Command gave an order to heroic defenders of Sevastopol to leave the city after 250 days defense, since it was not possible to keep the Crimea. As a result of the defeat of Soviet troops in the area of \u200b\u200bKharkov and Don, the enemy came to the Volga. Created in July Stalingrad Front accepted powerful blows of the enemy. Returning with heavy battles, our troops applied a huge opponent damage. In parallel, the fascist offensive in the North Caucasus, where Stavropol, Krasnodar, Maikop were occupied. In the area of \u200b\u200bMozdok, the onset of fascists was suspended.

The main battles unfolded on the Volga. The enemy was trying to master Stalingrad. The heroic defense of the city was one of the bright pages of the Patriotic War. Work class, women, old people, teenagers - the entire population rose to the defense of Stalingrad. Despite the deadly danger, the workers of the tractor plant were sent daily to the advanced positions of tanks. In September, fights for each street have unfolded in the city, for each house.

The Great Patriotic War - War of the USSR with Germany and its allies in the years and with Japan in 1945; Composite part of World War II.

From the point of view of the leadership of Nazi Germany, the War from the USSR was inevitable. The communist regime was considered as alien, and at the same time able to strike at any time. Only a quick defeat of the USSR gave the Germans to ensure the domination of the European continent. In addition, he opened them access to rich industrial and agricultural regions of Eastern Europe.

At the same time, as some historians consider, Stalin himself, at the end of 1939, made a decision on the proactive attack on Germany in the summer of 1941. On June 15, Soviet troops began a strategic deployment and nomination to the Western border. According to one version, it was done in order to strike on Romania and the Poland occupied by the Germans, according to another, to frighten the Hitler and make him abandon the plans for the attack on the USSR.

First period of war (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942)

The first stage of the German offensive (June 22 - July 10, 1941)

On June 22, Germany began a war against the USSR; On the same day, Italy and Romania joined her, June 23 - Slovakia, June 26 - Finland, June 27 - Hungary. The German invasion caught the Soviet troops by surprise; On the very first day, a significant part of ammunition, fuel and military equipment was destroyed; The Germans managed to ensure complete domination in the air. During the battles on June 23-25, the main forces of the Western Front were broken. The Brest fortress was kept until July 20. On June 28, the Germans took the capital of Belarus and closed the ring of the environment, in which eleven divisions fell. On June 29, German-Finnish troops have made an offensive in the Polarian to Murmansk, Kandalaksha and Louch, but could not move deep into the Soviet territory.

On June 22, the USSR was mobilized by military-ridicated born in 1905-1918, from the first days of the war, a mass record of volunteers was launched. On June 23, an emergency authority of the highest military department was created to lead military actions in the USSR - the rate of the chief command, and also occurred the maximum centralization of military and political power in the hands of Stalin.

On June 22, the British Prime Minister W. Herchill spoke on the radio with a statement about the support of the USSR in his fight against Hitlerism. On June 23, the State Department of the United States welcomed the efforts of the Soviet people to reflect the German invasion, and on June 24, the US President F. Mostwelt promised to provide the USSR with all sorts of help.

On July 18, the Soviet leadership decided to organize the partisan movement in the occupied and rhymerous areas, which has acquired a wide scale in the second half of the year.

In the summer, in the summer of 1941, about 10 million people were evacuated to the east. and more than 1,350 large enterprises. Militarization of the economy became rigid and energetic measures; All material resources of the country mobilized for military needs.

The main reason for the defeats of the Red Army, despite its quantitative and often high-quality (T-34 and square tanks) technical superiority, has become weak training of an ordinary and officer composition, a low level of operation of military equipment and the lack of experience in the troops of major military operations in the context of modern war . A considerable role was played by repression against the highest command in 1937-1940.

The second stage of the German offensive (July 10 - September 30, 1941)

On July 10, Finnish troops launched an offensive and on September 1, the 23rd Soviet army at the Karelian Isthmus departed to the line of the old state border held to the Finnish war 1939-1940. By October 10, the front stabilized in the turn of Kesset - Ukhta - Rugozero - Medvezhiegorsk - Oz. - R. Svir. The enemy could not cut the paths of European Russia with the northern ports.

On July 10, the North Army Group began an offensive on the Leningrad and Tallinn directions. August 15 Palp Novgorod, August 21 - Gatchina. On August 30, the Germans reached the Neva, cut the railway communication with the city, and on September 8, they took Shlisselburg and closed the ring of blockades around Leningrad. Only the tough measures of the new commander of the Leningrad Front G.K.zhukov allowed to stop the enemy by September 26.

July 16, the 4th Romanian army took Chisinau; The defense of Odessa lasted for about two months. Soviet troops left the city only in the first half of October. In early September, Guderian forced the gums and September 7 captured Konotop ("Konotop breakthrough"). The surroundings fell five Soviet armies; The number of prisoners was 665 thousand. In the hands of the Germans turned out to be left banking Ukraine; The path to Donbass was opened; Soviet troops in the Crimea turned out to be cut off from the main forces.

Defeats on the fronts prompted the bid to publish on August 16 Order No. 270, qualifying all soldiers and officers who were captured as traitors and deserters; Their families were deprived of state support and subject to reference.

The third stage of the German offensive (September 30 - December 5, 1941)

On September 30, the Center for the Center "Center" began operations on the seizure of Moscow ("Typhoon"). On October 3, the Guderian tanks broke into the eagle and went on the road to Moscow. On October 6-8, all three armies of the Bryansky front were surrounded by South Bryansk, and the main forces of the reserve (19th, 20th, 24th and 32th Army) are west of Vyazma; The Germans captured 664 thousand prisoners and more than 1,200 tanks. But the promotion of the 2nd tank group of the Wehrmacht on Tula was torn to the resistance of the brigade M.E. Katukov under Mtsensky; The 4th tank group occupied Yukhnov and rushed to Maloyaroslave, but was detained with the beggar of Podolsk cadets (October 6-10); Autumn dismotence also slowed down the pace of German offensive.

On October 10, the Germans struck on the right wing of the backup front (renamed to the West Front); On October 12, the 9th Army took possession of the old man, and on October 14 - Rzhev. October 19 in Moscow was declared a siege. On October 29, Guderian tried to take Tula, but was removed with big losses. In early November, the new commander of the Western Front of Zhukov was an incredible tension of all forces and permanent counterattacks, despite the huge losses in the lively strength and technology, to stop the Germans and in other directions.

On September 27, the Germans broke through the defense line of the South Front. Most of the Donbass was in the hands of Germans. During the successful counteroffensive troops of the South Front, Rostov was released on November 29, and the Germans were discarded to R. Mius.

In the second half of October, the 11th German army broke through in Crimea and in mid-November seized almost the entire peninsula. Soviet troops managed to keep only Sevastopol.

Countessing the Red Army near Moscow (December 5, 1941 - January 7, 1942)

On December 5-6, the Kalininsky, Western and South-West Fronts moved to offensive actions in the North-West and South-Western directions. Successful promotion of Soviet troops forced Hitler on December 8 to give the Directive on the transition to defense throughout the front line. On December 18, the troops of the Western Front began the offensive in the central direction. As a result, by the beginning of the year, the Germans were discarded 100-250 km to the west. There was a threat to coverage of the Center for the Center of the Center from the North and South. The strategic initiative passed to the Red Army.

The success of the operation near Moscow prompted the bid to decide on the transition to the overall offensive all over the front from the Lake Ladoga to Crimea. Offensive operations of the Soviet troops in December 1941 - April 1942 led to a significant change in the military-strategic situation on the Soviet-German front: the Germans were discarded from Moscow, the Moscow, part of the Kalinin, Oryol and Smolensk regions was released. The psychological fracture took place among the soldiers and the civilian population: the faith was strengthened in victory, the myth of the invincibility of the Wehrmacht collapsed. The collapse of the plan of the lightning war gave rise to doubts in the successful outcome of the war both at the German military-political leadership and the ordinary Germans.

Lyuban Operation (January 13 - June 25)

Lyuban operation was aimed at breakthrough the blockade of Leningrad. On January 13, the forces of the Volkhovsky and Leningrad fronts began the offensive in several directions, planning to connect to Lyuban and surround the miracle enemy grouping. On March 19, the Germans inflicted Consturdar, cutting off the 2nd shock army from the rest of the Volkhov Front. Soviet troops have repeatedly tried to discard her and resume the offensive. On May 21, the rate decided to decorate her, but on June 6, the Germans completely closed the ring of the environment. On June 20, the soldiers and officers received an order to get out of the environment on their own, but it was possible to make only a little (according to different estimates, from 6 to 16 thousand people); Commander A.A.Vlasov surrendered.

Military actions in May-November 1942

By defeating the Crimean front (almost 200 thousand people fell in captivity), the Germans occupied Kerch on May 16, and in early July - Sevastopol. On May 12, the troops of the South-Western Front and the Southern Front took an offensive to Kharkov. For several days, it developed successfully, however, the Germans were divided by the 9th Army on May 19, throwing it for the Seversky Donets, reached the rear to the advancing Soviet troops and they took them in ticks on May 23; The number of prisoners reached 240 thousand. On June 28-30, a German offensive against the left wing of the Bryansky and the right wing of the South-Western Front began. On July 8, the Germans captured Voronezh and reached the middle Don. By July 22, the 1st and 4th Tank Army reached the southern Don. On July 24, Rostov-on-Don was taken.

Under the conditions of a military catastrophe in the south, Stalin, July 28, issued an order No. 227 "Neither step back", which provided for the harsh punishment for the retreat without specifying over, progress times to combat self-leaving positions, penalty units for action on the most dangerous areas of the front. On the basis of this order during the war years, about 1 million servicemen were convicted, 160 thousand were shot, and 400 thousand sent to the penalty numbers.

On July 25, the Germans forced Don and rushed to the south. In mid-August, the Germans established control of almost all passages of the central part of the Chief Caucasus Range. On the Grozny direction, the Germans took Nalchik on October 29, to take Ordzhonikidze and the Terrible did not succeed, and in mid-November their further promotion was stopped.

On August 16, German troops launched an offensive on Stalingrad. September 13 began fighting in Stalingrad. In the second half of October - the first half of November the Germans seized a significant part of the city, but they could not break the resistance to defending themselves.

By mid-November, the Germans established control over the Right Bank of Don and mostly of the Northern Caucasus, but did not reach their strategic goals - to break through in the Volga region and the Transcaucasia. This was prevented by the counterdads of the Red Army in other directions (Rzhevskaya meat grinder, a tank battle between teeth and pocket, etc.), which, although not crowned with success, nevertheless did not allow the command of the Wehrmacht to transfer reserves to the south.

The second period of the war (November 19, 1942 - December 31, 1943): a radical fracture

Victory under Stalingrad (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943)

On November 19, part of the South-Western Front broke through the defense of the 3rd Romanian army and on November 21, five Romanian divisions were taken to the ticks (Saturn Operation). On November 23, the divisions of the two fronts were united by the Soviet and surrounded the Stalingrad grouping of the enemy.

On December 16, the Troops of the Voronezh and South-Western Fronts began the operation "Small Saturn" on the middle Don, defeated the 8th Italian army, on January 26, the 6th Army was dissected into two parts. January 31, the southern group headed by F. Paulyus, February 2 - North; 91 thousand people were captured. Stalingrad Battle, despite the large losses of the Soviet troops, became the beginning of a radical fracture in the Great Patriotic War. Wehrmacht suffered the largest defeat and lost the strategic initiative. Japan and Turkey refused the intention to join the war on the side of Germany.

Economic lift and transition to the offensive in the central direction

By this time there was a fracture and in the sphere of the Soviet Military Economy. Already in winter, 1941/1942 managed to stop the decline in mechanical engineering. Since March, the lifting of ferrous metallurgy has begun, from the second half of 1942 - energy and fuel industry. To the top there was an obvious economic advantage of the USSR over Germany.

In November 1942 - January 1943, the Red Army passed on the offensive in the central direction.

Mars (Rzhevskaya-Sychevskaya) was operated with the aim of eliminating the Rzhev-Vyazemsky bridgehead. The joints of the Western Front made their way through the Rzhev's Railway - Sychevka and made a raid on enemy reasons, but significant losses and lack of tanks, guns and ammunition forced them to stop, but this operation did not allow the Germans to transfer part of the forces from the central direction to Stalingrad.

Liberation of the North Caucasus (January 1 - February 12, 1943)

On January 1-3, an operation began to release the North Caucasus and Elevation of Don. On January 3, Mozdok was released, January 10-11 - Kislovodsk, Mineralnye Vody, Essentuki and Pyatigorsk, January 21 - Stavropol. On January 24, the Germans passed Armavir, January 30 - Tikhoretsk. On February 4, the Black Sea Fleet landed the landing in the Myshaco district of South Novorossiysk. February 12 was taken by Krasnodar. However, the lack of forces prevented by the Soviet troops to surround the North Caucasian grouping of the enemy.

Breakthrough Blockads of Leningrad (January 12-30 1943)

Fearing the environments of the main forces of the Center for the Army Center on the Rzhevsk-Vyazemsky Bridgehead, the German command has begun on March 1 to their systematic diversion. On March 2, parts of Kalininsky and Western fronts began the persecution of the enemy. March 3, Rzhev was released, March 6 - Gzhatsk, March 12 - Vyazma.

January-March 1943 Campaign, despite a number of failures, led to the liberation of a huge territory (the North Caucasus, lowerland of Don, Voroshilovgradskaya, Voronezh, Kursk region, part of Belgorod, Smolensk and Kalinin regions). The blockade of Leningrad was broken, eliminated the Demyansky and Rzhev-Vyazemsky protrusions. The control over the Volga and Don is restored. Wehrmacht suffered huge losses (approx. 1.2 million people). The depletion of human resources forced the Nazi leadership to hold the total mobilization of the elders (over 46 years) and younger ages (16-17 years).

From winter 1942/1943, a guerrilla movement in the German rear was an important military factor. Partisans caused serious damage to the German army, destroying live strength, exploding warehouses and echelons, violating the system of communications. The largest operations were the raids of the detachment M.I. Naumova in Kursk, Sumy, Poltava, Kirovograd, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Kiev and Zhytomyr (February-March 1943) and detachment S.A. Kovpaka in Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kiev regions (February-May 1943).

Defensive battle on Kursk Arc (July 5-23, 1943)

The command of the Wehrmacht has developed a "Citadel" surrounding the strong grouping of the Red Army on a Kursk ledge through counter tank strikes from the north and south; In case of success, it was planned to carry out the operation of Panther to defeat the South-Western Front. However, Soviet intelligence solved the ideas of the Germans, and in April-June, a powerful defensive system of eight rubles was created on the Kursk ledge.

On July 5, the 9th German army began an offensive to Kursk from the north, and the 4th tank army - from the south. On the northern flank, on July 10, the Germans switched to defense. On the southern wing, the Tank Columns of the Wehrmacht was reached on July 12, they were stopped, but by July 23, the Troops of the Voronezh and Steppe, they discarded them on the initial frontiers. Operation "Citadel" failed.

The overall onset of the Red Army in the second half of 1943 (July 12 - December 24, 1943). Liberation of the Left Bank of Ukraine

On July 12, parts of the Western and Bryansky fronts broke through German defense at Zhilkovo and Novosil, by August 18, Soviet troops were cleared of an enemy an Orlovsky ledge.

By September 22, part of the south-western front was discarded the Germans for the Dnieper and went on the approach to Dnepropetrovsk (now Dnipro) and Zaporizhia; The connections of the South Front occupied Taganrog, on September 8 Stalino (now Donetsk), September 10 - Mariupol; The result of the operation was the liberation of Donbass.

On August 3, the troops of Voronezh and Steppe fronts in several places broke through the defense of the Army Group "South" and on August 5, Belgorod were seized. August 23, Kharkov was taken.

On September 25, by flank strikes from the south and north, the troops of the Western Front seized Smolensk and by the beginning of October entered the territory of Belarus.

On August 26, the Central, Voronezh and Steppe Fronts began to implement the Chernihiv-Poltava operation. The troops of the central front broke through the defense of the enemy south of Sevsk and August 27 took the city; September 13 reached the Dnieper on the Loev section - Kiev. Parts of the Voronezh Front went to the Dnieper on the section Kiev - Cherkasy. The compounds of the steppe approached the Dnieper on the Cherkasy section - Verkhnedneprovsk. As a result, the Germans lost almost all of the left-bank bank. At the end of September, Soviet troops in several places forced Dnieper and captured 23 bridgeheads on his right bank.

On September 1, the troops of the Bryansky front were overcamed the Line of Defense of the Wehrmacht "Hagen" and occupied Bryansk, by October 3, the Red Army came out on the line of coolant rivers in East Belarus.

On September 9, the North Caucasian Front in cooperation with the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla began an offensive on the Taman Peninsula. Spreading the Blue Line, the Soviet troops of September 16 were taken by Novorossiysk, and by October 9 completely cleaned the peninsula from the Germans.

On October 10, the South-Western Front began the operation on the elimination of the Zaporizhia section and on October 14, Zaporizhzh masted.

October 11, Voronezh (from October 20 - 1st Ukrainian) Front began a Kiev operation. After two unsuccessful attempts to take the capital of Ukraine with an attack from the south (from the Bukrin Bridgehead), it was decided to apply the main blow from the north (from the Litezka Bridgehead). November 1, in order to distract the attention of the enemy, the 27th and 40th Army moved to Kiev from the Bukrin Bridgehead, and on November 3, the impact grouping of the 1st Ukrainian Front suddenly attacked him from the Litezarm and broke through German defense. November 6, Kiev was released.

On November 13, the Germans, tightening the reserves, took a counteroffensive against the 1st Ukrainian front in the Zhytomyr direction in order to repel Kiev and restore defense on the Dnieper. But the Red Army kept on the right bank of the Dnieper the extensive strategic Kiev bridgehead.

For the period of hostilities from June 1 to December 31, the Wehrmacht suffered huge losses (1 million 413 thousand people), which he was already unable to fully compensate. A significant part of the USSR territory occupied in 1941-1942 was released. The plans of the German command to entrust themselves at the Dnieper borders failed. Conditions were created to expand the Germans from the Right Bank of Ukraine.

The third period of the war (December 24, 1943 - May 11, 1945): German defeat

After a series of failures during the whole of 1943, the German command refused to attempt to intercept the strategic initiative and switched to tough defense. The main task of the Wehrmacht in the north was prevented by a breakthrough of the Red Army to the Baltic States and Eastern Prussia, in the center to the border with Poland, and in the south to Dnestra and Carpathians. Soviet military leadership set the goal of the Winter-Spring campaign to defeat the German troops on extreme flanks - on the right bank of Ukraine and Leningrad.

Liberation of the Right Bank of Ukraine and Crimea

On December 24, 1943, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front began an offensive in the Western and South-Western directions (Zhytomyr-Berdichevsky operation). Only at the cost of a large voltage of forces and significant losses, the Germans managed to stop Soviet troops on the Sarna line - Polonnaya - Kazatin - Zhashkov. On January 5-6, parts of the 2nd Ukrainian Front struck at the Kirovograd direction and on January 8, were mastered by Kirovograd, but on January 10 were forced to stop the offensive. The Germans did not allow the connections of the troops of both fronts and were able to keep Korsun-Shevchenkovsky ledge, who created a threat to Kiev from the south.

On January 24, the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts launched a joint operation by defeating the Korsun-Shevchensk enemy grouping. On January 28, the 6th and 5th Guards Tank Arms joined the Zvenigorodka and closed the ring of the environment. On January 30, Kanev was taken, February 14 - Corsun-Shevchenkovsky. February 17, the elimination of "boiler" ended; More than 18 thousand soldiers of the Wehrmacht fell into captivity.

On January 27, parts of the 1st Ukrainian Front struck from the Sarn region in the Lutsk-Rovno direction. On January 30, the onset of troops of the 3rd and 4th Ukrainian fronts on Nikopol bridgehead began. Overcoming the fierce resistance of the enemy, on February 8, they mastered Nikopolem, February 22 - Krivoy Horn and by February 29 came to R. Ingulets.

As a result of the winter campaign, 1943/1944, the Germans were finally discarded from the Dnieper. In an effort to implement a strategic breakthrough to the boundaries of Romania and prevent the Wehrmachut to entrenched on the Rivers of South Bug, Dniester and Prut, the rate developed a plan for the environment and defeat of the South Army Group on Right Bank Ukraine by the coordinated strike of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts .

The final chord of the spring operation in the south was the expulsion of the Germans from the Crimea. On May 7-9, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, with the support of the Black Sea Fleet, the assault was taken by Sevastopol, and by May 12 defeated the remains of the 17th Army who fled to Chersonese.

Leningrad-Novgorod Operation of the Red Army (January 14 - March 1, 1944)

On January 14, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts launched the offensive to the south of Leningrad and near Novgorod. Applying the 18th German Army defeat and pushing it to the meadow, they freed the Novgorod on January 20. In early February, part of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts went on the approach to Narva, Gdow and the meadow; On February 4, they took Gdov, February 12 - meadow. The threat of the environment forced the 18th Army hastily retreat to the southwest. On February 17, the 2nd Baltic Front carried out a series of shocks against the 16th German army on the r. In early March, the Red Army reached the defensive line of Panther (Narva - the Church of Oz. - Pskov - Island); Most of the Leningrad and Kalinin oblast was released.

Military actions in the central direction in December 1943 - April 1944

As the tasks of the winter offensive of the 1st Baltic, Western and Belarusian fronts, the rate set the troops to the entrance to POLOTSK - Lötel - Mogilev - bird and liberation of Eastern Belarus.

In December 1943 - February 1944, the 1st SDF took three attempts to master Vitebsk, which did not lead to the take of the city, but extremely exhausted the forces of the enemy. There were no success and offensive actions of the ZF in the Orsha on February 22-25 and March 5-9, 1944.

On the Mozyrian direction, the Belarusian front (BelF) began a strong blow to the flanks of the 2nd German army, but thanks to the rush retreat, she managed to avoid the environment. The lack of effort prevented by the Soviet troops to surround and destroy the Bobruisk grouping of the enemy, and on February 26, the offensive was stopped. Educated February 17 at the junction of the 1st Ukrainian and Belarusian (from February 24 of the 1st Belorussky) Fronts The 2nd Belarusian Front began on March 15, the Polesk Operation in order to capture the Covel and breakthrough to Brest. Soviet troops were surrounded by Kovel, but on March 23, the Germans defeated Construdar and on 4 April, the Kovel group was released.

Thus, in the central direction during the Winter-Spring Campaign, 1944, the Red Army could not achieve the goals set in front of it; On April 15, she moved to defense.

An offensive in Karelia (June 10 - August 9, 1944). FINLAND output from war

After the loss of most of the occupied territory of the USSR, the main task of the Wehrmacht began to prevent the Red Army to Europe and not lose its allies. That is why the Soviet military political leadership, failed in attempts to achieve a peaceful agreement with Finland in February-April 1944, decided to start a summer campaign of the year by hitting the north.

On June 10, 1944, Lenf's troops, with the support of the Baltic Fleet, launched an offensive on the Karelian Isthmus, as a result, controlled over the White Sea-Baltic Canal and a strategically important Kirovsky railway, connecting Murmansk with European Russia. By the beginning of August, Soviet troops liberated all the occupied territory east of the Ladoga; In the area of \u200b\u200bKoougl, they went to the Finnish border. The victim defeat, Finland, on August 25, joined negotiations from the USSR. On September 4, she broke the relationship with Berlin and stopped hostilities, on September 15 declared a war of Germany, and on September 19 he concluded a truce with the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition. The length of the Soviet-German front decreased by a third. This allowed the Red Army to release significant forces for operations in other directions.

Liberation of Belarus (June 23 - Beginning of August 1944)

Successes in Karelia prompted the bet to carry out a large-scale operation by defeating the enemy in the central direction by the forces of the Three Belarusian and 1st Baltic fronts (Operation "Bagration"), which became the main event of the summer-autumn campaign 1944.

The overall offensive of Soviet troops began on June 23-24. The coordinated blow of the 1st BC and the right wing of the 3rd BF ended on June 26-27 by the liberation of Vitebsk and the environment of five German divisions. On June 26, part of the 1st BF took Zhlobin, the June 27-29 was surrounded and destroyed the bobruisk grouping of the enemy, and on June 29, Bobruisk was released. As a result of the rapid offensive of the three Belarusian fronts, an attempt at the German command was raised to organize a line of defense on Berezine; On July 3, the troops of the 1st and 3rd BF broke into Minsk and took the 4th German army in the ticks (liquidated by July 11).

The German front began to collapse. The compounds of the 1st SBFF on July 4 were taken by Polotsk and, moving downstream of Western Dvina, joined the territory of Latvia and Lithuania, reached the coast of the Gulf of Riga, cutting off the "North" armies deployed in the rest of the Wehrmacht's forces. Parts of the right wing of the 3rd BF, on June 28, taking the leprenel, in early July broke into the valley of the river. Vilia (Nyaris), August 17th came to the border of East Prussia.

The troops of the left wing of the 3rd BF, making a rapid throw from Minsk, July 3, took Lida, on July 16, together with the 2nd BF - Grodno and at the end of July approached the northeast protrusion of the Polish border. The 2nd BF, coming to the southwest, on July 27 she mastered Belostok and displaced the Germans for R.Narev. Parts of the right wing of the 1st BF, having freed Baranovichi on July 8, and on July 14, Pinsk, at the end of July they reached Western Bug and reached the central section of the Soviet-Polish border; July 28 was taken Brest.

As a result of the operation "Bagration", Belarus was liberated, most of Lithuania and part of Latvia. The possibility of occurrence in Eastern Prussia and Poland has opened.

Liberation of Western Ukraine and an offensive in Eastern Poland (July 13 - August 29, 1944)

Trying to stop the promotion of Soviet troops in Belarus, the command of the Wehrmacht was forced to move there to compound from the rest of the Soviet-German front. This facilitated the operation of the Red Army in other directions. On July 13-14, the onset of the 1st Ukrainian Front began in Western Ukraine. Already on July 17, they crossed the USSR state border and entered into Southeast Poland.

On July 18, the left wing of the 1st BF launched an offensive under the jetty. At the end of July, they came to Prague (Right-Bank Masonry Warsaw), which was received only on September 14. In early August, the German resistance sharply increased, and the promotion of the Red Army was stopped. Because of this, the Soviet command could not provide the necessary assistance to breaking over August 1 in the Polish capital uprising under the leadership of the Army Craiova, and by the beginning of October it was brutally suppressed by the Wehrmacht.

Offensive in Eastern Carpathians (September 8 - October 28, 1944)

After the occupation in the summer of 1941, Estonia Tallinn Mitre. Alexander (Paulus) announced the department from the ROC of Estonian parishes (the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church was created on the initiative of Alexander (Paulus) in 1923, in 1941, the bought repentance in the sin of the split). In October 1941, the Belarusian Church was created at the insistence of the German General Commissioner of Belarus. However, he headed her in San Metropolitan Minsk and Belarusian Panteleimon (Rozhnovsky) retained canonical communication with the patriarchal locomotive miter. Sergius (Stragor). After violent sending to peace in June 1942, the Metropolitan of Panteleimon's Metropolitan was his successor to Archbishop Filofey (Narco), also refused to adversely proclaim the National Autochefal Church.

Considering the patriotic position of the Patriarch of the Met Patriarchal. Sergius (Stragor), German authorities initially prevented the activities of those priests and parishes that stated their belonging to the Moscow Patriarchate. Over time, the German authorities have become more tolerant to treat the communities of the Moscow Patriarchate. According to the occupiers, these communities only in words declared their loyalty to the Moscow Center, but in reality were ready to assist the German army in the destruction of the atheistic Soviet state.

On the occupied territory, thousands of chosets, Kirch, prayerful houses of various Protestant directions (primarily Lutheran and Pentecostal) resumed their activities. This process was particularly active in the territory of the Baltic, in the Vitebsk, Gomel, Mogilev regions of Belarus, in the Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Zaporizhia, Kiev, Voroshilovgrad, Poltava regions of Ukraine, in the Rostov, Smolensk regions of the RSFSR.

The religious factor was taken into account when planning internal policies in the areas of the traditional spread of Islam, primarily in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. German propaganda declared respect for the values \u200b\u200bof Islam, presented the occupation as the liberation of peoples from the Bolshevik Godless Iea, guaranteed the creation of conditions for the revival of Islam. The invaders willingly walked to the opening of mosques in almost every village "Muslim regions", provided to the Muslim clergy the opportunity through the radio and the seal to contact the believer. On the entire occupied territory, where Muslims lived, the posts of Mulle and Senior Mullee were restored, the rights and privileges of which were equated to the heads of cities and settlements.

In the formation of special units from among the prisoners of war of the Red Army, a particular attention was paid to a confessional affiliation: if the "Army of General Vlasov" was mainly sent representatives of the peoples who traditionally confessed Christianity, then in such formations as "Turkestan Legion", "Idel-Ural", directed representatives of the "Islamic" nations.

"Liberalism" of the German authorities spread not to all religions. Many communities were on the verge of destroying, for example, in one Dvinsk were destroyed almost all of the Synagogue operating before the war, up to 14 thousand Jews were shot. Most of the gospel Christian Baptists who found themselves in the occupied territory were also destroyed or dispersed by the authorities.

Forced under the onslaught of Soviet troops to leave the occupied territories, the German-fascist invaders exported the litrogenous objects, icons, paintings, books, products from precious metals from prayer buildings.

According to the far part of the emergency state commission on establishing and investigating the atrocities of the German-fascist invaders, on the occupied territory were completely destroyed, 1670 Orthodox churches, 69 chapels, 237 chosets, 532 synagogues, 4 mosques and 254 other prayer buildings were looted or desecrated. Among the fascists destroyed or desecrated, there were priceless monuments of history, culture and architecture, incl. Related to the XI-XVII centuries, in Novgorod, Chernigov, Smolensk, Polotsk, Kiev, Pskov. Many prayerful buildings were redone the invaders in prison, barracks, stables, garages.

Position and patriotic activities of the ROC during the war

June 22, 1941 Patriarchal Metroblist Miter. Sergius (Shergorodsky) amounted to "Message to the shepherds and the Pasomov of the Christ Orthodox Church," which revealed the anti-Christian essence of fascism and urged believers to defense. In his letters to the Patriarchate, believers reported on the universally started voluntary charges of donations for the needs of the front and defense of the country.

After the death of Patriarch, Sergius, according to his testament, a miter joined the rights of the site of the Patriarcharchy Patriarch. Alexy (Simansky), unanimously elected at the last meeting of the Local Cathedral on January 31-February 1945 by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The Cathedral was attended by Patriarchs Alexandrian Christopher II, Antioch Alexander III and Georgian Callistast (Qinzedze), representatives of the Constantinople, Jerusalem, Serbian and Romanian patriarchs.

In 1945, the so-called Estonian schism was overcome, the Orthodox parishes and the clergy of Estonia were taken to communicate with the ROC.

Patriotic activities of communities of other denominations and religions

Immediately after the beginning of the war, the leaders of almost all religious associations of the USSR supported the liberation struggle of the country's peoples against the German-fascist aggressor. Turning to believers with patriotic messages, they called on decent to fulfill their religious and civil debt to defend the Fatherland, to provide all possible material assistance to the needs of the front and rear. The leaders of most religious associations of the USSR condemned those representatives of the clergy, which consciously switched to the side of the enemy, helped to impacted the "new order" in the occupied territory.

The head of the Russian Old Believers Belokrinitsky hierarchy archite. Irinarh (Parfinov) In the Christmas Epistle of 1942, urged Old Believers, a considerable number of which was fought on the fronts, to fully serve in the Red Army and oppose the enemy in the occupied territory in the ranks of the partisans. In May 1942, the heads of the Unions of Baptists and Evangelical Christians appealed to the beliefs; In the appeal, the danger of fascism "for the Gospel's business" was reflected and contained a call for "brothers and sisters in Christ" to perform "their duty to God and before the Motherland", being "the best warriors at the front and the best workers in the rear." Baptist communities were engaged in linen, collecting clothes and other things for warriors and families of the dead, helped in care of the wounded and sick in hospitals, guarded orphans in orphanages. The funds collected in the Baptist communities was built a sanitary aircraft "Mercy Samaritan" to export in the rear of serious soldiers. Repeatedly with patriotic appeals was the leader of the update A. I. Vited.

Regarding a number of other religious associations, the state policy during the war remained invariable. First of all, it concerned the "anti-state, anti-Soviet and isoor sects", to the number of which the Dukhobors were attributed

  • M. I. Odintsov. Religious organizations in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War // Orthodox encyclopedia, vol. 7, p. 407-415

    USSR, Eastern and Central Europe

    Aggression Germany

    The victory of the USSR, unconditional capitulation of the Armed Forces of Germany

    Territorial changes:

    The collapse of the Third Reich. The formation of a socialist camp in Eastern Europe. Separation of Germany.


    Italy (until October 1943)

    Romania (after September 1944)

    Finland (until September 1944)

    Bulgaria (after October 1944)

    Romania (until September 1944)

    Blue Division (Spain) (Volunteers, until 1943)


    Joseph Stalin

    Adolf Gitler †

    Georgy Zhukov

    Fedor background side †

    Boris Shaposhnikov †

    Ernst Bush

    Alexander Vasilevsky

    Geinz Guderian

    Konstantin Rokossovsky

    Herman Gering †

    Ivan Konev

    Evald von Maggyst

    Alexey Antonov

    Günther von Kulia †

    Ivan Bagramyan

    Georg von Kühler

    Semen Budne

    Wilhelm von Leeb

    Clement Voroshilov

    Wilhelm Sheet

    Leonid Govorov

    Erich von Manstein

    Andrei Yeremenko

    Walter model †

    Mikhail Kirponos †

    Friedrich Paulus

    Rodion Malinovsky

    Walter background Reichenau †

    Kirill Metskov

    Herd von Rundstedt

    Ivan Petrov

    Ferdinand Steurner

    Markian Popov

    Erhard Rus

    Semen Tymoshenko

    Benito Mussolini †

    Ivan Tyulenev

    Giovanni Messe

    Fedor Tolbukhin

    Italian Gariboldi

    Ivan Chernyakhov †

    Peter Dimitreska

    Mikhal Zimezsky

    Konstantin Konstantinesca

    Konstantin Vasiliu Rashkin

    Karl Gustav Emil Mannerheim

    Emmanuel ionescu

    Karl Lennart Esche

    Nikolae Mark.

    Gustav Yani.

    Damyan Velchev

    Ferenz Szombatey

    Vladimir Stolechev

    Josip Broz Tito

    Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) - War of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics against Nazi Germany and its European allies (Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Spain); Decisive part of World War II.


    In the appeal of the word "the Great" and "domestic" are used separately. For the first time, this phrase in the usual form was applied to this war in the articles of the True newspaper dated 23 and 24 June 1941 and initially perceived not as a term, but as one of the newspaper clichés, along with other similar phrases: "Sacred People's War" , "The Sacred Domestic People's War", "The Victorious Patriotic War." Term " Patriotic War"Was enshrined by the introduction of the Military Order of the Patriotic War, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 20, 1942. The name is maintained in the post-Soviet states (UKR. Great Vitchiznyan Vіin, Bel. Vyazykaya Aychyna Vaina, ABC. Auckle? Lyt? AndEybashrad. and etc.). In foreign countries that were not part of the USSR, where Russian is not the main language of communication, the name "" is practically not used. In English-speaking countries, it replaces the term - Eastern. FRONT WORLD WAR II (eng.) (Eastern Front of the Second World War), in German historiography - Deutsch-Sowjetischer. Krieg., Russlandfeldzug., Ostfeldzug. (it.) ( German Soviet War, Russian Hike, East Hike).

    Recently, in Russia, the term began to periodically use the term "Great War"What is historically not entirely correct - in the late 1910s, this term was applied to the First World War.

    Position by June 22, 1941

    By June 22, 1941, three armies groups were focused on the borders of the USSR (only 181 divisions, including 19 tank and 14 motorized, and 18 brigades) supported by three air fleets. In the lane from Goldup to the Memer on the front with a length of 230 km, the group of army "North" was located (29 German divisions with the support of the 1st Air Fleet) under the command of General Field Marshal V. Leeba. The division included in its composition was combined in the 16th and 18th army, as well as the 4th tank group. Directive of January 31, 1941 she was tasked to destroy the enemy forces acting in the Baltic States and the seizure of ports in the Baltic Sea, including Leningrad and Kronstadt, deprive the Russian fleet of his support bases."In the Baltic to support the North Army Group and the actions against the Baltic Fleet, about 100 ships were allocated, including 28 torpedo boats, 10 mine barrels, 5 submarines, guard ships and trawls.

    South, in the strip from Goldapa to Vlodava at the front with a length of 500 km - a group of the Army Center "Center" (50 German divisions and 2 German brigades, supported by the 2nd air fleet) under the command of General Field Marshal F. Boca. Divisions and brigades were combined into the 9th and 4th field armies, as well as the 2nd and 3rd tank groups. The task of the group was - " Being a major forces on the flanks, defeat the enemy's troops in Belarus. Then, focusing moving connections, the coming south and north of Minsk, it is possible to reach the Smolensk area and thereby create the prerequisites for the interaction of large tank and motorized forces with the North Army Group in order to destroy the enemy's troops acting in the Baltic States and the Leningrad region.»

    In the Woodland Strine to the Black Sea on the front with a length of 1300 km, the group of the "South" armies (44 German, 13 Romanian divisions, 9 Romanian and 4 Hungarian brigades, which were supported by the 4th air fleet and Romanian aviation) under the command of G. Rundstedta. The grouping was divided into the 1st Tank Group, 6th, 11th and 17th German Army, 3rd and 4th Romanian Army as well as the Hungarian Corps. According to the plan "Barbarossa" the troops of the "South" group were prescribed - having ahead of the tank and motorized compounds and inflicting the head of the left wing to Kiev, destroy Soviet troops in the Galicia and the Western part of Ukraine, to seize the crossing of the Dnieper in a timely manner in Kiev and south to provide further offensive Eastern Dnipro. The 1st tank group was prescribed in collaboration with the 6th and-17th armies to break through between Rava-Russian and the jet and through Berdichev, Zhytomyr to go to the Dnieper in the Kiev region. Further, moving along the Dnieper in the south-east direction, she had to prevent the departure of the defending Soviet parts on the Right-Bank Ukraine and destroy them with a blow from the rear.

    In addition to these forces on the territory of the occupied Norway and in Northern Finland, from Varanger Fjord to Suomussalmi - a separate army of the Wehrmacht "Norway" was deployed under the command of General N. Falkenhorst. She was in direct submission of the High Command of the German Armed Forces (OKV). The Norway's army was set up tasks - to seize Murmansk, the main naval base of the Northern Fleet polar, Peninsula Ryboby, and the Kirov Railway north of Belomorsk. Each of the three of her buildings was deployed on an independent direction: the 3rd Finnish corps - on Keszengsky and Ukhta, the 36th German corps - on the Kandalaksksky and the Mornetral German Corps "Norway" - in Murmansk.

    In the reserve, OKOs were 24 divisions. In total, more than 5.5 million people were concentrated for the attack on the USSR., 3,712 tanks, 47,260 field guns and mortars, 4,950 combat aircraft.

    On June 22, 1941 in the border districts and fleets of the USSR, there were 3,289,850 soldiers and officers, 59,787 guns and mortars, 12,782 tanks, of which 1475 T-34 and KV tanks, 10,743 aircraft. The composition of three fleets had about 220 thousand personnel, 182 of the cruise classes (3 lincars, 7 cruisers, 45 leaders and destroyers and 127 submarines). The direct protection of the state border was borderless (land and maritime) eight border districts. Together with the operational parts and units of the internal troops, they had about 100 thousand people. The reflection of a possible attack from the West was aged on the troops of five border districts: the Leningrad, the Baltic special, Western special, Kiev special and Odessa. From the sea of \u200b\u200btheir actions were to support three fleets: the North, Red Baltic Baltic and Black Sea.

    The troops of the Baltic Military District under the command of General F. I. Kuznetsov included the 8th and 11th army, the 27th Army was on the formation of the west of Pskov. These parts were defensed from the Baltic Sea to the southern border of Lithuania, on the front with a length of 300 km.

    The troops of the Western Special Military District under the command of General D. G. Pavlov covered the Minsk-Smolensk direction from the southern border of Lithuania to the River Pripyat on the front with a length of 470 km. The composition of this district included the 3rd 4th and 10th Army. In addition, the compounds and parts of the 13th army were formed in the Mogilev region, Minsk, Slutsk.

    The troops of the Kiev Special Military District under the command of General M. P. Kirponosa as part of the 5th, 6th, 12th and 26th armies and compounds of the district subordination occupied positions at the front with a length of 860 km from Pripyat to Lipkan.

    The Troops of the Odessa Military District under the command of General Ya. T. Cvevichenko covered the border on the plot from Lipkan to the mouth of a reservoir with a length of 480 km.

    The troops of the Leningrad Military District under the command of General M. M. Popov should have protected the boundaries of the North-Western regions of the country (Murmansk region, the Karelian-Finnish SSR and Karelian Estones), as well as the northern coast of the Estonian SSR and Hanko Peninsula. The length of the land border on this site reached 1300 km, and the sea is 380 km. Here were the 7th, 14th, 23rd Army and the Northern Fleet.

    It should be noted that in the opinion of modern historians, the obvious high-quality superiority of the vehochemus did not have. So, all the tanks had in service with Germany were lighter than 23 tons, while RKKA had medium tanks T-34 and T-28 weighing over 25 tons, as well as heavy tanks of the KV and T-35 weighing over 45 tons.

    Nazi plans for the USSR

    The initial political and ideological goals of the operation of Barbarossa testify the following documents:

    The head of the headquarters of the OPB operational leadership after the appropriate edit was returned to him on December 18, 1940. The department "Defense of the country" Document Document "Guidelines on Special Problems of Directive No. 21 (version of the Barbarossa Plan") ", making it say that this project may be Führera is reported after refinement in accordance with its following position:

    The upcoming war will appear not only by the armed struggle, but also at the same time the struggle of two worldviews. To win this war in conditions when the enemy has a huge territory, it is not enough to break its armed forces, this territory should be divided into several states headed by its own governments with which we could conclude peace treaties.

    The creation of such governments requires large political skills and developing well-thought-out general principles.

    Any revolution of a large scale causes such phenomena to life that cannot be simply discarded. Socialist ideas in the current Russia is no longer possible to eradicate. These ideas can serve as an internal political basis when creating new states and governments. The Jewish-Bolshevik intelligentsia, which is a oppressor of the people, must be removed from the stage. Former bourgeois-aristocratic intelligentsia, if it is also, primarily among emigrants, should not be allowed to power. It is not perceived by the Russian people and, in addition, she is hostile to the German nation. This is especially noticeable in the former Baltic states. In addition, in no case should we admit the replacement of the Bolshevik state by nationalist Russia, which ultimately (what the story testifies) will again withstand Germany.

    Our task is to create these socialist states as quickly as possible with the lowest spent military efforts.

    This task is so difficult that one army is not able to solve it.

    Record from March 3, 1941 in the diary of the headquarters of the Operational Manual of the Master Command of the Wehrmacht (OKV)

    30.3.1941 ... 11.00. A great meeting of the Fuhrer. Almost 2.5-hour speech ...

    The struggle of two ideologies ... the huge danger of communism for the future. We must proceed from the principle of the soldiers' partnership. The communist has never been and never becomes our comrades. We are talking about fighting for destruction. If we do not look so, then, although we will break the enemy, in 30 years there will again arise a communist danger. We are not a war in order to make your opponent.

    The future political map of Russia: Northern Russia belongs to Finland, Protectors in the Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus.

    Fight against Russia: the destruction of the Bolshevik commissarians and the communist intelligentsia. New states must be socialist, but without their own intelligentsia. It should not be allowed to form a new intelligentsia. It will only be enough for a primitive socialist intelligentsia. It is necessary to fight against the demoralization poison. This is not a military judicial question. Commanders of parts and units are obliged to know the goals of the war. They must lead in the struggle ..., firmly keep troops in their hands. The commander must give his orders, taking into account the mood of the troops.

    War will be sharply different from the war in the West. In the east, cruelty is a blessing for the future. Commanders must go for victims and overcome their fluctuations ...

    Diary of the Chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces F. Galder

    Forces who fought on the side of Germany

    The Wehrmacht and the SS troops replenished over 1.8 million people from among the citizens of other states and nationalities. Of these during the war years, 59 divisions were formed, 23 brigades, several separate regiments, legions and battalions. Many of them wore names on state and nationality: Vallonia, Galicia, Bohemia and Moravia, Viking, "Denmearc", "Hembes", "Langemark", Nordland, "Nederland", " Charleman "and others.

    In war against the Soviet Union, the Army of the Allies of Germany - Italy, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Slovakia, Croatia participated. The Army of Bulgaria was brought to the occupation of Greece and Yugoslavia, but the Bulgarian land on the Eastern Front did not fight.

    The Russian Liberation Army (ROA) under the command of General Vlasov A. A. also performed on the side of Nazi Germany, although the Wehrmacht was not included.

    A huge number of South Caucasian and North Caucasian detachments in the service of the Third Reich. The largest of which SonderVerband Bergmann (Bergmann Battalion). Also Georgian Legion of Wehrmacht, Azerbaijani Legion, North Caucasian SS detachment, etc.

    In the composition of the army of Nazi Germany, the 15th Cossack Cavalry Corps SS General General Panviana was fought. In order to substantiate the use of Cossacks in the Armed Fight on the side of Germany, the "Theory" was developed, according to which the Cossacks were declared descendants of the sharp.

    On the side of Germany, the Russian Corps of General of the Staphon, the building of the Lieutenant General of the Tsarist Army of Peter Nikolayevich Krasnova and a number of individual parts formed from the USSR citizens.

    Territories of military action

    the USSR

    Belarusian SSR, Ukrainian SSR, Moldavian SSR, Estonian SSR, Karelian-Finnish SSR, Latvian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, as well as a number of territories of other republics: Leningrad, Murmansk, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda, Kalininskaya, Moscow, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk , Oryol, Bryanskaya, Kurskaya, Lipetskaya, Voronezh, Rostov, Ryazan, Stalingrad region, Krasnodar, Stavropol Territory, Kabardino-Balkarian, Krymskaya, Ossetian, Chechen-Ingush Republic, Krasnodar Region (military operations), Chuvashskaya ASSR (airline) , Astrakhan (aviation), Arkhangelsk (aviation), Gorkovskaya (aviation), Saratov (airline), Tambov (airliners), Yaroslavl (aviation) of the RSFSR, Kazakh SSR (airline for the city of Guriev), Abkhaz ASSR (GSSR).

    Other countries

    From the Great Patriotic War, the fighting of the Soviet Armed Forces on the territory of other occupied countries and the states of the Fascist Blok - Germany, Poland, Finland, Norway, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, as well as part of Germany, created by the Hitler regime Croatia and Slovakia.

    Initial period of war (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942)

    On June 18, 1941, some compounds of the Cross-Border Military Districts of the USSR were presented in combat readiness. On June 13-15, 1941, the Western Districts sent directives of NPOs and GS ("to increase combat readiness ...") on the beginning of the extension of parts of the first and second echelons to the border, under the guise of "exercises". The rifle parts of the counties of the first echelon according to these directives were to occupy defense in 5-10 km from the border, the second echelon parts, rifle and mechanized cases, should have been defensed 30-40 km from the border. These directives are published in the collection of documents under the general guidance of A. Yakovlev "Russia. XX century. 1941 Documents "KN.2.

    On June 18, an additional team was followed by bringing in full combat readiness of all parts of Western districts. This telegram-order is mentioned in the interrogation protocols of the Command of the Zapovo, who have not fulfilled orders from June 13-15, nor the subsequent orders to bring into full combat readiness of their parts of June 18. In more detail, these Directive describes in their memoirs Marshal I. H. Bagramyan back in 1971, describes how they were communicated to the command of the districts and how these directives actually were performed. Some parts of Western districts, the same mechorts K. K. Rokossovsky in Coo, were not notified on these orders and directives, and entered into war, learning about the attack only on June 22, 1941

    The military political leadership of the state at 23:30 June 21 decided to partially bring the five border military districts into combat readiness. The Directive ordered only part of the activities to bring into complete combat readiness, which were determined by operational and mobilization plans. The directive, essentially, did not give permission to commission the cover of the cover in full, as it was prescribed "not to succumb to any provocative actions that could cause major complications." These restrictions caused bewilderment, requests followed in Moscow, while before the beginning of the war remained a few minutes.

    However, in essence, this "Directive No. 1 of 21.06.41" In fact, just (and above all) reported the likely date of the German attack - "... 1. During June 22-23, 1941, a sudden attack of the Germans on the fronts of the Lavoy, Pribe. OVO, Zap. OWO, COVE, OD. OVO .... " Also, this directive prescribed parts to be in full combat readiness, rather than bring parts to the full B.G. Thus, the Directive No. 1 of 21.06.41 confirms that before her in part of Western districts have already gone orders and directives to bring parts into combat readiness - the directives of NPOs and GS from June 12-13, and the GSH telegrams about bringing in full combat Readiness of June 18. Directive No. 1 of its contents is suggested that it does not give a team at all to bring the parts of Western districts in combat readiness. The purpose of this directive is just a message of a fairly accurate date and reminding the command of the districts "to be in full combat readiness, to meet a possible sudden blow to the Germans or their allies."

    The army exacerbated in time aggravated the flaws in the combat readiness of the army and thereby sharply increased the objectively existing advantages of the aggressor. The time that troops had not received from their command in the districts of orders from June 15-18, to bring full combat readiness, after receipt of the Directive No. 1 of June 21, it turned out clearly not enough. On the alert of troops to bring them in combat readiness instead of 25-30 minutes, there was an average of 2 h 30 min. The fact is that instead of the signal "proceed to the fulfillment of the opening plan of 1941" Combines and connections received an encrypted directive with restrictions on the cover of the cover plan. However, the same Bagramyan quite fairly writes that GSH could not give a direct order for the introduction of a "cover plan" in the situation of June 1941. Thus, bringing parts of Western districts in combat readiness should have passed in gradually, within a few days From June 13-15, when the SFA and GS directives on the beginning of the "exercises" for parts of these districts came to the districts on June 12-13 for parts of these districts and nominate them on the frontier of defense according to the cover plans. However, the open and hidden failure to comply with the command of Western districts (especially in Belarus) directives of June 12-13 and led to a breakdown of bringing these districts into combat readiness.

    Under these conditions, even the compounds and parts of the first echelon armies of the cover, which had a permanent combat readiness in the range of 6-9 h (2-3 hours - on the rise of the alarm and the collection, 4-6 hours - to nominate and organizing defense), did not receive this time. Instead of the specified period, they had no more than 30 minutes, and some compounds were not even notified at all about Directive No. 1 of 21.06.41. Delay, and in some cases, the breakdown of the team was due to the fact that the enemy was largely due to Disrupt wired connection with troops in border areas. As a result, the headquarters of the districts and armies were not able to quickly convey their orders.

    Zhukov declares that the command of the Western (Western special, Kiev special, Baltic special and Odessa) border military districts at this time were put forward on the field command points, which should have arrived at all June 22. Also, G. K. Zhukov points out in his "memories and reflections" that a few days before the attack of the Western districts really received orders to start the nomination to the ruins of defense (under the guise of "exercises") to the border. These orders (Zhukov called them "recommendations") proceeded from the People's Commissar of Tymoshenko S. K. to the commander of Western districts.

    However, the command of these districts strangely began to sabotage these orders and "recommendations". This sabotage was especially open occurred in Belarus, in Zapovo, where he commanded the General of the Army D. Pavlov. In the indictment in Pavlov, in the end, it was recorded - "weakened the mobilization readiness of the troops."

    Summer-autumn campaign 1941

    June 22, 1941 at 4:00 AMPERSK Foreign Minister Ribbentrop presented to the Soviet Ambassador in Berlin Deanozov Note about the declaration of war and three applications to it: "Report of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Germany, Reichsführera SS and the Chief of the German Police to the German Government on the sabotage work of the USSR, Directed against Germany and National Socialism "," Report of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the propaganda and political agitation of the Soviet government "," Report of the High Command of the German Army to the German Government on the concentration of Soviet troops against Germany. " Early in the morning of June 22, 1941 after artillery and aviation training, German troops switched to the border of the USSR. Already after that, at 5:30 am, the German Ambassador to the USSR V. Shuleburg was to the People's Commissioner of the USSR of the USSR V. M. Molotov and made a statement, the content of which came down to the fact that the Soviet government conducted a subversive policy in Germany and in the occupied her Countries, conducted foreign policy directed against Germany, and "focused on the German border all his troops in full combat readiness." The application was submitted by the following words: "Führer, therefore ordered the German armed forces to confront this threat to all means at their disposal." Together with a notot, he handed a set of documents identical to those that Ribbentrop presented with dealerosis.

    In the North Baltic, the implementation of the Barbaross plan began on the evening of June 21, when German mine barrels based in Finnish ports, put two large mine fields in the Gulf of Finland. These mine fields were ultimately able to locate the Soviet Baltic fleet in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland.

    On June 22, Romanian and German troops forced Prut, and also tried to force the Danube, but the Soviet troops did not give them to do this and even seized the bridgeheads in the Romanian territory. However, in July-September 1941, Romanian troops, with the support of German troops, occupied all Bessarabia, Bukovina and Mezhdra and the Dniester and South Bug (more. See Article Defense Operation in Moldova, Romania in World War II).

    At 12 o'clock in the day, on June 22, 1941, Molotov spoke on the radio with official appeal to the USSR citizens, informing German attack on the USSR and declaring the beginning of the Patriotic War.

    In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 22, 1941, from June 23, mobilization of military-rich 14th ages (1905-1918 of birth) was announced in 14 military districts from 17. In three other districts - Trans-Baikal, Central Asian and Far Eastern - Mobilization was announced in a month in a special decision of the government with a secretive way as "big training fees."

    On June 23, a headset rate was created (from August 8, the Supreme Commandment rate) at the head of I. V. Stalin, who from August 8 became also the Supreme Commander. On June 30, the State Defense Committee (GKO) was established. Since June, the people's militia began to form.

    Finland did not allow the Germans to make a direct blow from their territory, and German parts in Petsamo and Salla were forced to refrain from the border crossing. There were episodic shootings between the Soviet and Finnish border guards, but in general the Soviet-Finnish border remained a calm situation. However, starting on June 22, German Luftwaffe bombers began to use Finnish airfields as a refueling base before returning to Germany. On June 23, Molotov caused the Finnish ambassador to himself. Molotov demanded from Finland a clear definition of its position in relation to the USSR, but the Finnish ambassador abstained from the comments of Finland actions. On June 24, the Goland of the Ground Forces of Germany sent an indication of the representative of the German command at the bid of the Finnish army, which said that Finland should prepare for the beginning of the operation east of the Lake Ladoga. Early in the morning of June 25, the Soviet command decided to apply the airfield of 18 airfields of Finland using about 460 aircraft. On June 25, in response to the USSR large-scale air raids on the cities of South and Central Finland, including Helsinki and Turku, as well as the fire of Soviet infantry and artillery on the state border Finland declared that he was again in a state of war from the USSR. During July - August 1941, the Finnish army in the course of a number of operations occupied all the territories departed to the USSR in the results of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940.

    Hungary did not immediately take part in the attack on the USSR, and Hitler did not require direct assistance from Hungary. However, the Hungarian ruling circles convinced the need to join Hungary in the war in order to prevent the resolution of the territorial dispute to the Hitler about Transylvania in favor of Romania. June 26, 1941 allegedly had the fact of the bombing of Kosice by Soviet Air Force, however, there is an opinion that it was the German provocation that gave Hungary casus.belli. (formal reason) for joining war. Hungary declared War of the USSR on June 27, 1941. On July 1, 1941, on the instructions of Germany, the Hungarian Carpathian group of troops attacked the Soviet 12th Army. Attached to the 17th German army, the Carpathian group advanced far deep into the southern part of the USSR. In the autumn of 1941, the fighting on the side of Germany began the so-called blue division from Spanish volunteers.

    On August 10, GKO issued a decree on mobilizing the military-ridicated 1904-1890 years of birth and conscripts of 1922-1923 in the territory of the Kirovograd, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk regions and areas of the West Sovereign - Bryansk - Sevsk of the Oryol region. On August 15, this mobilization was distributed to the Crimean ASSR, on August 20 - on the Zaporizhia region, September 8 - on a number of areas of the Oryol and Kursk regions, October 16 - to Moscow and the Moscow region. In general, by the end of 1941, over 14 million people were mobilized.

    In the meantime, German troops seized the strategic initiative and dominance in the air and in border battles caused defeats by Soviet troops. Which lost 850 thousand people and prisoners of about 1 million people killed and wounded.
    The main events of the summer-autumn campaign 1941:

    • Belostok-Minsk Battle (June 22 - July 8, 1941),
    • Battle for Dubno - Lutsk - Brody (1941) (June 24 - June 30, 1941),
    • Defense operation in Moldova
    • Smolensk battle (July 10 - September 10),
    • Battle under Uman (the end of July - August 8, 1941),
    • Battle for Kiev (August 7 - September 26, 1941),
    • Defense of Leningrad and the beginning of its blockade (September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944),
    • Defense of Odessa (August 5 - October 16, 1941),
    • The beginning of the defense of Sevastopol (October 4, 1941 - July 4, 1942),
    • The defensive period of the battle for Moscow (September 30 - December 4, 1941),
    • Surroundings of the 18th Army of the South Front (October 5-10, 1941).
    • Tula defensive operation (October 24 - December 5, 1941)
    • Fights for Rostov (November 21-27, 1941),
    • Kerch land (December 26, 1941 - May 20, 1942).

    The results of the initial period of war

    By December 1, 1941, RKKK losses only with prisoners amounted to 3.5 million servicemen. The German troops captured Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, a significant part of the RSFSR, Ukraine, advanced incur to 850-1200 km, having lost 740 thousand people (of which 230 thousand killed).

    The USSR lost the most important commodity and industrial centers: Donbass, Krivoy Rudy Ruddy Pool. Minsk, Kiev, Kharkov, Smolensk, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk were left left. Founded in the blockade Leningrad. They fell into the hands of the enemy or turned out to be sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the center of essential sources of food in Ukraine and the south of Russia. Millions of Soviet citizens turned out to be in the occupied territories. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died or were hijacked to slavery in Germany. The German army, however, was stopped near Leningrad, Moscow and Rostov-on-Don; The strategic goals scheduled for the Barbaross plan, could not be achieved.

    Winter campaign 1941-1942.

    On November 16, the Germans began the second stage of the attack on Moscow, planning to surround it from the north-west and south-west. In the Dmitrov direction, they reached the Moscow-Volga Channel and crossed his eastern shore under Yahroma, in Khimkinsky seized Wedge, forced the Istra reservoir, took Solnechnogorsk and Red Polyana, in Krasnogorsk, they took Istr. In the south-west Guderian approached Kashira. However, as a result of the fierce resistance of the Army, the Germans in late November - early December were stopped in all directions. Attempt to take Moscow failed.

    During the winter campaign of 1941-1942, a counterattack under Moscow was held. Was removed the threat to Moscow. Soviet troops dropped the enemy in the western direction by 80-250 km, completed the liberation of the Moscow and Tula regions, many areas of Kalinin and Smolensk regions were released. On the South Front, Soviet troops defended a strategically important Crimea.

    On January 5, 1942, an expanded meeting was held at the TGC rate to discuss strategic plans for the near future. The main report was made by the head of the General Staff Marshal B. M. Shaposhnikov. He outlined not only the plan for further discarding the enemy from Moscow, but also plans for large-scale strategic offensive on other fronts: a breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad and the defeat of the enemy in Ukraine and in the Crimea. Against the plan of strategic offensive, G. K. Zhukov spoke. He pointed out that due to lack of tanks and artillery, it is not possible to break through the German defense, and that the proposed strategy will only lead to useless losses in the vibrant strength. Zhukov supported the head of the USSR USSR N. A. Voznesensky, who indicated the impossibility of providing the proposed plan with a sufficient number of equipment and weapons. In support of the plan, Beria and Malenkov were made. By summing up the discussion, Stalin approved the plan, saying: "We have to quickly break the Germans so that they cannot adopt when spring come".

    In accordance with the plan, in early 1942, offensive operations were made: Rzhev-Vyazemskaya operation, Kerch-Feodosian landing operation and others. All these offensive, the enemy managed to reflect with large losses for the Soviet troops. January 18, 1942 Barvenkovo-Lozovsky operation began. Two weeks continued fierce battles, as a result of which the Soviet troops managed to break through the German defense at the front of 100 km, to move in the western and south-western directions by 90-100 km and seize the bridgehead on the right bank of the Northern Donets.

    Summer - autumn 1942

    Based on incorrect data on the losses of the Wehrmacht during the winter onset of the Red Army by the Supreme Command of the USSR in the summer-autumn campaign of 1942, the troops were rapidly tasked: completely defeat the enemy and release the entire territory of the country. The main military events occurred in the southwest direction: the defeat of the Crimean Front, a disaster in the Kharkov Operations (12-25.05), Voronezh-Voroshilovgrad Strategic Defense Operation (28.06-24.07), Stalingrad Strategic Defense Operation (July 17-18-18.11), North Caucasian Strategic Defensive operation (25.07-31.12). The enemy advanced 500-650 km, came to the Volga, mastered the part of the passages of the Chief Caucasus Range.

    A number of large operations occurred in the central direction: the Rzhev-Sychevsky operation (30.7-23.8), which sprinkled with the Conitary Troops of the Western Front in the district of Sukhinichi, Kozelsk (22-29.8), only 228,232 people losses); as well as in the north-western direction: Lyuban offensive operation (7.1-30.4), which resulted in an operation on the conclusion of the 2nd shock army (13.5-10.7), which was surrounded by the first operation; Common losses - 403 118 people.

    For the German army, the situation also began to take a threatening turnover: although its losses continued to be significantly lower than Soviet, a weaker German military economy did not allow to replace lost airplanes and tanks at the same speed as the opposite side did, and the most inefficient use of human resources in the army It did not allow to replenish the divisions in the East, as much as much as he led to the transition of a number of divisions into a six-hundred-barred state (with a ninebalonal); The personnel of combat mouth in the Stalingrad direction was reduced to 27 people (from 180 per state). In addition, as a result of operations in the south of Russia, the very long eastern front of the Germans led significantly, the German actually was missing for creating the necessary defensive densities. Significant sections of the front occupied the troops of the allies of Germany - the Romanian 3rd and the emerging 4th Army, the 8th Italian and 2nd Hungarian army. It was these army that turned out to be ahilles fifth of the Wehrmacht in the autonous-winter campaign that followed soon.

    July 3, 1941, Stalin turned to the people with the slogan "Everything for the front! Everything for victory! "; By the summer of 1942 (in less than 1 year), the translation of the USSR economy for military rails was completed.

    With the beginning of the war in the USSR, mass evacuation of the population, productive forces, institutions and material resources began. A significant number of enterprises were evacuated to the eastern regions of the country (only in the 2nd half of 1941 - approx. 2,600), 2.3 million heads were exported. In the 1st half of 1942, 10 thousand aircraft were issued, 11 thousand tanks, 54 thousand guns. In the 2nd half of the year, their release has increased by more than 1.5 times. In total, in 1942, the USSR released small arms of all types (without revolvers and pistols) 5.91 million units, guns and mortars of all types and calibers (without aviation, marine and tank / sau cannons) 287.0 thousand pcs. Tanks and SAU of all types 24.5 thousand pcs., aircraft of all types of 25.4 thousand pcs., including combat 21.7 thousand pieces. A significant amount of combat technology was obtained on Land Lases.

    As a result of agreements between the USSR, Great Britain and the United States in 1941-1942. There was a core of the anti-Hitler coalition.

    Occupational mode

    Hitler considered his attack on the USSR as a "crusade", which should be conducted by terrorist methods. On May 13, 1941, he freed the servicemen from all responsibility for his actions when implementing the Barbarossa Plan:

    On this occasion, Guderian remarked:

    The territory of the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian SSR, 13 regions of the RSFSR was subjected to the German occupation during the war.

    The Moldavian SSR and some areas of the South of the Ukrainian SSR (transnet) were under Romania, part of the Karelian-Finnish SSR was occupied by Finnish troops.

    The areas were called the provinces, the counties were established (from January 1943 - districts) and the parliament, the population was registered. Along with the German military and administrative authorities (military commanders, district and district departments, agricultural departments, Gestapo, etc.) there were institutions of local self-government with the police. At the head of the cities, the counties were appointed burgomystra, the volost departments headed the volost elders, headlights were appointed in the villages. To parse criminal and civil cases that did not affect the interests of the German army, the world courts acted. The activities of local agencies were aimed at fulfilling orders and orders of the German command, the implementation of Hitler's policies and plans for the occupied population.

    The entire able-bodied population was obliged to work at the enterprises opened by the Germans, on the construction of fortifications for the German army, on the repair of roads and railways, their cleaning from snow and dawn, in agriculture, etc. In accordance with the "new land use procedure" the collective farms were Community farms were eliminated and formed, "state-facilities" were formed instead of state farms - state farms of German power. The population was prescribed to be unquestioned to fulfill the robbing norms of meat supplies, milk, grains, forage, and so on for the German army established by the Germans. German soldiers robbed and destroyed state and public property, drove up civilians from their homes. People were forced to live in unsuitable premises, dugouts, they took warm things, products, cattle.

    The Germans organized political schools - a special institution for promotion and agitation. Public lectures on political topics were required at enterprises and in the organizations of the city and in rural areas. Lectures and reports were read through local broadcasting. D. Malyavin also reports propaganda calendars.

    From December 1941, a German newspaper "Speech" in Russian with pronounced anti-Soviet publications began to be published three times a week in Orel. Among the population, illustrated brochures, leaflets, posters: "Who is Adolf Hitler", "whether this war is domestic for the peoples of Russia", "the new land order is the basis of well-being", "Now adopt for the restoration of the Motherland" and others about German politics In the occupied countries, about the "happy life" of Soviet prisoners of war and citizens sent to work in Germany, etc.

    The Germans opened churches, schools and other cultural and educational institutions. The repertoire of theaters was also determined by German propagandists, in the cinemas were demonstrated in the overwhelming majority of German films with Russian translation.

    Mandatory school training was introduced using Soviet textbooks, of which everything was removed, which did not comply with the Nazi ideology. Parents who did not send their children to schools were forced to this imposition of fines. Teachers were interviewed in Gestapo and two-week political courses were organized. From April 1943, the teaching of history was prohibited and the so-called "lessons of current events" was introduced, for which German newspapers and special German political brochures were used. In schools at churches, children's groups were organized to teach God's law. At the same time, the invaders destroyed a huge number of books in libraries.

    For most places that have occupied, this period lasted two or three years. The invaders were introduced here for Soviet citizens aged 18 to 45 years (for the Jews - from 18 to 60 years) a hard work point. At the same time, the working day even in harmful production lasted 14-16 hours a day. For the refusal and evasion of work, failure to comply with orders, the slightest disobedience, resistance to robbery and violence, assistance to partisans, membership in the Communist Party and the Komsomol, belonging to Jewish nationality and simply without a reason for the shootings, execution hanging, beating and torture with fatal outcome. Fines were used, conclusion in the concentration camp, the requisition of livestock, etc. Repressions on the part of the fascist invaders were primarily subjected to the Slavs, Jews and Roma, as well as all the others, according to the fascists, "Neochoral". So, every third resident was destroyed in Belarus.

    Death camps were created in the occupied territories, where, according to general calculations, about 5 million people died.

    In total, more than 7.4 million people were deliberately exterminated in the occupied territory. civilians.

    Great damage to the Soviet population, which was under the occupation, caused violent hijacking the most able-bodied part of his part for forced work in Germany and occupied industrial-developed countries. Soviet slaves called "Ostarabayters" (East Workers).

    Of the total number of Soviet citizens, forcibly exported to work in Germany (5,69,59,513 people), after the end of the war it was repatriated to their homeland 2,654,100 people. Did not return for various reasons and became emigrants - 451,100 people. The remaining 2 164 313 people. Died or died in captivity.

    The period of the indigenous fracture (November 19, 1942-1943)

    Winter campaign 1942-1943.

    On November 19, 1942, the counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops began, on November 23, parts of the Stalingrad and South-Western fronts were united by the city of Kalach-on-Don and were surrounded by 22 enemy divisions. In the course of the "Small Saturn" operation began on December 16, a serious defeat suffered a group of Don Army under the command of Manstein. And although the offensive operations undertaken at the central section of the Soviet-German front (Operation "Mars") ended unsuccessfully, but success in the southern direction provided the success of the winter campaign of the Soviet troops as a whole - one German and four Arms of the German allies were destroyed.

    Other important events of the Winter Campaign were the North Caucasus offensive operation (in fact, the persecution of the force from the Caucasus to avoid the environment of the Germans) and the breakthrough of Leningrad's blockade (January 18, 1943). The Red Army has advanced to the West in some directions by 600-700 km, crushed five enemy armies.

    On February 19, 1943, the army groups of the Army "South" under the command of Manstein began a counterattack in the southern direction, which allowed to temporarily snatch the initiative from the hands of Soviet troops and discard them to the east (in certain areas of 150-200 km). A relatively small number of Soviet parts was surrounded (on the Voronezh front, due to the errors of the commander of the Front F. I. Golikova, shifted after the battle). However, the measures taken by the Soviet command, at the end of March 1943, allowed to stop the promotion of German troops and stabilize the front.

    In winter, 1943, the German 9th Army V. Model left the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge (see Buffel Operation). The Soviet troops of Kalininsky (A. M. Pinkarev) and the Western (V. D. Sokolovsky) began the persecution of the enemy. As a result, Soviet troops pushed the front line from Moscow for another 130-160 km. Soon the headquarters of the German 9th Army was headed by troops in the Northern Face Kursk.

    Summer autumn campaign 1943

    The decisive events of the summer-autumn campaign of 1943 were the Kursk battle and the battle for the Dnieper. The Red Army has advanced by 500-1300 km, and although her losses were more than the enemy losses (in 1943, the losses of the Soviet armies were killed by the maximum for the entire war), the German side could not, at the expense of a less effective military industry and a less efficient system of use Human resources for military purposes, to fill their at least less losses at such a speed, with which it could do this. It provided RKKA as a whole sustainable dynamics of westing over the third and fourth quarters of 1943.

    On November 28 - December 1, the Tehran Conference of I. Stalin, W. Churchill and F. Roosevelt took place. The main issue of the conference was the opening of the second front.

    Third period of war (1944 - May 9, 1945)

    The third period of the war was characterized by a significant quantitative increase in the German armed forces, especially technical terms. For example, the number of tanks and sau in the Wehrmacht by January 1, 1945 amounted to 12,990 units, while by January 1, 1944 - 9 149, and by January 1, 1943 - only 7,927 units. It was the result of the operation of a sleeper, Milha et al. In the framework of the military mobilization program of the German industry, begun in January 1942, but to give serious results only in 1943-1944. However, quantitative growth due to huge losses on the Eastern Front and the lack of fuel for the training of tankers and pilots was accompanied by a decrease in the qualitative level of the German armed forces. Therefore, the strategic initiative remained for the USSR and its allies, and the losses of Germany increased significantly (there is an opinion that the cause of the growth of losses was, including the growth of the technical equipment of the Wehrmacht - more techniques that could be lost).

    Winter-Spring Campaign 1944

    Winter campaign 1943-1944. The Red Army began ambitious on the right bank of Ukraine (December 24, 1943 - April 17, 1944). This offensive included several front operations, such as Zhytomyr-Berdichevskaya, Kirovograd, Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya, Lutsk-Rovnenskaya, Nikopolsko-Krivoy Rog, Proskur-Chernivtsi, Umansky-Botoshanskaya, Bereznegovato-Snigirevskaya and Odessa.

    As a result of the 4-month offensive, the Army Group "South" was broken under the command of General Field Marshal E. Manstein and the Army Group "A", Commander-Field Marshal E. Kleist. Soviet troops liberated the right-bank Ukraine, Western areas, went to the state border in the south of the USSR, in the foothills of Karpat (during the Proskurovsky-Chernivtsi operation) and on March 28, forcing the Prut River, joined Romania. Also, to the attack on the right bank, Ukraine include the Polesk Operation of the 2nd Belarusian Front, which acted the north of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

    The onset took the participation of the troops of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th Ukrainian fronts, the 2nd Belarusian front, the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and the Azov military flotilla and a large number of partisans in the occupied territories. As a result of the occurrence, the front was submitted from the initial positions of the end of December 1943 to a depth of 250-450 km. Human losses of Soviet troops are estimated at 1.1 million people, of which are irretrievable - just over 270 thousand.

    Simultaneously with the liberation of the Right Bank of Ukraine, began Leningrad-Novgorodskaya operation (January 14 - March 1, 1944). Within the framework of this operation, Krasnoselsko - Ropshin, Novgorod-Luzhskaya, Kingisepp-Gdovskaya and Starus-Novorzhevsky front-line offensive operations. One of the main goals was the removal of the blockade of Leningrad.

    As a result of the offensive, the Soviet troops defeated the North Army Group, under the command of General Field Marshal G. Küchler. Also, almost 900-day blockade of Leningrad were removed, almost the entire territory of the Leningrad, Novgorod regions were released, the Soviet troops entered the territory of Estonia. This offensive of the Soviet troops deprived the German command of the opportunity to transfer the forces of the Army Group "North" to the right-line Ukraine, where they applied high strike Soviet troops in the winter of 1944

    The operations were attended by the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, part of the forces of the 2nd Baltic Front, the Baltic Fleet, aviation of long-range and partisans. As a result of the Leningrad-Novgorod operation, troops have advanced by 220-280 km. The losses of the Soviet troops are more than 300 thousand people, of which are irretrievable - more than 75 thousand.

    April-May marked Crimean offensive operation (April 8 - May 12). During her, 2 front operations were held: Perekopsko-Sevastopol and Kerch-Sevastopol; The purpose of the operation is the liberation of the Crimea. Soviet troops liberated the Crimea and defeated the 17th Field Army of the Germans. The Black Sea Fleet returned his main base - Sevastopol, which significantly improved the conditions of basing and conducting hostilities for both the fleet itself and for the Azov military flotilla (on the basis of which Danube military flotilla was formed). It was eliminated by the threat of the rear of the fronts of the Rentast Bank of Ukraine.

    In the liberation of Crimea, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, a separate seaside army under the command of A. I. Yeremenko, the Black Sea Fleet, the Azov Military Flotilla (later renamed Danube Military Flotilla). The losses of the Soviet troops amounted to a little less than 85 thousand people, of which are irretrievable - more than 17 thousand. Soviet troops liberated the Crimea for a month with a little, while the Germans needed almost 10 months only to capture Sevastopol.

    Summer-autumn campaign of 1944

    In June 1944, the Allies opened the second front, which slightly worsened the martial law of Germany. In the summer-autumn campaign of 1944, the Red Army conducted a number of major operations, including the Belarusian, Lviv-Sandomira, Yasno-Chisinovskaya, Baltic; Completed the liberation of Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltic States (except for some regions of Latvia) and partly Czechoslovakia; Loose the Northern Polar and the Northern Regions of Norway. We were forced to surrender and joining the war against Germany Romania and Bulgaria (Bulgaria was in a state of war with the United Kingdom and the United States, but not from the USSR, the USSR declared the War of Bulgaria on September 5, 1944 and took it, the Bulgarian resistance troops did not give).

    In the summer of 1944, Soviet troops entered into the territory of Poland. Even before that, in the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, as well as Lithuania, Soviet troops met with the formations of the Polish partisan army of Craisa (AC), which was subordinate to the Polish government in exile. It was tasked with the task as the Germans retreats to master the liberated areas both in Western Belarus, Western Ukraine and Lithuania and in Poland so that the coming Soviet troops have already formed there a formed authority of the authorities, supported by armed detachments subordinate to the emigrant government.

    Soviet troops first carried out joint operations against the Germans, and then the AK officers were arrested, and the fighters disarmed and mobilized into the Proviset army of the Polish General Berling. On the liberated lands, that is, directly in the rear of the Red Army, attempts on the disarmament of the rivers AK, which went underground. This happened since July 1944 and in the territory of Poland. Already on August 23, 1944, the first stage of the intermented fighters AK was sent from Lublin to the camp near Ryazan. Before sending them, they were kept in the former Nazi concentration camp Maidan. On July 21, 1944, the Polish Communist Communists and their Allies created the Polish Committee of the National Liberation - the Interim Providest Government of Poland, despite the fact that Poland had a legitimate government - the Polish government in exile.

    On August 1, 1944, when the advanced forces of the Red Army approached the capital of Poland Warsaw, "Army Craiova" raised uprising in the city. The rebels were fighting for two months with the superior forces of German troops, but on October 2, 1944 were forced to capitulate. The 1st Belorussian Front did not have substantial assistance to the rebel - overcoming in the Belarusian operation to 600 km, he met under Warsaw's stubborn resistance of the enemy and moved to defense.

    On August 30, 1944, the Slovak national uprising began against the Slovak Region of the Slovak Republic led by Josef Tisso. To help the rebels, the Soviet troops began the Carpathian-Dukel operation on September 8. But in early November 1944, the German troops supplied the uprising even before the Soviet troops were able to assist the rebels.

    In October 1944, Soviet troops successfully conducted a Debrecen operation and began Budapest operation to defeat the German troops on the territory of Hungary and withdrawing it from the war. However, the German troops in Budapest capitulated only on February 13, 1945. On December 28, 1944, the Provisional Government of Hungary was created, which he concluded a truce from the USSR on January 20, 1945.

    On October 25, 1944, the State Defense Committee announced a call for the military service of the 1927 births. Calculated 1 million 156 thousand 727 people - the last military appeal.

    Winter-Spring Campaign 1945

    Military Front

    The offensive actions of the Soviet troops in the western direction were resumed only in January 1945. January 13 began ( East Prussian Operation). At Malovsky direction, the goal was the defeat of the Malaw Grouping of the Anti-Counter and cutting off the Army Group, defended to East Prussia, from the rest of the German fascist armies. As a result, the Soviet troops occupied part of Eastern Prussia, liberated the territory of Northern Poland and, blocking the enemy's East Prussian group from the West and the South-West, created favorable conditions for its subsequent defeat (see Mlavsko-Ellbing operation). At the Kaliningrad direction, an offensive operation was launched against the Tilzite-Insterburg group of Earth. Fish troops. As a result of the troops of the 3rd Belorussian front, they were moved to a depth of 130 km and defeated the main forces of the Germans, creating the conditions for completing the joint-joint work of the East Prussian operation with the 2nd Belarusian front (see the Insterburg-Königsberg operation). In another direction in Poland on January 12 began ( Vorolo-Oderskaya operation) In the course of which, by February 3, the territory of the German troops was cleared of the territory of Poland to the west of the Vistula and was captured by the bridgehead on the right bank of the Oder, used later upon an occurrence of Berlin. In South Poland and Czechoslovakia, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front were overcame most of the Western Carpathians, and by February 18, they reached the area of \u200b\u200bthe top flow of Wisła, which contributed to the promotion of the 1st Ukrainian Front in Silesia.

    March 16 begins Vienna offensive operation Mastering the city of Vienna. On the way to the capital of the Austrian part of the Third Reich, the 6th Tank Army of SS was defeated. In early April, the Soviet troops with fierce battles in Czechoslovakia move on to the West, freeing settlements from the Germans. On April 7, they approach the suburbs of the veins where they meet the stubborn resistance of the Germans. The heavy battles begins for Vienna, which was taken on April 13.

    At the same time, fights for Konigsberg begin in Eastern Procusia (see Konigsberg operation). Slow pace, Soviet troops are touched by a kilometer for a kilometer, street fighting begins. As a result of Konigsberg operation, the main forces of the Eastoprug group of Germans were defeated in the Polish direction by March 1945 the troops of the 1st Belorussky and 1st Ukrainian fronts during the Oder and Neissea rivers. Under the shortest distance from the Kustere Brillus, 60 km remained to Berlin. The English-American troops completed the elimination of the Ruruga grouping of German troops and by mid-April, the advanced parts reached the Elbe. The loss of essential raw materials led to the decline in the industrial production of Germany. Increased difficulties with the filling of human losses incurred in the winter of 1944/45. Nevertheless, Germany's armed forces were still an impressive force. According to the reconnaissance of the General Staff of the Red Army, by mid-April, there were 223 divisions and brigades in their composition. On April 16, 1945, the Berlin offensive operation of the Soviet troops began. On April 25, 1945, the Soviet troops on the Elba River first met with American troops who were coming from the West. On May 2, 1945, Berlin's garrison capitulated. After taking Berlin, the Soviet troops conducted a Prague operation - the last strategic operation in the war.

    Political Front

    On January 19, 1945, the last commander of Ak Leopold Okulitsky issued an order about its dissolution. In February 1945, representatives of the Emigrant Polish government who were in Poland, most of the delegates of the Council of National Unity (Interim Underground Parliament) and AK leaders were invited by General NKGB I. A. Serov to the conference on the possible entry of representatives of non-communist groups in the temporary government, which was supported Soviet Union. The Poles were given security guarantees, but they were arrested in Prushva on March 27 and delivered to Moscow, where the court took place above them. On February 4-11, 1945, the Yalta Conference of Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt took place. It discussed the basic principles of post-war policy.

    Ending war

    At midnight, on May 8, the war in Europe ended with the unconditional surrender of the Armed Forces of Germany. The fighting continued 1418 days. Nevertheless, taking the surrender, the Soviet Union did not sign the world with Germany, that is, formally remained with Germany in a state of war. The war with Germany was formally ended on January 25, 1955 by the issuance of the USSR Supreme Soviet by the Presidium "On the termination of the state of war between the Soviet Union and Germany".

    June 24 in Moscow took place a parade of Victory. At the past in July - August 1945, the Potsdam Conference of the heads of the USSR, Great Britain and the United States was achieved on the issuance of the post-war device of Europe.

    War of the Soviet Union against Japan (August 9 - September 2, 1945) was a direct continuation and an important part of the Great Patriotic War.

    Battle, operations and battles

    The largest battles of the Great Patriotic War:

    • Defense of Polaria (June 29, 1941 - November 1, 1944)
    • Moscow Battle (September 30, 1941 - April 20, 1942)
    • Leningrad blockade (September 8, 1941 - January 27, 1944)
    • Rzhevskaya Battle (January 8, 1942 - March 31, 1943)
    • Stalingrad Battle (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)
    • Battle for the Caucasus (July 25, 1942 - October 9, 1943)
    • Kursk battle (July 5 - August 23, 1943)
    • Battle for Right Bank Ukraine (December 24, 1943 - April 17, 1944)
    • Belarusian operation (June 23 - August 29, 1944)
    • Baltic Operation (September 14 - November 24, 1944)
    • Budapest Operation (October 29, 1944 - February 13, 1945)
    • Vistul-Oder Operation (January 12 - February 1945)
    • East Prussian Operation (January 13 - April 25, 1945)
    • Battle for Berlin (April 16 - May 8, 1945)


    There are various estimates of the loss of the Soviet Union and Germany during the war of 1941-1945. Differences are related both to the methods of obtaining source quantitative data for various groups of losses and with calculation methods.

    In Russia, the official data on losses (army) in the Great Patriotic War is the data issued by the Researcher Group under the guidance of the consultant of the Military Memorial Center of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Grigor Krivosheev in 1993 according to the refined data (2001), the losses were as follows:

    • Human losses of the USSR - 6.8 million military personnel "killed, dead from the Russian Academy of Sciences, captive, from diseases, accidents executed by sentences of tribunals" and 4.4 million In captivity and missing. General demographic losses (including the deceased peaceful population) - 26.6 million human;
    • Human losses in Germany - 4,047 million military personnel dead and dead (including 3.605 million dead, dead from wounds and missing on the front; 442 thousand dead in captivity), more 2.91 million
    • Human losses in Germany in Germany - 806 thousand deadlorsal servicemen (including 137.8 thousand dead in captivity), more 662.2 thousand Returned from the captivity after the war.
    • Permanent losses of the armies of the USSR and Germany with satellites (including prisoners of war) - 11.5 million and 8.6 million person. respectively. The ratio of the irrevocable losses of the German armies with satellites and the USSR is 1: 1.3.

    USSR and antihytler coalition

    After the German attack on the USSR, the latter became an ally of Great Britain. June 22, 1941 British Prime Minister Winston Cherchil said:

    On July 12, the USSR signed an agreement with the United Kingdom on joint actions in the war against Germany. On July 18, a similar agreement was signed with the Emigrant Government of Czechoslovakia, and on July 30 - with the Polish emigrant government.

    On August 14, an agreement was achieved with the Polish emigrant government about the formation of an army from Polish citizens in the USSR, as a result of the Polish campaign of the Red Army, as well as Polish citizens who were deported or subjected to conclusion (on August 12, decree was adopted about amnesty).

    On September 24, 1941, the USSR joined the Atlantic Charter, while expressing his special opinion on some issues. On September 29 - October 1, 1941, a meeting of representatives of the USSR, the United States and the United Kingdom, which ended with the signing of a protocol on mutual supplies was held in Moscow. The first British Arctic convoy "Dervish" with military loads for the USSR arrived in Arkhangelsk before, on August 31, 1941. To ensure the supply of military cargoes in the USSR on the southern route in August 1941, Soviet and British troops were introduced into Iran.

    Stalin's position in war

    On the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the "Education of the Red Army", Joseph Stalin in his order No. 55 threw the following vocabulary of the national socialist press, approved, allegedly, that the Soviet Union tends to destroy the German people:

    With all the confidence, it can be said that this war will lead either to fragmentation or to the complete destruction of the Hitler's clique. Funny attempts to identify all the German people and a German state with this click. The experience of history says that Hitlers come and leave, and the people of Germanic, and the State of Germanic - remains. The power of the Red Army is that it does not know racial hatred, which is a source of weakness of Germany ... All freedom-loving peoples oppose national socialist Germany ... We fight with a German soldier not because he is German, but because he fulfills the order to enslave Our people »

    - Stalin I.V. Order of the People's Commissar Defense of the USSR of February 23, 1942 No. 55 // Works. - M.: Writer, 1997. - T. 15. - P. 93-98.

    Opinions and evaluation

    It was noted that the losses of the USSR many times exceeded the losses of the remaining countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, while the general contribution to the victory was largely brought by the struggle of Soviet people. This is what the famous Soviet publicist of Strelnikov writes about this:

    By giving tribute to all fighters against fascism, it is necessary to emphasize that the contribution to the general victory was different. The main merit in the defeat of Hitler's Germany, undoubtedly belongs to the Soviet Union. Throughout World War II, the Soviet-German front remained the main thing: it was here that 507 divisions of the Wehrmacht and 100 divisions of the Allies of Germany were defeated ...
    For these conquests, the Soviet people paid a huge price. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, about 27 million were died and died about 27 million. Our compatriots, of which 8,668,400 were lossed by the army, fleet, border and internal troops ... Two thirds of human losses occur to the peaceful population.
    This demonstrates the genocide policies conducted by Nazis, about inhuman occupying mode, about the expanse of all generally accepted international standards against Soviet people.

    The main outcome of the Great Patriotic War was the elimination of mortal danger, the threat of enslaving and the genocide of Russian and other peoples of the USSR. Powerful, inhuman enemy just reached Moscow for just 4 months, until the Kursk arc retained offensive opportunities. Fracture in the war and victory were the result of an incredible tension of the forces, the mass heroism of the people, amazing and enemies and allies. The idea that inspired the front and rear workers, uniting and multiplied by their strength, posing with the cruelty of emergency measures of his own leadership, with unjustified victims, was the idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting his fatherland as the affairs of the right and righteous. The victory prompted the people of national pride, confidence in their power.

    The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) is one of the most important events in the history of the Russian people, who left an indelible mark in the soul of every person. Our g ...

    From MasterWeb.

    10.04.2018 02:00

    The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) is one of the most important events in the history of the Russian people, who left an indelible mark in the soul of every person. For, it would seem, almost 100 million human lives were lost for short four years, more than 30 thousand industrial enterprises and at least 60 thousand kilometers of roads were disrupted. Our state experienced a strongest shock, which is hard to realize even now, in peacetime. What was the war of 1941-1945? What stages can be allocated during the fighting? And what are the consequences of this terrible event? In this article we will try to find answers to all these questions.

    The Second World War

    The Soviet Union was not the first to attack the fascist troops. Everyone knows that the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 began only 1.5 years after the start of the World War. So what events began this terrible war, and what fighting was organized by fascist Germany?

    First of all, it is worth mentioning the fact that on August 23, 1939, a non-fire agreement was signed between Germany and the USSR. Along with him, some secret protocols were signed regarding the interests of the USSR and Germany, and including the section of Polish territories. Thus, Germany, who had the goal of attacking Poland, secured himself from the response steps from the Soviet leadership and actually made the USSR partner of the partner of Poland.

    So, on September 1, 39 years of the XX century, fascist invaders attacked Poland. Polish troops did not properly resist, and already on September 17, the troops of the Soviet Union entered the Eastern Poland lands. As a result of this, the territory of the Soviet state joined the territories of the West of Ukraine and Belarus. September 28 of the same year, Ribbentrop and V.M. Molotov entered into an agreement on friendship and boundaries.

    Germany failed to implement the planned blitzkrieg, or the lightning outcome of the war. Military actions on the West Front until May 10, 1940 are called the "Strange War", since no events during this period did not occur.

    Only in the spring of 1940, Hitler resumed the offensive and seized Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. The operation for the seizure of England "Sea Lion" was unsuccessful, and then the plan "Barbarossa" was adopted for the USSR - the plan of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

    Preparation of the USSR to war

    Despite the nonsense pact prisonered in 1939, Stalin understood that the USSR will in any case will be drawn into the world war. Therefore, a five-year plan for preparing for it was adopted in the Soviet Union, carried out in the period from 1938 to 1942.

    A priority task in preparation for war 1941-1945 was the strengthening of the military-industrial complex and the development of heavy industry. Therefore, in the title period, numerous heat and hydroelectric power plants were built (including the Volga and Kame), coal mines and mines were developed, oil production increased. It was also of great importance to the construction of railway tracks and transport hubs.

    The construction of dubler enterprises in the eastern part of the country was carried out. And the cost of defense industry has increased several times. At this time, new models of military equipment and weapons were also released.

    An equally important task was to prepare the population to war. The working week now consisted of seven eight-hour days. The size of the Red Army was significantly increased due to the introduction of mandatory military service from 18 years. For the workers it was mandatory to obtain a special education; For violations of discipline, criminal liability was introduced.

    However, real results did not meet the planned guidance, and only in the spring of 1941, 11-12-hour work was introduced for the workers. And on June 21, 1941 I.V. Stalin gave an order to bring troops into combat readiness, but the orders came to the border guards too late.

    Entry of the USSR in the war

    At the dawn on June 22, 1941, the fascist troops without the announcement of war attacked the Soviet Union, from now on the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 began.

    At noon of the same day, Vyacheslav Molotov spoke on the radio, declaring the Soviet citizens about the beginning of the war and the need to resist the enemy. The next day the top rate was created. Commanding, and on June 30 - state. The Defense Committee actually received all the power. The Chairman of the Committee and the Commander became I.V. Stalin.

    We now turn to a brief description of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

    Barbarossa plan

    Hitler's plan "Barbarossa" was as follows: he assumed a quick defeat of the Soviet Union with the help of three groups of the German army. The first of these (North) would make an offensive to Leningrad, the second (central) - to Moscow and the third (South) - to Kiev. All the offensive Hitler planned to complete for 6 weeks and to reach the Volga Lane Arkhangelsk-Astrakhan. However, confident rebuff of the Soviet troops did not allow him to implement a "lightning war."

    Considering the forces of the parties in the war of 1941-1945, it can be said that the USSR, although slightly, but inferior to the German army. Germany and its allies had 190 divisions, while the Soviet Union was only 170. 48 thousand German artillery were exhibited against 47,000 Soviet artillery. The number of opponents army in both cases was approximately 6 million people. But by the number of tanks and aircraft of the USSR, Germany significantly exceeded (in the amount of 17.7 thousand against 9.3 thousand).

    In the first stages of the USSR war, the USSR failed due to the wrong elected wargoing tactics. Initially, the Soviet leadership was planned to lead the war on someone else's territory, not the launch of fascist troops into the territory of the Soviet Union. However, such plans did not bring success. Already in July 1941, six Soviet republics were occupied, the Red Army lost more than 100 of their divisions. However, Germany suffered considerable losses: in the first weeks of the war, the enemy lost 100 thousand people and 40% of tanks.

    The dynamic resistance of the troops of the Soviet Union led to the breakdown of the Hitler's plan of the lightning war. During the Smolensk battle (July 10, 1945), the German troops needed to go to defense. In September 1941, the heroic defense of the city of Sevastopol began. But the focus of the enemy focused on the capital of the Soviet Union. Then the preparation for attacking Moscow and the plan for its seizure was started - the Typhoon operation.

    Battle for Moscow

    The battle for Moscow is considered one of the most important events of the Russian war of 1941-1945. Only stubborn resistance and courage of Soviet soldiers allowed the USSR to survive in this difficult battle.

    On September 30, 1941, German troops began to carry out the Typhoon operation and began an offensive to Moscow. The offensive began for them successfully. The fascist invaders managed to break through the Defense of the USSR, as a result of which surrounding the army near Vyazma and Bryansk, they captured more than 650 thousand Soviet soldiers. The Red Army suffered significant losses. In October-November 1941, battles were only 70-100 km from Moscow, which was extremely dangerous for the capital. October 20 in Moscow introduced a siege position.

    From the beginning of the battle for the capital, the Commander-in-Chief on the West Front was appointed G.K. Zhukov, however, he managed to stop the offensive of the Germans only by the beginning of November. On November 7, a parade was held on the metropolitan Red Square, from which the soldiers immediately went to the front.

    In mid-November, a German offensive began again. When protecting the capital, the 316th Infantry Division of General I.V. Panfilova, which at the beginning of the offensive reflected several aggressor tank strikes.

    On December 5-6, the troops of the Soviet Union, having received reinforcement from the Eastern Front, began a counteroffensive, which was denoted by the transition to the new stage of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. During the counteroffensive troops of the Soviet Union, almost 40 German divisions were broken. Now the fascist troops were "discarded" from the capital by 100-250 km.

    The victory of the USSR significantly influenced the Spirit of the soldiers and the whole Russian people. The defeat of Germany was given the opportunity to other countries to begin the formation of the anti-Hitler coalition of states.

    Stalingrad battle

    The successes of Soviet troops made a deep impression on state leaders. I.V. Stalin began to count on the rapid completion of the war 1941-1945. He believed that in the spring of 1942, Germany will repeat the onset of Moscow, so ordered to focus the main forces of the army in the Western Front. However, Hitler considered otherwise and prepared a large-scale offensive in the southern direction.

    But before the beginning of the offensive, Germany planned to master the Crimea and some cities of the Ukrainian Republic. So, Soviet troops were defeated on the Kerch Peninsula, and on July 4, 1942 it was necessary to leave the city of Sevastopol. Then Kharkov, Donbass and Rostov-on-Don were followed; A direct threat to Stalingrad was created. Stalin, too lately aware of his miscalculations, July 28 published an order "Neither step back!", I formed barrier detachments for unstable divisions.

    Up until November 18, 1942, residents of Stalingrad heroically defended their city. Only from November 19, the USSR troops switched to counteroffensive.

    Soviet troops organized three operations: "Uranus" (11/19/1942 - 2.02.1943), Saturn (16-30.12.1942) and "Ring" (10.11.1942 - 2.02.1943). What was each of them?

    The "Uranian" plan assumed the environment of the fascist troops from three fronts: the front of Stalingrad (commander - Eremenko), Don Front (Rokossovsky) and South-Western Front (Vatutin). Soviet troops planned to meet on November 23 in the city of Kalach-on-Don and give Germans organized battle.

    The Small Saturn operation was aimed at protecting petroleum deposits located in the Caucasus. The Operation "Ring" in February 1943 was the final plan of the Soviet command. Soviet troops were supposed to close the "ring" around the army of the enemy and defeat his strength.

    As a result, on February 2, 1943, the enemy group surrounded by the USSR troops surrendered. The Commander-in-Chief of the German Army Friedrich Paulus himself was in captivity. The victory under Stalingrad led to a rooted fiber in the history of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Now the strategic initiative was in the hands of the Red Army.

    Kursk battle

    The next most important stage of the war was the battle of a Kursk arc, which lasted from July 5 to August 23, 1943. The German command was adopted by the "Citadel" plan, aimed at the surroundings and defeat of the Soviet Army on the Kursk Army.

    In response to the opponent's plan, two operations were planned by the Soviet command, and it was assumed to begin with active defense, and then chop all the forces of basic and reserve troops on the Germans.

    The Kutuzov operation was a plan for an attack on German troops from the north (Eagle City). The commander of the Western Front was appointed Sokolovsky, Central - Rokossovsky, and Bryansky - Popov. Already on July 5, Rokossovsky inflicted the first blow to the army of the enemy, ahead of his attack for just a few minutes.

    On July 12, the troops of the Soviet Union began a counteroffensive, marking a fracture during the Kursk battle. On August 5, Belgorod and Eagle were liberated by the Red Army. From August 3 to 23, the Soviet troops operated an operation on the final defeat of the enemy - the "commander of the Rumyantsev" (commander - Konev and Vatutin). She was a Soviet offensive in the Belgorod area and Kharkov. The enemy suffered another defeat, having lost more than 500 thousand soldiers.

    In the short army's troops, Kharkov, Donbass, Bryansk and Smolensk turned out to be released. In November 1943, the siege of Kiev was removed. War 1941-1945 was nearing its completion.

    Defense of Leningrad

    One of the most terrible and heroic pages of the Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and our entire history is the dedication of Leningrad.

    The blockade of Leningrad began in September 1941, when the city was cut off from food sources. Its most terrible period was very cold winter 1941-1942. The only way to salvation was the road of life, which Ladoga lakes paved on the ice. At the initial stage of the blockade (until May 1942), under constant bombing of the enemy, Soviet troops managed to deliver more than 250 thousand tons of food to Leningrad and evacuate about 1 million people.

    For a better understanding of what kind of deprivation was tolerated by the residents of Leningrad, we advise you to see this video.

    Only in January 1943 the blockade of the enemy was partially broken, and the supply of the city of food and medicines, weapons began. A year later, in January 1944, Leningrad blocade was completely removed.

    Plan "Bagration"

    From June 23 to August 29, 1944, the USSR troops conducted a major operation in the Belarusian front. She was one of the largest in the whole of the Great Patriotic War (Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

    The goal of the Operation "Bagration" was the final crushing of the army of the enemy and the liberation of Soviet territories from the fascist invaders. Fascist troops in the areas of individual cities were broken. Beserla, Lithuania and part of Poland were liberated from the enemy.

    The Soviet command planned to begin to be released from the German troops of the peoples of European states.


    On November 28, 1943 a conference was held in Tehran, which gathered the leaders of the "Big Three" countries - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill. The conference has established the dates of opening the second front in Normandy and confirmed the obligation of the Soviet Union to enter into war with Japan after the final liberation of Europe and break the Japanese army.

    The next conference was held 4-11.02 1944 in Yalta (Crimea). The leaders of the three states discussed the conditions of occupation and demilitarization of Germany, held negotiations on the convening of the Constituent UN Conference and the adoption of the Declaration on Liberated Europe.

    Potsdam conference took place on July 17, 1945. The US leader on it was Truman, and on behalf of Great Britain, K. Ettley was opposed (from July 28). The conference was aware of new borders in Europe, a decision was made on the size of the reparation from Germany in favor of the USSR. At the same time, the prerequisites of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union have emerged at the Potsdam Conference.

    End of World War II

    According to the requirements, a comprehensive at conferences with representatives of the "Big Three" countries, August 8, 1945, the USSR declared the war of Japan. The Army of the USSR was inflicted a powerful blow to the Kwantung Army.

    In less than three weeks, the Soviet troops under the leadership of Marshal Vasilevsky managed to defeat the main forces of the Japanese army. On September 2, 1945, an act of the surrender of Japan was signed on the American ship "Missouri". The Second World War is over.


    The consequences of the war 1941-1945 are extremely diverse. First, the military forces of aggressors were crushed. The defeat of Germany and its allies meant the collapse of dictatorial regimes in Europe.

    The Soviet Union finished the war of one of the two superpowers (along with the United States), and the Soviet army was recognized as the most powerful worldwide.

    In addition to positive results, there were incredible losses. In war, the Soviet Union lost about 70 million people. The state economy was at a very low level. Scary losses suffered the major cities of the USSR, who assumed the strongest blows of the enemy. Before the USSR, the task of restoring and confirming the status of the greatest superpower of the world.

    It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question: "What is the war of 1941-1945?" The main task of the Russian people is to never forget about the greatest feats of our ancestors and proud and "with tears in the eyes" celebrate the main holiday for Russia - the day of victory.

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    The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941 - a day when the German fascist invaders invaded the territory of the USSR, as well as their allies. She lasted four years and became the final stage of World War II. About 3,350,000 Soviet soldiers took part in it, more than half of whom, died.

    Causes of the Great Patriotic War

    The main reason for the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was the desire of Adolf Hitler to lead Germany to world domination, capturing other countries and establishing a racially pure state. Therefore, on September 1, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland, then in Czechoslovakia, putting the beginning of World War II and wiving all new and new territories. The success and victory by the Nazi Germany forced Hitler to violate the concluded on August 23, 1939 between Germany and the USSR Agreement on non-fire. They developed a special operation called Barbarossa, which implied the seizure of the Soviet Union in a short time. So the Great Patriotic War began. She passed in three stages

    Stages of the Great Patriotic War

    Stage 1: June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942

    The Germans captured Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, Belorussia and Moldova. The troops promoted inside the country to capture Leningrad, Rostov-on-Don and Novgorod, but the main goal of the fascists was Moscow. At this time, the USSR underwent large losses, thousands of people were captured. On September 8, 1941, a military blockade of Leningrad, which lasted 872 days began. As a result, the USSR troops were able to suspend the offensive of the Germans. The plan "Barbarossa" failed.

    Stage 2: 1942-1943.

    During this period, the USSR continued to increase military power, industry grew, defense. Thanks to the incredible efforts of the Soviet troops, the front border was moved back to the West. The central event of this period was the greatest in history Stalingrad Battle (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943). The goal of the Germans was the seizure of Stalingrad, a large radiation of Don and Volgodonsky isthmus. During the battle, more than 50 armies, corps and divisions of enemies were destroyed, about 2 thousand tanks, 3 thousand aircraft and 70 thousand cars were expired, German aviation was significantly weakened. The victory of the USSR in this battle had a significant impact on the course of further military events.

    3 Stage: 1943-1945

    From defense, the Red Army gradually passes into the offensive, moving towards Berlin. Several campaigns aimed at the destruction of the enemy were implemented. The guerrilla war flares up, during which 6,200 partisans are formed, trying to fight the enemy independently. The partisans used all the remedies, right up to batons and boiling water, arranged ambushes and traps. At this time, the battles for the right-bank Ukraine, Berlin occur. Belarusian, Baltic, Budapest operations were developed and are shown. As a result, on May 8, 1945, the defeat was officially recognized Germany.

    Thus, the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War became actually the completion of World War II. The defeat of the German army put an end to the desires of Hitler to gain domination over the world, universal slavery. However, the victory in the war was given by severe price. Millions of people died in the struggle for their homeland, cities, villages, villages were defeated. All the last tools went to the front, so people lived in poverty and hunger. Every year on May 9, we celebrate the day of the Great Victory over fascism, we are proud of our soldiers for giving life to future generations, provided a bright future. At the same time, the victory was able to consolidate the effect of the USSR on the world stage and turn it into a superpower.

    Briefly for children

    More details

    The Great Patriotic War (1941, 1945) is the most terrible and bloody war for the USSR. This war was between the two powers, the powerful power of the USSR and Germany. In a brutal battle, for the past five years, the USSR still defeated his opponent. Germany, when attacked the Union, hoped to quickly seize the whole country, but they did not expect how powerful and selenium the Slavic people. What did this war led to? To begin with, we will analyze a number of reasons, because of what it all started?

    After the First World War, Germany has greatly weakened, the strongest crisis has defeated the country. But at that time, Hitler came to the board and introduced a large number of reforms and changes, thanks to which the country began to flourish, and people showed their confidence in him. When he became the ruler, he held such a policy in which he brought to the people that the nation of the Germans was the most excellent in the world. Hitler left the idea to play out for the first world war, for that terrible to lose, he had an idea to subjugate the whole world. He began with the Czech Republic and Poland, which in the future it turned over in the second world war

    We all remember well from the history textbooks that until 1941 was signed an agreement on not the attack of the two countries of Germany and the USSR. But Hitler was all so attacked. The Germans have developed a plan for the name "Barbarossa". It clearly stated that Germany should seize the USSR for 2 months. He believed that if at his order would be all the power and power of strange, he would be able to join the war with the United States with fearlessness.

    The war began so much lightning, the USSR was not ready, but Hitler got not what he wanted and waited. Our army had great resistance, the Germans did not expect to see such a strong opponent in front of them. And the war was dragged on long 5 years.

    Now we will analyze the main periods during the time of the war.

    The initial stage of war is June 22, 1941 to November 18, 1942. During this time, the Germans captured most of the country, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus were also included here. Further, the Germans have already been in front of the eyes of Leningrad. And they almost did it, but Russian soldiers were stronger than them and did not give to capture this city.

    To more regret, Leningrad, they captured, but most amazing, people living there did not let the occupiers in the city itself. The battles for these cities were until the end of 1942.

    The end of 1943 began 1943, it was very difficult for German troops and at the same time happy for Russians. The Soviet army began counteroffensive, the Russians began slowly, but confidently disintegrated their territory, and the occupiers and their allies slowly retreat to the West. Some allies managed to destroy in place.

    Everyone is perfectly remembered how the entire industry of the Soviet Union moved to the production of military accessories, thanks to this they were able to repulse enemies. The army from retreating rearranged in the attackers.

    The final. 1943 to 1945. Soviet soldiers gathered all the strength and the big pace began to disintegrate their territory. All the forces were directed towards the occupiers, namely to Berlin. At this time, Leningrad was liberated, and other countries captured earlier were restored. Russians resolutely walked to Germany.

    The last step (1943-1945). At this time, the USSR began to take their lands on a piece and move towards the invaders. Russian soldiers wanted Leningrad, and other cities, then they proceeded in the very heart of Germany - Berlin.

    On May 8, 1945, the USSR entered Berlin, the Germans declare the surrender. Their ruler could not stand and independently went to the world.

    And now the most terrible in the war. How many people died for what we would live in the world and rejoiced to every day.

    In fact, the story is silent these scary figures. The USSR has been completely covered, then the number of people. The government hid data from the people. And people understood how much killed how much captive was taken, and how many missing people to be missing today. But after time, the data still surfaced out. Died in this war up to 10 million soldiers on official sources, and about 3 million were in German captivity. These are terrible numbers. And how many children, old people, women died. The Germans mercilessly shot everyone.

    It was a terrible war, unfortunately she brought a large number of tears in the family, in the country there was a breakdown for a long time, but slowly the USSR became on his feet, post-war actions were subjected, but did not subside in the hearts of people. In the hearts of mothers who did not wait for their sons from the front. Wives who remained widows with children. But what is the strong Slavic people, even after such war, he rose from his knees. Then the whole world knew how strong the state and what strong spirits people live there.

    Thanks to veterans who defended us, being very young. Unfortunately, at the moment there are a considerable number left, but we will never forget their feat.

    Report on the theme of the Great Patriotic War

    On June 22, 1941, at 4 am, Germany attacked the USSR, after not declare war. Such an unexpected event briefly brought the Soviet troops in order. The Soviet army adequately met the enemy, although the enemy was very strong and had an advantage over the Red Army. Germany had a lot of weapons, tanks, airplanes, when the Soviet army only passed from cavalry protection to the weapon.

    The USSR was not ready for such a large-scale war, many of the commanders at that moment were inexperienced and young. Of the five marshals, three were shot and recognized by the enemies of the people. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was in power during the Great Patriotic War and did everything possible for the victory of Soviet troops.

    The war was cruel and bloody, the whole country was on the protection of the Motherland. Everyone could join the ranks of the Soviet Army, young people created partisan detachments and tried to help every way. All both men and women fought for the protection of his native land.

    900 days lasted the struggle for Leningrad residents who were in the blockade. Many soldiers were killed and captured. The Nazis created the concentration camps, where they mocked and morn the hunger of people. Fascist troops calculated that the war will end within 2-3 months, but the patriotism of the Russian people turned out to be stronger, and the war was delayed in a long 4 year.

    In August 1942, the Stalingrad battle of six months begins. The Soviet Army won and captured more than 330 thousand Nazis. The fascists could not accept their defeat and began an offensive to Kursk. 1200 cars took part in the battle of Kursk - it was a massive battle of tanks.

    In 1944, the troops of the Red Army were able to liberate Ukraine to the Baltic States Moldova. Also, Soviet troops received support from the Siberia of the Urals and the Caucasus and were able to move the enemy troops from their native lands. Many times, the Hitlerians wanted the trick to lure the troops of the Soviet army into the trap, but they did not succeed. Thanks to the competent Soviet command, the plans of the Nazis were destroyed and then they were put into the course of severe artillery. In the battle, the fascists allowed heavy tanks such as: "Tiger" and "Panther" But, despite this, the Red Army gave a worthy back.

    At the very beginning of 1945, the Soviet Army broke through the territory of Germany and forced the fascists to recognize defeat. From May 8 to May 9, 1945, an act was signed on the capitulation of the forces of the fascist Germany. Officially, on May 9, it is considered a day of victory, and is celebrated to this day.

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