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How to proper knives on the machine. How to sharpen a knife on an electric emery. What affects the decrease in the severity of the blade

For cooking you need to use sharp knives. Of course, it is easier to turn to a specialist who can correctly put the knife quickly and for little money, but you can do it yourself.

You need to sharpen a knife according to a certain rules, otherwise you can spoil the blade.

Right knife sharpening angle

When sharpening kitchen knives, it is important that the items are in a certain position relative to the working surface. To do this, select the correct sharpening angle.

This parameter depends on many factors, for example, the type and level of metal strength, from which the blade is made, as well as what is the purpose of this tool. So, the degree sharpening for a different type of knives:

  • scalpel and razor blade - from 10 to 15 degrees;
  • vegetable, meat and fish knives - from 15 to 20 degrees;
  • other cook appliances - from 20 to 25 degrees;
  • hunting blades - 25-30 degrees.

It is important to choose the sharpening angle correctly, it is necessary to achieve the desired sharpness of the kitchen appliance.

What a grit for sharpening knives

When sharpening blades, special stones are used. Their surface is an abrasive consisting of grains of different sizes. The graininess of the stone depends on this indicator. Adaptations to impart sharpness are divided into the following groups:

  • the most coarse-grained (especially rough material);
  • ordinary coarse-grained;
  • medium-trimmed;
  • fine-grained (delicate abrasive);
  • microelectric (elevated material).

How to hook a knife? A good master knows that using only one kind of stone is inefficient. According to the rules, sharpening is performed alternately, moving from coarse and coarse to delicate, thin stones.

How to sharpen knives on a grinding machine

The use of the machine is considered an effective method of sharpening, however, the mechanism is cumbersome, and for this reason it is not in every home. But if you have the opportunity to use it to sweat stupid kitchen appliances, you should know some subtleties of this work:

  • sharpening on the machine is performed at high temperatures, so it is necessary to install the minimum number of revolutions so as not to spoil the blade;
  • the blade must be tightly pressed against the grinding surface, and the movements when sharpening should be smooth;
  • when the sharpness of the cutting surface is achieved, it is important to keep the stuffed part at an angle of 25-30 degrees in relation to a comprehensive circle.

Note that you need a lot of time to work. In addition, it is not necessary to take sharpening on the machine to those who do not have sufficient experience in this matter.

How to point to the knives

If you have some experience and know how emery works, sharpening knives will not represent complexity for you. So, when sharpening the blades on the sandpaper, follow the following rules:

  • applying the blade to the abrasive, should not be made of large mechanical effort;
  • the path of rotation of the abrasive must be in the direction of the head to the edge;
  • the knife on the sandpaper is moving across the circle, smoothly moving from the instrument handle to the edge of the blade;
  • producing sharpening on both sides, it is impossible to change the angle of fixing the blade, you just need to rearrange it on the other side;
  • at the end of the work, make a knife, Musat or sandpaper.

Of course, real masters prefer sharpening manually, which allows to achieve maximum effect. But if we are not talking about to give the blade the sharpness of the scalpel, but simply make it quite sharp, the use of emery will allow to achieve decent results.

How to sharpen kitchen knives sharpening

Today you can purchase special devices to sharpen knives - these are sharpeners for blades. These devices are mechanical and electrical. If you are not very experienced or did not try to sharpen knives on your own, it is better to use the electrical option.

Such sharpener independently chooses the sharpening angle, and it is used to give acute to any kind of household blades. Work is performed as follows:

  • Exhibit the required mode.
  • Place the blade into a special hole.
  • A little pressed to create a dense contact of the blade and the grinding surface.

After completing these actions, one should no longer worry about that you will spoil the knife. Work sharpener will do it yourself, and you will get a wonderful compatible blade. This is the best way to achieve the desired sharpness of the kitchen appliance at home.

How to use rumble knives sharpener

There are various devices for sharpening knives, including sharpeners with round disks. The difference is that the sharpening material in this case is a special rotating roller, which grinds the cutting surface at an angle of 45 degrees.

The main advantage of such devices is that after sharpening on the blade there is no burr, and the work is performed simply. In addition, the devices that are sharpened on roller sharpeners, much longer remain sharp than using V-shaped fixtures.

Most often, such sharpeners are adapted not only for knives, but also for scissors.

  • Therefore, at first, make sure that the cavity for sharpening a knife is chosen.
  • Take the sharpener in the left hand, and the knife is right.
  • Put the blade knife in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle between the disks and with the effort to spend it to the tip.
  • Repeat the same few times.
  • Observe care not to cut.

How to swing knives from damask steel

Knives from Damascus steel were popular at all times, they are considered the most durable, and their sharpness is small with what can be compared. But even this material has a blunt property.

It is important to know that you cannot use any electrical sharpeners here, only manual processing is needed. When sharpening a knife from Damascus began to adhere to the following principles:

  • Initially determine the strength of the metal. You can do this by turning attention to the sharpening angle, the stronger the material, the sharper it will be.
  • Use fine-grained abrasives, gradually moving to micro-plants.
  • To sharpen the blade only along the cutting surface.
  • If you have a jar, you must have the edge along the entire length.
  • If you need to polish the descents, it is necessary to do it before the cutting edge will be hurry. If you have already sharpened blade, the tip can simply be rounded.

If you are insecured that you do everything right, it is better not to risk and contact a specialist.

Is it possible to put a knife without stone

It happens that the knife needs urgent sharpening, and there are no suitable tools. But do not be upset, you can solve the problem in the following ways:

  • complete a stupid knife about the blade of another cutting device;
  • perform sharpening about the untreated edges of the bottom of a plate or circles;
  • collect the blade with sandpaper by handling only one side;
  • take any stone that you will find on the street and sharpening them just as they do with the help of Bar.

This will allow for a short to appeal to the fastened device, but it is impossible to name such methods with a complete sharpening. Remember that these measures better save for an extreme case and do not use them constantly, otherwise the blades will quickly come into disrepair.

How to put a knife about the knife

What to do, if the blade fucked, and at hand there was no bar or an electric sharpener? Sharpen the knife about the knife! Perform this procedure like this:

  • the cutting surface of the faded blade attach to the back side of another knife;
  • take the devices so as to perform the sharpening "from yourself", that is, the cutting edges must be directed to the sides;
  • perform 10-15 energetic movements by conducting one blade about another.

This will allow you for a long time to "revive" the knife, however, this procedure is not a complete sharpening.

How to sharpen the knife to razor sharpness

Virtually any blade can be given the sharpness of the razor. To achieve this, use one of the following methods:

  • Treat the surface of the paste of gay and a piece of genuine leather, previously removed the jar with a fine-grained stone. Remember that you need to perform the finish, moving away from the handle to the edge, without changing the direction, but to keep the blade under the tilt.
  • Stop the edge until the jazbins become small, and then in the same way to handle the blade on the other side. This will give sharpness, but not long.
  • use ceramics, for example, turn up the bottom plate and sharpen the device about the raw areas on the bottom, not covered with icing.

When working, keep careful in order not to get injured in the form of a cut and not spoil the blade.

How to make a toothed knife

If your kitchen has served knives, then you need to know that these devices can not be sharpened with ordinary sharpeners. To make an acute version of the cutting surface, you need to do the following:

  • Prepare a special tool for serrated blades, namely the cone-shaped rod, better from ceramics.
  • Determine the side with which beveled cloves are located, and sharpening this part of the blade.
  • Install fixture for sharpening at an angle to the beveled blade.
  • With several movements to sharpen each depression, moving the blade in the direction of "from ourselves."
  • Remove the resulting burrs with the help of emery paper or the same rod, only at the same time not to apply to the surface, but to act gently.
  • Complete the smooth side of the blade suitable for this tool.

Remember that it is impossible to use the rod that you rule the gear surfaces on the side of the blade, where they are missing, otherwise you will spoil the knife.

Well no

Describe all the nuances of how to point the knives correctly, as part of one article is simply impossible, but this is not always necessary. Especially if an ordinary kitchen knife needs in sharpening or you are just a beginner who needs to start with something.

  • In fact, at home to sharpen a kitchen knife to sharpness can be easily and fast. But the complexity is that it is necessary to do this so that the blade is preserved for a long time, and at the same time with the blade did not take too much steel.

In this material we will try simply and clearly talk about how to get a knife to BRom. After all, this method is not only basic and accessible to everyone, but also the most effective. In addition to step-by-step instructions for sharpening and finishing, here you will find a selection of training video and an overview of alternative methods - ranging from sharpening systems and ending with a bottom ceramic plate.

A little about choosing stones

Grinding bars are the following types:

  • Ceramic;
  • Diamond;
  • Natural;
  • Japanese aqueous stones.

If you wish, as soon as you gain experience, you can buy several solid and expensive diamond stones or Japanese aquatic. However, it is better to start with ordinary ceramic bars (such as "boats"), which are sold in every store of household goods. They are wear-resistant, durable and available. From the disadvantages you can only be called their uneven abrasion.

Here are the tips to help find a faithful assistant:

  • What size should be a bar? Ideally - longer than 1.5-2 times or at least not shorter knife blades. The width and form of the bar is not fundamental.
  • Buying a bar, make sure that it is flat and does not have chips.
  • To start, you can buy one universal grinding stone of medium hardness. But if there is a desire, buy one bar with two sides of different graininess or two stones with a large and lesser double grain. In the future, your collection can replenish a couple of stones.
  • It is best to try to get a couple of sidelines of Soviet production, let's say on the flea markets or grandfather. Bruks with marking "Made in the USSR" have disposable grains and high-quality binding material.

To bring the knife to razor sharpness, other than the grinding stones you can buy and the abrasive paste Goe, about working with which we will also tell.

7-step instructions for sharpening and crossed kitchen knife

So, in sharpening a knife one goal - to exterute with the blade so much metal so that the cutting edge becomes sharp again. You need to start work with a coarse abrasive and finish fine-grained.

It is important to remember the following principles of knife sharpening:

  • The most important thing is to choose the optimal sharpening angle and hold it on the entire cutting edge while slipping on the bar.
  • Movements must be smooth, without pressure.
  • All bars need to be wedged with water, and better by soap solution: before sharpening (so that the blade is better slid, and the metal dust does not climb pores), in the process (to remove the appearing suspension) and at the end to clean the bar.

And one more important advice - the first times better practice on a knife, which is not sorry to spoil. Especially if your main knife is too kind and expensive. Well, let's start practicing.

Step 1. We rinse a stone with water, and then spend on it, say, a sponge with a drop of dishwashing liquid.

Step 2. Next, sit down at the table and install the stone on the wooden board, for example, chopping. You can put under the stone and the towel. Someone is more convenient to put bar perpendicular to yourself, and someone at an angle of about 45 degrees. Over time, you will understand how it is more convenient for you to work.

Step 3. Now you need to decide with the angle of sharpening and fix the position of the knife. What should be the angle? The general principle is the less, the sharper is the blade, and what it is more - the longer the blade retains sharpness.

  • Conventional kitchen knives are sharpened at an angle of 40-45 degrees. If you sharpen a fillet knife (intended for cutting thin pieces of fish, birds and meat), then it is worth sharpened by fighter - at an angle of 30-40 degrees. The selected value must be divided into 2, and then we get an angle that should be between the blade and the surface of the bar. That is, for sharpening the blade of 45 degrees, it is necessary to sharpen each side at 22.5 degrees to the grinding surface.

Fix the knife at an angle of 22.5 degrees will help you a simple reception shown in the photo below.

  • Remember the selected angle, you need to try to stick during all work.

Step 4. We put the knife across the bar so that the top edge of the handle is above the lower edge of the stone. Holding a handle with one hand, and the other - the blade, we start sliding along the bar from myself along the trajectory shown in the picture below.

Look a short and visual video:

  • The point is that the cutting edge, moving around the stone, has always been perpendicular to the direction of movement.
  • On the bend of the blade, the knife handle should be slightly lifted to withstand the selected angle.
  • Remember also that it is impossible to put pressure on the blade, but also the slack is not worth it.

Thus, it is necessary to carry out a stone blade about 40-50 times, namely before the appearance along the entire length of the RC (cutting edge) of the "burr" (grate, microplates). His appearance will tell you that there is no sense to polish the metal and then there is no sense. Then you need to flip the blade and repeat the same actions. Visually on video:

  • Bercoon is a small roughness that is difficult to see, but you can find it, carefully by spending a finger along the edge of the blade (but not on the edge, so as not to cut down).

Cool sharpened knife

During work on the blade, a suspension will appear - metal dust, which periodically need to rinse with water.

Step 5. So, the burrs appeared, now we proceed to the crust. To do this, repeat the same manipulations on the stone with twice as smaller grain. Alternative way to finishing - with the help of Musat.

  • Musat is a steel rod of oval or round cross section with longitudinal notches. It is suitable only for editing and maintaining acute, but not for sharpening a knife. Musatom is recommended to rule the knife every time before and after work.

How to edit the kitchen knife Musatom can be seen in the next video master class from the respected dover Gennady Prokopenkov, who, by the way, specializes in the manufacture of kitchen knives.

Step 6. If you wish, you can bring your knife to razor sharpness. To do this, take any skin or leather belt, treat it abrasive paste gay, Dialux or any other, and then do all the same actions, but only in the direction from the cutting edge.

Step 7. Finally, check the quality of sharpening. It is done very simple. It is enough to cut a tomato or cut the paper. If you wanted to achieve razor sharpness, then you need to try to shave your hair on your hand. The most sharp knives can even harm hair, as shown in the photo below, however, in the kitchen for the most common knife, such a sharpness is required.

Alternative methods sharpening

If your kitchen knife is a simple and inexpensive "worker" and / or just to delve into the "knife culture" you do not want, we recommend using an electric sharpener, roller cutter or sharpening system for sharpening at home. What are their pros and cons?

  • Electrical care sharpens knives perfectly and fast, but even the most high-quality models are removed from the blades too much material, thereby reducing its service life. Another disadvantage of electric coil is a good device costs more than $ 200.
  • Roller cutlery - option inexpensive and easy to use. With it, you can quickly put the kitchen knife, but, unfortunately, the blade sharpness will be saved for a while and the knife will deteriorate over time. The greatest trust among roller cutters uses the tool from Fiskaris (in the photo). Do not confuse the roller cutlery with the V-shaped. The latter is an option for the most granted.
  • Sharpening systems are good because they allow you to more accurately exhibit and withstand angle. Such sharpeners are different - with the locking of the blade (manufacturers of DMT and LANSKI) and with the fixation of the stones themselves at a certain angle (Spyderco Triangle Sharpmaker). Separately, you can select a sharpening system in which you can choose the desired angle and control the position of the knife is the EDGE Pro Apex Knife Sharpening System. Each system has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, on sharpeners with the fixation of the blade, it is inconvenient to sharpen wide knives, and on the triangle from Spyderco knives rather right than to figure it out, and the angle can be selected only 30 or 40 degrees. However, for kitchen knives just these corners and needed, and the triangle is very simple. A detailed review and instruction manual for spyderco sharpeners can be seen in the following video.

What disadvantages has Apex Edge Pro? Perhaps this is only a high price - $ 245. However, for sharpening kitchen knives you can buy a Chinese copy of this sharpener (Nr, on Ali SPress).

There is another tricky way to put the knife at home - with a rough risky at the bottom of the ceramic mug or plates. The principle of action is still the same - the preservation of the angle, smooth movements, withstanding the RK (cutting edge) perpendicular to the direction.


How to get squeezing knives from different steel

There are many ways to restore the sharpness of the blade. You can figure the knives manually or using special devices. Blade processing tools are divided into automatic and semi-automatic. With their help, spoiled blades are restored, or the cutting edges just right.

We will help the owners of cutting tools to figure out how to properly see knives with any of the proposed ways.

Processing of a blunt tool on the machine

Industry produces various electrical coils for knives.

The whole mechanism is in the housing, which makes the work on the machine completely safe. No effort and special skills are required, so any housewife can easily cope with such a task.

The electric motor rotates the axis on which several abrasive circles of various purposes are located. From coarse to give the primary form or restoration of the geometry of the blade, to the polishing, which produces the final finishing.

Since eathes have a fixed form - the touch angle is set to guides that can be adjusted or simply vary depending on the type of tool.

For work you need to know, at what angle to sharpen your knife. To prevent errors - you should ask the seller when buying, what parameters of the purchased blade, or make measurements on a new tool.

After installing the right corner, we start sharpening:

  • If the cutting edge is strongly blunted or it has zabolins - first we produce treatment on a rough emery. The knife moves with a slight force from the handle to the tip. After each pass, you check the degree of sharpening to prevent excessive removal of the material. Then go to a fine-grained polishing disk;
  • To restore the sharpness of a normal blade - it is enough to produce editing on a polishing circle;

Completely, the instruction is included in each machine, which indicates the direction of sharpening, as well as the parameters of the emery circles and guides.

To sharpen the knives on the sandpaper - effectively or can you spoil the blade?

Practically in any garage or barn there is an electric sharpening (emery). Many homemade masters use Bulgarian for these purposes - but it does not change the essence.

So, we have a fixed electric motor with the abrasive circle installed. Well, if there is a speed regulator. However, most such devices have fixed turns. Immediately it seems to the picture with a spectacular shut-off sparks from under the knife blade.

Two three movements - and the edge is sharp again. It is this method that is the biggest mistake. After a high speed and strong fitness, the steel overheats, its "release" occurs, or worse - annealing. It would seem, a well-sharpened knife very soon will again be blunt.

The next question is how to press the blade? To the flat side of the abrasive or to the outer surface?

Right slope blade knife when sharpening on the sandpaper

Both methods are permissible if technology is observed:

  1. Abrasive must be fine-grained, you do not twist. Material - electrocorundant;
  2. Speed \u200b\u200bof rotation of no more than 150 revolutions per minute;
  3. The surface should be cooled. Fairly simple water. If it is not possible to continuously feed the fluid to the place of contact - you need to install the bath under the circle. Of course, it is necessary to take care that the splashes do not fall into the electric motor;
  4. And most importantly - at least a girlfriend, and a better device for controlling and fixing the corner of the blade.

Pay attention to the slope of the blade when sharpening

There are similar devices to work on a flat side. Basic sharpening principles on the emery circle:

  • The rotation of the abrasive should be from the footage to the cutting edge;
  • The knife moves across the circle only in one direction - from the handle to the edge. After each movement, the blade is examined, and the time is given to cooling;
  • The clamp of the blade to the emery must be minimal;
  • If the sharpening double-sided is the angle of fixtures for fixation does not change, just rearrange the knife to the other side.

With all the shortcomings - at sharpening the knife on the sandpaper there are advantages. Only with the help of an abrasive circle you can get a so-called concave lens, when the plane of the descent as the angle approaches more acute changes to the working edge.

This technology is practically not used for sharpening a professional tool. Real masters, who know, sharpening the knives - do it only manually. However, if you do not have complaints about the samurai sword, the method is quite suitable.

Manual methods sharpening

As a rule, it is not all in the kitchen there is an electric sharpened for knives, so we consider several hand sharpening options.

To begin with, watch a detailed video: how to sharpen a knife with a sharpening stone. Having mastered the simple techniques of sharpening by Bru, you can always fix your knife without referring to a specialized service.

Let's start with the classics - downtow

In this way, knives have sharpened from the moment of their invention. Pillars are a flat abrasive stone with fine graininess. Natural materials were originally used, today the grinding bars are manufactured factoryly, and have excellent characteristics.

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The most common way - Holding the blade at a certain angle, perform circular movements. An indispensable condition - donel should be wet. For all primitiveness - sharpening it turns out quite high quality.

There is a small mechanization. Only the concept is different - the knife is fixed on the stand, and the sandpaper is moving across the blade using a directional rod.

Such devices are widely made with their own hands, and they do not work worse than factory.

The only drawback of such devices is the work is performed too slowly, and the blade surface is obtained either direct or faceted. For the overwhelming majority of blades - this is more than enough.

How to sharpen the knives to Mousat, and what is it?

Musat, or a rule - is a spalled rod with a handle. The surface of the tool can be metallic, ceramic or with spraying. There are even diamond musati (of course, we are talking about a diamond crumb).

In one form or another, you will meet this device on any professional kitchen. Recently, Musaty has become fashionable to keep in the house.

By and large - this device should be applied not for sharpening, but rather for the finishing editing of the blade. Cooking from time to time refresh the cutting edge during the working day, no more.

Only do it right:

His tip must rest in something better - in a wooden surface. The knife is pressed under a sharp corner of the handle to the rod (in the area of \u200b\u200bMusat's handle).

Then the vigorous movement of the blade is lowered to the tip of the tool, while pulling the cutting edge to the nose. Making such movements should be alternately by changing the side of the blade.

The professional sharpening process resembles a circus show. It will not work with a stupid knife to make a stupid knife. But qualitatively fix the cutting edge - easily.

Several ways of editing knife Musatom in this video

How to go with knives about each other

Sometimes there is a situation where there is no fixture for sharpening at hand, and you should urgently correct the stupid blade. In this case, you can swam knife about the knife.

The cutting edge of one knife rules (or even grimits) on the back surface (volatile) of the second. Of course, this method is suitable only for massive large-length blades.

After completing one and two dozen energetic movements, you restore the edge sharpness for a while. It is impossible to consider a complete sharpening this way.

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The best metals - how to sharpen?

In the sharpening knife matters everything, effort, tilt, beginning and end point of movement. And it all depends on the quality of steel.

Damascus steel knife

At the same time, a rapid heartbeat begins at any connoisseur of cold weapons. Meanwhile, the Damascus knives also have a property to fool. Unless of course they do not lie under the glass in the home collection.

There can be no speech about any electricoids. As part of the blade alternate soft and solid steel grades, which, with such rough interference, simply lose their unique properties. Therefore, only manual sharpening.

Before starting work, it is necessary to understand how hard the material is. This can be determined by looking at the sharpening angle. What he is sharper - the one is harder.

Knife blade sharpening technology

Whatever the material you have sharpening - Damascus knives are sharpened only along the blade. This is the golden rule, disregard for them just spoil the blade. And to sharpen this unique steel is best fine-grained donkey. Moreover, it is necessary to start from larger grain, gradually moving to the "velvet".

If there are jar on the edge - you have to mow the edge for the whole length.

In this video, the master leads an example of sharpening knives from Damask steel, without claiming the ideality of the method.

Bulat steel knife

No less famous collected by the Elibe of the Blade. Feature - the highest hardness of the alloy. The edge of the bouquet knife can be rearged with a steel nail or corner.

Therefore, the sharpening of such a blade should be treated with all seriousness. Bulat turns on a wet donkey first with a large graininess (the so-called ripping stone). Then go to the sharpening (small graininess), and bring the blade on the ceramic surface.

The process is long, but the result is worth it.

Watch the video: Sharpening a bouquet knife using a manual sharpened. At the end of the roller, the edge of the edge of the blade.

A selection of video on the topic - how to sharpen a knife with a sharpening stone

How to get a knife on the stone correctly. Benefit for beginners.

Resuscitation of a rusty knife, or sharpening blades on the stones from the Japanese master

See in this video - how to sharpen a knife on a sharpening stone to razor sharpness? And at the end of the lesson, the master will wake himself with this knife!

How to get squeezing knives in Bru - video example


Knife is an indispensable tool of the hostess in the kitchen. Over time, the blade loses sharpness, the use of it becomes torpid. There are many ways to cool the knife correctly. The blade sharpness depends on the material, the competently selected tool and the sharpening angle. The stores presents the range of manual and automatic devices that allow the blade on their own.

How to get sick knives

A sharp knife is the main condition for the effective and safe work of a professional chef and housewife. During the cutting of products, small particles began to take off from the surface of the edge. Blade is blinking, forcing more efforts for cooking. The sharpening process is the restoration of the geometric outline of the cutting edge. The choice of fixture for this purpose depends on the material of the knife and the mastery of the grinder.

In the arsenal of means for recovery of the edge of the edge, a set of fixtures from a file to a universal automatic sharpener. Devices have different efficiency, with improper use, they will lead to a spider blade. If there was nothing at hand, except for the file, use it with caution. On solid steel, the instrument leaves scratches, and with a soft surface, it considers a significant layer of metal.

How an angle to sharpen a knife

Universal sharpening angle value does not exist. Its value varies depending on the material and destination of the knife. Determine the corner of the blade will help special and homemade fixtures:

  • The edge is clamped with scissors, and the angle between the halves is measured by the transporter. Measurement error is 1.
  • Professionals use a special laser device with a scale.
  • In the factory conditions and repair shops, the indicator is measured by a mechanical talent.

The optimal sharpening angle of knives differs depending on their purpose:

  • household kitchen knife - 30-35;
  • for fish processing - 25;
  • cutting - 25-30;
  • fruit - 15;
  • for processing vegetables - 35;
  • for cutting - 40-45;
  • table - 55-60.

What to do so that the shoes do not slide in winter

The magnitude of the angle affects the sharpness of the blade - the smaller the indicator, the sharper edge. But it should be noted that the time of using such a tool is limited.

What is better to sharpen the cutting edge?

The following devices will help to return the sharpness of the blade:

  • grindstone;
  • musat;
  • mechanical sharpener;
  • grinder;
  • electric sharpener.

When choosing a rapid device, it is necessary to study its properties and features of use.


Verified, reliable and easy-to-use kitchen knife sharpening tool - grinding bar. With it, the generation of men manually sharpened the blurred blades. The devices have a rectangular shape, the surface of the stones varies with the magnitude of the abrasive. Large-grain bar was used at the beginning of the procedure, and fine-grained - at the grinding stage.

It is possible to sharpen a stone blade at any angle from 15 to 45. The grinding bars differ in the size of the abrasive, as well as the method of surface treatment. Before starting procedures for targeting the sharpness of the blade, one type of adaptation is lowered in the water, and the second is covered with mineral oil. The wet surface prevents the scoring of abrasive with small sawdust.

To properly put a flat knife, you need to move the blade along the bar fixed on the horizontal surface. Having loose hands, one control the angle of sharpening, and the second presses the blade to the stone.

The unshakable rule of work is to move the knife to the cutting edge forward. The sides of the blades are sharpened in turn. The signal to the transition to the small abrasive is the formation of burrs. The second browning edge is grouped to froth.

The blades can be finished with steel musatom. After sharpening the blade washed with cold water.

Musat for editing blades

Musat is a solid rounded rod of steel with a comfortable handle. It is recommended to use the device to edit the blade. The newcomer is difficult to work with Musatom, you will have to control the power of pressing the blade, holding both the items in the hands. The rod fixtures are made from various materials:

  • metal - the surface has frequent notches, to sharpen the blade at an angle of 20, moving down and on itself;
  • diamond or ceramic - rod with a fine coating structure is used for finishing and grinding.

Tool technology:

  1. Musat has vertically - the sharp end rests on the table, hold the device for the handle.
  2. The blade is moving around the arc - from the base to the tip of the blade.
  3. The force attached to the blade should be distributed evenly.
  4. Moves down at an angle of 20-25 are performed from the same side of the blade.

Grinding machine

Manual tool for sharpening knives can be replaced by electric. The grinding machine with the electric motor is equipped with an abrasive circle. He is able to make the blade sharp for a long time.

Professional grinder work with a machine at a low circle rotation speed - 200-300 revolutions. Danger for beginner - overheating blades. With excessive pressure on the home knife and high speed of rotation, the metal is heated, then slowly cools.

There is a vacation or annealing steel. These processes reduce its hardness, the blade quickly stands and crumbs.

We'll figure it out how to braid knives on the grinding machine. The main condition of work is the regular wetting of the blade with water. Enough under the circle Put the container with a cold liquid. The grinding machine is equipped with two discs - one with a large abrasive for sharpening, the second is grinding. The sharpening angle is adjusted independently.

Electric knife sharpening

Independent sharpening of the blade for people are far from manual labor can turn into a long procedure with a dubious result. Special device - Electric sharpener will return the edge of the sharpness of the blade. In the plastic case, abrasive discs are installed, the blade will turn on both sides at a pressed angle. Mechanical models are arranged according to a similar principle, but for sharpening is attached to physical force. The device recorded the optimal sharpening angle of kitchen knives.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife

Steel is not the only material for high-quality knives. The kitchen inventory with ceramic blade became popular due to high strength and sharpness. Its cutting part is not oxidized upon contact with any kinds of products. Is it possible to sharpen ceramic knives? Yes, after 2-3 years intensive use, the cutting edge requires restoration. The high strength of ceramics limits the assortment of tools for sharpening.

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As an advertising trick, manufacturers complete with a knife offer a free sharpener. It will not work as appointment to this device, it is made of the same material as the blade, so it will not cope with sharpening. For ceramics, it is suitable with an elbuch or diamond coating. Electric sharpeners will help to return the sharpness of the blade. The advantages of the device include the following facts:

  • sharpening angle is automatically adjustable;
  • processing is carried out from one or two sides, depending on the factory sharpening;
  • head sharpness at the level of professional cook knives;
  • working with the device is safe.

Electric diamond coating sharpeners are expensive acquisition, with limited budget, models with elbuch details are recommended. Pre-purchase Check the documents and certificates of the product, it will save from the fake.

The sharpening of the ceramic blade is performed manually. For the procedure, a grinding stone or musat with a diamond spript is used. An alternative option available is a tool with elbuchic crumb.

Verification of sharp blade

After proper sharpening the blade becomes sharp. You can check the quality of work in several ways:

  • cut on the weight folded twice as a sheet of paper - if the slice is flat, the result is achieved;
  • check the blade on the light - the absence of highlights of high-quality sharpening;
  • cut the ripe tomato if the skin was not crushed, the work was performed well.

Care rules

Regardless of the brand of the manufacturer and material of the blade, there are general recommendations that allow for a long time to preserve the sharpness of the blade:

  1. It is impossible to wash the blade of hot water, salt dissolved in it contribute to the active oxidation of the metal.
  2. Keep knives separately from other cutlery. Forks and spoons scratch the surface of the blade.
  3. It is recommended to use cardboard covers, wooden knife stand or magnetic strip.
  4. Cutting products should be cut on wood boards, the use of ceramic and plastic products leads to chips and edge damage.

The correct sharpening knives at home is the guarantee of their long-term operation. A sharp blade in the skillful hands of the cook is able to work the wonders of cooking.

The possibilities and methods of sharpening knives are quite a lot, although it becomes increasingly a problem, well, it is usual that this process is more complex for women, but mainly in the process itself than in consideration. In this article I would like to emphasize the simplicity of the question and give small recommendations, how to sharpen the knife on the sandpaper.

Electric emery desired thing in the farm and if the jellows who have not bought emery still arises, and what it is so good - answer that any knife, the blade of the ax, garden scissors and any other cutting item from metal can be sharpened during A few seconds are enough to include the emery and returned forward hand movements, under the desired angle to carry out the blade touching the edge of the crossing of the end and the cylinder of the abrasive circle.

The electric essays produced for homework, as a rule, there are two abrasive circles - one large grain, designed mainly for coarse metal removal used to impart the right shape, and the second - small graininess used for the convective purposes, the surface of the surface is more accurate .

Small and medium knives are sharpened on an abrasive circle with small grain. It is more correct to sharpen the knife on the side surface of the abrasive circle, while the sharpening angle can be different, depending on the application of the knife (from 20 to 40 degrees). However, it is quite difficult to determine degrees, therefore it is better to be guided by the width of the veins (the width of the resulting part). If you correctly withstand an angle, when the knife is moved, the sub-site will be the same. And with not proper sharpening and not weathered coal, it will be different widths. With too acute degree inclination, the width of the supply can be up to 4-5 mm, whereas for the knife they should be about 2-3 mm.

With proper sharpening, it is necessary to achieve an even, neat supply, with the same width and full symmetry from two sides of the blade. After sharpening on the sandpaper, it is desirable to adjust the knife and remove the burrs.

Sharpen a knife - it would seem that it could be easier? AN no - the wisdom in this matter is very much, and here you need if not skill, then at least knowledge of the basic rules of high-quality sharpening. But you should not immediately carry your knives to the workshop, it is unlikely that someone will find an individual approach to each blade. They are driven through a circle rotating at high speed, and immediately give you. And the hot metal needs proper cooling. In production, strictly observing the hardening technology began, they do, but in the workshops - no.

Is it possible to do without sharpening?

Unfortunately, even the best knife, if they enjoy constantly, sooner or later fastened. Micron The blade micron will be stitched - not very fast, but will. And those manufacturers who convince that their products are never stupid, they simply silence that they have stood for kitchen knives in special stands and sheaths. Also regularly, as you steal the blade about the products, the blade is recorded, when you retake it from such a nest.

Home processing is not subject to:

  • knives with a toothed edge obtained as a result of a factory laser sharpening;
  • a tool with a weld carbide or "magnetic" blade.

And since all the other kinds without swelling can not do, it means to find out how to point the knives at home. The choice of method will depend on the material from which the blade is made and on the availability of a suitable tool.

Using Musat

Unusual fixture remotely resembling a file with a comfortable handle. When buying a set of knives usually comes in a set. Musat form can be cylindrical, faceted or flat. The cheapest sharpeners are made of durable steel with notches, which is suitable for most ordinary kitchen knives. Where ceramic Musatians are less common. And the best is considered to be a tool with diamond spraying, as on the sandpaper. It should be chosen if you often use durable professional blades.

The correct sharpening knives on Musato begins with accurate placement of the blade position. The tool must be vertically referred to the table or board, and the blade at the very base is perpendicular to lean closer to the handle. After that, the knife makes arcuate movements, shifting it down and to themselves. Sharpening is performed on both sides.

You can simply hold the knife in your hand and to carry out Musatom on its edge, but here we will have to take into account the direction of notes. For such work, experience is needed, although it is worth it. By the way, this tool is practically useless with a rough casing, so that if you do not have another way to support knives in order, you need to use Musat.


Today you can find not only natural grinding stone, but also its artificial analogue. The second, by the way, is manufactured quite large and with large grains of abrasive. For a thinner editing of the blades on the reverse side of the bar often make a small spraying. Natural stone will cost cheaper, but because of the fine grain, it is more suitable for the adjustment of already dotted knives. Very thick and completely stupid blade with it will be difficult to sharpen and long. But it is ideal for sharpening blades of soft steel grades.

Pillow - the easiest and most reliable tool for manual sharpening. But as properly, not everyone knows the knives of BROsk, so we give a detailed instruction:

  • Take a grinding stone in one end or put it on the table, holding the edge.
  • To lean to the surface of the appeal blade at an angle of 20-25 ° and with a slight press to stretch it up on the bar. If this is a kitchen toporist, then the slope is better to increase to 30 °.
  • At the very end of the movement, the angle can be smoothly raised, removing the knife from the bar - so it will be sharper.
  • Repeat the procedure several times without changing the strength of the clutch and the direction of the blade movement, but increasing the speed.
  • Turn the knife and sharpening the second side of the blade.

On the bilateral bar, the sharpening is performed first along the coarse side, and then the knife is "brought" on a thin abrasive. In the same way, you can perform the final shape fixed on the wooden bar emery, only the skin is better to choose fine-grained and moisture-resistant.

Little trick: Before putting a knife on a stone, lubricate the surface of the bar with a special oil and give him a minute of 10 minutes. This will prevent the metal dust sticking and retain the abrasive properties of the Opek.


The universal device with a comfortable handle has several sockets with the abrasive circles installed. The angle between them is already selected, so it is easy to use such a tool. Just insert the base of the blade into the nest and pull the knife through it. The canvas is sharpening at once from both sides, so the effort will have to be attached twice.

It looks like handberries and the design of household electric sharpeners, but there are also circles and rotate. Work with them goes much faster, however, the result is not always satisfactory. When using electrical cutters, it is not necessary to keep the knife too long in grinding circles - the thick and hopelessly stupid blade will be enough five minutes.

Sharpening on the machine

Since the houses have long appeared not only steel tools, but also their modern analogues, they began to emerge, how to sharpen a knife, if, for example, ceramic. Manufacturers and specialists in one voice advise not to do this at home so as not to spoil the fragile blade. But if it is very necessary, you can break this ban and learn to bring ceramics into working condition yourself.

To work, you will need a grinding machine and a circle with diamond spraying. Ceramics is not afraid of overheating, but to not split it, you need to choose the right abrasive disk. When the machine is running, the blade should be pressed without effort, very easy. Of course, such a sharpening will take a lot of time, but the result you will get excellent.

For steel, it is better to choose a grinding disc with a white electrocorundum, so as not to move the blade. Mechanical sharpening should be performed on medium turnover - about 1500 per minute. Also it will be useless to cool the blade in the water.

Check how well the knife is sharpened, you can on a sheet of paper, rolled up the tube. A sharp blade will cut it smoothly, stupid - tear and leave the teeth. After work, do not forget to rinse the kitchen tool and wipe it dry - so you will remove the smallest particles of the steel and abrasive.

Thin finishes

Before surgical sharpness, of course, you can bring any kitchen knife. To do this, it is necessary to rest before the appearance of small jar of one side of his blade, and then align the edge, treating the second. For a long time, such a sharpening, of course, will not last, but at first the knife will cut almost any products. Bridge blades with various grinding materials that can be found in any house.

The blades of ceramics are well grinding, if you choose a rather rough surface. Turn over the clay bowl upside down - usually there are unlawed areas. Here on them and you need to drive a blade to bring the knife to the perfect state.

For jewelry work on the blade, it will take a piece of genuine leather and polishing paste such as GOI. It drinks the surface of the flap, and then grinds the blade. Before proceeding with fine finishes, all visible jar are removed from the edge of a fine-grained donkey. Polishing is performed in one direction - from the base to the edge with a diagonal slope of the knife.

We figured out how to get a knife at home. But so that this tedious procedure does not have to repeat too often, keep the most important kitchen tool also need to be able to. Do not leave the blade for a long time dirty - an attempt to scream off the sucker food particles will spoil the sharp edge. Also undesirable to keep knives "mound", otherwise they will be tupping about each other. Determine each of them its nest in the kitchen box, and then you will not have to rule the blades for a very long time.

Related Materials

It was considered an important skill of any man. After all, success in hunting and other complex cases depended on the quality of this work. Knives were used almost everywhere: from the extraction and processing of food, animal skins to interpersonal wars and defending the territory.

Due to the fact that the knife is practically the essential necessity in the kitchen, it is very quickly blinking and requires sharpening.

To date, the knives are not used as serious, but the latitude of their application has not lost its range. They still remain the same tools in the kitchen in the process of processing and cooking, for the repair of various products, and more for art.

Choosing a knife blade and evaluation of its quality

With a good sharpening, the knife will last you for a very long time, without requiring additional decreasing blade. But still the duration of the operation of the tool will still depend on the quality of the knife itself, and in particular, from the material from which the blade is made.

Today the market produces many different knives. Moreover, many manufacturers consider their products universal and almost eternal. But advertising always does its to increase demand for goods. Therefore, it is more reasonable to learn at least minimal criteria for the selection of the blade of the knife and the timely selection of the material for sharpening specifically.

Depending on the increase in the size of the knife, the material should be thicker and stronger.

  1. The larger the knife in size, the thicker should be his blade. In this case, the main thickness looks not at the sharpened, but at the top stupid side. Everything should be proportionally here. A very big knife should not have too thin blades even on the cutting part, while the little knife will be subtle by itself, and the blade will have a hardly noticeable eye thickness.
  2. Accordingly, the larger the knife, the more severe steel it is made. Therefore, it will be necessary to sharpen it more carefully and long. The largest cutters are encouraged exclusively on diamond disks either on the most powerful electric coils, since the use of stone in this case is useless.
  3. When buying a knife, be sure to check its degree of flexibility. A good blade will not bended at all. But if the knife is very thin and still has a nutritional property, it is important that the blade immediately becomes in its former place. That is, non-returning deformation is a sign of very poor quality of the material itself.

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Sharpening by grinding stone

For high-quality sharpening knives, you can quite bypass with a special grinding stone.

There are quite many methods of sharpening knives. The choice of a certain method largely depends on the readiness to spend its means and time, and from the scope of the specific Knife. Therefore, to begin with, consider the most inexpensive and distributed method has long been sharpening a special stone. And then we will briefly stop at sharpening by the mechanical way.

There are two main types of sharpening stones: artificial and natural. Artificial stone has a large fraction, it is more and size. In modern artificial materials of this species, one side is usually less aggressive, and the other has larger grains, which makes a stone suitable for sharpening even large and highly blotted devices.

Natural stone for sharpening is somewhat cheaper, and it has a fine-grained structure on both sides. Therefore, it is more appropriate to sharpen it for sharpening not too stupid knives and to maintain from time to the time of sharpness of blades with soft metal.

Before starting the knife sharpening, the grinding stone should be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Now proceed to sharpening. But first you need a stone, whatever it is, lubricate with oil. You can use a small amount of ordinary sunflower oil for this. It is necessary to miss all the blocks from all sides, after which it is for about 7-10 minutes for approximately 7-10 minutes. This will make small particles less vulnerable to clogging microscopic metal pieces from a knife during sharpening. Consequently, the stone will serve you much longer.

You can proceed to the main process. The drainage is made in two stages: first the rough side, and then softer. This applies directly to bilateral artificial stones. The knife must be wired from dust and applied to the stone as follows, while with the force leading the blade in the specified direction.

The aggressive part of the grinding stone will make it possible to quickly remove the base layer of metal with the knife. At the same time it is necessary to take into account that try to keep the knife preferably at an angle of about 20-25 °. This figure is considered optimal for fast and high-quality sharpening. However, given the fact that the knives today are very different in their forms, it is too biased not to relate to this recommendation, and approach work creatively.

During sharpening, you need to try to make smooth movements, sufficiently pressing on the blade. Approaching the edge, the blade is recommended slightly raise, due to which the sharpening will be better. In this case, observe the perpendicularity of the movement relative to the cutting part of the knife.

To sharpen the knife on the aggressive side of the stone, it is necessary thoroughly, periodically checking the opposite side of the blade. The main sharpening is familiar to the fact that the main sharpening is completed, it will be the presence of small jar on the tip of the blade.

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But today, far from everyone wants to draw knives with the help of a stone, no matter how good it is. Therefore, use an electric sharpener for this purpose. It usually applies in large enterprises for the manufacture of instruments and various metallic materials, as well as in metallurgical workshops.

To sharpen the knife on the electrical coil is much easier and faster. It does not make sense too sharp attention at the corners during the holding of the tool, since modern electric sharpeners are able to independently adjust the degree of slope. Knowing that the process is on the sharpener much faster, consider several important points:

  1. For sharpening a knife, which will serve as a tool exclusively for cutting food, it is enough to sharpen the knife for about 5 minutes (this is if it is almost stupid at all). The angle of inclination can be minimal.
  2. If you wish to achieve the maximum sharpness of the blade, it is important to accurate one side until brightly pronounced burrs appear. When they become well noticeable, turn the knife to the other side and continue sharpening until the burrs will be removed, and the blade will not become very thin.
  3. As adjusting knives after using an electric sharpener, it is best to use a diamond disk. It is in the fastest time and highly remotely remove small jar, making the tool almost perfect for work.
  4. If you wish to update the blade on the sharpener, then for this, experts recommend using the standard circles of the white ebk brand. Their advantage is that they do not overtake the edges, making the process as delicate as possible.
  5. When using an electric sharpener, it is important to adjust its speed correctly. An optimal digit is approximately 1.5 thousand revolutions per minute. This is the average value at which you will always have time to notice how sharpness is sharpened, so as not to spoil the material of the knife.
  6. An important point in electric sharpening is timely edge cooling. The more often it will be cooled, the less likelihood of the blade burning. Do not be afraid that with an intense process, the material acquires a purple shade. With proper and frequent cooling, it is even compensated.

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Select angle when sharpening like a knife

Special attention deserves consideration of the process of sharpening professional expensive knives, as well as individual blades. Since they are of different species, consider the basic rules and tips of the sharpening, just based on these types of tools:

  1. Knives for processing carcass meat It is recommended to sharpen at an angle of 25 °, and tactical tools are from 25 to 30 °.
  2. For sharpening professional hunting knives, it is necessary to observe an angle of 35-40 °.
  3. If you go to hunt quite often, the coaching angle must be increased to 45 ° - so the knife will serve you with a sharp much longer than the usual term.
  4. Special attention deserves work on the blades of reusable knives of a dangerous razor. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the minimum corner of the blade during sharpening - about 10 °.

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Final sharpening methods (finishing)

After that, it is necessary to finish sharpening. For this, the fine-grained side of the sharpener is used. The process of removal of jar and giving the knife of the final degree of acutely called the adjustment. The adjustment of the less aggressive side is carried out according to the same rules as the coarse-grain. After that, the knife is considered sharpened.

Some alternative ways of final sharpening deserve separate attention (finishing). As a rule, they are used when they need a special tool sharpness. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the most inexpensive alternative methods of adjustment in more detail.

For sharpening a knife, you can use a small piece of genuine leather.

  1. Use a small piece of genuine leather. Oddly enough, this material is able to sharpen the blade very well. It is advisable to remove the jar before it takes off a fine-grained stone, then proceed to processing. First, a piece of leather is rubbed from dust and processed by a thin layer of a special paste of the GOI type. Then you need to wait 5-7 minutes until the paste penetrates into the pores of the skin, and start working. Fit this method is made according to the principle of "from grain" - that is, the blade of the knife must be kept while working on itself, and moving on the skin in the same way. It is important to turn the blade slightly to the side so that the sharpening happens to be diagonally. So the effect will be much better.
  2. Musat began greatly popular for knotted knives. This is a twist of steel, on which there are several longitudinal grooves. Make the knife on it is not like on a belt or stone. In this case, the knife remains real estate, while Musat itself leads along the blade. The same good effect, like a piece of leather, you will not reach, but slightly push the knife, which is important.
  3. A good effect for adjusting knives gives ceramics. It is used for this purpose the most ordinary cheap tableware - a cup or a plate that you do not need in the farm. Instead, it is better to take a piece of ceramics separately, which you will always use this appointment. The sharpening is made similarly to the process as on a grinding stone. Only chosen is precisely not smooth, but a rough surface (usually focused on the outside of the bottom of the sudine). Otherwise, nothing will happen.