Repairs Design Furniture

How the suspension chandelier is attached. How to hang a chandelier - useful tips on connecting with their own hands. Choice and purchase chandeliers

Traditionally it is believed that the chandelier connection is a complicated business that the professional electrician should perform. But, there is nothing difficult in connecting two or four wires, so any man may well hang a new chandelier in his own house.

Connect chandelier in a new house

If this is just a built private house, and if it is built on his own, then everything starts with wiring. Usually, it is made internal. Although, you can use the outer wiring, which is removed into the decorative casing.

Internal wiring

In a concrete, brick or wooden wall, a special groove under the electrical wires is done. This groove is called a stroke. You can make it or a special device, a stroke cutter, or an ordinary chisel. In the case of a wooden wall - a chisel. The same groove is done in the ceiling overlap.

Channel Channel

The wire is placed in a special casing, which is closed on top during the interior decoration. No need to forget about the distribution box, from which the wires should be dispelled on the chandelier, to other lamps, on the outlet and on the switch.

Junction box

The presence of a junction box will facilitate the replacement of the electrical wiring fragment if necessary.

External wiring

The principle of laying external wiring is the same, with the only difference that the stroke is not done, and the wire is fixed directly on the wall in the insulative decorative casing.

Wires in the insulating casing hide in the wall

If the one-block switch, then two wires go to the chandelier. And if two-blocks are four. Usually, pairs of wires in the chandelier itself of different color, so there are no problems with the connection.

Single Collaborator Connection Scheme

When conducting wiring, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to leave enough long ends to connect the chandelier. So it will be more convenient to connect. Surplus can always be hidden or in a hole in the wall, or behind the decorative lid of the chandelier.

Types of fastening chandeliers

There are chandeliers that are pretty heavy. And on how well it is fixed, the safety of people under it depends. The way it will be attached, you need to decide, looking at the manufacturer provided by the manufacturer. Usually, it happens two types:

  • fastening using a plank;
  • fastening with hook.

How to hang a chandelier with a plank

Almost all modern chandeliers are attached with the help of a plank. It is a strip of metal that is fixed on the ceiling by self-draws. So that the fastening is reliable, you need to drill two holes in the ceiling overlap. Plastic choppers are clogged into the holes, to which the plank is attached by self-draws. Self-tapping screw, entering into chops, expand them, which is why this fastening becomes even more reliable.

Photo: Fastening chandelier using a plank

After the strap is fixed on the ceiling, you must connect to the chandelier of the wire. It is better to use the services of an assistant who will keep the product. Although, you can temporarily suspend the chandelier at some distance from the ceiling with a strong and thin capron rope. And connecting the wires, outweigh it as it should hang. In this case, one person can do all the work.

You always need to use a ladder for such work. No need to put on one another stools, a table, etc. It is dangerous for your health.

Wiring mounts can be different. On modern products, special clutches are sometimes made at the ends of the wires. Wires that come out of the ceiling are inserted into these clutches and secured the bolt. If there is no couplings, then the ends of the wiring and the chandeliers are simply twisted with each other. It is twisted. You can not connect the wires simply making hooks at their ends, since the connection must be durable.

Photo: Wiring connections using terminal bar

All is isolated using high-quality insulating tape. If the wires are copper, consisting of many lived, then before connecting all the veins need to be twisted. Of course, the ends of the wires must first be cleaned of isolation.

On modern chandeliers at the ends of the wires there are special coupling for connecting: it is enough just to press the spring with a button or lever, insert the wire and everything!

After the wires are fastened and exhausted, you need to raise the chandelier and hang it on the bar. Usually, no difficulties arise with this. Each chandelier has a decorative casing, with which the electrical ends can be closed. This work is facilitated when when the chandelier is hanging, in the place where the chandelier will hang, provide additional recess.

How to hang a chandelier on the hook

If the mounting on the bar is not provided, then the hole is thrown into the ceiling, the plastic chopper is driven into it, and the hook is screwed into it. Usually, the wreck is equipped with a special retainer, which is driven into the drilled hole and further turns the struts. The concrete ceiling is brightdled by a winning drill to a depth of about 7-8 cm.

Had a chandelier with your own hands is not so difficult. No experience in conducting such procedures of a person first can scare the need to work with electricity. However, no serious knowledge is required to fulfill this task. To install a chandelier on the ceiling, you need to carry out only two operations: connect it to the electrical network and secure.

Safety technique

Before you begin any operations of an electrical type, you need to take care of security. Fastening the chandelier implies contact with the wires for which the current of high voltage flows, so it is necessary to approach this question with complete seriousness. Here are the basic recommendations and instructions:

  • all operations on the electrical installation must be carried out with a disconnected electricity (you can simply turn off the circuit breaker in the shield);
  • after turning off the machine, it is necessary to progress and check the absence of light;
  • after checking the lack of voltage in the wires with an indicator screwdriver, you can safely begin to mount;
  • often the Chinese manufacturer in the manufacture of chandeliers resorts to the use of low-quality materials, so they should be selected more carefully.
Checking the presence of phase indicator

How to determine the location of wiring in the ceiling?

Before hanging a chandelier to a concrete ceiling, you need to find out the exact location of the wiring. If this is not done, when drilling holes for fasteners, the chandeliers can be easily drilled wires. The search process must be performed at the moment when the current flows in the wires. Therefore, this procedure can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Disable electricity.
  2. Installing a temporary cartridge with a light bulb.
  3. Electricity flow.
  4. Turning on the time light bulb.

To determine the location of wires under voltage there are many devices from various price categories. This device must be carried out perpendicular to the line, along which the wiring is presumably passed. At the phase detection site, you must put a label, then continue to move the indicator. The following label is placed at the point of phase disappearance.

To control these actions should be repeated in the opposite direction. In the interval between the resulting labels and the wiring is laid. Now you can safely drill holes for fasteners and hang to the chandelier.

Methods of fastening chandeliers to the ceiling

If everything became clear with the wiring, then the question arises: what are the ways of fastening the chandelier? Today, the three most common technologies are most often practiced that allow you to quickly and simply hang the ceiling chandelier. Comparatively light products can be fixed on hooks. In cases with heavier lighting devices, the use of anchor bolts is provided. In addition, there are chandeliers attached to the bar (bracket). Another way is the mount directly to the concrete ceiling.

How to hang a chandelier on the hook?

The simplest mount for the chandelier to the ceiling is a suspended hook. To fix it in the ceiling, you must drill a hole with a diameter of about 8 mm. If the weight of the chandelier does not exceed one and a half kilograms, you can use the usual threaded hook, which is screwed into the dowel inserted into the hole. For more entertainment products, spacer anchors with a diameter of at least 10 mm should be applied.

If you plan to fix the hook in a dowel, it is recommended to choose a corrugated one. This fastener is better fixed in the ceiling. The screwed hook should be wrapped with two layers of insulating tape.

After these manipulations, you need to connect the wires from the chandelier to the power grid. This can be done both using the usual twist, and resorting to the use of terminal workers, which most often included in the package of most lighting devices.

At the next stage, you should attach the chandelier to the hook, after which the special decorative lining is as tight as possible to the ceiling surface. This bowl will allow you to hide all wire connections. This is completed on this installation. The main minus of such an attachment is the clearance between the ceiling and the lining. It can be both a pair of millimeters and 1-2 cm.

It is important to understand that the installation of chandeliers on the plasterboard ceiling in this case is fraught with unpleasant situations. If the light products can still hold out, then heavy lighting devices are plasterboard will not stand. The hook must be attached to the frame, so its installation should be planned in the process of facing the ceiling.

How to hang a chandelier with a plank?

There is a way to secure the chandelier without hook. This procedure is slightly more difficult, but quite performed.

Included should go a special mount for the chandelier to the ceiling. This fastener is called a bracket. This bar for chandeliers must be attached to the ceiling, after which put tags for drilling holes under the dowel. In the bracket itself you need to fix a pair of screws. At the same time, the distance between them should be equal to the distance between the holes on the decorative lid.

After fixing the bracket, connect the wires. It is possible to make a chandelier of this type only with an assistant, as it will be very difficult to do it alone. One must hold it, and the second is to be connected to the power grid.

At the next step, it is necessary to get fixed in the bracket with screws into the holes of the decorative lining, and then spin nuts. As soon as the lamp is installed and the performance has been tested, the procedure for fastening the ceiling chandelier can be considered completed.

Fastening the ceiling lights right on the ceiling

Often such fasteners are used for small chandeliers and lamps with a small weight. On the back of such products, there are always several holes intended for fixing to the surface. If the base is made of wood, you can fix the ceiling lamp immediately on the self-tapping screw. If you need to hang the lamp on the ceiling of concrete, you first need to drill holes under the dowel, and after fix it.

Setting under a classroom switch

If everyone can hang a chandelier for a concrete ceiling, then connecting to the power grid sometimes causes difficulties. In most of the chandeliers installed in our time there are two conductors. According to standard labeling, blue or white-blue wire is zero, and white or brown - phase.

If the wiring has not changed in your home for a long time, there will be two aluminum conductor in the ceiling. As a rule, they do not have labeling, but determine where zero, and where the phase is using an indicator screwdriver. If the wiring is relatively new, there will be three wires in the ceiling: zero, phase and grounding. We will not need the third, so it can be insulated and beaten to the side.

If there are two or more plafoons in the chandelier, which comes from them the wires must be combined with each other. Zero must be connected to the knau, and the phase to the phase. After that, zero from the mains is connected to the connection of the nole from the chandelier, the same with the phase. Next, you can already put the chandelier to the ceiling.

Having hanging the lighting devices, it is necessary to understand that it is not recommended to connect directly wires from aluminum and copper. Over time, such contact will begin to oxidize, and the connection itself will lose strength, as a result of which the twist will begin to overheat. At best, the chandelier arises, in the worst - wiring. In such situations, the chandeliers can only be hung when connecting wires through terminal shots.

Installing a two-block switch

If you want to install a chandelier under a two-block switch (i.e. one key turns on only a part of the bulbs, and two keys together - all the light bulbs simultaneously), the principle changes slightly. In this case, all the flans of the chandeliers are connected together and connected to the cooler of the power grid, and the phases are divided into groups.

In the first group, it is necessary to combine all phase conductors of the lamps, which should light up from the first switch, in the second - from the second. Next, the first group is connected to the phase coming from the first key, the second key to the phase from the second key. Installation of chandeliers can be considered completed after it is attached.

How to check the fastening for strength?

After completing all procedures, it should be checked. Small shortcomings can slip away from your view, so immediately it is worth visually determining the quality of work. Wires must be completely hidden under the decorative lid.

It is possible to determine the reliability of the attachment by a small loosening of the lamp. Well, the main indicator is to test for performance. If, after switching on all the keys of the light bulb, you caught fire, and the wiring did not appear, it means that you installed the chandelier on the ceiling!

A man from the monkey did lazy. Tired of climbing the palm tree behind the banana - the monkey pounded a stick. Tired by the hostess forever paint and smear the cracks on the ceiling - ordered. No hassle - beautiful, smoothly, hygienic. There was only one small, but the urgent question: how to hang on the stretch ceiling? On the one hand, it seems like you should not worry yourself, it is easier to invite specially trained people for such work. But on the other, how to find out whether they did everything correctly and would not happen, God forbid, what trouble after such an installation? After reading this material, you can not only control the hired workers, but also independently install the lighting device.

Requirements for chandelier for stretch ceiling:

  • the light stream must be directed down or aside, but not up;
  • it is desirable that the plaffones have a closed form;
  • the distance from the ceiling to the ceiling must be sufficient to prevent the material heating;
  • with a standard height of the room, the tensioning design of the already lowers the ceiling, you should not install a bulk chandelier;
  • the lighting device must have a long suspension, sufficient to fix it to the base for the stretched web.

Ceiling chandeliers for stretch ceilings can be equipped with different. Choosing one or another type, consider the features of the contract with PVC:

Type of lamp Description
Incandescent lampThe cheap of these devices is hidden by high electricity consumption and high-temperature impact on the surrounding items. Such lamps are less suitable for synthetic ceilings. The minimum distance from the lamp to the PVC surface is 40 cm, and then provided that the device is not more powerful 60 W. The release of reflectors between the film and the lamp can be the output, but is there any sense to burn such a design if there are other options?
Excellent option for chandelier under the stretch ceiling. These devices are distinguished by a high efficiency and long service life. Such devices are very poorly sink and pose dangers for PVC films. Lighting can wear a warm or cold shade, depending on your preferences.
HalogenHalogen lamps are weakly warm, but with long work and this heat is enough to deform the stretched material. A 40 W lamp should not be closer to the ceiling than 40 cm.

Designer Board! On the stretch ceiling, the chandelier of contrasting color is best. On black - white or silver, on light, respectively, dark metal.

Basic requirements for fastening chandelier

The mounting chandelier to the stretch ceiling should be not only durable, but also aesthetic. For stretch ceilings, suspended devices are suitable for hook or mounting bar. Overhead chandeliers are not suitable, which are attached tightly to the ceiling on the overhead panel.

Important! The height of the chandelier must be sufficient, taking into account the distance between the base and stretched material.

As an option, you can consider the issue of a hook for fastening below the PVC film level, but then this moment should be provided in advance, even before the tensioning procedure.

A little about the correct location of the chandelier for stretch ceilings

The height of the chandelier depends on several factors:

  • ceiling heights;
  • ceiling coating;
  • destination of the room.

How to hang a chandelier on the stretch ceiling in residential rooms? From the floor to the bottom of the instrument should be at least two meters. So you exclude a danger to accidentally hurt it when moving around the room. But it is better if this distance is more, especially when the ceilings in the room are low.

Compact in height devices are suitable and holls. This design will not create interference for opening doors. In addition, keep in mind that in the corridor, people often raise their hands to remove the headdress or adjust the hairstyle, close the umbrella. So, the higher the lamp is located, the better.

Compact placement is relevant and. There is a risk not just to touch the design with your hands, but also accidentally get a jet of water out of the shower.

If the ceilings indoors are above 3 meters, you are lucky: you can choose any form and place it anywhere, at least over. For example, it is logical to hang the lamp not in the center of the room, but above the dining group. At the same time, for the working area is organized.

Tip! Classic ceiling luminaires have a chain suspension. You can adjust its length, removing and adding links.

The most difficult question is how to mount the chandelier to the stretch ceiling at the location and "second light". The feature of the location requires a powerful luminous flux capable of spreading to two, or even for three floors. In this case, look at the designs of several tiers or a lamps dropping cascade.

For your information! The rules of the device of electrical installations are recommended to choose for lighting the hooks capable of withstanding the five-time chandelier weight at least 10 minutes. After elimination of excessive load on the mounting should not be damaged.

Thus, the choice of chandeliers should respond not only to the requirements of the design, but also the safety and convenience rules.

Tools for work

The main tool in this matter is your self-confidence. Independent installation of chandeliers on the stretch ceiling - it's not so much complicated how much troublesome and requiring maximum accuracy. And there are tools for work in almost every home:

Foundation for fasteners chandeliers

Between the concrete or wooden ceiling and tensioning PVC material is the distance. It can be different, depending on the features of the room. If the ceilings initially have a defect, but using the stretch design it is easy to fix it. It turns out that to secure the chandelier, the empty space is needed to fill something, create a rigid base.

If the distance is large, a fat bar cannot do, you have to make a frame. The place of perforation of the film is needed to increase the gasket, it will additionally protect PVC on the temperature effect of the lamp. Such gaskets are made in the form of rings, internal and external. They hide behind the decorative framework of wiring and are completely not noticeable.

Installation options chandeliers on the stretch ceiling with their own hands

If you have decided to take on the installation of the lamp, take care in advance to prepare the basis. After the ceiling is stretched, the ability to mount a stand, you will not have wiring. Usually the wizard asks in advance where you plan to hang a chandelier. You can also prepare the basis and bring the wire in advance in the right place.

Mounting the chandelier can be in several ways. Briefly consider the main of them.

With hook

The hook is the most familiar and common way to hang the chandelier. The only thing you have to do is adjust the length of the hook for the height of the tensioning canvase. If the hook was installed earlier, most likely, it will have to be replaced, since the stretch ceiling "steals" at least 3 ÷ 5 centimeters.

For fastening in the concrete ceiling, a hole is drilled, a dowel is inserted and the hook with a thread on the leg is screwed into it. If the distance between the web and the ceiling is too large, the bar is attached to the ceiling and the hook is screwed into this base.

Tip! After installing the stretch ceiling, the entire wiring will be hidden from your eyes. For the sake of your own calm, place it in the protective cover.

When attaching a chandelier on a hook, make sure that the decorative cup fits tightly to the ceiling canvase

Using a mounting plank

Fastening using a plank is found on modern models of lamps. The plane itself is a metal plate with holes under the fasteners. This bar is fixed on the prepared base directly through the ceiling web. You will need to cut only a small opening for wiring.

Important! By screwing the bar to the bar, be careful and do not damage the wiring cord.

To facilitate the work and not damage the lighting device, it is disassembled before installation. It is necessary to remove the plaffones, lamps and mounted decorative elements.

With the help of a cross-shaped plank

Fastening on a cruciform bar is not much different from hanging on the usual bar. Conducting fasteners are usually used for heavy chandeliers. The only nuance is in the preparation of the basis. For obvious reasons, the bar in this case does not fit.

In this platform, drill a hole for the wiring. To remove the platform under the height of the canvas, use metal "legs".

How to pick up a dowel for fastening chandeliers

For internal work, plastic dowels are used. Given the possible external temperature effect of the lighting instrument, it is preferable to use nylon-polyamide inserts.

If the ceiling indoors is concrete - the spacer elements will be required. In the case when the ceilings are multilayer structures with emptiness it is better to use a dowel.

The thickness of the element depends on the intended load. The suspended construction seeks to pull out a dowel from the wall, so it is important that there are spacers and notches on it that additionally retaining in the skinny.

In order to secure the element in the hole, it is possible to use construction glue, the dowel is lubricated to them before climbing. Do not strive to screw the screws thoroughly, it can split the liner. The right is considered to use screws for spacer liners.

Tip! A chandelier weighing 5 ÷ 10 kilograms is fixed with a shock dowel with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 80 mm. To perform the task, you will need at least 4 dowels.

Master class for self-timer: how to fix the lamp on the stretch ceiling

And now directly on how to fix the chandelier on the stretch ceiling. As already mentioned, it is necessary to follow a clear algorithm for action and in advance to pose a place for the location of the lighting device and the preparation of the foundation.

We offer you a small master class, how to attach chandeliers to the stretch ceiling:

Photo Description of work

The first stage will be the markup of the location of the lamp and pulling the cord to indicate the height of the canvas. The cord is stretching from the frame through the entire room.

The main ceiling at the location of the chandelier is mounted bar. To do this, the holes are drilled in the ceiling, dowels are inserted and the base is screwed by self-draws.

Brucks can be somewhat - depending on the height that needs to withdraw fasteners or you can use metal "legs" that are easily adjustable in height. It is important to saber the surface of the bar, which will come into contact with the cloth.

The wiring is passed under BRom or between two elements. So she will not dare in the event of an unexpected situation.

To accurately output the surface of the base to the level of the dense, use the lining elements. After tensioning PVC material.

A special glue for PVC is applied to the hole for the hole.

Next, it should be fascinated by the base and put the ring in the center directly to the canvas. It will take time to glue dry.

In the inner part of the ring is cut with a canvas. You should be extremely careful not to damage the wiring. After the hole is released wire for connecting.

Speak the location of the bar and correctly place the mounting bar.

Screw the mounting bar using screws. Do not forget to pre-insert the hairpins.

Attach chandelier so that the studs entered the intended holes. Secure the lamp with decorative bolts.

How to decorate the lamp fastening

If you have not forgotten using a thermocol, the place of fastening the chandelier will be without tearing carefully. A small hole will hide behind the base of the lighting device. But if the interior design requires creating some additional element, use light polyurethane sockets. They imitate

How to hang a chandelier to the ceiling with your own hands? It would seem that the question. Slide down the top chandelier chandelier, hang it on the hook, connect the wires, drive the cap - that's all. But even in the very simplest case, difficulties may arise. What kind? Let's figure it out.

How do chandeliers generally suspend

There are four ways suspension chandeliers:

  • The ceiling hook is the oldest and most reliable. Requires a solid ceiling and special attachment in it.
  • The standard mounting plate (bracket) is due to the load distribution by several attachment points with a small weight chandelier is quite reliable when attaching a dowel-nail to plastic sleeves.
  • The cross mounting bar works similarly to direct assembly, but has more attachment points. It is used for chandeliers adjacent to the ceiling.
  • A foreign circuit platform is designed for fastening a few points of heavy chandeliers.

All these fastening methods do not allow to tighten the chandelier close to the ceiling in low rooms. Installation planks are curved to provide wire output. Further, in this article, the finalization of the assembly plate will be described, which allows to press the chandelier close to the ceiling.

Installation of regular fixtures of chandeliers are simple: self-drawing in climbs-sleeves. The diameter of the screws can be determined by mounting holes in the mounting plate; Self-press length - 40-60 mm. For low ceilings, it is preferable to use flavored chandeliers, without a rod.

Much more attention should be paid to the safety technique when installing chandeliers: when working on the elevation, even light electric shock is fraught with a drop and serious injury. Miscellaneous kind of non-standard situations associated with suspension and installation chandeliers will also be considered: a suspended ceiling with a chandelier, how to hang a chandelier on plasterboard.

Phase indicator and wire phasing

First of all, you need to check the wires for the chandelier. The zero wire (neutral) is common, and the phase wires through the switch are connected to the lamp sections.

Phase / zero wiring is determined by a special instrument - the phase indicator. It can be purchased at any electrical store. There is an indicator inexpensive. The phase indicators are with an neon light bulb and the quenching resistor and electronic.

By type, the indicator is similar to a screwdriver. When using them, the tiber slightly clamp between the index and middle fingers of the right hand in the place is intended for this; It is either highlighted by color or has a notch and separated from the fusely fuse. Concerned when working in the sting indicator is dangerous for life!

When checking the phasing with a thumb touch with a special metal terminal on the end of the instrument handle, or the buttons in the electronic indicator, and the indicator staining relates to the wires being checked. If it is a phase - light bulb flashes or an appropriate symbol appears on the display. To hold the wire with the other hand it is impossible even for insulation! The indicator works only by one - right - hand!

Before checking, turn off and turn off both traffic jams. Then pinch the ends of the chandeliers sticking out of the ceiling, spread ends to the sides, plugs include, and turn the switch. On the rubber mat put a stool, and from it, with the right hand, the indicator find the phase wire or two phase wires, if the chandelier switch is double. Then turn off the switch, not the touch tube, and again check the phasing. Now the indicator should not shine when touched to any of the wires.

If the phase remains somewhere, the switch must be switched to the phase break, and the zero wire, if the switch is unipolar, to put directly. This work is simple, and not required for picking the wall. But if you are not an electrician, then for her you need to invite a specialist. No jokes with electricity do not pass.

Posting search

Before drilling in the ceiling hole under fasteners, you need to determine where the wiring is in order to do not kill it. For reliable, the search for wiring must be done under load, i.e. under the current. Give a load on the wiring as follows:

  • Turn off the plugs and chandelier switch.
  • The wires sticking out of the ceiling are temporarily increasing to the floor; Isolate isolate isolate.
  • Instead of sections, the chandelier also temporarily plugs under incandescent bulbs.
  • The bulbs are screwed into the cartridges at least 60 W, and better - by 100-150 W.
  • Include traffic jams and switch; You can proceed to search for wiring.

Wiring search is best maintained by an electronic indicator; The neon indicator works only in direct contact with current-time parts. There are special devices - wiring seekers, but they are more expensive, and accuracy is no more than two thickness of plaster. If the wiring is also stubborn in the shoes, the error will be about 5 cm, which is not enough. The indicator at any depth of the occurrence gives accuracy of 1-2 cm.

The indicator leads, putting a finger on the button, on the ceiling perpendicular to the estimated direction of wiring. When the phase icon appears on the display, make a pencil mark and lead on. When the icon disappears, the second mark is made.

Then the same place pass in the opposite direction; It will turn out two pairs of marks. In the middle between the internal and lies the wiring. Next, shifted by 15-20 cm along the wiring and the search is repeated until the end of the working area.

Installation of chandeliers on regular mounts

Installation of chandeliers on standard mounts is reduced to the wiring of the feed wires by light bulb sections. When checking the phasing of the wiring, the zero wire should be immediately noted, at least moving it close to the ceiling by sting the indicator. Then turned / turn off the plugs and roll in the chandelier of the wire.

In modern electrical appliances, the zero wire is always yellow with a longitudinal green stripe, and all the wires are headed in advance to the connector - a terminal bar. The zero wire of the wiring and is connected first: introduce it to the zero terminal and the screw is tightened. Then the phase wires are connected. Single to place the cap - the work is over.

And if the wiring in the room of two wires? Or the chandelier of Grandfather, or antique, and there is not visible where the phase, and where is zero?

In the first case, the phase wire (plugs are turned off!) Add a small segment of the same in cross section of the wire (see Fig.) And both section of the bulbs include one phase. The entire chandelier will be turned on with one switch.

Sleeping chandeliers

If the wires in the chandelier are not labeled, and there is also no terminal bar, then the chandelier needs to be squeezed. This is done by the usual tester. Nick the chandelier with a light bulb from the network 220 in life to life!

For the transversals to all the chandeliers, we screw the same, i.e. single power and brand, incandescent lamps; Better low, 15-25 watts. Light bulbs - housekeeping are not suitable, with them a transvener will not give anything.

Chandelier circuit is given in the picture. From her, a person familiar with the electrical engineering or at least that was not forgotten by the school law of Ohm, it can be seen that if the resistance of one bulb is equal to R, then there will be R between zero and Fi; Between zero and fii - 0.5r, and between phases - 1.5r. To rescue pairwise, three wires need six measurements.

"Special" chandeliers

Recently, chandeliers have appeared on sale, equipped with a remote control to adjust the illumination, a fan, an air ionizer or even air conditioning (more precisely, its evaporating unit). When buying such products, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Immediately see how it connects. If, in addition to the usual terminal bar for household wiring, some incomprehensible ends stick out there, require the instructions and read.
  • If the instructions are not clear how to hang such a chandelier, ask whether its installation is included in the price, and what are the seller's guarantees.
  • Suddenly the trading point works on the principle of "sold and forgotten", it is better to look better in the same place else.

Chandeliers with additional features - products are sufficiently specific; Firms or masters engaged in their installation, and there are no "special" chandeliers that are not suiced.

Non-standard situations

And how to hang a chandelier on the ceiling, if there is no regular fastening, or it is impossible to use it? To do this, you will have to stock up tool for working on concrete, stone, wood, plasterboard, and work.

Low ceiling

The regular option is the chandelier and plane and the attachment of the Cross Plank. And what if the room is low, but I still do not want to put the plastic? In this case, you can give 10-15 cm, hanging the chandelier with a rod on the ceiling without hook.

To do this, the full-time mounting bar is straightened, cut off so that it is hidden under the cap, and the new holes under the screws are drilled in it. Next, the chandelier must be finalized:

  • With chandeliers remove the plaffones and, if possible, all fragile details. It is better if the design allows you to remove the rod immediately.
  • The wires chandeliers are removed from the terminal bar.
  • In the rod, immediately for carvings, drill in a row along the rod, three holes are 4-5 mm. You only need to trace so that they are all then under the cap.
  • In the holes of the removed rod passes the fishing line, three pieces. Their ends are attached to the ends of the wires of the chandeliers and tightly wrapped with narrow tape.
  • They put the rod, carefully coming on the wires and pulling the slices of the fishing line until the ends of the wires will come out of the holes. If somehow caught, it is corrected with a wire crochet or tweezers.
  • If the rod is fixed, then the slices of the fishing line are injected into the holes alternately, starting from the bottom, and also remove the wires in them.
  • Wires are re-introduced into the terminal box.

The purpose of such a refinement: to bring the wire on the side so that they do not turn out to be pressed to the ceiling and are transmitted by the edge of the rod. ATTENTION: If the rod is fixed or curly, the cap must remain on it. Otherwise, then he will not dress because of the protruding wiring sides.

Next, the mounting bar is installed on the rod between two regular nuts, and attach to the chandelier by self-assembly to the ceiling. Most likely, the nuts will not need: in most chandeliers, the plane is attached to the rod rod.

Connect wires. It may turn out that the terminalnik now does not fit in the cap - nothing terrible, it is completely removed, and the wires are combined with soldering; Isolate isolate isolate. You are not recommended to connect the wires of the twist: there will be problems with flashing chandeliers.

Now mount the chandelier to the ceiling on the self-drawing. Self-tapping screws in the sleeve of Natogo do not wrap, otherwise the chandelier will become Kosovo.

Option for weak, but dense ceilings: from laminate, MDF, plywood. Instead of a mounting plank, we make a circle with a diameter of 5 mm less internal diameter of the cap. In the center - a hole for the rod; In a circle - 4-6 holes for the self-tapping screw. You still need to make a hole for wires.

If you need a hook

Fastening the chandelier to the concrete ceiling on the bar or foreign issues does not cause any questions. And if the chandelier you like - under the hook, and there is no one at home? Some work - and a very reliable hook can be delivered by itself:

  • If a hook screw is used, the hole in the ceiling is drilled with a diameter of 10 mm larger than the diameter of the screw, and the depth - along the thread length + 10 mm.
  • Lubricate the hook with a thin layer of consistency (thick) lubrication.
  • Two copper wires with a diameter of 0.8 - 1.2 mm are screwed onto the thread of the screw of the screw. At the beginning and at the end of the thread, we leave a mustache for 10 mm and we divor them 90 degrees. When looking from the end of the screw, the mustache should diverge into four sides perpendicularly.
  • The hole inside is sprayed from the sprayer, or we stick a richly moistened with a rod in it, keep 1-2 minutes and removed.
  • We prepare 50-100 g of alabastron or gypsum solution; It is convenient to do with a disposable plastic cup. When mixing with water, the solution is heated. We knead to creamy consistency.
  • With the help of a stick (not a spatula) as quickly as possible (alabaster and gypsum frozen quickly) we stick the solution into the hole before filling.
  • Also quickly, in another liquid solution, pushing the hook with a wrapper wrapped on the thread; Mustache wire at the same time.
  • Remove the extreme solution and wait for it to froze in the hole. The solution should not be easy to frozen, but also cool to room temperature. For this you need at least 2 hours, but it is better to wait a day. Now the chandelier can be hung.

If the hook with a supporting platform for fastening with self-draws, the nests for them do the same, but the wire takes the fond - 0.4-0.6 mm. And you will have to knead a separate portion of the solution for each jack - it is very quickly freeing to a porridge state.

Such nests serve as centuries without looking like plastic. When turning / turning the hook, 2-3 times the nest is not cleared. If necessary, it is easily cleaned from filling with a narrow chisel and reworked. Gypsum-alabastor socket during repair can be laid down, and then dip the hook hole in the plaster.

Chandelier in the stretch ceiling

Installation chandelier on the stretch ceiling is the most difficult case. First of all: chandelier with incandescent lamps and stretch ceilings are incompatible. Even from a three-zone chandelier with 40 W lamps in a month, stains will appear on the ceiling, and within 3 months it will begin to crawl. The bulbs-housekeepers in the chandeliers recessed into the ceiling quickly burn out due to poor heat exchange; There is the only option - LED lamps.

Then, the chandel station in an already existing stretch ceiling is impossible: it will have to remove and pull the new one. Trying to cut holes in the already stretched ceiling is useless - the film or the fabric will immediately spread.

And finally, before calling the Ceing Masters, you need to prepare the mount for the chandelier. The regular mount chandelier is not designed to be installed in stretch ceilings, so if the chandelier is hanging on the hook, it must be installed in the ceiling in advance.

For mounting on a plank or a height of the base ceiling, you need to attach a pillow from waterproof BS or MDF plywood, a thickness of at least 16 mm, on the brackets, as shown in the figure. Wooden or from ordinary plywood pillow in the interpostic space will soon dry, and it will end this by an accident.

Along the installed cushion, the ceilings will remove the sizes and will be made in the walls of the holes framed by chapers. Through them, the chandelier will be attached to the pillow long fasteners, with a gap to the "game" ceiling. Wide holes are additionally supported by supporting "spiders", but this is the subject of a separate conversation.

If it is supposed to drown a chandelier in the stretch ceiling, then it should hang in place during the measure. But still the chandelier in the stretch ceiling is not the best option according to expenses. Only due to the uneven load distribution due to the presence of holes such a ceiling, will rather lead and lose the form than the one-piece.

Chandelier on plasterboard ceiling

Attach the chandelier to the ceiling of the plasterboard is also not easy, but still easier than in the room in the stretch ceiling. Three cases are possible here:

  • The chandelier weighs up to 3 kg and attached to the hook. In this case, you need a special butterfly hook. It consists of a plastic clip of a special design and a screw hook. Under the clip of the butterfly, the hole is drilled in a drywall, on one or two revolutions screwed down the hook into the clip. Then the clip is inserted until it stops into the hole and finish the hook to failure. The inner side of the butterfly unfolds in the petals, which fix the hook.
  • Chandelier - up to 7 kg weighing. In this case, only the mounting on the planks (console) is permissible. For each point of attachment, a dowel-butterfly is used; Simply - mole. According to the design, it looks like a hook of the butterfly hook, and when turning into it, the self-pressing is also revealed in the sides inside the interporal space.
  • Heavy chandelier. For its suspension on the hook, you will need one collet studs of at least 12 mm diameter; For mounting on a bar - at least two to 8-10 mm. To install a collet stiletto in the base ceiling through drywall, the holes are drilled by the diameter of the heel liner and the depth of its length. The stud is slightly screwed into the sleeve, through the hole in the drywall is inserted into the base ceiling until it stops, and again the stud is screwed down. The collet diverges and is crushed in the base ceiling, and outside the threaded end remains to which the hook can be screwed down with a threaded jack, or a few ends - you can put a pillow under the chandelier bracket.

Note: The chandelier suspension on the hook through drywall is unreliable - the collet is kept in the ceiling on friction. Therefore, for the suspension to the plasterboard ceiling it is better to choose chandeliers with a console fastening.

How to remove chandeliers

And how to remove the chandelier from the ceiling, if necessary? All described attachment methods allow dismantling in order to install.

In the first place, again, the safety technique: turn off the switch, turn off or disrupt the cork. Then remove all fragile parts with the chandeliers: crystal suspensions, etc. Next, we turn off the wires, insulace their bare ends, and only then proceed to the disassembly of the attachment.

With a tension tension or plasterboard ceiling, we only remove the chandelier actually. Pillows, butterflies, collet and other auxiliary parts do not touch. This is especially true and butterflies: these are disposable details, they are not calculated on re-installation.

Hello, dear readers and site visitors.

After buying a chandelier always arises the question of how to install it. In this article, I will tell you how to hang a lamp or chandelier without calling specialists.

There is nothing difficult in this and you can easily cope with your own. But about some subtleties and nuances need to mention.

There are several ways to fix and install chandeliers in the ceiling:

  • on a metal hook
  • on the bracket or bar
  • directly to the surface

Consider each fastening method in more detail.

Install chandelier with hook

This is the easiest and most convenient way to fasten the chandelier. Jeeping it on a metal hook, pre-installed on the ceiling. In my example, a metal hook of an old sample is shown, installed in the construction of the house.

1. How to hang not heavy chandelier

If the chandelier is not heavy and weigh up to 3-4 (kg), then you can apply such a metal hook with carvings.

Using the perforator, drills a hole in the ceiling, insert a plastic dowel into it and screw the hook. Fastening for chandelier is ready.

Also using a metal hook with carvings can be installed a chandelier to the ceiling with wooden floors. The hook is just necessary to wrap (tighten) into the wooden base of the ceiling.

I want to pay attention to the following. Installing the hook in the ceiling of plasterboard is prohibited. In this case, the metal hook must be attached to the concrete base of the ceiling.

2. How to hang heavy chandelier

If the chandelier is heavy and weighs more than 5 (kg), it is better to use special anchor bolts with a diameter of 10 square meters. With a spacer hook.

Drills a hole in the ceiling of the required diameter. After that, insert the anchor into it and tighten it until it stops. Such a mount chandelier is very reliable.

Chandeliers that are designed to install on the hook have a special decorative cup.

A cup is freely moving in height and fixed in the upper position to hide the places.

Installation of chandeliers using a bracket (bar)

And now we will look at how to install a chandelier without a metal hook. I consider this method of attachment somewhat more complicated than the previous one, but not so complicated to resort to paid services of specialists.

Included with the challenge there is a special metal bracket or bar. In this bracket or bar, we install 2 screws, adjusting the distance between them, and then tighten them with nuts. After that, the bracket is attached to the ceiling with a perforator and two dowel-nails.

Previously, the chandelier was installed on this place on the metal hook. The purchased new chandelier is attached using the bracket, so the hook I beat to the ceiling that you can see in the photo. You can generally cut a hook, but he does not interfere in this position at all.

Tighten the two fastening decorative nuts.

The chandelier is installed and ready for operation.

Now I will not stop at this, because This is the topic of a separate article. Read in the nearest releases.

P.S. So, in this article we met how to install a chandelier with metal hooks, brackets and directly to the surface. Now let's turn to its connection. Read about it in the following my articles.