Repairs Design Furniture

Design of nursery in Khrushchev for two boys. Children's in a shrimp. Permissible use and multi-storey structures

All rooms in Khrushchev are characterized by their very small sizes, which does not allow to play fantasies during repair.

A special problem in such apartments play the very small sizes of the children's room, and after all, children need a lot of space for playing, relaxation and work. Yes, it is works, because a child who goes to a kindergarten or school must constantly do and improve.

What color to choose for the design of the children's room in Khrushchev?

Visually increase the room cold shades of colors. Therefore, the best wall of such a children's room is to be abolished or caught with cold shades with wallpaper.

Beautifully expand the room horizontal stripes. But it is not worth the whole room to make striped. Quite a few stripes.

If there is still low ceilings in such a "modest" room, then they can be increased due to the color of the ceiling in the color of the walls or on the walls of several vertical strips.

It is superbly zonied the children's room and increase the visually sizes with a pattern pasted on one of the walls.

How is it rational to use all the place of the room when placing furniture?

The interior of a small children's room will fit better and will be rationally use the free space of the transforming furniture or embedded furniture.

You can embed furniture with plasterboard structures. Plasterboard is important to paint in the color of the whole room so that the cabinet does not stand out.

Save the place also boxes for linen or other accessories, which are often located in upholstered furniture or under beds.

What to choose a desk for a child and where to position it correctly?

It is very important that the table is made of natural materials. The ideal option will be a table made of natural wood, but this option is not for everyone to pocket, so you can replace it with a table from MDF.

Chipboard can cause allergies, therefore, from the manufacture of a table from this material should be refused.

The working desk is important to remember, about the correctness of the lighting. In this case, the ideal option will be the location of the table near the window. If there is no such possibility, it is important to consider the lamp on the table.

In order to save a limited place, you can use the disappeared window sill instead of the table.

It is important to remember that the increase in the children's room due to the mirrors is not desirable. Mirrors affect the children's psyche, distract from work and interfere with a full-fledged child's rest.

Make a very small room in Khrushchev, a cozy children's childish is not as difficult as it may seem. Much depends on the proper zoning of the room. In order for the child to feel comfortably in his room, it is necessary to correctly use every centimeter of a small room and divide it into several functional zones.

Zoning of the children's room in Khrushchev

The zoning of the children's room depends on how many children will constantly be in it.

As a rule, the zoning of the children's room is carried out using the correct placement of furniture and interior items. Often, various niches, screen and partitions use for these purposes. In any room, even in a small children in Khrushchev, it is necessary to allocate several functional areas for recreation, sleep and child work. Most often highlight four main zones needed for the children's room:

  • Place for rest and sleep;
  • Game Zone;
  • Part of the room for classes and study;
  • Zone for receiving guests.

Zoning of the space of the children's room in Khrushchev

If several children are supposed to be accommodated in the children's room, their peaceful neighborhood will be possible only if there is a well-organized personal room for sleep, study and recreation. In a small children's room for two children, an excellent option for decoring a zone for sleep and thereby saving space can be a bunk bed. General can be done and the work area by installing a joint writing desk. A recreation area should be made for each child separately. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account individual interests and preferences.

Planning and design of a children's room in Khrushchev

Each child in his personal room spends most of his time. Here he rests, develops and plays. When making the design of any children's room, it is necessary to take into account his interests and hobbies. In this case, finding a child in their room will only bring joy and favor. Many interior designers who specialize in the design of small premises, such as Khrushchev, are recommended to follow a few simple rules.

The zone for recreation of a child, first of all, should be comfortable, comfortable and safe. Better, if the bed length is a little more child growth. If the child is still quite small, he can choose an unusual bed. For example, an excellent option for girls will be a beautiful bed in the form of a carriage, for a boy you can choose a bed-racing machine.

Best of all, as a rule, the work area is lit in the nursery. It is recommended to arrange it in front of the window where enough natural lighting is. Toys are conveniently stored in a special chest intended for their storage or bag.

Most of the children's room should occupy a play area. In order to provide it in a small Khrushchev, it is better to choose for its interior transforming furniture items.

Furniture and all finishing materials that are used in the design of the interior of the children's room must be executed from eco-friendly, safe materials. It is better if the furniture will be made of natural materials. Desirable lack of sharp corners. The mandatory attribute of the children's room must be a child's favorite toys.

Children's room furniture in Khrushchev

Interior and setting of children's room in Khrushchev

First of all, it is necessary to pick up the wallpaper for the design of the children's room. With their choice, it is necessary to take into account their environmental friendliness, color, drawing, as well as the age and sex of the child.

To save space in Khrushchev, all the furniture of the children's room should be the most spacious. To make the interior of a similar room, it is best to choose multifunctional furniture items.

To save a few space in the room for children, desktop desktop can be installed directly on the windowsill. In this case, in addition to saving space, the child will receive a sufficient amount of natural light during classes.

All baby toys are better folded in a special bag or chest. It will also save a little space and, thereby adding spaces for games.

Wallpaper for the children's room in Khrushchev

As storage systems, it is better to use non-bedside tables, but suspended consoles or shelves. And the dresser is better to replace the bed with nominating shelves in which you can store things a child, his toys or textiles. The built-in ward will also help save the useful space of the children's room in Khrushchev. The bulk cabinet from the floor to the ceiling itself is perfect for storing all the things of the child.

Bed attic bed is also a good option for designing the interior of a small children's room. At the top tier of such a bed there is a sleeping place of the child, on the bottom - its working area. The attic bed will not only save the space room, but also cope with the zoning function.

Do not overload the space room. Purchase follows only the most necessary. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child. No need to retool in a room for children various design compositions and crystal vases. Basic principles for children - practicality and simplicity. To achieve such an effect, you can visually increasing the space of a small room.

There are several simple rules that help visually make the room more:

1. The use of bright shades in the floor finish.

Light paint or bright wallpaper visually make the room almost twice more spacious. In addition, wallpapers will look at the walls in this way. Recently, cotton coating is becoming increasingly popular as a finishing material for walls. Its structure perfectly copes with the function of desolating the room.

As a room separator on functional zones, you can use bookshelves that are both part of the home library. This method is most convenient if several children live in the room at once.

2. Lines on the ceiling will allow visually "lift" the ceiling.

Additional volume of small room can create dot lamps and decorative lights. Modern technologies allow you to mount the decorative backlight in the floor, the ceiling and even the design of the wardrobe.

Proper layout will allow you to develop in the children's most original and unusual design. For example, instead of conventional chairs, you can buy comfortable soft bags for seating. The workplace should be placed in such a way that the sun rays fall from the left side. Also, a desk lamp must also be fixed in the workplace.

Choose a color for the children's room in Khrushchev

Many parents for the design of the children's room choose saturated, bright shades, thinking that the child will grow more fun and develop in a room with a bright interior. In fact, it is not. Experts recommend making a children's room in bright bed shades, and as bright accents in the interior use toys and various decor items. It is best that one of the walls of the room is intended for creativity. Not depending on the floor and age, the child will be happy to draw on the surface intended for this surface.

Color gamut of the children's room in Khrushchev

The light walls of the room can be decorated with funny drawings and applications that are applied to the wall using special stencils.

In a small children's room, the use of photo wallpapers is recommended. Photocrusting is suitable for decoring a child of different ages. The only thing that can be guided by their choice is a drawing. For very small children, it is better to choose a photo wallpaper on which fabulous and animal characters, butterflies or various animals depict. For older children, it is better to choose a photocuration with the image of the favorite heroes of films, anime, various landscapes.

If you observe these simple rules for the design of a nursery in Khrushchev, and it's total 〖7m〗 ^ 2, then from a small room, a fabulous, cozy corner, where the child will feel comfortable and calmly.

I am writing a continuation of memories of our favorite apartment.

The other day she showed the kitchen.

Today I will show a nursery.
In general, the task was to place two diverse, already grown children in an angular room of 11 square meters. meters. It turned out ... well, as it turned out.

For considerations of practicality for the design of the walls, paint was chosen, not a wallpaper. You can wash and dry, if that. Two walls (with windows) painted in blue, two - in green. In the process of repairing relatives very skeptical related to such a choice (paint, by the way, we chose along with the son; well, that there was no daughter, otherwise everything was pink-gold). After the room was filled with furniture, I really liked everyone.

Ceiling - plasterboard, because The plate plate was up to 6 cm. Stretch ceiling was noted immediately, because The bunk bed was planned, and the proximity of the material in which you can catch something, I would like to like children. So, plasterboard. By the way, electrician wiring successfully hid.

Instead of the ceiling plinth, a mirror mosaic was used, bought in the online store for creativity.
All furniture is my favorite IKEA.

View from the entrance

In the colder corner, an angular wardrobe got up opposite the entrance. The side walls of it only 35 cm (well, why IKEA stopped producing angular cabinets with a depth of 50 cm?). I had to use furniture shields as lining so that the wardrobe stood in the table with the tables. It turned out that a fairly large storage space was formed behind the closet. I could not let him disappear. Therefore, cutouts were made in the invoicing chipboard, so that the tables were not visible, and in the resulting space was hiding every rubbish, like skis, laminate residues and other necessary and unnecessary things. Tables are very lungs, spread easily. The door of the cabinet is mirror, the walls are also decorated with mirrors (however, it did not finish it until the end). To the left of the cabinet is the workplace of the Son, on the right - the workplace of the daughter.

Daughter's workplace. View from the bed.

The daughter's workplace is located in front of the window, downstairs under the table - the battery, which is not very convenient, but somehow they adapted to adjust it to be and not hot, and not cold.

Daughter's workplace and shelving on the window

The angular wardrobe tanned a small part of the window, in the resulting niche, right on the window sill perfectly fit the Billy rack. (This window sash is very deaf).

Daughter's work on the right

To the right of the daughter's table, a high column of 30 cm width and gdubina 40 cm was stood up. The column was also "shielded" to the wall, which made it possible to very successfully hide the heating.
In the lockers like this is so organized storage of linen, etc.

If there were just shelves, there would be a mess. And with boxes - everything is cute and neat. By the way, I did not find in the case of suitable boxes. Therefore, the boxes were taken from the cosmetics of one network brand and were seeded with felling wallpaper under painting. Improvised stickers help not get confused in boxes and allow you to remove things into place.

The workplace of the son is slightly more than her daughter due to an additional chain chambers. Tables and Tumba - Ikeevsky Series Micke. Very compact and lungs, but not durable. The table top is made of some cellular material that is not too shocking. Once a subwoofer (which in glasses and headphones) fell from the shelf and struck the hole in the tabletop. Son shoved a hole with a sticker. And the subwoofer since then lives on the table.

And view above the table

Near the table another window.

On the window (besides the beast, without him!) - An old TV (behind the curtain). So I did not decide, it was needed or not, so I did not change to another.
A bunk bed is invented not from a good life.
So she.

Top sleeps daughter, bottom - son. In the headboard, each made lamps and sockets: daughters - for night light, son - to charge gadgets. All curtains, if necessary, can be completely shifted into angle by the window.

another photo of the bed

Under the bed - boxes with Irushki.

boxes with toys under the bed

Separately, I would like to say about the floor ... I do not like it ... well, in general, it is ... it is a laminate with imitation of old boards from boxes. I probably would choose birch. But from the budget floors at that time the brightest was only this. And he likes her husband.
To the left of the bed organized a system for storing from lockers a 10 cm wide and a depth of 40 cm.

In a niche formed by cabinets, the place was accustomed to sit, watch TV or parents read a fairy tale at night (kids though, but still love the fairy tale)

The children's room in Khrushchev has minimal sizes, but it is quite realistic to issue an interior with the maximum convenience. This place should serve as a child with a sleeping area and a player, harmoniously combining the presence of a wardrobe and bed. The room needs to highlight the zone for games. To achieve this will help the use of competent zoning. The project of the children's room in Khrushchev is drawn up taking into account the correct distribution of space. Kids should help you play and engage. The layout is obliged to guarantee the comfort of sleep, studying and playing, give the opportunity to receive guests.

Distribution by zones

When zoning should be repelled from the number of children living in the room. It is customary to allocate two types of space distribution.

  1. Children's room for the girl

The separation of space is achieved by creating a competent interior project. Often resort to zoning by partitions, shirms, niches. Children's room for girls are divided into:

  • sleep zone;
  • gaming zone;
  • guest zone;
  • zone classes and study.

The list can be complemented, given the hobbies and hobbies of the girl (create a zone of art, music).

  1. Children's room for two children

By providing each child with a cozy place to sleep, classes and games, you can count on their friendly cohabitation. For two girls combine sleeping places by setting a bunk bed. Conducting time together, children will enjoy stronger. Choosing such a distribution of the area, sometimes you need to divert the girls separate space for hobbies.

If you set one big written table, you can save space, and it will give you the opportunity to study with children, making this game process.

Choosing materials

Before starting repair, children needs to decide on the color decision of the interior. These rooms are recommended to be separated by light tones. A children's room for a girl is made up with warm tones (pink, lilac, beige, golden). Design design projects for boys are compiled using blue, green, blue colors. The use of aggressive shades is not welcomed.

Game zone should be decorated. Self-stick stickers are perfectly suitable with cartoon characters or drawings applied by paint through stencils. Baby like it. The floor can be covered with carpet from natural fibers. It is easy to wash and it fully consists of natural components.

The game zone must be equipped with a sufficient amount of light for a comfortable time. You should not use excessively bright light sources. They can negatively affect the nervous system of the child. Creating a children's room project, professionals advise to apply luminescent or halogen lamps whose light is pleasant.
Chandeliers, sometimes emitting glare, often replaced with ceiling lights. The functionality of children will add side lights located around the perimeter.

Each piece of children's space in Khrushchev should be combined with the design. So that the child with the hunt returned to the room, it must be performed in harmony with the selected style.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Khrushchev has one positive quality: it is a separate accommodation, which is much better than a room in a communal or hostel. There are advantages on this, especially in comparison with spacious apartments in new buildings, end. Sometime, Khrushchev was built as a temporary refuge, but it is safe and so on. The children's room in them is tiny, meters 5-7 and more like a storage room. Parents on the eve of the repair of a nursery are usually in shock, believing that it will not be possible to do anything worthwhile from this "Penal".

The design of the room affects the psychological condition of the child. It is necessary to try to make the children in Khrushchev to cause positive emotions from his young owner. The main thing is that the child will have their own personal space, the place where he can retire where guests will invite. The room should be comfortable, comfortable, cozy, practical and beautiful. And be sure, a children's room in Khrushchev will accommodate everything you need: Computer table, bed, Chiffonier, even a place to stay.

Materials for finishing are chosen only environmentally friendly, it is understandable to each parent. Cold shades - the right choice. With them, the room will seem a bit spacious, wider and even higher. Salad, blue, pink, lilac, beige colors come to the rescue. View photo of the children's room in Khrushchev, you can in the article. Accessories, minor details can be performed in bright colors. They will give the room a cheerful look, will become expressive strokes that will create a joyful atmosphere.

The built-in cabinet to the ceiling will save the area, and many things fit in it. Racks and shelves for books will not grind space, they will give him an airiness and ease. Only wins the interior of the nursery in Khrushchev if the work zone will be framed by the window, there is enough light here. The window will have to put plastic, so that the drafts are not walked around the room. The extensive windowsill will be an excellent replacement with a writing desk.

The usual bed is not suitable. In the tiny room you need a sleeping place with drawers, or on the podium. Very convenient to fold bed linen, toys, books, other things in the boxes. Thinking the repair of children in Khrushchev, pay attention to the solution of these issues. The attic bed is another good way out. The top tier takes a sleeping place, the game or work zone can be located under it.

With a competent approach, it is possible to allocate a place for children in one-room Khrushchev. As they say, scanty square meters are not a vice, but space for imagination. The partition will divide the room for two. Well, if every window is in each way, otherwise parents will have to be content with artificial