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Values \u200b\u200bof fortune telling on the water. Fortune telling on the water - an ancient method of predicting the future. Divination on the water for christmas

Satar week and night on the eve of Christmas - the best time to look over the turn of fate: learn whether to wait in the new year of marriage, to see the narrowed, to make a cherished desire and ask for the mysterious forces of his execution. The fortune telling on the water is one of the most interesting magical rituals, since the water is penetrated by a man's aura and truthfully predicts the future.

Divination on water with candles "answer to the question"

Prepare three church candles, gain key water (it should stand before the fortune telling next to the bed of 3-4 days). At 12 o'clock in the morning, on January 7, install candles in the form of a triangle on a "clean" table, pour water into a decanter and put it between the candles. For a decanter put a small mirror. Concentrate, calm down and mentally ask the question of interest. Carefully look at the water, through which the mirror reflects. After some time, a fragment of the future appears in the water, which is a response to a given question.

Christmas divination "Water transfusion" at desire

Take two glasses, one empty, the second is filled to edges with water. To make a desire and quickly pour water from a full glass into empty. IMPORTANT: It is possible to do it only once, otherwise the burning will lose its strength. View on the table over which the action was carried out. If there are 3 drops of water on it - the desire will come true, more than 3 - will not come true.

Fortune telling with water and paper on events

Take pelvis with water, paper strips with written events (luck, unexpected winnings, illness, passionate love, death, wedding, failure, illness). In the center of the shell of a walnut to install a small candle grid and put the "boat" in the pelvis. What a strip will set fire to the flames of the candle, such an event will occur in the coming year with gadgets.

Fortune telling on a shield with water and needles on marriage

Prepare two sewing needles (the same!), Carefully grate them with lard, pour clean water into the glass. Mandatory condition: the needle to the water should not be gudying / fortunate, you should do it. To make a desire and carefully look at the needles. Saved to the bottom - happiness in the new year you should not wait, they agreed together, as if attracted by a magnet - a good marriage is not far off. The needles diverge - there is a certain obstacle that prevents reunion with the narrowed.

Fortune telling

Take a pelvis with key water and small sheets of white paper (10 pieces). Write on them a year and male names (50/50). Collapse all papers into the tube and simultaneously throw in the water. The first expanded leaf with the name predicts the name of the future spouse, a sheet with a number - a year of marriage.

Fortune telling on ice "Frozen spoon"

The ancient fortune telling on the water on children is considered the most simple and reliable. Cook a silver tablespoon, pour into it well water and put it on the night from January 6 to January 7 to the frost. In the morning, see the result of the burning. If there are bubbles in frozen water - this is the prediction of the Bogatar Health, Bugorka - Marriage and the Birthday Son, Smells - the birth of a beautiful daughter.

The fortune telling on candles and water belongs to the ancient rituals. Not everyone knows that water is a powerful and mysterious substance. It is able to absorb the human info biofield and reflect it in itself. Therefore, water is used in most magic rites.

Divination with the help of water and candles belongs to the ancient rituals and is considered to be quite effective

The fortune telling with the help of water and candles is the most effective, moreover, you do not need to have a gadget person. The main thing to fulfill all the conditions and then the result will be plausible.

Prepare to fortunie

How to guess with candles and water to get the most truthful result. To begin with, a day before divination, you need to focus on your question and constantly think about it.

Basic rules of divination:

  1. Dusting with the candle should occur on the lunar night. It is desirable that the sky is clean and the moon shining brightly.
  2. Conduct rites alone or in the company. The main thing is that there is no man who is tuned negatively or skeptical.
  3. You can pay out in any room, but that nothing distract attention.
  4. It is best to use water that was gained in the baptismic night. If there is no such, then you can charge a simple water from under the tap. Through three days before the divination, the water tank is put in the headboard of a gadget person and, only then the liquid is used for the rite.
  5. When you fortunate love, it is advisable to take a candle of red. If the rite is done on material well-being, then it is worth stopping your choice on gold shades. All issues related to health should be set green candles. Church candles can be used for any divination. The main thing is that the candle is new. The used material is impossible to use.

Green candle will answer all questions about health

Fortune telling on love

Divination with the candle on love are the easiest way. For him, it will take to grasp a little wax from the candle into a metal small container, you can use a spoon. Next, a cup of water is taken and a candle is lit. Above its flames are melted and quickly poured into the water.

When connecting hot wax with cold water, an unusual figure is created from it. It is in it that is worth looking for an answer to a given question.

Consider the significance of the most common shapes:

Saw wreath? Expect soon marriage!

  1. Wreath. Soon there will be marriage.
  2. Snake. Promises the presence of enemies that interfere with the desired goals. As well as disorder in love relationships and the likelihood of a serious illness.
  3. Mill. There is a person who creates intrigue, gossiping, poorly responding to a gadget personality.
  4. Crown. Symbolizes a good result in any endeavor.
  5. Apricot. The lover has a good opinion about a gadget man, so he will not be against relationships.
  6. Rope. Means approximation of serious problems.
  7. Arch. Troubled life. It is worth avoiding adventurous proposals.
  8. Rose flower. Very soon the second half appear.
  9. Colepko. Marriage symbol. Friendship will turn into love.
  10. Cloud. Beloved doubts in the opposite feelings.

Divination to the question

Divination on candles on the water can be carried out in any atmosphere, but to be comfortable. The next rite is a bit more difficult and use it is often impossible. Water and candles must be acquired in the church.

The fortune telling on the candlelight is at midnight. On the table should be seized a white tablecloth. Three candles are laying out in the form of a triangle, so that in the middle rushes a water container. Next, they are lit, and should be waited a little, for good ignition. The center put water, and behind it the mirror. It must be so that the light from one candle is reflected in it.

After that, it is desirable to sit down and relax. It is necessary to drive all thoughts and linger in this state for a few minutes. Next, we concentrate all thoughts on the question of interest and begin to look through the water on the mirror.

Light outgoing lights from candles will form incredible pictures. It is in them that needs to look for an answer to your question. If the image is not clear, then it is worth listening to intuition.

Fortune telling on fate

This fortune telling on the candles is to do in full solitude. The presence of foreign people will be confusing the value due to their energy. Water poured into the container, and the candle is lit. Candle takes to the left hand and ask a mentally interested question. Next, which melted wax ripped into the water and repeat three times the following phrase:

"As a candle, I'm silent, so I urge your fate. Flame and water, open the veil over my future! ".

After that, the question of interest is asked out loud, and begin to look at the wax in the water. In the formation figures should look for the answer. Depending on the issue, the decoding for each person will be individual. But there are certain figures whose value is equally for any situation:

Figure "Cross" - expect unpleasant news

  1. Cross. There is a difficult choice, plans will be destroyed, unpleasant news.
  2. Flower. Romantic date, pleasant surprise, beautiful event in life.
  3. Ring. A proposal will be made, from which it is impossible to refuse.
  4. Human's figure. An unfamiliar personality appears in life, which will greatly change the usual way of life. Female appearance speaks about the presence of an opponent, the appearance of patroness or a new acquaintance. Male appearance symbolizes the appearance of a patron, a new acquaintance or a good friend.
  5. Straight lines. A favorable time to start a new case.
  6. Point. Material well-being is expected.
  7. Angel-like symbol with wings. Soon there is an unexpected decision, help and support will be provided.
  8. House. It is possible to move to a new place or good changes.
  9. Star. A person will accompany good luck, at work will quickly go through a career ladder.
  10. Book. There is an opportunity to start life from a new sheet.

In addition, if the numbers are clearly different, it denotes a specific date. If the letter originated, then you should pay attention to people whose name begins with it.

Quite often, animals appear in the fortune telling, what they say about:

  1. Dog. Nearby is a true friend.
  2. Owl. The emergence of difficulties and diseases.
  3. Duck. Near luck and luck.
  4. Elephant. Wisdom.
  5. Worm. Resolving the issue requires strong responsibility.
  6. The Dragon. It is necessary to stockpower to solve specific tasks.
  7. Hedgehog. The "prickly" situation will come, it is worth be careful.
  8. Cat. You need to be prepared for betrayal.
  9. Hen. Human awaits joyful and positive events.
  10. A lion. Strong, reliable, confident actions.

The wax can take an absolutely any form if it is not possible to understand what happened, it is worth trying another time.

The fortune telling on water with the candle should be made with caution. It is impossible to hold rituals for a long time, because it is not for nothing that there is evil spells during fortune telling to the house. It is still recommended after the rite with no one to talk until the morning.

Many are interested in the question of where the wax with the bizarre figures. If the alignment turned out to be positive, it is recommended to save it for one year. If the prediction is negative, then such a figure should be burned to the ground.

At all times, people were inherent in the desire to look into the future. Which methods for this did not use! And one of them was fortune-telling on the water.

Currently, it is scientifically proven that water has an energy memory, it is able to capture information about the person, its energy, that he speaks over the water.

Scientists even conducted such an experiment in which affirmations (approval) were pronounced over two water tanks. In the first case, these were negative words, in the second - positive. After that, the water was frozen and then studied the form of crystalline ice.

Scientists were extremely surprised, finding that the crystals of uneven form were formed in the first capacity, distorted and incorrect. Yet crystals in the second container were symmetrical and beautiful.

Well, our ancestors knew about the unique properties of water for a long time ago. That is why the most diverse divisions with its use were so common. They allowed to know the future using only water and one or two additional attributes. We will tell about various types of such divination in this article.

However, several rules should be remembered in order for the rite to give the most reliable results.

First, it is necessary to guess for ordinary water, which carries too much unnecessary information. For fortune telling it is better to choose either consecrated or rain, or water from the well. You can also clean it yourself - for this, place the container with water in the freezer until it turns into ice. Then remove from there and leave it in a natural way.

Secondly, it is better to choose a full moon or a period of growing moon.

Thirdly, remember that it is better to predict those events that care for at least two to last days. If your desire to know the future about any event occurs only periodically, then throughout the day, try to focus on the problem with which it will be connected.

On the egg in the water

One of the most reliable ways is the fortune telling using a raw egg, which has long been symbolizing the birth of a new life. In order for the prediction to be accurate, you need to follow several uncomplicated rules.

  1. On that day, when you spend the ritual, constantly carry the egg next to you, according to which you will guess.
  2. Water for divination should be room temperature.
  3. Use only fresh egg, you can even straight out of the chicken. The egg purchased in the store, which has been stored for a long time in the refrigerator, will not suit.
  4. The fortune telling is carried out only in the form of a protein. If yolk falls into the water, you will need to start all over with a new egg.

So, if everything is ready for fortune telling, you can safely begin. Concentrate your attention on the problem exciting you and sit down a little, closing your eyes. Then, keeping the focus on the same thoughts, gently pour the egg with an acute side and hold over the water tank until the entire protein is found. For the form that he eventually acquires, you can talk about what awaits you in the future.

If the protein fell to the bottom and did not acquire any form - this is an unfavorable sign that warns you of illness or other troubles.

That's what some forms that may form are:

  • Angel - joy and carelessness
  • Butterfly - Love Romance
  • Eye - Big Changes
  • Pear - infidelity of your beloved
  • Trees - the choice of an incorrect life path
  • Crown - the long-awaited receipt of the desired
  • Machine - Travel, Far and Long
  • Knife - False and Cunning
  • Spider - meeting with a hypocritical person
  • Fish - favor
  • Sun - Success in all matters
  • Arrows - financial difficulties
  • Flower - Good luck in personal life
  • Church - Marriage / Marriage
  • Yula - unnecessary fuss

Of course, this is not a complete list of interpretations. If you have a well-developed intuition, you can feel yourself that one or another sign carries.

Fortune telling on the ring in water

The ring has always been considered something big than just decoration. Even the tradition to wear wedding rings in love now is not disputed by anyone, but is accepted as a fact.

And all because the ring retains the energy of the owner very well. That is why there were a lot of different types of fortunes in Russia using this jewelry, and one of them is a burning ring in the water.

For divination to bring you accurate results, follow some rules.

  1. The ring should be yours, and not someone else's. There are no such rings that you inherited;
  2. The ring must be made of precious metal, preferably of gold;
  3. Will be better if you "clean" him, placing two or three days in consecrated water;
  4. There should be no pebbles and engraving on the ring.
  5. The fortune telling must be carried out after midnight with candles. The ideal time of the year will be winter, but if there is no time to wait for the winter, you can use the freezer.

When all the conditions are completed, you can proceed. Everything is quite simple - you need to focus your thoughts on your problem and holding a ring in your hand for some time, lower it into the water. After that, remove the water container to the street (if in the yard of winter) or leave for the night in the freezer.

In the morning, look at how the water frozen: if the surface of the frozen water is smooth - you can be calm, your problem will solve the best for you and everything will be fine. If the ice turned out a hill, it says that in the near future you will become mom.

Fortune telling on water

It is believed that this kind of fortune telling came to us from China. It is very simple in performance - you only need to find a rather large stone of a rounded shape and go out into the place where there is a natural reservoir - a lake or river (without a strong current).

Mentally formulate your question and throw a stone into the water. By the number of circles formed on the surface of the reservoir, one can judge what the future will bring.

One. Most likely what you have thought will not be able to implement. It is better not to spend your strength and time.

Two. If you are quite stubborn, then everything will come true.

Three. Everything will depend on the luck rather than you. But why not try?

Four. Be prepared for the fact that you have to post all. Higher forces on your side, but require full self-dedication from you.

Five. You can rejoice - your desire to come true.

Fortune telling for frozen water

In order to perform a fortune-up of frozen water, you need to take a water container, look at your reflection and in thoughts ask the question of love and marriage you are interested in. Then you should leave the water overnight in the freezer or on the street (if it is cold) and inspect how water froze.

Wpadina on the surface of ice promises failures in personal life in the very near future. If you have a person with whom you want to build relationships, know that nothing, unfortunately, will not work.

If the surface is uneven - there are bugs and depressions, it means that there will also be up and drops in your personal life.

Smooth ice suggests that everything will be naturally.

The convex surface of promises stormy and bright feelings.

On the glass of water and the pendulum

The pendulum is often used by clairvoyant for predictions, finding missing things, receiving an answer to the question of interest. You can also use this fixture and look into the future.

For divination you will need a ring, thread and water dishes. On the tip of the thread, give the ring, after the end end tight your fingers and lower the ring to the water, but not touching its surface. Now you have to establish contact with your pendulum and find out what movements he will show you the answer "Yes", and what - no answer.

To do this, ask him the question to which you can answer "yes" or "no" and the answer to which you are obvious. For example, tell me: now autumn. And pay attention to the pendulum oscillations. Then ask another question to which the answer will be the opposite. And remember how the pendulum moves.

After the patterns are found, you can ask the question that interests you. But if the pendulum gives an unclear answer, try to spend a ritual a few days later. If the answer is incomprehensible again, it means that you trust the natural course of events - your awareness in this matter still will not change anything.

On water and wax

This is a very ancient kind of divination that has come down to us since the times of ancient Greece. The implementation procedure is quite simple, the complexity can cause only the right interpretation of the obtained images.

So, first, you should purchase a candle in accordance with what question interests you. If you are wondering in the love sphere - buy a red candle, if the green is green, if with respect to money - yellow, and better with gilding.

The candle should be lit, put on the scene and wait at least an hour. During this time, concentrate on the problem that it bothers you. Then take a bowl of cold water and pour melted wax there. It instantly freezes and forms a figure that you should correctly express.

Do not hurry, look into the image and think about what it is associated with you. After that, you can watch what the resulting figures mean:

On water and matches

Matches symbolize the element of fire, so they are often used as a magic attribute. There are quite a few species of divination with their use, today we will tell about how to find out the future with the help of matches and water.

Find a secluded place where no one will distract you. Take a glass with water in hand, think about what you cares, and then release all thoughts. Then burn the match, ask the question to which you want to get an answer and throw in a glass. Do the same with another match.

Then see what happened. If the matches lie on the surface of the water parallel to each other - this is a good sign, meaning that everything will end safely. If they lay down, it suggests that you will have to face difficulties, and everything will happen far away. Running right on the water smoke from match warns that you have ill-wishers that can harm you.

On the water in christmas

Christmas time is great for predicting the future. It is necessary to guess in the period from the sixth of the nineteenth of January. You need to do it when candles.

One of the most common fortunes is divination using paper and water. To do this, you will need to cut the small, the same paper strips. Paper must be medium in density - not too thin, but not too thick.

Write your desire on each strip. Then place them all in a fairly wide and deep dishes and sharply pour water there. It needs to be done quickly so that funnel formed on the water. The first pop-up strip of paper will talk about which of your desires will come true.

On water with a candle

This fortune telling is great for those who want to know what the future awaits them in the coming year. Therefore, it needs to be done either on the night before Christmas, or on the old new year, or on the eve of baptism. This requires three candles, a mirror and a glass jug with water.

Water is necessary 3 days before the divination to put the bed from the head of the bed.

The rite is carried out after twelve at night. Find a secluded place and burn three candles. Install them on the table so that they formed a triangle into the center of which put a jug with water. And behind him, but in front of the candle, place the mirror. That is, looking through the water, you must see the mirror.

Calm your thoughts and ask the question that interests you. Then, in a few minutes, look in the mirror through the water. Soon you will begin to see images. No need to think about what they mean. As a rule, truthfully what the first occurred to the head. It is this image that will tell you about how your life will be in the coming months.


Fortune telling on a glass with water

Another way to divination on the narrowed - on a glass with water. Take a decanter with water and a glass. Slowly pour water into a glass, lovingly, with good wishes, saying: "You will get tired with the path, I have a lot, come, narrowed, let you get drunk."

Conspiracy say 3 times. Then put a decanter and a glass with water in the bed and go to bed: you will definitely dream the narrowed.

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Psychic Dmitry Volokhov in his practice uses different techniques and ways to find out the future. Many people think that in order to have abilities to magic. Dmitry Volokhov constantly refutes this, claiming that simply need a maximum concentration of attention and a great desire. Extrasens spoke about a simple way to see his future.

In order to find out the answer to your question, you can use the old method of our ancestors - fortune telling on the water. This divination will help not only answer the exciting questions, but also to see the essence of the situation of interest to expose their enemies, to find a loss and find out many incomprehensible circumstances.

So that the water has opened all the secrets, it must be properly prepared. Dmitry Volkhov recommends using filtered water in fortune investment, and best of all Tluu. It must be pouring into a vessel that was not previously used. It is better to buy a new container. On the bottom you need to put any silver decoration. It can be a cross or ring. Then you need to tune in and mentally ask the water to open. After this vessel with water you need to leave exactly one day in a dark place.

The next day, the silver needs to be removed, and water to pour into another vessel, it is desirable that it is also new.

Only then can be moved directly to the very fortune. To do this, put a vessel with water in front of yourself and start close to the water. It is not necessary to watch on the bottom and not to the surface, but by the gap between them. The look should be focused and close. Do not be distracted during the process and take a look. It is advisable not to blink at all. If you want to blink, then you need to quit your eyes, then the desire to blink will be. At this time, it is necessary to concentrate to think about the exciting issue.

From the beginning of divination and before the appearance of vision can pass up to 15 minutes. All this time you need to concentrate on the maximum on what interests. A few minutes later, the outlines will begin to appear in the water. This is evidence that the water begins to show what will respond to the exciting issue. In no case should not be afraid of what is happening in the water. The vision can be so clear that it is capable of frightening or embarrassing. After the appearance of the first outlines of the picture, you need to look at the vessel even more attentively. What will show water and will answer the question.

According to Dmitry Volkhov, this fortune telling is good because it does not say hints, the prediction does not need to be thoughtful. All that water will show will be clear, concrete and clear. However, despite all the simplicity of this divination, not everyone find answers to their questions. If it did not work out to see the future, it means only that the fortune-seeming failed to be concentrated on his question. In order to get prediction, psychics advises before the start of divination for several minutes to sit with closed eyes in full silence. After a small meditation, it is much easier to tune in to the foresight.

18.10.2013 11:36

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Dmitry Volkhov, the winner of the "Battle of Psychic" show not so long ago at his next seminar in ...