Repairs Design Furniture

Height of interroom doors with a box. Standard dimensions of interroom doors and doorways. Classification of models according to the method of opening

Repairs are a laborious process that requires a responsible approach and due attention. Qualitative result is possible only with a clear observance of a certain procedure. According to him, before finishing the walls and gender you need to install. Such a design in the finished form is an immovable box composed of vertical and horizontal racks on which the canvas itself is later fastened.

By purchasing internal structures for your apartment, home or office, along with constructive, functional and decorative features, you should consider the standard for the correct installation under the doorway. To avoid problems and additional waste in the future.

Standards of internal door structures

The dimensions must be standard, but, based on the practice, most often they are slightly less or more declared. Today, almost all manufacturers firms produce standard web and if the "hole" does not correspond to the GOST, then the non-standard sizes will have to overpay.

The parameters provided for by the requirements prescribed in regulatory documents determine different typical values \u200b\u200bdepending on the purpose of the apartment. The canvas produced in accordance with the dimensions recorded in the Groales are perfectly fit into the doorways of one-room apartments.

In apartments with a large number of rooms, the dimensions of the linen in the entrance to the living room (with a double-handed model) are 1200 wide (of two cloth 600 or 400 + 800), 2000 - height.

The generally accepted standard dimensions that were respected during the Soviet times are missing today. They differ slightly from different manufacturers. If we consider a single-handed model, then the parameters of the door systems fluctuate in the following range (in mm):

  • height - 1900-2100;
  • transverse length - 550-900;
  • depth - 15-45.

The stream production mainly adheres to those dimensions that are presented in GOSTs. exceed the width of the canvas by 60-70 mm.

If the size of the opening corresponds to this source, then select the appropriate model with a fairly large assortment will be very simple. But if it deviates to a large or smaller side, then there may be difficult when installing and will need to manufacture a model to order. Thanks to modern technologies, manufacturers can produce any sizes. Only in this case the interroom system will cost much more expensive, and, together with this, you will have to spend on the installation.

In such a situation, many prefer to fit the "door hole" by installing standard internal systems. Since the "generally accepted" option is not only cheap, but also convenient in the sense that you do not have to look for and spend on separate parts for the box the installation process may limit the right amendments to work.

Dimensions of doorways according to GOST in accordance with type size of cloths

Standard is an advantage when it comes to door parameters. When choosing a standard design, you do not have to wonder: how to hang other loops or expand (narrow) the place where the canvas can be installed with the box.

Entrance doors standards

When it comes to steel entrance designs, it is better to experiment with the design, material, tint, but certainly not with dimension. To avoid possible freeing walls or case when it takes a non-standard, which will cost almost no more than a standard design, you need to determine the dimensional dimensions. After all, the size of the input is of great importance.

In the worst case, the installation of door systems from simple and inexpensive labor will turn into a long and unpleasant job, especially if you install the structure of the design itself, without having an appropriate experience.

To determine the size, you need to measure the movable brand part of the design and calculate the dimensions of the doorways (measuring the transverse length, height and depth).

Standard Dimensions of Metal Doors

Table of door openings and recessed steel structures

The dimension of the "wall holes", and at the same time the size of the iron doors in practice does not always coincide with the gtales.

In addition, imported sizes are radically different from the standards adopted in Russia.

To the general note

  1. The width of the doorway in new buildings is 740-760, and the height is in the range of 1950-1980.
  2. In brickwork houses, these markets make up 880-920 - for width and 2050-2100 - for height.
  3. In obsolete homes, the dimensions of the openings for structures consisting of one sash can be 830-960 wide and 2040-2600 in height.
  4. In the nine-story buildings built in the 70s, the "wall holes" are equal to 1280 * 2550.

"Wall holes" in standard homes are distinguished by a variety of types (at the entrance, expandable, for narrowing, with the absence of niches) and dimensions. Therefore, the parameters of the steel system may differ even on the riser or in neighboring entrances.

About regulatory sizes

In accordance with SNIP 210197 (sanitary standards and rules on fire safety of buildings and structures), paragraph 6.9, entrance doors are access to evacuation. According to part 6.16. The same document should not be below 1900 m, and the transverse length should not be less:

  • 1200 mm - in the case of children's gardens, hospitals, special homes for elderly and people with disabilities when the number of people being evacuated is from 15 people and above; When it comes to structures of other classes of constructive fire danger (except for apartment buildings), then the amount of evacuated is over 60 people.
  • 800 mm - in other cases.

The parameters of external metal structures on the staircases and indoors in front of the input parts of the buildings should have the parameters specified in clause 6.29.

The width of the exit leading to the path to evacuation should have such measurements so that through it it could be unhindered to carry out the ambulance stretcher with people.

The parameters of the input structures define state standards, but their norms do not apply to special purpose systems and doors installed at capital construction facilities. The dimension of the web is determined by the dimming dimensions. Where it according to the plan will be mounted.

When choosing the interior door, it is important to correctly determine the dimensions. The kit from the dispenser and the box must match the impex, otherwise there will be difficult when installing, and too much difference in the dimensions will make the installation of the door impossible.
Consider the standard dimensions of the boxes and the canvases of interroom doors, characteristics of the openings and permissible discrepancies.

Who keeps the standard dimensions of interroom doors with a box

The finished door kit costs 30-50% cheaper to order products. However, such doors are not regulated by dimensions. For example, a kitchen model may not fit in the opening.

If you have a typical apartment, choose the doors with a box of Russian production: they are manufactured under the standard dimensions of the doorways specified in the construction gtales and lights. Products are suitable for the openings of Khrushchev and block houses, as well as most new buildings. The dimensions of European doors, as a rule, exceed Russian standards - will have to increase the openings, spend time and money for construction work and the subsequent decoration of the walls.

In handicraft workshops there are no capacity for the flow of typical products and quality control, so deviations from standard dimensions can be substantial. Door kits better buy from large plants.

Typical Dimensions of Boxes Interroom Doors

Rationally buy the door in full configuration, which includes a canvas with accessories, box and platbands.

In high-quality finished sets, the cloth and the box perfectly correspond in size. Between the frame and the blade there is a gap of 2-3 mm in all points of the perimeter. Due to this, the sash moves unhindered, and the design retains good sound insulation.

As a rule, manufacturers indicate the dimensions of the interior door web - the size of the box will be more about 3 cm throughout the perimeter, which must be considered when choosing. If the height of the flap is 2000 mm (Russian standard), then the height with the box will be 2060 mm with a threshold and 2040 mm without a threshold.

Standard width of interroom doors (by the web) depends on the purpose of the room:

  1. residential rooms - 800 mm;
  2. kitchen - 700 mm;
  3. bathroom - 600 mm.

These are parameters for single-bed doors (with one sash). In apartments with two and more rooms, the opening in the living room can be wide. In this case, you will have to install a one-hour or bispoly model with two sash.

Standard Dimensions of Door Operactions

Ideally, the opening should exceed the size of the box by 10-15 mm. The free distance (mounted clearance) is filled with foam and easily hidden under decorative platbands. Based on the standard dimensions, the opening height should be 207 cm, and the width also varies on the premises:

  • residential rooms - 88-89 cm;
  • kitchen - 78-79 cm;
  • bathroom - 68-69 cm.

Standard dimensions of one and a half and double doors

Wide opening have increased bandwidth, through them it is easy to carry large-sized furniture. They are often found in living rooms of multi-room apartments. For their framing, special bipoloic doors are provided.

The standard total width of two sash is 1200 mm, the height of the canvas is 2000 mm. The most beautiful and functional two-fledged models with the same flaps of 600 mm wide.

Non-standard doors

In private cottages, "Stalinki", apartments with an individual planning of openings most often non-standard - they have to establish more expensive non-standard doors.

You can order a swing model exactly under the dimensions of the opening or choose a solution that does not require the restructuring of the passage. For example, sliding doors "coupe" and folding doors-books are installed without a box - the flaps move along the roller guide.

With the order of a non-standard door is not worth a hurry. A wide kitchen access can be suitable for a standard door for a living room with a web 800 mm, and to the aisle to the bathroom - the finished kit for typical kitchen with a sash is 700 mm.

Rules of measurement of openings

To select a ready-made door kit with optimal height and width, make measurements of opening at least three points vertically and horizontally. As a basis, take the minimum values. Further, by the formula, you can calculate the dimensions:

  • the width of the opening is the width of the opening minus the double thickness of the block (3 cm) and the assembly clearance (1.5 cm). Example: 80 - 3x2 - 1.5x2 \u003d 71 cm;
  • the height of the sash is the height of the opening less than the thickness of the box (3 cm), the mounting gap from above (1.5 cm) and the air exchange clearance at the floor (0.5 cm). Example: 207 - 3 - 1.5 - 0.5 \u003d 202 cm. If the threshold is assumed in the opening, you need to subtract the double thickness of the frame, that is, 6 cm.

In this example, we need a cloth with a size of 202 x 71 cm. The standard 2000 x 700 mm will fit, the extra millimeters will hide under platbands.

What to do if the door wider doors

If the purchased door is slightly open (by 2-3 cm on each side), you can build walls using drywall panels. With great discrepancies, it will take a restructuring of the opening or replacement of the door. Decorative inserts are helping to avoid labor-intensive work - mezzanine and side panels, but this is quite a cost option.

Diffuses can be between the width of the elements of the box and the thick walls. Standard wood partitions have a thickness of 10 cm, from a brick - 7.5 cm. If the box is wider, securely fix the design will not work, and the platbands will strongly perform over the wall plane and spoil the aesthetics of the interior. Output one - crop frame elements.

If the box is already walls, it can be expanded with the help of good. To independently do not embed the planks, buy a door kit with a telescopic handle. It is sliding dobilities that are easily adjustable under the thickness of the walls. Dobors and platbands are joined on the principle of "spike-groove", therefore, nails and self-tapping screws are not needed to fix the block.

Thus, the dimensions of the doors need to be chosen carefully. Use the services of a professional measurer to pick up the size of the door boxes of interroom doors exactly under the opening. If the wizard is wrong, the manufacturer's company will independently take inappropriate and brought another door.

Standard dimensions of interroom doors need to be known for proper installation of the door in the opening. To date, general standards have not been established to comply with their manufacturers. But there are construction standards, on the basis of which the openings are performed. From such indicators and will determine the characteristics of the door.

Marking of door products

With marking products, everything is quite difficult. Of course, there are specific standardized indications of the notation, but in some cases general standards may vary because of the abundance of manufacturers. It often happens that performed according to identical techniques and externally similar designs can be named differently and marked.

Door dimensions directly depend on the size of the opening

First we will understand with the standard GOST 6629-88, propagating the manufacture of wooden interior doors for housing and public facilities. Based on the product standard, the following marking is applied:

  1. Type of product: P - Plot, D - team;
  2. View of the panels: o - glazed, y - reinforced with solid filling, to - swinging with glass;
  3. The width of the door design with the box (DM). Additionally, the following symbols are indicated: P - product with a hole, n - with from the outlook, L - left-sided;
  4. Height (DM);
  5. Name of state standard.

In addition to compliance with guests, official names of models, factory unique codes can be used.

Classified designs in several features:

  • On the placement in the object - there are internal (interroom) and external (input);
  • According to the material, products from metal, wood, glass and combined options are distinguished;
  • On the filling of the deaf cloth there are glazed and deaf systems;
  • In terms of the number of cloths, one-, one and a half and two-perception options are isolated.

Fig.1. Method of opening sash

Standard dimensions of swing interroom doors

Considering the dimensions of the inner doors with the box, the height, width and weight of the details should be taken into account. First, the opening is examined in which the box with the canvas will be inserted. Therefore, the initial characteristics are slightly increased. To adjust the main dimensions, you can use bar, bricks or sheets of drywall.

Sizes of the canvas

If you do not apply non-standard approaches where the dimensions of the opening for interior doors are tied to individual wishes, the main mass of manufacturers is based on the standard indicators. The ratio of indicators of opening and door systems (panels and box) based on SNiP are shown in the table:

Ploves, cmCharacteristics of the opening, see
Width heightwidthheight
1 60*200 68-71 205-207
2 70*200 78-81 205-207
3 80*200 88-91 205-207
4 90*200 98-101 205-207
5 60*190 68-71 195-197
6 55*190 63-66 195-197
7 60+60*200 128-131 205-207

By DIN Standard, the ratio will be as follows:

Door parameters, seeCharacteristics of the opening, see
Width heightwidthheight
1 60*200 70-74 206-208
2 70*200 80-84 206-208
3 80*200 90-94 206-208
4 90*200 100-104 206-208
5 60+60*200 134-140 206-208

If we consider the parameters of any sliding and swing doors, each person provides the width that it will use every day. But the Gosstandart offers the width of the kitchen of 70 cm, the bathrooms - 60 cm and residential facilities - 80 cm. On the market offering structures for a bedroom 90 cm wide, and 55 cm for bathrooms.

Fig. 2. Characteristics of the facilities for the premises

It is worth mentioning about bivalve structures that allow emphasize the status of any room. These are mainly consisting of the same type (60 cm) or different canvases (60 and 80 cm wide). From the narrowed options, manufacturers offer structures with flaps with a width of 40 and 80 or 40 and 40 centimeters.

More common width of the canvas is 35 - 40 cm, but the indicator may vary in a large or smaller side (based on the material used and the type of product). For example, the thickness in the sliding sash can be 2 cm, and the wooden canvases can reach up to 50 cm.

In height, manufacturers offer products for 190 and 200 cm, but there are also European norms - 210 cm. Custom buyers can purchase more height products (to ceiling or 2.3 m). Often designers adhere to foreign standards.

Fig. 3. The main characteristics of the doors

Box sizes

There are ready-made options (with a box and fittings). This is a P-shaped structure that is placed around the perimeter of the opening. The system allows you to securely fix the cloth.

The total height and width of the canvas with the box increases by 10-15 cm, but there should be a gap between the wall and the mounting log, therefore the panel parameters must be less than the frame characteristics (for protection against abrasion). The thickness of the panel is compared with the wall size and box. Properly mounted doors will be comfortable, organically look at the room, to respond to the standards used.

Based on the characteristics of the panel, the interior structures of the standard size of the door frame of the interior door may vary. Therefore, the designs are preferably acquired along with the navigate, frame and fittings.

For the manufacture of the box, bars of different parameters are used. The width of the material can reach 1.5-4.0 cm, but the optimal indicator is 3.0-3.5 cm. When complying with standards, a reliable design is obtained, which serves for a long time.

Fig. 4. Dimensions of the box for doors

The thickness of the box and the wall must coincide, but this indicator should not exceed the width of the opening. For wooden walls, the criterion is 10 cm, and for bricks - 7.5 cm. Therefore, the box, the dimensions of which exceed the wall parameters, will not be firmly fixed. Otherwise, special types can be applied.

With manual assembly of the box, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the vertical racks in accordance with the height of the panel, the thickness of the horizontal strip, the size of the gap and the threshold. The parameters of the horizontal bar are calculated by the width of the door.

Dimensions of openings

When creating partitions and walls, it is possible to determine the width of the opening by the standard where the parameters of products with frame and fittings are indicated. In this case, the width of the panel is folded with a double frame indicator and a bilateral gap. As a rule, it is 1.5 cm. For example, 90.0 + 3.0 * 2 + 1.5 * 2 \u003d 99.0 cm.

Also calculate the height of the opening: without the neck it will be equal to 200 + 3 + 1.5 + 0.5 \u003d 205 (0.5 - it is the distance between the panel and the floor for the air exchange, may increase to 1 cm, and for the home with liquefied gas - up to 1.5-2 cm). In the presence of a hole, the height of the opening is determined by the addition of the size of the opening and the parameters of the canvas, the width of the mounting seam and the box.

Fig. 5. Measurement of openings

What is the cloth thicker, the better?

Thick cloths well emphasize the design of the living room made in the Baroque style, Renaissance or Ampire, and the sliding partitions and thin screen will complement the openings of the dressing rooms and storage rooms. With an increase in the thickness of the door, its mass increases, which increases the requirements for attachments. It may be necessary to install additional loops, which will increase the cost of the structure. Therefore, the canvas should be chosen by massiveness and other characteristics according to feasibility, optimality.

There are many products on the market with a thickness of 30-40 cm thick. But in the assortment there are thinner sliding partitions from MDF (about 2 cm). Recently became popular designs from kanenic glass thickness from 8 mm.

Along and bivalve doors

Effectively in the design there will be double swollen doors with two sash. The width of the products depends on the model and passage parameters of the living room. Parameters for such doors are sometimes accepted with an increase of 1.5-2.

Standard dimensions for dual systems with a box are 120-150 cm. This allows you to put full-fledged bivalve structures. The width of double doors is 1-1.4 m.

With minimal dimensions, double doors can be offered with one stationary flap width in ½ or 1/3 of the standard value (for example, one-time options). Another part of the canvas will be full. With an optimal width of the opening, the same flaps are put, which increases the aesthetics and passability of people.

Doors with hidden box

Compared with standard designs, doors with an inner box have great advantages.

Fig.6. Door diagram with hidden box

The dimensions of the opening must comply with the regulations of the manufacturer of door systems: the vertical should be smooth wall, the altitude is allowed to deviate 1 mm, and the wall thickness should not be more than 8 cm. An ideal clearance width is 1.7-2 cm ± 1 cm (the clearance is considered optimal at the bottom of the web 4).

Doors to order

The factories are offered a large range of interior doors with a box and fittings, including non-standard options. But there are cases of inconsistency of products available to the existing impact. In this case, you can adjust, enhance or reducing the height and width to the required indicator. An alternative solution becomes an order of design with non-standard dimensions.

The cost of manufacturing doors to individual order will be higher in comparison with the purchase of finished products. But this will make it possible to realize interesting ideas. For example, you can put the door coupe.

How to measure the opening

If the door has a thoring, the length of the opening can be calculated by summing the height of the threshold with the parameters of the panel, box and the mounting seam.

Fig. 7. Measurement of the width of the opening Fig.8. Determination of indicators with a damage and without it

According to standards, it is easy to find out the width of the cloth. For a 90-centimeter opening, the web is suitable with a width of 80 cm. This can be calculated as follows: 90-15 * 2-30 * 2 \u003d 81 cm, and extra centimeters will be masked by platbands.

When determining the size, it is better to take into account the gap, which will remain between the cloth and the box. But this indicator is 1-2 millimeter, so it can not be taken into account with exemplary counts.

In order to bring the production of interior elements to a single sample, the standard dimensions of interroom doors were introduced at the state level. This greatly simplifies the selection of products if you need to replace them. It suffices to make a correct measurement of the parameters of the standard opening and buy a suitable model.

If there are no problems with the products of domestic production, then a difficult situation may occur when buying an import interior door, since in foreign states there is another standard. In addition, when buying alternative types of doors (bivalve, sliding, hidden), some of their design features must be known.

State standards

There are certain approved state standards (GOST), according to which domestic manufacturers make interroom interior elements. This is GOST 6629-88, as well as slips 21-7, 21-8, 21-9, 21-10, 21-13. For ease of overlooking, these data are reduced to the table where the most general standards are displayed:

If the choice fell on a product of imported origin, the dimensions of the interior door can be checked for compliance with European standards DIN 18100-18102, as well as DIN4172, indicating the dimming dimensions in the light:

These sizes must be taken into account if you plan to order, for example, the Italian door. Most likely, imported models will have non-standard dimensions, which should be considered when booking doorways in the process of planning construction or overhaul.

For doorways in height exceeding 2000-2040 mm, its standards are developed, designated in the table below.

The development of state standards takes into account the needs of the main segment of the population living in standard buildings. In the choice of typical models of one or another size, its functional purpose also plays a major role. In other words, it is important to place in the apartment where this product will be located. In accordance with this requirement, the size of the canvas, features of the design, equipping with special fittings are selected.

Nuances of correct measurement opening

In some cases, it becomes necessary to independently measure the parameters for the purchase of interior door. It happens if the house or apartment is at a high distance from the manufacturer's company, in another city or in another state. An independent measurement is also made in cases where there is no time to wait for the versa visit or the customer is more convenient to remove the dimensions on their own. Regardless of the reason, it is necessary to carry out this event as soon as possible that the selected model be perfectly fit into the existing opening without the need to adjust it. This means that the height, width and thickness of the interior doors should be as close as possible to the corresponding parameters of the opening. To implement the correct measurement, you should focus on the following rules.

Determining the value of the width of the opening.

To do this, measure the distance between the walls in the narrow point of the opening. If the wall becomes narrower closer to the door, then you need to measure in this part. In the event of a uniform width of the wall without narrowings, the location of the measurement of the width does not have a fundamental value. If the dismantling of the former doors is not yet produced, then the measured distance from the middle of one platband to the middle of the opposite platband is also the width of interior doors.

Determination of the height of the opening.

To determine the indicator of this dimension, it is required to measure the distance from the point of the first floor to the lower point of the upper part of the opening. If the doorway narrows closer to the hinges, the measurement must be carried out in this area. If the height of the opening is uniform, the measurement location does not have a decisive value. The easiest way to make measurement on the old door, if it has not yet managed to dismantle. In this case, the height of the interior doors will be equal to the distance from the middle of the upper platband to the zero point of the first floor.

Determination of the depth of the opening.

To do this, you will need to measure the thickness of the wall in which the doorway is located. This will be a depth of opening. Measurement should be made in three sections: in the upper, middle and lower on both walls. This scrupulous event is necessary in order to identify the most wide place in the wall. If the old door is not dismantled, then you need to measure the size of the box and wall (thickness), if it appears outside the box. For the correct measurement of three key dimensions, it is best to use the services of a professional. Possessing a knowledge vault, the Installation Wizard will make an impeccable measurement and give delivere recommendations for the choice of typical or non-standard interior door. We remind you that when ordering the doors in the company Porta Prima, a wizard's visit to the measurement of dimensions and advice on the choice of door leaf are absolutely free.

Formulas for measuring door leaf

Often there is such a situation that it is necessary to make the doorway, and the choice of the model of the canvas is not yet produced. In this case, for measuring the parameters of the opening, the following points should be taken into account:

  • dimensions of the door leaf (width, height, thickness);
  • box sizes (thickness, width);
  • the width indicator of platbands.

For greater clarity, an example of calculating the dimensions of the doorway will be given.

Suppose that the installation will use the standard size of a standard size having the following dimensions:

  • Airborne - height of the door leaf - 2000 mm;
  • SDV - standard width of the interior door - 70 0 mm.

With such parameters of the interroom, a box will be installed, the thickness of which (TC) will be 30 mm. The magnitude of the installation clearance (MW) is 10 mm equal to 10 mm, and the value of the door block (database) is 20 mm. With these standard values, the height of the threshold (VP) will be 20 mm.

Formula for calculating the width of the open door:

Ш Overview \u003d SDV + 2 × TC + MOR + 2 × dB \u003d 700 + 2 × 30 + 10 + 2 × 20 \u003d 810 mm.

The height of the opening is calculated according to the following expression:

Total \u003d airborne + VP + 2 × TC \u003d 2000 + 20 + 2 × 30 \u003d 2080 mm.

Consequently, for the interior door canvas with dimensions of 2000 × 700 mm, it will be necessary to make the doorway 2080 × 810 mm.

According to the depth of the opening of 7.5 mm, the manufacture of a door frame is made. If the thickness of the door leaf of the interior door does not correspond to this indicator, it is necessary to either order a box on individual sizes, or to apply in the DOPGORA structures. Therefore, the calculations are recommended to produce in advance.

How to calculate whether the door will fit?

This situation is distributed when the standard door is selected to the existing impact. Usually a good tip for choice is the labeling of the door articles on which the main dimensions are indicated.

At this stage, there may be doubts if the product will suit and will not appear if additional difficulty will appear in its installation.

To dispel doubts, you need to argue as follows:

  • Suppose we have a doorway 900 × 2040 mm, which complies with the standard.
  • Calculate width: the standard width of 800 mm with a thickness of the box (from two sides) and the structural intervals of 15 mm. It should be noted that the interval is on the left and right of the door, so you need to multiply it into two. When calculating, we get 880 mm.
  • Calculate height by a similar scheme. The height of the canvas 2000 mm is added to the thickness of the box of 25 mm and the upper mounting distance of 15 mm. We obtain a value of 2040 mm.

Consequently, the interior door of the standard size of 800 × 2000 mm is ideal in a typical opening with dimensions of 900 × 2040 mm. This once again proves the need to create state standards in the construction industry. You can safely buy a typical product without turning in doubt whether it will fit.

What if the door is selected incorrectly?

However, situations occur when the bought canvas with the box was chosen inaccurate. When the purchase return is impossible in an objective reason, you can use some construction tricks:

  • when only a few millimeters in the width or height of the doorway are lacking, you can carefully cut a wider hole in the wall;
  • if the box is already the thickness of the simplest, it is recommended to use a good, which will close the distinguished area of \u200b\u200bthe thickness of the simpleness;
  • if the box thickness is much already than the dimensions of the doorway, then around the perimeter of the box (with the exception of the Niza) are drawn up in a smooth slope;
  • with the unacceptability of the listed methods, the doors are recommended for individual non-standard parameters.

In Porta Prima, you can buy high-quality standard interroom doors or order individual design according to your project. A wide range, convenient service and unsurpassed high consumer characteristics of our factory's products appreciated thousands of Muscovites. Prices are acceptable and correspond to the high quality of interroom doors.

20119 06.10.2019 5 min.

Performing repair, you should not forget about the change of inlets and interior doors, if they have already served their deadline or lost a presentable look. An important criterion that affects the operational characteristics of the doors is correctly selected measurements of door frames. The more precisely the sizes will be installed, the longer the door will last, whether it is input or interior. There are installed standard sizes that should also be considered when repaired.

Dimensions of entrance doors

The dimensions of the entrance doors should be removed correctly, first it is worth understanding, from which elements it consists of:

  • Canvas. It is a solid or consisting of several parts an element that closes the doorway. It establishes special accessories for convenience of opening and installation.
  • Box The frame in which the canvas lies and fixes on it. It serves as a gear ratio between the box and the opening of the wall. consists of three crossbars and threshold, sometimes the latter is not used.
  • Platbands. Serve elements of the board decor, make the appearance of the installed doors completed.
  • Good. Mounted between platbands and a box, they are compensated for a gap, which may turn out between the wall and the thickness of the box.

Before buying the input, you need not only to measure the dimensions of the opening, but also to establish the exact dimensions of the purchase product using the calculations.

Proper measurement

It is necessary to measure the width, depth and height. Check their compliance with the standard sizes adopted by GOST.


It is necessary to set the distance of the narrow part of the doorway, extinct it from one wall to the second. Usually the wall is narrowed in a place where the door is located, but if it is the same throughout the opening, then the size can be measured anywhere.

If the old door has not yet been dismantled, and you need to order a new one, then the distance bothers from the middle of the platbands.

Height of the opening

For measurement of the height of the opening, you need to find the lowest point of the opening and measure the distance to the top of it. At the same time, it is necessary to measure at the site of the narrowing, if it is not observed, then you can perform measurements throughout the perimeter of the opening.

With the presence of an old instance, it simply measure its canvas, or the distance from the middle part of the upper platband to the floor.

Standard door height equates 200 cmBut in sometimes its greater size is allowed. Some manufacturers can produce products with dimensions in the range from 2.1 to 2.3 m.

After mounting the door canvase, you may need.

Depth of the opening

Its measurement should be carried out at three points located on top, from below and in the middle. It is necessary to set the widest place.

Read also about how to install interroom doors with your own hands.

If there is still an old door in the opening, it is necessary to measure the parameter of the box and the distance on which the wall performs from it. Table:

Standard dimensions are performed within 60, 70 and 80 mm.

Analogue of the calculation of the opening

When choosing a box, you need to take into account the gaps: from the upper side and in width it should exceed the resulting size by 3 mm, its lower part is increased by 10 mm.

When installing the box, it is necessary to take into account the gaps around the perimeter of the box between it and the wall, they make up 1-1.5 mmTherefore, the input opening is taken by a large 2 mm.

The door height is determined based on the fact that its standard size is equal to 200 cm, it is necessary to add the size of the upper bar of the box to it, and this is 25 mm and the gaps: the upper - 3 mm, and the lower - 10 mm.

You can also learn about the types of locks for aluminum doors.

For balcony openings depend on the type of building. For small-sized apartments, its width is 68 cm. You can perform a width of a smaller dimension, but it should be at least 61 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to pass onto the balcony.

Standard Dimensions of Interior Door Boxes

Their elements are performed from boards or bars of pine, and on top of it decorated with veneer of trees of more valuable breeds.

Box thickness

In standard apartments built in Soviet times, this size is 7.5 mm, so the box with a size of 10.8 cm is selected. If the thickness of the interior partitions is 10 cm, then you need to install a box 12 cm. These are the standard sizes that are accepted domestic gostami. In the interior doors of foreign manufacturers, the capacity of the door thickness is wider and goes from 8 to 20.5 cm.

If the wall thickness is obtained more than the selected box, it can be rewrong, applying enough elements or use a compensatory frame that can be telescopic, expansion or perform in the form of a transformer.

To increase the strength of the door design, recommended to use.

When performing measurements of interior doors, the thickness of the opening can be different, it is caused by the feature of the walls, they can be carriers or installed as partitions.


It is regulated and can be from 190 to 200 cm. These sizes will satisfy the dimming dimensions in the range from 194 to 203 cm or 204-211 cm.

When calculating the height of the future door, you need to consider the threshold. It can be from 1 to 2 cm, and in the end it may turn out - 208 cm, and without it 206 cm. This is an ideal height that meets the standard dimensions to many door boxes.

Width of the door design

It is measured from one to the second wall. Between this distance, the canvas and two side elements of the box should be placed.

What are the locks for the input metal door read.

The standard value of 800 mm width is accepted. Almost all manufacturers adhere to this particular dimension.

If necessary, insert the glass into the interroom door will prompt.

Dimensions of good

Dobors may be no less important than the box itself. Due to them, you can eliminate the hollow part of the doorway.

They are two types:

  1. Planks having a protective edge. They are fixed in the opening on the nails or the adhesive basis. Their width may vary by subsided, and the height is 2 meters.
  2. Telescopic doors. Suitable for solving any lack of width. Their installation is made at the expense of a special lock, which represents the "spike groove". The groove is made in the box, and the spike is good. Their width is adjustable from the platband.

The feasibility of using goodness can be installed after the measurement of the width of the doorway.

All information about the sealer for interior doors, read.

On video sizes:

Dimensions of two-sided copies

Comfortable for use are the size of the door width of 120-180 cm. If the opening does not allow them to withstand, then the doors cannons will be different in width, one smaller sizes is fixed in its place, and the second with large dimensions is used as a regular door. The latter has standard dimensions, and its smaller analogue comes with dimensions equal to 1/3 of it.

The height of such doors can be from 2 to 2.5 m. The depth of the two-dimensional doors according to the standard is from 7.5 to 11 cm.

Set the parameters of the doorways is easy if you know in which places they need to be measured. The adjustment of the obtained parameters is made taking into account all the gaps. If an error is assumed in the case of installing doors in the house, it can be fixed in the box or , with the entrance door it is not so easy . In the case of a large lumen between them and the wall, the installation of countercrob may need.