Repairs Design Furniture

Turning the screwdrum with their own hands. Homemade machine for metal with their own hands: assignment, device and how to do. Lead and slave centers

The lathe is needed for the manufacture and processing of metal parts. Professional equipment is quite expensive, so in order to save items, you can make a homemade lathe for metal with your own hands. You can do this in several ways, and the drawings of this product are easily on the Internet. You can use the manufacturer materials for manufacture, the size of the machine can be any.

Any homemade lathe consists of the following elements:

  • the drive is the main part of the mechanism that is responsible for its power. Selecting the drive required power is one of the most difficult tasks. In small lathes on metal, you can use the drive from the usual washing machine or drill. Usually, the power of this element begins from 200 W, and the number of revolutions per minute - from 1500;
  • the bed is a carrier frame of construction, which can be made of wooden bars or steel corner. The bed should be characterized by high strength, otherwise the entire design can fall apart from vibrations during operation;

  • rear grandmother - made of steel plate and welded steel corner. The plate rests into the guides of the beds, and the main purpose of the back of the lathe of the lathe is with their own hands is the fixation of the metal part during processing;
  • front grandmother - a part similar to the backstone, but installed on a movable frame;
  • leading and slave centers;
  • caliper - thrust mechanism for working part.

The rotational moment from the engine to the working part of the machine can be transmitted in several ways. Someone prefers directly install the work part on the engine shaft - it saves the place and saves on the spare parts. If this option is impossible, the torque can be transmitted using a friction, belt or chain transmission. Each of these options have its advantages and disadvantages.

The belt transmission for the electric motor is the cheapest and characterized by a sufficiently high level of reliability. For its manufacture, you can use a belt for an electric motor, shot from any other mechanism. The lack of belt transmission is that over time the belt can wear and it will have to be changed, the more often than intensively you work with the machine.

The chain gear is more expensive and takes more space, but also will last much longer than the belt. The frictional transmission has intermediate characteristics between the belt and chain.

Helpful advice! When assembling a lathe, choose the type of transmission that best will meet the tasks. For example, for a mini-lathe machine, it is better for the installation of the working part directly to the shaft.

Caliper lathe with your own hands: Drawings, how to make from girlfriend

The caliper is one of the most important parts of the homemade lathe - the quality of the future part depends on it, as well as the amount of time and strength that you spend on its manufacture. This part is located on special sleds, which move along the guides located on the bed. Caliper can move in three directions:

  • longitudinal - working part of the machine moves along the workpiece. The longitudinal motion is used to pull the thread into the part or to remove the material layer from the surface of the metal blank;

  • transverse - movement perpendicular to the axis of the workpiece. Used to pull out recesses and holes;
  • inclined - Movement at different angles for pulling the recesses on the surface of the workpiece.

In the manufacture of a caliper of a turning machine with their own hands, it is worth considering the moment that this part is subject to wear as a result of vibrations occur during operation. Because of them, the attachments are loosened, the backlash occurs, all this affects the quality of the product manufactured. In order to avoid such problems, the caliper must be regularly adjusted and adjust.

Adjusting a homemade caliper for a lathe with their own hands is carried out on gaps, backlash and glands. The adjustment of the gaps is needed in the case when the screw was worn, responsible for moving a part in longitudinal and transverse planes. As a result of friction, the caliper begins to break through the loads, which significantly reduces the accuracy of the manufacture of the part. Eliminate the gaps by inserting wedges between guides and carriage. Plate details are eliminated using the pinching screw.

If the seals were worn in your machine, they should be rinsed thoroughly and soaked with fresh machine oil. In the case of critical wear, the glands are best replaced with new ones.

Caliper device: 1 - caliper carriage; 2 - running screw; 3 - transverse caliper salads; 4 - turning part of the caliper; 5 - guide swivel parts; 6 - a sharpset; 7 - screw for fixing the cut holder; 8 - screws for consolidation; 9 - handle for turning the massager; 10 - nuts; 11 - the upper part of the caliper; 12 - transverse guides carriages; 13 - handle for moving the top of the caliper; 14 - handle for moving transverse sled; 15 - handle to turn on the feed of the caliper from the running screw; 16 - flywheel for longitudinal traveling of the caliper; 17 - Apron

Homemade lathe for metal with their own hands: assembly order

The mechanism assembly is performed in the following order:

  1. Metal beams and chapels are collected frame of the machine. If you are going to work with large details, then the materials for assembling the frame should be used with the calculation of a larger load. For example, if it is planned to work with metal blanks with a length of more than 50 mm, the thickness of the frameworks should begin from 3 mm for the corners and from 30 mm for rods.
  2. Longitudinal shafts with guides are installed on the ranchers. Shafts can be welded with welding or bolted.
  3. Front grandmother is manufactured. For the manufacture of anterior grandmother of the lathe, a hydraulic cylinder with a thickness of the walls from 6 mm is used with their own hands. Two bearing should be pressed into the cylinder.
  4. Painted shaft. For this, bearings with a large inner diameter are used.
  5. The hydraulic cylinder poured lubricating fluid.
  6. Installed pulley and caliper with guides.
  7. Mounted electric drive.

In addition, according to the drawings of the lathe for metal, it is clear with their own hands that an infringench is made to increase the stability of the incisor mechanism, and a thin metal strip is fixed on the bottom of the structure. The latter serves to protect the working part of the machine from deformation during the work.

Helpful advice! The lathe for metal collected with their own hands can be used not only for direct purpose, but also for grinding and polishing metal parts. To do this, the grinding wheel is joined to the electric shaft.

Motor selection for machine

The most important part of the homemade lathe for metal, the video of the manufacture of which can be easily found on the Internet, is an electric motor. It is with his help the movement of the working part of the machine. Accordingly, the power of the entire design depends on the power of this mechanism. It is chosen depending on the size of the metal blanks with which you plan to work.

If you plan to work on a machine with small details, a motor with a power up to 1 kW is quite suitable for this. It can be removed from the old sewing machine or any other similar electrical appliance. To work with large spare parts, you will need an engine with a capacity of 1.5-2 kW.

When assembling on ready-made drawings of the homemade lathe for metal, consider that all electrical parts of the design must be securely isolated. If you do not have the necessary experience with electrical equipment, it is better to seek help by connecting to a specialist. So you will be confident in the safety and reliability of the design.

Making a lathe of a drill with their own hands

If you want to save on parts and significantly simplify the task of assembling a homemade lathe, an ordinary electric drill can be used as a drive. Such a constructive solution has several advantages:

  1. The ability to quickly build and disassemble the design - drill is easily disconnected from the bed and can be used for direct purpose.
  2. The simplicity of transfer and transportation of the machine is a good option if you have to work with metal blanks in the garage and on the street.
  3. Savings - Drill stands not only as an electric motor, but also eliminates the need to use the transmission, and also allows you to use replaceable nozzles as a working tool.

Of course, there are also negative sides from a lathe of a drill. How to process with this tool of large parts possible? It is practically impracticable, as the drill is relatively small torque and a large number of revolutions. Of course, you can enhance these parameters if you still install the belt transmission and use it to transmit a torque from a drill to the spindle, but it will largely complicate the design, the main advantage of which is simplicity and compactness.

Diagram of the device of the self-made lathe on the basis of a drill: 1 - fastenings to the table or; 2 - front support; 3 - support for the workpiece; 4 - rear support

The manufacture of a self-made desktop lathe on a metal-based metal makes sense in cases where you do not need to carry out large-scale work, and only small parts are needed to pull out.

For the manufacture of a lathe for metal based on the electric drill, you will need the same details as for the usual design, with the exception of the electric motor and the front grandmother. The role of the latter also performs a drill. Given the compactness of the design, a common table or workbench can be used as a bed, which will be fixed all components of the machine. The drill itself is fixed in the design with the help of a clamp and clamps.

Helpful advice! The functionality of the lathe based on the electric drill can be significantly expanded if adding various nozzles and additional devices to its design.

With the help of a homemade lathe, you can not only pull the parts, but also apply the paint on the rotating workpiece, to wind the wire on the transformer, to make spiral notches on the surface and perform many other actions. In addition, if you collect a copier to the machine for the machine, then with its help you can quickly and without much effort to produce small items.

Features of the operation of turning machines for metal do it yourself, video instructions as a way to avoid errors

As with any other equipment, self-made lathes have their own characteristics that need to be considered when assembling and operation. For example, when working with large parts or when using a powerful electric motor, strong vibrations occur, which can lead to serious errors when processing the part. To get rid of vibrations, the leading and driven centers of the machine must be installed on the same axis. And if you plan to install only the leading center, the cam mechanism must be attached to it.

In table turning machines, it is not recommended to install a collector engine on metal. It is inclined to spontaneously increasing the number of revolutions, which can lead to the departure of the part. This, in turn, can lead to industrial injury or damage to property. If without installing the collector engine, it is not necessary to do with it, you must install a gearbox to lower the revolutions.

An ideal engine option for a homemade lathe is asynchronous. It does not increase the frequency of revolutions during operation, resistant to large loads and allows you to work with metal blanks with a width up to 100 mm.

The rules for the installation and operation of any type of electric motor for the lathe can be viewed in numerous video instructions on the Internet. With their help, you not only avoid common errors when assembling, but also save time and effort due to the clarity of the material.

Safety in working with a homemade lathe

When working with the design, certain security measures should be observed. So, after assembling the machine, you need to check its performance. The spindle should rotate easily and without delays, the front and rear centers must be aligned on the total axis. The center of symmetry of the rotating part must coincide with the axis of its rotation.

On any video of the turning machine with their own hands it can be seen that after mounting the electric motor, it is covered with a special casing. The latter serves not only to protect the machine operator, but also to protect the motor itself from dust, metal particles and dirt. For a machine made on the basis of an electrician, such a casing is not needed.

Helpful advice! If you are planning the installation of a powerful electric motor, then be sure to make sure that the power of your power grid is enough to work with it. At home, it is better to do with a motor from home appliances that will definitely work from voltage in your outlet.

You should also follow the following security rules:

  1. The working tool must be placed parallel to the surface of the workpiece treated. Otherwise, he can jump, which will lead to the breakdown of the machine.
  2. If you handle the end planes, the item should be restarted into the backstone. It is very important to observe the centering, otherwise you risk getting a defective part.
  3. To protect the eyes from metal chips and particles, you can build a special shield or simply using protective glasses.
  4. After work, the design must be cleaned, removing metal sawdust and other waste production. Carefully make sure that the minor parts do not fall into the electric motor.

Options for upgrading homemade lathe

If you need a mechanism that can not only perform lathe, but also grind, and paint the blank, the base machine can be easily modified. It is best to do this for the construction based on the electric drill, as it is easiest to replace the working part in it.

There are several popular modifications of the lathe for metal. How to make a cone-shaped hole? To do this, it is necessary to attach two files to the base so that they form a trapezoid. After that, the spring mechanism is mounted, which ensures the feeding of the files forward and at an angle, which allows drilling the cone-shaped holes into details.

In addition, you can make a machine with a collapsible basis for working with metal parts of different lengths. With a few boards or metal corners, you can bring closer or removing the working tool to the attachments that hold the part, as well as change the size of the gap between the mounts. It is convenient to make such a design based on a regular table or workbench.

If you attach the grinding wheel as a working tool to the electric motor, with the help of the machine you can do not only with the polishing of the surface of the part, but also sharpening knives, scissors and other household instruments. Thus, the lathe turns into a convenient multifunctional mechanism.

The assembly of the lathe at home is a fairly simple task that numerous video instructions and drawings from the Internet are even more simplified. At the same time, it is possible to collect the design literally from the undergraduate parts using the old household appliances and waste of installation and construction production.

The main advantage of self-assembly is saving funds. In addition, it is worth noting the ability to independently adjust the dimensions and the power of the device to adapt it to their needs. May be not only large, but also quite miniature, intended for handling small parts.

If in economic work it is often the need to sharpen details, trimming or sharpening tools, you can purchase the appropriate installation. But for small amounts of work at home, a homemade lathe for metal can be made.

Purpose and advantage of home installation

The machine is made under its own business goals. The complexity of the design, and the engine power depends on it. In general, he can perform the same works as professional installations:

  • the accuracy of different surfaces (in the form of cylinders, cones);
  • making thread;
  • conditioning;
  • metalworking ends.

Thanks to such a wide functionality, you can sharpen knives with this device, repair some parts of the car, cutting metal structures, etc.

At the same time, make a lathe with their own hands - this is a more profitable option, because:

  • such a product will cost cheaper;
  • it is not so cumbersome as many industrial installations;
  • it can be designed and executed under the specific tasks that the owner are necessary;
  • it is easy to place in the garage, shed and secure on any rigid surface.

Features of the homemade lathe

The homemade lathe for metal as a device collected by its own hands has a number of operational features that it is important to take into account during the work on it:

  1. Since work with blanks are always accompanied by large vibration fluctuations, it is important to provide the same location of the leading and slave installation - they must be located along one axis.
  2. The use of collector electric motors is an undesirable version, since often the frequency of revolutions can increase in these mechanisms; It is dangerous to the fact that the workpiece can fly.
  3. If it is impossible to put another electric motor, then in the case of the collector installation, it is necessary to provide it with a downward gearbox - this compensates the uneven movement of the mechanism.
  4. The optimally suitable electric motor is an asynchronous, in which the frequency of revolutions does not significantly deviate.
  5. The slave center may consist of a static or moving structure; In any case, it is made from an ordinary bolt, which is subjected to processing so that the barrel acquired the cone form - it is with its help he can rotate.

Preparatory Stage: Design and Drawings

At the preparatory stage it is important to deal with those composite parts will consist of a future lathe for metal. On the basis of this, suitable aggregates and details are selected from infirmized materials. It is important to consider what kind of tasks the mechanism will be focused, for which it will be used.

In principle, the installation should consist of the following elements:

  • Electric motor with transmission on the leading mechanism. Often choose work plants from old washing machines. Typically, the power is selected within 1000-1500 W. For household work this is enough.
  • Connecting parts (metal corners, bolts).
  • Case and metal base (tube, channel).
  • Running parts - handle for longitudinal movement, bearings.
  • Support part (frame design).
  • Thrust mechanism with cutters.
  • Rear and front grandmother - ideally you can take from the other machine.

The diagram of the finished device is presented in the photo.

When all the details are available, you can create a fundamental drawing of the product. As a basis, you can take the following drawings.

The lathe assembled, its main elements can be seen here.

NOTE. It is best made to make a lathe for metal with your own hands from metal products (pipes, corners, etc.). Any wooden design is short-lived, and work with the item will be much harder.

Making beds: Step-by-step instructions and video

Further actions are made in the manufacture of reference installation (bed), installation of work equipment, connecting it to the electric motor and immediately run into operation. The sequence of action is:

After that, the bed is completely going. It is important to take into account all the elements to be connected tightly - the slightest slab is unacceptable, because during the work, vibrating swinging will strengthen the fragility of the mechanism and can lead to damage.

Visual instructions for mounting beds - on this video.

Mechanism assembly with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions and video

Further work is aimed at mounting the mechanism itself and its fixation on the working surface. The algorithm is the following:

Video: mini lathe with their own hands. Front grandmother

It is important to first start the first launch at idle, and then check the operation of the entire device on the rough metal part.

Fravel lathe: assembly algorithm

To use the device in the urban apartment, it is quite real in a few hours to create a homemade lathe for metal from a regular drill. It will serve as a engine, and a rotating mechanism. The design is not so powerful, but it is quite suitable for performing small tasks.

The fastening of the drill is preferably made to a metal structure - the old stand is optimally suitable.

The manufacturer's algorithm is as follows:

Video: a lathe of a drill on their own

Installation and with wooden products is coping - with it, you can apply a simple embossed thread on a wooden blank, as shown in the video.

HELPFUL ADVICE. Work on a turning machine from a drill is not limited to sharp parts and sharpening. You can install a copier with which at home is perfectly similar details in minutes.

Mini Machine: Making Video

Often, a small homemade lathe for the metal is required for business purposes - here is a video with a visual step-by-step instruction for its manufacture.

Safety technique

Compliance with certain rules when working on the machine must, especially if we are talking about the product made by your own hands.

Preparatory stage

Immediately after the assembly, start the machine for several minutes at idle and listen to the sounds of the engine: they must be uniform, without outside noise. Preparation for work consists of the following steps:

  1. Appropriate clothes are dressed, on which all buttons are fastened and protruding parts are removed.
  2. In the workplace, before starting work, it is necessary to make a full order so that only the necessary tools lie on it - then it is possible to consistently implement the whole plan without excessive bustle of energy.
  3. Before each session, the self-made machine must be checked for the purpose of all parts and the reliability of their compound.
  4. It is also important to take care of sufficient lighting of the working surface and the correct source location so that your own shadow does not interfere.

Rules of Safe Work

While working, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Removing parts, as well as cleaning, the lubricant of the working mechanism is not performed during operation.
  2. When the part is processed, you need to be from the right side and at a safe distance from the installation itself.
  3. Do not transmit any items or keep your hands over the work mechanism.
  4. If you work on cutting parts, then the cut part cannot be maintained with hand - it is unknown, in which direction it moves at any time.
  5. It is unacceptable to climb even on fixed parts of the machine, rely on the working surface.
  6. The entire chips from the details are carefully deleted after each working session.

A visual illustration is presented in the diagram.

Visual technology of work on a turning machine for metal made with your own hands is presented in video.

Facilities for lathe care

Caring for the mechanism is an integral condition for its durable trouble-free work. It is necessary to follow several rules:

  1. All waste that falls on the working surface of the device during operation, you need to delete in a timely manner.
  2. To ensure the uniform distribution of oil on the guides, you need to move the carriage 7-8 times back and forth.
  3. Periodically, you need to move all the compounds, since constant vibration during operation gradually weakens them.
  4. It is important to ensure that the belt tension is always uniform - is unacceptable both too tight and too weak tension.
  5. All moving parts are periodically lubricated by conventional machine oil. At the same time, bearings are lubricated especially carefully - they experience special friction during operation.

NOTE. The lubricant should not fall on the drive belts, since in this case the friction decreases greatly, the belt slides over the surface of the pulley, as a result of which the tension weakens.

Professional turning machines for metal

If a professional tool is required for large volumes of complex work, you should deal with what kind of turning machines for metal exist.

Machine scheme

Schematic diagram of the device is presented in the figure.

Varieties of machine tools

Depending on its purpose and the features of the device, several types of turning machines for metal are distinguished:

  • Universal are designed to perform basic work on the metal:
  • drilling;
  • milling;
  • turning.

This is the most popular type of device - with their help you can handle parts outside and inside, working with flat, conical and cylindrical surfaces. You can conduct complex work on cutting accurate threads, processing ends of parts and drowning holes of almost any diameters.

Depending on the location of the bed there are such types of machines:

Types of work on the lathe

Depending on the features of the filing of the workpiece, as well as on the specific type of metalworking, the following types of work on the lathe are distinguished:

  • Step with manual or automatic feed.
  • The sharpening cones.
  • Cutting threads.
  • Drilling holes.

Tile with manual or automotive

In this case, it is important to set the vertex of the cutting part so that it is slightly lower than the axis with the workpiece. If it is impossible to do this, then it is better to install another tool or subwind the item.

Often, when exercising such work, the rear grandmother is not needed - then it can be simply removed

NOTE. If it is not possible to ensure reliable fixation of the workpiece in the cartridge, you can use lunetic.

Many models provide the possibility of the billet. In this case, the cutting part must be located to the right of the workpiece.

During work, it is better to always keep your left hand free to immediately press the emergency shutdown if the billet is accompanied from the desired direction.

Turning cones

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The item is fixed with spindle and the back of the grandmother.
  • If possible. The speed of the mechanism is configured on the machine. It is selected depending on the softness of the material that you can define in advance by directory. If there is no such possibility, you can be installed experimentally.
  • Next, rough processing is performed, after which it is purish.
  • If it is necessary to make the so-called Morse cone, it is necessary to shift the centers so that the cone is located at the desired angle, as shown in the figure.

Features of the cone sharpening technology on the universal machine are shown on video.

Cutting threads

On lathes, you can perform internal or exterior threads on the workpiece. The thread is applied on both cylindrical and conical products. Profile varieties There are three:

  • at right angles;
  • at a sharp corner;
  • trapecied.

Technologically, the process is performed using the sharp top of the cutter. The cutter is attached to the caliper and moves with it, leaving traces on the metallic product with a certain interval.

Cutters can be both solid and prefabricated with fasteners. Also made cutters with sold-up plates - they are especially durable, because the plates are performed from durable alloys (brass).

Drilling holes

For proper drilling, it is important to especially well prepare the end of the workpiece. It suits the surface to be as smooth as possible. Also in the end you need to make a slight deepening so that the work can be performed exactly in the intended place. The recess can be done using a drill or cutter.

The size of the holes is adjusted by installing the corresponding drill. If a hole is made smaller, you can take carelessness - that is, getting a larger opening due to a wider drill.

Turning drilling

Make a lathe for metal with your own hands is easy. The main thing is to choose the correct electric motor with the parameters suitable for work and ensure the rigidity of all design connections.

The tree is easy to handle. Using simple tools, you can create things of amazing beauty and functionality.

Separately, it is worth noting products having the shape of rotation figures: instrument handles, ladder bales, kitchen utensils. For their manufacture, there is not enough ax or the chisels, a lathe is required.

Buy such a device is not a problem, that's just a good machine worth expensive. Get such a useful tool and save is easy, because you can make a lathe on the tree with your own hands.

Why is needed and how it works

The lathe is designed for the manufacture of wooden products having a cylindrical or form close to it. This is an indispensable thing when repairing a country house with a wooden staircase, a carved porch, but not only.

If there is some experience, the turning tool will not just save on the purchase elements of the decor, but also to earn, because the wooden products of handmade are highly appreciated.

Whether such a machine is needed in the home workshop, to solve the master himself.

Of course, if you need a few pens for the chisels, it is easier to buy, but if there is a desire to make a wholesale-related staircase, then the Balyasin set will turn into a very large amount. Much cheaper to make them alone. By the way, it is not even necessary to spend money on the purchase of equipment - a simple machine can be made in your own workshop, using sweater materials.

The principle of operation of the turning machine on the tree is not particularly difficult. The cylindrical billet is fixed along the axis of rotation. Torque is passed on it. Summing up various cutters or grinding tools to the workpiece, it gives the desired shape.

Basic parts of the lathe:

  • the bed, on which all components are fixed;
  • electrical drive;
  • front grandmother;
  • rear grandmother;
  • girlfriend.

For convenience, it is used to change the speed of rotation speed. In professional equipment, this is a real gearbox, a gear system that allows you to adjust the revolutions in very wide limits. This is difficult, the homemade lathe on the tree is enough to equip a belt transmission with several pulleys of different diameters.

Making beds

The bed is a frame that combines all parts of the machine into one. The strength of the structure as a whole depends on its reliability, because the best material for the frame is steel corner. You can also use a rectangular profile pipe.

First of all, the size of the future aggregate is planned. This indicator depends largely on which items need a machine. The average size of the bed of the home turning machine is 80 cm. With the help of a grinder with a circle for metal, two identical blanks are cut off.

Lining wooden bars, coal with shelves up and inside, laid on a flat surface, their upper faces should create an ideal plane. It is withstanding the same distance between them, approximately 5 cm. To correctly orient them, use the rake of the corresponding thickness.

Longtitudinal base parts are fixed by clamps. From the same as the same as the same coal. Their three. Two are attached at the edges of the design, the third, which is a support for the front grandmother, about twenty centimeters from the left edge. The exact dimensions depend on the type of engine used and the pulley parameters that you managed to find.

It remains to weld the bed in a single whole. The seam should be reliable and high-quality, can be cooked with manual welding or used automatic.

It is important to immediately decide how the machine will be used. Possible desktop installation or manufacture of an autonomous unit. In the second variant it is necessary to provide legs. They can be made from the same coal, and you can cut out of a suitable thickness. The use of wooden legs will save on the material, in addition, the machine can be collapsible.

Motor for machine

The basis of the actuator of the lathe - the engine. When choosing this unit, it is important to pay attention to its main characteristic - power. For a home machine, a model is suitable with a capacity of 1200 to 2000 W. The type of connection is important, there are single-phase and three-phase engines.

In the table turning machine of low power, you can use the engine from the washing machine. It is unlikely to cope with the processing of a large blank, but will help make small elements of decor and kitchen utensils.

Direct drive or belt transmission

There are several ways to transmit rotation to the workpiece. The easiest is a direct drive. In this case, the billet is attached directly to the motor shaft. A distinctive feature of this design is simplicity. With all this, the direct drive has a number of significant flaws.

First of all, the straight-driven machine does not allow to adjust the speed of rotation, which is critical when working with solid material. It is also worth considering the load on the electric motor, especially when working with large mass workpieces. No matter how good it is centered, without vibration will not cost. Engine bearings are not designed for longitudinal load and will often fail.

To protect the engine from breakdowns and ensure the possibility of adjusting the speed of rotation of the workpiece, it is worth considering the belt transmission. In this case, the engine is located away from the axis of rotation of the workpiece, and the torque is transmitted by means of pulleys. Using blocks of pulleys of different diameters, it is easy to change the speed in fairly wide limits.

The machine for the house is desirable to equip with three and more streams, which will allow with the same success to handle wood of any breeds, and if necessary, work with soft alloys.

Front and rear grandmother

The processed billet is clamped between two devices, called the front and rear grandmother. Rotation from the engine is transmitted to the front, because it is a more complex node.

Structurally, the front headbox of the homemade lathe is a metal P-shaped structure, between the side faces of which the shaft and one or more pulleys are installed on the bearings. The housing of this unit can be made of thick steel, for the assembly of it in a single whole bolts of sufficient length are suitable.

An important part of the front grandmother, like the machine as a whole - shaft, spindle with three or four pins intended for fixing the workpiece. This shaft is passed through the bearing of one of the p-shaped housing cheeks, then the pulleys are planted on it. For their attachment, a key or a means for fixing cylindrical parts is used, the last peel is put on the latter, the design is reliably tightened by bolts.

The task of the backstone is to maintain a long blank, allowing it to rotate freely. You can buy a finished part of the factory machine, and you can use the cartridge of a powerful electric drill, fixed on the salt of a suitable length. The shaft with a pointed end is pushed into the cartridge itself.

Front and rear grandmothers are installed on the bed. It is important to understand that the axis of rotation of both shafts must fully coincide. Otherwise, the breakdown of the workpiece is likely, the exit of the machine is out of order, and possibly turkey injury.

Tool Support: Girlfriend

The girlfriend is a table that relies the tool while working. In principle, it can have any configuration, choose the master, the main criterion is convenience. One of the best options for a girlfriend is a trapezoid swivel table of thick steel, fixed on the platform, allowing you to move it in all directions. It will allow processing any billets, make products of various sizes and shapes.

The most simple girlfriend for - the square, welded to the base. The height of its upper edge should correspond to the level of the axis of grandmothers.

Cutters on wood

Used as a cutting tool for lathe. You can buy a similar tool in almost any construction store. Separate cutters and whole sets come on sale.

If there is no shop nearby, but there is an opportunity and desire, you can make the necessary tool yourself. To do this, you will need a metal-cutting machine, as well as the tool steel web, it can be replaced with an old instrument. High quality cutter can turn out, for example, from the old Soviet file.

Mini Machine For Minor Works

Often it is necessary to sharpen a few small wooden parts, in this case it is not necessary to make a full-fledged machine, you can do a turning mini-machine on a tree. Its production will not require a lot of work and does not take much time.

The device of such a machine is extremely simplicity. The engine from an old tape recorder is perfectly suitable as an electric component, whisen from an external power supply. The bed mini-machine will serve a segment of the board of the required length.

Engine must be fixed. Of course, for a small machine, the belt gear is not suitable, the workpiece will have to be attached to the motor shaft. The best device for this is a tablebuck. Drive body - P-shaped plate, in the center of which drilled a hole for the shaft. The engine in the case is mounted on the bed with the help of self-samples.

The main part of the machine is ready, it remains only to make the backstone. Its case is made of a suitable bar. It is exactly in the height of the engine, a hole for the shaft is drilled, a dowel-nail of suitable length is used as it. Grandma is fastened with glue and several self-tapping screws.

Using the power supply with the ability to adjust the output voltage, you can create a machine with a variable rotation speed. Control the revolutions are conveniently using a foot control pedal. The design of this device may be the most diverse, it all depends on the existing parts.

Machine from electric drills

Perhaps every home master has such a useful thing as an electric train. This is really a universal tool, they are drilled, mix the solution, clean the surface. It is not surprising that many people have an idea to use the drill engine to make a small lathe on wood.

It's not hard. By and large, it is enough to fix the drill on the bed, and in front of it install the backstone, it must be mobile, which will allow you to adjust the working distance.

There are many options for the manufacture of such a lathe, they are distinguished by the complexity used by the materials. In the simplest case, the machine is a blackboard or a piece of thick plywood, at one end of which stopped for a drill with a retainer, on the other - the rear beam: a bar with a shaft inside. As a shaft, a sharpened screw or a dowel of a suitable diameter can be used.

In the presence of work skills with metal, you can create a machine simple professional level. Using them, it is easy to make products of the highest class. If the machine is needed from the case of the case, the best option is a drill machine. If necessary, you can pull out the required part, and if you need a drill, it can be used and directly intended.

Looking for an order in a pile of electronic trash, found residues from tape recorders. 9 volt power supply, which has a well recognizable form and made in the USSR, those who caught the time and owned the electronics or Izh tape recorder, will understand what we will understand. As well as an old electric motor, too, from some tape recorder. It turned out that the block and the motor still work perfectly in a pair with each other, nothing rustled and did not come.

In general, I decided to try to collect from all this mini lathe, the more I always wanted to have a small and quiet machine to handle any small things. Of course, it is possible to assemble or buy pribluda (holders) that turn the usual drill into the machine, but such drills are usually very noisy due to all gearboxes in them.

In principle, on the device of the lathe, I have a superficial representation, at first glance there everything seems to be simple. The only thing that was embarrassed is, how to place an electric motor and the backstone on the same axis. And also, at the same time, the error is allowed, for it did not want to get instead of a lathe, a vibrator for a vibrostol or a mobile phone.

The oldest power supply, for our time it is of course huge, but for trial inclusion it is not so important.

I cut the casing for the metal with scissors for the metal, impelled and wrecked in it holes for the motor, after which it turned it in the form of the letter "POP" and then installed the engine in it. Pick up the rustles of suitable size for the base of the machine. Since the machine I will have a purely experimental, that is, assembled on the knee and from the remedies. I decided to first collect a rough model, and if it earns as it should, then you can bring it to mind.

Screw to the screw, the base under the motor and the rear wall so as to fasten the cover with the electric motor to them.

Redid a few ends of the casing (bent them inside)

He drilled and checked the screw with the engine to the rear wall and to the base.

From the cardboard cut the lid and put it on a pair of screws on top.

Something like this now it looks like, in my opinion, in turning terminology, this pribluda is called "Front Grandma"

From the same board, the squares were wrinkled, smeared the PVA glue and pulled them into a heel. This cube will serve as the back of my self-locking lathe.

I brought this cube for four self-pressing, steam from above and pair from below.

If there was a cartridge for a drill on the shaft of the motor, then you could push the drill into it and it would indicate the direction for the holder in the back grandma. And since I have some brass pulley for Pasika tape recorder, I had to go a little different way. Just took a sheet of paper and stupidly wrapped it with this pulley, fixed the ends and turned on the motor.

Making sure that the opposite end of this tube rotates near the cube without breaking and beat, turned off the motor and outlined the contours of the tube on the cube.

Fuck the tube axis on the side of the cube side planes to the side planes to the holder when drilling the holder, send the drill on these lines.

Also on the eye, these lines have born on the opposite side of the backstone.

Then he drilled this cube and screwed the self-tapping screw, which will perform the role of the blank holder.

I did not get a little, but it is not so important, since in this way it is impossible to achieve perfect accuracy. But since this is only an experiment, then we go further and close your eyes to all shoals and inaccuracies. :-)

Cleash the workpiece and turn on the motor, we will be adjusted to the side almost to the side, in case this dwarf wants to study the expanses of the universe. :-) so that the holder did not reassure the workpiece, then some thread drove from his tip.

At the pulley itself, a piece of gum was put on a piece of gum, and already stupidly on the thermocroxley glued a blank. Thereby removing the headache about the search for a suitable cartridge or holder. And besides, for some reason it seemed that the flexible connection would slightly compensate for the curvature of the axis on which the motor and holder is located, well, and at the same time the curvature of my hands. :-)

Oddly enough, but everything worked as a clock, the motor is finitely weak, but with its minising copes with a bang.

I tried a bunch of various incisors, but most of all I liked to handle the woods with the usual web for metal and sandpaper. Apparently due to the lack of a girlfriend or a weak engine, all other tools immediately bite into the workpiece and stop the motor.

I tried to sharpen a tin rod, more precisely lead-tin (solder). Here it was already well able to process the harvesting with a cutter from the usual Nadfil, sharpened at the end.

These billets also put on glue. The only thing to take into account is the heating of the rod during processing. But since the cutter removes very little, then I could not warm it up to such an extent that the rods spoiled from the rubber pillow.

Here I tried to sharpen the prototype for casting shells to this tigra. But later it turned out that his native shells had a clearer and primitive appearance. And the fact that I turned out, more suitable for the royal tigra, so the idea was abandoned.

A little bit of a lousy video in which he buzzes.

In general, this is all, the machine turned out to be relatively silent, small, just 23 cm long, well, and most importantly, it is that he is collected with his own hands and also works. In principle, I expected big problems when assembling a lathe, but as it turned out, the machine collected on the knee perfectly works. Perhaps this is due to the scale, if the size of the machine was more, and the items clapped it hard (in the cartridge drill), then the adventures would definitely be more.

By the way, it is very easy to turn this lathe in a mini edema. It is enough just to glue the cutting disc from the drenel on the pillow and as a result we get a mini ease. This emery was very cool to me when it was necessary to sharpen 70 castings from plaster for this model Tiger tank. Of course, it is almost impossible to clarify it on the eye, unless the disk itself begged. But on large speeds, the beat is almost unnoticed, besides, it is reinforced, so you can not be afraid that it will break it, and something will bounce into the eye. But in any case, no one has canceled security techniques for work at work. Therefore, keep your head away from the intended trajectory of the separation of disc fragments or we work in glasses.

Recently gathered his own 3D printer and the first serious printout on it, there was a mini drilling machine for hobbies and models (), for always dreamed of a silent mini boring. Actually, the 3D printer is a fairly useful thing, it can be used without much effort to create hulls, brackets and other pribrudes, and thus somewhat expand the park of a variety of mini hobbies, and this turner can be brought to a divine look.

For the "sleeper" home masters, a table lathe for treating metal blanks is the limit of dreams. With it, it makes the missing parts of the mechanisms being repaired, threads are cut, the ripples or the holes are made. For some universal mechanism, opens up new horizons of creativity or hobbies. For others, an additional way to replenish the family budget. Unfortunately, the cost of factory equipment in most cases leaves the dream of a staffed homemade workshop unrealized. Nevertheless, the desire to have home the lathe can be easily accomplished if you do it yourself. We will tell about one of these designs in more detail by providing you with the opportunity to build a lathe with your own hands.

Appointment and opportunity

Modern lathe is a symbiosis of mechanical parts and electronic components

The main functions of any modern mechanism, be it a simple manual meat grinder or coal-mining combine, provide rotating parts that could not be made without lathe. A feature of these aggregates is the processing of turning bodies with cutting. Turning machines ensure the accuracy of the manufacture, unattainable for other methods of metalworking. The equipment of this type is easy to automate and allows you to perform such operations:

  • longitudinal sharpening smooth or stepped cylindrical surface;
  • processing of ledges and grooves;
  • the sharpness of the outer and internal conical surfaces;
  • boring conical and cylindrical holes;
  • cutting the thread (inner or outer) cutter or drill;
  • deploying and zenching holes;
  • cutting of grooves or cutting;
  • shaped sniff;
  • pumping the corrugated surface.

The main purpose of turning machines - the processing of three types of parts - shafts, bushings and discs, resulting in a variety of axles, flywheels, liners, stars, etc., and so on , Cabinet parts.

Turning and ventius machines - the most popular design at home craftsmen

All existing lathes distinguish:

  • on turning sign (turborous and revolving, turning and carousel, multi-conversion machines, etc. - Total nine subgroups);
  • dimensional row, which depends on the diameter of the part being processed;
  • degree of specialization (special, universal, etc.);
  • accuracy class.

The most popular for repetition at home are turning and screwing machines that have the most simple design among the above aggregates.


At least the first turning machines and appeared in the late XVIII century, their architecture was so perfect that there were no significant changes yet. We can say that today we use equipment similar to that used for metalworking two more centuries ago.

Turning machine design

The lathe for metal consists of such nodes and details:

  1. Stanna, which is the basis for all other elements. The accuracy of the processing and universality of the device depends on the strength and scrupulusity of its manufacture. The cabinet part of the machine must be a massive, fundamental design. Only in this case can avoid vibrations and tool offset during the execution of turning operations.
  2. Front spindle grandma. This node allows you to fix the workpiece and rotate it in the processing process. Often, the spindle grandma includes a gearbox and a caliper feed mechanism or processing head. This allows you to change the speed of rotation of the part and improves performance.
  3. Rear grandmother. This element is designed to hold the part in the specified coordinate system, coaxially spindle. In addition, the tool fixed in the backstone allows you to perform additional operations, for example, to cut the thread.
  4. Caliper. No doubt, this node is one of the most important in the design of the machine. The caliper is designed to hold the cutting tool and its movement relative to the workpiece processed. Depending on the design, the caliper may supply a cutter in different planes, making items with a complex configuration of internal and external surfaces. The basic requirements that are presented to the caliper are the reliability of the tool hold and the accuracy of the feed, since this is directly related to the quality of processing.

When making a homemade lathe, the design is maximally simplified. For this, elements that at home are made problematic, modify, and from some nodes and are completely refused. For example, the gearbox can be replaced by several different dimensional pulleys, and the feed automation is excluded from the circuit.

What will be needed for manufacture

An ideal option for the manufacture of a homemade lathe would be to use individual components from the written-off equipment. If there is no such possibility, you will have to make knots and details on their own.

Instead of cast beds, the frame is used welded from steel profile pipes and corners. It means that the wooden frame in this case is an unacceptable option. The metal profile will be able to provide the required rigidity and stability of the design. In addition, with the help of smooth square and rectangular pipes, it is completely simple to adhere to strict frame geometry. An uneven frame will not be able to correctly fix the centers, which will later affect the quality of the works.

A low-power asynchronous engine - an excellent power unit for homemade construction

It will take the power unit for the drive. It is best to use a low-speed electrical engine asynchronous type. Unlike the collector aggregates "Asynchronics" are practically not at risk of breakage with a sharp decline in revolutions.

For processing billets with a diameter of no more than 100 mm, there is enough electric motor with a capacity of 500 - 1000 W. If it is planned to roll up more overall parts, you will need at least 1.5 kilowatt power unit.

In addition, it is necessary to choose a drive belt (or several belts of different lengths). Do not forget about the mounting elements with which individual nodes will be attached to the case. Nuts and bolts with a diameter of 8 and 10 mm with a conventional metric carving are suitable for homemade lathes.

Details are used as a sled, machined from the steel bar, followed by hardening, but the best option will be guides made from depreciation racks or long shafts of industrial mechanisms. They have excellent geometry, and their surface is subjected to hardening in the factory conditions.

The rear grandmother, like the spindle, is best used from the written off factory equipment

The backstone can also be made from profile pipes and a thick metal sheet, but the pinalty is made from a wreck-pointed bolt, several nuts with the same carvings and steering wheel made of pullf with agricultural machinery. The use of homemade Pinoli will require each time the detail is fastened to lubricate the contact with lithol or solidol surfaces. This procedure will not be needed with the rotating center of factory manufacture, so if it is possible, then this item is better to buy.

The longitudinal and transverse feed screws can also be chopped on the lathe or use the long rod with a chopped carvings that can be bought in construction hypermarkets.

For feed screws, a shallow shaft shaft is used - it will significantly improve the accuracy of the positioning of the working tool.

For nodes of rotation, the rolling bearings mounted in the housing, and the speed adjusts will allow pulleys of various diameters, placed on the drive shaft. These details can be bought or order at the familiar turner.

The manufacture of the caliper will require the steel plate, a thickness of at least 8mm. It can also be used for a massacker.

Another node that is impossible to be made in handicrafts is the spindle. It will have to buy it. The fastening of the spindle requires the manufacture of a shaft on which slave pullees will be mounted. The strength of this part should be flawless, so it is best to use the details from the written off factory mechanisms.

There are structures in which there is no belt transmission. Rotation from the motor shaft is transmitted directly to the spindle. Of course, they have the right to exist, however, choosing a similar scheme, be prepared for frequent output of the electric motor bearings.

In addition to the lathe, in the process of work, such tools and equipment will be needed:

  • welding machine;
  • bulgarian;
  • grinding-emery machine;
  • electric drill and set rolled metal;
  • taps and dies for cutting threads;
  • set of wrenches;
  • caliper, metal line;
  • marker.

All this tool and materials will make a full-fledged tabletop lathe. If you could not get any details, do not despair - on time they can be replaced by something else. Thus, the cartridge from the electric drill is quite used instead of a spindle if you want to process a blank of a small size.

Dimensions and drawings

Determining the dimensions of the machine, first of all, are focused on the maximum length and diameter of the processed parts. Recall that in the industry, low-power turning equipment has such boundary parameters:

  • length - up to 1150 mm;
  • width - up to 620 mm;
  • the distance from the top surface of the bed to the spindle axis (axis height) is about 180 mm.

It is hardly worth exceeding these values \u200b\u200bon handling equipment manufactured. No need to forget that with increasing size, the risk of curvature of the machine geometry increases many times. When choosing the size of the caliper and determining the extreme points of its movement, calculating the distance between the centers and the limits of moving the cut holder, it is best to focus on the drawings of homemade machines. Made by folk craftsmen, they in practice have proven their performance, therefore it would not be foolishly taking advantage of the proven decisions.

Rear grandmother drawing of a caliper and a sharp stagnar drawier drawing in front of the front stalls. A homemade lathe. General view of the drawing of the back grandmother

Instructions for the manufacture of a simple lathe with their own hands

Since everyone decides how its lathe will look like, and which it will be sizes, give an accurate description of the manufacture of all parts with an indication of dimensions, tolerances and landings is impossible. However, the process of building any lathe consists of identical stages.

After the lathe is tried in operation, its nodes and parts should be painted. This will add to your attraction of attractiveness and will not allow corrosion to spoil the equipment created by their own hands.

The lathe at home is universal equipment that is allowed to use and not directly intended. In the spindle, you can fix a polishing or grinding wheel for sharpening tools or finishing metal parts.

Video: lathe with their own hands

How to put a rear grandmother

Of course, the proposed scheme of the self-made lathe for the power and processing accuracy is inferior to expensive factory counterparts. Despite this, it will help to cope with most tasks, providing an extensive field for upgrading.

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Metal lathe: how do you make a self-made metalworking machine with your own hands

The laundry hosts, accustomed to fulfill all the work on the house with their own hands, sooner or later come to the conclusion that in the arsenal, the home workshop lacks a homemade lathe for processing metal blanks. A person who once enjoyed such equipment for a long time boasts to comrades, as easily and relaxed on such a machine from a shapeless piece of iron, a neat part is made, manufactured independently.

Naturally, you can buy a ready-made product in the store, but it is not for everyone to pocket and therefore many make a decision on the manufacture of turning equipment for metal with their own hands. But for this, the homework must deal with the principle of work and the device of such equipment and prepare all consumables. You will also need the minimum set of tool well, and, of course, the desire to do not be the easiest work independently.

Why do you need a homemade lathe?

There is not a single real owner who would not want to get compact in its arsenal, reliable, and most importantly inexpensive metal processing machine. Such equipment allows you to perform many, both the simplest and complex operations related to the manufacture of metal parts, starting with a boring holes and ending with the ledge of metal discs from the metal of unusual forms.

Of course, if the financial position allows, you can not bother over the manufacture of a lathe with your own hands. However, the factory equipment has impressive dimensions, and put it in the garage or a small utility room will be problematic. Therefore, the only correct solution is the manufacture of metalworking equipment with their own hands according to its size, which will meet all the requirements.

The homemade machine for processing metal products, which will be manufactured, taking into account all the features of its use will have a simple control, do not borrow a lot of useful space in the room and differ simple and at the same time reliable operation. On such a turning machine for metal, you can easily process any billets of small sizes of steel.

Construction and principle of lathe

Before the assembly of metalworking equipment, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main nodes and mechanisms of the lathe for metal. The design of the simplest equipment necessarily includes the following elements:

Composite parts of the homemade lathe are placed on the bed. In the case of an aggregate collecting with your own hands is a metal frame. Along the frame base, the back of the backstone is moving. In turn, the purpose of the front grandmother is the placement of the base mechanism rotating the equipment. In this case, this element has a fixed design. A transmitter mechanism connects the leading center with an electric motor is installed on the bed. Through this central device, the transmission of the rotational motion of the metal workpiece to be treated is performed.

The stanne of the lathe for the metal collected in most cases is made of wooden bars. In addition to wood, you can use metal corners or steel profiles. The material from which the frame will be made, does not matter much, the main thing is that the equipment centers are securely and fixedly fastened on the basis.

Almost any electric motor can be installed on homemade metalworking equipment even with minor power indicators. However, it is important to understand that the weak power motor may not cope with the rotation of cumbersome metal blanks at the right speed, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of the work carried out. Low power engines are better to use if it planned to handle parts from wood on the lat.

The message of the rotational motion from the electric motor to the main node of the machine occurs by the friction, belt, or chain type of transmission. At the same time, the belt transmission is considered the most popular, as it has a small cost at high reliability. I would like to note that some homework collect equipment in which the transmitter mechanism is not provided, and the working tool is fixed directly on the motor shaft.

Features of homemade machines

In order to prevent increased vibration of the treated billet from the metal, it is important to comply with the leading and led design of the center on the same axis. If you plan to build the machine with your own hands only with the leading center, then it is necessary to provide in advance to install a special cam mechanism - a cartridge or table cheeper.

According to the advice of experienced specialists, installation on homemade aggregates of processing metal collector electric motors is not recommended. In such devices, a spontaneous increase in revolutions may occur in the absence of workload, which, in turn, leads to the departure of the workpiece from the fasteners and possible injury to the person working behind the machine. The item departing at high speed can cause many harm in the closed space of a home workshop.

If for some reason, the installation of the collector type motor is inevitable, then it is necessary to install a special reduction gearbox. Thanks to this mechanism, you can completely prevent uncontrolled dispersal of the equipment in the absence of a load on the part being processed.

The most intact asynchronous motor is considered the most practical, convenient and inexpensive for lathe for a lathe for the metal. Such an engine has high stability during the load without changing the speed of rotation, which allows to ensure high quality of the machined metal blanks, the width of which does not exceed 100 mm. In general, the design and power parameters of the electric motor must be selected in such a way that the part to be processed is to receive the necessary force during rotation.

The mechanism of the slave center, located on the backstone, can have both a fixed and rotating design. It uses a standard bolt for its manufacture, which is drawn by a cone-shaped form on the threaded area of \u200b\u200bthe product. The prepared part is lubricated with engine oil and is mounted in the inner thread in advance cut into the backstone. The bolt must have a free course of about 25-30 mm. Thanks to the rotation of the bolt, there is a clamp of the workpiece between the central mechanisms.

Turning equipment assembly procedure

The easiest in the manufacture of your own hands is considered a metalworking machine of an inucery type. The use of such homemade equipment allows you to pull metal and wooden products, as well as with a slight improvement to sharpen knives and other cutting tools. Such equipment is very useful if the repair of a car or other moving transport is to repair. At the same time, the assembly procedure itself provides a number of uncomplicated work.

The homemade design of the lathe for metal, collected by their own hands, can be used not only in their direct intended purpose, but also in other domestic needs. It is possible for one of the moving parts connected to the shaft of the electric motor, to install the grinding wheel and point to it a different tool or perform a grinding or polishing of surfaces.

Choosing power equipment

The frame of improvised equipment, if possible, should be mounted on a metal basis by reliable fastening with the bed. After that, you need to install all individual nodes and mechanisms of the turning unit, which are not so much. At the next stage, go to work with the power node of the equipment. First you need to select the electrical engine of the respective parameters. Since we are talking about metal processing - sufficiently durable material, the motor must be powerful:

  • when processing small metal parts, a power is enough with a power of 0.5 to 1 kW;
  • for sharpening larger billets, it is better to use an engine 1.5-2 kW.

For self-made metalworking equipment, an engine is suitable from an old sewing machine or from any other unnecessary household appliance. The choice depends on what is found in the home workshop or will cost inexpensively when buying in the store. A hollow tree from steel is connected to the electric motor or as it is called the spindle head. For this purpose, the belt or any available transmission is used. The shaft is connected to the pulley attached to the key. The pulley will be needed to place the working part of the tool on it.

Connecting power mechanisms is performed either personally or proceed for help from specialists. At the same time, an experienced electrician will do everything quickly and efficiently, and the owner of the machine will have complete confidence in the safety of the use of electrical parts of the lathe. After the completion of the assembly work, the equipment is ready to use. Also, if necessary, a person can expand the functionality of the equipment.

Having made a machine for processing metal parts with your own hands, a person will receive an indispensable assistant in a home workshop. And considering the multifunctionality of such equipment, everyone will be able to hone their skills in the locksmith. An independently manufactured machine will respond to all the requirements for it and will not occupy a lot of space in the house or garage.

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How to make a lathe for metal with your own hands?

Article - Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of lathe for metal with their own hands. How to make a homemade unit at home?

The use of the lathe is necessary in the car service, in the machine-building industry, in repair shops and training workshops.

The cost of the machine is high and not every workshop or workshop can afford its acquisition. Knowing what details are necessary and how to connect all the nodes into a single mechanism, you can make it with your own hands.

Basic lathe design

The lathe is created on the basis of the bed, stable and durable, withstanding impressive and serious loads. It mounted the main system of mechanisms and aggregates.

The first lathes appeared in the XVIII century, after the manufacture of the caliper. The Russian inventor Andrei Nartov came up with a mechanism that was unwound using a flywheel, and on the machine all the details were made of metal, including screws, rails, pulleys.

With the development of technologies, manual drive was replaced by mechanical.

There are several types of metal machines, which differ depending on the power, size and productive force:

  1. A tabletop metal lathe has a maximum weight of up to 100 kg and power up to 400 W. Its use is relevant in small workshops and private workshops, in which metal parts are processed and repaired, and not produced in large quantities.
  2. The lathe of the semi-professional type is most often the symbiosis of turning, milling and drilling equipment, which make small batch of products. Power up to 1000 W allows you to work in production mode.
  3. A professional lathe for working with metal is equipped, as a rule, automatic software control, has a high mass and greater power. Machines of this type are used on production and large enterprises to process parts up to 3000 mm from various materials.

Their high cost, large scale and high facilities are unacceptable for use at home or at small businesses. An alternative option may be their independent assembly, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently make parts and produce blanks.

How to assemble a lathe yourself?

For the manufacture of a homemade lathe, you will need:

  • hydraulic cylinder, shaft from shock absorber;
  • metal shafts, corners, chawllers and beams;
  • cylindrical guides;
  • beams, pipe, fasteners;
  • welding machine;
  • electric motor, two pulleys with belt transmission.

First of all, we make the main framework with longitudinal guides. For this, two channels are used and two metal rods with a thickness of at least 30 mm at a working zone of the machine from 50 mm. Two longitudinal shafts are attached to two chapels using guide with petals. Each petal is attached to the chapeller with a bolted joint and welding.

The front grandmother is made of hydraulic cylinder. In this case, with a wall thickness of 6mm. On the inner diameter on each side, two 203 bearing are pressed. Inside the bearings there is a hole with a diameter of 17mm, in which the shaft is placed. A lubricating fluid is poured into the hole of the hydraulic cylinder. Under the pulley there is a lack of a large diameter that prevents squeezing bearing.

Pulley comes from a washing machine. The diameter shaft pulley must match the shaft on the engine. Then the rearrangement of the pulleys of different diameters can be changed the speed of rotation. The grandmother is installed on a metal beam.

The transverse caliper is made of metal plate to which cylindrical guides are welded. Two guides are driven into them, the shaft from shock absorbers is used as guides. To move in the transverse plane to each guide, dressed tightly fitted sleeves.

The cup holder is made of two thick metal plates. Fastened on a stand from brake shoes through a metal nut. Bolted plates with each other are connected by bolts.

The cartridge for fastening the part is made of metal pipe. Fixing is made by four bolts. Which screwed up in pre-woven nuts.

The drive uses the engine from the washing machine. In this case, 180W. The engine is connected to the front head through the belt transmission. The machine is equipped with self-removal mechanism. The belt is tensioning under the weight of the engine. The design from the corners is attached using canopies.

All items are collected in a single design. The lathe is ready for operation.

Video: Making a lathe for metal at home (several parts).

We recommend reading:

Setting the cutter on the lathe

What is the milling machine to choose?

Installing the cartridge on the lathe

What latch to choose?

How to make a lathe for metal with your own hands - instructions, drawings and video

Despite the large range of factory equipment equipment, its use in everyday life is usually inconvenient or inappropriate. The impressive dimensions (and weight), a variety of functions (some of them are unlikely to be in demand by the "homemade craftsman") and a number of other points - all this suggests that it makes sense to spend money on the purchase of a lathe for metal? Moreover, the price of the cheapest desktop model is about 46,800 rubles.

With how to make a lathe from scratch, with your own hands, in detail and understand, further - recommendations for the choice of materials and the order of the assembly of the machine. It is useful tips and examples of drawings, as the manufacture of something with their own hands is a creative process; Consequently, the "hard" standards can simply be. The following configuration scheme is just a reminder of a lathe device.

The design of the lathe for home use is advisable to easily simplify. Some components can be upgraded (modifying), and from something and generally refuse. For example, complex automation, feed box with its gears and EMF. Yes, and the movable element of the backstone - Pinol - is unlikely to be of great importance for the self-made lathe.

Choosing materials

There are a variety of tips, including that it is possible to use wood in the form of a board and timber to manufacture individual elements of the machine. Argumentation - such an assembly does not represent big problems and is performed relatively quickly.

I would like to notice that they will arise, but then, and very tangible. "Wooden" machine will not last for a long time. Simply put, it will work, but about the accuracy of operations will have to forget. Turning model of equipment even factory manufacturers requires not only thorough setting, but also systematic state control. The slightest change in the geometry of the same salazzo will lead to the fact that the processing of the part will turn into a "mockery" above the sample. Wood constantly swells, it sneezes. What kind of smooth movement of the carriage, the coincidence of the axes of the centers and the like can we talk? The same applies to the bed. Dynamic loads will quickly lead to increasing base (frame, table or other component).

What kind of drawing did not build a household lathe, for the manufacture of all structural elements, it is clearly used to use metal products (pipes, channel or corner). More difficult - yes, more reliable and more durable - undoubtedly. All other options are an empty spending of time and effort.

Procedure for assembling machine

The manufacture of any mechanism (installation, unit) with your own hands is a creative thing. Each master focuses on the range of tasks that he will have to solve with the help of self-made equipment, the presence of free space in the garage (shed, extension) and so on. But if you understand the actions algorithm, then collecting a lathe of household use will be easy. Here are some homemade samples.

If the reader is quite suitable for the simplest model, and there is no desire to spend time on design, the author proposes to pay attention to the machine, which is based on the electric drill. No additional explanation is required here.

It is clear that the functionality of such an installation is limited. First of all, due to the fact that it is possible to clamp in the cartridge only a mill or drill. In fact, the lathe of such a homemade can be called conditionally.

But with the manufacture of more "serious" equipment it is worth understanding more.

Rama Table.

It is necessary to determine if the existing (for example, in the garage) will be able to withstand an additional load. If it assumes a low-power lathe, for handling small parts, the desktop is enough. When assembling the frame you need to consider two points.

The first - on the legs of the table it is necessary to screw the pyataks. If the mobility of the machine is not required, that is, it is not expected to be regularly transferred, it makes sense to extend the pits in the concrete floor, install the frame and fill with concrete again. The goal is to ensure the maximum stability of the design in the process of metalworking.

The second is not unnecessarily weighing the use of thick steel plate as a tabletop, especially since it is not about powerful equipment. Enough a string of a lathe to weld to the frame. Strength will be provided.


Here everything is simple - the sizes are welded a lathe reference frame (channel or corner).

Drive unit

Here you have to choose one of two options:

  • If the spindle (clamp, cartridge) is decided to secure the engine on the shaft, how to change the number of its revolutions? And this will have to do, depending on the hardness of the processed sample. You can, for example, install the engine from the sewing e / machine / used machine (speed adjustment is provided). Only here the power of such a lathe will be minimal, therefore, and the possibilities are limited.
  • Any e / engine is characterized by a rates of rotation of the shaft (rotor). It is clear that the regular replacement of the engine on the other in the process of operation is impossible. Consequently, you will have to think about how to change the transfer number of the drive. The simplest solution is to reinstall the belts of pulleys attached to the shaft intermediate, that is, use this type of transmission.

"Folk craftsmen", focusing on such a technique, make the machines with their own hands on 10 - 12 speeds. Convenience in working with heterogeneous materials is provided, and searching for components, the compilation of the automation scheme and its assembly does not have to.

There is another argument in favor of such an engineering solution. The main effort present in the machines collected by their own hands is along the axis of the shaft. But the email bearings of any models are calculated on the load "perpendicular".

If the machine does not provide for a belt transmission, you need to be ready for frequent repair. The reason is the destruction of the reference parts of the engine. There is a possibility to avoid this, but such modernization requires separate consideration (there are several options) and significantly complicates the design process.

What to take into account when assembling

For such a regulation, it is advisable to install the engine with a power within 0.75 - 1.5 kW to the latter.

Collective type products are better not to use. The peculiarity of such engines is that when the load decreases (for example, at the time of the cutter leads), the rotor speed increases significantly. A possible result to predict is easy - departure of the workpiece and injury to the wizard.

As a rule, turning machines are collected with their own hands to work with small "duals" - a length of up to half a meter and a diameter of no more than 12 - 14 cm. For such models, the asynchronous motors are considered the best (the recommended power is indicated). The stability of the number of revolutions will be ensured, and the sharp differences of the speed of rotation frequency are excluded.

Features of the manufacture of other structural elements

Better (if there is an opportunity) separate components from the wrote off the equipment. Even if necessary, alteration is simpler than to produce from scratch. Here are some options we will look at.


Treat from the bar and difficult, and inexpedient. Strength will not meet the requirements. It is easier to use ready-made elements. For example, rack shock absorbers.


Often in homemade lathes rear focus placed on fixed. You can use an ordinary bolt, pre-sharpened the end of his legs.


The author used 2 metal plates 4 mm. In order for the tool to be reliably fixed and quickly reinstalued, the axis with a thread is welded in the center of the bottom, in the upper - the hole of the corresponding diameter. For the clamp of the cutter - a nut with the "handle". The overpowering of the top plate during tightening is excluded, since there are still holes in its corners, and vertical racks (segments of the rod) are welded to the bottom (beneath them). As a result, the "clamp" plate moves strictly down / up.

Collecting the lathe is more correctly focused on the perspective. It has to handle not only metal blanks, but also from other materials - plastics, plexiglas, wood. The conclusion suggests unequivocal - if you have your own hands and make turning equipment for home use, then you need to strive for its versatility. In particular, to the possibility of changing the speed of rotation of the spindle in the Great Range.

  • wood - 700 - 2 400;
  • metal - 85 - 940.

Determining with the dimensions of the lathe, you should focus on the size of the blanks, which are supposed to be processed. Specific recommendations on this item are meaningless, but to remind the basic parameters of low-power industrial equipment (in mm).

  • Length - 1 150.
  • Width - 600 - 620.
  • The height of the spindle axis is about 180. This will allow processing the billets with a cross section to 175 mm.

In order for the lathe to be really "workers", it is advisable to get acquainted with the main characteristics of amateur industrial production models before drawing up its drawing. Linear parameters - not the main thing. There are also indicators such as the size of the caliper and the limits of its movement, the distance between the centers, the feed rate, and so on. This will greatly facilitate the choice of the optimal version of the machine for the assembly with your own hands.

Special attention should be paid to the coincidence of the spindle centers (clamping cartridge) and pinoles. They must be connected horizontal straight. Failure to comply with this condition leads to the appearance of hopes, bibulations of the workpiece in the process of metalworking. As a result - its damage. Bad, but not critical. If there is a lot of "iron" at hand, you can replace. But the prospect of constantly acquiring new cutters (and they will certainly "fly" in such a homemade machine "in such a homemade machine) is hardly arranged.

In the process of assembly, questions will inevitably arise how it is better to make with their own hands "then or this." The author advises in case of difficulties to see the internet photos and factory, and self-made. An acceptable solution must be found.

Good luck in design and metalworking!