Repairs Design Furniture

Projects of small baths from the log. How to choose BAT projects from a log cabin and construction materials. Advantages of construction from a rounded log

On the Russian market there is no shortage of diversity and the number of building materials. Along with them, construction companies offer prefabricated facilities for country sites. A separate niche is occupied by wooden buildings - the projects of the Ban from the log are especially in demand among them. Works are performed by professional teams, thanks to which customers receive a qualitative result and long-term guarantee.

In many families there is a useful and pleasant tradition - a bath day Source

Advantages and disadvantages of projects baths from a church

Traditionally, Russian baths were erected from a log: a tree in Russia was the most affordable material, and his healing properties are known from time immemorial.


Wooden baths from the log and to this day are the most popular among the buildings of this kind thanks to the beneficial for the soul and body of the microclimate. In addition, they have many more advantages:

  • Favorable value. Buy Bani log house is much cheaper than to build it from brick or foam concrete.
  • Low thermal conductivity of wood, thanks to which heat is held for a long time in the room of the log bath.
  • Good noise insulation.
  • Service life up to 50 years.
  • A wide variety of projects Ban from a turnkey log.

Projects Ban from the cut are popular, so every year you can find more and more new variations.

In conditions of high humidity, wood becomes vulnerable to microorganisms, so it is covered with antiseptics during the workpiece, re-after installation SOX SENSE-LIFE.COM

Among the disadvantages, there is a high risk of fire, a long-term process shrink shrinkage, cracking the logs during the drying, as well as the susceptibility of wood with rotting. But at the same time, the work performed by professionals does not have similar shortcomings, as the buildings are erected in accordance with the prescribed technologies, are processed by flame retardant impregnation and compositions against fungus and mold. And, which is important, experienced masters know how to choose a breed and high-quality log. With this approach, as practice has shown, several dozen years can be used.

Features of construction and operation

The first thing that is interested in the wishing to build a bath from a log is projects and prices. The choice must be founded on the needs and desires of the owner in the construction of additional rooms, as well as in the complexity of the design. Immediately the construction of a log bath is carried out in several stages:

  • Fundament device. Wooden bath projects are implied by concrete belt, depending on the soil it is possible to build a pile foundation. For ventilation around the perimeter of the foundation makes outstands.


  • Laying of the first crown. Wood is pre-treated with antiseptics, and the foundation from the top is covered with rubberoid or hydrokhotloxole for waterproofing.
  • Walling. The crown behind the crown is stacked logs to the necessary height. Then the construction must be comfortable and dry. After that, you can proceed to the next step. Often, the insulation under construction serves Moss, an example of the construction of such a bath from a log cabin in the photo.

As an interventory insulation, natural moss is often used, safe for health and not subject to rotting under the influence of moisture and elevated temperatures. Among his few flaws: he attracts birds that pull it out of the gaps for its nests Source

  • Installation of roof. For a small bath, you can choose a single roof. It will cost cheaper and is easier to build. Bole of spacious and more complex designs is installed a batch roof.
  • Stove layout. It is built so that she does not touch the walls. The best material for it is considered a chimney brick, it is much more efficient than others by its heat engineering properties.



  • Insulation Paul, walls and ceiling. The cracks are permanent, pacles, construction moss and handled the sealant.
  • Installation of doors and windows. In the finished log, the openings are cut into which door and window boxes are installed.
  • Interior decoration. For it, edged boards are used, lining.

For reference! When operating, after the saving bath, it is recommended to ventilate, since normal ventilation will not be enough in any case. To do this, the room is mad and opened the doors and windows.

Bath accommodation on the site

The first, from what is repel when erecting a battery from a log - projects, photo sample. But this is not the last, it is worth adding such an important moment as a choice of place. The choice of place to build depends on a number of factors:

  • Construction standards (SNiP), which take into account underground communications, distances between buildings, proximity to neighboring sites.

You should not neglect the rules to SNiP even to owners. If the site with the encumbrance may be necessary for repair work. The reason for the appeal of the neighbors to court can also be an incorrect location of the construction Source Haatka.Ru

  • Terrain. The factors such as the proximity of the reservoir is not recommended to be placed close to it: the smallest distance is 5 m.
  • The proximity of other buildings. The bath is considered an object of increased fire safety, so it should be erected at a distance of 8 m from other structures.
  • Zoning plot. Many prefer to place bath buildings in the recreation area - a pleasant cozy corner.

To build a house-bath from a log (projects and prices, you can find out on our website) requirements will be more complex, since the construction of residential buildings is regulated by additional legislation.


Wood selection for construction

Most often, coniferous trees are chosen as a building material for a bath. They allocate resins that create fragrance and a special microclimate indoors. Wood coniferous rocks is not susceptible to cracking at temperature differences.

For reference! One of the cheapest wood building materials are pine and spruce. However, it is better to use dense types grown in the northern regions: they are less absorbed by moisture than the southern trees.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of wooden baths from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Often, removing wooden baths from the log, use deciduous rocks: aspen, oak, linden, birch. The flavor allocated by them has a beneficial effect on human health and its emotional state.


The suitability of wood for the construction of a house or bath depends not only from the tree of wood, but also from the season. So the winter forest (the one that was harvested in winter) is considered the most appropriate, since at this time the humidity level is the lowest.

For reference! The recommended diameter of the logs is at least 20-25 cm. Thinner poorly hold warm.

Project selection criteria

The modern construction market offers a wide variety of wooden bath projects, the choice of structure depends on several factors:

  • Bath size. The minimum recommended dimensions - 3.5 × 3.5 m. Typical dimensions are usually 6 × 6 or 6 × 4 m, as well as 5 × 5 and 5 × 7 m. Such buildings are superbly suitable for wood chain, metal furnace It will not be able to warm them well in winter. It is installed in the batches of 4 × 4 m and less. If standard options do not satisfy all the wishes, you can order an individual project. Professional designer will take into account the wishes for configuration, layout and design, will present a detailed description of the desired bathroom bath, projects, 3D photo samples.

Individual projects with non-standard solutions for only experienced masters Source

  • Planning. At a minimum, it should include a pre-banker, washing and steam room. More expensive options include balconies, terrace and (or) pool. Wooden baths from the logs, the projects of which include attic, often use as a house for guests. In the attic room you can also equip the billiard room. Lovers of bath meals will fall to taste the projects of baths from the cut, "merkomplektovy" barbecue.
  • Number of floors.
  • Type of furnace heating - Bath "Po white" or "in black".

The first version takes into account the way of loading fuel (from the steam room or the rest room), the influx of air thrust is organized, there is chimney. In the bath in black: the focus with the grid, on which stones lie, is in the steam room, and the chimney is not provided.

  • Water, power supply, sewage, ventilation.

Ban Single Projects

Projects of log cabins Bat from logs are presented in a wide variety: from compact cozy to spacious, from comfortable standard to chic original.

Despite the fact that the project is compact, it provides for everything necessary for a sailing and comfortable rest of several people. Suitable for a small country site. One-story building without stairs (with the exception of pair steps before entering) will be convenient for the elderly.

On our site you can find the contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building a bath. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Well thought-out planning is the advantage of this inexpensive project and makes it attractive for many customers. Source

Compact functional project for a small country area Source

Spacious log house 6 × 6 m for family holidays and friendly feasts. Customers of similar projects are often families with children and older generation.


The advantage of the project is a large room in which you can put a sofa, chairs, a table and a TV - everything is for the usual comfortable holiday source

Cozy project with spacious attic and porch. Suitable for a small family Source

Baths with an attic. Bath of logs, photo of which is located above, is a combination of a bath and a guest house. It can even be used as a summer cottage, if you build a summer kitchen-dining room. Suitable for families with children and young couples.

Spacious terraces are considered a great place for family dinners on nature Source


The area of \u200b\u200bthe attic is 36.93 square meters. m. Here you can equip the guest and even the gym Source BANKFS.RU

Video Description

To pay attention to when choosing a material for a bath, see the following video:

One-story projects with spacious terraces are convenient for large families. At one table you can collect friends and the whole family: senior and younger generation.


Bath facilities with barbecue and mangal began to be very popular. They are best suited for relaxing outside the city, family holidays and friendly feasts. Among them are a lot of single-storey projects bathing from a church, which will be interesting to families with children, older people and just lovers of a comfortable holiday outside the city.


Spacious Corner Design Bath Source Source

It may be interesting! In the article, read about the following link.

Video Description

Technology hand-cutting and how much is the bath from the cedar, see the following video:

Source Bane.Guru.

For those who like to swim after the steam room in the pool, there are also a lot of projects.

Bath with indoor pool - a comfortable rest is guaranteed at any time of the year Source

Bath complex with a large glazing area, which will provide enough natural light in the daytime. Another advantage of the project is the view from the window in the courtyard. Source

Another option with the indoor pool source


Two-storey projects for a country area with spacious premises are suitable for family holidays, relaxing with friends, as well as with business partners or colleagues. There is easily a big company without difficulty: there is a place for everyone.



On the top floor you can arrange a massage, gym, home theater - options mass for a comfortable pastime Source

Another two-storey project of a log bath with a terrace source

Source of

Video Description

The video border is represented by a bath guest house with a kitchen, jacuzzi and steam room:

Construction prices in Moscow

Bath prices in the basic configuration, including basic works, in the construction market of Moscow and MO begin to be from 250 thousand rubles. The structures are small buildings with an area of \u200b\u200b3 × 3 and 4 × 4 m with a "minimum package": a steam room, a lounge and a wax room.

Projects with an area of \u200b\u200b18 and up to 30 square meters. m stand within 410 - 570 thousand rubles. These include in addition to the premises listed, the bathroom, changing room, porch or terrace. Rates for more spacious buildings, including 2-storey, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 50 square meters. M beginioning around 600 thousand rubles, with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 square meters. M - from 950 thousand p.

But the final cost can be found only after the preparation and thorough calculation of the chub project. Since the price is affected by the quality of the logs (breed and diameter), the way of cutting "in the paw" or in the "bowl", the availability of a bathroom, pool, kitchens and barbecue stoves, carrying out additional works, delivery and a number of factors associated with the features of the construction and the customer's site.


For those who wish to have a bathhouse from a log on the countryside, designers have developed a lot of projects focused on the tastes of modern consumers. Their great variety makes it possible to find a suitable option as part of an affordable budget.

Built me \u200b\u200bin 2018 the house, in my project, professionals of their business. The project itself is somewhat more expensive compared to competitors, but in our village they built 1 more house and the owners were satisfied.

They ordered the construction of the baths, coped to the shortest deadlines, without complaints to the work of the brigade.

A full cycle from the production of material to the assembly of the house is performed perfectly. Quality, professionalism at the highest level. Recommend.

It is very important to find your manager who will advise not only at the conclusion of the contract, but also during construction. We communicated with Igor, as a result, the bath is ready on the plot, we use, all is well. Thank you.

Excellent homes, excellent service! Everyone told, helped with the choice. You can all alive to see - went to the object under construction approximately similar to our, where they saw how they work, only after that they decided to build. Thank you for the patience of managers and builders, which answered all the questions!

In 2018, ordered a bathhouse. Very satisfied with the work of the staff of this company. Starting with the estimates and ending with the brigade of builders. We were lucky on the stock, received a stove-chamber for a bath as a gift!

Thank you for the house with sauna. On the site one prices are indicated, but more in fact. But this is understandable that the price is indicated for the very minimum as everyone else on the Internet, you want to pay extra charge with comfort. In general, the builders "Thank you".

Baths from a turnkey log in Moscow - a new embodiment of the Russian classic bath. Bath projects from the logs unite the advantages of traditional steam room and the convenience of new technologies. They are environmentally friendly, modern. The original Russian log cabin possesses healing features, is a cure for the soul and body. She relaxes, treats, relieves from diseases. This classic option is chosen by many customers.

What is convenient?

On the Lesstroy information portal you can find projects of any kind and complexity. One of the major categories - log baths. We cooperate only with honest, experienced performers who care about the quality of work and materials. Baths of carefully dried, prepared for the construction of logs reliable and well hold warm. You can find the project and contractor you need on the site.

We have provided various filtering parameters:

  • by price;
  • by type of structure;
  • according to the materials used.

You can choose a project to taste and wallet: from the economy version of a small bath to a full-fledged home SPA complex.

Our contractors use modern safe log processing technologies. They exclude cracks in the walls of a bath or poor-quality joints. In the Dresstroy catalog, projects of baths in various equipment are presented: log cabins and a "roof" set. Contractors promptly collect the structure on your site from finished elements. They provide for the client for the client and equipping the pre-banker and the steam room.

Baths in our tradition occupies a special place. They will help and easily raise, and bring the body to a certain tone. The relaxation properties of the bath has long been known and proved, as the fact that the best material for their construction is a tree, in particular - log. That we will talk about this in this article.

Baths from the logs do not lose their popularity

This can not disagree. The actual all companies engaged in the construction of wooden buildings in their catalogs have projects baths from a log in dozens of all sorts of configurations. The secret, among other things, is that the tree for a person is very useful. And on the other hand, it is always pleasant to work with him and conveniently.

In the corner of the issue - a rounded log. But the material will differ behind the tree of wood. If you break down on those, or those positions, then we can easily make sure that coniferous trees remain the most popular. Special aroma premises can give pine, larch and Siberian cedar. This is what we called a special "spirit" capable of cleaning our body while staying in the bath. The use of a tree of wood, the size of the bath, etc. Features and determine the prices for projects from a turnkey log.

The main advantages of the Bath of the log

If you decide to buy a bath from a log in Moscow, then you are definitely lucky, because their structure is carried out in the shortest possible time. For wooden Parims, they are used, as a rule, a light version of the foundation. Therefore, it is not necessary to spend time waiting for an exevement shrinkage design.

Now we note the originality of the structures: the most different in the diameter of the log is used - within 18-32 cm. And besides, the two technologies of cutting, known as "in the paw" and "in the bowl". The client actually always leave the right to dream a little and choose the material that he likes. That is, experts must be allowed only for use, but the client can "dictate" his vision of the future own bath.

You can choose a microclimate, because the customer should dwell on what wood is more likely to him. In any case, the walls will be "breathable", and depending on the tree of the tree - will contain in the volume or volume of essential resins.

The next important criterion is durability. If you are at the stage of selecting a firm that the construction is not just a steam room, but the bats are inexpensive, then pay attention to how strong and reliable materials are used in a particular project. Mainly, such parameters such as additional protection from:

  • humidity;
  • mold;
  • damp.

Next - mandatory low thermal conductivity. The bath is still more actively operated in the winter season, and therefore it is important for you that its premises revealed warmly. At the same time, in the summer roast time, the bath should not overheat.

If you contact our company, you can be sure that we will offer you a bath from a log, which is able to provide you with a great rest both in winter and summer. Stay healthy and full!

The ancient Russian bath is a log building without a pipe with one room, which served and washing, and steam room. In the center there was a focus of stones. A bonfire was melted in a kind of oven, and the smoke circulated around the room, he warmed the walls, ceiling and benches. Then went through the slots in the walls and roofs.

Today the bath has become more functional and convenient. Planning provides a steam and shower room, a living room, a terrace, attic floor and other rooms. However, connoisseurs of the beauty of Russian traditional construction prefer one-story baths from the logs with carved railing and a porch. Such a sauna will harmoniously fit into the architectural ensemble of the site and gives the feeling of nature.

Projects of the Russian bath

Baths are installed in a separate structure or combined with a residential house. Many people think that the union of the bath and another building will lead to the dampness of the room. However, subject to technical norms and competent communications, such problems will not arise.

The transition from home to the bath is easy to turn into a cozy terrace, a veranda or summer kitchen. The combined project is suitable for a small area of \u200b\u200b4-6 acres. He will save the place and will reduce the cost of construction and materials.

However, if you are a connoisseur of Russian style and have a spacious plot, we will build a bath separately. For a comfortable stay to the bath attachment. It can be an open terrace or a closed veranda.

Outdoor terrace has to rest in the fresh air. On the site is easy to position comfortable furniture and mangal. The closed veranda is suitable for rest at any time of the year. It will protect perfectly from bad weather and, if necessary, turn into a guest room or a shopping room.

The company "Marisrub" offers projects of wooden bath turnkey. Bath of a rounded log is a durable, strong building with a special aesthetics and charm. The material retains the natural properties of wood and speeds up the installation.

The company independently manufactures sawn timber from the solo forest of the northern regions of Russia. We use pine as raw materials. This is durable and stable wood with aesthetic embossed pattern.

15 reasons to build a bath from a rounded log

1. Safe material that does not emit harmful substances;
2. It has healing properties;
3. Pleasant coniferous smell;
4. Lightweight and fast installation - log logs are set for 3-5 days;
5. Smooth and smooth surface does not require external finish;
6. Natural color and cylindrical shape of the logs will harmoniously fit into the landscape;
7. Aesthetic appearance of materials;
8. Wide design possibilities - the material is easy to paint and varnish;
9. The possibility of laying logs at different angles will make the project original;
10. Durable and durable construction;
11. With dense styling, it holds heat in the room for a long time, which reduces heating costs;
12. Does not miss noise and other sounds;
13. Promotes the rapid air exchange - up to 30% per day;
14. Resistance to dampness and rotting due to special drying and processing;
15. The tree "breathes", forms a cozy atmosphere indoors and has a comfortable rest in nature.

The company "Marisrub" offers projects of baths from rounded logs. The architect of the company will make changes to the option, taking into account the wishes of the client or create an individual project! We carry out the design for free when ordering construction!