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Perlite: Application for insulation at home. Bulk insulation: species, application perlite as insulation walls their types

Perlite is the pellets of volcanic lava, resulting from rapid cooling at contact with the ground and water. The coefficient of thermal conductivity perlite λ \u003d 0.045 to 0.059 W / (m² · k). Melting point from 950 to 1300 ° C, and the beginning of mitigation or adhesion is 850 ° C.

Perlite is chemically inert, non-flammable, hygroscopic and has a constant volume. It is characterized by stability to frost, moisture and different kind of pests, has excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation properties. High porosity in combination with a low mass at a relatively low price makes perlite material very attractive for construction.

The use of Perlita

  • the main component of lightweight plaster plasters, heat-shielding masonry and plaster solutions;
  • the additive that reduces weight improves the performance and plasticity of gypsum plasters, cement-limestring masonry solutions and tile adhesives;
  • the main thermal insulation material in heat-shielding masonry solutions and heat-shielding plasters performed at the construction site.
  • the main component of heat-shielding pelitobetonic bulk floors. Such the solution can be made independently, mixing in the desired proportions 3 pieces of perlite, cement and water. Cooked with your own hands, pelitobetone can be used to fill the floor, or shook the ceiling. At the same time, you can solve problems with surface irregularities, abandoning the use of polystyrene foam plates;
  • component, reducing the weight of gypsum castings and concrete elements. It is used to reduce the weight of various facade tiles, precast concrete structures, gypsum casts or decorative concrete elements, windowsill;
  • loose frustration for thermal insulation of walls and overlaps;
  • the main component of pelitobeton insulating plates;
  • perlite class "0" as a component of the giving effect of "pearls" in decorative paints, as well as classes I and II for the Raufaiser effect;
  • As a powder or in the form of pelitobetone is used as a supplement or replacement of polystyrene foam in floors and overlaps.
  • Perlite, depending on the ability to circulation, it is used to additionally with classic insulating materials, or the main material is used for insulation of floors and attics.

Heat shield solution

It is recommended by manufacturers of cellular concrete. Also manufacturers of invoked blocks, with a compound of the groove type - the comb prefer perlite solution. More and more businesses use it for the production of heat-shielding mortars and plasters, as well as an additive of the improved properties of the glue for polystyrene foam.


From the point of view of thermal insulation and sound insulation is one of the best building materials. Perliteobeton can be used for insulation of floors, overlaps, fillings of walls, ceilings, roofs. Mixing the components accordingly, you can get different pelitobetones.

In many cases, it can be used instead of expanded polystyrene - there is no need for labor-intensive operations for the insulation of flood floors with the subsequent fill of the screed. It can also be used when laying a warm floor.

Perlite proportions for concrete solution

Perlite concrete recipe Material ratio, cement: class III perlite: water 25 kg cement bag add perlite bag (class III) with a volume of 0.1 m³ + water liters Volumetric density [kg / m³] Compressive strength [MPa]

Thermal conductivity

λ [W / (m² · k)]

14/4,0 1:4:1,25 1 + 31,3 840 3,8 0,097
14/5,5 1:4:1,00 1 + 25,0 920 6,4 0,078
16/3,8 1:6:1,84 1,5 + 46,0 670 3,2 0,110
16/4,5 1:6:1,56 1,5 + 39,0 740 4,2 0,087
16/5,2 1:6:1,35 1,5 + 33,8 800 4,9 0,073
18/5,0 1:8:1,80 2 + 45,0 710 4,8 0,066
110/5,5 1:10:2,0 2,5 + 50,0 590 3,4 0,070

Other industrial use of pelitobetone:

  • casting foundations for equipment operating in extreme temperature conditions - from -200 to + 800ºC,
  • production of reinforced concrete structures, chimneys, energy and refrigeration units,
  • production of single-layer panels for the construction of external walls of the Sandwich type,
  • making floors for bathrooms, dressing rooms, isolation of pools.

Heat-insulating chipped plasters

Plasters, in which sand is replaced by perlite, retain their properties. They are lungs, perfectly isolated thermally and acoustically. They can be used inside and outside the premises. Perlite plaster is permeable for vapors and gases, it allows the wall to breathe, and in addition is non-combustible. Perlite is also one of the two main special aggregates used in plastering for the restoration of antique walls to remove moisture and soluble salts that cause them corrosion.

One centimeter layer of pelitte plaster, from the point of view of thermal insulation replaces: 0.5 cm of foam, 5 cm bricks or 8 cm of traditional sand-based plaster. Plaster used on both sides of the wall, doubles this effect. Applying, for example: outside layer 6 cm, and inside 3 cm replaces 4.5 cm of polystyrene or 45 cm of bricks or 56 cm of traditional sandy plaster. If the layer of perlite plaster is thicker than 6 cm, then it is necessary to use a plaster grid. Perlite plaster can be painted acrylic or other paint. As for gypsum plaster, an increase in the shares of the gypsum volume improves the strength characteristics. For the thickness of the plaster 18 cm, the volume of 500 kg / m³ (the ratio of plaster / perlite - 1: 1) the strength parameters are 1.25 MPa (compression) and 0.57 MPa (bending) for weight 700 kg / m³ (gypsum / perlite Up to 3: 1) 2,97 MPa strength parameters (compression): 1.73 MPa (bending). With thin layers, the strength parameters are higher. With a layer thickness of 14 cm and 700 kg / m³ of solution, compressive strength is 4.61 MPa, and for a stretch of 2.03 MPa. For 500 kg / m³, respectively, 2.19 MPa (compression): 0.91 MPa (bending).

Fire-tracting perlite plasters

The ceiling plaster with a layer of 3.5 centimeters provides 90-minute fire resistance, columns and supports, plastered 6 cm layer, provides 180-minute fire resistance. A layer of plaster (500-700 kg / m³) with a thickness of 12 cm ensures the fire resistance of the 1st degree for industrial and public facilities.

Perlite-based construction glue

An increase in the volume frag of perlit into the glue causes a decrease in its strength parameters. In exchange for this, it is improved: thermal insulation properties, fire resistance, ease of products, fluidity, adhesion, sound insulation.

Today we will tell you about the bulk insulation, which is represented by eight different types. The variety is simply impressive, as they are made of paper, stone, resin, polymers, and even clay. Each material has its strengths and weaknesses, although there are those who are not so much that, even if I wanted. All bulk insulation can be placed in two methods: manually or with a compressor. Such materials are good because they fill all the gaps and emptiness. And the negative qualities can be attributed to the shrinkage, which is inherent in all insulation from this cohort.

Crumb of polystyrene foam

Crumb of foam.

The bulk insulation for walls of foam spheres is applied only when you need to fill the cavities of the already built structures. The babies simply bloom with the help of a special car, trying to achieve maximum density. The lack of crumbs is that the insulation can give shrinkage. In addition, material:

  • burning;
  • allocates poisonous smoke;
  • it feels perfectly feeling rodents.

This bulk insulation for walls is transported in polyethylene bags. It can be used for floor insulation, ceiling, pitched roofs.

Ruspy Penosop

At foaming flakes, an arbitrary form.

It looks like Penizol like a crumb of foam, but if you look closely, there is a difference. Despite visual similarities, these are two absolutely different material. Penosol reminiscent of snow flakes, it does not have an ideal shape of a ball, this material is softer. Penosol is used as a falling insulation for walls and horizontal overlaps. In addition, it is also produced in sheets, but is mainly used in liquid form. Unlike foam, foamizol:

  • does not burn;
  • do not smoke;
  • i misses moisture, but does not absorb it.

The characteristics of the thermal conductivity in both the material is almost equal.

Beep insulation for the walls of foams are made of resin. The quality of the material primarily depends on the quality of the resin used for the production of resin.

First, the liquid substance is poured into blocks, approximately meter per meter. Then the blocks cut onto sheets, and only then the sheets crumble. Installation is carried out using a polar machine or manually. In the paper you need to control the degree of material density.

Foam glass in granules

Facility factions are of different sizes, up to rubble.

It is made from the battle of glass, which is crushed to the smallest fractions, melted and mixed with coal. As a result, carbon dioxide begins to leave the material, which forms air spheres in the structure of foam glass. This is a very expensive material, the ego is used on industrial facilities or during the construction of high-rise buildings. In private construction, it is extremely rare, as not everyone pulls such a cost. Apply both bulk insulation for the ceiling, floor and walls and in the form of plates or blocks. Bulk is a different fraction based on this, it has the form:

  • granules;
  • rubble.

The bulk has the following characteristics:

  • does not absorb water;
  • does not burn;
  • thermal conductivity 0.04-0.08 W / m * C;
  • steam does not miss;
  • high compressive strength of 4 MPa;
  • the bending strength is even greater than 0.6 MPa;
  • temperature mode from -250 to +500 degrees.

The peculiarity of the use of a bulk insulation for the floor is that the foam glass can be part of cement solutions that poured the screed. The same when pouring foundations, instead of ordinary rubble, you can use foam glass.


Ceramzit is an ugly, but tested time.

Probably the most longtime and well-known sleepy insulation is a ceramzite. It is made of clay, by firing. Depending on the size of the fractions, it happens in the form:

  • gravel;
  • rubble;
  • sand (dropout).

It should be noted that the clamzite is much cheaper than its competitors, namely, perlite and vermiculite, which we will tell a little later. The density of the material may vary in the range of 250-800 kg / m. cube The degree of thermal conductivity ranges from 0.10 to 0.18 W / m * s.

Ceramzite practically does not absorb moisture, this process is very slow. But by taking water, he is very reluctant to break up with it, which cannot but affect its characteristics.

It is used as a bulk insulation for walls, gender, ceiling and roofs. Also read "". It does not enter into any chemical reactions, it does not start mold, and the mice do not live in it. Since the initial material for the manufacture is clay, clamzite has all its positive qualities:

  • does not harm health;
  • does not burn;
  • poisons does not contain.

Ceramzite can be mixed with wood sawdusts, but at the same time the layer of the insulation must be a little more, since the tree has a resistance to heat transmission somewhat lower.

Bulk thermal insulation Ekwata

Equata was developed under the Waste Disposal Program.

This type of insulation was designed in Europe, as part of a recycling program. That is, the main goal is to recycle garbage with the benefit. It is made exclusively from the newspapers, no more than 10% of cardboard is allowed. To make an eco-eyewater, microorganisms did not start in it and it did not bite the mouse into the detailed newspaper paper, drill and boric acid add.

It is used as a bulk insulation for floors and walls, installation is carried out by dry and wet method. Density when joining the machine - in the wall 65 kg / m. Cube, overlap 45 kg / m. Cube, density with manual laying - up to 90 kg / m. cube Thanks to the antipiren, the material does not burn, but it is successfully smoldering.

The service life of the Equata produced in the Omsk and Tomsk region, 10-12 years. Western manufacturers declare that the material will serve all 50 years. But they are given such forecasts based on the climatic conditions of their region, where the temperature differences are smaller, respectively and less moisture in the insulation (due to the dew point). For Russia with its cold and humidity, these forecasts are hardly justified.

Thermal conductivity is an EcoWhat 0.037-0.042 W / m * p. She easily absorbs moisture and also easily gives her.

Wet, she gets harder that leads to a shrinkage, which is inevitable. In fact, there is no ecology in ecology. She just stuffed chemistry and apply it we do not recommend.

Bulk insulation Perlit

Perlite is always white.

Perlite is a volcanic ore (sour glass). For insulation, construction perlite is used, the fraction of which varies from 0.16 to 1.25 mm. After the mining of ore, it is crushed and heated to 1 thousand degrees. It is important that the heating is carried out sharply, while the water that is in the structure of the breed begins to evaporate. As a result of this process, perlite is swept and reaches porosity of 70-90%.

Product specifications:

  • thermal conductivity 0.04-0.05 W / m * k;
  • does not burn;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • misses couples;
  • chemically inert.

The density of the insulation in the wall varies from 60 to 100 kg / m. cube When installing, membranes cannot be used, since they are quickly clogged during operation. For laying on the pitched roofs, a perlite treated with bitumen is used. After a solvent is added to bitumenized perlite, it becomes a sticky, and after it freezes, forms a single insulating layer of any form.

Beep insulation vermiculite

Vermikulite has become very popular lately.

The bulk thermal insulation vermiculite is made from mica - this is the ore that is mined on quarries. The ore is divided into small fractions, which subsequently heated to 700 degrees intensively and because of the evaporation of moisture, the fraction occurs, naturally, the fraction increases in the amount. If you gradually heat the mica fractions, the moisture will slowly evaporate and the swelling will not happen.

The service life is unlimited, because there are no adhesive impurities in it, there is just nothing to deteriorate. Product specifications:

  • thermal conductivity 0.048-0.06 W / m * k;
  • density of 65-150 kg / m. cube
  • does not burn;
  • not toxic;
  • misses couples;
  • at moisturizing, 15% does not lose thermal insulation properties.

Vermikulitis is well transported and distributes fluids. This means that even with an intense, intentional moisture of a separate section perlite will evenly distribute moisture in all its area, and then it will bring it out at all. Such a property allows minimizing the consequences of wetting insulation. It is worth vermiculite almost equally with an eclaw (about 4500 rolls per cubic meter). It can be mixed with wood sawdust in a proportion of 50/50.

Wood sawdust

Heat conductivity of wood sawdust 0.07-0.08 W / m * p. As an independent heater, the sawdust is rarely applied, since they are prone to absorb moisture and further heard. Therefore, they are mixed with other materials:

  • clay;
  • ceramzit;
  • perlite;
  • vermiculitis.

The ability of these materials to output moisture does not give soles to recry even when laying with a thick layer. By the way, you can use only small sawdust, which are obtained when processing wood on modern machines with high revs.

Having considered all types of bulk insulation, it can be concluded that thermal insulators from rock and clay were proven best of themselves. By the ratio of price / practicality / heat transfer resistance, the optimal version is foaming. The outsider of our Eco-star rating is no otherwise.

The raw material for the production of perlite is the mountain volcanic breed, which, when heated, is able to increase in the volume (swept). As a result of the heat treatment of a pelitic aluminosilicate water-containing breed of volcanic origin, a non-toxic, non-combustible, lightweight and highly efficient insulation - strolled perlite is obtained.

Application area

Due to the high physico-technical properties, this material has been widely used in different industries:

  • metallurgy
  • energy,
  • construction,
  • agriculture
  • medicine
  • food industry
  • oil refining,
  • production of cryogenic technology.

Perlite as the insulation is able to withstand the temperature varies in the range from -200 ° C to + 900 ° C. The material has a high moisture ability - can absorb liquid to 400% of its weight. Perlite is chemically neutral to the action of weak acids and alkalis, does not contain heavy metals. The environmental purity of the insulation allows you to use it in the insulation of residential buildings without risk to human health. This material is not only fully safe for a person, it does not cause allergies and contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house. In addition, this material is quite simple and easy to work.

The low bulk density of the material (100kg / m 3) explains the high acoustic properties of the insulation produced from it. The mixtures with the participation of expanded pelite sand also play the role of the insulation.

The plastering layer of 3 cm thick in its heat insulating characteristics is equal to the 15-centimeter brickwork. The high heat and sound insulation quality of the insulation is well manifested in the device "floating" board and concrete floors, asphalt floors, for leveling and increasing the sound insulation characteristics of the floors between the floors, between the walls and the floor, in the insulation of the pipeline system.

The neutral pH of perlite eliminates the formation of corrosion of the pipeline and the distribution of electrical networks in the field area. It is especially popular as the insulation uses when implementing the "warm" floor systems, since it is not inclined to expand when heating, does not shrink, absolutely non-flamm. In addition, he does not gither and does not cause interest in insects and rodents. To increase the sound and thermal insulation properties of a concrete solution, perlite is also added to it. The widespread area of \u200b\u200buse of this material perfectly confirms its high physico-technical properties.

Options for using expanded perlite as insulation

  • Perlite sand (flowing insulation)
  • Heavy insulation roofing

Flew pearlite insulation

One of the effective solutions to facilitate the design of the house along with an increase in its heat-conducting characteristics is the use of flowing insulation based on pelite sand. This step reduces heat loss almost 50%. The backfilling can be used in layers between the outer and the inner wall of the wall, internal finish and wall closer, in all the voids of the wall masonry.

The greatest number of perlitis in world practice is used in the manufacture of molded thermal insulation products (more than 60%). The role of the binder acts bitumen, cement, gypsum, liquid glass, clay, lime, polymers. Given the high hygroscopicity of the perlite, the materials based on it is better to use for internal insulation, however, there are techniques that allow the use of thermal insulation materials based on foam perlite in the outer insulation.

The heat insulating plates are widely used for the insulation of residential and economic buildings. The thermal conductivity of the material reaches 0.118 W / (m- ° C).

The main advantages of using perlite plates consist in a slight mass and high sound and thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, insulated with this design material is reliably protected from rotting, they are not damaged by rodents, are not affected by mold and fungi.

Perlite sand mixed in a dry condition with cement or plaster is dissolved with water directly on the construction site. The resulting composition fill the cavities in brick, concrete, walls, produce grout and seams. The muttered perlite is used in the preparation of adhesive and putty mixtures, self-leveling floors, solutions for repair work, in the device "warm" floors, and ave. The thermal conductivity of the mixtures average is 0.2 W / (m- ° C). According to the type of binder, pearlite compositions are classified on cement-pearlite, hypots-pearlity, lime-pearlite.

Heavy insulation roofing

In the heat insulation of roofs and overlaps, bitumertic is particularly popular. With his participation, high-strength insulating layers of the required form are created. In addition, the material can be combined with coating bituminized layers and insulating plates. Before applying, bitumerticity is not necessary. The thermal conductivity of bitumertilite leaves 0.067 W / (M- ° C). Using perlite as insulation, you choose a safe, economical, durable, non-combustible material with high physico-technical characteristics.

In many countries of the world, pearl backfills are used in creating warm inclined roofs. In addition, in the insulation of the roof, such an effective thermal insulator is used as pelitobeton. It has high wind and fire resistance, and in the tender with perlitmagnesian thermal insulating plates, it takes high thermal resistance.

The raw material for the production of perlite is the mountain volcanic breed, which, when heated, is able to increase in the volume (swept). As a result of the heat treatment of a pelitic aluminosilicate water-containing breed of volcanic origin, a non-toxic, non-combustible, lightweight and highly efficient insulation - strolled perlite is obtained.

Application area

Due to the high physico-technical properties, this material has been widely used in different industries:

  • metallurgy
  • energy,
  • construction,
  • agriculture
  • medicine
  • food industry
  • oil refining,
  • production of cryogenic technology.

Perlite as the insulation is able to withstand the temperature varies in the range from -200 ° C to + 900 ° C. The material has a high moisture ability - can absorb liquid to 400% of its weight. Perlite is chemically neutral to the action of weak acids and alkalis, does not contain heavy metals. The environmental purity of the insulation allows you to use it in the insulation of residential buildings without risk to human health. This material is not only fully safe for a person, it does not cause allergies and contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house. In addition, this material is quite simple and easy to work.

The low bulk density of the material (100kg / m 3) explains the high acoustic properties of the insulation produced from it. The mixtures with the participation of expanded pelite sand also play the role of the insulation.

The plastering layer of 3 cm thick in its heat insulating characteristics is equal to the 15-centimeter brickwork. The high heat and sound insulation quality of the insulation is well manifested in the device "floating" board and concrete floors, asphalt floors, for leveling and increasing the sound insulation characteristics of the floors between the floors, between the walls and the floor, in the insulation of the pipeline system.

The neutral pH of perlite eliminates the formation of corrosion of the pipeline and the distribution of electrical networks in the field area. It is especially popular as the insulation uses when implementing the "warm" floor systems, since it is not inclined to expand when heating, does not shrink, absolutely non-flamm. In addition, he does not gither and does not cause interest in insects and rodents. To increase the sound and thermal insulation properties of a concrete solution, perlite is also added to it. The widespread area of \u200b\u200buse of this material perfectly confirms its high physico-technical properties.

Options for using expanded perlite as insulation

  • Perlite sand (flowing insulation)
  • Heat insulating plates
  • Heavy insulation roofing
  • Dry mixes

Flew pearlite insulation

One of the effective solutions to facilitate the design of the house along with an increase in its heat-conducting characteristics is the use of flowing insulation based on pelite sand. This step reduces heat loss almost 50%. The backfilling can be used in layers between the outer and the inner wall of the wall, internal finish and wall closer, in all the voids of the wall masonry.

Heat insulating plates

The greatest number of perlitis in world practice is used in the manufacture of molded thermal insulation products (more than 60%). The role of the binder acts bitumen, cement, gypsum, liquid glass, clay, lime, polymers. Given the high hygroscopicity of the perlite, the materials based on it is better to use for internal insulation, however, there are techniques that allow the use of thermal insulation materials based on foam perlite in the outer insulation.

The heat insulating plates are widely used for the insulation of residential and economic buildings. The thermal conductivity of the material reaches 0.118 W / (m- ° C).

The main advantages of using perlite plates consist in a slight mass and high sound and thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, insulated with this design material is reliably protected from rotting, they are not damaged by rodents, are not affected by mold and fungi.

Dry mixes

Perlite sand mixed in a dry condition with cement or plaster is dissolved with water directly on the construction site. The resulting composition fill the cavities in brick, concrete, walls, produce grout and seams. The muttered perlite is used in the preparation of adhesive and putty mixtures, self-leveling floors, solutions for repair work, in the device "warm" floors, and ave. The thermal conductivity of the mixtures average is 0.2 W / (m- ° C). According to the type of binder, pearlite compositions are classified on cement-pearlite, hypots-pearlity, lime-pearlite.

Heavy insulation roofing

In the heat insulation of roofs and overlaps, bitumertic is particularly popular. With his participation, high-strength insulating layers of the required form are created. In addition, the material can be combined with coating bituminized layers and insulating plates. Before applying, bitumerticity is not necessary. The thermal conductivity of bitumertilite leaves 0.067 W / (M- ° C). Using perlite as insulation, you choose a safe, economical, durable, non-combustible material with high physico-technical characteristics.

In many countries of the world, pearl backfills are used in creating warm inclined roofs. In addition, in the insulation of the roof, such an effective thermal insulator is used as pelitobeton. It has high wind and fire resistance, and in the tender with perlitmagnesian thermal insulating plates, it takes high thermal resistance.

Perlite as insulation: species and application

The raw material for the production of perlite is the mountain volcanic breed, which, when heated, is able to increase in the volume (swept). As a result of the heat treatment of a pelitic aluminosilicate water-containing breed of volcanic origin, a non-toxic, non-combustible, lightweight and highly efficient insulation - strolled perlite is obtained.

The use of perlite as thermal insulation

Warming house perlite. Types and properties.

If the sand from rocks of volcanic origin is skipped through a high-temperature furnace, then the sandy sand is obtained, or perlite. In addition to the production of perlitium solutions, perlite is used as heat heating material for the floor, floors of floors and for the insulation of walls lined with bricks. The process of insulation is carried out by way of falling perlite in the opening between the wall and facing bricks. The process of insulation is reduced to the fact that the space for filling the insulation is left between the wall of the building and the facing wall. Space width for perlitic backfill depends on the need of the insulation effect. The widths of the slice for filling in 10-15 cm are quite enough so that the effect of insulation is the highest.

Failure technology of perlite heat insulator is not difficult. Together with the construction of the bearing wall and facing masonry, after every 3-4 row, a frill is made and the trimmer of perlite. Perlite has a high water resistance, therefore, with the insulation, the perlite does not require additional waterproofing over the entire surface. Perlite insulation is also used to insulate overlapping flat roof, floor or flooding floors. To frill a pearlite insulation, it was placed by diffusion-penetrating plates of drywall or chipboard plates. The layer of pelite sand falls asleep with a layer of at least 1 cm. Not films are used as the coating of the pelite layer, but kraft paper, corrugated cardboard or fiberglass. If floor insulation is carried out with a high humidity, under the layer of pelite backfill, drainage tubes are stacked through which the assembled moisture will be output.

Used for insulation and insulation of combined, flat roofs and other waterproofing, insulation. For thermal insulation of technological equipment related to electricity or high-temperature places, carbo perlite is used. This material is characterized by high bending strength. In the houseworking it can be used to insulate wiring, fireplace and chimneys.

In addition to these types of perlite materials, other types of perlite plates are also produced, in which lime, clay, gypsum, liquid glass, basalt fiber and others are used as binders. In addition to the slab perlite, fibrous thermal insulation material based on perlite and basalt fiber, and even pearlite, high-temperature brick.

Warming house perlite

If the sand from rocks of volcanic origin is skipped through a high-temperature furnace, then the sandy sand is obtained, or perlite. In addition to the production of perlite solutions, perlite and

Perlit - a new word in the insulation market

To date, Perlite is recognized as one of the most effective insulation materials in the world. It is produced by firing at high temperatures of water-containing volcanic glass. The result is biologically clean, non-combustible, lightweight, bulk insulation.

Thanks to the unique physico-technical properties, among which the possibility of using perlite with temperature fluctuations from -200 to +900 ° C, the material was widely used in various fields.

Nowadays, one of the largest manufacturers of perlite, as well as its consumers are the United States.

It is used as thermal insulation material for the production of flowing insulation, base bases, for insulation of the roof, pipelines, chimneys and other structures (for example, pools).

In addition to the construction sphere, the use of perlite is considered promising in areas such as metallurgy and cryogenic technique.

Properties and advantages

The material begins to melt only at a temperature of 1260 ° C. The distribution indicators of the flame and the presence of combustible elements in the composition are zero. If you fill the voids formed when installing blocks from a concrete 20 cm thick, perlite, then the flame resistance of the object is increased from two to four hours.

If we process the material with a hydrophobizer, then the water absorption indicators perlite will decrease at times. Voids in the walls filled with prepared perlite create an obstacle to the penetration of moisture into the inner partitions.

However, such insulation will show excellent results only under the condition of the presence of high-quality wall masonry.

Since flowing insulation from the perlitis fills with all empties and dissolved seams, the transmission of sound waves through the walls becomes less. The wall unit is 20 cm filled with similar insulation, on sound insulation even exceeds existing standards.

Perlite is distinguished by economy. It has excellent heat and fire-resistant qualities at a democratic value. To fill them with existing emptiness in the masonry, do not need special skills or equipment.

In addition, such insulation and after years does not lose heat-protective properties and does not "fall" in wall blocks.

Comparison with other materials

Tests officially proved the advantage of a pearlist insulation before other materials. Thus, masonry with perlitic insulation by more than 20% more efficiently masonry, insulated polystyrene liners.

Also perlite is 12% more efficient than polystyrene foam granules, which are too lungs, create difficulties in frustration and can form unfilled voids. The "fluidity" of pelite insulation completely eliminates such a development of events.

If you choose between vermiculitis and perlit, it is better to give preference to the latter. It has a closed structure of pores and lower thermal conductivity indicators, despite the fact that the characteristics of both materials are similar.

Features of isolation

Isolation should be arranged as follows:

  • The insulation is poured directly from the packaging (bag) in the wall from above at a convenient interval (but not more than 6 m).
  • Before mounting the windowsill, you need to fall asleep cavity under the doorway and windows (if required - tamper).
  • Holes in the wall, through which isolation can be hurt, should be taken before the start of work.
  • To install drains, copper, fiberglass or galvanized steel steel can be applied.
  • When working, the insulation must be dry.
  • Insulation must be used in the voids of the wall laying (external and internal), as well as between the outer masonry and trim inside.

Heat insulator perlite: Features of insulation and material properties, advantages over other

Heat insulator perlite: Comparison of characteristics with other insulators, unique features, aspects of use.

Contemporary insulation: Ceramzit, Vermiculitis, Perlit and Polystyrethille

Which one is better to choose to increase the level of heat insulation of the floor in a private building, while not overpaying? This issue is asked by many buyers who do not have adequate knowledge in the field of construction and reducing the level of the heat loss of the building. Ceramzite as the floor insulation has long lost its relevance. He came to the replacement vermiculite, perlite, polystyrene foam. The choice depends on the technical characteristics of the building itself, the climatic region, where it is located and the personal preferences of the property owner.

Characteristics of Ceramzita

Ceramzite is made from the slightweight clay, which passes a number of treatments, including reusable heating at various temperature modes at different speeds. If the production technology is sustained correctly, then the product is obtained by a product of various fractional composition. Each piece of clay is a closed capsule, which consists of baked clay. Inside, the clamzite has a porous structure, due to which it is able to reduce the level of heat and the building.

Fractional composition of clay:

  • 0.05-0.1 cm - small fraction, used when aligning the floor and for the manufacture of building blocks;
  • 0.1-0.2 cm - average fraction - relevant as the insulation of floors of the house, in particular floors;
  • 0.2-0.4 cm - large fraction, excellent insulation for heat mains, gender in the garage and other technical buildings.

For heat insulation, it is recommended to use clamzite of various fractional composition. This is due to a bulk compaction of the material and eliminates the convection flow of air in the thickness of the layer. The foamed clay for the insulation of wooden floors is suitable only in its pure form. On a concrete base, the clayzite is part of the floating tie of the floor.

The advantages of this type of building material:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient - it lies in the range from 0.10 to 0.18 W / (MK). With a decrease in the fractional composition, the thermal conductivity of the foam clay increases, since the number of pores containing air is reduced - the main heat insulator;
  • environmental safety - ceramzite is performed on the basis of natural materials, and therefore does not affect the health of living organisms;
  • soundproofing characteristics - with an increase in layer thickness increases noise insulation;
  • frost resistance - a flowing insulation is able to transfer to 15 cycles of freezing / thawing, without losing its technical characteristics.


  • water absorption - it lies in the range of 15-20%, plus the wet ceramzite dries for a long time, which adversely affects its properties;
  • leaning to dust formation.

To ensure the normal level of heat shields at home, a layer of clay is required to 50 cm thick, which significantly reduces the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. It is precisely because, despite a number of advantages, the popularity of clamzite as a heatel is reduced every day. A replacement come vermiculitis, expanded polystyrene, perlite.

Vermiculitis - Alternative to Keramzit

Vermiculite is a bulk thermal insulation material, which is also manufactured on the basis of environmentally friendly raw materials - vermiculite concentrate or hydrosluts. The raw material is extended under the action of high temperature and, depending on the parameters of the technological process, a material with a different fractional composition, bulk density and positive characteristics is obtained at the output.

Classification of the insulation for fractional composition:

  • vermiculite M100 - a large fraction (4-8 mm) - high-quality insulation;
  • vermiculite M150 - the average fraction (1-3 mm) - construction element of building materials;
  • vermikulite M250 is a small fraction (up to 1 mm) - a wide scope of application.

Depending on the size of the elementary particles, the vermiculite changes its bulk density and thermal insulation characteristics.

Advantages of vermiculite in front of the clay:

  • the bulk density - the foamed hydroellide with the same layer thickness has a bulk density of 65-150 kg / m³, when it is a ceramzite 150-800 kg / m³. In the first case, the load on the overlap is less;
  • the thermal conductivity - vermiculite boasts a low thermal conductivity coefficient (0.048-0.06 W / (MK)), compared with the similar indicator of the stripped clay (0.10-0.18 W / (MK)). This allows you to significantly reduce the thermal insulation layer When insulating overlaps, it seems the opportunity to save the useful space of the house.

At the same time, the vermiculitis loses in front of the cerazyt in its hardness. In the first case, it is 1-1.5 MN / m² on a scale, in the second - 0.3-6 MN / m². The expanded hydroellum differs in high water absorption. The cost of vermiculite is 4 times more than clay.

Perlite as insulation

Perlite is a multifunctional material, 70% of which is used in construction to obtain various structural elements. These are plates, asbaperlito cement, silicate-perlite, bitumerticity and much more. Perlite is an acidic volcanic glass, which is extended with a sharp heating to 1100 ° C. As a result, the material of a different fractional composition is obtained:

  • fraction 0.16-1.25 mm - building material;
  • fraction 1-5 mm - agroperlite;
  • fraction 0-0.16 mm - Filter perlite.

Perlite and its advantages:

  • this is an environmentally friendly product obtained on the basis of natural components;
  • low thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.043 ... 0.053 W / MK, which can compete with the above thermal insulation materials;
  • do not flamm;
  • not inclined to form a saw;
  • low cost.

However, it must be remembered that perlite absorbs moisture perfectly (up to 300%). By this, he loses before the vermiculitis and clay. At the same time, perlite does not change its technical characteristics in the presence of moisture, which characterizes it only from a positive side.

Polystyrene foam in the market of insulation materials

Polystyrene foam - gas-filled material obtained based on polystyrene and its derivatives by foaming them. As a result, a bulk material is obtained with a closed cellular structure. The polystyrene foam can be extrusion and have a plate shape, and can be sold in the form of individual granules (prohibited insulation). In this case, it can be compared with other bulk products (perlite, ceramisite, vermiculite).

As a thermal material, they are in high demand for the slab, the main structural material of which is polystyrene foam. They benefit from all the indicators, if in one row to put ceramzite, perlite and vermiculite.

Advantages of polystyrene foam:

  • high compressive strength - it lies in the range of 0.05 ... 0.1 MPa;
  • low thermal conductivity - 0.042 ... 0.038 W / (MK);
  • static;
  • the polystyrene foam is able to withstand up to 50 cycles of freezing / thawing, without losing its technical characteristics;
  • the low coefficient of water absorption - it is only 2-3%, which makes expanded polystyrene intimacy when the floor insulation in the house and basement.

Polystyrene foam is simple when installing, durable, does not change its properties under the action of adverse environmental factors. Disadvantage: high cost, compared with other thermal insulation products.

The selection of thermal insulation materials is completely dependent on the financial capabilities and taste preferences of the buyer. However, regardless of the type of the selected insulation, it must be certified.

Ceramzit as insulation

Characteristics of bulk and slab insulation: clamzite, perlite, vermiculitis, polystyrene foam. Their comparison and advantages.

To date, Perlite is recognized as one of the most effective insulation materials in the world. It is produced by firing at high temperatures of water-containing volcanic glass. The result is biologically clean, non-combustible, lightweight, bulk insulation.

Thanks to the unique physico-technical properties, among which the possibility of using perlite with temperature fluctuations from -200 to +900 ° C, the material was widely used in various fields.

Nowadays, one of the largest manufacturers of perlite, as well as its consumers are the United States.

It is used as thermal insulation material for the production of flowing insulation, base bases, for insulation of the roof, pipelines, chimneys and other structures (for example, pools).

In addition to the construction sphere, the use of perlite is considered promising in areas such as metallurgy and cryogenic technique.

Properties and advantages

The material begins to melt only at a temperature of 1260 ° C. The distribution indicators of the flame and the presence of combustible elements in the composition are zero. If you fill the voids formed when installing blocks from a concrete 20 cm thick, perlite, then the flame resistance of the object is increased from two to four hours.

If we process the material with a hydrophobizer, then the water absorption indicators perlite will decrease at times. Voids in the walls filled with prepared perlite create an obstacle to the penetration of moisture into the inner partitions.

However, such insulation will show excellent results only under the condition of the presence of high-quality wall masonry.

Since flowing insulation from the perlitis fills with all empties and dissolved seams, the transmission of sound waves through the walls becomes less. The wall unit is 20 cm filled with similar insulation, on sound insulation even exceeds existing standards.

Perlite is distinguished by economy. It has excellent heat and fire-resistant qualities at a democratic value. To fill them with existing emptiness in the masonry, do not need special skills or equipment.

In addition, such insulation and after years does not lose heat-protective properties and does not "fall" in wall blocks.

Comparison with other materials

Tests officially proved the advantage of a pearlist insulation before other materials. Thus, masonry with perlitic insulation by more than 20% more efficiently masonry, insulated polystyrene liners.

Also perlite is 12% more efficient than polystyrene foam granules, which are too lungs, create difficulties in frustration and can form unfilled voids. The "fluidity" of pelite insulation completely eliminates such a development of events.

If you choose between vermiculitis and perlit, it is better to give preference to the latter. It has a closed structure of pores and lower thermal conductivity indicators, despite the fact that the characteristics of both materials are similar.

Features of isolation

Isolation should be arranged as follows:

  • The insulation is poured directly from the packaging (bag) in the wall from above at a convenient interval (but not more than 6 m).
  • Before mounting the windowsill, you need to fall asleep cavity under the doorway and windows (if required - tamper).
  • Holes in the wall, through which isolation can be hurt, should be taken before the start of work.
  • To install drains, copper, fiberglass or galvanized steel steel can be applied.
  • When working, the insulation must be dry.
  • Insulation must be used in the voids of the wall laying (external and internal), as well as between the outer masonry and trim inside.