Repairs Design Furniture

Facing material for the foundation of the house. How to separate the base of the house outside - an overview of facing options. Finishing with plastic panels

The better it is beautiful and cheap to separate the base of the house - 3 material options

The base is the part of the foundation towers above the ground level. Consequently, the same requirements are presented to its decoration as the basis. It consists of a whole complex of events - the arrangement of the scene, preliminary plastering (not always), waterproofing and a number of others. The nuances are determined by the peculiarities of each structure and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - how to properly separate the base? It is desirable that both beautiful and not too expensive and difficult. Materials for finishing the base is more than enough. But the price for some products is such that not everyone is able to "lay out" such money. In addition, the installation of certain products requires experience, special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view of options inexpensive finishing, not so much.


This design is suitable for the buildings erected from almost any material (cellular concrete, brick and so on), with the exception of the wood, as it is unlikely that the plastered foundation will be harmonized with it.

  • Insufficient strength and, as a result, a small operating period.
  • The need for frequent renewal of the paint coating (in the case of surface application).
  • Completeness of care. Mix the slices of the dirt fell pretty problematic - mostly, only "dry" cleaning. In terms of service, it is preferable to decorative plaster mixes, but they cost quite expensive.
Features of finishing

There is another opinion - to paint "on top", since such a processing is brused all the pores and prevent moisture penetration. But the question arises - what about steam permeability? If there is a basement, and even intensively used, the question is important.

Sidding panels

Naturally, it is not in mind not all commercially available, but only those that are intended for the base. By the way, they can be frozen and walls.

  • The strength and reliability of the facing. She protects the foundation well.
  • Care of difficulties does not represent - panels are easily clean.
  • The ability to quickly replace the damaged product.
Features of finishing
  1. Pre-installed the lamp. Since the decoration of the base is made outside the structure, it is desirable to use metal-plastic as a ridge, and not wood - it is susceptible to rotting.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all places of compounds, as well as correctly calculate and withstand the necessary gaps (in case of temperature deformation of products).

Stone (artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective, if you correctly choose the type of product (use, strength and so on).

  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home - we wrote about it here. This will slightly increase the work time, but will significantly reduce their total cost.
  • The variety of facing options (appearance).
  • Strength, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Small weight and simplicity of attachment. Artificial stone can be simply laid on the basis.
Features of finishing

Much depends on what material is based on the imitation of natural stone. Practice shows that they independently fulfill such work - finishing - not everyone will be able. Most likely, you will have to pay someone's services.

It makes no sense to compare the materials at prices, they depend on so many factors that everything is simply impossible to take into account. You need not to forget the simple truth - you can not always put a sign of equality between the concepts of "cheap" and "quality".


Walking the base is the most economical option. which does not require the involvement of professionals. But if you allow financial opportunities, it is better to stay on the 2nd or 3rd versions.

  • If the house is erected on the pile foundation, then the carrier frame is pre-mounted, which is trimmed with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When counting the cost of work, it is necessary to watch not only the price of the material, but also take into account, in which the cost of installation costs will cost. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It is more reasonable to buy a product for finishing more expensive and durable than regularly to repair the cladding of the base and at the same time spending money again.

What cheap to separate the base of the house: siding, plaster, artificial stone

Unfortunately, when considering the options for external design of buildings, quite often, individual developers are focused only on the price of appropriate products, absolutely melting from a number of moments. First, the costs of finishing work are not taken into account (including the possibility of performing technological operations on their own). Secondly, it is not specified which amount will cost maintaining cladding in proper condition. Thirdly, its operational period, at the end of which the trim panels (or other) will have to be changed.

  1. Siding features
  2. Application of plaster
  3. Facing a stone

It is clear that each owner wants his house to look beautiful, and at the same time his decoration costs as low as possible. In principle, now there are no problems with this - the market provides a large range of products with a relatively low cost. But, solving than to bind the base, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that higher requirements for mechanical strength and resistance to external atmospheric influences are presented to the materials, first of all - moisture. It is this that limits the choice, especially if we talk about the budget finish. We will understand what it is advisable to buy for the base of the house so that its design is simultaneously beautiful, reliable and cheap.

Sidding panels

It is necessary to immediately clarify that anyone will not fit. It follows only the type of product that is intended for the base.

  • High maintainability. In the case of partial damage, the sample replacement is performed quickly and with their own hands (specialist services will not be needed).
  • The strength of the casing material. It fully provides reliable damage protection.
  • Simple care. No cost is required, since the panel is enough to wash with water.
  • The casing requires a smooth base. Consequently, you will have to install the crate. Practice shows that not every individual developer is able to make it with their own hands.
  • Facing panels themselves are not used. To install them, you need to buy a number of challenges in the form of corners, planks and so on. This must be taken into account when determining the final price.
  • For the construction of the crates should buy metal films. It is much lighter than wood and does not create a significant burden on the foundation. In addition, since we are talking about outdoor cladding, you can not forget about the conditions of operation of the frame. Metal, in contrast to wood, is not subject to rotting.
  • Before starting the trim of the base, it is necessary to deal with the specifics of the plating with panels - how tightly tighten the fasteners, which gaps are left between the samples (taking into account the temperature deformation) and so on.


It should also be clarified that not each solution is suitable for the outer decoration. In addition, the base of the wooden house for such a technique is not issued. It is unlikely that it will turn out beautifully, given the appearance of the structure. In this regard, plasterings have a limit on application. But for the base of the brick house or buildings from cellular concrete - the cheapest way.

  • The possibility of producing "point" repairs at any time and in a short time.
  • High vintage vintage, resistance to temperature drops (humidity).
  • No professional skills when working with plaster is not required.
  • Low cost.
  • You can regularly change the color of the base of the house, imitate various materials, a variety of surface texture.
  • If this option is selected, this option is selected, it will simultaneously come out and finishing the foundation of the house (plaster waterproofing). At least that part of its part that rises above the soil.
  • Insufficient strength. Even finishing reinitiona will increase it slightly.
  • Care for the plastered base is a certain complexity.
  • If the color is made by surface application, it will have to be quite often updated.
  • With independent preparation of the solution, it is advisable to enter into its composition. Such stucco will have a uniform shade throughout the structure, so minor damage will not be so noticeable.
  • Buying a ready-made mixture for finishing the base, you should specify which components are present in it. It is from the introduced additives (plasticizers), the characteristics of the material are largely dependent, the moisture permeability of the skin, its resistance to low temperatures and so on.
  • When erecting houses on screw piles, as a rule, in order to close the lumen between the carrier frame and the soil, the scarlet is mounted. If this is not imitation of the plating board or plywood, but the brickwork, then the plaster is the optimal version of the finishes of the lower part of the structure. Get and cheap, and beautiful.

Fake diamond

Another option is the inexpensive trim of the base of the house. The variety of samples allows you to choose exactly the products that according to its characteristics corresponds to the conditions for further operation.

  • Small cladding weight.
  • Simple fastening - gluing way.
  • Large assortment of products.
  • Beautiful finish, for every taste.
  • The possibility of self-making tile, which makes such a trim even cheaper.
  • The base in care practically does not need.
  • If necessary, it is easy to repair cladding in a separate area.
  • The finish can only be performed at a specific temperature (determined by the characteristics of glue).
  • Such design of the base requires accuracy and time.
  • The complexity lies in the fact that it is necessary to accurately determine the gaps between the samples in the case of temperature expansion. And it depends on both components from which the mixture was prepared and on the characteristics of the climate. Perhaps this item will need professional advice.

  • It is advisable to align the surface that will be separated. In principle, the tile base is easy to adjust to each other with the help of glue, adjusting the thickness of its layer. But at the same time it will increase the consumption of composition, and given its price, such a cladding cheap is no longer called.
  • When choosing an adhesive agent for the base, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the specifics of its use, but also to the temperature range in which it does not lose its properties.

All other finishes to category "Cheap" are difficult. And it's not just the price of materials, but also in additional expenses. Many of them have a considerable weight, so before designing the base, it will be necessary to strengthen the foundation. And this will turn very significant spending.

Than to separate the base house inexpensively

The modern market offers a wide selection of materials that are used in the cladding of the base. Each client will be able to choose good products at an affordable price, which will correspond to the family budget. Not all facing objects can be mounted independently, so it is important to take into account additional costs of the work of workers. However, there are not so many cheap and more acceptable materials. Next, the article will consider some options for the inexpensive cladding of the base.

Facing plaster

A similar type of finish can approach any type of building, for example, to the house built from concrete, bricks and so on. The exception can be wooden houses, as the schukoucatic base will not suit the general type of building. Among the advantages of this type of cladding can be allocated:

  • Plaster capable of withstanding different temperature differences.
  • The finish process is not laborious.
  • Separating the base of the base, imitating other types of finishing materials. When finishing, it is realistic to change the color of the plaster, both at the initial stage and on the next.
  • This type of finishing is not expensive.
Facing the base of plaster with your own hands

Facing the plaster has its drawbacks that are determined by such parameters:

  • This type of material is not solid and reliable, which reduces the service life of the base.
  • After cladding the base, the plaster will need to periodically update the coating with different means, for example, varnish or paint.
  • It is quite difficult for such a type of finish, because it is not easy to clean the base from dirt.
  • Experts recommend purchasing decorative mixtures of plaster, but their cost is twice as many ordinary.
Decorative plastering mix for cladding

To cover the base, it is first necessary to mount the plates of polystyrene foam. This will allow you to insulate the base, as well as level the surface for further lining. Next, a plaster solution is applied to the prepared surface. When finishing, special attention should be paid to the preparation of the mixture, which must have certain properties. For example, when buying, consider frost resistance and moisture resistance of the product.

Features of the cladding of the base of plaster can be viewed in the video:

There are different options for applying plaster on the base. In the first case, coloring substances are added directly into the solution, this option does not damage the properties of plaster. In the second case, the coloring compositions are applied to the surface of the patch-circuited base, which will protect the base from the penetration of moisture. However, in both options it is necessary to take care of vapor permeability relative to the basement.

Siding in facing

Of course, siding is designed not only for finishing the walls of the house, but also for cladding the base. In this case, special panels are manufactured that are suitable for such work.

There are a number of advantages on the use of this type of material:

  • Siding is a durable and reliable finishing material.
  • The structure of the panels allows you to protect the base of the house from external influence.
  • Siding panels are easy to wash or clean from dirt, therefore no difficulties should appear.
  • Damaged parts of the decoration of the base is easy to replace similar inserts.
  • Singing panels that are used in the termination of the base have their drawbacks:
  • Installation process is time consuming.
  • The costs of purchasing other elements for mounting siding are increasing.
Siding panels in cladding

To install siding panels you need to mount a special crate. For greater strength and reliability of the fastening of parts, it is recommended to use rains made of metal. We do not advise in the finishing work to apply wooden elements. In the process of work, it is important to monitor the correct connection of all parts and elements of siding.

Artificial stone in cladding

The stone is artificial is not expensive material, but quite effective during operation. The cladding of the base in this way has its advantages:

  • Artificial stone can be made with your own hands, but it will increase the time to perform work.
  • There are different forms of material, which allows you to choose a stone under a certain architecture of the building.
  • Such a decoration of the base has a long service life.
  • The stone has a small weight, which simplifies repair and finishing works.
Facing the base with artificial stone with their own hands

Significant disadvantages are determined by such parameters:

  • It is recommended to make cladding only at a plus temperature. Of course, there are certain types of stone that can be finished and for minus temperature indicators.
  • The work process takes a long time and requires careful preparation and attention.
Decorating the base with artificial decorative stone

Characteristics of the finish depend on the components of the artificial stone components. As a rule, make such work on their own quite difficult, so you have to resort to the help of specialists. The cost of artificial stone may differ in different parameters.

The most accessible and acceptable options for cladding the base can be called shocking, decoration by siding or artificial stone. Most professionals believe that the use of plaster as a cladding of the base is the most economical option.

How and how to separate the foundation of the house do it yourself cheap under the stone? + Photo and video

The finishing technology of the foundation of the house is different depending on the material selected. In this article, we will tell about the types of foundations and their features. As well as consider in detail the most popular types of materials for finishing the base of the private house, in particular: decorative plaster, under natural and artificial stone, PVC panels and siding, mosaic plaster and different types of tile.

After the house is erected, the time comes to start finishing work. Many are determined in advance with the choice of materials, they think over all the details to the smallest detail. In addition to decoration of the walls, it is necessary to pay due attention and the foundation of the house. Experts advise not to save on its facing, because the appearance of the base is one of the main points when erecting the house. What is the main thing - aesthetics or practicality, and is it possible to combine these things in one whole?

The base is the base of the house, and it needs to be protected from temperature differences, moisture and strong winds. In addition, the appearance of the facade is an important detail in creating a harmonious house design.

Therefore, when choosing materials for finishing the facade of the house, it is important to consider these nuances:

  • materials for finishing the foundation of the house do it yourself:
  • watching solution;
  • tile;
  • panel siding;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • brick.

The materials presented have their own advantages, and also differ in the way they are applied and laying.

The foundation cannot be left without decoration, since the concrete is predisposed to the absorption of moisture, which has a destructive force when jumps in air temperature.

Before proceeding to finishing the private house, it should be carefully cleansed from dirt, to align the wall, chips and cracks. Next, the surface is covered with primer for better adhesion of finishing materials with a base.

Types of foundations:

Facing. This type of foundation is located in a depth with some displacement in relation to the main facade. The depth is often at the level of 5 cm. With this location, the drain can be made small and reduce the cost of facing.

On one surface. This type of base must be carefully sealing, because the drain is attached at the construction stage of the house.

Putting. To finish the foundation of the house with their own hands, you must first take care of the plum. If installing it incorrectly, the water will start assembling at the base of the base of the base and the wall. In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to plan water to be planted taking into account the cladding of the base.

Specific types of materials for finishing the foundation must be added to additional processing before the start of their laying. These include an unnatural stone, which means that repulsive water is applied before fixing.

They help reduce moisture absorption force and increase the resistance of the finishes to the smearing. Now in the market for finishing materials there is a huge selection of water-repellent impregnations. These are compounds that are not having colors that protect against water penetration into the structure of the material. They are applied using rollers, cyst and other devices. The final result of such treatment seems to be like that - water flows down, not absorbing and leaving traces on the finish.

How to finish the foundation of the house do it yourself

The appearance of the foundation, separated by such a tile similar to the walls of clinker bricks. The advantage of tiles is that it has a smaller weight and thickness (8 - 20 cm).

Length and width are similar to brick. You can purchase additionally corners, to simplify the work and a beautiful appearance of the base.

Stone decoration is very attractive in appearance, but it is expensive. The most sought-after materials for such a finish are sandstone or limestone. Marble or granite belongs to the most expensive natural materials. Sandstone and limestone are preliminarily rude by waterproofing. The laying scheme is the same as in cladding tiles. To secure elements, use glue for stone. Between small stones leave the seams, large - 2 mm. With the foundation outstanding forward, you need to install the eaves for the popular water.

Artificial stone is very similar to natural. Thanks to special additives and aggregates, manufacturers receive a stone with excellent operational properties.

Foundation finishing technician with artificial stone resembles tile laying:

The polymer tile is an innovative material that imitates the "torn" stone and brick. Very easy by weight, which makes it possible to lay it on weakly infant structures. Manufacturers minimized the risk of cracking and chipping on the material, increased frost and moisture resistance. Therefore, in the processing of waterproofing means there is no need.

Ground-based concrete trim

The appearance of such a material resembles a clinker brick or sandstone. Its thickness is small, only 3 mm. The tile on the resins is elastic, which allows it to be used on rounded bases, it is also possible to be bending on the corners of the base. The material cuts with scissors, without much difficulty is attached to plaster, concrete and insulation. It has a smooth and rough surface and a wide color gamut.

Stage order:

Mosaic plaster is a grainy structure. Grain size is about 3 mm. After the solution is applied to the wall, the pattern resembling a color mosaic is evaporated. The role of the fixing substance is resin.

Thanks to its qualities, the finish acquires moisture resistance. Mosaic plaster is resistant to low temperatures and external damage.

It can not be applied to limestone plaster and artificial materials. It is best to stay on concrete and mineral bases (cement, gypsum).

Application Procedure:

Finishing the foundation house with plastic panels

PVC panels are often used to finish small country houses and cottages. The combination of panels with siding looks very attractive.

Plastic panels are light and easy to work:

Finishing the foundation of the house with your own hands the assignment for anyone. The choice of materials in our time is so wide that any idea can be embodied in reality. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions for working with a specific type of material.

In construction, an important point is insulation and protection against external factors of any element, its quality will affect energy consumption, optimal microclimate and the service life of the building parts. Since the basis of any building is a foundation, I will tell below about its decorative finish and the protection of the basement floor from moisture and other factors.

Facing stone trim

What material to choose

Facing the foundation is a matter of quite fulfilled with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the best material that will combine all the necessary properties. By the way, the foundation cladding can be carried out during the repair of an old basis. To begin with, it is necessary to understand - why do you need a covering of the foundation? Although the foundations of houses from durable materials are erected, they should also be protected from moisture, atmospheric precipitation, wind, mechanical damage and other adverse factors. Therefore, the foundation cladding is initially protecting the base of the house and the preservation of its operational properties for a long time. Also, the processing of the base will help protect the basement from moisture and cold and decorate the house. Since the construction market is a shot of the necessary materials - our task to choose the best of them.

Finishing the base of stone

The distribution finish is decorative plaster, its quality and properties in modern construction perform all the necessary conditions for high-quality surface treatment. This finish is an inexpensive and unpretentious option as the design of the foundation and its protection.

But I would not use the plaster for several reasons - first, it is a laborious process, and secondly, there are many other materials that can provide high-quality protection at home and create a noble appearance. Moreover, the protection of the basement from the cold and moisture requires thermal insulation qualities.

Of course, you can apply various siding and stoves, but nothing brings so much nobility house as a facing stone. Therefore, I stop my choice on sandstone, and what it is you will learn just below.

Facing natural stone

Noble types of finishes

The foundation cladding should perform not only its direct appointments, but also act as a decorative element of the basement. Natural stone has always been a noble and durable building material, so the trim of the base of the stone looks harmonious and rich.

Finishing the base with your own hands

Choosing from all options, I stopped on sandstone, which has a multitude of properties:

  1. Facing stone is a natural building material, tested. Its life is simply stunned, it will be necessary to repair the house than old sandstone. The brick foundation lined with sandstone looks noble and natural.
  2. The strength of the material allows you to withstand large physical exertion, therefore sandstone protected elements are not measurable damage.
  3. Repair the old base using sandstone processing will help create excellent moisture protection.
  4. Due to the ease of installation, it is possible to bind the foundation from the brick.
  5. Due to its porous structure, sandstone has some thermal insulation properties, which allows to reduce heat loss through the floor base.
  6. Facing stone is great for finishing various surfaces, whether it is the facade of the house, the inner walls or foundation of the brick.
  7. The facing stone looks equally harmoniously that on a brick house, which is on wooden. Not everyone can imagine what kind of cottage creates, whose base is lined with sandstone.
  8. Natural texture and sandstone patterns fit perfectly into various architectural styles.

Natural stone trim

Combining all the above advantages, the facing stone perfectly protects the foundation from the brick or any other type of base. It is worth noting that the brick foundation is the optimal surface for finishing with natural material. Such a basis is simple in processing, which allows in a short time to uninstall the surface with sandstone with their own hands.

Testing surfaces of the foundation

Facing stone is a fairly undemanding element, so the repair of the old basement outside can be done by itself.

For repair, I was useful for the following tools:

  • The metal brush is necessary to prepare the surface and clean it.
  • The chisel and the hammer will be needed in the case of repair, to remove the old coating (plaster).
  • The ax came in handy in the manufacture of notches for better adhesion with the surface.
  • I prepared a pulverizer or brush for applying primer.

Finishing the foundation of stone

If the foundation is inhomogeneous, which is rare, apply the construction grid, I cost it without it.

Prepare the necessary tools, I started repairing the outer surface of the basement. It made all relevant work on the preparation of the surface, well cleaned it and covered with high-quality primer. Further, I took a specialized glue for laying the stone and began to lay out his future masterpiece. The seams between the elements were filled with a solution and carefully processed. As a result, it turned out a great kind of basement floor.

Facing start to do from the corner

Finishing screw foundation

Houses with a foundation from bricks are in a huge advantage over their fellows. The fact is that the pile foundation device does not allow finishing from sandstone, so the question arises immediately - than to close the pile foundation outside. For me, this question was quite interesting, because it is simply necessary to close the base from moisture and cold, and you need to arrange the bottom of the building. But if the brick foundation can be separated by sandstone, what way you can find here?
Why come up with such a complex foundation to which it is also difficult to pick up the finish - you ask. But the screw foundation is the only optimal solution for soft and bunched soils. It is the screw foundation that can penetrate into a large depth and ensure reliable support for the house. And the selection of decorations of the base is quite possible with the help of such a material as a professionalist.

Facing the base of metal profile

This material appeared in 1820 and was very spread in the construction sector. The professional sheet is made of galvanized steel using cold rolled products, after which it is subjected to creating the necessary form - trapezoidal, wave-like. It is done more to give stiffness than beauty. Professional property is a unique material used in the construction of new buildings and repair of old. Steel sheet is used not only for finishing basement floors, but also for repairing roofs, walls. In the assortment you can find professional knitting stone or "wooden" element. Such a choice was very pleased, because with the help of it it is easy to create a unique style with your own hands.

In the assortment you can find professional knitting stone or "wooden" element

Printing screw base with their own hands

Usually, screw foundations are used in the construction of light houses, such as wooden. Therefore, the decorative finishing of the screw foundation must be harmonized with wooden elements. Fortunately, I found in a variety of profiled sheets imitation of a stone, which perfectly combined with wooden houses. It turns out the imitation of a completely natural, natural house.

Professional sheet "Under Stone"

The sheathing of the screw foundation - the occupation is simple, so I took myself for himself and adhering to the next scheme, perfectly coped with the work:

  • For the base of the sheets, I made a wooden crate, pre-impregnating the part with an antiseptic solution.
  • To avoid the deformation of the sheets under the influence of bunched soils, I left the gap between the Earth and the element. To do this, I made a sandside of the earth and details to a depth of 500 mm.
  • Fastening the sheets on a wooden crate, I made self-drawing. To avoid dents, she tried not to delay the fasteners.
  • The locations of the joints of the material and the corners I closed with the good items.

So, putting a little effort, you can bore your foundation yourself.

The finishing technology of the house differs with their own hands depending on the material selected. In this article, we will tell about the types of foundations and their features. As well as consider in detail the most popular types of materials for finishing the base of the private house, in particular: decorative plaster, under natural and artificial stone, PVC panels and mosaic plaster and different types of tiles.

Therefore, when choosing materials for finishing the facade of the house, it is important to consider these nuances:

  • materials for finishing at home with their own hands:
  • watching solution;
  • tile;
  • panels;
  • artificial and natural stone;
  • brick.

The materials presented have their own advantages, and also differ in the way they are applied and laying.

The foundation cannot be left without decoration, since the concrete is predisposed to the absorption of moisture, which has a destructive force when jumps in air temperature.

Before proceeding to finishing the private house, it should be carefully cleansed from dirt, to align the wall, chips and cracks. Next, the surface is covered with primer for better adhesion of finishing materials with a base.

Types of foundations:

Putting. To finish the foundation of the house with their own hands, you must first take care of the plum. If installing it incorrectly, the water will start assembling at the base of the base of the base and the wall. In order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to plan water to be planted taking into account the cladding of the base.

The appearance of the foundation, separated by such a tile similar to the walls of clinker bricks. The advantage of tiles is that it has a smaller weight and thickness (8 - 20 cm).

Length and width are similar to brick. You can purchase additionally corners, to simplify the work and a beautiful appearance of the base.

Step-by-step instruction Finishes base:

Very attractive in appearance, but it is expensive. The most sought-after materials for such a finish are sandstone or limestone. Marble or granite belongs to the most expensive natural materials. Sandstone and limestone are preliminarily rude by waterproofing. The laying scheme is the same as in cladding tiles. To secure elements, use glue for stone. Between small stones leave the seams, large - 2 mm. With the foundation outstanding forward, you need to install the eaves for the popular water.

Artificial stone is very similar to natural. Thanks to special additives and aggregates, manufacturers receive a stone with excellent operational properties.

Foundation finishing technician with artificial stone resembles tile laying:

The polymer tile is an innovative material that imitates the "torn" stone and brick. Very easy by weight, which makes it possible to lay it on weakly infant structures. Manufacturers minimized the risk of cracking and chipping on the material, increased frost and moisture resistance. Therefore, in the processing of waterproofing means there is no need.

Ground-based concrete trim

The appearance of such a material resembles a clinker brick or sandstone. Its thickness is small, only 3 mm. The tile on the resins is elastic, which allows it to be used on rounded bases, it is also possible to be bending on the corners of the base. The material cuts with scissors, without much difficulty is attached to plaster, concrete and insulation. It has a smooth and rough surface and a wide color gamut.

Stage order:

At the grainy structure. Grain size is about 3 mm. After the solution is applied to the wall, the pattern resembling a color mosaic is evaporated. The role of the fixing substance is resin.

Thanks to its qualities, the finish acquires moisture resistance. Mosaic plaster is resistant to low temperatures and external damage.

It can not be applied to limestone plaster and artificial materials. It is best to stay on concrete and mineral bases (cement, gypsum).

Application Procedure:

Finishing the foundation house with plastic panels

Often used for finishing small country houses and cottages. The combination of panels with siding looks very attractive.

Plastic panels are light and easy to work:

Finishing the foundation of the house with your own hands the assignment for anyone. The choice of materials in our time is so wide that any idea can be embodied in reality. The main thing is to adhere to the instructions for working with a specific type of material.

Finishing the base, on the one hand, is simpler than the facade: there are no special aesthetic-architectural subtleties here. The base can be harmonized or contrast with the general design of the building and by tone, and on the texture, and according to the type of material used, see fig. You need to simply point out the erecthegon, Roman terms or any of the Gothic cathedrals - and let them say that they want.

Samples of finishing base of private houses

For small individual construction, the option of the Falashskole is also of particular interest (the photo below is on the right in Fig.): The ribbon protruding foundation is separated without any claims, just for a long time, and the belt of the wall above it mimics the high base. This allows you to fully focus technically on the right arrangement of a very critical place of the entire design of the house - the joint of the wall with the basement (protrusion of the foundation); In particular, on the low material device, see below, without prejudice to the appearance of the house.

On the other hand, the cladding of the base is subjected to intensive influence of chemical (atmospheric moisture, dirt, organicer from the soil), physical (temperature differences and humidity) and mechanical abrasive agents (dried under the wind of the sand). The concentration in the air of dust, dirt and spray of solutions The soil component depend on the height over the soil in a power law and within 50 cm from the ground is falling relative to zero of the heights of the building 10 or more times. Therefore, both the materials for finishing the base and techniques of work with them require a more thorough approach than for finishing the facade.

From the third - finishing the base of the stone or other durable, resistant and heavy material almost always does not cause any technical difficulties, because The height of the base as a rule does not exceed 80 cm; As a last resort - up to 2 m, for the house with the ground floor, and the most base is made of durable materials, otherwise it simply does not demolish weight, climatic and operational loads. So the material for cladding the base can be selected, limited only to financial considerations.

The base of the residential building is facing in the order of the work of the final construction stage - the outer decoration. In general, the trim of the base of the house is produced in stages in the following order:

  • The trench is rotated under the deficule of the depth of OK. 30 cm (on the bayonet shovels) or 15-20 cm deeper to the slaughter with insulation;
  • A sandy-gravel pillow is stacked in the trench, optionally - also insulation;
  • It is made of rough trim of the base in order to align its surface;
  • It is satisfied with the scene;
  • The decorative decoration of the base is made;
  • Only after that all other work on the outer decoration of the building begins, incl. Facing facade.

It is not recommended to violate this sequence, especially inexperienced to lovers, but in some cases considered further, it is possible for example. If the base of the existing building is faced or repaired. In this case, the decisive role for the complexity of the work and the possibility of using one or another finishing material plays the construction of the base.

Cap and Tsokol

The finishing of the private house base in relation to the selection of the material and the method of its installation largely depends on the design of the soccer itself and its popular. The pairing of the carrier wall with the basement is the most likely place of penetration into the gap between the moisture that causes the walls of the walls. It does not allow its waterproofing from below, for it and put it. But the water flowing into the walls is also capable of subject to the wall on the same waterproofing, it is a so-called. capillary winding. To prevent it over the basement, the sump is satisfied.

Options for the design of the base with a tump

Possible versions of the design of the base with the tump are shown in Fig. If the base is vyster (pos. 1) - you are lucky. A simple single sampling is stacked between the layers of isolation; If it is still from the bottom of the removal of the walls the groove-tear (dropper), pos. 1A, the capillary wall clock is excluded. But then or the wall should be from 2.5 bricks, or the oversized overlap of slab, pos. 1b. The last version of the budget developers avoid - expensive - and in vain: then, during the operation of the house, the slab overlap justifies itself with interest. Moreover, on, in fact, the second base of the house can be erected easier and cheaper. Also, in this case, you can be built from foam / gasoblocks, the liqueies then the house brick, which is solid and inexpensive.

More often, they are still found at home on the protruding base, pos. 2. The technology to prevent capillary winding in this case is known, this is a double sampling, pos. 2a. Its outdoor tray (good) put on the completion of the decorative trim of the base and the facade so that it can be changed as wear. For reliability, the surface of the whin (top folding, fold) of the tray (top folding, fold) is applied before installation.

Now there are "eternal" fits from propylene or stainless steel, their durability exceeds the calculated deadlines for the service of residential buildings of a conventional design. With the "Eternal" task to protect the wall in dryness simplifies: they are fully separated by the base, and the tump put on the wall before the facing of its moisture-proof material, for example. Waterproof plaster, clinker or glue thermopanels. The chuckle is cast out to the facade facing, pos. 2B, and water under the wall is no longer necessary.

Note: The same methods for installing low tide applicable for houses on the base flush with the wall, although in fact, the "smooth" base is bad in all respects.

Sometimes in decorative purposes from low tide as such refuses, replacing it with a brick eaves. So it is possible, but the front brick to the cornice needs to take the so-called. Hyperticulated (hyperform), sutures of the eaves of the eaves, and the masonry solution and the grout use waterproof and moistureproof with polymer additives. In amateur conditions, they can be prepared by their own hands by adding to cement-sandy solution from M200 and grout for external work of 1-3 cups on the PVA bucket or polymer tiled adhesive type of bustila. You can also take advantage of porcelain printing or clinker (terracotta) tiles.

Hypersed brick is often falsified. This can be realized in a homogeneous structure, the absence of visible inclusions and even dark color of the matte or semmat surface, etc. Bricks - "chocolates", pos. 3. On the usual (quite for its purpose of suitable) facial bricks that form a sampling, after winter or two, the kernel will manifest themselves and will go, pos. 3A, which means - break the cladding of the base and rewind the tump until the wall on the chamber.

Finally, wooden houses are built almost exclusively on protruding bases: the minimum allowable width of the foundation tape here is more than the thickness of the wall, and it is impossible to put the logboat or frame on a concrete slab for a number of reasons. In this case, the remission can only be double; Its options for a log or brusal and frame house are shown in pos. 4 and 5. In a log / brusade house, the fastening of an exterior tray is sealed with silicone; The frame house does not require this, because The walls of the walls serves as a tear.

Note: In all cases, the use of a double low-end distance between the cornices of the internal and outer trays should be at any place at least 10-12 mm.

Preparation for facing

The most complex and time-consuming part of the work on the decoration of the base is the alignment of its surface under lining; The base can be made of boob stone, concrete blocks (possibly old, along the edges of sparkling) or the above-ground part of the concrete foundation. In this case, the easiest way to prepare it for lining with your own hands is plastering cement-sand or cement-limestone starting (draft) plaster for outdoor work. An independent chamber can be made by the hydrophobic method described above (PVA, Bustylate, etc.).

Alignment of the surface of the base under the lining of the starting plaster on the reinforcing grid.

To align the plaster, the base is treated with primer deep penetration according to the corresponding material (stone, brick, concrete), roughly knocked up large protrusions, the need makes meal repairs to cement-sandy solution and fasten the steel reinforcement grid of OK. 4 mm, see fig. The plastering solution I use a thick, not sailing; The layer is given in 1.5-2 thickness of the grid. Rail it to the evenness of halfter immediately, without waiting for grasp. In collapse, they check the rack of evenness (norm - 3 mm / m), they die and home as needed. It is advisable to first make a separate section of 1-1.5 square meters. m, after that, and "kettle" with hands from where it is necessary at least the start put quite smoothly under the lining.

Materials and technologies

Materials for cladding the base, as mentioned above, should be resistant to thermal, chemical, mechanical impacts and abrasion. Modern materials for finishing the base in accordance with the price and complexity of work are divided into the following classes:

  • Drained waterproof plaster is the easiest and cheapest option. It is best suited for low, up to 40 cm, base, whose finish is really not visible. Maintainability is limited, because It is difficult to choose paint for patch exactly to the tone of the existing one.
  • Artificial stone - the complexity and cost of cladding the base they are comparable to the plaster. Appearance of 3+ or 4-, but the corners' stroke is substantially simplified, see below. Maintainability complete.
  • Natural (wild) stone and facing brick - facing them the base can do inexpensively and do not require great work, but if the base and the scene are insulated, the difficulty of work increases many times, also see below. Maintainability is very limited: remove the damaged fragment (s) without disturbing the cladding on a sufficiently large area, it is very difficult.
  • Flexible stone - the set of parameters price / quality / appearance / technical capabilities are not equal. Finishing the base of flexible stone is possible in the budget version. Maintainability complete.
  • Socular siding - depending on the region, it can be cheaper than plaster, and it looks like an artificial stone (not natural!). The correct installation is easy, but requires certain knowledge and skills. Maintainability is complete, but repairs are quite laborious.
  • The basement facing panels (not facade!) Is somewhat more expensive than baseline siding with the same decorative qualities, but deprived of its weaknesses (see below). Maintainability is limited for the same reasons that the wild stone and bricks.
  • Clinker (terracotta) and porcelain staming tile is the most expensive and time consuming, however, the most resistant and durable option. If the surface of the base under the noble polished stone is needed, then the porcelain stoneware is almost the only option for not a terrifying price.


Separate the base is beautiful, but not very in this place with a resistant finish decorative plaster makes no sense. Best of all the draft base for the finishing just paint alkyd enamels for outdoor work. A little more expensive will cost, but there are many longer yacht enamels. The option is still more expensive, but even more resistant and absolutely moistureproof - t. Naz. latex-acrylic paints or acrylic emulsions; By drying, they give a layer similar to dense rubber, only color.

The plastered base can be immediately separated by stone using silicone stamps. A set of stamps costs somewhere in 500 rubles, but they can be done with their own hands. In general, the plaster base under stone is as follows:

  • Pick up samples (models) of natural stone of any breed of suitable size and more or less coinciding along the contour, without overweight, thick up to 12-15 mm.
  • For each model, plywood or boarded boxes are made - an operator - with sides above the stone by 2-3 cm.
  • The models are abundantly impregnated with mineral oil (it is possible to work the engine) and dried 2-3 days.
  • The models are lubricated with vaseline (Lanolin), put each other and poured with silicone. Opoks from the inside before that also need to wipe in a vaseline.
  • Opening the silicone is disassembled by the silicone, the models are pulled out of the billets of the stamps (do not be afraid to pull, silicone is stretched and durable) and the stamps are cut off with a knife along the seam width.
  • On the prepared, as described above, the basis is applied a layer of thick solution with a thickness of up to 16 mm and stamps immediately before setting.
  • According to complete solidification of its paint.

Fake diamond

Finishing base house with artificial stone.

Facing the base of the house with an artificial stone with all its average advantages is good for budget developers by the fact that forms for angular elements (see Fig.) You can do it yourself. The corners are the weakest places of facing, it is here that masonry seams and moisture be seamless under the lining crawl exactly where it is not necessary. Mounted artificial stone on the base or similarly natural without insulation, or on the tiled glue as a tile (both see below),

Methods for making artificial stone with their own hands are described in other materials; The base will go to the base, suitable for paving tracks. You can also make a homemade artificial stone for cladding the base from the same plaster mortar. From the manufacture of stamps under the stone, the workflow is characterized by the fact that it is not necessary so strictly to select models in thickness and that injection molding is pre-tested in advance, which makes the color more persistent; See the video below. The technology of making an artificial stone from plaster with their own hands is not strict, various options are possible here.

Wild stone and brick

Natural stone for cladding the base must be chosen heavy, with low moisture absorption, i.e. Not subject to frost. Shale, sandstones, limestone, dolomite, travertine and tuffs are definitely not suitable. Best of all granite, diorit, diabases, basalt, gabbro and other rocks withstanding at least 1000 cycles of complete freezing / thawing. With current climate change, this is not so much, in Central Russia in the offseason, there may be something for a day, then the full cycle.

The technology of cladding the ground with natural stones significantly depends on whether it is insulated or not. Without insulation, it's easier, you only need to perform the following conditions (see Fig. Right):

Note: Moss and lichen on the stone base do not be afraid. They will not spoil the stone at all, only chic home will come. Mold and zip (spots of salts on the castles, and then fading places) - that's what is bad. But on the stones of the specified rocks and the other does not happen.

The trim of the base with facing brick differs from the lining of a wild stone first, the fact that the masonry seams make the normal thickness for brickwork in 10-13 mm. Secondly, the masonry solution must necessarily be moistureproof with a plasticizer (see above), because In the seams of brickwork, it loves to linger moisture and the dirt accumulate. Thirdly, very and very desirable brick use hypercasted, as for a brick mock, see above.

The cladding of the base of natural stone and brick is seriously complicated if the walls, the foundation and the base are insulated. Then not only heavy facing to keep nothing on what, but also the danger of penetration of capillary moisture in the insulation. What a complex of work is required to avoid the other, you can imagine, looking at the facing scheme of the warmed base in Fig.:

Scheme of cladding stone base with insulation

And the case is even more complicated if the base of the existing home is faced, because The retaining wall will give a shrinkage. In this case, the base under the stone is better facing siding, panels, and if you want the high cost of immediately rushed into the eye - tiles. But first committed with stone materials.

Flexible stone

A flexible stone in some sources is served as a kind of "flexible tile on polymer resins". Apparently, those authors remember the old Soviet flexible facing tile, which has long been, as they say, search for fistulas. There she and the road: the polymer tile sneezed, tightened, crashed, quickly abrained in heated premises.

Flexible stone in decoration and facing

The binder of flexible stone, indeed, synthetic resins, not only the mythical "polymeric", and polyester and carbamide, but the essence of this material in a textile basis, sprung by stone crumb. The advantages of flexible stone as outdoor facing material are truly great (see Fig.):

  • Safe, environmental, chemically and mechanical racks, chemically neutral.
  • Estimated service life - over 150 years.
  • Easily processed, you can cut with scissors.
  • He shines, it is possible to hide the illuminators behind the facing or make the street lamp from the flexible stone, which during the day, turned off, will be sculpture into the decoration of the house.
  • The innumerable set of unique textures and colors, fully corresponding to natural, both solid and ribbon, with intervals for imitation of masonry seams.
  • Flexible stone without problems, curvilinear surfaces and angles are shown.
  • There is no facade and base, outdoor and inner flexible stone, it is suitable for all types of finishing works. The same material can be separated by the base, windows and doors, balcony, cornice, etc.
  • Finishing with flexible stone base of the house on a complex relief (an uneven slope, etc.) costs 7-20 times cheaper comparable to decorative qualities and resistance to the facing by any other material.
  • Careful surface preparation for flexible stone is not required. If irregularities do not exceed 10-12 mm, the flexible stone steles is simply on the tile glue (the minimum layer above the protrusions of the base is 2 mm). Otherwise, potholes are rudely lubricated by cement-sandy solution. That in any case does not interfere with the sake of saving expensive glue.

Flaws from flexible stone only two: he is rough; Glossy and semi-men (polished) does not happen. Then, the base under flexible stone is needed durable, so it is impossible to glue it to the insulation or SMP (see below), you must first prepare a plaster basis as described above.

Sading panel siding

The base of the house is lined with special baseline siding, more wear-resistant and durable than the facade. The base siding is produced by PVC and propylene. The first is cheaper, brighter and can be glossy; The second more racks. Externally, the base siding differs from the facade by the fact that it is made not by boards, and slabs with puzzle joints on the latches, see fig. Therefore, to paint the base siding into the size can only be on the corners, and the seam must be covered with a regular challenge. Socular siding is mounted on a horizontal fraud from a tree or a steel profile on hardware (self-stacked).

Facing siding - the least laborious way to separate the base under the stone at acceptable costs; Emless also, old house or new building. But "the law of free cheese" and here is adamant here: serious problems of cladding siding are represented, firstly, damage to the crates, secondly, the accumulation of moisture in the cavities under the trim, thirdly, the settlement there insects and rodents. As a result, the lover is not so cheap and simple due to difficulties with the breakfast.

The overall installation scheme of the base siding is given in Fig. below; Drainage is very desirable and in places sufficient dry. Installation of base siding leads after complete arrangement of the scene. Below and at the top, there are deformation gaps of 10-15 mm, which are fought, put it with the recommended manufacturer with plastic glue (for example, CM14) and are closed with turnlinic elements (plinth, eaves).

Circuit Mounting Scheme

However, each siding manufacturer for the base is struggling with the problems of its product in its own way, which, by the way, indicates that there is no optimal solution yet. Therefore, if you select your choice on siding for the base, then:

  • Create and suppliers or look at the manufacturer's website specification of the material and make sure that it comes to your conditions (temperature range, annual precipitation, soil properties, design and base material, building design).
  • Use DOP, material crates, fasteners and sealant recommended species.
  • Meet the installation instructions for the manufacturer.
  • In no case do not save on the starting and finish planks: moisture, dirt, mice and spiders with relatives only waiting.

Panels and stoves

The decoration of the base panels is somewhat more complicated and more expensive than siding, but deprived of its flaws, because Shells with her pockets are not, panels are put on glue. Metal composite panels, however, are mounted on the crate, but they are rarely used to finish private houses because of their utilitarian species. Most often, the base is discharged with facade thermopanels with clinker overlays from clinker and a polyurethane insulation, they are quite suitable for this purpose. It looks like panels the base is no worse than under siding. Thermopanels are mounted on the base the same as on the facade; Surface leveling is required to irregularity of 3 mm / m. Insulation is automatically obtained.

You can still meet the recommendations to separate the glass of glass jamsite plates (SMP), but this option is not from the best: SMP fragile, there is little resistant to abrasion and soil chemistry. Outside, at the resorts of the facades of houses for rent, they are sometimes selected in the style of the half-timbered SMP (right in Fig.), But serves such a cladding of 10-15 years, and during this time you have to make 2-3 its cosmetic repairs.

GlassAgnesite panels (SMP)

In private construction, the SMP is sometimes used as a non-removable formwork of an elevated belt foundation, which, in general, is good in all respects, except prices. In this case, the SMP above the ground can be prepared for the finishing, as described above, only the fasteners of the mesh must be taken more authentic, so that the screws are sitting in the base. And then natural stone and brick as the trim of the base disappear: under the severity, the cladding will be squeezed together with plaster and grid.


Facing the base of the cafeter is the decision of the poor man remaining from Soviet times. The porous material is gaining moisture, the glaze due to the appearance of the microcracks and the impact of the sand loses its appearance. Tile base is separated by either clinker (terracotta), or ceramoranite. The cladding of the base of the existing house tile is technologically not different from that in the process of construction, which is a certain advantage .. But in the other case, the work is a very time-consuming and requires a fairly high qualification: the base surface is equalized and its meal repair is aligned. Then the base is grounded with primer deep penetration. Tile put on glue (layer - 2-3 mm) by sections under 1-1.5 m long. Immediately, while glue was increasing, the tiles are fixed with crosses or other separators (see Fig.), Otherwise, the cladding slides. Below also put dividers, there is a gap of 10-12 mm, which is subsequently close in the same glue. The subsequent plot is facing after curing the glue on the previous one.

Facing the base tile

Note: Prepare the surface under the tile described above in the method (grid + plaster) can not, the lining will be sucking.

If you still want to separate your base tile (it looks rich, you can not say anything), it is better to facing it with a porcelain stoneware. First, the hardness of the porcelain stoneware is comparable to the Sapphire and Corundum hardness, the sand is nipple. Secondly, strong inorganic acids, except for packing and fluoro-antimony, do not act on the porcelain stoneware. Thirdly, the porcelain stoneware is produced by plates up to 30x60 cm, so the work will be released not so cannitive. Fourthly, split the porcelain stoneware on the solid base and with a sufficiently elastic layer under the tile, it is possible for a shot of a rowing weapon; Carton, released from a 12th caliber pumping rifle from a distance of 15 m, flies and bounces. Fifth, porcelain plate plates are produced with a glossy surface, almost indistinguishable from polished stone. Sixth, as a result of a small TCR (thermal expansion coefficient), clamps on the basement can be put "without a seam", i.e. With a seam of 1-2 mm thick, which enhances the decorative effect.

And about stone

Let's see again, which rocks are suitable for the cladding of the base. Yes, it is ... Heavy Booth! The fractionated broken stone is expensive, but, if you order a dump truck of solid butt and go through it yourself, then there are enough slices and for the construction of a stone base, and, in bed, to fill it, then recesses between large fragments. So, and building, as they say, tightly on the budget, consider also a variant of the stone base. Facing / finishing as such disappears, and 100% natural stone any home will look solid.

The base is the part of the foundation towers above the ground level. Consequently, the same requirements are presented to its decoration as the basis. It consists of a whole complex of events - the arrangement of the scene, preliminary plastering (not always), waterproofing and a number of others. The nuances are determined by the peculiarities of each structure and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - how to properly separate the base? It is desirable that both beautiful and not too expensive and difficult. Materials for finishing the base is more than enough. But the price for some products is such that not everyone is able to "lay out" such money. In addition, the installation of certain products requires experience, special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view of options inexpensive finishing, not so much.


This design is suitable for the buildings erected from almost any material (cellular concrete, brick and so on), with the exception of the wood, as it is unlikely that the plastered foundation will be harmonized with it.


  • Good vapor permeability.
  • Stability in front of liquids. The degree of moisture permeability depends on the type and number of special additives introduced into the plastering solution.
  • Withstands the temperature drops, its big values.
  • Easy to perform operations.
  • Good maintainability.
  • The possibility of imitation of various facing materials (for example, natural stone and a number of others). It all depends on the fantasy and professionalism of the master.
  • If you wish, you can regularly change the color design of the base regularly at relatively low cost.
  • Minimum costs for materials.


  • Insufficient strength and, as a result, a small operating period.
  • The need for frequent renewal of the paint coating (in the case of surface application).
  • Completeness of care. Mix the slices of the dirt fell pretty problematic - mostly, only "dry" cleaning. In terms of service, it is preferable to decorative plaster mixes, but they cost quite expensive.

Features of finishing

  1. It is first recommended to mount on the base, for example, polystyrene plates (extruded). It is simultaneously the base and warming up, and lines the surface.
  2. A grid (plaster) is attached to the base thus obtained.
  3. Coloring. Naturally, the applied composition must comply with all the necessary requirements (for example, moisture and frost resistance - read about the choice of paint here).
  4. On the issue of staining plaster there are contradictory recommendations. Someone advises to enter the coloring composition directly into the solution. The argument - even with the slightest damage, the monotony of the base will not break.

There is another opinion - to paint "on top", since such a processing is brused all the pores and prevent moisture penetration. But the question arises - what about steam permeability? If there is a basement, and even intensively used, the question is important.

Sidding panels

Naturally, it is not in mind not all commercially available, but only those that are intended for the base. By the way, they can be frozen and walls.


  • The strength and reliability of the facing. She protects the foundation well.
  • Care of difficulties does not represent - panels are easily clean.
  • The ability to quickly replace the damaged product.


  • The process is more laborious (read the article on the installation of siding).
  • This finish is more costly, as the cost of the framework of the frame (rail, fasteners) is added to the price of the panels.

Features of finishing

  1. Pre-installed the lamp. Since the decoration of the base is made outside the structure, it is desirable to use metal-plastic as a ridge, and not wood - it is susceptible to rotting.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all places of compounds, as well as correctly calculate and withstand the necessary gaps (in case of temperature deformation of products).

Stone (artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective, if you correctly choose the type of product (use, strength and so on).


  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home - we wrote about it here. This will slightly increase the work time, but will significantly reduce their total cost.
  • The variety of facing options (appearance).
  • Strength, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Small weight and simplicity of attachment. Artificial stone can be simply laid on the basis.


  • Works are carried out only with "plus" temperatures. This is determined by the properties of recommended adhesive compositions. It should be noted that with some you can work with "minus" on the street. But here arises a certain difficulty - how to correctly calculate the magnitude of the gaps between the products? Therefore, "winter" work requires a certain experience.
  • The process is quite painstaking and long, you need increased attention and accuracy.

Features of finishing

Much depends on what material is based on the imitation of natural stone. Practice shows that they independently fulfill such work - finishing - not everyone will be able. Most likely, you will have to pay someone's services.

It makes no sense to compare the materials at prices, they depend on so many factors that everything is simply impossible to take into account. You need not to forget the simple truth - you can not always put a sign of equality between the concepts of "cheap" and "quality".


Plastering the base is the most economical option that does not require the involvement of professionals. But if you allow financial opportunities, it is better to stay on the 2nd or 3rd versions.

  • If the house is erected on the pile foundation, then the carrier frame is pre-mounted, which is trimmed with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When counting the cost of work, it is necessary to watch not only the price of the material, but also take into account, in which the cost of installation costs will cost. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It is more reasonable to buy a product for finishing more expensive and durable than regularly to repair the cladding of the base and at the same time spending money again.

By facing the facades of the country house, it is worth thinking about the above-ground part of the foundation that originally looks like a simple concrete wall. It is just as ugly looks a lumen under the building erected on new-water screw piles. Hence the task of our article - to consider what materials the trim of the base of the private house is performed and what it is better to decide in certain conditions.

The role of the ground facing of a private house

We have already mentioned the improvement of external design using the outer finishing layer. But in addition to decorative, it performs other important functions:

  • extension of the service life of a concrete base by protection against moisture, direct sunlight and sharp temperature drops;
  • the covering assumes pollution and a variety of mechanical damage;
  • fencing reinforced concrete from damage to microorganisms - fungi and mold;
  • in the case of a pile foundation closes the clearance between the house and the earth, so that the wind does not walk on it.

Before separating the base outside, it must be insulated, these are the requirements of the construction norms. Thermal insulation is performed by polymeric water-repellent materials - foam, extruded polystyrene foam or by spraying foam polyurethane. After that, the layer of insulation is decorated outside the facing material.

Note. There are special thermopanels for finishing the base, having a heat-insulating layer, which will be said further.

  1. The whole foundation is subject to insulation - both overhead and underground part to the depth of the primer of the soil.
  2. If the construction of the house is completed, then it is necessary to make the heat insulation of the base with the scene, it is a cheaper option.
  3. It makes no sense to insulate alone, as the cold penetrates the building through the ground.
  4. External isolation can not be performed if the floors are warm throughout the cottage, although additional protection will be worth it.

Materials for finishing

There are quite a few options than can be separated by the private house:

  • smooth or embossed plaster;
  • natural or artificial stone, tile;
  • clinker and other decorative brick;
  • plastic or metal siding;
  • a variety of panels with thermal insulation layer without it.

Now consider each option in more detail.

Application of plaster

This is one of the inexpensive ways to finish the foundation, used in homes without special requirements for external design. In addition to low cost, plastering gives such advantages:

  1. A multiple layer is characterized by good vapor permeability, and therefore is successfully applied both on a concrete surface and on the polymer insulation.
  2. The simplicity of plastering work allows you to save more funds if you do everything with your own hands.
  3. This cladding can be quickly and cheap to decorate in any color and give different textures - from small "fur coats" to imitation of wild stone, as shown in the photo.
  4. Modern plaster without problems is cored in the desired color, which eliminates the painting work 1 time in 3-5 years.

Reference. Plastering technology is pretty simple. For example, the "fur coat" from the liquid solution is attracted by a thin layer on the moistened base, and the cored is superimposed and is resurrected by the rule. Imitation of natural stone is made by a manually mixture of thick consistency.

The negative side of plastering coatings is a limited life. From the effects of weather conditions and the difference in temperatures, it gradually sat down, goes with cracks and even chips. High-quality plastering will serve for about 5 years without problems, and after it needs periodic repairs. The moment is second: this method for obvious reasons is not applicable to buildings on pile foundations.

Stone cladding - pluses and cons

Such varieties of natural stone are used to enjoy the base part of the house:

  • seven;
  • limestone;
  • sandstone;
  • gray and black granite, marble;
  • labradorite.

So looks like a granite facing

Plannyak with polished or crusted edges, sliced \u200b\u200bfrom rocks, is able to serve during the entire life of the building. Such finishes for many years does not lose excellent appearance, and also does not require care and repair. This is the positive sides, but there are negative:

  1. High cost of treated natural stone.
  2. It will not be possible to bind the basement with your own hands, you will have to attract specialists, and these are additional costs.
  3. Due to decent weight, the material marks the foundation noticeably.

Imitation of sandstone

Give a cottage an elite appearance can also be for a lower price, if we separate the ground walls with artificial stone with fiber cement tiles or porcelain stoneware. They are produced on the basis of cement mixtures with various additives by casting in silicone forms and successfully imitate any rock formations. Artificial stone for durability is not inferior to natural, and weighs less. But for laying tiles per solution still requires experience and qualifications plus labor costs for surface alignment. All nuances are told in the video:

Reference. Some manufacturers (for example, brand "Canyon") offer products with metal brackets, fixed on self-drawing to a wooden frame or straight to the wall. So, if you wish, you can mount the base of the base yourself.

About brick masonry

The advantages of traditional facing with brick are well known to the homeowners who used this way. For durability and respectable appearance, masonry is practically not inferior to stone walls, but has the following features:

  1. To put the base of full-size brick, you need to arrange a reliable base for it. This will not be a problem if such a finish was provided for in advance and the width of the foundation tape allows you to build a wall in the Polkirpich on it. Another option is a device of a full-fledged unit associated with the base of the house by reinforcement.
  2. Brick cladding of the base makes it possible to organize an air layer or lay insulation into the wall.
  3. If you do not apply cheap silicate varieties, then the masonry will serve as good insulation.
  4. For the construction of a facing wall from decorative brands, laid out "in a wastelife", you will have to attract the masters - a bricklayer or to train yourself for a long time.

Note. To reduce the trim of the basement, instead of bricks you can apply clinker tiles. The technology of laying on the adhesive mixture is similar to a ceramic trim.

At the price of construction, this method wins the stone cladding, but it will cost more than the installation of artificial tiles. In addition, the protruding face wall will take a wide casting around the perimeter of the building.

Suding trim

Metallic and plastic basement siding can please each homeowner for both price and a variety of colors and textures. They are offered in the form of strips and panels of various shapes mounted on wood frame or steel profiles. In addition to affordable prices, the material has such advantages:

  1. The speed and simplicity of installation, thanks to which the owner is able to shelter the base of siding.
  2. Remarkable appearance of a private house.
  3. Since the facing is mounted on the subsystem, the insulation of the desired thickness is calmly laid.
  4. In the case of mechanical damage, spoiled elements are easy to replace.

Reference. Sometimes budget material is used as a siding - a wall straightener. It is equally well suited for decorating small country houses, arrangement of fences and light gates.

Cheap types of facing are not perfect. But the siding is not so many of the shortcomings:

  • vinyl sheathing is susceptible to burning, and the highest quality - melting from heating;
  • the polymer painting of metal panels and professional flooring quite quickly burns into the sun;
  • after 5-10 years (depending on the quality of the products) the appearance of the material is worsen;
  • siding must be periodically soaked from dust and dirt;
  • random mechanical damage leaves scratches on a painted metal, and plastic can break from the shock load.

Despite the mentioned cons, wall and base siding does not lose popularity. In addition, it is well suited to sew the cavity of the pilewood foundations. How to perform the installation correctly, read on another page, and with the process of the trim, you will get acquainted with the following video:

Advantages of finishing panels

Since the characteristics and method of installing plastic panels differ little from vinyl siding, we propose to pay attention to other types of products:

  • two-layer thermopanels, where the polystyrene insulation is glued to the base of artificial stone;
  • fibro-cement products by the type of Japanese lining from the Kmew brand.

The presented finishing materials for the base combine the positive sides of the stone and PVC panels plus have an acceptable cost. This is a long service life, a wonderful appearance and simplified installation using self-samples on or without sabs.

Thermopanels, imitating stone and brickwork, are equipped with a thermal insulating layer of foam or extrusion polystyrene foam. Fasteners are carried out through special counted holes, and almost seamless docking is provided by a perfect lock system. In the same way, fibro-cement panels that do not have insulation are installed. Learn more about the installation is described in the video:

Note. Both veneer varieties can be applied in houses installed on the pile foundation.

From the above, you can make such conclusions:

  1. In most cases, the choice of material depends on the magnitude of the budget allocated for construction. The exception is pile foundations where it is impossible to use the entire range of facing products.
  2. Even in the presence of funds, it is impractical to separate the ground ground marble, granite and other varieties of the not cheap fumes. There are substitutes - panels and clinker tiles, not inferior in appearance and deadlines, which cost cheaper and do not load the foundation.
  3. The use of decorative brick is justified when the width of the foundation tape is calculated under the masonry. In other cases, it is easier and cheaper to strip the base wall by any imitation of bricks.

Of the cheap options for the base, the panels and siding, made of non-combustible materials, are most suitable. The experience of modern construction shows that the burnout of the facades of the buildings happens because of the incorrectly selected trim of the base, polishing from the eye abandoned nearby.

  • Text is supplemented: 02/08/2017

The main part of the foundation of any house is hidden in the thickness of the Earth, but its part, called the basement, is located in the visibility zone. The basement is the top of the foundation and the lower part of the bearing walls of the building. In addition to decorative tasks, the base serves as the basis for the entire structure, protects the rooms at home from excessive moisture and minus temperatures. Facing work with their own hands on the finishing of the foundation of the house are designed to protect it from negative environmental impacts. Therefore, the choice of finishing material of the foundation should be founded not in appearance, but on its functional properties.

Private house trim

Finishing the base and its value

When building a private house or other building, it is necessary to take into account that the height of its base must be at least forty centimeters. Otherwise, to ensure reliable protection of the walls from the impact of moisture will be problematic.
For the construction of the ground floors, stone blocks, brick, monolith, there are also combinations of some materials. Of all the above materials, only stone elements of the structure do not need additional processing. The ground floor, made of stone, without problems takes on the weight of the walls and roof of the building. In addition, the appearance of the stone base itself is quite stylish and beautiful.
The upper part of the foundation, made of other materials, is generally separated by various materials. However, it should not be thought that facing works are carried out only with decorative goals. Facing the foundation of the private house serves even for its additional protection. Therefore, for the role of facing materials, the base of the house should be selected options with a sufficient margin of strength and wear resistance.

Stone base - Durable and spectacular

In other words, cladding for the foundation of the house should easily withstand sharp temperature changes, the effects of atmospheric precipitation and the climatic features of the region. For example, in seaside cities such a cladding should have increased resistance to humidity, and in Siberia and in the Polar, the resistance to low temperatures.

Ground floor and its varieties

The options for the unit of the base are not distinguished by a variety. There are only a few designs of the basement. The type of private houses is most common, where the base portion is erected on the same plane with carrier walls or stands for them. Although insulation this part of the house is much easier and more convenient if it is slightly recessed relative to wall surfaces. In the structure, where the basement is not provided for by the project, the foundation cladding performs the reference tasks, and reduces the soil pressure on the base.
To some extent, the work performed on the facing of the foundation of the house, contribute to its overall security. In the presence of a cellar or basement in the structure, the correct decoration of the base allows you to increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the basement.

Ground floor - Decor and finishing options

The building equipped with a basement or where the thickness of the walls does not provide a proper level of comfort, is equipped with a protruding basement. It is needed to minimize thermal losses in the building. Negative options include houses with relatively thin walls, where the base is at the same level. In this case, the appearance of condensate and moisture in the premises of the house is guaranteed.

Materials for cladding

Materials for cladding

The material for cladding the base, based on the requirements for it, must have the following qualities:

  • Reliable fixation of facing material to the main design, resistant to mechanical effects and increased wear resistance.
  • Provide minimum heat loss, i.e. possess low thermal conductivity.
  • Facing material should absorb water vapors from the environment. This quality (hygroscopicity) will prevent moisture penetration into the material of the foundation and walls.
  • Parry permeability. Couples must leave the room without difficulty.

The following finishing materials are complied with the specified requirements:

  • Fake diamond.
  • Congue siding.
  • Clinker tiles for the facade.
  • Plaster.

The selection of finishing elements should also be based on their combination with the material from which the base itself is made. For example, paint intended for a brick ground floor is not suitable for concrete design.

Clapping ground floor plaster

Plastering the basement, this is perhaps one of the cheapest and most simple ways to enjoy your own hands. However, such a material has a number of shortcomings: in shortness, the appearance leaves much to be desired, subject to mechanical damage. In addition, the plaster is not able to ensure sufficient protection of the basement from the effects of atmospheric precipitation.
However, mosaic plaster for the base allows you to bring its appearance to a decent level. Especially relevant will be decorative plaster produced on the basis of resins. Such a material will have some resistance to moisture. The base, covered by plaster, can be lined with a more durable material. Affordable and simple application technology on the basement of plaster made this type of foundation finish quite popular and common.

Stucco for the base - Easy and efficient finish

Ground Siding

Such facing material as siding panels, uses particular confidence from the owners who have decided to protect the base of the house with their own hands. Despite the fact that the shops and manufacturers offer an extensive assortment of finishing panels, the total demand is in the greatest demand. A similar material used to finish the foundation differs from wall panels not only with a special composition, but also production technology.
As a result, the siding panels can withstand low temperatures, mechanical damage. In addition, the siding panel is easily installed with their own hands, protect the ground floor from humidity and resistant to the effects of the sun and fire.

Clinker tiles in the role of facing material for socle

The basement of the residential building is often protected by clinker tiles, since, in addition to purely practical functions, it has a fairly attractive appearance.

Clinker tile - Laying with your own hands

Facing of this type imitates the wall laid out of clinker bricks. A distinctive feature of clinker tiles from the ordinary wall tile is its thickness. As a rule, experts stop their choice on samples with a thickness of not 1.5 centimeters. Such clinker panels ensure reliable protection of the foundation of the house from potential beats. In addition, some samples of clinker tiles are able to withstand exposure not to the environment, but also some chemical elements. Put such a tile, after a short workout, you can and with your own hands. However, the total cost of finishing, still requires significant cash costs, since the quality tile cheap does not happen.
The base, equipped with a natural stone, in the future practically does not require additional care. However, his price scares a lot of potential buyers. Artificial stone, having almost the same properties, is at times cheaper. Therefore, when finishing foundations, this facing material uses all the thickets and more often. Despite some difficulties, it is possible to bind the base of such material with your own hands. The main problems are associated with the fact that the artificial stone is hard enough.

Finishing the base under the stone with their own hands

There are several types of artificial stone used for facing the foundation of the building:

  • Artificial stone made of concrete. Such material is distinguished by resistance to weather and climatic conditions, mechanical damage, long service life and neat respectable appearance. The negative sides of this embodiment of the finishing material include high weight and, accordingly, complexity of the selection of glue.
  • Stone made of sand and polymers. Such an artificial stone is most reliably imitating natural, and at the same time does not lose himself in quality and functionality. The panels of this type are significantly lighter than artificial concrete slabs, but also retain all its positive qualities.

Manufacturers deliver a panel store shelves from such material that are between themselves like a mosaic (puzzles). Such a feature makes the installation of the facing with their own hands quite simple and intuitively understandable.
In the event that an artificial stone is used to claps a brick building base, there is a possibility of appearing on the wall of the heap or differently - this is white salt divorces. The reason for their occurrence lies in violation of the rules of storage, the material installation technologies or the use of an incorrectly cooked solution.

Artificial stone for the base - a wide palette of varieties

They need to be eliminated necessarily, otherwise poor-quality fixation of facing stone is possible. The cleaning of the wall section occurs in two stages, the metal brush is originally used, and then solutions based on chemical elements or alcohol.


On the general background of materials intended for finishing the outside of the base of the house, at the ratio of "price-quality", the artificial stone looks likely. However, even this option requires careful preparation. Under one article, it is difficult to consider all possible finishing materials. Therefore, when buying a material for cladding the base, the technical characteristics of the goods, methods and place of its application should be carefully studying. It will be worthwhile to shut down special literature and refer to the advice of specialists.
When using any finishing material for finishing the basement, the wall surface requires processing, to a greater or less. Facing the base, if necessary, can be protected with water-repellent solutions. Such a liquid is colorless and applied to the treated surface by means of a roller or brush.