Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a self-made pulverizer. How to make homemade paintopult: manufacturing stages. Directions in application

Painting, varnishing, coating with a limestone or chalk solution - these works on the decoration of rooms are carried out with the help of a collapse. But such a universal tool in those who took up repair may not be, but I don't want to spend on him. In this case, the paintopult is collected from infirred materials. Often it turns out better than purchased.

Kraspopult: functions, types, advantages

The paintopult is a device that acts under the pressure of the engine, pushing the liquid from the tank into the nozzle and spraying it to the surface. The one who keeps the universal tool in their hands is required only to direct the jet in the desired side.

Manual device with a capacity under the nozzle


Spraying device with ease adapt to perform the following tasks:

  • Staining of walls, radiators of heating, wooden furniture and roof;
  • Plays surface ceiling;
  • Varnishing items from wood;
  • Car body coatings with a solution that prevents metal damage;
  • Disinfection of various surfaces;
  • Watering and spraying of indoor or garden plants;
  • Room decoration through stencil;
  • The removal of old wallpaper or varnish (while water or solvent is sprayed on the wall).


The paintopults are classified according to the method of feeding the painting emulsion:

  1. Suction. A small container with a coloring substance is installed under the nozzle, inside which the feed tube is located. Also nozzle can cross the tube at right angles as close as possible to it. The jet of air throws out of the nozzle, and discharge occurs in the feed paint. As a result of this process, the coloring emulsion comes out of the tank and is absorbed by the feed tube. The paint captured by air flow sedates on the surface in the form of microscopic splashes. This spray technology is used when working as a self-made device based on the vacuum cleaner;
  2. Gravity feed. The paint is sprayed as in the previous spraying method. But the paint container is not installed under, but above the nozzle. So the liquid from the tank is in the spraying chamber due to gravity. The tank of such a device can be filled with thick coloring. The spray gun with the supply allows you to change the shape of the torch and the intensity of spraying, thereby possible control of the amount of spray paint. Such a tool enjoy in car workshops;
  3. Pressure supply. The air jet is sent to the tank itself with the coloring agent and displaces it with its pressure. Emulsion is thrown out of a nozzle having a specific form. The portion of the escaped paint can be quite large, so when using this collap function, it is recommended to reduce the degree of air pressure. This tool is easy to use, but needs a high-power compressor and a special tank for coloring agents that high pressure does not apply. Just like this device, the paint spray an aerosol can.

All listed types of paintopult can be made independently. The homemade sprayer is no worse than professional. It has the following advantages:

  • Splashes paint evenly and economically;
  • Does not need special care;
  • Among the cheap, unlike the device from the store.

Self-made gel handle device

The sprayer can be a device based on various primary items. Consider the popular ways to create a kraskopultum, among which there are simple and original options.

Kraskopult from the can

The device on the basis of an aerosol canopy is an option of an airless sprayer. It perfectly stains any surface.

To make such a paintopult, you need to take:

  • plastic bottle;
  • old chamber from bike;
  • empty spray;
  • pump to pump the wheel of a bicycle;
  • scissors;
  • hoven for metal;
  • glue for rubber products.

The spray crash is mastered by the following scheme:

  • From the camera from the bike, nipple with a cover equal to 3 cm diameter;
  • Create a hole in a liter bottle (you can take the capacity with a volume of 1, 5 liters);
  • The glue to the inner walls of the bottle is attached to nipple, which will play the role of the injection valve;
  • From the aerosol, the device splashing paint is carefully cut;

Removing from the splashing element

For this, not every balloon will suit. The diameter of its mechanism should not differ from the size of the plastic container.

  • Fold "Cold welding" glue on a bottle tube and attach the valve to this place. The compound must be strong in order not to disrupt the tightness of the device that functions under strong pressure;
  • Waiting for the glue hardened, and try the paint spray in action. For this use exclusively water.

The finished homemade paintopult is used in the same way as a reusable aerosol cartridge.

In such a device, you can only use the paint of liquid consistency. Before pouring in a bottle of coloring agent, it must be filtered.

Video: how to make a spray crawle

Sprayer from Flomaster

The proposed version of the creast creation is based on the use of a sprayer part (for spraying potted colors) and the shell of dried marker. This sprayer is best used to cover paint clay and wooden surfaces.

For the manufacture of collapral, you will need only the housing from the felt-meter

In the process of manufacturing a sprayer from a marker, you will need:

  • a small plastic container;

This container can replace the jar in which there used to be gouache or a photograph was kept. Well, if these containers are not lost a lid, which will serve as protection against accidental pouring of the coloring agent.

  • several pieces of plastic tubes (for example, from dropper), whose diameter is 4 mm;
  • glue;
  • household sprayer;
  • stationery knife;
  • drill;
  • marker.

In the manufacture of the sprayer from the marker, you must follow the instructions:

  1. With the help of a drill to do two holes of 4 mm in the bottom of the plastic container. The lumens must be closer to the edges of the bottle, opposite each other;
  2. Turn in the holes trimming the plastic tube and arrange them so that one almost touch the bottom, and the other descended just below the lid. Both trim needs to be fixed in its position by glue. The edges of the tubes outside the jar should be located at one level;
  3. Remove the protective body from the sprayer to spray the plants and remove the main mechanism - the cylindrical channel with the nozzle (using the stationery knife);
  4. Drill a hole in the mechanism and consolidate a part of the plastic tube, lubricating the base with glue;
  5. Disassemble a marker, leaving one housing for the manufacture of the device. The pointed edge of this detail must be cut off the stationery knife;
  6. Drill on one face of the shell from the marker two small holes. One should be almost at the end of the detail, and the other in the middle.

The axis of the holes made should be placed at an angle of 10 degrees to the felt-meter sheath. Therefore, first the holes are made by holding a drill in perpendicular position. A little later, he is tilted closer to the body from the marker.

Now you can collect a tool for spraying paints from ready-made parts:

  • A bottle for the coloring composition must be connected to the part from the marker using the usual glue. The plastic cylinder must be installed between the glued tubes, at the same distance from them;
  • Spray nozzle for spraying colors It is necessary to load inside the felt-meter from the thick end side;
  • It is necessary to cut off a small part from a soft rubber tube and combine it with a tube, the edge of which hits the bottom, with a hole in the nozzle;
  • Another segment of the rubber hose must be installed on the tube supplying the air (pasted into the nozzle), and stretch it to the opposite side of the collapse as opposed to it;
  • It is necessary to separate a small part from the rubber tube again and put it on the tube in the container, the edge of which does not get to the paint. This trimming of the rubber tube should be sent to the side of the case opposite from the nozzle.

Video Tutorial for the manufacture of such a device

Device from vacuum cleaner

The use of a vacuum cleaner as the main element of the painting significantly facilitates the work process. Such ankopult can be painted large areas.

In addition to the vacuum cleaner hose, it will take:

  • glass or plastic container;

It is important that the neck of the selected bottle makes at least 3 cm in diameter.

  • tube made of copper or aluminum (required thickness - 4 mm, length 20 cm);
  • plug;
  • brass tube;
  • a piece of metal (steel).

Paint sprayed with hose

Armed with everything necessary, you can proceed to the process of creating a collapse:

  1. You need to bend a tube of aluminum or copper and attach it to the vacuum cleaner hose;
  2. It is necessary to pull out the tip from the pipe, which will play the role of the nozzle. To do this, you can take a pipe from brass;
  3. Then you need to take the nest from the plug connector and turn into it a thin tube (2 mm);
  4. Under this nest must create a bracket with a notch. For this purpose, steel fits;
  5. It remains to clean one edge of the tube and bring it with a cone.

All manufactured items need to be combined with a bottle. The tube necessary to suck the air flow must be fixed in the correct position. This element of the design should be placed in one axis with a nozzle. Then the tube should be glued to the jack, tightening the nut.

Video on the use of a vacuum cleaner for painting walls

Camera fixture

If you plan to paint a small area, for example, a car body, you can build a paintopult from the old car chamber. She will serve as a receiver, that is, a vessel for the accumulation of air.

This device for spraying paint, except for the car chamber, is collected from:

  • car pump;
  • pressure gauge;
  • nipple from another old chamber;
  • two fittings.

A car chamber, taken to create an ink, must be a whole, deprived of holes. This is important because it will be under strong air pressure.

In the manufacture of paint collapse from the car chamber, the following items must be performed:

Video about the work of the homemade airbrush

Copling with the creation of the device, you can move to the process of painting walls or any other surfaces. And in order to improve and speed up this work, you should listen to the recommendations of professionals:

  • Spraying the coloring agent, it is impossible to direct a jet for the same place for a long time. It is fraught with a thick coating;
  • During the staining of the surface of the paintopult, you need to keep straight. If you break this rule, then the paint will go too much;
  • The painted area will cover the perfectly smooth layer when moving the device in a circle;
  • The second layer of the coloring substance is applied only after the absolute drying of the first;
  • Starting painting, prepare the painted surface - clean it from dust and dirt.

Creating a homemade paint spraying device is not a two-minute business, but a rather labor-intensive process, in which it is important not to be mistaken in the sequence of actions. But you will receive a device for free, the mechanism of which is not worse than the spray gun selling in the store.

For those who are often engaged in such a process as the surface painting, an indispensable assistant is a device called spray. The product, painted with its help, acquires a better and uniform coating. Especially helps when painting the surface of a large area, eliminating the appearance of smears and flutters. At the same time, it is not necessary to acquire the device in the store. There are several ways to make paintopult with your own hands. It is about homemade pulverizers that will be discussed further.

Getting Started with your own hands, we note the main advantages of applying an airbrush in front of manual staining. These include:

  • more qualitative and uniform staining;
  • eliminated the appearance on the surface of foreign objects, for example, a pile or bristles;
  • acceleration of the staining process.

Directions in which you can use the self-made sprayer:

  • for staining of furniture products, wooden structures;
  • for painting of the car and other metal surfaces;
  • for whitewashing lime ceilings and walls.

Types of kraskopult

Before making a pulverizer with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with its views and features. In principle, there are several of their varieties:

Directions in application

Each of them is used for certain purposes. Here is a brief description:

  • The optimal option for newbies is a manual device. It is not bad for more experienced masters. Although it should be noted that the surface will not be perfect, but better than painted with a brush.
  • Pneumatic equipment supplies paint by compressed air. Painting with such a device is performed at industrial enterprises when working, both with small products and with large areas.
  • It is very convenient in work is a paintopult with an airless system that provides paint spraying. Its essence is that in the process of staining due to the pressure difference, the stream of paint is slowed down, in contrast to a pneumatic sprayer. This provides certain advantages:
  1. increases the savings of the coloring substance;
  2. allows you to accelerate the execution of work;
  3. easy use.

Important! When using airless paint collapse as a result, we get a very thin layer of paint, which is a disadvantage of this unit.

Instructions for the manufacture of spray mechanisms

We proceed to consider the options for making paint sprayers with your own hands. When showing up and persistence, you can get the device not worse than factory, and without spending too big money on the details. So, the self-made spray gun can be performed in several ways.

Sprayed paint paint parts

For the manufacture of the pulverizer, with your own hands from the materials that are almost in every home, it is possible according to the following algorithm:

  • History for filling the paint can be any bottle that has a rather wide neck.
  • Next, in line with the sizes of the neck of polystyrene foam with high density, the part is cut out. For ease of use and to ensure the desired pressure during the functioning of a homemade pulverizer, dimensions must be increased by several millimeters.
  • We proceed to the arrangement of the holes in the details of the foam. There must be two. The first is strictly vertically, the other is horizontally, in such a way that they intersect.

Important! We pay attention to the fact that the holes must be drilled, despite the foam foam. In the case of a simple puncture, it may be possible to break the tightness and use of the sprayer to the destination will be simply impossible.

  • Next, take the usual helium handle, the rod of which is released from the contents and have parts in this way: the rod from the handle is used to the vertical hole, and its housing is in horizontal.
  • At the final stage, we connect the details of the minikrasopult ready to use.

Made in this way Mini crawle can be adjusted. To do this, it is necessary to simply shift the details of the handle relative to each other. It is possible to use it for applying the paint surface to the painted surface or imitate the different texture.

Tip! In order to extend the service life of a mini collapse with their own hands, you can replace the parts of the handle with metal shelters of similar diametrical sections.

In the video: a way to make asks.

Using an aerosol can

The following option in question, which will solve the problem, how to make a paintopult with their own hands from a simple aerosol cylinder. As a result, we get a simple hand home sprayer. Pre-prepare all the necessary details:

    • plastic bottle;
    • camera for a bike wheel;
    • pump for bike;
    • directly an aerosol cylinder from any perfumery used.

On video: option to create a kraskopultum.

How to make a homemade sprayer of this type will prompt the following instruction:

  • Remove nipple from the bike tire. We try to form the base of nipple with a diameter of at least 3 cm.
  • In the plastic container, the hole is made and the nipple is fixed on the inside. It plays the role of a pump that will provide air pressure.
  • A sprayer is removed from the aerosol cylinder. For this use hacksaw.

Important! The diametrical cross section of the can is coincided with the dimensions of the plastic bottle.

  • Using cold welding, brapping sprayer to a bottle cap. It is necessary to ensure a high degree of compound tightness.

Making a pulverizer with your own hands on this method will allow to obtain an analogue of airless paint. It can be pouring both paint and a water-emulsion and limestroke.

Application of vacuum cleaner

When packed, staining the walls or ceiling surfaces of large sizes, the use of sprayers presented above is problematic. We will try to answer the question of how to make a paintopult at home more powerful. In this case, it is necessary to create a mechanism with automatic air intake. You can make a sprayer of this type with a vacuum cleaner or compressor part from the refrigerator. The vacuum cleaners of the old type of production are best suited for these purposes. It can be easily attached to the hose, both on the yield of air and on the entrance. Such a device, boldly determine the water-based paint or limestone-based solution. Powder formulations will not fit.

In the photo: the drawing of the collapse with the use of a vacuum cleaner.

We provide instructions how to make a pulverizer from a vacuum cleaner:

    • We determine the direction of thrust by changing the position of the terminals at the starter and the rotor.
    • We select plastic or glass container with a rather wide neck, not less than 50 mm. The volume of dishes should be about 2 liters.
    • We draw the cork for the container from the foam in accordance with the diametrical cross section of the tank neck. The cork should have a small protrusion, into the lower part of which the case is inserted from the handle or part of the tube from the dropper.
    • In the traffic jam, two holes are drove down. One thing is intended for the receipt of lime, and the second for the supply of compressed air.
    • It is necessary to think about the additional hole, which will ensure air intake in the container, and with a decrease in the amount of lime, will provide air cutting.
    • Then we manufacture another plug out of the polyfoam of large sizes. Its purpose is to combine collapse and hose for a vacuum cleaner.

On the video: an example of a homemade spray gun from a vacuum cleaner.

Main nuances of sprayer use

In order to be able to properly use the sprayer itself, it is necessary to listen to the main recommendations to those skilled in the art:

  • Performing paint or lime solutions spraying, should not be lingering in one place. This is fraught with a thicker layer than necessary. It is better to withstand the same temporary segments to ensure a uniform staining layer.
  • Place the rod from which the paint enters it is necessary to be strictly perpendicular to the surface of the surface.
  • Circular movements of the paintopult will also allow paint evenly placed on the surface.
  • If the paint is applied into several layers, then each subsequent must be applied after complete drying of the previous one.
  • An important role is played by preliminary preparation of the surface in the surface.

The process of manufacturing the sprayer with their own hands is quite time-consuming, to which should be suitable with full responsibility. The homemade paintopult will significantly save money and get a qualitatively painted surface, and, it is important, to save on the lacquer solutions. After all, when working with a pulverizer, the material consumption is significantly reduced.

Collecture Creation Tips (2 VIDEO)

Different types of paintopults (40 photos)

How to make a paintopult with your own hands. Is it possible to make such a paintopult?

Record since 2011. Periodically changed.
Now, in 2016, they returned to her again. Fix long, part of the video is lost, but at the end of the record laid out a link to the page, where I will deal with the details.

2011, etc.
Three years ago would write that it would be possible and it makes sense, and now there is a reason to write differently.
There is absolutely no sense to do this, now there are inexpensive ready-made paint splashes, which will significantly simplify the entire process of amateur painting. The only minus has a purchased spray gun - it will still need a comprassor, and more powerful than to pump the wheels. Now such a time is that everything is sold and everything is relatively inexpensive.

Probably it is the purchase of a compressor for a single painting and stops many. More to the compressor will need hoses and naturally electricity. Kraspopult must be bought, the compressor should also be bought, etc. Then it appears again the thought is not spent and do "with your own means."

If there is such an approach (not spent), then it is not worth anyone and not to discourage. It is because of the reason that we call, "one-time painting".
If you do not want to spend money - make the likeness of the collapse. Then you will not need electricity, a garage, a powerful compressor with pressure garages and hoses.

There is another entry on this topic, but a little differently named. The recording is even better gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthis "paintopult".

From this video, you can understand that such a device can even paint a large, door, wing. Personally, I can do it. But this does not mean that it can also do it easily and the first time.
It is still necessary to understand what to paint with spraying, and not painting with a brush. This is not the same thing.
It is possible to take off "in spraying". The main thing at the first stage of "Studies" to avoid herds. And for this you do not need to "pour paint" to the surface.
It is more likely to make sense in the other - it is necessary to fill the part to fill the desired layer of paint, and to achieve a state so that the item is only a slave. And repeat this process (after 15 minutes) two, and better three times. It will get painting in two or three layers.
It makes no sense to pour a lot of paints in one pass or the so-called layer (... Once again it is necessary to repeat separately only that she picks up)
Another attempt to dissuade from homemade collapse.
But. Then most interesting. If you do not have a problem with electricity, there is a desire and the ability to achieve minimally (in the amount of 6-8 tr) or more), then it is not necessary to think not about the homemade paintopulum, not a homemade airbrush, not about the homemade compressor. These experiments have long gone to the past, it was before there were problems with their acquisition. Do not hope for a miracle. You yourself do not do anything good (at least not invention).
A simple example - you can wisely wise over a homemade compressor for a long time, and you can buy "semi-finished" for 2-4 tr.
Those. Buy from it the most important part is the engine and compressor. Besides, it remains wheels from the compressor, pressure gauges, Rexiver.
Buy the engine compressor can be used in Auchan. Where the finished compressor is sold, the engine is for sale to it. And then "improve" design as you like. Most likely, spend again and you will lose time again.
As a residue, you can really use any tank (for example, a balloon from car gas equipment). Only again the question - do you need it? It is better to sneak and buy any ready-made cheap compressor, with a pressure gauge, etc.

Further deleted too much ...

.... It should be deepened. We all need to replace the use of the paint spray (the initial level of the user with homemade paint clock) or sometimes paint the entire part entirely. With the calculation that we repain it in a year on the service (or someday later), and may not be repainted at all. There are cars that do not at all apply for the service. For such use of homemade collapse - a simple solution to all problems.

Why he is better and more economical cartridge.

In the cartridge, the paint ends very quickly. And there is another nuance.
Probably noticed that the column of paint from the spray often does not match the shade with his native paint. Different manufacturers get different shades of paint.
Buy immediately the jar of your native color. Check by the firm of flowers - choose the company or Mobil, or Vika, or Sickens or what else. But we have a good spray, we have a good Motype firm and shades in its paint are the most diverse.
What is the difference of spray and paints from banks:
1. Paint in the cannters is always on nitro-based. That is, it is washed or shutters with a solvent or just time.
It has no hardener, which is usually used and makes paint more resistant to environmental impacts. There is no hardener because otherwise it would not be kept for a long time in the balloon.
A hardener is always given to normal paint or lacquer.
2. The paint in the canopy is always very liquid, otherwise it will not fly out of the cannon in the cold time, when there is no normal temperature of 12-20 degrees of heat.
3. Paints in the painting can always have a lot. I believe that 2-3-4 cartridges on the hood and 1-1.5-2 per ordinary part, this is to ensure that the item has shine and deep color.
If you just give the details of the color ("Watch", then of course it is enough.
4. The advantage of the canister is simplicity. More advantages do not seem to be. Who tried, he understood that it was still not very good and expensive (there is no controversial question - there is already professional). Caller in the store costs 180-300 rubles. and 400-600 rubles refilled on the company).
5. Litter thick paint in the bank we have 600-1000r. This is a volume of 7-10 (and maybe more - no one checked) the cans. And the paint in the bank is given separately a hardener.
There was a case when I tried to paint a brilliant with a brilliant, in two layers of a Muscovite hood 41. The five cannons were not enough for me (and the benefit of the cans were gift, otherwise we get quite unreasonable costs).

Homemade paintopult can work from:
1. Hand pump
2. Patched wheel
3. From the compressor of any minimum power (mustang and other) (it is necessary to have a pressure of 1.5-2 atm).
Why it is interesting as a thing that is convenient for use:
1. Do not need a compressor (and electricity too).
2. can be done yourself
3. There is no need to buy spanish sprinklers
4. It is complete with a manual pump an autumn and this is probably the main thing too.
You can paint around the house, or leaving "on nature."
5. All "components" are sold or already in the garage. Their description is in the video.
Personally, I myself very rarely connect it to the compressor, because I have ordinary, normal paintopults for work. But on the video showed that the homemade paintopult can be connected and to any compressor.

We watched the record. She was previously more prolonged, now it is an announcement. In the closed record there is now "parsing flights". Based on what they saw, as well as all this record is entirely.
1. What is "not so" when painting door lining and threshold (black paint)
2. What is "not so" when painting a part of the surface (blue paint)
3. What "Not so" was when painting a hatch.
What to make adjustments to.
Next, reference to download the instructions for self-making and use such a paint device.
Video recording for 15 minutes. The cost is small.
For comparison, the cost of the cerebral can be started with 200-cell rubles. Paint in it with time dries and the canoe disappears. Here, buying a liter of paint, you can paint two or three details and even more. Its flow rate is lower than through the paint gun or the canister.


And to start and try, indeed, more practical with a small painting. For example, with mirrors on a car or even your bike. With a bicycle frame, everything is simple, it is possible to exercise with different colors of the base and do only to a manual (but large) pump.

The result of painting with such a device may turn out the first time.
Bicycle, precisely paint each.
Where is the bike, there and painting for cars.

The pulverizer is an indispensable thing for household. Paint a car, make repairs, whiten the trees are much simpler if there is a sprayer at hand. Pneumatic splits on the smallest particles under the action of air. The electric pulverizer works without using air - the coloring agent with force is thrown out pressure, which creates an electric motor. If at home did not turn out to be a sprayer, then you can make the paintopult yourself, while simple models require only 15-20 minutes of time to manufacture.
To make a paintopult with your own hands, a sprayer will be required and a little time.

Production of kraskopulture

Collect the paint pulverizer can be made of girlfriend. Depending on the model selected, you will need a plastic bottle or ballpoint, vacuum cleaner or, an empty canister from deodorant. For different purposes, the sprayer variant is selected. The homemade work of which is used its own breathing, is suitable for painting small surfaces. To gather quality with your own hands, you have to use more complex models. Let's start the manufacture of sprayers with simple designs, gradually complicating the process.

Option number 1: Production of sprayer from ballpoint handles

Manual pulverizer from ordinary handle is used for painting small details. Spray quality depends on assembly accuracy. For this model you will need:

  • Ballpoint pen and rod from it
  • Painting Capacity - Bottle or Glass Jar with Wide Torn
  • Wine plug
  • Syringe
  • Glue, alcohol, toothpick

To assemble a pulverizer with your own hands, you need to disassemble the ball handle and cut off the narrowed end of the case - it will increase the diameter of the hole. From the rod, the syringe blows out pasta, then the tube is washed with alcohol. The spout of the syringe is heated and expands the toothpick.

Corner cuts from a wine plug - about a quarter. In the center of the base of the plug and in the cover of the bottle, the holes are drilled by the same diameter as the rod. Perpendicular to this hole in the thin wall of the plug horizontally drilled holes under the body of the handle. The empty rod and the handle housing are inserted into the holes and are removed perpendicular to the minimum gap.

The rod is inserted into the bottle cover on which the plug is glued. Little paintopult is ready - now you only need to blow into the housing of the handle, so that paint spray began. All the car does not repaint this device, but the point painting will be rapid and economical.

"Mini spray guns for painting cars can be done using a wooden bar, textolite, foam and even plasticine instead of wine cork, textolite, foam and even plasticine, if there is nothing at all at all"

Option number 2: Making a pulverizer with a pistol

In order for the sprayer to be more convenient to keep, a gun is manufactured. You can use the usual faeer. The tube with a diameter of 4 mm M-shaped bends. One end of her end is connected to the vacuum cleaner, a carving is made to be pulled out. In one billet from plywood in the form of a gun, a recess under the tube is made, the second remains flat. So the handle is going.

A tube with a diameter of 2 mm through an adapter is inserted into the glass container. You can take a plug brass nest. A tank holder is cut out of sheet steel - a bracket with ears for attaching to a gun and a hole under the neck jar. Another homemade paint paint for painting cars is ready.

Option number 3: Making a plastic bottle sprayer

This manual paintopult for the car is made of a plastic bottle with the possibility of injection of air pressure by the pump. It is necessary to prepare some details and tools in advance:

  1. Plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters or more
  2. Automobile Nipple
  3. Old aerosol paint spray
  4. Glue, auto-drive
  5. Pump

Make the paintopult at home from these materials as follows:

  • Cut from the sprinkler from the balloon so that only the sprayer for the spray with the paint and the tube from it
  • In the bottle cover, do the hole for the tube
  • At a distance of 3 cm from the tube, burn the hole for the car nipple and insert it from the inside. Hole make a car service
  • Pour the leaky paint, tighten the spray cover

Kraspopult for painting cars with your own hands is ready. It remains only to connect it to the pump and pump air - it is enough to make 10 movements. When using a manual pulverizer, it is necessary to load paint as carefully as possible so that the sprayer does not clog.

Option number 4: Production of a spray gun from an aerosol can

In order to make a paintopult from the spray with your own hands, there is nothing complicated. The most important thing is to comply with security.

Method A.

You will need:

  • Seamless canister from a deodorant with a spray gun protruding pin
  • Syringe
  • Vinyl tube with a diameter with spout of a syringe

Several simple manipulations will help you independently make a can of paint.

  1. Remove the plastic top from the deodorant
  2. Put the vinyl tube on the spout of the syringe
  3. Cut the vinylike so that it will half put on the sprayer sticking out of the balloon - the valve must be freely entering
  4. Painting Paints in the Cleancher is made at the rate of not more than 1/2 of the aerosol
  5. Without removing the vinyl tube from the syringe, type them paint
  6. Put the sprinkler on a solid surface, put the free end of the vinage on the valve, press it with the spout of the syringe and pour the liquid - this is the way you can fade the paint the balloon faster, repeating the procedure several times

Now it is necessary to create pressure inside the canister, that is, to download air into it.

Before downloading the air, be sure to place the cylinder into the bag of tight fabric - in case of rupture, all the contents will remain in the bag, and the hands will not be filled.

There is no more than 3 atmospheres in the sprinkler. As an adapter, a protective tip from the needle of the syringe is used. Pressing the valve in the canister, you will open air access from the compressor. If the process goes normally, the paint inside will begin bud. In the extreme case, you can pump air with a syringe, but it will take a lot of time.

It remains only to wear a button from the valve. In order for the hands when working clean, you can purchase a special nozzle - a gun for a can with paint.

Method B.

If the sprayer is selected for the sprayer, there is no protruding valve, then it is possible to fix the paint can be as follows. This will require:

  • Ball pumping needle
  • Purified from Pasta Rod Pens (diameter 3 mm)
  • Big Syringe
  • Paints Cylinder without a pine sprayer
  • Pump or compressor

To fix the aerosol can with your own hands, cut off the rod 2 cm, put on the needle for pumping the ball - the device will need to be injected into the air balloon. At the syringe, set a piece from the rod at 3 cm. Take a button from the can, remove the rubber seal from it, which is in spraying site. Squeeze the button back to the balloon, insert the syringe into the hole with the right-handed paint, click on the button and drive the paint into the balloon. Insert the needle to the same hole with the adapter from the rod, press the button, download the air. Paint volume - 50%, air pressure - no more than 3 atmospheres.

Method C - Production of a Reusable Caller

To make a pulverizer with your own hands of reusable use of the canister with the possibility of fast air swap, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Paint cartridge
  • Automobile Nipple
  • Soldering iron, hammer, piece of wooden bar

The essence of this design is to insert nipple in the bottom of the canopy. Make a paint sprayer at home this type as follows:

  1. Clean the nipple from rubber
  2. Make the bottom of the balloon in the center and nipple
  3. Drill in the bottom hole with a diameter with nipple
  4. Gently learn nipple into the hole through the wood, so as not to damage the edge, take it
  5. Pour the solvent for cleaning to the balloon, place it in a tight bag of fabric, download air through nipple - no more than 3 atmospheres and test the sprayer

This is manufactured by a reusable paint spray, which is used to apply painting compositions.

Option number 5: Production of a sprayer with a compressor

Long blow into the tube from the handle to paint the car detail, is very difficult. It is better to make an electric paintopult with your own hands with an automatic air supply. For its manufacture, a vacuum cleaner is suitable or a compressor from the old refrigerator.

Method A - The use of a vacuum cleaner

If a Soviet vacuum cleaner remained in the farm, then the function of blowing air he already has. You can make a pulverizer with your own hands from the vacuum cleaner like this:

  1. Remove the filters from the vacuum cleaner, thoroughly clean it dust
  2. Connections Wrap a scotch tape to reduce air leakage, and therefore make pressure constant
  3. Connect the hose to blow out with the paintopult

If the vacuum cleaner does not have a blowback function, then you can get it, not the touch of the internal apparatus. To do this, take a dense polyethylene garbage bag size with a vacuum cleaner, find another hose. Make a pulverizer with a compressor as follows:

  • Remove the dust collector
  • Put on the vacuum cleaner plastic bag and tightly clutch scotch the edges of the bag around the place where the hose goes
  • In the opposite corner, make a small hole, insert the second hose in it, tightly wrap the place of connection with scotch tape
  • Make a hole for the wire, wrap it with scotch

This vacuum cleaner has a native hose sucks air, and it blows it up.

Fashion B - using a refrigerator compressor

Since the operation of the compressor is intermittent, then the manufacture of the receiver will be required. It will extinguish pressure drops. You can make it from:

  1. Empty fire extinguisher with a volume of 5 l
  2. Empty gas cylinder
  3. Car wheel
  4. Two pipes simultaneously serving support for compressor

Using the compressor from the refrigerator you can make high-quality paintopult

Each of these receivers levels the pressure of the air and evenly serves it on the paintopult. Consider how to make a receiver from a car wheel:

  • Take a stamped tubeless wheel
  • Install the extra nipples in it
  • Connect the compressor through the nipple with the nipple
  • Make a hose on the sprayer through the nipple without nipple

For painting cars with a compressor from a refrigerator and a receiver will help to paint separate parts of the machine.

Extra accessories

Making paintopult and working with it, you need to follow safety. For example, the respirator can be made with your own hands. Also very convenient will be the stand under the sprayer.

Making a respirator

To make a respirator at home, you will need the following materials:

  1. Large plastic bottle with flat bottom
  2. Plastic tube (5-6 cm), which can be put on a bottle of neck
  3. Cork that can be from the inside to plug up
  4. Wat, Marley
  5. Activated Coal - 4 Tablets
  6. Termocles, scissors, lighter

Production Stages:

  • Cut from the bottom of the bottle a piece of 13-15 cm, drill in the bottom of a lot of holes, make a curly cutout for the nose on the slice. Out of the edge of the lighter. Enter the design to be comfortable
  • Cut from the top of the neck and two centimeters of the bottle - it will be a lid for the bottom. Spray it in diameter with glue and touch on the bottom with holes
  • Through the neck insert the cotton to close the holes
  • Squeeze the plug, insert it into the tube. When the glue dries, drill more holes in a traffic jam
  • Place a folded gauze on the inner side, pour the crushed 2 coal tablets, cover with cotton. Pour another 2 coal tablets, close the folded gauze. Try how breathing
  • Skip the tube with a filter on the neck of the bottle, stick
  • Watch all the joints with tape, make fastening gum

Production of the holder for collapse

The simplest stand for the collapse is made with their own hands from a plywood sheet with a thickness of 10 mm. Square 25 * 25 cm is cut from it, in which the circle is cut with a diameter slightly less than that of the tank below the paint. In the groove, sucking from the edge of the workpiece to the hole, the gun is inserted. The stand is installed on the legs. Their height is selected so that the hose place remains.

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Sprayers for paint are manufactured at home from various remedies. The use of such tools is associated with a risk for health, so it is necessary to do and apply them in compliance with safety. The quality of the result during painting often depends on the accuracy of the assembly of a particular model.

To put the paint with a smooth layer, it is required to use a pulverizer. This device can be purchased in a specialized store. The cost of this equipment is high. Therefore, many are solved on the manufacture of a pulverizer with their own hands. For this, different primary means apply. On the ways to create an opposite will be discussed.

Features of the product

The paint sprayer with your own hands for a car or repair can be made from different subwoofers. This device is an arcopult that is used in the process of staining of different surfaces.

The hand pulverizer is sometimes used for watering room plants. More powerful varieties are suitable for dyeing different surfaces. This equipment allows you to apply a homogeneous layer of paint. The spraying method is very convenient. As a result, it turns out to be treated with different surfaces quickly, and the result will be high.

The pulverizer is suitable for paints and varnishes, as well as funds on a water-chalk or water-lime basis. There are several popular ways to create a spray collapse. There will be different primary means. You can choose the best option.

Normal handle

How to make a pulverizer with your own hands? There are several options for such structures. One of the easiest ways is the use of ballpoint pen. This is the most primitive design. It can be collected in just 30 minutes.

The principle of operation of such a device is simple. Man blows in handle body tube. Through it, on the other hand, the splashes of paints are broken out. Blow out the material is needed with high intensity. If it is sluggish, the paint drops will not evenly spread over the surface. Before starting work, it is possible to practice.

To make such a paintopult, you will need to be purchased:

  • conventional gel handle,
  • the container in which the paint will be poured,
  • needle from an ordinary syringe.

You can use a small bottle as a container. It should be with a lid. The needle is better to prepare not alone, but a few. They can break in the process of operation of the device.

Assembling model

Creating a small sprayer for painting with your own hands, you need to perform several consecutive actions. First you need to prepare a bottle cover. It cut the hole with a width as the rod gel handle.

The cutting hole will be installed tube. It is necessary to disassemble the gel handle. The cork will be its rod. The handle housing will be supplied to it. For this, a medical needle was needed. It is put on a wide end on the rod gel handle. The needle is introduced into the handle housing. Her tip must go out with his fine side.

You need to properly prepare all the components. After breaking the handle, it takes out a rod with paint. His spout is cut. Contents need to be removed. For this apply alcohol. This procedure is made carefully, otherwise the dye will be on the clothes, interior items, etc. The housing and the rod are combined with a needle.

Application of a pulverizer

To adjust the jet, you need to adjust the position of the rod and the handle housing. The jet pressure depends only on the strength with which the master blows into the bottle. So the homemade pulverizer works. With your own hands to assemble it easy. However, the texture of paint will not be fine and homogeneous. It will consist of separate droplets.

This option is suitable for those surfaces for which a high degree of evenness is not important. As a result of this processing, an interesting texture is obtained. It consists of a variety of drops. This allows you to create a specific visual effect. The quality of work affects the master's experience. Therefore, before starting the surface processing, you need to practice.

Model models

The pulverizer with your own hands for water or paint can be made according to the described scheme, but with some modifications. In this case, the instrument will be able to perform a thinner, accurate work. To do this, perform a number of refinement.

In the lid of the bottle make another hole. Another rod from another gel handle is inserted into it (it must be prepared in the same way as before). Only its diameter and length should be less. It takes into account when choosing a handle. Such an action allows you to increase the pressure in the bottle. As a result, you can blow more paint, taking less effort.

A second needle is introduced into the handle housing. It connects with the second rod. Next, you can practice paint. The actions of the wizard will be the same. But now the coating will be better. To adjust the jet, you need to move the rod that gives paint.

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

Make a pulverizer for painting with your own hands on the proposed scheme simply. Almost everyone will cope with this task. The advantage of the model is the possibility of its improvements. If necessary, the compressor hose or manual tool is connected to this design (for example, cycling tire pump). In this case, it will be easier to work.

The disadvantage of the model is its limited range of applications. A drawing that forms paint may not fit the existing interior style or object form. Therefore, before starting work, the tool must be tested at the training surface. It is also worth considering that this model is suitable for thick paint. Blooming this way will be difficult to apply.

If the capacitance does not have a lid, it can be made from the girlfriend. If the paint is water based, the usual foam is suitable for these purposes. If the composition includes chemical dyes, you need to make a plug for tank from rubber or other similar material. It will not collapse under the influence of the solvent.

Aerosol canister

There are several more options how to make a paint sprayer with your own hands. Simple design can be made from a conventional aerosol can. It is suitable for applying water paint.

To collect such a pulverizer, you will need to prepare a bike chamber, a plastic bottle, a regular can, for example, from a deodorant, and a manual or foot pump. The second option is more convenient. It will be possible to work with the balloon with two hands.

The design is assembled according to a specific scheme. Using such a collapral function, you can perform high-quality application of liquid material to the surface. Spraying in this case will be even than in the previous embodiment. Yes, and work with this device will be easier. Air will be served in a balloon with a pump. It provides good paint spraying.

Procedure assembly

If you want to make a pulverizer with your own hands for whitening lime or water-level paint, the design option from the canister is suitable. First you need to cut the nipple from the cycling chamber. Its cover has a diameter of approximately 3 mm. In the bottle make a hole.

Next to the inner wall of the bottle you need to fix nipple. It will pump air inside the tank. After that, the sprayer should be removed from the sprayer. To do this, it is necessary to cut the capacitance body with a cutter. The spray module with the valve must match the diameter of the bottle neck.

The valve must be attached to the plug from the bottle with cold welding. The connection must be sealed. This is a prerequisite. After all, the system operates under pressure. After the manipulations conducted, the device is tested under a pressure of 3 atm. You also need to try to apply paint on the training surface.

Krashopult from vacuum cleaner

There is another way to make a pulverizer with your own hands. If you need to paint the walls or ceiling, the manual sprayer will be used quite complicated. To process a large area, you will need a device with an automated paint feed. In this case, the refrigerator compressor is used or (which is easier) the old vacuum cleaner.

Similar structures are well sprayed with water-emulsion paint. For powder dyes, it does not fit. It is also worth considering that only the old vacuum cleaner of Soviet times will suit this work. Their design differed significantly from modern models.

The hose of the old vacuum cleaner could be connected both to the input and outlet. This allowed the technique to work both by blowing and blowing away. It is the second mode that will be required when creating a spray gun. If the owners have a similar unit somewhere in the storage room, it will be the perfect option for painting walls and ceiling.

Creating a pulverizer

The paint pulverizer is collected from the old vacuum cleaner. In some cases, a new model is suitable for this, which is no longer planned to be used for direct purpose. In such a vacuum cleaner, you will need to change the direction of thrust. To do this, you need to change the poles on the terminals. They are adjacent to Stator and Rotor.

After the unit becomes working in the right mode, you need to select a suitable container (bottle) for paint. Gorelshko such a container should be wide. The plug should be a rectangular ledge. It will allow you to insert a handle from the gel handle at right angles. You can also use dropper for these purposes.

In the lid make holes and insert the tubes in them. One of them will ensure the flow of paint, and the second is compressed air. In traffic, you also need to make another hole. It is necessary in order for air in the bottle. When in the capacity, the volume of paint will decrease, a vacuum occurs in a tightly closed container. Another stopper must combine the hose from the vacuum cleaner and the paint spray system.

Compressor from the refrigerator

You can collect a pulverizer with your own hands from the compressor, which remained from the old refrigerator. Such an aggregate will work quieter than the vacuum cleaner. When painting ceilings with lime or water-level paint, such equipment will ensure significant savings of materials.

Collect such a paintopult will be more difficult. It is necessary to choose a fairly large hermetic container (receiver). It can be a canister, fire extinguisher, balloon or other similar product.

You need to remove the compressor with a start relay. Copper tubes need to sprinkle with a hacksaw or snack with a special tool. Next, the system includes network. You need to pay attention to which air is fed. At that element of the structure, which sucks it, with the help of the hose and sealant, attach a gasoline filter from the car. It protects the paint from dust from entering it.

Continued assembly

Collecting the pulverizer with your own hands, you need to connect with the receiver tube for injection air. This also uses the appropriate hoses. They are connected with the help of fitting and sealant. The receiver needs to install a diesel fuel filter. This will allow you to prevent moisture from the air into the system. The paintopult in this case works more efficiently.

On the board you need to secure both the receiver and the compressor. Next you need to check how the system works. If everything is fine, you can proceed to work. In the process of checking, it is also worth practicing to work with such an aggregate.

It is worth considering that the compressor must be installed in the same position in which it worked in the refrigerator. If this is not done, the equipment simply will not work. Also, with long-term operation of a similar pulverizer, it is necessary to periodically change the oil in the compressor. To do this, find a third tube in the unit of the unit. If all actions are performed correctly, the device can be used for spraying thick water-level paint, as well as whitewashing or other types of materials.


For a pulverizer, you can make a holder. For this you need a board with a thickness of 10 mm. Square 250 x 250 mm is cut out of plywood or wood. A hole in the form of a circle pumped the jigsaw in it. It must match the tank with the paint of the aggregate. In the groove insert the pistol handle. It is cut off from the edge of plywood to the hole. The design must be installed on the support of 3-4 legs.

Having considered the options for creating a pulverizer with their own hands, you can construct the appropriate type of construction. This will allow paint, whitens quickly and efficiently.