Repairs Design Furniture

Ideas for a small living room in Khrushchev. The main ideas in Khrushchev for the living room, photo options. Color solution and decor

Khrushchev are characterized by a very small space, so when arrangement of the apartment, each square centimeter of the square is required as rationally. The living room design in Khrushchev is determined by the planning of the apartment.

The living room can be the only room in the apartment, a separate or passing.

How to increase the living room in Khrushchev?

Khrushchev is planned extremely uncomfortable if focusing on modern requirements. Rooms in such apartments are very small. Therefore, for the rational use of space, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • use multifunctional cabinet furniture;
  • make bright lighting, visually increasing space;
  • operactions can be issued as an archer;
  • use tissue partitions for zoning space;
  • do not use excessively a lot of decor.

If the Khrushchev is two-room, rooms can be combined. So you will receive one large room with two windows, which can be comfortably zonied. In one-room apartment, you can combine the kitchen with the living room, equipping accommodation in the studio format.

However, redevelopment is not always possible. To demolish the bearing walls, as a rule, it is impossible. And even with such an opportunity, you will have to coordinate redevelopment with the relevant government agencies. In panel Khrushchev, usually all wall bears and their disassembly is not possible.

You should choose the optimal style of the interior. If you like the classic design, use light pastel tones. Bright decorative elements are suitable for the creation of accents. In the case of the Provence style, use textiles and furniture with the visual effect of antiquity.

In the photo of the living room in Khrushchev, various options for the design of the room were clearly demonstrated. One of the presented solutions can be repeated, or based on them to develop your own concept.

It is not recommended to design a living room in one color. Walls can be separated by wallpaper with uncomplicated discreet patterns. In a narrow room it is worth using furniture with mirrored facades. Mirrors visually expand the space.

Furniture should not be completely mirror. It is better that these were harmoniously located inserts from the mirrors. You can install a roomy mirror cabinet. If the mirror furniture do not like you, post a fairly large mirror on one of the walls.

The interior of the living room in Khrushchev can be made in the style of Loft. This solution is well suited for compact premises. The following ideas are characteristic of style:

  • no partitions;
  • high ceiling in bright color;
  • the space is zoned with furniture;
  • imitation of non-residential space: texture plaster, trim in brickwork style. You can achieve such effects using suitable wallpapers or painting and subsequent application of the corresponding wallpaper on the walls;
  • original decorative elements: posters, graffiti, abstraction.

Interior design living room in Khrushchev

In addition to choosing the color and method of finishing walls, ceiling and floor, you should take care of high-quality bright lighting, and also competently arrange furniture.

In most Khrushchev, the ceilings are quite high - 2.5 m. But, there are buildings and low ceilings. In this case, the lighting is paid to special attention. Do not use massive lighting. It is better to make point lighting with fixtures embedded in the ceiling located around the perimeter of the entire room.

Lighting can be supplemented with desktop lighting devices. On the walls you can also place the lamps, it visually expands the space. If there is a balcony, you can add 2-3 point lights over the balcony unit.

It is not necessary to highlight individual zones, in a small room it looks ugly. It is necessary to achieve a pleasant scattered lighting.

Furniture for living room in Khrushchev

Key criteria when choosing furniture for Khrushchev - functionality. Here it is impossible to place a lot of heads, so the furniture should be as functional as possible.

If the living room is combined with the kitchen, use modular cabinet furniture, which occupies a minimum of space in the assembled state. Choose headsets, harmoniously combined with the interior style.

For the living room in Khrushchev, you should not use Ampir styles and Shebbi Chic. They assume the presence of a large number of decorative elements that inappropriate in a small room.

Use light furniture with mirror or shiny surfaces. Such furniture will visually increase the space.

Living room as the only room in Khrushchev

The area of \u200b\u200bthis room is about 18 square meters. m. In one-room apartment, it performs both the bedroom and living room feature simultaneously. It is possible to expand the room by connecting to the kitchen. Sometimes for this purpose you can use the balcony. But, usually in Khrushchev, the balconies cannot be effectively insulated and used in residential purposes.

Such a Khrushchev can be turned into a sufficiently spacious apartment studio. But if you often cook, it will be a minus, because all the smells will spread to the living room. Relatively working output will be the installation of a productive exhaust.

In the layout of one-room Khrushchev, the storage room is usually provided. It can be re-equipped under the wardrobe, freeing the living room from the large cabinet.

In the interior it is better to use light pastel tones and bright decorative elements for visual expansion of space. Pay attention to the transforming furniture, it will save space due to multifunctionality.

Living room

The passage lounge can be equipped in a two-room apartment. The living room size usually leaves 14-17 square meters. m. The feature is that the door to the bedroom is in the living room.

The advantage of the option is the presence of a large window, which can be beautifully decorated with light light curtains with a translucent texture. If desired, such a living room can also be connected to the kitchen.

Do not use massive furniture. Consider compact headsets. The sofa usually has a wall, but it is worth trying to install it by the window, it will create an original effect and will allow you to use space more rational.

Living room like a separate room

Such living rooms can be equipped rarely. This is relevant only for some two-bedroom and three-room Khrushchev. In this case, the largest room should be made of the living room. Usually its area is no more than 18 square meters. m.

Do not apply a lot of furniture. Use only the required minimum is a miniature sofa, a chair and a coffee table. You can make a pair of hinged shelves. If you need to organize a workplace, install a small table and a comfortable chair.

It is not worth zoning space with plasterboard partitions. They will clutter and so small space. To this end, it is better to use furniture or fabric partitions. +

Stock Foto Living room in Khrushchev

The living room in any house should be perfect! Since each has its own nuances. Today we will tell about the ways of design of different living rooms.

Is it possible to make a stylish and memorable living room in a conventional crunch? Today we will answer this question "Yes!". This will help us with modern technologies in repair, materials and non-standard ideas.

In the first version, we see an example of excellent selected contrast of white and gray with gently green. The absolute lack of curtains makes the room even more spacious. If someone such a window appears too "naked", it can be slightly covered with light tulle of salad or white, and beige or white blinds are also allowed in the conditions of a large city.

In the second version, indoor flowers add a highlight to the living room atmosphere, they look better than any artificial decor. Especially successfully selected the lighting of the living room: the light is directed to the walls, and this visually increases the room. The most chic element of the interior is a big chandelier. At first glance, it knocks out of a common style, but the living room would look too simple without it.

On the third photo, we see an example of a small living room in the style of High-tech. And this is a truly interesting find for such space. Here, in fact, there is not the slightest details. The rigor of the High-Tech style is softened with pale blue curtains and pillows on the sofa, but it does not knock out of the general picture, but adds to her charm.

Let's sum up. What makes the interior of our little living room successful?


  • monophonic, smooth walls;
  • simple forms;
  • decentralized lighting (preferably, but not necessarily);
  • minimum furniture and decor;
  • laconic window design.

Owners of the house can only be envied by white envy, because they have a lot of opportunities for the most unusual ideas.

The main dignity of the living room in a private house is the windows.

Most often there are several of them, and they are big. And with them, not even the most spacious hall will look luxuriously. The combination of these two factors make a living room unforgettable. Above the design does not have to think long, the main load will carry the view from the windows, and the proper design of the walls.

On the photo of the living room design in retro style. Soft furniture, tables, wardrobe under the antique create comfort, which may not be enough in a large room. It is interesting to use the contrast of a white sofa and red chairs.

Fans of ultra-modern design will appreciate the other type of interior, emphasized minimalist. There are no jewelry, everything is functional and simple: a huge soft sofa, where a large company fit to watch TV and chat, a round black table and compact chairs.

The first version uses contrast furniture. In any interior, certain elements must be highlighted. In a small room, minor details look at the background of a light background, in the spacious room the focus can be done on anything. In the photo it is red leather chairs. They allocate the center of the room - the fireplace. Walls and curtains, on the contrary, very restrained and do not attract attention. In general, the living room is very comfortable and pleasant.

The core of the second living room is a fireplace and a TV. Also, the French windows are attracted. The designer wants to say: we do not need an additional decor and bright paints. All this compensates an excellent view of the garden.

Choosing a living room design in a private house, we can not limit anything. Any ideas and styles will look winning.

  • Allocate no more than two elements of the interior.
  • Distribute furniture evenly in all rooms.
  • Use no more than three main colors.

Interior living room in Khrushchev with fireplace

The rare owner does not want to transform the living room of his home by the fireplace. Where how can you relax at the fire, lying on a soft sofa or sitting in a chair?

Burning fireplace attracts and fascinates, you can look at it for a very long time. If you want, in your house, guests constantly gathered, equip the living room by the fireplace.

Types of fireplaces:

  • classic (open, toops with firewood);
  • closed with cast-iron furnace;
  • gas;
  • electric.

All modern fireplaces are very popular with owners of private houses. Closed with cast iron furnace and gas fireplace allows you to enjoy the type of real flame and crackling the wood. What could be more pleasant winter evenings?

In addition, he warmly warm, they can safely die the room. Unlike its predecessor, a classic fireplace, they are safe and have good heat transfer.

The electrical fireplace is a device similar to a heater simulating the face of fire. In fact, nothing burns there. This type of fireplace can be put in any apartment and in the house as decor. And it is most often found in the interiors of the living rooms.

In this photo we see a classic living room with a real closed fireplace laid out brick. What is not a hunting house nobleman?

Little hall can also be decorated with a decorative fireplace. Retro furniture, lamps, original mirrors, imitating windows create an atmosphere of a cute rustic living room for a narrow circle. At first glance, the fireplace seems true, but it is only a successful stylization.

In this picture, a modern living room with an electric fireplace and a flat-screen TV on the wall. In this case, the fireplace is even remotely reminded by a homemade hearth that collects relatives and friends around him. It is "cold" and does not bear any semantic load.

Most recently, the wallpaper sticker was a mandatory part of the apartment repairs. Now we know that smooth light monophonic walls can be beautiful by themselves. However, the choice of wallpapers for the hall is so great that it raises a desire to try on the walls of their dwelling. Moreover, most people consider room without wallpaper insufficiently cozy. However, it is not worth arguing about tastes.

Add "Perchunka" to the interior, give the room of individuality - this is the main goal of any design.

We already know that the method of wall designs depends on the selected style.

On this photo, the green wallpaper with a drawing "dilute" the modest interior in the style of minimalism. This is a bold solution that reflects non-standard imagination.

Classic style connoisseurs should not get around the vinyl wallpaper of pastel tones and gentle shades with patterns. They will definitely echo with the color of the furniture and carpet, but do not merge with them, but only play.

The style of Hai-tech is generally not typical of the wallpaper, and this also has its own harmony.

Here we see an example of a style of minimalism, where the gray wallpapers are supplemented with a graphic pattern in the form of circles of different shapes. Without them, the design would seem incomplete, underwent.

Wallpaper is very relevant in the form of a huge drawing in the entire wall. A large amount of red and black is tired of the look, such a design is suitable for very dynamic personalities.

Recently, the design of the living room uses the so-called natural wallpapers, which are made from traffic jams, bamboo, straw, cane, etc. This is an eco-friendly material, pleasant to the touch and easy to care. But his main dignity is definitely in extravagant. The living room with wallpaper looks unusual and stylish.

Thanks to them, you can create an exclusive luxury living room design. They will add a gloss "dry" modern style, and will also decorate the High Tech Living Room.

The main types of wallpapers for the living room:

  • vinyl;
  • fliseline;
  • natural;
  • metallized.

Another kind of fashion wallpaper is metallized wallpapers that are made of fine aluminum foils.

The ceiling should "shine" the same as the whole living room as a whole. Make it out of sight - it means to make a big mistake.

The ceiling can be simply white and smooth, and may be a real sculptural composition. It all depends on the taste and ideas about beauty.

Most often we celebrate such types of ceilings:

  • stretch;
  • suspended;
  • painted;
  • treated with decorative plaster;
  • duplex plasterboard ceilings.

Each ceiling has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the pictures.

The stretch glossy ceiling of purple color looks no standard, such an idea is interesting and, of course, permissible for living room design in lilac tones. For someone it will be "cool", and someone will be terrified by a dark "gulling" ceiling.

Beautiful and expensive were always the ceilings painted with decorative plaster. Drawings and colors can be chosen for every taste. With this ceiling, you can create a bright individual interior.

Simple whitewash and painted ceiling looks good too!

As for the purple ceiling, the white or light lilac ceiling would look more "softly" and did not touch the view. However, we will repeat that the design of the house reflects the inner world of the owner, and such a decision may have their own fans. If there is no money and desire to invent something, stop the choice on it. Such a ceiling will not spoil anything!

We comply with simple rules:

  • We avoid complex options for a small living room (suspended, two-level).
  • Observe the unity of the style.
  • We prefer neutral colors.

Lovers of free space and amenities prefer to combine living rooms with kitchens. It is done in small and large apartments. The division of the room to the functional parts conditionally. To do this, they came up with design zones in different colors, multi-level ceilings or floors, as well as decorative partitions or with furniture.

On this photo of the recreation area is made in orange color, and the kitchen in white. It is separated from the hallway, a small partition that serves simultaneously and the shelves for any little things are separated. Everything is very thoughtful and convenient.

This is an example of design, where the kitchen and living room are divided by half using the sofa. In addition, the cuisine ceiling is glued with bright wallpaper and over the dining table hanging a completely different style, which in the room. Here we see the combination of the kitchen, the dining room and hall.

Living-Bedroom Design

If the kitchen is isolated in one-room apartment is isolated, and the room is quite large, then we can safely allocate a place to sleep in it and for receiving guests. Make it as simple as the kitchen-living room.

For example, we make this simple partition. Stylish and tasteful! No less than originally put a bright screen between the sofa and the bed. This is the cheapest, but no less strong option.

Very beautifully, the connection of various styles in the design of the bedroom and hall looks. The mirror in the frame over the bed, the wallpaper in the flower, draped curtains, chandelier with a circular flappon, railing - all this applies to the classic style, but the living room is an ordinary modern style.

Only wealthy people can afford in the interior, because the prerequisite condition of this style is the use of only natural materials.

Main signs of style:

  • parquet;
  • furniture from expensive tree breeds;
  • upholstery from velvet, silk, velor;
  • mirrors in carved frames;
  • sculptures;
  • decorative columns;
  • fireplace;
  • wallpaper from textiles or twisted walls.

It is not necessary that all these elements are present, several enough to consider the interior classic.

White soft sofa, wood chair, ancient servant, painting in a gold-plated frame will not be allowed to confuse this design with any other.

And in this living room, there are also decorative columns, a luxurious crystal chandelier and curtains with lambrequin and drapering

What is characteristic of the living room in this style?

  • metal and glass materials;
  • clarity of lines and forms;
  • smooth and shiny surfaces;
  • modern technologies;
  • minimum decorations.

Such an environment resembles a plot from a fantastic world. The daily life of a person contains a bunch of details and details that seem to fit into this design.

But this is a matter of taste and worldview. Perhaps a creative, spontaneous personality in such a framework will be difficult, and a pragmatic, disciplined man High-tech is just suitable.

Here we are watching a slight attempt to embellish the situation with the help of bouquet and balls of different sizes. You can add bright pillows, a couple of VAZ or a table lamp.

This interior is suitable for home theater. In this case, everything is subordinate to the exceptionally functionality of this room.

In general, modern style is a minimalism mix mix, modern and high-tech.

Including all their features, it is a design where there is functional concise furniture, a simple decor, contrast tones, stylized drawings and ornament are allowed, as well as simple geometric shapes.

In conclusion, we can say that when designing the living room there is no taboo and strictest rules. Permissible any solution that will like you. Favorite color and favorite style can be adapted to the dwelling of absolutely different types and sizes.

Despite the fact that the fault of the crunch developers is endowed with a mass of inconvenience (small area, low ceilings, combined, close bathroom, poor isolation of interior partitions, etc.) You can also create a stylish modern design. Ideas for the living room in Khrushchev set.

Due to the fact that the apartment has a small area, the size of the living room in Khrushchev is very small.

In order to visually increase the space, it is better to prefer light colors for design, do not straighten the interior with extra objects.

The furniture is better to choose a low. A good helper in the expansion of space will be mirrors or cabinets with mirror surfaces.

How to increase space?

If it is possible to redevelop - do not give up this thought. Union of the living room with nearby rooms (kitchen, hallway, balcony) will help expand the common space, will provide an opportunity to show a fantasy in the design of the living room in Khrushchev.

Visually to lengthen the walls will help their coating with a drawing stretched in length. To "lift" the ceiling, you can use the electrician with the direction of the beam from the floor to the ceiling.

Also play on pulling spaces can accessories in the form of rectangles (paintings, panels and so on.).

You can use for this purpose and textiles - drawing on the curtains of a vertical direction or a combination of vertical bands on them will help in creating visual deception. In the photo of the living room in Khrushchev, this technique is clearly visible.

The installation of a two-level ceiling (tension or mounted) with a glossy surface is also able to visually increase the height. The use of point luminaires will be the most optimal solution.

Large and long chandeliers are categorically contraindicated.

What style to choose?

The living room in Khrushchev is best arranged in the style of any minimalist orientation.


It is characterized by multifunctional furniture, versions without frills. Color gamut pastel tones, without drawings. Intensive lighting from different points.

The clarity of forms without bright spots. Accessories are minimized, natural materials are welcome.

High tech

The clarity of lines and forms is brought to perfection, an abundance of metal and glass, mirror elements. Color solution monochrome, with a predominance of white, black, gray, beige.

Pictures and textures are missing. Accessories technogenic species.


Elegant, without frills, but expensive decoration. The presence of finishes in the form of thread, gilding, ornaments. Interior items are similar to antiques. Colors calm. The situation is strict and sophisticated.

In the photo of the living room in Khrushchev, interior design options are presented.

Furniture in the interior of Khrushchev

In the interior of the living room in Khrushchev, the optimal choice will be compact furniture, and better furniture in the form of transformers.

Unusual dimensions in the direction of decreasing, interesting constructions suitable for scarce space. It can be sofas unfolding in various directions equipped with a mobile table, retractable table top, storage system.

Cabinet furniture will fit in the form of collapsible modules with all sorts of assembly options. This option will help not only save space, but also will give it possible to periodically change the view of the room.

Glass and mirror surfaces will expand the space, allow the light to play.

The living room in Khrushchev is not a sentence, it must be comfortable, fashionable, practical. Repairing a small area will take away not so much time and money, and the benefits and good mood will give a lot.

Stock Foto Living room in Khrushchev

When people when choosing a new housing for their family hear the word "Khrushchevka", they immediately disappear, as from something long ago not suitable for life. However, the brains of the famous Khrushchev are not going anywhere and continue to take to themselves for the settlement of new residents who know how best to approach the squares granted to them so that their small apartment becomes quite cozy, as well as ultramodern and comfortable.

For this, it is not necessary for capital investments at all, just to connect a little imagination and an extraordinary look at things. So, what about the apartment with small narrow rooms and a small kitchen to make a place where you want to spend time and family and friends? In particular, in this article, let's talk about how to issue a living room of Khrushchev.

Creative approach to space

Khrushchevka is quite close apartments with small rooms and a bathroom, in which two do not dismiss. The easiest way to solve this problem is to remove the walls. Of course, not all, but only those that will help make the space of your home wider and more convenient. The apartment with a living room is a modern protest against the well-established rules for housing planning.

A fairly common solution is the partial and complete destruction of the wall between the kitchen and the living room. By combining these two rooms, you will simultaneously increase the kitchen and expand the room space. To split functional zones, you can slightly raise the floor in the kitchen or use different materials for finishing.

Often the walls are replaced with transparent or translucent materials. Thus, the visual separation of space is very obvious, and the rooms seem more and lighter.

In one-room Khrushchev, where the living room is almost the entire apartment, there are quite a lot of problems with arrangement of space for each family member. A full-fledged bedroom - this is what is really lacking in a small Khrushchev, especially when there are children in the family for whom also needed their own angle. Modern guru design was able to find a lot of answers to this question.

By combining the space of the kitchen, the corridor and the living room, we get a fairly large room in which you can select the zones you need. The bedroom zone for adults or for a child can be separated using a sliding system, a dense curtains or a descending wall.

Tip: The original solution will organize a bedroom in the literal sense of the living room.

Of course, we are talking only about the bed, which can be placed on the hill, under which you can arrange, for example, a working area with a computer or a children's game corner.

Now the apartments in the Loft style are very popular. In this case, absolutely all interior partitions are removed, opening all the space at once. Agree, visiting such housing, no one will remember that it was just a Khrushchev. Make your loft will still help large windows. You can also expand the windows if you wish, however, you need to be extremely careful and consult with specialists about work with carrier walls.

Secrets Finishing for Living Room Khrushchev

After the room is already scheduled, it is time to choose the finish. It is from her that the success of the entire project depends. Each detail is important here: Color range, materials for direct repair and artistic finishes.

What makes the floor

Floor finishing materials in the design of the modern living room should also be modern. Old wooden floors should be removed. By carrying out waterproofing and alignment of the floor, you can proceed to the selection of the coating material. It will be more practical and cheaper to lay linoleum, but it is worth remembering that he is short-lived. Much longer will serve you laminate or parquet if you will not neglect the rules of care.

For ultra-modern apartments, whose owners strive to stand out from gray mass, filling floors are suitable. This coating does not require much care, the moisture is not afraid and the space is even more expanding the space of the room. In addition, the choice of color and design of such a floor today is so great that everyone can find a suitable solution. For example, you can choose the floor with any 3D pattern, which will help to emphasize the style of the design of the room and your individuality.

Tip: If the room is very small, it is rational to use a bulk floor of light shades, then the light will be reflected from it, and your room will seem even more.

How to arrange the ceiling

Everyone knows that the "Machina" Apartments of Khrushchev do not differ in the height of the ceilings, so you feel yourself like in the box. Well, if you start expanding the space, then you should not ignore the topic of the ceiling, turning it on the old woman with a lime. With the help of the correct ceiling finishes, you can also separate the functional zones in the studio apartment.

Not too good solution will be the use of plasterboard coating, as it will make your ceiling even lower, and the living room itself can turn into a box. However, if you correctly organize the lighting and select the correct pattern for the design, then maybe it will be possible to play on it.

The most optimal option for an apartment with not very high ceilings will be PVC film. It is better to choose a glossy coating, since it will add space, even if we consider that the design for it is also mounted below the ceiling level. After designing separately lighting for different functional zones, you divide the space equivalent.

An important nuance - the designs of stretch ceilings today are also quite varied - from monophonic caved to whole paintings. The last option is suitable for spacious living rooms, and for Khrushchevka it is worth choosing a one-photon film or a coating with a geometric pattern or an abstract pattern with smooth lines.

What colors to use

The win-win solution will always be light tones. They make space more transparent, wider. It is not necessary to paint the walls in white, although in some styles it is such a color solution that will be the main one.

Definitely, the color scheme is completely dependent on the selected interior design style. However, the general rule is the use of warm pastel shades of light colors. Great looks in the lounge peach and beige, light blue and light green, gently yellow, pale pink.

When in choosing the main colors of the living room with fairly tones, then you will definitely beat them with bright splashes on small but most noticeable sections of the wall. It can be elements of a bright painting of one of the walls, for example, above a sofa or TV, or just finishing the opposite walls with contrasting shades.

Important! No need to please the room with bright and rich colors, because they visually make the room more closed, languid.

The task of repair in the living room of Khrushchev is absolutely opposite - to fill the room with light and air, making the line not clear and bright, but translucent and streamlined. The exceptions are loft apartment, where the style implies the use of natural shades of wood, metal in combination with the same materials.

What furniture to buy and how much

Furniture in your living room should be exactly as much as you think it is necessary to put in order to feel at home well. You will need a sofa, a place to store something, the table. It would seem quite a bit. However, small living rooms in Khrushchev are sometimes not able to fit and this modest set. So what to do without a sofa or table? Not at all, it's just worth choosing "right" furniture.

In modern designs (with the exception of classic interiors), it must be as functional as possible. This means that you need to use every millimeter with benefit. With this task, the furniture-transformer is coping with today.

So, a comfortable sofa for guests can easily transform into a large bed. You can use a more bold solution - the cabinet transforming into a comfortable bed. In the afternoon, he will be able to serve you the place for storing any things, and in the evening one of the panels will go down, turning into bed. So you will not sacrifice your comfort because of a small area.

In general, any cabinet and segmented furniture is an excellent solution for Living Room Khrushchev. It usually implies separation into separate segments that can be placed as you want. On such furniture, you can find a place for both TV, and for an acoustic system, and arrange a place to store any other things.

For the Khrushchev room, it is better not to buy massive furniture designs of classic design. They will clutter the space, occupying the useful area. It is better to use furniture with strict clear lines. Models of original design, extraordinary forms are also suitable. It looks great in the living room translucent furniture or such that has transparent elements. It is primarily about the table, chairs and necessary shelves.

Tip: Another great solution for a small living room is a mirror surface. Mirrors on the cabinets and walls make space more volumetric. In addition, they reflect light, so it becomes even more in the living room.

How to organize lighting

The key to successful design is properly organized lighting. This is especially important for the living room, especially Khrushchev, with its low ceilings and small dimensions. Absolutely all design solutions will be useless if there will be no light in the room or it will be organized incorrectly.

Here are some lighting rules in Khrushchev:

  1. Do not use massive chandeliers or other light sources focused in the center of the room.
  2. Distributing small lamps around the perimeter of the living room.
  3. Use parallel light sources on the floor and on the ceiling, so the space will be vertically stretched.
  4. The main luminaires should emit multiple light, and additional directed, so easier will be highlighted in the room individual functional zones.

The color of light in the room also matters. Yellow will coagulate, but the transparent white light, on the contrary, will help create an atmosphere of space.

Decorative elements

The successful design of any room is impossible without small details that will fill the room with comfort and life. The living room serves as a place where friends and relatives are going, and in the evenings the whole family has the opportunity to spend time together. That is why the room should be filled with details that would not only emphasize the overall style of the room, but also talked about the characters and the interests of those people who live in it. The only nuance - details should not clutter the space.

It would be nice to have in the living room several photos of the best moments of your life. They can be positioned in bright frames on the shelves or make a small panel on the wall. There are many ways to use photos in living room designs, for example:

  • figured panel on the central wall;
  • diptychs and triptychs;
  • large photos without frames, located apart.

In a small living room, it is better not to abuse large indoor plants. However, it is necessary, it is better to give preference to small trees that can be put on the floor or small blooming vases dispersed around the perimeter of the room.

In small living rooms, it is impossible to use massive items, nevertheless items should be bright and stylish. They should also not be much - think and decide what exactly you would like to demonstrate our guests so that they can recognize you better.


Textiles in each house creates a feeling of home comfort. The use of textile elements in the design of a modern living room of a small square should be subordinate to the standards of the style that you have chosen for your apartment.

Many textiles are used in country style design. This rustic style implies the use of natural materials and, of course, a large amount of fabric with a flower or geometric print. Light curtains and curtains from natural fabrics, embroidered handmade tablecloths, domain rugs - all this is appropriate in the country living room. Pastel shades will give a warm calm comfort to your room.

In more stringent styles - modern, high-tech, the presence of tissue elements must be reduced to a minimum. It is worth abandoning tablecloths and massive curtains, preferred with light tulle or curtains from multi-colored glass. If the room is not one big window, but a few small, then you can use Roman curtains. So there will be more light into the room.

Tip: In Loft-style apartments, it is better to abandon textile curtains at night, using tight roll-curtains at night.

The design of a small Khrushchevsky living room requires subordination by some rules. Following our small tips, you can create a cozy and spacious, and most importantly modern room. It is only worth throwing stereotypes and keep up with the times!

Room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m is considered typical, if we are talking about an apartment building. Designers offer many interior options for such a dwelling: from classic to minimalism and high-tech. Make the interior fashionable and interesting will help the use of unusual solutions.

Type of room

The criterion that determines the features of the interior design, often serves the type of room. Room of 18 square meters. M can be found in Khrushchev, because such a metrah is considered traditional for living rooms in old houses. The studio apartment and the ordinary room in a small-sized apartment have a similar quadrature. All rooms are different, and each of them is trying to visually increase and make the most functional and comfortable as possible.


The square or elongated form in Khrushchev is most often passing. It is the largest of the apartments of this type.

The passing room in Khrushchev has two types:

  • living room with balcony (in multicorate apartments);
  • room with a balcony and a door to the kitchen (in one-room "Khrushchev").

The design of the passing room involves the convenience and minimum of the details. As in the case of the living room, the interior of the room in the "Oder" involves the combination of all sorts of spaces: recreation areas, workplace, bedrooms. As elements of zoning can be partitions, podiums, niches. You can do without additional structures, separating the space with color, light, of different kinds of materials and cloth.

In the interior of small rooms, each centimeter of the square is important. So, to increase the space, a balcony is often used. It can be inspired and equipped under the workbook, dining or bedroom.

In some cases, designers advise to combine a balcony with a room, dismantling the adjacent wall, thereby making the room area much more. Such a solution allows you to realize many interesting ideas.


The design feature of the studio apartment is that the partition separating the kitchen from other residential premises is missing. In the studio of 18 square meters. M On the available area, you need to organize the kitchen and the bedroom, and the living room, and in most cases - also place for work and study.

It is worth a reservation that such a type of housing is chosen by young young men, bachelors up to 40 years old, young couples and families. Studio apartment are common in Europe, where wealthy men in age are also chosen as a home, and young people.

In Russia, this type of apartment is only gaining popularity. The age of residents largely determines the appearance of the studio interior. The design involves the use of laconic furniture, minimum parts, ease of designs and ease of ceiling decor and floor.

For disarming areas of the kitchen and living room, you can use a bar rack, a wardrobe, an angular sofa. It is possible to zonite the space and with the help of different materials: for example, use the tile in the kitchen in the kitchen, and the living room is a laminate or linoleum. Separate spaces from each other can also be light and color.

It is not difficult to organize in the studio apartment and a full-fledged bed with a bed. The recreation area is separated from the rest of the territory with glass partitions, plasterboard or foam block structures, deaf curtains.


The usual apartment in the House of Soviet buildings is not distinguished by a significant area. Often the largest room in it does not exceed 18 square meters. meters. The small room does not affect the height of the ceilings and its scale, but to make a worthy repair, visually increasing its proportions, yet it is possible.

For the "pulling" of the room, you can use the wallpaper in a vertical strip, and to increase its width, choose the wallpaper in a horizontal strip. The ceiling for such a room is preferred glossy stretch.

The main thing is to use the rules of minimalism, while maintaining the smoothness of the lines and the uniformity of the decor. Even a small room in an ordinary apartment can be made by the real work of art, and the interior will not look over too silent.

How to visually increase?

This issue is asked all owners of rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. Expansion of space and improving functionality - the main task of the designer.

The main techniques for increasing space are:

  • the use of light tones in the interior;
  • "Choose" ceiling - intentional clarification of its middle with darker edges;
  • dismantling doors, replace them with spacious arches;
  • expansion of window spaces;
  • removing the adjacent wall with a balcony and expansion of the room at the expense of the loggia area. It is worth noting that the project of this repair requires the written approval of BTI;
  • use zoning in the interior.

At some receptions should be stopped in more detail. To create a visual effect of expanding area, designers use light tones. In order for the room to look more spacious, choose a laminate and linoleum of light shades: golden or light walnut, oak, beech, maple, natural pine.

For the walls, it is better to choose the wallpaper of pastel shades, such as champagne, beige, gray, dairy, sandy. It is worthwhile to beware of large ornaments, complex geometric patterns. You can choose wallpaper in a small flower. Be careful, decorating the walls. The abundance of white color often turns cozy rooms to hospital chambers. It is better to stop your choice on pastel colors.

When choosing furniture should avoid multilayer drapes, dark colors and bulky structures.

The sofa, which often serves as a sleeping place, should be light, compact. An excellent option will be transformable furniture, which can be hidden into a closet or niche in the wall. The use of zoning space is well suitable for both rectangular and square room.

With the help of a partition, you can separate the recreation area, dining room, workplace. Partitions are both deaf and transparent, made of plastic, glass. Miscellaneous kind of drywall structures can be both functional: inside the shelves are placed for trifles and books, as well as full-fledged storage compartments. Partitions can be made in the form of a window or a wrought metal grid. Wardrobe, sofa, wall will serve as a kind of separators.

The main features of the interior design of a small room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 m2 can be brought in the form of the following theses:

  • minimalism in everything: in the appearance of furniture, decor, interior details;
  • the use of light shades;
  • point lighting instead of a multi-tier chandelier;
  • no multistage ceilings:
  • furniture of simple and laconic design, made predominantly in bright shades;
  • zoning space.

Beautiful examples

It should be highlighted at the popular options for designing the room of a small area.

Classic style

The living room in Khrushchev can be equipped in a classic style using its modern version. Textured wallpaper and fabrics on the windows will help to achieve the desired effect. By tradition, the round table is located in such a living room. Finishing strokes will serve wooden furniture, paintings, antique items. For the decor it is better to use soft pastel tones. You can visually expand the room using mirrors framed in suite wooden frames.

The classic is always in fashion, so it looks like this style will be homely cozy and at the same time luxuriously.


This style is very popular among young people. It is ideal for a young guy. The direction of Loft assumes the absence of any finish, which means that the repair will cost much inexpensive. You can leave brickwork or plastered walls. The design of the ceiling involves the presence of wires derived outward. Window openings must be expanded because the interior involves a large amount of light.


The room decorated in this direction will always look fashionable and fresh. It is a minimalistic style that is not suitable for the interior of small apartments. When decomriage, it is necessary to make accents on the rigor of the forms and the laconicity of parts.

The interior involves the use of natural materials, staining walls into pastel colors. The texture of surfaces is predominantly matte, without a gloss.


This style will be likewise, by the way, when placing a bedroom or living room. The interior of the French village assumes the presence of warm colors in the decor, the abundance of light. Wallpaper in a small flower or slightly plastered walls will create a slight mood.