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Were the Americans on the moon? Were they in general in space? Lunar conspiracy theory: whether Americans were on the Moon & NBSP

This article questioned that Apollo's mission was on the moon.

Most of the official illustrations of the flight path apollo on the moon celebrate only the basic elements of the mission. Such schemes are geometrically not accurate, but the scale is rough. Example from the NASA report:

It is obvious that another approach is important for the correct representation of the flights of Apollors to the moon, namely the exact definition of the position of the spacecraft from time to time. This allows you to consider the Apollo path with the passage of the Earth's Dangerous Radiation Belt, as well as develop elements of the trajectory for a safe flight to the moon.

In 2009, Robert A. Braeunig introduced the elements of the orbit of the APOLLO 11 translucent trajectory with calculating the position of the CA, depending on the time and orientation relative to the Earth. The work is presented in the global network - Apollo 11 "S Translunar Trajectory and How They Avoided The Radiation Belts. About this work Defenders of NASA are highly responding, for them it is a gospel to worship, write:" Bravo ", and often referred to her during discussions with Opponents on radiation irradiation and the impossibility of the Apollo Mission.

Ill. 1. Apollo-11 trajectory (blue curve with red dots) through the electronic radiation belt according to the calculations of Robert A. Braeunig.

Calculations were checked and they indicate the following errors Robert A. Braeunig:

1) Robert used the values \u200b\u200bof the gravitational constant and mass of the land of the 60s of the last century.

Modern data is used in these calculations. Gravitational constant is 6.67384E-11; Earth weight is 5,9736E + 24. Speed \u200b\u200bcalculations and distance from Earth Polylon 11 began to differ slightly on the calculation of Robert, but they turned out to be more accurately published data in 2009, PAO NASA (NASA's public relations service).

2) Robert A. Braeunig declares that the rest of Apollo trajectories are typical of the Apollo 31 trajectory.

Let's look at the Points of Apollon's Output on alenty orbit (Sokr. - Tli) according to NASA documents. We see and we have a different position relative to the geographic (geomagnetic) equator and have a different - ascending or downward trajectory relative to the equator. This is illustrated below.

Ill. 2. Projection of the Apollo orbits of Apollon on the surface of the Earth: Yellow Points indicated Outputs on the trajectory of flight to the Moon TLI for Apollo 8, Apollo 10, Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17, Red Line The trajectory of the waiting orbit, the red arrows indicates the direction of movement.

Ill. 2 shows that the output to a translanta trajectory is different on the flat land map:

  • for Apollo 14 below the geographical equator with approaching it at an angle of about 20 degrees,
  • for Apollo 11 above the geographical equator with a removal of about 15 degrees from him,
  • for Apollo 15 above the geographical equator at an angle near zero degrees,
  • for Apollo 17 above the geographical equator with an approach to it at an angle of about -30 degrees.

This means that on the transluced trajectory, the Apollors will be higher than the geographical equator, others below. Obviously, this position is fair for geomagnetic equator.

Calculations were made for all Apollors in the steps of Robert. Indeed, Apollo 11 passes above the proton radiation belt and flies through the electronic RPP. But A Apollo 14 and Apollo 17 passes through the proton core of the radiation belt.

Below is an illustration of a trajectory of movement for Apollo 11, Apollo 14, Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 relative to the geomagnetic equator.

Ill. 3. The trajectories of the Apollo 11, Apollo 14, Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 relative to the geomagnetic equator, the internal proton radiation belt is also specified. Stars are the official data for Apollo 14.

Ill. 3 shows that on the Translunaya Trajectory Apollo 14 and Apollo 17 (also Missiapollon 10 and Apollo 16 due to the close parameters of TLI to A-14) pass through a hazardous radiation proton belt.
Apollo 8, Apollo 12, Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 pass through the core of the electronic radiation belt.
Apollo 11 also passes through the Earth's electronic radiation belt, but to a lesser extent than Apollo 8, Apollo 12 and Apollo 15.
Apollo 13 in the smallest extent remains in the radiation belt of the Earth.

Robert A. Braeunig could calculate the trajectories for other Apollonov, as it should be for a person with a scientific school. However, in his article he limited the Apollo 11 and called the remaining trajectories of Apollon typical! On popular YouTube have been posted video:

For history, this means deception and conscious introduction to the delusion of users of the global network.

In addition, you could open the NASA archives and search reports on the trajectory of Apollon. Let even just a few coordinates.

Ill. 6. Return of Apollon (the first point, 180 km above the Earth) and the leading on Earth (second point). For Apollo 12 and Apollo 15, the first point at an altitude of 3.6 thousand km. The red curve indicates the geomagnetic equator.

From Ill. 6 It is important to note that Apollo 12 and Apollo 15 when returning to Earth will be held internal radiation belt Van Alena.

7) Robert does not discuss the features and status of the Sun before the flight and during the flight of Apollo.

With solar proton events, coronal emissions of protons and electrons, solar flares, magnetic storms and seasonal variations, the PPR particles are increased by several orders of magnitude and can be maintained for more than six months.

On Ill. 10 shows radial profiles of radiation belts for protons with EP \u003d 20-80 MeV and electrons with its\u003e 15 MeV, built according to measurement data on CRRES UZZ to a sudden geomagnetic field pulse on March 24, 1991 (day 80), six days after education new belt (day 86) and after 177 days (day 257).

It can be seen that protons' streams expand more than twice, and the streams of electrons with her\u003e 15 MeV exceeded a calm level more than two orders. In the future, they were registered until mid-1993

For the crew, when flying to the moon, this means an increase in the passage of proton RPZ 3-4 times and an increase in the radiation dose from electrons is 10-100 times.

The first edge of the moon with a man on board, the mission of Apollo 8, preceded the powerful magnetic storm in two months, October 30-31, 1968. Apollo 8 passes the expanded radiation belt of the Earth. It is equivalent to a multiple increase in the dose of radiation, especially in comparison with the doses of the crews on the support orbit of the Earth. NASA has declared forApollon 8 dose 0.026 rad / day, which is five times less than a dose on the Skylab orbital station, 1973-1974, the corresponding decline in the activity of the Sun.

On January 27, 1971, a few days before the startupapollon 14 began a moderate magnetic storm, which turned into a small storm on January 31, which caused a solar flash in the direction to Earth 01/24/1971. . When flying to the moon, raising the level of radiation could be expected 10-100 times from average values. Polyon 14 passes through the proton radiation belt. Doses will be huge! NASA stated for Apollo 14 dose of 0.127 rad / day, which is less than a dose on the Skylab 4 orbital station (1973-1974).

Apollo 15 During his mission to the moon was in the tail of the Earth's magnetosphere for several days. There was no magnetic protection against electrons. Electron streams make up a few hundred joule per square meter per day. Faced with the trim, they give rise to rigid x-rays. Because of the electronic x-ray component of the radiation dose, dozens are pleased to be (taking into account high-energy electrons, the data of which is still missing, doses increase). When returning to earthapollon 15 there is an internal radiation belt. The total radiation dose is huge. NASA stated 0.024 Rad / day.

Apollon 17 (the last landing on the moon) to the start preceded three powerful magnetic storms: 1) June 17-19, 2) 4-8 August after a powerful sun test event, 3) from October 31 to November 1, 1972. The trajectory Apollo 17 passes through the proton radiation belt. This is deadly dangerous for a person! NASA declares radiation dose 0.044 rad / day, which is three times less than a dose on the Skylab 4 orbital station (1973-1974).

8) To estimate the radiation dose of Robert A. Braeunig, neglectives the proton deposit of the Van Alena radiation belt and uses incomplete electronic radiation belt data.

To estimate the dose of radiation, Robert uses incomplete varb data, Ill. nine.

Ill. 11. Doses of radiation in Van Alain belt and the trajectory Apollo 11 by Robert A. Braeunig.

From Ill. 11 It can be seen that part of the Apollo 31 trajectory passes above the missing RPZ data, the dose rate of radiation is almost order. In such a picture, you can not appreciate the dose of radiation!

In addition, this illustration concerns only the electronic radiation belt. It can be seen from Ill. 12.

Ill. 12. Doses of radiation in Van Alena belt from the electronic component (1990-1991).

It should be noted that the illustrations 11 and 12 are similar to the fluence of electrons with an energy of 1 MeV in the Wang Alain radiation belt on NASA - The Van Allen Belts.

Ill. 13. Electron profile relative to the geomagnetic equator on NASA.

Then, based on this illustration, you can restore the radiation dose picture for the electronic RPZ.

Ill. 14. Doses of radiation in the electronic radiation belt of the Earth and the trajectory Apollo 11, Apollo 14, Apollo 15 and Apollo 17.

Ill. 14 Similar Il. 12, the difference in complete data of the electronic RPZ.

According to Ill. 14, Apollo 11 passes the level of radiation 7.00 ~ 3 Rad / sec in 50 minutes. The total dose will be d \u003d 7.00Е-3 * 50 * 60 \u003d 21.0 rad. It is almost 1.8 times more than indicated in the article Robert. At the same time, we only consider the dose on the transluced trajectory and do not take into account the opposite passage of the electronic RPZ.

Taking into account the contribution of the proton radiation belt is negligible in the article Robert A. Braeunig. No data of radiation danger! But the contribution of the proton RPZ into the absorbed dose of radiation can be an order of magnitude more and dangerous to humans.

For what reason is the author who expects the APOLLON's translational trajectory 11 and is an authority, does not notice the main thing? For one reason, for an ignorant reader, for the man in the street trusts the authoritative source and it does not matter that the author is fraud in favor of the scam.

9) Robert incorrectly discusses the radiation protection of Apollon.

Proton component of the radiation belt of the Earth

According to radiation physics, 100 memorial protons are stitching the Apollo command module. To reduce the flow twice, not completely, but only in 1/2, you need a thickness of aluminum 3.63 cm. For clarity, 3.63 cm is the height of the entire selected paragraph! In the astronautics there is a scientific term - the thickness of protection of ka. If we assume that the entire body is aluminum, then Km Apollonov thickness accounted for 2.78 cm (without the last two lines). This means that more than half of the protons penetrate and cause radiation irradiation of a person. In fact, the alone thickness of the command module is less, mainly 80% rubber and heat insulator. The thickness of the protection of these materials is ~ 7.5 g / cm 2, the same as in Al. The difference is that the length of the proton mileage increases many times ...

We consider that the body of an aluminum thickness is 2.78 cm.

Ill. 15. A graph of the dependences of the absorbed dose from the length of the proton mileage with the energy of 100 MeV, taking into account Bragg peak for protons through the external protection of 7.5 g / cm2 and biological tissue. The dose value is given per particle.

In addition to protons, electrons flows face metal and the foundation in the form of high-dimensional rigid x-rays.

To fully pay off proton and x-ray radiation, lead screens from a thickness of 2 centimeters are needed. Apollons did not have such screens. The only object on board, which almost completely absorbs 100 meal protons and X-ray radiation, there is a person.

Instead of this discussion, Robert A. Braeunig gives an illustration for a ignorantmost man in the vehicle - fluence 1 MeV protons (ill. 16).

Ill. 16. Fluens 1 MEV proton in Van Alain belt on NASA. Jim to enlarge.

From the point of view of radiation physics, 1 MeV and 10 MeV protons for the spacecraft is the same as the elephant scratching the match. This is shown in Table. one.

Table 1.

Runs of protons in aluminum.

protons, MeV

20 40 100 1000

Mileage, see

2.7*10 -1 7.0*10 -1 3.6 148

Mileage, mg / cm 2

3.45 21 50 170 560 1.9*10 3 9.8*10 3 400*10 3

From the table we see that the proton mileage with the energy of 1 MeV in Al is 0.013 mm. 13 Micron, this is four times thinner of the human hair! For a person without clothes, such streams have no danger.

The main contribution to the radiation exposure of the RPPs is made by protons with energy of 40-400 MeV. Accordingly, it is properly given data on these profiles.

Ill. 17. The time-averacted profiles of the density of protons and electrons in the plane of the geomagnetic equator according to the AP2005 model (the numbers in curves correspond to the lower limit of the particle energy in the MeV).

On the fingers so. For protons with an energy of 100 MeV, the flow intensity is 5 · 10 4 cm -2 s -1. This corresponds to the flow of radiation energy 0.0064 J / m 2 C 1.

The absorbed dose (D) is the main dosimetric value, equal to the ratio of the transmitted energy E ionizing radiation with a mass M:

D \u003d E / M, Gray unit \u003d J / kg,

through ionization loss of radiation absorbed dose per unit of time is equal to:

D \u003d n / p · de / dx \u003d n · e / l, Gray unit \u003d J / (kg · s),

where n is the density of the radiation stream (particles / m 2 s 1); P is the density of the substance; DE / DX - ionization losses; L is the length of the mileage of the particle with the energy E in biological tissue (kg / m 2).

For a person, we obtain the power of the absorbed dose is:

D \u003d (1/2) · (6) · (5 · 10 4 cm -2 s -1) · (45 MeV / (1.843 g / cm 2)), gr / s

Multiplier 1/2 - Reducing the intensity by half after passing the protection of the Apollo command module;
Multiplier 6 - the degree of freedom of protons in the RPZ - movement up, down, left, forward, backward and rotation around the axes;
Multiplier 1.843 g / cm 2 - proton mileage with energy 45 MeV in biological tissue after energy loss in the command module case.

We will transfer all units to SI, we get

D \u003d 0.00059 Gray / s or 0.059 Rad / s, (here 1 Gray \u003d 100 Glad).

The same calculation is carried out for protons with energy 40, 60, 80, 200 and 400 MeV. The remaining streams of protons give a small contribution. And fold. The absorbed radiation dose increases several times and equal to 0.31 rad / s.

For comparison: in 1 second stay in the proton RPP, the crew of Apollon receives a radiation dose of 0.31 glad. For 10 seconds - 3.1 Glad, for 100 seconds - 31 glad ... NASA stood for the crews of Apollons for the entire flight and return to Earth the average dose of radiation 0.46 is happy.

To estimate the risk of radiation for human health, an equivalent dose of radiation n is administered equal to the product of the absorbed dose D, created by irradiation - R, on the weight multiplier W R (called the radiation quality ratio).

The unit of measuring equivalent dose is a joule per kilogram. It has a special name of the Sievet (ZV) and BEER (1 SV \u003d 100 BER).

For electrons and X-ray radiation, the quality coefficient is equal to one, for protons with an energy of 10-400 MeV 2-14 (determined on thin films of biological tissue). Such a coefficient is associated with the fact that the proton transmits different parts of the energy of the electrons of the substance, the less the power of the proton, the higher the transmission of the energy and higher quality coefficient. We take the average w \u003d 5, as a person completely absorbs radiation and the main transmission of energy occurs in the peak of Bragg, with the exception of the high-energy protons.

As a result, we get the power of the equivalent dose of radiation for protons with energy 40-400 MeV in the RPZ

H \u003d 1.55 babr / sec.

The more accurate calculation of the power of the equivalent dose of radiation gives less value:

H \u003d 0.2σW R n R E R EXP (-L Z / L Zr - L P / L PR), SV / S,

Where W R is the radiation quality coefficient; n r - the density of the radiation stream (particles / m 2 s 1); E R - radiation particles (J); L z - protection thickness (g / cm 2); L Zr is the length of the particle with the energy E R in the protective material Z (g / cm 2); L p - the depth of the internal organs of man (g / cm 2); L PR - the length of the mileage of the particle with the energy E R in the biological tissue (g / cm 2). This formula gives the average radiation dose value with an error ¹25% (a more accurate calculation on Monte Carlo for many orders of energy-intellectually costly will give an error ¹10%, which is associated with the distribution of proton runs in Gauss).
The multiplier of 0.2 before the sum of the summation has dimension M 2 / kg and is the opposite value of the average effective thickness of human biological protection in the RPZ. Rough, this multiplier is equal to the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe biological object, divided into the sixth part of the mass.
The summation sign means that the equivalent dose of radiation is made up of radiation effects for all types of radiation, which are subject to person.
The flow density N R and the ener of the particles E R are taken from the data of radiation radiation.
The particle runs of the particle with the energy E R in the protective material L Zr (g / cm 2) are taken from GOST RD 50-25645.206-84.

  • for the protons with the energy of 40 MeV - 0.011 Baer / sec;
  • for protons with energy of 60 MeV - 0.097 Baer / sec;
  • for protons with an energy of 80 MeV - 0.21 Baer / sec;
  • for protons with energy of 100 MeV - 0.26 Baer / sec;
  • for protons with energy 200 MeV - 0.37 Bair / sec;
  • for protons with the energy of 400 MeV - 0.18 Bair / sec.

Doses of radiation are folded. Total: H \u003d 1.12 Baer / sec.

For comparison 1.12 Baer / s is 56 chest radiography procedures or five procedures of computer tomography of the head, which are compressed in one second; Corresponds to the zone of very dangerous infection with a nuclear explosion and an order of magnitude more natural background on the ground surface in one year.

Apollo 10 on the transluces trajectory passes through the internal RPZ in 60 seconds. The dose of radiation is H \u003d 1.12 · 60 \u003d 67.2 BER.
Apollo 12 When returning to the Earth passes through the internal RPZ for 340 sec. H \u003d 1,12 · 340 \u003d 380.8 BER.
Apollo 14 on the transluces trajectory passes through the internal RPZ in 7 minutes. H \u003d 1.12 · 7 · 60 \u003d 470.4 BER.
Apollo 15 When returning to Earth passes through the internal RPZ for 320 seconds. H \u003d 1,12 · 320 \u003d 358.4 BER.
Apollo 16 passes through the inner RPZ in 60 seconds. H \u003d 1,12 · 60 \u003d 67.2 BER.
Apollo 17 passes through the internal RPZ in 9 minutes. H \u003d 1.12 · 9 · 60 \u003d 641.1 BER.

Duration of radiation doses are obtained from the averaged value of protons profiles in the RPZ. ForAPOLLON 14 preceded a moderate magnetic storm for several days, for Apollo 17th three months before the start preceded three magnetic storms. Accordingly, the doses of radiation increase, for Apollo 14, 3-4 times, for Apollo 17, 1.5-2 times.

Electronic component of the radiation belt of the Earth

Table. 2. Characteristics of the electron component of the RPP, the effective mileage of electrons in Al, the time of the RPZ span apollons to the moon and when returning to the ground, the ratio of specific radiation and ionization losses of energy, the absorption coefficients of X-rays for Al and water, equivalent and absorbed dose of radiation *.

Electron flow data in RPZ and apollo flights

Dose of radiation for Apollo from the electronic component of the RPZ

samples in al, cm

stream, / cm 2 sec 1

J / m 2 sec

flight time, * 10 3 sec


rentg share,%

coef is weakened in Al, cm -1

in org
SM -1.

Commands of the apollo module

Lunar module Apollo

0.194 ZV

0.345 ZV

19.38 Rad.

34.55 Rad.

* Approx. - Integral calculation will increase the final doses of radiation by 50-75%.
** approx. - in the calculation, as for protons, six degrees of radiation freedom are adopted.

For Apollons, which pass twice the electronic RPZ, the average radiation dose will be 20-35 BER.

Apollo 13 and Apollo 16 perform a mission in the spring and autumn, when electron fluences in the RPZ are increased by 2-3 times from the average (5-6 times from the winter). Thus, for Apollo 13 dose of radiation will be ~ 55 BER. For Apollo 16 will be ~ 40 Ber.

Ill. 18. The temporary course of the GLONASS satellite integrated through the radiation belt of electron fluxes with energy 0.8-1.2 MeV (Flyuens) for the period from June 1994 to July 1996 also shows the indices of geomagnetic activity: the daily CRF index and the DST variation. Fat lines are smoothed values \u200b\u200bof fluences and cd index.

Apollo 8, Apollo 14 and Apollo 17 preceded magnetic storms in front of their mission. The electronic component of the RPZ will expand 5-20 times. For these missions, the radiation dose from electrons of the RPP will increase, respectively, in 4, 10 and 7 times.

Ill. 19. Changing the electron intensity profiles with an energy of 290-690 keV before and after the magnetic storm for different points of time on the shells of the Earth's radiation belt from 1.5 to 2.5. The numbers of curves are indicated in the days of the day after the injection of electrons.

And only for Apollo 11, it is possible to note a decrease in the dose of radiation due to the summer mission 2-3 times or 10 BER.

Total equivalent doses of radiation when flying to the moon on NASA

Doses of radiation of proton and electronic RPZ are folded. In tab. 3 shows the total radiation doses for Apollo, taking into account the features of the RPZ.

Table. 3. The mission of Apollo, the features of the RPZ and the equivalent doses of radiation *.

The mission of Apollonov

Features of the radiation belt of land for the mission

Equivalent Doses of Radiation, Bair

Apollo 8.

Magnetic storm in two months; twofold passage of external RPZ; Winter Mission

~ 60

Apollo 10.

Passing on the trajectory TLi proton RPZ for 60 seconds; twofold passage of external RPZ; End of spring


Apollo 11.

Twofold passage of external RPZ; Summer Mission

~ 10

Apollo 12.

Passage when returning to Earth proton RPZ for 340 seconds; twofold passage of external RPZ; Winter Mission

~ 390

Apollo 13.

Twofold passage of external RPZ; Spring Mission

~ 55

Apollo 14.

For a few days, a solar outbreak in the direction of the earth; two magnetic storms; passing on the TLI trajectory of proton RPZ for 7 min; twofold passage of external RPZ; Winter Mission

~ 1510-1980

Apollo 15.

Passage when returning to Earth proton RPZ for 320 seconds; twofold passage of external RPZ; stay in the tail of the Earth magnetosphere for several days; Summer Mission

~ 408

Apollo 16.

Passing on the trajectory TLi proton RPZ for 60 seconds; twofold passage of external RPZ; Autumn Mission

~ 107

Apollo 17.

Three powerful magnetic storms were preceded by the start: 1) June 17-19, 2) 4-8 August after a powerful sun test event, 3) October 31 to November 1, 1972. Passing on the trajectory TLi proton RPZ for 9 min; twofold passage of external RPZ; Winter Mission

~ 1040-1350

* Approx. - disregarded the dose of radiation of the solar wind (0.2-0.9 Ber / day), X-ray radiation (in the apollo scaffle 1.1-1.5 Ber / day) and GLK (0.1-0.2 BER / day) .

Table 4 shows the values \u200b\u200bof the equivalent dose of radiation leading to certain radiation effects.

Table 4. Table of radiation risks in one-time irradiation:

Dose, Bare *

Probable effects


Low danger to man in the IAEA. 0.02 Baer corresponds to a single X-ray of the human thoracic cell.


Normal situation for man in the IAEA.


A big danger to a person in the IAEA. Influence on the nervous system and psyche. 5% increase in the risk of blood leukemia.


Very serious danger to man in the IAEA. Moderate blood changes. The mental backwardness of the descendants of the parents.


Radiation diseases of 5-10% of irradiated people. Vomiting, temporary oppression of blood formation and oligospermia, changes in the thyroid gland. Mortality up to 17 years in the descendants of the parents.


Radiation diseases of ~ 25% of irradiated people. An increase of 10 times the risk of leukemia and mortality from cancer.


Radiation diseases of ~ 50% of irradiated people. Lung cancer.


Radiation diseases are almost in all people, ~ 20% with fatal outcome. 100% skin burn. In the remaining cataract and the constant sterility of the seed.

50% of lethal outcomes. In the remaining total tall baldness and X-ray pneumonia.

~ 100% fatal outcomes.

Thus, the passage of the Earth's radiation belt according to the scheme and official reports of NASA, taking into account the magnetic storms and seasonal variations of the RPZ, leads to radiation diseases with death for the crews Apollo 14 and Apollo 17. For Astronauts Apollo 12 and Apollo 15 marked the skin burns 100% in Further development of cataracts and sterility of the semennikov. For other APOLLON missions, radiation effect leads to cancer. In general, the dose of radiation is 56-2000 times higher than those values \u200b\u200bthat are declared in the official report of NASA!

Ill. 20. The result of radiation exposure. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This is contrary to NASA, in particular, the results of the flight Apollo 14 was:

  1. excellent physical training and high qualification of astronauts, in particular, the physical endurance of Shepard, which was 47 years old at the time of flight;
  2. no painful phenomena among astronauts was observed;
  3. Shepard added Polkilogram in weight (the first case in the history of American manned cosmonautics);
  4. during the flight, astronauts never accepted medicines ...


NASA has other people's hands Robert A. Braeunig creates his positive image - they say Apollo to the radiation belt of the Earth, like Apollo 11, using the reception or gessomino in the country of liars. With attentive consideration of the work of Robert A. Braeunig, errors were found that could not be called an intelligent sparkling of facts. Even for Apollo 11 dose of radiation 56 times higher than officially announced.

Table 5 shows the total and daily doses of radiation of manned flights on spacecraft and data from orbital stations.

Table 5. Total and daily doses of radiation of manned flights
On space ships and orbital stations.


elements of orbit

sum. Doses of radiation, pleased [source]

per day, rad / day

Apollo 7.

10 d 20 h 09m 03 s

orbital flight, orbit height 231-297 km

Apollo 8.

6 d 03 h 00 m

Apollo 9.

10 d 01 h 00 m 54 s

orbital flight, orbit height 189-192 km, on the third day - 229-239 km

Apollo 10.

8 d 00 h 03 m 23 s

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Apollo 11.

8 d 03 h 18 m 00 with

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Apollo 12.

10 d 04 h 25 m 24 s

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Apollo 13.

5 d 22 h 54 m 41 with

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Apollo 14.

9 d 00 h 05 m 04 s

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Apollo 15.

12 d 07 h 11 m 53 s

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Apollo 16.

11 d 01 h 51 m 05 s

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Apollo 17.

12 d 13 h 51 m 59 with

flight on the moon and return to Earth according to NASA

Skylab 2.

28 d 00 h 49 m 49 with

orbital flight, orbit height 428-438 km

Skylab 3.

59 d 11 h 09 m 01 with

orbital flight, orbit height 423-41 km

Skylab 4.

84 d 01 h 15 m 30 s

orbital flight, orbit height 422-437 km



6 d 23 h 40 m 07 with

orbital flight, Peria: 222 km
Apogee: 468 km

orbital flight, orbit height 385-393 km

orbital flight, orbit height 337-351 km


It can be noted that the radiation doses of Apollo 0,022-0.114 rad / day, obtained by astronauts allegedly when flying to the moon, do not differ from radiation doses of 0.010-0.153 rad / day with orbital flights. The effect of the radiation belt of the Earth (its seasonal character, magnetic storms and features of solar activity) is zero. While with real flight to the moon according to the NASA dose of radiation, they cause 50-500 times greater effect than in the Earth orbit.

It can also be noted that the lowest radiation effect of 0.010-0.020 radiance is observed for the ISS orbital station, which has efficient protection two times higher than Apollo - 15 g / cm 2 and located at a low support orbit of the Earth. The highest doses of radiation 0.099-0,153 Rad / day are marked for OS "Skylab", which has the same protection as Apollors - 7.5 g / cm 2, and flights on a high reference orbit of 480 km near the radiation belt Wang Alena.

So, Apollons did not fly to the moon, they circled on a low support orbit, being under the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere, imitating flight to the moon, and received a dose of radiation of conventional orbital flight.

NASA's mistake of the end of the 60s of the last century consists in a new modern understanding of the earth's radiation belt, which

  1. two orders of magnitude increases its radiation danger to a person,
  2. introduces seasonal dependence and
  3. it introduces high dependence on magnetic storms and solar activity.

Work is useful for determining the safe conditions and trajectory of the person's flight to the moon.


26.11.2018 12:57

The longer the search will be launched, the more expensive is the "joke" of Rogozin. But in my opinion this is exactly the case when humor costs money.

To report



26.11.2018 14:16

Quote, Valentine-333. Post. №2.

I wonder this clown stated before a trip to the United States?
Just before the trip and it is necessary to declare this - it is called to emboss concessions in the negotiations.
Trump also does this (and all experienced negotiators) - for example, before negotiations with the DPRK, they exchanged the most inadequate statements.
The same thing was before negotiations with Europe - as a result, Europe agreed to all.

Before negotiations, it is necessary to lead a tough rhetoric, voicing the list of threats, so that opponents are frightened, and then, in the negotiations, to refuse the threats to convey for concessions.

To report


26.11.2018 14:52

Quote, Andrey_K. Post. Number 3

Before negotiations, it is necessary to lead a tough rhetoric, voicing the list of threats, so that opponents are frightened, and then, in the negotiations, to refuse the threats to convey for concessions.
There is another nuance, - the Americans are lytered. And this is a serious argument. Therefore, I tend to think that it would not be possible to find their traces on the moon. With that, the longer the searches will continue, the funnaya will become. Rogozin is at all the reputation of the joker, but here it is possible to joke quite successfully.

To report


26.11.2018 15:19

Quote, Baltas. Post. №4

Interest 90% for the fact that they were not.
I read a lot of articles from specialists in our field, which wrote only about where they understand and everywhere an unequivocal verdict.
For example, the photographer said that the photos were shot in the pavilion, and engineer for rocket engines that such an engine as Saturn 5 cannot be made (especially on technologies of those years).
Well, etc.
We are confident that the flights are real only people who do not understand anything.

To report

Peter TSK.

26.11.2018 21:21

Quote, Baltas. Post. №4

Therefore, I tend to think that it would not be possible to find their traces on the moon.
- And how did it legate it there?! :)

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26.11.2018 22:02

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №6.

- And how did it legate it there?! :)
And now, feel the difference:

This is a shot of a marshode, from the orbit of Mars, and Mars is a larger planet than the moon with the atmosphere and is very close there to the surface not approach - you have to be removed from afar.
And compare with the quality of the lunar picture - where it is impossible to distinguish - whether it is a real snapshot or it is processed in Photoshop.

It turns out that they know how to make high-quality pictures - and even color can do!
But the moon is some kind of damned place and even there the device can fly from the surface at least 100 meters away, but for some reason nothing qualitative and close to remove it.

Talk ten times wider in the photo at the Marshode

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27.11.2018 00:13

I Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov on the anniversary of his exit to space, signed a photo in Star. To feast)))
I, having touched the arrogance, asked him the same question. I laughed and said, got this question .. I got enough .. I know .. so that, do not believe Brechne anyone.
And Rogozinsky nonsense can not take into account. At least, Leonov I believe more.
Photography in my office hangs.

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Peter TSK.

27.11.2018 06:43

Today at Mars Sel eighththe NASA apparatus, has already handed over the first shot ... I wonder what time you will appear to reveal this fact. Posts with the denial of the work of mercts on Mars I have already come across ...

And about the resolution: here are surprisingly, two different devices, with a different mission, with different composition of the equipment, with different cameras and with different budget send pictures with different resolution?! Yes, and really "incredible"!

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27.11.2018 07:58

American machines on the moon were accurately - automatic stations "Serveier". The latter, Serveier-7 started on January 7, 1968, lifted on January 10 of the same year, 25.6 km north of Crater quietly. "Servest-7" handed over to Earth 21091 image of the lunar surface.

Machines to the moon Americans could kindly. But people ...

"Wonderful" history of the creation of F-1 EDD used at the first stage of the "Saturn-5" ... Modern computer calculations show that EDD with such a constructive when the Americans declared for it are not operational:

"... the calculation results unequivocally indicate that the engine runs on the proceedable modes:

1. Throughout the combustion chamber before the critical section, the wall temperature from kerosene Tst.zh significantly exceeds the NASA SP-8087 Recommendations (Liquid Rocket Engine Fluid-Cooled Combustion Chambers, NASA SP-8087 , 1972) Coking Threshold Kerosene TST.ZH\u003e 728K

In the cylindrical part of the coking temperature exceeded more than one hundred degrees! Maximum tst.zh ≈ 830k

At such temperatures, kerosene in the closed layer is definitely not chemically neutral not fluid - it will begin to vigorously decompose into severe resinous precipitation and light gas fractions.

Heavy resinous precipitations that are deposited on the walls of the tubes have two orders of magnitude lower thermal conductivity than steel.

The simplest estimates show that sticking the thinnest layer of resinous precipitation with a thickness of only 0.005mm is equivalent to twice the steel tube with a thickness of 0.45mm used in the F-1 chamber. Therefore, the coking of kerosene will lead to a drop in heat transfer through the walls of the tubes into the coolant and the rejection throughout the perimeter of the cross section ...

2. The temperature of the fire side of the wall all over the combustion chamber to the critical section exceeds Tst.g\u003e 900K

In some sections in the cylindrical part of the chamber, the temperature of the fire side of the wall exceeds Tst.g\u003e 1000k

Such temperature regime is invalid for the solder tubular design of the camera of this relocation ...

Conclusion: The above disadvantages indicate the inadmissibility of thermal regimes for this design of the F-1 relocation.

This unit cannot be used in the total pressure at the entrance to the narrowing nozzle of Poo ≈ 69kgs / cm² without the risk of fatal consequences and is subject to defforming or a significant change in the technology of manufacturing the camera of the EDD. "

If in fact the F-1 F-1 in reality issued a much smaller craving than it was declared for him, the pH "Saturn-5" was banally lacked her real characteristics to deliver people to the moon.

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27.11.2018 08:51

Quote, Valentine-333. Post. №8

And Rogozinsky nonsense can not take into account. At least, Leonov I believe more.
You apparently insult the very fact of distrust of American history. So why would Rogozin not prove to our beliefs? But for some reason it seems that you are afraid of the results of his research. Apply a humiliating vocabulary.
At the same time, the idea of \u200b\u200bRogozin is simply brilliant from a political point of view and is at the moment. I am sure and Ukraine will be preneficable, at least in view of the fact that it will contribute to the change in the consciousness of the people in the sense of the appearance of an understanding of the need to stop the rupture of its own country in their own hands.
By the way, if the party's decision was not to raise noise around the American attachment, then reliable information from Leonov could hardly be heard.

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27.11.2018 09:11

Quote, Valentine-333. Post. №8

He laughed and said, have taken out this question .. Everything ... I know ..
Leonov is just from those people who do not understand anything.
Well, what is he a specialist?
Caught (once) Top legs on the simulator hang and ride in carousel with overloads?

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Peter TSK.

27.11.2018 09:18

AlexandraDid you read the history of creating F-1?

wiki: " Tests of parts F-1 were started in 1957. The first firing test of the fully assembled experienced F-1 was committed in March 1959 of the year", and a steadily working engine was already in 1965 year. Think about this fact and what should be ...

Therefore, IMHO, this is a big luck for us that our person became the first person in space. And I explain to myself that only the fact that the United States has no concentration of all forces on this purpose. If it were different, then even with all the genius of Korolev (Keldysh, Glushko ...) he would not have a chance to overtake the Americans. Because he lived and worked in the country destroyed by a recent war and technically lagging on the United States ... At the beginning of this race, we already "fled" at the limit, and the United States was still won on their laurels. Only after the flight of our satellite was created NASA in 1958, and the lunar program began after the humiliating flight of the Soviet person in space for them ...

In fact, your post: any calculation is checked by practice, and not vice versa. Or you for the fact that " if practice does not confirm the calculations, the worse for practice"?! Rockets started, thousands of people were observed for their start, all this was shot on the photo and film equipment. The payload was shown, incl. And Skylab. For all this, our technical and agent intelligence followed. In Crimea, the signal was intercepted from the moon (including video And in this process took part of Leonov , and not only fun at the top of the legs in the simulator, as some write ...), Then exchanged the samples of the lunar regolith and studied it. Laser reflectors installed during the lunar missions still stand still and, if necessary, they receive a reflected laser signal, as from our "luno drives" ...

Mentioned calculations made by lovers can be made with an error and even malicious error. Because Inadequate-no executors of different theories and in general, any little effort, - Pond-pond.

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27.11.2018 10:09

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №13.

sorry, I will not discuss this topic, because discussed her here earlier and came to the conclusion that this time lost in empty.
I agree that the details are given more than enough, and it is unlikely that there is a special meaning to continue to caring them. Attached efforts that it would be sophisticated in the mass of arguments. Moreover, the suggestion of Mr. Rogozin's suggestion is worthy - stop twist the topic, but just go and see.

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27.11.2018 10:14

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №13.

In fact, your post: any calculation is checked by practice, and not vice versa.

The pressure in the combustion chamber of 7 MPa (69.1 atm) was supposedly achieved by the F-1 F-1, the Americans were not repeated on any of their oxygen-kerosene EDD created by technology. Even not close to this meaning. Such is an engineering practice.

And why the F-1 release with pressure in the combustion chamber of 7 MPa is inopened, see the calculation by reference.

Naturally, the Americans were on the moon - as well as we, machine guns. But they also scroll about the "man on the moon" with the help of automata.

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27.11.2018 10:14

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №13.

Rockets started, thousands of people watched their start, all this was shot at the photo and film equipment.
After that, experts on the basis of these most filming have calculated the starting speed of the rocket and got that at such a speed this rocket fell somewhere in the ocean, and not the fact that the moon of fliter.

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №13.

Skylab also got interestingly - according to the stated weight, he had to hold out in orbit a considerable period, but suddenly it turned out that something is wrong with him and he should be braked at the atmosphere as if he weighs significantly less.
As a result, the station quickly lost height and fell - i.e. And here they were lied about weight.

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №13.

In Crimea, the signal from the moon was intercepted
The repeaters came up with Garado before - no one could guarantee where this signal was walking.
If it were possible with such an accuracy, the forces of one telescope in the Crimea, observe flights and the area of \u200b\u200bthe Moon, now it would not be necessary to build gigantic radar types Voronezh - who are watching missiles just a few thousand kilometers and that is not exactly - and the moon is located Much further.

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №13.

Laser reflectors installed during the lunar missions still stand still and, if necessary, they receive a reflected laser signal, as from our "luno drives" ...
Do you know how these reflectors work?
The laser beam when reaches the moon, it has hundreds in diameter, if not thousands of kilometers - it is possible that it covers the size of a significant part of the moon - and then the amplifiers catch read photos.
What kind of mirror reflected this signal (or it was not a mirror and on the moon there are reflective rocks), where it is located in which place is absolutely impossible - it is just known that something on the moon reflects the signal.
And how does this prove the version that the Americans were on the moon?

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Peter TSK.

27.11.2018 10:53

Quote, Alexandra Post. №15

... relocation created using tubular camera technology. Even close to this meaning did not fit "...
- Judging by your links you are interested in a long time and thoroughly ... Then, especially i see no sense to argue meaningfully :))

Simply take the argument scheme Led on the site to which you refer and attach them to the flight of gagarin into space. I think you can easily see that "Argumentation" of this level does not leave any chance to prove that Gagarin flew into space.Starting with the fact that " all filming staged", "emergency carrier and ship shipping"... and ending in that" gagarin's voice relayed from the ground". "And in general, the country which only 16 years ago finished such a serious war, to make a similar one forces ..."

After all, you know that the frames showing the entrance / exit Leonov into space are mounted? On official frames he easily enters back to the ship, and in fact, he risked in orbit stay forever " to the top legs" (how do some write here), Skafandr something appeared ... So francmed the exit frames in two planes and issued to the entrance frames into the sluice chamber ... i.e., "about horror-s-s!", I did not go into space from Leonov?! And an unknown cosmonaut remaining forever in orbit?! Here, "we" and "opened" the horrible conspiracy of the commute. Gd ...

i just like such "theories" with a hundred, like: " nevertheless know that the first Son of Mikoyan flew into space, but stayed there forever?!" :))

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27.11.2018 11:33

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №17

I think you can easily see that the "argument" of this level does not leave any chance to prove that Gagarin flew into space.

After the completion of the "lunar part" of the Apollo program in 1972, Americans plan to "return" to the moon ... in 2024 - after 52 years.

After completing in February 1974, the last visit to the astronauts of Skylab Station, the Americans could not repeat this success.

The American astronaut again turned out to be the "host" on the space station only in December 1998 - without a small quarter of a century after the last astronaut left Skylab.

And the astronaut Robert Kaban had to "enter" to the ISS together with the cosmonaut Sergey Crycalev, because it was not an American, but an international space station.

52 years old (and "will they return" if they are on the moon in 2024?), Almost 25 years old (and the ISS "is not its own") - if the "experiment" is so long to repeat, there are reasonable doubts about the integrity of the "experimenter".

And "Experiment" Gagarin in July 1961 repeated titles. And went, went. Certificates for the fact that Soviet / Russian astronauts fly into space inconvenient, including the Americans.

There is no doubt about this in flight of Gagarin.

But the story of how Americans visited the moon clearly "spit on white threads."

They do not see these "white threads" only those who are not ready to confess that he is not ideal that it can be deceived, "bother around the finger."

But after all, the Americans managed to "circle around the finger". Check the whole world, even Matrov Soviet Space Program:

P.S. Do you continue to believe that Americans are not able to deceive, especially at the state level? And do not even admit the shadow of doubt that if something broadcast to the whole world on all channels, for example, the landing of Neil Armstrong on the surface of the moon, then this was a reality, and not a magnificent high-budget "show"?

Well, then your faith in the "American exception" is unshakable. :)

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27.11.2018 11:54

Quote, Alexandra Post. №18.

We will not be too strict to our fathers and grandfathers.
How can I?
Oh yourself left? Three-quarters of the former USSR are conducted on the American lies. Ukraine is looking for happiness in the European Union, Balts in an expensive American gas, and even ready billions to invest in expensive and unstable incoming European electricity. Russia made itself with respect to all "international" courts. Etc.
So, let a very funny joke Amstrong about humanity and steps, is just a trifle.

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Peter TSK.

27.11.2018 12:15

Quote, Alexandra Post. №18.

Do you continue to believe that Americans are not able to deceive, especially at the state level? ... Well, then your faith in the "American exception" is unshakable. :)
- Eh! Do not assign me your thoughts, please!

Quote, Alexandra Post. №18.

After the completion of the "lunar part" of the Apollo program in 1972, Americans plan to "return" to the moon ... in 2024 - after 52 years.
- Here, you are on the site on the subject of the military-industrial complex, then you are interested in the topic, and perhaps even work in this or related industry.

You see that we cannot do a lot from what could do the USSR although it was just 30 years ago?! Here take at least dieselsfor Navy ... where is it easier "Saturn"However, nor develop a new nor restore the large-scale production of the old model, we have not been able to and this is just one example. Money stand out, people do something, only the result ...

For example, if you destroy only one unique workshop that makes the blades for Mi-26, then under the current economic conditions, this helicopter never takes off ... Even in 50 years.

And what, we can now repeat "energy"?! Or "Buran"?! From this it follows that "energies" and "Buran" have never been?! Yes, we will not send anything to the long-range cosmos for about thirty years! So we did not have any "Mars" nor "Venus"?!

Therefore, it does not surprise me that "Saturn" or his analogue still did not take off - he does not need an economy, and politicians have other "toys." That's if chinesewe fly to the moon, and then gather on Mars, then I think we will see a new space competition. And so, it will be as now, - from the empty to empty (from the "Union-5" in Rus and Other).

And very sorry: ((

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27.11.2018 13:09

Here is an interesting article.
A professional photographer is surprised that all photos of the moon module are made from a distance of 19 meters with the same lateral lighting - which can be explained only by studio shooting.

Quote, q.

I have, like the cameraman, who is 25 years old at the Cinematography Institute reads lectures to students on the topic "How Movie Moves", there is no doubt that these photos are ordinary combined shootings made in the pavilion, and not documentaries of astronauts stay on the moon . For me, this is quite obvious, and there is no reason for the dispute. Interest is another question. Now, when we have already viewed impressive movie themes on the space theme, for example, the American film "Gravity" (2013) or the Russian film "Salute-7" (2017), I, as a cameraman, is curious to learn, with which technology Those or other "convincing" cosmic frames were obtained, which methods of combined shooting were used in a particular episode of the film. Of course, in these gaming staged films there is a special suspension of actors on cables, and the use of chromaque.

In the case of the "Lunny" images of NASA, it is interesting to me that the technology, with the help of which actors in the pavilion were combined with the landscape in advance. How did the actor in the scaffle, who depicted astronaut, was placed against the background of the alleged Mountain Mountain Hadley Delta? How was it all done without chromacea? Which of the exhaust technological techniques here applied NASA?

And a lot of interesting things are written there.

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27.11.2018 13:23

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №20

And what, we can now repeat "energy"?! Or "Buran"?! From this it follows that "energies" and "Buran" have never been?!
Compare the possibilities of the United States with today's Russia right even somehow awkward.
I am sure, the United States will make everything that their lunar mission will not be checked. Nevertheless, Rogozin's boyfriend's guy, and the idea itself is very good. Maybe you should prepare any explanations in advance? For example, why not live on the moon to live voracious bacteria?

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27.11.2018 13:47

Well, you do not believe Americans in everything? :)

Quote, Peter TSK. Post. №20

You see that we cannot do a lot from what could do the USSR although it was just 30 years ago?! Here, at least Diesels for the Navy ... Where is it easier to "Saturn", however, nor develop a new one, nor restore the large-scale production of the old model, we still could not and this is only one example. Money stand out, people do something, only the result ...

History with diesel engines for the Navy ... explicit flawlessness of the FSB. Kaki Diesels we "can't" - 10d49, 16d49 (FR Ave. 20350, CRV 20380)? We can. That's just the Navy at one time wanted to "leopards-2" diesel engines of the German company MTU (FR Ave. 20385, IRK Ave. 21631, etc.). After the events of 2014 and the introduction of Western sanctions, this fleet "Wishlist" covered.

As a result, instead of the MTU diesel engines on the ships under construction, it was necessary to put Chinese diesel engines and "dig a flight attendant" of small-sized but light "clock with cuckoo" M-507 from PJSC "Star":

"Diesel M-507a was developed in the 60s of the 20th century at the Star Plant and consisted of two-dimensional seven-block 56-cylinder diesel engines M-504 from himself. The new engine had 112 cylinders, power in 10,000 hp. , speed of rotation 2000 rpm, weight 17 tons, 6000 hours motor weight. "

These are Diesels in our time, PJSC "Star" in piece quantities were produced, since on modern projects only for minor landing boats Ave. 21820 "Digo" (not very successful boats, the construction of which was terminated).

And suddenly, "Come on the shaft plan!" A few dozen units per year. Completely predictable "Star" "did not sword" quickly to increase the release of these 112 cylinder outdated, small and earlier and previously none of the necessary diesel engines.

In addition, the Fleet State Correction for a private enterprise "Star" is not at all the main business:

You know that the state in recent years has invested 3.2 billion rubles in the modernization of the production capacity of this CJSC and for some reason since the end of 2017, very insistently wishes to get rid of his shares, to teach it to speak to the privatization of this strategic CJSC gear monopolist?

Money stand out, people do something, only the result ...

I wrote a little about diesel engines for the Navy. I can continue. For example, the new family of D500 diesel engines, which for some reason today does not need Navy. In any case, not a single project of the ship NMF already designed for these diesel engines is not yet called.

From this it follows that "energies" and "Buran" have never been?! Yes, we will not send anything to the long-range cosmos for about thirty years! So we did not have any "Mars" nor "Venus"?!

I did not write that the pH "Saturn-5" was never. :)

I wrote that the pressure in the combustion chamber is 7 MPa (69.1 atm.) Allegedly achieved on the F-1 F-1 was not and closely achieved in other American oxygen-kerosene relief with a tubular chamber.

As the calculations show such pressure is simply not possible for relocation with a tubular chamber of the cooled kerosene - because of the heat mode proceedent for engines (progo-from the camera).

About the pressure of 7 MPa in the combustion chamber of the F-1 F-1 Americans.

And therefore cocers and about the maximum thrust of this EDD.

And since the entire Flight program "Saturn Apollo" was built back, with minimal reserves and reserves, then any significant reduction in thrust F-1 made it impossible to remove the 44-ton ship to the flying trajectory to the Moon, then you mean the flight and a man falling on Moon.

PH "Saturn-5" of course was. Only her TTH was not at all like the Americans.

Write why do you believe that American astronauts were on the moon?

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27.11.2018 13:59

Quote, q.

A professional photographer is surprised that all photos of the moon module are made from a distance of 19 meters with the same lateral lighting - which can be explained only by studio shooting.
I argued with a person with a man with a man posted this article.

To which he answered me, that these are dolls and remove miniature models. When I brought him a video, where it was clearly more than 19 meters, he said that the optics was twisted there :)
In general, with such "arguments", the assumption of 19-meters to prove neither to disprove it is not possible. Who is interested, you can read the branch of the discussion on Welldkraisis to assess the level of argumentation:

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27.11.2018 14:54

Quote, Efril. Post. №24.

the assumption of 19-meters is not to prove not refute
People have a feature of increasing reasoning discussing problem things. Nevertheless, very often some details that can even be lost in general, make all reasoning unnecessary. But they are not noticed, but continue to prove from other facts. For example, the existence of drawings on the NASCO Plateau suggests that Erich von Danic is not such an echo.
Similarly, it is with American attack. Quite sufficient conclusions. But for additional attention from Mr. Rogozin, Americans simply asked. It would not be polite not to show the world search for the place of their landing on the moon.

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27.11.2018 16:47

I personally have a few favorite questions to believers in the Americans on the Moon - just because when I could not clearly answer them, I lostway in this matter.
The first question about the camera: How could it be removed on a regular camera with a conventional film in the conditions of the moon - this is a vacuum, extreme temperatures?
For example, a special climate chamber for cameras was organized on the Soviet moonwoker (and then the quality of the pictures was so-so) - and then it turned out that the Soviet engineers of Loi - nothing had to be done - just take a regular camera and can be removed.

The second question about Scotch: Does it really work in vacuo and again the graduate and more (metal should be heated even more in the sun than local soil) heat?
By the way, the flight of the Indian apparatus to the moon unexpectedly ended in failure - it turned out that the moon heats up strongly (well, it was naturally the sun's sun completely reflects, and also the sun on the other side, the heat flux doubles) and its equipment could not withstand heat loads and her Disable and repaid research.

Another question is this picture:

Well, that there is a scotch cardboard, I have already said.
But the question is different:
Why on tarpaulin case dust more than all the places of seams and corners?
It would have been a case on Earth that the answer is elementary: when dew drops in the morning (or after the rain) the material begins to dry unevenly - first in the center, and then on the edges and naturally dust prefers to settle on wet matter.
And why on the moon?

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27.11.2018 17:33

Quote, q.

I personally have a few favorite questions to believers in the Americans on the Moon - just because when I could not clearly answer them, I lostway in this matter.
I think that you just have never asked them to people who are "in the topic."
For its part, I will make a couple of assumptions:

Quote, q.

how could you shoot on a regular camera with a conventional film in the conditions of the moon - this is a vacuum, extreme temperatures?
It is still not an ordinary camera, but a very good camera. It is possible that the Soviet "special" cameras just more or less corresponded to HASSELBLAD 500EL.

Quote, q.

does it really work in vacuo and again the graduate and more (metal should be heated even more in the sun than local soil) heat?
Such questions are just give in you a "sofa conspiraologist". It is precisely because there is almost a vacuum "external" heat and is not a big problem. Transmit this "heat" astronaut and technique almost nothing. To illustrate this effect, go to the sauna, where 100 ° temperature, and then sow your hand into the water of the same temperature.

Quote, q.

it turned out that the moon heats greatly (well, naturally - she completely reflects the sunlight
Another conclusion from the "sofa conspiracy". Albedo Moon is much less than that of the earth. According to my subjective sensations, 99% of supporters of the lunar conspiracy possess the same deep "knowledge" and the skills of information verification.

Quote, q.

The second question about Scotch: Does it really work in vacuo and again the graduate and more (metal should be heated even more in the sun than local soil) heat?
Given the above, why not work? And if there are some problems, it may be not quite ordinary household tape.

Quote, q.

Why on tarpaulin case dust more than all the places of seams and corners?

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27.11.2018 18:53

Quote, Efril. Post. №27

Such questions are just give in you a "sofa conspiraologist". It is precisely because there is almost a vacuum "external" heat and is not a big problem. Transmit this "heat" astronaut and technique almost nothing.
These answers give out full profan in you in physics.
There is something to transmit what heat.
Have you heard that neither be about thermodynamic equilibrium?
This law of physics claims that how many surface (moon) gets heat, as much and gives.
Regardless of air availability - no air will be transmitted by radiation.
If it did not give the heat, it would be heated to the temperature of the Sun (6000 degrees).

Quote, Efril. Post. №27

Another conclusion from the "sofa conspiracy". Albedo Moon is much less than that of the earth.
Another phrase of profan in physics.
Albedo Moon here not at all - the moon, like almost a completely black body absorbs the whole falling sunlight, but because Energy does not disappear, it does not disappear all the absorbed light radiates in the form of heat.
How many water (radiation) falls into the pool - the same amount follows (heat).

Quote, Efril. Post. №27

Given the above, why not work? And if there are some problems, it may be not quite ordinary household tape.

All inventions made during the space program were subsequently applied in the economy (for example, diapers), but something I did not meet in stores neither the tape neither the photographs that work under vacuum conditions and heating above 100 degrees.

Quote, Efril. Post. №27

To answer you need to know what is inside and normally understand physics.
Well, apparently, you do not really understand it, so it is not necessary and to answer that you do not understand - let the one who understands - and so far no one answered.

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27.11.2018 19:15

Quote, Valentine-333. Post. №8

At least, Leonov I believe more.

"In July 2009, the famous cosmonaut Alexei Leonov so" denied "many years of rumors that American astronauts were not on the moon, and the personnel broadcasting on television were allegedly mounted in Hollywood. He told about it in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Question: "So there were no Americans on the moon?"

Answer: "To seriously believe that the Americans were not on the moon, they can only absolutely ignorant people. And, unfortunately, all this remapion of the epic on the supposedly fabricated in Hollywood frames began with the Americans themselves. By the way, the first person who began to spread these rumors was imprisoned for slander, "said Alexey Leonov.

Question: Where did the rumors come from? "

Answer: "It all started with the fact that when at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the famous American film director, Kubrik, created on the book of Fistist Arthur Clark, his brilliant film" Odyssey 2001 "journalists who met his wife Kubrick were asked to talk about her husband's work film in Hollywood Studios. And she honestly reported that there are only two real lunar modules on Earth - one in the museum, where no shooting was conducted, and it was even forbidden to walk with the camera, and the other is in Hollywood, where to develop the logic of what is happening on the screen and marked landing Americans on the moon, "said Soviet cosmonaut.

Question: "Why was the studio coming up?"

Answer: "Alexey Leonov explained that in order for the viewer to see the development of originally from start to the end on the movie screen, the elements of commencement were used in any movie. It is impossible, for example, it was to remove the real opening by Neil Armstrong Luke of the descent ship on the moon - from the surface it was just a certain one to remove! For the same reason, it was impossible to remove the descent of Armstrong to the Moon on the ladder from the ship. These are the moments that are really joined by Kubrick in Hollywood Studios for the development of the logic of what is happening, and laid the beginning of numerous gossip that the entire landing was allegedly modeled on the set, "Alexey Leonov explained.

Question: "Where is the truth begins and installing installation?"

Answer: "The real shooting began when Armstrong first settled on the moon, a little mastered, established a strong-directional antenna, through which broadcast was broadcast. His partner Basz Oldrin then also came out of the ship to the surface and began to shoot Armstrong, and he, in turn, removed his movement along the surface of the moon, "clarified the astronaut.

To this it is worth adding the following words of George Grechko who have already been widely popular on the Web, said ten more years ago:

"I will tell you what it was ... Where did this stupid, completely ridiculous hearing? The fact is that sometimes bad pictures are in space. And I think they were not kept, and the flag snapshot on the moon was poured. And the fact that they flew is that they removed that they brought samples, it is absolute truth. They tried to improve the result slightly, and now they are for it ... "

So after all, you will not understand immediately: they are joking, or they mock ... This is all called "Men's Solidarity"! How, you do not know what kind of male solidarity is? Anecdote in the topic.

The husband comes home in the morning. Wife asks:

Where have you been all night?

Grisha was, we played chess.

Wife ring gris:

Grisha, my husband was at night today, did you play chess?

Why played? We now play ...

So, Leonov, Grechko and Permnov would have to say: why flew? They fly there! It would be really male, in a friendly friend ... "

P.S. To recognize the age of years to admit that: "Yes, the Americans were deceived then, circled with radio broadcasts and Hollywood shooting as idiots. And we were led to their lies, recognized ourselves defeated in the lunar race and turned their own lunar program" - you need to be very inquisitive and honest First of all, an honest person.

It's hard. It is easier to argue: "Yes. Fly! Part of the photo and video was pounded in the studio on the ground. But still flew!"

Hollywood already in 1971 hinted that all "flights to the moon" were removed in Hollywood pavilions. In the next blockbuster about the bond on the whole planet hinted:

P.P.S. And then there were "Star Wars", when the "Kremlin elders" was led to the bluff of the former Hollywood actor Reagan and "Cartoons" about soybeans, despite the fact that science suggested that all these "X-ray lasers" and other "beam weapons" at the level of development of science And technology - unscientific fiction.

"Society of the play" (c)

This year turns 35 from the moment people landed on the moon. And all this time disputes do not subscribe: whether American astronauts or all photo and video stations were really there - fake, fabricated in Hollywood.

Unfortunately, when on July 21, 1969, NASA was led by the right broadcast of the first landing of earthlings on our planet's satellite, in the USSR showed the film and shepherd.

In our country, you willingly blended real information about the American lunar program. For example, the authoritative "cosmic" journalist "Komsomolskaya" Yaroslav Kirillovich Golovanov wrote a book "True about Apollo's program", but then no publisher decided to publish it. But we willingly believe in all sorts of crooks and charlatans (not only domestic, but also Western), who decided to make a career, claiming that the Americans were not on the moon. How so? After all, the lunar program really existed? A lot of journalists have always been invited to launches. And skeptics and do not claim that Apolloes never started. They believe that the Americans flew, but not to the moon, but to the moon. And they did not sit on her surface - they could not with that imperfect technique, which was then had. Skeptics are in defense of their version many arguments. We are starting a series of publications, where we will try to expose these "evidence".

I wonder what astronauts have broken? Did you get into something incomprehensible?

Sapeptic did not like that traces from the astronaut shoes in the photos turned out too clear and deep. After all, there is no water on the moon, and the dehydrated soil cannot "hold the form." Imagine that you go on dry sand - embossed fingerprints. Soles of the boot will not work.

This is what is written about the soil of the moon in the collection of works of Soviet scientists "Lunar soil from the sea of \u200b\u200babundance" (M., Science, 1973, authors D. L. Nag, etc.):

"The loose soil of the lunar seas has a very contrasting character compared to the loose ground of the Earth ... represents a dark gray (blackcled) material, easily formed and sticks out into separate loose lumps ... Traces of external influences are clearly imprinted on its surface ... It has unusual properties - anomalous adhesion. And an order of magnitude higher than in the sand, the relative compressibility coefficient ... "

Thanks to such "abnormal compressibility and adhesion" on the surface of the moon, traces of the astronaut shoes were clearly imprinted.

By the way, Soviet scientists investigated the soil delivered to the land not by the Americans, but brought by the domestic automatic station "Luna-16".

It can be seen that the flag keeps not only on the vertical flagpole, but also on the horizontal crossbar. Therefore, the illusion is created that it flies, as in the air.

Where did the wind come from

The most important statement of skeptics is a peasant American flag, which astronauts installed on the Earth's satellite. The newsreel shows that he flutters, although there is no atmosphere on the moon and it should be immobile.

In fact, the aluminum flag aluminum tree was made in the form of the letter "g". And so that he occupy less space during transportation, it was drawn up as modern fishing rods. When the flag began to install, the horizontal part of the bore, and the nylon cloth remained stretched not to the end. Astronauts twitched him several times, trying to straighten. That's where the "Moon Wind" effect manifested itself. Of course, there is no atmosphere here, so no winds are impossible. But if you are swing in vacuum to some object, it will be swinging for a very long time. Just because there is no atmosphere and, accordingly, the force of friction of air, because of which he would stop. Therefore, it was worth the time to pull the flag so that he began to break. It knows any five-grader, carefully reading a textbook on physics.

On the site NASA you can see a documentary video where the moment of installation and flag wrapping is falling.

Neil Armstrong (right) and Edwin Oldrin - the first earthlings on the moon.

From the history of the question

On May 25, 1961, US President John Kennedy spoke in the Senate with a proposal to develop the American astronauts on the moon landing program.

As part of the Apollo program, 11 spacecraft were launched. In order for 12 astronauts to stroll through the lunar surface and bring 380 kilograms of the lunar soil to Earth, about 400 thousand people worked on NASA. The total price of the lunar program is 25.5 billion dollars.

The very stone.

Mysterious stone with the letter "C"

At one of the photos, a stone is visible on which you can see the clear letter "C". Critics argue that this is one of the elements of Hollywood scenery, turned to the camera not the side due to the negligence of the service personnel.

On this occasion, NASA conducted an integer investigation. It turned out that on some fingerprints of a snapshot with the code AS16-107-17446, the letter "C" is, and on others - no. After working with the connection of the criminologists, it turned out that in one case a hairs had simply hit the film when printing, it was proven exactly exactly. The next question is: if hairs got on the negative, then the photo should have his bright imprint. The answer - the astronauts were removed not on the usual film, but on the slide. In this case, the hairs will turn out dark.

For many, such evidence may seem inconclusive - "How Sorinka so successfully got to the very center of the stone, and not, let's say on the sand or on the astronaut's jade." It is difficult to argue with it, but the original film is kept in NASA, and any serious organization, if desired, can take it on examination.

Why dust is not worth the pillar and sound

On the frames of the newsreel, it can be seen that dust from under the wheels of lounomobile behaves in the same way as on earth: flower and takes off too high. But with a lunar attraction, which is much smaller than the earth, it should rise high. And not flower, but to fly smooth jets.

The main reason is that it does not give the sands to wave, - wings over the wheels of the lounomobil. And dust clubs turn out because the surface of the moon is not too smooth, and when the wheels lose the grip with the soil, scrolling, throw dust clubs.

Documentary roller about the movement of Longobil, shot by the Apollo-16 expedition, can be viewed here:

By the way, the video is noticeable that dust very quickly settles. This is possible only in vacuum. On Earth, she would have hung in the air for a long time.

When the astronauts travel on lounomobil, the sound of the working motor is heard. But in vacuum, the sound does not apply?

This question in NASA was also a reasonable answer. In vacuum, the sound, of course, does not apply, but on solid bodies is completely transmitted. Vibration from the working motor is transmitted over the astronaut's scaffle and falls on the microphone installed in the helmet.

By the way, it would be quite stupid to assume that the Americans do not know that acoustic waves do not apply to vacuum, and allowed such an annoying miss.

And where is the earth?

Why aren't you visible in the pictures from the moon? After all, it would be so impressive!

It was technically easier to plant the landing modules in the center of the visible side of the moon. And this means that the earth was in astronauts right above his head. And when photographing it would not be visible to the lunar surface. Such pictures are little known, but they are. Members of the Apollo-17 expedition (the module sat closer to the edge of the visible surface of our satellite) managed to take pictures on which the Earth is visible and a little moon.

By the way, this picture was another object of critics. It seems to be disproportionately large on it, which does not correspond to real lunar landscapes. NASA has repeatedly stated that this is a fake photo mounted from another snapshot made by astronauts not from the lunar surface, but from a height, even before landing.

UFO snapshots or spotlights?

Many photographs from the lunar archive are visible mysterious glowing balls. UFO? Or are these sophilors - spotlights, on some misunderstanding remaining on the set?

Any professional photographer will understand that these stains are just glare, which appeared due to the reflection of sunlight from the camera lenses - simply marriage. NASA tries not to publish such pictures because there are better. But the skeptics are mined and then used for their "evidence."

Mystery of Shadows

The light source on the moon is one - the sun. Why then in the astronauts of the Apollo-11 expedition and Oldrina, people of about the same growth, the shadows differing in the length of about one and a half times? Did there be some other backlight as on the set in Hollywood?

The astronauts went to the moon when the sun was only shown over the horizon, so as not to demand the surgery of extra protection - it was already warm enough, but not hot. At this time, the sun's rays fall on the surface very hollow. And any irregularity is very distorting the shadows. Therefore, one of the astronauts, standing on a slight elevation, is simply obliged to discard the shorter shadow. Shadows will be different in the event that one of them falls on the surface located at an angle. This can be easily verified by sending a beam of light into two cylinders of the same height (see the circuit at the top).

And then you think about what: Nas is still working with higher technical education. I guess they could see that the "wrong" shadows are obtained on film and cards.

Where are all the cameras?

Since many questions arose in the photographs, NASA specialists were asked to present cameras that were used for filming. And they did not submit, referring to the fact that astronauts left all the cameras on the moon.

This is true. On the places of their "parking", the Americans threw all the equipment that was useless on the way back, including cameras. The weight of the landing modules was limited, but I wanted to bring as much moon soil as much as possible (380 kilograms were delivered for six expeditions).

And only long-phocus cameras reached the land, which was used for filming in space and were in the main ship, which remained in the orbit of the Moon.

Where the stars are gone

Yuri Gagarin during his historical flight passed to the PC: "It can be seen how stars pass. Very beautiful sight. In the right window now I am watching an asterisk, it goes so much to the right ... "And in no American picture from the moon of stars is not visible. Could you choose the correct location to not be caught in the fake?

Here are the results of another experiment of the photographer "KP" Ivan Tyomin.

He twice photographed illuminated man against the background of the starry sky. On one card of the stars is not visible, but the person and everything that around, it turned out very clearly (photo a). On the other, the stars and bright windows in the next house are visible, but everything else is very vague (photos b).

The secret is simple - in the second case, the camera lens was opened for several minutes - a very big excerpt was set. Making such photos without much difficult needs.

The task of astronauts was not to remove the stars, but each other, flag, their ship, lounomobil, landscapes. In these pictures of stars, of course, will not be visible.

All the well-known arguments that the Americans were not settled on the moon received a new refutation. Japan Space Research Agency announced the detection of "haloe", which remained from the exhaust jets of the engine of the Moon Module Apollo-15, which was detected on the image of the stereoscopic landscape chamber (Terrain Camera, then TC).

Recall that the lunar module ("Falcon") Apollo-15 lurked on the moon on July 30, 1971 near Hadley Rilla (Hadley Rille), at the foot of the Apennine Mountains (Apennine) surrounding Mare Imbrium. Hadley Rill is a winding canyon of 80 km long and a depth of 300 m. One of the tasks of the Apollo-15 mission was to explore the origin of this canyon. High mountains near the lunar canyon make this place unusually beautiful.

The viewing point shows Hadley Rill from the West, from a height of 15 km (this is a three-dimensional (3D) image was recreated from the landscape chamber's stereo (TC)).

1. Confirmation of "Arase"

This image (Fig. 3) provided by the Selene mission team (Kaguya) was obtained from the processed data when observing the planting area of \u200b\u200bApollo-15 on the moon. In fact, this is the first message in the world after the end of the Apollo program about the detection of "haloe". Images 1 and 2 show the change in the reflectivity of the surface of the moon before and after the Position of Apollo 15.

Fig. 1. Before grace:

Region to Apollo-15 (NASA photo: AS15-87-11719)

Fig. 2. After grazing:

White area in the photo - A halo from the jet apollona-15 (NASA photo: AS15-9430)

Photos show changes in the reflectivity of the surface before and after planting Apollo-15. The top image (Fig. 1) was obtained indirectly from the descending lunar module. The bottom image (Fig. 2) was made from the command service module from a height of 110 km on the second orbit of the moon after landing.

On an enlarged image below (Fig. 3), which the Japanese did, show the white area of \u200b\u200bthe existing "halo" (the image below: in the amount of 1 square kilometer. Red circle delineates "halo").

Fig. 3. Image of "Oleole"

Apollo-15 Oleole region. Photo of the landscape chamber (TC). Photo jaxa.

The reflectivity of the Oleole region has become brighter than on the initial photo from the Moon Module Apollo-15, and the likelihood of the existence of "haloe" was confirmed.

2. Comparison of images from Apollo and TC

Photo from the crew Apollo-15

Three-dimensional (3D) model from Kaguya processed data

The 3D image viewing point is obtained by processing stereo data from the landscape chamber (TC), and it can be freely changed. 3D images of the TS data show a completely similar landscape (left picture) in comparison with the origin obtained by Apollo-15 image (the right image from NASA: AS15-82-11122HR). Despite the fact that minor items (for example, rocks and stones) cannot be shown in this TC-image, because their corresponding dimensions are less than the spatial resolution of the vehicle (10 m / pixel), the shape of the mountains and hills are almost identical and the same.

3. Analysis of the landing area of \u200b\u200bApollo on the moon

The three-dimensional image of the Hadley Rail area is obtained after TC data processing. During the Mission Apollo-15, astronauts also collected samples of basalt near Hadley Rilla. Their research confirmed that Mare Imbrium consists of many layers of lava flows, from several to ten meters deep. The three-dimensional image of TC looks at the southeastern direction from the North-West and clearly shows layers of lava flows on the upper parts of the Rail wall. These layers were probably formed approximately 3.2 billion years ago.

So, there are still evidence from an independent source in favor of the fact that the Americans were on the moon. All attempts of refutation are questioned. Recall that the discussion about the real attack of Americans has been in a row for several years. I would also like to note that in the near future, cosmic enthusiasts expect to receive even more good evidence and evidence that the Americans flew to the moon - to the Moon, equipped with powerful optical cameras, the LRO probe, in the program of which it is possible to turn on the photographing of the Apollon sites. We will wait with impatience!)


17 comments on " Were the Americans on the moon? New evidence from JAXA


    Maybe it looks like a trail, and maybe not very, waiting for the probe promised.

  2. Agasi.

    Yes, you finally, finally their equipment of their traces, where they, and then some hacles, terrain to flight, after the flight, what kind of kindergarten, you already have mercursors send photos from Mars, and we are "haleas" here. Funny the right word, well, there was no you there and tell me.

  3. Ivan.

    Since in vacuum a pen and a hammer with the same speed, I make the conclusion that landing and takes off in vacuo on the moon are impossible !!!

    And in weightlessness in a vacuum, the rocket is flying in itself and requires a minor energy to move, but there is no weightlessness on the moon, too, it's too good and atmosphere!

  4. Nikki

    Yes, "Proof" leaves a miserable impression. Just the "Triangle of Conquiry" from the "Golden Trek".
    Blurry spots and science-shaped comments.

  5. Vlad.

    I won't ring all the malicious and aggressive-hazymests: not so raised, I am a polite person. Do not be angry, but thinking your head! All over the world, any scientific and technical achievements are adopted to protect against experts. Americans with their achievements (and flights to the moon are grand achievements) did not do it! Whatever it was to achieve - a penny price for them without solving experts! This is the first. And the second, the price of NASA and its all defenders, because you are elementary illiterate (apparently, poorly studied at school and do not know that there is an objective law of nature: the attraction of the moon is 6 times weaker than the land. And this means if you put on the moon, then your chamber is on or higher, let's say on the ground at 30-40 cm on the moon will turn 6 times further or higher, i.e. at 1.8 - 2.4 meters. You will not walk on the moon , and literally fly over the heads of other people. And you will jump into the distance at all 8-10 meters and further! And this is an objective law of nature, from which you can not get anywhere, I like it or dislike. So think your head, jumped , flew Americans or dust from under their feet or from under the wheels of Roves or did not jump, or did not fly? You decide whether the Americans were on the moon! and read the Internet more: everything is written there, including smart things!

  6. Pavel

    on the moon, attraction is smaller and weighs the astronaut less - it means that it will jump above much than on the land of the undressed. 60 cm I am free from the jumper, and they are trained. And the stain appears on other objects too, the halo that. The hammer with the pen even I can do so that they equally fell. This is all the tufts. Maybe they were there, the films lit up, and maybe they were not. The role does not play, the USSR was first on the moon. Yes, and everywhere in space was the first to be the USSR. Now the USSR is not, so the Americans can reap laurels, which did not deserve it in general. Come on the moon, when everything else is the first satellite, the first person in space, the first way to be the first to reach the moon, Venus, and so on, this flight on The moon is not so important. Just the United States poured this one's only success as they won. And all these disputes were not served in order to approve this success. The rest seems to be forgotten, but about the moon argue. And it seems like this flight (s) almost the main and central event. One percentage of success from the whole cosmic epic.

    • Peter

      From place, with outfit weight almost in centner, on Earth, can you jump on 60 cm?
      What do you think "equally fell"?
      And where is the hammer and pen and the feather?

    • Alexander

      Paul, why do you compare astronaut on the moon with the _ Symbol_ man on earth? I will not repeat - in the previous answer, Alexey is well painted. About the Oleole discussed - it just appears as a result of the engine of the planting module.
      The landing on the man's moon is the most complicated technical task, much superior to the delivery of the same "lunas". And only 6 expeditions visited the moon!
      More, for example, one of the American ka is at a distance of 15 with supervisory _milliards_ km. From the Sun - in working condition. Flying at the same time after half the SS and transferring unique photos. So about one percentage of success - it's you in vain.
      PS: And if you make such a hammer, I publicly confess to ignorance of elementary physics and I undertake to never go online.

  7. Vladimir

    A lot of them. Too much for one space program. Moreover, no questions arise to all the other NASA programs, starting with the launch of monkeys in space (none lived and eight days after the flight - - everything like flies, die from radiation) and ending with space shutouts.
    "NASA deceived America" \u200b\u200b- the so-called the book of the scientist and the inventor of Rene, one of many on this issue. He expressed a lot of doubts about the reliability of landing American astronauts on the moon. The main ones are briefly reduced to the following:
    1. The power of gravity
    The accelerated view of the jumps of astronauts on the moon shows that their movements correspond to movements on the ground, and the height of the jumps does not exceed the height of jumping in the conditions of the earth, although the strength of gravity on the moon is one sixth of the earth. Pebbles, falling from under the wheels of the American lounge in flights after Apollo-13, with accelerated viewing behaves in terrestrial and does not rise to the height corresponding to the strength of gravity on the moon.
    2. Wind
    At the time of installation of the USA flag on the moon, the flag was broken under the influence of air flow. Armstrong corrected the flag and took a few steps back. However, the flag did not stop silent. No "internal oscillations of the flag" or its "internal energy" cannot be explained.
    3. Cooking
    Lunar pictures have specific unobthetic crosses caused by the work of the equipment. Without these crosses, no image of the lunar ecporation should not exist. However, contrary to all the rest of the pictures taken during other space programs, in many lunar photos, crosses are either absent or located under the image, which causes doubts that the pictures are really made by lunar equipment.
    A number of photos, allegedly made on the moon, in various NASA editions are represented with circumcision and corrections: in some places the shadows are removed, it is revealed. The same pictures that NASA provided the public at different times look different and irrefutably prove the presence of installation.
    4. Stars
    On the overwhelming majority of space snapshots of the Moon Program, NASA is not visible, although their full abundance of Soviet space images. Black empty background of all photos is due to the difficulty of modeling the starry sky: the flag would be obvious to any astronomer.
    5. Radiation
    The near-earth spacecraft are much smallest exposed to the destructive effects of solar radiation than the ship removed from the ground. According to estimates of American specialists, to protect the spacecraft flying to the moon, walls with 80 centimeters of lead are needed. Otherwise, astronauts will not survive and the weeks and die, as all American monkeys-astronauts have died from radiation. However, NASA spacecraft in the 60s had onboard, made of aluminum foil with a thickness of several millimeters.
    6. Spacks
    When heating the day lunar surface up to 120 degrees, the jade must be cooled, for which, according to modern American specialists in space, 4.5 liters of water are required. Spacks "Apollo" have 1 liter of water and almost completely were not intended to work in lunar conditions.
    Spacks were made of rubberized fabric without any substantial protection against cosmic radiation. Wanders "Apollo" of the 60s are significantly less than Soviet and American scafflers used today to enter the space for a short time. Even with today's level of development of technologies, such scaffolds cannot be configured for 4 hours, radio station, life support system, thermostat system, etc., which, judging by the legend of the 60s, Apollo astronauts have more than modern astronauts.
    7. Fuel
    In 1969, Armstrong and Oldrin literally on the last drop of fuel heroically put on the Moon "Apollo-11" weighing 102 kg. "Apollo-17" weighing 514 kg sat on the moon without any problems with the exact same fuel margin. This blatant inconsistency is not explained by anything, and, and, in fact, to explain its "savings on maneuvers" or "finding a shorter path to the moon" is impossible, which will confirm any specialist in this field.
    8. Landing
    The jet jet, beating from the nozzle of the apparatus descended to the moon, was to be completely stored in the conditions of a small force of gravity all the dust - almost weightless - from the surface within a radius minimum hundreds of meters. In an airless space, this dust should rise high above the surface of the moon and fly by swirl for kilometers from the shutter site, which was observed with all landings of Soviet lunar modules. However, in American pictures - contrary to the whole science and common sense - we see how you just traveled astronaut vigorously jumps from the captured apparatus into untouched by no effects and trample in dust under the alleged nozzle, leaving your historical traces everywhere.
    9. Information leakage
    In the memoirs of Astronaut Aldrina there is a description of the party in a narrow circle of astronauts, where those present watched a film showing the adventures of Fred Hase on the moon. Haze performed all sorts of Pa, then tried to stand on the step of the moonlock, but the step was crumbled, only he stepped on her. However, Fred Haze was never on the moon. He is a participant in the infamous flight "Apollo-13", which did not sit on the surface of the moon.
    Or all the flights "Apollo" were falsification, or for each flight, an invented landing option was created, capable of work at the right moment.
    There are a lot of other facts. During the "live broadcasts from the Moon", the audience came across a strange thing several times, as, for example, a frank letter S, written in paint on one of the "untouched" lunar stones and accidentally fell into a frame in one of the "lunar" reports.
    Falsification is so pearl from all holes of the lunar project, that tens of thousands of Americans are not at all Russians, television, NASA and the White House were filled with bags of indignant letters.
    Similar never happened before, nor after the lunar epic. No response was given to any letter.
    10. Privacy
    In 1967, under dubious circumstances, 11 astronauts died. Seven died in plane crash, three burned in the test capsule. According to American researchers, this was "dissenting". The highest mortality in the village of American cosmonauts just corresponds to the most dubious NASA program.
    All above, the above once again confirms that Hollywood is a really great "dream factory" !!!

14:54 01/05/2016

👁 2 954

Argument of skeptics: In the photographs and video of the establishment on the moon, the crew "Apollo-11" the US flag is noticeable "ripple" on the surface of the canvas. Supporters of the Moon Conspiracy believe that this ripple arose due to the impact of the wind, which in the airless space on the surface of the moon is impossible.

Counterparty Counters: The flag movement could not be caused by non-wind, but attenuating fluctuations arising during the installation of the flag. The flag was fastened on the flagpole and on the horizontal telescopic crossbar pressed against the tree during transportation. Astronauts failed to push the telescopic tube of horizontal crossbar for a full length. Because of this, a ripple remained on the cloth, which created the illusion of the flag waving in the wind.

Gravity on the moon

Argument of skeptics: One of the arguments of supporters of the conspiracy theory is not too big height of astronaut jumps. In their opinion, if the shooting was made on the moon, they would be captured by jumping up to several meters in height, due to the fact that the strength of gravity on the moon is 6 times lower than on.

Counterparty Counterparty: In contrast to the changed weight of astronauts, their mass even increased (due to the scaffle and life support system), so the effort required for the jump has not diminished. An additional problem creates a supervision of a spacecraft: the rapid movements necessary to make a high jump, are difficult in space, because at the same time significant efforts are spent on overcoming the internal pressure. In addition, at high jumps, the astronaut lost control over the equilibrium, jumping on a large height with a high probability led to drops. Drops from the height represented a potential danger, as it was possible to damage the surprise, helmet or wretched system of support. The danger of such a jump can be represented as follows. As you know, any body can perform translational movement and rotational movement. At the time of the jump, for example, due to the unevenness of the effort made by the muscles of the legs, the body of the astronaut could get a rotary point, as a result of which in flight it would be started to spin, and the consequences of filming after such a jump would be difficult to predict. Astronaut could, for example, fall on the lunar surface head. Naturally, astronauts understood this and tried to avoid tall jumps.

Rocket carrier

Some supporters of conspiracy theory believe that the Saturn-5 missile has never been ready for launch, and the following arguments lead:

  • After a partially unsuccessful test launch of the Saturn-5 missile on April 4, 1968, the piloted flight was followed, which, according to N. P. Kamanin, was a "purely adventure" in terms of security.
  • In 1968, 700 employees of the Marshall Space Research Center were dismissed in Huntsville (Alabama), where Saturn-5 was developed.
  • In 1970, in the midst of the Lunar Program, the chief designer of the Saturn-5 missile, Werner von Brown, was released from the office of the Director of the Center and was removed from the leadership of rocket development.
  • After the end of the lunar program and withdrawal to the Skylab orbit, the remaining two rockets were not used for their intended purpose, and were sent to the museum.
  • The absence of foreign cosmonauts, which would fly on Saturn-5, or would work on a super-thinning object with a superheom - Skylab.
  • Lack of further use of F-1 engines or its descendants on subsequent rockets, in particular, use instead on a powerful rocket of Russian RD-180.

The version of NASA's failures in the creation of hydrogen-oxygen engines is also considered. Supporters of this version claim that the second and third steps "Saturn-5" had kerosene-oxygen engines, as the first stage. The characteristics of such a rocket would be not enough to withdraw the "Apollo" orbit with a full-fledged lunar module, but it would be enough for the root of the moon and reset the highly reduced layout of the lunar module to the moon.

Versions of an unmanned lunar module

Some supporters of the "lunar conspiracy" theory suggest that unmanned ships were delivered to the surface of the moon, which could imitate (for example, by repeater) telemetry and negotiations with land for falsifying current or subsequent expeditions. The same unmanned ship could carry autonomous scientific instruments, such as corner reflectors, which are still used in scientific work on the location of the moon.

Many supporters of such versions proceed from the assumption that the Americans failed to create, and therefore were forced to develop an unmanned simulator instead (at least partial) declared problems of the lunar program (accommodation on the moon of scientific devices separated by a significant distance from each other; collection and delivery to Earth significantly larger volume of different types of lunar soil with significant areas, etc.).

In some theories, it is assumed that the Saturn-5 rocket has insufficient power to deliver the piloted lunar module to the moon, therefore a heavy manned lunar module was replaced by a more easy unmanned simulator. The elimination of the piloted landing from the lunar expeditions would be neutralized politically unacceptable, according to some conspiracles, the risk of losing two crew members and the risk of losing the lunar race to the Soviet Union. This thesis on the political unacceptability of the crew's loss is not confirmed by practice: despite all the negative consequences, including the political, the death of people did not lead either in the USA, nor in the USSR to the closure of large-scale space programs or before, nor after the Apollo program.

This version requires either a secret creation of a separate unmanned simulator, or a secret continuation of the serveyor program closed in January 1968, or a significant modification of the piloted lunar module created under the lunar program (its equipment of the automatic soil intake, mechanisms for bringing the working condition of scientific instruments). It would also be required to falsify all photo and video filming on the moon. When using Serveryer, it would also be necessary to falsify the brought lunar soil.

Span radiation belts

One of the common arguments of supporters of the theory of the lunar conspiracy is made back in 1958, the opening of the radiation belts Wang Allen. Solar radiation streams, mortal for humans, constrained by the Earth's magnetosphere, and in the belts of Wang Allen, the radiation level is highest. However, it will not be dangerous through radiation belts if the ship has adequate radiation protection. During the span of radiation belts, the crew "Apollon" was inside the command module, the walls of which were quite thick and ensured the necessary level of protection. In addition, the spans of the belts took place quite quickly, and the trajectory lay outside the region of the most intense radiation.

The argument is also put forward that the films in cameras inevitably were to be illuminated due to radiation. It is curious that the same fears were expressed before flying the station "Luna-3" - nevertheless, the Soviet apparatus transferred normal photos. The shooting of the moon on the film was successfully carried out by several devices of the "Probe" series.

"Dark side of the Moon"

In the pseudocuital film "The Moon" (Dark Side of The Moon), released in 2002, was shown an interview with Christian Kubrick, the widow director Stanley Kubrika. In this film, she mentions that President Nixon, being an inspired film Kubrick "2001: Space Odyssey" (1968), called on the director and other Hollywood specialists to cooperate in correcting the image of the United States in the lunar program. The film was, in particular, shown on November 16, 2003 by CBS Newsworld TV channel. Some large Russian news agencies presented this show as a genuine study that proves the reality of the lunar conspiracy, and the interview with Christian Kubrick was considered by supporters of the theory as a confirmation that the landing of Americans to the moon took Stanley Kubrick in Hollywood. However, during the scrolling of titers at the end of the film, it is demonstrated that the interview in the film is fake and composed of the phrases eliminated from the context either be played by actors. Subsequently, the author of the film also confirmed that the film was well supplied by the draw.

The role of the USSR

One of the aspects of the theory of "Lunar Consporatement" are also attempts to explain the recognition by the Soviet Union of the American landing on the moon. Supporters of the theory of the Lunar Country believe that the USSR did not have convincing evidence of NASA falsifications, except for incomplete data of agent intelligence (or that evidence did not appear immediately). It is assumed to collusion between the USSR and the United States to conceal the intended scam. The following versions of the reasons that could encourage the USSR to join the Lunar Credit with the United States and stop their lunar-debris and lunar landing manned lunar programs in the last steps of implementation:

  1. The USSR did not immediately recognize the scaper.
  2. The leadership of the USSR refused public exposure for the sake of political pressure on the United States (threats of exposure).
  3. The USSR in exchange for silence could receive economic concessions and privileges, such as wheat supplies at low prices and access to the Western European oil and gas market. Among the possible assumptions also personal gifts to the Soviet leadership.
  4. The United States had a political compromising on the leadership of the USSR.

Opponents express doubts about all points:

  1. The USSR led close observation of the moon program of the United States as according to open sources and through a wide network of agents. Since falsification (if it were), there would be thousands of thousands of people, among them with a very high probability would be an agent of Soviet special services. In addition, the lunar mission was conducted continuous radio engineering and optical observation from various points of the USSR, from ships in the World Ocean and, possibly from aircraft, and the information received was immediately inspected by specialists. In such conditions, it is almost impossible to notice anomalies of the propagation of radio signals. In addition, there were six missions. Therefore, even if the deception was not found immediately, it would be easily revealed later.
  2. This would probably be possible in the 1980s, but not in the conditions of the "lunar race" and the Cold War. In the USSR and in the world in those years there was Euphoria from the success of Soviet cosmonautics, which supported the following for the "superiority of a socialist system over capitalist" for the USSR and all Marxist movements. For the USSR, the defeat in the "lunar race" had significant negative ideological consequences both within the country and in the world, but the proof of the US and Falsification failure (if she really took place) was about a very strong goat in the promotion of Marxism ideas in the world that It would give a new breath of communist movements in the West, which by the time they began to lose popularity. Against this background, possible bonuses from the Condition with the United States for the USSR would not look very tempting. We should not forget that the end of the 1960s - the beginning of the 1970s in the United States was marked by a fierce internal political struggle and, if falsification was, the American politicians themselves could expose it during the struggle. In this case, the USSR would not get anything from his silence.
  3. The principle of the "Razor of Okkama" is valid. The reasons for the exit of the USSR to the Western European oil and gas market are well investigated and for their explanation do not need to attract the possible US and USSR collusion. The price for the supply of wheat in the USSR was albeit somewhat lower than the exchange, but this is due to the huge amounts of supplies, self-removing products by the Soviet trading fleet and beneficial for the West payment system. Version at the expense of personal gifts is also doubtful, since these gifts are in such a vital for superpowing, obviously should have been very valuable. It is even difficult to assume their content. In addition, after the collapse of the USSR, information about them would probably become publicly available.
  4. As before the "lunar race" and after her, the United States conducted a continuous and stringent information campaign to discredit the leadership of the USSR, using both the real compromising materials and fakes created by the special services. Among the leaders of the states, a kind of "informational immunity" was developed to this kind of propaganda and would hardly be any new materials in such an environment would be perceived seriously with political consequences for the USSR.

The attitude of specialists to the theory of "lunar conspiracy"

Animated comparison of two photos showing that the flag does not move.

Experts consider the theory of "lunar conspiracy" non-serious. For example, a cosmonaut pilot Alexei Leonov repeatedly denied in an interview with newspapers and on television the existence of a "lunar conspiracy". At the same time, Leonov argued that some shootings of landings were made in the pavilion (" in order for the viewer to see on the movie screen, the development of originally from start to the end, in any [scientifically popular] cinema»).

Soviet constructor of space technology Boris Damets, one of the most informed people about the events of the "lunar race" in the USSR, in his memories after the collapse of the USSR, categorically rejected the possibility of falsification: "In the US, three years after disembarking the astronauts on the moon, a book was published in which a book It was argued that there was no flight to the moon ... The author and the publisher well earned on the deliberate lies. "

The pilot-cosmonaut Georgy Grechko also repeatedly expressed confidence in the reality of lunar expeditions ("We know that exactly exactly"), calling the rumor about the existence of the "lunar conspiracy" "ridiculous". At the same time, buckwheat allowed that a couple of pictures could "type on Earth," leading a similar example from the history of Soviet cosmonautics. Other cosmonauts were expressed against the possibility of conspiracy.

Cosmonaut and constructor of spacecraft K. P. Feoktististov spoke in his book "Trajectory of Life. Between yesterday and tomorrow "about possible flight imitation:" Our receptions received signals from Apollona-11, conversations, a television picture on the exit to the surface of the moon. It is not less difficult to arrange such a hoax than a real expedition. To do this, it would be necessary to plant a television repeater in advance to the surface of the moon and check its work (with transfer to earth) again in advance. And on the days of the simulation of the expedition, it was necessary to send a radio player to the moon to simulate the radio "Apollo" with the Earth on the flight path to the moon. Too complicated and too funny».

Other leaders of the Russian Space Industry, as well as spacecraft designers, also denied conspiracy.

Photos of landing places made by spacecraft

Expedition Place Apollo-17. Available: descended module, Alsep research equipment, car tracks and chains of traces of astronauts. Snapshot Lo, September 4, 2011.

In 2009, the Special Task of Apollo-11 Flights has fulfilled a special task - he spent shooting areas of landings of lunar modules of earthly expeditions. In the period from July 11 to July 15, Lro made a shot and passed on the ground the first in the history detailed snapshots of the lunar modules themselves, landing sites, elements of equipment left by expeditions on the surface and even traces of earthlings themselves from the trolley and rover. During this time, 5 out of 6 landing sites were filmed: Apollo-11, 14, 15, 16, 17 expeditions.

Later, Lro fulfilled even more detailed pictures of the surface, where it is clearly decorated not only the landing modules and equipment with traces of the moon car, but also the chains of traces of the astronauts themselves.

On July 17, 2009, photographs of high resolution of planting sites of Apollonov, made by the LRO automatic interplanetary station, were published. In these pictures, the lunar modules and traces left by earthlings are visible during their movements along the moon.

On August 11, 2009, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Apollo 14 "places of the Automatic interplanetary Lro station, the surface of the moon was taken at a position for 24 degrees above the horizon, which showed more clearly shown changes from the operations of astronauts after grain.

According to the Japanese space agency JAXA, the Japanese Kaguya apparatus also discovered possible traces of the stay of the Apollona-15 landing module.

The leading employee of the Indian Organization of Space Research (ISRO) Prakasha Chauhan said that the Indian apparatus "Chandraian-1" received images of the American landing module and traces left by the wheels of the all-wheel drive used by astronauts to move through the moon. In his opinion, even a preliminary analysis of the pictures gives grounds to dispel all the versions that the expedition was allegedly staged.

The head of the Chinese program on the study of the moon Yan Yun (Yan Jun) stated that the Change-2 probe recorded the traces of Apollo missions in the pictures.

P.S. Materials on this topic is a huge amount. And if you spend a few weeks, you can write a serious scientific work. I have no time nor patience on it, so I tried to choose the major arguments, both one and the other side. I hope I could answer the question of people, "Were the Americans on the Moon?" That it was really interested. Followers of cults "Americans were not on the moon, because (they are Americans, the reptiloid-mass misses were not allowed, the level of scientific and technological progress did not allow - necessary to emphasize), it's still not interesting.

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