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How much does the gonorrhea manifest in men, women and children? Trippers: symptoms in men, the first signs, as manifests and how to treat the disease tripac

Gonorrhea, which is often called a tryrper in the people, is a pathology of sexual origin. Its development provoke gonducts, moving from the media through sexual contact. When developing gonorrhea in men and women, pathological processes initially affect the mucous layers of the genitourinary system. The inflammatory response, spreading through the body, often affects all departments and organs relating to the urinary tract. The disease can adversely affect the organs of vision, the mucous layer of the pharynx or the rectum. Gonococci is fast enough, hitting the external environment under the influence of high temperatures and direct sunlight. Eliminate them can be processed by antiseptic. And at the same time, the disease is so inclous that when signs of gonorrhoids, it is necessary to immediately appeal to the attending physician.

Under what circumstances are infected

Most often - in 99% of cases - the symptoms of the tripper appear after unprotected sexual contact with the carrier, while the infection can be transmitted at different methods of combination:

  • Vaginal, both ordinary and incomplete.
  • Anal.
  • Oral.

In the case of sexual contact with an infected partner in women, the disease is detected in 50-80%, but men in similar circumstances affects 30-40%. The thing is that women and men have their anatomical features, the same applies to the urinary tract. So, the urethra from representatives of strong sex is distinguished by a narrow canal, so that the gonococci is often washed away with urinis in the process of urination. At the same time, the risk of infection for men increases if the partner had a menstruation during the sexual act of a partner, and the copulation was long, and the completion was very violent. There are other reasons if you have a tripper:

  • With an indispensable household infection, the infection is transmitted through personal hygiene items - washcloths or towels, bed linen. As a rule, such a situation may occur in girls.
  • In some cases, there is a contact infection of the child when it appears when an infected mother transmits a baby infection through the generic paths. At the same time, the infants of both sexes may affect the conjunctiva or genitals in girls. The blindness at least in 50% is caused by trypper.

An important question in this case is how the gonorrhea is manifested. The duration of the incubation (hidden) period in the infection of gonorads lasts on average from 1 to 14 days, the situation is less common when the manifestation of the first symptoms of the Tripper begins a month later.

Why signs of pathology are inconsistent

Once at the mucous layer of urethra, the gonococci begin to multiply in the cells of the channel, after which they are moved into the space between them. As a result, an inflammatory response occurs. Depending on how many days the gonorrhea is manifested, doctors define a fresh tripper, which takes less than two months from the moment of infection, and the chronic form of pathology. In the second case, from the beginning of infection takes more than two months. However, such a separation is sufficiently conditionally, since each victim has individual characteristics. Given them, it is impossible to exclude that infection will be widely spread over a short time period. In particular, it is difficult to predict the result in the presence of prostatitis or inflammation of the appendages in anamnesis. Accordingly, it is necessary to focus on how tryryper is manifested and contact a specialist in the case when the first symptoms of gonoron are developing.

In turn, there are several stages of fresh gonorrhea:

  • shape;
  • malosymptomic or torpid.

In some cases, a gonoconimension can be diagnosed, in which the subjective manifestations of the gonorrhea is not observed, although when checking the pathology pathogen is detected by the analyzes. To date, classical symptoms of gonorrhea are not in all cases, considering often mixed infection with chlamydia or trichomonas. Such a "Neighborhood" is capable of changingly change the signs, lengthen the incubation period, significantly complicate the diagnosis and therapy of pathology. Another feature of gonorrhea - the symptoms of gonorrhea may not be either they are minor.

The first signs of the Tripper begin to manifest a few days or a week later, less often in three weeks or a month. The increase in the incubation period is often observed against the background of taking antimicrobial preparations, and in an incorrectly calculated dose, or as a result of reduced immunity. When converting the disease, its long duration accompanied by sharp periods is observed in the chronic flow. A spikes in the sections of a small pelvis are formed, men have a decrease in sexual attraction, women have a reproductive function, and failures in the menstrual cycle occur.

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Gonorrhea, what a disease, its signs and treatment

Representatives of both gender symptoms are different, given the difference in anatomy and physiology. At the same time, some constants are noted. For example, regardless of sex, the signs of the disease at the initial stage of its development may be absent. Let us turn to statistics - according to medical data at 50-70%, when it comes to representatives of weak gender discomfort may not manifest itself. If you consider the infection of men, the asymptomatic flow is less common - only one of the ten representatives of the strong floor does not feel the development of the disease. There is also information that cases of disease development without symptoms are rapidly, this indicator is now almost 90%. Doctors, considering this fact, accused antibiotics, uncontrolled by the population. As a result of their impact, the activity of gonducts can be reduced or biological properties can change, but the healing does not occur.

Even if signs of pathology are not expressed in any way, the carrier of the causative agent of the disease is dangerous for its partners, since the disease progresses further, hitting the body.

General symptomatics

In other cases, the first signs of gonorads are formed after the incubation period is completed. The way the gonorrhea is manifested largely depends on which organ suffers initially. Since the most often the very first disease is striking the urinary system, a common feature is a purulent urethritis, which is a inflammatory response flowing in the mucous meter of the urethra channel, and a number of general features arise, among which:

  • The feeling of burning and soreness arising in the process of urination.
  • After a day or two days, the signs of pathology are noticeably increasing, which is manifested in the swelling of the outer opening of the urethra.
  • The release of a purulent substance of the yellow-brown shade, which has an indous smell, is noted, there is an increased amount of this pathological substance.
  • Gradually, the consistency of the selection becomes thicker, the holes of the urethra flush, its swelling increases.
  • On the surface of the skin, small in size of the ulcers appear.

In addition to purulent urethritis, the gonor is first of all calling for urination, in the event that the gonococci penetrate the oral cavity, the formation of gonorrheal pharyngitis or stomatitis begins. Most often, these pathologies are developing in women and in men who prefer one-sex relationship. The development of pharyngitis can leak without explicit symptoms, but sometimes manifest:

  • Increased salivation;
  • Moderate pain in the throat area, which in some cases can be quite strong;
  • Difficulties in swallowing;
  • Hyperemia almonds, pharynx;
  • Formation on mucous layers of purulent laid;
  • Hemproy sky and sky tongue.

Now, what manifestations of the tripper develop when anal contact has contributed to infection. In this case, the gonococci penetrate the intestine, in which the formation of inflammatory processes begins, which leads to a gonorrheal. Such a tripper is also observed in women, and representatives of strong sex. At the same time, the female audience may form a disease not only against the background of anal contact, but also due to the ingress of vaginal discharges after the usual sexual intercourse. This contributes to the simultaneous infection and the urinary tract, and the rectum. With a gonorial proxy symptoms may not be absent or pathology can manifest itself:

  • Soreness, itching the rear pass;
  • Discharge from the anal hole;
  • In men, a non-traditional orientation can develop a more dangerous form of a proctitis, when a purulent-mucous fall on the intestine is formed, detected during rectoscopy.

When the gococcal is infected with the mucosa layer of the eye, primarily manifests tripper with pronounced inflammation with purulent abundant discharge. The disease can hit both the joints, penetrate the heart muscle and other organs. In the absence of timely treatment, the acute form flows into a chronicle, which is not characterized by severe pain and severe symptoms. The main characteristic sign of chronic gonorrhea is the "Morning Drop" syndrome. It manifests itself as follows - after a night rest at the urination hole, you can see the droplet of a turbid purulent liquid. Also maintained discomfort when urination.

To date, venereal diseases are quite common. Banal stupidity and negligence leads to the fact that people are infected from the partner with an unfortunate diseases: syphilis, AIDS, Tripper and the like. As a rule, treatment is sufficiently difficult, and some are generally considered incurable. One of the most common implities is tryryper. There are different. But most often they are manifested by a rash in the field of genital organs.

As a rule, any disease is not manifested immediately after the bacteria fell into the body. They need a certain period in order for the virus cells to ripen and spread through the body. The period from getting into the body before the manifestation of the first signs is called incubation. Its duration is very individual and depends on the state of immunity, the state of the mucous and specific pathogen.

As for the gonorrhea (the second name of Tripper), in women the duration of the incubation period ranges from 5 to 10 days. But there are cases when it lasted 1 month. Gonorrhea bacteria are developing mainly on the mucous membrane.

In contrast to men, the manifestation of the tripper in women is not so apparent and fast. Because of this, identify the disease in the early stages is very difficult. As a rule, girls appeal to doctors with obvious symptoms. The launched tripper is significantly worse than treating than the early stages. Very often, trippers goes into a chronic option.

Photo and treatment at home

Tripper is not a new disease. It has been there for several centuries. A hundred years ago, the pharmaceuticals were not so developed. Sick gonorrhea had to work out exclusively by folk treatment.

The most famous means of traditional medicine against the tripper is a decoction of the root of the burdock. To do this, take three tablespoons of crushed root, 3 glasses of water and boiled in a water bath about half an hour. After cooling, the decoction drink every hour to several art. spoons. Duration - from 7 days.

Also in treatment, the trippers are actively used by the fees of herbs. The first way: boiling water flooded from juniper fruits, birch leaves and dandelion roots and take it cold half an hour before meals.

There is a second collection option: to boil 15 minutes. Harvesting from cornflowers, licorice root, birch leaves and Tolokanyanka. Also used during the day. The duration of treatment with these methods is determined only with complete cure. But on average he lasts up to the month.

The less well-known method is to dye the decoction of dill.

But it should be borne in mind that folk treatments are worth considering only as an addition to medication.

The disease, first of all, characterize the symptoms. Tripper in women manifests itself:

  • abundant poverty;
  • mucous purulent discharge;
  • inflammation of the thread of the vagina;
  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • pain;
  • chills, temperature.

In almost a third of cases, the tripper is also accompanied by chlamydine infection. Therefore, in the treatment, two types of drugs are used simultaneously - fighting with gonococcus and against chlamydia.

Preparations that are accepted during gonorrhea;

  • zefisim;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • offloxacin.

To combat chlamydia accept:

  • azithromycin;
  • doxycycline.

In no case cannot be engaged in self-medication. Reception recipe is prescribed exclusively by the doctor. And only he knows in what doses to receive one or another medication. It is also worth considering that many drugs are incompatible.

But it should always be remembered that it is always easier to prevent the disease than cure it. There is only one way to avoid infection with a tripper and other hazardous implities - use condoms. To date, they are the most effective means of protection against venereal diseases.

And you watched trippers, the symptoms of women coincide? Or any other seen? Leave your opinion or review for everyone on the forum.

From this article you will learn: What is tryryper, which symptoms have and how it is transmitted, as TRIPPER is treated, as drugs, we will also describe the methods of prevention and diagnosis.

Gonorrhea - This is a common name of the venereal disease of the gonorrhea, which arises as a result of infection with gonococci and is characterized by the lesion of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, mouth, eye, rectum and urination organs. Almost always tripper accompanied by purulent discharge.

The cause of the tripper is the hit in the body of a bacterium related to the category of gram-negative diplococci - gonococcus. These bacteria are fast dying in the environment, but they are very resistant inside the body and there can be a long time. The incubation period when infected with gococcal makes an average of 10 days. In men, he is shorter, and in women are longer due to anatomical features and can last up to 3 weeks. Even with a single unprotected sexual contact, the risk of infection with tryryper is very high and is 80%.

How can I get infected with trypper?

Allocate three ways of infection:

  • sexual, which is basic, therefore the probability of infection from an infected partner with an unprotected sexual connection is 70-80%;
  • rare household, in which the Tripper is transmitted both through personal items - soap, towel, toothbrush, comb, and through underwear;
  • infection when passing through the generic paths of an infected mother: most often, such newborns are affected by the conjunctive shell of the eyes.

How do trypper detect?

Despite the clinically recognizable picture of the disease, a venereologist can raise the final diagnosis only after conducting special laboratory research. The analyzes for the definition of a trypper include:

  • general blood test for clarification of the leukocyte formula;
  • bacterioscopic analysis or smear on the tripper to determine the gonducts and their location inside the cell;
  • pCR method;
  • bacteriological method.

Forms trypper

Distinguish two main forms of the disease:

  1. Acute or fresh tripper - when the duration of infection does not exceed 2 months from the moment the initial clinical manifestations appear. Acute form is divided into:
  • directly sharp;
  • shape;
  • thorpid shape, which is characterized by smoothed symptoms disappearing after 2 months from the moment of infection.
  1. Chronic tripper characterized by sluggish flow - when the duration from the moment of infection exceeds several months.

Acute Form of Tripper: Classical Manifestations in Men and Women

With acute or fresh form, the symptoms grow quickly and manifest themselves within 1-2 weeks after unprotected contact with an infected partner. The bacteria that fell into the body rapidly multiply and destroy the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes, which causes them to redness, swelling, as well as causing a feeling of burning. In addition to specific manifestations, nonspecific - general ailment, headache, hyperthermia, sharp pain during sexual intercourse or urination.

Primary signs of a tripper in men

  • Itching and burning in the urethra area.
  • Painful urination.
  • Redness of the urethra.
  • Selection of pus when pressed on the head of the penis.
  • Intrusive itching in the groin area.
  • Selection from the penis, accompanied by a sharp specific smell.

Primary symptoms of tripper in women

  • Frequent urge to urination.
  • Eveniness and redness of the mucous membrane of the vagina.
  • Paints that are localized at the bottom of the abdomen and in the lower back area.
  • Itching and burning vagina.
  • Purulent secret of the vagina.

Dangerous consequences of a tripper

As a rule, chronic flow develops as a result of improper treatment or self-treatment. It is appropriate to talk about chronic or launched form to talk about a few months ago, there are no clinical manifestations, and only sharp symptoms can appear during the period of exacerbation. Over time, in those places where the accumulation of a large number of pathogens was formed, infiltrates are formed, replacing epithelial cells.

If the tryrper itself is considered to be an unpleasant, but easily healing sexual infection, then its consequences developing during running form are very dangerous to health. The most common negative consequences of the Tripper include:

  • inflammatory processes in the organs of a small pelvic, causing male and female infertility;
  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • prostatitis, the launched stage of which can cause impotence;
  • the big risk of fetal infection in the generic period;
  • acute perimepatitis, provoking the formation of adhesions between the liver and the diaphragm;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs and the urethra;

In some cases, the infection can flow in a hidden, latent form, that is, almost without symptoms. With this form, the gonococci does not show themselves, but gradually "capture" the whole organism, replacing the epithelial tissue, lining the abdominal cavity, Rubatova. They are striking not only the sexual and ureasual organs, but also the kidneys, the rectum, joints, lymph nodes and other internal organs.

Methods of combating gonococci: Treatment of a tripper

The forecast of the acute form of a favorable form is favorable: with timely identification of Tripper successfully succumbed to drug therapy. The main cure for the tripper - antibiotics to be taken within a few days. The etiotropic treatment of uncomplicated forms appointed by a venereologist based on laboratory tests is to appoint one of antibiotic drugs:

  • ceftriaxone - 250 mg intramuscular injection 1 time per day;
  • offloxacin -400 mg 1 time per day;
  • norfloxacin-800 mg 1 time per day;
  • ciprofloxacin - 500 mg 1 time per day;

Preparations for the treatment of a tripper flowing in complicated form:

  • ciprofloxacin -500 mg 2 times a day;
  • ceftriaxone -1 g intramuscularly or intravenously 1 time per day;
  • cefotaxim - 1 g intravenously 3 times a day.

The treatment of a complicated form of a tripper is carried out under a hospital, since the patient is shown bed regime. At least for the period of treatment it is necessary to abandon the bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, acute and salty food, etc. Phospitards are successfully applied to the treatment of asymptomatic gonorrhea: laser therapy, mud, electrophoresis based on anti-inflammatory funds, etc.

All antibiotics from the tripper belong to a row of fluoroquinolones. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician and ranges from 2 to 7 days depending on the clinic. Treatment is obligatory both partners who are not recommended to lead sex life during this period. After the end of treatment, it is necessary to re-pass tests for the presence of gonococci in the body: if the analysis is negative, the person is recognized as healthy.

The main directions of the prevention of the tripper

  • Attentive attitude to their own health: at first symptoms, it is urgent to contact the venereologist. It is categorically not recommended to engage in self-medication.
  • The use of condoms during sexual intercourse, and better exclusion of unprotected sexual ties, especially with unfamiliar partners.
  • Strict adherence to personal hygienic rules.
  • Maintain pregnancy.
  • Annual passage of preventive inspection in narrow specialists even in cases where there are no complaints and alarming symptoms.

Remember that the most important thing in this matter is to follow my health and in the case of suspicious symptoms immediately contact the doctor, only a specialist will be able to raise the correct diagnosis and appoint proper treatment. In no case do not self-medicate! Health to you and your loved ones.

Today, tripper (the ordinary name of such a disease, like gonorrhea) is the most common option in the whole globe live hundreds of millions of people infected with this ailment. Trepper is not treated independently. After all, this can lead to adverse consequences.

Transmission of gonorona

For the most part, the disease is transmitted precisely by sex. In this regard, it is necessary to follow the culture of their sexual behavior. Moreover, the infection can be infected with a completely any embodiment of an intimate character. It may be oral sex, genital type it or even anal.

The transfer of the Tripper from Mother Fruit is also possible. True, it most often happens during the child's birth. In this case, the kid's eyes are very affected. Infeitation begins the disease called Ga Banelenory. It is impossible to leave without attention. Otherwise, the child will forever lose sight.

On the open space of the gonduct (tripper pathogens) have the opportunity to live no more than 2-3 minutes. Sometimes this time is enough to infect illness. Make it in household conditions is it possible using one towel, bed linen or even underwear.

Due to the fact that gonorrhea is striking sexual and urinary bodies, due to infection, the following diseases are developing:

  • Gonococcal Cervicitis in women;
  • Urethritis;
  • Cystitis in women;
  • Prostatitis in men;
  • Orchit (only in a strong part of humanity);
  • Gonorian conjunctivitis;
  • Male epidididimitis.

Gonorrhea. Symptoms in men

In young people, when infected, inflammation of the channel of urination is most often occurring. It, in turn, is accompanied by a constant burning disease. And with urination, severe pain appears. Among other things, purulent may be observed.

As soon as a gonococcal infection reaches prostate, the signs of the tripper will be different:

  • Constant pain in the field of genital organs;
  • Significant easing of the erection.

This will indicate the development of prostatitis.

Symptoms of tripper in women

Any signs of gonor infection have excellent ladies begin to manifest with the onset of another menstruation. However, they may arise and independently he is. So, women also appear burning in the genitals. Especially strong it becomes urination. In this process, soreness is also manifested. The discharge from the vagina is very abundant and are purulent. Those. Have a yellowish color and jelly-like consistency.

A few days after infection, the infection in women arises vulvivaginit. And then the symptoms of the tripper are enhanced. The mucous membrane appears, lining the genitals. In addition, it begins a strong and when female contacts, there are unbearable pain.


If not to treat the symptoms of the tripper and the disease itself, very dangerous diseases may develop. After all, the infection can spread above and will threaten not just health, but also the life of the patient.

Women Tripper leads to a gonorrheal bartolinite. In this case, it is inflamed that leads to the soreness of the genital organs and the swelling of large sexes. An endometrite of a gonoxochek may also occur, i.e. This option is affected by the complication is accompanied by the strong discharge of purulent-bleeding and constant pain at the bottom of the abdomen. It is urgent to go to the gynecologist. Otherwise, you can lose life.

As a consequence, the gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bthe fallopian tubes is developing. Signs of such a complication serves a violation in the menstrual cycle, the appearance of pain in sexual contact. The disease can lead to infertility.

Finally, the peritonean peritonitis is developing when achieving infection. It is accompanied by a high body temperature and incessant pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Any inflammatory disease caused by Tripper, is treated under the strict observation of the doctor. Unfortunately, in most cases, these ailments become the cause of female infertility.

Non-cured symptoms of the tripper and the sickness of men leads to inflammation of the seeding tubules. And this leads to the development of infertility. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to all the painful signs of venereal diseases and quickly seek help.

Tripper is a fairly common infectious disease in those people who have many sexual partners. It is proved that this ailment is transmitted purely sexually from an infected partner to healthy. (The second name of the tripper) can also be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth. Often, this ailment is diagnosed in men, since they are more often changing sexual partners.

As the tripper manifests itself, the first signs of the tripper, which drugs help to solve such a delicate problem, let's tell further.

Total characteristic of the tripper: how it arises

We have already found out how trypper is passed, but it is worth noting that it represents. Tripper is a venereal disease that is formed after entering the body such a bacterium as Gonokokk. This microbe is mainly localized in the rectum or the urinary system, so anal sex will not save from this microbe to the body. This disease is accompanied by eye conjunctivitis, which entails heavy consequences if it does not start treated on time.

Gonokokk - Living Microbe. You can get infected not only through sexual intercourse, but also when applying someone else's towel.

Also Gonokokk "Purses the body:

  • With oral caresses;
  • When using personal means of hygiene of an infected person;
  • Pregnant a priori will give the disease to his child;
  • Moreover, sometimes sufficiently touch the genitals so that the microbe can infect a healthy person, so the venereal diseases are so dangerous for partners, because they can not be saved even by means of a condom.

Tripper Symptoms: How Deals Deals

Interesting is the fact that with an unprotected sex of a healthy man and an infected partner infection occurs in 50% of cases. And when men are infected, the likelihood that the woman becomes infected to 93%. This is related to the anatomical structure of the genital organs. Gonococcus is easier to "consolidate" in women's genitalia than in male.

The main danger of gonococcus is that after treatment, the body does not produce immunity against this disease, therefore the risk is re-infected quite high. If you do not sleep with treatment in time, the microbe can penetrate the blood and cause sepsis.

It is important to note that the tripper incubation period can be from two days to two weeks. The duration of the incubation period from the following indicators depends:

  • State of the immune system;
  • Related diseases of the urinary sphere.

What symptoms talk about the presence of a tripper? At an early stage of the disease, a man feels discomfort when urinating. A hike to the toilet is accompanied by pain and burning urethra. This is the first sign that can talk about any urogenital pathologies. The main signs of a gonococcal infection:

  • Pain in the groove region and the bottom of the abdomen;
  • When pressed on the penis head, a pyline greenish shade is released;
  • Under acute form, it is manifested, which is accompanied by a stitching, cutting pain when urination.

When the microbe swept the sex microflora, the man becomes painfully urinate, sometimes they delay urine due to sharp pain. Acute symptoms can be saved up to 2 months. If the gonorrhea was treated inefficient and did not borrow the problem, a chronic tripper may form, which in turn is complicated by inflammation:

  • Honor conjunctivitis.

How to treat tripper without a consultation doctor? Venestic infections cannot be treated independently, as a whole range of analyzes is needed, which will show which processes occur in the body and how quickly progresses the disease.

It is from these indicators that the main treatment and spectrum of drugs depends.

Clinical picture

What do the doctors talk about weak potency

Professor, urologist Tachko AV:
Medical practice: more than 30 years.

I have been practicing prostatitis for many years. I tell you as a doctor, do not try to engage in self-medication by folk remedies.

I have been practicing impotence for many years. I hurry to warn you, most drugs for potency cause instant addictive by the body.

Everything is very simple, drinking only a remedy for potency (by type of Viagra and similar to it), you will not be able to stay anything in a smooth account without the help of this tool.

But how to be if your strength is missing? The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health to enhance the potency is the vector of Solomon. The drug is not addictive and affects the cause of the disease, due to which the ability to completely get rid of problems with potency appears. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, each resident of the Russian Federation can get it IS FREE.

How to cure tripper: treatment methods

The first thing to the patient must be examined. Diagnostics includes the following procedures:

  • A smear on Gonokokk (the material is taken from the urethra);
  • Tank sowing;
  • PCR study (determines the gene of the causative agent);
  • Blood and urine test.

Today, tryryper is treated through three therapy:

  • Antibacterial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Immunomodulatory.

Unfortunately, the gonococci is resistant to many antibacterial drugs. The best cure for the tripper is that the doctor will appoint. The penicillin group of antibiotics is mainly used:

  • Doxycycline;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Offloxacin.

Treatment with these drugs ranges from 5 days to one and a half weeks.

Depending on the degree of infection of the gonococcus, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, since the disease is often accompanied by cystitis, urethritis, etc.

For better treatment efficacy, such pills from a tripper are prescribed such as cephalosporins (cefasoline, ceftriaxone), Fluorochinols (LEFLOXCIN). If antibiotics for some reason cannot be applied to sulfonamide facilities (Biseptol, sulfaten, Bactrim), etc. are applied.

Moreover, the tripper is strongly oppressed by the human immune system, therefore, along with intensive therapy, various kinds of immunostimulants are prescribed, thanks to which the protective function of the body is supported at the proper level.

How to prevent trypper

What does tripper look like you can look at the medical photos on the Internet. For many, it is already a kind of tripper prevention, since there is a strong damage to the genital organ. The treatment of the tripper is engaged in a venereologist. But not to come to him for a consultation, a man stands:

  • Do not have sexual relations with unfamiliar partners;
  • Always to be protected by a condom;
  • Pass the survey from the urologist twice a year.

Special solutions can also help. They need to be applied immediately after sexual intercourse. Miramystin is considered the most effective solution. At the very first signs of diseases, it is necessary to immediately contact your doctor, a urologist or a venereologist to form an accurate diagnosis and appointment of adaptive treatment, which will be effective from a gonductance infection.