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Absolute ignorant in the literature. Ignorance, Neusalea, ignorant - the meaning of words. What is the difference between the words "Nevezhi" and "ignorant"

Russian is considered one of their most complex in the world to explore. In addition, in Russian, Cyrillic is not understandable to many foreigners, there are cases and decline, there are still homonyms and paronyms, which only complicate the task. Many native speakers do not even think about how many difficulties of Russian they face every day and do not even see it. From here, another problem is sorted - incorrect use of some words and expressions. For example, many confuse the words "Nevezh" and "ignorant". What is the difference between them - we will try to understand.

What is paronyms

The role of paronyms in Russian is large, although in fact they are not very much - only about a thousand couples. Replacing one word to others often cause lexical errors, because, despite the similarity of writing and pronunciation, the meaning of such words is different.

As you can guess, "Paronym" is a Greek term meaning in the literal translation of "next to the name". Paronyms - words close to writing, sounding and pronunciation, but various in lexical meaning. Examples of paronyms:

  • Dress and wear
  • Lifelong and fooling;
  • Belligence and Lescape;
  • Subscription and subscriber;
  • And etc.

Classification of paronyms

Morphological division;

  • Lexico-semantic division.
  • According to the morphological principle, paronyms allocate:
  • Suffix. They are formed from different suffixes. This group is the largest, mostly there are adjectives. Example: Spectator and visual;
  • Prefix. Education occurs with the help of prefixes (consoles). Example: provision and performance;
  • Root. These words are similar to each other, but their roots are different and the values \u200b\u200bare not similar. It is to this group that there is a lexic couple of nevery and ignorant.

According to lexico-semantic division there are the following paronyms:

  • Root.Little similar roots, the meaning too, but the random similarity is (nevery and ignorant, polis and pole);
  • Affixual. In such words, the root is the same, but there is a difference in affixes (in the prefixes and suffixes). For example, oil and oily;
  • Etymological. Here the emphasis is on the etymology of words. There are words with similar ever the meaning formed in related languages \u200b\u200bin the conditions of various realities. For example, ordinary and single.

What is the difference between ignorant and ignorant

It should be noted that until the XIX century, these words mean the same: " man without education" The first division between them was held by the famous Russian scientist V. I. Dahl.

In the explanatory dictionary, he wrote that ignorant - this is an unemployed person (from the verb "to learn"), although it may well be kind and moderately smart, and nevezhi - a man is impolite and unacceptable.

Others are formed from each of these words. " Ignorant"- ignorance, ignorant and so on, and" nevezha"- ignorant, ignorant.

Such, more modern words, we use in everyday life almost every day. Already gave the verb "ignorable" in the summer, meaning rude behavior.

Examples of the use of the words "Nevezhi" and "ignorant"

You can talk about the difference of two words for a long time, but it is better to support it with examples. These words are consumed in everyday life, in proverbs and sayings, in artistic (classical and modern) literature.

About the negligent student can be said: " What are you ignorant!", If he does not know obvious things. And, for example, about the unwanted guest, which does not respond to attempts to pay it, they say that he is nevezh.

You can recall Russian proverbs, reflecting the realities of life: scribes are their own, and ignorant of their; nevezhi and God is angry. Unfortunately, these are not very common proverbs. Most likely, this can be explained by the fact that most people themselves do not understand the difference in these two words.

In Russian classical literature, you can meet many examples of these words. For example, in works, perhaps, the most famous Russian writer A. S. Pushkin can see examples with these two words. Other writers (I. Krylov, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky and others) also often consumed these words.

How not wrong when using paronyms

In addition to classic errors in the use of "Nevezh" and "ignorant" there are more paronyms that cause difficulties.

  • Signature and painting;
  • Addressee and addreste;
  • Confidential and credulous;
  • Commanded and travel and so on.

These words we often use every day. In order not to make mistakes in their use, it is necessary not to be ignorant and constantly expanding your horizons. It is not better for this to read the reading books, because even having met an unfamiliar word, it will be possible to guess the context about the value, and when using it, an associative series will be included.

Of course, there are paronim dictionaries, and now they appeared even on the Internet. But this method is only suitable for those who are looking for a specific case of using one or another word. Alas, very little time is given in schools to study paronyms, although there are questions about paronyms in the Russian language.

Paronyms are a comprehensive and quite complex topic. It would seem that the carriers of the Russian language must intuitively represent, which means this or that word. However, as we know, it happens not always. For example, there are words like misfortune and ignoramus. What the difference between them may not say everything. Paronims in Russian enough, and to be an interesting and educated person, you need to constantly deepen your knowledge.

Video about the differences between "ignorant" and "ignorant"

In this video, Philologist Olga Maksimova will tell, what differences between "ignorant" and "ignorant", how to explain it in your own words:

Lesson for extracurricular activities in grade 2

The topic of the lesson "The concept of the words of Nevezhuzh and ignorant"

Purpose: Continue work on the development of oral speech. Build messages in oral speech. Analyze, draw conclusions, compare, express your opinion, argued to respond, prove your opinion.

Equipment: teacher presentation, cards with Basney A. I. Krylova "Pig under the oak". Plates: "I know," "I can explain," "I want to know"

Skinny dictionaries on the desk.

"Read more!" - tell you adults. Why do they say so? Because people have long noticed that little reading write illiterately.

Slide 1.

Look, what is the difference between the words "Nevezh" and "ignorant" (in the second word the letter D)

And who can explain the lexical meaning of these words?

In the literary language, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the words of Nevezh and ignorant of their meaning and properly use them in speech.

Select a sign that will help determine your condition at the beginning of the lesson.

I want to know!

I can explain!

I know!

Guys, listen to the poem A.L. Barto "Nevezhi".

Give the definition of the first word.

Slide 2- 14.

Neusalea is a rough, non-love man.

Single words to him: politeness, ignorance, politely.

Remember the literary characters, which we can say that he is nevezh.

Slide 15.

You have cards in your desktop. Read the fastener.

Pig under the oak

Pig under the oak century

Governed by the urban to destroy;

Favoring, slept under him;

Then, the eyes of the rap, got up

And the roots began to fall into the mouth of the oak.

"After all, this tree harms -

To her with an oak of the raven says -

Kohl root expose, it can dry. "

"Let him dry," says Piggy, -

No one is disturbing me;

I see a little in him;

Although his century is not, I will not regret whose

Only there were acory: because I'm fat from them. "

"Ungrateful! - I said the oak to her here, -

Whether you could raise you,

You would see

What these acorns are growing on me. "

Ignorant also in blindness

Science and learning

And all scholarships,

Without feeling that he fell their fruit.

One of the students reads expressive fables.


How does the wings describe a pig?


Voracious, nasty, stupid ...


What words are used to describe it?




Why is she called "ignorant"? Let's turn to the sensible dictionary.

"Ignorant" is a poorly educated person, unacceptable.

Negotia is unbearable, an uneducated person. This word is part of one-sided words: ignorance, ignorance, ignorant.

Remember the literary characters, which we can say that he is ignorant. Give examples.

Slide 16.

Look at the signs that helped determine your condition at the beginning of the lesson. Who can now choose another sign? Prove.

Outcome. Is it possible to say about the similarity or these words? What is their similarity? What is the difference?

Information for teacher

Nevezhi-ignorant. These words had one meaning. They were classified with the word, that is, to know. Interestingly, this root is in the word witch: she knows everything.

A man who knew little was called Nevezh, and in Staroslavlyansky - ignorant. In the modern Russian language, the meanings of these words were separated by: Nevezhi-one who knows little and does not want to know more. Neusalea is an ignorable, non-love person. And the word witch in owls. Rus. Yaz. Lost the connection with the words of Nevezhj and ignorant.

"What is ignorant?" - This question is often possible to hear. Readyly thrust the meaning of the word and give examples.


Ignorant is called a person who is not enlightened in some areas of knowledge. Is it worth talking about the relativity of this concept? There are people who can build or design a plane, but they can completely not read artistic books and do not understand why the Lion is Tolstoy or, for example, George Orwell.

Sherlock Holmes as an example of ingenious ignorary

After we understand what ignorant is, you can refer to examples. Of course, it will be an example of a literary or, rather, cinematic.

Recall the famous conversation in the film "Familiarity" between Holmes and Dr. Watson, where the latter says the first directly that the man of acute mind, but ignorant in all other aspects. Naturally, education was meant. Holmes does not know almost anything about Copernicus, Joan D'Arch and Aristotle, although the surname of the first in this list seems vaguely familiar. Watson is shocked by the cultural illiteracy of the future colleague, but Holmes is not embarrassed and opposes the historical and humanitarian knowledge of your Watson, purely practical skills, for example, the ability to distinguish the dirt of one street of London from another or ashes of one cigar from another.

Therefore, if the reader will ask the question of what ignorance is, he, not doubting, can say: it is Sherlock Holmes (with famous reservations). Interesting are discoveries, and completely unexpected.

And Watson, meanwhile, thinks with horror about the world of utilitarian, where no one is interested in philosophy, literature and history, but only what is needed for life. Holmes calms a friend and says that he is so alone. Interestingly, and the famous detective knows the word "ignorant"? Not a fact, because for business it is at all for nothing.

Since the release of the film has passed for almost 40 years, because he came out in 1979. And now we, modern people, we understand that ignorance of Holmes is not the most terrible, which can be submitted. Holmes albeit ignorant, but he is passionate. Perhaps he would be interested in literature and history, whether he had time, but he just gives his job. Now people are born perfectly terrible, which are not resolutely disassembled, and do not even want to learn - this is a real image of ignorant that scares. The topic is infinite and inexhaustible, and we need to move on. To understand what ignorant is, one more important aspect needs to be illuminated.

Ignorant and neverya

Of particular difficulty in humans is distinguished by two concepts that are placed in the subtitle. In fact, there is no difficulty here. It is necessary to just remember that ignoramus is a person who is ignored in the field of science, technology, history and literature, and nevezha is a non-uncommon in the domestic meaning. Even easier to understand the difference in the examples. A man who puts his legs on the table on a dinner dinner - Nevezh, and a person who does not see the stylistic difference between Turgenev and Gogol - ignorant. Now, we think there will be no question that is what the difference is. We all explained thoroughly.

What is terrible to be ignorant or ignorant?

Here is the longtime dispute about two phenomena, which is one worse than the other. True, suppose that ignorant is not so scary as ignorant, because the last concept is fixed primarily by the household uncompatory of man, but as we know, all the rules and rules are relative. Therefore, every person is free from two evils to choose its own.

We hope it is clear what ignorant is, and now the reader does not arise difficulties and with the use of the concept, and with his explanation.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. The words "Nevezh" and "ignorant" are often found in conversational speech.

Many people confused their meaning Due to similar sound. But these are completely different words with different meaning.

Let's figure it out in what cases these nouns should be used, and what they differ from each other.

Rugs and Nevezhi - these are different words similar in sound

"Nevezhi" and "ignorant" are written and perceived by rumor almost the same, but have various lexical meanings. According to the sensible dictionary, these words have the following meaning:

  1. Nevezha - This is a rude man with bad manners, who does not know how to behave in society. This is derived from the word "rude".
  2. Ignorant - This is a poorly educated person who is not knowledgeable in any area with superficial knowledge, nonsense. This is derived from the word "Does not know" (does not know).

Since "Nevezh" and "ignorant" sound almost the same, but they differ in meaning, they are called. Other famous examples of Russian paronyms:

  1. chaff
  2. bone-bone
  3. address-addresident

The history of the origin of these words

Many people confuse the meaning of the characteristics of "Nevezhi" and "ignorant" and quite often use them in a speech not for their intended purpose. Interestingly, a couple of centuries ago, in the "Pushkin Epoch", these two words were indeed the forms of the same nouns, and only the Russian lexicographer VI Dal determined the fundamental difference between them.

In order to understand more precisely, what is the difference between "Nevezhi" and "ignorant", it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of these words in modern Russian.

The word "Nevezh" is an original Russian. It means griberian and unwanted man. In ancient Russian language, there was also the word "nearby", which has now been practically out of use.

In the dictionary of Daly, it was noted that the "Trust" has the opposite sense and characterizes a person who knows the custom and the rules of secular appeal. In modern Russian, a derivative form is often used from the word "nearby" - politeness.

The word "ignorant" came to modern speech from the Old Slavonic language. It is evidenced by the signation of the "railway". In the modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language next to him is the mark "outdated".

The meaning of the word "ignorant" - untorated, unfocused. The ancient ancestor of this word is to "lead" - to know. Derivatives from the word "to conduct" in modern language everyone is familiar: because the statement, department, unknown.

A non-public person is unbelieving or ignorant?

Ignorant to be bad. None in any society will be glad to man who does not know how to behave, ignores, rudely surrounding. How not to get the nickname "Nevezh"? Work, learn to respect the opinion of others. Even better - get the lessons of good upbringing in orphanage from the elders.

The poetess Agnia Barto specially composed a humorous poem entitled "Bear-Nevezha". Using the example of the main character, a little unprecedented bear, she tells the kids about how to behave properly with other people, and parents are about the fact that they should not be too balusted their children, encouraging disobedience and disrespectful attitude towards others.

Like ignorance Maybe a fully educated person, if he falls into unusual communication environment unusually acquainted with local etiquette rules. Such a situation can be involved with each of us even with the usual campaign.

What to do in this case? If possible, it is better to ask in advance the taste preferences of the owners, their family traditions and glances. Being visiting, it is necessary to behave restrained, not to impose your opinion, not to act against the views of morality and ethics adopted in this society.

Is it bad to be ignorant

Who is ignorant in modern understanding? In most cases, this word implies that man does not have sufficient knowledge In any particular question. At the same time, it can be quite.

That is, each of us, regardless of the level of education, can be given by such a person in one way or another. An example of the use of the word: "ignorant in physics, and in the music of an expert", "I.Krylov.

Attitude towards such people ambiguously. For example, the famous physicist Albert Einstein, famous for his non-standard look at many things, believed that far not always knowledge can be usefulAnd in some cases they even interfere with the person to make a scientific discovery or achieve significant accomplishments.

In this case, under knowledge, he meant the facilities imposed by the Company, which limit the possibilities of a person and impede the creative approach to life. For example, the knowledge of many languages \u200b\u200bwill also spend the brain resources that could be used with great sense.

And yet, if you are not very pleased to be a nice. However, the situation is not fatal, since any lack of knowledge can always be filled by reading the necessary literature on the question of interest or talked with knowledgeable people.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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