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Growing cucumbers at home in the winter which variety seeds. How to grow delicious cucumbers in winter at home. Best grades of indoor cucumbers

Not many grown cucumbers on the windowsill in the winter - for beginner lovers of cultivation of green beds in the apartment, it is generally some kind of "special ritual", as a result of which delicious radlets appear almost from nowhere. But, there are rules of agrotechnology and not everything is so difficult, as it seems at first glance ...

Cucumbers on the windowsill in winter - the best varieties

If you are going to receive in winter a delicious yield of Zelents in the apartment or home, then first of all, pay attention to the best grade cucumbers for growing on the windowsill or suitable for cultivation at home.

But before opening a list of recommended varieties, keep in mind a couple of moments: when you want to get a crop, in the autumn-winter period, or in the winter-spring circulation, also pay attention to additional lighting Is there any? After all, without it, grown cucumbers in winter is very and very hard.

It is important to note that in closed conditions it is necessary to grow parthenokarpic self-polluted varieties to collect a crop. This condition is a deposit of crop on the windowsill. The opinions of summer residents and experienced gardens on the inscriptions on the packages with the seeds "for balcony cultivation" was divided, some believe that it is necessary to plant only such hybrids and varieties, the other part of the experienced is sufficient that the cucumbers are parthenokarpical and not necessarily should be marked "For balcony vegetable garden."

If the lighting lamps are available, it was determined with the period, then we look and choose the best grade cucumbers and hybrids for growing on the windowsill - for beginners it is recommended to start with them to be less problems: F1 window-balcony, F1 athlete, homemade miracle F1, balcony Miracle F1, Berende F1 and others. For example, it is not suitable for growing on the windowsill, as too close and take too much care and time to obtain a crop.

When buying seeds for growing on the windowsill, pay attention to the branches of cucumber weaves (the less, the better; if it is very busy, it does not have enough nutrient elements for the fruit), look at the height of the plants, whether it is necessary to somehow quote and form. You can ease your cultivation already at the stage of buying seeds, making the right choice.

For those beginners who gathered to grow cucumbers on the windowsill in winter, you need to master some important moments of agricultural engineering or differently, the rules:

  1. Prepare containerswhich will grow cucumbers on the windowsill - choose a container, a volume of at least 5 liters, preferably 7 or 10. It is necessary to have holes for water drain so that there is no stagnation of excess fluid. Many dacities advise to grow cucumbers in polyethylene bags of a large density - minus such an idea is that there are no holes for fluid waste and you need to look for a pallet, plus the bag is not too steadily on the spot;
  2. The second point is a good soil. The soil mixture should be loose and nutritious, it can be prepared independently. Take part of the turf and humus, as many leaf land, add some sand, mix thoroughly. Instead of sand, some daches use vermiculite, which prevents the soil seal, track, solidification, makes the soil breathable, porous and loose;
  3. Or immediately in the container, where culture will constantly grow - there is no fundamental difference, where the seeds will be planted. If there is no additional lighting, and on the street October or November, the month, even through the seedlings to grow, even immediately in the ground, the sprouts will still be pulled out. If you plant seeds immediately in Cachepo, then the cucumber seeds are pre-put better on the germination, until it is formed, for one and the germination check. If you want to grow cucumbers on the windowsill for the new year, then sowing will need to be implemented in early October, but by March 8 - Seit in mid-January and remember, take the rapid varieties of cucumbers;
  4. Planting seeds of cucumbers - Make a small deepening on the soil surface (you can simply sell a finger) to a depth of 1-2 cm, sang the hole with water and plant the adhesive seeds. In one pot, it is desirable to plant one seed, you can also two, but then weaker sprout will need to be removed or disembarked. From above, just sprinkle the earth, without watering, otherwise the seeds will go deep into;
  5. Put the container with cucumbers on the windowsill, closer to the light, but under the bottom it is better to put a plate or a piece of foam, so that the cold window sill does not give to cool the soil. Be sure to cover the tank with a food film or polyethylene to form "acetic" and do not open it until the cucumbers appear from under the ground. Do not everyone manage the cucumbers on the windowsill - for beginners it can be problematic to achieve and germinate plants, but, as a rule, cucumbers are less damped during home cultivation;
  6. Next remains to watchHow culture grows and collect the long-awaited harvest. Well, of course, questions about how to form, than to feed anywhere will not go away, so I clarify. Keep the cucumbers on the windowsill best in one stem and form it is necessary to form - up to 4-5 of the present sheets are blinding all of the intercause, i.e. Delete everything that appeared between the stem and sheet. Next form in one stem. The cucumber appeared, grew up, you broke it, the mustache was removed, the steps were plugged there, so that the culture of your culture would not grow in the side;
  7. Garter of cucumbers on the windowsill - We'll have to build a "sleeper" on the window, but more precisely, consolidate the rope twine so that the plant has the opportunity to grow and stretch up, as a rule, the top of the window is navigated, the rope is fixed on it and lowered to the windowsill, where the cucumber sits, Wipe off a couple of times around. Tomorrow in the evening the plant will independently wake;
  8. What to get the cucumbers on the windowsill? You can make an extract from humoring or overworked compost, and it will be natural and either. Pour in a bucket on 1/4 part of the recovered compost, fill with hot water (+60 ֯ C) and give it a day, after which you can use an infused solution as a feeder (0.5-1 l per bus). Another fertilizer for cucumbers on the windowsill is to organody or humat sodium, which you can purchase for feeding (breed according to the instructions);
  9. Diseases of cucumbers on the windowsill - Well, it happens, especially if they flooded or the wrong container was chosen, the cucumbers begin to root. To prevent the appearance of rot, use phytosporin-M, divert the land on the instructions and sang the land. When growing on a window, the main diseases are associated with insufficient nutrition, but it is rather not a disease, but a shortage of space for the growth of the root system and nutrition, so follow the feeding and fertilize your balcony cucumbers at least once a week. Water as needed, quite often will have, but not to fill.

As you can see, grow cucumbers on the windowsill in winter, even for beginners - not such a difficult thing, it is only a little to figure out and correctly approach the process, and then a delicious harvest will definitely be on your desk to the new year or March 8!

Someone grows indoor flowers on the windowsill, and someone has a real garden there. With the right approach in the apartment you can get harvests not only greens, but also cucumbers throughout the year. This option is suitable for those who have no dacha, but loves to tinker in the ground.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers in the apartment on the windowsill?

Thanks to the selection, so many hybrid varieties have been created adapted not only to greenhouse conditions, but also to growing in a regular apartment. Now God can become anyone. The main thing is to comply with all the rules of home agrotechnology.

Since the beginning of the spring, summer houses begin. Classically for culture is the most optimal development time. But if we take sowing in early February, then the crop of cucumbers can be obtained for a holiday table on March 8.

What is the summer period, then greenhouse growing technologies are used here with the subsequent transfer of the summer bushes on the balcony. Starting from March and monthly by sowing seeds, with cucumbers can be up to late autumn.

September-November, too, suitable seasons for collecting cucumbers on the windowsill. To do this, setting the cups start from early August. But it should be borne in mind that from the second autumn month the light day is significantly reduced. Therefore, the focus on this time is paid to the shower.

To serve a fresh crop of cucumbers grown with your own hands, without leaving the house, is quite real. For this, it is important to observe all the basic modes - heat, light, humidity, and also correctly pick up the varieties.

For cultivation on the window it is better to look for special partrenary cucumbers created specifically for window sills and closed balconies. But many hybrids used in greenhouses are fully suitable.

Name of the hybrid (with the prefix F1)Features
"Window-balcony"The name itself determines the place of cultivation of this hybrid. Self-pollized variety with medium maturity
"Room Ryttova"He became popular thanks to unpretentiousness to the conditions of cultivation. The main requirement is the formation of the crown
"Voyage"Refers to early grades. Stands to adverse cultivation conditions, has immunity to many diseases
"Karapuz"The yield grade of roots, with a prolonged period of fruiting. Well develops even in the shade
"Well done"Hybrid-ravine, steady carrying temperature differences. Gives delicious, juicy fruits
"Regatta"Early home cultivation variety gives high yields. Resistant to typical diseases for diseases
"Photon"Already 1.5 months after disembarking, seeds can be tasty fruits. From one bush really take up to 45 cucumbers

From the varieties grown in the open soil, it is worth paying attention to the "Marinda" hybrids, "Masha", "Prestige", "Shchedrich", "Courage", "Primadonna", "The Secret of the Company" and others. Coinsily feel at the winter window sill, the shadowless varieties "Faust", "Forward", "Flagman", "Arbat".

But to get good hybrids yields "Marathon", "Manul", "Olympiad", "relay", the home girlfriend will have to fulfill the role of the pollinator. Either put on the side of the "Phoenix" variety. From self-polishing still interesting "Berendia", "Orpheus", "Amur", "Alliance".

What conditions are needed for rising cucumbers

Of course, the windowsill is not a garden, where there are all suitable conditions ,. And the cold season is not a completely standard period (in the biological sense) for the development of such a culture as cucumbers.

So that in the usual apartment managed to get green fruits, the owner will have to try, creating the desired microclimate.

The most optimal parameters are 18-22 degrees of heat. High-temperature maintenance is not desirable - the plants will be wiped, to require the increase in humidity, which will lead to the development of fungal diseases.

But below +18, it should not be lowered the thermometer. Bushes if they continue to grow further, that's just the owner's barrows are unlikely to wait.

The duration of the light day for cucumbers must correspond to the summer regime. Well, if the apartment has southern windows. Then during the daytime it is possible to be content with natural lighting, including fluorescent lamps only in the evening, and in the winter and in the morning. On other windowsill, as well as on cloudy days, the lamps will have to keep constantly included.

Capacities with cucumbers will stand on the windowsill, under which, naturally, the heating battery is installed. Modern gas systems are dried by air, and the culture does not like this. Well, if there is a moisturizer in the house. Behind him, it is recommended to put a water container next to the cucumbers. You can irrigate the air with a pulverizer, trying not to fall on the plants.

In the heating season, using only resistant (and better - filtered) water temperature. Water moderately, not overcoating the soil. In pallets, water should also be stated.

If you prealt the plants, they dried. With excessive humidity of the soil, the root system starts.

Vegetable cultures on artificial cultivation will require additional nutrition. Experienced gardeners offer to use such feeding:

  • 2 weeks after the seedlings are used urea (1 tsp), diluted with water (3 l); After 7-10 days, the feeder repeat;
  • as soon as the first fruits appear, they count 2 weeks and brought under each bush along the glass of the "Rassenin" or nitroposki (2 l).

You can buy a complex mineral fertilizer for cucumbers and follow the instructions attached there. With the number of chemicals, it is not necessary to zealous - their overabundance is harmful to plants and can lead to food poisoning of people.

Growing indoor cucumbers - detailed step-by-step instructions

The quality development of plants directly depends on the starting moments. Pay attention to the choice of soil, preparation of seeds and proper landing.

Those who have a cottage are often used by the land from the garden plot, mixing it with humus or overworked. Others add more cheese, wood ashes, bird litter, sawdust, sand, etc.

Beginners of gardens are better to use biohumus in combination with a coconut fiber in a ratio of 1: 2. This substrate can be bought in a flower shop. Or purchase ready-made soil specifically for cucumbers.

You can use any techniques - plastic buckets, bottles, flower pots. The main thing is that they have drain holes for water. Drainage is placed on the bottom - clamzit, broken brick (red), river pebbles, etc. Its layer should be 5 cm. Then, the prepared ground is poured into the container and watered it. Vegetable Groke is ready.

Pre-training does not require only hybrids seeds having a special color coating (usually red or green). This planting material has already passed all the necessary processing. With the rest will have to do such manipulations:

  • disinfection - seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of manganese (0.5 g per glass of water);
  • to increase the fertility, it is kept for 2 hours in a borol solution (1 g of acid per glass of water);
  • to increase immunity, an ash solid is used (on a glass of water 1 tbsp.); It holds seeds for 3 hours.

Then the sowing material is laid out on cotton disks so that the excess water is absorbed.

The planting process is not much different from work on a garden bed. But for this it is necessary that the container is at least 8 liters in the amount. If you plan to grow cucumbers across seedlings, then it is better to use plastic cups, and then make a transplant seedlings to a large container.

Sewing is made in this way:

  • in the center make a slight recess (no more than 2 cm);
  • it is stacked by the treated seed and rush to the earth;
  • richly watered warm water;
  • cover with plastic wrap and waiting for germs.

When the leaflets are processed, the film is removed and proceed to care of sprouts.

Cucumbers on the windowsill - landing: video

Care for cucumbers on the windowsill

The conditions for growing cucumbers on the windowsill were mentioned above. Since these are the basics of culture care, it is worth focusing on other points.

From May to September, the tanks with cucumbers are watered daily using warm filtered water. In the cold season, you can cut the watering, producing them every other day. At the same time, you need to monitor the state of the soil - it should be slightly wet.

As soon as shoots appeared in Tara, the cucumbers are transferred to the most illuminated place. It is desirable that the windows are blinds - in summer, the bright rays of the sun better scatter. In winter, in addition to daylight lamps, you can use foil as a screen as a screen. This will help redirect rays directly to sprouts. The time of inclusion and shutdown of the lamps should correspond to the sunrise and sunset during the summer.


The nutrition of the younger seedlings is written above. As for the fruiting bushes, they need fertilizer every 2 weeks. In this case, the contribution of mineral water and organic should alternate.

Care for cucumbers on the balcony: video


After waiting, when there will be 5 full-fledged leaves on the sprout, for this side processes and flowers need to be discharged. It will make the trunk stronger.

Do not forget about the bush's lio-like. Therefore, you need to think about the growth system in advance, building a sleeper on the window. The first hook of the beggar to the plant helps to carry out the garden. Then the shoots themselves will choose the right direction.

When Liana reaches the maximum height, the tops are pinching, suspending the further growth of the stems in this way. But it will give the opportunity to develop lateral shoots and will lead to an increase in the number of fruits.

You should not grow large fruits on the windowsill - it exists a bush (and it is not always possible). The maximum size of cucumber should be no more than 12 cm. The more often turning the fruits, the more you can collect them. Freed from the crop, the plant sends strength to new flowering.

Cucumbers on the balcony - from seeds to fruits: video

To become an experienced gardener, I need practice. Naturally, newcomers will make mistakes in their experiments. Although they say it is better to study on their own misses, but should not ignore and advice Profi:

  • it is necessary to take into account the dislike of cucumbers to drafts; Therefore, there should be no cracks on the windows;
  • if there is a need to ventilate the room, the door at this time should be covered; At the same time, the vents in the spring-summer-autumn period is desirable to arrange a mosquito net, eliminating the penetration into the insect room;
  • capacities are better to choose homogeneous - incomplete boxes, even with minor alkalines do not fit;
  • the cucumbers do not like movements, so tanks with sprouts immediately put on a permanent place;
  • novice at first it is not recommended to grow cucumbers across seedlings; The transplant from the cups to the larger container is a very delicate process, during which the plant can break.

Even if the first experience turns out to be unsuccessful, it is not worth a despair. To understand where errors were made, it is recommended to keep a diary in which to celebrate all the main points. And then in the next occasion you can wait for the appearance of fruits. About how others do it, it is worth watching the video that are found on the Internet.

Cucumbers grown with their own hands are always tastier purchased. The breeding of fruits on the windowsill (or balcony) is a fascinating hobby, worthy of respect. And the reason to surprise your friends with the original home greenhouse, from which cucumbers are served on the dining table. The main thing is to gain patience, make a lot of effort and attention. Then everything will definitely work out.

Let's describe all the stages in detail how to grow cucumbers at home in winter?

Right seeds

For growing cucumbers in winter at home, seeds must meet strict requirements. Homemade cucumber should be:

  • Short-flowing, with length of Zelents from 6 cm to 25 cm.
  • Shadyeynot afraid of temperature drops.
  • Early or medieval, with a period of fruiting from 4 to 6 months.
  • Yield.

Preference is given to parthenokarpic hybrids F1. These self-polishing plants have only female flowers. For growing cucumbers at home, early and ultrafasted:

  • April;
  • Benefit;
  • Zozulu;
  • Carmen;
  • Goose;
  • Sail;
  • Regina;
  • Shchedrich;
  • Crunch.

Of the mid-edary grades of cucumbers for growing home are preferred:

  • Athlete;
  • Full house;
  • Balagan;
  • Bianca;
  • Berendei;
  • Urban;
  • Far Eastern;
  • Claudia;
  • Courage;
  • Marinada;
  • Masha;
  • Manul;
  • Romance;
  • Solar.

IMPORTANT! Hybrids of the cucumbers of the late period of ripening for homemade cultivation are not suitable.

Bee hot cucumber hybrids, at room and greenhouse cultivation, require manual pollination.

The process requires certain skills and additional costs.

But despite this, vegetables grow at home bee depleted cucumber hybrids:

  • Mushroom 2;
  • Dawn;
  • Manul;
  • Surprise;
  • Hortook;
  • Relay race.

Grow i. bee-peeled grade of cucumbers:

  • Room rit;
  • Marfinsky.

Tip! Manual pollination of cucumbers spend in the morning. With a cotton wand, a soft tassel tolerate pollen from a male blender on flowers with urging (female). It is possible a male flower with torn petals to touch the female pestle.

Women's single flowers grow separately. Male form groups in the sinuses of the leaves.

Pulling cucumbers continue the entire period of flowering, up to the appearance of the first strings. To increase the yield of cucumbers experienced lovers advise to pollinate the female colors of pollen of different varieties.

Choosing a place

Grow cucumbers in the apartment better on warm bright balconies, balconies, verandahs, windows, oriented south, East, West.

The north side for growing is not suitable. There should be no drafts in the room.

What to grow?

Options Set: Suspended baskets, buckets, containers, boxes, flower pots, tubs. The main thing is that the capacity of the capacity was at least 5 liters.. Drainage is laid on the bottom - fine pebbles, pieces of clay, large wood sawdust. Make holes to remove excess water.

Tip! For savings, cut large plastic bottles, use double cellophane garbage bags.

How to grow cucumbers in the apartment: Step-by-step instructions

Dates of landing

Timing depend on the selected grade of cucumbers, cultivation conditions. Given the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the ability to ensure the optimal temperature and light mode, air humidity, the climatic zone.

The cucumbers planted at the end of October will be hurried to the New Year's Eve. From January landing begins to collect harvest in March. The average deadlines for the start of fruiting from the emergence of the first germs - 40-50 days. February seedlings are pretended to the May holidays.

Preparation of soil

In the store buy universal soil or mix for growing pumpkin crops.

Self prepare on proven recipes:

  1. Equal proportion of peat, humus. A glass of wood ash on a bucket of a mixture.
  2. On 1/3 of the part of the turf, garden land, compost with the addition of a small number of river crumpled sand, ash, heavy sawdust.

The Earth is disinfecting in one way:

  • Persuate.
  • Spill Hot (+ 90 ° C) a solution of potassium permanganaged dark pink color.
  • Heat in the oven.
  • Proceed special industrial preparations.
  • Nitroposku or complete complex fertilizer. Put in the tanks, spill abundantly, leave for a day for a seal.


  1. Seeds of cucumbers ranted 20-30 minutes in a weak solution of manganese. Washed. Surride. They leave for 2-3 days for swelling in a saucer with warm water, wrapped in wet marla, lay out onto cotton disks. Read more about the preparation of seed before landing.
  2. Jumping seeds of cucumbers sow to the depth of near the centimeter. 1-2 seeds on a volume in one liter at a distance of 2-3 cm apart. Water
  3. Put on a bright place. Support the temperature + 22-25 ° F day, + 16-18 ° С at night.
  4. To maintain the necessary humidity covered with film, glass.
  5. When shooting cucumbers, the shelter is removed. Remove a weak sprout. Start a shower.

Tip! To eliminate the risk of supercooling the root cucumber system under tanks with landings, leaf foam, drywall, thick plywood.


Grow cucumbers in winter at home without backlighting is impossible. Light day should last 12-14 hours. In the central strip of Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia from December to February, the dispensing is carried out from 16 to 20 hours.

Lighting devices for shocking (energy-saving, luminescent, LED) are attached to a distance of 30-40 cm.

To enhance the effect, reflective foil sheets are installed, mirrors.


Before formation by plants, the temperature is supported not higher + 16 ° С. After formation of a swing, the temperature on sunny days is maintained + 24-26 ° C, with cloudy weather and at night + 18-20 ° C.


Water in sunny weather daily, cloudy - every other day. Water surely defend, bring to room temperature. Several times per season are watered with a weak pinkish solution of manganese.

It is useful to spray plants twice a day, but the leaves must dry by night. Watering cucumbers is carried out under root or pour water into pallets.

Tip! To enhance humidity in the room covers heating batteries with wet towels. Put next to the cucumber bushes dishes with water. Include air humidifiers.


Grown at home the vacuum reaches a height of up to two meters and require garters. The garter is made using a sliding loop. Use twine or byproof cord.

Formation of bush

After the appearance of the fifth of the real sheet, the top pinch, for the formation of a bush in two stems. When repeated the following five leaves, the procedure is repeated.

The sepitude of sidebands is carried out in the side lower nodes over 1-2-3 sheets.


First feeder spend after the appearance of two real leaves. Feed with a solution of 3-4 g of nitroposka per liter of water. The rate of consumption on the plant is a glass.

Can be used the solution of one teaspoon of urea in 5 liters of water. Finger once every 2 weeks.

With the advent of Zelentsov, the plant feed each week, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. As organic additives use 20% chicken litter solutions or superphosphate. For mineral dissolves 30-40 g of nitroposki in a bucket of water, together with watering a teaspoon of agrosif or 2 cap drug.

Alternatively spend a week cucumber feeding biohamus. Twice spray the bushes with a weak solution of manganese.

Tip! An excellent organic is a solution from those who looked through crushed banana crusts, rye bread.


The cucumbers grown in the apartment suffer from a spider tick and whiteflies. Helps spraying with soap solution, insecticides in the apartment are dangerous.


Zelentsy collect every day, not allowing their outrage. This contributes to the formation of new bandages, facilitates the load on the vacuum, prevents plant depletion, deterioration of the taste of cucumbers.

Growing in a private house

It does not differ in agrotechnology from growing cucumbers in the apartment. However, the villagers, the owners of cottages have more opportunities for successful growing cucumbers in heated greenhouses all year round.

Features of greenhouse agrotechnology

  • Stop the choice on greenhouse varieties Cucumbers.
  • When planting seedlings, no less buckets are introduced into the well, a well-recovery compost or manure, with the addition of 10 g of phosphorus, 5 g of nitrogen, 15 g of potassium per 1 m².
  • When landing cucumbers seedlings are located at a distance of 40 cm from each other, leaving the meter between the rows. Abundantly watered.
  • Tools tools, supports.
  • The cucumber bush form as when growing at home.
  • Remove yellowed and deformed leaves.
  • First feeder after 4 weeks. Each plant is spent 1-2 liters of 0.3% of aqueous phosphorus-potash solution. During the period of fruiting, feeding is carried out every week.
  • With the optimal air temperature, watering is produced from the calculation of 2-3 liters of water on the bush.

Prevention and control of diseases

  • Follow change the soil annually. Develop a useful microflora. Apply preparations such as phytoosporin m, reworked manure, nettical infusion.
  • Observe ventilation mode.
  • To combat a spider tick, blonde, ants are disinfected. Once in 5 days spray the bushes by carbofos.
  • Pour in the aisle dill, mustard, coriander, garlic, basil, tobacco. They scare the pests of cucumbers.
  • TRU and the whitebird wash off the jet of cold water. Wipe the leaves of cucumbers with soap solution.

Is it possible to grow in the basement?

In the equipped basement remove up to 200 kg of cucumbers with 1 m².

Main costs fall to ensure optimal light and thermal regime.

Requirements for the basement for growing cucumbers

  • Temperature should not go down to minus indicators throughout the year.
  • Lack of rodents, mold, fungus.
  • Tightness, Protection against drafts, penetration of groundwater.

Basement equipment

  • Warm floor and walls insulating materials.
  • Install heaters, thermal and lighting devices. Arc mercury lamps or incandescent lamps are most acceptable as lamps. For convenience use a time relay.
  • Organize the ventilation system.
  • Select the growing environment: hydroponic or soil.
  • Soil requirements are the same as for growing cucumbers at home and greenhouses.

Hydroponics is more efficient for basement garden. The quartz, granite granules with a diameter of 50-20 mm and a nutrient solution with a high content of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus are used. The nutrient solution can be purchased in the store or prepare themselves.

Features of cultivation

  • Cultivate a seedy way.
  • Seedlings of cucumbers sit at any time of the year.
  • Comply with the general requirements of the agrotechnology of cucumbers.
  • To combat insects, rodents change the dust, smoke checkers, traps with poisoned bait, special paints with insecticides.
  • From fungal diseases, mold, moss ground walls with anti-grab additives.

Advantages and disadvantages of basement

Undoubted pluses include high yield, getting cucumbers regardless of season, weather conditions. Abbreviated period from the appearance of cucumber shoots to harvest. Already two months after the seedlings, the first Zepets ripen.

The main drawback is the high cost of cucumbers.

Is it possible to grow cucumbers in the winter at home? If you wish, grow cucumbers all year round. From the bush grown at home, the enthusiasts receive 35-40 pieces of cucumbers.

Useful materials

Examine other useful articles on the care of seedlings:

  • Tips for growing in various tanks, in particular in peat pots and tablets.
  • Causes why seedlings are drawn up and her leaves yellow?
  • All secrets of the dive of young shoots and their landing in an open ground.

Useful video

Personal experience as we managed to grow cucumbers for 50 days on the northern balcony:

Growing cucumbers at home and the most suitable grade for growing cucumbers in winter

Cucumbers are a delicious and healthy vegetable. In addition, this culture may well be grown at home.

Best grade for growing cucumbers at home

Before proceeding to growing cucumbers at home, it is necessary to competently choose varieties and hybrids. The most suitable are "Masha" hybrids, "Claudia F1", "Bianca" and "Marinda F1". All of them are self-polished. Empties - Men's flowers are missing. And only a female type of flowering is present. These hybrids are distinguished by good yield and tallness. The fruits are tasty, and their size ranges from 15 to 25 cm.

Most popular with fans of growing cucumbers at home is the "room rylov" grade. It is well adapted to room conditions and has high taste.

If you hold sowing in early December, the fruits will hurry at the end of February. To get the first fruits at the end of March, seeding should be made no later than the first of February.

If all conditions have been created for cucumber, then it can give three to four dozen fruits. Ripe vegetables must be collected in a timely manner. Do not keep the plant near the zoyarey window or near the hot battery. Better location is the windows on the southern and eastern side. Lighting is required from 6 to 12 hours. Therefore, for comfortable cultivation of cucumbers in winter requires additional backlight.

Use either a nutrient medium or soil. Soil is the most affordable way. From the autumn it is necessary to prepare a mixture of the turf and humus. Either in equal proportions or three parts to one. Two glasses of wood ash are added to one bucket of the mixture, 5-6 grams of potash, phosphoric and nitrogen fertilizers and 20-60 grams of lime. Everything is well mixed and placed in polyethylene bags. Soil must be loose.

For seedlings, the hill must be a diameter of at least ten centimeters. Seeds are pre-germinated in a saucer. When the roots become the size of 0.5 - 1 cm, then the pairs are planted into the pots. Until the appearance of pot germs are covered with a package or film. In this case, the air temperature should be at least 20 ° C.

After the seeds go, you can ventilate the room. The temperature drops to 15-16 ° C - it will not give spons to stretch. Seedlings are grown 30-45 days. When the third real sheet appears, the spheral varieties produce. For hybrids, this procedure is not necessary. When three - four full-fledged sheets appear, seedlings are transplanted either into large pots, or in boxes. After landing, the plant must be abundantly pouring.

If the plant has both female and male flowers, then beyond the lack of natural pollination, which is carried out by bees, it should be carried out manually. It is necessary at least twice the male flower boot to touch the speck of a female flower. You can repeat the procedure. You can also brush to transfer pollen with men's female flowers.

In early June, the cucumber is brought to the balcony.

It is very important that the plants are kept warm and not suffered from drafts. The balcony should be insulated. In itself, the cultivation of cucumbers on the balcony is a simple thing. The main problem is to create warm conditions. If the light is not enough, you will need to install additional lamps. The windows on the balcony should not be opened - drafts and cold air can cause great harm. On the balcony will be convenient to use long boxes. Or put the germinated seeds into plastic bags.

In sunny periods it is impossible to prevent overheating of plants. You can cover them with transparent curtains.

What feeding should be used when growing cucumbers all year round

When buds appear, stealing wood ash. On 10 liters of water use one glass of ash.

During the period of fruiting 50-100 grams of a garden mixture or 15-25 grams of complex mineral fertilizer should be diluted in ten liters of water. Consumption is a quarter - half-liter per plant. The feeders are carried out, alternating mineral and organic. With intervals of 10-12 days.

If the cultivation of cucumbers at home is not carried out on the balcony, but in the room, then on the vents it is necessary to pull the grids or gauze. To avoid penetration of insects. The room should contain cleanliness.

How to grow cucumber on the windowsill: step-by-step instructions

On the Spring Approach, and the body already requires vitamins. With whatever pleasure you now hurt the fresh, just torn cucumber! It is not necessary to wait for summer at all, they can be planted at any time of the year on the windowsill. And after a month and a half you will enjoy the first fruits of your efforts.

Choose seeds for landing

Answering the question of how to grow cucumber on the windowsill, you need to mention that not all varieties of cucumbers will grow and be froning in the apartment conditions, so you need to carefully treat them. Self-pollized hybrids are optimally suitable for this purpose, such as Zozul, "April", "Stella", "Kukaracha". If you give preference to beehopless varieties, then the pollinators' hybrids should be planted. And this will create extra concerns and will take an extra room on the windowsill. And putting, for example, the cucumber "Zozul", you will get a friendly return of the early cucumbers after 50 days after germination. Green largest fruit fruit mass from 160 to 300 grams will delight you with excellent taste.

Choose a place, container and soil

If there are windows overlooking the south in the house, then plant cucumbers are best there. Eastern and Western side can also be viewed as an option, but the northern side is better to avoid. If you have long thought about how to grow cucumber on the windowsill, do not miss this important point.

The planting container should be quite spacious - at least eight liters for one plant. For these purposes a wooden box or a durable plastic bag is suitable. At the bottom of the tanks, you need to make holes for the flow of water and root ventilation.

The soil for planting cucumbers should be light and nutritious. There are a large selection of ready-made soil mixtures. You can use them, but you can make a substrate yourself. For a high-quality mixture you will need 20% of the Earth, 40% of the compost, 10% sawdust and 30% peat. To the mixture you need to add incomplete matchboxes of urea and two box of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

At the bottom of the tanks before filling them with the soil, be sure to lay a layer of drainage.

We grow seedlings of cucumbers

Now we go directly to the answer to the question of how to grow cucumber on the windowsill. We look seeds and wait for their germination. Select them the strongest and put them in peat pots. Now they need to be made in one box, cover with a transparent film and remove into a warm place. After the shoots appear, the seedlings need to be rearranged into a cool place, so seedlings will not stretch. After the appearance of 4 or 5 sheets, the top need to be discharged. This technique will strengthen the growth of the root system and sidebands. It will not hurt to create additional lighting for seedlings with daylight lamps.

Rechazzle seedlings for permanent location

About 25 days later, cucumbers can be resettled at a permanent place. Seedlings need to plant right in peat pots into well-moisturized land, additionally watered every cucumber. The photo shown in the article show that with this method you can get strong healthy plants. Carefully follow the humidity of the soil - the soil should never disappear.

Care for cucumbers

When seedlings begin to actively grow, you need to stick pegs and stretch the ropes along the wall of the balcony or to the top of the window. Cucumbers should be tiered to them. Then they will cling to the rope on their own. From time to time, feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers, on cloudy days, shower daylight lamps. With the collection of mature cucumbers do not tighten - they slow down the growth of the rest of the fruit.

That's all the tricks on how to grow cucumber on the windowsill. Following these recommendations, you can get up to 30 cucumbers from each plant.

Growing cucumbers at home all year round

In the cold season, I really want fresh vegetables and fruits, and, in general, they became accessible. Any vegetable and fruit products can be bought in large cities in stores year-round. But, you will agree, the cucumbers grown with their own hands and the purchased in the store are very different, and not in favor of shop. Therefore, some gardeners are practicing the cultivation of cucumbers at home all year round. It turns out that no special difficulties arise at the same time, especially if you buy seeds of parthenocarpic hybrids that do not require pollination. Especially popular is the room cucumber Ryttov. Unfortunately, barely lm you will find it seeds in the store, only lovers.

At first, the seeds of cucumbers are treated with "epinom" to accelerate growth, then sowed into seedlings. The substrate should consist of a sheet and delicate land with the addition of sand for better soil drainage. You can add wood ash, phosphoric and potash fertilizers. Daily the soil is poured and before the appearance of sections are covering the boxes with glass or film, thus making a mini-greenhouse. While the seeds do not germinate, the greenhouse must stand in a warm place, and after the appearance of seedlings, the temperature is lowered so that the plant does not stretch.

When the plants are 3-4 real leaves, they are seated into separate containers, which should have a volume of at least 8 liters. Water them with warm water and put the ladder-sleeper or tie the twine to the top of the window. If you planted a bevel grade, the cultivation of cucumbers at home involves artificial pollination when the plant blooms. Once a week feed the plant, it needs it in spraying, because it loves moist air. Watch that the temperature does not fall below 20 degrees, and install additional lighting, better luminescent lamps, cucumbers need a long day day.

Growing cucumbers in the apartment in winter

Many gardeners often have a desire to get ultravenial vegetables in the soil or even on the windowsill. With the room culture of tomatoes, readers have already been able to get acquainted in one of the winter rooms, so we now offer to learn how to grow cucumbers at home in the room, on the window sill and on the balcony.

�Svi questions you can ask in the comments to the article and on the forum

In room conditions, the cucumbers are best grown on windowsill windows overlooking the southern, southeast or eastern sides. There is a lot of light and yields can be the highest. Under late sowing (May-end of June), pots or boxes with cucumbers are recommended to put on Western and even northern windows, balconies and loggias.

Create the necessary microclimate on the windowsill

To create the desired microclimate on your windowsill, glue all the slots on the window, and the window tip the plastic film so that when it is opening, the straight cold air does not fall on the plants. Behind the windowsill, it is best to hang a reflective (mirror) film, which will improve the illumination of plants and will allow you to adjust the warm stream of air from the battery (opening or, on the contrary, pressing the film to the windowsill).

What is better to grow cucumbers?

Grow in room conditions the cucumbers follows in large clay pots, tubs, buckets with a capacity of 8-10 liters. The best substrate for growing cucumbers It is a mixture consisting of a humus, low peat, ordinary garden land and coarse sand in a ratio of 4: 4: 2: 1. High crops of cucumbers !!! You can also receive when using the finished soil "Rose", with a high content of humus and neutral medium.

When sow cucumbers in the apartment

You can start seeding from mid-February. In March, it is natural to sow, with even more selection of varieties and hybrids.

What to choose?

Grade Cucumbers on the windowsill

For the earliest landings on the window sill, hybrids are selected, capable of actively growing and be froning in conditions of lack of illumination and a short day.

Grade Cucumbers in the apartment in the room

Now consider the varieties and hybrids most suitable for the room. The best among them is rhodmary !!! The plant is compact, beautiful, easily rises by supports up.

NK-mini cucumber is an ultra-speaking, beehoppy variety. The size of the bush is no more than 25-40 cm. In the sinuses of each sheet, there are 2-3 female buds, forming small fruits to 10 cm. Yield - 30-40 fruits from one plant. In rooms requires manual pollination. If the seeds are sown in early April, in June you can already collect fruits.

The cucumber of the regatta is a banner, parthenokarpic grade with a mass of the fetus of 150. Fruits are characterized by high taste. Perfectly succeeded on window sills, in closed loggias, on the verandah. Yield - up to 30-40 fruits from one plant. Different resistant to diseases.

For room conditions recommended And the photon variety is early, fruit begins 40-50 days after the appearance of germs. Fruits - 8-10 cm long. It is characterized by increased resistance to malieving and false dealers. From one plant, with good care, you can collect 40-45 fruits. The following particarpic hybrids are well managed in the rooms: April, Stella, Zozul, Debut, Kukaracha, Mushroomka and others.

Obtaining seedlings

For growing cucumbers, it is best to use a seed basis. When planting plants to a permanent place, they must have 4-5 well-developed sheets and a strong root system !!!. It usually occurs in 25-30 days after the appearance of germs. With a lack of heat and the light of seedlings, it can be ready only after 32-45 days. Seeds sow in a peat and small containers. After the appearance of shoots, they are carefully transplanted.

Current care

Before boarding the container, a small pebble drainage is poured into a container. The plant is planted in the center with such a calculation so that it was 2-3 cm above the soil.

Immediately after landing, the cucumbers are watered with stunned, warm water (22-24 degrees). The pots are installed at a permanent place (shelves, tables, windowsill) and stretch the sleeper from a thin twine, which is directed to the curly vacuum.

With the advent of the 3rd real sheet, the tip of the escape along with the kidney pinch. It is done to accelerate the appearance of lateral shoots, which are the main carriers of women's flowers, stocks and fruits. With the advent of the 5-6th sheet, the tops of each leaf are removed. Thus, a real tweer is formed. Parthenocarpic short-flowing plants are formed as well as ordinary cucumbers.


When growing cucumber on the windowsill over the window, stretch the wire (sleeper), to which the twine (twine) is tied. Around the twine rinse the stem as it is height. Plants form in the same way as in the greenhouses. When sowing, the side shoots and women's flowers are completely removed in the lower 5-6 nodes of the main vacuum, in subsequent nodes, the side shoots are plugged over 1-2-sheet sheet, and at the top of the main leaf - over 2-4-sheet sheet . The top of the plant carefully rinse 1-3 times around the heat wire, release down and pinch at an altitude of 30-50 cm from the windowsill. From the upper nodes of the stem, you can go down not one, but two escapes.

Figure Formation and garter of plants of grade (F1): A - to the Toplar; B - after the choplera.

Manual pollination

To obtain a high crop of cucumbers, it is necessary to conduct manual pollination during the flowering period. This is usually done like this: we break off a male flower, a whisk is removed from it and insert a female flower into the socket. Pollination is best spent from 6 to 10 am.

Fig. Manual pollination of cucumber flowers

How to water

Water cucumbers necessarily accumulated water room temperature. On sunny days, we water at least 2 times a day, and in cloudy weather - 2-3 times a week. Watering is recommended to be carried out only in the morning or in the evening. On hot days, mandatory reception is moisturizing air with a room pulverizer !!!

About fertilizers ..

Than to feed cucumbers on the windowsill

You can feed cucumbers as mineral and organic fertilizers. When feeding the latter, very high results are obtained.

Organic fertilizers

If it is possible, it is best to use the infusion of a cowboy, diluted with water 10 times, or a bird litter diluted 15 times. Specific odors can be eliminated by one of these drugs like Baikal �m1 and Timir.��


From mineral fertilizers, crystalline or nitroposk are appropriate, which should be brewed at the rate of 2 teaspoons in a three-liter water jar of 1-2 glasses on a plant, combining feeding with watering water. At the beginning of the slowdown in the growth rates of plants or the appearance of the first signs of lighter color of the lower leaves, the volume of the feeder increases to 3-4 glasses on the plant.

Good results of vegetables produced and from feeding with liquid concentrated fertilizers for "rainbow" or granulated fertilizer "Flower". Feed the cucumbers for the first time in 12-15 days after landing. Subsequent feeders are best to spend once every 10-12 days. The interval between feeders depends on the time of year and the phase of the development of cucumbers.

Protect plants!

Pests of homemade cucumbers

  • cobweb tick
  • bahch wave
  • rostovaya fly.

The most common web tick, against which insectoacaricides are effective. Among them are preparations of biological origin: phytodeterm and cytoxibatsillin.

Diseases of homemade cucumbers

From diseases are the greatest harm to the cucumbers

  • anthracnose,
  • puffy dew
  • mildew,
  • root rot
  • fusarious fading.

Against them can be used biofungicides phytoosporin and alin-b. It is very important to monitor the temperature regime, preventing strong temperature differences and drafts.

Hello, friends! There is a little shyly on winter evenings. The soul requires new sensations. And the "Garden Soul" - new crops, shoots and harvest. Of course, not everyone will decide to force their new snow-white plastic or wooden window sills with buckets and pots with Earth, others will regret supermodic curtains, others will not be able to provide additional highlighting, but the most desperate suggests to consider growing cucumbers at home. It's not very difficult, but the joy from every cucumber will not be enough.

When and what kind of cucumbers put in winter

Today there are special cucumber varieties intended for indoor crop production. They are impertured, cold-resistant, lay down with low air humidity and a minor disadvantage of sunlight, do not require pollination, their scourge is shorter and the roots are more compact than that of ordinary varieties - which significantly reduces the flow rate of the "Gardery" to grow culture.

Of course, you can experiment with conventional early-fledged parthenokarpic hybrids, but still there is time, it is worth looking for special varieties.

The first indoor cucumbers brought Russian agrobiologist Mikhail Vasilyevich Ryt at the end of the last century. Until now, "relatives" of Ryttov's cucumbers are still found. Along with them, the network offers "room" F1, "a miracle on the window" F1, "room miracle" F1, "Berendei" F1. The choice is not so rich, but "who is looking for, he will always find."

If the bedroom cucumbers sow in January, then the crop can be collected in March, the February landings will delight you in early April. They are fruiting such plants for about three months, so that before the first harvest in the open ground without a crop will not be left.

Good results are given and the August crops.

How to plant indoor cucumbers

Cucumbers can be grown and "groundless" method (hydroponic methods) - on only fertilizer solutions or naked sand. But for us calmer and clearer the abundant crumb of crispy aromatic cucumbers getting, growing this plant in fertile soil. Even good garden land is suitable here.

Positively proven a mixture of dung humus, peat, delicate earth and wood sawdust in a 1: 1: 1: 1: 1 ratio. 1 glass of wood ash, 1 tablespoon of nitroposki and 1 teaspoon of urea are added to the bucket of such a mixture. It will be easy to get all the ingredients when the street is a minus temperature and on Earth almost 10 cm snow, but something similar can be collected.

More in idle mixture: humus, nervous land, coarse sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 with the addition of 0.5-liter cans of wood ground.

Use only purchased soil very often gives a negative result. The cucumbers love weakly alkaline soils, and tomatoes prefer weakly acidic. We take the soil for tomatoes and get round fruits and leaves in white spots. Be careful!

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a strong solution of potassium mangartage, washed with clean water and gently germinate (it is possible without germination). The landing is produced in peat pots to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, which are installed in a warm place, and on top to the appearance of shoots are covered with film.

Caring for indoor cucumbers

After the appearance of shoots, the cups are transferred to the most sunny window sill (without drafts).

When the second real sheet appears on the plants, the pot plant on a permanent place in a large-size container (up to 10 liters), shut down to leaves. For such purposes, ordinary plastic buckets are remarkably suitable - both pretty, and cheap, and followed by the use of packaging. On the bottom put a layer of small pieces of foam, claymzite or pebbles.

After the appearance of the third real sheet (and not the third pair of leaves), "collect will be gather in a fist" and pinch off this sheet along with a point of growth. The side shoots will appear on which four or five leaves are counted and also remove extremes along with growth points. These are very barbaric procedures contribute to improved yield.

It is possible to form a plant into one stem. Then the top pinch already at the highest possible height (further than which "crawl" is nowhere), and the emerging side shoots leave 20-50 cm long.

For plants, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of garter.

About a month after germs, the first flowers appear, and after twelve and fifteen days, the first fruits from the "normal" varieties or the first marking with a hint of a flower in parthenocarpic individuals. On our cucumber, 4 tiny cucumbers were formed by this time. You should not wait for the fruits to reach the "Russian" sizes. Such lights will slow down the development of the rest of the fellow and in general the crop will be less and lower than quality.

Positive on the development of the cucumber plant affects the stem. Formed additional roots improve the nutrition of the entire plant.

Do not allow water stagnation and soil drying during the growth and development of plants. There are enough two or three irons per week with warm water. It is desirable that in the pallet under capacity with soil has always been water. The leaf spraying does not hurt.

I advise regularly inspect the plants in order not to miss voracious pests. On our cucumber, a brown caterpillar was a couple of days.

Remember - in part-carpic hybrids, the shelters fall at low temperatures of soil and air. Do not reboot!

Highlighting (shower) of indoor cucumbers

January boards of cucumbers in the room, unlike February, need to be shown. The process starts from the moment of seedlings and continue until mid-February.

For the state of the February cucumber without a shower, you can trace the photo of the article. The first cucumber was eaten only 07.05. All the rest of the maritime (and far from small) successfully fell off - cold and dark. But as soon as the sun harness - the crop went to profit ...

Successful experiments!

Growing cucumbers in winter at home is quite possible, but for this you need to make some effort. These are light and thermal-loving plants, so it is necessary to place them on the solar, south side, the room temperature should be within + 20 ... + 25 ° C.

All cucumbers are divided into greenhouse (greenhouse) and beds (grown in open ground). The notableness of these vegetables is that they can be quite raised at home: on windowsill, balcony or loggia in the presence of certain factors required for their cultivation. The cultivation of cucumbers at home requires additional lighting with daily lamps (at least 15-16 hours per day). To avoid frosting roots, it is recommended to insulate the bottom of the boxes or pots (install them on the board, foam or other insulation).

Select the grade of cucumbers

Special varieties are derived for home designer - self-polling, early and high-yielding. As a rule, these are hybrid cucumber varieties. The hybrids are noted by the symbol F1 (heterosexis), their sprouts differ significantly from the parent plant, since their characteristic features are manifested only in the first generation.

Parthenocarpic hybrid is rootishons with female inflorescences that do not require pollination for the binding of fruits. Depending on the variety, the size of hybrid cucumbers can reach from 12 to 25 cm, the ripening time is 30-50 days.

To grow cucumbers on the windowsill in the winter, the following varieties are most suitable:

  • Masha F1;
  • Claudia F1;
  • Bianca F1;
  • Marinda F1;
  • Room ritova F1;
  • Generar f1;
  • Prestige F1;
  • Hortook F1.

For example, grade Masha F1 Ripens at 30-40 days, the yield is high (5-7 fruits from the branch, on the windowsill - up to 20 pcs. from the branch). Shchedrich F1 gives a crop for 40-45 days, the fetus size is 12-14 cm, yield up to 20 pcs. From the branch. Marinda F1. - The high-yielding grade is characterized by simultaneous maturation of all fruits.

Cucumbers Masha F1

Hortook F1. - The raven variety (starting from 30 days), the fetus size is up to 10 cm, green cucumbers with black spikes, are pollinated manually. Crustics F1.- Time of ripening 50 days, yield up to 7 cucumbers from the branch. It is distinguished by tallness, which allows them to decorate them a balcony as Liana. When creating favorable conditions for plant growth from each bush, you can collect up to 30-40 fruits.

The date of disembarking is determined on the basis of the ripening period of fruits and depends on what time the fresh cucumbers are expected to be expected. From the appearance of sprouts to the maturity of fruits, it takes an average of 45-50 days.

Cookware and soil for growing cucumbers on the windowsill

For growing seedlings from seeds, it is better to use small plastic cups (from under yogurts, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc.), or a pot with special soil, or peat cups. In the bottom of the dishes make 3-4 small holes.

For growing cucumber bushes, large capacity is required with a capacity of up to 5 liters or 5 kg (plastic pots, buckets, special deep boxes). At the bottom of the tank drill small holes to ensure the soil ventilation and removal of excess moisture. The bottom of the tank is falling asleep drainage from fine pebbles or sand with a layer of 5 cm, then covered with soil.

Garden on the windowsill

The choice of land is of great importance. Gardening stores sell a special soil enriched with the necessary minerals and substances, where you can also get advice on how to grow cucumbers with our own forces. Experts advise to prepare the soil on their own.

For example, use the following mixture:

  • 2/3 of the part of the container - the hardening or garden land, which is pre-disinfected with a weak solution of mangalls;
  • 1/3 Capacity - fertilizers (5-6 g of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, 20-60 g of lime), humus;
  • 1 glass of chalk;
  • 2 glasses of ash;
  • 4 glasses of rebeling leaves of garden trees or heavy sawdust.

Such soil mixture is better to prepare in advance, from autumn. It is calcined in the oven for the neutralization of eggs of different insects, then pour out. The soil must be well moisturized and loose. In case of cultivation of cucumbers in boxes by 60-70 cm, 5-6 bush seedlings plant.

Growing seedlings

Seeds are pre-soaked in a light-pink solution of potassium permanganate, a method for planting dried seeds is also used or in such a form as they are. The grains are germinated first in a scenery in a warm dark place at a temperature of + 25 ° C. After the appearance of the first sprouts with a length of 0.5-1 cm, they are transferred to the cups or a pot of ground, covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place. The temperature regime in the room should be no lower than + 20 ° C. It is necessary to water and feed the seedlings.

After the appearance of real leaves, the seedlings carefully transplanted into large containers, putting all the efforts so as not to damage the roots of the plants. If seedling grown in peat cups, it can be moved to the container without pulling out of the cups.

You can use the seed sowing method immediately into large boxes. Sprouted or dry seeds planted in a wet soil in the holes with a depth of 1.5 cm and covered with soil and polyethylene. Boxes are placed in a warm place with a temperature not lower than + 25 ° C. As soon as the first shoots appear, they are rearranged to the windowsill, where the temperature should be + 20 ° C.

Us of cucumbers from seedlings

Capacities with seedlings are placed in a warm and illuminated place. During this period, special care for cucumbers is required. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the first pitch is carried out, after 5-6 leaves - the second. Then make the sequel of the main stem over 11 leaves. In the future, as the stalk grows, it is necessary to remove side shoots, which take away the life juices in the plant, interfering with fruiting. Over the urging, the shoots are pinching and leave only 1 sheet. To maintain growing weaves and ensure better lighting makes a garter of growing stalks - stretch the ropes to which sprouts are fixed.

It must be remembered that the cucumbers - the moisture-loving vegetable and bushes need 1-2 times a week splashing from the sprayer. For spraying, as well as for irrigation, use warm, sparkling water. Watering is produced when dried up the top layer of soil. Excess water in the ground can lead to the reinforcement of the roots of the plant and its death.

Cucumbers on the window are at risk of dehydration due to dry air. To support wet microclimate, it is possible to set water tank plants near plants.

To ensure healthy growth of cucumber bushes, they should be well lit. In winter, additional lighting is used, better with special infrared lamps (at least 12 hours a day). On the night lamps turn off. Cucumbers must be in cold air protected and drafts.

For varieties requiring pollination, it is necessary to pollinate manually. For this, men's inflorescences are broken and the female flowers pollinate. It is possible to pollination in a different way - with a brush or cotton swab.

Up. Supzhetsev

When growing cucumbers in winter, it is very important to carry out the plants with special fertilizers every 10 days. It uses organic fertilizers well, for example, by the disasts of the hull of bananas (the proportion of 1:10). After the appearance of the buds, the plants are watered with a solid of wood ash (1 cup on 10 liters of water). During the ripening of fruits, nutrition from mineral fertilizers (12-25 g per 10 liters of water) is very useful, 1 bus stood up to 0.5 liters of the mixture. Mineral dressings alternate with organic.

With a weakening of plants, it is advisable to use a non-cornented feeder with mineral fertilizers with the addition of trace elements. For the preparation of the mixture in 10 liters of water, 5-15 g of urea, 10-20 g of double superphosphate, 1-5 g of sulfur magnesium or 10 ml of microelectric solution are added. The mixture is prepared in 1 day before use, often stirred and focused through 4 layers of the gauze filter. Cucumber bushes spray with a mixture, as a rule, in the afternoon or in rainy weather. At the same time, salted precipitation remain on the leaves, which are recommended to be washed with clean water.


Cucumbers are collecting daily as they are ripening. It is impossible to leave the ripened fruit on the bush, as he takes the strength from the plant.

Upon respecting all the necessary conditions, the cucumbers at home is quite simple. You can provide your table with these wonderful fresh vegetables throughout the year and get a lot of positive emotions from the cultivation process itself.

Growing cucumbers in winter - the process is simple. When performing certain conditions, it will even be able to get a good crop of cucumbers in winter.

Is it possible to get a crop of cucumbers all year round

In the markets, in stores and supermarkets, greenhouses are implementing their products all year round. The abundance of vegetables and fruits is no longer surprised.

A variety of vegetables and fruits on the market has become the usual picture

Some gardeners-gardeners are not limited to breeding vegetables in the summer at the household plot and grow vegetables in winter in heated greenhouses, basements and apartments.

Full care guarantees a good harvest in winter

How much fruit cucumbers in winter

At any time of the year, cucumbers ripen four weeks after landing. The average duration of harvest is three months. For these dates, it does not affect the landing time or external environment. The main thing is quality care.

The proper formation of the plant affects the volume of the crop, as well as the timely removal of mature fruit. The number of Zelents from one bush averages from 10 to 40 pieces.

How the cucumbers are pollinated when growing in winter

In summer, cucumbers pollinate insects. For growing in winter, parthenocardic varieties are used that do not require pollination.Popular grade cucumbers for closed soil:

  • Liliput F1;
  • Emelya F1 (salting);
  • Mahar F1;
  • Zozulu F1;
  • Picnic F1;
  • Hercules F1 (Salad);
  • Hummingbird F1;
  • Dynamite F1 (universal);
  • Annie F1;
  • Calendar F1, etc.

If the landing is selected by the varieties that need to pollinate, have to do this work for the bees. A male flower with torn petals is applied to a female flower or tolerate pollen from a male flower on a female with a brush. This procedure is performed in the morning with high humidity.

Photo Gallery: Methods for polling cucumber flowers

Methods for planting cucumbers in winter

In winter, the cucumbers are grown in heated greenhouses, basements and apartments. The cultivation of cucumbers consists of the following stages:

  • processing of seed material;
  • care of seedlings;
  • preparation of the premises;
  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • the formation of the bush;
  • harvesting.

Agrotechnology is the same for all types of worms of buried soil. Differences will be only at the stage of preparing the premises.

Preparation of seeds

By choosing the most hybrid varieties, check the seeds for the germination. They are falling asleep into the glass, poured with water, stirred. Leave to landing specimens that downtired on the bottom. The seeds are then placed in a solution of manganese (1 gram per 0.1 liter of warm water) for 20 minutes and washed in cold water. After disinfection, the seed material is soaked for 12 hours in one of the nutrient solutions to choose from:

  • 1 teaspoon of liquid fertilizer agricola start on one liter of water;
  • 3 teaspoons of bacterial fertilizer barrier per liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of organic fertilizer barrier per liter of water.

Seeds germinate one or two days. Recently, Dutch seeds have appeared on sale, which at the expense of special processing have a high germination and are protected from many diseases. When preparing these seeds carried out heat treatment, etching and calibration. They can be attached to the soil after two-day soaking. Popular Dutch hybrids:

  • Angelina F1;
  • Hector F1;
  • Bettina F1;
  • Dolomite F1.

Growing seedlings

Preparation of seedlings takes 4 weeks and is as follows:

  1. Cups measuring 8x8 or 10x10 are filled with prepared soil (2 parts of peat and humus, 1 part of old sawdust) or ready-made soil.
  2. Spilled with a solution of liquid fertilizer ideal and sow sprouted seeds. During the preparation period, seedlings are monitored so that the temperature does not fall below 12-15 ° C.
  3. Feed the organic fertilizer solution. For example, the fertilizer is dissolved in a bucket of water. The consumption of the solution is half a plan. The appearance of the second real leaflet is a signal for the first feeding.
  4. When the fourth real sheet appears, feed the second time. For the preparation of the solution, take the teaspoon of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate by 10 liters of water.

Seedling is ready for landing, if there are five or six real leaves. The root system should be well developed. Seedlings are planted for a permanent place according to the 50x50 scheme in heated greenhouses and basements. If the cucumbers are grown in the apartment, for each seedling, a separate five-liter pot is using a separate pot.

In the apartment plants can be planted and without growing seedlings. With this method, the roots of cucumbers will not harm in transplantation. Seeds are placed immediately into the pots where cucumbers will be grown. To preserve moisture, the pots are covered with a film. After the appearance of shoots, the film is removed, the pots are placed closer to the light.

Temperature and humidity

For growing cucumber optimal, air temperature is 25-30 ° C. At a temperature of 12-15 ° C, the process of plant development is delayed, and at zero they die. For cucumber it is harmful to fluctuate temperatures. Optimal air humidity should be maintained at 80-95%, therefore, spray plants and install water containers in the room.

Selection of lamps

In winter, plants need to be heated.For these purposes, lamps of different types are used.

Table: Types of lamps for lighting and heating of greenhouses

For growing cucumbers in the winter period, various lighting options can be applied. It depends on what lamps are already available. If a new room for growing cucumbers is equipped, it is necessary to buy LED lamps. Although their price is high, but high cost pays off with low electricity consumption and long service life.

LED lamps do not affect the microclimate of the room, the spectrum of their radiation is mostly corresponding to the photo sector spectrum.

Regardless of where the cucumbers are grown (in a greenhouse, basement or the windowsill), establish such a number of lamps to ensure the lighting of 50 thousand lumens by 4-5 square meters. m. for illumination of 10 square meters. The room of the room will require 5 LED lamps with a capacity of 45 watts.

Table: Calculation of the number of lamps for lighting cucumbers in the greenhouse

Preparation of heating lectures

The cultivation of cucumbers in heated greenhouses is the most common way to grow cucumbers in winter. To get a large harvest, it is necessary to equip a greenhouse correctly. It is important to choose an optimal place, provide water supply and heating.

Choosing a place to build a greenhouse, take into account the illumination of the site, the protection against the prevailing winds, the relief of the site, the direction of the greenhouse on the sides of the light. The section under the greenhouse should not shade with trees, should be even and is located in such a way that the light is maximum. Winter greenhouse should stand on the foundation, consist of a roof and frame. It is recommended to establish a structure in the direction from north to south. The beds are placed along the greenhouse. Electricity and water should be close to the greenhouse.
When using the water heating system, the pipes for heating soil and radiators for heating air are laughing. Gas, electricity or coal is used as fuel for the boiler. The boiler is chosen in such a way that its power amounted to 1 kW for 8 - 10 square meters. m greenhouses. Groceries for growing cucumbers can be two types:

  • heated box below;
  • "Warm" bed.

When heating the beds with pipes, the heating elements are pinched to a depth of 20-25 cm. Apply metal pipes with a diameter of 75 to 150 mm. Uniform soil heating is achieved by using smaller pipes, laid with a greater frequency.

Circums with subsoge pipes allow us to ensure uniform heating of the soil

The beds can be heated with an electrical cable, reliably protected by the shell.

The cable must be reliably protected by a shell.

For beds on a biodegradable orient, a box is built and fill it with layers. The first layer is branches, leaves, straw, grass. The second layer is compost, the third layer is a soil from the garden. The soil is spilled by a solution of manganese, then a phytosporin solution. Two days later, they are treated with a solution of the drug Baikal, shelted with a film and leave for a week.

For beds on a biodegradable orient, a box

Video: Secrets of winter growing vegetables in greenhouse

Preparation of the basement for growing cucumbers in winter

From the end of the nineteenth century, people began to use cellars for growing vegetables. The basement for growing cucumbers must first be prepared:

  • conduct sealing to eliminate flooding;
  • insulate the floor and walls with insulating materials;
  • organize heating by electrical appliances or hot water;
  • provide basement lighting;
  • get rid of fungus, rats and other pests.

The optimal air temperature for cucumbers Day is 25-30 ° C, at night - 18-20 ° C heat. In the basement maintain the necessary temperature regime is easier than in the greenhouse. The air temperature under the building is constant all year round. The heating system of the basement may be common with the home heating system. In this case, radiators are installed, in which the power adjustment is provided.

If there are no centralized heating in the basement, infrared heaters can be installed. They are installed on the ceiling. Infrared heaters do not overcame air. Their quantity is selected so that every 10 square meters. The room was accounted for 1 kW of the heaters.

Winter cultivation in the apartment

For planting cucumbers in the winter, it is better to use windows overlooking the south side.If there are cracks in the window, it is better to flick them. To protect the roots of plants from cold air, under the pots you need to put a foam or several layers of cardboard.

To make the cucumbers, it is possible to use energy-saving, luminescent or LED lamps, which are placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from plants. To enhance the effect, reflective foil sheets are installed, mirrors.

For the formation of bushes use backups. Top on the windows fastened wooden rail with ropes attached to it. The lower ends of the rods are tied to the shoots. The attachment assembly should not interfere with the growth of the plant.

For backups, you can use a grid that is installed between glass and plants. As the bush grows, the cucumber mustes cling to the grid while holding the vertical position.

Video: Tips for growing cucumbers at home

Care for cucumbers with winter cultivation

Regardless of which variety you grow, it is important to observe the temperature regime, often water the cucumbers and feed them. Only then the harvest will be rich.


The most necessary action in caring for any plants is watering. The disadvantage and excess of moisture adversely affect the taste of fruits.Cucumbers love watering warm water. Well, if it corresponds to the temperature of pair milk.
Before the appearance of inflorescences, the cucumbers are watered after four or five days, moderately. During the formation of zins - in two or three days. During fruiting - twice a week.

Undercaming cucumbers

As the plants are developing, they make feeding on a specific scheme.

Table: Scheme of cucumber feeding

Formation of a bush of cucumber

Plants are tied to the backup after the appearance of 8-9 of the present sheet. On the bush leave one stem with a length of 1.5-2 meters. The lowest shoots are removed completely together with flowers; From the fourth, the seventh shoots are pinching, leaving 1 sheet and 1 ovary; All the next shoots leave 2 sheets and 2 wounds.

Photo gallery: Cucumber bush formation schemes


Fruits as ripening need to be removed to ripen the remaining zeroze. The best time for harvest is morning.

Timely harvest will save the scourge from luxury

Using a hydroponic method for growing cucumbers

The use of the hydroponic method allows growing plants without soil. Instead of soil, an artificial environment is used. As a substrate, clamzite, crushed stone, vermiculitis are used. The nutrient solution to the roots is delivered drip or flooding method on a specific schedule.

Mineral solutions are better acquired in specialized stores. Purchased solution contains everything you need to plant.

Recently, the use of plugs, cubes and mineral wool mats has become popular. When preparing seedlings of cucumbers, the following procedures are followed:

  1. Seeds plant in traffic jams for seedlings to 1 cm. Seeds germinate after 2-3 days, subject to maintenance of temperature 20-25 ° C and humidity 75-80%.
  2. After a week, traffic jams with sprouts are placed in cubes.
  3. In seedling cubes, it is developing from 3 to 5 weeks, then it is placed in mats impregnated with a nutrient solution.

Preparation of seedlings of cucumbers in the hydroponic method

Watering is produced through a dropper installed in mats.

The principle of supplying nutrients by flooding is as follows: the tray with plants is mounted under the tilt, under the tray there is a reservoir with a mineral solution. Using the pump, the tray is filled with a solution to the maximum level. Excess solution flows back to the tank. The tray constantly remains a certain amount of solution.

The supply of mineral mortar when growing cucumbers is carried out by periodic flooding method

Pros and Cons Hydroponics

Advantages of using the hydroponic method:

  • the ability to control all processes of plant development, use solutions of different compositions for each stage of growth;
  • saving water;
  • saving nutrients, all nutrients are fully absorbed, nothing goes into the ground;
  • i do not need a weeding, weeds are not;
  • increases yield, as healthy plants;
  • the dates of ripening of cucumbers are reduced.

Hydroponics is suitable for small rooms. First, the roots occupy less space, so you can place more plants on a small area. Secondly, hydroponics does not require a big update after each harvest, as when using the soil.
Disadvantages of the hydroponic method:

  • the probability of destroying all plants in the preparation of an irregular solution is large;
  • it requires strict temperature control, during overheating plants die;
  • this is an expensive cultivation method, the high energy consumption for lighting and climate control.

Features of growing cucumbers all year round in various regions, including in the Krasnodar Territory

In our country, the cucumber loves, without it does not cost a festive feast. From fresh cucumbers make salads, gladly crunch with pickled or sauer cucumber. In most Russian regions, the yield of cucumber is small. This is due to the characteristics of the climate. A short summer with return freezers does not allow to create cucumbers comfortable conditions for growth and fruiting.

Only in the southern regions the whole cycle of rising cucumber is provided by the Sun and warmth. One of these areas is the Krasnodar region. The climate is generally characterized by an excess of solar radiation with moderate moisture, so Krasnodar vegetables periodically face the problem of lack of water. But this problem has a solution, for example, the mulching of the soil to save moisture. Interestingly, in the Krasnodar Territory, cucumbers can be grown all year round even in unheated greenhouses - for this purpose, structures with foil walls are used, which allow you to mainstand heat inside.

In other regions, especially in Siberia, in the winter and autumn periods of the day of the daylight are not enough to obtain a good crop. When growing this vegetable in Siberia and other areas, it is better to consider the methods of additional lighting and heating in a greenhouse or in a garden, for example, the readiness of various lamps.

Video: Construction of greenhouse in the harsh conditions of Siberia

When growing cucumbers in conditions of closed soil, plants are created by the desired microclimate. Plants are provided with the necessary amount of light and heat. It does not matter in which region there is a greenhouse economy, a good harvest can be obtained under all weather conditions.

It's possible to grow cucumbers in winter. It is important to observe the water regime and provide plants with a sufficient amount of light. The results of industrial greenhouses we see on the shelves of stores in winter. At home, knowing the peculiarities of growing cucumbers and using modern agricultural engineering, you can get a good harvest and please yourself and familiar with our own grown cucumbers in the midst of winter.

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Growing cucumbers in winter at home is quite possible, but for this you need to make some effort. These are light and thermal-loving plants, so it is necessary to place them on the solar, south side, the room temperature should be within + 20 ... + 25 ° C.

All cucumbers are divided into greenhouse (greenhouse) and beds (grown in open ground). The notableness of these vegetables is that they can be quite raised at home: on windowsill, balcony or loggia in the presence of certain factors required for their cultivation. The cultivation of cucumbers at home requires additional lighting with daily lamps (at least 15-16 hours per day). To avoid frosting roots, it is recommended to insulate the bottom of the boxes or pots (install them on the board, foam or other insulation).

Select the grade of cucumbers

Special varieties are derived for home designer - self-polling, early and high-yielding. As a rule, these are hybrid cucumber varieties. The hybrids are noted by the symbol F1 (heterosexis), their sprouts differ significantly from the parent plant, since their characteristic features are manifested only in the first generation.

Parthenocarpic hybrid is rootishons with female inflorescences that do not require pollination for the binding of fruits. Depending on the variety, the size of hybrid cucumbers can reach from 12 to 25 cm, the ripening time is 30-50 days.

To grow cucumbers on the windowsill in the winter, the following varieties are most suitable:

  • Masha F1;
  • Claudia F1;
  • Bianca F1;
  • Marinda F1;
  • Room ritova F1;
  • Generar f1;
  • Prestige F1;
  • Hortook F1.

For example, grade Masha F1 Ripens at 30-40 days, the yield is high (5-7 fruits from the branch, on the windowsill - up to 20 pcs. from the branch). Shchedrich F1 gives a crop for 40-45 days, the fetus size is 12-14 cm, yield up to 20 pcs. From the branch. Marinda F1. - The high-yielding grade is characterized by simultaneous maturation of all fruits.

Hortook F1. - The raven variety (starting from 30 days), the fetus size is up to 10 cm, green cucumbers with black spikes, are pollinated manually. Crustics F1.- Time of ripening 50 days, yield up to 7 cucumbers from the branch. It is distinguished by tallness, which allows them to decorate them a balcony as Liana. When creating favorable conditions for plant growth from each bush, you can collect up to 30-40 fruits.

The date of disembarking is determined on the basis of the ripening period of fruits and depends on what time the fresh cucumbers are expected to be expected. From the appearance of sprouts to the maturity of fruits, it takes an average of 45-50 days.

Cookware and soil for growing cucumbers on the windowsill

For growing seedlings from seeds, it is better to use small plastic cups (from under yogurts, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc.), or a pot with special soil, or peat cups. In the bottom of the dishes make 3-4 small holes.

For growing cucumber bushes, large capacity is required with a capacity of up to 5 liters or 5 kg (plastic pots, buckets, special deep boxes). At the bottom of the tank drill small holes to ensure the soil ventilation and removal of excess moisture. The bottom of the tank is falling asleep drainage from fine pebbles or sand with a layer of 5 cm, then covered with soil.

The choice of land is of great importance. Gardening stores sell a special soil enriched with the necessary minerals and substances, where you can also get advice on how to grow cucumbers with our own forces. Experts advise to prepare the soil on their own.

For example, use the following mixture:

  • 2/3 of the part of the container - the hardening or garden land, which is pre-disinfected with a weak solution of mangalls;
  • 1/3 Capacity - fertilizers (5-6 g of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, 20-60 g of lime), humus;
  • 1 glass of chalk;
  • 2 glasses of ash;
  • 4 glasses of rebeling leaves of garden trees or heavy sawdust.

Such soil mixture is better to prepare in advance, from autumn. It is calcined in the oven for the neutralization of eggs of different insects, then pour out. The soil must be well moisturized and loose. In case of cultivation of cucumbers in boxes by 60-70 cm, 5-6 bush seedlings plant.

Growing seedlings

Seeds are pre-soaked in a light-pink solution of potassium permanganate, a method for planting dried seeds is also used or in such a form as they are. The grains are germinated first in a scenery in a warm dark place at a temperature of + 25 ° C. After the appearance of the first sprouts with a length of 0.5-1 cm, they are transferred to the cups or a pot of ground, covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place. The temperature regime in the room should be no lower than + 20 ° C. It is necessary to water and feed the seedlings.

After the appearance of real leaves, the seedlings carefully transplanted into large containers, putting all the efforts so as not to damage the roots of the plants. If seedling grown in peat cups, it can be moved to the container without pulling out of the cups.

You can use the seed sowing method immediately into large boxes. Sprouted or dry seeds planted in a wet soil in the holes with a depth of 1.5 cm and covered with soil and polyethylene. Boxes are placed in a warm place with a temperature not lower than + 25 ° C. As soon as the first shoots appear, they are rearranged to the windowsill, where the temperature should be + 20 ° C.

Us of cucumbers from seedlings

Capacities with seedlings are placed in a warm and illuminated place. During this period, special care for cucumbers is required. After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, the first pitch is carried out, after 5-6 leaves - the second. Then make the sequel of the main stem over 11 leaves. In the future, as the stalk grows, it is necessary to remove side shoots, which take away the life juices in the plant, interfering with fruiting. Over the urging, the shoots are pinching and leave only 1 sheet. To maintain growing weaves and ensure better lighting makes a garter of growing stalks - stretch the ropes to which sprouts are fixed.

It must be remembered that the cucumbers - the moisture-loving vegetable and bushes need 1-2 times a week splashing from the sprayer. For spraying, as well as for irrigation, use warm, sparkling water. Watering is produced when dried up the top layer of soil. Excess water in the ground can lead to the reinforcement of the roots of the plant and its death.

Cucumbers on the window are at risk of dehydration due to dry air. To support wet microclimate, it is possible to set water tank plants near plants.

To ensure healthy growth of cucumber bushes, they should be well lit. In winter, additional lighting is used, better with special infrared lamps (at least 12 hours a day). On the night lamps turn off. Cucumbers must be in cold air protected and drafts.

For varieties requiring pollination, it is necessary to pollinate manually. For this, men's inflorescences are broken and the female flowers pollinate. It is possible to pollination in a different way - with a brush or cotton swab.

Up. Supzhetsev

When growing cucumbers in winter, it is very important to carry out the plants with special fertilizers every 10 days. It uses organic fertilizers well, for example, by the disasts of the hull of bananas (the proportion of 1:10). After the appearance of the buds, the plants are watered with a solid of wood ash (1 cup on 10 liters of water). During the ripening of fruits, nutrition from mineral fertilizers (12-25 g per 10 liters of water) is very useful, 1 bus stood up to 0.5 liters of the mixture. Mineral dressings alternate with organic.

With a weakening of plants, it is advisable to use a non-cornented feeder with mineral fertilizers with the addition of trace elements. For the preparation of the mixture in 10 liters of water, 5-15 g of urea, 10-20 g of double superphosphate, 1-5 g of sulfur magnesium or 10 ml of microelectric solution are added. The mixture is prepared in 1 day before use, often stirred and focused through 4 layers of the gauze filter. Cucumber bushes spray with a mixture, as a rule, in the afternoon or in rainy weather. At the same time, salted precipitation remain on the leaves, which are recommended to be washed with clean water.


Cucumbers are collecting daily as they are ripening. It is impossible to leave the ripened fruit on the bush, as he takes the strength from the plant.

Upon respecting all the necessary conditions, the cucumbers at home is quite simple. You can provide your table with these wonderful fresh vegetables throughout the year and get a lot of positive emotions from the cultivation process itself.

On the Spring Approach, and the body already requires vitamins. With whatever pleasure you now hurt the fresh, just torn cucumber! It is not necessary to wait for summer at all, they can be planted at any time of the year on the windowsill. And after a month and a half you will enjoy the first fruits of your efforts.

Choose seeds for landing

Answering the question of whether it is necessary to mention that not everyone will grow and be fronding in apartment conditions, so you need to carefully treat them. For these purposes, self-polished hybrids are optimally suitable, such as "Zozul", "April", "Stella", "Kukaracha". If you give preference to beehopless varieties, then the pollinators' hybrids should be planted. And this will create extra concerns and will take an extra room on the windowsill. And putting, for example, the cucumber "Zozul", you will get a friendly return of the early cucumbers after 50 days after germination. Green largest fruit fruit mass from 160 to 300 grams will delight you with excellent taste.

Choose a place, container and soil

If there are windows overlooking the south in the house, then plant cucumbers are best there. Eastern and Western side can also be viewed as an option, but the northern side is better to avoid. If you have long thought about the windowsill, do not miss this important point.

The planting container should be quite spacious - at least eight liters for one plant. For these purposes a wooden box or a durable plastic bag is suitable. At the bottom of the tanks, you need to make holes for the flow of water and root ventilation.

The soil for planting cucumbers should be light and nutritious. There are a large selection of ready-made soil mixtures. You can use them, but you can make a substrate yourself. For a high-quality mixture you will need 20% of the Earth, 40% of the compost, 10% sawdust and 30% peat. To the mixture you need to add incomplete matchbox of urea and two box of superphosphate and

At the bottom of the tanks before filling them with the soil, be sure to lay a layer of drainage.

We grow seedlings of cucumbers

Now we go directly to the answer to the question of how to grow cucumber on the windowsill. We look seeds and wait for their germination. Select them the strongest and put them in peat pots. Now they need to be made in one box, cover with a transparent film and remove into a warm place. After the shoots appear, the seedlings need to be rearranged into a cool place, so seedlings will not stretch. After the appearance of 4 or 5 sheets, the top need to be discharged. This technique will strengthen the growth of the root system and sidebands. It will not hurt to create additional lighting for seedlings with daylight lamps.

Rechazzle seedlings for permanent location

About 25 days later, cucumbers can be resettled at a permanent place. Seedlings need to plant right in peat pots into well-moisturized land, additionally watered every cucumber. The photo shown in the article show that with this method you can get strong healthy plants. Carefully follow the humidity of the soil - the soil should never disappear.

Care for cucumbers

When seedlings begin to actively grow, you need to stick pegs and stretch the ropes along the wall of the balcony or to the top of the window. Cucumbers should be tiered to them. Then they will cling to the rope on their own. From time to time, feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers, on cloudy days, shower daylight lamps. With the collection of mature cucumbers do not tighten - they slow down the growth of the rest of the fruit.

That's all the tricks on how to grow cucumber on the windowsill. Following these recommendations, you can get up to 30 cucumbers from each plant.