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Primer concrete contact maximum particle size. Application of concrete contact repair. Appointment of innovative composition

In our online store there is a large assortment of concrete contact at an affordable price. Each client will be able to place an order for the purchase of this and other goods, moreover, if desired, you can use delivery in Moscow. The consultant can help choose the most optimal soil concrete contact.

The primer concrete contact is characterized by a special composition, since the goods are launched input for gluing basic finishing objects to non-standard surfaces. It can be said that this is a greater extent this is not primer, but glue that is used to work in non-standard conditions.

Thanks to a special composition, the primer contributes to the usual tile glue to glue the materials to each other. This is extremely important for gluing, in general, the scope of use is wide enough. Moreover, after using this material, other elements can be glued using different types of glue.

Using the use of primer concrete contact

  • Processing overlap surfaces for further screed.
  • Preparatory process of ceilings to finishing work with lime.
  • Preparation of the surface under the screed.

These are not all branches of using concrete contact. Quite often, the solution is used to create a bulk sex, with finishing works of surfaces from drywall and others. As you can see, the material is really universal, therefore in demand among building materials.

Characteristics of concrete contacts

At the time of the selection of primers, the client must remember the presence of four important technical characteristics affecting the quality of work:

  • On the package most often, the manufacturer indicates that the technical properties of the material are maintained for 8 years. For the internal department. There are plenty of such a time interval, since the most common construction work of such a directivity occupy less time.
  • Drying time. In case the master is followed by instructions for use conconokontaktThe work zone is ready for finishing work after 2-3 hours.
  • Increased resistance to moisture - this product forms additional waterproofing, since at the time of applying to the working area, this composition forms a film with waterproof characteristics.
  • Efficiency of consumption of solution. If we talk about the established norm, you need to say that by 1 square meter. M leaves from 200 to 400 gr. It is necessary to take into account that these data is very conditional, because depend on the technical characteristics of the composition of the primer concrete contact, plus should not forget about the nuances of the treated surface.

If we are talking about sticking ordinary finishing materials to unusual surfaces for them, then nothing is better than the primer concrete contact, it will not be possible to find. It is this material that allows you to glue well and for a long time with the help of an ordinary tile glue to metal and glass, and it is he who solves the preservation of plastered surfaces on the winter. It will be discussed in this article, in which, along with the site, we will study this material in detail - we will deal with its composition, appointment, technical characteristics and application area.

Primer concrete contact: what it is and where applies

If we talk in simple, then concrete contact is not a primer at all, it is glue, only it is used not entirely as the glue composition familiar to all people. It does not glue two different material - in its task, it includes to create the necessary conditions to glue an inappropriate surface with another glue of any material. Examples can be caused many - by means of concrete contact, you can stick to steel tiles, using solutions containing cement. In this way, the same tile can be glued to the tree and, if there is a need, then to the glass and even to the old glossy. And what is most interesting - you can use almost anyone for this purpose.

Primer concrete contact photo

Such compatibility of surfaces is achieved due to the special composition of concrete contact - in fact, this is a universal glue, capable of pestering any surfaces inside which quartz sand is introduced. The first ensures reliable gluing to the surface of the glossy material, and the second creates a roughness, providing in this way the possibility of adhesion with conventional adhesive compositions containing cement.

Also in some varieties of this material, cement can be added and many all kinds of additives that determine the features of concrete contact. Hence the answer to the question, why do you need concrete contact?

  • For gluing building materials to smooth and glossy surfaces.
  • To improve the adhesion of conventional plastering solutions with a wall under the condition of a thick layer of the material applied.
  • For canning for the winter. For these purposes, a somewhat simplified version of the concrete contact, which is called primer.

As a result, the scope of application is also drawn, which is probably not worth talking about. The main advantage of this material is that it allows you to separate some surfaces, bypassing the step of cleaning them from elements such as the old tile or paint. Naturally, if the latter hold properly and do not give the slightest signs of desire to disappear. A simple example is high-altitude houses lined with tiles. To produce them y, you will have to either shoot down the tile, or use the concrete contact. Which of these two ways is easier and cheaper, decide for yourself.

Technical characteristics of primer concrete contact

Probably, it is not necessary to implement the numbers very much - we will speak in a simple way, so that it is clear for an ordinary person. There are four parameters of this material that are considered important for quality work - this is the time of drying, resistance to humidity, durability of the connection and cost of expenses. Let's talk about them somewhat more.

There are other specifications, but for a simple user they, by and large, are not needed. There are also variable material parameters, which in some way can affect the area of \u200b\u200bits use. For example, there is a specialized concrete contact for, for iron and even for wood. These separations are sufficiently conditional and, in fact, species are practically interchangeable. For example, concrete contact for wood can be used on concrete surfaces, and concrete contact for the floor - on glossy coatings. The essence of this separation is a few better adhesion of concrete contact to the surface, to work with which it is intended.

Features of using concrete contact: how to apply

In principle, the use of concrete contact is quite simple, and in this respect it is practically no different from the use of other similar solutions. A special role in the technology of solving the issue, how to apply concrete contact, is given to careful surface preparation - everything should be remembered here and it should be remembered that no adhesive composition than, in fact, is concrete contact, will not be able to stick to the dirty and dusty surface. It is for this reason that the plane covered by them needs to be carefully cleaned from all sorts of contaminants - depending on the material and the type of contamination, it will need to be either thoroughly accelerated, or washed with water.

If we are talking about concrete or cement surfaces, then the rays of their purification will be the usual of deep penetration. It will simultaneously solve several tasks at once - eliminates the dust from the surface, it creates its outer layer and reduce the ability to absorb moisture, which will largely affect the consumption of concrete contact in a smaller side. After such treatment, the surface should dry well.

Further, all standard - concrete contact is applied to the treated surface with or maclovers (a wide brush). It is better to use the latter, as it is more rationally spending the material. In addition, it allows you to not apply it to the surface, but to rub concrete contact, scoring with it even the smallest pores. After applying this material to the plane and its complete drying, it is necessary to control the finite result - there should be no passages, and the surface itself should be evenly rough. All this is visible to the eye, and if there are defects (they are not necessarily obtained from poor-quality application, the wall surface can be facilitated by them), then the primer concrete contacts must be applied by the second layer.

How to apply concrete contact photo

A very important moment in all this business is the subsequent finish of the surface treated surface - the speed is important here, and it is necessary to start work immediately after drying the concrete contact. The wire in time threatens with pollution of the treated surface with dust and, as a result, a decrease in its adhesion. So do not cover the wall or floor section greater than you can in the near future. Although if this happens, nothing will happen to nothing - it will simply need an additional cleaning of the surface by the method of processing with ordinary primer deep penetration. Yes, and one more thing - if from the moment of processing the surface with concrete contacts, more than two days will pass, then the coating must be applied again - again cleaning from dust and again the consumption of the cheap material. Remember this and save your money and time.

And at the conclusion of the topic, I will say a few words on the water question, how to choose the primer concrete contact? Unfortunately, in our stores there are quite a lot of poor quality, if not to say a fake product, which is nothing but losses, does not bring a person. Try to acquire products of famous brands and then no complaints about the quality of building materials you will have. Pay special attention to the date of manufacture - if the primer concrete contact is produced more than a year ago, it is better to give up its acquisition. It is also not superfluous to ask for storage conditions - with negative temperatures, it loses its qualities. And, in the end, pay attention to the homogeneity of the mixture - if it is not, it means that you either either poor-quality, or spoiled primer concrete contact.

Beginner wizards in the field of repair and construction work sometimes ask the question: why the decoration does not hold on the wall (or ceiling)? If, despite the compliance with the clad technology, the tile falls down, the walls are separated from the walls, the plaster rolls, it is a good adhesion (grip) between them and the base. Nowadays, concrete contact attacks, the use of which requires certain knowledge is an effective way to prevent such trouble.

Description and appointment

Conconokontact (BC) is a universal means for increasing the clutch force of various bases with a finishing layer. The primer components make it possible to use it for processing concrete structures, brick masonry, painted surfaces, tiled walls, drywall sheets, wood, glass. Conconokontakt is a polymer dispersion prepared on the basis of acrylic, which is added quartz sand, cement, additives for increasing adhesion. Liquid mixture is released in buckets or barrels.

When performing repair and construction work, universal primer helps to solve the following tasks:

  • prepare concrete slabs of overlapping to the installation of a wet screed or laying of a bulk sex;
  • progress the walls and simpleness before applying any plaster (cement, Venetian), especially if the decoration layer is thick;
  • reduce porosity and strengthen the structure of drywall before painting, sticking wallpaper, tiled facing;
  • glue smooth finishing elements to glossy materials (even glass to metal);
  • ceiling processing before palace;
  • make plastered designs for the winter.

The use of concrete contact according to the instructions and according to the requirements of GOST is mandatory for water-repellent surfaces (painted, coated with a tile), as well as monolithic concrete. It does not require a dismantling of an old finish: it is necessary to apply a layer of soil, which will make it adhesive, rough (due to quartz particles), will ensure the adhesion of the new coating.

Tip: Before using an expensive drug, experienced masters advise to test material for water absorption. The surface is sprayed from the pulverizer - if the water absorbs weakly, it makes sense to buy the BC. For rough, porous bases it is more profitable to apply a cheaper small penetration soil.

Features and advantages

Conconokontakt has a number of useful qualities that make it in many cases an indispensable means. Features of adhesive primer such:

  • increasing the ability of the bases to be captured with the finish;
  • strengthening the outer layer of the material being processed;
  • creating a waterproof protective film on the surface, which plays the role of waterproofing, if the task is to put the walls after plaster.

Professional preparation of walls and ceilings by creating a rough base - the main thing, but not the only advantage of concrete block. It has other advantages.

  • High drying speed. It allows you to finish at a fairly high pace. After a few hours, you can plaster or put the projected surfaces.
  • The average rate of consumption. It does not lead to a significant increase in the total cost of work. Applying the BC, can be saved on waterproofing compositions.
  • Convenience of applying. The method (manual or mechanical) selects the master.
  • Long service life. According to the calculations of the developers, the initial qualities of concrete contacts are preserved for 80 years, and then the coating gradually collapses.
  • High stability to alkaline media.
  • Ecology. In the primer does not include toxic, dangerous components.
  • No sharp smell.

Depending on the amount of work, the product packing is chosen: the trading network offers containers from 6 to 40 liters.

Application of primer concrete contact

To the tool ensure the desired effect, preparatory procedures are carried out.

  1. From the base, dust and dirt are sweeping, the metal brushes eliminate the peeling pieces of plaster and other old coatings, restore the surface with the aligning mixture and give dry.
  2. The junctions between the ZHB panels or drywall plates (like deep cracks), in front of the sealing, so that the plaster does not crumble.
  3. If the walls without damage, they are wiped with a soda solution or a synthetic detergent to get rid of the fatty film.
  4. The mixture is sold in liquid form, but before use it is thoroughly mixed with a mixer, since heavy particles of sand and cement are settled to the bottom.

Important: Before priming walls in the room, turn off the electricity to avoid short circuit due to wiring wicked.

Application of concrete contact involves the use of the most common tools: brushes, brushes, rollers, in large areas and in hard-to-reach places - collapse. On the thickness of concrete contact reminds the usual water-emulsion paint, so it is easy to apply. In the process of work, it is desirable to periodically mix the means to make a thick fraction not to settle.

The priming technology is quite simple, but it has certain nuances.

Important: After working with the BC, it is necessary to wash brushes or rollers under the jet of water immediately. If the tool dries out, it is almost impossible to consider it.

Here are answers to popular questions about the use of universal primer.

1. Is it worth adding water to the purchased mixture?

Usually, the dispersion is only stirred. But sometimes the manufacturer recommends diluting the tool before processing certain materials. At the same time, one should not violate the relations specified in the instructions.

2. How to apply concrete contact with plaster?

The fragile finish is better to remove the spatula. Then it is recommended to treat the plastered surface with the usual primer of deep penetration. He will solve a whole set of problems: the dust will remove, the surface layer will remove, slightly reduce the porosity, will reduce the consumption of the non-sheath concrete contact. After pre-primer need careful drying.

3. Is it possible to apply concrete contact to the paint? It is definitely suitable for the bases covered with varnish, nitroemal, alkyd or oil paint. It should be noted: acrylic dispersion is connected to the surface layer, so it is used only where the decorative coating is firmly connected to the base. If the paint is peeling, it is thrown into a scraper, beamped with a perforator, cleaned with coarse sandpaper.

4. How soon after the primer do the finish apply?

The time of drying off concrete contact is indicated on the package. It usually varies from 2-3 to 12 hours - depending on the air temperature. Even if after a couple of hours the wall will seem completely dry, it is not necessary to retreat from technology and rushing with the next operation. At the same time, it is not worth tightening with the final finish: if dust is sitting on or moisture, its adhesive properties will deteriorate. In this case, it is recommended to further clean the base of the usual soil. If after the application of the BC will pass more than 48 hours, the processing will have to be repeated, starting with removal of dust.

When freezing, acrylic dispersion loses its operational properties. Therefore, the storage temperature of the concrete contact should not be lower than +1 o C, and the mixing of the mixture is permissible if the air warms up to +5 o C. In this case, the walls should not be frozen, otherwise the coating quickly fall off.

5. What company is the primer better?

Positive customer feedback deserved brands Cerezite, Knauf, Domestic Bolls. To buy an authentic quality product, you should contact in proven stores, check certificates of conformity to specify the production date. The shelf life of mixtures usually does not exceed 6-12 months.

Finding out which concrete contact is better to use, take into account that adhesive primer from different manufacturers may differ from the scope.

  1. Ceresit. With it, the walls in the premises are prepared under plaster and cement-sand plaster, tile or putty.
  2. Knauf. It is ideal for smooth monolithic concrete, designs of structures, ceiling floors, floor under a wet tie.
  3. Boll. The soil provides reliable adhesion of bases with cement, gypsum, polymeric mixtures, old and new ceramic facing. The tool is used for the inner and exterior decoration. Before plastering, Bolls are applied with the sand fraction of 0.6, in front of the putty - the composition with a fraction of 0.3.
  4. Students. The company produces concrete attand the universal, quite justifying its name. The primer introduced additives that increase the water and frost resistance, which give mixtures of antiseptic qualities. The wagon is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

In order not to spend money in vain, with an impressive processing area, it is better to start to get one bucket of concrete contact and check it on a small area.


Additionally, what concrete contact is and why it is needed, told in the video.

Now there are many materials for repair or general construction. It often happens that the usual or tile solution is not enough to get reliable adhesion. In other words, such a mixture is needed, which will ensure the reliable bunch between the wall and the subject attached.

It is for these purposes that there is concrete contact. It is said that it can associate absolutely unsecast materials. For example, glue metal and tiles or to the perfect smooth surface (glass) to glue the item and so on.

Description and features

Conconokontakt- This is a variety groundmixtures. The main dignity: transformation of a smooth surface into a rough. The main component component is quartz sand.

As additives protrude strong types of glue and acrylic impurities. Previously, all ingredients were used for reliable ligament, now the manufacturers connected everything into one mixture called Concrete contact. Like characteristicspossessed conconokontakt?

First, the material has severe moisture resistance. Builders repeatedly sought to get such a bundle, which would be completely indifferent to the water. A new type of such material allows us to ensure reliable waterproofing.

For example, under the tie of the flooring or indoors of the sauna / bath. Concrete contact when drying, creates a kind of film that does not give moisture to penetrate further.

Secondly, it has the ability to dry quickly, while absolutely safe, and does not highlight outsiders. After a few hours you can proceed to the following type of work. And thirdly, from all existing primers endowed with a long service life (about 80-90 years).

Views of concrete contact

The building materials market offers a wide selection of ground mixtures. Repairmen allocate the most running and reliable.

* The ground mixture "Knauff" has widespread use for internal finishing works. For example, you need to prepare a gypsum basis wallfor application, in this case, it is impossible to suit better conconokontakt.

It can be said that "Knauff" is used for concrete and cement surfaces. And not only, practice has shown good results on such basics as, foam and different foam blocks. This soil is very easy in drawing, it will not require special knowledge and effort, the approximate flow rate per square meter will be 250-350.

* The dust mixture "AKSTON" is considered universal and suitable for unprepared surfaces. This material has the following components: marble crumb, acrylic impurities, quartz sand, a variety of polymers. It has the property to quickly dry, and it is possible to work with the treated surface in 2-3 hours. Approximate consumption per quadrometer is 300 g.

* Priming"Students" is a kind conconokontaktWhere Latex performs one important components. Frequently used for processing inner walls, has a low harm to health. Among all other examples are endowed with the highest qualities of adhesion.

Widely used for old surfaces: panels, brickwork, monoblocks. In short, we can say that this soil will suit the squares that are not capable of choosing. "The prospector" besides the fact that he dries quickly (in just two hours), it is also consumed little (about 200 g per quadrometre).

* The ground mixture "Cerezite" is intended exclusively for internal surfaces. It is also used in the most difficult places where the high adhesion coefficient is needed.

Only harmless components are included in the composition: mineral additives, copolymers, specialspies and aqueous audio. After three hours after applying, the next stage of work can be performed on the surface. Consumptiongiven conconokontaktwill reach 500-750 g per quadrometer.

Application concrete contact

The most important advantage of the ground mixture is to create adhesion on those surfaces where moisture is literally rolling. This does not mean that it is used only for internal processing. As outdoor work conconokontact apply Before applying facade plasterators of a decorative sample.

What preceded concrete contact? Previously, the builders to strengthen the ligament used a special bandage. In his role, a mesh was made of fabric, and was applied using PVA glue. This type of work was long and time consuming. Therefore, the invented primer has become for the builders with literally chopstick.

Now about the most important thing: the primer can be applied to the surface of any structure. As for concrete, it was difficult to perform work so that the plaster was held long.

Conconokontakt has established itself only from the best side, this building mixture holds throughout a long time. It is not recommended to apply it if the air temperature is below +5 C. The layers of application can be from 3 to 6 mm. Everything will depend on the content of the fractions of the sand quartz in the ground mixture.

How to apply? The process of coating primer does not require special skills, effort or tools. At first, the surface should be carefully prepared: remove the detached parts, clean from dust and dirt, to be treated with ordinary soil.

It is important that the area does not contain oil spots or fat layers. They are cleaned by mechanical way. After complete drying, the usual can be processed to apply the main adhesive.

For work, the usual brush, roller or spatula will be required. Betonokontakt buy In any construction market and apply a thin / smooth layer with a wide brush. Packaging is watching accurate flow per square meter.

Leave to dry at the time that is indicated in the instructions. The minimum term is at least two hours. Usually check the spatula if the coating is easily removed, then the soil is not enough.

Of course, everything will depend on temperature and humidity. Typically, this work is carried out overnight, by the morning the surface is already ready for the next installation phase.

Specialists in the field of construction recommend the subsequent stage of work at once, that is, not to leave indefinion. Because concrete contact can be digest in dust, in this case the adhesion will only worsen. The repairmen will tell in one voice that the best binder has not yet come up with!

Price and Reviews

Because of conconokontaktit is consumed little, it allows you to save not only on time, but also price. The cost will depend on the manufacturer and from packing. Usually put the ground mixture into the vest or containers, and the price range will be from 250 to 2500 Russian rubles.

Unfortunately, I want to warn that the building materials market offers many fakes. Therefore, during the purchase it is advisable to check the quality certificate or purchase from the proven manufacturer.

The most first indicator of high-quality material will be a gentle pink color and a pleasant smell of a building mixture. If you fulfill everything exactly according to the instructions, the quality of the surface treated and the durability of operation is provided. This is confirmed by grateful

There are cases when in the process of repair and construction work there is a need to uninstall too smooth surfaces. For example, glue ceramic tiles to metal, glass or concrete. In previous times, a design solution was changed, or bulky and complex measures were carried out on the preparation of such surfaces. Fortunately, modern technology came to revenue.

A new material was created relatively recently - this is concrete contact. Something average between glue and primer, more precisely - glue primer. It makes any smooth base of rough. The task of this material is not to connect the finish with the base, but to create the best conditions for their ligaments by means of traditional glue.

Composition and properties of concrete contact

Each manufacturer keeps the exact prescription of his child in the secrecy. But the main technical characteristics of the primer concrete contact of various brands, allow Knauf or Ceresit similar. The material consists of polymer binding and fillers, which is used as quartz sand, talc and others. The primer is usually painted into a weak pink color so that when applied, it is easy to notice the raw areas.

The composition of concrete contact and the ratio of components affects its area of \u200b\u200buse. Some primers are designed to process internal surfaces, others - for outdoor work. But there are universal compositions that can be used in any circumstances. The material is almost indispensable due to its unique ability to improve adhesion. Its main properties are listed below:

  • Soil concrete contact is recommended for use on vertical and horizontal surfaces. It is able to create the best conditions for the clutch of any materials among themselves.
  • High resistance to the penetration of moisture is due to the formation of a dense film on the treated surface. This property allows the use of soil as a waterproofing material during floors.
  • How much does Conconduct contact? Fast enough. Usually for complete drying there is enough 4-6 hours depending on the quality of the surface being processed. More porous dries longer, dense - faster. The temperature and humidity environmental conditions also affect the drying rate. Where the humidity is high, then before the continuation of the work, it is better to wait a day. The same time is recommended to withstand when using concrete contact for outdoor work. But it is impossible to leave the processed surface for a longer period. Since it can be covered with dust, adhesion will become lower.
  • Long service life. The practice has been established that with accurate observance of processing technology, the surface does not change its properties for 80 years.
  • Excellent convenientness. The consistency of the factory concrete contact allows you to work with it using roller, brushes, mechanical devices. It easily falls on the surface and is distributed over it.

Thanks to these characteristics, the primer can be equally efficiently used both masted finishers and beginner masters.

Flow consumption

The theoretical and recommended by manufacturers, the consumption of concrete contact on 1m2 area is 300 grams. However, this figure can thoroughly change in actual use. The material consumption may increase to 500 g / m2 with:

  • The ability of the treated surface is strongly absorbed by moisture.
  • Finishing vertical surfaces with heavy materials. For example, natural stone or large-sized ceramic tiles.
  • Treatment of surfaces with high porosity (brick, cellular concrete, wood).

And, on the contrary, the consumption of concrete contact can be reduced to 160 g / m2 when used on low face or dense areas.

The required amount of material for processing a specific surface can be determined by experimental. To do this, take a certain amount of emulsion, for example 0.5 kg. Then apply the primer to 1 m2 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall or any workpiece. Weigh the rest of the soil and calculate the difference. It will determine the actual consumption of the material. For more accurate calculation, you can take into account the stuffing material on the instrument. It must be placed before the start of work and after.

Application concrete contact

Despite the fact that the primer is intended to improve the adhesion of any materials, the instruction of the application of concrete contact recommends that the surface is pre-prepared. To do this, it should be released from dust, dirt. Sowing or peeling sites should be removed, irregularly align the plaster. Perhaps the only basis to which the primer does not stick is fat stains. If such places are present, then they should be washed with soap solution, dry, degrease, dry again and only then cover the emulsion.

If there is a need to save concrete contact when processing surfaces that cannot be cleaned thoroughly, that is, the reason the area is first covered by the usual primer of deep penetration. And after its drying, proceed to work with the main composition. Since put concrete contact is recommended by conventional tools and ways, there are no difficulties in this, but some nuances are present.

  1. At the time of finishing work, it is necessary to turn off the room from electricity to avoid random wiring.
  2. It is necessary to ensure acceptable conditions for storing primer at a positive temperature and prevent its freezing.
  3. It is necessary to work at temperatures above 15 ° C.
  4. Before use, the primer should be mixed well. It must have a homogeneous consistency that resembles a thick sour cream. If the emulsion is too thick, it can be slightly diluted with clean water.
  5. As the main tool, you can use a roller, a wide brush or brush. You can work with a large stainless steel spatula and even a paintopult. The choice of tool is not fundamental - the more convenient, the topics you need to act.

The soil is applied with a solid uniform layer. A complex surface can be covered with two layers. The subsequent layer is applied only after complete drying of the previous one.

Where is concrete contact? This is a unique means to ensure high level of adhesion for all materials. This soil is harmless in the environmental plan, does not emit harmful substances, therefore it is suitable for use in the premises of any destination. But it does not hurt the room at the end of the processing. Special and universal compositions are also used before facing the outer walls. This significantly improves the quality of the facade works, and increases the service life of the finish.