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The main characters of the story is a small prince. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Little Prince"

In the Fairy Tale of Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" Hero - a gold-haired boy who studies the world of people looking for meaning in their occupations, actions and looks for life. The story of the author-pilot is not at all a children's work: the truths embedded in the mouth of a small hero are able to correctly understand only an adult man. This does not detract from the values \u200b\u200bof a fairy tale age for small readers, at each age of the books of Exupery perceived in different ways. In the work of "Little Prince", the main character symbolizes children's purity and immediacy, naivety, kindness and sincerity.

Characteristics of the heroes "Little Prince"

main characters

Little Prince

Little gold-haired boy, the owner of a small planet, on which there are 1 rose and three volcanoes. Adult smart, thinking kid. He is alone. Traveling on the planets and is surprised by the "oddities" adults. To return to your planet, asks the snake to bite it, it is a forced step. A symbol of loyalty, wisdom, purity, eternal childhood.


The pilot forced to land in the desert to fix the aircraft's problems. He meets a little prince and ties him. Together they find water, they are saved from thirst.


An animal wishing to be tamed. He made friends with the boy, he taught him with tame and revealed the main secret.

rose flower

Proud, touching, capricious. Her seed listed on the planet of a small prince by chance, she was "missed" for a long time, before revealing. Roses are difficult, she loves himself and waiting for worries and compliments. Requests for help to protect against wind, afraid of insects and animals (which is not on the planet). Many flirts and manners. When it understands that the little prince leaves the planet, he recognizes him in love, wishes happiness, does not blame anything. Asks to leave, not wanting him to see her tears.

Minor characters

Mr. with a crimp

Lives on a separate little planet. All my life folds the numbers, repeating that he is a serious person. I did not love anyone, I did not rejoice in the colors, I did not notice the stars.


Alone lives on a small planet, his mantle covers it completely. Proud, but kind. He has no subjects, only the old rat. The king thinks logically, however, he believes that he obeyed all the heavenly shining. Invites the little prince to stay with him, become a minister and judge himself (because it is the most difficult).

The monarch suggests to judge the rat, sentenced to the death penalty, and then to bed. After all, the rat is one, you need to take care of it.


She lives alone on a small planet, meets the prince with joy, he is glad that someone will worship him. Explains what is ambition, asks to applaud many times in a row.


His planet, a small guest visited after the ambition. It was nothing but empty and full bottles. The drunkard said that he was drinking, because he was conscientious for drinking ... This planet the boy left the faster than everyone else.

Business man

All the time considers the stars, very busy. He lives on the planet of 54 years, he has no time to hurt, and there is no time to relax. For all these years he was distracted from work 2 times: the May beetle, accidentally flown to him, and attack of rheumatism. The importance of the work of a serious person is that he calculates the stars, writes their number and owns them, closing the key in the safe. Little prince sees in it similarity with drunkard.


Lights and extinguishes the lantern every minute according to a persuade.


Old manograph who does not know anything about his planet, as it does not travel through it. Records the data of the planet of the Little Prince and advises him to visit the Earth.


The first one who met a boy on earth. She does not bite him, but he suggests to turn to her when he gets tired of everything. To her "services" drawn kid to return to his planet.

For a reader diary, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with the description of the main and secondary characters of the fairy tales. There are heroes living on all the planets who visited the Little Prince, as well as those whom he met and tamed on Earth.

Test on the work

Overall on the topic: Heroes of the tales "Little Prince" - Characteristics with quotes

The work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince" through the prism of a fantastic fabul sheds the light on simple universal truths, which were relevant as a writer (the work dated 1943th) and now.

Deep philosophical ideas to comprehend the soul of man wisdom, good, love and beautifully disclosed completely thanks to the image system of this parable.

It is noteworthy that the chief hero is a child - a small prince. According to the author, it is children with their own immediacy, cleanliness and sincerity that the world is capable of perceiving in its entirety. "You know ... when it becomes very sad, look good, as the sun comes ..." Seriously perceive things that adults seem ridiculous and unimportant, the little prince thereby questioning the possibility of people to experience simple joys of life: the fragrance of roses, loving the stars That ultimately turned them into worm mechanisms.

Drawn the life of a little prince changes the rose - a flower of wrinkling and capricious, "but she was so beautiful that the spirit was captured!". The prince takes care of her, cares, but she still wures the soul of a little hero, and he leaves her, going to the distant path.

The journey of a small prince on neighboring planets brought him a lot of meetings from a different kind of adults, who consider themselves significant and serious people, and in fact just captured by their own weaknesses: vanity, rage, drunkenness, greed. In essence, all these images are the personification of the vices of humanity that prevent the truth and turn life into meaningless existence.

Doubts about the correctness of their views overwhelm the prince when he falls on the ground and sees the whole garden exactly the same roses as he has on the planet. "I imagined that I own the only flower in the world, which no one else and anywhere, and it was the most ordinary rose. Only everything I had that simple rose and three volcanoes in the knee, and then one of They are worshiped and maybe forever ... what a prince I'm after that ... "

Open the truth and restore the soul harmony of the Prince helps foxes. No wonder in fairy tales, he often symbolizes everyday wisdom, because it is the fox that helps a small prince to see the truth and return the lost purity of consciousness: "Here is my secret, it is very simple: Zorko is one heart. You won't see the most important eyes. "

To understanding the simple wisdom about the importance of love, friendship and purity of the heart, the hero also leads another character - the snake - a simple, but very capacious characteristic of humanity as a whole:

"Where are people? - finally spoke again the little prince. - Interests are still lonely ... - among people, too, is lonely, - noticed by the snake "

It is she, an ancient symbol of secret knowledge and wisdom, sends the hero back to his planet with his poison.

Surprisingly deep and such a naive simple idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of life, as the highest value, as the paths in the desire of the soul to development and spiritual insight, are multifaceted thanks to the heroes of the fairy tale.

Product name: Little Prince
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Year of writing: 1942
Genre of the work: Tale - fairy tale
Main characters: Little Prince - The alien who arrived from the planet called asteroid B-612, The narrator "The pilot fell into the sugar, who dreamed of becoming an artist."


The pilot of the aircraft is forced to carry out an emergency landing in the Sahara desert. There he meets a little prince who is aliens. He tells the pilot about his travels, the life of the house. There he left a rose, a beauty with spikes, which I loved. On an asteroid B-612 there are 3 volcanoes. The prince is cautious behind the planet, in time break through Baobabs. Having experienced a feeling of boredom, he decided to travel through the universe. Met with different characters, for example, with ambition, drunkard, king, lamp, geographer, fox. From them learned a lot of valuable, I visited the Earth once again and died of snake bite. The pilot fixed the plane and flew home, but a meeting with a little prince created a coup in his soul.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The story has a deep meaning. If a person remembers his childhood, it will add meaningfulness of life. Often, children see those things that an adult is simply noticing. When people grow their imagination tolerates collapse, they do not believe in miracles. Sometimes, doing everyday life People miss the things more hard. The phrase, which is known to many - "We are responsible for those who have tamed", helps to see how important to appreciate loved ones and friends.

"Little Prince" - childhood, but at the same time a deep work. Antoine de Saint-Exupery placed a reflection of a real adult world with his advantages and disadvantages in a light and small fairy tale. In places it is satire, myth, fantasy and tragic story. Therefore, the multifaceted book likes the little, and great readers.

"Little Prince" was born during the Great Patriotic War. It all started with the pictures of Exupery, on which he portrayed the very "little prince".

Exupery, being a military pilot, once got into a plane crash, this happened in 1935 in the Libyan Desert. Bedicing old wounds, memories of a catastrophe and news about the world war, inspired the writer to create a work. He thought about what each of us was responsible for the place where he lives, whether it is a small apartment or a whole planet. And the struggle puts this responsibility in question, because it was during the fierce fighting of many countries for the first time a deadly nuclear weapon was applied. Alas, many people are depleting to their home, once allowed the wars to bring humanity to such extreme measures.

The work was created in 1942 in the United States, a year later it became accessible to the reader. The little prince became the final creation of the author and brought him world fame. The author dedicated his book to a friend (Leon Vertu), moreover, the boy who was once the boy who was once. It is worth noting that Leon, who was a writer critic, being a Jew, suffered from persecution during the development of Nazism. He also had to leave his planet, but not in his will.

Genre, direction

Exupery argued about the meaning of life, and in this he was helped by the genre of parables, for whom, a pronounced morality in the final, an edification of the tint of the narrative. The fairy tale as a parable - the most common crossing of genres. A distinctive feature of a fairy tale can be called that it has a fantastic and simple plot, but at the same time wears an instructive nature, helps young readers to form moral qualities, and adults think about their views and behavior. The fairy tale is a reflection of real life, but reality is fed to the reader through the fiction, as it would paradoxically sounded. The genre peculiarity of the work says that the "Little Prince" is a philosophical fairy tale-parable.

The work can also be attributed to a fantastic story.

Meaning of the name

Little prince is a story about a traveler who is inventing the entire universe. He is not just traveling, but is located in the search for the meaning of life, the essence of love and the secret of friendship. He knows not only the world around, but also himself, and self-knowledge is his main goal. It is still growing, developing and symbolizes immaculate and gentle childhood. Therefore, the author is a "small".

And why prince? On his planet, he is one, she all belongs to him. He is very responsible coming to his master's role and, despite the modest age, he has already learned to care for her. Such behavior pursues that we have a noble boy, managing his possession, and how to call it better? Prince, because he is endowed with power and wisdom.


The plot originates in the Sahara desert. The pilot of the aircraft, making a forced landing, meets the very little prince that arrived on the ground with another planet. The boy told his new acquaintance about his journey, about the planets, which managed to visit their former life, about Rosa, which was his faithful girlfriend. Little prince loved her rose so much that she was ready to give life for her. The boy was the roads of his house, he liked to watch the sunsets, it's good that on his planet they could see several times on the day, and for this, a little prince had only to move the chair.

Once, the boy felt unhappy and decided to go to search for adventures. Rose was proud and rarely gave a patron woman with his warmth, so he did not hold it. During his trip, the Little Prince met: the ruler who is confident in his absolute power over the stars, the ambition, for whom the main thing is to admire, drunk, who drinks from a sense of guilt for alcohol abuse, no matter how paradoxically sounded. The boy met even a business man, whose main occupation is to count the stars. The little prince collided with a flashroads, lit and stewed a lantern on her planet every minute. He met the geographer, who did not see anything in his entire life but his planet. The last place of the traveler was the Planet Earth, where he found a real friend. All major events are described by us in a brief content of the book for the reader's diary.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Little Prince - The image is partially autobiographical, although it is very difficult to imagine that an adult pilot was once a little dreamer. The main character is a little boy, but at the same time he is very often smarter than adults who "very love numbers". Exuperys endowed his hero at first glance incompatible qualities: spontaneity and reliability. He is kind and loves his rose, which remained on his planet. At the same time, he still grows and does not know many things. For example, he learned friendship only on the planet Earth, and realized his love only after separation.
  2. rose flower. The prototype of roses is the author's wife - Consuelo, Latinamer with a hot temper. Rose was a special flower, the little prince would know her among thousands of other roses, all the other flowers were "empty" for him. Rose was fragile and vulnerable, so the boy covered it with a glass cap. But the character of this lady was explosive and capricious: she eradicately appealed to the interlocutor and often insisted on his own.
  3. Love is not to look at each other, it means to look in one direction.

    A person must take his house, and not to tease him with wars on bloody, lifeless parts. This thought was especially relevant then, in the days of World War II. The little prince cleaned his planet daily, not allowing baobabs to take threatening scales. If the world was able to unite in time and to sleep from the face of the National Socialist Movement led by Hitler, the bloodshed could be prevented. For those who love the world were to take care of him, and not to shit on their little planets, thinking that the thunderstorm would pass by. Because of this disunity and the irresponsibility of governments and peoples, millions of people were injured, and the writer urged, finally, learn to devoteally and responsibly love the harmony, which only friendship provides.

    What does it take?

    The story of a little prince is surprisingly heartfelt and instructive. Creation of Exupery tells how important it is to have a faithful friend near and how it is important to bear responsibility for those who "tamed". The tale teaches to love, be friends, warns from loneliness. In addition, you should not shock on your small territory, roaring from around the world around. It is necessary to leave the comfort zone, to know the new, look for yourself.

    Exupery also encourages the reader to listen not only to his mind in making decisions, but also his heart, because the main eyes will not see.

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"Little Prince" characteristic of the main character with the story of Exupery is set out in this article.

"Little Prince" Characteristics of the Main Hero

The little prince is the protagonist of the fairy tale, which flew with his little planet to the ground. Before that, he made a long journey through the most different planets, which were inhabited by "strange adults." A little prince has its own world, so the collision with the world of adults gives birth to a lot of questions and bewilders. The crazy pilot is engaged in eliminating troubleshooting. At dawn, the rear-year pilot hears a thin voice of a child: "Please ... Draw me a lamb!" So the narrator introduces the reader with a little prince, so miraculously appeared among the sands of the Sahara.

The journey of a small prince, which he undertakes having quarreling with his rose, meets the king, ambition, drunkard, a business man, geographer - the only inhabitants of small planets - allowed the author to conclude: "Yes, the strange people are these adults! The trifles seem important to them, and they do not see the main thing. Instead of decorating your home, cultivate your garden, your planet, they lead wars, tirank other people, and dried their brains to Duracki Typhyry, and chores misery, and insult their fuss and greed beauty of sunsets and sunrises, fields and sands. No, you do not need to live! "

The little prince did not meet anyone on the planets, who could be his friend. Only the image of a flashroad is favorably different from other images in that it is faithful to his debt. And this loyalty though meaningless, but reliable. The little prince meets on Earth with a fox and at his request gradually tames it. They become friends, but part. The wise commandment sounds the words of Lisa: "... You are forever responsible for all who tamed. You are responsible for your rose. " The most expensive in this life for a small prince becomes foxes and abandoned by him Rosa, because they are the only in the world. The appearance of a little prince in the desert, his phenomenon's phenomenon, a victim of an accident, is a symbolic reminder of an adult about his "inner homeland", and his "death", disappearance and mountain caused by this, - the adult tragedy, in the soul of which the child dies. It is the child that makes it all the kind, clean, beautiful. Therefore, the writer with bitterness suggests that adults, parting with childhood, often forget about eternal, incurred values; They are concerned with important, in their opinion, things and are boring, sad existence. And people should live in a different way, they need clean water of deep wells, you need tubers of stars in the night sky. And because Saint-Exupery is not sure if it will be able to inspire their own people - their own! - The truth, the fairy tale is so sad, so sad.

The image of a little prince - The image of the human soul ideally. It embodies all the best features that can be inherent in a person - openness, purity, elevation over material, wisdom. However, a small prince is alone. His planet is so small that there is hardly enough space to someone else. But in fact, the planet of the Little Prince is the symbol of the inner world of man. From this position, the words of a small prince acquire a special meaning: "There is such a firm rule. I got up in the morning, washed, led myself in order - and immediately put my planet in order. " They characterize a prince as a person who can purify their thoughts and restore order, above all in the shower.

This thin, lonely, wounded and dreamy child, who likes to watch the sunsets, is experiencing about the fate of a capricious flower and believes that he has a lot to know much, it is truly revealed by moving the love of rose and friendship with the fox. It was they who contributed to his soul that the necessary stroke ability to live for another, taking care of him and not demanding anything in return, which made him without that soul soul by the quintessence of the ideal human essence, to which everyone should strive for each of us. After all, only love and devotion can heal from loneliness and help find life meaning.