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Good attitude to the whole living - Islam-Indeka.rf. Mercy to everything alive as the obligation of a believer good attitude towards the whole living

Muslim is obliged to respect the installation of religion and be merciful in relation to the creations of Allah. Religion Islam commands to respect the rights of people, then also reckon with the rights of all sorts of living creatures.

As far as the man is merciful to people, so it should be merciful and animals, birds. Keep birds in the cells, do not feed and not eat animals during, to transport them on the backs too hard to fuck, beat, hit in particularly sick places - each of these actions will be sin. From this Hadith it becomes known that great sins can say goodbye to very little good deeds.

The Prophet (may Allah bless him and be greeting) said: "Once a man was walking along the way, and it was so afraid, and then he found a well, descended and got drunk. Then he got out of him, and there the dog, having drunk his tongue, gnawing the crude land from thirst. And the man said: "This dog is extended by the thirst just as I was extended." And he, descending into the well, filled his shouter with water and holding her in his teeth, got out and drove away the dog. And Allah was grateful to him and forgave all his sins. " People said: "About the Messenger of Allah! Do we and for good attitude to animals will be a reward? " He said: "The award will be for the good attitude towards the whole living."

It becomes clear that the Lord can forgive man in several cases:

1. If he shows. There are no sins that would not have disappeared from repentance committed on all conditions. There is no man who has no right to repent. This is a general rule. From repentance, sins not only disappear, but also it can be credited as a holy deal.

2. If he prays and ask for Allah about the forgiveness of sins. In most cases, a person simultaneously and repents in perfect sins, but this is not necessarily at repentance. A person may repent and not pray for the forgiveness of sins and ask for the forgiveness of sins, but not repent. Clean the forgiveness of sins is definitely necessary. And Allah can forgive.

3. If he performs a pious act: "Why among generations who lived before you turned out to be quite a few decent people opposed to dishonor, - from among those we saved? And those who were wicked, preferred to them (worldly benefits) and became (thus) sinners "(11: 116). It is impossible to say that any holy case eliminates any atrocity. Sharia does not allow to promote evil man who said: "My holy things eliminate my sins". However, due to pious affairs (if those are accepted by Allah), bad deeds can be destroyed. Even very large sins can be forgiven because of good deeds. An example is the act of this person told in the Hadis. To be considered good, not enough external signs - it must be performed on conscience. The external sign is the cessation of a man of sinful actions. Not any worship (Namaz) prevents debauchery and sinful actions, but only this, which is accepted by Allah.

4. If he read Du'a for Muslims or other Muslims honor Du'a for him. There is evidence that these actions can cause the forgiveness of sins.

5. If he meets in the life of adversity, loss, grief. The prophets fell into big troubles. Among the contemporaries of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and it welcomes) there was also many those who saw serious disasters. They say that Mrs. 'Aisha (the wife of the Prophet Muhammad) all his life rushed and cried because of his trip to Basra. They say that 'Ali (the fourth righteous caliph) after the events in Safina plunged into sadness and said: "How to see these days, it would be better to go to the afterlife!".

The heart of the believer should not be a piece of flesh, which exhibits compassion for one creatures and is soulless against others. Remembering the covenant of manifestation of a good attitude to others, we sometimes do not take into account that "others" are not only people, but also other creatures of Allah surrounding us. Animals, birds and even plants. Along with respect to the human soul, we are also obliged to cultivate respect and mercy in our hearts to the less reasonable beings of our world.

Almighty Allah limited them in mind and responsibilities, but each of these creatures endowed with a spirit - life. Unfortunately, some do not give this meaning, narrowing the circle of living to themselves and for themselves. But animals and birds are the same creatures, just a little different than we. And our hearts's liveliness should be reflected not only in mercy to people, but in mercy to our smaller brothers, as we sometimes call them.

The Sunna shows convincing stories, from which it follows that punishment and remuneration for a particular attitude towards animals is no less serious than large sins and benefits. For example, in one of the reliable hadice says: "One woman underwent the torment for the cat, which she kept locked up while she did not die, and for it entered the hellish flame. She did not fed and did not drink her during the imprisonment and did not let her go so that she could eat herself, what the land gives "(Bukhari, Muslim) in another Hadith is transferred that Abdullah Ibn Jadira told:" When the Messenger of Allah (peace is he And the blessing of Allah) wished to hide need, it was preferred to hide for some kind of hill or in the thickets of palm trees, and on this day he went into one of the gardens belonging to anyone and Ansara. And to the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, camel came up, who published a trembling sound, leaving the depths of the throat, and the tears flowed from his eyes. Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing of Allah, stroked him on the belly and behind the ears, then said: "Who is the owner of the camel?" Then one young man came from Ansarov and said: "The Messenger of Allah, he is mine." The Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, said: "Are you not afraid of Allah in the respect of this animal, over which Allah gave you power?! It complained to me that you murry him hunger and overload. "

In another Hadith, the remuneration is referred to, which received one of the people thanks to a good attitude to the dog: "One person who smoked his own way, began to torment a strong thirst. He found a well, descended to the water and got drunk, and when he got out, suddenly saw a dog in front of him, handing out the tongue and the fastener of the wet land. (At the sight of this), a person thought: "This dog thirst to torment the same way as she tormented me." After that, he went down to the water again, filled his shoe with her, took him into his teeth and did not release him from his mouth, until it got up. (Rising to the top,) he drove away the dog, and Allah thanked him for it, asking him (his sins). " He was asked: "On the Messenger of Allah, is it to be rewarded and for animals?" He replied: "Award - for all living things" (al-Bukhari).

For many, it is not a big problem to kill an ant, spider or any other insect or an animal, simply to crush it soullessly, without feeling guilt or reproaches. But for each of these deaths will have to be responsible. After all, as stated in the Hadith, transmitted by An-Nasai: "The one who will kill even the sparrow or someone else is not right, will certainly be asked for this by Allah on the Judgment Day."

Moreover, we not only do not think about why we do that, we don't even suspect that we kill this little soul, we interrupt the life of the creation, which was true to her Creator and remembered him. This is told in the Quran:

"There is nothing that he would not have attained him praise, but you do not understand their glorification" (Sura "Al Isra", "Night Transfer", Ayat 44)

"In front of Allah, the NICs fall all the inhabitants of the heavens and land, animals and angels, and they do not show arrogance" (Sura "An-Power", "Bees", Ayat 49)

"Do you see, as the NICs are falling before Allah, who in heaven and on earth, sun, moon, stars, mountains, trees, animals and many people?" (Sura "Al-Hajj", "Pilgrimage", Ayat 18)

"We subdued mountains and birds so that they glorify us with Daudom" (Sura "Al Anbia", "Prophets", Ayat 79)

Animals have their own language, feelings, habits, characters. To develop empathy (sympathy) to them is the same duty as the manifestation of kindness towards people. Our "living space", to which we treat with trepidation, care and do not violate the right to expand from the animals and other living creatures of Allah. And by the way, not the luxury, which can only afford especially enlightened, and the duty that each believer should perform. And the Messenger of Allah said, and Allah bless him and welcomes: "Truly, Allah ordered to do good (or do well) towards everything essentially" (Muslim).

Let the Almighty forgive our harm, which in injustice caused his creations and gives us mercy, who will continue to protect them from a violation of someone's right, even if it is a plant or insect.

Dr. Gabor Mate (Gabor Mate) is known in Canada with work with people with very strong dependencies.

In his book, Canadian bestseller "Among the hungry ghosts: close meetings of contacts with addiction" (In The Realm Ofhungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction), the mate stands for the relationship to the addicted on compassion. At the same time, the number of supporters of such a position in the world is growing. Maya Salavitz from the Time Health magazine section Time Healthland talked with Mate about the causes and consequences of the dependence and ways to attribute to it.

M. Slavic

Dr. Gabor Mate.

- How do you determine the addiction?

Dependence is a behavior from which a person cannot refuse to be associated with addiction to anything and temporary relief due to obtaining this, as well as with long-term negative consequences for the body of such practices. Note, I did not say anything about substances - because dependence is considered absolutely any behavior based on a passionate imposition, with negative consequences, which a person cannot control. You can depend on anything. In any act or behavior - sex, gambling, shopping, work or consumption of substances, the same brain work schemes are involved, the system of promotion, psychological dynamics and spiritual emptiness. People simply switch from one to another. For me, the question is not so - do you use anything. But do you have addiction to this? Do you need a dose to relieve? Does this have negative consequences for the body? Answers to these questions determine the dependence.

- Do you believe that the injury is based on any dependence?

I believe that child trauma or emotional failure creates a universal pattern for dependence. It also depends on the injury to determine. If you determine the injury as a strong tragic experience, then the death of parents, domestic violence, abuse or other injuries in the usual understanding survived not every dependent. But there is another definition of injury. D. Winnicott (DW Winnicott), a children's psychologist from Britain, believes that there are two types of events in childhood, which have an indelible impression on the child: when something that should not have been occurred (this is an injury in classical understanding), and When it does not happen something that should have happened. Children are equally injured by both types of these experiences. For example, when there is no such emotional contact between parents and children, no one will call this injury - but in fact, it has an action similar to the child. Or the postpartum depression of the mother, which in general, you will not call the injury, can lead to the absence of the so necessary child at this point of attention, and accordingly influence its emotional and intellectual development.

But the parent in principle cannot be in a state of close emotional contact with a child of 100% of the time ...

The parent should not be perfect. In modern society, there is not only the problem of whether the parents love their children, but also the fact that parents are often emotionally isolated and are in a state of stress, or are worried about the financial position of the family and, as a result, pay less time to children. Anyway, emotional insufficiency at an early age is a universal pattern for the occurrence of addiction. All dependencies are based on relief of suffering, self-sothing. And children comfort themselves when this is more about to do.

You practice reducing harm in relation to dependencies, in particular, providing dependent needles and safe premises for drug use. In America, this approach for a long time was considered as a precipitating and was considered wrong, because in such a situation from the dependent is not required to be "clean" to get help.

The question is actually placed in this way: what is better for drug addicts - a drug divorced in water from puddles or divorced in sterile water? Clean needles or HIV and hepatitis spread? This is the basis of the concept of reducing harm. This is not an attempt to cure from addiction, it is literally a decrease in harm for the human body applied by drug use. In medicine, this approach is applied constantly. People can not get rid of smoking habits, but we still supply them inhalers so that they are easier to breathe - why should we treat injecting drug users otherwise? Not that we encourage them to something that they did not do before.

- Harm reduction critics argue that this practice does not give drug addict to reach the lowest point of fall, "hit the bottom" and refuse to eat, realizing the severity of the situation.

I worked for twelve years in the region with the strongest drug addiction on the American continent - Downstown Eastside in Vancouver. People live there on the streets with HIV, hepatitis and fusing wounds - how can they fall even lower? If the fall to the bottom would help people, there would no longer be a single dependent essiside. The definition of "bottom" is very relative, so that this whole concept is deprived of meaning. For example, for me, as for the doctor, the lowest point of the fall would be a loss of a license for a profession. But what would be "bottom" for a woman living on the street, who was rapidly violence? This is a meaningless and false idea. No one needs negative shocks to change their lives for the better. Only good events may encourage someone to do it. For twelve years of work at Dounting Eastside, I have never met the dependent woman who would not have suffered sexual violence in childhood.

Relationships dependent and any higher people or institutions are based on fear and suspicion. How can I help someone with even greater punishment? They need just the opposite. And so it turns out that we are trying to punish them for trying to complain, for the most affordable way to find peace of mind in monstrously uncomfortable for them. It's just absurd. Reducing harm does not aim to cure from dependence. It's just the first step of a gradual return to normal life. But it is necessary to start acting at the level on which dependent.

In my experience, visiting harm reduction programs, syringes and medicines were not the main thing for those dependent in such centers. Much more important was the approach "I believe that you stand salvation, although you continue to use drugs." It hurts people for living and opens the doors.

This is a key approach. Pure needles and sterile water is good, but the most important in reducing the harm is human attitude to those who have rejected all their lives. We, as it were, telling them "We are not going to condemn you for your needs at the moment." Harm reduction includes much more than just a set of certain practices is a way to attitudes towards people. We do not make you refuse to eat, we are just trying to help you become healthier. At least you will not have to suffer from bone marrow infection, because you use a syringe with a clean needle: is it still something else is worth it? We just try to reduce their suffering. It is not a fact that the dependent will become less consuming, but this is not a problem of harm reduction, but the problem of the entire system.

The war against drug addiction greatly organizes our capabilities. When people are attacked when they are in a state of stress, there is no hope that they will be able to rehabilitate. So such a criticism of harm reduction is unlawful, since this is the problem of the medical and legislation that prevails in relation to dependence.

People describe drug addicts as people leading themselves compulsively waiting for negative consequences. But after all, the same can be said about our drug policies.

Yes, the drug policy itself is almost the same dependence. This is a number of actions with negative consequences, from which society cannot refuse. And it gives society some emotional relief, because people feel hostility against dependent. And when someone from them fell behind the bars, it certainly gives a sense of relief and satisfaction, but in practice, unfortunately, it does not dispute in any way. This situation is a consequence of the denial of communication between injury and enviable, and this is just one of many consequences. Stress in early childhood and its influence on the brain and the immune system of the child, the injury is the basis of not only mental diseases, dependencies, but often cancer, and many other diseases. The company does not pay attention to the relationship of these phenomena. We see only the consequences, and blame dependent on these consequences, but refuse to look at the cause.

- Why?

Because we live in society, which all methods promotes dependence. Dependency, in fact, this is when we are from the outside trying to fill the inner emptiness and relieve pain. The entire modern economy is based on finding relief internship. And the dependent person symbolizes all our hatred of himself. The expression "scapegoat" is very characteristic of this sense. In the Bible, this term means a goat, on which society projects all their sins and then drove him into the desert. This is exactly what we do with dependent. Dependent embodies all despair in attempts to drown out internal emptiness something external, which characterizes our culture. It is extremely unpleasant to us to see it, so we make a vacation-dependent goats and think that we get rid of our own sins.

- So what can we do?

I believe that prevention of dependence should begin with a survey of pregnant women, from their very first visit to the clinic. Stress during pregnancy - in contrast to the point of view of genetics - greatly affects the development of the fetus. Secondly, in the US you need to leave care for a child at least a year long (standard unpaid childcare leave in the USA - 12 weeks - approx. Translation). In other words, I believe that care is important and emotional support - and for this it is important to support parents.

As for the dependencies, the most important and priority, which we can do is to recognize that the dependent suffered injury, and that they need compassion, not punishment and more injury.

- Is there something that surprises you in working with serious dependent people?

The most striking - how people survive, no matter what. Even despite the attempts to catch each other, selling drugs, in this community still there is a huge share of concerns about each other. The same people who are cheating from each other often go to great victims to help each other. Despite all the stress and suffering of such a life, people are closely connected with each other. This is the most striking thing I have seen. When someone is sick, everyone else is supported. People share meals with each other, and somehow I remember one of the dependent walked to work with commercial sex workers, just in his will to protect if someone tries to offend them. People take each other there as it is, and very needed community. Especially those of them who lack emotional support - for them the community means everything.

Word of the leader
(In response to the Message of President Franklin Pierce, 1855)

Washington big leader sent us a word - he wants to buy our land. The big leader sends us the word of friendship and assures in her goodwill to us. It makes him honor, for we know that he is unlikely to need our friendship.

We will consider his proposal, knowing that a white person can come with a weapon and take away the land if we do not sell it. But how can I buy or sell the sky over us or heat of the earth?! Even the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing alien to us. If the freshness of the air and the shine of water do not belong to us, how can you sell them?

Every twist of this land is sainted to my people. Each glittering pine needle, each sandwalk on the shore, fog in the rigorous forest, each glade and every buzz of the insect is holy in the memory of the people and his experiences. Juice, current in the trees, carries the memory of a red-skinned man.

Turning to the stars, the deceased white person forget that land on which they first saw the light day. Our deceased will never forget this amazing land, because she is a mother of red. We are part of this land, and it is part of us.

Fragrant flowers are our sisters. Koslya, horse and mighty eagle are our brothers. Rock ridges, greenery meadows, pony and man - everyone belongs to one family. And when your big leader sends us the news that he wishes to buy our land, it requires truly much from us. The big leader says that he will find our place where we can live by ourselves, alone and the world. Then he would be our father, and we are his children.

We will discuss your offer to buy our land, but it is not easy, for this land is holy for us.

Sparkling water streams and rivers are not just water, it is the blood of our ancestors. If we produce this land, you must remember that she is holy. You must teach children of your what she is holy and the fact that every moving shadow in transparent water lakes testifies to the experience of my people and his memory.

The murmur of water is the voice of my father. The flow of rivers is our brothers, they quench our thirst and carry our canoe, feed our children. If we will sell you our land, you must remember and teach it your children that rivers are our brothers and your brothers. And you must treat them as your brothers.

Redheads had to always retreat in front of the imaging white, as the blades disappears from the mountains in the morning sunrise. But the dust of our fathers holy. Their graves are the Holy Land, and also these hills, these trees, this corner of the Earth are sacred to us.

We know that a white person cannot comprehend our paths. For him, one place is as good as the other, for he, as a stranger, who comes at night, takes from the ground what he needs. The earth is not a brother for him, but the enemy, and when he wins her, he continues his way. The graves of fathers he leaves behind him with a light heart. He abducts the land in his children, but it does not bother him. The graves of the fathers and the hereditary rights of his children - in oblivion. He comes with the landmark and brother-sky with his own as a property that can be bought, kidnap and sell like sheep or glass beads. His greed absorbs everything, only desert land remains.

But maybe the red dick and nerazumen? The view of your cities is hurts to the red.

There is no quiet place in the cities of a white man. There is no single place where you could hear how the kidneys are revealed in the spring. Or hear the sound of the insect wings. But maybe the whole reason is that I dick and nerazumen? Noise only insults hearing. And what is this life, if you can't hear a lone cry of the goatwood or a spore of the frogs at night around the forest lake?

Indian needs a gentle wind show, quietly rushing over the forest lake, in the smell of forest needles after the rain. The air of the road is red, for all the living gets its part of it in every breath. Animals, trees, people - all breathe the same air. And the white man seems to not notice the air he inhales. He is not sensitive to stench. It's like a person, many days who are in death. But if we will sell you the land, you must remember that the air is dear to us, because he gives the spirit of his entire life that supports.

The wind, who gave grandfather to our first breath, accepted his last exhalation. And if we will sell our land, you will have to keep it and treat, as the shrine, keeping the place where and the white person can come to taste the wind, which the meadow flowers gave their fragrance.

If we take your offer, then I put one condition: the white person should treat everything alive on this territory as brothers.

Of course, I do not understand any other custom. I saw thousands of bridges that rot in Prairie in the traces of a white man when he shot them from the rushing train. Of course, I can't understand why the smoke Iron horse is more important than the bison, which we only kill for feeding.

What is a person without animals? If all animals would disappear, then a person would die in the great loneliness of the Spirit. For, whatever happens to animals, the same happens soon with people. Everything is interconnected.

You must teach your children that under their feet of the ancestors of our ancestors, so that they honor the land, which was lifted by the lives of the like. Teach children of your what we taught our children - the fact that the land is our mother. And whatever happens with the Earth, the same will happen to the children of the Earth. If a person spits on Earth, he spits on himself.

We understand it. The land does not belong to a person, but a person is tied to the ground. All living beings are united, like blood, which connects the genus together. All creatures - a single whole. What happens to the ground will happen to the sons of the Earth. Not a man shook the thread of life, he is just a thread in it. What he makes fabric, then he makes himself.

But we will consider your proposal to move to the reservation you have prepared for my people. We will live aside and in the world. It is not so important where we will spend the end of your days. Children ours seen the humiliating defeat of their fathers. Our soldiers from shame after defeat fell into the tape and desecrated themselves sweet food and strong drinks.

It does not matter at all, where we will spend the end of our days. They are a bit. Just a few winters, and no child from those big tribes who once dwell on this earth and who now walked with small groups in the forests, will not be to grieve at the grave of the people, which was once so strong and Full hopes, like your people now. But is there a reason for me to mourn about my people? Tribes consist of people, and not from something else. People come and go, like sea waves.

The same white man, the God of which speaks with him, as with a friend, is not an exception to our common destiny. Maybe we will become brothers who know?

But one we knew: the fact that the white person will be able to urgently - we have a single God. You may think that it belongs to you, just as you want, so that the earth is yours. But he is God of all people, and he is experiencing pity both in relation to white and in relation to the Red Rubber. This land is the road to him. Who hurts the earth, he does not honor her Creator. And white will disappear once, perhaps before all other tribes. Who constantly goes under themselves, in one night suffocates in his own uncleanness.

But, Issis, you light up brightly lit by the strength of God, who brought you to this land and in some special purpose gave you power over the whole earth and above the red. This purpose is for us mysticism, for we do not understand when all the bison kill, wildly tame, hidden corners of forests fill in the smell of human crowd and landscapes of hills spoil the speaking wires.

Where is the piece? No.

Where is the eagle? He is not here.

Goodbye, quick horse and riding!

This is the beginning of the end.

So, we will look at your offer to buy our land. If we agree, do it to guarantee your reservation. Maybe there will be able to live the end of our days, as you yourself want.

When the last redhead disappears from this land and his memory will only be as a cloud shadow, sailing over the prairie, the souls of my people will be on these shores and in these forests. Because they love this land like a newborn love his mother's heartbeat.

If we will sell you to our land, love her as we loved her. Take care of her as we cared about her. Save in your memory your kind of her as he now is when accepting it from us.

And with all your forces, your whole soul and all your heart, save her for your children and love her as God loves us all.

We learned one truth: our God is God for all people, and the earth is the road to him. And the white person can not avoid our common destiny.

Maybe we will become brothers?

  • Man's activities ruin
  • The state of nature depends on the person
  • Preservation of the Environment - the priority of the Company
  • The future of humanity depends on the state of nature
  • Love for nature makes a person cleaner
  • People who have high moral qualities protect nature
  • Love for nature changes man for the better, contributes to its moral development
  • People have forgotten that nature is their home
  • Everyone is characteristic of having his own view on the role of nature in a person's life


I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children". In the work there are two exactly opposite glances in the nature of nature in the life of people. Nihilist Evgeny Bazarov perceives the world around the world as a material for practice, saying that "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop." In all, he tries to find a good benefit, and not see the beauty around. The hero considers living creatures only with material for its research. For Arkady Kirsanova, at the first time supporting the views of Evgenia Bazarov, nature is a source of harmony. He feels an integral part of the world around, sees and feels beauty.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares". The story of Saving Zaitsev grandfather Mazaz is known to every person since childhood. From the poem of the great poet it is clear that our hero is a hunter, and therefore, for him, hares must be primarily prey. But Grandfather Mazay cannot hurt animals when they are absolutely helpless, are between life and death. Love for nature turns out to be the above opportunity to get lightweight prey. He shouts after the saved hares, so as not to come across him during the period of hunting, and at the moment they let go.

A.I. Kubrin "Olesya". The attitude towards the nature of the main character of the work can be called truly correct. Oleces's life is inextricably linked to the world around it. She feels that is connected with the forest and that the forest is something alive. The girl loves all the living. Olesya is ready to protect everything connected with nature: herbs, shrubs, huge trees. Unity with the surrounding world allows it to survive at a distance from people, in the wilderness of the forest.

V.P. Astafiev "King Fish". The fate of Goshi Herzheva is a vivid example of the fact that nature can not only tolerate the attacks of a person, but also actively defend themselves with its moral pungers. The hero, which showed consumer, cynical attitude towards the environment, is punished. Moreover, Kara faces not only to him, but also to all mankind, if it does not realize how cruel its activities. Hadness, thirst for profit, mindless use of achievements of scientific and technological progress - all this threatens the death of society.

B.L. Vasilyev "Do not shoot in white swans." The work shows a different attitude of people to nature: we see and its defenders, and enemies whose activities are only consumer in nature. The main character, Egor Polushkin, cares about everyone alive. Often it becomes the object of ridicule, because others do not support his views on the world. Egor Polushkin, laying the pipe, decides to go down the anthill, which causes laughter and condemnation by people. When the hero needs money, he learns that the population can receive remuneration for the ureaged Lyko. However, even in a difficult situation, the hero cannot decide on the destruction of the living, while his cousin is ruined by a whole grove. The son of Hydra Polyshkina is characterized by the same moral qualities: Kolka gives his expensive gift (spinning, which everyone dreamed of) is visiting to rescue a puppy whom the boy wanted to torture. The principal hero itself is killed by evil and envious people for the desire to protect nature.

Chingiz Aitmans "Floh". In the work it is shown as a person with his own hands destroys the world around. People are mocking at saigas, because of a fire-friendly wagon die. Not knowing where to send my motherland, the Wolf is tied to the human child. People, not understanding this, shoot it, but one of them as a result kills his own son. In the death of a child, you can not blame not a wolf, but people, barbaric tearing on its territory, destroyed her children, and therefore, flexible against nature. The work of "Floa" shows what is fraught with such a relation to the living.

D. Garin Zubr. The main character with horror is aware that almost all people, including scientists, are confident in the infinity of nature and insignificant affected by a person. The bison does not understand how a person may approve scientific and construction projects that cause irreparable damage to everything alive. He believes that science in this case is not at odd, and in harm to humanity. The hero is hurt from the fact that almost no one has come to understand the true role of nature in a person's life, its uniqueness and vulnerability.

E. Hemingway "Old man and the sea." For the old fisherman, the sea is a breadwinner. In all the appearance of the hero, a connection with nature is visible. All the old man refers with respect and gratitude: he asks for forgiveness from caught fish. The work shows the role of generosity of nature in our lives, and the hero demonstrates truly the right attitude towards the world around him - grateful.