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A simple water filter from the bottle. How to use a plastic bottle to make a water filter. Video how to make a water filter with your own hands

The water purification filter consists of a replaceable cartridge and two tanks, one for the initial set of water, the second - for purified water.
Cartridges are sold separately, included, to the cost of the cartridge, the cost of the jug is added for the filter.
You can do without a jug, if you use an empty two-liter plastic bottle instead, or even better if the bottle is larger.

2 step

In order to divide the plastic bottle on the sector for a set of water and for the finished purified water, sample your cartridge relative to the bottom of the tank. There should be a distance between the bottom of the bottle and the cartridge, the upper part of the bottle must accommodate near the liter of water for 2 liter tanks and no less liters for more roomy tanks.

3 Step

You also need to separate the neck bottles with such a calculation so that the hole holds the filter located in it. We plan a lines of the cut, and neatly sharp knife cut plastic. Then we plan a round hole closer to the upper edge of the bottom of the plastic container. In this hole should be placed the neck of the bottle. Cut it with the same knife or scissors.

4 Step

Sorry wander from the inside, we take it to the thread outside. If the filtered water goes to the level of the neck, it can leak at the place of their connections, so it will be better to put this place with medical glue.
Then the upper part of the bottle without a neck turn over, insert the filter and put in the bottom of the bottle. The filter is ready.
Of course, this is not superconstruction, plastic bottles are not very tough, they can deform, the adhesive will also not give long sealing, but nevertheless such a temporary filter for water purification may have a time to help you until a normal jug is purchased.

A homemade filter for water purification is the necessary thing, because it is known, not always enough of one boiling to clean the water from all pollution.

However, even away from civilization can be provided with clean water. This will help a simple filter, manufactured by the available materials.

Homemade devices will be able to get rid of large mechanical impurities, and some can even improve the composition of the water. The end result will depend on what filter material you will prefer.

Possible options for a homemade filter for water purification

Even in clean with the form of water from streams, springs and wells contains suspension of clay and sand, organic remnants of living organisms and other harmful impurities that make water unsuitable for drinking.

To get conditionally clean water, it must be skipped through several layers of filtering elements, which can be used as:

  • Small-phrastructive granulates for coarse mechanical filtration (quartz sand, small gravel) - They serve as a kind of water purification filter from large inclusions;
  • Gauze, bandage or pure fabric - purify water from smaller insoluble suspensions;
  • Woody (activated carbon) - The most affordable and efficient filler for homemade filters. This natural absorbent is equally successfully copes with water purification from mineral particles and toxic substances.
  • More efficient than coal not so long ago, Lutractil appeared on the market. The material contains polypropylene fibers, effectively delaying impurities harmful to humans.

Having these available components at hand, you can make a self-made carbon filter for water. Of course, such a water purifier is not suitable for long-term use, however, in the campaign or in the country, it is possible to temporarily solve the problem with drinking water.

What will be required to create a homemade filter for water purification?

The list of tools and materials will depend on what type of filter you will do.

For the manufacture of the simplest options, you can do with even a plastic bottle or a bucket.

The following materials and inventory will be needed for the manufacture of the filter:

  • plastic bottle for filter housing (preferably five-liter);
  • capacity for collecting clean water;
  • charcoal;
  • clean quartz sand and small pebbles;
  • small piece of gauze or folded in several layers of a handkerchief.

How to make activated coal for filter?

Quite simple. To do this, take any metal dishes (cast iron, frying pan, etc.). Pour on it crushed wood hardwood without bark (birch or aspen for these purposes is optimally suitable) and put on the stove or fire. As soon as the tree is spinning and begins to smoke, the tank is removed and the charcoal is cooled.

Attention! It is not recommended to use coniferous wood coal to prepare coal, since their resins contain essential oils that will spoil the taste of water. If it is not possible to split the wood in a metal container, you can use fine coils from the fire.

The highest quality is a filter with several layers. What they are more, the better. If possible, it is recommended to combine different filters to achieve maximum result.

Manufacturing process - step-by-step instruction

The procedure for performing work is as follows:

  1. The bottom is cut in the plastic bottle.
  2. Several small holes are done in the lid.
  3. The inside of the improvised filter body is placed in several layers of march or cloth.
  4. Activated coal is falling asleep to the lowest layer. Its quantity is determined based on the size of the bottle (about 5-7 centimeters on a bottle of 5 liters). It is extremely important to try to fall asleep coal in such a way that the necrofraction material is lower from below, and above - the granules are larger.
  5. On top of the activated carbon, sand is poured with a layer of 5-8 centimeters.
  6. The next filtering layer will become small pebbles (3-5 centimeters will be enough).
  7. The filter is ready for use on purpose. Since the cleaning process takes a long time, the filter is recommended to suspend (for example, to the tree).


To begin with, the first batch of water is poured into the filter and merge it, because it will contain microparticles of activated carbon. As a rule, already from the second batch from the filter there is pure water.

To achieve maximum efficiency, several alternating layers of pebbles and sand can be made, but in this case it is necessary to consider that the better cleaning, the less the filter performance.

The bay hole of the self-made filtering cartridge is also desirable to cover the gauze layer so that insects and other garbage do not get inside.

In the conditions of cottages, you can build a more productive filter on the same principle. For this use any suitable containers of larger size.

It should also be noted that the water obtained can be used as drinking only after boiling!

Charcoal is one of the most popular and efficient filter materials. It is best to use birch coals, but in no case coniferous rocks.

It is easily easy to get coal. The workpiece must be placed in a metal tank, cover with a lid and rolling on fire. Also suitable black corners of 1-3 cm ranging in the fire.

After coal cools, it should be wrapped in gauze and put the capacitance into the funnel into which water will be merged. This is the easiest filter version that can be done even in hiking conditions.

If time allows, use a large packag of 20 liters.

  1. At the bottom you need to cut the hole under the crane, then lay the seal and sneak. This vessel will be used under purified water.
  2. In the neck you need to put the container of smaller sizes, the filter will be placed in it. For this purpose, a vessel of 10 liters is suitable and less.
  3. The filter material is best issued as a cartridge. Take a plastic pipe that will fit in the joints of the joint of two tanks, and score a piece of pipe covered gauze crowded coal.

When the design is ready, pour water for testing. Initially, you can see pieces of coal, but it is nestless. Drain this water, and the next batch can already be drunk. The longer the thicker will be the cartridge, it will be below the performance, but above the quality of cleaning.

2-3 liters per hour will be enough for comfortable use.

How to make a water filter at home?

There are several ways to make a filter for water using the ready-made, purchased filter, or the invention it with your own hands. Let's look at these two options.

And so, for the first way, we will need a purchased water filter, and a plastic bottle.

Such a filter is very convenient to use in hikes or trips somewhere. Let's start!

1. We take the knife and cut the bottle into two parts. It should be cut in the place where the upper part of the bottle (cone-shaped) passes into the middle part (cylindrical).

2 . Now we take the filter, and insert it with the bottom into the sliced \u200b\u200bpart with the neck. Thus, we define where you need to cut the neck from the bottle.

Total we have a cut bottle of 3 parts and filter.

3. All parts for the filter are ready, it remains only to gather it. We take the filter and wake it up into the cut-off top of the bottle, as shown in the photo.

4. This design, put in a bottle, and our filter will be ready. We can pour water and check how it works.

How to make a filter with your own hands?

The second way, more interesting, since the filter we will create themselves! This is not difficult, but try to try. The following materials will be needed for the filter:

Capacity for filter.

River sand.


Wat (can be replaced with gauze or cloth).

Visual filter scheme.

The principle of the filter is very simple - water passes through materials that are capable of filtering it, and we get purified water at the exit.

To make such a filter, we used the above-listed materials, as a container - a bottle of 5 liters.

1. Cut in a bottle of bottom. In the lid from the bottle, we also make a small hole, diameters 1 centimeter.

Water purification is required not only when using water supply, but also during the fence of the liquid from other sources. It can be a well, river or lake. In such water, there are often inclusions that are not useful for a person. In addition to the mechanical suspension, making water muddy, but usually harmless, more dangerous components are encountered. Among them are bacteria, dissolved salts, including nitrates, heavy metals and much more. To use such water, it is required to clean. However, most of the modern filters are designed for the presence of water supply with a certain water pressure. In the conditions of cottages or rest in nature, the water supply is not always available. In this case, the jug filters are suitable or homemade devices. Consider in more detail how to make a water filter with your own hands.

Fig. 1 device of a hiking filter for water purification with their own hands

To assemble a homemade filter for water, you need to pick up two main parts. Capacity for laying a filter material and a container for collecting purified water.

Plastic bottle is suitable for laying the filtering material. The amount of it is selected depending on the necessary performance. Optimal will be options for five, ten or twenty liters.

The bottom of such a bottle is cut off, holes are made in the traffic jam or the grid is installed instead. Inside the bottle laid filler.

Such a filter is fixed above a bucket or a tank for collecting water. It is convenient to use a capacitance with a lid in which the hole for the bottle neck is done. Such an installation will be able to effectively clean rather large volumes of water.

Fig. 2 The easiest filter made of plastic bottle

Options for filter materials

The principle of operation of any filter is simple. Water passes through the filter material that delays polluting components. Filtering options There are several. For homemade filters, it is convenient to use the following:

  • Fibrous - fabrics, march, wool, nonwoven material, for example, Loutraxil. They effectively delay mechanical impurities, but are short-lived, quickly contaminated. It is difficult to rinse them and is much easier to replace. Non-woven materials are most convenient, which are durable and easier are washed.
  • Sand and gravel - sandy and gravel frustration also effectively delays mechanical inclusions. The bacteria that absorb nitrogen compounds and the dissolved organic are inserted on their surface.

Fig. 3 quartz sand for filters
  • Activated or charcoal is an effective natural absorbent. In their pores, coal delays substances that determine the unpleasant smell and the taste of water, eliminates the color, makes the fluid transparent. Coal delays a significant amount of dissolved salts. To fill the filter, you can use both the ready-made granulated filler and cooked independently. Make coal for filter is not difficult. Hardwood wood is placed on a metal sheet, close to limit air flow and heat.
Fig. 4 Coal - filler, effectively cleansing water
  • Zeolite - Mineral absorbent, which is well kept iron, pesticides, nitrates and other pollutants.

Coal filter with your own hands

Coal is the optimal filter material. It is effective and accessible. If necessary, the filler can always be made independently, leaning the laid deciduous wood in a metal container. They are suitable and those coals that remain in a fire or oven. Their size should not exceed three centimeters and be at least one centimeter.

Coolest coal wrapped in gauze and laid into the container in which water will be filtered. This version of the filter is easy to do in hiking conditions.

For home use, for example, in the country or in a private house, you can make a more complex design. It is better to choose a large container, the volume of which is at least twenty liters. A hole used to install the crane is cut from below. In order for the crane does not flow, the sealer uses and all seams are carefully glued.

Fig. 5 flowing carbon filter

The neck is set to a smaller capacity with a laid filter material. For such a goal, the tank of ten liters is suitable or less.

Put the filter material in the homemade cartridge. For it, take a segment of a plastic pipe, which is suitable for row of vessels. Typically apply plastic bottles. The pipe is tightly clogged with coal wrapped in gauze. The resulting filter element is installed at the junction of two tanks. Water should not leak by him, but only through coal.

In the first portion of filtered water there may be coal crumbs. There is nothing terrible in this. The first water is drained, and in the future only pure liquid will pass.

Pros and cons of homemade filters

Filters made with your own hands have a number of positive characteristics and some negative points. These devices are convenient and functional. They are made of girlfriend, therefore the cost is minimal. You can do practically without costs. The efficiency of homemade filters is high, and due to the large volume of the filter material, they are produced.

However, we should not forget that the independently manufactured filter for technical characteristics and durability will be somewhat worse than the models of factory manufacture. They are more reliable and serve much longer.

Fig. 6 homemade water filters

The minuses of homemade filtering devices are the following features.

  1. A relatively short service life is a temporary option for the summer season. Periodically you will have to make a new design.
  2. The resource at the filler is small. Filtering materials require frequent replacement, otherwise bacteria, microorganisms and algae are inserted into them, which further pollute water.
  3. To get the filter, you need to spend strength and time. Some options can be quite time-consuming performed.

Homemade filter Convenient solution, but only for temporary use. For continuous use, it is better to choose the optimal device for the factory manufacture.

Ready household cleaners, as a rule, are distinguished by a small return and require frequent replacement of cartridges. For prices constantly not twisted hands, the manufacturer's option is proposed. The most primitive, but effective filter for water purification can serve as a device made by hand.

Water purification can be carried out using two primitive ass in the form of cans, bottles or other obsolete metal cans. A multilayer rag or march is stacked on the bottom of them, fine-grained, but pure sand. At the bottom of the dishes, there are several holes of a very small cross section. In the upper packaging is poured the original liquid and is observed as in the lower bottle, soon, pure liquid dripping. Its then can be drunk and eating. If the sand is mixed with gross coal, you can get cleaner water. This option is perfect for tourists and people with not a scrupulous stomach.

You can use and natural. For this, next to any reservoir, for example, on the shore of the river is done, approximately half-meter recess. There is a tableware and after a short time you can see how "tears" of the purest moisture seep. Options like - Pond Prudi. But even a person who does not sparing his health will surely think about boating this water before use.

Instructions for the manufacture of the simplest filter for water purification with their own hands

A phased tip for the manufacture of such an uncomplicated device begins with a plastic bottle, a volume of 1.5; 2.0; 5.0 liters and more, depending on the need. We will also need some scribe materials, such as charcoal (preferably from hardwood), march or wide bandage. It does not prevent the presence of a small amount of pure river sand, a small gravel and a piece of decking fabric. Having retreated 2-3 cm from the bottom, for example, 2 liter bottles, the bottom is cut down and several tissue pads are fed to the wall in the neck. Pre-crushed coal is laid on the fabric and superimposed in several layers of gauze material. By the way, coal is sold in bags and one such packaging is enough for several years. On top of gauze, it is desirable to put a small silver coin or a few small pieces of silver. This will help clean water and bacteria. Next, pure homogeneous sand with a subsequent filling of gravel.

The filtering layer, especially the coal mass, is compacted by unsalted impacts with a heavy item. It is better to produce this procedure after laying a gauze layer. The thickness of each backfill should be provided for no more than 5-6 cm in order not to express the cost of its own creation. After inserting the neck of the bottle into a circular hole of the bucket cover or a glass cylinder, you can begin cleaning, pre-bay the source water into the homemade filter.

It will not be superfluous and a piece of wool, tightly inserted in the neck of the plastic bottle.

"Own pride" can be attached to the crane with a continuous feed of the jet. At the same time, it should be observed that the pressure does not exceed the bandwidth of the cleaner.

The principle of manufacture of homemade filters is structurally the same, and the cleaning technology differs only by the download elements. Such cleaners may differ in terms of clean and drinking water produced.

Do not consider the number of a wide variety of fictions on water purifiers. But they perform easy cleaning from large mechanical particles and suspensions. It should be remembered that the amount of covered coal should be considered, based on the condition that one tablet of activated coal clears, approximately one liter. And you should not use such a device longer than it is supposed.

Video how to make a water filter with your own hands

Video how to make a water filter in field conditions