Repairs Design Furniture

Painting automotive drives yourself. Preparation of the surface of the discs before painting

Wheels is a very vulnerable place for any car. It is they who take on maximum impacts: blows of opposite stones, wipers, bumps of trees. The alloy wheels are especially susceptible to wear, at the occasion on the obstacle they may not just bother, but also to crack or scatter in some places, and their appearance becomes unsightly. However, it is possible to correct the position for this, a special disk paint is used.

Painting wheeled discs by two main reasons:

  • if the discs have lost their initial appearance and require restoration;
  • painting in decorative purposes - for example, the luminous paint for disks will give a car of originality and allocate it from the stream.

In the second case, special colors are often used, which attract attention, often use paint for disks with the Chrome effect.

Types of automotive paints

Wheel coloring is not only a decorative course, but also protection. Modern LKMs are able to securely protect the metal from corrosion. There are several types of such paints, they all differ in composition and purpose.


Powder paints for painting discs are popular with car enthusiasts due to their durability and high resistance to different kinds of influences. Among the serious advantages, the possibility of applying almost any kinds of titanium, steel disks is distinguished.

The disadvantaged of powder paints is the need for special equipment - the dye in the form of a powder according to technology should be melted at a temperature of about 200 degrees. That is why the powder technology is not suitable for aluminum - aluminum discs can be deformed.

The coloring technology implies the cleaning of the stamp from the old coating by sandblasting. Then the surface is carefully degreased, covered with ground and dye is applied in a specially paint chamber.

So that the paint is completely dried, it will take at least a day. You can perform such work in the garage conditions with your own hands, but unprofitable.


For staining wheels, acrylic paint is well suited. This option is the optimal choice. Apply acrylic is very convenient, and you can apply with your own hands - the dye is sold in the aerosol, but you can also work as a paintopult. You can paint the diskiaroerosoloacryl paint quickly and efficiently, and at the same time.

Among the main advantages, you can allocate complete surface protection from the effects of atmospheric precipitation. Road reagents will not be able to harm the painted surface. But it must be borne in mind that acrylic has an average durability.

Paint for disks in the cannons is chosen in most cases due to its affordable price and ease of use - spray allows you to get a qualitative result to the rapid time.

Before applying paint spray, you must process the disk with abrasive materials. Next, the contents of the cylinder is thoroughly mixed (the spray should be shaken for three minutes) - thus achieved uniformity of color. Then, it is mandatory to make a test spray at any other site if the paint is sprayed well and evenly, you can apply it to discs.

Compared to powder dye plus here is the possibility of fast drying - the painted surface dries in just 10 minutes. The choice of color gamut is also extensive, the aerosol paint is produced by any shades, and the silver paint (under chrome) is popular.

If you add a little phosphor to acrylic, you can get a luminous to the wheel - the wheels will be shining in the dark, which will attract an extraneous look. The brightness of the glow depends on how much the phosphor "haspacked" with light.


Rubber paints enjoy wide demand from those who love to allocate their cars, in every way tuning it. The reason for the great popularity of such LKMs was their versatility. They can be used not only on metal, but also on plastic, glass. The coating can be both matte and glossy, it allows you to choose what you want.

There is also rubber fluorescent paint, which glows. The composition contains a special pigment - the luminophore, which during the day accumulates the light during the day, and in the dark, it begins to radiate it. It turns out an interesting glowing effect.

Apply a dye on cast wheels very comfortable. Spray aerosol paint for disks in two or three layers of a small thickness. The surface will be smooth and smooth. The process may take an hour or more. In this case, the primer of the disks as the preparatory stage can be skipped.

On video: Painting of disks of liquid rubber Plasti Dip.

Popular products


Body paints are an alkyd single-component composition produced in aerosols. The product has increased strength and wear resistance, has good adultsia.

Body's paint is distinguished by an affordable cost, low flow (the optimal amount of layers applied is two or three). Ideal as paint for stamped discs, as well as cast options. Apply to the crawle. How much material is needed for painting one wheel, usually indicated on the bank, but consumption is small.


In contrast to body enamels for Motip drives are acrylic-based compounds, designed to give an attractive appearance. Products from the Motype has all the advantages of acrylic paints, the compositions protect the surface from various influences, differ in high adhesion.

In the palette there are black, white, golden colors. The texture may be matte or glossy. All products are supplied exclusively in the canopy.

How to paint: Enamel spray on a cleaned and low-fat surface, holding a sprinkler at a distance of 30-40 cm. The material is ideal as paint for cast drives.

As an analog you can use Kudo products - these are paints in springs based on liquid rubber of good quality.

What paint to paint depends on the purposes - if you need to give the surface of the gloss and shine, and not just protect it from corrosion, then it is better to use acrylic and rubber coatings. Painting discs of luminous paint will make a car doubly original.

How to paint discs yourself (2 videos)

Paints of different brands (25 photos)

Surely every experienced motorist in the garage stored old wheels that cannot find applications. Most likely, they occupy a lot of space, but the owner cannot decide on cleaning. The best option in this situation is the modernization of the old "shoes" for the car. Having attached a little effort and resourcefulness, you can give the second life with antique wheels.

Which wheels can be painted with your own hands

Today we will try to figure out how to paint car discs. First you need to deal with what they happen and how it is necessary to paint the painting of a particular type.

Car discs are two main species:

  • stamped (steel);
  • alloy.

Painting of those or other species is practically no different, Of course, paint should be selected different, such that would most suit the material from which the product is made.

Alloy wheels require special attention, Since non-ferrous metals are made. They need processing before operating. Typically, such wheels are treated with primer, then grind and color.

You can process the primer with steel discs in order to increase strength and reliability. Most often for this use acrylic primer, which is not subject to negative environmental factors. The restoration uses acrylic varnish, which provides high stability and durability. Prayer wheels without feasts are a simple task with which any person can cope, even without special education.


Important! In order to paint high quality and quickly, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for this.

To do this, arise such objects and devices:

  • paper essay;
  • protective film;
  • scotch larger;
  • soft coated napkin;
  • special degreaser for metal surfaces;
  • paint and lacquer for processing wheeled disks.

Most often discs paint silver paint - this is the most universal color for the wheels. With other colors, your car will look more original and attractive, so you can choose any color for painting. Prepare your workplace, you should not be extraneous items that may interfere with the process of work. It is better to clean and wash the place to work before startSo that the surface of the product does not get a small garbage and dust.

Painting process

Consider automotive discs in stages and extremely carefully, so as not to miss anything. To begin with, clean the discs to the perfect condition:

  • we remove rust;
  • align the surface;
  • remove dirt and dust;
  • get rid of irregularities.

In this you excellent will help sandpaper. If necessary, you can use other infridate materials that will not damage the base of the disk.

Before the immediate painting, polished the disc, bring it to the state of perfect cleanliness. After that, covers the tire with a protective film, attach it with a special adhesive tape. Press the tire tightly to the bus so that it does not create interference when painting.

Next, go to the degreasing stage, for this we wipe the surface with a special fluid. After such treatment, paint or varnish will be longer and reliable to stay on the surface, the appearance of the wheel will be significantly better.

Prepare paint to use: To do this, we carefully shake the paint and spray it on the surface of the disk from the distance of thirty centimeters. For a better result, it is better to paint into two or three layers. After applying each paint layer, we highlight time for drying, it should be at least ten minutes. Use a protective respirator so as not to ignore the toxic evaporation of varnish and paint. It is better to put on protective wrappers in order not to get chemical burns.

After successful painting, you can go to the stage of varnodes. Varnish is applied in three thin layers, the gap between the application of the layers should be three minutes. It is very important to spray varnish at a distance of thirty centimes from the surface. In conclusion, you can cover the tires with a special fluid to protect and improve the appearance. So, new wheels with tires are ready and impossible to distinguish from new wheels!

Advantages of self-restoration

It's just wonderful when a person has the opportunity to fulfill certain repair work with their own hands. It is economical, and useful for its own development, because a person should always learn something new! In addition, the creation of something with their own hands brings indescribable psychological compounds.

Just imagine how much you need to spend money to acquire new wheels. All that is necessary for restoration of disks, you will probably have in the garage. If not, you can easily buy all materials in the nearest construction store. Just a few hours of your time, a little effort and new wheels for your car ready!

Important! Creating new wheels with your own hands, you can embody your desires and dreams, because only you have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of car should be.

When buying materials, be paid attention to the manufacturer, because the durability of the product will depend on the quality of varnish and paint. Low-quality colorful materials quickly deteriorate, thereby worsening the appearance of the wheels. Saving on the purchase of paint, you risk repeating a restoration after a short period of time. Choose acrylic paints and varnishes for your work, it is they who provide the highest protection and an attractive appearance. You can familiarize yourself with detail with the instructions, looking at the video, on which all the stages and the subtleties of the painting of automotive discs are detailed.


  • Which paint choose
  • Surface preparation
  • Primer
  • Painting and varnishing
  • In custody
  • Video
  • During the winter operation of the car, all parts of its parts, including wheel discs, are exposed to a strong effect of reagents that sprinkle the roadway. The paint from such an impact gradually cracks, peels off and after a few years the discs lose their appeal. This is especially true of stamped disks made of steel, on which the traces of corrosion appear. What to do in such cases? Discs are in their essence are in a fully suitable state, throw them away and buy new, nails that the hand is not rising, it is in principle not advisable, in terms of financial costs. The best way out is the restoration of the paint and varnish coating. Even if you seek this service to a specialized workshop, it is still such an operation will cost cheaper purchases of new discs. But you can do otherwise, you can do everything yourself. And for this you will not need any special materials nor special skills or skills, you will learn everything along the process.

    In order to paint discs on the car with their own hands, it is necessary to make preparatory work, as well as choose paintwork material.

    Which paint choose

    Today, two types of paint are used to restore disks:

    • Powder;
    • Acrylic.

    The powder makeup has certain advantages, for example, paints of this type are more durable and more resistant to mechanical effects. In addition, when making cast discs, powder spraying is used at manufacturers plants. Nevertheless, despite these advantages, the technology of application of such paint is quite complicated and requires the use of specialized equipment (thermal chamber and sandblasts). The fact is that a dry powder is applied to the disk, which is fixed on the surface under the influence of high temperatures. There is another lack of powder paint - when used, you can only paint the product entirely, and not its separate parts.

    When using acrylic composition, car enthusiasts are not faced with such problems. Acrylic paint is characterized by a brighter and rich color and palette, so you can pick up the most suitable shade that will be combined with the color of the car body. Painting automotive discs using acrylic composition also has disadvantages. These include low resistance to environmental impact.

    Based on the foregoing, deciding than to paint the wheels, it is better to give preference to acrylic compositions. You can find such paint in any specialized store. Choosing the manufacturer, remember - it is better to get paint and varnish one company.

    Recently, for painting not only disks, but also body parts, another concerning material began to be applied - liquid rubber. In terms of cost, the number of shades and mechanical strength it is comparable to acrylic paint. It is even easier to apply it than acrylic. The most famous brand is the Liquid Rubber "Plasti Dip".

    In addition to paints, you will need other materials.

    Necessary equipment and materials

    If you chose a powder staining method, first of all you will need a sandblasting machine that is used to thoroughly clean the worn disc from the old paint, dirt and dust. In addition, with the help of this instrument, you can perfectly align the surface of the product.

    Tip! Sandblasts can be replaced by an ordinary drill with various abrasive nozzles.

    You also need thermocamera, which is necessary for the "baked" powder paint. It is impossible to replace this type of equipment at home, so you have to upset or still use the cheapest method of staining.

    Painting car disks acrylic paint is a simple and cheap way to return old discs to life. To do this, you will need to prepare:

    • Brush;
    • Washing powder or ordinary detergent for dishes;
    • Sandpaper of different abrasiveness (from 200 to 600);
    • Car finishing putty;
    • Several primer cylinders;
    • Balon varnish (transparent);
    • Solvent Bank 646;
    • Protective gloves, respirator and glasses.

    As you can see, the second method requires much less financial costs, especially since most of this list is already in your garage. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to work.

    Technology Painting Auto Disk

    First of all, take care of the room in which you will work, well ventilated. Acrylic and varnish is not the best combination for health. Put on glasses and gloves not to get a chemical burn, and remove the wheels from the car.

    In order not to stain the tire of the wheel, it must be stuck with a painted scotch tape along the rim. Scotch sticker need to be made as close as possible to the edge of the rim simultaneously podding it into the gap between the rim and the tire.

    There is another option, you can remove the tires from the disk at all. If you are afraid to do it yourself, you can contact the car service, this service will cost you inexpensive. Next, you must prepare the surface of the disks to subsequent processing.

    Surface preparation

    Take advantage of the brush and detergent to carefully clean the surface from old paint and varnish. To degrease the disk and remove paint residues, use a solvent or antisilicone.

    Tip! To get rid of the rubbed paintwork material in hard-to-reach places, use a sewer or thin screwdriver.

    After that, go through the surface of sandpaper. At this stage, it is not necessary to hurry, it is better for a long time and carefully to take every millimeter disk. First use a coarse sandpaper, and at the last stage - the smallest. The treated surface must be periodically watering with water to get rid of the remnants of the sshring material and better polish the disk.

    Tip! It is not worth cleaning the discs with fanaticism, as minor roughness and cracks in any case will hide the paint and varnish layers.

    Of course, on the old disk there will be numerous chips, dents and other defects that are eliminated using a car putty. When it dries, go through the surface of the shallow sandpaper and pour the disc with water.


    A degreasing and cleaned surface must be primed. To do this, you need to start applying primer first on the inner surface of the product, and then go to the outer part.

    Tip! During sputtering, periodically shake the cylinder with the primer.

    To repair (painting) the disks was performed efficiently, try not to hurry. The primer must be applied evenly, while holding a cylinder with a liquid at a distance of 25-30 cm from the surface. After you put the primer, give the disk to dry and repeat the procedure (2-3 layers will be enough). In order not to wait long after each application of primer, you can use the usual hair dryer. In any case, start painting the discs better only the next day.

    Painting and varnishing

    Before use of varnish and paints, carefully read the instructions for using these materials, as the time of drying the liquids may differ depending on the manufacturer.

    The dried and projected wilds must be put on polyethylene, so that dust and dirt and dirt are not added to them during staining. The technology of applying paint is the same as for the primer - we begin on the inside of the product and then go to the outer part. Apply 2-3 layers of paint, leaving the surface to dry off 15 minutes after each procedure. After that, wait 20-25 minutes and use the lacquer. After the first lacquer application, it is necessary to check the surface of the discs for the presence of irregularities. If you discovered them, then pass on them shallow sandpaper. Further, it remains only to apply the final layer of varnish and wait until the product is finally driving (6-7 days). This restoration of disks is completed.

    In custody

    Now you know how to paint the wheels with your own hands. As you can see, this process does not take much time, and for money costs at times cheaper than in the car dealership. The main thing, do not allow dust sediment on the newly painted surface, as this will strongly rebuild the appearance of the products. In all the rest, just work calmly and neatly and the result will please you.

    Photos are made from a video roller located on the channel My Obzor. Thanks to the author!

    When restoring the attractive appearance of the car, discs also require attention. The exposure to sand, stones and aggressive chemicals they are not less than the other body details, while the complete replacement of these parts will fly into a penny. If you want to save money and get the same result for a smaller amount, order disks painting in the "Auto Total".

    Painting Disc - this is:
    ● economically - thanks to professional equipment, a minimum of paint is used;
    ● Durable - the thin layer of paint is stronger with the surface of the automotive disk, as a result of which the protective and aesthetic properties of the coating are preserved longer;
    ● Diverse - you can pick up any color of the disks for your car.

    Examples of our works - Disc painting

    Our masters will quickly and efficiently perform paint discs For the refreshment of the exterior of the car after long-term operation or accident, when creating an exclusive design or within the framework of the work on pre-sales vehicle preparation.

    Painting discs includes their dismantling and installation, grinding and priming of the surface, applying paint and protective varnish. We use modern materials that dry out 30 minutes after applying, so the fulfillment of the entire turnkey procedure will take a maximum of 3 hours (1 disk) of your precious time. Do you want to protect discs on your car from corrosion and emphasize on them? Then we are waiting for you seven days a week in the car service "Avtolevt" near the metro station "Tushinskaya". Let's do everything quickly, neat and beautiful!

    Each car owner sooner or later faces the problem of aging of automotive drives - after endless kilometers on domestic roads, they scratch, and the paint does not get it, it definitely loses its original appearance. And it happens when, after buying a new car, I want something more original and most importantly - unique so that no one else has. Therefore, it often raises the question of how and how to paint alloy or stamped discs on the car itself, so as not to stumble with the result.

    You can, of course, buy new discs or take the car to the service so that the masters have a first-class service, but all this costs a lot of money. And if you doubt whether the disks are painted yourself, look at the attached photos and see for yourself. In this article, we will analyze the whole process in stages to understand how to paint the cast and stamped discs on the car. Moreover, the process does not take you a lot of time or financial resources.

    What paint to paint discs auto

    First of all, it is necessary to determine what paint to paint the disks of the car, and, of course, in what color. For this purpose, there are two types of paints: powder and acrylic; Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages to note before choosing.

    • Powder paint is stable, wear-resistant, is able to last for a long time. The coating is not deformed and does not scratch. This is the production paint, since it is it that is covered with new ones, just manufactured, alloy wheels. Negative side is a complex application technology requiring special equipment; The inability to paint part of the disk, for example, a scratched area.
    • Acrylic paint gives greater space for fantasy due to the variety of colors palette. It is simple to apply and distribute it to the disk, it is possible, besides, open a small piece of surface. However, such a coating is less resistant to damage, and with careless driving on Ughab, paint pieces can quickly break.

    Choosing, what paint paint wheeled stamped, cast or forged discs, it is better to give preference to powder, because it will last much longer, but if you still want brightness and diversity, and you are ready for thorough care disks, then try acryl - then exactly You can make your car the most original.

    Preparation for painting disks by car

    If, when solving the question than to paint the car discs yourself, it does not have a special value what they are "from birth", then for the preparation process for painting it is a significant nuance.

    For example, how to paint alloy wheels. To begin with, it is necessary to carefully prepare - to be primed up with a special primer intended for non-ferrous metals, otherwise the paint will quickly lie. The steel and forged disks do not require this, but the soil gives the basis for paint, then it is better to bed and keeps.

    The first stage of preparation is the removal of old paint. To do this, use a rigid brush and a special detergent that will easily remove the layers of old paint from the disks. If it remains in small areas, where it is impossible to get a brush, apply a sebo or thin screwdriver. Remember, to properly paint the cast or stamped discs yourself when removing the old paint it is better not to damage the disk.

    Next, pass throughout the surface with rough emery paper - this process will take a little longer, as you need to carefully poll the wheel drive if you want to paint it correctly. Gradually proceed to an all smaller squeak, until you skirmish the entire surface. Tip: Water periodically disk with water - then it will be better polished, and the sump material will be removed without traces.

    If the disk is not new, then you will need a finishing putty, which it is necessary to process the surface and sharpen all chips, scratches and other defects that manifested on the disk. After that, pass the shallow sandpaper again, not forgetting to water water.

    1. Dry the surface after the last stage and degrease it with solvent.
    2. Start primer from the inside of the automotive disk, only then cover the outer.
    3. Periodically, shake the balloon with the soil during spraying so that it restores uniformly; Keep it about 30 centimeters from the disk.
    4. Apply two or three layers, giving everyone to dry carefully - to speed up the process, use a hairdryer, construction or ordinary cosmetic, existing in almost every apartment.

    Give all the strata of the primer dry - for this, it is better to start the next day to painting.

    How to paint discs on the car? Step-by-step instruction

    After all the preparatory activities carried out, you can paint the car discs. This will require the following inventory:

    • paint and varnish (we advise you to choose from one manufacturer - they will better interact with each other);
    • a piece of fabric or polyethylene to which you save the disk;
    • protective film and greasy tape to close the wheel;
    • sandpaper or abrasive paste;
    • polyrol and silicone lubrication (optional).

    Step 1. Displays a clean cloth or polyethylene on the free plot - it will protect the surface from dust. Then cover the tire with a protective film and fasten with the help of harvested painting tape. Try so that it does not climb on the surface of the disks themselves.

    Step 2. Carefully read the instructions for the selected paint and apply it by following the manufacturer's recommendations. At the same time, act as carefully, as with the primer - car discs paint in several layers, giving everyone to dry. The exact time of exposure depends on the paint, as a rule, you need to wait about 10 minutes. Next, apply 2 layers of transparent varnish, as follows the instructions. The layers should be thin, drying time before applying the following - from 3 to 5 minutes.

    Step 3. After the process is completed, give the disk to dry well, and on this, in general, you can finish. But for giving the gloss in about a week, passes through the surface of the polyrolla - after that car discs will shine as new ones. And the rubber can be updated with silicone lubricant.

    If necessary, you can paint discs again if the first staining has not brought the desired result or a certain defect remains. Now you already have the necessary experience, and it will go faster, and the result will be better.

    For painting chrome discs to work, the old coating is simply so noted by a sandpaper or grinding machine. We advise you to try sandblast, it cleans the surface more thoroughly. From above, it can be covered with chrome (if, for example, a separate section is damaged and needs a restoration) or according to the above description to paint the disk.

    So, you can paint automotive wheels on your own. To do this, you will need only special paint, varnish, time and a little snarling. Knowing certain subtleties, you can get the result no worse than when accessing professionals in a car repair shop, but it is much cheaper. Look at the photo, videos that clearly demonstrate the process and proceed.