Repairs Design Furniture

How to put carpet: in different ways in different rooms. Laying the carpet on the wooden floors do it yourself on what to lead the carpet on the wooden floor

Thanks to numerous advantages, carpet is a universal coating for most residential and office space. There are no special difficulties in working with the material, therefore any person can cope with its laying on a wooden floor, but before starting work, it is necessary to study the technology of the process, choose the carpet canvas with the required characteristics. Let us consider in more detail how to properly sit the carpet so that the coating light up for many years and retained its attractive appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages of carpet use

Soft coating creates a special comfort indoors, but to understand whether it is suitable for laying on a tree, it is necessary to pay attention to its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of applying material include:

  • large selection of color solutions, using which easy to make changes to any interior, if necessary, hide disadvantages, expand the room;
  • good sound and thermal insulation;
  • processing with special means that prevent ticks, moths, other pests;
  • high fire resistance;
  • low share;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of carpet coverage include:

  • restriction on the use of indoors with high humidity;
  • possible manifestation of spots after the use of detergents;
  • loss of color under the action of sun rays;
  • the linen of a small width is inconvenient to use indoors with large sizes.

As you can see, there are disadvantages, but positive moments are more. The material has good thermal insulation properties, even in comparison with linoleum and laminate. But the most important thing is a high level of comfort and pleasant sensations from touching the surface of the carpet. Walk one pleasure!

Before beding carpet on the wooden floor in a children's room, a bedroom, a living room or an entrance hall, you need to pay attention to the operating conditions and choose the product of the corresponding characteristics. For this reason, for the hallway, we choose a more practical floor material, from the surface of which it is easy to remove contaminants. For example, with a short pile. For "warm sex" is preferable to coating from natural components. Also consider:

  • the number of people and the intensity of their movement;
  • pet availability;
  • area of \u200b\u200bpremises, their interior;
  • what condition is the foundation;
  • regularity of cleaning and cleaning coating;
  • financial opportunities.

Another important point is the size of the room. Room measurements are made at several points in length and width and add a little about the reserve. This decision will simplify the work and will allow you to do without additional inserts.

Preparation of wooden base for carpet laying

Before starting work, we prepare the following materials and tools:

  • special or any acutely compatible knife for working with carpeted floors;
  • roller for splitting the panels;
  • screwdriver for fixing clamping slats, plinths;
  • spatula (roller) for applying glue;
  • plastic or wooden plinths;
  • aluminum or plastic clamps;
  • bilateral scotch or glue, in case of use for fastening.

At the very beginning, we look at the surface of the wooden floor for the presence of strong drops of heights, slots, dents. They will have to be eliminated necessarily, otherwise, after laying, the carpet will take their shape and may begin to rush in problem places.

Checking wooden flooring. Endless rotten boards replace new ones. Check the reliability of fastening the rest of the boards and beams. If a characteristic creak appeared in problem places, then it is possible to eliminate it with your own hands in several ways. For example, additionally fixing with the help of self-tapping screws or driven between clinia boards.

The next step is to eliminate small gaps and cracks. To do this, we clean them from pollution and clog tight mastic, putty, other suitable materials.

For smelting slots, you must use a special putty on the tree.

Small irregularities are not an obstacle, it is more important to pay attention to the protruding self-tapping screws, nails that can break the canvas. They are necessarily immersed in wood. Large irregularities remove in the process of grinding the floor surface with a special typewriter, a planer.

The elimination of more serious defects and the leveling of the base is carried out by plywood, which must be put in two layers. Preference is given to moisture-proof material. To prevent the alignment of four plywood angles at one point, there are displacement between the rows. That is, we put the sheets according to the method of brickwork. Confirm them with the help of PVA glue and additionally fix on the self-tapping screw.

The substrate is placed after alignment. It is laid out on the surface of the floor with a smooth layer and helps to hide the remaining small base defects. Therefore, at this stage, we try to prevent the formation of irregularities, layering the material.

Laying the carpet over the "warm floor" system is carried out without using the substrate!

Made from synthetic materials substrate must have:

  • sufficient density and rigidity;
  • smooth surface without deformations, damage, defects;
  • thickness in the range of 6.2-10 mm;
  • good moisture and air permeability.

The substrate corresponding to all of the listed requirements will prevent the formation of unpleasant odors in the canvas, dampness and will extend the timing of its service. After eliminating the deficiencies and preparation of the base, the laying of the carpet can be carried out in several ways.

Choose carpet mounting technology

Regardless of the choice of carpet technology, they first spread indoors on the floor and leave at room temperature for a couple of days. During this time, the canvas smoothes and evenly distribute on the floor. If a carpet coating of one color, then select the method involving the laying of the solid canvas by adhesive or a cunning way. The second option is the best solution for a small room.

In this case, we deploy the roll in this case, roll over it and fix it by the wall with a plinth. The first secure plinths installed along the length of the room, and only then the plinths located in width. In large rooms when laying several fragments or with a large number of edges and joints, for their reliable fixation we use bilateral tape.

Main ways to lay carpet covering:

  1. 1. Adhesive.
  2. 2. Free.
  3. 3. Scotch.
  4. 4. Stretching.

By choosing adhesive technology, work in the following order:

  • we decide the cloth for several days in the room on the floor and let him align;
  • after that, roll it into a roll until the middle with one of the sides;
  • on the surface near the roll is evenly applied glue;
  • gradually roll off the carpet, tightly pressing it to the base with a heavy roller;
  • fix one of the parties and proceed to sticking the other;
  • cut the surplus around the perimeter;
  • fix the plinth to the wall.

The masonry on the glue is justified if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room exceeds 20 m 2!

This technology is perfectly suitable for laying on the floor of fragments from different materials. To do this, pre-prepare the details - place and cut them in size. The edges of the blanks must be processed by a special seam. In the process of folding fragments, we consider the direction of the pile and select the figure as accurately as possible. At the end to prevent moisture from entering the moisture, all joints seal with colorless glue.

Advantage of the adhesive way:

  • perfectly suitable for large areas;
  • more durable, reliable fixation;
  • the probability of spreading fire is reduced;
  • no need to install a substrate;
  • the level of humidity in the canvas is reduced;
  • defects in the form of bubbles and wrinkles are not formed on the surface;
  • conduct carpet can from fragments of various sizes.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • the need for a perfectly smooth surface;
  • after dismantling, repeated installation is not possible.

Free location of the carpet is the most economical method. Mounting carpet is carried out by plinths. An important point is the availability of spaces on each side, which should not exceed 15 cm.

Carryoline necessarily roll up, starting from the center using a special video or with the help of hands.

Thoroughly smoothed the surface, only after that cut off the excess material. The remaining carpet crepim plinths. Near the doorway fasten it with the help of the neck or metal rail.

Pluses of this method:

  • no help of professionals is required, which saves cash;
  • if necessary, the material is easily dismantled and attached again;
  • preparing the floor before assembly, optional;


  • suitable exclusively for a small room;
  • monolithic material is required;
  • the coating can move when rearrangement of furniture;
  • after a long operation on the surface, bubbles, folds are formed;
  • not suitable for premises with mobile furniture on roller wheels;
  • requires careful care, but it is impossible to use cleaning vacuum cleaners.

Installation using tape is performed quite quickly and does not require additional costs. We take two-way tape. We create a grid on the floor in advance, the size of the cells of which is 50x50 cm. By creating a grid, remove the outer part of the tape and we immediately glue the carpet. Formed excess, cut off at the end of the installation. Be sure to leave the allowance on each side, as it is done with the free method of laying.

Advantages of this method:

  • the flooring is easy to perform with your own hands;
  • ease of replacement of floor coating;
  • no substrate is required.


  • over time, scotch deformation is possible;
  • wooden base needs careful preparation;
  • on the surface it is possible to appear wrinkles.

Stretching. The method involves stretching carpet around the room without additional fixation. To do this, we use flu, placing them all over the perimeter of the room. Also prepare wooden rails with nails.

Nails are mandatory at an angle of 45 degrees!

By installing the auxiliary elements, proceed to the installation of the substrate. Only then stretch the carpet with special equipment and fix it with the help of rails. The use of this method allows you to achieve greater strength and reliability, but without the help of specialists and the presence of the necessary tool can not do.

As you can see, all major preparatory and styling work can be performed on their own. The main thing is the knowledge of the laying technology, the properly selected method of flooring and surface preparation, which is a guarantee of a successful result in the form of a perfectly flat and long service life.

Paul in an apartment or room, even if it is high-quality, but has no decorative coating - not everyone likes. Therefore, I will tell you how to put carpet so that it was warm and comfortable.

Locked carpet is not difficult. Here, all the difficulty lies in stretch laying. But let's talk about the premises where the best way to retain carpet and requirements for them.

Where you can retain carpet

I want to note that the carpet is not recommended to be treated where there is humidity and air temperature over one day range from 18 degrees and up to 27 degrees of heat. Even if the temperature in the room changes in the permissible limits of the norm, but rather sharply, the carpet can change its structure and "crash".

In the apartment, the most favorable conditions for laying carpet, here it will be well lying, and the deformation of the material will occur with the minimum error. The balcony can also be caught as a carpet, as the area will be blocked for significant changes and mount carpet can be as on stretch, so on the principle of free flooring.

In the rooms where there is a warm floor, lay the carpet is prohibited under any conditions. Because the warm floor will lose its direct intended purpose, since the heated air and heat emissions through the carpet will not pass. Secondly, temperature fluctuations will lead to the deformation of the carpet.

How to calculate the number of required carpet

Using different technologies on the carpet laying, you need to avoid seams, since when changing the temperature in the room, the carpet carpet can be overthrite each other or, on the contrary, form a gap, in which the edges will split, and your carpet will look ugly.

We buy carpets always solid piece on the size of the room, leaving the stock at 10 to 15 centimeters.

Cooking Pol

Carpet will look great only on the smooth and smooth floor. Before starting to the floor, check the floor with a level and rice on irregularities and horizontal. Founding flooring should not deviate from the norm in 5-7 millimeters.

If the foundation curvature for carpet is exceeds these indicators, then it is necessary to fix it. You also need to walk along the floor of the floor cycles.

Before laying, carpet needs to withstand at least a day, so that it passes acclimatization. If the carpet roll is thick, then it must warm up to room temperature, so it is necessary to withstand carpet indoors you need one day.


When laying carpet, some special tools are needed, such as a roller and knife. It looks like an angle with a handle. I pull for the handle, pressing the knife to the carpet, and the side will go to the side. We also developed roller knives, but I do not advise the newcomer with them, since with any inept movement it necessarily crashes aside, and you will cut the extra piece. I also do not recommend that you use the usual knife on the same principle.

A roller for carpet is something like a raner roller, but it is much wider and has a solid coating on the roller. I do not advise you to use a paint roller for carpet roller, since the roller coating will be in the pile and delete it will be very not easy. Of course there is a minus that all the tools for carpet are expensive, but the best option is to rent them.

Work with Kurrolin joints

There are such moments that you want to store the floor from different pieces of carpet or in the store there is a piece that is slightly large, and the seller cut it refuses, so you can store the remaining piece, for example, in the hallway. In this case, you need to know how to make joints, so that they look beautiful and aesthetic.

Fill two pieces of carpet with a small adhesive in 3 - 4 centimeters. On the joint line, cut two layers to the floor and flexing the ends. We remove the inner strip of carpet and the edges let go.

It turns out a small scope, which is flexing and rolling tightly to the floor with a roller. On this action on the formation of the joint of the carpet end. If you need to make kennels with other floor coatings, then you can use a metal profile. Since mainly joints will come to the doorways and.

Five ways to lay carpet

  • Free laying of the carpet is the most common way.
  • Flooring carpet with fixation around the perimeters.
  • Fixation of carpet bilateral scotch.
  • Laying the carpet on the adhesive basis.
  • Laying carpet with tension or stretch laying.

Free laying

Fluently to put carpet on the prepared foundation - resembles the flooring of a regular palace or carpet. This method comes to the premises where you will not move the furniture in the future. This is a chungy, a balcony or other narrow dressing room. When using the method of free laying of the carpet, fill it on the floor with curved edges around the perimeter of the walls. Cooking the carpet into the angle, make cuts around the perimeter of the room, consider that it is necessary to leave the edge of the walls around a centimeter in case of deformation.

With fixation around the perimeter

Before laying carpet with fixation around the perimeter of the room, remove the available plinths. We begin as described in the way of free laying - we lay the carpet on the floor with curved edges onto the walls, cutting the corners, tailoring the edges under them and rolling the roller for the seal and tighten the plinth. This simple and economical method, and is suitable only for rooms, where the temperature and permissible humidity are ideal, where the smooth floor, for example, in the apartment.

Video. Method of laying carpet under plinth

Fixation of carpet on scotch

For this method of laying, we use, of course, bilateral tape. If the room is eight square meters, then you will need about eleven meters of Scotch. Scotch width is different. The wider the scotch will be, the longer it will last you.

On the perimeter of the room we stick two-way tape. Stacking carpet start from the wall of the room. Remove the protective tape from the scotch and near the wall is kpripim carpet. Carpet must be prepared in advance and carved around the perimeter of the walls.

Securing one direction, starting from the corner to gradually sprinkle the protective strip from the tape and gradually fix the carpet, smoothing the roller from the center. And so gradually moving to the opposite wall. I want to note that the protective tape does not recommend a protective tape in advance, since dust, dirt, and other elements of construction garbage, when hitting a sticky tape, significantly reduce its effectiveness.

You can also lay the carpet on the tape, which glue throughout the room, as shown in the picture. In this case, the laying must be started from the angle, while the carpet must be prepared and twisted on the diagonal of the room. It is necessary to spin on the tape gradually, pressing the roller. Make sure that the folds are not formed, as it is not possible to remove them.

We put the carpet on the adhesive base

Two methods of laying carpet on the adhesive base are developed: single or double sizing. Singing is single, most often applied if there are smooth floors in the room. Double sizing is applied with inclinations or body tubes.

The principle of laying carpet with these methods resembles styling on tape. Glue placed on the floor with a toothed spatula. Carpet Staelim on the floor and cut it around the perimeter. I want to note that before applying glue, the floor should be clean and dry.

  • Next, we wrap half the carpet on the other half and on the ground we applied glue on the principle of the splitting of bilateral scotch.
  • Gently, flooring from above half of the carpet, smoothing out his roller.
  • After turning out the second half and do the same. We do everything quickly enough, as the glue is quickly grasped and dries.
  • While the adhesive basis has not yet dried, you will have the ability to align the folds and bubbles.

Double sizing implies the first sizing on the base of the floor cushion from the felt material, and only then on the pillow glue carpet. I want to note that with the adhesive method of laying carpet, it will not be possible to rebuild another coating, as it is necessary to change the base of the floor. It comes across cheap glue, which after a while will lose its adhesive properties and it is much more expensive than Scotch. Therefore, whether to choose this method of laying carpet choose you.

Video. Laying carpet on glue

We put carpet with tension

If you are a lover of change and creative nature, and want to put carpet on the uneven floor, and after a while, it is designed to remove the new coating after a while, the stretch method is designed for you. For stretch laying carpet, you will be needed - flu. This is a thin plank, at an angle of 45 degrees there are spikes. Carpet needs to acquire a special, which is designed for this method of laying, as well as the corresponding grip carpet.

Before starting, grippers lay out all over the perimeter of the walls at a certain distance from the walls. When buying grippers - the distance is indicated on the package. The upper island must look at the walls, and the lower should be restarted from the walls. Floor base should only be wooden or from linoleum.
Cutted carpet cutting along the outer edge on the infeel and a specially adapted instrument of the grippers through the carpet pushing to the walls. At the same time, the gripper by the upper episions will hold the coating, and the bottom cut into the floor. It does not give a stretched carpet to move back. We finish laying the installation of wide metal plinths that have a large hollow inside. These plinths will cover the coughs of the coatings around the perimeter.

There are cases when it is advisable to use a felt substrate. Usually, if necessary, this is indicated in the instructions on the packaging of carpet or flupers.

I think that you have verified that when laying carpet with different ways there are many subtleties. But all the ways, except for stretch styling, are quite accessible to the usual home builder!

Naked sex, even very beautiful, not like everyone. If the floor is on the most cheap materials without any decorative qualities, it will be very good to be made by carpet. Laying the carpet do it yourself - the case is simple, except for stretch laying. But let's talk first about the requirements for the room under carpet and the preparation of sex under it.

Where better not to hold the carpet

To determine the carpet uniquely impossible where the temperature and humidity during one day and at the continuation of more than three days go beyond the sanitary standards: the temperature from +18 to +27; Humidity up to 75%. Also, if the parameters of the microclimate change within the normal range, but sharply, for hours or two, the carpet also crashes.

But in the room, where during the year the temperature changes from +16 in winter to the outdoor summer, the carpet will lie well: its material will have time to adapt to changes in the microclimate. The residential balcony can be sealing carpet or on free laying (too small the floor area so that the flooring gets off), or fastening on stretch.

But in rooms with a warm floor, the carpet can not be carried out anyway. First, the warm floor itself will cease to perform its function: the convection of heated air through the coating will naturally not be; Heavyweight - too. Secondly, the gradient (difference) of temperatures in the thickness of the coating will turn out such that it will definitely crawl.

How much need carpet

With any method of laying, seams should be avoided. The point is not so much in aesthetics. Due to the temperature deformations of the slicing of the material or turn over each other, or the gap is formed between them, and the edges will split. Therefore, carpet needs to buy a solid piece in room size with a reserve of 30-40 cm on each side.

Floor preparation and coating

Flooring carpet will be well lying only on a flat smooth floor. Therefore, before stacking, you need to check the floor on the width in the width of the room to check the floor on the width and horizontality. The deviation within the room should not exceed 4-5 mm, otherwise the flooring crashes with any method of fastening. If the deviation exceeds the specified value, the floor must be aligned with the appropriate appointment: for stone or wood. On the wooden floor it is pre- to walk cycles.

To check the horizontal, the bubble level should be rewarded. It is done like this: set the level on the horizontal surface. Then, under one end, a match is applied and slowly move it to the middle, holding the other end with your fingers while the lateral risk is in the middle of the bubble. Then the caliper or ruler measure the distance from the hanging end of the level to the surface, and the calculation lead according to the rules of trigonometry for small angles.

For example: The level is 1 m long. rise of its end during graduation - 2 mm. When installing the level in the center of the room with a length of 5 m along the room, the bubble entered a quarter for risk. Then the deviation from the horizontal at the level of 1 m is 1 mm, and 5 mm is 5 mm on 5 meters. This is at the limit; Carpet will need to strengthen well throughout the area.

Preparation of carpet to stacking is reduced to its maintenance in the premises intended for this for at least three days. The thick roll of thermal insulation material should warm up to the temperature of the room, and the air between the Villages is to purchase its humidity.


For carpet, you will need special tools: a knife and a roller. Knife for carpet is similar not to the knife, but on the hand sewing machine: this is a rather solid aggregate in the form of an angle with a handle. The handle is pulling, pressing to the coating, and the side of the cut side comes on the side.

There are still light roller knives for carpet. It is not recommended to use novice to use them: in inept hands, such a knife sprouts in an inevitably, and the whole piece will be spoiled. The same thing happens if cutting the carpet with a regular mounting knife.

The roller for rolling the carpet is similar to the greasy, but wider and with a rather solid roller coating. A paint roller roll carpet can not: the roller coating particles will be switched into the pile, and the bands will remain, to get rid of which will not succeed.

These tools are not cheap, and for some other purposes are unsuitable. How to be here? Very simple: renting.

True professionals of the "carpet" case are often used for works by knee pads, but for once they, in principle, will not be needed.

How to make kencock

Imagine: you found a suitable piece of carpet in the remains, that is, inexpensive. But for the living room he is too big, and the seller does not want to cut - it will remain very places. But this residue in the area, if it is cut into the stripes, enough for the hallway, where to change the coating and so often. Or you, inactivity, you want to store the apartment with multi-colored stripes. In any case, you need to know how to make kennels of the carpet.

The junctions on the carpet are done like this: two pieces are laid with an adhesive of at least 4 cm. Then, two layers are cut through the joint line, before the floor, the ends are cut down, remove the sliced \u200b\u200binner strip, and they are released. A small burden happened - flexible-released in that place or roll the roller. Everything, the joke is ready.

For coercion junctions with other flooring, ordinary metal profiles are suitable. Moreover, in most cases, the junction will have on the doorway, where the flags will be by the way.

Methods of laying carpet

Fashion laying methods There are five:

  • Free laying.
  • Laying with fixation around the perimeter.
  • Laying with fixation double-sided scotch.
  • Laying on glue.
  • Staying with tension (stretch laying).

We will look at them in order of applicability to one or another premises and / or floors.

Free laying

To lay the carpet freely - it means just putting carpet on the floor as a carpet or a palace. It is advisable to make it on the balcony, in Chulana, adapted under the dressing room or in another narrow room without moving furniture. But if the homemade workshop is equipped in the Chulana, carpet there is nothing: damaged small details from the pile will not be caught, but then they are definitely, according to the law of meanness, backwards.

With a free laying, a suitable piece is placed on the floor by a brush, in the corners with scissors make V-shaped cuts under 90 degrees, and then cut around the perimeter. This is perhaps the only case when an amateur wovel can be recommended a light roller cutter for carpet: cuts lead, pushing the cutting roller into the angle. That's all.

Laying with fixation around the perimeter

For laying with fixation around the perimeter, plinths are first removed. The desired piece of coating is placed in the same way as with a free laying, a brush with a breakdown on the walls. Now rays, from the center to the edge, the roller smoothes the coating. Next is cut off, but the edges are left per wall by 30-40 mm. The edges are then sweeping under the bottom before the coincidence of the bend line with the wall, and install plinths on self-drawing or mounting nails. The wells under the fasteners head in the plinths close up with liquid nails into the tone of the plinth.

This method is very simple and economical, but is suitable only for premises with an ideal temperature and humid regime, completely even gender and intolerable furniture. The chair on the rollers, even special for carpets, double and wide, sooner or later the coating. Option - If you need to somehow cover up a completely non-zero floor to repair.

Video: Laying of carpet with fastening under plinth

Fixation on Scotch

For such fixation use double-sided adhesion. By 8 square meters M of the covered area will need 10 m tape regardless of its width. The width of the scotch for carpet is from 63 to 180 mm. Scotch 63 mm wide holds 2-3 years; 180 mm - 5-7 years.

First, around the perimeter along the walls and from the center, the scotch sticks with diverging rays, removing the protective tape on the one hand. Top-up scotch side should be closed yet.

Carpet on such a "crate" is placed from the tape, roll up and cut off, as described above. Then half of the coating wock the remaining half of the wrong out. Remove the protective tapes from the pasted bands of the Scotch and neatly rolling into the "crate" of the carpet. The same procedure is done on the other half.

The carpet on the scotch well lies on the uneven floor, if only that before stacking was purely washed. By this coating, you can ride in the chair on the carpet rollers and even dragging the dining table. If an ambulance or frequent carpet replacement is supposed, then the stacking on the tape is the only acceptable option. But this work requires accuracy and certain skills: after the carpet will fall on the tape, the wrinkles will not be smoothed. Therefore, with an independent stacking on the tape, the newcomer must first be trained in the coating rolling simply on the floor, without tape.

With the laying of the carpet on the tape, everything is simple: mentally divided the room into squares and gently glue tape. The wider and better - the longer will last.

Adhesive laying

There are two technologies for laying carpet with glue: with single and double sizing. Single sizing is applied on smooth floors; Double - on the bug and / or inclined at the limit.

When smoking, the role of the scotch bands perform strips of special glue for carpet, applied by a special gear spatula. The type of spatula recommended for this glue is indicated on its packaging. The glue of solid manufacturers is sold complete with a spatula.

For adhesive laying, carpet is laid on a clean dry floor, as for other ways of laying, and cut as for free styling, without a sovereign under the edge. Then wrap half, as when laying on the tape, and apply glue on the floor as well as Scotch bands: around the perimeter and rays from the center to the edges. Fill a twisted half, turn off the other, and the procedure is repeated. After that, roll over the coating with roller. It is necessary to work quickly until the glue began to grab.

When double-skinned, first glue a pillow from a felt or a special litter under the carpet, and already on it - the coating itself.

Carpet on glue is laid out once and for all. Metched when replacing the carpet in the case is already unsuitable, and it is necessary to remove the traces of glue from the floor. True, there are adhesives for carpet, which after a certain time losing their properties, like tape, but they are not cheaper than the scotch. However, there is a certain meaning in their application: for not climbing, it is possible to align wrinkles and bubbles.

Video: Laying carpet with gluing

Laying with tension

And how to put carpet and forever, and on an uneven floor, and so that you can remove, and then put again? So carpet is stacked with a stretch method, or with tension. Such styling is done with the help of special mounting elements - flu.

Gripper is a thin plank with protruding from it under 45 degrees. On different sides of the gripper, the island is directed opposite, that is, on one axis. Carpet must be designed for influenza styling, and the flu is approaching this carpet carpet. For the flooring, first choose the "gripper" carpet, and according to the specification to it - the milppers of the corresponding type.

Today, the choice of consumers offers a huge amount of outdoor materials with all sorts of advantages. One of the most practical facilities for the floor is considered to be carpet, which is capable of listening to one decade without losing its unique performance. At the same time, not every person who wants to fulfill such an event knows how to hold the carpet. Directly about the features of this process will be discussed in more detail.

Where better not to carry carpet?

Before independently laying carpet, you need to know in what places it is not recommended. As a rule, this material should not be treated in places with high humidity or sharp thermal differences. The product under consideration retains its technical properties only in temperature ranges from +18 to +27 ° C and humidity level not exceeding 75%. Laying the carpet with your own hands is prohibited in rooms equipped with a warm floor, since the difference in coating temperature and surrounding air will inevitably lead to the fact that the material will crawl. On the balcony, the product can only be laid if the air temperature in the winter is not less than +16 ° C.

Preparatory work

Carpet technology technology always provides for the conduct of preparatory work, in particular, the acquisition of the required amount of material, as well as cleaning the base of the floor. With any method of installation of the described product, seams should be avoided, which, due to thermal oscillations, can lead to deformation of the material and the layering of pieces on each other. As a result, the mounting of the carpet must be carried out by a solid piece, the supply of which in relation to the coating area should be about 30-40 cm. Excess the material upon completion of the work is neatly cut on each side.

Before properly retain the carpet, you need to take care of alignment of the base of the floor. This will require a suitable tool (construction level or flat rack), thanks to which the degree of height difference is established. The permissible indicator for the material under consideration is no more than 4-5 mm, otherwise the flooring will inevitably crawl with any selected fastening method. When the outdoor coating drop is above this value, the floor is aligned with the appropriate composition, and the wooden surfaces are pre-circular.

Set of tools

Before retaining carpet, you will need certain tools, the list of which includes:

  • roller;
  • a hammer;
  • fixing screws (screws).

The main tool for mounting works is a special knife, an externally resembling a manual sewing machine. This is a very massive device in the form of an angle with a handle, cutting a strip of material. Another tool is a wide roller for rolling carpet, designed to align the material before laying. The innovative coating of the mentioned product allows the alignment of the floor, not polluting the pile. Of course, such a tool is expensive and for any other construction purposes, it is not suitable for any other construction purposes, however, the quality installation of the carpet without these fixtures is practically impossible.

Actual ways of laying

Laying of the carpet with their own hands can be carried out by several relevant ways, such as:

  • free installation;
  • installation with tension;
  • fixation on the adhesive composition;
  • installation with fixation around the perimeter;
  • installation with fastening double-sided scotch.

How to properly retain the carpet, an unequivocal answer will not even give an experienced specialist. However, each of the listed methods has its own characteristic features, to take into account that it is necessary at mandatory with each laying of the material.

Features of free styling

How to proper a carpet with a free way of laying, can quickly master even an inexperienced person. Often, this installation method is used to fix outdoor material on the balcony, in Chulana or on any other limited area of \u200b\u200bthe room where there is no furniture. At the very beginning of the event, a piece of material is performed, splitting on the floor by a brush, after which the cuts of cuts with an angle of 90 ° are made in the corners. Next, the desired piece of the product is cut off, while the cut is carried out by pressing the cutting roller into the angle. Further, the carpet is simply spread to the floor, without pressing its ends by locking elements. This is the whole essence of the process, which can even be performed that even an unprepared person.

Mounting features with tension

How to raise carpet with tension, knows every experienced installer. Often this method is chosen when the floor base has noticeable irregularities, and the material for fixing can be installed, only stretching its structure. The laying of the carpet here is produced here with the help of special planks - jumpers - with an angle of 45 ° sticking from it at an angle. Not all types of outdoor material are suitable for installation by this method, so when buying a product, it is necessary to consult whether it is compatible with the flu.

Before putting carpet, the planks are folded perpendicular to the wall at a certain distance from each other. Next lace out the material, carefully pressing it to the bar, and cut along the edges of the grippers with a knife. This product plays the role of the retainer, reliably holding the carpet in a certain position, on the one hand, and "eating" to the floor on the other.

Features of laying on glue and scotch

Not many know how to retain carpet on glue or tape. In fact, there is nothing complicated here: initially the material is laid on a clean dry coating, cutting it without turning under the edge. Then wrap one edge and apply adhesive composition or double-sided adhesion. Before laying the carpet, wealing it a turned away, after which they go to the opposite area of \u200b\u200bthe room. To ensure better clutch with the surface, the material is recommended to be dissolved by a special roller. Work should be performed quickly, otherwise the adhesive mixture or tape will lose their fastening properties.

Facilities to lay the perimeter

Before sitting the carpet around the perimeter, you need to remove all the plinths in the room. The desired piece of material is spread as well as with a free mounting, wrapping the product from the wall. From the center to the edges smoothed the coating with a roller, wrapping part of the material (30-40 mm) under the wall and arriving with it with nails. At the final stage, plinths are installed that hide the locations of the carpet to the base. For reliability, you can additionally close the fasteners in the plinths with liquid nails.

Thus, how to carry carpet, can master every potential repairman, the main thing at the same time, to show zeal, get a special tool and accurately follow the instructions.

Carpet, very quickly "stuck" in almost every second apartment, in luxury offices and respectable hotels. And there is a lot of reasons for that.

Pile cover - very warm, universal, and laying of carpet on the floor does not require complex equipment or specialized skills and knowledge

What is an attractive pile cover? He has many positive qualities. Some depend on the type of selected coating, others are inherent in carpet, as a material at all.

Carpet is a multilayer material consisting of several layers.

Decorative - pile of three types:

  1. Looped - floor covering with continuous loops of the same height. Due to the diversity of the thickness of the thread and the location density of the looping, a variety of decors are obtained, the degree of stiffness of the pamper layer varies, stability resistance. Some manufacturers produce carpet with a bulk pattern, which is obtained by loops of different lengths. Outwardly, it looks very exquisite, but without an antoon personality.
  2. Street (cut) - the height of the loop is coated to a certain level and the short-track (2-3 mm), stretching (3-5 mm) and high-voltage (from 5 mm and above) carpeted coating is obtained.
  3. Combined, combining different processing of the looped layer, intersecting stitches, etc.

The primary basis - the pile fixes, provides a stable form of carpet. It is made from the intestinal (polypropylene) or nonwoven (polyamide) of the material. The first is used for coatings with stable dimensions, and the second - in the elastic products to be molded, for example, in the automotive industry.

A binding segment - designed to fix the threads of the pile. Latex, hardening coating, or dispersion material based on PVC, PVC, polyurethane or polyacrylate is used as a gluing compound. Special additives are introduced into the carpet covering of antistatic or fire-resistant properties in Latex.

The secondary basis is an outcomed textile layer (jute, felt) or foamed latex. Applies the finished product of elasticity, excellent elasticity, wear resistance, anti-slip, shrink resistance, noise and thermal insulation properties.

Due to its components, the carpet flooring has excellent performance, simplicity in laying and care, is distinguished by low moisture permeability and relatively low cost.

The choice of carpet for one or another room directly depends on the type of its base, fiber, pile and yarn.

The first thing to pay attention is the density (density) and the height of the pile. It is from this indicator that it depends on how long the coating will retain its initial pomp and elasticity - it will not catch it, will not replace.

A carpet with a dense and low pile refers to the category of commercial and semi-dimensional coatings, suitable for rooms with high permeability. For home use, you can choose medium and high-pass products.

In the production of carpet can be used both natural and artificial fibers. Despite the fact that "Natural" has always been synonymous with "high quality", in the case of carpeting, synthetic canvases are becoming increasingly popular. This is due to the fact that they are more durable, hygienic and durable.

Natural also have many advantages: softness, elasticity, high heat and sound insulation. But everyone overlap significant disadvantages: the ability to cause an allergic reaction, the appearance of small insects and ticks, high price.

When choosing a product, it is worth paying attention to the needle and taft carpet. These types of more wear-resistant, their cost is significantly lower than woven varieties. Yes, and the number of designs is incomparable.

Among other things, one should not be ignored by such factors as a coating manufacturer. The leading positions occupy German, Dutch and Belgian companies (Domo, Ideal and others).

Methods of installation

Often, buyers when buying raises the question - how to string carpet. To do this, you can choose one of four ways. It all depends on the size of the room and the level of loads.

Floored without gluing

The least labor cost procedure is fixing by plinths. Actual only for small residential or economic premises with a smooth, dry base.

First you need to carefully disseminate the cut, align it and place the line of the subside. Prepared carpet is cleaned.

Now it is necessary to remove the plinth, put the coating on the floor and align. The edges are fenced, the coating is neatly rolled with a roller, bloating and races are eliminated. Last bar - installation of plinths.

Fastening on bilateral scotch

It is used when it is necessary to lay a solid piece of carpet: we glue to the semi-perimeter of the room or squares. It is starting from the selected wall, the carp rolled carpet with a mandatory rolling with a heavy roller is stacked.

The flooring should be made carefully, without a rush, as the correction of inaccuracies will take a long time.

Stretch fastening with tension

In this case, special devices will be required - flu and.

Before laying, the grippers are placed along the walls, the coating is put on their island, that is, the top hold the carpet, and the lower cut into the floor (the impenetrable base is not suitable for such a fastener). The plinth is stacked on top.

Laying on water distribution or polyvinyl acetate glue

This method requires speed, as the working time of the mixture is about 20-25 minutes. After that, the composition is frozen, and before re-applying, you must first remove dried.

Carpet spreads on the floor and folds in half. A thin layer of adhesive mixture is applied to the free base with a toothaper.

For large areas, it is recommended to use the same principle as when mounting on double-sided adhesion, that is, squares. Next, carpet is laid, rolling with roller. The same procedure is repeated from the second half of the coating.

In some cases, when laying a coating on glue, it is recommended to first glue the substrate from felt, noise insulating materials, foamed polyethylene and others. But in reality, the laying of the carpet to the substrate is not recommended, since such a design creates a big backlash. When walking, the coating is strongly stretched, in the most loaded places the material is quickly engaged, it is destroyed and comes in disrepair.

Maintainability of the carpet - the concept of conditional, and all the problems are most often eliminated by a complete replacement.

How to properly prepare a foundation for carpet

Like all floor coverings, carpet requires even, durable, solid and dry base. Spots of oil, old paintwork, mastic should be removed.

It is desirable to pre-align:

  1. Concrete - with the help of cement-sand screed, bulk black floors or leveling in plaster basis. The grinding of concrete is allowed or applying a filling putty mixture quick-drying.
  2. Wooden - grinding, eliminating defects with a wood putty. All weak items need to be secured by self-drawing. Ideally - form, chipboard or OSP.

A permissible base differential is no more than 2 mm for each meter, the moisture content of concrete is up to 6%, wood or its derivatives - up to 12%.

Before laying, the base is thoroughly cleaned with the help of a construction vacuum cleaner, it is grounded with impregnation of deep penetration.

After that, you can already decide how to retain carpet: without gluing (fixation by plinths), for glue or tape.

Stacking technology - stages of work

When buying, it is necessary to take into account the allowances up to 10 cm on each side. This will give the opportunity to put carpet clearly around the perimeter.

Video - How to put carpet with your own hands:

If the coating is composed of several pieces, you need to follow the direction of the pile - strictly in one direction. Otherwise, the integrity of the drawing will violate. It is desirable that all the plots of dusts are located along the lighting line (along the windows).

After preparing the founding of the carpet, you need to decompose, thoroughly align and carefully carve out a special knife location of pipes, angles, etc.

The next step is to apply glue. Half of the canvase is rejected, the composition is distributed on the basis. Next, the carpet is spread and smoothed. The same is done with the second half.

If 2 or more pieces are used for the room, it is not recommended to make joints in the middle of the room. It is allowed to use glue "Cold welding" to fuel the fibers of the pile.

Laying the carpet in parts involves the mandatory gluing of the joints or with a scotch, or the adhesive composition. In this case, it is important to comply with the technology of cutting. The edges of the canvases are stacked by braziness, pressed with a metal line and both canvas cut through. Trimming are removed, and the joke is perfectly accurate.

If carpet pieces are quite large, then gluing to the floor with the edge connection is allowed.

One of the advantages of the carpet is that its installation does not require much time and auxiliary equipment, equipment and unnecessary investments. The material is unpretentious, it is relatively different from the fellow fact that in any room creates a feeling of comfort and home comfort.

Video - Secrets on the laying of carpet: