Repair Design Furniture

How to calculate the required volume of the board? Calculation of the volume of lumber The volume of one board is 4 meters

The construction of a private house, summer house or any other building requires an estimate. It indicates the amount of building materials and their cost. There are several methods for performing the corresponding calculations. Plank is a common material that is used everywhere. In order to determine how many boards are in a cube, you need to familiarize yourself with the calculation options and the nuances of this process.

How many boards are in a cube: types of lumber and features of their calculation

The boards used in the construction of houses and other structures differ in several ways. First of all, the material from which they are made is taken into account. The technical characteristics of the product depend on the type of wood. Depending on the method of production, these building elements are divided into types:

  • edged;

  • unedged.

The first of them belong to the highest grade and have the correct shape, since all their faces are amenable to processing. In turn, unedged products are most often used to organize rough flooring, etc. The peculiarity of this material is that its lateral edges are not processed, they contain bark and have a natural shape. This simplifies the production of unedged boards and affects its cost.

In order to answer the question of how to calculate the cube of a board, you must first decide which of the materials will be used in the construction process. For example, it is easier to calculate the cubic capacity and cost of a cut part, since it has a geometrically correct shape.

For unedged products, there are constant values ​​that are arithmetic mean numbers. The table of boards in a cube in this case is not always suitable, since it takes into account the rounding of even edged lumber.

Separately, it should be said about building materials for finishing. This group includes lining, block house and products that imitate timber. The design of these finished parts includes special ribs and grooves necessary for the tight connection of individual elements to each other.

Useful information! When calculating the finishing lumber, you need to focus only on the dimensions of the main part of the board. Thus, the size of the tool joints is not taken into account, only the numerical values ​​of the product body are taken for the calculation.

Regardless of which type of material is used, a single formula is used to calculate the number of boards in a cube. An exception in this case is unedged products. Their calculation has its own characteristics, because such parts do not have all the faces necessary for the calculation.

Cube volume formula: how many edged boards in 1 cubic meter

A cube is a geometric figure that consists of 6 equivalent faces. Each of them is a square. To determine the volume of this figure, it is necessary to multiply 3 indicators among themselves:

  • length;

  • width;
  • height.

In order to find out how many boards are in 1 cube, you need to multiply several values. The result is a mathematical expression that looks like this:

V = h x b x L, where:

h is the height of the cut product (m);

b - element width (m);

L - length of one part (m).

Using this formula, you can determine the volume of 1 element. It is important to remember that when carrying out the calculation, it is necessary to convert the millimeter values ​​of the product into meters. For example, in order to determine how many 25x150x6000 boards are in a cube, you will need to convert the numbers by multiplying them by 0.001. The finished mathematical expression after such a transformation will look like this:

V = 0.025 x 0.15 x 6

The result is that the volume of one piece of wood is 0.0225 cubic meters (m³). Next, it remains to calculate how many pieces of edged boards are contained in 1 cubic meter. There is a simple formula for this. It means dividing 1 cubic meter by the volume of 1 board, which was obtained using the previous mathematical expression. Let's consider the calculation using an example:

1 m³ / 0.0225 m³ = 44.4

Thus, 1 cubic meter contains approximately (if rounded off) 44 boards. After that, it is already possible to independently determine the amount of material required for the construction of a specific structure. And also at this stage, you can draw up a general estimate indicating the price of edged boards per cubic meter.

To calculate the cost of 1 edged board, a mathematical expression is used, which implies multiplying the volume of 1 part by the price of a cubic meter. Let's take an example:

0.0225 x 8200 rubles. = RUB 184.5

The calculation showed that the cost of 1 edged product will be approximately 184 rubles. If the cost of 1 part is known, but it is necessary to calculate the price of a cube of a board, you need to do the reverse manipulation. In this situation, you will need to divide the price for 1 item (184.5) by its volume (0.0225).

Note! Sometimes, especially when buying a small batch of boards, there is confusion with the decimal places. In some cases, sellers of sawn timber deliberately expose the cost, calculated by rounding up to 3 numbers. However, by law, this value is only suitable for large batches of boards. When purchasing several products, it is recommended to round in accordance with GOST, namely to 0.000001 m³.

When calculating the amount of boards and the cost of lumber per cubic meter, it is advisable to take into account unplanned losses, which very often occur during construction. Therefore, it is recommended to buy edged products with a small stock (several pieces).

How many boards in a cube: calculation of unedged lumber

The calculation of the cubic capacity of an unedged board has some nuances, since its shape is not correct. Such material does not have a rectangular section along its entire length, therefore it is used to organize temporary structures. The lower and upper surfaces of the unedged board must be processed along the entire length. Otherwise, this product is a side part of the log (slab).

To find the volume of unedged lumber in 1 cubic meter, as well as its amount, there are several methods. It should be noted right away that it is rather difficult to determine how many boards are in one cube when it comes to irregular geometric shapes. Therefore, the initial numbers obtained when calculating unedged parts will be an approximate figure.

Consider what methods are used to calculate the cubic capacity and the amount of unedged sawn timber:

  • batch;
  • piece by piece;
  • sampling method.

In the first case, you will need to load the lumber into a bag that must have the correct shape. After the bookmark, you need to measure the desired indicators. The following is a standard procedure for determining the volume using the measured values. This method is most common for products that do not have clear edges. For example, using it you can calculate the cubes of a 25x150x6000 board in a cube (unedged).

It is worth noting that this type of mathematical expression uses a special coefficient (for the width), which is the arithmetic mean. Although this option is not fast, it allows you to answer the question of how to calculate the cube of the board.

The piece-by-piece method involves the use of numbers corresponding to the arithmetic mean of the height and width of the trimmed product. These values ​​are calculated in meters.

In order to find the arithmetic mean, it is necessary to measure the board. The minimum width (at the narrowest point) and the maximum are measured. Further, both indicators are added and divided in half. After that, the same height manipulation is performed. The numbers obtained during the calculation must be multiplied by each other and by the length of the product.

Let's see how it looks like a mathematical expression:

(b max + b min) / 2 x (h max + h min) / 2 x L = V

Using such a formula, it will not be difficult to determine the volume of 1 unedged element and answer the question of how to calculate the cubic capacity of a part. After obtaining this value, you can calculate the total number of boards in a cubic meter. For such a calculation, you will need to use a formula similar to the trimmed part (a cubic meter is divided by the volume of the product).

Useful information ! When buying raw boards, you need to be careful. Sellers should use a factor that affects the reduction in total volume, taking into account future shrinkage. To calculate wet coniferous products, 1 cubic meter must be multiplied by 0.96. In turn, the coefficient for hardwood is 0.95.

The last way to determine the volume of lumber and its quantity in 1 cubic meter is the sampling method. It is used when calculating large batches of wooden building materials. The essence of this method is that several boards are selected from the total mass. Then the parts are measured and calculated in accordance with the piece-by-piece method. The resulting numbers are multiplied by the total number of parts in the batch.

How many boards in a cube 50x150x6000 in a cube: payment

As an example, you can take an unedged product with dimensions of 50 by 150 by 6000 mm. First, we convert millimeters to meters. Some people don't know how many millimeters are in 1 meter. To convert, you need to multiply the required number in mm by a factor of 0.001. In its finished form (with substituted values), the formula will look like this:

(0.155 + 0.145) / 2 x (0.055 + 0.045) / 2 x 6 = V

Related article:

The main criteria for choosing a finished product. Comparison of prices from well-known manufacturers.

After adding and dividing by 2, we get the arithmetic average of the width and height of the unedged part. Thus, the formula takes on a more understandable, standard form:

0.15 x 0.05 x 6 = 0.045

This is how the calculation is made, the result of which is finding the volume of 1 board. To determine the number of products in 1 cubic meter, the same formula is used as in the case of an edged analogue.

If necessary, you can calculate the area of ​​one board. Most often this is required when the manufacturer indicates the price per square meter, and not per cubic meter. The area formula involves multiplying the width of a part by its length. It is important in this case not to be mistaken and not to forget to convert millimeters to meters.

In order to determine the cost, the same formula is used as in the case of edged lumber. You just need to multiply the volume of 1 part by the amount that corresponds to the total price of the cube. This is how the cubes are calculated in the cube of a 50x150x6000 board.

Calculating a board using an online calculator

Perhaps the easiest way (along with the lumber cubes table) to determine the exact value of the volume and number of wooden planks is an online calculator. It is a program with predetermined algorithms that allow you to calculate all the required values ​​of lumber. This method makes it possible to calculate not only the edged board, but also other varieties of these products.

Note! In order to avoid the likelihood of an error when calculating the material on the online calculator, you should immediately indicate for which board the measurement is used.

The process itself is quite simple. First, you need to find a calculator on one of the specialized sites using the search line of your browser. Next, you need to enter the necessary indicators in the appropriate cells. The cube board calculator will calculate on its own.

This method is popular and allows you to quickly and accurately determine all the desired values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof the lumber. When using the calculator, it is recommended to check the filling accuracy several times. In the event of an error, the calculation will be performed incorrectly, which is fraught with serious discrepancies in the final figures.

How many boards in a cube: table (6 meters)and tips for its use

The last method to determine the quantity and volume of wood products is to use a special table. This method is very convenient, as it does not require long calculations. All that is needed is simply to find the desired value in the table using the original data (width, height and length).

In order to quickly find the correct answer to the question of how many boards are in one cube, the table is best suited. However, experts point out one drawback of this method: numbers corresponding to cubic capacity or quantity are often rounded. Therefore, if you need to perform the most accurate calculation, it is recommended to carry out all the calculations yourself.

The volume of edged boards in a cube:

Board dimensions, mm

Length, m Volume of 1 piece, m³
50 to 200 6 0,06
30 to 100 0,018
20 to 150 0,018
30 to 150 0,027
20 to 200 0,024
30 to 200 0,036
25 to 100 0,015
40 to 100 0,024
25 to 150 0,0225
40 to 150 0,036
25 to 200 0,03
50 to 100 0,03
40 to 200 0,048
50 to 150 0,045
20 to 100 0,012

In addition, before starting the search for the desired value, it is advisable to make sure that the length of the lumber is consistent. The tables can be different, containing information on the cubic capacity of boards with a length of 3, 4 or 6 meters. Today, the most common products are wooden products, the length of which is 6 meters. How many boards are in one cube? The table to determine the amount of lumber also uses rounded values.

Do not forget that the board can be made from different types of wood. Therefore, before starting to use the table, it is recommended to make sure that you have selected the type of lumber you need.

How many boards are in 1 cube: table (6 meters):

Board dimensions, mm

Length, m Number of pieces in 1 m³

The tabular method is good in that it does not require calculations or self-filling in the overall and other values ​​of the lumber to get an answer. It is suitable for determining the cubic capacity, and also allows you to answer the question of how many boards are in a cube. The table is ideal for calculating large quantities of a product.

Prices of edged boards per cube: 50x150x6000and other varieties

Today in the construction market you can find many types of lumber. All of them are differentiated not only by size, but also by the type of wood from which they were made. And also the cost of these products is influenced by the production technology and their purpose. In order to find out how much a cube of a board costs, you need to familiarize yourself with all the varieties of these parts.

The most popular in the construction of private houses, summer cottages, as well as other structures is the classic edged board. It can be of 1st and 2nd grade. The first option is more expensive, as it has higher technical characteristics and durability.

Useful information! The price for an edged board of the 1st grade is approximately 7,500 rubles. for 1 cubic meter Products that belong to a lower quality group cost about 4-6 thousand rubles. for 1 m³.

The width and height of the boards, as a rule, do not affect their value. This is due to the fact that in a cubic meter, regardless of the dimensions of the timber, there will be the same number of parts. In the sense that for the same price you will receive 44 edged boards 25x1500x6000 (price per cube: 7500 rubles) or 22 parts 50x150 having the same length.

Separately, it should be said about edged boards made in accordance with technical conditions (TU). Lumber of this type costs on average about 7,000 rubles. per cubic meter Such boards have good quality characteristics and can be used in the construction of various structures.

Unedged products are cheaper because they are of lower quality. Their cost is calculated using averaged values. The price of unedged sawn timber ranges from 4 to 5 thousand rubles. However, they are not recommended for construction. It is better to use better quality lumber, for example, edged board 40x150x6000 (price per cube: 7500) or similar products with other dimensions.

When buying wood lumber, you need to pay attention to some points. For example, the board must be flat. The curvature of the product most often indicates that the technology was violated during its production. Such parts are not used in construction, as they do not have the required quality.

How much does the cube of the board weigh? When purchasing this building material, its weight should be taken into account. For example, an edged board made from dry spruce weighs 450 kg (1 cubic meter). 1 m³ of raw product has a mass of 790 kg. Dry pine has a weight of 470, and wet - 890 kg. This knowledge will be needed when transporting products.

When choosing lumber and calculating it, you need to be careful. The board should not have cracks, chips or other defects. Small cracks are allowed, but it is recommended to buy a solid, high-quality product that meets GOST. And also you should pay attention to the presence of knots. This is due to the fact that they negatively affect the strength of the wooden part. The choice of the calculation method depends on the specific case. If necessary, you can always use the services of specialists who will help you perform the correct calculation and make an estimate.

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Our task is to learn how to independently calculate the volume of lumber.

Simple geometry

The volume of a rectangular product

The simplest computational task is to calculate the cubic capacity of a product of the correct shape. From the point of view of geometry, we have a rectangular parallelepiped, the volume of which, as you know, is equal to the product of the lengths of all its sides.

An important point: in order to get the result in cubic meters, all dimensions of the lumber must first be converted into meters.

Let's calculate the cubic capacity of a product with a section of 200x50 mm and a length of 6 meters.

  1. We convert sizes to SI units. In meters, they correspond to 0.2x0.05x6;
  2. We multiply these values. 0.2 * 0.05 * 6 = 0.06 m3.

The shape of the edged board is a rectangular parallelepiped.


What is the price of a material of a known cubic capacity? As you might guess, it is equal to the product of the number of cubes by the cost of a cubic meter. So, if a cube of lumber costs 6400 rubles, its unit of 0.06 m3 will cost the buyer 6400 * 0.06 = 384 rubles.

Number of products in a cube

Not much more complicated than the instructions described above for calculating the amount of lumber per cubic meter.

Here the task is broken down into two stages:

  1. The volume of a lumber unit is calculated;
  2. The number of units per cubic meter is calculated as the ratio of 1 cubic meter to the calculated volume.

So, in the above case, the number of boards in a cube is 1 / 0.06 = 16, (6).


Let's use common sense:

  • The tongue and groove lock is a groove on one side of the product and a ridge on the other side. In this case, the dimensions of the groove and the ridge are equal to each other with a minimum error;
  • Accordingly, we can simply discard the ridge size and neglect the groove, calculating the cubic capacity of a lumber unit without a lock. To obtain m3 for one board, its working width is multiplied by the thickness and length.


Calculation for trimming

The calculation is extremely simple. It has been experimentally established that when filing, about 20% of sawn timber goes to waste. Accordingly, they need to be purchased with an amendment factor of 1.2, that is, to obtain 1m3 of trim, it is necessary to purchase 1.2 cubic meters of unedged material.

Settlement upon purchase

Let's turn to the regulatory documentation, and the answers we need can be found in:

  • GOST 13-24-86, which regulates methods for calculating the cubic capacity of unedged wooden boards;
  • GOST 6564-84, which describes the control rules for sawn timber (including dimensioning).

However, to begin with, let's remember what the material of interest to us is. This is a fragment of a trunk sawn in two parallel planes.

Accordingly, the trapezoidal shape can have:

  1. Plasti (large sides);
  2. Section.

In addition: on the sides of the board, there may be unrooted areas and wane.

With the thickness, everything is simple: it is constant along the entire length and, according to the standards of GOST 6564-84, is determined using a caliper in accordance with GOST 166 or a measuring ruler in accordance with GOST 427. The measurement is carried out anywhere, but not closer than 150 mm from the end.

Longitudinal dimension is measured at the smallest distance between opposite ends. The result is rounded to the second decimal place (in other words, to the centimeter).

The main problem is measuring the width.

It can be defined:

  • In general - in the middle of the lumber, as half the sum of the widths of both layers. In this case, the bark and bast are not taken into account, the shares less than 5 mm are also considered, and the shares over 5 mm are considered 10 mm;
  • With a noticeable deviation of the edges from parallel - at an equal distance from the ends on the face without wane.

It would seem that the further is clear: the cubic capacity of lumber is defined as the product of its overall dimensions. However, not all so simple. The text of GOST 13-24-26 contains an interesting table: how many unedged boards are in a cube depends on its moisture content and on whether it is deciduous or in question.

At humidity over 20%, correction factors are used:

Group of wood species Coefficient
Conifers 0,96
Deciduous 0,95

At humidity up to 20%, the coefficients are not applied. How many unedged boards are in a cube can be determined without measuring each individual unit of lumber.

In this we will be helped by another table of the cubic capacity of unedged boards contained in GOST 13-24-86, depending on its stored volume.


If there are no problems with the determination of weight and volume, for example, when buying liquids or bulk materials, then the opposite is true with timber. Here the system for determining the volume of the required amount of a given raw material raises a lot of questions, from the fact that no one wants to pay extra money.



2. First, the measured batch of business slab should be sorted into 2 groups. One group consists of boards with a length of more than 2 m, the other - less than 2 m. Stacking in a pile is made with thick and thin ends alternately in different directions, while the surface of the slab remains at the bottom and top. The stack must be super compact and tightly stacked at right angles and of the same height.

4. The volume of coniferous and deciduous sawn timber can be determined by two methods. The 1st method provides for the frozen entire bar or board, and after that the volume, after which the results are summed up.


6. It is absolutely worthwhile to dwell separately on measuring the cubic capacity of a round forests... Here it is possible to measure each log separately - the length and width of the upper and lower ends. Special tables on which these calculations are made are called cubes, which were discussed above.

7. Later, after the volume of the entire log is measured separately, addition is performed, and the total cubic capacity is obtained. Currently, there is a corresponding computer program more closely.

If, for example, there are no problems with the determination of weight and volume, for example, when buying liquids or bulk materials, then the opposite is true with timber. Here the system for determining the volume of the required amount of a given raw material raises a lot of questions, from the fact that no one wants to pay extra money.


1. It turns out that in the distance, not all customers have an idea of ​​how many types of wood actually exist. And tea, it differs from each other in the degree of processing, type, grade, which directly affects its cost. Here's how the slab volume is calculated - a hefty type of lumber in demand.

2. First, the measured batch of business slab should be sorted into 2 groups. One group consists of boards with a length of more than 2 m, the other - less than 2 m. Stacking in a pile is made with thick and thin ends alternately in different directions, while the surface of the slab remains at the bottom and top. The stack must be super compact and tightly stacked at right angles and of the same height.

4. The volume of sawn timber made of coniferous and deciduous wood can be determined by two methods. The 1st method provides for the freezing of any bar or board, and then the volume, after which the results are summed up.

5. Method 2 - with the help of a cubature, a special table prepared for determining the volume of such sawn timber. The measurement of boards related to unedged sawn timber is made in a slightly different way. In this case, the width of one-sided edged and unedged boards is calculated as half the sum of the upper and lower planes.

6. It is unconditional that it is worth dwelling separately on the measurement of the volume of round wood. Here it is possible to measure each log separately - the length and width of the upper and lower ends. Special tables on which these calculations are made are called cubes, which were discussed above.

7. Later, after the volume of each log is measured separately, the addition is made and the total cubic capacity is obtained. Currently, there is a corresponding computer program more closely.

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16.06.2014 21:04

After all the ideas for the implementation of building a house have been worked out and the final version of building a house from a rounded log has been chosen, the question arises how much such a house will cost you. To determine the cost of building a log house from rounded logs , you need to know how many cubes of logs are in this log house. In this article, we will try to explain in detail how to calculate the cubic capacity for the construction of a rounded log.

Calculation of the cubic capacity of a rounded log

The easiest way to calculate is by the formula - πr². H

Π — 3,14

r² - the radius of the rounded logs squared

H - the length of the rounded log

We substitute the data into the formula:

3.14 * (0.11 m) ² * 6m = 0.228 m3

So, we got how many cubes are in one rounded log with a diameter of 220 mm. Next, you need to calculate how many logs in your house and multiply the resulting amount by the cubic capacity of one log (0.228 m3). It is easy to calculate the number of logs in the wall, but initially you need to determine for yourself what height the floor will be.

Calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber is not an easy task, but it is necessary

It is also necessary to add 7% to the obtained height by shrinkage if the log is of natural moisture.

For example, the height of the first floor is 2.9 meters. The height of one log 220 mm minus the lunar groove will be 190.5 mm. Next, we divide the height of the floor 2.9m by the thickness of the log without a groove - 0.19m, having converted all the numbers into meters in advance.

2.9: 0.19 = 15.26 pieces. We received the required number of logs with a diameter of 220mm in order to build a 2.9 meter high floor. It is necessary not to forget and add 7% for the shrinkage of the house. The total is 16 crowns. Now, in order to find out the total volume of the floor of a 6x6 house, with a height of 16 crowns, you need to perform the following calculation:

16 (crowns) * 4 (walls) * 0.228 (volume of one log) = 14.6 m3 of a log. Now, in order to find out the cost of a rounded log for the entire frame, you need to multiply the number of cubes obtained by the price of a log for one cubic meter. The cost of one meter of a cubic rounded log can be found out here .

To perform calculations for other log diameters, we bring to your attention a number of pre-calculated tables, using which you will surely find answers to your questions.

The article was prepared by the company ASK Aegis which performs construction of houses from logs and renders wide range of construction services in the suburban housing market.

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Methodology for calculating the mass and volume of felling residues

One of the tasks in the development of a draft technological regulation of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Process is to calculate the mass and volume of felling residues formed during the cutting of green spaces (tree demolition) in the construction or demolition zone.

There is no official methodology for calculating the mass and volume of felling residues for these purposes in the Russian Federation. The initial data for such calculations are information on the trees to be cut down (species, height and thickness at a height of 1.3 m) and shrubs (young stands) listed in the inventory list from the design documentation for the construction (demolition) object.

This article presents a methodology for calculating the mass and volume of felling residues, developed in our company. As a basis for its development, the tabular data of the All-Union standards for forest taxation, approved by the Order of the State Committee for Forestry of the USSR dated February 28, 1989, No. 38, were used.

1) The data in Table 17 "Trunk volumes (in bark) in young stands in height and diameter at a height of 1.3 m" - to determine the volume of trunks of young growth and shrubs.

Round log box

As a result of processing the above data to determine the average ratio between the diameter (D), height (h) and volume (V) of one trunk, the calculated shape factor (Kp from Table 1) was determined, which, with an accuracy of +/- 10%, allows to determine the volume of the trunk by formula Vst = Kn * h * pD2 / 4.

2) The data of tables 18 and 19 "Volumes of trunks (in bark) of tree species in height and diameter at a height of 1.3 m with an average shape factor" "- to determine the volume of trunks of various tree species. As a result of processing the above data to determine the average ratio between the diameter (D), height (h) and volume (Vst) of one trunk, the calculated coefficients were determined for some of the tree species listed in the table, which, with an accuracy of +/- 10%, makes it possible to determine the volume of the trunk according to the formula Vst = Kn * h * pD2 / 4. Calculated form factors are given in table 1

3) Table data 185 “Mass of 1 cubic meter. m and the volume of 1 ton of wood of different species "- to determine the mass of wood, we used the values ​​of the mass of one cubic meter of the corresponding wood species from the column" freshly cut ", or from the column" dry "- for dead wood.

4) Data from table 206 "Volume of bark, branches, stumps and roots" to determine the volume of branches and branches, as well as stumps and roots as a percentage of the volume of trunks. For the calculation, the average values ​​from the interval given in the tables were used. The volume of branches and branches - 7% of the volume of the trunks, the volume of stumps and roots - 23% of the volume of the trunks.

5) The data of table 187 "Coefficients of full wood content of brushwood and chmyz" - to determine the fold volume of branches and branches from full wood volume using a conversion factor equal to 10.

FKKO-2014 contains codes for the following waste:

1 52 110 01 21 5 Waste of branches, branches, tops from logging

1 52 110 02 21 5 Waste from the removal of stumps

1 54 110 01 21 5 Wastes of low-value wood (brushwood, dead wood, fragments of trunks).

Consequently, the calculation of the mass and volume of felling residues must be calculated by type of waste:

  • the trunks of trees, young growth and shrubs cut down according to the inventory list can be attributed to waste of low-value wood (brushwood, dead wood, fragments of trunks);
  • twigs and branches - to waste branches, branches, tops from logging;
  • stumps and roots - to waste of uprooting stumps.

For the technological regulations of the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Process, it is necessary to calculate the mass of waste, but for temporary storage in storage bins and their removal from the construction site, it is also necessary to estimate the volume of felling residues, and in the storage volume.

The calculation is made using the Excel application. An example of an Excel page table header is shown in Table 2.

The calculation was made in the following order:

1) Filling in the initial data according to the counting sheet;

column 2 - line number of the counting sheet;

column 3 - wood species;

column 4 - the number of trees;

column 5 - the minimum diameter of the trunk from the interval specified in the listing;

column 6 - the only value of the trunk diameter indicated in the listing;

column 7 - the maximum diameter of the trunk from the interval indicated in the listing;

column 8 - the minimum height of the trunk from the interval indicated in the counting sheet;

column 9 - the only value of the trunk height indicated in the counting sheet;

column 10 - the maximum height of the trunk from the interval indicated in the counting sheet;

column 11 - additional number of trunks - if in the column "characteristic of the state of green spaces" n trunks for one tree are indicated, then in column 11 it is indicated (<значение графы 11>= (n-1) *<значение графы 4>.

2) Calculation of the average value of the trunk diameter in the presence of an interval:<среднее значение диаметра ствола (графа 6)> = (<значение минимального диаметра (графа 5)>+<максимальное значение диметра (графа 7)>)/2;

3) Determination of the volume of one barrel<объем ствола (графа 12)>produced according to Vst = Kn * h * pD2 / 4, where Kn is the corresponding form factor from Table 1, D is the average diameter of the trunk, h is the average height of the trunk. Calculation of the volume of one trunk:<объем ствола в куб.м (графа 12)>= Кn * π * (<диаметр ствола в см (графа 6>/100)* (<диаметр ствола в см (графа 6>/100)*< высота ствола в м (графа 9)>/ 4);

4) Calculation of a dense measure of the volume of trunks Vpl = Vst * nst, where nst is the total number of trunks:<плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)> = <средний объем ствола в куб.м (графа 12)>*(<число деревьев или кустов (графа 4)>+<число дополнительных стволов (графы 11)>). For one bush, the number of additional trunks is assumed to be 5 .;

5) Calculation of the storage measure (when storing or transporting, it is necessary to take into account the average volume of space occupied by the trunks of trees or bushes:<складочная мера объема стволов (графа 14)>= <плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)>* 4 / p;

6) The calculation of the volume of branches and branches, depending on the volume of the trunk, is carried out in accordance with paragraph d) of this article:<объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)> = <плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)> *<переводной коэффициент (графа 15=0,007)>... In a fold measure - in accordance with paragraph e) of this article:<объем сучьев и ветвей в складочной мере (графа 18)> = <объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)>*<переводной коэффициент (графа 17=10)>;

7) The calculation of the volume of stumps and roots from the volume of the trunk is carried out in accordance with paragraph d) of this article:<объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)> = < плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)>*<переводной коэффициент (графа 19=0,23)>... In the fold measure, the volume of stumps and roots is taken in a double volume:<объем пней и корней в складочной мере (графа 21)> =<объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)>*2.

8) Calculation of the total volume of wood in a dense measure:<полный объем (графа 22)> = <объем стволов в плотной мере (графа 13)>+<объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)>+< объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)>;

9) Calculation of the total volume of wood in the stacking measure (this indicator most objectively allows you to assess the need for the capacity of the bodies (containers) of vehicles for the removal of felling residues):<полный объем древесины в складочной мере (графа 23)> = <складочная мера объема стволов (графа 14)>+ <объем сучьев и ветвей в складочной мере (графа 18)>+ <объем пней и корней в складочной мере (графа 21)>

10) The volumetric weight of wood in a dense measure (density in t / m3) is recorded in column 24 according to paragraph c) of this article, for species that are not in table 185 - in accordance with Appendix 3 to SNiP II-25-80 (Density of wood and plywood ).

11) Calculation of the weight of the trunks:<вес стволов (графа 22)> = <объем стволов в плотной мере (графа 13)>*<объемный вес древесины (графа 21)>;

12) Calculation of the weight of branches and branches:<вес сучьев и ветвей (графа 26)> = <объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)>*< объемный вес древесины (графа 24)>;

13) Calculation of the weight of stumps and roots:<вес пней и корней (графа 27)> = <объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)>*< объемный вес древесины (графа 24)>;

14) The total weight of the removed waste (felling residues):<вес вывозимого отхода (графа 28)> = <вес стволов (графа 25)> + <вес сучьев и ветвей (графа 26)>+<вес пней и корней (графа 27)>

Thus, the proposed methodology makes it possible to calculate the volume (both full and stock) and the mass of felling residues with differentiation by the type of waste based on the initial data of the counting list, as well as to estimate the required volume of storage bins or vehicle bodies and the number of car trips for their export.

K. Nikonenko

It makes no sense to perform the same calculations several times if the initial data does not change. A rounded log with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 6 meters will always have the same volume, regardless of who is counting in which city. Only the formula V = πr²l gives the correct answer.

How to calculate the volume of a forest

Therefore, the volume of one OTSB will always be V = 3.14 × (0.1) ² × 6 = 0.1884 m³. In practice, in order to exclude the moment of carrying out standard calculations, cubatures are used. Such useful and informative tables are created for various types of lumber. They help to save time and find out the cubic capacity of round timber, boards, OCB, timber.

  1. Roundwood cubicle
  2. How do I use the table?
  3. Cubic capacity of products of different sizes

What is a cubicle box?

The name of this building handbook is due to the fact that volume as a physical quantity is measured in cubic meters (or cubic meters). For a simpler explanation, they say "cubature", respectively, the table was called "cubature". This is an ordered matrix, which contains data on the volume of one product for various initial parameters. The base column contains sections, and the row contains the length (molding) of the material. The user just needs to find the number located in the cell at their intersection.

Let's consider a concrete example - a roundwood cubicle. It was approved in 1975 and is called GOST 2708-75, the main parameters are diameter (in cm) and length (in meters). It is very simple to use the table: for example, you need to determine the V of one log having Ø20 cm and a length of 5 m. At the intersection of the corresponding row and column, we find the number 0.19 m³. A similar cubicle for round timber exists according to a different standard - ISO 4480-83. Directories are very detailed with a step of 0.1 m, as well as more general, where the length is taken in 0.5 m increments.

Little secrets

The very use of the cubature is not difficult, but the main nuance is the correct data. Round wood is not a cylinder, but a truncated cone, in which the lower and upper cuts differ. One of them may be 26 cm, and the other - 18. The table assumes an unambiguous answer for a specific section.

Various sources suggest doing in two ways: to calculate the average value and take the volume from the reference book for it, or take the size of the upper cut as the main section. But if the tables were compiled according to certain standards, then they must be used according to the accompanying instructions. For a cubic meter GOST 2708-75, the diameter of the upper cut of the log is taken. Why is the raw data moment so important? Because with a length of 5 meters for Ø18 cm we get 0.156 m³, and for Ø26 cm - 0.32 m³, which is actually 2 times more.

Another nuance is the correct cubes. If in the GOST 2708-75 table, complex formulas for truncated cones were used, calculations were carried out, and the results were rounded up to thousandths, then modern companies that make up their own cubic meters take liberties. For example, instead of 0.156 m³ there is already a number of 0.16 m³. Often on sites on the Internet there are frankly erroneous cubes, in which the volume of a log 5 meters long with a diameter of 18 cm is indicated not 0.156 m³, but 0.165 m³. If a company uses such directories, selling round timber to consumers, then it makes a profit, in fact, deceiving customers.

After all, the difference per item is significant: 0.165-0.156 = 0.009 or almost 0.01 m³.

The main problem of round timber is a different section. Sellers offer to resolve issues with calculations in the following ways:

  • calculating the volume of each unit and summing the obtained values;
  • storage method;
  • finding the average diameter;
  • method based on the density of wood.

It must be said right away that the first of these options gives the correct results. Only the calculation of the volume of each log and the subsequent addition of the numbers guarantees that the buyer pays for the timber he receives from the company. If the length is the same, then it is enough to find the cross-sectional areas of all the trunks, add them, and then multiply by the length (in meters).

2. Warehousing method.

It is assumed that the stored round timber occupies a part of the space in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped. In this case, the total volume is found by multiplying the length, width and height of the figure. Considering that there are voids between the folded trunks, 20% is taken away from the resulting cubic capacity.

The downside is the acceptance as an indisputable fact that wood occupies 80% of the total space. After all, it may well happen that the beams are not neatly folded, thereby the percentage of voids is much higher.

3. Density based method.

In this case, you need to know the mass of the forest and the density of the wood. Cubature is easily found by dividing the first number by the second. But the result will be very imprecise, since a tree of the same species has a different density. The indicator depends on the degree of maturity and humidity.

4. Averaged method.

If the trunks of the harvested trees are almost the same in appearance, then choose any 3 of them. The diameters are measured, and then the average is found. Further, according to the cubic meter, the parameter for 1 product is determined and multiplied by the required amount. Let the results show: 25, 27, 26 cm, then the average is considered to be Ø26 cm, since (25 + 26 + 27) / 3 = 26 cm.

Taking into account the disadvantages of the considered methods, the only correct way to calculate the cubic capacity can be considered to find the volume of each log using a cubic meter GOST 2708-75 or ISO 4480-83 and summing up the data obtained.

Calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber - count correctly

In the process of building structures made of wood, various lumber is purchased.

When buying or selling it, it becomes necessary to measure it. All the complexity of measuring lumber due to its inconsistent and non-standard size and shape, weight and quality. Due to the factors mentioned above, it is also impossible to sell such a product by piece. Make it right calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber It is very difficult for a non-specialist, and even the regulatory authorities are sometimes not able to check whether the calculation is correct.

Some lumber from the manufacturer is supplied in packages with an indication of the exact volume and value. But this practice is quite rare. In addition, consumers may have doubts about the correctness of calculating the cubic capacity of lumber, as well as about the indicated price. An ordinary buyer does not always know that, in addition to cubic capacity, the cost of lumber depends on the degree of their processing, that is, non-edged or edged board, wood species and grade. In addition, the cost of boards up to 1.7 m long is lower than the cost of longer boards. The quality of the lumber produced is regulated by a huge number of rules and regulations, technical conditions and other regulatory documents, which individual developers do not even suspect, at the same time sellers of lumber are in no hurry to familiarize their buyers with the rules for the sale of lumber. In order to have at least a general idea of ​​how the cubic capacity of lumber is calculated, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the rules for measuring some of their most common types.

According to the current regulations, the slab must be sorted, depending on the length, into two groups - up to two meters and over two meters. The croaker is stacked, alternating between thick and thin ends, as well as a crooked surface. The stacks should be of the same height along the entire length, right angles, they must be stacked as tightly as possible. Then, multiplying the width, length and height of the package, you get the folded cubic capacity.

Calculation of the volume of round timber

in the upper
cut, see
Volume m³, length, m.
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6
14 0,016 0,025 0,035 0,043 0,052 0,061 0,073 0,084 0,097 0,110 0,123
16 0,021 0,035 0,044 0,056 0,069 0,082 0,095 0,110 0,124 0,140 0,155
18 0,027 0,041 0,056 0,071 0,086 0,103 0,120 0,138 0,156 0,175 0,194
20 0,033 0,051 0,069 0,087 0,107 0,126 0,147 0,170 0,190 0,210 0,23
22 0,040 0,062 0,084 0,107 0,130 0,154 0,178 0,200 0,230 0,250 0,28
24 0,048 0,075 0,103 0,130 0,157 0,184 0,210 0,240 0,270 0,300 0,33
26 0,057 0,089 0,123 0,154 0,185 0,210 0,250 0,280 0,320 0,350 0,39
28 0,067 0,104 0,144 0,180 0,220 0,250 0,290 0,330 0,370 0,410 0,45
30 0,077 0,119 0,165 0,200 0,25 0,29 0,33 0,38 0,42 0,47 0,52
32 0,087 0,135 0,190 0,230 0,28 0,33 0,38 0,43 0,48 0,53 0,59
34 0,100 0,150 0,210 0,260 0,32 0,37 0,43 0,49 0,54 0,60 0,66
36 0,110 0,170 0,230 0,290 0,36 0,42 0,48 0,54 0,60 0,67 0,74
38 0,120 0,190 0,260 0,320 0,39 0,46 0,53 0,60 0,67 0,74 0,82
40 0,14 0,21 0,28 0,36 0,43 0,50 0,58 0,66 0,74 0,82 0,90
42 0,15 0,23 0,31 0,39 0,47 0,56 0,64 0,73 0,81 0,90 1,0
44 0,16 0,25 0,34 0,43 0,52 0,61 0,70 0,80 0,89 0,99 1,09
46 0,18 0,27 0,37 0,47 0,57 0,67 0,77 0,87 0,94 1,08 1,19
48 0,19 0,30 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,84 0,95 1,06 1,18 1,30

Volume of 10 m of coniferous wood beams, m³

Width, mm Thickness, mm
50 60 75 100 130 150 180 200 220 250
130 0,065 0,078 0,0975 0,13
150 0,075 0,09 0,0113 0,15 0,195 0,225
180 0,09 0,108 0,0135 0,18 0,234 0,27 0,324
200 0,1 0,12 0,015 0,2 0,26 0,3 0,4
220 0,11 0,132 0,0165 0,22 0,395 0,434
250 0,125 0,15 0,188 0,25 0,5 0,625

In the woodworking industry, there are concepts of folding and dense cubic meter. In the price list for sawn timber, they are indicated for the volume in a dense mass, therefore, the cubic meters must be converted into a dense mass. For this, special conversion factors are used. For example, for a slab with a length of up to two meters, a coefficient of 0.48 is used, and for a slab with a length of more than two meters - 0.43.

There are two ways to determine the volume of sawn softwood and hardwood. Either by measuring each unit of material, or using a special standard, or a cubic meter established by GOST and designed to determine the volume of edged sawn timber of deciduous and coniferous species. The standard contains a table of one unit of lumber and a table of the volume of a meter, starting from which you can calculate the cost of lumber.

When calculating the cubic capacity of non-edged sawn timber, slightly different rules apply.

How to accurately calculate the cubic capacity of a log?

The specificity of their measurement lies in the fact that the width of one-sided edged and non-edged boards is calculated as half the width of two layers - narrow and wide, which are measured in the middle of the board. The volume of round timber is calculated based on the measurements of each log. Dense cubic meters of logs are calculated using the corresponding GOST, which indicates the volume of round timber. These volumes are measured along the length of the log and the thickness of the top end.

The table we offer shows calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber: edged and unedged boards, floor boards, bars, beams, lining and slats. Using the table, you can calculate the amount of lumber in 1 m3.

The size The volume of one board (bar) Quantity in 1m3
100x100x6 0.06 cube 16.67 pieces
100x150x6 0.09 cube 11.11 pieces
150x150x6 0.135 cube 7.41 pieces
100x200x6 0.12 cube 8.33 pieces
150x200x6 0.18 cube 5.56 pieces
200x200x6 0.24 cube 4.17 pieces
100x100x7 0.07 cube 14, 28 pieces
100x150x7 0.105 cube 9.52 pieces
150x150x7 0.1575 cube 6.35 pieces
100x200x7 0.14 cube 7.14 pieces
150x200x7 0.21 cube 4.76 pieces
200x200x7 0.28 cube 3.57 pieces
Edged board
22x100x6 0.0132 Cubes 45.46 sq.m.
22x150x6 0.0198 cube 45.46 sq.m.
22x200x6 0.0264 cube 45.46 sq.m.
25x100x6 0.015 cube 40 sq.
25x150x6 0.0225 cube 40 sq.
25x200x6 0.03 cube 40 sq.
40x100x6 0.024 cube 25 sq.
40x150x6 0.036 cube 25 sq.
40x200x6 0.048 cube 25 sq.
50x100x6 0.03 cube 20 sq.
50x150x6 0.045 cube 20 sq.
50x200x6 0.06 cube 20 sq.
32x100x6 0.0192 Cubes 31.25 sq.
32x150x6 0.0288 cube 31.25 sq.
32x200x6 0.0384 Cubes 31.25 sq.
25x100x2 0.005 cube 40 sq.
25x100x7 0.0175 cube 40 sq.
25x150x7 0.02625 cube 40 sq.
25x200x7 0.035 cube 40 sq.
Unedged board
50x6 0.071 1 cube
40x6 0.05 1 cube
25x6 0.0294 1 cube
22x50x3 0.0033 cube 909 rm
25x50x3 0.00375 cube 800 rpm
22x50x2 0.0022 cube 909 rm
25x50x2 0.0025 cube 800 rpm
40x40x3 0.0048 cube 624.99 rpm
50x50x3 0.006 cube 500.01 lm
40x80x3 0.0096 cube 312.51 lm
50x50x3 0.0075 cube 399.99 rpm
Floor board
36x106x6 0.0229 cube 27.77 sq.m.
36x136x6 0.0294 Cubes 27.77 sq.m.
45x136x6 0.0375 cube 21.74 sq.m.
16x88x6 0.0084 cube 62.5 sq.m.
16x88x3 0.0042 cube 62.5 sq.m.
12.5x90x3 0.0034 cube 80 sq.

The purpose of this article is to explain to you how to correctly calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe walls of log houses, baths and other buildings, as well as buildings from glued and profiled beams. Many will say - What is there to explain and so everything is clear - you just need to know the basics of geometry.

Roundwood cubes - how to calculate the volume?

Quite right - you can't do without geometry, but this dimension has its own peculiarity, unlike walls made of timber and other materials, but more on that below.

Why you need to know how the area of ​​log cabins is calculated:

  • will help to more accurately calculate the cost and amount of required material *
  • calculate independently the cost of painting and polishing log cabins

To calculate the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe walls, we all know that we must know two quantities - the height and the length, and for a complete calculation and the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe ends
S = Pi * R2 - area of ​​1 circle (end),where
Pi — 3,1428
R- end radius
Knowing the area of ​​one end, we multiply this value by the number of ends and get the total area of ​​the ends.
The main feature of log buildings is that the logs have a convex shape, so the height measured as usual - from floor to ceiling will differ from the actual one by 10-15%.

photo # 1
photo # 2

We calculate the area.

To measure the height of one log, you just need to take a tape measure and set it aside from the top seam to the bottom seam of the crown as shown in photo # 1(To measure the height of a log house from a chopped log, an average value is taken). And at the timber you need to measure the width of the edges and add it to the value A(arrows shown in photo # 2). We will get the real height of one log or bar, and knowing the number of crowns, we get the real height of the wall (number of crowns * height of one crown). I think you shouldn't remind me of the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle. It's that simple.

Photo # 4.

And so, adding up all the data - the area of ​​the walls, "triangles", ends and from the resulting amount subtract the area of ​​the window and door openings - we will get the full area of ​​the building and already based on these data we can independently calculate (knowing the price of work per m2) the cost of work, materials *, as well as their volume * (by handing them over to the company manager by phone or arriving at the office) **.

Finally, I will give a little advice, if by measuring the structure of a simple form everything is simple and does not make much work and does not require much time, but what about complex forms, such as on photo # 4.

photo # 4

I'll tell you straight - measure yourself or be present at the measurements when your workers do it, by this you will avoid deception from unscrupulous construction crews or contact trusted companies.

* the cost and volume of the required material (coating) is influenced by the condition of the wood (sanded, not sanded) and the coating method (brush, roller, spray)

** for your convenience, on our website, the cost of materials is calculated for 1m2

Still have questions? Call

(A. Sokolov, Terem Grad)

Lumber is used in the construction of protective structures, the construction of buildings, internal and external cladding, for flooring and roofing. The cost of such work, excluding fasteners, construction services and other related factors, directly depends on the number of boards used. It will not be difficult for an experienced craftsman to make the necessary calculations, but a person far from the construction industry or someone who first encounters the purchase of lumber will have to face some problems.

Boards are sold not by weight or by the piece, but by cubic meters. In other words, it is not enough just to know just how many units of material to purchase. It is also necessary to calculate how many cubes you need to buy. Here, many home and novice craftsmen face the main problem. It is especially difficult to navigate when it comes to the construction of a bathhouse or a cottage, since approximate calculations will give an error. To make the correct cost estimate, you need to know how many boards are included in one cubic meter, which will allow you to calculate how much lumber you need to order.

What do you need to know to make an accurate calculation?

Lumber is a collective term that includes:

  • timber;
  • bar;
  • lagging;
  • croaker;
  • board.

The latter is a material made of wood with a rectangular cross-section, which can have different values. The board is sold most often packaged, and there is a tag on the package, where the volume and cost are indicated. This information is applied either by the manufacturer or by the storekeeper.
Boards are made from various types of wood. They undergo a variety of processing, differ in width and thickness. Therefore, in one cubic meter there can be more or less boards. It all depends on the specific type of board, as well as the size. Therefore, calculations must be carried out for a specific type. Basically, the calculation is carried out for two types of boards - edged and unedged.

Primary and minor meanings

The type and species of wood do not play a decisive role in the calculations. They matter for the generally accepted standard for the size of one board, which can be seen in special plates. In other cases, regardless of what species the lumber is made of, the number of products per cubic meter will be the same. In other words, the number of boards from both softwood and hardwood, if they are of the same size, will not differ.
Three indicators are of primary importance for the calculation:

  • width;
  • height;
  • length.

These parameters, as a rule, for convenience of calculation, are designated by three Latin letters a, b and c. Therefore, it is necessary to decide in advance which board will be used edged or unedged, as well as what size it will be. The type and type of wood is not taken into account. This makes the calculations much easier.

What methods of calculating the number of boards in a cubic meter of lumber are there?

Calculations can be done in two ways:

  • The first is mathematical. It is the usual formula for calculating the volume, which everyone remembers from school, and it looks like this: V = a * b * c. This simple calculation allows you to get the volume of one board. If you divide 1 cubic meter by the obtained value, you can find out how many products it contains. From the opposite, you can calculate what cubic capacity of lumber you need to purchase. For this purpose, the volume of one board is multiplied by their number.
  • The second is according to the standard. There are special plates that indicate the dimensions, volume and number of boards per cubic meter. Every qualified builder has them, but the ability to carry out calculations on their own is still important, since it is necessary to find the total cubic capacity. In addition, this technique is not suitable for unedged boards, since they have non-standard sizes.

If a standard edged board is involved in the construction, you can use a ready-made sign. Non-standard sawn timber has to be calculated independently.

How many boards are included in one cubic meter?

If the calculations are carried out independently, the volume of one board is first calculated. Further, they calculate how many such units can fit in one cubic meter, that is, the unit is divided by the sought value V. There is one important point here. Calculations are required not in millimeters or centimeters, but in meters. Otherwise they will be wrong. It is best to immediately convert the thickness and width to this unit of measurement.

Calculation example:

The standard length of a board made of larch, pine, cedar, spruce is 6 meters. Length and width are variable. If the first indicator is 40 mm, and the second is 150 mm, the calculation is made as follows:

  1. The length and width are converted to meters. In this case, 0.04 and 0.15 are obtained.
  2. Calculate the volume of each board, that is, V = 6 * 0.15 * 0.04, get 0.036.
  3. The amount of lumber is counted, that is, 1 / 0.036, and 27.7 is obtained.

If you need a total of 80 boards, then I buy 3 cubic meters.

Edged board cubic capacity

A distinctive feature of this lumber is that it has standard dimensions. The number of edged boards is calculated in the same way as in the example above, that is, using the formula 1 / V (a * b * c). The main thing is to translate the cross-section indicators into meters. Using such a simple mathematical calculation, it is easy to calculate how many boards of standard length 6 meters and different sections in one cubic meter:

  • 25x100 - 66.6
  • 25x150 - 44.4
  • 25x200 - 33.3;
  • 40x100 - 41.6;
  • 40x150 - 27.7;
  • 40x200 - 20.8;
  • 50x50 - 66.6;
  • 50x100 - 33.3;
  • 50x150 - 22.2;
  • 50x200 - 16.6;
  • 50x250 - 13.3.

Thanks to the ready-made data, you can safely calculate the amount of purchased material and already know exactly how much will be spent on the boards. If the length differs from the standard, that is, more than 6 meters, these calculations will no longer work. You will have to count on your own, but the formula is so simple that there will be no difficulties with this.

Unedged board cubic capacity

This lumber differs from edged board in non-standard dimensions. It is much more difficult to calculate how many unedged boards are in one cubic meter. This is due to the fact that the thickness with the width at different ends of the product is different. You cannot simply multiply these parameters.
First, the arithmetic mean of the section is calculated. For this purpose, the maximum and minimum widths are measured, added together and divided by two. Do the same with thickness. The formula for the volume of one board is as follows:

V = (amax + amin) / 2 * (bmax + bmin) / 2 * c.

The disadvantage of this calculation is that it is necessary to calculate the volume of each board. This is quite problematic when working with large volumes, therefore, usually lumber is stacked in piles, where the difference between the largest and smallest is a maximum of 10 cm. Measurements are made, the volume is calculated. The resulting value is multiplied by a factor of 0.07-0.09, which is an error for the gap between the boards. The larger it is, the higher the coefficient.


It is not difficult to count the number of boards in one cubic meter. The main thing is to know the formula and understand the calculation algorithm. Calculations cannot be neglected. If they are not produced correctly, there is a risk of purchasing less or more material. The first will entail the need for additional purchase of boards, but at a less attractive price.

An excess of lumber is even worse than a shortage. Extra boards, when they simply have nowhere to adapt, must be stored correctly. Otherwise, they will become unusable. In addition, the correct counting of boards is necessary to draw up an estimate for the construction of a particular wooden structure.

The calculation of the cubic capacity of the boards will depend on whether it is edged (including planed) it is a board, or unedged. In the first case, it is easier to calculate the cubic capacity, since the lumber has a regular geometric parallelepiped shape. The cubic capacity of an unedged board - one with unworked sides, fast - is calculated a little differently.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to calculate the cubic capacity of the board. Either will help you with this. table "How many boards in a cube", or a formula. The last option is safer and more accurate.

Calculation of the cubic capacity of edged boards

How many boards in a cube (table)

From this table you can find out the answers to such popular questions: how to calculate the cubic capacity of boards, how many boards are in a cube, how many square meters of boards are in a cube, how many cubes are in one board by the most popular sizes.

Edged board

The cubic capacity of the board edged with a thickness of 50 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3
100*6000 20 33 0,03
120*6000 27 0,036
150*6000 22 0,045
180*6000 18 0,054
200*6000 16 0,06
250*6000 13 0,075

The cubic capacity of the edged board with a thickness of 40 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 The volume of one board (in "cubes")
100*6000 25 41 0,024
120*6000 34 0,0288
150*6000 27 0,036
180*6000 23 0,0432
200*6000 20 0,048
250*6000 16 0,06

Cubic capacity of edged board 32 mm thick

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 The volume of one board (in "cubes")
100*6000 31 52 0,0192
120*6000 43 0,023
150*6000 34 0,0288
180*6000 28 0,0346
200*6000 26 0,0384
250*6000 20 0,048

The cubic capacity of the board edged with a thickness of 30 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 The volume of one board (in "cubes")
100*6000 33 55 0,018
120*6000 46 0,0216
150*6000 37 0,027
180*6000 30 0,0324
200*6000 27 0,036
250*6000 22 0,045

The cubic capacity of the board edged with a thickness of 25 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 The volume of one board (in "cubes")
100*6000 40 67 0,015
120*6000 55 0,018
150*6000 44 0,0225
180*6000 37 0,027
200*6000 33 0,03
250*6000 26 0,0375

The cubic capacity of the board edged with a thickness of 20 millimeters

Size (mm) m 2 in 1 m 3 Pieces of boards in 1 m 3 The volume of one board (in "cubes")
100*6000 50 83 0,012
120*6000 69 0,0144
150*6000 55 0,018
180*6000 46 0,0216
200*6000 41 0,024
250*6000 33 0,03

where a is the thickness of the board

b - its width

l - its length

Cubature of the board calculated in cubic meters, therefore, before calculating the cubic capacity of the board, all values ​​are converted from millimeters to meters. For example, let's take a 40 * 200 * 6000 board "forty": its thickness is 40 mm (0.04 m), its width is 200 mm (0.02 m), and its length is 6000 mm (6 m). Now we calculate the cubic capacity of the boards:

0.04 * 0.2 * 6 = 0.048 m 3

That is, one board "forty" 100 * 6000 has a cubic capacity of 0.048 m 3. To determine, how many boards in a cube That is, it remains only to divide 1 by the amount received:

1 / 0.048 = 21 boards in 1 m 3.

Calculation of the cubic capacity of unedged boards

An unedged board differs from an edged board in that it is not processed on the sides, that is, one side has an irregular shape, and it is impossible to indicate the exact width of the unedged board. This is the reason for the difficulties in calculating the cubic capacity of an unedged board, which are easier to explain with a specific example.

Unedged board

Suppose you need to sheathe a rectangular structure 5 * 7 meters in size and 4 meters in height with an unedged board. Your board is 50 millimeters thick (0.05 m).

To begin with, calculates the finishing area. To do this (remember the school), we multiply the perimeter of the building (two sides by 5, two sides by 7 - in total 24 meters) by a height of 4 meters. We get 96 m 2.

Now we multiply the area by the thickness of the material: 96 * 0.05 = 4.8 m 3

It turns out that for cladding, the width of each cladding element has practically no effect on the total cubic capacity. There are no exact tables of cubic capacity for unedged boards, and cannot be, since it is not known from which part of the log the board was cut, and how thick it is on both sides, but you can give some averaged data on the cubic capacity of the unedged board:

Calculating the cubic capacity of boards: what you need to remember

All board manufacturers round the numbers in the direction that is beneficial to them. An error occurs. In general, not large, but when it comes to hundreds of cubes or the lack of boards for sheathing, the question becomes an edge. For example, the volume of one board is 0.018 m 3, and the manufacturer has rounded this figure to 0.02 m 3. As a result, instead of the expected 55 boards, you will receive only 50. Therefore, always check with the sellers for this information.

We hope our article shed light on the questions about how many boards are in a cube, how to calculate the cubic capacity of a board, how many boards are in a cube, and how not to get into a mess when buying lumber.