Repairs Design Furniture

How to impregnate the wooden floor to improve texture. Antiseptics and anti-spyers: selection of protective impregnations for applying on a wooden floor. Staining wooden floors

Strengthening the natural coating, its decorative processing and the application of the finish glossy coating constitute the main stages of working with wooden floors in order to preserve their integrity for a long time.

Naturally, its defense becomes the purpose of all works on the wooden floor, ensuring the durability of the created coating and giving the surface of a more aesthetic species, pleasant to the eye and touch. Thinking about what the new wooden floor in the house can be covered, it should be understood that natural coating requires not only decorative finishing, but also a competent approach to the processing of depth layers of wood. Protective processing, increasing strength and density of wood coating, is carried out in order to preserve it, increasing its wear-resistance and resistance to mechanical damage, such as, for example, abrasability, trauma from shocks and many other random incidents.

How to ensure the protection of the floor surface in the house

The applied paints, oils and wax for wood have a positive effect on eliminating the shortcomings inherent in this type of coatings. A really complicating surface decoration process includes problems with high hygroscopicity of all natural natural materials. This means that the wooden layer can absorb some amount of moisture, and this process will further result in its swelling, deformation and to increase the vulnerability of the coating, to deterioration of a new base.

Another major problem is the exposure of unprocessed wood materials to rotting, insect invasions, from which it is difficult to get rid of. Processing with relevant means will solve this problem, but it is necessary to make it in a timely manner and follow the condition of the wood coating in the process of its further operation. Reliable protect the wooden floor from pests and fungal infections of lacquer coatings. Lacation is the most common method of processing noble wood breeds. The choice of varnish form and the processing method depends on the structure of the tree of the tree and on the operating conditions of the floor.

High-quality protection can also be carried out using oil. The compositions of modern oil remedies make it possible to produce floors with bright juicy paints, well-protected from mechanical effects and bacteriological invasions. The technique of applying oil and preparation is not more or less complex compared to varnishing, you need to choose in appearance, by what it seems more enjoyable. Lacate wooden floor, covered with oil, or a pole base, will already be impossible.

Waxing agents can also protect the upper wooden layer from cracking, from moisturizing, from the influence of ultraviolet rays, but are not able to protect it from aggressive mechanical impacts. The wax can not be considered durable, the applying of wax must be produced quite often, at least two times a year and depending on the degree of wear of the coating, with a large passability of people in the house even more often.

As used lacquer

The means used for such protection are developed on different bases, exist:

  • discernible in the composition of the components of water-soluble varnishes;
  • more delicate alkyd, emphasizing the structure of the wood;
  • providing greater strength than other types of coatings, polyurethane multicomponent;
  • acid varnishes on a wooden surface view.

On atmospheric sediment sites, the lacquering is not made, the paintwork will surely suffer from excessive moisture, the surface will become muddy and cracks, other formulations are used for external work on the tree.

When working with new floors, preparing them to varnishing, you should carefully examine the places of fastening of the genital boards, achieve the same level of the entire surface, if necessary, thoroughly control the existing defects, nails hats. After grinding the floor, primer varnish is used, which will quickly dry, almost in a few hours and allows the further layer of varnish to be better in the united surface. The primer varnish must match the brand of the future lacquered coating. In addition to primer varnishes, there are other veils and impregnations, allowing to protect the wood from fungi and rotting, as well as to strengthen the surface wooden layer. Then layer-in-law dried, varnish are applied. These manipulations may take a long time, up to several weeks. Dry speed depends largely on the initial moisture of wood. Strongly moist floating floors can dry over three months, so specialists recommend to start painting with lacquer in the fall, since the likelihood that the Wood for the summer is dried, above, and the floor can be commissioned faster. Old floors first cyclulate, removing the old top layer, then eliminate the slots and further lacquer as new.

Cyclical floors

Wooden lacquer coating

Lacked floor

Selection of varnish coating

Having decided to apply water-soluble lacquer as a protective layer, you need to get acquainted with the instructions attached to the medium and understand how often it will be re-applied. Terms of service in single-component and multicomponent varnishes are different. Water soluble lacquer dries faster than all other types of varnish and therefore most often applied to the processing of wood floors.

The coatings treated with polyurethane varnish are the most long-serving and resistant mechanical effects in the house. They are used in places of large cluster of people if there are animals in the house that can damage the surface.

Long drying alkyd varnishes are treated with wood, carefully emphasizing its structure. The appearance of such floors seems to be the most natural, with a bright wood structure.

Acid curing varnishes include special strength surfaces, such a coating is not afraid of temperature drops, resistant to moisturizing.

Floor protection by applying wax or oil

The wax can protect the wood from the penetration of moisture, from scratches and penetration of insects. From mechanical injury wax does not save wood. The wax surface is obtained with a very beautiful noble glitter, thoroughly emphasizes the structure of the tree of wood, it turns out a pleasant to the touch, it is not afraid of temperature jumps. Update such a coating is needed twice a year. Modern oils with solid waxes are easily applied, possess a pleasant smell and perfectly restored the surface.

Oil compositions do not give the surface of such a gloss as varnishing. Oils work well with a tree structure, penetrating inside and enriching layers. It should be considered, choosing the composition for processing that metal furniture cannot be put on oil surfaces, coatings will be reacted and the bathing traces of the furniture legs will remain on the floor. Oil surfaces are also afraid of sharp temperature changes and are not suitable for a warm base.

Wax does not save the wooden floor from mechanical damage

Is it possible, batching wood coating, not to cover it

Modern wooden floors have high quality processing. Sooner or later, moisturizing, temperature drops, use to everyday life will make their own, and the surface will lose its initial gloss and a good texture, so specialists recommend processing floors to protect them. Alternatively, in which the coating does not apply varnish, paints, wax, use the Scandinavian method of wood processing. When processing, the coating is thoroughly grinding, cleaned from the resulting dust and washed with water with soap components. The cleanliness of the surface will not be able to hold on forever, soaking such a coating will have to be quite often, it will have a high tendency to pollution, it will also need to spare from mechanical effects, election and abrasion.

The smoothness of the floor surface, its shine and resistance to moisturization increases due to the processing generated, but the wooden coating should always be washed with minimal use of moisture, it will help you to save any coating longer.

Despite the intensive development of building technologies and the emergence of a large number of modern materials, the tree of popularity does not lose. Numerous advantages, such as durability, reliability, beautiful appearance, a rich choice of execution options, do not leave the slightest chance to competitors. But in order to use the possibility of a maximum laid by the mother-nature, it is necessary to think about protection. That is why the question is what to cover the wooden floor is concerned about many owners of environmentally friendly housing.

How to choose a protective agent?

Wooden flooring can be protected from the effects of chemical liquids, moisture, premature abrasion, mechanical damage. In addition, this is the right way to give the interior finished, perfect and add a final barcode, without which even flawlessly performed joint work of builders and designers seems not complete.

The range of coatings is quite wide, but not each of them will suit one or another wooden flooring. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account some points:

  • wood breed;
  • admissibility of preliminary preparation;
  • alleged operating conditions (humidity, intensity of mechanical exposure, antistaticity);
  • the possibility of secondary processing;
  • compatibility of a new coating with old, if any.

The choice also depends on the purpose of the premises. In the apartment, in contrast to the office, the load is not so large, so you can use wax or oil. This is the best way to strain the natural component of the tree and give the floor a pleasant matte tint.
If it is assumed that the wooden floor will experience significant loads or high humidity, it is better to cover it with a varnish, which will not only reliably protect, but also gives delicious radiance and volume.

Wood floor coating materials

In appearance, protective materials are divided into:

  • transparent coatings. This category includes impregnations and varnishes containing in the composition of the substance that emphasize the natural structure of the wood;
  • opaque coatings. This is an organic paint (alkyd, oil, polyurethane, acrylic, perchlorvinyl) and water dispersion mixtures. Polyurethane and acrylic paints are especially valuable for simplicity of application and high quality. Alkyd varnishes and paints are good at the expense of low waterproof and resistance;

Depending on the main component, the materials for the final processing are 2 species:

  • with antipirens that protect the tree from fire. They do not affect the beauty of the array and reduce the risk of fire;

It is important!
Antipiren-based impregnations are especially recommended for industrial and public floors.

  • with biocides protecting the tree from the effects of mold, fungus, insects.

What preferred?

There are two methods of staining.
1. Surface staining is used in cases where the preservation of aesthetics and the appearance of the tree is extremely important. This type of protection and decor is used everywhere, at the final stage of the floor finish in houses from a bar, baths and other wooden buildings.
2. Deep coloring is possible only in industrial conditions, because For its implementation, special baths and autoclaves are needed, in which the solution under high pressure is injected into wood capillaries, filling the entire free volume.

Impregnation of oil

Oil for wood treatment is made from natural substances (linen, sunflower, soybean oil) or artificial components, with added, for example, polyurethane. The oil penetrates deep into the thickness of the coating, only a thin layer remains on the surface. As a result of the procedure, the floor becomes strong and acquires silky shine.

It is important!
Choosing oil, pay attention to the label: Avoid the products with the inscription "contains a solvent".

Oil solutions are of different viscosity:

  • dense (contain 90% natural oil);
  • medium viscosity (dry residue is 40-50%);
  • liquid (dry residue 20-40%).

Professionals strongly advise oil to apply oil in places of high passability (living room and corridor). They can be used without fear in unheated premises, in open areas, on the bars constantly in contact with water (bath, swimming pool).
Washed floors are easy to refresh: it is enough to add a special tool into water when washing. Before applying, the floor must be polished, clean and dry.

Laco coating

The use of varnish creates the effect of the volume and contrast of wood pattern. Paul, covered with varnish, glitters and perfectly decorates the room. The varnish composition protects against moisture and mechanical damage.

It is important!
Despite protective lacquer functions, the coating is quite elastic, which when damaged a tree will move along with its fibers. Therefore, on the wooden floor, processed by varnish, it is better to walk in a soft shoe.

What are the racks?

The following types of varnishes are distinguished:

  • the lacquer for the wooden floor on the solvent soaps the wood and changes its color. It is necessary to apply it with a thin layer in a well-ventilated room to eliminate the emergence of wrinkles and ensure rapid solidification. Such a varnish is ideal for "capricious" wood - ash, maple, beech.
  • alkyd varnish is Besmereten, steady and durable. The only minus - it will dry for quite a long time.
  • the jet varnish is distinguished by high adhesive indicators and forms an elastic film that does not affect the structure and initial appearance. For the formation of a durable film, you will need at least 10 days.
  • polyurethane lacquer is used for valuable wood species. Such formulations are durable, abrasion racks and chemical attacks.

According to the degrees of gloss lacquer there are high-gloss, glossy, semi-units, matte and semiam. The degree of gloss of glossy varnish is 90%, which makes the woody floor similar to the mirror, matte and semi-tailed varnishes reflect the small amount of light from the surface.

Poland Pola

The paint is able to increase the service life of the floor several times, as well as protect the tree from biological factors (fungi, bacteria, mold). The paint can be applied to the previously colored surfaces previously processed by the antiseptic.

The safest paints are water-dispersion. They do not include organic solvents, waterproof, easily fall on the surface and do not lose the original color.
For kitchen and bathroom, water-resistant acrylic paints are recommended, alkyd solutions are suitable for the parquet.
Before painting the floor, you need to clean from dirt, pollute and dry.

It is worth mentioning another means to protect the floor - applying the composition based on wax and flaxseed oil. True, this method guarantee impeccable resistance to different factors cannot, therefore, today it is practically no applied.

The modern building materials market provides a huge amount of wood coating. Do not forget when choosing to take into account the peculiarities of the wood, the nature of the environment and the purpose of the premises. Competently selected materials will make any sex a luxurious and elegant, real interior decoration.

Despite the emergence of new flooring, wooden floors still remain at the peak of popularity. They are environmentally friendly, characterized by beauty and practicality. However, wood, like building material, is not devastable. It loves to shave bugs-koroedy, fungi, various pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of moisture, wood swells and cracks, and high temperatures can lead to its fire. Fortunately, all these shortcomings can be eliminated. For this, there are special protective impregnations capable of increasing the durability of wooden coatings several times. The main thing is to choose the composition with the desired properties, and then properly apply it to the wooden surface.

Impregnations are formulations that perform a number of protective functions. Depending on the purpose, they allocate antiseptics, anti-epires and combined compositions.

Antiseptics - Protection against microorganisms

Antiseptics prevent devastating effects on wood insects, fungi, viruses, pests and other pests. Often, substances protect the wooden surface from ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric precipitates are introduced into the composition of the antiseptics for external work. It is important to pay attention to this when choosing an antiseptic for flooring the veranda or terrace.

Many modern antiseptics have water-repellent properties. This eliminates the possibility of warping, cracking and twisting the elements of the wooden floor with a long exposure of moisture.

Antiseptics can be preventive or therapeutic.

Preventive compositions represent the majority of antiseptics. They are processed not damaged wood - for subsequent protection during operation. A popular representative of such antiseptics is neomide 400, which forms a colorless film on the wooden surface, not allowing in the tissue of insects and bacteria.

Therapeutic antiseptics have more aggressive components that are not only scared, but also destroy wood pests. These funds are used on wooden surfaces that have already been destructive effects. Or where there are complex operating conditions. For example, on wooden floors in the baths, where the high humidity initially increases the risk of rotting. Here, therapeutic antiseptics, for reinsurance, are often used as preventive.

Antipirens - protection against fire

Impregnation-antipyrenes protect wood from thermal destruction, that is, from ignition under the influence of heating or fire. Chemicals included in the flame retardant, at high temperatures, create compounds that prevent flame flames or spread. Naturally, the antipirens are not a complete fire guarantee. They allow wooden surfaces to resist thermal aggression, but only for a short time (about 10-15 minutes when heated to 700˚C).

By the method of action, fireproof impregnations are divided into 2 groups. The first includes antipyrins that prevent burning. To the second - blocking the spread of fire.

Antipyrenes that prevent combustion during the increase in temperature begin to highlight non-combustible gases. They push the air from the surface of the wood and thereby make burning impossible.

Blocking anti-epires form a special film on the surface of the tree. When exposed to fire, this film is swept off and blocks oxygen access (necessary for combustion) to the protected surface.

On top of the flames, you can apply paints, primers, varnishes, plaster, etc. Often fireproof impregnations are used in tandem with antiseptics. For a better result, it is recommended first to apply the antiseptic layer on the surface, then the flame retardant. For example, you can use this scheme: the first 2-3 layers - antiseptic neomide 400, the following 2-3 layers - flame retardant neomide 530.

Combined impregnations - two in one

If necessary, protect the surface of the wooden floor from fire and biological pests at the same time, it is easier to use combination impregnations. Their composition includes antipyrenes, and antiseptics. Among such funds: Sezhaz Ognabio, neomide 450, Bioneutral W 31, BS-13.

Special attention to the composition!

The quality of impregnation and its functional properties are significantly dependent on the composition. Protective preparations can be made based on water, oils and organic solvents. What is the difference?

Water soluble compositions are liquid impregnation, deeply absorbed into the structure of the wood. They are easy to apply to the surface with a brush or spray, drying time - 2-3 hours. They have low toxicity, do not smell and are excellent for treatment of floors inside the residential premises. Water soluble can be antiseptics, and antipyren.

Important feature: Some water soluble compositions are easily sealed with water. Therefore, in wet rooms it is recommended to apply film-forming varnishes or paints on top of these compositions. The elements in contact with water, water impregnates do not process.

Oil impregnations are thick oils, creating a dense film on the treated surface. They are easily flammable, but for a long time they protect wood from insects, rotting, fungi. Some of the oil makeup are toxic and have a heavy smell, therefore are used only with outdoor treatment. Drying time on an oil base - about 4 hours. Oil impregnations are applied independently, without the finish color of the varnishes and paints.

Oil water-soluble compositions are found on the market. They are low toxic, apply both outside, and indoors. Unlike oils, they can be painted with finish paintwork materials.

Impregnation based on volatile organic solvents - another group of compositions that have water-repellent properties protect the wooden surface from the house fungus, mold, insects. Such formulations are easily applied, but they dry for a long time - about 12-24 hours. With their help, wood can be given a very deep, rich shade.

Decorative properties of impregnations

The impregnations are released transparent or applied (in accordance with the ruler of the manufacturer's tones). Only antiseptics possess decorative effect. Fully transparent (colorless) antiseptics perform exceptionally protective function, without changing the natural color of wood. The maximum for which they are capable of decorative - to emphasize the structure of the wooden coating. Similar composition - Antiseptic Tikkurila Pinja W-Oil. It is absolutely bad, but it is easily meant in any of the tones of the Tikkurila line.

Declaring antiseptics painted initially. They are either produced in a certain color scheme, or cored during the sale, according to the color map offered by the manufacturer. Such impregnations simultaneously play both a protective, and decorative role. That is, they are able to replace other painting materials: primers, simulators, paints, varnishes. Famous similar antiseptic - Pinotex Classic, its color card includes 10 main tones and 20 extra. In addition, the Pinotex Classic composition allows you to get a lot of other tones, mixing existing shades in different proportions.

And what about antipyrenes? Most of them are colorless and after drying are not noticeable. Others - painted in pink or red, which plays a non-decorative, and controlling role. Applying color impregnation on a wooden surface, it is easier to monitor the quality of staining and the lack of skips.

In addition to the most indicated, when choosing impregnation, pay attention to:

  • Safety. Read the composition on the label. Make sure that the antiseptic (antipiren) is not used in high-tech compounds: arsenic, pentachlorophenol, fluoride compounds, heavy metals salts.
  • The term of fire and biosis. Antipirens act on the treated surface to 7-15 years, antiseptics - up to 10-20 years.
  • Manufacturer. Famous impregnating compounds that have a quality certificate and consumer valued by consumers are manufactured under stamps: Pinotex (Finland), Tikkurila (Finland), Nomid (Russia), Sezhenga (Russia), BELINKA (Slovenia).

Rules for applying protective compositions

Even the best antiseptic or flame retardant, applied by "Sleeves," will not produce the desired effect. For protective properties guaranteed on the label by the manufacturer, manifested themselves to fully, need to adhere to the rules of impregnation. Follow the scheme:

Stage # 1 - Drying wood

The better effect of protection is achieved when applying impregnation on wood, the humidity of which does not exceed 20%. What land is the wood, the greater the protective drug it can absorb. And, on the contrary, wet wood will not allow the impregnation in its pores, the protective layer will be substantial. Such effect will be especially noticeable when using impregnations based on organic solvents and oils.

To achieve the necessary humidity, wood is dried in a shady, dry place. Best of all - under a canopy in the yard.

Stage # 2 - surface cleansing

Ready to impregnated wooden surface should be clean, homogeneous, without traces of early staining. Contaminated places lead to a deterioration in the absorption of the protective composition and to the inhomogeneous, spotted color (in the presence of a coller).

If the surface has already been previously painted, the paint or varnish is removed using a construction dryer. Remains of the coating are written by a scraper and a rigid brush. All oil, fat stains wash off White Spirit.

According to purified wood, we pass sandpaper or grinding, flowing dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Stage # 3 - Application impregnation

The impregnations are applied to the surface with a wide brush, roller, sprayer. To achieve the maximum effect requires the application of several layers of the drug - usually 2-4. Depending on the composition of a specific impregnation, each subsequent layer is applied after a complete or partial drying of the previous one (specify this moment in the instructions!). The time interval between the application of the layers can be from 1-2 to 24 hours.

The drying layer of impregnation is gripped with sandpaper or grinding for smoothing the rising pile of wood. After - cover the surface with varnishes or paint, which enhance the decorative and protective coating effects.

A detailed description and a visual demonstration of wood processing process with impregnations will help you correctly spend this procedure. Watch the video:

Wooden floors in a log or brusade house are not only beautiful, but also environmentally friendly, they create a special flavor and useful microclimate. However, everyone who sets the floors from the tree should understand that this material needs protection and care. It is necessary to process wood processing in a timely manner with special means, otherwise the coating will lose its appearance in a short time, will swell and will start. In addition, the untreated tree can be covered with mold, pests may appear in it, which will lead to very unpleasant consequences. In this regard, the question arises than to handle the wooden floors in the house. The answer to it you will find in this article.

To cover the wooden floor in the house from the bar and login, you can use:

  1. Antiseptic. Antiseptic impregnations perform a protective function, they protect the tree from biological damage to fungus, mold and microorganisms. Details about the types and use of antiseptic compositions can be found in the article :.
  2. Varnish. Traditionally, wooden floors are covered with varnish, which is simultaneously decorative and protective coating. The varnish looks very advantageous on the tree, creating a transparent or tinted film on the surface, under which all patterns of wood pattern are visible. The article describes in the same name.
  3. Paint. Paints are used in the case when it is necessary to completely close the wooden structure. The coating dyes form a monolithic layer that hides behind all flaws and wood defects. In the article, you will learn the details and nuances of the floor staining of the tree.
  4. Butter.
  5. Wax.
  6. Mastica.

In this review we will look at oils, waxes and floor masts.

Oil and wax for the floor

Oil compositions do not form a film. They absorbed into the structure, filling the pores of the tree, and not allowing you to penetrate the dust and moisture. Due to this, the wear resistance of the floors is increased.

The wax is natural material based on beeswax. It forms a strong outer layer, eliminates scratches, protects the floor and gives it a spectacular appearance. Waxes are colorless and colored with matte or glossy glitter. They can be used as an independent coating, as well as applied over oil.

Advantages of using oil

  1. The floor acquires antistatic properties.
  2. The surface becomes warmer and does not slide.
  3. Square, scratches and other damage are less noticeable.
  4. Wood hydraulic protection is provided.
  5. Oil does not interfere with air exchange processes.


  1. Before the floor covering, the oil needs more thorough preparation of the surface than before applying paint and varnish.
  2. The coating is faster.
  3. Regular floor care is needed.
  4. The oil reacts with metal objects, and dark spots are formed on the surface.

Types of oils

  1. Wax oils. They are a mixture of oils and liquid wax. The surface covered with such a composition becomes a soft brilliance.
  2. Oil without resin. 90% consists of a natural component, in some marks, the amount of oils reaches 99%. Due to the absence of a solvent, the process of applying means is facilitated, drying occurs significantly faster.
  3. Oil with a large solid content. Due to the resin, the means has a high density, which increases the service life of the coating.

There are colorless and colored oils on sale. The first are suitable for processing any wood breeds. Dark compositions cover oak and exotic rocks. Whitening agents are used for light wood.

Before coating the floor with oil, it is necessary to prepare a very carefully surface. The preparatory stage includes grinding, polishing and dust removal.

Oil can be applied in two ways: cold and hot.

Cold way

  1. The first layer of oil is applied and is evenly distributed over the surface of the floor. Excess you need to remove a soft cloth within a few minutes after applying.
  2. The surface is polished with a special typewriter with a round nozzle (PAD).
  3. All wet areas are wiped with a x / b rack.
  4. After 6-12 hours, the second layer of oil is applied.
  5. Excess oils are removed with black or green pad, and then the floor is polished with a red circle.

Oil covered with oil, completely dries over one or two weeks, only after that can be walking on the floor.

Hot fashion

  1. Deciding to take advantage of this method, it is necessary to preheat the oil to the temperature of 80 degrees. Heating is carried out in a water bath.
  2. Preheated oil can be applied only on the warm floor. If it is cold, the composition may not absorb. The floor is heated using the thermocoupe.
  3. The oil is applied using a spatula, and is uniformly distributed over the floor surface.
  4. Then a beige pad is put on the polishing machine, and rubbing the oil into the floor until it is absorbed completely.
  5. After 2-2.5 hours, the second layer of oil is applied in the same way.

Wax coating

  1. You can apply a wax covering in two days after flooring with oil.
  2. The wax rubs into the floor with a soft cloth with circular motions. For polishing, a polishing machine with a white pad is used.
  3. After drying the first layer (no earlier than 3 hours), they apply the second and repeat the procedure.
  4. You can exploit the gender in about a week.

Floor coating mastic

Mastic is an excellent decorative agent for wooden floors and parquet. It forms a glossy film on the surface, which protects the coating from mechanical damage.

Types of mastik

Mastica can be purchased at a finished form or in soluble. The first can be used immediately after opening the package. The second requires hot water breeding to the desired consistency.

Mastics are:

  1. Hot. Their foundation is bitumen or a mixture of bitumen with rubber. Before use, the composition is heated to 170 degrees, and then applied to the surface. Hot mastic, as a rule, are used to process parquet floor panels. The advantages of this tool - rapid solidification, the floor can be operated almost immediately. However, the application of the composition is characterized by complexity, requires a special place for heating and a certain experience.
  2. Cool. The basis of the agent is the White spirit, gasoline or other solvents. Mastic is easily applied, but long dries. It is possible to operate the floor 2-3 days after treatment, when the solvent will be completely evaporated, and the floor will remain a durable protective film.

Classification Mastics in composition

  1. Wax. The basics of them are wax, also contains solvents and different additives. Suitable for any wood species. Mastic gives the surface of the shine, and also has protective properties.
  2. Water-emulsion. Are a universal option because they do not have restrictions on use. Available in the form of paste and liquid, there are also solids. The composition contains active ingredients designed to protect and purify the floor.
  3. Water soluble. Mastics of this class are bred by water to a certain consistency. They can only be used on those rocks that are well tolerated the impact of moisture, for example, oak. It is not recommended to apply for wood processing from birch and beech. But if you make a more thick consistency, restrictions on many breeds are removed. One layer of mastic is applied to the new parquet, on the old two layers.
  4. Based on turpentor. Mastic protects the tree well from moisture exposure. Perfect for parquet from birch and beech. However, it has a rather high cost and is rare on sale.

Mastic application technology

Before processing the floor of the mastic, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface: remove the dirt and delete. It is especially important to prepare the floor before applying the water-making compositions. It is advisable to carry out wet cleaning, and after drying, grate with a cloth to shine.

Features of applying different types of mastic:

  1. Water soluble mastic must be pre-divided by water according to the manufacturer's instructions. It turns out to be liquid consistency, so it is convenient to apply a roller, as soon as possible on the surface. For complete drying, the composition will be required 4-5 hours. After that, you need to remove the remnants of the means and leave for a dryer for another 2-3 hours. Then, by analogy, another layer of mastic is applied.
  2. Water-emulsion mastic is quickly absorbed, it can be limited to one layer. If there is a need, then after an hour you can apply a second layer, and after drying it, it starts to the logging. To do this, you can use the flannel or cotton fabric.
  3. Wax mastic is more dense, it is best to handle the floor with a brush or brush, and then sprinkle with a roller. Remedies need to immediately remove a dry brush, otherwise it turns out an uneven surface. The second layer is applied no earlier than in five hours. For polishing, use soft cloth or special brushes.
  4. The turpentine mastic must be applied in two layers with a brush or roller. After a complete drying of both layers, the surface is polished with brushes. The tool can cause strong burns, so when working with it, it is necessary to use gloves.


Floor treatment of a log cabin or a bath is a job that requires certain skills. To get a high-quality and beautiful coating, it is necessary to choose the right tool and adhere to the recommended application technology. In case of violation of the technological process, the coating may turn out to be uneven and inaccient.

The company "Master of Logruov" guarantees you an excellent result. We employ professionals who know all the nuances of this work. We will select a tool, appropriate wood, from which your gender is made, as well as your wishes to the appearance of the coating. If necessary, we will carry out repair work, replace unsuitable boards and parquet elements.

Make an application for free departure of a specialist for inspection of the front of work You can coordinate on the page.

Despite the abundance and variety of flooring, painted wooden floors did not go into the past. In the apartments today they are quite rare, but in country houses and dachas, the floors most often do that are wooden. In addition to the decorative function, painting protects the tree from dampness, facilitates cleaning and creates a unique pastoral interior. In addition, it is not so difficult to choose how to paint the wooden floor in the country house - with this you can decide depending on the variety of the tree used and the destination of the room.

The choice of types and colors of paintwork products is very large

Why need to paint the wooden floor in the country

Tree is a soft natural material that can quickly collapse under the influence of external factors without additional protection. Therefore, in any case, the main task of the coating applied to the wooden floor is to protect it from moisture, rotting, spreading in placing mold and fungus. However, this is not enough. The interior of the house in general and the floor in particular, should be beautiful, lift the mood, make it come back to the cottage with joy and impatience.

We left last times when the cottage was used exclusively as an additional warehouse of unnecessary in the city of things. Today, the interiors of the country cottages are an independent area of \u200b\u200bdesign, and to the choice of paint for wood floor, it is necessary to approach very responsible.

Accordingly, a number of main reasons are allocated, for painting the wooden floor in the house:

    painted floors practically do not absorb moisture, do not lose weight;

    paint protects the tree from mold, fungus, prolongs the service life;

    for painted surfaces, it is much easier to care, they are easily clean;

    paint protects the surface from temperature fluctuations;

    with varnish or paint, you can create a very beautiful, original interior.

Painting floor This is only part of the design of the room design.

Basic varieties of painting materials

Solving than to paint the wooden floor in the house. The choice will have to do from two main categories of paintwork:

    Transparent compositions. These include varnishes on different bases that create a transparent protective film on the surface of the floor, allowing to admire the structure, color, quality of the tree.

    Coloring formulations. They cover wood with a dense protective film of the selected color, fully hiding wood. Wooden floors are painted with oil, alkyd, acrylic paints. A new generation, compounds based on rubber, perchlorvinyl, polyurethane.

High-quality floor painting implies the use of traditional enamel, and in order to emphasize the beauty of wood and the naturalness of the coating, you can cover the floor boards with varnish. You can also look in the side of modern protective compositions based on oils or wax.

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On video processing of wooden floor Oil:

Paint or varnish, which is better for wood

Choosing how to cover the wooden floor in the country, paint or varnish, it is necessary to take into account that the lacquer coatings are harder in operation than the paint. Laccue can only cover the perfectly processed, ground floor.

Lacation is applied only on a flat floor surface.

Another question is worth how to paint the wooden floor in the country of unheated in the cold time. If the cottage does not hear and in winter it is practically not happening on it, then under the influence of low temperatures, the varnish can crack and fly. Consequently, for the wooden floor in the country, the varnish is not always functional. If you certainly want to cover the floors of the lacquer, take care of the compositions for outdoor work. They are more thermo- and wear-resistant, but the price of such a varnish will be higher.

The paint for the wooden floor in the country, allows you to get the desired shade of the coating, long retains its decorative, protective properties, allows you to hide the possible defects, usually enough democratic at a price.

Floor treatment compositions

In addition to varnish and paints, the floors are often covered with special compositions based on oils and waxes. They protect the floors from moisture well, retain the structure of the tree, the small defects are masked perfectly, they do not glue.

The disadvantage of such a cover is the need to periodically update it (rub to shine). On the floors processed by such a composition, it is better not to put metal objects, as they will leave dark spots. For cleaning such sex, special detergents are needed.

Wash the painted floor is better only intended for this

Rubber and polyurethane compositions form a durable, durable coating that does not slide, does not crack, has additional waterproofing properties, high density.

The disadvantage of such coatings is a significant price.

The benefits of the color of the floor are known for a long time, so no matter how the floor covering is chosen: varnish, paint or wax coating, the main thing is that the wooden surface is protected, served for a long time, could not harm the health of people living in the house.

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Viscondition about the features of painting wooden flooring on video:

Compatibility of paintwork compositions

Before covering wooden paint or varnish Paul need to take into account this nuance:

    Acrylic paints can be applied by almost any preceding coatings.

    Alkyd, can be applied to the painted oil paint floor.

    Polyuritan mixtures are combined only among themselves.

If there are any nuances for combining materials, it should be displayed in their characteristics. Therefore, when choosing paint, it is necessary to explore the information that the manufacturer indicates a label. In addition, something useful can prompt both the seller.

What to choose lacquer

Water based lacquers do not have an unpleasant smell and are easily applied. If the cottage is heated, coatings do not suffer from temperature drops and high humidity, they can be used to cover the floor.

Varnish is an unstasive classic for a wooden floor covering

Floors in rooms that may suffer from cold and dampness, it is better to cover more serious protective compositions. In this case, it is better to overpay, but choose a varnish for outdoor work - it forms a stronger, durable protective coating.

What to choose paint

Solving than to cover the wooden floor in the country, the choice can be made from several species of paints, which differ primarily on the basis of which they are made.

    Most recently, the floors in the villages were painted mainly by oil paints. They dried for a long time, possessed a sharp smell, with time the coating was cracked, flying out. Today, oil paints are rarely used.

    Acrylic paint for wood floor, this is a safe composition on a water basis, it forms a resistant coating, does not lose brightness over time, protects the wood perfectly.

    Alkyd paints and enamel. Cheap and practical. Floors covered with paints are easy to wash, and the coatings themselves are beautiful and serve long enough.

    Polyurethane paints. Form a very durable coating, practically not deformed, durable. Frequently used when painting the veranda and arbors are not afraid of temperature drops and high humidity.

    Rubber paints. New in the market of the paint industry. Forming a very dense matte coating similar to rubber. It perfectly protects the floor, durable, not wiping, does not slide.

Painting rubber paint

With the abundance of proposals on the market, the choice always remains for the buyer and depends only on the budget of the budget and the overall interior of the house. In general, whatever paint for the wooden floor inside the house is chosen if you comply with all the recommendations for applying it, then the house will always be cozy and warm.

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What errors may occur when painting a tree - on video:

What instruments need

The quality of the work performed depends not only on the faithful paint, but also from pre-prepared tools - so that it is not to be distracted on this issue in the process of work. Before starting to staining, you need to buy protective gloves, a respirator, several brushes of different sizes, roller on a long handle. The telescopic handle is more convenient, it allows you to adjust the tool for the growth of the artist.

Tassels are needed anyway, to score corners and plinths, even if everything else is painted with a roller. By the way, for the roller itself, you will need a bath for paint (or several - depending on the number of workers who will paint the floor).

When working with roller, you will need a bath for paint.

It will still need a paint tape - they will close the surface areas that are easy to stain paint in the process of work.

When using oil paint and enamel, additionally need to prepare a solvent or olive and ensure air ventilation.

If the alkyd paint is selected for the flooring of the floor, buying a sprayer will greatly simplify work.

The procedure for preparatory work before painting

How to paint the wooden floor in the country largely depends on the quality of preparatory work. Before the coloring floors are purified from the old coating, cleaned chips and cracks. The gaps between the floorboards are sealed with a putty, after drying, cleaned. If necessary, grind. After that, the surface is washed and allowed to dry. Crab can only dry clean floors. If the floors are planned to be painted, they should be treated with a suitable primer. This will facilitate staining, and reduce paint consumption.

Applying the primer layer on parquet

If the floors are planned to be lacquered, grinding must be better. In addition, the first layer of water-based varnish lifts the microfiber of the tree, making the surface rough. It is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the floor, to polish it before smoothness, cover another two-three layers of varnish.

Treatment of primer floors before painting

On pure, dry, ready to paint the floor, apply a suitable primer in 2 layers. Each layer must dry. The primer is chosen depending on the type of paint, which they decided to use. Consult the seller and carefully read the composition and rules for use on the tank with the primer. Programming will reduce paint consumption, facilitates the process of staining. Apply primer with brush or roller

Coloring wooden floors

At first, the brush is painted by plinth, and those places where the roller is difficult to get. Then the roller stains the entire surface of the floor, moving from the windows to the exit. The second layer is applied after the paint of the first layer will completely dry. Usually two layers of paint give quality, durable coating.

How to cover the floors varnish

Before covering the floors, their lacquer is also ground. This is done by nitroloma, which is applied along the fibers of wood, neatly, not leaving the raw areas.

After complete drying of the primer, the floor is beginning to apply lacquer. When varnishing, it is usually not used roller. The varnish is applied with a wide soft brush, which must be carefully choosing, as the drop-down hairs are difficult to remove from the treated surface.

Wide brush for applying varnish

Important! When buying a large number of paints or varnish, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the article in the article and the party number. Such a simple way to choose and purchase paint completely identical shade.


Paint for wooden floor in the country, the easiest and most affordable finish. With simplicity and low cost, this method provides excellent protective and decorative results. In addition, painted floorboards are indescribable tactile sensations, because they are so pleased to step by bare feet, unlike the "naked" tree, in which chips and cracks can appear over time.

On our site you can get acquainted with the list companies specializing in paints and varnishes, among the houses presented at the exhibition, a low-rise country.