Repair Design Furniture

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of walls inside the house. Practical Tips for Waterproofing Walls Properly Waterproofing Walls

Wall waterproofing is necessary in order to protect the house from the destructive effects of moisture and provide it with a comfortable microclimate. To protect the house from precipitation and groundwater, reliable waterproofing of the facades is needed. The inner walls should be insulated from condensation and water in rooms with high humidity - these are kitchens and bathrooms, and in private houses also basements.

Waterproofing is a must

Types of waterproofing

There are several ways to avoid moisture in the walls. They can be divided into several main categories:

    pasting waterproofing walls;




The gluing is performed using roll or sheet moisture-repellent materials. They include bitumen and polymers. Wall waterproofing is used mainly to protect external facades and floors in basements. The surfaces inside the house are insulated with roll dock seals only in those objects that are located in difficult climatic zones with very high humidity.

Waterproofing of walls is carried out by applying bituminous and polymer mastics. This technology is suitable for the treatment of any wall surfaces. Before the start of the coating, cracks, cracks and significant irregularities should be plastered. When processing structures made of large concrete blocks, special attention should be paid to the joints and corners.

When waterproofing with a coating, cracks in the wall should be repaired

Modern mastics, with the addition of synthetic latex, which dissolve with water, are especially popular now. This mastic can be applied to a dry surface, and unlike mastics with an organic solvent, it is odorless.

Mastics are applied with a brush or roller in several layers. It should be noted that after drying, they can crack, therefore, when applying waterproofing with a thickness of more than 6 mm, it is recommended to use a reinforcing mesh.

Apply the mastic to the wall with a brush or roller

Plastering waterproofing of walls is a separate type of coating. Not so long ago, the only way of insulating plastering was "ironing" by applying a thick cement mortar. This method is quite simple and economical, but the cement protection is short-lived.

Modern manufacturers offer improved compositions for plaster waterproofing. They are made on a cement or asphalt base and have additives that increase their durability and versatility. Most often, ceresite, sodium aluminate or water glass are added to plaster mixtures.

Cement waterproofing is not durable

Penetrating compounds are made on a cement basis, with the addition of quartz sand and chemical components. Elements of such mixtures enter the structure of concrete, crystallize there and densely fill the smallest pores. As a result, the concrete becomes waterproof, but retains vapor permeability.

It makes sense to use impregnating mixtures even at the construction stage. But if the builders have not done this, it is possible to process concrete surfaces in the process of repair work. The composition is applied to the cleaned, moistened walls.

Impregnating mixtures are best used during the construction phase

Foundation waterproofing

The foundation of the building must be as strong and durable as possible. Only high-quality building materials are used for its construction. However, this part of the structure is exposed to intense moisture in one or another state of aggregation. Moisture can destroy the integrity of the foundation structure in a relatively short time, making the entire building unsafe to live in.

To protect the foundation, water-repellent components are added to the material from which it is being built. A blind area is built around it to drain water. Roll insulators are laid under the base of the foundation.

Foundation waterproofing must be carried out

External waterproofing of walls

The first stage of external insulation is the laying of roll-on pasting materials on the foundation along the perimeter of the facades before starting the construction of the building box. If you do not separate the foundation and the above-ground part of the house with a dock seal, it will be saturated with groundwater, which will lead to the rapid destruction of concrete and ceramic structures.

After completion of construction work, it is necessary to insulate the lower rows of masonry, which are in contact with the ground. For this, a coating or pasting waterproofing of the outer walls is performed. Before starting the application of the coating material, brick or concrete walls must be cleaned of dirt, dust and residues of masonry mortar. The brickwork should be primed with a primer. Next, cold mastic or hot bitumen is applied. Professional builders use compressor sprayers for such work. Special equipment speeds up the process, but it is very expensive to rent. Therefore, self-processing is carried out simply with a brush or roller. To increase the effectiveness of the insulation, the coating is applied several times. The result should be a layer of at least 2 mm.

Before you carry out external waterproofing, it is worth cleaning the walls.

Outside insulation is usually done with aquaizol or roofing felt. These dock sealers differ in the method of application. Roofing material is glued with hot bitumen. Before applying aquaizol, the surface is primed with a primer, after which the sheets of materials are heated with a burner and glued.

Regardless of how the pasting is carried out, you need to ensure that the overlap of the strips is at least 10 cm. But even if this condition is met, it is recommended to process the joints with bitumen or mastic in two layers.

Concrete or brick walls that are not in contact with the ground do not need increased waterproofing. But any external structures must be protected from the effects of precipitation, melt water and storm drains. The basement of the house is protected by arranging a foundation blind area. The masonry of the basement is often insulated with a plaster mixture, and then decorated with a wild stone or brick. But decorative cladding also needs waterproofing, so it is covered with a layer of tar or primer. Wealthy homeowners use more expensive methods of sealing the basement and tiling it with Fagot brick, face stone, or porcelain tiles.

Walls not in contact with the ground do not need increased waterproofing

It is easiest to protect the outer walls above the plinth with decorative plaster with water-repellent properties. The most popular options for insulating plaster today are Bark beetle and Vitolint. They are applied directly to the foam insulation.

Before the advent of modern dry mixes, external insulation was carried out mainly using the technology called "Shuba". This method has proven itself over the years and is still preferred by some homeowners.

If there is a desire to leave the brickwork in its natural form, you need to cover it with penetrating waterproofing. However, this method leads to some decrease in the characteristics of the material, so it can be used only after consulting a specialist.

Waterproofing the walls of the house can be done with plaster with a water-repellent effect.

Internal waterproofing of walls

Internal moisture protection is provided by non-toxic, harmless insulators. But not all internal moisture removal jobs require the same approach. For example, in residential areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, more attention should be paid to the safety of materials. And when fighting moisture in basements, the main thing is to equip the most reliable barrier for groundwater, and thus complement the complex sealing of the foundation.

For each room, the internal waterproofing of the walls is selected individually

Waterproofing kitchen and bathroom

Waterproofing of internal walls in rooms with high humidity is carried out using bitumen, silicate or polymer compounds using the coating technology. It is also possible to apply a penetrating cement seal. Roll insulators are rarely used inside the house.

The bituminous option is most often chosen. However, it is quite difficult to install decorative finishes on bituminous insulation. In any case, the finish on top of bituminous materials does not last long. In addition, liquid bitumen has a persistent unpleasant odor. There are also bitumen-polymer and bitumen-rubber compounds that perfectly protect against water and condensation. But the work of applying such materials requires a professional approach, and they are quite expensive. Therefore, bitumen with polymers or rubber in the composition is used to cover certain, most problematic areas in rooms - around the bathroom, shower, washbasin.

More versatile sealants are polymer-cement compositions with polymer additives and fine quartz sand. They do not contain solvents, so they do not have strong odors. Sold in the form of dry mixes, water-soluble. It is much easier to apply polymeric materials than bituminous ones. This requires a spatula or brush. On top of the polymer insulation, after it has completely dried, tiles or leveling plaster can be laid.

Penetrating cement wall sealing is needed in areas of constant exposure to water. It is applied in several layers and the wall must be thoroughly cleaned and moistened before each application. The main disadvantage of the impregnating treatment is that it is only suitable for concrete structures of ideal quality, that is, it is not suitable for walls made of large-porous or, for example, dilapidated concrete.

More often for the kitchen they carry out a coating waterproofing

Basement waterproofing

You can protect the basement of the house from groundwater seepage using roll insulators, coating mixtures, water repellents, penetrating compounds, liquid rubber.

The gluing technology requires careful surface preparation - cleaning and leveling with plaster. Irregularities within 2 mm are allowed. The leveled wall must be dried and covered with a bitumen emulsion. The flexible insulator is heated to melt and glued to the wall.

Modern water repellents make surfaces invulnerable due to the fact that water simply rolls off them without being absorbed. But the service life of such insulation is short. The water-based water repellent will be functional for no more than three years. Solvent-based materials last from five to ten years.

You can protect the basement from moisture with the help of coating mixtures

For basements made of high-quality fine-pored concrete, penetrating insulation is suitable. Before applying it, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surfaces, otherwise the impregnation will not saturate all microcracks and pores, and moisture will quickly damage the base of the house.

Liquid rubber acts as an additional waterproofing agent. It is better to purchase one-component mixtures such as Elastomix or Elastopaz, which do not require heating and are applied with a brush or roller.

Liquid rubber is great for basement waterproofing

Sealing seams

In cases where the external walls are not well protected from rain and melt water, moisture can penetrate into the premises through the seams and joints in the wall. In such situations, it is not necessary to completely process the walls of the problem room. You can simply choose a suitable sealant, seal the cracks. In places of strong leakage, sealants are used in combination with polyurethane foam, mastics, insulators containing rubber.

If all work on sealing facades and rooms with high humidity is done carefully, accurately and without breaking technology, the house will become more reliable, durable, warm and comfortable.

Video: Foundation waterproofing

To extend the life of a house, it is necessary to completely protect its structures from moisture. Water, penetrating into the walls, contributes to the destruction of the structure of the materials from which they are made. And it doesn't matter whether the building has brick, concrete or wooden surfaces, they all equally need waterproofing.

Correct waterproofing of walls, made from inside or outside the house, will protect surfaces from the negative effects of precipitation, reduce the level of freezing of materials in the cold period, thereby making the home warmer.

Outside or inside?

It is better to protect the home from water in a comprehensive manner: the waterproofing of the walls must be carried out on the external areas of the building and its internal surfaces. In the absence of external waterproofing, mold and dampness are guaranteed to appear in the dwelling. In order for the protection to be complete, the foundation must be treated with compounds both from the outside and from the inside: the basement is in contact with the ground on both sides.

The complexity of the implementation of external water protection lies in the fact that this type of work must be carried out at the stage of building a building. If it has already been built, then waterproofing the walls requires excavation of the foundation.

It is good if the building is surrounded by earth. But most often asphalt paths are laid around it. They will need to be dismantled, dig a trench in the ground along the foundation, make waterproofing, then dig in the trench and again pave the area around the house.

Therefore, waterproofing the outer walls of an already constructed building is expensive. In this case, it is better to carry out such work from the inside.

Insulation types and materials used

Water protection can be horizontal and vertical. The first is carried out at the stage of building a house by laying roofing material on the foundation, then they begin to erect walls.

The second is the use of certain materials on the outer walls of the building in order to isolate the foundation from groundwater.

For one and the other waterproofing, certain materials are chosen.

Their area of ​​application is walls in the ground. The rolls are made of cardboard impregnated with bitumen. One of the sides is covered with quartz dressing. The most commonly used roofing material, aquaizol, hydroizol. The last two are fiberglass mesh, also impregnated with bitumen. They are more durable and lighter than roofing felt.

Roll insulation allows you to quickly process a significant surface of the foundation. Outside, the walls will be completely protected from moisture.

These waterproofing materials are used for vertical protection of concrete structures.

Advantages of mastics - good adhesion to the base, the formation of a monolithic sealed film. These materials harden under the influence of air temperature.

The disadvantage of inexpensive bitumen compositions is that the solvent exudes a strong odor.

Water-soluble mastics consist of fine dispersion bitumen and latex. They have excellent adhesion to concrete and brick substrates. Unlike solvent-based mastics, water-borne formulations can be used on both dry and damp surfaces.

Waterproofing and vapor barrier of walls in the bathroom of an apartment or house is created using more modern mastics based on rubbers, various polymers and resins. They are odorless and environmentally friendly.

All types of mastics are applied with a roller or brush.

Today, the latest waterproofing materials are used to protect walls. What are penetrating (penetrating) compounds? These are dry mixes based on cement and quartz sand. Due to special polyurethane resins, they have special waterproofing properties. The compounds penetrate into the porous structure of concrete walls, making the surface airtight and waterproof.

Penetrating mixtures are diluted with plain water, work with them with a brush and roller. The compositions are applied in 2-3 layers. They are usually used to protect surfaces from the inside of a building. Waterproofing walls with these materials can be done by hand, without the involvement of professionals.

Types of protection

There are two ways to protect the external and internal walls of buildings from moisture: coating and pasting.

Coating technology

Wiping-type waterproofing compounds are used to treat the internal and external surfaces of the building. They prevent capillary moisture from acting on the walls. In the presence of a hydro-barrier with a pressure of up to 2 meters, the use of protection is possible under certain conditions:

  • there should be no expansion joints on the walls;
  • later it will be possible to carry out repair work.

External waterproofing of walls involves the use of bituminous mastics, which are applied from the side most exposed to moisture.

Compositions of the coating type are applied in 2-4 layers.


Having found out what it is, we will consider the technique of its use by the example of processing the external walls of a brick building with a concrete foundation.

First, you need to dig out the walls of the base of the building, free them from the remnants of the earth.

After that, the surfaces are treated with a special primer mixture or construction bitumen dissolved in gasoline (primer). This composition is applied with a brush or roller in two layers. The walls are allowed to dry completely. Then the surface is treated with mastic.

What if the material is too viscous? Gasoline or thinner will help to thin it.
The seams of concrete blocks are carefully processed.

Bituminous waterproofing of walls must be at least 3 mm thick. The product is used 2-3 times, letting each layer dry before applying the next one.

The gummy principle

It is a roll-up waterproofing that resists decay processes well. Only a combination of materials of the pasting and coating types will reliably protect the external and internal surfaces from moisture.

Insulating external walls with roll material also begins with cleaning them from dust, debris, and earth residues. After that, a primer is applied to the surface, 2-3 layers of bitumen-polymer mastic.

A burner or a building hair dryer is used to fix the pasting materials. The first layer is glued horizontally, starting at the foot of the foundation. The waterproofing strips are treated with a burner, pressed tightly to the surface, smoothed to remove air.

The overlap of the strips should be 15-20 cm. The second layer is fixed vertically, perpendicular to the first. The joints are carefully processed.

Internal protection

It is possible to prevent the penetration of moisture from the inside of the structure with the help of penetrating mixtures. With their help, hydro and vapor barrier of walls in the apartment is carried out, the foundation, the inner walls of the basements are processed.

After cleaning the surface of the walls from dust and debris, they are moistened.

The waterproofing agent is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions on the package.
Wet surfaces are first treated horizontally. Let the first layer dry (3-4 hours). After that, the material is reapplied, but already vertically.

After polymerization, the protective layer of the walls must be at least 2 mm. The thickness is checked as follows: a 2 × 2 cm square is cut out with a knife and a measurement is made using a vernier caliper.

Wall waterproofing is an important step in the construction of any building. It is not difficult to do this with your own hands, the main thing is to choose high-quality materials and apply them correctly.

Wet walls add neither comfort nor coziness. In such a house it is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to live or work. And if, despite finishing with water-repellent wallpaper or plastic panels, moisture builds up, it means that internal waterproofing of the walls of the room is necessary.

Ideally, waterproofing works of internal premises should be carried out at a certain stage of construction, but they are far from always carried out in accordance with existing requirements. And also there are a lot of old buildings, when the internal waterproofing was not carried out at all, and the walls simply gradually collapse from the inside under the influence of moisture and temperature changes.

The need for internal waterproofing

The indoor temperature is always different from the outside temperature. And although they try to maintain a certain climate inside the building, the temperature drops are still quite significant. In winter, fighting the cold, they turn on the heating, which not only warms the air, but also dries it. In the summer, in the heat, they open the windows to ventilate the rooms.

The result of this activity is the accumulation of condensation on the inner surfaces of the walls and ceiling. And wet walls and high humidity prepare many unpleasant surprises, for example:

  • Swelling of the surface and the appearance of cracks on the walls;
  • Rapid rusting of metal parts of communications;
  • Persistent odor of dampness;
  • Mold and mildew growth;

Living or working in such a microclimate is quite hazardous to health. The risk of developing chronic degenerative-dystrophic diseases and the pulmonary apparatus increases.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that it is necessary to urgently carry out not just cosmetic repairs, but also to perform high-quality internal waterproofing of the walls.

Types of waterproofing and sealing materials

Before starting work, you need to decide which type of waterproofing will be most effective, and which are best suited.

Scientific achievements have not bypassed the construction industry either. The level of construction technologies makes it possible to take into account all negative factors and take specific measures. The classification of various types of insulation takes into account the characteristics, parameters, purpose and properties of materials. When choosing, you need to consider:

Purpose of waterproofing:

  • Sealing,
  • Anti-filtration,
  • Anti-corrosion.

Its features:

  • Single-layer or multi-layer,
  • With and without a protective layer,
  • Ventilated,
  • Liquid,
  • Hydroactive,
  • Reinforced and unreinforced.

Having identified the main reason for the penetration and accumulation of moisture, you can choose appropriate view, for example:

  • The anti-capillary method is suitable in the case of the formation of many microscopic cracks and voids in the supporting material.
  • Free-flow is effective for those premises in which the humidity rises significantly during rain or snow.
  • Anti-pressure technology is able to withstand water pressure and is used in most cases for waterproofing basement walls.

Taking into account the technology, isolation methods are also selected, for example:

  1. or techniques involve pasting or brushing waterproof materials onto walls.
  2. the technique involves impregnating the surface with special compounds.
  3. allows you to introduce sealing materials into the wall without having to dismantle the masonry.

The technology of pasting or coating is less and less used for internal waterproofing. Its only advantage is its low price category. At the same time, the use of inexpensive insulating materials, such as tar or roofing material, is a significant disadvantage.

Cheap materials react even to slight changes in temperature and humidity, quickly lose their qualities and peel off from the walls. They are also unstable to mechanical damage, and quickly deteriorate without an additional protective layer.

Penetrating mixtures are widely used for both internal and external waterproofing. The application to the surface of such materials as water glass, bitumen-containing compounds, cement-sand mixtures, polymer solutions and oil-bitumen paints create a protective film that reliably protects against water and moisture.

Injection as a new technique differs from other techniques in high efficiency, with its help it is possible to make the structure of the carrier material completely inaccessible to the aquatic environment, humid air and capillary moisture.

Wall waterproofing by injection

Injection is a currently unique technique based on the creation of a waterproof membrane in the thickness of the wall or on its surface. Hydrophobic materials are introduced under pressure and gravity into pre-drilled holes, filling all existing voids, cracks and capillaries.

A wide selection of injection materials allows you to adjust the degree of hardness of the finished coating, the setting time and the volume of the injected composition.

The injection technology has opened up the possibility of performing both internal and external waterproofing of walls with deep penetration from the inside of the building. This is especially true for brick walls.

Waterproofing brick walls

Brick occupies a special position in construction. This is a material that has such qualities as:

  • Energy saving,
  • Air permeability,
  • Strength.

But, along with such advantages, brick has a serious disadvantage, it is the highest of all materials porosity and the ability not to absorb sedimentary moisture even from the air.

If high-quality waterproofing has not been carried out in a building with a brick base, then moisture will quickly rise along the brickwork from the basement and soak the walls of the upper floors. The result of negligence in insulation work will be the rapid destruction of load-bearing materials, dampness in all rooms, mold and fungal colonies on the walls.

In this case, even the penetrating waterproofing of the walls against mold will not help, since, having processed the walls from the inside, they will remain open for moisture to penetrate from the outside. The optimal and effective option will be waterproofing on a brick wall : in brickwork.

Waterproofing of bricks by injection is always carried out from the inside. The depth of the drilled holes determines the creation of an external or internal waterproof membrane. Moreover, only injection does not require dismantling the surface layer, and also allows insulation to be performed without dismantling work.

In order for a residential building to be operated for as long as possible, it is necessary to properly protect the walls of its foundation from the destructive effects of ground, rain and melt water. Waterproofing walls prevents the concrete or brick from being saturated with moisture, which significantly reduces the level of freezing in the winter and makes the house warmer. How to independently waterproof the walls of the house from the outside and from the inside, as well as what materials to use for this, read this article.

Several types of waterproofing materials are used for waterproofing walls in construction. They perform the same tasks, but have different properties and differ in the way they are applied to the walls.

Waterproofing can be horizontal and vertical, and the following materials are usually used for its implementation:

  • Bituminous roll materials
  • Waterproofing bitumen and polymer mastics
  • Penetrating or penetrating mixtures

Bituminous roll materials - used as waterproofing walls in the ground. They are made on the basis of roofing cardboard and impregnated with bitumen. To increase resistance to mechanical damage, one side of the roll material is covered with a fine-grained quartz dressing. Roofing material, which has long been used in construction, belongs to such materials.

More modern roll materials include Aquaizol and Hydroizol. Such waterproofing of the foundation walls is made on the basis of a fiberglass mesh and impregnated with several layers of bitumen. Fiberglass mesh significantly increases their strength compared to roofing felt and makes the material lighter.

The main advantage of roll-up gluing materials is that they allow you to quickly cover a large surface of the foundation. The waterproofing roll for the outside walls has excellent water resistance, and its service life is 7 years.

Waterproofing bitumen and polymer mastics are made on the basis of petroleum bitumen, modifiers and organic solvent. It is more commonly used as vertical concrete wall foundations. It has good adhesion and forms a monolithic waterproof film on the surface. Mastic hardens, or rather polymerizes under the influence of ambient air. The disadvantages of this material include only the smell of the solvent.

Water-soluble mastics are made on the basis of fine bitumen and synthetic latex. Mastic waterproofing of interior walls has excellent adhesion to concrete or brick. It can be applied to both dry and damp surfaces (this gives advantages over bitumen mastic with an organic solvent).

Such mastic is used for vapor barrier and waterproofing in the bathroom walls. They are practically odorless and completely environmentally friendly. To reduce the viscosity of this material, it can be diluted with water before application. Both mastics are easy to use and can be applied with a roller or brush.

Penetrating or penetrating mixtures are made on the basis of cement and quartz sand crushed into dust. Special penetrating and waterproofing properties are given by special polyurethane resins. Such material penetrates deeply into the pores and microcracks of concrete walls, "tightly" clogging them up.

Penetrating into the pores of concrete, the penetrating mixture increases in size, which makes the wall almost waterproof. It is produced in the form of a dry mixture and is dissolved in plain water. This mixture is used to waterproof the walls inside the building. The liquid solution is applied with a brush or roller in 2-3 layers.

Methods of using waterproofing materials

As already noted, there are two types of waterproofing:

  • Horizontal waterproofing of brick walls from the inside
  • Vertical

Horizontal waterproofing of the walls from the inside is carried out during the construction phase of the house. Roofing material is laid on the concrete foundation and after that the construction of brick walls begins. The main task of such waterproofing is to interrupt the capillary penetration of moisture from the foundation.

We carry out waterproofing

Vertical waterproofing of brick walls from the outside, as well as concrete ones, consists in applying coating and roll (pasting) materials to the walls. This is done to protect the foundation from the destructive effects of groundwater.

It's important to know! For high-quality waterproofing of the walls of the house, not only external waterproofing of the foundation is required, but also internal, since the basement from the nutria also interacts with the ground.

For example, consider how to make walls outside in a private brick house with a concrete foundation. All of the above materials will be required to complete the work.

First of all, it is necessary to dig out the walls of the foundation and thoroughly clean them of soil residues. The cleaned surface must be treated with a special primer in order for the bituminous waterproofing to adhere well to the concrete blocks.

Building bitumen dissolved in gasoline can be used as a primer. This mixture is called a primer by professionals and is designed to increase the adhesion of materials. Apply the primer with a roller or brush in 2 times. After the walls are dry, they can be coated with bitumen mastic based on an organic solvent.

Important to remember! If the work is carried out in the cold season and the mastic has a high viscosity, then it can be thinned with gasoline or solvent.

Vertical waterproofing of the basement walls from the outside is applied with a roller or brush. Particular attention is paid to the seams of concrete blocks. The thickness of the bituminous waterproofing layer must be at least 3 mm, so the material is applied 2-3 times with a time interval of 3-4 hours.

Bituminous waterproofing of external walls with mastic is not able to cope with groundwater alone, therefore, for full protection, it is necessary to stick a roll waterproofing. A gas torch or blowtorch is used to glue Aquaizol. The first layer is glued in a horizontal direction, starting from the very foot of the foundation.

The surface of the sheet and the walls are heated with a burner, after which they are pressed tightly, smoothing out the air bubbles. Subsequent sheets of rolled waterproofing are glued with an overlap of 15-20 cm. It is very important that it rises above the ground level, after backfilling, at least 200-300 mm.

The second layer of roll insulation is glued in the vertical direction, that is, crosswise with the first layer. Particular attention is paid to gluing the joints, since through the cracks in the joints, water can get under the waterproofing. When the vertical external waterproofing is completed, the internal protection begins.

Protection from moisture of the walls of the basement or basement from the inside, as well as steam and waterproofing in the apartment of the walls is carried out with a penetrating mixture. The surface is cleaned of debris, dust and moistened with water. The dry mixture is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions. The first layer of insulation is applied horizontally.

After 3-4 hours, a second layer is applied, but already in the vertical direction. The total thickness of the waterproofing after its complete polymerization must be at least 2 mm. To check the thickness of the layer, cut a 2 x 2 cm square of insulation with a knife and measure the thickness with a caliper. In the same way, the internal waterproofing of the retaining walls is carried out.

Getting through pores and microcracks inside the wall structure, water leads to damage to concrete, brick, stone or wood. Any material used in construction is subject to aging and a monolithic, solid-looking wall is no exception if it is not properly protected. Since metal reinforcement is used to reinforce concrete walls, it can rust and deteriorate when exposed to water.

One of the reasons for the appearance of dampness and fungal infection in the apartment is poorly carried out waterproofing of the outer walls.

Treatment with antiseptic waterproofing of wooden walls

One of the most demanded and frequently used materials in modern construction is wood. When exposed to rain, snow, fog and wind for a long time, logs and beams are susceptible to decay, therefore, to extend the life of the building, after completion of the work, treat the wooden surface with a special compound. The antiseptic solution, penetrating deep into the structure of the wood, prevents the emergence of pathogenic microbes and slows down the process of wood destruction. The dye included in the composition makes the texture of the material more expressive and bright.

The waterproofing compound is applied in several layers. It is necessary to wait until the previous coating is completely dry and only then repeat the procedure. For maximum protection effectiveness, re-treatment should be carried out at least every five years.

Waterproofing with gluing material

Often, to protect walls from moisture, roofing felt or roofing felt are used, which are attached to the surface of the wall using special mastic or molten tar. When applying waterproofing in this way, the joints should be treated with special care. Make sure there are no breaks or cracks anywhere. Check the integrity of the material over the entire surface of the wall.

The weakest point in the current form of waterproofing is the joints. It is necessary to stick the roll material with an overlap of twenty millimeters and after gluing and hardening of the mastic, process all the seams again. Laminated waterproofing is often used inside concrete buildings to protect walls from moisture. The wall is pre-dried with a gas burner and warms up well. After applying the sheet to a smooth concrete surface, it is necessary to carefully smooth its surface and remove all air bubbles from under the waterproofing.

Waterproofing concrete and brick walls

Brick and concrete are porous materials capable of absorbing moisture to a greater or lesser extent. They are especially strongly exposed to the destructive effects of water if they are in constant contact with the ground. Before erecting the walls, it is necessary to perform a shut-off waterproofing - apply a layer of waterproofing material in the area of ​​the wall being erected. This will prevent the capillary rise of moisture along the wall.

Without a high-quality shut-off waterproofing, it is impossible to start building walls, since they will quickly be saturated with moisture from the foundation, and the house will be damp, and the walls will not last long.

Water repellents are used to protect brick walls from water. This is a special liquid with which a brick wall is processed, after which the water ceases to be absorbed into it, and rolls down from the surface in drops.

The technology of applying coating waterproofing to a brick wall

  • Carefully remove any build-up of mortar or build-up of dirt from the wall.
  • We process the surface with a water jet and saturate it with water;
  • Using a roller or a brush, the first layer of polymer-cement coating waterproofing is applied to the wall;
  • After a day, a second layer is applied, with a total thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm .;

IMPORTANT: during the hardening period of the waterproofing compound, it is necessary to periodically moisten it. Otherwise, the material will dry out in the wind and cracks will form.

Wall protection with special plaster

In historic buildings, the walls are made of bricks and often have high humidity. For effective removal of this moisture, sanitizing plaster is used. This is a special plaster compound with a large-pored structure that effectively sucks moisture out of the wall and actively evaporates it without visible traces. It is applied indoors with a layer of 2 cm or more.

This type of plasters can be painted in any color, but it is necessary to use a vapor-permeable paint for mineral substrates.

Choice of materials

  • The coating composition is sold in all hardware stores, each manufacturer offers its products upon purchase, which should be sure of the availability of documents confirming the quality and origin of the material.
  • For the treatment of wooden surfaces, use a waterproofing compound with additives that prevent the development of mold and mildew. Surface treatment should be carried out immediately after construction is completed. If mold appears on the wall, disinfect, clean and treat the place with an antiseptic as soon as possible.
  • Before gluing the roll material, a brick or concrete wall is treated with a primer to increase adhesion.
  • When choosing any material, it is better to give preference to well-known brands, even if the price is slightly higher than analogs.

Waterproofing walls helps to increase the life of the building; in this matter, one should not skimp on the choice of a protective coating. It is better to carry out high-quality waterproofing once than to spend additional funds annually on repairs and eliminating the consequences of water penetration into the room.